Y Cyfarfod Llawn - Y Bumed Senedd

Plenary - Fifth Senedd




Datganiad gan y Llywydd Statement by the Llywydd
1. Dadl: Cyfnod 3 Bil Rhentu Cartrefi (Diwygio) (Cymru) 1. Debate: Stage 3 of the Renting Homes (Amendment) (Wales) Bill
Grŵp 1: Seiliau adfeddiannu (Gwelliannau 32, 33, 46, 51, 52) Group 1: Repossession grounds (Amendments 32, 33, 46, 51, 52)
Grŵp 2: Cyfnod hysbysu (Gwelliannau 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45) Group 2: Notice period (Amendments 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45)
Grŵp 3: Contractau safonol a chyfnod penodol y gellir eu terfynu ar ôl cyfnod hysbysu o ddau fis (Gwelliannau 9, 53, 54) Group 3: Standard and fixed term contracts which can be terminated with 2 months notice (Amendments 9, 53, 54)
Grŵp 4: Diwygiadau amrywiol i Ddeddf 2016 (Gwelliannau 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 56, 21, 25, 26, 27) Group 4: Miscellaneous amendments to the 2016 Act (Amendments 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 56, 21, 25, 26, 27)
Grŵp 5: Cyfyngiadau ar roi hysbysiad (Gwelliannau 1, 2,3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31, 8) Group 5: Restrictions on giving notice (Amendments 1, 2,3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31, 8)
Grŵp 6: Tynnu hysbysiad yn ôl (Gwelliannau 47, 48, 49, 50, 55) Group 6: Withdrawal of notice (Amendments 47, 48, 49, 50, 55)
Grŵp 7: Newidiadau i daliadau a ganiateir o dan Ddeddf Rhentu Cartrefi (Ffioedd etc.) (Cymru) 2019 (Gwelliannau 5, 6, 7) Group 7: Changes to permitted payments under the Renting Homes (Fees) Act (Wales) 2019 (Amendments 5, 6, 7)
2. Cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog Cyllid a’r Trefnydd 2. Questions to the Minister for Finance and Trefnydd
3. Cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog Addysg 3. Questions to the Minister for Education
4. Cwestiynau i Gomisiwn y Senedd 4. Questions to the Senedd Commission
5. Cwestiynau Amserol 5. Topical Questions
6. Datganiadau 90 Eiliad 6. 90-second Statements
7. Dadl: Cyfnod 3 Bil Etholiadau Cymru (Coronafeirws) 7. Debate: Stage 3 of the Welsh Elections (Coronavirus) Bill
Grŵp 1: Y cyfnod cyn etholiad: Canllawiau (Gwelliannau 15, 17) Group 1: Pre-election period: Guidance (Amendments 15, 17)
Grŵp 2: Y broses ar gyfer cynnig gohirio o dan adran 5 (Gwelliannau 3, 16, 4, 6, 7) Group 2: Process for proposing a postponement under section 5 (Amendments 3, 16, 4, 6, 7)
Grŵp 3: Y diwrnod olaf posibl ar gyfer etholiad (Gwelliannau 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13) Group 3: Last possible election day (Amendments 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)
Grŵp 4: Diwrnodau ychwanegol ar gyfer pleidleisio (Gwelliant 8) Group 4: Additional polling days (Amendment 8)
Grŵp 5: Gorchmynion a rheolau ynglŷn â chynnal etholiadau yn 2021 (Gwelliannau 1, 2) Group 5: Orders and rules on the conduct of elections to be held in 2021 (Amendments 1, 2)
Grŵp 6: Pleidleisio drwy ddirprwy (Gwelliant 14) Group 6: Proxy voting (Amendment 14)
8. Dadl: Cyfnod 4 Bil Etholiadau Cymru (Coronafeirws) 8. Debate: Stage 4 of the Welsh Elections (Coronavirus) Bill

Yn y fersiwn ddwyieithog, mae’r golofn chwith yn cynnwys yr iaith a lefarwyd yn y cyfarfod. Mae’r golofn dde yn cynnwys cyfieithiad o’r areithiau hynny.

In the bilingual version, the left-hand column includes the language used during the meeting. The right-hand column includes a translation of those speeches.

Cyfarfu'r Senedd drwy gynhadledd fideo am 13:00 gyda'r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair. 

The Senedd met by video-conference at 13:00 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.

Datganiad gan y Llywydd
Statement by the Llywydd

Prynhawn da. Croeso, bawb, i'r Cyfarfod Llawn. Cyn i ni ddechrau, dwi eisiau nodi ychydig o bwyntiau. Mae Cyfarfod Llawn a gynhelir drwy gynhadledd fideo, yn unol â Rheolau Sefydlog Senedd Cymru, yn gyfystyr â thrafodion y Senedd at ddibenion Deddf Llywodraeth Cymru 2006. Bydd rhai o ddarpariaethau Rheol Sefydlog 34 yn gymwys ar gyfer y Cyfarfod Llawn yma, ac mae'r rheini wedi'u nodi ar eich agenda chi. Dwi eisiau atgoffa Aelodau am y Rheolau Sefydlog sy'n ymwneud â threfn yn y Cyfarfod Llawn, ac mae'r Rheolau Sefydlog hynny, wrth gwrs, yn berthnasol i'r cyfarfod yma heddiw.

Good afternoon. Welcome to this Plenary meeting. Before we begin, I want to set out a few points. A Plenary meeting held by video-conference, in accordance with the Standing Orders of the Welsh Parliament, constitutes Senedd proceedings for the purposes of the Government of Wales Act 2006. Some of the provisions of Standing Order 34 will apply for today's meeting, and these are noted on your agenda. I would remind Members of Standing Orders relating to order in Plenary meetings, and these, of course, apply to this meeting.

1. Dadl: Cyfnod 3 Bil Rhentu Cartrefi (Diwygio) (Cymru)
1. Debate: Stage 3 of the Renting Homes (Amendment) (Wales) Bill

Yr eitem gyntaf, felly, ar ein hagenda ni ar gyfer y prynhawn yma yw Cyfnod 3 ar gyfer y Bil Rhentu Cartrefi (Diwygio) (Cymru). 

The first item on our agenda this afternoon is the Stage 3 debate on the Renting Homes (Amendment) (Wales) Bill. 

Grŵp 1: Seiliau adfeddiannu (Gwelliannau 32, 33, 46, 51, 52)
Group 1: Repossession grounds (Amendments 32, 33, 46, 51, 52)

Fe fyddwn ni'n trafod grŵp 1 o welliannau yn gyntaf, ac mae'r grŵp hynny'n ymwneud â seiliau adfeddiannu. Gwelliant 32 yw'r prif welliant yn y grŵp a dwi'n galw ar Delyth Jewell i gyflwyno'r gwelliant yma ac i siarad i'r gwelliannau eraill yn y grŵp. Delyth Jewell. 

We will move to group 1, and that relates to repossession grounds. The lead amendment in the group is amendment 32, and I call on Delyth Jewell to move and speak to the lead amendment and the other amendments in the group. Delyth Jewell. 

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 32 (Delyth Jewell).

Amendment 32 (Delyth Jewell) moved.

Diolch, Llywydd. It's not a secret that we believe that there should be a ban on no-fault evictions, and the amendments that we've tabled today reflect this position. Our amendments in this group are based on the Scottish model, which bans no-fault evictions but does allow evictions in a limited number of circumstances. The reason for using the Scottish approach is not because we think that that approach is perfect, although it is considerably better than the approach proposed today, but it's because if we went for a complete ban, considering what's been said at previous stages, I suspect the Minister would argue that this would risk being incompatible with human rights laws. Personally, I think evicting and making people homeless for no reason would itself be a violation of human rights, but, unfortunately, people who are homeless lack the financial resources to establish lobby groups for all parties and also to take the Government to court. So, instead, we have lifted the Scottish model, which, of course, has been in law for a number of years and therefore it is reasonable for us all to assume that that would be compatible with human rights law. It would significantly strengthen the rights of tenants and bring us far closer to ending no-fault evictions. At Stage 2, the Minister explained that the grounds may be too narrow and prevent a landlord from reclaiming their property if they fell outside these grounds. So, that is why the amendment gives the Minister the power to modify the grounds.

Speaking more generally, I want to outline my group's approach to the legislation. That is, we do not believe the Government has got the balance right between the rights of tenants, often the poorer party, and landlords, which is the group with the historic lobbying power. There hasn't been enough movement from the Government on this, at least not movement in the direction we would like to see. There was, of course, a pledge made by the First Minister for a total ban on no-fault evictions, but this has been watered down to merely increase the notice period required from two to six months. That's considerable movement towards the position of landlords and is, I'm afraid, a reflection of the power imbalance in terms of different groups and their access to understanding these issues and being able to lobby for change. It remains our understanding that the UK Government intends to ban no-fault evictions in England, but they've postponed that legislation due to the pandemic. Nonetheless, it means that passing this legislation today would leave Wales as the outlier. The rights of tenants in Wales would be the weakest, and that is a position my group cannot support.

In any other circumstances, we might at least consider this slight movement to be worth while, but the pandemic, to all intents and purposes, means that we are discussing here what the legal regime will be post pandemic. So, whatever happens this afternoon won't in practice impinge on tenants' rights at the moment, in the short term. However, in the longer run, passing this Bill would be damaging, as it would inevitably delay the changes we would want to see implemented. As such, without significant movement from the Government today, we will be voting against the Bill and seeking to introduce a far stronger Bill, should we be successful in forming the next Government. That would be a fairer approach for all, setting out our clear intention to bring forward our own legislation rather than accepting what is being offered here. I look forward to the debate. Diolch yn fawr.

Diolch, Lywydd. Nid yw'n gyfrinach ein bod yn credu y dylid gwahardd troi allan heb fai, ac mae'r gwelliannau rydym wedi'u cyflwyno heddiw yn adlewyrchu'r safbwynt hwn. Mae ein gwelliannau yn y grŵp hwn yn seiliedig ar fodel yr Alban, sy'n gwahardd troi allan heb fai ond yn caniatáu troi allan mewn nifer gyfyngedig o amgylchiadau. Nid oherwydd ein bod yn meddwl ei fod yn berffaith yw'r rheswm dros ddefnyddio dull yr Alban, er ei fod yn well o lawer na'r dull a gynigir heddiw, ond pe baem yn mynd am waharddiad llwyr, o gofio’r hyn a ddywedwyd mewn cyfnodau blaenorol, rwy'n tybio byddai'r Gweinidog yn dadlau y byddai hyn mewn perygl o fod yn anghydnaws â deddfau hawliau dynol. Yn bersonol, credaf y byddai troi pobl allan a gwneud pobl yn ddigartref heb reswm yn mynd yn groes i hawliau dynol ynddo'i hun, ond yn anffodus, nid oes gan bobl ddigartref yr adnoddau ariannol i sefydlu grwpiau lobïo ar gyfer pob plaid ac i ddwyn achosion llys yn erbyn y Llywodraeth. Felly, yn hytrach, rydym wedi benthyg model yr Alban, sydd, wrth gwrs, wedi bod yn gyfraith ers blynyddoedd lawer, ac felly mae'n rhesymol i bob un ohonom dybio y byddai'n gydnaws â chyfraith hawliau dynol. Yn sicr, byddai’n cryfhau hawliau tenantiaid yn sylweddol ac yn golygu y byddem yn llawer agosach at roi diwedd ar droi allan heb fai. Yng Nghyfnod 2, esboniodd y Gweinidog y gallai'r seiliau fod yn rhy gul ac y gallent atal landlord rhag adhawlio eu heiddo pe baent heb eu cynnwys ar y seiliau hyn. Felly, dyna pam fod y gwelliant yn rhoi pŵer i'r Gweinidog addasu'r seiliau.

Yn fwy cyffredinol, hoffwn amlinellu safbwynt fy ngrŵp ar y ddeddfwriaeth. Sef, nid ydym yn credu bod y Llywodraeth wedi taro'r cydbwysedd iawn rhwng hawliau tenantiaid, sef y rhai tlotach yn aml, a landlordiaid, sef y grŵp a chanddynt y pŵer lobïo yn hanesyddol. Nid yw’r Llywodraeth wedi gwneud digon o symud ar hyn, o leiaf i'r cyfeiriad yr hoffem ei weld. Cafwyd addewid, wrth gwrs, gan y Prif Weinidog am waharddiad llwyr ar droi allan heb fai, ond mae hyn wedi'i lastwreiddio i gynyddu'r cyfnod rhybudd gofynnol yn unig o ddeufis i chwe mis. Mae hwnnw’n gam sylweddol tuag at safbwynt y landlordiaid, ac mae arnaf ofn ei fod yn adlewyrchu'r anghydbwysedd grym mewn perthynas â gwahanol grwpiau a'u gallu i ddeall y materion hyn a gallu lobïo dros newid. Ein dealltwriaeth o hyd yw bod Llywodraeth y DU yn bwriadu gwahardd troi allan heb fai yn Lloegr, ond maent wedi gohirio'r ddeddfwriaeth honno oherwydd y pandemig. Serch hynny, golyga hynny y byddai pasio'r ddeddfwriaeth hon heddiw yn golygu mai Cymru fyddai’r eithriad. Hawliau tenantiaid yng Nghymru fyddai'r gwannaf, ac mae honno’n sefyllfa na all fy ngrŵp ei chefnogi.

O dan unrhyw amgylchiadau eraill, gallem o leiaf ystyried bod y symudiad bach hwn yn werth chweil, ond mae'r pandemig, i bob pwrpas, yn golygu ein bod yn trafod yma beth fydd y drefn gyfreithiol ar ôl y pandemig. Felly, ni fydd beth bynnag sy'n digwydd y prynhawn yma'n effeithio’n ymarferol ar hawliau tenantiaid ar hyn o bryd, yn y tymor byr. Fodd bynnag, yn y tymor hwy, byddai pasio’r Bil hwn yn niweidiol, gan y byddai'n anochel yn gohirio'r newidiadau y byddem am eu gweld yn cael eu rhoi ar waith. Fel y cyfryw, heb unrhyw symudiadau sylweddol gan y Llywodraeth heddiw, byddwn yn pleidleisio yn erbyn y Bil ac yn ceisio cyflwyno Bil llawer cryfach, pe baem yn llwyddo i ffurfio'r Llywodraeth nesaf. Byddai hwnnw'n ddull tecach i bawb, ac yn nodi ein bwriad clir i gyflwyno ein deddfwriaeth ein hunain yn hytrach na derbyn yr hyn a gynigir yma. Edrychaf ymlaen at y ddadl. Diolch yn fawr.


Our Conservative amendments 51 and 52 introduce some mandatory grounds for repossession. I'm supportive of the overarching aim of the Bill to increase security of tenure for renters, as are most of us across the Chamber. However, it's worth acknowledging the concerns of many landlords and letting agents about the impact the Bill may have on their ability to regain possession of their property should they need to as a last resort. These concerns have been exacerbated given the bottleneck that courts in Wales are now experiencing, with research from National Residential Landlords Association Wales showing that it now takes private landlords an average of 22.6 weeks from making a claim in the courts for a property to be repossessed to it actually happening. This causes disruption and concern for landlords, increases the cost of action, and prevents homes from being available to people who need them. As such, the Association of Residential Letting Agents have called for additional mandatory grounds to be included in the Bill to ensure that it works and achieves a balanced approach. Amendment 51 therefore includes grounds such as if a landlord intends to sell the property or move into the property as suggested by ARLA. While the Minister did not agree with this in Stage 2, it is important to recognise that people's circumstances change. If a landlord is facing homelessness or financial difficulties, then they may need to move into their property or to sell it, and the Bill should recognise such exceptional circumstances.

Amendment 51 also includes grounds for anti-social behaviour and domestic abuse. I'd be interested to know how the Minister would respond to written evidence from the Chartered Institute of Housing Cymru, which states that,

'careful monitoring would need to be established to glean the experience of both tenants and landlords'

to ensure that there are no unintended consequences that undermine the ability of landlords to respond to such serious issues.

Amendment 52, meanwhile, enables a mortgage lender to regain possession of a property. Whilst supporting the intentions of the Bill, UK Finance note concerns that the effect of the increased credit risk could have a dampening effect on the private rented sector in Wales, which would be counter to the Welsh Government's desire to see a vibrant, viable, high-quality and growing PRS for those who choose or need it. We are all aware of the issues in the supply of homes in Wales, and it is important that the Bill does not have any unintended consequences on the availability of homes. Does the Minister have any plans to review the impact of the Bill on housing supply in Wales, as part of the post-implementation review? Diolch.

Mae gwelliannau 51 a 52 y Ceidwadwyr yn cyflwyno rhai seiliau gorfodol dros adennill meddiant. Rwy'n gefnogol i nod cyffredinol y Bil o gynyddu sicrwydd deiliadaeth ar gyfer rhentwyr, fel y mwyafrif ohonom ar draws y Siambr. Fodd bynnag, mae'n werth cydnabod pryderon llawer o landlordiaid ac asiantiaid gosod eiddo am yr effaith y gallai'r Bil ei chael ar eu gallu i adennill meddiant ar eu heiddo pe bai angen iddynt fel cam olaf un. Gwaethygwyd y pryderon hyn o ystyried y dagfa yn llysoedd Cymru ar hyn o bryd, gydag ymchwil gan Gymdeithas Genedlaethol Landlordiaid Preswyl (NRLA) Cymru yn dangos ei bod bellach yn cymryd 22.6 wythnos ar gyfartaledd rhwng bod landlord preifat yn gwneud cais yn y llysoedd i eiddo gael ei adfeddiannu a bod hynny’n digwydd mewn gwirionedd. Mae hyn yn achosi aflonyddwch a phryder i landlordiaid, yn cynyddu cost camau gweithredu, ac yn atal tai rhag bod ar gael i bobl sydd eu hangen. Fel y cyfryw, mae’r Gymdeithas Asiantaethau Gosod Preswyl (ARLA) wedi galw am gynnwys seiliau gorfodol ychwanegol yn y Bil i sicrhau ei fod yn gweithio ac yn ddull cytbwys. Felly, mae gwelliant 51 yn cynnwys seiliau megis os yw’r landlord yn bwriadu gwerthu'r eiddo neu symud i mewn i’r eiddo fel yr awgrymwyd gan ARLA. Er nad oedd y Gweinidog yn cytuno â hyn yng Nghyfnod 2, mae'n bwysig cydnabod bod amgylchiadau pobl yn newid. Os yw landlord yn wynebu digartrefedd neu anawsterau ariannol, yna efallai y bydd angen iddynt symud i mewn i'w heiddo neu ei werthu, a dylai'r Bil gydnabod yr amgylchiadau eithriadol hyn.

Mae gwelliant 51 hefyd yn cynnwys seiliau ar gyfer ymddygiad gwrthgymdeithasol a cham-drin domestig. Byddai gennyf ddiddordeb mewn gwybod sut y byddai'r Gweinidog yn ymateb i dystiolaeth ysgrifenedig gan Sefydliad Tai Siartredig Cymru, sy’n nodi

y byddai angen sefydlu proses fonitro ofalus i ddysgu am brofiadau tenantiaid a landlordiaid

er mwyn sicrhau na cheir unrhyw ganlyniadau anfwriadol sy'n tanseilio gallu landlordiaid i ymateb i faterion difrifol o’r fath.

Mae gwelliant 52 yn galluogi benthyciwr morgeisi i adennill meddiant ar eiddo. Er eu bod yn cefnogi bwriad y Bil, mae UK Finance yn nodi pryderon y gallai effaith y risg credyd uwch wanychu’r sector rhentu preifat yng Nghymru, a fyddai’n mynd yn groes i ddyhead Llywodraeth Cymru i weld sector rhentu preifat bywiog, hyfyw, o ansawdd uchel ac sy’n tyfu ar gyfer y rheini sy'n ei ddewis neu sydd ei angen. Mae pob un ohonom yn ymwybodol o'r problemau gyda'r cyflenwad tai yng Nghymru, ac mae'n bwysig nad yw'r Bil yn cael unrhyw ganlyniadau anfwriadol ar argaeledd tai. A oes gan y Gweinidog unrhyw gynlluniau i adolygu effaith y Bil ar y cyflenwad tai yng Nghymru, fel rhan o'r adolygiad ôl-weithredu? Diolch.

Diolch, Llywydd. As Delyth has said, her amendments 32 and 33 combined would remove the landlord's ability to serve notice under section 173 in relation to the vast majority of occupation contracts, placing it instead with grounds for possession similar but not the same as the approach taken in Scotland. These new grounds set out in a new Schedule 8ZA are either mandatory or discretionary and require a landlord to serve a minimum 12 months' notice before a possession claim can be made. However, the ability for a landlord to serve a section 173 notice would be retained only for occupation contracts set out in Schedule 8A, which provide a minimum of two months' notice, so it would in fact be the least protection in the United Kingdom, and not the most, as she asserted.

I am not confident that the grounds listed in this new Schedule 8ZA would necessarily cover all the reasons why a landlord may wish to seek possession. Grounds-based legislation such as this does require detailed consideration and consultation to ensure the grounds provided for cover all the eventualities that may arise. Without this work being undertaken, landlords may indeed find they are unable to ever gain possession of their property.

