Y Cyfarfod Llawn - Y Bumed Senedd

Plenary - Fifth Senedd


Cyfarfu’r Cynulliad am 13:30 gyda’r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair. 

The Assembly met at 13:30 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.

1. Cwestiynau i Weinidog yr Economi a Thrafnidiaeth
1. Questions to the Minister for Economy and Transport

Yr eitem gyntaf ar ein hagenda ni y prynhawn yma yw'r cwestiynau i Weinidog yr Economi a Thrafnidiaeth. Ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan David Rees.

The first item on our agenda this afternoon is questions to the Minister for Economy and Transport. And the first question is from David Rees.

Twf Economaidd yn Aberafan
Economic Growth in Aberavon

1. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am flaenoriaethau Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer twf economaidd yn Aberafan? OAQ54227

1. Will the Minister make a statement on the Welsh Government’s priorities for economic growth in Aberavon? OAQ54227

Yes, of course. Our broad approach to economic development in Aberavon, and across Wales, is set out in the economic action plan.

Gwnaf, wrth gwrs. Mae ein hagwedd gyffredinol at ddatblygu economaidd yn Aberafan, a ledled Cymru, wedi'i nodi yn y cynllun gweithredu ar yr economi.

Thank you for that answer, Minister, because it is important that we address the whole aspect. I'm sure I'll have another good look at the action plan. But, as you know, I've got strong commitments to the steel industry in my constituency and events in Bridgend, with Ford, have once again highlighted the need to develop a diverse economy in Aberavon, so that we're not simply reliant upon a sole employer. Tourism is one sector that can deliver part of that diversification and there are many fantastic sites in my constituency—I encourage anyone to come along to the lovely three-mile-long beach we have, the historic Margam abbey, or Margam park, or even the wonderful Afan valley. These all offer huge opportunities to strengthen the local economy and through a tourism offer—large or small scale.

One large-scale project that has been in the news recently is the Afan valley resort park, a concept that actually demonstrated that activity-based tourism is well suited to our topography, and one that could bring economic regeneration to an area of deprivation. I will acknowledge, as was mentioned yesterday, the serious concerns that have been raised about the financial dealings of the company that are developing and are behind the scheme, and, consequently, I would expect those to be dealt with in the appropriate manner. However, I believe the concept of the project is one that we should explore further, as it can offer employment, and opportunities, and regeneration to many in my constituency.

Minister, can you confirm first of all that no Welsh Government funding has been given to that project? And do you agree that such proposals should continue to be explored as a positive opportunity for building a strong tourism experience in our valleys and offer communities many opportunities, and what support can you give to smaller, local projects that can feed into the tourism offer in the valley?

Diolch i chi am yr ateb hwnnw, Weinidog, oherwydd mae'n bwysig ein bod yn mynd i'r afael â'r holl agwedd. Rwy'n siŵr y byddaf yn bwrw golwg dda arall ar y cynllun gweithredu. Ond fel y gwyddoch, mae gennyf ymrwymiadau cryf i'r diwydiant dur yn fy etholaeth ac mae digwyddiadau ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr, gyda Ford, wedi tynnu sylw unwaith eto at yr angen i ddatblygu economi amrywiol yn Aberafan, fel nad ydym yn dibynnu ar un cyflogwr yn unig. Mae twristiaeth yn un sector sy'n gallu darparu rhan o'r amrywiaeth honno, ac mae nifer o safleoedd gwych yn fy etholaeth—rwy'n annog unrhyw un i ddod i'r traeth hyfryd, tair milltir o hyd sydd gennym, abaty hanesyddol Margam, neu barc Margam, neu ardal ryfeddol cwm Afan hyd yn oed. Mae'r rhain i gyd yn cynnig cyfleoedd enfawr i gryfhau'r economi leol a hynny drwy gynnig twristiaeth—ar raddfa fawr neu fach.

Un prosiect mawr sydd wedi bod yn y newyddion yn ddiweddar yw parc gwyliau cwm Afan, cysyniad sy'n dangos bod twristiaeth sy'n seiliedig ar weithgareddau'n addas iawn ar gyfer ein topograffi mewn gwirionedd, ac yn un a allai ddod ag adfywiad economaidd i ardal o amddifadedd. Rwy'n cydnabod, fel y crybwyllwyd ddoe, y pryderon difrifol a godwyd ynghylch trafodion ariannol y cwmni sy'n datblygu ac sydd y tu ôl i'r cynllun, ac o ganlyniad, buaswn yn disgwyl i'r rheini gael eu trin yn y ffordd briodol. Fodd bynnag, credaf fod cysyniad y prosiect yn un y dylem ei archwilio ymhellach, gan ei fod yn gallu cynnig cyflogaeth, a chyfleoedd, ac adfywiad i lawer yn fy etholaeth.

Weinidog, a allwch chi gadarnhau yn gyntaf nad yw Llywodraeth Cymru wedi rhoi unrhyw arian i'r prosiect hwnnw? Ac a ydych yn cytuno y dylid parhau i ystyried cynigion o'r fath fel cyfle cadarnhaol i adeiladu profiad twristiaeth cryf yn ein cymoedd a chynnig llawer o gyfleoedd i gymunedau, a pha gymorth y gallwch ei roi i brosiectau lleol, llai o faint sy'n gallu ychwanegu at y cynnig twristiaeth yn y cwm?

Can I thank Dai Rees for not just his questions, but also the important point he makes about the fantastic natural and built assets in his constituency and across the region? As the Deputy Minister for Culture, Sport and Tourism takes forward a new tourism action plan, which will be consulted on, diversity within the sector and across each of the regions will play a key role. There has been huge business growth in Neath Port Talbot over recent years—double-digit growth in terms of business start-ups—and we as a Government, whether it's with regard to the tourism sector or any other sector, are determined to ensure that that growth continues into the future.

The Member also raises a very serious matter that has been much promoted in the media, and investigated particularly by ITV and The Guardian. We thank them for their work on this particular project. I can indeed assure Members today that we have not promised, and we have not provided, a penny of funding to Gavin Woodhouse or Northern Powerhouse Developments for the proposed development of the Afan valley adventure resort. But it is important that Governments look to proposals that are brought forward that offer transformational potential. I would join Members who have, across this Chamber in recent days, appealed for clarity as to whether the vision on offer for the Afan valley—a stunning valley in south Wales—can still be realised.

A gaf fi ddiolch i Dai Rees, nid yn unig am ei gwestiynau, ond hefyd am y pwynt pwysig y mae'n ei wneud am yr asedau naturiol ac adeiledig gwych yn ei etholaeth ac ar draws y rhanbarth? Wrth i'r Dirprwy Weinidog Diwylliant, Chwaraeon a Thwristiaeth fwrw ymlaen â chynllun gweithredu newydd ar gyfer twristiaeth, a fydd yn destun ymgynghoriad, bydd amrywiaeth o fewn y sector ac ar draws pob rhanbarth yn chwarae rôl allweddol. Mae twf busnes enfawr wedi bod yng Nghastell-nedd Port Talbot dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf—twf dau ddigid o ran busnesau newydd—ac rydym ni fel Llywodraeth, boed hynny mewn cysylltiad â'r sector twristiaeth neu unrhyw sector arall, yn benderfynol o sicrhau bod y twf hwnnw'n parhau yn y dyfodol.

Mae'r Aelod hefyd yn codi mater difrifol iawn sydd wedi'i hyrwyddo'n fawr yn y cyfryngau, ac sydd wedi bod yn destun ymchwiliad gan ITV a The Guardian yn benodol. Diolch iddynt am eu gwaith ar y prosiect arbennig hwn. Gallaf sicrhau'r Aelodau heddiw yn wir nad ydym wedi addo, nac wedi darparu, ceiniog o gyllid i Gavin Woodhouse na Northern Powerhouse Developments ar gyfer datblygu'r parc antur arfaethedig yng nghwm Afan. Ond mae'n bwysig fod Llywodraethau'n edrych ar y cynigion a gyflwynir sy'n cynnig potensial trawsnewidiol. Buaswn yn ymuno ag Aelodau sydd wedi apelio am eglurder ar draws y Siambr hon yn y dyddiau diwethaf ynglŷn ag a ellir gwireddu'r weledigaeth a gynigir ar gyfer cwm Afan, sy'n gwm syfrdanol yn ne Cymru.

David Rees is absolutely right. And the opportunity, not just in the Afan valley, but both the Neath valleys as well, for tourism development is extraordinary. And I still consider it a missed opportunity. What's available in the Neath Port Talbot borough is just amazing. We've obviously been hit by some bad news recently, not just the newspaper pieces that you've referred to, but the sad news about Jistcourt as well, so we could do with some good news. Could you tell me when you last received an update from the Swansea bay city deal board about progress towards the national steel innovation centre?

Mae David Rees yn llygad ei le. Ac mae'r cyfle, nid yn unig yng nghwm Afan, ond yng nghymoedd Castell-nedd hefyd, i ddatblygu twristiaeth, yn anhygoel. Ac rwy'n dal i'w ystyried yn gyfle a gollwyd. Mae'r hyn sydd ar gael ym mwrdeistref Castell-nedd Port Talbot yn anhygoel. Mae'n amlwg ein bod wedi cael ein taro gan newyddion drwg yn ddiweddar, nid yn unig mewn perthynas â'r erthyglau papur newydd rydych wedi cyfeirio atynt, ond y newyddion trist am Jistcourt hefyd, felly gallem wneud gyda newyddion da. A allech chi ddweud wrthyf pryd oedd y tro diwethaf i chi gael diweddariad gan fwrdd bargen ddinesig bae Abertawe am y cynnydd tuag at y ganolfan arloesi dur genedlaethol?

I receive, at the moment, almost on a daily basis, updates from my officials regarding the Swansea bay city deal and each and every one of the projects, as does my Deputy Minister. And I hope that we'll be able to make a positive statement very soon with regard to the deal.

Ar hyn o bryd, rwy'n derbyn diweddariadau bron bob dydd gan fy swyddogion ynglŷn â bargen ddinesig bae Abertawe a phob un o'r prosiectau, fel y mae fy Nirprwy Weinidog. Ac rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn gallu gwneud datganiad cadarnhaol yn fuan iawn mewn perthynas â'r fargen honno.

Nobody's disputing the fact that the Afan adventure park concept isn't good. And, in fact, we would be supportive of that idea, because I think, as has been exemplified in questions now, we know the potential and the beauty and the attraction of the Afan valley, and we want to see the area succeed. So, in your conversations with the council, with the city deal and other players, what efforts are you making now to ensure that we can get that much-needed investment in a region where we've seen not only Jistcourt, Ford potentially now as well, and other detrimental economic failures impacting on the area, so that we can put forward new alternative ideas and futureproof against some of these things? I appreciate you've thanked The Guardian and ITV, but how can Government, and the community as a whole, futureproof when we are looking at some of these grand ideas to understand how viable they actually are in future, so that we don't go beyond what is possible? We can still dream, but we don't actually then think that these ideas are something unachievable, but they are ones that are tangible, and ones that make economic sense, and that are value for money, ultimately, too.

Nid oes neb yn gwadu'r ffaith bod y cysyniad o barc antur Afan yn un da. Ac mewn gwirionedd, byddem yn cefnogi'r syniad hwnnw, oherwydd fel sydd wedi cael ei ddangos yn y cwestiynau yn awr, rwy'n credu ein bod yn gwybod beth yw potensial a harddwch ac atyniad cwm Afan, ac rydym eisiau gweld yr ardal yn llwyddo. Felly, yn eich sgyrsiau gyda'r cyngor, gyda'r fargen ddinesig ac eraill, pa ymdrech rydych yn ei gwneud yn awr i sicrhau y gallwn gael y buddsoddiad mawr ei angen hwnnw mewn rhanbarth lle rydym wedi gweld Jistcourt, yn ogystal â Ford bellach o bosibl, a methiannau economaidd niweidiol eraill yn effeithio ar yr ardal, fel y gallwn gyflwyno syniadau newydd amgen a diogelu ein hunain rhag rhai o'r pethau hyn yn y dyfodol? Rwy'n derbyn eich bod wedi diolch i The Guardian ac ITV, ond sut y gall y Llywodraeth, a'r gymuned yn gyffredinol, ddiogelu eu hunain ar gyfer y dyfodol pan ydym yn edrych ar rai o'r syniadau mawreddog hyn i ddeall pa mor hyfyw ydynt yn y dyfodol mewn gwirionedd, fel nad ydym yn mynd y tu hwnt i'r hyn sy'n bosibl? Gallwn freuddwydio o hyd, ond nid ydym yn credu bod y syniadau hyn yn bethau na ellir eu cyflawni mewn gwirionedd, maent yn bosibl, ac maent yn rhai sy'n gwneud synnwyr economaidd, ac yn cynnig gwerth am arian yn y pen draw hefyd.


Well, as I've said—. And I do welcome the point that the Member has made about being supportive of the vision that was offered. That's very different to being supportive of the company that was behind the vision; they are two very different things. The fact of the matter is that Wales is leading in terms of adventure tourism in Europe, and we have to look at all proposals that will enhance our excellent reputation. I think the Member also raises a very important point about how we assess the validity of schemes that are brought to us, particularly those that individuals promise will be enormously transformational for an entire region or, indeed, for an entire country.

And I'm sure I don't need to, but I will remind Members of the incredibly thorough due diligence that I ordered for one of the most controversial schemes that we have dealt with in recent years—the Circuit of Wales—which highlighted a number of challenges. It was as a result of that due diligence that we were able to avoid putting more than £300 million of taxpayers' money, £300 million of investment that could go into schools, hospitals and other services, at risk. So, I can assure the Member that, as far as my department is concerned, as far as the Welsh Government is concerned, rigorous due diligence of all projects that promise to transform the lives of people is made, and we will continue to make that effort to ensure that we do not invest in projects that cannot deliver and that are not viable.

But I think it is important that we don't put all of our hope in single projects that promise to change entire communities, and that's why I'm all in favour of ensuring that we have a diverse mix of businesses in each and every region. And with regard to the tourism sector, whilst you can have key strategic infrastructure in place, such as, in the north, Zip World or Surf Snowdonia, you also have to have around it a very, very high-quality supportive mix of attractions and infrastructure. And, so, with regard to the Afan valley, with regard to the wider community and the wider region, we're looking at every opportunity through the emerging action plan to invest in improving the quality of the offer in the area, and also the attractions that are there, based on the stunning natural environment and taking full advantage of our historic assets as well.

Wel, fel rwyf wedi'i ddweud—. Ac rwy'n croesawu'r pwynt y mae'r Aelod wedi'i wneud ynglŷn â bod yn gefnogol i'r weledigaeth a gynigiwyd. Mae hynny'n wahanol iawn i fod yn gefnogol i'r cwmni a oedd y tu ôl i'r weledigaeth; maent yn ddau beth gwahanol iawn. Y gwir amdani yw bod Cymru ar flaen y gad o ran twristiaeth antur yn Ewrop, ac mae'n rhaid i ni edrych ar bob cynnig a fydd yn gwella ein henw da. Credaf fod yr Aelod hefyd yn codi pwynt pwysig iawn am y ffordd rydym yn asesu dilysrwydd y cynlluniau a gyflwynir i ni, yn enwedig y rheini y mae unigolion yn addo y byddant yn drawsnewidiol ar gyfer rhanbarth cyfan neu, yn wir, ar gyfer gwlad gyfan.

Ac rwy'n siŵr nad oes angen i mi, ond rwyf am atgoffa'r Aelodau o'r diwydrwydd dyladwy anhygoel o ofalus a orchmynnais ar gyfer un o'r cynlluniau mwyaf dadleuol rydym wedi ymdrin ag ef dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf—Cylchffordd Cymru—a dynnodd sylw at nifer o heriau. O ganlyniad i'r diwydrwydd dyladwy hwnnw, gallasom osgoi peryglu mwy na £300 miliwn o arian trethdalwyr, £300 miliwn o fuddsoddiad a allai fynd at ysgolion, ysbytai a gwasanaethau eraill. Felly, gallaf sicrhau'r Aelod, o ran fy adran, o ran Llywodraeth Cymru, fod diwydrwydd dyladwy trwyadl yn cael ei wneud ar bob prosiect sy'n addo trawsnewid bywydau pobl, a byddwn yn parhau i wneud yr ymdrech honno i sicrhau nad ydym yn buddsoddi mewn prosiectau nad ydynt yn gallu cyflawni ac nad ydynt yn hyfyw.

Ond rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig nad ydym yn rhoi ein gobaith i gyd mewn prosiectau unigol sy'n addo newid cymunedau cyfan, a dyna pam fy mod o blaid sicrhau bod gennym amrywiaeth o fusnesau ym mhob rhanbarth. Ac o ran y sector twristiaeth, er y gallech gael seilwaith strategol allweddol yn ei le, megis Zip World neu Surf Snowdonia yn y gogledd, mae'n rhaid i chi sicrhau bod cymysgedd cefnogol o atyniadau a seilwaith o ansawdd uchel iawn o'i amgylch. Ac felly, o ran cwm Afan, o ran y gymuned ehangach a'r rhanbarth ehangach, rydym yn edrych ar bob cyfle drwy'r cynllun gweithredu newydd i fuddsoddi yn y broses o wella ansawdd y cynnig yn yr ardal, yn ogystal â'r atyniadau sydd yno, yn seiliedig ar yr amgylchedd naturiol godidog a chan fanteisio'n llawn ar ein hasedau hanesyddol hefyd.

Defnyddio Caffael Cyhoeddus i Gefnogi Busnesau Lleol
Using Public Procurement to Support Local Businesses

2. Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Gweinidog wedi'u cael gyda chyd-aelodau'r cabinet ynghylch defnyddio caffael cyhoeddus i gefnogi busnesau lleol? OAQ54222

2. What discussions has the Minister had with cabinet colleagues about using public procurement to support local businesses? OAQ54222

Thank you. The Minister for Finance and Trefnydd has received a commissioned report on how progressive procurement can develop local spend with local businesses. We are now developing a structured approach for delivery that encompasses public services boards across Wales to look at methods to achieve this.

Diolch. Mae'r Gweinidog Cyllid a'r Trefnydd wedi derbyn adroddiad a gomisiynwyd ar sut y gall caffael blaengar ddatblygu gwariant lleol gyda busnesau lleol. Rydym wrthi'n datblygu dull strwythuredig o weithredu sy'n cynnwys cael byrddau gwasanaethau cyhoeddus ledled Cymru i edrych ar ddulliau o gyflawni hyn.

Thank you for that answer. Obviously, this is something that isn't just a matter for the Trefnydd, because, clearly, a lot of the budget is spent by the education Minister, by the health Minister, et cetera. I'm aware that the National Procurement Service is trying to get more bids from local businesses, both to reduce food miles as well as to improve the freshness of food, which is obviously the area that I'm particularly keen to explore with you.

I know, for example, that one local supplier, Castell Howell, in your constituency, has secured over 40 per cent of the public procurement contracts for food for our hospitals, schools and nursing homes. However, only 18 per cent of what they actually deliver is Wales-sourced. So, there's obviously a great deal more work to do on this and Carmarthenshire and Caerphilly seem to be at the vanguard of ensuring all our schoolchildren are able to eat fresh food rather than it coming from goodness knows where. For example, Woosnam Dairies, a milk producer, started off delivering all the milk to the primary schools in Caerphilly and is now delivering to the NHS as well as two other local authorities. So, it's a good example of how starting small can enable a business to grow, and be good for the public services we're endeavouring to offer, but also for ensuring that more food is grown locally. So, in light of the possibility of a 'no deal' Brexit, which could completely disrupt our food security, what plans does the Government have to spread and scale this good practice, which means getting more fresh food grown in Wales? 

Diolch i chi am yr ateb hwnnw. Yn amlwg, nid mater i'r Trefnydd yn unig yw hwn, oherwydd, yn amlwg, mae llawer o'r gyllideb yn cael ei gwario gan y Gweinidog addysg, y Gweinidog iechyd, ac ati. Rwy'n ymwybodol bod y Gwasanaeth Caffael Cenedlaethol yn ceisio cael mwy o geisiadau gan fusnesau lleol, er mwyn lleihau milltiroedd bwyd yn ogystal â gwella ffresni bwyd, sy'n amlwg yn faes rwy'n arbennig o awyddus i'w archwilio gyda chi.

Gwn, er enghraifft, fod un cyflenwr lleol, Castell Howell, yn eich etholaeth chi, wedi sicrhau dros 40 y cant o'r contractau caffael cyhoeddus ar gyfer bwyd i'n hysbytai, ein hysgolion a'n cartrefi nyrsio. Fodd bynnag, 18 y cant yn unig o'r hyn y maent yn ei ddarparu sy'n tarddu o Gymru mewn gwirionedd. Felly, mae'n amlwg bod llawer iawn mwy o waith i'w wneud ar hyn ac mae'n ymddangos bod Sir Gaerfyrddin a Chaerffili ar flaen y gad o ran sicrhau bod pob plentyn ysgol yn gallu bwyta bwyd ffres yn hytrach na'i fod yn dod o dyn a ŵyr ble. Er enghraifft, dechreuodd Woosnam Dairies, cynhyrchydd llaeth, drwy gyflenwi llaeth i'r ysgolion cynradd yng Nghaerffili ac mae bellach yn cyflenwi llaeth i'r GIG yn ogystal â dau awdurdod lleol arall. Felly, mae'n enghraifft dda o'r ffordd y gall dechrau'n fach alluogi busnes i dyfu, a bod yn dda i'r gwasanaethau cyhoeddus rydym yn ymdrechu i'w cynnig, ond hefyd i sicrhau bod mwy o fwyd yn cael ei dyfu'n lleol. Felly, yng ngoleuni'r posibilrwydd o Brexit 'dim bargen', a allai darfu'n llwyr ar ein diogelwch bwyd, pa gynlluniau sydd gan y Llywodraeth i ledaenu a graddio'r arfer da hwn, sy'n golygu tyfu mwy o fwyd ffres yng Nghymru?


Well, thank you for the question. This is an area that we are actively working hard in. You mention Carmarthenshire and Caerphilly as examples of good practice, and we could add Ceredigion and Cardiff to that. There certainly are a number of local authorities who are doing good work in this area. One of the issues we have is that the performance across Wales is patchy, and the skills and the capability and capacity are patchy too. So, there's a big job of work that we're doing across Government. The finance Minister is leading on the transformation of the National Procurement Service, and I'm working alongside her through the foundational economy experimental fund and the public services boards to try and identify good practice and the spreading and scaling of that good practice. So, the example you cite, particularly of Castell Howell, I know that Carmarthenshire, for example, have put in a bid to the experimental fund for getting more local food into local schools. So, we are judging those applications over the summer, creating a community of best practice where we can share and spread the lessons from this.

I think one of the issues that we need to look at—. The foundational economy project through procurement is not just about getting more business into Wales, it's about changing the way that the sectors within the foundational economy work so those benefits are spread. And I take on board the point the Member makes around local food and provenance and the potential of that, especially post Brexit. I'm certainly alive to the point she makes and I will keep in touch with her as the work develops over the coming months. 

Wel, diolch am y cwestiwn. Mae hwn yn faes rydym wrthi'n gweithio'n galed arno. Rydych yn sôn am Sir Gaerfyrddin a Chaerffili fel enghreifftiau o arferion da, a gallem ychwanegu Ceredigion a Chaerdydd at hynny. Yn sicr, mae nifer o awdurdodau lleol yn gwneud gwaith da yn y maes hwn. Un o'r problemau sydd gennym yw bod y perfformiad ar draws Cymru yn dameidiog, a bod y sgiliau a'r gallu a'r capasiti yn dameidiog hefyd. Felly, mae gwaith mawr yn cael ei wneud ar draws y Llywodraeth. Mae'r Gweinidog cyllid yn arwain y gwaith o drawsnewid y Gwasanaeth Caffael Cenedlaethol, ac rwy'n gweithio ochr yn ochr â hi drwy gronfa arbrofol yr economi sylfaenol a'r byrddau gwasanaethau cyhoeddus i geisio nodi arferion da a lledaenu a graddio'r arferion da hynny. Felly, mewn perthynas â'r enghraifft rydych yn sôn amdani, a Castell Howell yn benodol, gwn fod Sir Gaerfyrddin, er enghraifft, wedi gwneud cais i'r gronfa arbrofol i sicrhau mwy o fwyd lleol i ysgolion lleol. Felly, rydym yn barnu'r ceisiadau hynny dros yr haf, gan greu cymuned o arferion gorau lle gallwn rannu a lledaenu'r gwersi a ddysgwyd o hyn.

Rwy'n credu mai un o'r materion y mae angen i ni edrych arnynt—. Mae'r prosiect economi sylfaenol drwy gaffael yn ymwneud â mwy na denu mwy o fusnes i Gymru, mae'n ymwneud â newid y ffordd y mae'r sectorau o fewn yr economi sylfaenol yn gweithio fel bod y manteision hynny'n cael eu lledaenu. Ac rwy'n derbyn y pwynt y mae'r Aelod yn ei wneud ynghylch bwyd lleol a tharddiad a photensial hynny, yn enwedig yn dilyn Brexit. Rwy'n sicr yn effro i'r pwynt y mae'n ei wneud a byddaf yn cadw mewn cysylltiad â hi wrth i'r gwaith ddatblygu dros y misoedd nesaf.

Minister, still on the subject of local food and procurement, in a recent business statement, I raised the issue of Raglan Dairy, a Monmouthshire milk supplier, which has been awarded contracts by the local authority to supply local schools with non-plastic bottled milk. This is great for business, good for the schools and also good for the environment and efforts to reduce plastic pollution. This is a great example of a way that public procurement can be used locally by local authorities to support local businesses and to improve the environment. Can you tell us how you can share this good practice, in addition to what you've said to Jenny Rathbone? And, perhaps, who knows, maybe over the recess period, if you're free—if you're passing through my neck of the woods—we could visit Raglan Dairy and we could see for ourselves the good work they're doing. 

Weinidog, ar bwnc bwyd a chaffael lleol o hyd, mewn datganiad busnes diweddar, codais fater Raglan Dairy, un o gyflenwyr llaeth Sir Fynwy, sydd wedi ennill contractau gan yr awdurdod lleol i ddarparu poteli llaeth di-blastig ar gyfer ysgolion lleol. Mae hyn yn wych ar gyfer busnes, yn dda i'r ysgolion ac yn dda i'r amgylchedd ac ymdrechion i leihau llygredd plastig. Mae hon yn enghraifft wych o'r ffordd y gellir defnyddio caffael cyhoeddus yn lleol gan awdurdodau lleol i gefnogi busnesau lleol a gwella'r amgylchedd. A allwch chi ddweud wrthym sut y gallwch rannu'r arferion da hyn, yn ychwanegol at yr hyn rydych wedi'i ddweud wrth Jenny Rathbone? Ac efallai, pwy a ŵyr, efallai dros y toriad, os ydych yn rhydd—os ydych yn digwydd mynd drwy fy ardal i—gallem ymweld â Raglan Dairy a gallem weld y gwaith da y maent yn ei wneud drosom ein hunain.

Thank you very much for the question. I think that's an excellent example of good practice. I know from my own constituency, where, in local schools, children themselves are unhappy at having to have plastic bottles to drink their milk with, but the local authority doesn't have the flexibility in their contract to amend it at this stage and we're talking to them about that. So, the work we're doing with the public services boards is to see how this good practice can be spread. Kevin Morgan, from Cardiff University, often talks about best practice being a poor traveller in Wales, and that leader and laggard are cheek by jowl—you'll have one local authority doing cutting-edge work and the neighbouring authority lagging some way behind. So, how we even out these inequalities is something we're working on now with the public services boards. I met with a selection of them just a few weeks ago and there's a great deal of enthusiasm for using the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 to address this agenda. So, I note that example of good practice, and I'll be speaking to officials to see how we can make sure it's widely understood, and see if there's potential to copy it. 

Diolch yn fawr iawn am y cwestiwn. Rwy'n credu bod honno'n enghraifft ardderchog o arfer da. Yn fy etholaeth fy hun, mae plant mewn ysgolion lleol yn anhapus i orfod yfed llaeth o boteli plastig, ond nid oes gan yr awdurdod lleol hyblygrwydd yn eu contract i'w ddiwygio ar hyn o bryd ac rydym yn siarad â hwy ynglŷn â hynny. Felly, mae'r gwaith rydym yn ei wneud gyda'r byrddau gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yn edrych i weld sut y gellir lledaenu'r arferion da hyn. Mae Kevin Morgan, o Brifysgol Caerdydd, yn aml yn sôn am arferion gorau nad ydynt yn teithio'n dda yng Nghymru, a bod yr un sy'n arwain a'r un sydd ar ei hôl hi foch ym moch â'i gilydd—bydd gennych un awdurdod lleol yn gwneud gwaith arloesol a bydd yr awdurdod cyfagos ymhell ar ei hôl hi. Felly, rydym yn gweithio ar gysoni'r anghydraddoldebau hyn gyda'r byrddau gwasanaethau cyhoeddus ar hyn o bryd. Cefais gyfarfod â detholiad ohonynt ychydig wythnosau'n ôl ac mae llawer iawn o frwdfrydedd dros ddefnyddio Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015 i fynd i'r afael â'r agenda hon. Felly, rwy'n nodi'r enghraifft honno o arfer da, a byddaf yn siarad â swyddogion i weld sut y gallwn sicrhau ei fod wedi'i ddeall yn eang, ac i weld a oes potensial i'w efelychu.

Cwestiynau Heb Rybudd gan Lefarwyr y Pleidiau
Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople

Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Rhun ap Iorwerth. 

Questions now from party spokespeople. Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Rhun ap Iorwerth. 

Diolch, Llywydd. Yesterday, in the Chamber, we were told that Welsh Government had not given money directly to the Afan valley project. You've confirmed that again today. Welsh Government, though, had given money to the Northern Powerhouse Developments company to develop the Caer Rhun hotel in Conwy. It had been given some £0.5 million and there are now clearly concerns over the future of that hotel in which Welsh money has been invested. Can you comment on the assessments that were made of the company's situation before that decision to invest £0.5 million was made? 

Diolch, Lywydd. Ddoe, yn y Siambr, dywedwyd wrthym nad oedd Llywodraeth Cymru wedi rhoi arian yn uniongyrchol i brosiect cwm Afan. Rydych wedi cadarnhau hynny eto heddiw. Er hynny, rhoddodd Llywodraeth Cymru arian i gwmni Northern Powerhouse Developments i ddatblygu gwesty Caer Rhun yng Nghonwy. Rhoddwyd tua £0.5 miliwn a bellach mae'n amlwg bod pryderon ynghylch dyfodol y gwesty y buddsoddwyd arian Cymru ynddo. A allwch chi wneud sylw am yr asesiadau a wnaethpwyd o sefyllfa'r cwmni cyn gwneud y penderfyniad hwnnw i fuddsoddi £0.5 miliwn?

Of course, this was a matter for my colleague in Government, the Deputy Minister for Culture, Sport and Tourism, but I can assure the Member that no release of funding has taken place for that particular project. There were significant conditions attached to it that still have not been met, and so tourism officials are in the process of looking at the withdrawal of the offer of £0.5 million to Caer Rhun.

Wrth gwrs, roedd hwn yn fater i fy nghyd-Aelod yn y Llywodraeth, y Dirprwy Weinidog dros Ddiwylliant, Chwaraeon a Thwristiaeth, ond gallaf sicrhau'r Aelod nad oes unrhyw gyllid wedi'i ryddhau ar gyfer y prosiect penodol hwnnw. Roedd amodau sylweddol ynghlwm wrtho sy'n dal heb eu bodloni, ac felly mae swyddogion twristiaeth yn y broses o ystyried tynnu'r cynnig o £0.5 miliwn i Caer Rhun yn ôl.


That's comforting to know and I look forward to more detail of how that progresses.

In the case of the Afan valley project, of course, there may not have been an exchange of funds in any way, but there was certainly support from Welsh Government in the form of your appearance in a video promoting Northern Powerhouse Developments plans, which gave the very public impression that Welsh Government was backing the company. That’s exactly what the developer wanted, of course, and no doubt it helped attract investors. In hindsight, do you think that your appearance in that video was a good idea? It is a number of weeks now since very serious concerns were raised about this company. Can you confirm whether, at the point at which those concerns were made, Welsh Government did instruct that video to be taken down? Would it be morally right, knowing the concerns at that point, for such a video tying Welsh Government into a project with its support to continue to be shown?

Mae'n gysur gwybod hynny ac edrychaf ymlaen at weld mwy o fanylion ynglŷn â sut y bydd hynny'n mynd rhagddo.

Yn achos prosiect cwm Afan, wrth gwrs, mae'n bosibl nad oes unrhyw arian wedi cael ei gyfnewid, ond yn sicr cafwyd cefnogaeth gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar ffurf eich ymddangosiad mewn fideo i hyrwyddo cynlluniau Northern Powerhouse Developments, a roddodd yr argraff gyhoeddus iawn fod Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi'r cwmni. Dyna'n union oedd y datblygwr ei eisiau, wrth gwrs, ac mae'n siŵr ei fod wedi helpu i ddenu buddsoddwyr. Wrth edrych yn ôl, a ydych yn credu bod eich ymddangosiad yn y fideo hwnnw'n syniad da? Mae nifer o wythnosau wedi bod bellach ers i bryderon difrifol iawn gael eu codi am y cwmni hwn. A allwch chi gadarnhau, ar yr adeg y cafodd y pryderon hynny eu mynegi, p'un a wnaeth Llywodraeth Cymru ofyn iddynt dynnu'r fideo hwnnw i lawr? A fyddai'n foesol gywir, o wybod am y pryderon ar yr adeg honno, i barhau i ddangos fideo o'r fath a glymai gefnogaeth Llywodraeth Cymru wrth brosiect?

Well, first of all, I think we should just reflect on what your own colleague Bethan Sayed said, which was: you have to separate out the vision of the project from the people who were proposing to finance it. In terms of the project itself, it does promise to transform an area. In terms of the funding required for that, clearly, the company behind it are facing very serious questions. And, again, I would reiterate my thanks to those that have recovered significant information that has given rise to those questions.

Of course, I would prefer the video to be taken down—there is no doubt about that—because if there is any suggestion that the Welsh Government or I were backing the company, then that is wrong. I do support the transformational potential of the scheme, but I do not support those people who have been shown in recent weeks to need to answer very serious questions.

Wel, yn gyntaf oll, credaf y dylem ystyried yr hyn a ddywedodd eich cyd-Aelod eich hun, Bethan Sayed, sef: mae'n rhaid i chi wahanu gweledigaeth y prosiect oddi wrth y bobl a oedd yn cynnig ei ariannu. O ran y prosiect ei hun, mae'n addo trawsnewid ardal. O ran y cyllid sydd ei angen ar gyfer hynny, yn amlwg, mae'r cwmni y tu ôl iddo'n wynebu cwestiynau difrifol iawn. Ac unwaith eto, hoffwn ategu fy niolch i'r rhai sydd wedi datgelu gwybodaeth arwyddocaol a arweiniodd at y cwestiynau hynny.

Wrth gwrs, byddai'n well gennyf pe bai'r fideo'n cael ei dynnu i lawr—nid oes amheuaeth am hynny—oherwydd os oes unrhyw awgrym fy mod i neu Lywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi'r cwmni, mae hynny'n anghywir. Rwy'n cefnogi potensial trawsnewidiol y cynllun, ond nid wyf yn cefnogi'r bobl y dangoswyd dros yr wythnosau diwethaf fod angen iddynt ateb cwestiynau difrifol iawn.

And I certainly agree with my colleague Bethan Sayed, who is now sitting behind me, in terms of the potential, and we're talking about an area that wants to see that potential being realised. And there's a danger always in raising people's hopes by going down the wrong avenues. But you tell us time and time again, quite rightly, of course, about constraints on Welsh Government finances. What that means is that we have to be very, very careful, very strategic and rather ruthless as well in how we spend that money.

This project was launched with great fanfare and Government, of course, was four-square behind it, having gone through due diligence processes, presumably, to measure the appropriateness of teaming up with that particular investor. In light of what has happened and what is emerging, will Welsh Government now undertake to publish, in its entirety, details of how and when it collaborated with the Afan valley project and Northern Powerhouse Developments, and what it did, in particular, to protect creditors and investors once it became clear that there were serious doubts about the company involved in backing it?

Ac rwy'n sicr yn cytuno â fy nghyd-Aelod, Bethan Sayed, sydd bellach yn eistedd y tu ôl i mi, o ran y potensial, ac rydym yn sôn am ardal sydd eisiau gweld y potensial hwnnw'n cael ei wireddu. Ac mae perygl bob amser y bydd gobeithion pobl yn cael eu codi drwy ddilyn y llwybrau anghywir. Ond rydych yn dweud wrthym dro ar ôl tro, yn gwbl briodol wrth gwrs, am y cyfyngiadau ar gyllid Llywodraeth Cymru. Mae hynny'n golygu bod yn rhaid i ni fod yn ofalus iawn, yn strategol iawn ac yn eithaf didostur hefyd o ran y modd y gwariwn yr arian hwnnw.

Lansiwyd y prosiect hwn gyda llawer o gyhoeddusrwydd ac roedd y Llywodraeth, wrth gwrs, yn gefnogol iawn iddo, ar ôl mynd drwy brosesau diwydrwydd dyladwy, mae'n debyg, i fesur priodoldeb sefydlu perthynas â'r buddsoddwr penodol hwnnw. Yng ngoleuni'r hyn sydd wedi digwydd a'r hyn sy'n dod i'r amlwg, a fydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ymrwymo yn awr i gyhoeddi'r manylion yn eu cyfanrwydd ynglŷn â sut a phryd y cydweithredodd â phrosiect cwm Afan a Northern Powerhouse Developments, a'r hyn a wnaeth, yn benodol, i ddiogelu credydwyr a buddsoddwyr pan ddaeth yn amlwg fod yna amheuon difrifol ynglŷn â'r cwmni oedd yn ei gefnogi?

I think the Member believes that Welsh Government had a greater involvement than it did. There was no collaboration whatsoever: we did not promise money, we did not give money to this project. Any request for funding would have led to a thorough, and as the Member identifies, ruthless process of due diligence. And I’ve already identified one project here in questions today that underwent that thorough process. And despite vociferous support and pressure—indeed, from the Member’s own party, it has to be said, in particular the leader, who said that perhaps we should short-circuit in some way the due diligence process, I stayed firm; I made sure that the taxpayers’ interest was first and foremost considered by the Welsh Government. I will do that again and again. If they’d asked for money, if there had been any request for money for this particular project, the same approach and principles would have been taken forward.

Rwy'n credu bod yr Aelod yn credu bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi chwarae mwy o ran nag y gwnaeth. Nid oedd unrhyw gydweithredu o gwbl: ni wnaethom addo arian, ni wnaethom roi arian i'r prosiect hwn. Byddai unrhyw gais am gyllid wedi arwain at broses drylwyr, ddidostur o ddiwydrwydd dyladwy, fel y noda'r Aelod. Ac rwyf eisoes wedi nodi un prosiect yma yn ystod y cwestiynau heddiw a aeth drwy'r broses drylwyr honno. Ac er gwaethaf cefnogaeth a phwysau eglur—yn wir, gan blaid yr Aelod ei hun, mae'n rhaid dweud, yn enwedig yr arweinydd, a ddywedodd efallai y dylem dorri'r broses o ddiwydrwydd dyladwy yn fyr mewn rhyw ffordd, arhosais yn gadarn; gwneuthum yn siŵr fod Llywodraeth Cymru yn ystyried buddiannau trethdalwyr uwchlaw popeth. Byddaf yn gwneud hynny dro ar ôl tro. Pe baent wedi gofyn am arian, pe bai unrhyw gais wedi bod am arian ar gyfer y prosiect penodol hwn, byddem wedi bwrw ymlaen â'r un dull gweithredu a'r un egwyddorion.

Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Russell George.

Conservative spokesperson, Russell George.

Diolch, Llywydd. Minister, do you agree with the First Minister when he said that there have been major improvements to the Welsh economy since devolution?

Diolch, Lywydd. Weinidog, a oeddech yn cytuno â'r Prif Weinidog pan ddywedodd fod gwelliannau mawr wedi bod i economi Cymru ers datganoli?

Yes, there have been major improvements to the Welsh economy since devolution. We've helped to create more than 300,000 jobs since devolution, employment rates are at a record high, economic inactivity is at a record low—indeed, for the first time ever it's at the level of the UK average. In addition to this, we've seen the level of qualifications rise incredibly fast. We've seen economic productivity levels rise faster than the UK average in recent years. I think there is an enormous success story for the Welsh economy to celebrate, but it hasn't been achieved by Welsh Government alone, it's been achieved through a partnership between Welsh Government, business and other social partners. 

Ydw, mae gwelliannau mawr wedi bod i economi Cymru ers datganoli. Rydym wedi helpu i greu mwy na 300,000 o swyddi ers datganoli, mae cyfraddau cyflogaeth yn uwch nag erioed, mae anweithgarwch economaidd yn is nag erioed—yn wir, am y tro cyntaf erioed, mae ar lefel gyfartalog y DU. Yn ogystal â hyn, rydym wedi gweld lefel cymwysterau'n codi yn anhygoel o gyflym. Rydym wedi gweld lefelau cynhyrchiant economaidd yn codi'n gyflymach na chyfartaledd y DU yn y blynyddoedd diwethaf. Rwy'n credu bod gan economi Cymru lwyddiant enfawr i'w ddathlu, ond nid yw Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyflawni hyn ar ei phen ei hun, mae wedi cael ei gyflawni drwy bartneriaeth rhwng Llywodraeth Cymru, busnesau a phartneriaid cymdeithasol eraill.


Thank you for your answer, Minister. Your Deputy Minister, of course, has recently said that the Welsh Government has pretended to know what it's doing on the economy for the last 20 years, and efforts to improve the economy under devolution have not worked. Personally I think it is refreshing to hear a Minister speaking very candidly about the economy. I very much agree with the Member for Blaenau Gwent when he said he would prefer to hear a Minister who speaks plainly and clearly about the challenges facing the Welsh economy. I think the general public agree with that also. With this in mind, is there now a recognition that it's time to approach the economy in a different way? We have had three major economic strategies since devolution, but these efforts to improve the economy have not worked and have not raised the economic fortunes of Wales. Now, the economic action plan covers a large number of different themes but contains no targets for measuring progress, so it is, I think, also contradicted and undermined by the Welsh Government's 2018 budget, which provides no new funding to support any of the action plan's key priority sectors. So, can you, Minister, say what you are going to do to change, and how is your approach going to be different following the Deputy Minister's comments so we can see simplified access to business support, we can align an effective business and industrial strategy, we can reform a failing public procurement strategy to support small and medium-sized businesses, upskill the workforce and reflect this boost with suitably improved infrastructure?

Diolch am eich ateb, Weinidog. Mae eich Dirprwy Weinidog, wrth gwrs, wedi dweud yn ddiweddar fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi esgus gwybod beth y mae'n ei wneud mewn perthynas â'r economi dros yr 20 mlynedd diwethaf, ac nad yw ymdrechion i wella'r economi dan ddatganoli wedi gweithio. Yn bersonol, credaf ei bod yn braf clywed Gweinidog yn siarad yn onest iawn am yr economi. Roeddwn yn cytuno'n llwyr â'r Aelod dros Flaenau Gwent pan ddywedodd y byddai'n well ganddo glywed Gweinidog sy'n siarad yn blaen ac yn glir am yr heriau sy'n wynebu economi Cymru. Rwy'n credu bod y cyhoedd yn cytuno â hynny hefyd. Gyda hyn mewn golwg, a ydych bellach yn cydnabod ei bod yn bryd ymdrin â'r economi mewn ffordd wahanol? Rydym wedi cael tair strategaeth economaidd bwysig ers datganoli, ond nid yw'r ymdrechion hyn i wella'r economi wedi gweithio ac nid ydynt wedi gwella rhagolygon economaidd Cymru. Nawr, mae'r cynllun gweithredu ar yr economi yn cwmpasu nifer fawr o wahanol themâu ond nid yw'n cynnwys unrhyw dargedau ar gyfer mesur cynnydd, felly credaf ei fod hefyd yn cael ei wrth-ddweud a'i danseilio gan gyllideb Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer 2018, nad yw'n darparu unrhyw gyllid newydd i gefnogi unrhyw un o sectorau blaenoriaeth allweddol y cynllun gweithredu. Felly, a allwch chi, Weinidog, ddweud beth y bwriadwch ei wneud i newid, a sut y bydd eich dull yn wahanol yn dilyn sylwadau'r Dirprwy Weinidog fel y gallwn sicrhau mynediad symlach at gymorth busnes, fel y gallwn gysoni strategaeth fusnes a diwydiannol effeithiol, fel y gallwn ddiwygio'r strategaeth ddiffygiol sydd gennym ar gyfer caffael cyhoeddus i gefnogi busnesau bach a chanolig, gwella sgiliau'r gweithlu ac adlewyrchu'r hwb hwn drwy wella seilwaith yn briodol?

What the Deputy Minister said reflects, in many ways, the challenges that I outlined when the economic action plan was being developed, that whilst we've had enormous success in many regards regarding economic development since devolution, the fruits of growth have not been felt fairly across all parts of Wales, that growth has been uneven and we need to iron out that inequality that we still see—not just across the regions, but also within the regions. It's why the EAP was designed to drive not just futureproofing of Welsh business, but also to drive inclusive growth. And at the heart of the economic action plan, of course, is the economic contract, which is designed to provide for fair work, high-quality work and improved skills. 

Now, the Member mentions other economic strategies, including the UK industrial strategy, and, of course, the EAP was designed to complement and to dovetail with that, and that has been recognised by Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. And, furthermore, in terms of targets and measurements, the whole reason why we've introduced the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development to the process of offering challenge is to ensure that we are measuring, in the right way, how inclusive growth is being delivered. 

Mae'r hyn a ddywedodd y Dirprwy Weinidog yn adlewyrchu, mewn sawl ffordd, yr heriau a amlinellais pan oedd y cynllun gweithredu ar yr economi yn cael ei ddatblygu, sef, er ein bod wedi cael llwyddiant ysgubol mewn sawl ffordd o ran datblygiad economaidd ers datganoli, nid yw'r twf hwnnw wedi'i rannu'n deg ar draws pob rhan o Gymru, mae'r twf hwnnw wedi bod yn anwastad ac mae angen i ni unioni'r anghydraddoldeb hwnnw rydym yn ei weld o hyd—nid ar draws y rhanbarthau'n unig, ond o fewn y rhanbarthau hefyd. Dyna pam y lluniwyd y cynllun gweithredu ar yr economi, i lywio'r broses o ddiogelu busnesau Cymru ar gyfer y dyfodol ac i sbarduno twf cynhwysol. Ac wrth wraidd y cynllun gweithredu ar yr economi, wrth gwrs, mae'r contract economaidd, a gynlluniwyd i ddarparu gwaith teg, gwaith o ansawdd uchel a sgiliau gwell.

Nawr, mae'r Aelod yn sôn am strategaethau economaidd eraill, gan gynnwys strategaeth ddiwydiannol y DU, ac wrth gwrs, lluniwyd y cynllun gweithredu ar yr economi i ategu a chydasio â honno, ac mae hynny wedi'i gydnabod gan yr Adran Busnes, Ynni a Strategaeth Ddiwydiannol. Ac at hynny, o ran targedau a mesuriadau, y rheswm pam rydym wedi cyflwyno'r Sefydliad ar gyfer Cydweithrediad a Datblygiad Economaidd i'r broses o gynnig her yw er mwyn sicrhau ein bod yn mesur, yn y ffordd gywir, sut y mae twf cynhwysol yn cael ei gyflawni.

Well, thank you for your answer, Minister. I appreciate you speaking candidly about some of the challenges of the Welsh economy as well. Two main strands of the economic action plan, the regional business plans and the plan for the foundational economy, remain undelivered. So, I would ask you if you would look at some of the ideas that we have on these benches, for example for deploying trade envoys around the world to boost investment in Wales, and also to have a shift to an economy and a strategy where we're also supporting small and indigenous Welsh businesses as well. We want to see small and indigenous Welsh businesses grow. It's very easy for other businesses to come in and move out, taking investment with them, but we do need to support these small and indigenous Welsh businesses that we have in Wales as well. How can we avoid, in 20 years from now, a Minister looking back and saying, 'Forty years since devolution, nobody knows what we're doing on the economy'? How can we avoid a Minister saying that in 40 years' time?

Wel, diolch am eich ateb, Weinidog. Rwy'n gwerthfawrogi eich bod yn siarad yn onest am rai o heriau economi Cymru hefyd. Mae dwy brif elfen i'r cynllun gweithredu ar yr economi, y cynlluniau busnes rhanbarthol a'r cynllun ar gyfer yr economi sylfaenol, sy'n dal heb eu cyflawni. Felly, rwyf am ofyn i chi a fyddech yn edrych ar rai o'r syniadau sydd gennym ar y meinciau hyn, er enghraifft ar gyfer defnyddio llysgenhadon masnach ledled y byd i hybu buddsoddiad yng Nghymru, a sicrhau newid i economi a strategaeth lle rydym yn cefnogi busnesau Cymreig bach a chynhenid yn ogystal. Rydym eisiau gweld busnesau bach a chynhenid yng Nghymru yn tyfu. Mae'n hawdd iawn i fusnesau eraill ddod i mewn a symud allan, gan fynd â buddsoddiad gyda hwy, ond mae angen i ni gefnogi'r busnesau bach a chynhenid hyn sydd gennym yng Nghymru hefyd. Sut y gallwn osgoi'r posibilrwydd y bydd Gweinidog yn edrych yn ôl ymhen 20 mlynedd ac yn dweud, 'Deugain mlynedd ers datganoli, nid oes neb yn gwybod beth rydym yn ei wneud mewn perthynas â'r economi'? Sut y gallwn osgoi'r posibilrwydd y bydd Gweinidog yn dweud hynny ymhen 40 mlynedd?

In the first 20 years of devolution, we have pretty much solved a challenge that Wales has faced during the course of deindustrialisation, which is a higher level of unemployment than the UK average. We brought it down to the UK average and, indeed, on many occasions in the last year, it's dipped below the UK average, and for the first time, as I say, again, inactivity rates have fallen to the UK average.

So, what we've done over the past 20 years, on a macro level, is resolve unemployment and worklessness. However, that's in the whole. What we now wish to do is drive inclusive growth so that we get deeper into the roots, get into the communities that have not benefited so much from the fruits of our growth over the last 20 years, and ensure that equality and inclusive growth are at the heart of everything we do. Now, regional place-based economic development is absolutely crucial, particularly where you don't have the effects of agglomeration, and you don't tend to get the effects of agglomeration in urban areas of less than 0.5 million people. That's why we developed within the EAP the new regional units, that's why they are developing, in conjunction with local authorities and city and growth deal partners, regional plans—so that we can all work together to the same purpose to design interventions to make sure our investment is directed at the same purpose within each of the regions so that we're not competing, so that we're not duplicating but so we're all working to the same ends. And it's my view that, by having a place-based approach, we will be able to better identify the opportunities, the entrepreneurs, the businesses that can drive inclusive growth in the regions of Wales.

I have to say that, in terms of supporting small indigenous businesses, we've done a fantastic job in recent times through Business Wales and, more lately, through the establishment of the development bank. We've heard questions today about the Afan valley and my colleague Dai Rees's local authority of Neath Port Talbot, where we've seen an 18.8 per cent increase in the number of businesses since 2011, up from 6,455 to 7,670. That is not an unusual picture in Wales. We now have a record number of businesses in existence in Wales. The key for us in the next stage in turning the dial through the economic action plan is in ensuring that we turn more of those small businesses into stronger grounded firms, bigger grounded firms within Wales, and so that we ensure that employment is more sustainable in the long term and that we are capturing as much of their spend as possible for local communities.

Yn ystod 20 mlynedd cyntaf datganoli, rydym wedi datrys un her y mae Cymru wedi'i hwynebu dros gyfnod dad-ddiwydiannu i bob pwrpas, sef lefel uwch o ddiweithdra na chyfartaledd y DU. Rydym wedi gostwng y lefel i gyfartaledd y DU ac yn wir, ar sawl achlysur yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, mae wedi gostwng yn is na chyfartaledd y DU, ac am y tro cyntaf, fel y dywedaf unwaith eto, mae cyfraddau anweithgarwch wedi gostwng i gyfartaledd y DU.

Felly, yr hyn rydym wedi'i wneud dros yr 20 mlynedd diwethaf, ar lefel facro, yw datrys diweithdra ac anweithgarwch. Fodd bynnag, mae hynny ar lefel gyffredinol. Yr hyn rydym yn dymuno ei wneud yn awr yw ysgogi twf cynhwysol fel ein bod yn mynd at wraidd y broblem, yn cyrraedd y cymunedau nad ydynt wedi elwa cymaint o'n twf dros yr 20 mlynedd diwethaf, a sicrhau bod cydraddoldeb a thwf cynhwysol yn ganolog i bopeth a wnawn. Nawr, mae datblygiad economaidd rhanbarthol sy'n seiliedig ar leoedd yn gwbl hanfodol, yn enwedig lle nad oes gennych effeithiau cydgrynhoad, ac nid ydych yn tueddu i gael effeithiau cydgrynhoad mewn ardaloedd trefol o lai na 0.5 miliwn o bobl. Dyna pam ein bod wedi datblygu'r unedau rhanbarthol newydd o fewn y cynllun gweithredu ar yr economi, dyna pam eu bod yn datblygu cynlluniau rhanbarthol ar y cyd ag awdurdodau lleol, partneriaid y fargen ddinesig a phartneriaid y fargen twf, fel y gall pawb ohonom weithio gyda'n gilydd i'r un diben, i gynllunio ymyriadau i sicrhau bod ein buddsoddiad wedi'i anelu at yr un diben ym mhob un o'r rhanbarthau fel nad ydym yn cystadlu, fel nad ydym yn dyblygu ond fel ein bod i gyd yn gweithio tuag at yr un nod. Ac rwyf o'r farn, drwy gael dull sy'n seiliedig ar leoedd, y gallwn nodi'r cyfleoedd, yr entrepreneuriaid, a'r busnesau a all sbarduno twf cynhwysol yn rhanbarthau Cymru yn well.

Rhaid i mi ddweud, o ran cefnogi busnesau bach cynhenid, rydym wedi gwneud gwaith gwych yn ddiweddar drwy Busnes Cymru ac yn fwy diweddar, drwy sefydlu'r banc datblygu. Rydym wedi clywed cwestiynau heddiw am gwm Afan ac awdurdod lleol fy nghyd-Aelod, Dai Rees, sef Castell-nedd Port Talbot, lle rydym wedi gweld cynnydd o 18.8 y cant yn nifer y busnesau ers 2011, cynnydd o 6,455 i 7,670. Nid yw honno'n sefyllfa anarferol yng Nghymru. Bellach, mae gennym y nifer uchaf erioed o fusnesau yng Nghymru. Yr hyn y mae angen i ni ei wneud, yn y cam nesaf, i ddatblygu'r cynllun gweithredu ar yr economi yw sicrhau ein bod yn troi mwy o'r busnesau bach hynny'n gwmnïau cryfach, yn gwmnïau gwreiddiedig mwy o faint yng Nghymru, er mwyn inni allu sicrhau bod cyflogaeth yn fwy cynaliadwy yn y tymor hir a'n bod yn dal cymaint o'u gwariant ag sy'n bosibl ar gyfer cymunedau lleol.


Llefarydd Plaid Brexit, David Rowlands.

Brexit Party spokesperson, David Rowlands.

Diolch Llywydd. Minister, when I was a member of the Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee, we visited Trawsfynydd, where we learned about the decommissioning of the nuclear power station. At that time, there were discussions about the possibility of the site being used for the emerging small modular nuclear reactors. Has the Minister explored this option in any way?

Diolch Lywydd. Weinidog, pan oeddwn yn aelod o Bwyllgor yr Economi, Seilwaith a Sgiliau, buom yn ymweld â Thrawsfynydd, lle cawsom wybod am ddatgomisiynu'r orsaf ynni niwclear. Bryd hynny, cafwyd trafodaethau ynglŷn â'r posibilrwydd o ddefnyddio'r safle ar gyfer yr adweithyddion niwclear modiwlaidd bach sy'n dod i'r amlwg. A yw'r Gweinidog wedi archwilio'r opsiwn hwn mewn unrhyw ffordd?

Yes, I have. I'm really excited about the potential of Trawsfynydd as an area that could be used to develop and support small modular reactors. I'm not alone in this. The North Wales Economic Ambition Board shares the determination to examine all opportunities for Trawsfynydd, and that's why, within the north Wales growth deal, there is an access to the smart energy programme, which is designed to promote renewable forms of energy and the potential of SMRs in that particular area of north Wales.

Do, rwyf wedi gwneud hynny. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen yn fawr at botensial Trawsfynydd fel ardal y gellid ei defnyddio i ddatblygu a chynnal adweithyddion modiwlar bach. Nid wyf ar fy mhen fy hun yn hyn o beth. Mae Bwrdd Uchelgais Economaidd Gogledd Cymru yn rhannu'r penderfyniad i archwilio pob cyfle ar gyfer Trawsfynydd, a dyna pam, o fewn bargen twf gogledd Cymru, y ceir mynediad at y rhaglen ynni clyfar, sydd wedi'i chynllunio i hyrwyddo ffurfiau adnewyddadwy o ynni a photensial adweithyddion modiwlar bach yn yr ardal benodol honno o ogledd Cymru.

Okay. I thank the Minister for his answer. I'm given to understand that Rolls-Royce are at the forefront of this type of technology. As such, a development at Trawsfynydd could benefit British industry as a whole. I'm also given to believe that much of the grid infrastructure linking to the national grid system is still in place at Trawsfynydd. So, given the local expertise and general disposition in the area to nuclear power, Trawsfynydd would surely be an ideal location for the emerging technology. It also falls into the Welsh Government's overall decarbonisation programme, and such an installation would also help alleviate the anticipated extra demand on the electricity infrastructure, which the advent of the electric motor car will inevitably put on the electricity industry as a whole. This should—and given some of the adverse decisions with regard to Wales over recent times, I emphasise 'should'—make the UK Government more amenable to such a development. So, would the Cabinet Secretary give serious thought to promoting this industry-leading project to Trawsfynydd?

Iawn. Diolch i'r Gweinidog am ei ateb. Deallaf fod Rolls-Royce ar flaen y gad o ran y math hwn o dechnoleg. O'r herwydd, gallai datblygiad yn Nhrawsfynydd fod o fudd i ddiwydiant Prydain yn ei gyfanrwydd. Rwyf hefyd yn credu bod llawer o'r seilwaith grid sy'n cysylltu â system y grid cenedlaethol yn dal i fod yn ei le yn Nhrawsfynydd. Felly, o ystyried yr arbenigedd lleol a thueddiad cyffredinol yn yr ardal at bŵer niwclear, byddai Trawsfynydd yn sicr o fod yn lleoliad delfrydol ar gyfer y dechnoleg sy'n datblygu. Mae hefyd yn rhan o raglen ddatgarboneiddio gyffredinol Llywodraeth Cymru, a byddai gosodiad o'r fath hefyd yn helpu i leddfu'r galw ychwanegol a ragwelir ar y seilwaith trydan y bydd dyfodiad y car modur trydan yn anochel o'i greu i'r diwydiant trydan yn ei gyfanrwydd. Dylai hyn—ac o ystyried rhai o'r penderfyniadau anffafriol a wnaethpwyd mewn perthynas â Chymru yn ddiweddar, rwy'n pwysleisio 'dylai'—wneud Llywodraeth y DU yn fwy agored i ddatblygiad o'r fath. Felly, a fyddai Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn rhoi ystyriaeth ddifrifol i hyrwyddo'r prosiect hwn sy'n arwain y diwydiant mewn perthynas â Thrawsfynydd?

Yes, I will indeed. In fact, I'm pleased to say that I've met with Rolls-Royce to discuss this very issue directly in relation to Trawsfynydd and so too have members of the North Wales Economic Ambition Board, and I think it's worth telling Members today that energy features as one of three primary strengths of the north Wales regional economy within the economic ambition board's vision for the region. It also forms one of the four key enablers within the north Wales growth deal. So, I can assure the Member that, not just within Welsh Government, but regionally across the local authorities and collectively as the new regional unit, we are well aware of the potential of energy in north Wales, very supportive of it, not just of SMRs, but also, crucially, I think, of the renewable energy sector, where there is enormous strength and expertise in north Wales, and that's why that is included as such a crucial component of the north Wales growth deal.

Gwnaf, yn sicr. Yn wir, rwy'n falch o ddweud fy mod wedi cyfarfod â Rolls-Royce i drafod yr union fater hwn yn uniongyrchol mewn perthynas â Thrawsfynydd, fel y mae aelodau o Fwrdd Uchelgais Economaidd Gogledd Cymru wedi'i wneud, ac rwy'n credu ei bod yn werth dweud wrth yr Aelodau heddiw fod ynni yn un o dri phrif gryfder economi ranbarthol gogledd Cymru yng ngweledigaeth y bwrdd uchelgais economaidd ar gyfer y rhanbarth. Mae hefyd yn un o'r pedwar ffactor galluogi allweddol o fewn bargen twf gogledd Cymru. Felly, gallaf sicrhau'r Aelod, nid yn unig o fewn Llywodraeth Cymru, ond yn rhanbarthol ar draws yr awdurdodau lleol ac ar y cyd fel yr uned ranbarthol newydd, ein bod yn ymwybodol iawn o botensial ynni yn y Gogledd, ac yn gefnogol iawn iddo, nid yn unig mewn perthynas ag adweithyddion modiwlar bach, ond hefyd, yn hollbwysig yn fy marn i, mewn perthynas â'r sector ynni adnewyddadwy, lle y ceir cryfder ac arbenigedd aruthrol yng ngogledd Cymru, a dyna pam ei fod wedi'i gynnwys yn elfen mor hanfodol o fargen twf gogledd Cymru.

Gwasanaethau Rheilffyrdd yng Nghanolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru
Rail Services in Mid and West Wales

3. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am welliannau arfaethedig i wasanaethau rheilffyrdd yng Nghanolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru? OAQ54225

3. Will the Minister make a statement on planned improvements to rail services in Mid and West Wales? OAQ54225

Yes, of course. Transport for Wales will be improving and increasing rail services across Mid and West Wales, including, I'm pleased to say, Llywydd, introducing brand new trains in 2022, which have more capacity, they'll have air conditioning and they'll have power sockets.

Gwnaf, wrth gwrs. Bydd Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn gwella ac yn cynyddu gwasanaethau rheilffyrdd ar draws Canolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru, gan gynnwys, rwy'n falch o ddweud, Lywydd, cyflwyno trenau newydd sbon yn 2022, sydd â mwy o gapasiti, system aerdymheru a socedi trydan.