I also don't think the balance between mandatory and discretionary grounds are right, either—for example, a mandatory ground for mortgagee possession, but a discretionary ground for the return of a property to a family home. In addition to my concerns around these new grounds, my real difficulty with Delyth's amendments is the requirement for a landlord to provide a minimum 12 months' notice. Renting Homes has always sought to strike the right balance between a contract holder having sufficient security of tenure and a landlord being able to obtain possession of their property. I do not think this could be claimed if we were to dump this requirement for a 12 months' notice period before possession proceedings could commence. For these reasons, I cannot support amendments 32 and 33.

Turning to Laura's amendments 46 and 51, I have very serious concerns about how these impact upon a contract holder's security of tenure. The amendments set out a number of mandatory grounds and enable a landlord to seek possession with just a maximum of two months' notice. I do not support the introduction of new mandatory grounds within a Bill aimed at increasing security of tenure. The use of mandatory grounds was considered very carefully by the Law Commission in preparing Renting Homes, and they remain in only a very small number of cases. The basis of this Bill is to provide a minimum six months' notice to a contract holder who has done nothing wrong during their occupation. I understand that a landlord may have good reasons to want to sell the property or live in it themselves, but these are not the fault of the contract holder and certainly should not take priority over their ability to find another suitable home. Two months' notice in these circumstances would simply maintain the current system and the devastating impact it has on families subject to such short notices.

Similarly, with regard to amendment 52, a contract holder is not at fault should a mortgagee wish to seek possession, and I cannot accept that a mandatory ground with just two months' notice is necessary here, either. As I say, this Bill is seeking to extend the period a contract holder will have to find a suitable home, not reduce it, and for these reasons, Llywydd, I cannot support these amendments. Diolch.

Diolch, Lywydd. Fel y mae Delyth wedi’i ddweud, byddai ei gwelliannau 32 a 33 gyda'i gilydd yn cael gwared ar allu'r landlord i gyflwyno rhybudd o dan adran 173 mewn perthynas â'r mwyafrif helaeth o gontractau meddiannaeth, gan ei osod yn lle hynny gyda seiliau dros feddiannu sy’n debyg ond nid yr un peth â'r dull sydd ar waith yn yr Alban. Mae'r seiliau newydd hyn a nodir mewn Atodlen 8ZA newydd naill ai'n orfodol neu'n ddisgresiynol ac yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i landlord gyflwyno o leiaf 12 mis o rybudd cyn y gellir gwneud cais am feddiant. Fodd bynnag, dim ond ar gyfer contractau meddiannaeth a nodir yn Atodlen 8A, sy'n darparu o leiaf ddeufis o rybudd, y byddai gallu landlord i gyflwyno rhybudd adran 173 yn cael ei gadw, felly dyma fyddai'r amddiffyniad gwannaf yn y Deyrnas Unedig mewn gwirionedd, ac nid y cryfaf, fel roedd hi'n ei honni.

Nid wyf yn hyderus fod y seiliau a restrir yn yr Atodlen 8ZA newydd o reidrwydd yn cynnwys yr holl resymau pam y gallai landlord fod yn awyddus i geisio meddiant. Mae angen ystyriaeth fanwl ac ymgynghori ar ddeddfwriaeth fel hon sy’n seiliedig ar seiliau i sicrhau bod y seiliau y darperir ar eu cyfer yn cynnwys yr holl sefyllfaoedd a all godi. Heb y gwaith hwn, mae'n bosibl y bydd landlordiaid mewn sefyllfa ble na allant fyth adennill meddiant ar eu heiddo.

Ni chredaf fod y cydbwysedd rhwng seiliau gorfodol a disgresiynol yn iawn, chwaith—er enghraifft, sail orfodol ar gyfer meddiant morgeisai, ond sail ddisgresiynol ar gyfer newid eiddo yn ôl i fod yn gartref teuluol. Yn ychwanegol at fy mhryderon ynghylch y seiliau newydd hyn, yr hyn sy’n anodd yn fy marn i gyda gwelliannau Delyth yw'r gofyniad i landlord ddarparu o leiaf 12 mis o rybudd. Mae Rhentu Cartrefi bob amser wedi ceisio taro'r cydbwysedd cywir rhwng sicrwydd deiliadaeth digonol i ddeiliad contract a’r gallu i landlord gymryd meddiant ar eu heiddo. Ni chredaf y gellid honni hyn pe baem yn cael gwared ar y gofyniad hwn am gyfnod rhybudd o 12 mis cyn y gallai achos adennill meddiant gychwyn. Am y rhesymau hyn, ni allaf gefnogi gwelliannau 32 a 33.

Gan droi at welliannau Laura, 46 a 51, mae gennyf bryderon difrifol iawn ynglŷn â sut y mae'r rhain yn effeithio ar sicrwydd deiliadaeth deiliad contract. Mae'r diwygiadau'n nodi nifer o seiliau gorfodol ac yn galluogi landlord i geisio meddiant gyda deufis yn unig o rybudd ar y mwyaf. Nid wyf yn cefnogi cyflwyno seiliau gorfodol newydd o fewn Bil a chanddo’r nod o gynyddu sicrwydd deiliadaeth. Ystyriwyd y defnydd o seiliau gorfodol yn ofalus iawn gan Gomisiwn y Gyfraith wrth baratoi Rhenti Cartrefi, ac maent yn parhau mewn nifer fach iawn o achosion yn unig. Sail y Bil hwn yw darparu o leiaf chwe mis o rybudd i ddeiliad contract nad yw wedi gwneud unrhyw beth o'i le yn ystod eu meddiannaeth. Rwy'n deall y gallai fod gan landlord resymau da dros fod yn awyddus i werthu'r eiddo neu fyw ynddo eu hunain, ond nid deiliad y contract sydd ar fai, ac yn sicr, ni ddylai'r rhesymau hyn gael blaenoriaeth dros eu gallu i ddod o hyd i gartref addas arall. Byddai deufis o rybudd o dan yr amgylchiadau hyn yn cynnal y system bresennol a'r effaith ddinistriol y mae'n ei chael ar deuluoedd sy'n derbyn hysbysiadau byr o'r fath.

Yn yr un modd, mewn perthynas â gwelliant 52, nid yw deiliad contract ar fai os yw morgeisai yn dymuno ceisio meddiant, ac ni allaf dderbyn bod sail orfodol o ddeufis o rybudd yn unig yn angenrheidiol yma chwaith. Fel y dywedaf, mae'r Bil hwn yn ceisio ymestyn y cyfnod a fydd gan ddeiliad contract i ddod o hyd i gartref addas, nid ei leihau, ac am y rhesymau hyn, Lywydd, ni allaf gefnogi'r gwelliannau hyn. Diolch.


Diolch, Llywydd. I thank Members for taking part in the debate. I think this is the first time that Laura and I have responded to legislation together since she has come to this role, so I welcome her to that. I think that the short debate that we've just had does go to show that there still is this imbalance in terms of influence between tenants and landlords. I'd certainly agree with what the Minister was saying about the Conservative amendments. I still do think that we need to go further in Wales and, for that reason, we will be pushing our amendments in this group to a vote, and I hope that Members will consider what was said. Diolch yn fawr.

Diolch, Lywydd. Diolch i'r Aelodau am gymryd rhan yn y ddadl. Credaf mai dyma'r tro cyntaf i Laura a minnau ymateb i ddeddfwriaeth gyda'n gilydd ers iddi ddod i’r rôl hon, felly rwy'n ei chroesawu iddi. Credaf fod y ddadl fer rydym newydd ei chael yn dangos bod anghydbwysedd o hyd o ran dylanwad rhwng tenantiaid a landlordiaid. Byddwn yn sicr yn cytuno â'r hyn roedd y Gweinidog yn ei ddweud am welliannau'r Ceidwadwyr. Rwy'n dal i feddwl bod angen inni fynd ymhellach yng Nghymru, ac am y rheswm hwnnw, byddwn yn gwthio ein gwelliannau yn y grŵp hwn i bleidlais, ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd yr Aelodau'n ystyried yr hyn a ddywedwyd. Diolch yn fawr.

Y cwestiwn, felly, yw a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 32. A oes unrhyw wrthwynebiad? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, dwi'n gweld gwrthwynebiad, ac felly fe wnawn ni atal y cyfarfod dros dro er mwyn paratoi ar gyfer y bleidlais. Fe fyddwn ni ond yn gwneud hyn unwaith yn ystod ystyriaeth Cyfnod 3. Felly, atal y cyfarfod dros dro. Diolch.

The question is that amendment 32 be agree. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes, I see an objection, and we will therefore suspend proceedings temporarily to prepare for our first vote. We will do this only once during this Stage 3 debate. So, we will suspend proceedings. Thank you. 

Ataliwyd y Cyfarfod Llawn am 13:12.

Plenary was suspended at 13:12.


Ailymgynullodd y Senedd am 13:17, gyda'r Llywydd yn y Gadair.

The Senedd reconvened at 13:17, with the Llywydd in the Chair.

Felly, dyma ni'n cyrraedd ein pleidlais gyntaf ni, ac rŷm ni'n pleidleisio nawr yn gyntaf ar welliant 32 yn enw Delyth Jewell. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid wyth, mae wyth yn ymatal ac mae 32 yn erbyn, felly mae gwelliant 32 wedi ei wrthod. 

So, that brings us to our first vote, and we will proceed to a vote on amendment 32 in the name of Delyth Jewell. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour eight, eight abstentions and 32 against, therefore amendment 32 is not agreed.

Gwelliant 32: O blaid: 8, Yn erbyn: 32, Ymatal: 8

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 32: For: 8, Against: 32, Abstain: 8

Amendment has been rejected

Gwelliant 33, Delyth Jewell, ydy e'n cael ei symud?

Amendment 33, Delyth Jewell, is that moved? 

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 33 (Delyth Jewell).

Amendment 33 (Delyth Jewell) moved.

Ydy. Thumbs up yn golygu ei fod e'n cael ei symud. Gwelliant 33, felly. Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 33? Unrhyw un yn gwrthwynebu? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Dwi'n gweld gwrthwynebiad, ac felly gawn ni bleidlais ar welliant 33 yn enw Delyth Jewell. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid wyth, neb yn ymatal, 40 yn erbyn, ac felly mae gwelliant 33 wedi ei wrthod. 

Yes. Thumbs up means it is moved. The question is that amendment 33 be agreed to. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes, I see that there are objections. We will therefore move to a vote on amendment 33 in the name of Delyth Jewell. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour eight, no abstentions, 40 against. Therefore, amendment 33 is not agreed. 

Gwelliant 33: O blaid: 8, Yn erbyn: 40, Ymatal: 0

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 33: For: 8, Against: 40, Abstain: 0

Amendment has been rejected

Grŵp 2: Cyfnod hysbysu (Gwelliannau 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45)
Group 2: Notice period (Amendments 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45)

Grŵp 2 yw'r grŵp nesaf o welliannau, ac mae'r rhain yn ymwneud â chyfnodau hysbysu. A gwelliant 34 yw'r prif welliant yn y grŵp yma. Dwi'n galw ar Delyth Jewell i gyflwyno'r gwelliant yma ac i siarad i'r gwelliannau eraill yn y grŵp. Delyth Jewell. 

Our next group is group 2, which relates to notice periods. The lead amendment in the group is amendment 34. I call on Delyth Jewell to move and speak to the lead amendment and the other amendments in the group. Delyth Jewell. 

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 34 (Delyth Jewell).

Amendment 34 (Delyth Jewell) moved.

Diolch, Llywydd. The amendments in this group are also reflective of our position of wanting to end no-fault evictions. We have tabled these in the spirit of seeking to find compromise with the Government, as we would consider supporting the Bill if it extended the no-fault period. So, these amendments extend the period of notice that must be given for a no-fault eviction, and we've provided several options here for Members to consider, which is why we have this series of votes. 

So, amendments 34 and 20 extend that period to a year; amendments 35 and 21 extend the period to two years; amendments 36 and 22 extend that period to three years; amendments 37 and 23 extend the period to four years; amendments 38 and 24 extend the period to five years; and, finally, amendments 39 and 25 extend the period to 10 years. So, I want to know what people think is an acceptable notice period to give to tenants when they are not at fault.

Six months, in my view, is not enough notice for people in many circumstances. I take the point that the Minister's made in previous stages that, in effect, it gives a year's security. I still think that this doesn't take into account some of the most complex situations that can face tenants, for example: families with children who attend a local school and need to stay living in the area because moving schools is disruptive; families containing people who don't deal that well with changes in routine, such as people on the autistic spectrum; people who have caring responsibilities for family living nearby; or perhaps people who don't drive but have work commitments where moving home could jeopardise that employment, because the person needs to have access to decent public transport. These are people for whom being evicted will be especially stressful and disruptive. Why should children face the disruption of frequently moving schools because we have failed to provide long-term secure housing? Why should people face massive disruption through no fault of their own? A six-month notice period is simply not enough time for many families in rural or in Valleys communities to find alternative accommodation within the same area. That's something that, often, those who live in large cities with a vibrant rental market don't consider. It's also not enough time for people with disabilities to find suitable alternative accommodation where they need adaptations to the home.

On that basis, I believe the Government's attempted compromise with the landlord lobbyists is incompatible with equalities laws and potentially with the rights of the child. I therefore tabled this series of amendments to correct this, starting with the minimum acceptable period that my group would consider in order to support the legislation. I do hope Members will reflect on the equalities implications of what's been said, and I look forward to the debate. Diolch.

Diolch, Lywydd. Mae'r gwelliannau yn y grŵp hwn hefyd yn adlewyrchu ein safbwynt ein bod yn awyddus i roi diwedd ar droi allan heb fai. Rydym wedi eu cyflwyno yn yr ysbryd o geisio dod o hyd i gyfaddawd gyda'r Llywodraeth, gan y byddem yn ystyried cefnogi'r Bil pe bai'n ymestyn y cyfnod dim bai. Felly, mae'r gwelliannau hyn yn ymestyn y cyfnod rhybudd y mae'n rhaid ei roi ar gyfer troi allan heb fai, ac rydym wedi darparu sawl opsiwn yma i'r Aelodau eu hystyried, a dyna pam fod gennym y gyfres hon o bleidleisiau.

Felly, mae gwelliannau 34 ac 20 yn ymestyn y cyfnod hwnnw i flwyddyn; mae gwelliannau 35 a 21 yn ymestyn y cyfnod i ddwy flynedd; mae gwelliannau 36 a 22 yn ymestyn y cyfnod hwnnw i dair blynedd; mae gwelliannau 37 a 23 yn ymestyn y cyfnod i bedair blynedd; mae gwelliannau 38 a 24 yn ymestyn y cyfnod i bum mlynedd;, ac yn olaf, mae gwelliannau 39 a 25 yn ymestyn y cyfnod i 10 mlynedd. Felly, rwy’n awyddus i wybod beth y mae pobl yn meddwl sy'n gyfnod rhybudd derbyniol i'w roi i denantiaid pan nad ydynt ar fai.

Yn fy marn i, nid yw chwe mis yn ddigon o rybudd i bobl mewn llawer o amgylchiadau. Rwy’n derbyn y pwynt a wnaeth y Gweinidog mewn cyfnodau blaenorol ei fod, i bob pwrpas, yn rhoi blwyddyn o sicrwydd. Rwy'n dal i feddwl nad yw hyn yn ystyried rhai o'r sefyllfaoedd mwyaf cymhleth y gall tenantiaid eu hwynebu, er enghraifft: teuluoedd â phlant sy'n mynychu ysgol leol ac sydd angen parhau i fyw yn yr ardal gan fod newid ysgol yn aflonyddgar; teuluoedd sy'n cynnwys pobl nad ydynt yn ymdopi’n dda â newidiadau i'w ffordd o fyw, fel pobl ar y sbectrwm awtistig; pobl sydd â chyfrifoldebau gofalu am deulu sy'n byw gerllaw; neu bobl efallai nad ydynt yn gyrru ond sydd ag ymrwymiadau gwaith lle gallai symud tŷ beryglu'r gyflogaeth honno, gan fod angen i'r unigolyn allu defnyddio trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus addas. Mae'r rhain yn bobl y bydd cael eu troi allan yn arbennig o anodd ac aflonyddgar iddynt. Pam y dylai plant wynebu aflonyddwch newid ysgol yn aml am ein bod wedi methu darparu tai diogel yn hirdymor? Pam y dylai pobl wynebu aflonyddwch enfawr pan nad oes unrhyw fai arnynt hwy eu hunain? Nid yw cyfnod rhybudd o chwe mis yn ddigon o amser i lawer o deuluoedd mewn cymunedau gwledig neu yng nghymunedau’r Cymoedd ddod o hyd i lety arall yn yr un ardal. Mae hynny'n rhywbeth nad yw'r rheini sy'n byw mewn dinasoedd mawr a chanddynt farchnad rentu fywiog yn ei ystyried yn aml. Nid yw'n ddigon o amser chwaith i bobl ag anableddau ddod o hyd i gartref arall addas lle mae angen gwneud addasiadau.

Ar y sail honno, credaf fod ymgais y Llywodraeth i gyfaddawdu â lobïwyr y landlordiaid yn anghydnaws â deddfau cydraddoldeb, ac o bosibl, â hawliau'r plentyn. Felly, cyflwynais y gyfres hon o welliannau i gywiro hyn, gan ddechrau gyda'r cyfnod derbyniol byrraf y byddai fy ngrŵp yn ei ystyried er mwyn cefnogi'r ddeddfwriaeth. Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd yr Aelodau'n ystyried goblygiadau’r hyn a ddywedwyd mewn perthynas â chydraddoldeb, ac edrychaf ymlaen at y ddadl. Diolch.


Y Gweinidog i gyfrannu i'r ddadl—Julie James.

The Minister to contribute to the debate—Julie James.

Diolch, Llywydd. As Delyth has said, amendments 34 to 39 set out a range of longer alternative minimum notice periods that a landlord must give to end a periodic standard contract under section 173 of the 2016 Act. Amendments 40 to 45 do the same in relation to notices issued under a landlord's break clause in fixed-term standard contracts. The Bill, of course, is already increasing notice periods in both these instances from two to six months. The increased notice period represents a balance between the interests of landlords and contract holders, and it is a position previously supported by the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee in its Stage 1 report on the Bill.

Delyth, I understand entirely, wants to achieve a situation in which the private rented sector gives the sort of security of tenure that people in social housing would ideally get, but I would argue that there will be unintended consequences from some of these amendments, which we would need to take into account were we to try and extend the notice periods in this way, not least that people would simply withdraw from the private rented sector altogether if they had to wait several years in order to get a house back in circumstances where they may need it for perfectly good reasons. So, this is always about the balance between the need of the landlord to retain their property for their own use or for selling on or for whatever, and for the tenant to get a security of tenure that does allow them, as Delyth says and we have a lot of sympathy with that, to stay in the area where their children are at school and where they are established as a family. Absolutely, we want to get the balance right and we believe that what we are setting out in the Bill does get that balance right and will not have any unintended consequences.

Furthermore, and it is a point I've made before but it's worth making again: under the Bill as drafted, tenants in Wales will have a greater security of tenure in relation to no-fault notice than anywhere else in the UK. In Scotland, for example, a tenant does not have to be at fault to receive only 28 days' notice in the first six months of a tenancy and less than three months' notice after that. The alternative minimum notice periods contained in these amendments would upset the balance between the rights of the contract holder and their landlord, and may well have unintended consequences in the private rented sector. As I indicated to the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee when these same amendments were brought forward at Stage 2, I do not think these increases could be justified, and for these reasons, Llywydd, while I appreciate that they are well intentioned, I cannot support amendments 34 to 45.

Diolch, Lywydd. Fel y mae Delyth wedi’i ddweud, mae gwelliannau 34 i 39 yn nodi ystod o gyfnodau rhybudd amgen hirach y mae'n rhaid i landlord eu rhoi er mwyn dod â chontract cyfnodol safonol i ben o dan adran 173 yn Neddf 2016. Mae gwelliannau 40 i 45 yn gwneud yr un peth mewn perthynas â hysbysiadau a roddir o dan gymal terfynu landlord mewn contractau safonol cyfnod penodol. Mae'r Bil, wrth gwrs, eisoes yn ymestyn cyfnodau rhybudd yn y ddau achos o ddau i chwe mis. Mae'r cyfnod rhybudd hirach yn gydbwysedd rhwng buddiannau landlordiaid a deiliaid contractau, ac mae'n safbwynt a gefnogwyd eisoes gan y Pwyllgor Cymunedau, Cydraddoldeb a Llywodraeth Leol yn ei adroddiad Cyfnod 1 ar y Bil.

Rwy’n deall yn llwyr fod Delyth yn awyddus i gyrraedd sefyllfa lle mae’r sector rhentu preifat yn rhoi’r math o sicrwydd deiliadaeth y byddai pobl mewn tai cymdeithasol yn ei gael yn ddelfrydol, ond byddwn yn dadlau y bydd rhai o’r gwelliannau hyn yn arwain at ganlyniadau anfwriadol y byddai angen i ni eu hystyried pe baem yn ceisio ymestyn y cyfnodau rhybudd yn y ffordd hon, yn anad dim y byddai pobl yn ymadael â’r sector rhentu preifat yn gyfan gwbl pe bai'n rhaid iddynt aros sawl blwyddyn i gael tŷ yn ôl mewn amgylchiadau lle gallai fod ei angen arnynt am resymau da. Felly, mae hyn bob amser yn ymwneud â'r cydbwysedd rhwng angen y landlord i gadw eu heiddo at eu defnydd eu hunain neu er mwyn ei werthu neu beth bynnag, ac i'r tenant gael sicrwydd deiliadaeth sy'n caniatáu iddynt aros yn yr ardal lle mae eu plant yn yr ysgol a lle maent wedi ymsefydlu fel teulu, fel y dywed Delyth, ac mae gennym gryn dipyn o gydymdeimlad â hynny. Yn sicr, rydym yn awyddus i gael y cydbwysedd yn iawn, a chredwn fod yr hyn rydym yn ei nodi yn y Bil yn taro'r cydbwysedd hwnnw, ac na fydd yn arwain at unrhyw ganlyniadau anfwriadol.

Yn ychwanegol at hynny, ac mae'n bwynt rwyf wedi'i wneud o'r blaen ond mae'n werth ei wneud eto: o dan y Bil fel y'i drafftiwyd, bydd gan denantiaid yng Nghymru fwy o sicrwydd deiliadaeth mewn perthynas â hysbysiad dim bai nag yn unrhyw le arall yn y DU. Yn yr Alban, er enghraifft, nid oes yn rhaid i denant fod ar fai i gael 28 diwrnod o rybudd yn unig yn ystod chwe mis cyntaf eu tenantiaeth a llai na thri mis o rybudd ar ôl hynny. Byddai'r cyfnod hysbysu byrraf amgen yn y gwelliannau hyn yn amharu ar y cydbwysedd rhwng hawliau deiliad y contract a’u landlord, ac mae'n ddigon posibl y byddai iddo ganlyniadau anfwriadol yn y sector rhentu preifat. Fel y nodais wrth y Pwyllgor Cymunedau, Cydraddoldeb a Llywodraeth Leol pan gyflwynwyd yr un gwelliannau hyn yng Nghyfnod 2, ni chredaf y gellid cyfiawnhau’r cynnydd hwn, ac am y rhesymau hyn, Lywydd, er fy mod yn deall eu bod yn llawn bwriadau da, ni allaf gefnogi gwelliannau 34 i 45.

Diolch, Llywydd. I do realise that the Minister has sympathy with the motivation behind these amendments. I thank her for the response. In politics, I think that obviously we always need to find a balance—the art of what is possible. I still feel that the balance here needs to be tipped more in favour of the people with the kind of either vulnerabilities or very precarious situations that are all too common, which I've noted. For those reasons, although I do appreciate what the Minister says, we will be pushing these amendments to the vote, and I thank her for the response. I hope that Members will consider what we've said when it comes to voting. Diolch.

Diolch, Lywydd. Rwy'n sylweddoli bod y Gweinidog yn cydymdeimlo â'r cymhelliant y tu ôl i'r gwelliannau hyn. Diolch iddi am ei hymateb. Mewn gwleidyddiaeth, credaf fod angen inni ddod o hyd i gydbwysedd bob amser wrth gwrs—crefft yr hyn sy'n bosibl. Rwy'n dal i deimlo bod angen goleddfu'r cydbwysedd yn yr achos hwn o blaid y bobl sydd mewn sefyllfaoedd ansicr iawn neu sy'n agored i'r mathau o niwed sy'n rhy gyffredin o lawer, fel rwyf wedi'i nodi. Am y rhesymau hynny, er fy mod yn deall yr hyn a ddywed y Gweinidog, byddwn yn gwthio'r gwelliannau hyn i bleidlais, a diolch iddi am ei hymateb. Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd yr Aelodau'n ystyried yr hyn rydym wedi'i ddweud pan fyddant yn pleidleisio. Diolch.


Dyma ni'n cyrraedd y bleidlais, felly. A dim ond i ddweud, os derbynnir gwelliant 34, bydd gwelliannau 35, 36, 37, 38 a 39 yn methu. Y cwestiwn yw, felly: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 34? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, dwi'n gweld gwrthwynebiad, ac felly, i mewn i bleidlais ar welliant 34. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid wyth, neb yn ymatal a 41 yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 34 wedi'i wrthod.

That brings us to the vote. And if amendment 34 is agreed, amendments 35, 36, 37, 38 and 39 will fall. The question, therefore, is that amendment 34 be agreed. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes, I see that there are objections, and we will therefore move to a vote on amendment 34. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour eight, no abstentions and 41 against. Therefore, amendment 34 is not agreed.

Gwelliant 34: O blaid: 8, Yn erbyn: 41, Ymatal: 0

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 34: For: 8, Against: 41, Abstain: 0

Amendment has been rejected

Gwelliant 35, Delyth Jewell, yn cael ei symud?

Amendment 35, Delyth Jewell, is that moved?

Ocê, ydy. Efallai bod well cadarnhau yn llafar hefyd, rhag ofn bod thumbs up ddim yn cael ei gofnodi ar y Cofnod swyddogol. Felly, ydy e'n cael ei symud, Delyth Jewell?

It is. Perhaps we should confirm orally too, in case a thumbs up isn't recorded on the official Record. Is it moved, Delyth Jewell?

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 35 (Delyth Jewell).

Amendment 35 (Delyth Jewell) moved.

Diolch yn fawr. Felly, gwelliant 35, y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 35? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, felly pleidlais ar welliant 35. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid wyth, neb yn ymatal a 41 yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 35 wedi'i wrthod.

Thank you. So, amendment 35, the question is that amendment 35 be agreed. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes, there are objections. We'll move to a vote on amendment 35. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour eight, no abstentions and 41 against. Therefore, amendment 35 is not agreed.

Gwelliant 35: O blaid: 8, Yn erbyn: 41, Ymatal: 0

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 35: For: 8, Against: 41, Abstain: 0

Amendment has been rejected

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 36 (Delyth Jewell).

Amendment 36 (Delyth Jewell) moved.

Pleidlais, felly—. A oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 36? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, dwi'n gweld gwrthwynebiad, ac felly pleidlais ar welliant 36. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid wyth, neb yn ymatal a 41 yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 36 wedi'i wrthod.

A vote, therefore—.  Are there any objections to amendment 36? [Objection.] Yes, there are. We will move to a vote on amendment 36. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour eight, no abstentions and 41 against. Therefore, amendment 36 is not agreed.

Gwelliant 36: O blaid: 8, Yn erbyn: 41, Ymatal: 0

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 36: For: 8, Against: 41, Abstain: 0

Amendment has been rejected

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 37 (Delyth Jewell).

Amendment 37 (Delyth Jewell) moved.

Oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 37? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Felly, symudwn i bleidlais ar welliant 37 yn enw Delyth Jewell. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid wyth, neb yn ymatal a 41 yn erbyn. Mae gwelliant 37 wedi'i wrthod.

Are there any objections to amendment 37? [Objection.] There are. We will therefore move to a vote on amendment 37 in the name of Delyth Jewell. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour eight, no abstentions and 41 against. Therefore, amendment 37 is not agreed.

Gwelliant 37: O blaid: 8, Yn erbyn: 41, Ymatal: 0

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 37: For: 8, Against: 41, Abstain: 0

Amendment has been rejected

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 38 (Delyth Jewell).

Amendment 38 (Delyth Jewell) moved.

Oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 38? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, ac felly, fe wnawn ni gymryd pleidlais ar welliant 38 yn enw Delyth Jewell. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid wyth, neb yn ymatal a 41 yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 38 wedi'i wrthod.

Are there any objections to amendment 38? [Objection.] Yes, there are. We will therefore move to a vote on amendment 38 in the name of Delyth Jewell. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour eight, no abstentions and 41 against. Therefore, amendment 38 is not agreed.

Gwelliant 38: O blaid: 8, Yn erbyn: 41, Ymatal: 0

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 38: For: 8, Against: 41, Abstain: 0

Amendment has been rejected

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 39 (Delyth Jewell).

Amendment 39 (Delyth Jewell) moved.

Gwelliant 39. A oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 39? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Felly, pleidlais ar welliant 39 yn enw Delyth Jewell. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid wyth, neb yn ymatal a 41 yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 39 wedi'i wrthod.

Are there any objections to amendment 39? [Objection.] Yes, there are. So, we'll move to a vote on amendment 39 in the name of Delyth Jewell. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour eight, no abstentions and 41 against. Therefore, amendment 39 is not agreed.

Gwelliant 39: O blaid: 8, Yn erbyn: 41, Ymatal: 0

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 39: For: 8, Against: 41, Abstain: 0

Amendment has been rejected

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 40 (Delyth Jewell).

Amendment 40 (Delyth Jewell) moved.

Oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 40? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Felly, fe gymrwn ni bleidlais ar welliant 40 yn enw Delyth Jewell. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid wyth, neb yn ymatal a 41 yn erbyn. Felly, mae'r gwelliant wedi'i wrthod. 

Are there any objections to amendment 40? [Objection.] There are. We will therefore move to a vote on amendment 40 in the name of Delyth Jewell. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour eight, no abstentions and 41 against. Therefore, amendment 40 is not agreed.

Gwelliant 40: O blaid: 8, Yn erbyn: 41, Ymatal: 0

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 40: For: 8, Against: 41, Abstain: 0

Amendment has been rejected


Cynigiwyd gwelliant 41 (Delyth Jewell).

Amendment 41 (Delyth Jewell) moved.

Oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 41? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Felly, fe symudwn ni i bleidlais ar welliant 41. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid wyth, neb yn ymatal, 41 yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 41 wedi ei wrthod. 

Are there any objections to amendment 41? [Objection.] There are. We'll therefore move to a vote on amendment 41. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour eight, no abstentions, 41 against. Therefore, amendment 41 is not agreed. 

Gwelliant 41: O blaid: 8, Yn erbyn: 41, Ymatal: 0

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 41: For: 8, Against: 41, Abstain: 0

Amendment has been rejected

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 42 (Delyth Jewell).

Amendment 42 (Delyth Jewell) moved.

Oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 42? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Felly, symudwn i bleidlais ar welliant 42 yn enw Delyth Jewell. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid wyth, neb yn ymatal, 41 yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 42 wedi ei wrthod. 

Are there any objections to amendment 42? [Objection.] Yes, there are. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour eight, no abstentions, 41 against. Therefore, amendment 42 is not agreed. 

Gwelliant 42: O blaid: 8, Yn erbyn: 41, Ymatal: 0

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 42: For: 8, Against: 41, Abstain: 0

Amendment has been rejected

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 43 (Delyth Jewell).

Amendment 43 (Delyth Jewell) moved.

Oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 43? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, dwi'n gweld gwrthwynebiad, felly pleidlais ar welliant 43. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid wyth, neb yn ymatal, 41 yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 43 wedi ei wrthod. 

Any objections to amendment 43? [Objection.] Yes, there are objections. We'll move to a vote on amendment 43. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour eight, no abstentions, 41 against. Therefore, amendment 43 is not agreed. 

Gwelliant 43: O blaid: 8, Yn erbyn: 41, Ymatal: 0

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 43: For: 8, Against: 41, Abstain: 0

Amendment has been rejected

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 44 (Delyth Jewell).

Amendment 44 (Delyth Jewell) moved.

Oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 44? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Felly, symudwn i bleidlais ar wellliant 44 yn enw Delyth Jewell. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid wyth, neb yn ymatal, 41 yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 44 wedi ei wrthod. 

Any objections to amendment 44? [Objection.] Yes, there are. We'll therefore move to a vote on amendment 44 in the name of Delyth Jewell. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour eight, no abstentions, 41 against. Therefore, amendment 44 is not agreed. 

Gwelliant 44: O blaid: 8, Yn erbyn: 41, Ymatal: 0

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 44: For: 8, Against: 41, Abstain: 0

Amendment has been rejected

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 45 (Delyth Jewell).

Amendment 45 (Delyth Jewell) moved.

Oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 45? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, dwi'n gweld gwrthwynebiad. Felly, dyma ni'n symud i bleidlais ar welliant 45. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid wyth, neb yn ymatal, 41 yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 45 wedi ei wrthod. 

Any objections to amendment 45? [Objection.] There are. We will therefore move to a vote on amendment 45. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour eight, no abstentions, 41 against. Therefore, amendment 45 is not agreed. 

Gwelliant 45: O blaid: 8, Yn erbyn: 41, Ymatal: 0

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 45: For: 8, Against: 41, Abstain: 0

Amendment has been rejected

Grŵp 3: Contractau safonol a chyfnod penodol y gellir eu terfynu ar ôl cyfnod hysbysu o ddau fis (Gwelliannau 9, 53, 54)
Group 3: Standard and fixed term contracts which can be terminated with 2 months notice (Amendments 9, 53, 54)

Sy'n ein harwain ni at grŵp 3. Mae'r grŵp nesaf yma, sef grŵp 3, yn ymwneud â chontractau safonol a chyfnod penodol y gellir eu terfynu ar ôl cyfnod hysbysu o ddau fis. Gwelliant 9 yw'r prif welliant yn y grŵp yma. Dwi'n galw ar y Gweinidog, Julie James, i gyflwyno'r gwelliant a'r grŵp. 

Which brings us to group 3. This relates to standard and fixed-term contracts that can be terminated with two months' notice. The lead amendment is amendment 9. I call on Julie James to move the amendment and speak to the other amendments in the group. 

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 9 (Julie James).

Amendment 9 (Julie James) moved.

I move amendment 9 in my name. Amendment 9 further clarifies when a higher education institution is able to provide a two-month notice under either section 173 or, potentially, a landlord’s break clause. A higher education institution will only be allowed to provide two months’ notice to a contract holder who is provided with accommodation in order to be able to undertake a course of study. This is irrespective of whether the accommodation has also been provided for another purpose. I urge Members to support this amendment.

Regarding amendment 53 tabled by Laura Anne Jones, as I indicated when the same amendment was tabled at Stage 2, I do recognise the issue the amendment aims to address. Since the Stage 2 committee meeting, my officials have met with representatives of the three armed forces families federations and with the Ministry of Defence. The core concern is that the MOD provides only three months’ notice to terminate occupation of armed forces accommodation. Therefore, if a property owned by a member of the armed forces has been rented privately, the general requirement under the Bill to give six months’ notice could cause difficulties. However, it is clear from the discussions that have taken place that there are complexities that need to be further examined to ensure any provision we make to address this problem is sound. We also need to consider the position of someone whose landlord joins the armed forces after the start date of their contract, and could potentially be subject to a change in their security of tenure as a result. Therefore, I do not support amending the Bill now before these complexities are fully understood. As it stands, we already have regulation-making powers to provide for such an exemption if it proves to be appropriate and necessary.

Amendment 54, also tabled by Laura Anne, relates to the renting out of properties that are normally occupied by ministers of religion. Such private renting is, I understand, quite common for periods when such properties are not needed to house a minister of religion. I indicated during Stage 1 that I did not see a case for someone to be given only two months’ notice in such circumstances—a view with which the committee was in agreement. I remain to be convinced that this is necessary, and therefore do not support this amendment. However, should it at some point be decided that it is necessary, there is already a regulation-making power that could be used for such an exemption. 

Rwy'n cynnig gwelliant 9 yn fy enw i. Mae gwelliant 9 yn egluro ymhellach pryd y gall sefydliad addysg uwch ddarparu rhybudd o ddeufis o dan naill ai adran 173, neu o bosibl, cymal terfynu landlord. Dim ond i ddeiliad contract y darparwyd llety iddynt allu dilyn cwrs astudio y caniateir i sefydliad addysg uwch roi deufis o rybudd. Mae hyn yn berthnasol p'un a yw'r llety wedi'i ddarparu at ddiben arall hefyd ai peidio. Rwy’n annog yr Aelodau i gefnogi'r gwelliant hwn.

O ran gwelliant 53 a gyflwynwyd gan Laura Anne Jones, fel y nodais pan gyflwynwyd yr un gwelliant yng Nghyfnod 2, rwy'n cydnabod y mater y mae'r gwelliant yn ceisio mynd i'r afael ag ef. Ers cyfarfod pwyllgor Cyfnod 2, mae fy swyddogion wedi cyfarfod â chynrychiolwyr tri ffederasiwn teuluoedd y lluoedd arfog a chyda'r Weinyddiaeth Amddiffyn. Y prif bryder yw mai tri mis o rybudd yn unig y mae’r Weinyddiaeth Amddiffyn yn ei roi i derfynu meddiannaeth llety’r lluoedd arfog. Felly, os yw eiddo sy’n eiddo i aelod o’r lluoedd arfog wedi’i rentu’n breifat, gallai’r gofyniad cyffredinol o dan y Bil i roi chwe mis o rybudd beri anawsterau. Fodd bynnag, mae'n amlwg o'r trafodaethau a gafwyd fod yna gymhlethdodau y mae'n rhaid eu harchwilio ymhellach i sicrhau bod unrhyw ddarpariaeth a wnawn i fynd i'r afael â'r broblem hon yn gadarn. Hefyd, mae angen inni ystyried sefyllfa rhywun y mae eu landlord yn ymuno â'r lluoedd arfog ar ôl dyddiad cychwyn eu contract, ac y gallent, o bosibl, wynebu newid yn eu sicrwydd deiliadaeth o ganlyniad. Felly, nid wyf yn cefnogi diwygio'r Bil ar hyn o bryd cyn bod y cymhlethdodau wedi eu deall yn llawn. Fel y saif pethau, mae gennym eisoes bwerau gwneud rheoliadau i ddarparu ar gyfer eithriad o'r fath os bydd hynny’n briodol ac yn angenrheidiol.

Mae gwelliant 54, a gyflwynwyd hefyd gan Laura Anne, yn ymwneud â gosod eiddo sydd fel arfer yn cael ei feddiannu gan weinidogion crefydd. Mae rhentu preifat o'r fath, rwy'n deall, yn eithaf cyffredin am gyfnodau pan nad oes angen eiddo o'r fath i ddarparu cartref i weinidog crefydd. Nodais yng Nghyfnod 1 nad oeddwn yn gweld achos dros roi deufis o rybudd yn unig i rywun yn y fath amgylchiadau—barn roedd y pwyllgor yn cytuno â hi. Rwy’n dal i fod yn argyhoeddedig fod hyn yn angenrheidiol, ac felly nid wyf yn cefnogi’r gwelliant hwn. Fodd bynnag, os penderfynir ar ryw adeg ei fod yn angenrheidiol, ceir pŵer i wneud rheoliadau eisoes y gellid ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer eithriad o'r fath.


Minister, I appreciate your comments on our amendments. Amendments 53 and 54 seek to provide an exemption to the Bill for members of the armed forces, as you explained, who have been given notice to leave service accommodation, as well as properties occupied by ministers of religion. Both amendments respond to concerns raised about the unintended consequences of the Bill. The National Residential Landlords Association Wales have highlighted that members of the armed forces who have been given notice to leave their service accommodation may face increased risk of homelessness or other housing difficulties due to the difference in notice periods provided for within this Bill compared to that used by the MOD.

I'm grateful to Cytûn for their support in helping us to draft amendment 54. They have also raised concerns about the impact of the Bill on faith communities. This includes potentially being able to rotate clergy on an annual basis between ministry roles and problems with a lengthy notice period before securing possession of a parsonage if a minister is removed due to a serious disciplinary issue. Minister, I appreciate that you've previously stated that you've been in discussions with stakeholders about both issues, as you outlined. Whilst I believe that our amendments will address the concerns that have been raised, I would appreciate if you could give me an update on the work that your officials have undertaken on this. When will you address these concerns, should you not be swayed by these amendments now? 

Weinidog, rwy’n gwerthfawrogi eich sylwadau ar ein gwelliannau. Nod gwelliannau 53 a 54 yw darparu eithriad i'r Bil ar gyfer aelodau o'r lluoedd arfog, fel rydych wedi esbonio, sydd wedi cael rhybudd i adael llety’r gwasanaethau, yn ogystal ag eiddo y mae gweinidogion crefydd yn byw ynddo. Mae'r ddau welliant yn ymateb i bryderon a godwyd ynghylch canlyniadau anfwriadol y Bil. Mae Cymdeithas Genedlaethol Landlordiaid Preswyl Cymru wedi tynnu sylw at y ffaith y gallai aelodau o’r lluoedd arfog sydd wedi cael rhybudd i adael llety’r gwasanaethau wynebu risg uwch o ddigartrefedd neu anawsterau eraill ym maes tai oherwydd y gwahaniaeth rhwng y cyfnodau rhybudd y darperir ar eu cyfer yn y Bil hwn o’u cymharu â’r hyn a ddefnyddir gan y Weinyddiaeth Amddiffyn.