I'm grateful to the Minister for his answer, particularly with regard to capacity. The issue of overcrowding on the railways was raised with the First Minister in this place yesterday. Unfortunately, that's not an isolated concern. Constituents from across the mid and west region have been contacting me citing real concerns about the line that runs across mid Wales to Shrewsbury in particular. Examples included delays ranging from 30 minutes to an hour being just routine and an increasing lack of carriages and seats on those trains—one constituent counting 26 people standing up in one carriage—and, obviously, I'm sure the Minister would agree with me that this isn't acceptable and it is regrettable that these were the same sorts of complaints that we heard under the previous franchise. Last July, the Minister provided us with details of the new franchise agreement that stipulates that Transport for Wales will be penalised if passengers are forced to stand for longer than 20 minutes. Could the Minister reassure my constituents that that commitment to reduce standing on trains will be honoured and could he give us some sort of idea of the timescale for the additional capacity that he mentioned to me in his original answer?

Rwy'n ddiolchgar i'r Gweinidog am ei ateb, yn enwedig o ran capasiti. Codwyd problem gorlenwi ar y rheilffyrdd gyda'r Prif Weinidog yn y lle hwn ddoe. Yn anffodus, nid un achos o'r broblem a welwyd. Mae etholwyr o bob rhan o ranbarth y canolbarth a'r gorllewin wedi bod yn cysylltu â mi i nodi pryderon gwirioneddol am y rheilffordd sy'n rhedeg ar draws canolbarth Cymru i'r Amwythig yn fwyaf arbennig. Ymhlith yr enghreifftiau roedd achosion o oedi'n amrywio o 30 munud i awr fel mater o drefn ynghyd â diffyg cynyddol o gerbydau a seddi ar y trenau hynny—dywedodd un etholwr ei fod wedi cyfrif 26 o bobl yn sefyll mewn un cerbyd—ac yn amlwg, rwy'n siŵr y byddai'r Gweinidog yn cytuno â mi nad yw hyn yn dderbyniol ac mae'n anffodus mai dyma'r un mathau o gwynion a glywsom o dan y fasnachfraint flaenorol. Fis Gorffennaf diwethaf, rhoddodd y Gweinidog fanylion i ni am y cytundeb masnachfraint newydd sy'n mynnu y bydd Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn cael ei chosbi os bydd teithwyr yn cael eu gorfodi i sefyll am fwy nag 20 munud. A allai'r Gweinidog dawelu meddyliau fy etholwyr y bydd yr ymrwymiad hwnnw i leihau'r nifer sy'n gorfod sefyll ar drenau yn cael ei anrhydeddu ac a allai roi rhyw fath o syniad i ni o'r amserlen ar gyfer y capasiti ychwanegol y soniodd wrthyf amdano yn ei ateb gwreiddiol?

Yes, of course. I've got some comprehensive information in front of me concerning the delivery of new trains and improved services. In addition, I have established next week an opportunity for Members to be briefed on developments on the Wales and Borders franchise network and there will be a drop-in centre between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. I think it is worth stating that pressure on capacity is something that still affects the rail franchise because we've just inherited something that was designed on the basis of zero growth but which, in fact, grew considerably from something in the region of 19 million passengers to 27 million passengers when the franchise ended last year, but we are committed to delivering £800 million-worth of trains during this franchise period. Already, we have introduced the delay repay 15-minute fare repay system; we have introduced 3,000 new advance fares; we've launched the new Wrexham to Liverpool service along the Halton curve; additional class 153 trains have been introduced to the franchise; community rail vision projects have been developed and unveiled; we now have the class 37 service operating on the Rhymney line; and work on the Taffs Well depot will start this month.

In the coming months, I'm pleased to be able to inform the Member that mark 4 trains will replace pacers and mark 3 trains. In September, applications open for the new style concessionary travel cards for current passholders. In September, again, of this year, we are going to be launching a station improvement vision. New community rail partnerships will be established in the same month. They'll concern the Treherbert, Aberdare and Merthyr line and also the Cardiff-Rhymney line.

We'll see timetable changes in December of this year that will deliver four trains per hour between Cardiff and Bridgend, and, on Sundays, over 200 more services will run across Wales. Just in the new year, in January, the young people fare initiative will begin, with free travel for under fives extended to young people under the age of 11, and, for 16s, there will be free off-peak travel when accompanied by an adult.

By the middle of next year, I'm pleased to inform Members that the new Bow Street station will have opened and TfW will have moved its headquarters to Pontypridd by September of next year. There is huge excitement and an enormous amount of work taking place across Wales and the borders area right now. New trains that will operate on the lines are being built at this very moment in Newport at CAF, who we attracted here from Spain, but I can assure Members, if you wish to have any further information or ask any further questions, please do so at the drop-in next Wednesday between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Wrth gwrs. Mae gennyf wybodaeth gynhwysfawr o fy mlaen ar ddarparu trenau newydd a gwasanaethau gwell. Yn ogystal â hynny, rwyf wedi sefydlu cyfle i Aelodau gael eu briffio ar y datblygiadau ar rwydwaith masnachfraint Cymru a'r Gororau yr wythnos nesaf a bydd canolfan galw heibio'n agored rhwng 10 a.m. a 2 p.m. Credaf ei bod yn werth datgan bod pwysau ar gapasiti yn rhywbeth sy'n dal i effeithio ar y fasnachfraint reilffyrdd oherwydd ein bod wedi etifeddu rhywbeth a ddyluniwyd ar sail dim twf ond a dyfodd yn sylweddol, mewn gwirionedd, o tua 19 miliwn o deithwyr i 27 miliwn o deithwyr pan ddaeth y fasnachfraint i ben y llynedd, ond rydym wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu gwerth £800 miliwn o drenau dros gyfnod y fasnachfraint hon. Rydym eisoes wedi cyflwyno'r system ad-dalu prisiau teithio os yw teithwyr yn wynebu oedi o 15 munud neu fwy; rydym wedi cyflwyno 3,000 o docynnau ymlaen llaw newydd; rydym wedi lansio'r gwasanaeth newydd rhwng Wrecsam a Lerpwl ar hyd llinell tro Halton; mae trenau dosbarth 153 ychwanegol wedi cael eu cyflwyno i'r fasnachfraint; mae prosiectau gweledigaeth rheilffyrdd cymunedol newydd wedi cael eu datblygu a'u lansio; bellach mae gennym wasanaeth dosbarth 37 sy'n gweithredu ar reilffordd Rhymni; a bydd gwaith ar orsaf Ffynnon Taf yn dechrau'r mis hwn.

Yn ystod y misoedd nesaf, rwy'n falch o allu rhoi gwybod i'r Aelod y bydd trenau marc 4 yn cymryd lle trenau Pacer a threnau marc 3. Ym mis Medi, bydd ceisiadau'n agor ar gyfer y cardiau teithio rhatach arddull newydd ar gyfer deiliaid cardiau cyfredol. Ym mis Medi eleni eto, byddwn yn lansio gweledigaeth gwella gorsafoedd. Bydd partneriaethau rheilffordd cymunedol newydd yn cael eu sefydlu yn yr un mis. Byddant yn ymwneud â llinell Treherbert, Aberdâr a Merthyr yn ogystal â'r llinell rhwng Caerdydd a Rhymni.

Byddwn yn gweld newidiadau i'r amserlen ym mis Rhagfyr eleni a fydd yn darparu pedwar trên yr awr rhwng Caerdydd a Phen-y-bont ar Ogwr, ac ar ddydd Sul, bydd dros 200 yn fwy o wasanaethau'n rhedeg ledled Cymru. Yn y flwyddyn newydd, ym mis Ionawr, bydd y fenter tocynnau i bobl ifanc yn dechrau, gyda theithio am ddim i blant dan bump oed yn cael ei ymestyn i bobl ifanc dan 11, a bydd teithio am ddim i bobl ifanc dan 16 oed ar adegau tawel pan fyddant yng nghwmni oedolyn.

Erbyn canol y flwyddyn nesaf, rwy'n falch o hysbysu'r Aelodau y bydd gorsaf newydd Bow Street wedi agor a bydd Trafnidiaeth Cymru wedi symud eu pencadlys i Bontypridd erbyn mis Medi y flwyddyn nesaf. Mae cyffro mawr a llawer iawn o waith yn digwydd ar hyd a lled Cymru ac ardal y gororau ar hyn o bryd. Mae trenau newydd a fydd yn gweithredu ar y rheilffyrdd yn cael eu hadeiladu yng Nghasnewydd ar hyn o bryd gan gwmni CAF, a ddenwyd yma o Sbaen, ond gallaf sicrhau'r Aelodau, os ydych yn dymuno cael unrhyw wybodaeth bellach neu ofyn unrhyw gwestiynau pellach, gwnewch hynny yn y sesiwn galw heibio ddydd Mercher nesaf rhwng 10 a.m. a 2 p.m.

Minister, I'm sure you will agree with me that one way of improving rail services for people living in Mid and West Wales is to reduce journey times. Now, the proposed west Wales parkway north of Swansea would deliver journey time savings for commuters travelling from my constituency to Cardiff of up to 15 minutes each way by cutting the need to travel through the centre of Swansea. It could also encourage a modal shift from the car to the train and that, in turn, would help to reduce congestion on key roads in the region as well. Can you therefore give us an update on this proposed project, and what discussions are you having as a Government regarding this proposed plan?

Weinidog, rwy'n siŵr y byddwch yn cytuno â mi mai un ffordd o wella gwasanaethau rheilffordd i bobl sy'n byw yng Nghanolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru yw lleihau amseroedd teithio. Nawr, byddai parcffordd arfaethedig gorllewin Cymru i'r gogledd o Abertawe yn sicrhau bod amser teithio hyd at 15 munud yn llai bob ffordd i gymudwyr sy'n teithio o fy etholaeth i Gaerdydd drwy gael gwared ar yr angen i deithio drwy ganol Abertawe. Gallai annog newid moddol o'r car i'r trên hefyd a byddai hynny, yn ei dro, yn helpu i leihau tagfeydd ar ffyrdd allweddol yn y rhanbarth yn ogystal. Felly, a allwch roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i ni am y prosiect arfaethedig hwn, a pha drafodaethau rydych yn eu cael fel Llywodraeth mewn perthynas â'r cynllun arfaethedig hwn?


I've discussed this particular plan with the Secretary of State for Wales just in recent weeks. We are supportive of the proposal in principle, provided we can also have the assurance over additional funding, not just to introduce trains to the lines, but also to ensure that those trains can operate. We will need an increase in the subsidy from the Department for Transport or, indeed, from the UK Treasury.

I think there's also potential, if objections can be removed, for an open-access operator, such as Grand Union Trains, to utilise that particular parkway station, if it is developed, operating rapid express services between Swansea and London. But, of course, there is the other issue of the Keith Williams review, and I would restate the Welsh Government's position on the review that's being undertaken right now, and that is for the devolution of powers over rail infrastructure and, of course, funding for it as well.

Rwyf wedi trafod y cynllun penodol hwn gydag Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru dros yr wythnosau diwethaf. Rydym yn cefnogi'r cynnig mewn egwyddor, ar yr amod y gallwn gael sicrwydd mewn perthynas ag arian ychwanegol hefyd, nid yn unig i gyflwyno trenau ar y rheilffyrdd, ond hefyd i sicrhau bod y trenau hynny'n gallu gweithredu. Byddwn angen cynnydd yn y cymhorthdal gan yr Adran Drafnidiaeth neu, yn wir, gan Drysorlys y Deyrnas Unedig.

Rwy'n credu bod yna botensial hefyd, os gellir dileu gwrthwynebiadau, i weithredwr mynediad agored, fel Grand Union Trains, ddefnyddio'r orsaf barcffordd benodol honno, os caiff ei datblygu, i weithredu gwasanaethau cyflym rhwng Abertawe a Llundain. Ond wrth gwrs, mae adolygiad Keith Williams yn fater arall, a buaswn yn ailddatgan safbwynt Llywodraeth Cymru ar yr adolygiad sy'n cael ei gynnal ar hyn o bryd, sef adolygiad ar ddatganoli pwerau dros y seilwaith rheilffyrdd, a chyllid ar gyfer gwneud hynny wrth gwrs.

Rheilffordd y Cambrian
The Cambrian Line

4. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am wasanaethau trên ar reilffordd y Cambrian? OAQ54198

4. Will the Minister make a statement on train services on the Cambrian line? OAQ54198

Yes. Transport for Wales is committed to improving services on the Cambrian line. Current trains are being modified to improve access for disabled people, with the entire fleet to be replaced with brand new trains by 2022. Service frequency improvements are also planned along the line.

Gwnaf. Mae Trafnidiaeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i wella gwasanaethau ar reilffordd y Cambrian. Mae trenau cyfredol yn cael eu haddasu i wella mynediad ar gyfer pobl anabl, a bydd trenau newydd sbon yn cymryd lle'r fflyd gyfan erbyn 2022. Mae gwelliannau mewn perthynas ag amlder gwasanaethau hefyd yn cael eu cynllunio ar hyd y llinell.

Thank you, Minister. I'm pleased to hear that answer. A member of the Montgomeryshire access group has contacted me to say that they've received yet another complaint from a wheelchair user that they could not use a toilet on the Cambrian line, which means that, in some cases, people have resorted to, in their words, wearing adult nappies. Following, of course, the Equality Act 2010, Transport for Wales has to put in place reasonable adjustments for disabled people. A reasonable adjustment for a train, where you could sit for three hours and 20 minutes from Aberystwyth to Birmingham International, is simply a properly-designed disabled toilet. For disabled people who are normally using the toilet, it is, I'm sure you would agree with me, totally unacceptable, inappropriate and degrading that they cannot do so on the train. So, I'm wondering if you would liaise with Transport for Wales to improve access to toilets for disabled people on the Cambrian line with immediate effect rather than waiting for new rolling stock with the appropriate facilities for disabled people.

Diolch i chi, Weinidog. Rwy'n falch o glywed yr ateb hwnnw. Mae aelod o grŵp mynediad Sir Drefaldwyn wedi cysylltu â mi i ddweud eu bod wedi derbyn cwyn arall gan ddefnyddiwr cadair olwyn am nad oeddent yn gallu defnyddio toiled ar reilffordd y Cambrian, sy'n golygu, mewn rhai achosion, fod pobl wedi gorfod, yn eu geiriau hwy, gwisgo cewynnau oedolion. Yn sgil Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 wrth gwrs, mae'n rhaid i Trafnidiaeth Cymru roi addasiadau rhesymol ar waith ar gyfer pobl anabl. Addasiad rhesymol ar gyfer trên, lle gallech fod yn eistedd am dair awr ac 20 munud o Aberystwyth i Birmingham International, yw toiled anabl a gynlluniwyd yn briodol ar gyfer pobl anabl. I bobl anabl sydd fel arfer yn defnyddio'r toiled, rwy'n siŵr y byddech yn cytuno â mi ei bod yn gwbl annerbyniol, amhriodol a diraddiol nad ydynt yn gallu gwneud hynny ar y trên. Felly, tybed a wnewch chi gysylltu â Trafnidiaeth Cymru er mwyn gwella mynediad at doiledau i bobl anabl ar reilffordd y Cambrian, a hynny ar unwaith, yn hytrach nag aros am gerbydau newydd gyda'r cyfleusterau priodol ar gyfer pobl anabl.

Can I thank the Member for his question? I'll be pleased to take that matter up with Transport for Wales. It is worth noting, I think, that, across the Wales and borders network, Transport for Wales is currently completing modifications to its trains to make sure that they are accessible for disabled people and that work has to be completed by the end of this calendar year.

I'm also pleased to be able to tell the Member that, with regard to the area that he's identified, Machynlleth station has been proposed to trial a dementia-friendly environment. I'm also pleased to inform the Member that, through Transport for Wales, we are now working with Disability Wales and the Royal National Institute of Blind People to assist the customer-facing-staff within TfW. And, of course, we are ring-fencing £15 million for accessibility improvements at stations. One of the key principles underpinning the development of Transport for Wales is that it must ensure delivery of integrated transport for people who are disabled or able bodied, and we are determined to deliver on that principle.

A gaf fi ddiolch i'r Aelod am ei gwestiwn? Byddaf yn falch o godi'r mater hwnnw gyda Trafnidiaeth Cymru. Credaf ei bod yn werth nodi, ar draws rhwydwaith Cymru a'r gororau, fod Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn cwblhau addasiadau i'w trenau ar hyn o bryd er mwyn gwneud yn siŵr eu bod yn hygyrch ar gyfer pobl anabl ac mae'n rhaid i'r gwaith hwnnw gael ei gwblhau erbyn diwedd y flwyddyn galendr hon.

Rwy'n falch hefyd o allu dweud wrth yr Aelod, mewn perthynas â'r ardal y mae wedi'i nodi, fod gorsaf Machynlleth wedi cael ei argymell ar gyfer treialu amgylchedd sy'n ystyriol o ddementia. Rwyf hefyd yn falch o hysbysu'r Aelod ein bod, drwy Trafnidiaeth Cymru, bellach yn gweithio gydag Anabledd Cymru a'r RNIB i gynorthwyo staff sy'n ymwneud â chwsmeriaid o fewn Trafnidiaeth Cymru. Ac wrth gwrs, rydym yn clustnodi £15 miliwn ar gyfer gwelliannau hygyrchedd mewn gorsafoedd. Un o'r egwyddorion allweddol sy'n sail i ddatblygu Trafnidiaeth Cymru yw bod yn rhaid iddynt sicrhau bod trafnidiaeth integredig yn cael ei darparu ar gyfer pobl anabl a phobl nad ydynt yn anabl, ac rydym yn benderfynol o gyflawni'r egwyddor honno.

Effaith Economaidd Twristiaeth yng Ngogledd Cymru
The Economic Impact of Tourism in North Wales

5. Pa asesiad y mae'r Gweinidog wedi'i wneud o effaith economaidd twristiaeth yng ngogledd Cymru? OAQ54199

5. What assessment has the Minister made of the economic impact of tourism in north Wales? OAQ54199

The tourism sector employs just over 9 per cent of the Welsh workforce, and the 11,500 businesses generate around £6.3 billion a year—a huge contribution to the Welsh economy. It's also one of the key economic drivers in north Wales; it is important, I think, that we continue to grow the sector in the region and that we continue to enhance the region's key strength of attracting adventure tourism operators and attractions.

Mae'r sector twristiaeth yn cyflogi ychydig dros 9 y cant o weithlu Cymru, ac mae'r 11,500 o fusnesau'n cynhyrchu oddeutu £6.3 biliwn y flwyddyn—cyfraniad enfawr i economi Cymru. Mae hefyd yn un o'r ysgogwyr economaidd allweddol yng ngogledd Cymru; credaf ei bod yn bwysig ein bod yn parhau i ddatblygu'r sector yn y rhanbarth a'n bod yn parhau i wella cryfder allweddol y rhanbarth o ran denu gweithredwyr ac atyniadau twristiaeth antur.

I'm sure, like me, you'll welcome the fact that we've been seeing rising numbers of international visitors, particularly from places like Japan in recent years. You may be aware that, last month, the Prime Minister announced plans to create five tourism zones in the United Kingdom in order to boost the sector and boost visitor numbers by 9 million, and to create 130,000 new hotel room accommodation. And, as an Assembly Member from north Wales, I know how critically important it is to get people to stay overnight and not just to visit on a day basis, in order to drive up the impact on the local economy. Given that these zones are up for grabs, can I urge you, as a Welsh Government, to co-operate with the UK Government and try to attract and make one of those zones north Wales so that we can reap some benefits from this investment that the UK Government is going to be making?

Rwy'n siŵr y byddwch chi, fel fi, yn croesawu'r ffaith ein bod wedi gweld niferoedd cynyddol o ymwelwyr rhyngwladol, yn enwedig o lefydd fel Japan, dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf. Efallai eich bod yn ymwybodol fod Prif Weinidog y DU wedi cyhoeddi cynlluniau fis diwethaf i greu pum parth twristiaeth yn y Deyrnas Unedig er mwyn rhoi hwb i'r sector a rhoi hwb o 9 miliwn i nifer yr ymwelwyr, yn ogystal â chreu 130,000 o ystafelloedd gwesty newydd. Ac fel Aelod Cynulliad o ogledd Cymru, gwn pa mor hanfodol bwysig yw cael pobl i aros dros nos yn hytrach nag ymweld am y dydd yn unig er mwyn gwella'r effaith ar yr economi leol. O ystyried na ddynodwyd y parthau hyn eto, a gaf fi eich annog, fel Llywodraeth Cymru, i gydweithio â Llywodraeth y DU a cheisio denu a sicrhau bod gogledd Cymru yn un o'r parthau hynny fel y gallwn elwa ar rai o'r manteision a ddaw yn sgil y buddsoddiad hwn y bydd Llywodraeth y DU yn ei wneud?


I'll certainly speak with both the Minister, my colleague Eluned Morgan, and also the Deputy Minister regarding this development, because, of course, it could play a key feature in the international strategy that is shortly to be consulted on. It would also neatly sit with the current partnership for growth strategy for tourism in Wales, which is striving to drive up the number of higher quality hotels in Wales. It's been a particular challenge over many years in attracting the developers of good quality, but also, it has to said, affordable hotels. Now, the Member is right that, in terms of spend, spend is higher on average per person per day with overnight visitors than it is with day visitors, and that's why it's so important to drive day visitors to come back for overnight visits, and this has been at the very centre of the partnership for growth strategy, which comes to an end next year. And, as the Deputy Minister develops the action plan that will follow it for tourism, I'm sure that he will be determined to guarantee more high-quality attractions and hotels in Wales for the future.

Yn sicr, byddaf yn siarad â'r Gweinidog, fy nghyd-Aelod Eluned Morgan, a'r Dirprwy Weinidog ynglŷn â'r datblygiad hwn, oherwydd, wrth gwrs, gallai chwarae rhan allweddol yn y strategaeth ryngwladol yr ymgynghorir arni cyn hir. Byddai hefyd yn cydweddu'n daclus â'r strategaeth partneriaeth ar gyfer twf cyfredol ar gyfer twristiaeth yng Nghymru, sy'n ceisio cynyddu nifer y gwestai o ansawdd uwch yng Nghymru. Mae wedi bod yn her arbennig dros lawer o flynyddoedd o ran denu datblygwyr o ansawdd da, ond gwestai fforddiadwy hefyd, mae'n rhaid dweud. Nawr, mae'r Aelod yn iawn fod gwariant y pen y diwrnod yn uwch ar gyfartaledd gydag ymwelwyr dros nos na'r hyn ydyw gydag ymwelwyr dydd, a dyna pam ei bod mor bwysig ysgogi ymwelwyr dydd i ddod yn ôl am ymweliadau dros nos, ac mae hyn wedi bod yn ganolog i'r strategaeth partneriaeth ar gyfer twf, sy'n dod i ben y flwyddyn nesaf. Ac wrth i'r Dirprwy Weinidog ddatblygu'r cynllun gweithredu a fydd yn ei ddilyn ar gyfer twristiaeth, rwy'n siŵr y bydd yn benderfynol o sicrhau mwy o atyniadau a gwestai o ansawdd uchel yng Nghymru ar gyfer y dyfodol.

Rŷn ni'n gwybod bod ymwelwyr yn dod ag o gwmpas rhyw £70 miliwn i economi leol ardal Eryri bob blwyddyn, ond gyda hynny, wrth gwrs, mae yna broblemau'n dod o safbwynt y delweddau dŷn ni'n eu gweld o bobl yn ciwio ar gopa'r Wyddfa. Mae yna lwybrau'n cael eu herydu, meysydd parcio'n gorlifo, mae yna broblemau gyda seilwaith eraill fel casglu sbwriel a thoiledau cyhoeddus ac yn y blaen. Felly, mae yna risg, wrth gwrs, fod y llwyddiant yn golygu bod profiad yr ymwelwyr yn dirywio, ac felly bod hynny'n lleihau, efallai, y potensial i dyfu'r sector yma.

Nawr, dwi'n ymwybodol bod y Llywodraeth wedi clustnodi ychydig o arian ychwanegol ar gyfer cryfhau seilwaith twristiaeth yn gynharach eleni, ond, wrth gwrs, yr hyn rŷn ni eisiau'i weld yw ateb cynaliadwy hirdymor. Dwi jest eisiau gwybod pa drafodaethau, er enghraifft, rŷch chi wedi'u cael gyda'ch cyd-Weinidogion ar y posibilrwydd o ddarparu adnoddau gwell i'r parciau cenedlaethol, ac Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri yn y cyd-destun yma'n benodol, oherwydd, tra ein bod ni wedi gweld niferoedd ymwelwyr yn dyblu yn yr 20 mlynedd diwethaf, mae Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri wedi gweld ei adnoddau'n haneri, felly, mi allwch chi glustnodi ychydig pob hyn a hyn, ond yr ateb cynaliadwy, wrth gwrs, byddai sicrhau bod y parciau cenedlaethol yn cael eu hariannu'n iawn yn y lle cyntaf.

Thank you, Llywydd. We know that visitors bring around £70 million into the local economy in the Snowdonia area annually, but with that there are problems in terms of the images we see of people queuing on the top of Snowdon, for example. There are paths that are being eroded, the car parks are overflowing, there are problems with other infrastructure such as litter and public toilets. There is a risk that the success means that the visitor experience declines and deteriorates, and that that actually reduces the potential to grow this sector.

Now, I’m aware that the Government has allocated some additional funding to strengthen tourism infrastructure earlier this year but, of course, what we want to see is a sustainable long-term solution. And I just wanted to know what discussions you’ve had, for example, with your fellow Ministers on the possibility of providing better resources for the national parks, and Snowdonia national park specifically in this context, because, as we’ve seen the number of visitors double over the past 20 years, the Snowdonia National park Authority has seen its resources halved. So, you can allocate a little bit of money every now and again, but the sustainable solution would be to ensure that the national parks are properly funded in the first place.  

There are a huge number of visitors to Snowdon itself, more broadly to Snowdonia, yes, but the mountain itself is operating pretty much at capacity in terms of how many people can climb it at any one time. One of the concerns that we've had across Government is to make sure that we spread the wealth more evenly across the region and that we take away some of the pressure on communities in Snowdonia, particularly in those areas where visitors go to, by driving other opportunities for them to visit, for example, the areas of outstanding natural beauty, and we're looking at ways that we can better promote the relevance and the attractiveness in particular of the Clwydian range area of outstanding natural beauty in order to generate more opportunities in Denbighshire, in Flintshire and in Wrexham, whilst not detracting from the very special offer that Snowdonia has to make.

I think it's absolutely essential that all partners work together, and that's not just Welsh Government and the national park, but also Natural Resources Wales. They have a key role in promoting the natural environment in Snowdonia. I recently met with the chair and the chief executive of Natural Resources Wales to discuss the economic potential of Snowdonia, and, in particular, some of the assets, the buildings, that Natural Resources Wales own, which could be put to use in order to accommodate more visitors to the area and take some of the strain that I spoke of from those communities that host so many visitors each year.

Mae nifer enfawr yn ymweld â'r Wyddfa ei hun, ac Eryri yn ehangach, oes, ond mae'r mynydd ei hun yn gweithredu ar gapasiti llawn i bob pwrpas o ran faint o bobl sy'n gallu ei ddringo ar unrhyw un adeg. Un o'r pryderon sydd wedi bod gennym ar draws y Llywodraeth yw bod angen i ni sicrhau ein bod yn rhannu'r cyfoeth yn fwy cyfartal ar draws y rhanbarth a'n bod yn codi rhywfaint o'r pwysau oddi ar gymunedau yn Eryri, yn enwedig yn yr ardaloedd y mae pobl yn ymweld â hwy, drwy hybu cyfleoedd eraill iddynt ymweld â hwy, er enghraifft, yr ardaloedd o harddwch naturiol eithriadol, ac rydym yn chwilio am ffyrdd gwell o hyrwyddo perthnasedd ac atyniad ardal o harddwch naturiol eithriadol bryniau Clwyd, yn arbennig, er mwyn creu mwy o gyfleoedd yn Sir Ddinbych, Sir y Fflint a Wrecsam, heb amharu ar y cynnig arbennig iawn yn Eryri.

Rwy'n credu ei bod yn gwbl hanfodol fod pob partner yn gweithio gyda'i gilydd, ac nid yw hynny'n golygu Llywodraeth Cymru a'r parc cenedlaethol yn unig, ond Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru hefyd. Mae ganddynt rôl allweddol i'w chwarae yn hyrwyddo'r amgylchedd naturiol yn Eryri. Yn ddiweddar, cyfarfûm â chadeirydd a phrif weithredwr Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru i drafod potensial economaidd Eryri, ac yn arbennig, rhai o'r asedau, yr adeiladau, y mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn berchen arnynt, y gellid eu defnyddio er mwyn darparu ar gyfer mwy o bobl sy'n ymweld â'r ardal ac ysgwyddo rhywfaint o'r baich sydd ar y cymunedau hynny, fel y dywedais, sy'n croesawu cynifer o ymwelwyr bob blwyddyn.

Tynnwyd cwestiwn 6 [OAQ54214] yn ôl a tynnwyd cwestiwn 7 [OAQ54219] yn ôl, felly cwestiwn 8—Nick Ramsay.

Question 6 [OAQ54214] is withdrawn, as was question 7 [OAQ54219], so question 8—Nick Ramsay.

Lliniaru Sŵn ar yr A40
Noise Mitigation on the A40

8. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y cynigion i liniaru sŵn ar hyd y A40 yn Sir Fynwy? OAQ54218

8. Will the Minister provide an update on noise mitigation proposals along the A40 in Monmouthshire? OAQ54218

I'm very pleased to inform the Member that design development of noise barrier and surfacing works for the action plan priority area near the Bryn on the A40 are currently being finalised, and works will begin this summer and autumn.

Rwy'n falch iawn o roi gwybod i'r Aelod bod gwaith datblygu cynlluniau lliniaru sŵn a gwaith gosod wyneb ffordd ar gyfer ardal flaenoriaeth y cynllun gweithredu ger y Bryn ar yr A40 yn cael eu cwblhau ar hyn o bryd, a bydd y gwaith yn dechrau yn ystod yr haf a'r hydref eleni.

You've answered my supplementary question already, Minister. Clearly, this question is as well worn as that road surface on the A40, which I raise frequently. As you've just said, residents living in the Bryn and neighbouring communities close to the A40 dual carriageway do put up with daily noise pollution because of the ageing concrete road surface of that stretch of road, which needs to be replaced at some point with whisper tarmac. I know your officials have been working on noise mitigation proposals, including acoustic fencing—you've already mentioned that, so I'd be grateful if you could give us a timescale for that. Also, something that came up at a recent residents meeting—has any consideration been given to the possibility of a reduction in the speed limit for at least a stretch of that road? Because in other areas where speed limits have been reduced, maybe to 50 mph, that does produce a lower level of noise pollution. It may be one easy, quick solution to actually dealing with some of that noise pollution.

Rydych eisoes wedi ateb fy nghwestiwn atodol, Weinidog. Yn amlwg, mae'r cwestiwn hwn wedi treulio cymaint ag arwyneb y ffordd honno ar yr A40, ac rwy'n ei godi'n aml. Fel rydych newydd ei ddweud, mae trigolion sy'n byw yn y Bryn a'r cymunedau cyfagos sy'n agos at ffordd ddeuol yr A40 yn dioddef llygredd sŵn dyddiol oherwydd yr arwyneb ffordd concrid sy'n heneiddio ar y rhan honno o'r ffordd, ac mae angen ei adnewyddu ar ryw bwynt â tharmac tawel. Gwn fod eich swyddogion wedi bod yn gweithio ar gynigion lliniaru sŵn, gan gynnwys ffensio acwstig—rydych eisoes wedi sôn am hynny, felly buaswn yn ddiolchgar pe gallech roi amserlen i ni ar gyfer hynny. Hefyd, rhywbeth a gododd mewn cyfarfod preswylwyr yn ddiweddar—a roddwyd unrhyw ystyriaeth i'r posibilrwydd o ostwng y terfyn cyflymder ar y rhan honno o'r ffordd o leiaf? Oherwydd mewn ardaloedd eraill lle mae'r terfynau cyflymder wedi'u gostwng, efallai i 50 mya, mae hynny'n cynhyrchu lefel is o lygredd sŵn. Gall fod yn ateb hawdd a chyflym i fynd i'r afael â pheth o'r llygredd sŵn hwnnw.