Rwy'n ddiolchgar i Cytûn am eu cymorth i'n helpu i ddrafftio gwelliant 54. Maent hefyd wedi mynegi pryderon ynghylch effaith y Bil ar gymunedau ffydd. Mae hyn yn cynnwys y posibilrwydd o allu cylchdroi clerigwyr yn flynyddol rhwng rolau’r weinidogaeth a phroblemau gyda chyfnod rhybudd hir cyn sicrhau meddiant ar bersondy os caiff gweinidog eu diswyddo oherwydd mater disgyblu difrifol. Weinidog, rwy'n deall eich bod eisoes wedi nodi eich bod wedi cael trafodaethau gyda rhanddeiliaid ynglŷn â’r ddau fater, fel yr amlinellwyd gennych. Er y credaf y bydd ein gwelliannau’n mynd i'r afael â'r pryderon a godwyd, byddwn yn gwerthfawrogi pe gallech roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i mi ynglŷn â’r gwaith y mae eich swyddogion wedi'i wneud ar hyn. Pryd y byddwch yn mynd i'r afael â'r pryderon hyn, os na chewch eich perswadio gan y gwelliannau hyn yn awr?

Sorry—my mistake. I wasn't sure whether you'd lost the sound or whether that was the end of the contribution. That's great. Thank you. There are no other speakers, so I'll call Julie James to respond to the debate, if she wishes to.

Mae'n ddrwg gennyf—fy nghamgymeriad i. Nid oeddwn yn siŵr a oeddech wedi colli'r sain neu ai dyna ddiwedd y cyfraniad. Mae hynny'n wych. Diolch. Nid oes unrhyw siaradwyr eraill, felly galwaf ar Julie James i ymateb i'r ddadl, os yw'n dymuno gwneud hynny.

Briefly, just to ask Members to support amendment 9, for the additional clarity it brings. I do ask Members to reject amendments 53 and 54 on the basis that I've already set out. We are in discussion with both groups of stakeholders and we would much rather use the regulation powers already available to us to tackle these concerns once the full extent of the issues has been properly explored. 

Yn fyr, dim ond i ofyn i'r Aelodau gefnogi gwelliant 9, am yr eglurder ychwanegol y mae’n ei ddarparu. Gofynnaf i'r Aelodau wrthod gwelliannau 53 a 54 ar y sail rwyf eisoes wedi'i nodi. Rydym yn trafod gyda'r ddau grŵp o randdeiliaid a byddai'n llawer gwell gennym ddefnyddio'r pwerau rheoleiddio sydd ar gael i ni eisoes i fynd i'r afael â'r pryderon hyn ar ôl i raddau llawn y materion gael eu harchwilio'n iawn.

Y cwestiwn, felly, yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 9? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu gwelliant 9? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, dwi'n gweld gwrthwynebiad, ac felly dyma ni'n symud i bleidlais ar welliant 9, yn enw Julie James. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 45, tri yn ymatal, ac un yn erbyn, ac felly mae gwelliant 9 wedi ei gymeradwyo.

The question is that amendment 9 be agreed. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes, there are objections. We will therefore move to a vote on amendment 9 in the name of Julie James. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 45, three abstentions, and one against. Therefore, amendment 9 is agreed.

Gwelliant 9: O blaid: 45, Yn erbyn: 1, Ymatal: 3

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 9: For: 45, Against: 1, Abstain: 3

Amendment has been agreed

Grŵp 4: Diwygiadau amrywiol i Ddeddf 2016 (Gwelliannau 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 56, 21, 25, 26, 27)
Group 4: Miscellaneous amendments to the 2016 Act (Amendments 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 56, 21, 25, 26, 27)

Y grŵp nesaf o welliannau yw grŵp 4, ac mae'r grŵp yma yn ymwneud â diwygiadau amrywiol i Ddeddf 2016. Gwelliant 10 yw'r prif welliant, a dwi'n galw ar Julie James, y Gweinidog, i siarad i'r gwelliant hwnnw a'r gwelliannau eraill yn y grŵp.

We will now move to group 4, miscellaneous amendments to the 2016 Act. The lead amendment in the group is amendment 10, and I call on Julie James to move and speak to the lead amendment and the other amendments in the group. Julie James.

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 10 (Julie James).

Amendment 10 (Julie James) moved.

I move the amendments in my name. The purpose of amendments 10, 16, 17 and 19 is to remove redundant references to the Displaced Persons (Temporary Protection) Regulations 2005, which have now been revoked.

Amendment 18 will remove the examples in section 33 of the 2016 Act of editorial changes that may be made to fundamental and supplementary terms set out in a written statement. On reflection, these examples may be unhelpful and are not considered necessary. As Members will appreciate, it is essential that the terms set out in written statements reflect the provisions included in the Act and any regulations made under it, as appropriate. But where there may be some opportunity to improve in this area and enhance the experience of model written statements for users, I do not want to take—for users, I want to take it. Forgive me; I mangled that up a bit. I'll say that again. Where there may be some opportunity to improve in this area and enhance the experience of model written statements for users, I do want to take that opportunity.

Amendment 20 further clarifies the circumstances where a community landlord may provide a standard contract, instead of a secure contract, to a contract holder undertaking study. This exemption only applies where the accommodation is provided solely for the purposes of the contract holder attending a designated course at an educational establishment. Where the contract holder has additional entitlement to the property outside of the need for accommodation to study, the community landlord is required to provide a secure contract, where the additional entitlement of the contract holder would otherwise qualify them for a contract of that kind. The accommodation covered under this provision is not connected to, and is for a different purpose than, that provided by a higher education institution.

Amendments 21 and 25 through to 27 amend section 256(2) of the 2016 Act. This section currently permits regulations made under the 2016 Act to make consequential amendments to enactments, and modifications, repeals and revocations of enactments. This amendment will expand that power so that it applies to any provision of the 2016 Act, as well as to other enactments. Such an amendment has been identified as necessary as a result of the considerations relating to the Jarvis v. Evans judgment. This amendment will facilitate the making of accessible and clear legislation by ensuring that required consequential amendments can be made to the 2016 Act and can be made in the most appropriate place within the 2016 Act.

Amendment 56 would remove accommodation occupied by ministers of religion entirely from the Renting Homes regime. The provisions of this amending legislation currently provide greater security of tenure to ministers of religion who often occupy their accommodation through a basic licence. We have received representations from Cytûn, representatives of churches in Wales, who have expressed concern that such an approach would have an impact upon the way that churches currently operate. Whilst my officials are in contact with Cytûn on this matter, I am conscious that the views of all affected parties have not yet been sought. The Welsh Government will keep this matter under review and look to use the available subordinate legislation powers to address any issue, if required. Therefore, I'm afraid I cannot support amendment 56. 

Rwy'n cynnig y gwelliannau yn fy enw i. Diben gwelliannau 10, 16, 17 a 19 yw dileu cyfeiriadau diangen at y Rheoliadau Personau a Ddadleolir (Diogelu Dros Dro) 2005, sydd bellach wedi'u dirymu.

Bydd Gwelliant 18 yn cael gwared ar yr enghreifftiau yn adran 33 yn Neddf 2016 o newidiadau golygyddol y gellir eu gwneud i delerau sylfaenol ac atodol a nodir mewn datganiad ysgrifenedig. O ystyried, gall yr enghreifftiau hyn fod yn ddi-fudd ac nid ystyrir eu bod yn angenrheidiol. Fel y bydd yr Aelodau'n deall, mae'n hanfodol fod y telerau a nodir mewn datganiadau ysgrifenedig yn adlewyrchu'r darpariaethau a gynhwysir yn y Ddeddf ac unrhyw reoliadau a wneir oddi tani, fel sy'n briodol. Ond lle gallai fod rhywfaint o gyfle i wella yn y maes hwn a gwella'r profiad o ddatganiadau ysgrifenedig enghreifftiol i ddefnyddwyr, ni hoffwn achub—i ddefnyddwyr, hoffwn achub ar y cyfle hwnnw. Maddeuwch i mi; fe wneuthum smonach o hynny braidd. Fe’i dywedaf eto. Lle gallai fod rhywfaint o gyfle i wella yn y maes hwn a gwella'r profiad o ddatganiadau ysgrifenedig enghreifftiol i ddefnyddwyr, fe hoffwn achub ar y cyfle hwnnw.

Mae gwelliant 20 yn egluro ymhellach yr amgylchiadau lle gall landlord cymunedol ddarparu contract safonol, yn hytrach na chontract diogel, i ddeiliad contract sy'n dilyn cwrs astudio. Nid yw’r eithriad hwn ond yn berthnasol pan ddarperir y llety er mwyn galluogi deiliad y contract i fynychu cwrs dynodedig mewn sefydliad addysgol yn unig. Lle bydd gan ddeiliad y contract hawl ychwanegol i'r eiddo y tu hwnt i'r angen am lety i astudio, mae'n ofynnol i'r landlord cymunedol ddarparu contract diogel, lle byddai hawl ychwanegol deiliad y contract fel arall yn eu gwneud yn gymwys ar gyfer contract o'r math hwnnw. Mae'r llety a nodir o dan y ddarpariaeth hon at ddiben gwahanol ac nid yw wedi'i gysylltu â’r llety a ddarperir gan sefydliad addysg uwch.

Mae gwelliannau 21 a 25 hyd at 27 yn diwygio adran 256(2) yn Neddf 2016. Ar hyn o bryd, mae'r adran hon yn caniatáu rheoliadau a wnaed o dan Ddeddf 2016 i wneud diwygiadau canlyniadol i ddeddfiadau, ac addasu, diddymu a dirymu deddfiadau. Bydd y gwelliant hwn yn ehangu'r pŵer hwnnw fel ei fod yn berthnasol i unrhyw un o ddarpariaethau Deddf 2016, yn ogystal ag i ddeddfiadau eraill. Nodwyd bod gwelliant o'r fath yn angenrheidiol o ganlyniad i'r ystyriaethau sy'n ymwneud â dyfarniad Jarvis v. Evans. Bydd y gwelliant hwn yn hwyluso’r broses o greu deddfwriaeth hygyrch a chlir drwy sicrhau y gellir gwneud y newidiadau canlyniadol angenrheidiol i Ddeddf 2016 ac y gellir eu gwneud yn y lle mwyaf priodol o fewn Deddf 2016.

Byddai gwelliant 56 yn cael gwared ar lety a feddiannir gan weinidogion crefydd yn gyfan gwbl o drefn Rhentu Cartrefi. Ar hyn o bryd, mae darpariaethau'r ddeddfwriaeth ddiwygio hon yn darparu mwy o sicrwydd deiliadaeth i weinidogion crefydd sy'n aml yn meddiannu eu llety drwy drwydded sylfaenol. Rydym wedi derbyn sylwadau gan Cytûn, cynrychiolwyr eglwysi yng Nghymru, sydd wedi mynegi pryder y byddai dull o'r fath yn cael effaith ar y ffordd y mae eglwysi’n gweithredu ar hyn o bryd. Er bod fy swyddogion mewn cysylltiad â Cytûn ynglŷn â'r mater hwn, rwy'n ymwybodol na ofynnwyd am farn yr holl unigolion yr effeithir arnynt eto. Bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn parhau i adolygu'r mater hwn ac yn ceisio defnyddio'r pwerau is-ddeddfwriaeth sydd ar gael i fynd i'r afael ag unrhyw fater sy'n codi, os bydd angen. Felly, mae arnaf ofn na allaf gefnogi gwelliant 56.


Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 10? A oes unrhyw wrthwynebiad i welliant 10? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, dwi'n gweld gwrthwynebiad, ac felly mi wnawn ni symud i bleidlais ar welliant 10. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 45, tri yn ymatal, un yn erbyn. Felly mae gwelliant 10 wedi ei gymeradwyo. 

The question is that amendment 10 be agreed. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes, there are objections. We will therefore move to a vote on amendment 10. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 45, three abstentions, one against. Therefore amendment 10 is agreed. 

Gwelliant 10: O blaid: 45, Yn erbyn: 1, Ymatal: 3

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 10: For: 45, Against: 1, Abstain: 3

Amendment has been agreed

Laura Jones, amendment 53. Is it being moved? Formally? Amendment 53 in your name. Are you moving it formally? 

Laura Jones, gwelliant 53. A yw'n cael ei gynnig? Yn ffurfiol? Gwelliant 53 yn eich enw chi. A ydych yn ei gynnig yn ffurfiol?

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 53 (Laura Anne Jones) 

Amendment 53 (Laura Anne Jones) moved.

A oes gwrthwynebiad?  

Is there any objection?

Is there an objection to amendment 53? [Objection.] Yes, I see an objection. So, we'll move to a vote on amendment 53. 

A oes unrhyw wrthwynebiad i welliant 53? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, gwelaf wrthwynebiad. Felly, symudwn i bleidlais ar welliant 53.

Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 14, neb yn ymatal, 35 yn erbyn. Mae gwelliant 53 wedi ei wrthod.  

Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 14, no abstentions, 35 against. Therefore, amendment 53 is not agreed.  

Gwelliant 53: O blaid: 14, Yn erbyn: 35, Ymatal: 0

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 53: For: 14, Against: 35, Abstain: 0

Amendment has been rejected

Amendment 54, Laura Jones. Is that being moved? It's in your name. 

Gwelliant 54, Laura Jones. A yw’n cael ei gynnig? Mae yn eich enw chi.

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 54 (Laura Anne Jones) 

Amendment 54 (Laura Anne Jones) moved.

Thank you. The question is whether there is any objection to amendment 54. [Objection.] Yes, I see an objection. So, we'll move to a vote on amendment 54. 

Diolch. Y cwestiwn yw a oes unrhyw wrthwynebiad i welliant 54. [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, gwelaf wrthwynebiad. Felly, symudwn i bleidlais ar welliant 54.

Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 13, neb yn ymatal, 36 yn erbyn, ac felly mae'r gwelliant wedi ei wrthod. 

Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 13, no abstentions, 36 against, and therefore the amendment is not agreed. 

Gwelliant 54: O blaid: 13, Yn erbyn: 36, Ymatal: 0

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 54: For: 13, Against: 36, Abstain: 0

Amendment has been rejected

Delyth Jewell, gwelliant 46 sydd nesaf. Ydy e'n cael ei symud? 

Delyth Jewell, amendment 46 is next. Is it moved? 

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 46 (Delyth Jewell).

Amendment 46 (Delyth Jewell) moved.

Os derbynnir gwelliant 46, bydd gwelliant 1 yn methu. Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn 46? A oes unrhyw wrthwynebiad? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, dwi'n gweld gwrthwynebiad. Felly, fe symudwn i bleidlais ar welliant 46. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid wyth, dau yn ymatal, 39 yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 46 wedi ei wrthod. 

If amendment 46 is agreed, amendment 1 falls. The question is that amendment 46 be agreed. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes, I see that there is an objection. We will therefore move to a vote on amendment 46. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour eight, two abstentions, 39 against. Therefore, amendment 46 is not agreed. 

Gwelliant 46: O blaid: 8, Yn erbyn: 39, Ymatal: 2

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 46: For: 8, Against: 39, Abstain: 2

Amendment has been rejected

Grŵp 5: Cyfyngiadau ar roi hysbysiad (Gwelliannau 1, 2,3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31, 8)
Group 5: Restrictions on giving notice (Amendments 1, 2,3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31, 8)

Grŵp 5 yw'r grŵp nesaf o welliannau. Mae'r grŵp yma'n ymwneud â chyfyngiadau ar roi hysbysiad, a gwelliant 1 yw'r prif welliant yn y grŵp. Dwi'n galw ar Julie James, y Gweinidog, i gyflwyno gwelliant 1 a'r gwelliannau eraill yn y grŵp ac i siarad iddyn nhw. Y Gweinidog, Julie James.

We now move to group 5, which relates to restrictions on giving notice. The lead amendment in the group is amendment 1. I call on Julie James to move and speak to the lead amendment and the other amendments in the group. Minister, Julie James.


Cynigiwyd gwelliant 1 (Julie James).

Amendment 1 (Julie James) moved.

Diolch, Llywydd. I move Government amendments 1, 23, 29 and 30, which clarify when a notice under section 173 can be served upon a contract holder by re-titling section 175 so that the heading matches the section itself. This will remove the potential for ambiguity regarding a situation where the occupation contract doesn’t permit the contract holder to start occupying the property immediately. This can often be the case with student lets where the contract permits the contract holder to start occupying from a date in the future. In these and similar circumstances, a landlord cannot serve a section 173 notice during the period that starts with the day the contract is made and ending six months after the occupation date, and the amendment ensures that the heading of section 175 reflects that fact.  

Amendments 2, 24 and 31 clarify when a landlord’s break clause notice can be issued to a contract holder by re-titling section 196 so that the heading matches the text of the section. It will remain the case that a landlord is prevented from serving a break clause under a fixed-term contract until 18 months after the contract has elapsed, starting with the occupation date of the contract. This restriction will apply regardless of when the fixed-term contract was entered into.

Amendments 3, 4, 8 and 15 remove references to the Housing (Wales) Act 2014 within this Bill. Such action is necessary, following detailed consideration of the Jarvis v Evans Court of Appeal judgment in 2020, relating to the Housing (Wales) Act 2014. The judgment has proven to be quite complicated in its application, not only to the 2014 Act, but how this is expressed with the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016. I have some concerns that any amendments brought forward at this stage to account for this judgment may not be accurate and would be difficult to correct. Therefore, I consider it prudent to remove these references to the 2014 Act so that the matter can be fully considered and provisions confidently brought forward.

Amendments 11, 12, 13 and 22 provide further clarity on serving a section 173 or 186 and a break clause notice by a landlord who has not provided a written statement to the contract holder. Amendments 11, 12 and 13 remove any potential uncertainty around the ability of a landlord to issue a notice where a written statement has not been provided to the contract holder. Where a written statement has not been provided by the landlord, regardless of whether this is during the 14-day period provided for under sections 31(1) and 31(2), the landlord will be prevented from serving a notice set out under schedule 2 until a written statement is provided.

Section 31(1) provides a period of 14 days for the landlord to provide a written statement to the contract holder, starting with the occupation date of the contract. Section 31(2) provides a period of 14 days, from the date of occupation or where the landlord becomes aware, for the landlord to provide a new written statement to the contract holder should the contract holder change during the life of the contract. A landlord who provides a written statement within this 14-day period is not subjected to further sanction. Amendment 13 clarifies that a landlord who has failed to comply with this requirement is prohibited from giving a notice under section 173 or 186 under a landlord’s break clause for a period of six months, starting with the day on which the landlord provided the written statement to the contract holder.

Amendment 14 provides clarification that a landlord is restricted from serving notice when they are in breach of the security requirements in relation to the occupation contract.

Amendment 28 deals with those existing tenancies and licences, which will convert to an occupation contract upon implementation of the Renting Homes Act. An existing landlord, upon implementation of the Act, will have a period of six months from the appointed day—the date of implementation—to provide the contract holder with a copy of the written statement. During this six-month period, the occupation contract is in force and applies to both landlord and contract holder equally. Amendment 28 clarifies that a landlord is not prevented from serving a notice under section 173, section 186, or a landlord’s break clause during this period, whether or not the written statement has been provided to the contract holder.

I therefore urge Members to support all the amendments in this group. Diolch, Llywydd.

Diolch, Lywydd. Rwy'n cynnig gwelliannau 1, 23, 29 a 30 y Llywodraeth, sy'n egluro pryd y gellir cyflwyno rhybudd o dan adran 173 i ddeiliad contract drwy aildeitlo adran 175 fel bod y pennawd yn cyfateb i'r adran ei hun. Bydd hyn yn cael gwared ar y posibilrwydd o amwysedd mewn perthynas â sefyllfa lle nad yw'r contract meddiannaeth yn caniatáu i ddeiliad y contract ddechrau meddiannu'r eiddo ar unwaith. Yn aml, gall hyn godi gydag eiddo ar osod i fyfyrwyr lle mae'r contract yn caniatáu i ddeiliad y contract ddechrau meddiannu o ddyddiad yn y dyfodol. O dan yr amgylchiadau hyn ac amgylchiadau tebyg, ni all landlord roi rhybudd adran 173 yn ystod y cyfnod sy'n dechrau ar y diwrnod y gwneir y contract ac a ddaw i ben chwe mis ar ôl y dyddiad meddiannu, ac mae'r gwelliant yn sicrhau bod pennawd adran 175 yn adlewyrchu'r ffaith honno.

Mae gwelliannau 2, 24 a 31 yn egluro pryd y gall landlord roi rhybudd cymal terfynu i ddeiliad contract drwy aildeitlo adran 196 fel bod y pennawd yn cyfateb i destun yr adran. Bydd yn parhau i fod yn wir fod landlord yn cael eu hatal rhag cyflwyno cymal terfynu o dan gontract cyfnod penodol am 18 mis ar ôl i'r contract ddod i ben, gan ddechrau gyda dyddiad meddiannu'r contract. Bydd y cyfyngiad hwn yn berthnasol ni waeth pryd yr ymrwymwyd i'r contract cyfnod penodol.

Mae gwelliannau 3, 4, 8 a 15 yn dileu cyfeiriadau at Ddeddf Tai (Cymru) 2014 yn y Bil hwn. Mae angen cymryd camau o'r fath, yn dilyn ystyriaeth fanwl o ddyfarniad Llys Apêl Jarvis v Evans yn 2020, mewn perthynas â Deddf Tai (Cymru) 2014. Mae'r dyfarniad wedi bod yn eithaf cymhleth wrth ei roi ar waith, nid yn unig mewn perthynas â Deddf 2014, ond o ran sut y caiff hyn ei fynegi gyda Deddf Rhentu Cartrefi (Cymru) 2016. Mae gennyf rai pryderon y gallai unrhyw welliannau a gyflwynir ar y cam hwn i gyfrif am y dyfarniad hwn fod yn anghywir ac y byddai'n anodd eu cywiro. Felly, rwyf o'r farn ei bod yn ddoeth dileu'r cyfeiriadau hyn at Ddeddf 2014 fel y gellir ystyried y mater yn llawn a chyflwyno darpariaethau yn hyderus.

Mae gwelliannau 11, 12, 13 a 22 yn rhoi eglurder pellach ar gyflwyno rhybudd adran 173 neu 186 a rhybudd cymal terfynu gan landlord nad yw wedi darparu datganiad ysgrifenedig i ddeiliad y contract. Mae gwelliannau 11, 12 a 13 yn dileu unrhyw ansicrwydd posibl ynghylch gallu landlord i gyflwyno rhybudd lle na ddarparwyd datganiad ysgrifenedig i ddeiliad y contract. Pan na ddarparwyd datganiad ysgrifenedig gan y landlord, boed yn ystod y cyfnod o 14 diwrnod y darperir ar ei gyfer o dan adrannau 31(1) a 31(2) ai peidio, bydd y landlord wedi’u hatal rhag cyflwyno rhybudd a nodir o dan atodlen 2 hyd nes y darperir datganiad ysgrifenedig.

Mae adran 31(1) yn darparu cyfnod o 14 diwrnod i'r landlord ddarparu datganiad ysgrifenedig i ddeiliad y contract, gan ddechrau gyda dyddiad meddiannu'r contract. Mae adran 31(2) yn darparu cyfnod o 14 diwrnod, o’r dyddiad meddiannu neu pan ddaw'r landlord yn ymwybodol, i'r landlord ddarparu datganiad ysgrifenedig newydd i ddeiliad y contract pe bai deiliad y contract yn newid yn ystod oes y contract. Ni fydd landlord sy'n darparu datganiad ysgrifenedig o fewn y cyfnod o 14 diwrnod yn wynebu unrhyw sancsiynau pellach. Mae gwelliant 13 yn egluro bod landlord sydd wedi methu cydymffurfio â'r gofyniad hwn wedi’u gwahardd rhag rhoi rhybudd o dan adran 173 neu 186 o dan gymal terfynu landlord am gyfnod o chwe mis, gan ddechrau gyda'r diwrnod y darparodd y landlord y datganiad ysgrifenedig i ddeiliad y contract.

Mae gwelliant 14 yn egluro bod landlord wedi'u hatal rhag cyflwyno rhybudd pan fyddant yn mynd yn groes i’r gofynion diogelwch mewn perthynas â'r contract meddiannaeth.

Mae gwelliant 28 yn ymdrin â'r tenantiaethau a'r trwyddedau presennol hynny, a fydd yn trosi'n gontract meddiannaeth ar ôl i’r Ddeddf Rhentu Cartrefi gael ei gweithredu. Bydd gan landlord presennol, ar ôl i’r Ddeddf gael ei gweithredu, gyfnod o chwe mis o'r diwrnod penodedig—y dyddiad gweithredu—i roi copi o'r datganiad ysgrifenedig i ddeiliad y contract. Yn ystod y cyfnod hwn o chwe mis, mae'r contract meddiannaeth mewn grym ac mae’n berthnasol i’r un graddau i'r landlord a deiliad y contract. Mae gwelliant 28 yn egluro nad yw landlord wedi eu hatal rhag cyflwyno rhybudd o dan adran 173, adran 186, neu gymal terfynu landlord yn ystod y cyfnod hwn, p’un a yw'r datganiad ysgrifenedig wedi'i ddarparu i ddeiliad y contract ai peidio.

Felly, rwy’n annog yr Aelodau i gefnogi'r holl welliannau yn y grŵp hwn. Diolch, Lywydd.

Thank you. Before I call Laura Jones to speak, may I apologise to Laura Jones for not having called her in the previous group of amendments? That was my fault entirely and would have confused you. Sorry about that. So, if you wish to make any comments on amendments 53 and 54 from the previous group just to place them on the Record, please feel free to do so. And of course, speak to this group of amendments as well. My apologies, Laura.

Diolch. Cyn i mi alw ar Laura Jones i siarad, a gaf fi ymddiheuro i Laura Jones am beidio â’i galw yn y grŵp blaenorol o welliannau? Fy mai i yn llwyr oedd hynny a byddai wedi eich drysu. Mae’n ddrwg gennyf am hynny. Felly, os ydych yn dymuno gwneud unrhyw sylwadau ar welliannau 53 a 54 o'r grŵp blaenorol fel eu bod wedi'u cofnodi, mae croeso i chi wneud hynny. Ac wrth gwrs, siaradwch am y grŵp hwn o welliannau hefyd. Ymddiheuriadau, Laura.

Thank you, Llywydd, I appreciate that. Okay, yes, we'll go back to group 4. Amendment 56 in my name is linked to our amendment 54, which we've just debated and voted on. It seeks to clarify the occupation status of the minister of religion and I am, again, grateful to Cytûn for their support. 

In written evidence, Cytûn state that it is their view that ministers of religion who occupy parsonage properties do not fall within the scope of the Bill. For example, Church in Wales ministers do not pay any rent, licence fee or other payment to the representative body or to any other Church in Wales body. Cytûn therefore contend that the direct effect of the Act would alter the relationship between the Church and ministers from a relationship that is not an employment relationship to one that is an employment relationship. However, they also acknowledge that this is an unintended consequence of the Bill that would be addressed through this amendment. It is my hope that Members would support this.

Minister, I would also ask for some clarification about amendment 25, which gives the Welsh Ministers a number of additional powers over the 2016 Act. The purpose and effect table is not very clear on how you intend to use these potentially wide-ranging powers in the future. So, I would appreciate some clarity on this. Shall I go straight on to group 5, Llywydd?

Diolch, Lywydd, rwy'n gwerthfawrogi hynny. Iawn, ie, fe awn yn ôl at grŵp 4. Mae gwelliant 56 yn fy enw i yn gysylltiedig â'n gwelliant 54 rydym newydd ei drafod a phleidleisio arno. Ei nod yw egluro statws meddiannaeth gweinidog crefydd, ac unwaith eto, rwy'n ddiolchgar i Cytûn am eu cymorth.

Mewn tystiolaeth ysgrifenedig, dywed Cytûn mai eu safbwynt hwy yw nad yw gweinidogion crefydd sy'n meddiannu persondai wedi’u cynnwys o fewn terfynau’r Bil. Er enghraifft, nid yw gweinidogion yr Eglwys yng Nghymru yn talu unrhyw rent, ffi’r drwydded nac unrhyw daliad arall i'r corff cynrychioliadol nac i unrhyw un o gyrff eraill yr Eglwys yng Nghymru. Mae Cytûn yn dadlau felly y byddai effaith uniongyrchol y Ddeddf yn newid y berthynas rhwng yr Eglwys a gweinidogion o fod yn berthynas nad yw'n berthynas gyflogaeth i un sy'n berthynas gyflogaeth. Fodd bynnag, maent hefyd yn cydnabod bod hwn yn ganlyniad anfwriadol i'r Bil a fyddai'n cael sylw drwy'r gwelliant hwn. Fy ngobaith yw y byddai'r Aelodau'n cefnogi hyn.

Weinidog, hoffwn ofyn hefyd am eglurhad ynghylch gwelliant 25, sy'n rhoi nifer o bwerau ychwanegol i Weinidogion Cymru dros Ddeddf 2016. Nid yw'r tabl diben ac effaith yn glir iawn ynglŷn â sut rydych yn bwriadu defnyddio'r pwerau hyn a allai fod yn bellgyrhaeddol yn y dyfodol. Felly, byddwn yn gwerthfawrogi rhywfaint o eglurder ar hynny. A ddylwn fynd yn syth ymlaen at grŵp 5, Lywydd?


Restrictions on giving notice. Minister, we will be abstaining on amendments 1 and 2, and their consequential amendments. This is not because I disagree with the intention of increasing security of tenure, but because I want to raise issues discussed by my colleague Mark Isherwood MS during Stage 2.

At Stage 2, we brought forward an amendment based on recommendations made by the NRLA to allow for a six-month section 173 notice to be served after four months, but to take effect at the end of the six-month fixed term. The NRLA, whilst not disrupting the Bill's intentions, have voiced concerns about the impact that this may have in markets where the preservation of an annual cycle, mainly the student sector, is essential for the smooth running of the rental sector. This was also supported by the leader of Ceredigion County Council, a Plaid Cymru councillor, in a recent letter received by the NRLA.

The Minister refused to accept this amendment, instead arguing that students would not be treated differently. This was not the intention of this amendment. Nor would this amendment have encroached on the Welsh Government's objective of a year's security of tenure and increased notice period. All it sought was to give the landlords extra flexibility to preserve the business cycle that is essential to the efficient running of the sector. Minister, how do you respond to the legitimate concerns of some within the housing sector about the impact that this provision will have on the student housing sector, in particular, and how can you alleviate these concerns?

Moving on to amendment 2, we put forward a compromise amendment at Stage 2, allowing for a six-month, 10-year tenant-only break, which was proposed by the NRLA. However, this was rejected by the Minister. This was based on concerns that some tenants want some flexibility so that they can respond to changes in their personal lives. As such, will the Minister provide confidence about how the Bill provides for tenants who require flexibility, while also increasing security of tenure?

Finally, we are abstaining on amendment 15, as it does not seem to fully resolve the judgment of the recent Jarvis v. Evans case. Indeed, it returns to the status quo, as outlined in the Housing (Wales) Act 2014. As such, I wanted to ask whether this is a stop-gap amendment ahead of further changes, or whether you are satisfied that it responds to the recent judgment. Thank you.

Cyfyngiadau ar roi rhybudd. Weinidog, byddwn yn ymatal ar welliannau 1 a 2, a'u gwelliannau canlyniadol. Ni wnaf hyn oherwydd fy mod yn anghytuno â'r bwriad o gynyddu sicrwydd deiliadaeth, ond am fy mod yn dymuno codi materion a drafodwyd gan fy nghyd-Aelod Mark Isherwood AS yng Nghyfnod 2.

Yng Nghyfnod 2, fe wnaethom gyflwyno gwelliant yn seiliedig ar argymhellion a wnaed gan yr NRLA i ganiatáu i rybudd adran 173 chwe mis gael ei gyflwyno ar ôl pedwar mis, ond i ddod i rym ar ddiwedd y cyfnod penodol o chwe mis. Er nad yw'n amharu ar fwriadau'r Bil, mae'r NRLA wedi mynegi pryderon am yr effaith y gallai hyn ei chael mewn marchnadoedd lle mae cadw cylch blynyddol, y sector myfyrwyr yn bennaf, yn hanfodol er mwyn i'r sector rhentu redeg yn ddidrafferth. Cefnogwyd hyn hefyd gan arweinydd Cyngor Sir Ceredigion, cynghorydd Plaid Cymru, mewn llythyr diweddar at yr NRLA.

Gwrthododd y Gweinidog dderbyn y gwelliant hwn, gan ddadlau yn hytrach na fyddai myfyrwyr yn cael eu trin yn wahanol. Nid dyma oedd bwriad y gwelliant hwn. Ni fyddai'r gwelliant hwn chwaith wedi tarfu ar amcan Llywodraeth Cymru o flwyddyn o sicrwydd deiliadaeth a chyfnod rhybudd hirach. Ei unig fwriad oedd rhoi hyblygrwydd ychwanegol i'r landlordiaid ddiogelu'r cylch busnes sy'n hanfodol er mwyn i’r sector redeg yn effeithlon. Weinidog, sut rydych yn ymateb i bryderon dilys rhai yn y sector tai ynglŷn â’r effaith y bydd y ddarpariaeth hon yn ei chael ar y sector tai myfyrwyr, yn arbennig, a sut y gallwch leddfu'r pryderon hyn?

Gan symud ymlaen at welliant 2, fe wnaethom gyflwyno gwelliant cyfaddawd yng Nghyfnod 2, i ganiatáu ar gyfer cymal terfynu chwe mis, 10 mlynedd i'r tenant yn unig a argymhellwyd gan yr NRLA. Fodd bynnag, gwrthodwyd hyn gan y Gweinidog. Deilliai hynny o bryderon fod rhai tenantiaid yn awyddus i gael hyblygrwydd fel y gallant ymateb i newidiadau yn eu bywydau personol. Fel y cyfryw, a wnaiff y Gweinidog ddarparu sicrwydd ynglŷn â sut y mae'r Bil yn darparu ar gyfer tenantiaid sydd angen hyblygrwydd, gan gynyddu sicrwydd deiliadaeth ar yr un pryd?

Yn olaf, rydym yn ymatal ar welliant 15, gan nad ymddengys ei fod yn datrys dyfarniad achos diweddar Jarvis v. Evans yn llawn. Yn wir, mae'n dychwelyd i'r status quo, fel yr amlinellwyd yn Neddf Tai (Cymru) 2014. Fel y cyfryw, roeddwn yn awyddus i ofyn a yw hwn yn welliant dros dro cyn newidiadau pellach, neu a ydych yn fodlon ei fod yn ymateb i'r dyfarniad diweddar? Diolch.

Diolch, Llywydd. Well, starting with that last point first, I think I made it clear in my submission that we were removing the references because of the complexity of the case in point. The complexity of that judgment requires further consideration. Therefore, we have removed all references to the 2014 Act as a result of that.

In terms of the other points, I understand the point that Laura Anne is making, but we don't accept that the landlords' business cycle is unduly interrupted by the provisions set out here. The amendments in the group make various changes to the restrictions on giving notice. We have worked very hard with all stakeholders—both tenants and landlords—to make sure that this is a reasonable compromise between them. I therefore ask Members to support all of the amendments in the group. Diolch.

Diolch, Lywydd. Wel, gan ddechrau gyda'r pwynt olaf hwnnw’n gyntaf, credaf i mi egluro yn fy nghyflwyniad ein bod yn dileu'r cyfeiriadau oherwydd cymhlethdod yr achos dan sylw. Mae angen ystyriaeth bellach ar gymhlethdod y dyfarniad hwnnw. Felly, rydym wedi dileu pob cyfeiriad at Ddeddf 2014 o ganlyniad i hynny.

O ran y pwyntiau eraill, rwy’n deall y pwynt y mae Laura Anne yn ei wneud, ond nid ydym yn derbyn bod y darpariaethau a nodir yma yn tarfu'n ormodol ar gylch busnes y landlordiaid. Mae'r gwelliannau yn y grŵp yn gwneud amryw o newidiadau i'r cyfyngiadau ar roi rhybudd. Rydym wedi gweithio'n galed iawn gyda'r holl randdeiliaid—tenantiaid a landlordiaid—i sicrhau bod hwn yn gyfaddawd rhesymol rhyngddynt. Gofynnaf felly i'r Aelodau gefnogi'r holl welliannau yn y grŵp. Diolch.

Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 1, felly? A oes unrhyw wrthwynebiad i welliant 1? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, dwi'n gweld gwrthwynebiad. Felly, symudwn i bleidlais ar welliant 1. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 35, naw yn ymatal, pump yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 1 wedi'i gymeradwyo.

The question is that amendment 1 be agreed. Does any member object? [Objection.] Yes, I see an objection. We'll move to a vote on amendment 1. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 35, nine abstentions, and five against. Therefore, amendment 1 is agreed.


Gwelliant 1: O blaid: 35, Yn erbyn: 5, Ymatal: 9

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 1: For: 35, Against: 5, Abstain: 9

Amendment has been agreed

Gwelliant 2, Julie James.

Amendment 2, Julie James.

Is it being moved?

A yw'n cael ei gynnig?

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 2 (Julie James).

Amendment 2 (Julie James) moved.

Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 2? A oes gwrthwynebiad? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, gwrthwynebiad, felly pleidlais ar welliant 2 yn enw Julie James. Agor y bleidlais. O blaid 35, naw yn ymatal, pedwar yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 2 wedi'i gymeradwyo.

The question is that amendment 2 be agreed. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes, there is an objection. We'll move to a vote on amendment 2 in the name of Julie James. Open the vote. In favour 35, nine abstentions, and four against. Therefore, amendment 2 is agreed.

Gwelliant 2: O blaid: 35, Yn erbyn: 4, Ymatal: 9

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 2: For: 35, Against: 4, Abstain: 9

Amendment has been agreed

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 3 (Julie James).

Amendment 3 (Julie James) moved.

Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 3? A oes gwrthwynebiad? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, felly pleidlais ar welliant 3. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 35, 11 yn ymatal, dau yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 3 wedi'i gymeradwyo.

The question is that amendment 3 be agreed. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes, we'll therefore move to a vote on amendment 3. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 35, 11 abstentions, and two against. Therefore, amendment 3 is agreed.

Gwelliant 3: O blaid: 35, Yn erbyn: 2, Ymatal: 11

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 3: For: 35, Against: 2, Abstain: 11

Amendment has been agreed

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 4 (Julie James).

Amendment 4 (Julie James) moved.

A oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 4? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, ac felly cawn ni bleidlais ar welliant 4. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 36, 11 yn ymatal, dau yn erbyn. Ac felly, mae gwelliant 4 wedi'i gymeradwyo.

Are there any objections to amendment 4? [Objection.] There are. We will therefore move a vote on amendment 4. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 36, 11 abstentions, two against. Therefore, amendment 4 is agreed.

Gwelliant 4: O blaid: 36, Yn erbyn: 2, Ymatal: 11

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 4: For: 36, Against: 2, Abstain: 11

Amendment has been agreed

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 11 (Julie James).

Amendment 11 (Julie James) moved.

Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 11? A oes gwrthwynebiad? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Pleidlais, felly, ar welliant 11. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 45, tri yn ymatal, un yn erbyn. Mae gwelliant 11 wedi'i dderbyn.

The question is that amendment 11 be agreed. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes. We'll therefore move to a vote on amendment 11. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 45, three abstentions, and one against. Therefore, amendment 11 is agreed.

Gwelliant 11: O blaid: 45, Yn erbyn: 1, Ymatal: 3

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 11: For: 45, Against: 1, Abstain: 3

Amendment has been agreed

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 12 (Julie James).

Amendment 12 (Julie James) moved.

Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 12? A oes gwrthwynebiad? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, ac felly pleidlais ar welliant 12. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 45, tri yn ymatal, un yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 12 wedi'i gymeradwyo.

The question is that amendment 12 be agreed. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes, we will move to a vote on amendment 12. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 45, three abstentions, and one against. Therefore, amendment 12 is agreed.

Gwelliant 12: O blaid: 45, Yn erbyn: 1, Ymatal: 3

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 12: For: 45, Against: 1, Abstain: 3

Amendment has been agreed

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 13 (Julie James).

Amendment 13 (Julie James) moved.

Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 13? A oes gwrthwynebiad? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, felly pleidlais ar welliant 13. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 45, tri yn ymatal, un yn erbyn. Ac felly, mae gwelliant 13 wedi'i dderbyn.

The question is that amendment 13 be agreed. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes, we'll therefore move to a vote on amendment 13. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 45, three abstentions, one against. Therefore, amendment 13 is agreed.


Gwelliant 13: O blaid: 45, Yn erbyn: 1, Ymatal: 3

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 13: For: 45, Against: 1, Abstain: 3

Amendment has been agreed

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 14 (Julie James).

Amendment 14 (Julie James) moved.

Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 14? Oes gwrthwynebiad? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Felly, pleidlais ar welliant 14. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 45, pedwar yn ymatal, neb yn erbyn, ac felly mae gwelliant 14 wedi'i gymeradwyo.

The question is that amendment 14 be agreed. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes. We'll therefore move to a vote on amendment 14. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 45, four abstentions, none against, therefore amendment 14 is agreed.

Gwelliant 14: O blaid: 45, Yn erbyn: 0, Ymatal: 4

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 14: For: 45, Against: 0, Abstain: 4

Amendment has been agreed

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 15 (Julie James).

Amendment 15 (Julie James) moved.

Oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 15? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, ac felly cawn ni bleidlais ar welliant 15. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 36, 12 yn ymatal, un yn erbyn, felly mae gwelliant 15 wedi'i dderbyn.

Are there any objections to amendment 15? [Objection.] There are. We will therefore move to a vote on amendment 15. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 36, 12 abstentions and one against, therefore amendment 15 is agreed.

Gwelliant 15: O blaid: 36, Yn erbyn: 1, Ymatal: 12

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 15: For: 36, Against: 1, Abstain: 12

Amendment has been agreed

Grŵp 6: Tynnu hysbysiad yn ôl (Gwelliannau 47, 48, 49, 50, 55)
Group 6: Withdrawal of notice (Amendments 47, 48, 49, 50, 55)

Grŵp 6 yw'r grŵp nesaf o welliannau, ac mae'r rheini'n ymwneud â thynnu hysbysiad yn ôl. Gwelliant 47 yw'r prif welliant yn y grŵp yma. Dwi'n galw ar Laura Jones i gyflwyno'r gwelliant ac i siarad i'r gwelliannau yn y grŵp. Laura Jones.