Can, I please, Llywydd, check whether that particular area is part of the 600 sites that we are currently assessing under the speed limit review? It may well be that it is, but I will check and report back to the Member. In regard to the other question that he posed, I can confirm that the noise mitigation scheme will be delivered this financial year between Raglan and Abergavenny. I'm also pleased to inform the Member that a £4 million A40 Wye bridge scheme will alleviate congestion on the A40 coming into Wales, as well as improving traffic flows in Monmouth. We are investing as much as we possibly can with strained resources to ensure that we have better connectivity across Wales.

A gaf fi, os gwelwch yn dda, Lywydd, wirio a yw'r ardal benodol honno'n rhan o'r 600 o safleoedd rydym yn eu hasesu ar hyn o bryd o dan yr adolygiad terfynau cyflymder? Mae'n ddigon posibl ei bod, ond fe edrychaf a rhoi gwybod i'r Aelod. O ran y cwestiwn arall a ofynnodd, gallaf gadarnhau y bydd y cynllun lliniaru sŵn yn cael ei gyflwyno rhwng Rhaglan a'r Fenni yn ystod y flwyddyn ariannol hon. Rwyf hefyd yn falch o roi gwybod i'r Aelod y bydd cynllun pont Gwy yr A40, sy'n werth £4 miliwn, yn lleihau'r tagfeydd ar yr A40 sy'n dod i mewn i Gymru, yn ogystal â gwella'r llif traffig yn Nhrefynwy. Rydym yn buddsoddi cymaint ag y gallwn gydag adnoddau prin i sicrhau bod gennym well cysylltedd ar draws Cymru.

Datblygu Economaidd ym Mlaenau'r Cymoedd
Economic Development in the Heads of the Valleys

9. Sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi datblygu economaidd yn ardal Blaenau'r Cymoedd? OAQ54195

9. How is the Welsh Government supporting economic development in the Heads of the Valleys area? OAQ54195

The Welsh Government’s priorities are set in our economic action plan, and the Valleys taskforce delivery plan aligns and focuses on actions that make a real difference, including strengthening the foundational economy.

Mae blaenoriaethau Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'u nodi yn ein cynllun gweithredu ar yr economi, ac mae cynllun cyflawni tasglu'r Cymoedd yn cysoni ac yn canolbwyntio ar gamau sy'n gwneud gwahaniaeth gwirioneddol, gan gynnwys cryfhau'r economi sylfaenol.

Thank you, Deputy Minister. I'm sure you'll be aware that the final costs for the dualling of the A465 Heads of the Valleys road look to stand at more than £2 billion—more than the rejected plans for the M4 relief road. The final section of that road, the last 16 miles, will come in at more than the total that the Welsh Government will be spending on the south Wales metro. Now, I'm a supporter of the road, I think that it's done great things to improve safety and has great economic potential. There have been some tangential benefits to the local communities during the construction phase, but what I'd like to ask you is: what more can the Welsh Government do, moving forward, to ensure that this huge economic asset can be capitalised upon by those communities in the northern Valleys, which are some of our most disadvantaged?

Diolch, Ddirprwy Weinidog. Rwy'n siŵr y byddwch yn ymwybodol y bydd y costau terfynol ar gyfer deuoli ffordd A465 Blaenau'r Cymoedd yn fwy na £2 biliwn—mwy na'r cynlluniau a wrthodwyd ar gyfer ffordd liniaru'r M4. Bydd rhan olaf y ffordd honno, sef yr 16 milltir diwethaf, yn fwy na'r cyfanswm y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wario ar fetro de Cymru. Nawr, rwy'n cefnogi'r ffordd, rwy'n credu ei bod wedi gwneud pethau gwych i wella diogelwch ac mae ganddi botensial economaidd mawr. Cafwyd rhai manteision ymylol i'r cymunedau lleol yn ystod y cyfnod adeiladu, ond yr hyn yr hoffwn ei ofyn i chi yw: beth yn fwy y gall Llywodraeth Cymru ei wneud, wrth symud ymlaen, i sicrhau bod y cymunedau hynny yn y Cymoedd gogleddol, sef rhai o'n hardaloedd mwyaf difreintiedig, yn gallu elwa ar yr ased economaidd anferth hwn?

Thank you for the question. The Member is right to point out the very significant investment the Welsh Government has made in the Heads of the Valleys through the dualling of the road. She also notes there have been community benefits delivered as part of the delivery of the scheme, including apprenticeships and training, employment of local people, spend with local companies, engagement with local schools and supporting community groups and events. But she's also right to point out that building roads in itself does not guarantee a positive economic return to an area. We need to use it as a platform to develop beyond that. This is a conversation I've been having with her and with other Members from the Heads of the Valleys areas through the group that we've set up to shadow the Valleys taskforce, and, as a result of that, I am going to be setting up a sub-group of the Valleys taskforce to look specifically at how the dualling of the road can be leveraged to make sure that there are benefits flowing for the whole region. There is huge potential, as the Member has noted previously, from tourism, from food production, giving arteries into both the midlands and the south Wales economies. So, I think there is much that can be done to build on the very significant investment that we've made, and I'm keen to work with her and colleagues to make sure that we do the best that we can with that. 

Diolch am y cwestiwn. Mae'r Aelod yn iawn i nodi'r buddsoddiad sylweddol iawn y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud ym Mlaenau'r Cymoedd drwy ddeuoli'r ffordd. Mae hefyd yn nodi'r manteision cymunedol sydd wedi deillio o'r gwaith o gyflawni'r cynllun, gan gynnwys prentisiaethau a hyfforddiant, cyflogi pobl leol, gwariant gyda chwmnïau lleol, ymgysylltu ag ysgolion lleol a chefnogi digwyddiadau a grwpiau cymunedol. Ond mae hefyd yn iawn i nodi nad yw adeiladu ffyrdd ynddo'i hun yn gwarantu elw economaidd cadarnhaol i ardal. Mae angen i ni ei ddefnyddio fel llwyfan i ddatblygu y tu hwnt i hynny. Mae hon yn sgwrs rwyf wedi'i chael gyda hi a chydag Aelodau eraill o ardaloedd Blaenau'r Cymoedd drwy'r grŵp a sefydlwyd gennym i gysgodi tasglu'r Cymoedd, ac o ganlyniad i hynny, byddaf yn sefydlu is-grŵp i dasglu'r Cymoedd i edrych yn benodol ar sut y gellir manteisio ar ddeuoli'r ffordd er mwyn sicrhau bod manteision yn llifo i'r rhanbarth gyfan. Mae potensial enfawr, fel y mae'r Aelod wedi'i nodi o'r blaen, i dwristiaeth, i gynhyrchu bwyd, gan ddarparu rhydwelïau i mewn i economïau canolbarth Lloegr a de Cymru. Felly, rwy'n credu bod llawer y gellir ei wneud i adeiladu ar y buddsoddiad sylweddol iawn rydym wedi'i wneud, ac rwy'n awyddus i weithio gyda hi a'i chyd-Aelodau i sicrhau ein bod yn gwneud ein gorau glas gyda hynny.

Diolch i'r Gweinidog a'r Dirprwy Weinidog.

Thank you, Minister and Deputy Minister.

2. Cwestiynau i'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol a’r Gweinidog Brexit (yn rhinwedd ei gyfrifoldebau fel Gweinidog Brexit)
2. Questions to the Counsel General and Brexit Minister (in respect of his Brexit Minister responsibilities)

Felly, dyma ni'n cyrraedd y cwestiynau i'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol a'r Gweinidog Brexit mewn perthynas â'i gyfrifoldebau fel Gweinidog Brexit, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Alun Davies.

That brings us to questions to the Counsel General and Brexit Minister in relation to his responsibilities as Brexit Minister, and the first question is from Alun Davies.

Fframweithiau Cyffredin y DU
UK Common Frameworks

1. A wnaiff y Cwnsler Cyffredinol ddatganiad am ddatblygiad fframweithiau cyffredin y DU? OAQ54215

1. Will the Counsel General make a statement on the development of the UK common frameworks? OAQ54215


There continues to be good progress on frameworks, albeit slower than anticipated due to the impact of 'no deal' planning. We remain committed to frameworks as a long-term system for inter-governmental policy making, and I was pleased to share the first draft framework with the Assembly last week.

Mae cynnydd da'n parhau ar fframweithiau, er yn arafach na'r disgwyl o ganlyniad i effaith cynllunio ar gyfer 'dim bargen'. Rydym wedi ymrwymo i fframweithiau fel system hirdymor ar gyfer llunio polisi rhynglywodraethol, ac roeddwn yn falch o rannu'r fframwaith drafft cyntaf gyda'r Cynulliad yr wythnos diwethaf.

The Counsel General will be aware that this is a matter we discussed with the First Minister at the external affairs committee on Monday. I'm grateful to the Counsel General for his very full answer to that question. Does he not share my concern that in creating common frameworks we are almost creating a hidden state within the United Kingdom where many decisions are taken away from public scrutiny and beyond public reach? Does he share with me the concern that we are working without any framework, as it were, for the common frameworks, and as such, what is required to guarantee public scrutiny and public confidence in this system is a statutory structure that puts in law the basis upon which these frameworks are reached, and enables inter-institutional democratic accountability and scrutiny of the work of these frameworks and the new United Kingdom that seems to be being created behind a curtain?

Bydd y Cwnsler Cyffredinol yn ymwybodol bod hwn yn fater a drafodwyd gyda'r Prif Weinidog yn y pwyllgor materion allanol ddydd Llun. Rwy'n ddiolchgar i'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol am ei ateb llawn iawn i'r cwestiwn hwnnw. Onid yw'n rhannu fy mhryder ein bod, wrth greu fframweithiau cyffredin, bron yn creu gwladwriaeth gudd o fewn y Deyrnas Unedig lle mae llawer o benderfyniadau'n cael eu gwneud heb graffu cyhoeddus a thu hwnt i gyrraedd y cyhoedd? A yw'n rhannu'r pryder ein bod yn gweithio heb unrhyw fframwaith, fel petai, ar gyfer y fframweithiau cyffredin, ac o'r herwydd, yr hyn sydd ei angen i sicrhau bod craffu cyhoeddus yn digwydd a hyder cyhoeddus yn y system hon yw strwythur statudol sy'n gosod y sylfaen ar gyfer y fframweithiau hyn ar sail gyfreithiol, ac sy'n hwyluso atebolrwydd democrataidd rhyngsefydliadol a chraffu ar waith y fframweithiau hyn a'r Deyrnas Unedig newydd sydd fel pe bai'n cael ei chreu y tu ôl i len?

I thank the Member for that further question. The fundamental premise behind the inter-governmental agreement, which is the source of the frameworks programme, was that our default position, if you like, is that frameworks should not be necessary, and so we have approached the task of identifying where frameworks may be necessary from that starting point. As he will know, we have concluded an agreement with the other Governments in the UK that some frameworks will be entirely non-legislative—i.e. they will be based on agreements between Government—and there will be some frameworks that no doubt will involve legislative underpinning. We've shared with the committee our analysis of where those distinctions might lie. One of the areas of focus in developing the common frameworks, and one of the reasons why we have been pressing hard for progress, is the understandable and perfectly legitimate desire on the part of scrutiny committees in all of the legislatures in the UK to engage meaningfully with the process of developing the frameworks and how they operate into the future. So, it is a matter of regret that we have not been able to share more information sooner than we have, but I'm afraid that's been as a consequence, as I say, of the diversion of energies into 'no deal' planning. One of the dimensions of the common frameworks is the question of governance and ongoing review. As he will know, that sits within a broader set of discussions that we are having with the UK Government on improving the quality and machinery of inter-governmental relations, and much of that work touches on the issue of governance, which has very clear read-across to the matters that the Member has raised today. We would have hoped to have made further progress in that area as well, as he will have seen from my letter jointly with the Scottish Government last week, but he can be reassured that we are absolutely mindful of the importance of ensuring that stakeholders have an opportunity of feeding into the development and operation and holding us to account, and, importantly, scrutiny committees in this Assembly and in other legislatures across the UK. 

Diolch i'r Aelod am y cwestiwn pellach hwnnw. Y cynsail sylfaenol y tu ôl i'r cytundeb rhynglywodraethol, sef ffynhonnell y rhaglen fframweithiau, oedd mai ein safbwynt diofyn, os mynnwch, yw na ddylai fframweithiau fod yn angenrheidiol, ac felly rydym wedi ymdrin â'r dasg o nodi lle gallai fod angen fframweithiau o'r man cychwyn hwnnw. Fel y bydd yn gwybod, rydym wedi dod i gytundeb â Llywodraethau eraill yn y DU y bydd rhai fframweithiau'n gwbl anneddfwriaethol—h.y. byddant yn seiliedig ar gytundebau rhwng Llywodraethau—a bydd rhai fframweithiau, mae'n siŵr, yn galw am eu gosod ar sail ddeddfwriaethol. Rydym wedi rhannu ein dadansoddiad â'r pwyllgor o ran beth y gallai'r gwahaniaethau hynny fod. Un o'r meysydd ffocws wrth ddatblygu'r fframweithiau cyffredin, ac un o'r rhesymau pam ein bod wedi pwyso'n galed am gynnydd, yw awydd dealladwy a chwbl ddilys y pwyllgorau craffu ym mhob deddfwrfa yn y DU i ymgysylltu'n ystyrlon â'r broses o ddatblygu'r fframweithiau a sut y byddant yn gweithredu yn y dyfodol. Felly, mae'n resyn nad ydym wedi gallu rhannu mwy o wybodaeth yn gynt nag y gwnaethom, ond rwy'n ofni bod hynny wedi digwydd o ganlyniad, fel y dywedais, i ddargyfeirio egni i gynllunio ar gyfer 'dim bargen'. Un o ddimensiynau'r fframweithiau cyffredin yw'r cwestiwn o lywodraethu ac adolygu parhaus. Fel y gŵyr, mae hynny'n rhan o gyfres ehangach o drafodaethau rydym yn eu cael gyda Llywodraeth y DU ar wella ansawdd a pheirianwaith cysylltiadau rhynglywodraethol, ac mae llawer o'r gwaith hwnnw'n cyffwrdd â mater llywodraethu, sydd â chysylltiadau clir iawn â'r materion a godwyd gan yr Aelod heddiw. Byddem wedi gobeithio bod wedi gwneud cynnydd pellach yn y maes hwnnw hefyd, fel y bydd wedi gweld o fy llythyr ar y cyd â Llywodraeth yr Alban yr wythnos diwethaf, ond gall fod yn dawel ei feddwl ein bod yn gwbl ymwybodol o bwysigrwydd sicrhau bod rhanddeiliaid yn cael cyfle i gyfrannu at y datblygiad a'r gweithrediad ac i'n dwyn ni i gyfrif, ac, yn bwysig, pwyllgorau craffu yn y Cynulliad hwn ac mewn deddfwrfeydd eraill ar draws y DU.  

I note, at this stage of the development of UK common frameworks, that the aim is to widen engagement and consultation, and indeed the UK Government stated on 3 July that they have developed a more detailed engagement plan, and this is to mandate increasing engagement and to raise transparency. Now, it does seem to me that this is exactly how the system should operate. I note that you have some concerns, but in general, this is quite a radical departure for UK governance, and it seems to me to be broadly going in the right direction. There is a great need both for the wider stakeholder community to get involved, and obviously for proper scrutiny and transparency.

Nodaf, ar yr adeg hon yn y broses o ddatblygu fframweithiau cyffredin y DU, mai'r nod yw ehangu ymgysylltiad ac ymgynghoriad, ac yn wir, datganodd Llywodraeth y DU ar 3 Gorffennaf eu bod wedi datblygu cynllun ymgysylltu manylach i fandadu mwy o ymgysylltiad ac i wella tryloywder. Nawr, mae'n ymddangos i mi mai dyma'n union sut y dylai'r system weithredu. Sylwaf fod gennych rai pryderon, ond yn gyffredinol, mae hwn yn newid eithaf radical i broses lywodraethu'r DU, ac mae'n ymddangos i mi ei fod yn mynd i'r cyfeiriad cywir at ei gilydd. Mae angen i'r gymuned ehangach o randdeiliaid gymryd rhan, yn amlwg, er mwyn sicrhau tryloywder a chraffu priodol.

I thank the Member for that. His question acknowledges that the common framework shared to date is the first of what we hope is many frameworks that we can share. And they are absolutely—. You know, it is not a fait accompli. It is there for engagement with stakeholders. On that particular framework, there has been a pilot for engaging with stakeholders and we hope to learn from that as we develop the scrutiny and engagement process in relation to this going forward. It is right to say that, of all the areas of inter-governmental relations flowing from Brexit, the development of the common frameworks, which has happened overwhelmingly at official level, has been among the most productive, even if there has been, by this stage, little to put in the public domain. The quality of engagement is probably better there than in any other part of the process.

Diolch i'r Aelod am hynny. Mae ei gwestiwn yn cydnabod mai'r fframwaith cyffredin a rennir hyd yma yw'r cyntaf, fe obeithiwn, o nifer o fframweithiau y gallwn eu rhannu. Ac maent yn hollol—. Wyddoch chi, nid yw'n fait accompli. Mae yno ar gyfer ymgysylltu â rhanddeiliaid. O ran y fframwaith penodol hwnnw, cynhaliwyd cynllun peilot ar gyfer ymgysylltu â rhanddeiliaid ac rydym yn gobeithio dysgu o hwnnw wrth i ni ddatblygu'r broses graffu ac ymgysylltu mewn perthynas â hyn yn y dyfodol. Mae'n wir dweud, o'r holl feysydd cysylltiadau rhynglywodraethol sy'n deillio o Brexit, fod y broses o ddatblygu'r fframweithiau cyffredin, sydd wedi digwydd i raddau helaeth ar lefel swyddogol, ymhlith y mwyaf cynhyrchiol, hyd yn oed os nad oes llawer wedi bod erbyn y cam hwn i'w gyflwyno'n gyhoeddus. Mae ansawdd yr ymgysylltu yn siŵr o fod yn well yno nag yn unrhyw ran arall o'r broses.

Effaith Brexit ar y Diwydiant Gweithgynhyrchu Ceir
The Impact of Brexit on the Car Manufacturing Industry

2. Pa asesiad sydd wedi'i wneud o effaith Brexit ar y diwydiant gweithgynhyrchu ceir? OAQ54226

2. What assessment has been made of the impact of Brexit on the car manufacturing industry? OAQ54226

We are in regular dialogue with companies in the sector, the Welsh Automotive Forum and national sector bodies regarding the potential impact of a 'no deal' Brexit, which would be disastrous for the automotive and, indeed, other industries.

Rydym yn cynnal deialog reolaidd â chwmnïau yn y sector, Fforwm Modurol Cymru a chyrff sector cenedlaethol ynghylch effaith bosibl Brexit 'dim bargen', a fyddai'n drychinebus i'r diwydiannau modurol ac i ddiwydiannau eraill yn wir.

I'm grateful to the Counsel General for his response. He'll be aware that, according to the European Automobile Manufacturers Association, 80 per cent of the cars assembled in the UK are sold abroad. Around 58 per cent of those are exported to the EU. As the Counsel General said, if we don't get some sort of trade deal, the tariffs on car exports could be very serious—up to 10 per cent—which will really hit the competitiveness of Welsh manufacturers in this really important sector.

He will also be aware of the Cardiff Business School report for the Welsh Government in 2017, highlighting how firms linked to the automotive sector based in Llanelli, such as Calsonic and Schaeffler, could be exposed in this scenario. We now know, of course, that 200 jobs are at risk at Schaeffler's Llanelli plant. So, can the Counsel General tell us a bit more about what actions the Welsh Government is taking to mitigate the potential impact of Brexit on this key interest, particularly in the case of a 'no deal' scenario?

Rwy'n ddiolchgar i'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol am ei ateb. Fe fydd yn ymwybodol fod 80 y cant o'r ceir sy'n cael eu cydosod yn y DU yn cael eu gwerthu dramor yn ôl Cymdeithas Gweithgynhyrchwyr Moduron Ewrop. Mae tua 58 y cant o'r rheini'n cael eu hallforio i'r UE. Fel y dywedodd y Cwnsler Cyffredinol, os na chawn ryw fath o gytundeb masnach, gallai'r tariffau ar allforion ceir fod yn ddifrifol iawn—hyd at 10 y cant—a byddant yn ergyd i gystadleurwydd gweithgynhyrchwyr Cymru yn y sector gwirioneddol bwysig hwn.

Bydd hefyd yn ymwybodol o adroddiad Ysgol Fusnes Caerdydd ar gyfer Llywodraeth Cymru yn 2017, sy'n amlygu sut y gallai cwmnïau sy'n gysylltiedig â'r sector modurol yn Llanelli, megis Calsonic a Schaeffler, fod yn agored i risg yn y sefyllfa hon. Rydym yn gwybod erbyn hyn, wrth gwrs, fod 200 o swyddi mewn perygl yn safle Schaeffler yn Llanelli. Felly, a all y Cwnsler Cyffredinol ddweud ychydig yn rhagor wrthym am y camau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i liniaru effaith bosibl Brexit ar y buddiant allweddol hwn, yn enwedig mewn sefyllfa 'dim bargen'?

Well, I thank the Member for her further question. She's right to highlight the significance of the automotive sector to the Welsh economy. It employs about 11 per cent of the manufacturing workforce, which is around 18,500 people in Wales, and brings in revenue of around £3 billion. So, it's a very, very significant contributor to the Welsh economy. She's right to highlight the damage that trading on WTO terms would cause to the sector—and, indeed, operating outside a customs union. PwC recently estimated that deliveries to Germany from the UK, which can currently be achieved in around 12 hours, could take up to 72 hours. She will know, I know, that the impact that that has on the just-in-time supply chain arrangements of the automotive sector is going to be very, very significant.

The Minister for Economy and Transport issued a written statement earlier this year describing ongoing activity to support and promote the Welsh automotive sector in this difficult time. He's also met key players from the industry, including those, for example, earlier in the year affected by the Honda announcement, which was an announcement geographically in England but had knock-on effects for us here in Wales. There are 20 Honda suppliers in Wales, some of them very significantly exposed to that company.

She will also know of the support that the Welsh Government has given, both in terms of skills investment and in other terms, through the European transition fund, for example, to the automotive sector. We continue to lobby the UK Government to ensure that we do not leave the European Union on terms that would impose punishing tariffs and non-tariff barriers on the automotive industry and, indeed, other important sectors to our economy.

Wel, diolch i'r Aelod am ei chwestiwn pellach. Mae'n iawn i dynnu sylw at bwysigrwydd y sector modurol i economi Cymru. Mae'n cyflogi tua 11 y cant o'r gweithlu gweithgynhyrchu, sef oddeutu 18,500 o bobl yng Nghymru, ac mae'n denu refeniw o tua £3 biliwn. Felly, mae'n gyfrannwr sylweddol iawn i economi Cymru. Mae'n iawn i dynnu sylw at y niwed y byddai masnachu ar delerau Sefydliad Masnach y Byd yn ei achosi i'r sector—a gweithredu y tu allan i undeb tollau yn wir. Yn ddiweddar, amcangyfrifodd PwC y gallai cyflenwadau i'r Almaen o'r DU, y gellir eu cyflawni mewn tua 12 awr ar hyn o bryd, gymryd hyd at 72 awr. Gwn ei bod yn gwybod y bydd yr effaith a gaiff hynny ar drefniadau'r gadwyn gyflenwi mewn union bryd yn y sector modurol yn arwyddocaol iawn.

Yn gynharach eleni, cyhoeddodd Gweinidog yr Economi a Thrafnidiaeth ddatganiad ysgrifenedig yn disgrifio gweithgarwch parhaus i gefnogi a hybu sector modurol Cymru yn y cyfnod anodd hwn. Mae hefyd wedi cyfarfod â phobl allweddol sy'n gweithio yn y diwydiant, gan gynnwys y rheini, er enghraifft, yn gynharach eleni a gafodd eu heffeithio gan gyhoeddiad Honda, a oedd yn gyhoeddiad a wnaed yn Lloegr, yn ddaearyddol, ond a achosodd sgil-effeithiau yma yng Nghymru. Mae 20 o gyflenwyr Honda yng Nghymru, a rhai ohonynt yn agored iawn i'r hyn sy'n digwydd i'r cwmni hwnnw.

Fe fydd hi'n gwybod hefyd am y cymorth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i roi i'r sector modurol, o ran buddsoddi mewn sgiliau ac mewn ffyrdd eraill, er enghraifft drwy'r gronfa bontio Ewropeaidd. Rydym yn parhau i lobïo Llywodraeth y DU i sicrhau nad ydym yn gadael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd ar delerau a fyddai'n gosod tariffau sy'n cosbi a rhwystrau nad ydynt yn dariffau ar y diwydiant modurol, ac ar sectorau pwysig eraill i'n heconomi yn wir.

In keeping with all the parties in this Chamber, the Brexit Party is hugely disappointed with Ford's decision with regard to the plant at Bridgend. Our sympathy lies with the workforce, which has made tremendous efforts to comply with Ford working regimes over the years. But, let us be explicit here: Ford's decision has nothing whatsoever to do with Brexit. This has been categorically stated by the Ford management. As with all big business, and this includes all the motor manufacturers and all the subsidiary manufacturers, Ford will take the best option for the company. One has to remember that they removed production of their transport vans to Turkey—and just to remind everybody, Turkey is not even in the European Union. Though the EU partly funded the plant in Turkey—[Interruption.] The EU partly funded the plant in Turkey—[Interruption.]

Yn unol â'r holl bleidiau yn y Siambr hon, mae Plaid Brexit yn hynod siomedig ynglŷn â phenderfyniad Ford mewn perthynas â'r gwaith ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr. Rydym yn cydymdeimlo gyda'r gweithlu, sydd wedi gwneud ymdrechion aruthrol i gydymffurfio â threfniadau gwaith Ford dros y blynyddoedd. Ond gadewch i ni fod yn glir yma: nid oes gan benderfyniad Ford ddim o gwbl i'w wneud â Brexit. Mae rheolwyr Ford wedi datgan hynny'n bendant. Fel gyda phob busnes mawr, ac mae hyn yn cynnwys yr holl weithgynhyrchwyr modurol a'r holl is-weithgynhyrchwyr, bydd Ford yn dewis yr opsiwn gorau i'r cwmni. Mae'n rhaid i ni gofio eu bod wedi symud y gwaith o gynhyrchu eu faniau cludiant i Dwrci—ac i atgoffa pawb, nid yw Twrci yn yr Undeb Ewropeaidd hyd yn oed. Er bod yr UE wedi ariannu'r gwaith yn Nhwrci yn rhannol—[Torri ar draws.] Fe wnaeth yr UE ariannu'r gwaith yn Nhwrci yn rhannol—[Torri ar draws.]

If I can't hear the question, I'm sure the Minister can't hear the question either. 

Os na allaf fi glywed y cwestiwn, rwy'n siŵr nad yw'r Aelod yn gallu clywed y cwestiwn chwaith.

What one has to remember is that any tariffs put on any of the exports, particularly of the car industry, after Brexit, will have a hugely detrimental effect on European car manufacturers. And we're not just talking about the German car industry; we're talking about the French car industry, which is increasingly dependent upon their exports to the UK. So, to say that Brexit is going to have this detrimental effect on the car industry is absolute nonsense. Will the Counsel General not agree with me on those points?

Mae'n rhaid cofio y bydd unrhyw dariffau a osodir ar unrhyw rai o'r allforion, yn enwedig yn y diwydiant ceir, ar ôl Brexit, yn cael effaith andwyol iawn ar weithgynhyrchwyr ceir Ewropeaidd. Ac nid ydym yn sôn am ddiwydiant ceir yr Almaen yn unig; rydym yn sôn am ddiwydiant ceir Ffrainc, sy'n gynyddol ddibynnol ar eu hallforion i'r DU. Felly, mae dweud y bydd Brexit yn cael yr effaith niweidiol hon ar y diwydiant ceir yn nonsens llwyr. A wnaiff y Cwnsler Cyffredinol gytuno â mi ar y pwyntiau hynny?


No, he will not. I think if we are going to properly evaluate the impact of Brexit on our economies, it's important that our reflections have some connection with the realities of what is going on. And I think he has conveniently forgotten the statement made by senior executives at Ford at the end of last year, which were very clear about the damaging impact of a 'no deal' Brexit on the automotive sector here in Wales. I will refer the Member to the remarks I made earlier, in relation to the damage that would be caused to this vital sector by the course of action that he is a passionate advocate for.

Na wnaiff. Os ydym yn mynd i werthuso effaith Brexit ar ein heconomïau yn briodol, rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig fod gan ein sylwadau ryw gysylltiad â gwirioneddau'r hyn sy'n digwydd. Ac rwy'n credu ei fod wedi anghofio'n gyfleus iawn y datganiad a wnaed gan uwch-swyddogion gweithredol Ford ddiwedd y llynedd, a oedd yn dweud yn glir iawn am effaith niweidiol Brexit 'dim bargen' ar y sector modurol yma yng Nghymru. Cyfeiriaf yr Aelod at y sylwadau a wneuthum yn gynharach mewn perthynas â'r niwed a fyddai'n cael ei achosi i'r sector hanfodol hwn drwy'r llwybr gweithredu y mae'n lladmerydd angerddol drosto.

Cwestiynau Heb Rybudd gan Lefarwyr y Pleidiau
Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople

Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Darren Millar.

Questions now from the party spokespeople. The Conservative spokesperson, Darren Millar.

Diolch, Llywydd. What opportunities has the Welsh Government identified as a result of Brexit?

Diolch, Lywydd. Pa gyfleoedd y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'u nodi o ganlyniad i Brexit?

Well, it's important, isn't it, to try and be clear-sighted about these things? It is absolutely our view that the overwhelming outcome of Brexit on Wales is negative. A 'no deal' Brexit, which he is happy to tolerate—and the candidate in the Conservative leadership that he supports is increasingly keen upon—would be particularly damaging for Wales. But there are aspects of the process that we've been engaging in so far that can provide aspects of optimism for the future. For example, if the UK Government lives up to its promises that we should have not a penny less and not a power taken away, in relation to future structural funds here in Wales, there are opportunities for those funds to be deployed in ways that, free from the constraints of particular European programmes, can even better support the Welsh economy. But perhaps he can join me in pressing the Secretary of State for Wales and the UK Government to live up to those commitments, which they've so singularly failed to do so far. There are also opportunities for us, if the proposals that the Welsh Government have put forward were taken up, to strengthen the devolution settlement, and strengthen inter-governmental machinery, which has been exposed, as a consequence of Brexit, to be so inadequate. But he will have seen from the statements the First Minister, and I, and others have made, over the course of the last week to 10 days, that the UK Government has, so far at least, fallen significantly short in that respect as well.