The next group is group 6, and the amendments relate to withdrawal of notice. The lead amendment in the group is amendment 47, and I call on Laura Jones to move and speak to the lead amendment and the other amendments in the group. Laura Jones.

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 47 (Laura Anne Jones).

Amendment 47 (Laura Anne Jones) moved.

Diolch, Llywydd. I speak to all amendments 47, 48, 49, 50 and 55 in my name, which require a landlord to explicitly give notice to the contract holder that a notice has been withdrawn. Section 8 allows landlords to withdraw a defective section 173 notice and reissue it in the correct form, with the proviso that the notice period begins from the date of reissuing. In written evidence to the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee, Shelter Cymru argued that the provision under section 8, as drafted, is unclear. Shelter have also suggested that, whilst the implication will be that the new notice replaces the former notice, this leaves room for confusion. Shelter provides an example of when such confusion may occur: a contract holder might not understand which notice is the correct one or a landlord might seek to rely on either/or if one has a defect. This amendment assures that tenants are notified when a notice has been withdrawn, so both landlord and tenant are clear about their rights and obligations. As Shelter contend, if we want compliance, then clarification is needed. I hope Members will support our amendments, and I look forward to the debate.

Diolch, Lywydd. Rwy’n siarad am bob gwelliant: 47, 48, 49, 50 a 55 yn fy enw i, sy'n ei gwneud yn ofynnol i landlord roi rhybudd penodol i'r deiliad contract fod rhybudd wedi'i dynnu'n ôl. Mae adran 8 yn caniatáu i landlordiaid dynnu rhybudd adran 173 diffygiol yn ôl a'i ailgyhoeddi ar y ffurf gywir, gyda'r amod bod y cyfnod rhybudd yn dechrau o'r dyddiad ailgyhoeddi. Mewn tystiolaeth ysgrifenedig i'r Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb, Llywodraeth Leol a Chymunedau, dadleuodd Shelter Cymru fod y ddarpariaeth o dan adran 8, fel y'i drafftiwyd, yn aneglur. Mae Shelter hefyd wedi awgrymu, er mai'r goblygiad fydd bod yr hysbysiad newydd yn disodli'r rhybudd blaenorol, mae hyn yn gadael lle i ddryswch. Mae Shelter yn rhoi enghraifft o adeg y gall dryswch o'r fath ddigwydd: efallai na fydd deiliad contract yn deall pa rybudd yw'r un cywir neu gallai landlord geisio dibynnu ar naill ai/neu os oes un yn ddiffygiol. Mae'r gwelliant hwn yn sicrhau bod tenantiaid yn cael eu hysbysu pan fydd rhybudd wedi'i dynnu'n ôl, fel bod y landlord a'r tenant yn glir ynglŷn â'u hawliau a'u rhwymedigaethau. Fel y mae Shelter yn dadlau, os ydym eisiau cydymffurfiaeth, mae angen eglurhad. Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd yr Aelodau'n cefnogi ein gwelliannau, ac edrychaf ymlaen at y ddadl.

Y Gweinidog i gyfrannu i'r ddadl. Julie James.

The Minister to contribute to the debate. Julie James.

Diolch, Llywydd. I appreciate the intention behind these amendments is to clarify, through being more explicit, that the relevant notice is being withdrawn. We can see there is merit in making some adjustments to the provisions in the 2016 Act, but, unfortunately, we don't think these provisions work as they stand. Unfortunately, these weren't raised at Stage 2, where we would have welcomed an opportunity to work with you on the wording, but, unfortunately, that's not now possible.

However, I'm confident that we'll be able to prevent any potential confusion by making the requirements absolutely clear in supporting guidance, and I'm very grateful to you for drawing the matter to our attention. Further, I'm also mindful that we have a power in section 236(3) of the 2016 Act to prescribe the form of notices, and this could also be used, if necessary, to ensure there is no confusion about withdrawal notices. Therefore, I'm afraid the Government is not supporting these amendments, albeit I entirely understand the intention behind them. Diolch.

Diolch, Lywydd. Rwy'n deall mai'r bwriad y tu ôl i'r gwelliannau hyn yw egluro, drwy fod yn fwy eglur, fod y rhybudd perthnasol yn cael ei dynnu'n ôl. Gallwn weld bod rhinwedd mewn gwneud rhai addasiadau i'r darpariaethau yn Neddf 2016, ond yn anffodus, nid ydym yn credu bod y darpariaethau hyn yn gweithio fel ag y maent. Yn anffodus, ni chodwyd y rhain yng Nghyfnod 2, lle byddem wedi croesawu cyfle i weithio gyda chi ar y geiriad, ond yn anffodus, nid yw hynny'n bosibl bellach.

Fodd bynnag, rwy'n hyderus y byddwn yn gallu atal unrhyw ddryswch posibl drwy sicrhau bod y gofynion yn hollol glir mewn canllawiau ategol, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn ichi am dynnu ein sylw at y mater. Ymhellach, rwy'n ymwybodol hefyd fod gennym bŵer yn adran 236(3) o Ddeddf 2016 i ragnodi ffurf rhybuddion, a gellid defnyddio hwn hefyd, os oes angen, i sicrhau nad oes unrhyw ddryswch ynghylch hysbysiadau tynnu'n ôl. Felly, mae arnaf ofn nad yw'r Llywodraeth yn cefnogi'r gwelliannau hyn, er fy mod yn llwyr ddeall y bwriad sy'n sail iddynt. Diolch.

I appreciate those, and thank you for your kind comments earlier, Delyth. And thank you for contributing to that debate. But, without going over the debate again, there is—. We do still feel that these are necessary amendments, and I do hope that Members will support them. Thank you.

Rwy'n gwerthfawrogi hynny, a diolch am eich sylwadau caredig yn gynharach, Delyth. A diolch am gyfrannu at y ddadl honno. Ond heb fynd dros y ddadl eto, mae yna—. Rydym yn dal i deimlo bod y rhain yn welliannau angenrheidiol, ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd yr Aelodau'n eu cefnogi. Diolch.

Ocê. Y gwelliant cyntaf, felly, yw gwelliant 47. A ddylid derbyn gwelliant 47? A oes gwrthwynebiad i hynny? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, mae gwrthwynebiad, ac felly fe wnawn ni bleidleisio ar welliant 47. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid naw, pedwar yn ymatal, 36 yn erbyn. Mae gwelliant 47 wedi'i wrthod.

So, the first amendment is amendment 47. Does any Member object to amendment 47? [Objection.] There are objections. We will therefore move to a vote on amendment 47. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour nine, four abstentions, 36 against, therefore amendment 47 is not agreed.


Gwelliant 47: O blaid: 9, Yn erbyn: 36, Ymatal: 4

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 47: For: 9, Against: 36, Abstain: 4

Amendment has been rejected

Gwelliant 48.

Amendment 48.

Laura Jones, is it being moved?

Laura Jones, a yw'n cael ei gynnig?

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 48 (Laura Anne Jones).

Amendment 48 (Laura Anne Jones) moved.

Diolch. Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 48? A oes gwrthwynebiad? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, felly pleidlais ar welliant 48. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid naw, pedwar yn ymatal ac mae 36 yn erbyn, ac felly mae gwelliant 48 wedi'i wrthod.

The question is that amendment 48 be agreed. Does any Member object? [Objection.] There are objections. We'll therefore move to a vote on amendment 48. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour nine, four abstentions and 36 against, therefore amendment 48 is not agreed.

Gwelliant 48: O blaid: 9, Yn erbyn: 36, Ymatal: 4

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 48: For: 9, Against: 36, Abstain: 4

Amendment has been rejected

Forty-nine. Amendment 49, Laura Jones, is it being moved?

Gwelliant 49, Laura Jones, a yw'n cael ei gynnig?

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 49 (Laura Anne Jones).

Amendment 49 (Laura Anne Jones) moved.

Y cwestiwn felly yw: a oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 49? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Pleidlais ar welliant 49. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. Gwelliant 49, y canlyniad: o blaid naw, pedwar yn ymatal, 36 yn erbyn, felly mae'r gwelliant yn cael ei wrthod.

The question is: is there any objection to amendment 49? [Objection.] Yes, there is. We will therefore move to a vote on amendment 49. Open the vote. Close the vote. So, in favour nine, four abstentions and 36 against, therefore the amendment is not agreed.

Gwelliant 49: O blaid: 9, Yn erbyn: 36, Ymatal: 4

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 49: For: 9, Against: 36, Abstain: 4

Amendment has been rejected

Gwelliant 50. 

We move now to amendment 50.

Laura Jones, is it being moved, amendment 50?

Laura Jones, a yw'n cael ei gynnig, gwelliant 50?

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 50 (Laura Anne Jones).

Amendment 50 (Laura Anne Jones) moved.

Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 50? A oes gwrthwynebiad? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, felly pleidlais ar welliant 50. Agor y bleidlais. O blaid naw, pedwar yn ymatal, 36 yn erbyn, ac felly mae'r gwelliant wedi'i wrthod. 

The question is that amendment 50 be agreed. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes. We'll therefore move to a vote on amendment 50. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour nine, four abstentions, 36 against, therefore the amendment is not agreed.

Gwelliant 50: O blaid: 9, Yn erbyn: 36, Ymatal: 4

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 50: For: 9, Against: 36, Abstain: 4

Amendment has been rejected

Gwelliant 16 yw'r gwelliant nesaf.

Amendment 16 is next.

Julie James, is it being moved?

Julie James, a yw'n cael ei gynnig?

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 16 (Julie James).

Amendment 16 (Julie James) moved.

Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 16? A oes gwrthwynebiad? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, felly pleidlais ar welliant 16. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 45, pedwar yn ymatal a neb yn erbyn, ac felly gwelliant 16 wedi'i dderbyn.

The question is that amendment 16 be agreed. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes. We will therefore move to a vote on amendment 16. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 45, four abstentions and none against, therefore amendment 16 is agreed.

Gwelliant 16: O blaid: 45, Yn erbyn: 0, Ymatal: 4

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 16: For: 45, Against: 0, Abstain: 4

Amendment has been agreed

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 17 (Julie James).

Amendment 17 (Julie James) moved.

Oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 17? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Pleidlais ar welliant 17, felly. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 45, pedwar yn ymatal, neb yn erbyn, felly gwelliant 17 wedi'i dderbyn.

Are there any objections to amendment 17? [Objection.] There are. We will therefore move to a vote on amendment 17. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 45, four abstentions and none against, therefore amendment 17 is agreed.

Gwelliant 17: O blaid: 45, Yn erbyn: 0, Ymatal: 4

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 17: For: 45, Against: 0, Abstain: 4

Amendment has been agreed

Laura Jones, gwelliant 51.

Laura Jones, amendment 51.

Amendment 51, is it being moved?

Gwelliant 51, a yw'n cael ei gynnig?

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 51 (Laura Anne Jones).

Amendment 51 (Laura Anne Jones) moved.

Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 51? Oes gwrthwynebiad? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, ac felly symudwn i bleidlais ar welliant 51. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 10, tri yn ymatal, 36 yn erbyn—gwelliant 51 wedi'i wrthod.

The question is that amendment 51 be agreed. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes. We will therefore move to a vote on amendment 51. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 10, three abstentions, 36 against, therefore amendment 51 is not agreed.

Gwelliant 51: O blaid: 10, Yn erbyn: 36, Ymatal: 3

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 51: For: 10, Against: 36, Abstain: 3

Amendment has been rejected

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 52 (Laura Anne Jones).

Amendment 52 (Laura Anne Jones) moved.

Diolch. Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 52? A oes gwrthwynebiad? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Yes. Felly, fe wnawn ni gael pleidlais ar welliant 52. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 11, dau yn ymatal, 36 yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 52 wedi ei wrthod.

The question is that amendment 52 be agreed. Does any Member object? [Objection.] We will therefore move to a vote on amendment 52. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 11, two abstentions, 36 against. Therefore, amendment 52 is not agreed.

Gwelliant 52: O blaid: 11, Yn erbyn: 36, Ymatal: 2

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 52: For: 11, Against: 36, Abstain: 2

Amendment has been rejected

Grŵp 7: Newidiadau i daliadau a ganiateir o dan Ddeddf Rhentu Cartrefi (Ffioedd etc.) (Cymru) 2019 (Gwelliannau 5, 6, 7)
Group 7: Changes to permitted payments under the Renting Homes (Fees) Act (Wales) 2019 (Amendments 5, 6, 7)

Grŵp 7 yw'r grŵp nesaf o welliannau. Mae'r rhain yn ymwneud â newidiadau i daliadau a ganiateir o dan Ddeddf Rhentu Cartrefi (Ffioedd etc.) (Cymru) 2019. Gwelliant 5 yw'r prif welliant y tro yma, a dwi'n galw ar Julie James i gyflwyno'r gwelliant ac i siarad i'r grŵp. Julie James.

Group 7 is our next group of amendments. They relate to changes to permitted payments under the Renting Homes (Fees) Act (Wales) 2019. Amendment 5 is the lead amendment, and I call on Julie James to move and speak to the lead amendment and the other amendments in the group. Julie James.

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 5 (Julie James).

Amendment 5 (Julie James) moved.

Diolch, Llywydd. Amendment 5 amends Schedule 1 to the Renting Homes (Fees etc) (Wales) Act 2019 and permits payment for a further copy of a written statement of an occupation contract. Broadly, the purpose of the 2019 Act is to prohibit landlords and letting agents requiring payments from contract holders or tenants under a standard occupation contract, unless those payments are permitted under that Act. Those payments that are permitted are set out in Schedule 1 to the 2019 Act. Given that section 31(5) of the 2016 Act states that a landlord may charge a reasonable fee for providing a further written statement, this payment does need to be included in Schedule 1 to the 2019 Act.

Amendment 6 permits the payment of service charges to community landlords and supported accommodation providers in respect of standard occupation contracts, with retrospective effect from the date the 2019 Act came into force. Amendment 7 provides for early commencement of amendment 6 upon Royal Assent, which is considered an appropriate and practical step to reduce the period of retrospection.

As is the case with copies of written statements, the list of permitted payments included at Schedule 1 to the 2019 Act does not currently include service charges—that is, things such as grounds maintenance, the maintenance of common areas of blocks of flats and external window cleaning. The focus of the 2019 Act is on ensuring that contract holders are not subject to additional and/or unreasonable fees charged by letting agencies and private landlords. Most tenancies in the social housing sector will be secure contracts and therefore not subject to its provisions. However, introductory standard contracts, prohibited standard contracts and supported standard contracts issued by community landlords and supported accommodation providers would be subject to its provisions. As a result, service charges in relation to these types of social housing tenancy are prohibited by the 2019 Act. This effect is unintended. Service charges are a necessary element of social housing tenancies, especially in supported accommodation, where the cost of the services necessary to keep vulnerable people safe and suitably housed can be considerable. Amendment 6 rectifies this situation. It adds service charges levied by a community landlord or supported accommodation provider as a permitted payment under Schedule 1 to the 2019 Act, except for situations where a community landlord is undertaking commercial rental activity.

Pending the implementation of the system of occupation contracts to be introduced by the renting homes Act 2016, transitional provision regulations, which came into force in September 2019 at the same time as the 2019 Act, apply certain Parts of the 2019 Act to existing assured shorthold tenancies.  Amendment 6 amends these regulations so that, during the transition period, service charges will be a permitted payment in relation to assured shorthold tenancies in otherwise the same circumstances as they will be made permissible in relation to standard occupation contracts.

The amendments to the transitional regulations retrospectively apply the inclusion of service charges as a permitted payment from the date the 2019 Act came into force, that is, 1 September 2019. The effect of this will be that the service charges levied by applicable landlords will be lawful from that date. Whilst we do not anticipate any adverse impact on tenants of this change, amendment 6 prohibits a landlord that has charged a service charge during that period from issuing a section 21 notice for a period of six months. For similar reasons, two savings provisions are included. The first means that any section 21 notice served before the amendment comes into force remains invalid. The second means that any repayment order made under section 22(1) of the 2019 Act is saved.

Amending the 2019 Act to permit service charges in relation to standard occupation contracts issued in the social housing sector is vital to ensuring that it remains economically viable for providers to make provision for specific groups of vulnerable people. This is especially true in the supported accommodation sector. Ensuring that the change applies retrospectively is critical to ensuring that social housing providers are not caused serious financial harm by having to pay back money previously collected, thus reducing their capacity to make future provision. For these reasons, I urge Members to support amendments 5, 6 and 7.

Diolch, Lywydd. Mae gwelliant 5 yn diwygio Atodlen 1 i Ddeddf Rhentu Cartrefi (Ffioedd etc.) (Cymru) 2019 ac yn caniatáu talu am gopi pellach o ddatganiad ysgrifenedig o gontract meddiannaeth. Yn fras, pwrpas Deddf 2019 yw gwahardd landlordiaid ac asiantaethau gosod tai rhag gofyn am daliadau gan ddeiliaid contract neu denantiaid o dan gontract meddiannaeth safonol, oni chaniateir y taliadau hynny o dan y Ddeddf honno. Nodir y taliadau hynny a ganiateir yn Atodlen 1 i Ddeddf 2019. O ystyried bod adran 31(5) o Ddeddf 2016 yn nodi y caiff landlord godi ffi resymol am ddarparu datganiad ysgrifenedig pellach, mae angen cynnwys y taliad hwn yn Atodlen 1 i Ddeddf 2019.

Mae gwelliant 6 yn caniatáu talu taliadau gwasanaeth i landlordiaid cymunedol a darparwyr llety â chymorth mewn perthynas â chontractau meddiannaeth safonol, gydag effaith ôl-weithredol o'r dyddiad y daeth Deddf 2019 i rym. Mae gwelliant 7 yn darparu ar gyfer cychwyn gwelliant 6 yn gynnar ar gael Cydsyniad Brenhinol, a ystyrir yn gam priodol ac ymarferol i leihau'r cyfnod ôl-weithredol.

Fel sy'n wir gyda chopïau o ddatganiadau ysgrifenedig, nid yw'r rhestr o daliadau a ganiateir sydd wedi’u cynnwys yn Atodlen 1 i Ddeddf 2019 yn cynnwys taliadau gwasanaeth ar hyn o bryd—hynny yw, pethau fel cynnal a chadw tiroedd, cynnal a chadw ardaloedd cyffredin mewn blociau o fflatiau a glanhau ffenestri allanol. Mae Deddf 2019 yn canolbwyntio ar sicrhau nad yw deiliaid contract yn ddarostyngedig i ffioedd ychwanegol a/neu afresymol a godir gan asiantaethau gosod tai a landlordiaid preifat. Bydd y mwyafrif o denantiaethau yn y sector tai cymdeithasol yn gontractau diogel ac felly nid ydynt yn ddarostyngedig i'w darpariaethau. Fodd bynnag, byddai contractau safonol cychwynnol, contractau safonol gwaharddedig a chontractau safonol â chymorth a gyhoeddir gan landlordiaid cymunedol a darparwyr llety â chymorth yn ddarostyngedig i'w darpariaethau. O ganlyniad, mae taliadau gwasanaeth mewn perthynas â'r mathau hyn o denantiaethau tai cymdeithasol wedi'u gwahardd gan Ddeddf 2019. Mae'r effaith hon yn anfwriadol. Mae taliadau gwasanaeth yn elfen angenrheidiol o denantiaethau tai cymdeithasol, yn enwedig mewn llety â chymorth lle gall cost y gwasanaethau sy'n angenrheidiol i gadw pobl agored i niwed yn ddiogel ac mewn cartref addas fod yn sylweddol. Mae gwelliant 6 yn unioni'r sefyllfa hon. Mae'n ychwanegu taliadau gwasanaeth a godir gan landlord cymunedol neu ddarparwr llety â chymorth fel taliad a ganiateir o dan Atodlen 1 i Ddeddf 2019, ac eithrio sefyllfaoedd lle mae landlord cymunedol yn ymgymryd â gweithgaredd rhentu masnachol.

Hyd nes y gweithredir y system o gontractau meddiannaeth sydd i'w chyflwyno gan Ddeddf Rhentu Cartrefi 2016, mae rheoliadau darpariaeth drosiannol, a ddaeth i rym ym mis Medi 2019 ar yr un pryd â Deddf 2019, yn cymhwyso rhai Rhannau o Ddeddf 2019 i'r tenantiaethau byrddaliadol sicr presennol. Mae gwelliant 6 yn diwygio'r rheoliadau hyn fel y bydd taliadau gwasanaeth, yn ystod y cyfnod trosglwyddo, yn daliadau a ganiateir mewn perthynas â thenantiaethau byrddaliadol sicr o dan yr un amgylchiadau ag y cânt eu caniatáu mewn perthynas â chontractau meddiannaeth safonol.

Mae'r gwelliannau i'r rheoliadau trosiannol yn cymhwyso cynnwys taliadau gwasanaeth fel taliadau a ganiateir yn ôl-weithredol o'r dyddiad y daeth Deddf 2019 i rym, hynny yw, 1 Medi 2019. O ganlyniad, bydd y taliadau gwasanaeth a godir gan landlordiaid cymwys yn gyfreithlon o'r dyddiad hwnnw ymlaen. Er nad ydym yn rhagweld y bydd y newid hwn yn cael unrhyw effaith andwyol ar denantiaid, mae gwelliant 6 yn gwahardd landlord sydd wedi codi tâl gwasanaeth yn ystod y cyfnod hwnnw rhag rhoi rhybudd adran 21 am gyfnod o chwe mis. Am resymau tebyg, mae dwy ddarpariaeth arbedion wedi'u cynnwys. Mae'r cyntaf yn golygu bod unrhyw rybudd adran 21 a gyflwynir cyn i'r gwelliant ddod i rym yn parhau i fod yn annilys. Mae'r ail yn golygu bod unrhyw orchymyn ad-dalu a wneir o dan adran 22(1) o Ddeddf 2019 wedi'i arbed.

Mae diwygio Deddf 2019 i ganiatáu taliadau gwasanaeth mewn perthynas â chontractau meddiannaeth safonol a gyhoeddir yn y sector tai cymdeithasol yn hanfodol i sicrhau ei bod yn parhau i fod yn economaidd hyfyw i ddarparwyr ddarparu ar gyfer grwpiau penodol o bobl agored i niwed. Mae hyn yn arbennig o wir yn y sector llety â chymorth. Mae sicrhau bod y newid yn gymwys yn ôl-weithredol yn hanfodol er mwyn sicrhau nad yw darparwyr tai cymdeithasol yn cael eu niweidio'n ddifrifol yn ariannol drwy orfod ad-dalu arian a gasglwyd yn flaenorol, a thrwy hynny leihau eu gallu i ddarparu yn y dyfodol. Am y rhesymau hyn, rwy'n annog yr Aelodau i gefnogi gwelliannau 5, 6 a 7.

Minister, I welcome these amendments, and in particular amendment 6. I understand that many in the social housing sector have made representations to you about the issue, and I'm pleased that a way forward has been found. Whilst I understand the action that the Government has taken, I do wonder about how the issue arose in the first place. In your explanatory notes, you acknowledge that the Renting Homes (Fees etc.) (Wales) Act 2019 has resulted in some unintended consequences. This is a theme that has arisen during the passage of the Renting Homes (Amendment) (Wales) Bill. I understand that we cannot foresee all issues that may arise through legislation, but respectfully I question whether ambiguities within the drafting of the Welsh legislation is creating these avoidable issues in the first place. 

As you have outlined, RSLs are thought to have a total financial exposure of £3.5 million. This goes to emphasise how serious this so-called unintended consequence actually is. Most importantly, however, I would like to ask you about your assessment of the impact that this will have on tenants, many of whom are on lower incomes. Will any tenants receive a rebate for any costs incurred, and could you give some information on your discussions with the Department for Work and Pensions about mitigating any possible impacts on the benefits that those affected may be receiving? There will also be concerns as to whether all of the provisions of amendment 6 are within legislative competence. And so I'd be grateful for your clarity on this. Diolch. 

Weinidog, rwy'n croesawu'r gwelliannau hyn, ac yn arbennig gwelliant 6. Rwy'n deall bod llawer yn y sector tai cymdeithasol wedi cyflwyno sylwadau i chi am y mater, ac rwy'n falch eich bod wedi dod o hyd i ffordd ymlaen. Er fy mod yn deall y camau y mae'r Llywodraeth wedi'u cymryd, tybed sut y cododd y mater yn y lle cyntaf. Yn eich nodiadau esboniadol, rydych yn cydnabod bod Deddf Rhentu Cartrefi (Ffioedd etc.) (Cymru) 2019 wedi arwain at rai canlyniadau anfwriadol. Mae hon yn thema sydd wedi codi yn ystod hynt Bil Rhentu Cartrefi (Diwygio) (Cymru). Deallaf na allwn ragweld yr holl faterion a allai godi drwy ddeddfwriaeth, ond gyda phob dyledus barch rwy’n cwestiynu ai amwysedd yn y broses o ddrafftio'r ddeddfwriaeth Gymreig sy'n creu'r problemau hyn y gellid eu hosgoi yn y lle cyntaf.

Fel rydych wedi amlinellu, credir bod gan landlordiaid cymdeithasol cofrestredig gyfanswm risg ariannol o £3.5 miliwn. Mae hyn yn pwysleisio pa mor ddifrifol yw'r canlyniad anfwriadol honedig hwn mewn gwirionedd. Yn bwysicaf oll, fodd bynnag, hoffwn eich holi am eich asesiad o'r effaith y bydd hyn yn ei chael ar denantiaid, y mae llawer ohonynt ar incwm is. A fydd unrhyw denantiaid yn cael ad-daliad am unrhyw gostau yr eir iddynt, ac a allech chi roi rhywfaint o wybodaeth am eich trafodaethau gyda'r Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau ynghylch lliniaru unrhyw effeithiau posibl ar y budd-daliadau y gallai'r rhai yr effeithir arnynt fod yn eu cael? Hefyd, bydd pryderon ynglŷn ag a yw holl ddarpariaethau gwelliant 6 o fewn y cymhwysedd deddfwriaethol. Ac felly, byddwn yn ddiolchgar am eich eglurhad ar hyn. Diolch.


Diolch, Llywydd. Firstly, I want to stress that these are charges for services that have been delivered and for which tenants have continued to make payments. Social housing providers are unaware of any tenant who has refused to make a payment on the basis that it was unlawful under the 2019 Act. For the most part, the amendment is simply regularising that which has already taken place. Furthermore, it's important to remember that a large proportion of the payments that have been made will have been covered by housing benefit or universal credit. If we did not make these changes retrospective, any repayment of service charges that landlords may consequently be required to make may well result in the suspension of benefit payments whilst a claim is reassessed. At worst, it could lead to demand for benefit payments to be repaid and for individuals to be transferred from housing benefit to potentially less favourable arrangements under universal credit. 

I also want to emphasise that there are a number of safeguards for tenants built into amendment 6. Currently, no-fault section 21 notices are invalid where prohibited payments have been made. The amendment requires that, even after the payments have been made lawful, any invalid section 21 notice previously issued would continue to be invalid. What is more, landlords who have levied a service charge during the period from 1 September 2019 to the coming into force of the amendment will be prohibited from issuing a section 21 notice for a further six months after the legislative change comes into force. This will allow the tenant time to understand the legal position and remedy any service charge arrears that may have occurred as a result of the retrospection. I also think it's worth pointing out that no tenant could be retrospectively charged for services for which no charge was levied during the period when this was prohibited. 

The other point the Member made is very straightforward, Llywydd. We are satisfied that this is within the legislative competence of the Senedd and the Welsh Government. Diolch.

Diolch, Lywydd. Yn gyntaf, rwyf eisiau pwysleisio mai taliadau am wasanaethau a ddarparwyd yw'r rhain a rhai y mae tenantiaid wedi parhau i wneud taliadau amdanynt. Nid yw darparwyr tai cymdeithasol yn ymwybodol o unrhyw denant sydd wedi gwrthod gwneud taliad ar y sail ei fod yn anghyfreithlon o dan Ddeddf 2019. Ar y cyfan, nid yw’r gwelliant ond yn rheoleiddio'r hyn sydd eisoes wedi digwydd. Ar ben hynny, mae'n bwysig cofio y bydd cyfran fawr o'r taliadau a wnaed wedi cael eu talu gan fudd-dal tai neu gredyd cynhwysol. Pe na baem yn gwneud y newidiadau hyn yn ôl-weithredol, gallai unrhyw ad-daliad o daliadau gwasanaeth y gallai fod yn ofynnol i landlordiaid eu gwneud o ganlyniad arwain at atal budd-daliadau tra bydd cais yn cael ei ailasesu. Ar y gwaethaf, gallai arwain at alwadau i ad-dalu budd-daliadau ac i unigolion gael eu trosglwyddo o fudd-dal tai i drefniadau a allai fod yn llai ffafriol o dan gredyd cynhwysol.

Rwyf hefyd eisiau pwysleisio bod nifer o fesurau diogelwch i denantiaid wedi'u hymgorffori yng ngwelliant 6. Ar hyn o bryd, mae hysbysiadau dim bai adran 21 yn annilys lle gwnaed taliadau gwaharddedig. Hyd yn oed ar ôl i'r taliadau gael eu gwneud yn gyfreithlon, mae'r gwelliant yn mynnu y byddai unrhyw rybudd adran 21 annilys a gyhoeddwyd yn flaenorol yn parhau i fod yn annilys. Yn fwy na hynny, bydd landlordiaid sydd wedi codi tâl gwasanaeth yn ystod y cyfnod rhwng 1 Medi 2019 a’r adeg y daeth y gwelliant i rym yn cael eu gwahardd rhag cyhoeddi rhybudd adran 21 am chwe mis arall ar ôl i'r newid deddfwriaethol ddod i rym. Bydd hyn yn caniatáu amser i'r tenant ddeall y sefyllfa gyfreithiol a datrys unrhyw ôl-ddyledion taliadau gwasanaeth a allai fod wedi digwydd o ganlyniad i'r ôl-weithredu. Rwyf hefyd yn credu ei bod yn werth tynnu sylw at y ffaith na ellid codi tâl ôl-weithredol ar unrhyw denant am wasanaethau na chodwyd tâl amdanynt yn ystod y cyfnod pan oedd hyn wedi'i wahardd.

Mae'r pwynt arall a wnaeth yr Aelod yn syml iawn, Lywydd. Rydym yn fodlon bod hyn o fewn cymhwysedd deddfwriaethol y Senedd a Llywodraeth Cymru. Diolch.

Y cwestiwn yw, felly: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 5? A oes unrhyw wrthwynebiad? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, felly dyma ni'n cael pleidlais ar welliant 5. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 46, dau yn ymatal, un yn erbyn. Mae gwelliant 5 wedi ei gymeradwyo, felly.

The question is that amendment 5 be agreed. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes. We'll move to a vote on amendment 5. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 46, two abstentions, one against. Amendment 5 is therefore agreed. 

Gwelliant 5: O blaid: 46, Yn erbyn: 1, Ymatal: 2

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 5: For: 46, Against: 1, Abstain: 2

Amendment has been agreed

Gwelliant 6, Julie James. 

Amendment 6, Julie James. 

Is it being moved?

A yw'n cael ei gynnig?

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 6 (Julie James).

Amendment 6 (Julie James) moved.

Diolch. Oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 6? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Felly, pleidlais ar welliant 6. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 45, dau yn ymatal, dau yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 6 wedi ei dderbyn.  

Thank you. Are there any objections to amendment 6? [Objection.] There are. So, we'll move to a vote on amendment 6. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 45, two abstentions, two against. Therefore, amendment 6 is agreed.

Gwelliant 6: O blaid: 45, Yn erbyn: 2, Ymatal: 2

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 6: For: 45, Against: 2, Abstain: 2

Amendment has been agreed

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 18 (Julie James).

Amendment 18 (Julie James) moved.

Oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 18? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Pleidlais ar welliant 18. Agor y bleidlais. O blaid 45, pedwar yn ymatal, neb yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 18 wedi ei dderbyn.

Are there any objections to amendment 18? [Objection.] There are. We'll therefore move to a vote on amendment 18. Open the vote. In favour 45, four abstentions, and none against. Therefore, amendment 18 is agreed.


Gwelliant 18: O blaid: 45, Yn erbyn: 0, Ymatal: 4

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 18: For: 45, Against: 0, Abstain: 4

Amendment has been agreed

Laura Jones, amendment 55 in your name. Is it moved?

Laura Jones, gwelliant 55 yn eich enw chi. A yw'n cael ei gynnig?

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 55 (Laura Anne Jones).

Amendment 55 (Laura Anne Jones) moved.

Diolch. A oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 55? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, felly agor y bleidlais ar welliant 55. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid naw, pedwar yn ymatal, 36 yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 55 wedi ei wrthod.

Thank you. Any objections to amendment 55? [Objection.] There are. Open the vote on amendment 55. Close the vote. In favour nine, four abstentions, 36 against. Therefore, amendment 55 is not agreed.

Gwelliant 55: O blaid: 9, Yn erbyn: 36, Ymatal: 4

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 55: For: 9, Against: 36, Abstain: 4

Amendment has been rejected

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 19 (Julie James).

Amendment 19 (Julie James) moved.

Oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 19? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Pleidlais, felly, ar welliant 19. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 45, pedwar yn ymatal, neb yn erbyn. Mae gwelliant 19 wedi ei dderbyn.

Are there any objections to amendment 19? [Objection.] There are. We'll move to a vote on amendment 19. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 45, four abstentions, none against. Therefore, amendment 19 is agreed.

Gwelliant 19: O blaid: 45, Yn erbyn: 0, Ymatal: 4

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 19: For: 45, Against: 0, Abstain: 4

Amendment has been agreed

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 20 (Julie James).

Amendment 20 (Julie James) moved.

Oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 20? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Pleidlais, felly, ar welliant 20. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 45, tri yn ymatal, un yn erbyn. Mae gwelliant 20 wedi ei dderbyn.

Any objections to amendment 20? [Objection.] Yes. We'll move to a vote on amendment 20. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 45, three abstentions and one against. Amendment 20 is agreed.

Gwelliant 20: O blaid: 45, Yn erbyn: 1, Ymatal: 3

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 20: For: 45, Against: 1, Abstain: 3

Amendment has been agreed

Gwelliant 56—

Amendment 56—

—in your name, Laura Jones. Is it being moved?

—yn eich enw chi, Laura Jones. A yw'n cael ei gynnig?

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 56 (Laura Jones).

Amendment 56 (Laura Jones).

Diolch. Oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 56? A oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 56?

Thank you. Are there any objections to amendment 56?

Can I see—? Yes, I can see an objection. [Objection.] Yes, thank you. It's objected and I call for a vote on amendment 56.

A allaf weld—? Gallaf, gallaf weld gwrthwynebiad. [Gwrthwynebiad.] Ie, diolch i chi. Mae gwrthwynebiad a galwaf am bleidlais ar welliant 56.

Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 13, neb yn ymatal, 36 yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 56 wedi ei wrthod.

Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 13, no abstentions, 36 against. Therefore, amendment 56 is not agreed.

Gwelliant 56: O blaid: 13, Yn erbyn: 36, Ymatal: 0

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 56: For: 13, Against: 36, Abstain: 0

Amendment has been rejected

Gwelliant 21—

Amendment 21—

—Julie James, is it being moved?

—Julie James, a yw'n cael ei gynnig?

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 21 (Julie James).

Amendment 21 (Julie James) moved.

Oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 21? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Felly, pleidlais ar welliant 21. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 36, naw yn ymatal, pedwar yn erbyn. Felly, mae'r gwelliant wedi ei gymeradwyo.

Are there any objections to amendment 21? [Objection.] Yes. We'll move to a vote on amendment 21. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 36, nine abstentions, four against. The amendment is therefore agreed.

Gwelliant 21: O blaid: 36, Yn erbyn: 4, Ymatal: 9

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 21: For: 36, Against: 4, Abstain: 9

Amendment has been agreed

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 22 (Julie James).

Amendment 22 (Julie James) moved.

Oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 22? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Felly, pleidlais ar welliant 22. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 45, tri yn ymatal, un yn erbyn. Ac mae gwelliant 22 wedi ei gymeradwyo.

Are there any objections to amendment 22? [Objection.] Yes. We'll therefore move to a vote on amendment 22. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 45, three abstentions, and one against. Therefore, amendment 22 is agreed.

Gwelliant 22: O blaid: 45, Yn erbyn: 1, Ymatal: 3

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 22: For: 45, Against: 1, Abstain: 3

Amendment has been agreed

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 23 (Julie James).

Amendment 23 (Julie James) moved.

Oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 23? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Agorwn y bleidlais, felly, ar welliant 23. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 36, 12 yn ymatal, un yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 23 wedi ei dderbyn.

Are there any objections to amendment 23? [Objection.] There are. We will therefore open a vote on amendment 23. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 36, 12 abstentions, one against. Therefore, amendment 23 is agreed.

Gwelliant 23: O blaid: 36, Yn erbyn: 1, Ymatal: 12

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 23: For: 36, Against: 1, Abstain: 12

Amendment has been agreed

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 24 (Julie James).

Amendment 24 (Julie James) moved.

Oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 24? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Pleidlais, felly, ar welliant 24. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 36, 12 yn ymatal, un yn erbyn, ac felly mae gwelliant 24 wedi'i dderbyn.

Are there any objections to amendment 24? [Objection.] Yes. We'll move to a vote on amendment 24. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 36, 12 abstentions and one against. Therefore, amendment 24 is agreed. 


Gwelliant 24: O blaid: 36, Yn erbyn: 1, Ymatal: 12

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 24: For: 36, Against: 1, Abstain: 12

Amendment has been agreed

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 25 (Julie James).

Amendment 25 (Julie James) moved.

Oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 25? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Pleidlais ar welliant 25. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 36, naw yn ymatal, pedwar yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 25 wedi'i dderbyn.

Are there any objections to amendment 25? [Objection.] Yes. We'll move to a vote on amendment 25. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 36, nine abstentions and four against. Therefore, amendment 25 is agreed. 

Gwelliant 25: O blaid: 36, Yn erbyn: 4, Ymatal: 9

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 25: For: 36, Against: 4, Abstain: 9

Amendment has been agreed

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 26 (Julie James).

Amendment 26 (Julie James) moved.

Oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 26? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, ac felly pleidlais ar welliant 26. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 36, naw yn ymatal, pedwar yn erbyn, ac felly mae gwelliant 26 wedi'i dderbyn.

Are there any objections to amendment 26? [Objection.] Yes, and we'll therefore move to a vote on amendment 26. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 36, nine abstentions and four against. Therefore, amendment 26 is agreed. 

Gwelliant 26: O blaid: 36, Yn erbyn: 4, Ymatal: 9

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 26: For: 36, Against: 4, Abstain: 9

Amendment has been agreed

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 27 (Julie James).

Amendment 27 (Julie James) moved.

Oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 27? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Pleidlais ar welliant 27. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 36, naw yn ymatal, pedwar yn erbyn, ac felly mae gwelliant 27 wedi'i gymeradwyo.

Are there any objections to amendment 27? [Objection.] There are. We'll move to a vote on amendment 27. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 36, nine abstentions and four against. Therefore, amendment 27 is agreed. 

Gwelliant 27: O blaid: 36, Yn erbyn: 4, Ymatal: 9

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 27: For: 36, Against: 4, Abstain: 9

Amendment has been agreed

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 28 (Julie James).

Amendment 28 (Julie James) moved.

Oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 28? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, ac felly pleidlais ar welliant 28. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 45, neb yn ymatal, pedwar yn erbyn, ac felly mae gwelliant 28 wedi'i dderbyn.

Are there any objections to amendment 28? [Objection.] Yes. We'll therefore move to a vote on amendment 28. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 45, no abstentions and four against. Therefore, amendment 28 is agreed. 

Gwelliant 28: O blaid: 45, Yn erbyn: 4, Ymatal: 0

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 28: For: 45, Against: 4, Abstain: 0

Amendment has been agreed

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 29 (Julie James).

Amendment 29 (Julie James) moved.

Oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 29? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Felly, pleidlais ar welliant 29. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 36, naw yn ymatal, pedwar yn erbyn, ac felly mae gwelliant 29 wedi'i dderbyn.

Are there any objections to amendment 29? [Objection.] Yes. We'll move to a vote on amendment 29. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 36, nine abstentions and four against. Therefore, amendment 29 is agreed. 

Gwelliant 29: O blaid: 36, Yn erbyn: 4, Ymatal: 9

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 29: For: 36, Against: 4, Abstain: 9

Amendment has been agreed

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 30 (Julie James).

Amendment 30 (Julie James) moved.

Oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 30? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Felly, pleidlais ar welliant 30. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 36, naw yn ymatal, pedwar yn erbyn, ac felly mae gwelliant 30 wedi'i dderbyn.

Are there any objections to amendment 30? [Objection.] Yes. We'll move to a vote on amendment 30. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 36, nine abstentions and four against. Therefore, amendment 30 is agreed. 

Gwelliant 30: O blaid: 36, Yn erbyn: 4, Ymatal: 9

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 30: For: 36, Against: 4, Abstain: 9

Amendment has been agreed

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 31 (Julie James).

Amendment 31 (Julie James) moved.

Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 31? Oes gwrthwynebiad? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Felly, pleidlais ar welliant 31. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 36, naw yn ymatal, pedwar yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 31 wedi'i dderbyn.

Are there any objections to amendment 31? [Objection.] Yes. We'll move to a vote on amendment 31. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 36, nine abstentions, four against. Therefore, amendment 31 is agreed. 


Gwelliant 31: O blaid: 36, Yn erbyn: 4, Ymatal: 9

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 31: For: 36, Against: 4, Abstain: 9

Amendment has been agreed

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 7 (Julie James).

Amendment 7 (Julie James) moved.

Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 7? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Na, mae yna wrthwynebiad. Ac, felly, pleidlais ar welliant 7. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 45, ymatal tri, un yn erbyn. Ac, felly, mae gwelliant 7 wedi ei dderbyn.

The question is that amendment 7 be agreed. [Objection.] No, there is an objection. We will move to a vote on amendment 7. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 45, three abstentions, one against. Therefore, amendment 7 is agreed. 