Wel, mae'n bwysig ceisio gweld y pethau hyn yn glir, onid yw? Rydym yn credu'n bendant mai negyddol i raddau helaeth iawn fydd effaith Brexit ar Gymru. Byddai Brexit 'dim bargen', y mae ef yn hapus i'w oddef—a'r hyn y mae'r ymgeisydd yn ras arweinyddiaeth y Ceidwadwyr y mae'r Aelod yn ei gefnogi yn fwyfwy brwd yn ei gylch—yn arbennig o niweidiol i Gymru. Ond ceir agweddau ar y broses y buom yn ymwneud â hi hyd yma a allai gynnig elfennau optimistaidd ar gyfer y dyfodol. Er enghraifft, os yw Llywodraeth y DU yn gwireddu ei haddewidion na ddylem fod geiniog ar ein colled ac na fydd pŵer yn cael ei gipio oddi wrthym mewn perthynas â chronfeydd strwythurol yn y dyfodol yma yng Nghymru, mae cyfleoedd i'r cronfeydd hynny gael eu defnyddio mewn ffyrdd a allai gefnogi economi Cymru hyd yn oed yn well o fod yn rhydd o gyfyngiadau rhaglenni Ewropeaidd penodol. Ond efallai y gall ymuno â mi i bwyso ar Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru a Llywodraeth y DU i gadw at yr ymrwymiadau hynny, ymrwymiadau y maent wedi methu'n lân â'u cyflawni hyd yma. Ceir cyfleoedd hefyd, os derbynnir y cynigion y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'u cyflwyno, i gryfhau'r setliad datganoli, ac atgyfnerthu systemau rhynglywodraethol, y dangoswyd o ganlyniad i Brexit eu bod mor annigonol. Ond bydd wedi gweld o'r datganiadau y mae'r Prif Weinidog a minnau ac eraill wedi'u gwneud yn ystod yr wythnos i 10 diwrnod diwethaf, fod Llywodraeth y DU, hyd yn hyn o leiaf, ar ei hôl hi'n sylweddol o ran hynny hefyd.

Well, the truth is that, despite the constant doom and gloom from the Welsh Government, and from you, Minister, the reality is that there will be some fantastic opportunities for Wales, once the barriers that are currently in place and the shackles that are currently there as a result of our membership of the European Union have been removed. We will no longer have to walk on eggshells, worrying about compliance with EU rules, when legislation, for example, is presented to this Chamber. And I'm surprised you didn't refer—[Interruption.] I'm surprised that you didn't refer to legislation at all in your response. Because, as you will know, Portugal has stood in the way of the introduction of minimum alcohol pricing here in Wales—something that this Chamber voted to support in the interests of the health and well-being of Welsh citizens. So, do you agree with me that leaving the EU gives us an opportunity to get on in helping the health and well-being of our citizens, by delivering that minimum alcohol price, which this Chamber supported? And can you tell us what action you are taking in order to ensure that the legislative programme in the future takes advantage of the opportunities that might appear post Brexit?

Wel, y gwir amdani, er gwaethaf y darogan gwae parhaus gan Lywodraeth Cymru, a gennych chi, Weinidog, y realiti yw y bydd yna gyfleoedd gwych i Gymru ar ôl cael gwared ar y rhwystrau sydd yn eu lle ar hyn o bryd a'r hualau sydd yno ar hyn o bryd o ganlyniad i'n haelodaeth o'r Undeb Ewropeaidd. Bellach, ni fydd yn rhaid inni gerdded ar bigau'r drain, yn poeni ynglŷn â chydymffurfio â rheolau'r UE, pan gyflwynir deddfwriaeth, er enghraifft, i'r Siambr hon. Ac rwy'n synnu na chyfeirioch chi—[Torri ar draws.] Rwy'n synnu na chyfeirioch chi at ddeddfwriaeth o gwbl yn eich ymateb. Oherwydd, fel y gwyddoch, mae Portiwgal wedi sefyll yn ffordd y cynnig i gyflwyno isafswm pris alcohol yma yng Nghymru—rhywbeth y pleidleisiodd y Siambr hon o blaid ei gefnogi er lles iechyd a lles dinasyddion Cymru. Felly, a ydych yn cytuno â mi fod gadael yr UE yn rhoi cyfle inni fwrw ati i hybu iechyd a lles ein dinasyddion drwy gyflwyno isafswm pris alcohol, cam a gefnogwyd gan y Siambr hon? Ac a allwch ddweud wrthym pa gamau yr ydych yn eu cymryd er mwyn sicrhau bod y rhaglen ddeddfwriaethol yn y dyfodol yn manteisio ar y cyfleoedd a allai ymddangos ar ôl Brexit?

Well, on the question of legislation, I think he misunderstands the situation. The Portuguese intervention is part of a set of rights and processes that exist across the European Union, which underpin the legislative framework through which we've been operating, and continue to operate, as member states. And we are proud of the fact in this place, I think, that we operate within the framework of European law, which has developed a network of human rights and protections for our citizens here in Wales, environmental protections, social protections, workforce protections, which his party—or certainly he—would happily throw away, it seems, in the support that he shows for a 'no deal' Brexit. We here should be proud of that, rather than regard it as an imposition. We've worked very hard in the Welsh Government, with other Governments across the UK, to ensure that we have been transposing the EU body of law into Welsh law so that those rights are not lost on the point of exit, because we regard them as an asset to Welsh public life and not the regulatory burden that he implies they should be. 

Wel, o ran deddfwriaeth, credaf ei fod yn camddeall y sefyllfa. Mae ymyrraeth Portiwgal yn rhan o set o hawliau a phrosesau sy'n bodoli ar draws yr Undeb Ewropeaidd, sy'n sail i'r fframwaith deddfwriaethol yr ydym wedi bod yn gweithredu drwyddo, ac yn parhau i weithredu drwyddo fel aelod-wladwriaethau. Ac rwy'n credu ein bod yn falch o'r ffaith yn y lle hwn ein bod yn gweithredu o fewn fframwaith cyfraith Ewrop, sydd wedi datblygu rhwydwaith o hawliau dynol a mesurau diogelu i'n dinasyddion yma yng Nghymru, mesurau diogelu amgylcheddol, mesurau diogelu cymdeithasol, mesurau diogelu'r gweithlu, y byddai ei blaid ef—neu ef yn sicr—yn barod iawn i gael eu gwared, mae'n ymddangos, yn ôl y gefnogaeth y mae'n ei dangos i Brexit 'dim bargen'. Dylem fod yn falch o hynny yma, yn hytrach na'i ystyried yn fwrn. Rydym wedi gweithio'n galed iawn yn Llywodraeth Cymru, gyda llywodraethau eraill ledled y DU, i sicrhau ein bod wedi bod yn trosglwyddo corff cyfraith yr UE i mewn i gyfraith Cymru fel nad yw'r hawliau hynny'n cael eu colli wrth ymadael, oherwydd ein bod yn eu hystyried yn gaffaeliad i fywyd cyhoeddus Cymru yn hytrach na'r baich rheoleiddiol y mae'n awgrymu y byddent.


It speaks volumes, frankly, Minister, that this administration here in Wales will take every single opportunity that it can to criticise the UK Government, no matter how unfair that criticism is, and yet you jump at the chance to praise the European Union no matter how undeserved that praise might be. We heard this week that the Welsh Labour Party's priorities are clear. It's the European Union first, and the union of the United Kingdom last. And because this Chamber won't hear it from the Brexit Minister, let me tell you about the opportunities that we will see, because, of course, we will see the regulatory burden rolled back, potentially, from many businesses that don't need to trade overseas with export. We will also see, of course, some significant savings for the taxpayer. We will have the shared prosperity fund to replace the European Union funds that we will lose. And, of course, the two candidates for the leadership of the Conservative Party, one of whom will become Prime Minister, have both guaranteed that Wales will not lose out a single penny of European funding compared to the cash that it receives to date.

So, instead of having to apply rules here in the UK that benefit farmers in France, fishermen in Iceland, wine producers in Portugal, don't you think it would be better to be able to have our own rules that support farmers here, food and drink producers here in Wales? And can you explain how you are respecting the outcome of the referendum, which is what you promised to do in the aftermath of the referendum back in June 2016? You said that you would respect the result as a Welsh Government and seek to implement that result. You stood on a manifesto that said that you would respect the result. You have now, of course, rolled back from that, kicking sand in the eyes of the electorate, rejecting the decision they made to leave the European Union. So, can you explain why you have shifted your position so significantly, and when will you wake up, smell the coffee, and look at Brexit as a wonderful and glorious opportunity for Wales, not the sort of doom and gloom that you are predicting?

Mae'n siarad cyfrolau, a bod yn onest, Weinidog, y bydd y weinyddiaeth hon yma yng Nghymru yn manteisio ar bob cyfle posibl i feirniadu Llywodraeth y DU, ni waeth pa mor annheg yw'r feirniadaeth honno, ac eto rydych yn achub ar y cyfle i ganmol yr Undeb Ewropeaidd ni waeth pa mor anhaeddiannol yw'r ganmoliaeth honno o bosibl. Clywsom yr wythnos hon fod blaenoriaethau'r Blaid Lafur yng Nghymru yn glir. Yr Undeb Ewropeaidd yn gyntaf, ac undeb y Deyrnas Unedig yn olaf. Ac am nad yw'r Siambr hon yn mynd i'w glywed gan y Gweinidog Brexit, gadewch imi ddweud wrthych am y cyfleoedd a welwn, oherwydd, wrth gwrs, byddwn yn gweld y baich rheoleiddiol yn cael ei leihau, o bosibl, i lawer o fusnesau nad oes angen iddynt fasnachu dramor gydag allforion. Byddwn hefyd yn gweld rhai arbedion sylweddol i'r trethdalwr wrth gwrs. Bydd gennym y gronfa ffyniant gyffredin i gymryd lle'r cronfeydd Undeb Ewropeaidd a gollwn. Ac wrth gwrs, mae'r ddau ymgeisydd am arweinyddiaeth y Blaid Geidwadol, y bydd un ohonynt yn dod yn Brif Weinidog, ill dau'n sicr na fydd Cymru'n colli'r un geiniog o gyllid Ewropeaidd o gymharu â'r arian y mae'n ei gael hyd yma.

Felly, yn hytrach na gorfod gweithredu rheolau yma yn y DU sydd o fudd i ffermwyr yn Ffrainc, pysgotwyr yng Ngwlad yr Iâ, cynhyrchwyr gwin ym Mhortiwgal, onid ydych chi'n meddwl y byddai'n well gallu cael ein rheolau ein hunain sy'n cefnogi ffermwyr yma, cynhyrchwyr bwyd a diod yma yng Nghymru? Ac a allwch egluro sut rydych yn parchu canlyniad y refferendwm, sef yr hyn yr addawoch chi ei wneud yn dilyn y refferendwm yn ôl ym mis Mehefin 2016? Fe ddywedoch chi y byddech yn parchu'r canlyniad fel Llywodraeth Cymru ac yn ceisio gweithredu'r canlyniad hwnnw. Fe safoch ar faniffesto a ddywedai y byddech yn parchu'r canlyniad. Bellach, wrth gwrs, rydych wedi camu'n ôl oddi wrth hynny, a chicio tywod i lygaid yr etholwyr, gan wrthod y penderfyniad a wnaethant i adael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd. Felly, a allwch egluro pam eich bod wedi newid eich safbwynt i'r fath raddau, a pha bryd y gwnewch chi ddihuno, wynebu'r gwirionedd, ac edrych ar Brexit fel cyfle bendigedig a gogoneddus i Gymru, nid y math o wae rydych chi'n ei ddarogan?

Well, I'm going to resist the temptation of the Pollyanna-like blandishments of the opposition spokesman in this regard. Can I just pick him up on one point? He talks about the shared prosperity fund and the commitments made in relation to that. Let's be clear: what Boris Johnson said last Friday was a constitutional outrage—the fact that those funds would be better deployed if there was a Conservative element to them, not a UK Government element, but a Conservative element. What does that mean? If he wants the Conservatives to manage those funds, the Conservatives need to win an election here in Wales, which you haven't done during the last 100 years. [Interruption.]

Wel, rwy'n mynd i ymwrthod â themtasiwn breuddwyd gwrach llefarydd yr wrthblaid yn hyn o beth. A gaf fi godi un pwynt? Mae'n sôn am y gronfa ffyniant gyffredin a'r ymrwymiadau a wnaed yng nghyswllt hynny. Gadewch i ni fod yn glir: roedd yr hyn a ddywedodd Boris Johnson ddydd Gwener diwethaf yn warth cyfansoddiadol—y ffaith y byddai'n well defnyddio'r arian hwnnw pe bai elfen Geidwadol yn perthyn iddynt, nid elfen Llywodraeth y DU, ond elfen Geidwadol. Beth yw ystyr hynny? Os yw am i'r Ceidwadwyr reoli'r arian hwnnw, mae angen i'r Ceidwadwyr ennill etholiad yma yng Nghymru, rhywbeth nad ydych wedi'i wneud dros y 100 mlynedd diwethaf. [Torri ar draws.]

Okay. Let's listen to the Brexit Minister's response. 

O'r gorau. Beth am wrando ar ymateb y Gweinidog Brexit.

I will tell you the extent to which the UK Government respect the devolution settlement in relation to that. When the Minister stood up in the House of Commons and told us we wouldn't be hearing about anything in relation to that fund until next year, that was the first we'd heard of that. There was no courtesy telling us what the plans were, despite pressing for that. So, that is the extent of respect for the devolution boundary.

He asks me about respecting the result of the last referendum. He knows very well that we on these benches have advocated for a long time a form of Brexit that respected the result of the 2016 referendum whilst doing the least damage possible to Wales. And the intransigence of the Prime Minister for his party in Parliament stood in the path of that outcome. And we recognise here, which he should recognise, that we have reached the end of the road in relation to that, and the only means of avoiding a 'no deal' Brexit, for which there is no mandate in that referendum result, is a referendum that we are calling for. 

Fe ddywedaf wrthych i ba raddau y mae Llywodraeth y DU yn parchu'r setliad datganoli yng nghyswllt hynny. Pan gododd y Gweinidog yn Nhŷ'r Cyffredin a dweud wrthym na fyddem yn clywed unrhyw beth am y gronfa honno tan y flwyddyn nesaf, dyna'r tro cyntaf inni glywed am hynny. Nid oedd ganddynt y cwrteisi i ddweud wrthym beth oedd y cynlluniau, er i ni bwyso am hynny. Felly, dyna hyd a lled y parch at y ffin ddatganoli.

Mae'n gofyn i mi ynglŷn â pharchu canlyniad y refferendwm diwethaf. Mae'n gwybod yn iawn ein bod ni ar y meinciau hyn wedi dadlau dros gyfnod hir am ffurf ar Brexit a oedd yn parchu canlyniad refferendwm 2016 gan wneud y niwed lleiaf posibl i Gymru. Ac roedd anhyblygrwydd y Prif Weinidog dros ei blaid yn y Senedd yn sefyll yn ffordd y canlyniad hwnnw. Ac rydym yn cydnabod yma y dylai yntau gydnabod ein bod wedi cyrraedd pen y daith mewn perthynas â hynny, a'r unig ffordd o osgoi Brexit 'dim bargen', nad oes mandad ar ei gyfer yng nghanlyniad refferendwm hwnnw, yw'r refferendwm yr ydym yn galw amdano.

Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Delyth Jewell. 

The Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Delyth Jewell. 

Minister, Labour's new Brexit policy is to support a referendum on Brexit and a campaign to remain if Boris Johnson or Jeremy Hunt is Prime Minister, while intending to renegotiate and leave if Jeremy Corbyn is Prime Minister. I'm sure people who've been following the evolution of Labour policy will conclude that there have now been so many backward steps to accompany every forward step that Jeremy Corbyn's feet have become entangled and he is now in a metaphorical confused heap on the floor. [Interruption.] The logical consequence of this new policy is that the only way to ensure that Labour campaigns to remain in any future referendum is to ensure that your party is not in power in Westminster.  

Weinidog, polisi newydd Brexit Llafur yw cefnogi refferendwm ar Brexit ac ymgyrch dros aros os yw Boris Johnson neu Jeremy Hunt yn Brif Weinidog, gyda'r bwriad o ailnegodi a gadael os yw Jeremy Corbyn yn Brif Weinidog. Rwy'n siŵr y bydd pobl sydd wedi bod yn dilyn esblygiad polisi Llafur yn dod i'r casgliad fod cymaint o gamau'n ôl wedi bod erbyn hyn am bob cam ymlaen fel bod traed Jeremy Corbyn wedi baglu ar draws ei gilydd ac mae bellach yn gorwedd mewn pentwr dryslyd trosiadol ar y llawr. [Torri ar draws.] Canlyniad rhesymegol y polisi newydd hwn yw mai'r unig ffordd i sicrhau bod Llafur yn ymgyrchu dros aros mewn unrhyw refferendwm yn y dyfodol yw sicrhau nad yw eich plaid chi mewn grym yn San Steffan.


No, it's not out of order. Can you carry on, Delyth Jewell, please? And can we have some silence from the backbenches of the Labour Party? 

Na, nid yw allan o drefn. A wnewch chi barhau, Delyth Jewell, os gwelwch yn dda? Ac a gawn ni rywfaint o dawelwch o feinciau cefn y Blaid Lafur?

Minister, do you therefore agree that, if there is a general election, it would make sense for people who wish to see Labour campaign to remain in the EU in any future referendum to vote for parties that will campaign to remain under any circumstances? 

Weinidog, a ydych yn cytuno felly, os ceir etholiad cyffredinol, y byddai'n gwneud synnwyr i bobl sy'n dymuno gweld Llafur yn ymgyrchu dros aros yn yr UE mewn unrhyw refferendwm yn y dyfodol bleidleisio dros bleidiau a fydd yn ymgyrchu i aros mewn unrhyw amgylchiadau?

Well, I think it's somewhat churlish, when one has been calling for a referendum, not to welcome the fact that a party then promises a referendum as a recognition of progress. But the Member knows very clearly what our position is here, as a Welsh Labour Government in Wales. We have advocated for a position as described in the joint paper that we had with Plaid Cymru. We have recognised that we have reached the end of the road in relation to that, and we call for a referendum in relation to any departure on any terms or a 'no deal' departure, whichever Prime Minister negotiates those terms. She will know that we continue to advocate that in all our discussions with the UK Government and to ask them to take proactive steps to make that a reality. The First Minister has written to all Welsh Members of Parliament asking them to join the calls in favour of a referendum and to ensure that Parliament plays its part in making that a reality, and we are happy to work with any other party who shares that objective. 

Wel, pan fydd rhywun wedi bod yn galw am refferendwm, rwy'n credu ei bod hi braidd yn anfoesgar i beidio â chroesawu'r ffaith bod y blaid honno wedyn yn addo refferendwm fel cydnabyddiaeth o gynnydd. Ond mae'r Aelod yn gwybod yn glir beth yw ein sefyllfa yma fel Llywodraeth Lafur yng Nghymru. Rydym wedi dadlau dros safbwynt a ddisgrifiwyd yn y papur a gawsom ar y cyd â Phlaid Cymru. Rydym wedi cydnabod ein bod wedi cyrraedd y pen draw mewn perthynas â hwnnw, a galwn am refferendwm mewn perthynas â gadael ar unrhyw delerau neu adael 'dim bargen', pa Brif Weinidog bynnag sy'n negodi'r telerau hynny. Bydd yn gwybod ein bod yn parhau i ddadlau o blaid hynny yn ein holl drafodaethau gyda Llywodraeth y DU ac yn gofyn iddynt gymryd camau rhagweithiol i wireddu hynny. Mae Prif Weinidog Cymru wedi ysgrifennu at holl Aelodau Seneddol Cymru yn gofyn iddynt ymuno â'r galwadau o blaid refferendwm ac i sicrhau bod y Senedd yn chwarae ei rhan i wireddu hynny, ac rydym yn hapus i weithio gydag unrhyw blaid arall sy'n rhannu'r amcan hwnnw.

Thank you, Minister. That was a valiant attempt to justify the latest manifestation of your party's Brexit policy, though I suspect people watching will want to draw their own conclusions as to whether that argument holds water. 

Boris Johnson recently said that if he were Prime Minister, he'd want a strong Conservative influence over how the EU funding replacement scheme—the shared prosperity fund—was spent in Wales, and the Conservatives, in this Chamber today, have said that, 'You lot should not be trusted with that'. Their words not mine. Since the Conservatives are not in power here, this suggests that Boris Johnson wants the fund to be administered from Westminster, or that there may be some truth to the rumour that his friend, not mine, the Secretary of State for Wales, wants it to be administered by local authorities. Do you agree with me, Minister, that this would be a naked power grab, which would run counter to the Wales Act 2017, and that it should also therefore be possibly illegal since powers over economic development, including the administration and spending of regional funds, are devolved to this Assembly?  

Diolch yn fawr, Weinidog. Dyna ymgais ddewr i gyfiawnhau'r ffurf ddiweddaraf ar bolisi Brexit eich plaid, er fy mod yn tybio y bydd y bobl sy'n gwylio am ffurfio'u casgliadau eu hunain p'un a yw'r ddadl honno'n dal dŵr.

Dywedodd Boris Johnson yn ddiweddar, pe bai'n Brif Weinidog y byddai am weld dylanwad Ceidwadol cryf dros y modd y gwerir y cynllun i adnewyddu cyllid yr UE—y gronfa ffyniant gyffredin—yng Nghymru, ac mae'r Ceidwadwyr yn y Siambr hon heddiw wedi dweud, 'Ni ddylid ymddiried ynoch chi i wneud hynny'. Eu geiriau hwy nid fy ngeiriau i. Gan nad yw'r Ceidwadwyr mewn grym yma, mae hyn yn awgrymu bod Boris Johnson am i'r gronfa gael ei gweinyddu o San Steffan, neu efallai fod rhywfaint o wirionedd yn y si fod ei gyfaill, nid fy nghyfaill i, Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru, am iddi gael ei gweinyddu gan awdurdodau lleol. A ydych yn cytuno â mi, Weinidog, y byddai hyn yn gipio pŵer amlwg, rhywbeth a fyddai'n mynd yn groes i Ddeddf Cymru 2017, ac y dylai hefyd fod yn anghyfreithlon, o bosibl, am fod pwerau dros ddatblygu economaidd, gan gynnwys gweinyddu a gwario arian rhanbarthol, wedi'u datganoli i'r Cynulliad hwn?

Well, I echo the sentiments in the Member's question. As I mentioned a few moments ago, I think it would be outrageous for that to be what happens. The Prime Minister has made commitments, which she is not living up to. Boris Johnson, in making that statement, raises alarm bells, as her question implies. We are absolutely clear that we should not suffer a penny less of the funding that we have received here in Wales, and that the powers over those funds should be exercised here in this Assembly by the Welsh Government on behalf of the people of Wales, because we are best placed here to manage our economic development in Wales. 

Wel, rwy'n ategu'r teimladau yng nghwestiwn yr Aelod. Fel y soniais ychydig funudau yn ôl, credaf y byddai'n warthus pe bai hynny'n digwydd. Mae'r Prif Weinidog wedi gwneud ymrwymiadau, ac nid yw'n eu cyflawni. Mae Boris Johnson, drwy wneud y datganiad hwnnw, yn canu larymau, fel y mae ei chwestiwn yn awgrymu. Rydym yn gwbl glir na ddylem ddioddef cael ceiniog yn llai o'r cyllid y buom yn ei gael yma yng Nghymru, ac y dylai'r pwerau dros yr arian hwnnw gael eu harfer yma yn y Cynulliad hwn gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar ran pobl Cymru, gan mai ni sydd yn y sefyllfa orau i reoli ein datblygiad economaidd yng Nghymru.

Thank you, Minister. The Minister for International Relations and the Welsh Language told the External Affairs and Additional Legislation Committee recently that your Government is developing red lines in relation to devolved areas that it does not wish to be included in future trade agreements. Minister, can you tell us what those red lines are? She also told us that the Welsh Government would be willing to take the UK Government to court if it tried to sell off the Welsh NHS as part of a future trade agreement with the US. But, as you will know, under section 82 of the Wales Act, the Secretary of State has the power to direct Welsh Ministers to implement directives contained within agreements that fall outside their devolved competence. Could you, therefore, please assure us what actions your Government could take were the UK Government to invoke section 82 in order to try to force Welsh Government Ministers to implement damaging measures that they don't agree with, and whether this would involve possibly taking the UK Government to court, as your colleague the international relations Minister has indicated? 

Diolch yn fawr, Weinidog. Dywedodd Gweinidog y Gymraeg a Chysylltiadau Rhyngwladol wrth y Pwyllgor Materion Allanol a Deddfwriaeth Ychwanegol yn ddiweddar fod eich Llywodraeth yn datblygu llinellau coch mewn perthynas â meysydd datganoledig nad yw'n dymuno iddynt gael eu cynnwys mewn cytundebau masnach yn y dyfodol. Weinidog, a allwch ddweud wrthym beth yw'r llinellau coch hynny? Dywedodd wrthym hefyd y byddai Llywodraeth Cymru yn fodlon mynd â Llywodraeth y DU i'r llys pe bai'n ceisio gwerthu GIG Cymru fel rhan o gytundeb masnach â'r Unol Daleithiau yn y dyfodol. Ond fel y gwyddoch, o dan adran 82 o Ddeddf Cymru, mae gan yr Ysgrifennydd Gwladol bŵer i gyfarwyddo Gweinidogion Cymru i weithredu cyfarwyddebau a geir o fewn cytundebau nad ydynt yn rhan o'u cymhwysedd datganoledig. A allech roi sicrwydd inni felly ynglŷn â pha gamau y gallai eich Llywodraeth eu cymryd pe bai Llywodraeth y DU yn gweithredu adran 82 er mwyn ceisio gorfodi Gweinidogion Llywodraeth Cymru i weithredu mesurau niweidiol nad ydynt yn cytuno â hwy, ac a fyddai hyn yn golygu mynd â Llywodraeth y DU i'r llys o bosibl, fel y nododd eich cyd-Aelod, y Gweinidog cysylltiadau rhyngwladol?

Well, our position, as a Government, is not that we should have a veto in relation to these matters, but that where the UK Government is formulating a negotiating position for international negotiations of whatever type, they should not normally proceed with that negotiating mandate unless they have secured the agreement of devolved administrations, where devolved competencies are directly affected, or, where they can be indirectly affected, we should also be involved in those discussions. That seems to us to be a fundamentally reasonable request, and an appropriate role for the Welsh Government in those negotiations. We cannot be expected, nor can any devolved administration be expected, to co-operate in how those international obligations are implemented if we haven't been given a voice in formulating those positions at the start.

I would say that this is an important devolution principle, but it’s also an important principle from the point of view of the credibility of the UK Government. The European Union, and our partners in the European Union, know very well what is devolved to different nations within the United Kingdom, and they will know very well that the implementation of those obligations will rest on the shoulders of devolved administrations and legislatures. And, therefore, to proceed in the teeth of opposition to implementation of some of those obligations would be very naïve and would fundamentally affect the credibility of the UK Government in those negotiations.

I made that point very directly at the last JMC(EN) to David Lidington, when I pointed out what had been said in this Chamber and elsewhere, that if a future UK Government were to seek to proceed with the kind of trade deal that Donald Trump was championing in the press conference with Theresa May a few weeks ago, the Welsh Government would refuse to implement the privatisation of the NHS in Wales. We have been absolutely clear about that. That has been our position; it remains our position and it will be our position.

Wel, nid ein safbwynt ni fel Llywodraeth yw y dylem gael feto mewn perthynas â'r materion hyn, ond lle mae Llywodraeth y DU yn llunio safbwynt negodi ar gyfer negodiadau rhyngwladol o ba fath bynnag, ni ddylent fwrw ymlaen â'r mandad negodi hwnnw fel arfer oni bai eu bod wedi sicrhau cytundeb y gweinyddiaethau datganoledig, lle yr effeithir yn uniongyrchol ar gymwyseddau datganoledig, neu, lle y gellir effeithio arnynt yn anuniongyrchol, dylem fod yn rhan o'r trafodaethau hynny. Ymddengys i ni fod hwnnw'n gais sylfaenol resymol, ac yn rôl briodol i Lywodraeth Cymru yn y trafodaethau hynny. Ni allwn ddisgwyl, ac ni ellir disgwyl i unrhyw weinyddiaeth ddatganoledig, gydweithredu yn y ffordd y gweithredir y rhwymedigaethau rhyngwladol hynny os na fyddwn wedi cael llais yn y broses o lunio'r safbwyntiau hynny ar y dechrau.

Buaswn yn dweud bod hon yn egwyddor ddatganoli bwysig, ond mae hefyd yn egwyddor bwysig o safbwynt hygrededd Llywodraeth y DU. Mae'r Undeb Ewropeaidd, a'n partneriaid yn yr Undeb Ewropeaidd, yn gwybod yn iawn beth sydd wedi'i ddatganoli i wahanol wledydd yn y Deyrnas Unedig, a gwyddant yn iawn y bydd y gwaith o weithredu'r rhwymedigaethau hynny'n disgyn ar ysgwyddau'r gweinyddiaethau a'r deddfwrfeydd datganoledig. Ac felly, byddai bwrw ymlaen yn wyneb gwrthwynebiad i weithredu rhai o'r rhwymedigaethau hynny yn naïf iawn a byddai'n effeithio'n sylfaenol ar hygrededd Llywodraeth y DU yn y trafodaethau hynny.

Gwneuthum y pwynt hwnnw'n uniongyrchol iawn yn y Cyd-bwyllgor Gweinidogion (Negodadau'r UE) diwethaf wrth David Lidington, pan nodais yr hyn a ddywedwyd yn y Siambr hon ac mewn mannau eraill, sef pe bai Llywodraeth y DU yn y dyfodol yn ceisio bwrw ymlaen â'r math o gytundeb masnach yr oedd Donald Trump yn ei hyrwyddo yn y gynhadledd i'r wasg gyda Theresa May ychydig wythnosau'n ôl, byddai Llywodraeth Cymru yn gwrthod gweithredu'r gwaith o breifateiddio'r GIG yng Nghymru. Rydym wedi bod yn gwbl glir ynglŷn â hynny. Dyna fu ein safbwynt; dyna yw ein safbwynt o hyd a dyna fydd ein safbwynt.

Busnesau Bach a Pharodrwydd ar gyfer Brexit
Small Businesses and Brexit Preparedness

3. A wnaiff y Cwnsler Cyffredinol ddatganiad am ymgysylltiad Llywodraeth Cymru â busnesau bach ar barodrwydd ar gyfer Brexit? OAQ54221

3. Will the Counsel General make a statement on the Welsh Government's engagement with small businesses on Brexit preparedness? OAQ54221

We have supported small and micro businesses through the Brexit resilience grant and are providing preparedness information with businesses and stakeholders, particularly through our websites. We are in constant dialogue with key organisations representing the interests and concerns of small businesses, several of whom are represented on the EU exit working group, a sub-committee of our council for economic development.

Rydym wedi cefnogi busnesau bach a microfusnesau drwy grant cydnerthedd Brexit ac yn darparu gwybodaeth am barodrwydd gyda busnesau a rhanddeiliaid, yn enwedig drwy ein gwefannau. Rydym yn trafod yn barhaus â sefydliadau allweddol sy'n cynrychioli buddiannau a phryderon busnesau bach, y cynrychiolir nifer ohonynt ar weithgor ymadael yr UE, un o is-bwyllgorau ein cyngor datblygu economaidd.

Thank you for your answer, Minister. I'm sure you would agree with me that it is, obviously, vital to engage with businesses across Wales in preparation for Brexit. You mentioned that you have been talking to some of the key organisations and they are around the table in your meetings also. But I'm particularly concerned about small, independent businesses that might not be members of such institutions as the Confederation of British Industry and the Federation of Small Businesses. How are you engaging with those kinds of groups that are not in membership bodies?

Diolch ichi am eich ateb, Weinidog. Rwy'n siŵr y byddech yn cytuno â mi ei bod yn hanfodol ymgysylltu â busnesau ledled Cymru, wrth gwrs, er mwyn paratoi ar gyfer Brexit. Fe sonioch eich bod wedi bod yn siarad â rhai o'r sefydliadau allweddol ac maent o amgylch y bwrdd yn eich cyfarfodydd hefyd. Ond rwy'n pryderu'n arbennig am fusnesau bach, annibynnol nad ydynt o bosibl yn aelodau o sefydliadau fel Cydffederasiwn Diwydiant Prydain a'r Ffederasiwn Busnesau Bach. Sut yr ymgysylltwch â'r mathau hynny o grwpiau nad ydynt yn perthyn i gyrff aelodaeth?

Well, the Member raises a very important point, if I may say, and I know that he brings a particular perspective to that. I was at an event on Friday of last week, in my region, run by the South Wales Chamber of Commerce, and these challenges were the sorts of things being discussed there. The question of how one disseminates information very widely is a challenge.

We have provided online resources that explain, we hope, in straightforward terms some simple steps that businesses of any size should consider taking, partly to assess their own readiness for Brexit. Some may be exposed to Brexit in different ways from others, but there are some simple steps on our 'Preparing Wales to leave the EU' website that we're encouraging businesses of all sizes to take. 

There is a particular tool that, again, is user-friendly and can be used by businesses of any size, that enables businesses to look at questions of workforce, trading conditions, data protection—really practical aspects of business life—and we encourage businesses of all sizes in Wales to look at that, look at the resources we've provided online and to engage with those tools. It is very difficult for small businesses to make judgments in what is a very, very uncertain field. It's hard enough for large companies, but if you're a small business, perhaps without spare resources to deploy on different potential outcomes, we recognise how difficult that set of circumstances is.

But I think it's important for the message to be sent out and I hope that Members in the Chamber will do what they can in their constituencies and their networks to share that set of messages from the Welsh Government that there are some steps that businesses should consider taking, so that they put themselves in the best possible position for what could be extremely choppy waters ahead for many of them.

Wel, mae'r Aelod yn gwneud pwynt pwysig iawn, os caf ddweud, a gwn ei fod yn cynnig safbwynt penodol ar hynny. Roeddwn mewn digwyddiad ddydd Gwener yr wythnos diwethaf yn fy rhanbarth i, a gynhaliwyd gan Siambr Fasnach De Cymru, a'r heriau hyn oedd y mathau o bethau a drafodwyd yno. Mae'r cwestiwn ynglŷn â sut y mae rhywun yn lledaenu gwybodaeth yn eang iawn yn her.

Rydym wedi darparu adnoddau ar-lein y gobeithiwn eu bod yn cynnig esboniad hawdd o rai o'r camau syml y dylai busnesau o unrhyw faint ystyried eu cymryd, yn rhannol i asesu eu parodrwydd eu hunain ar gyfer Brexit. Gall rhai fod yn agored i Brexit mewn ffyrdd gwahanol i eraill, ond ceir rhai camau syml ar ein gwefan 'Paratoi Cymru i ymadael â'r UE' ac rydym yn annog busnesau o bob maint i'w cymryd.  

Ceir adnodd penodol sydd, unwaith eto, yn hawdd ei ddefnyddio a gall busnesau o unrhyw faint ei ddefnyddio gan ei fod yn galluogi busnesau i edrych ar faterion yn ymwneud â'r gweithlu, amodau masnachu, diogelu data—agweddau ymarferol iawn ar fywyd busnes—ac anogwn fusnesau o bob maint yng Nghymru i edrych ar hynny, i edrych ar yr adnoddau a ddarparwyd gennym ar-lein a defnyddio'r arfau hynny. Mae'n anodd iawn i fusnesau bach wneud penderfyniadau mewn maes sy'n ansicr iawn. Mae'n ddigon anodd i gwmnïau mawr, ond os ydych yn fusnes bach, heb adnoddau sbâr i'w defnyddio ar gyfer gwahanol ganlyniadau posibl, rydym yn deall mor anodd yw'r gyfres honno o amgylchiadau.

Ond rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig anfon y neges a gobeithio y bydd Aelodau yn y Siambr yn gwneud yr hyn a allant yn eu hetholaethau a'u rhwydweithiau i rannu'r gyfres honno o negeseuon gan Lywodraeth Cymru fod yna rai camau y dylai busnesau ystyried eu cymryd, fel eu bod yn rhoi eu hunain yn y sefyllfa orau bosibl am yr hyn a allai fod yn amser eithaf caled i lawer ohonynt yn y dyfodol.

Cyfarfodydd i Drafod Brexit dros Doriad yr Haf
Meetings to Discuss Brexit over the Summer Recess

4. Pa gyfarfodydd y mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi'u trefnu gyda Llywodraeth y DU i drafod Brexit dros doriad yr haf? OAQ54193

4. What meetings does the Counsel General have scheduled with the UK Government to discuss Brexit over summer recess? OAQ54193

The chaos in the UK Government means it's hugely difficult to schedule meetings during recess, the beginning of which coincides with the appointment of a new Prime Minister. I hope the incoming Prime Minister will continue the practice of inviting Welsh Government to be represented at the UK Cabinet meetings when they discuss Brexit preparedness, and we stand ready to attend during recess and beyond. Our focus in the coming weeks will be continuing to prepare for a possible 'no deal' Brexit that, contrary to the views of those wishing to be the next Conservative Prime Minister, would be catastrophic. 

Mae'r anhrefn yn Llywodraeth y DU yn golygu ei bod yn eithriadol o anodd trefnu cyfarfodydd yn ystod y toriad, ac mae dechrau'r broses honno'n cyd-daro â phenodi Prif Weinidog newydd. Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd y Prif Weinidog newydd yn parhau â'r arfer o wahodd Llywodraeth Cymru i gael ei chynrychioli yng nghyfarfodydd Cabinet y DU pan fyddant yn trafod parodrwydd ar gyfer Brexit, ac rydym yn barod i ddod i'r cyfarfod yn ystod y toriad a thu hwnt. Yn ystod yr wythnosau nesaf byddwn yn canolbwyntio ar barhau i baratoi ar gyfer y posibilrwydd o Brexit 'dim bargen', a fyddai'n drychinebus, yn groes i farn y rhai sy'n dymuno bod yn Brif Weinidog Ceidwadol nesaf.


Thank you for that response, Minister. I'm taking it from that response that you have no meetings scheduled over the summer recess. Am I correct in saying that?

Diolch ichi am yr ateb hwnnw, Weinidog. Rwy'n cymryd o'r ymateb nad oes gennych unrhyw gyfarfodydd wedi'u trefnu dros doriad yr haf. A wyf yn gywir i ddweud hynny?

I have meetings, both scheduled and in my diary. But as I made clear to the Member, getting focus from UK Government Ministers to put in place the sequence of meetings one might wish to see over the coming weeks has been a challenge because the UK Government is facing obviously very significant change as a consequence of the change of Prime Minister.

Mae gennyf gyfarfodydd, wedi'u trefnu ac yn fy nyddiadur. Ond fel yr eglurais i'r Aelod, mae cael sylw gan Weinidogion Llywodraeth y DU i bennu'r gyfres o gyfarfodydd y byddai rhywun am eu gweld dros yr wythnosau i ddod wedi bod yn her gan fod Llywodraeth y DU yn amlwg yn wynebu newid arwyddocaol iawn o ganlyniad i newid Prif Weinidog.

Effaith Brexit ar Argaeledd Cymorth Cyfreithiol
The Impact of Brexit on the Availability of Legal Aid

5. Pa asesiad y mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi'i wneud o'r effaith y bydd Brexit yn ei chael ar y cymorth cyfreithiol fydd ar gael? OAQ54209

5. What assessment has the Counsel General made of the impact that Brexit will have on the availability of legal aid? OAQ54209

Legal aid provision is the responsibility of the UK Government and has been subject to substantial cuts since the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 was introduced. We are concerned that the economic damage of Brexit may result in further cuts, which would further impede access to justice.

Cyfrifoldeb Llywodraeth y DU yw darparu cymorth cyfreithiol a bu'n destun toriadau sylweddol ers cyflwyno Deddf Cymorth Cyfreithiol, Dedfrydu a Chosbi Troseddwyr 2012. Rydym yn pryderu y gallai difrod economaidd Brexit arwain at doriadau pellach, a fyddai'n rhwystro mynediad at gyfiawnder ymhellach.

I thank you for that. But since that introduction of legal aid cuts by the Westminster Government over six years ago, the number of parents having to represent themselves now in child custody cases has more than doubled. Many families simply cannot afford to pay for legal representation, and are having to navigate complex issues alone without any understanding of that law. This, of course, is putting tremendous pressure on families and campaigners have said, and I quote,

'children's best interests are being "obscured"'.

Brexit has the potential to affect every aspect of life in the UK, including the UK's legal framework. Therefore, Counsel General, what discussions have you had with the UK Government about how Brexit will impact families who currently qualify for legal aid in the family court?

Diolch ichi am hynny. Ond ers cyflwyno toriadau cymorth cyfreithiol gan Lywodraeth San Steffan dros chwe blynedd yn ôl, mae nifer y rhieni sy'n gorfod cynrychioli eu hunain yn awr mewn achosion gwarchodaeth plant wedi mwy na dyblu. Mae llawer o deuluoedd yn methu fforddio talu am gynrychiolaeth gyfreithiol, ac maent yn gorfod llywio materion cymhleth ar eu pen eu hunain heb unrhyw ddealltwriaeth o'r gyfraith honno. Mae hyn, wrth gwrs, yn rhoi pwysau aruthrol ar deuluoedd ac mae ymgyrchwyr wedi dweud, ac rwy'n dyfynnu, fod

lles pennaf plant yn cael ei wneud yn "aneglur".

Mae gan Brexit botensial i effeithio ar bob agwedd ar fywyd yn y DU, gan gynnwys fframwaith cyfreithiol y DU. Felly, Gwnsler Cyffredinol, pa drafodaethau a gawsoch gyda Llywodraeth y DU ynghylch y modd y bydd Brexit yn effeithio ar deuluoedd sydd ar hyn o bryd yn gymwys i gael cymorth cyfreithiol yn y llys teulu?

I thank the Member for throwing light on what is a very, very difficult issue. I think she's absolutely right to identify the serious risk, in my view, that the range of consequences of Brexit will put pressure on families across Wales. I think from a legal aid perspective, we are concerned that, particularly with the economic impact of a 'no deal' Brexit, that would put even further pressure on public resources to fund legal aid. Clearly, we know how significant the cuts have been to date, and even further pressure on those budgets would be a disaster.

But there's also the issue of the pressure that those cuts are placing on public services that are themselves under pressure, and that could certainly intensify in the context of Brexit. She talks about the family courts in particular, and I think we need to recognise that the pressures on families of the uncertainty caused by Brexit even now, together with the possible loss of employment and so on, is going, I think, to become a serious issue. It's one of the things we are considering at the moment in Government: how we can address some of those pressures outside the context of legal aid.

I would also say to the Member, though, that if we were to leave the European Union with no deal, that would put the question of civil judicial co-operation within the EU under serious pressure, and the Law Society and others have been advising lawyers about steps they can take in that particular context. We recognise the pressure that organisations are under to provide advice to individuals in this sort of situation, and she will know, of course, that we have provided funding for a number of organisations, and in particular in the context of Brexit to give legal advice around immigration status, so that EU citizens are able to take full advantage of their rights and apply for EU settled status here in Wales.

Diolch i'r Aelod am daflu goleuni ar fater anodd iawn. Rwy'n meddwl ei bod hi'n berffaith iawn i nodi'r perygl difrifol, yn fy marn i, y bydd yr ystod o ganlyniadau Brexit yn rhoi pwysau ar deuluoedd ar hyd a lled Cymru. O safbwynt cymorth cyfreithiol, rydym yn bryderus, yn enwedig ynghylch effaith economaidd Brexit 'dim bargen', y byddai hynny'n rhoi pwysau pellach fyth ar adnoddau cyhoeddus i ariannu cymorth cyfreithiol. Yn amlwg, gwyddom pa mor arwyddocaol yw'r toriadau wedi bod hyd yma, a byddai mwy fyth o bwysau ar y cyllidebau hynny'n drychineb.

Ond mae problem hefyd o ran y pwysau y mae'r toriadau hynny'n ei roi ar wasanaethau cyhoeddus sydd eu hunain o dan bwysau, a gallai hynny'n sicr ddwysáu yng nghyd-destun Brexit. Mae'n siarad am y llysoedd teulu yn arbennig, ac rwy'n meddwl bod angen inni gydnabod bod y pwysau ar deuluoedd yn sgil yr ansicrwydd a achosir gan Brexit hyd yn oed yn awr, ynghyd â'r posibilrwydd o golli swyddi ac yn y blaen, yn mynd i fod yn fater difrifol yn fy marn i. Mae'n un o'r pethau rydym yn eu hystyried ar hyn o bryd yn y Llywodraeth: sut y gallwn fynd i'r afael â pheth o'r pwysau y tu allan i gyd-destun cymorth cyfreithiol.

Buaswn yn dweud wrth yr Aelod hefyd, er hynny, pe baem yn gadael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd heb gytundeb, byddai hynny'n rhoi'r cwestiwn ynglŷn â chydweithrediad barnwrol sifil o fewn yr UE o dan bwysau difrifol, a bu Cymdeithas y Gyfraith ac eraill yn cynghori cyfreithwyr am y camau y gallant eu cymryd yn y cyd-destun hwnnw. Cydnabyddwn y pwysau sydd ar sefydliadau i ddarparu cyngor i unigolion yn y math hwn o sefyllfa, a bydd yn gwybod, wrth gwrs, ein bod wedi darparu cyllid i nifer o sefydliadau, ac yn arbennig yng nghyd-destun Brexit, i roi cyngor cyfreithiol ynghylch statws mewnfudo, fel y gall dinasyddion yr UE fanteisio'n llawn ar eu hawliau a gwneud cais am statws sefydlog yr UE yma yng Nghymru.

Minister, Brexit tends to generate far more heat than light these days, with rumours and claims and counter-claims swirling around, and I think it behoves us all to try to learn the realities that are there on the ground. Our parliamentary colleagues in Westminster—there's a group called the Young Legal Aid Lawyers who have taken some 45 Members with them, out shadowing them, out on the ground doing legal aid, really understanding what the issues are that are facing them, and the challenges ahead with Brexit and for families, no matter what the outcome may be. Members of that group include, for example, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State with responsibility for legal aid and the shadow Secretary of State for Wales. Would you consider supporting this group and perhaps trying to bring just such an initiative here to Wales so that we may also go out and learn that reality?

Weinidog, mae Brexit yn tueddu i gynhyrchu llawer mwy o wres na golau y dyddiau hyn, gyda sïon a honiadau a gwrth-honiadau'n chwyrlïo o'n hamgylch, ac rwy'n credu ei bod yn ddyletswydd ar bob un ohonom i geisio dysgu'r gwirioneddau sydd yno ar lawr gwlad. Ein cyd-Aelodau Seneddol yn San Steffan—ceir grŵp o'r enw Cyfreithwyr Cymorth Cyfreithiol Ifanc sydd wedi mynd â thua 45 o aelodau gyda hwy, i'w cysgodi, allan ar lawr gwlad i wneud cymorth cyfreithiol, a deall yn iawn beth yw'r problemau sy'n eu hwynebu, a'r heriau o'u blaenau gyda Brexit ac i deuluoedd, ni waeth beth fydd y canlyniad. Mae aelodau'r grŵp hwnnw'n cynnwys, er enghraifft, yr Is-Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Seneddol sy'n gyfrifol am gymorth cyfreithiol ac Ysgrifennydd Gwladol yr wrthblaid dros Gymru. A fyddech yn ystyried cefnogi'r grŵp hwn a cheisio cyflwyno menter o'r fath yma yng Nghymru o bosibl, er mwyn i ninnau hefyd allu mynd allan a dysgu'r realiti hwnnw?


I thank the Member for that question and for the way in which she presented it, if I may say, and I share the sentiment that she started the question with. I would be very happy to look at the work of that group and see how I can support their work or get engaged with what they are doing. I'd be very happy to look into that, and I thank her for making that suggestion.

Diolch i'r Aelod am y cwestiwn hwnnw ac am y modd y'i cyflwynodd, os caf ddweud, a rhannaf ei theimlad ar ddechrau ei chwestiwn. Buaswn yn hapus iawn i edrych ar waith y grŵp hwnnw a gweld sut y gallaf gefnogi eu gwaith neu gymryd rhan yn yr hyn y maent yn ei wneud. Buaswn yn hapus iawn i edrych ar hynny, a diolch iddi am wneud yr awgrym hwnnw.

Trefniadau Llywodraethu'r DU ar ôl Brexit
UK Governance Arrangements Post Brexit

6. Pa drafodaethau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cael ynghylch trefniadau llywodraethu'r DU ar ôl Brexit? OAQ54196

6. What discussions is the Welsh Government having regarding UK governance arrangements post-Brexit? OAQ54196

Rwyf wedi cynnal nifer o drafodaethau yn ymwneud â threfniadau llywodraethu’r Deyrnas Unedig ar ôl Brexit, a’r mwyaf diweddar o’r rhain oedd cyfarfod Cyd-bwyllgor y Gweinidogion (Negodiadau Ewrop) ar 28 Mehefin.

I have had numerous discussions in relation to United Kingdom governance arrangements post Brexit, most recently at the Joint Ministerial Committee (European Negotiations) meeting on 28 June.

Dwi'n ddiolchgar i'r Gweinidog am yr ymateb yna. Fel y byddwch chi’n ymwybodol, gwnaeth y Pwyllgor Materion Cyfansoddiadol a Deddfwriaethol ddarn o waith y llynedd a chyhoeddodd y pwyllgor adroddiad o’r enw 'Llywodraethiant yn y DU ar ôl gadael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd', ac yn yr adroddiad yma argymhellwyd y dylai'r Llywydd, ar y cyd â llefaryddion a llywyddion deddfwrfeydd eraill y Deyrnas Unedig, sefydlu cynhadledd y llefaryddion gyda'r nod o benderfynu ar y ffordd orau o ddatblygu gweithio rhyng-seneddol yn y Deyrnas Unedig. Pwrpas y gynhadledd yma fyddai ystyried sut i ddatblygu gweithio ar y cyd rhwng y Llywodraethau y tu fewn i'r Deyrnas Unedig ar ôl gadael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd, er mwyn sicrhau bod fframweithiau cywir yn cael eu datblygu yn y dyfodol. Dwi'n deall bod modelau o gynhadledd y llefaryddion yn cael eu hystyried ar hyn o bryd, ond allwch chi fel Llywodraeth ddweud wrthym ni pa drafodaethau rŷch chi wedi'u cael ynglŷn â'r syniad yma, a hefyd, yn dilyn ymlaen o gwestiwn cynharach oddi wrth yr Aelod dros Flaenau Gwent, ydych chi'n meddwl bod hyn yn ffordd effeithiol i sicrhau bod mecanweithiau rhyng-seneddol cywir yn cael eu sefydlu yn y dyfodol?

I'm grateful to the Minister for that response. As you'll be aware, the Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee did a piece of work last year, and the committee published a report called 'UK governance post-Brexit', and in that report it was recommended that the Llywydd, along with spokespeople and speakers from the other Parliaments and legislatures of the UK, should establish a speakers' conference with the aim of deciding on the best way of developing inter-parliamentary co-operation within the UK. The purpose of this conference would be to consider how to develop joint working between Governments within the UK post Brexit, in order to ensure that the correct frameworks are developed for the future. I understand that models of a speakers' conference are being considered at the moment, but can you as a Government tell us what discussions you've had on this particular idea and also, following on from an earlier question from the Member for Blaenau Gwent, do you think that this is an effective way of ensuring that the correct inter-parliamentary mechanisms are put in place for the future?

Mae'r cwestiwn yna'n gwestiwn pwysig. Mae gyda ni lot o ffordd i fynd i ddelio â'r newidiadau a ddaw yn sgil Brexit i sicrhau bod y setliad cyfansoddiadol a'r berthynas rhwng cenhedloedd y Deyrnas Unedig yn gweithio mewn ffyrdd gwell nag ŷn nhw nawr. Mae ein ffocws ni fel Llywodraeth wedi bod, ar y cyfan, ar sut mae'r mecanwaith rhwng y Llywodraethau yn gweithio, oherwydd dyna'n remit cyfansoddiadol ni, ond rhan hollol gynhenid o hynny yw'r broses o sut mae'r Llywodraethau yn atebol i'w deddfwrfeydd. A rhan o hynny, yn sicr, yw—ac rŷm ni wedi gweld mantais hyn yn trafodaethau—sut mae'r pwyllgorau'n benodol yn y deddfwrfeydd wedi bod yn galw am fwy o gyfleoedd i graffu a datblygu systemau a ffyrdd newydd o wneud hynny yng nghyd-destun Brexit. Rwy'n ymwybodol o'r gwaith sydd ar y cyd ynglŷn â'r perthnasau rhwng y deddfwrfeydd. Mater i'r Cynulliad ac i'r Llywydd yw'r rheini yn gyfansoddiadol, ond, wrth gwrs, mae'r math yna o greadigrwydd a dychymyg ynglŷn â sut rŷm ni'n ail-ffurfio'r berthynas rhwng cenhedloedd y Deyrnas Unedig yn hollol graidd i system gyfansoddiadol sefydlog yn y dyfodol ar ôl Brexit.

That’s a very important question. We have a long way to go in dealing with the changes that will come following Brexit to ensure that the constitutional settlement and the relationship between the nations of the United Kingdom work in a better way than they do at present. Our focus as a Government, on the whole, has been mainly on how the mechanics work between the Governments, because that’s our constitutional remit, but an integral part of that is how the Governments are accountable to the legislatures. And part of that, certainly, is—and we've seen the benefit of this in discussions—how the committees specifically within the legislatures have been calling for greater opportunities to scrutinise and develop new systems and ways in which we can do that in the context of Brexit. I am aware of the work that is going on as regards the inter-relationships between the legislatures. It’s a matter for the Assembly and the Llywydd constitutionally, but that kind of creativity and imagination on how we re-form the relationship between the nations of the United Kingdom is completely core to a stable constitutional system post Brexit.

Amddiffyn Busnesau os nad oes Cytundeb Brexit
Protecting Businesses in the Event of a 'No Deal' Brexit

7. Pa gynlluniau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu gwneud i amddiffyn busnesau os bydd Senedd y DU yn methu â rhwystro'r DU rhag gadael yr UE heb gytundeb? OAQ54223

7. What plans is the Welsh Government making to protect businesses if the UK Parliament fails to stop the UK from leaving the EU with no deal? OAQ54223

The Welsh Government is doing all it can to support businesses in preparations for EU exit through advice, guidance and resources that we and the Development Bank of Wales are making available. However, no preparations can fully mitigate the effects of a 'no deal' Brexit.

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gwneud popeth y gall i helpu busnesau i baratoi ar gyfer ymadael â'r UE drwy gyngor, canllawiau ac adnoddau yr ydym ni a Banc Datblygu Cymru yn eu darparu. Fodd bynnag, ni all unrhyw baratoadau liniaru effeithiau Brexit 'dim bargen' yn llawn.

The Federation of Small Businesses is already reporting that businesses in Cardiff Central are suffering from things like exchange-rate fluctuations, which is making it incredibly difficult for people to be able to price their goods accurately without the danger of making a loss. We've got construction companies who are losing staff because people are returning to their countries of origin, and smaller IT companies are reporting that they are struggling to source stock, because larger IT companies are stockpiling materials and equipment. I think it's a particularly difficult time for small businesses, and I note that both Ireland and the Netherlands are offering support to small businesses in the form of Brexit advice vouchers or other forms of financial or non-financial support to help small businesses through the unknown. The UK Government has notably not yet offered any of this sort of support to UK businesses; they seem to be too busy organising freight contracts with companies who have no ships. So, I wonder if this is something you have discussed with the Welsh Government, or if you could raise it.

Mae'r Ffederasiwn Busnesau Bach eisoes yn nodi bod busnesau yng Nghanol Caerdydd yn dioddef o bethau fel amrywiadau yn y gyfradd gyfnewid, sy'n ei gwneud yn eithriadol o anodd i bobl allu prisio eu nwyddau'n fanwl gywir heb wynebu'r perygl o wneud colled. Mae gennym gwmnïau adeiladu sy'n colli staff oherwydd bod pobl yn dychwelyd i'w mamwlad, ac mae cwmnïau TG llai o faint yn dweud eu bod yn cael trafferth prynu stoc am fod cwmnïau TG mwy yn pentyrru deunyddiau ac offer. Credaf ei bod yn gyfnod arbennig o anodd i fusnesau bach, a nodaf fod Iwerddon a'r Iseldiroedd yn cynnig cymorth i fusnesau bach ar ffurf talebau cyngor ar Brexit neu fathau eraill o gymorth ariannol neu anariannol i helpu busnesau bach drwy'r ansicrwydd. Mae'n syfrdanol nad yw Llywodraeth y DU wedi cynnig unrhyw gymorth o'r math hwn i fusnesau yn y DU eto; mae'n ymddangos eu bod yn rhy brysur yn trefnu contractau cludo nwyddau gyda chwmnïau heb longau. Felly, tybed a yw hyn yn rhywbeth rydych wedi'i drafod gyda Llywodraeth Cymru, neu'n rhywbeth y byddwch yn ei godi.


I thank the Member for that question and I recognise very much the sorts of challenges that she described companies and businesses in her constituency as suffering—the challenges in particular for small businesses, who may not have the resources or the breadth of time and capacity to address what are, for all of us, a very complex, interconnected set of challenges. Perhaps it's particularly acute for sole traders or for small businesses, and we've been mindful of that in how we've sought to tailor some of the support that we feel able to give, which we are clear is a partial contribution to what is a complex set of challenges.

She will know that we have established a Brexit business resilience fund, which enables businesses to apply to the Welsh Government for financial support for projects that might enable them to transition through difficult, turbulent times into a post-Brexit world. That's a match funded scheme, but it provides access to really quite significant sources of revenue. At the moment, it's over subscribed, but we are looking at that.

There is also a significant amount of funding that has been made available to the Development Bank of Wales to target businesses of different sizes, including small businesses, and some of that is around covering short-term financing problems and so on. But the sorts of challenges she identifies around exchange rate risk, and also, as I've heard elsewhere, companies that may have stockpiled their own stock leading up to the end of March or April now finding themselves at a competitive disadvantage, if you like—. So, these are absolutely complex challenges. We are hoping that we can provide some support through the Business Wales network and through the Brexit portal, which companies in her constituency can access through the Preparing Wales website. I hope and I expect that she will be only too glad to pass on that information to her constituents, companies and businesses.

Diolch i'r Aelod am ei chwestiwn ac rwy'n llwyr gydnabod y mathau o heriau y dywedodd fod cwmnïau a busnesau yn ei hetholaeth yn eu hwynebu—yn arbennig yr heriau i fusnesau bach, nad oes ganddynt yr adnoddau na'r amser na'r gallu i fynd i'r afael â'r hyn sydd, i bob un ohonom, yn heriau rhyng-gysylltiedig a chymhleth iawn. Efallai fod hyn yn arbennig o wir i unig fasnachwyr neu i fusnesau bach, ac rydym wedi cadw hynny mewn cof o ran sut rydym wedi ceisio teilwra rhywfaint o'r cymorth y teimlwn y gallwn ei roi, ac rydym yn gwbl ymwybodol mai cyfraniad rhannol yw'r cymorth hwnnw i set gymhleth o heriau.

Bydd yn ymwybodol ein bod wedi sefydlu cronfa cydnerthedd busnesau Brexit, sy'n galluogi busnesau i wneud cais i Lywodraeth Cymru am gymorth ariannol ar gyfer prosiectau a allai eu galluogi i bontio drwy gyfnod anodd, cythryblus i fyd ôl-Brexit. Mae hwnnw'n gynllun arian cyfatebol, ond mae'n darparu mynediad at ffynonellau refeniw eithaf sylweddol. Ar hyn o bryd, ceir mwy o geisiadau nag y gellir darparu ar eu cyfer, ond rydym yn edrych ar hynny.

Mae swm sylweddol o arian hefyd wedi'i ddarparu i Fanc Datblygu Cymru i dargedu busnesau o wahanol feintiau, gan gynnwys busnesau bach, ac mae rhywfaint ohono ar gyfer mynd i'r afael â phroblemau ariannu tymor byr ac ati. Ond o ran y mathau o heriau a nodir ganddi mewn perthynas â risg gyda'r gyfradd gyfnewid, a hefyd, fel y clywais mewn mannau eraill, y ffaith bod cwmnïau sydd wedi cronni eu stoc hyd at ddiwedd mis Mawrth neu Ebrill bellach o dan anfantais gystadleuol, os mynnwch—. Felly, yn sicr, mae'r rhain yn heriau cymhleth. Gobeithiwn allu darparu rhywfaint o gefnogaeth drwy rwydwaith Busnes Cymru a thrwy borth Brexit, sydd ar gael i gwmnïau yn ei hetholaeth drwy wefan Paratoi Cymru. Rwy'n gobeithio ac yn disgwyl y bydd yn fwy na pharod i roi'r wybodaeth honno i'w hetholwyr, ei chwmnïau a'i busnesau.

Ac yn olaf, cwestiwn 8—Llyr Gruffydd. 

And finally, question 8—Llyr Gruffydd.

Cynlluniau Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer Brexit
The Welsh Government's Plans for Brexit

8. Pryd mae’r Cwnsler Cyffredinol yn disgwyl derbyn gwybodaeth allweddol gan Lywodraeth y DU a fydd yn caniatáu i Lywodraeth Cymru gwblhau ei chynlluniau ar gyfer Brexit? OAQ54206

8. When is the Counsel General expecting to receive key information from the UK Government which will allow the Welsh Government to complete its plans for Brexit? OAQ54206

Wel, dydw i ddim yn gwybod. Mae'n dibynnu ar y Prif Weinidog newydd. Rwyf wedi galw ar Lywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig dro ar ôl tro i rannu gwybodaeth ar baratoadau ar gyfer pob canlyniad Brexit posib. Mae'r llif gwybodaeth wedi gwella, yn enwedig o ran paratoadau ar gyfer Brexit heb gytundeb, ond dyw e ddim yn berffaith o hyd.

Well, I don't know. It depends on the new Prime Minister. I have repeatedly called on the United Kingdom Government to share information on preparations for all possible Brexit outcomes. The flow of information has improved, particularly on 'no deal' Brexit preparation, but it's still imperfect.

Dŷch chi ddim yn gwybod, dŷn ni ddim yn gwybod, does neb yn gwybod. Hynny yw, does gennym ni ddim cliw, oes e, beth sy'n mynd i ddigwydd ar ôl diwedd mis Hydref? Ydy honno'n neges rŷch chi wedi'i chyfleu i'ch Gweinidog amaeth, oherwydd mae hi wedi lansio ymgynghoriad, wrth gwrs, ar drawsnewid y gefnogaeth i'r sector amaeth yng Nghymru, ac mae'r ymgynghoriad yn gorffen ddiwrnod cyn Brexit? Ac ar ôl y diwrnod yna, wrth gwrs, fe allem ni fod yn wynebu trafferthion cael mynediad i farchnadoedd rhyngwladol, fe allem ni fod yn wynebu trafferthion o safbwynt tariffau. Does gyda ni ddim clem faint o arian y byddwn ni'n derbyn. Felly, tra'ch bod chi wedi dweud wrthyf i, i bob pwrpas, fod gyda chi ddim cliw beth fydd y trefniadau, ydych chi wedi pasio'r neges ymlaen at Lesley Griffiths?

You don’t know, we don’t know, nobody knows. We have no idea, do we, what’s going to happen after the end of October? Is that the message that you’ve conveyed to your agricultural Minister, because she has launched a consultation, of course, on transforming support for the agricultural sector in Wales, and the consultation finishes the day before Brexit? And after that day, of course, we could be facing difficulties in accessing international markets, we could be facing difficulties in terms of tariffs. We have no idea how much money we’ll receive. So, whilst you’ve told me, to all intents and purposes, that you have no idea what the arrangements are, have you passed that message on to Lesley Griffiths?

Wel, nid dyna ddywedais i. Dywedais i nad ydw i'n gwybod pryd fyddai'r wybodaeth ar gael oddi wrth Lywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig. O ran paratoadau, mae'n bwysig, onid yw e, ein bod ni'n gwneud pob paratoad y gallwn ni i sicrhau ein bod ni yn y sefyllfa orau posib pan ddaw'r amser i adael, os daw'r amser i adael? Mae'n berffaith sicr bod gennym ni ddim y wybodaeth gyflawn ar hyn o bryd mewn nifer o feysydd. Dyw hynny ddim yn beth i'w groesawu, wrth gwrs. Ond buasai'r Aelod hefyd yn ein beirniadu ni petasem ni ddim yn cymryd unrhyw gamau nawr i baratoi ar gyfer y senario yma, ac mae e wedi ein beirniadu ni mewn cyd-destunau eraill ein bod ni ar ei hôl hi, yn ei eiriau fe, yn dod allan â deddfwriaeth amgylcheddol, er enghraifft.

Felly, o'n safbwynt ni fel Llywodraeth, mae'n rhaid cymryd camau pwrpasol i sicrhau ein bod ni'n creu fframwaith i allu dodi yn ei le ar ôl cyfnod Brexit. Rŷn ni wedi bod yn trafod heddiw, yn gynharach, y cwestiwn yma o ffynonellau arian strwythuro rhanbarthol ac ati. Mae lot o waith yn digwydd yn y maes hwnnw hefyd—dŷn ni ddim yn sicr beth fydd y gyllideb ar gyfer hwnnw. Mae'n rhaid inni ddarparu systemau ar gyfer sut y gallwn ni ddarparu'r ffynonellau yna o arian yn well yn y dyfodol. Ac mae'n berffaith amlwg—ac rwy'n gwybod bod yr Aelod yn gwybod hyn yn glir—fod y sialens i'r sector amaethyddol yn sialens enfawr, ac mae'n bwysig ein bod ni'n cydweithio â nhw, fel y mae'r Gweinidog yn gwneud, i allu disgrifio'r math o sefyllfa y byddwn ni'n ei hwynebu ar ôl Brexit a pharatoi orau y gallwn ni ar gyfer hynny. Ond rwy'n sicr y byddai'r Gweinidog yn awyddus i glywed safbwynt y sector yn ehangach yn ystod cyfnod yr ymgynghoriad.

Well, that is not what I said. I said that I didn’t know when the information would be forthcoming from the United Kingdom Government. As regards preparation, it’s important, isn't it, that we make all possible preparation to ensure that we are in the best position possible when the times comes to leave, if the time comes to leave? It is definitely certain that we haven’t got the full picture at the moment, or the full information to hand, in a number of areas. That’s not something that we welcome, of course. But the Member would also criticise us if we didn’t make any preparations to prepare for this scenario, and he has criticised us in other contexts, saying that we are lagging behind, in his words, in presenting environmental legislation, for example.

So, as a Government, we have to take purposeful steps to ensure that we have a proper framework to be able to deal with whatever outcomes of Brexit. We have been discussing earlier today this question of regional structural funds and so on. There's a great deal of work happening in that field too—we're not certain what the budget will be for that. We have to prepare systems as regards how we can better secure financial sources in the future. And it's obvious—and I know that the Member will know this—that the challenge for the agriculture sector is a huge one, and it’s important that we collaborate and co-operate with them, as the Minister is doing, in order to describe the kind of situation we will face post Brexit and prepare the best we can for that possibility. But I’m sure that the Minister will be very keen to hear the standpoint of the broader sector during the consultation.

3. Cwestiynau Amserol
3. Topical Questions

Dwi wedi derbyn un cwestiwn amserol. Mae'r cwestiwn i'w ateb gan y Cwnsler Cyffredinol a'i ofyn gan Alun Davies.

I have received one topical question, and the question is to be answered by the Counsel General and is to be asked by Alun Davies. 

Yr Adolygiad o Ddatganoli
The Devolution Review

1. A wnaiff y Cwnsler Cyffredinol ddatganiad am yr adolygiad o ddatganoli a gyhoeddwyd yr wythnos diwethaf gan Brif Weinidog y DU? 335

1. Will the Counsel General make a statement on the devolution review announced last week by the Prime Minister? 335

Aspects of the Dunlop review can be welcomed. It has the potential to support the joint inter-governmental relations review, however there are fundamental questions about the devolution settlement and the role of territorial offices that are beyond the scope of the review but nonetheless need to be addressed. 

Gellir croesawu rhai agweddau ar adolygiad Dunlop. Mae ganddo'r potensial i gefnogi'r cydadolygiad cysylltiadau rhynglywodraethol, ond ceir cwestiynau sylfaenol ynglŷn â'r setliad datganoli a rôl swyddfeydd tiriogaethol, sydd y tu hwnt i gwmpas yr adolygiad, ond serch hynny, mae angen rhoi sylw iddynt.

I'm grateful to you for that answer, Minister. I'm sure you'll agree with me that it's absolutely outrageous that the Prime Minister has made a statement of this kind without even consulting the devolved administrations. The First Minister was very clear in answer to a question at committee on Monday that the first the Welsh Government heard about this was when the Prime Minister's speech was being covered in the media, when she was on her feet speaking. One of the fundamental aspects of devolution is that it should be a joint venture between the United Kingdom Government and the Governments in the rest of the United Kingdom, and if the United Kingdom Government feel able to announce a review without even consulting the devolved administrations, the Governments in Wales and Scotland, then clearly it tells you exactly what they think about devolution. 

I'm sure you share with me that this was a grossly offensive way of operating, that it is an appalling position to take and it sums up the United Kingdom Government's attitude at the moment. Minister, will you undertake to convey these feelings to the United Kingdom Government, which I'm sure would be shared in all parts of the Chamber? And will you also ensure that the UK Government understands that the problem with devolution starts and ends with them?

Diolch am eich ateb, Weinidog. Rwy'n siŵr y byddwch yn cytuno â mi ei bod yn hollol warthus fod Prif Weinidog y DU wedi gwneud datganiad o'r fath heb hyd yn oed ymgynghori â'r gweinyddiaethau datganoledig. Dywedodd Prif Weinidog Cymru'n glir iawn wrth ateb cwestiwn yn y pwyllgor ddydd Llun mai'r tro cyntaf i Lywodraeth Cymru glywed am hyn oedd pan oedd araith Prif Weinidog y DU yn cael sylw yn y cyfryngau, pan oedd ar ei thraed yn siarad. Un o agweddau sylfaenol datganoli yw y dylai fod yn fenter ar y cyd rhwng Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig a'r Llywodraethau yng ngweddill y Deyrnas Unedig, ac os yw Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig yn teimlo y gallant gyhoeddi adolygiad heb hyd yn oed ymgynghori â'r gweinyddiaethau datganoledig, y Llywodraethau yng Nghymru a'r Alban, mae hynny'n dweud wrthych beth yn union yw eu barn am ddatganoli.

Rwy'n siŵr eich bod yn cytuno â mi fod hon yn ffordd sarhaus iawn o weithredu, ei fod yn safbwynt ofnadwy i'w arddel a'i fod yn crynhoi agwedd Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig ar hyn o bryd. Weinidog, a wnewch chi ymrwymo i gyfleu'r teimladau hyn i Lywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig, teimladau a rennir, rwy'n siŵr, gan bob rhan o'r Siambr? Ac a wnewch chi sicrhau hefyd fod Llywodraeth y DU yn deall bod y broblem gyda datganoli yn dechrau ac yn gorffen gyda hwy?

Well, I thank the Member for that supplementary question. He'll recall, I think, the speech that the First Minister made to the Institute for Government a few weeks ago, where he said that devolution, effectively, wasn't simply a question of what happens in Wales, but it's also a question of what happens in Westminster, and it's incumbent on Westminster to look at how Westminster and Whitehall operate in a different way in order to give full support to the devolution settlement. There are some parts of that speech that I think we can welcome. The Prime Minister talks about the UK resting on and being defined by the support of its people, in that sense of being a voluntary association of nations, and we welcome the recognition that devolution is now a stable and permanent part of the UK's constitution, as the speech indicated. I think, if Westminster and Whitehall are serious about addressing how they re-evaluate how they work to support devolution, that will only be a good thing, but I do echo the Member's response in relation to the fact that, if you're going to give a speech that is about the future of the union and the future of devolution within it, then the least you can do is have a conversation with the devolved administrations in advance of that so that, as he describes it, that sense of joint venture of the constitutional settlement is retained and preserved. 

But there's also, frankly, a very practical point to this: we have been pressing here for progress on the inter-governmental review for the last 15 months, and we have very little to show for it so far. He will have seen the announcement made by David Lidington last week and the response of the Welsh and Scottish Governments to that. Actually, pressing forward with that progress would have been a very good way of demonstrating commitment to the devolution settlement here in the UK, and to launch another review without acknowledging that, I think, was unfortunate. And I think had the Prime Minister sought the advice of the devolved administrations, we could have had a constructive discussion about the terms of reference and about how they could be better constructed to meet some of the significant challenges that we face in dealing with the UK Government. We note the emphasis in particular on the importance in the review of the territorial offices, and I think the First Minister was clear in his speech back in May that there is now an opportunity and a need, in fact, for the role of the Wales and Scotland offices in particular to be radically rethought in this post-Brexit world.

Wel, diolch i'r Aelod am ei gwestiwn atodol. Credaf y bydd yn cofio'r araith a wnaeth Prif Weinidog Cymru i'r Institute for Government ychydig wythnosau yn ôl, lle dywedodd nad mater o beth sy'n digwydd yng Nghymru yn unig yw datganoli, ond ei fod hefyd yn gwestiwn ynghylch yr hyn sy'n digwydd yn San Steffan, ac mae'n ddyletswydd ar San Steffan i edrych ar sut y gall San Steffan a Whitehall weithredu mewn ffordd wahanol er mwyn rhoi cefnogaeth lawn i'r setliad datganoli. Credaf y gallwn groesawu rhai rhannau o'r araith honno. Dywed Prif Weinidog y DU fod y DU yn dibynnu ar, ac yn cael ei diffinio gan gefnogaeth ei phobl, yn yr ystyr o fod yn gymdeithas wirfoddol o wledydd, ac rydym yn croesawu'r gydnabyddiaeth fod datganoli bellach yn rhan sefydlog a pharhaol o gyfansoddiad y DU, fel y nododd yr araith. Os yw San Steffan a Whitehall o ddifrif ynglŷn â mynd i'r afael â sut y maent yn ailwerthuso'r ffordd y maent yn gweithio i gefnogi datganoli, credaf y bydd hynny'n beth da, ond os ydych am roi araith am ddyfodol yr undeb a dyfodol datganoli fel rhan o hynny, rwy'n ategu ymateb yr Aelod mai'r peth lleiaf y gallwch ei wneud yw cael sgwrs gyda'r gweinyddiaethau datganoledig cyn hynny er mwyn cadw a gwarchod, fel y dywed, yr ymdeimlad hwnnw o gyd-fenter y setliad cyfansoddiadol.

Ond a dweud y gwir, mae pwynt ymarferol iawn i hyn: rydym wedi bod yn galw yma am gynnydd ar yr adolygiad rhynglywodraethol dros y 15 mis diwethaf, ac ychydig iawn sydd gennym i'w ddangos mewn perthynas â hynny hyd yn hyn. Bydd wedi gweld y cyhoeddiad a wnaed gan David Lidington yr wythnos diwethaf ac ymateb Llywodraethau Cymru a'r Alban i hynny. Mewn gwirionedd, byddai bwrw ymlaen â'r cynnydd hwnnw wedi bod yn ffordd dda iawn o ddangos ymrwymiad i'r setliad datganoli yma yn y DU, ac roedd lansio adolygiad arall heb gydnabod hynny yn anffodus yn fy marn i. A phe bai'r Prif Weinidog wedi ceisio cyngor y gweinyddiaethau datganoledig, credaf y gallem fod wedi cael trafodaeth adeiladol ynglŷn â'r cylch gorchwyl ac ynglŷn â sut y gellid ei lunio'n well i fynd i'r afael â rhai o'r heriau sylweddol sy'n ein hwynebu wrth ymdrin â Llywodraeth y DU. Nodwn yn arbennig y pwyslais ar bwysigrwydd y swyddfeydd tiriogaethol yn yr adolygiad, a chredaf fod Prif Weinidog Cymru wedi dweud yn glir yn ei araith yn ôl ym mis Mai fod cyfle ac angen bellach, mewn gwirionedd, i ailystyried rôl swyddfeydd Cymru a'r Alban yn radical yn y byd ôl-Brexit hwn.


I appreciate the response of the Minister, actually, because, of course, the UK Government was simply trying to respond to requests from this Government, and the Scottish Government as well, about the way in which Whitehall and UK departments operate. And we very much welcome the fact that the Prime Minister has responded in such a positive way by announcing this review. Number 10 has made absolutely clear that the review is not going to stray into devolved areas. This is about strengthening devolution, recognising where the boundaries lie and making sure that the machine of Government in London is able to respond correctly and appropriately to matters that cross their desks, where there may be a devolved competence or devolved relationship that needs to be recognised. So, I do welcome the fact that there are many aspects of the Prime Minister's speech that you welcome. I'm sure that there are times when communication could be better between the UK and Welsh Governments, and I think that everybody recognises that there are times when, sometimes, it's good to have a heads-up about these things. Clearly that wasn't the case this time. Perhaps that is a matter of regret.

But, as I say, the reality is that this is a Prime Minister who is responding positively to requests by this Welsh Government and Government in other parts of the United Kingdom to want to look at this issue and make sure that Whitehall and UK Government departments are functioning appropriately. So, can I ask that, in terms of the engagement that you have with the UK Government, you formally welcome the decision that the Prime Minister has taken, and will you ensure that you co-operate with that review in order to help the UK Government identify where those shortcomings are so that they can be put right in the future?

Rwy'n gwerthfawrogi ymateb y Gweinidog a dweud y gwir, oherwydd wrth gwrs, dim ond ceisio ymateb oedd Llywodraeth y DU i geisiadau gan y Llywodraeth hon, a Llywodraeth yr Alban hefyd, ynghylch y ffordd y mae adrannau Whitehall a'r DU yn gweithredu. Ac rydym yn croesawu'r ffaith bod Prif Weinidog y DU wedi ymateb mewn ffordd mor gadarnhaol drwy gyhoeddi'r adolygiad hwn. Mae Rhif 10 wedi datgan yn gwbl glir na fydd yr adolygiad yn ymwneud â meysydd sydd wedi'u datganoli. Mae hyn yn ymwneud â chryfhau datganoli, cydnabod ble mae'r ffiniau a sicrhau bod peiriant y Llywodraeth yn Llundain yn gallu ymateb yn gywir ac yn briodol i faterion a ddaw iddynt, lle gall fod cymhwysedd datganoledig neu berthynas ddatganoledig y mae angen ei chydnabod. Felly, croesawaf y ffaith eich bod yn croesawu llawer o agweddau ar araith Prif Weinidog y DU. Rwy'n siŵr fod yna adegau pan allai'r cyfathrebu fod yn well rhwng Llywodraeth y DU a Llywodraeth Cymru, a chredaf fod pawb yn cydnabod bod yna adegau weithiau pan mae'n dda cael rhybudd ynglŷn â'r pethau hyn. Yn amlwg, nid oedd hynny'n wir y tro hwn. Efallai fod hynny'n drueni.

Ond fel y dywedaf, y gwir amdani yw bod hon yn Brif Weinidog y DU sy'n ymateb yn gadarnhaol i geisiadau gan Lywodraeth Cymru a'r Llywodraeth mewn rhannau eraill o'r Deyrnas Unedig sy'n awyddus i ystyried y mater hwn ac i sicrhau bod adrannau Whitehall a Llywodraeth y DU yn gweithredu'n briodol. Felly, o ran yr ymgysylltu a wnewch gyda Llywodraeth y DU, a gaf fi ofyn i chi groesawu'r penderfyniad a wnaed gan Brif Weinidog y DU yn ffurfiol, ac a wnewch chi sicrhau eich bod yn cydweithredu â'r adolygiad hwnnw er mwyn helpu Llywodraeth y DU i ganfod ble mae'r diffygion fel y gellir eu cywiro yn y dyfodol?

Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd (Ann Jones) i’r Gadair.

The Deputy Presiding Officer (Ann Jones) took the Chair.

Well, I note the points that the Member makes. It isn't just a question of being given a heads-up. I think that, in a sense, reveals the challenge that we face. It isn't just a question of telling us what's going on. It's a question of proper, deep engagement in the future constitution of the United Kingdom, and that's the bit that's missing. We get plenty of heads-up, although not on this occasion; what we don't get enough of is proper mature engagement on the basis of parity, and that, I think, goes to the heart of the challenge that we face.

I think that, if the review ends up with a conclusion that the solution to the future of the union is simply beefing up the Wales Office, as I think I read in some of the slightly hyperbolic press briefing, that is a fundamental misreading of what is required to strengthen the union. What is required to strengthen the union is better relationships and better machinery between the Governments of the United Kingdom, not a strengthening of the territorial offices.

But I look forward to hearing what the review comes back with. As I say, the terms of reference would have been much stronger and more useful had we had proper engagement in advance, but we look forward to seeing what the review has to say in due course.

Wel, nodaf y pwyntiau a wnaed gan yr Aelod. Nid mater o gael rhybudd yn unig yw hyn. Credaf fod hynny, mewn ffordd, yn datgelu'r her sy'n ein hwynebu. Nid mater o ddweud wrthym beth sy'n digwydd yn unig yw hyn. Mae'n fater o gymryd rhan yn briodol ac yn drwyadl yng nghyfansoddiad y Deyrnas Unedig yn y dyfodol, a dyna'r darn sydd ar goll. Rydym yn cael digon o rybudd, er nad ar yr achlysur hwn; yr hyn nad ydym yn cael digon ohono yw ymgysylltiad aeddfed priodol ar sail gydradd, a hynny, yn fy marn i, sydd wrth wraidd yr her sy'n ein hwynebu.

Os daw'r adolygiad i'r casgliad mai'r ateb syml i ddyfodol yr undeb yw cryfhau Swyddfa Cymru, fel y darllenais, rwy'n credu, mewn rhai o'r briffiau i'r wasg a oedd braidd yn hyperbolig, credaf fod hynny'n gamddarlleniad sylfaenol o'r hyn sydd ei angen i gryfhau'r undeb. Yr hyn sydd ei angen i gryfhau'r undeb yw gwell cysylltiadau a gwell peirianwaith rhwng Llywodraethau'r Deyrnas Unedig, nid cryfhau'r swyddfeydd tiriogaethol.

Ond edrychaf ymlaen at glywed casgliad yr adolygiad. Fel y dywedaf, byddai'r cylch gorchwyl wedi bod yn llawer cryfach ac yn fwy defnyddiol pe baem wedi cael ymgysylltiad priodol ymlaen llaw, ond edrychwn ymlaen at weld yr hyn sydd gan yr adolygiad i'w ddweud maes o law.

On the morning of the day that the Prime Minister announced this review of devolution, I received an e-mail from you, Minister, giving an update on the work that you've been doing to try to improve inter-governmental working in your role as the Welsh Government representative on the JMC(EN). You announced that the committee had agreed draft principles on how those relations should be conducted in the future, and they were very welcome. They were drafted by the Welsh Government. They include, and I quote,

'Maintaining positive and constructive relations, based on mutual respect for the responsibilities of governments across the UK and their shared role in the governance of the UK. Building and maintaining trust, based on effective communication'.

A few hours later, we were treated to this announcement from the Prime Minister that her Government would conduct a review of devolution. The devolved administrations, including yours, Minister, were not given prior notification that this was on the way. That is the crucial point here, isn't it? You were not informed about the detail, the scope or the terms of reference of the review, and you did not consent to it. Do you agree with me, Minister, that the draft principles for future inter-governmental working, which it's taken over a year to agree and which your Government had produced, were broken within a few hours of their publication? Doesn't this tell us all we need to know about whether the UK Government can be trusted to act in good faith when it comes to inter-governmental relations? David Lidington, the Deputy Prime Minister, has as good as acknowledged today that Wales is seen as having been failed by Westminster. The current devolution settlement contained within the Wales Act is a matter of law. Can you, therefore, assure us that, whatever the outcome of this dubious review, Wales's powers, as enshrined in that legislation, will be protected? And, finally, considering the UK Government's behaviour in this respect and in terms of risking our nation's economic future with a 'no deal' Brexit, is your view the same as the First Minister, in that your commitment to the UK union is not unconditional, and, if so, doesn't it follow that your Government may one day conclude that Wales's interests would be best served as an independent country?

Ar fore'r dydd y cyhoeddwyd yr adolygiad hwn o ddatganoli gan Brif Weinidog y DU, cefais e-bost gennych, Weinidog, a oedd yn cynnwys diweddariad ar y gwaith rydych wedi bod yn ei wneud i geisio gwella gweithio rhynglywodraethol yn eich rôl fel cynrychiolydd Llywodraeth Cymru ar y Cyd-bwyllgor Gweinidogion (Negodiadau’r UE). Fe gyhoeddoch chi fod y pwyllgor wedi cytuno ar egwyddorion drafft ynglŷn â sut y dylid cynnal y cysylltiadau hynny yn y dyfodol, a chawsant eu croesawu. Fe'u drafftiwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Maent yn cynnwys, a dyfynnaf,

Cynnal cysylltiadau cadarnhaol ac adeiladol, yn seiliedig ar gyd-barch tuag at gyfrifoldebau llywodraethau ar draws y DU a'u rôl gyffredin yn y gwaith o lywodraethu'r DU. Adeiladu a chynnal ymddiriedaeth, yn seiliedig ar gyfathrebu effeithiol.

Ychydig oriau yn ddiweddarach, cawsom y cyhoeddiad hwn gan Brif Weinidog y DU y byddai ei Llywodraeth yn cynnal adolygiad o ddatganoli. Ni chafodd y gweinyddiaethau datganoledig, gan gynnwys eich un chi, Weinidog, wybod ymlaen llaw fod hyn ar y ffordd. Onid dyna'r pwynt allweddol yn y fan hon? Ni chawsoch wybod am fanylion, cwmpas na chylch gorchwyl yr adolygiad, ac ni wnaethoch gydsynio iddo. A ydych yn cytuno â mi, Weinidog, fod yr egwyddorion drafft ar gyfer gwaith rhynglywodraethol yn y dyfodol, y mae wedi cymryd mwy na blwyddyn i gytuno arnynt ac a gynhyrchwyd gan eich Llywodraeth, wedi'u torri o fewn ychydig oriau i'w cyhoeddi? Onid yw hyn yn dweud popeth y mae angen i ni ei wybod ynglŷn ag a oes modd ymddiried yn Llywodraeth y DU i weithredu gyda phob ewyllys da mewn perthynas â chysylltiadau rhynglywodraethol? Mae David Lidington, Dirprwy Brif Weinidog y DU, cystal â bod wedi cydnabod heddiw eu bod yn ystyried bod Cymru wedi cael cam gan San Steffan. Mae'r setliad datganoli presennol sydd wedi'i gynnwys yn Neddf Cymru yn fater o gyfraith. A allwch roi sicrwydd inni felly, beth bynnag fydd canlyniad yr adolygiad amheus hwn, y bydd pwerau Cymru, fel y'u hymgorfforir yn y ddeddfwriaeth honno, yn cael eu diogelu? Ac yn olaf, o ystyried ymddygiad Llywodraeth y DU yn hyn o beth ac o ran peryglu dyfodol economaidd ein cenedl gyda Brexit 'dim bargen', a ydych o'r un farn â Phrif Weinidog Cymru, yn yr ystyr nad yw eich ymrwymiad i undeb y DU yn ddiamod, ac os felly, onid yw'n dilyn y gallai eich Llywodraeth ddod i'r casgliad ryw ddydd y byddai Cymru yn well ei byd fel gwlad annibynnol?


Well, I can give her the assurance, certainly, that this Government will always fight to make sure that Wales's interests are best reflected in all the discussions and negotiations that we have with the UK Government and we will not tolerate the taking away of any powers from this Assembly or Welsh Government. She has my categorical assurance in relation to that.

She will have noted the terms in which I responded to the publication of the principles last week jointly with Michael Russell, my counterpart in the Scottish Government. We welcomed the fact that these principles were put in the public domain and I will take this opportunity of thanking Welsh Government officials who lead on that work and lead on that work very effectively. It was—it is—a matter of regret that that was the only part of the review that we felt was sufficiently developed and mature to put in the public domain. One of the things that will need to happen is an early meeting of the JMC plenary between the heads of Government, and I'm sure there'll be reflection at that point about how those principles need to be delivered upon, not simply published.

And, to her point about the exchanges that she had with the First Minister in the committee the other day, I would just say we've been very clear that we think that Wales's interests are best protected as part of a well-functioning union, which is why we work so hard to try and reform the aspects of that that do not best work in Wales's interests at this point. I thought the First Minister took advantage of what ought to be a space in committee to have a more reflective, thoughtful, measured discussion about some of these things, to engage in exactly that, and I'm bound to say I thought it was somewhat unfortunate how that was responded to. The First Minister made the point very simply, I think, that if you were to say—. Is any politician able to say way into the future that, under all circumstances, under any version of the—[Interruption.]—under any version of the—that the interests of Wales would be best protected? That isn't—you know, one cannot say that, but our view is very passionately the case that Wales's interests are best protected as part of the United Kingdom and a well-functioning union, and a union that needs to work better than it does today.

Wel, gallaf roi sicrwydd iddi, yn sicr, y bydd y Llywodraeth hon bob amser yn ymladd i sicrhau bod buddiannau Cymru yn cael eu hadlewyrchu orau yn yr holl drafodaethau a negodiadau a gawn gyda Llywodraeth y DU ac na fyddwn yn goddef i unrhyw bwerau gael eu cymryd oddi wrth y Cynulliad hwn neu Lywodraeth Cymru. Gallaf roi sicrwydd pendant iddi ynglŷn â hynny.

Bydd wedi nodi fy ymateb i gyhoeddi'r egwyddorion yr wythnos diwethaf ar y cyd â Michael Russell, fy swyddog cyfatebol yn Llywodraeth yr Alban. Roeddem yn croesawu'r ffaith bod yr egwyddorion hyn wedi'u gwneud yn gyhoeddus a hoffwn fanteisio ar y cyfle hwn i ddiolch i swyddogion Llywodraeth Cymru sy'n arwain ar y gwaith hwnnw ac yn arwain ar y gwaith hwnnw'n effeithiol iawn. Roedd yn siomedig—mae'n siomedig—mai hon oedd yr unig ran o'r adolygiad y teimlem ei bod yn ddigon aeddfed ac wedi'i datblygu'n ddigonol i'w gwneud yn gyhoeddus. Un o'r pethau y bydd angen iddynt ddigwydd yw cyfarfod llawn buan o'r Cydbwyllgor Gweinidogion rhwng penaethiaid y Llywodraethau, ac rwy'n siŵr y bydd myfyrio ar yr adeg honno ynglŷn â sut y mae angen cyflawni'r egwyddorion hynny, yn hytrach na'u cyhoeddi'n unig.

Ac o ran ei phwynt ynglŷn â'r trafodaethau a gafodd gyda Phrif Weinidog Cymru yn y pwyllgor y diwrnod o'r blaen, buaswn yn dweud ein bod wedi dweud yn glir iawn ein bod yn credu mai'r ffordd orau o ddiogelu buddiannau Cymru yw fel rhan o undeb sy'n gweithio'n dda, a dyna pam ein bod yn gweithio mor galed i geisio diwygio'r agweddau ar hynny nad ydynt yn gweithio orau er budd Cymru ar hyn o bryd. Credaf fod y Prif Weinidog wedi manteisio ar yr hyn a ddylai fod yn gyfle mewn pwyllgor i gael trafodaeth fwy myfyriol, ystyriol a phwyllog am rai o'r pethau hyn, i gymryd rhan yn hynny, a rhaid i mi ddweud fy mod yn meddwl bod y ffordd yr ymatebwyd i hynny braidd yn anffodus. Gwnaeth y Prif Weinidog y pwynt, yn syml iawn yn fy marn i, pe baech yn dweud—. A oes modd i unrhyw wleidydd ddweud, ymhell yn y dyfodol, o dan unrhyw amgylchiadau, o dan unrhyw fersiwn o'r—[Torri ar draws.]—o dan unrhyw fersiwn o'r—y byddai buddiannau Cymru yn cael eu diogelu yn y ffordd orau? Nid yw hynny'n—ni all rhywun ddweud hynny, ond rydym yn credu'n angerddol iawn fod buddiannau Cymru yn cael eu diogelu orau fel rhan o'r Deyrnas Unedig ac undeb sy'n gweithio'n dda, ac undeb y mae angen iddo weithio'n well nag y mae'n ei wneud ar hyn o bryd.

This, of course, isn't the first instance where the representative democratic interests of Wales and the Welsh Government have been, to some extent, bypassed or put to one side while the UK Government just gets on with something without discussion or consultation. It does seem very, very odd. The previous one, of course, was equally significant, on the UK shared prosperity fund. So, I wonder—clearly, they're not learning a lesson, or they're wilfully carrying on to ignore the wishes of Welsh Government or the Scottish Government and both Assemblies as well, both Parliaments, but where are we on the shared prosperity fund? Because, meanwhile, in Wales, like the suggestions that have been put forward by Welsh Government and by the Scottish Government on future structures of devolution, we're also working on ways forward for allocating properly funding throughout Wales. So, the group that I'm delighted to chair—the regional investment for Wales steering group—is working actively across Wales with representatives of wider Welsh society to look at the right structures, and yet UK Government is off doing its thing on the UK shared prosperity fund and we don't know a lot. Would the Minister share with us where we are on that at the moment? Do we have any clarity at the moment on that? Because that might indicate to us the way in which they intend to take this latest piece of work forward.

Nid dyma'r achos cyntaf, wrth gwrs, lle mae buddiannau democrataidd cynrychioliadol Cymru a Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cael eu hanwybyddu, i ryw raddau, neu eu rhoi o'r neilltu wrth i Lywodraeth y DU fwrw ymlaen â rhywbeth heb drafod nac ymgynghori. Mae i'w weld yn rhyfedd iawn. Roedd yr un blaenorol, wrth gwrs, yr un mor arwyddocaol, ar gronfa ffyniant gyffredin y DU. Felly, tybed—yn amlwg, nid ydynt yn dysgu eu gwers, neu maent yn parhau'n fwriadol i anwybyddu dymuniadau Llywodraeth Cymru neu Lywodraeth yr Alban a'r ddau Gynulliad hefyd, y ddwy Senedd, ond ble rydym ni ar y gronfa ffyniant gyffredin? Oherwydd, yn y cyfamser, yng Nghymru, fel yr awgrymiadau a gafwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru a chan Lywodraeth yr Alban ar strwythurau datganoli yn y dyfodol, rydym hefyd yn gweithio ar ffyrdd ymlaen ar gyfer dyrannu cyllid yn briodol ledled Cymru. Felly, mae'r grŵp rwy'n falch iawn o'i gadeirio—y grŵp llywio buddsoddi rhanbarthol i Gymru—yn gweithio'n frwd ledled Cymru gyda chynrychiolwyr o gymdeithas ehangach Cymru i edrych ar y strwythurau cywir, ac eto mae Llywodraeth y DU yn gweithio ar gronfa ffyniant gyffredin y DU, ac ni wyddom lawer am hynny. A wnaiff y Gweinidog rannu ble rydym ni arni ar hynny ar hyn o bryd? A oes gennym unrhyw eglurder ar hynny ar hyn o bryd? Oherwydd gallai hynny ddangos i ni'r ffordd y maent yn bwriadu bwrw ymlaen â'r gwaith diweddaraf hwn.

Well, I thank the Member for that. Can I also take the opportunity of thanking him for his work chairing the regional investment steering group, which is important work and goes to the heart of the point I made to Llyr Gruffydd earlier about needing to take proactive steps in a very creative and imaginative way to look at how we can deliver some of these funding sources into the future differently from how we have been able to do that to date? So, I thank him and members of the steering group for the work that they are doing in that important area.

I think the point that he makes in relation to clarity of information and sharing of information in relation to the prosperity fund is absolutely critical, isn't it? We have been clear that this is not the way to proceed if you're looking to respect the devolution boundaries, and I think he will have shared my dismay at the remarks made by Boris Johnson—in Cardiff, of all places—last Friday in relation to this. I very much hope that that will have ended up being a question of party politics as he seeks the nomination of his party. I'm afraid I don't have much confidence in that. As we stand today, I can't tell him that I have any insight into what the proposals are or any substantive detail, and I think he will share my regret about that.

Wel, diolch i'r Aelod am hynny. A gaf fi fanteisio ar y cyfle hefyd i ddiolch iddo am ei waith yn cadeirio'r grŵp llywio buddsoddi rhanbarthol, sy'n waith pwysig ac sy'n mynd at wraidd y pwynt a wneuthum i Llyr Gruffydd yn gynharach ynglŷn â'r angen i gymryd camau rhagweithiol mewn ffordd greadigol a dychmygus iawn i edrych ar sut y gallwn ddarparu rhai o'r ffynonellau ariannu hyn yn y dyfodol yn wahanol i'r modd y gallasom wneud hynny hyd yma? Felly, diolch iddo ef ac i aelodau'r grŵp llywio am y gwaith a wnânt yn y maes pwysig hwnnw.

Credaf fod y pwynt a wnaed ganddo mewn perthynas ag eglurder gwybodaeth a rhannu gwybodaeth mewn perthynas â'r gronfa ffyniant yn gwbl hanfodol, onid yw? Rydym wedi dweud yn glir nad dyma'r ffordd i fwrw ymlaen os ydych am barchu ffiniau datganoli, a chredaf y bydd yn rhannu fy siom ynghylch y sylwadau a wnaed gan Boris Johnson—yng Nghaerdydd, o bob man—ddydd Gwener diwethaf mewn perthynas â hyn. Rwy'n gobeithio'n fawr mai mater o wleidyddiaeth plaid oedd hynny wrth iddo geisio enwebiad ei blaid. Rwy'n ofni nad oes gennyf lawer o hyder yn hynny. Fel y mae pethau heddiw, ni allaf ddweud wrtho fod gennyf unrhyw fewnwelediad i beth yw'r argymhellion nac unrhyw fanylion sylweddol, a chredaf y bydd yn rhannu fy siom ynglŷn â hynny.

4. Datganiadau 90 Eiliad
4. 90-second Statements

Item 4 on the agenda this afternoon is the 90-second statements. The first one this afternoon is Leanne Wood.

Eitem 4 ar yr agenda y prynhawn yma yw'r datganiadau 90 eiliad. Daw'r cyntaf y prynhawn yma gan Leanne Wood.

I'd like to pay tribute to one of the Rhondda's most famous sons, the actor Glyn Houston, who was born and raised just behind my grandmother's house in Tonypandy. When he was a child, his parents moved to London to find work and escape the crushing poverty and unemployment of the Rhondda. His parents couldn't afford to take all three children, and Glyn was left behind to be raised by his grandmother, Gwenllian. The children were reunited in Gwenllian's care just three years later in tragic circumstances due to the untimely death of their mother.

From this adversity, the family produced not one but two famous actors, for Glyn's older brother Donald also found worldwide stardom. Glyn served in the second world war in the military police, and, after making his film debut in The Blue Lamp in 1950, he went on to star in films such as The Cruel Sea, Turn the Key Softly, Private's Progress and Tiger Bay. He also had an illustrious career on the small screen. In 2009, he was the recipient of a British Academy of Film and Television Arts lifetime achievement award from BAFTA Cymru, which was a richly deserved accolade for an actor whose work touched the lives of many generations of film fans across the world.

Now, I realise that many of today's young people in the Rhondda may not have seen any of Glyn's films or tv shows, but I'd like to think that they would like to know about him. His career teaches us that you can deal with adversity at a young age, you can come from a tough-going background, and you can go on to achieve anything you put your mind to if you put in the work and you are determined.

Hoffwn dalu teyrnged i un o feibion ​​enwocaf y Rhondda, yr actor Glyn Houston, a gafodd ei eni a'i fagu y tu ôl i dŷ fy mam-gu yn Nhonypandy. Pan oedd yn blentyn, symudodd ei rieni i Lundain i ddod o hyd i waith ac i ddianc rhag y tlodi a'r diweithdra aruthrol yn y Rhondda. Ni allai ei rieni fforddio mynd â phob un o'r tri phlentyn, a chafodd Glyn ei adael ar ôl a'i fagu gan ei fam-gu, Gwenllian. Cafodd y plant eu haduno yng ngofal Gwenllian dair blynedd yn ddiweddarach mewn amgylchiadau trasig oherwydd marwolaeth gynnar eu mam.

O'r trallod hwn, cynhyrchodd y teulu nid un ond dau actor enwog, wrth i frawd hŷn Glyn, Donald, hefyd ddod yn enwog yn fyd-eang. Gwasanaethodd Glyn yn yr ail ryfel byd yn yr heddlu milwrol, ac ar ôl ymddangos yn ei ffilm gyntaf, The Blue Lamp, ym 1950, aeth yn ei flaen i serennu mewn ffilmiau fel The Cruel Sea, Turn the Key Softly, Private's Progress a Tiger Bay. Cafodd yrfa ddisglair ar y teledu hefyd. Yn 2009, derbyniodd wobr cyflawniad oes gan BAFTA Cymru, a oedd yn anrhydedd haeddiannol iawn i actor a oedd wedi cyffwrdd â bywydau cenedlaethau lawer o wylwyr ffilmiau ledled y byd drwy ei waith.

Nawr, rwy'n sylweddoli na fydd llawer o bobl ifanc heddiw yn y Rhondda wedi gweld unrhyw un o ffilmiau na rhaglenni teledu Glyn, ond hoffwn feddwl y byddent yn awyddus i wybod amdano. Mae ei yrfa yn ein dysgu y gallwch ymdopi â thrallod ar oedran ifanc, gallwch ddod o gefndir anodd, a gallwch fynd yn eich blaen i gyflawni unrhyw beth a ddymunwch os ydych yn gwneud y gwaith a'ch bod yn benderfynol.

Diolch, Glyn, am y gwersi. Cwsg mewn hedd.

Thank you, Glyn, for those lessons. Rest in peace.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. This Saturday, I'll be attending celebrations to mark the hundred and fiftieth anniversary of Aberdare park. The park—the 'people's park', as it was initially called—was the very first public park in Wales. Developed by the local board of health, it occupies nearly 50 acres that had been part of the ancient Hirwaun common. Undrained, unkempt land, ankle deep in mud and water, became quality parkland and recreational grounds. That work took three years. The official opening on 29 July 1869 came after a tremendous procession of dignitaries and local people marched from Aberdare town centre to the park gates. There at the park gates, in a symbolic gesture, the dignitaries stepped aside to let local residents complete the first lap of the park. It was, and still is, their park, after all.

Over the years, the park developed in response to nature and human agency: boating, baths, a public water fountain, and more. The August bank holiday of 1906 saw 30,000 people visiting the park. Since 1950, the park has also hosted annual internationally renowned motorcycle races. These bring visitors from across the UK into Aberdare for what is said to be one of the best and hardest-to-master routes. In 1956, the National Eisteddfod was held in the park. Gorsedd stones still remind people of that event.

As I close, I want to pay tribute to the Friends of Aberdare Park, a voluntary group whose members work tirelessly to improve the park for all, and to invite all AMs to join me in celebrating the hundred and fiftieth birthday of the people's park.

Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Ddydd Sadwrn, byddaf yn mynychu dathliadau i nodi 150 o flynyddoedd ers agor parc Aberdâr. Y parc—'parc y bobl', fel y'i gelwid ar y dechrau—oedd y parc cyhoeddus cyntaf yng Nghymru. Fe'i datblygwyd gan y bwrdd iechyd lleol, ac mae'n ymestyn dros bron i 50 erw a oedd yn arfer bod yn rhan o dir comin hynafol Hirwaun. Daeth y tir diffaith, heb ei drin a oedd o dan ddŵr hyd at eich ffêr, i fod yn dir parc a chaeau hamdden o ansawdd. Cymerodd y gwaith hwnnw dair blynedd. Cynhaliwyd yr agoriad swyddogol ar 29 Gorffennaf 1869 ar ôl gorymdaith enfawr o bwysigion a phobl leol o ganol tref Aberdâr i fynedfa'r parc. Ger mynedfa'r parc, mewn arwydd symbolaidd, camodd y pwysigion i'r naill ochr i adael i drigolion lleol gwblhau'r lap gyntaf o'r parc. Wedi'r cyfan, eu parc hwy ydoedd, a'u parc hwy ydyw o hyd.

Dros y blynyddoedd, datblygodd y parc mewn ymateb i natur ac effeithiau dynol: cychod, baddonau, ffynnon ddŵr gyhoeddus, a mwy. Yn ystod gŵyl banc mis Awst 1906, ymwelodd 30,000 o bobl â'r parc. Bob blwyddyn ers 1950 hefyd, mae'r parc wedi cynnal rasys beiciau modur rhyngwladol enwog. Mae'r rhain yn dod ag ymwelwyr o bob cwr o'r DU i Aberdâr ar gyfer yr hyn y dywedir ei fod yn un o'r llwybrau rasio gorau ac anoddaf eu meistroli. Yn 1956, cynhaliwyd yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yn y parc. Mae cerrig yr Orsedd yn dal i atgoffa pobl o'r digwyddiad hwnnw.

I gloi, hoffwn dalu teyrnged i Gyfeillion Parc Aberdâr, grŵp gwirfoddol y mae eu haelodau'n gweithio'n ddiflino i wella'r parc i bawb, a gwahodd pob AC i ymuno â mi i ddathlu 150 o flynyddoedd ers agor parc y bobl.

Ar 20 Gorffennaf 1969, mi laniodd dyn ar y lleuad a, 50 mlynedd yn ddiweddarach, dwi am gofio'r digwyddiad, ie, fel naid enfawr i ddynoliaeth, ond hefyd fel cam rhyfeddol yng ngyrfa dyn o Ynys Môn a oedd yn un o brif benseiri'r glaniad.

Yn Llanddaniel y ganwyd Tecwyn Roberts yn 1925. Ar ôl dechrau ei yrfa fel prentis yn ffatri awyrennau Saunders-Roe ar gyrion Biwmares, ac wedyn ennill gradd mewn peirianneg, mi aeth o draw i ogledd America i fyw. Mi wnaeth yrfa iddo fo'i hun yn y maes awyr ofod yng Nghanada, yn gyntaf, cyn ymuno â NASA yn 1959, lle cafodd ei allu ei ddefnyddio i'r eithaf wrth drio gwireddu gweledigaeth Kennedy. Fo lywiodd y gwaith o greu mission control a'i systemau cyfathrebu a rheoli newydd oedd eu hangen ar gyfer rhaglen glanio ar y lleuad.

Ar ddiwrnod y glanio ei hun, mi oedd ei rôl o'n gwbl allweddol. Fyddai Armstrong ac Aldrin ddim wedi glanio hebddo fo. Yng nghanol yr ocheneidiau o ryddhad, mi oedd yna un dyn o Sir Fôn yn gwybod bod ei waith o wedi cael ei wneud—ar wahân i gael y gofodwyr yn ôl adref, wrth reswm. Mae hi'n stori ryfeddol, a dwi'n edrych ymlaen at ddysgu mwy mewn rhaglenni arbennig efo Tudur Owen ar S4C a Radio Cymru yn y dyddiau nesaf. Mae'n addas iawn bod y cloc yn cyfrif lawr ar ddiwedd fy 90 eiliad—tri, dau, un. [Chwerthin.] Efallai fy mod i'n bersonol wedi methu tystio i'r glanio o ryw dair blynedd, ond mi oedden ni yno—mi oedd Cymru yno, mi oedd Ynys Môn yno—drwy Tecwyn Roberts, y peiriannydd o Fôn aeth â'r byd i'r lleuad.

On 20 July 1969, man landed on the moon and, 50 years later, I want to commemorate the event, yes, as a major step for mankind, but also as an incredible step in the career of a man from Anglesey who was one of the major architects of the moon landing.

Tecwyn Roberts was born in Llanddaniel in 1925. Having started his career as an apprentice in the Saunders-Roe aircraft factory on the outskirts of Beaumaris, and then gaining an engineering degree, he went to north America to live. He made a career for himself in aeronautics in Canada, first of all, before joining NASA in 1959, where his ability was used to its greatest extent in trying to deliver Kennedy’s vision. He delivered the work of creating mission control and its new communications systems that were so necessary for the moon landing programme.

On the day of the landing itself, his role was entirely crucial. Armstrong and Aldrin would not have landed without him. Amongst the great relief, there was one man from Anglesey who knew that his work was done, apart from getting the astronauts back home, of course. It’s an incredible story, and I look forward to learning more in special programmes with Tudur Owen on S4C and Radio Cymru over the next few days. It’s very appropriate that a clock is counting down at the end of my 90 seconds—three, two, one. [Laughter.] I may personally have failed to see the landings by some three years, but we were there—Wales was there, Anglesey was there—through Tecwyn Roberts, the engineer from Anglesey who took the world to the moon.

5. Cynnig i ddirymu Rheoliadau Perfformiad Ysgol a Thargedau Absenoldeb (Cymru) (Diwygio) 2019
5. Motion to annul the School Performance and Absence Targets (Wales) (Amendments) Regulations 2019

Item 5 on the agenda this afternoon is the motion to annul the School Performance and Absence Targets (Wales) (Amendments) Regulations 2019, and I call on Suzy Davies to move the motion—Suzy.

Eitem 5 ar yr agenda y prynhawn yma yw'r cynnig i ddirymu Rheoliadau Perfformiad Ysgol a Thargedau Absenoldeb (Cymru) (Diwygio) 2019, a galwaf ar Suzy Davies i wneud y cynnig—Suzy.

Cynnig NDM7106 Suzy Davies

Cynnig bod Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 27.2:

Yn cytuno y dylid dirymu Rheoliadau Perfformiad Ysgol a Thargedau Absenoldeb (Cymru) (Diwygio) 2019, a osodwyd gerbron y Cynulliad ar 6 Mehefin 2019.

Motion NDM7106 Suzy Davies

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales in accordance with Standing Order 27.2:

Agrees that The School Performance and Absence Targets (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2019, laid before the Assembly on 6 June 2019, be annulled.

Cynigiwyd y cynnig.

Motion moved.

Diolch yn fawr, Dirprwy Lywydd, and I move the motion.

I tabled this motion today for two particular reasons. The first is that these are pretty important changes to the current system of assessing the performance of a school, and the second, which isn't a matter for this Minister in particular, but, I hope, for Government generally—I hope, Minister, that you will forgive me for using this particular example to make the point.

The Minister has previously explained to us that the current system of school performance assessment can lead to unintended consequences. Every year, school governors have to set targets for pupil performance in the second and third key stages in the core subjects of maths, English, Welsh and science and there is a similar process, I understand, for students reaching 16 and facing external exams. They also have to set performance targets in two or three other subjects, which are non-specified. The school can then be judged on the performance according to its success or otherwise in reaching those targets— something that becomes particularly visible at the end of year 11, where the comparison is not made between targets and teacher assessment, but between targets and exam results. And that, as we've heard, can lead to schools putting a disproportionate effort into timetabling for the core subjects and gaming the system by entering students for exams that can only ever produce a grade C GCSE equivalent.

As part of wider reforms, and to deter this behaviour, the Minister's moving towards new evaluation and improvement arrangements. We've already got some interim key stage 4 performance measures, I think, which we'll see worked through for this summer’s exams. And the current setting of targets process doesn’t align with this new-look performance measure and doesn’t bring anything to a school’s self-evaluation and improvement. Furthermore, governors are being asked to set targets on what will be an obsolete set of requirements. I think that’s core of the Minister’s argument, but, if I’ve got it wrong, I’m more than happy to be corrected.

Now, these regulations still require governors to set targets; it looks like it’s still six. But the requirement for any of those to be the core subjects of English, Welsh or maths will go, as will the need to report on the percentage of pupils who achieve those targets. Now, we may have an issue with the idea of a school being set targets by its own governors and not knowing how close or far away from those targets its pupil results were. But the first purpose of bringing this motion to the Chamber is not to challenge the Minister’s general direction of travel but to give you, Minister, an opportunity to explain to us directly why you're content for schools to be able to avoid setting targets in these three subjects in particular.

English and maths and, increasingly, good Welsh-language skills, are still considered essential requirements in any job application. And, even if the new performance framework is about self-evaluation and self-improvement, and even if pupils are doing well in these core subjects, isn't there an argument for keeping these three subjects as a point of focus in every school, bearing in mind their particular status for moving on to further education, training or work?

Now, I accept there's an argument that an individual school may decide that it is in six entirely different areas that it needs to improve. But I can see nothing in the existing or the new regulations preventing setting targets in more than six areas. Until we get into the new curriculum fully, and we can see how the maths and numeracy and languages, literacy and communication areas of learning and experience present, I'm asking Members just to consider that governors must keep these three subjects as annual target items until the new curriculum has worked its way through a little bit, and—unless the Minister can persuade us why not—to support the annulment of these particular regulations.

The second reason for tabling this motion is because it was the only way of getting this issue to the Chamber. This is not the fault of the Minister, but a perfect example of why we as a legislature should exercise caution about leaving too much to secondary legislation where the exercise of Welsh ministerial powers can go unnoticed. Now, these regulations arise from Westminster statutes, but the point applies to our primary legislation too. Here is an important change to the overview, and possibly the status, of English, Welsh and maths within our current education system, introduced via the negative procedure, which I wouldn't even have known about if I hadn't happened to be in a Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee on a given day.

And I'm asking: is it right that we as a legislature are asked to legislate, in the case of the negative procedure, by dint of deemed consent, if we don’t know that these regulations are coming through? And so I'm asking Welsh Government to consider a more proactive way of directly publishing its secondary legislation to spokespeople at the very, very least. The legislation Act is all about the accessibility of law and us as Members having to randomly trawl through the national archives on the off-chance that we might find something really doesn’t count as accessible. And while I repeat, Minister, this is not a matter for you uniquely, I think it is something that the Welsh Government should take account of because it's hindering us doing our work. Thank you. 

Diolch yn fawr, Ddirprwy Lywydd, ac rwy'n gwneud y cynnig.

Cyflwynais y cynnig hwn heddiw am ddau reswm penodol. Y cyntaf yw bod y rhain yn newidiadau go bwysig i'r system bresennol o asesu perfformiad ysgol, a'r ail, nad yw'n fater i'r Gweinidog hwn yn arbennig, ond i'r Llywodraeth yn gyffredinol, gobeithio—gobeithio, Weinidog, y byddwch yn maddau i mi am ddefnyddio'r enghraifft arbennig hon i wneud y pwynt.

Mae'r Gweinidog eisoes wedi esbonio wrthym y gall y system gyfredol o asesu perfformiad ysgolion arwain at ganlyniadau anfwriadol. Bob blwyddyn, mae'n rhaid i lywodraethwyr ysgol osod targedau ar gyfer perfformiad disgyblion yn yr ail a'r trydydd cyfnod allweddol ym mhynciau craidd mathemateg, Saesneg, Cymraeg a gwyddoniaeth a cheir proses debyg, yn ôl yr hyn a ddeallaf, ar gyfer myfyrwyr sy’n cyrraedd 16 oed ac yn wynebu arholiadau allanol. Mae'n rhaid iddynt hefyd osod targedau perfformiad mewn dau neu dri phwnc arall, nad ydynt wedi'u pennu. Yna, gellir barnu'r ysgol ar ei pherfformiad yn ôl ei llwyddiant neu fel arall i gyflawni’r targedau hyn—rhywbeth sy'n dod yn weladwy iawn ar ddiwedd blwyddyn 11, lle na wneir y gymhariaeth rhwng targedau ac asesiad athro, ond rhwng targedau a chanlyniadau arholiadau. A gall hynny, fel y clywsom, beri i ysgolion wneud ymdrech anghymesur i amserlennu ar gyfer y pynciau craidd a chwarae’r system drwy gyflwyno myfyrwyr ar gyfer arholiadau na allant ond gynhyrchu cyfwerth â TGAU gradd C.

Fel rhan o ddiwygiadau ehangach, ac i atal yr ymddygiad hwn, mae'r Gweinidog yn symud tuag at drefniadau gwerthuso a gwella newydd. Credaf fod gennym eisoes rai mesurau perfformiad cyfnod allweddol 4 dros dro y gweithir drwyddynt ar gyfer arholiadau’r haf hwn. Ac nid yw'r broses bresennol o osod targedau yn cyd-fynd â'r mesur perfformiad newydd hwn ac nid yw'n cyfrannu at hunanwerthuso a gwella ysgol. Yn ychwanegol at hynny, gofynnir i lywodraethwyr osod targedau ar set o ofynion na fyddant yn weithredol mwyach. Credaf mai dyna yw craidd dadl y Gweinidog, ond os wyf wedi camddeall, rwy'n fwy na pharod i gael fy nghywiro.

Nawr, mae'r rheoliadau hyn yn dal i’w gwneud yn ofynnol i lywodraethwyr osod targedau; chwech ohonynt o hyd, yn ôl pob golwg. Ond bydd y gofyniad i unrhyw un o'r rheini fod yn bynciau craidd Saesneg, Cymraeg neu fathemateg yn diflannu, yn ogystal â'r angen i adrodd ar ganran y disgyblion sy'n cyflawni'r targedau hynny. Nawr, mae'n bosibl y bydd gennym broblem gyda'r syniad na fydd llywodraethwyr ysgol yn gosod ei thargedau heb wybod pa mor agos neu bell oddi wrth y targedau hynny oedd canlyniadau ei disgyblion. Ond nid prif ddiben cyflwyno'r cynnig hwn i'r Siambr yw herio cyfeiriad teithio cyffredinol y Gweinidog, ond yn hytrach, i roi cyfle i chi, Weinidog, esbonio'n uniongyrchol i ni pam eich bod yn fodlon i ysgolion allu osgoi gosod targedau ar gyfer y tri phwnc hyn yn benodol.

Mae sgiliau da mewn Saesneg a mathemateg, ac yn gynyddol, Cymraeg, yn dal i gael eu hystyried yn ofynion hanfodol mewn unrhyw gais am swydd. A hyd yn oed os yw'r fframwaith perfformiad newydd yn ymwneud â hunanwerthuso a hunanwella, a hyd yn oed os yw disgyblion yn gwneud yn dda yn y pynciau craidd hyn, onid oes dadl dros gadw'r tri phwnc hyn yn bwynt ffocws ym mhob ysgol, gan gofio eu statws penodol ar gyfer camu ymlaen i addysg bellach, hyfforddiant neu waith?

Nawr, rwy'n derbyn bod dadl y gall ysgol unigol benderfynu bod angen iddi wella mewn chwe maes cwbl wahanol. Ond ni allaf weld unrhyw beth yn y rheoliadau presennol na'r rheoliadau newydd sy'n atal gosod targedau mewn mwy na chwe maes. Hyd nes yr awn i mewn i’r cwricwlwm newydd yn llawn, ac y gallwn weld sut y mae meysydd dysgu a phrofiad mathemateg a rhifedd ac ieithoedd, llythrennedd a chyfathrebu yn gweithio, rwy'n gofyn i'r Aelodau ystyried bod yn rhaid i lywodraethwyr gadw'r tri phwnc hyn yn eitemau targed blynyddol hyd nes y bydd y cwricwlwm newydd wedi ymsefydlu ychydig, ac—oni bai y gall y Gweinidog ein perswadio ni fel arall—i gefnogi dirymu'r rheoliadau penodol hyn.

Yr ail reswm dros gyflwyno'r cynnig hwn yw mai dyma’r unig ffordd o ddod â hyn i'r Siambr. Nid bai'r Gweinidog yw hyn, ond mae’n enghraifft berffaith o pam y dylem fel deddfwrfa ochel rhag gadael gormod i is-ddeddfwriaeth lle gellir colli golwg ar bwerau Gweinidogion Cymru. Nawr, mae'r rheoliadau hyn yn deillio o statudau San Steffan, ond mae'r pwynt yn berthnasol i'n deddfwriaeth sylfaenol hefyd. Mae hwn yn newid pwysig i drosolwg ac o bosibl i statws Saesneg, Cymraeg a mathemateg yn ein system addysg bresennol, a gyflwynwyd drwy'r weithdrefn negyddol, na fuaswn wedi gwybod unrhyw beth amdano pe na bawn wedi digwydd bod mewn Pwyllgor Materion Cyfansoddiadol a Deddfwriaethol ar ddiwrnod penodol.

Ac rwy'n gofyn: a yw'n iawn fod gofyn i ni fel deddfwrfa ddeddfu, yn achos y weithdrefn negyddol, drwy gydsyniad tybiedig, os nad ydym yn gwybod bod y rheoliadau hyn ar y ffordd? Ac felly, gofynnaf i Lywodraeth Cymru ystyried ffordd fwy rhagweithiol o gyhoeddi ei his-ddeddfwriaeth yn uniongyrchol i lefarwyr, o leiaf. Mae’r Ddeddf ddeddfwriaeth yn ymwneud â hygyrchedd y gyfraith, ac nid yw’r rheidrwydd arnom ni fel Aelodau i dreillio’n ddall drwy'r archifau cenedlaethol yn y gobaith y byddwn yn dod o hyd i rywbeth yn cyfrif fel hygyrch. Ac er fy mod yn ailadrodd, Weinidog, nad mater i chi yn unig yw hwn, credaf ei fod yn rhywbeth y dylai Llywodraeth Cymru ei ystyried gan ei fod yn ein rhwystro rhag gwneud ein gwaith. Diolch.


Mi fydd Plaid Cymru yn atal pleidlais ar y mater yma, nid oherwydd ein bod ni'n eistedd ar y ffens ynglŷn â'r rheoliadau, ond fel arwydd o'n hanfodlonrwydd efo'r broses. Mae'r rheoliadau yn cael gwared ar yr angen statudol i ysgolion osod targedau penodol oherwydd bod y mesuriadau wedi newid. Mae hynny yn synhwyrol, ac mi rydym ni hefyd yn cytuno efo'r newid, a'r symud i ffwrdd o'r ffocws cul ar raddau sydd ar y ffin, sef y ffocws cul yma ar godi graddau o D i C. Yn gyffredinol, dwi'n credu bod ysgolion yn croesawu'r newid, ac mi fydd o'n rhoi'r gallu iddyn nhw ddatblygu targedau go iawn, fydd yn helpu codi safonau ar gyfer pob disgybl. Felly, nid ydym ni'n atal pleidlais oherwydd y pwnc dan sylw. Y rheswm ein bod ni am atal ydy er mwyn gwneud y pwynt y mae Suzy Davies wedi ei amlinellu fel ei hail rheswm hi dros gyflwyno'r cynnig, sef mai dyma'r unig ffordd o gael trafodaeth ar hyn yn y Siambr. Maen bwysig nad ydym ni'n defnyddio deddfwriaeth eilaidd a'r broses negyddol yn ormodol. Mae peryg i Weinidogion ddefnyddio eu pwerau a gwneud newidiadau heb fawr o drafodaeth. Dydy hynny ddim yn iach i ddemocratiaeth. Mae angen i Lywodraeth fod mor agored a thryloyw â phosib. Maen bwysig bod y ddeddfwrfa yn cael craffu yn llawn ar faterion o bwys. Ac yn sicr, dyna un rheswm pam ein bod ni'n credu bod angen symud ar frys i gael mwy o Aelodau Cynulliad yn Senedd Cymru, er mwyn bod y craffu yn gallu digwydd yn llawn. Dwi'n cytuno efo Suzy hefyd y byddai'n fuddiol i'r Llywodraeth fabwysiadu dull tryloyw o gyflwyno deddfwriaeth eilaidd. Dwi'n gwybod nad mater penodol i'r Gweinidog ydy'r ail ran o beth dwi newydd ei ddweud rŵan, ond dwi yn gobeithio y bydd y drafodaeth yma yn sbarduno'r newid sydd ei angen. 

Plaid Cymru will abstain on this issue, not because we are sitting on the fence in terms of these regulations, but as a signal of our dissatisfaction with the process. The regulations do scrap the statutory need for schools to set particular targets, because the circumstances have changed. That is sensible, and we do agree with that change, and the move away from that narrow focus on borderline grades, which is that narrow focus on increasing grades from D to C. Now, generally speaking, I think schools welcome the change, and it will give them the ability to develop real meaningful targets that will help to raise standards for all pupils. So, we don’t abstain because of the particular issue covered in the regulations. The reason that we will abstain is to make the point that Suzy Davies has already made as her second reason for tabling this annulment motion—that this is the only way of getting a debate on this in the Chamber. It is important that we don’t use secondary legislation and the negative procedure too much. There is a risk that Ministers will use their powers and make changes without much discussion at all. That isn’t healthy for our democracy. Government needs to be as open and as transparent as possible, and it is important that the legislature can scrutinise fully issues of importance. Certainly, that is one reason why we believe that we need to move urgently towards having more Assembly Members in the Welsh Parliament, so that that scrutiny can happen properly. I agree with Suzy also that it would be beneficial for the Government to adopt a transparent method of introducing secondary legislation. I know that this isn’t specifically a matter for the Minister in terms of the second part of what I’ve just said, but I do hope that this discussion will engender that change that is so necessary. 

I'd like to thank Suzy Davies for raising this issue, because obviously 6 June was a Thursday when we weren't sitting, and it was a written statement, so it could very easily have passed us all by. And I think that the subject under consideration here—it looks very dry and it's quite difficult to understand exactly what governors are going to be expected to do. But, fundamentally, this is a really, really important issue. So, I think it's very much worthy of discussion in the Senedd.

I think we have to avoid teaching to the test, which is what has been going on—certainly in some schools. There is nothing served by learning by rote, because it won't serve the young person well in the future, when the jobs that they're going to need to do in the future simply don't exist. So, we have to have something that's in line with the new curriculum and the areas of learning and the ability of students to adapt their learning to suit unforeseen circumstances. It seems to me that is really, really important.

So, I can see the value of enabling governors individually to be able to look at particular targets in their school. For example, if Estyn has highlighted that music or the dual language offer is weak, then clearly that governing body may want to set a target for how the school is progressing in addressing those weaknesses. But I think what we need to get away from is this narrow focus on the C/D borderline, which does not serve most pupils well. I want to see all schools being judged by the value they add to the learning of each and every individual, rather than the previous method, which was simply allowing schools to tread water in the proverbial leafy suburbs, where it was pretty easy, on the whole, to achieve the targets we were setting them, and simply wasn't judging them against the raw materials that were coming into the school in the first place.

So, I very much welcome this debate. I think it's one we can and should come back to. So, thank you, Suzy Davies.

Hoffwn ddiolch i Suzy Davies am godi'r mater hwn, oherwydd yn amlwg, roedd 6 Mehefin yn ddydd Iau pan nad oeddem yn eistedd, ac roedd yn ddatganiad ysgrifenedig, felly gallai'n hawdd iawn fod wedi digwydd heb