Gwelliant 7: O blaid: 45, Yn erbyn: 1, Ymatal: 3

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 7: For: 45, Against: 1, Abstain: 3

Amendment has been agreed

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 8 (Julie James).

Amendment 8 (Julie James) moved.

Oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 8? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Felly, pleidlais ar welliant 8. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 36, 12 yn ymatal, un yn erbyn. Ac, felly, mae gwelliant 8 wedi ei dderbyn.  

Are there any objections to amendment 8? [Objection.] There are. We will move to a vote on amendment 8. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 36, 12 abstentions, one against. And, therefore, amendment 8 is agreed.

Gwelliant 8: O blaid: 36, Yn erbyn: 1, Ymatal: 12

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 8: For: 36, Against: 1, Abstain: 12

Amendment has been agreed

A dyna ni, dyna ddiwedd y pleidleisiau ar y Cyfnod 3 yma. Dŷn ni wedi cyrraedd y diwedd, felly, o'r ystyriaeth o Gyfnod 3 o'r Bil Rhentu Cartrefi (Diwygio) (Cymru), a dwi'n datgan y bernir pob adran o'r Bil a phob Atodlen iddo wedi eu derbyn. Daw hynny felly â'n trafodion ni ar Gyfnod 3 i ben, ac fe wnaf i atal y cyfarfod dros dro, ac fe wnawn ni ailgychwyn am 2.40 p.m.. Atal y cyfarfod felly.

And that concludes voting on Stage 3 consideration. We've reached the end of our Stage 3 consideration of the Renting Homes (Amendment) (Wales) Bill, and I declare that all sections of and Schedules to the Bill are deemed agreed. That concludes Stage 3 proceedings, and I will now suspend the meeting, and we will reconvene at 2.40 p.m.. The meeting is suspended. 

Barnwyd y cytunwyd ar bob adran o'r Bil.

All sections of the Bill deemed agreed. 

Ataliwyd y Cyfarfod Llawn am 14:32.

Plenary was suspended at 14:32.


Ailymgynullodd y Senedd am 14:40, gyda'r Dirprwy Lywydd (Ann Jones) yn y Gadair.

The Senedd reconvened at 14:40, with the Deputy Presiding Officer (Ann Jones) in the Chair.

2. Cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog Cyllid a’r Trefnydd
2. Questions to the Minister for Finance and Trefnydd

Item 2 on the agenda this afternoon is questions to the Minister for Finance and Trefnydd. Question 1, Janet Finch-Saunders. 

Eitem 2 ar yr agenda y prynhawn yma yw cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog Cyllid a'r Trefnydd. Cwestiwn 1, Janet Finch-Saunders.

Y Sector Twristiaeth
The Tourism Sector

1. Pa gyllid ychwanegol y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei ddyrannu i fynd i'r afael â phwysau ariannol yn y sector twristiaeth? OQ56268

1. What additional funding will the Welsh Government allocate to address financial pressure in the tourism sector? OQ56268

We have committed more than £2 billion in support for businesses and £1.7 billion of that funding has already reached businesses across Wales. Last month, an additional £200 million was announced to support businesses affected by alert level 4 restrictions, which will help them with operational costs through to the end of March.

Rydym wedi ymrwymo dros £2 biliwn i gefnogi busnesau ac mae £1.7 biliwn o'r cyllid hwnnw eisoes wedi cyrraedd busnesau ledled Cymru. Fis diwethaf, cyhoeddwyd £200 miliwn ychwanegol i gefnogi busnesau yr effeithiwyd arnynt gan gyfyngiadau lefel rhybudd 4, a fydd yn eu helpu gyda chostau gweithredol hyd at ddiwedd mis Mawrth.

Thank you. Now, it has been made clear to me by many in the tourism sector, including in my hoteliers forum this morning, that grants to date by this Welsh Government have 'barely touched the surface'. Their words, not mine. And that they, as business owners, feel demoralised and actually hard done to by your Welsh Government. Now, there are numerous steps you can take to help back our tourism industry now: work with your colleagues and local authorities to see costs, such as parking permits, wedding and drink licences waived; give certainty to businesses by ending the fallacy that the tier system is a natural recovery plan. They need to know now if they can open by Easter, so to start planning staff recruitment, organise supplies and accept bookings.

There are calls for you to address the scandalous fact that Wales Fiscal Analysis has found that there is £655 million of COVID-19 funding from the UK Government waiting to be committed. Let's be under no illusion: this money was intended to support these very businesses, not to sit in Welsh Government coffers. So, what discussions have you held with other Ministers in your Welsh Government to ensure that this money is given to these businesses? And what recovery plans will you put in place so that tourism has clear guidance on reopening? Whilst I reiterate the recovery plan for this sector and clear protocols relevant to the current COVID risk need to be outlined urgently, please clarify now, today, how you will ensure that the remaining £655 million reaches our businesses, and does so before the end of this financial year. Thank you.

Diolch. Nawr, mae llawer yn y sector twristiaeth wedi egluro i mi, gan gynnwys yn fy fforwm gwestywyr y bore yma, nad yw'r grantiau hyd yma gan y Llywodraeth hon yng Nghymru prin wedi crafu'r wyneb. Eu geiriau hwy, nid fy ngeiriau i. Ac maent hwy, fel perchnogion busnes, yn teimlo'n ddigalon ac wedi dioddef cam dan ddwylo eich Llywodraeth chi. Nawr, mae nifer o gamau y gallwch eu cymryd i helpu i adfer ein diwydiant twristiaeth yn awr: gweithio gyda'ch cyd-Aelodau ac awdurdodau lleol i sicrhau bod costau, megis trwyddedau parcio, trwyddedau priodas a gwerthu alcohol yn cael eu hepgor; rhoi sicrwydd i fusnesau drwy roi diwedd ar y camsyniad fod y system haenau yn gynllun adfer naturiol. Mae angen iddynt wybod yn awr a fyddant yn gallu agor erbyn y Pasg, er mwyn dechrau paratoi pethau fel recriwtio staff, trefnu cyflenwadau a derbyn archebion.

Mae galwadau arnoch i fynd i'r afael â'r ffaith warthus fod Dadansoddiad Cyllidol Cymru wedi canfod bod £655 miliwn o gyllid COVID-19 gan Lywodraeth y DU yn aros i gael ei neilltuo Gadewch i ni fod yn glir: y bwriad ar gyfer yr arian hwn oedd iddo gefnogi'r union fusnesau hyn, nid gorwedd yng nghoffrau Llywodraeth Cymru. Felly, pa drafodaethau rydych wedi'u cael gyda Gweinidogion eraill yn eich Llywodraeth yng Nghymru i sicrhau bod yr arian hwn yn cael ei roi i'r busnesau hyn? A pha gynlluniau adfer y byddwch yn eu rhoi ar waith fel bod gan y sector twristiaeth ganllawiau clir ar ailagor? Er fy mod yn ailadrodd y cynllun adfer ar gyfer y sector hwn a bod angen amlinellu protocolau clir sy'n berthnasol i'r risg COVID bresennol ar frys, eglurwch yn awr, heddiw, sut y byddwch yn sicrhau bod y £655 miliwn sy'n weddill yn cyrraedd ein busnesau, ac yn gwneud hynny cyn diwedd y flwyddyn ariannol hon. Diolch.

Well, let's be under no illusion, Deputy Presiding Officer, that Wales Fiscal Analysis have also noted that the Welsh Government has distributed more money to businesses across Wales than we've received from the UK Government in consequentials. And that means that the package of support that we have on offer for businesses here in Wales is the most generous across the UK. 

A typical hospitality business in Wales with the equivalent of six full-time staff could have been eligible to receive between £12,000 and £14,000 to help them through the period of restrictions and into the new year. And that does compare very favourably with the UK Government, when £9,000 is the highest award and that's given to those with a rateable value over £51,000. So, it's very clear that we do have the most generous package of support anywhere in the UK. That's not to say that we take any of this for granted and that we're resting on our laurels. We're constantly exploring what more we can do to support businesses.

And with regard to the additional funding yet to be allocated, I will be, of course, publishing our third supplementary budget very shortly, and that will set out a whole range of allocations right across the Welsh Government portfolios in order to help us respond to the coronavirus outbreak. I look forward to laying that before the Senedd very shortly. 

Wel, gadewch i ni fod yn glir, Ddirprwy Lywydd, fod Dadansoddiad Cyllidol Cymru hefyd wedi nodi bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi dosbarthu mwy o arian i fusnesau ledled Cymru nag a gawsom gan Lywodraeth y DU mewn symiau canlyniadol. Ac mae hynny'n golygu mai'r pecyn cymorth sydd ar gael i fusnesau yma yng Nghymru yw'r pecyn cymorth mwyaf hael yn unrhyw ran o'r DU.

Gallai busnes lletygarwch nodweddiadol yng Nghymru gyda'r hyn sy'n cyfateb i chwe aelod o staff amser llawn fod wedi bod yn gymwys i dderbyn rhwng £12,000 a £14,000 i'w helpu drwy gyfnod y cyfyngiadau ac i mewn i'r flwyddyn newydd. Ac mae hynny'n cymharu'n ffafriol iawn â Llywodraeth y DU, sy'n cynnig dyfarniad uchaf o £9,000 ac mae hwnnw'n cael ei roi i'r rhai sydd â gwerth ardrethol o dros £51,000. Felly, mae'n amlwg iawn fod gennym y pecyn cymorth mwyaf hael yn unrhyw ran o'r DU. Nid yw hynny'n golygu ein bod yn cymryd unrhyw ran o hyn yn ganiataol a'n bod yn llaesu dwylo. Rydym yn archwilio'n gyson beth arall y gallwn ei wneud i gefnogi busnesau.

Ac o ran y cyllid ychwanegol sydd eto i'w ddyrannu, byddaf yn cyhoeddi ein trydedd gyllideb atodol yn fuan iawn wrth gwrs, a bydd honno'n nodi ystod eang o ddyraniadau ar draws portffolios Llywodraeth Cymru er mwyn ein helpu i ymateb i'r argyfwng coronafeirws. Edrychaf ymlaen at gyflwyno honno gerbron y Senedd yn fuan iawn.

Minister, I'm particularly concerned about the smaller bed-and-breakfast businesses that got little or no help last year. Many were thriving little businesses that provided pension top-ups and company for their owners and part-time employment for the locals. What analysis has your Government done to establish the toll taken on the tourism sector in Wales due to the pandemic? And what assessment have you made of the impact of the support packages made available in this sector? Thank you.

Weinidog, rwy'n pryderu'n arbennig am y busnesau gwely a brecwast llai o faint na chafodd fawr ddim cymorth y llynedd os o gwbl. Roedd llawer ohonynt yn fusnesau bach ffyniannus a oedd yn darparu arian pensiwn ychwanegol a chwmnïaeth i'w perchnogion a chyflogaeth ran-amser i'r bobl leol. Pa ddadansoddiad y mae eich Llywodraeth wedi'i wneud i sefydlu'r niwed y mae'r pandemig wedi'i wneud i'r sector teithio yng Nghymru? A pha asesiad rydych wedi'i wneud o effaith y pecynnau cymorth sydd ar gael yn y sector hwn? Diolch.

Well, it is absolutely the case that the pandemic has had a very serious impact on the hospitality sector right across Wales, which is why we're working so hard to put in place the best possible support that we can. Bed-and-breakfast businesses in particular are able to access the discretionary support that we put in place via local authorities and we've done that because we recognise that there will be a number of businesses out there that do not have access to the non-domestic rate funding that we've put in place. So, we're trying to be as flexible as we possibly can in order to offer the best package of support to businesses. But, as I say, we take none of this for granted. We're very clear that this is a very difficult time for business and we're keen to do what we can to see them through and also to support them then into the recovery and renewal phase.

Wel, mae'n hollol wir fod y pandemig wedi cael effaith ddifrifol iawn ar y sector lletygarwch ledled Cymru, a dyna pam rydym yn gweithio mor galed i roi'r gefnogaeth orau bosibl ar waith. Mae busnesau gwely a brecwast yn enwedig yn gallu manteisio ar y cymorth dewisol rydym wedi'i roi ar waith drwy awdurdodau lleol ac rydym wedi gwneud hynny oherwydd ein bod yn cydnabod y bydd yna nifer o fusnesau heb fynediad at y cyllid ardrethi annomestig rydym wedi'i roi ar waith. Felly, rydym yn ceisio bod mor hyblyg ag y gallwn er mwyn cynnig y pecyn cymorth gorau i fusnesau. Ond fel rwy'n dweud, nid ydym yn cymryd unrhyw ran o hyn yn ganiataol. Rydym yn glir iawn fod hwn yn gyfnod anodd iawn i fusnesau ac rydym yn awyddus i wneud yr hyn a allwn i'w cynorthwyo a hefyd i'w cefnogi wedyn i mewn i'r cyfnod adfer ac adnewyddu.

Y Portffolio Addysg
The Education Portfolio

2. Pa ystyriaeth y mae'r Gweinidog wedi'i rhoi i ddarparu cyllid ychwanegol i'r portffolio addysg? OQ56276

2. What consideration has the Minister given to providing additional funding to the education portfolio? OQ56276

We're providing an extra £102 million to the education portfolio next year in recognition of the impact of the pandemic on children and young people. This is in addition to the uplift of £176 million for local government, which will support front-line services, including schools.

Rydym yn darparu £102 miliwn ychwanegol i'r portffolio addysg y flwyddyn nesaf i gydnabod effaith y pandemig ar blant a phobl ifanc. Mae hyn yn ychwanegol at y cynnydd o £176 miliwn i lywodraeth leol, a fydd yn cefnogi gwasanaethau rheng flaen, gan gynnwys ysgolion.

What discussions have you had with the education Minister about making additional funding available for catch-up measures such as the summer schools, as suggested by the Minister?

Pa drafodaethau rydych wedi'u cael gyda'r Gweinidog addysg ynghylch sicrhau bod yna arian ychwanegol ar gael ar gyfer mesurau dal i fyny megis ysgolion haf, fel yr awgrymwyd gan y Gweinidog?

I have regular discussions with all colleagues and particular discussions with the education Minister in terms of how we can support those children and young people who have been badly affected by the pandemic. In response to the issues that we're facing as a result of the pandemic, we have launched the recruit, recover and raise standards plan, which is accelerating learning for individuals and groups with funding for schools to recruit new staff to address the lost learning. That's additional investment of £29 million for the academic year 2020-21 and is providing the equivalent of 600 extra teachers and 300 teaching assistants. It is targeting that support at years 11, 12 and 13 as well as disadvantaged learners and vulnerable children and young people of all ages. I know that local authorities are reporting that they're very pleased with the way in which the recruitment is taking place in that particular regard. I think that's been particularly successful in terms of our efforts to support children and young people. We're also providing additional funding of £12 million in 2021-22 to continue that important work to combat the loss of learning, skills and productivity, to bring those benefits to children and young people across Wales.

Rwy'n cael trafodaethau rheolaidd gyda fy holl gyd-Weinidogion ynghyd â thrafodaethau penodol gyda'r Gweinidog addysg ynglŷn â sut y gallwn gefnogi'r plant a'r bobl ifanc y mae'r pandemig wedi effeithio'n wael arnynt. Mewn ymateb i'r materion sy'n ein hwynebu o ganlyniad i'r pandemig, rydym wedi lansio'r cynllun recriwtio, adfer a chodi safonau, sy'n cyflymu dysgu i unigolion a grwpiau â chyllid i ysgolion allu recriwtio staff newydd i fynd i'r afael â'r dysgu a gollwyd. Mae hynny'n golygu buddsoddiad ychwanegol o £29 miliwn ar gyfer blwyddyn academaidd 2020-21 ac mae'n darparu'r hyn sy'n cyfateb i 600 o athrawon ychwanegol a 300 o gynorthwywyr addysgu ychwanegol. Mae'n targedu'r cymorth hwnnw ym mlynyddoedd 11, 12 a 13 yn ogystal â dysgwyr difreintiedig a phlant a phobl ifanc o bob oed sy'n agored i niwed. Gwn fod awdurdodau lleol yn dweud eu bod yn falch iawn o'r ffordd y mae'r recriwtio'n digwydd yn hynny o beth. Rwy'n credu bod hynny wedi bod yn arbennig o lwyddiannus o ran ein hymdrechion i gefnogi plant a phobl ifanc. Rydym hefyd yn darparu cyllid ychwanegol o £12 miliwn yn 2021-22 i barhau â'r gwaith pwysig hwnnw i fynd i'r afael â dysgu, sgiliau a chynhyrchiant a gollwyd, er mwyn sicrhau'r manteision hynny i blant a phobl ifanc ledled Cymru.

Cwestiynau Heb Rybudd gan Lefarwyr y Pleidiau
Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople

We'll now turn to spokespeople's questions. The first this afternoon is Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Rhun ap Iorwerth.

Trown yn awr at gwestiynau'r llefarwyr. Y cyntaf y prynhawn yma yw llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Rhun ap Iorwerth.

Dwi'n siŵr bod y Gweinidog wedi darllen yr erthygl ddamniol yn BusinessLive ar 2 Chwefror, a oedd yn tynnu sylw at y ffaith bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi methu â defnyddio ei phwerau benthyg yn llawn yn 2019-20 a 2020-21. All y Gweinidog egluro pam bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi tanddefnyddio'r pwerau benthyg presennol, yn enwedig o ystyried y problemau rydyn ni'n eu hwynebu oherwydd y pandemig? Pam bod y Llywodraeth wedi penderfynu peidio â defnyddio'r cyfle i gyllido prosiectau cyfalaf a allai fod wedi cael effaith bositif ar yr economi Gymreig?

I'm sure the Minister will have read the damning article in BusinessLive on 2 February, which highlighted the fact that the Welsh Government failed to use its full borrowing powers in 2019-20 and 2020-21. Can the Minister explain why the Welsh Government underused the current borrowing powers, particularly given the problems that we are facing as a result of the pandemic? Why did the Government decide not to take the opportunity to fund capital projects that could have had a positive impact on the Welsh economy?

I don't accept that assessment at all. The 2020-21 budget was, of course, impacted by the very late in-year adjustments by the UK Government at its supplementary estimates, which meant that we were provided with additional funding at the very end of the year, which made it very difficult for us to manage that particular situation. Throughout Wales, our Wales infrastructure investment plan has delivered really ambitious capital plans. Over the administration, we've allocated £12.2 billion of investment for capital projects right across Wales and £27.8 billion since we published the Wales infrastructure investment plan in 2012. You'll have seen investment, for example, of £1.7 billion to support the delivery of our £3.7 billion twenty-first century schools and education programme. That's having an impact in communities right across Wales. A sum of £2 billion was invested during this term for housing, delivering more than 20,000 affordable homes, smashing our target, even though we've gone through this crisis. So, the Welsh Government has been making significant infrastructure investments right the way through the course of this whole Senedd.

Nid wyf yn derbyn yr asesiad hwnnw o gwbl. Wrth gwrs, cafodd cyllideb 2020-21 ei heffeithio gan yr addasiadau hwyr iawn a wnaed yn ystod y flwyddyn gan Lywodraeth y DU yn ei hamcangyfrifon atodol, lle cawsom arian ychwanegol yn hwyr iawn ar ddiwedd y flwyddyn, a oedd yn ei gwneud yn anodd iawn inni reoli'r sefyllfa benodol honno. Ledled Cymru, mae ein cynllun buddsoddi yn seilwaith Cymru wedi cyflawni cynlluniau cyfalaf uchelgeisiol iawn. Dros y weinyddiaeth, rydym wedi dyrannu £12.2 biliwn o fuddsoddiad ar gyfer prosiectau cyfalaf ledled Cymru a £27.8 biliwn ers i ni gyhoeddi cynllun buddsoddi yn seilwaith Cymru yn 2012. Byddwch wedi gweld buddsoddiad, er enghraifft, o £1.7 biliwn i gefnogi'r gwaith o gyflawni ein rhaglen gwerth £3.7 biliwn i sicrhau addysg ac ysgolion ar gyfer yr 21ain ganrif. Mae hwnnw'n cael effaith mewn cymunedau ledled Cymru. Buddsoddwyd swm o £2 biliwn yn ystod y tymor hwn ar gyfer tai, gan ddarparu dros 20,000 o dai fforddiadwy, a chwalu ein targed, er ein bod wedi mynd drwy'r argyfwng hwn. Felly, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi bod yn gwneud buddsoddiadau sylweddol mewn seilwaith drwy gydol tymor y Senedd hon.


The Minister says she doesn't agree with my assessment. It's not my assessment; it's just a statement of where we're at. We're not the only ones advocating using the facilities that we have. In that article I mentioned, economist Gerry Holtham is quoted as saying that the Welsh Government should be able to manage its budget to ensure it makes far more use of its capital borrowing powers. He went on to say that late payment of capital receipts from the UK Government couldn’t really be used as an excuse and warned that a lack of appetite for capital borrowing could undermine the Welsh Government’s case for current levels being increased. Now, the Minister knows that Plaid Cymru and myself have been calling for greater fiscal powers during the course of this pandemic, as has she. She's told us a number of times that negotiations are currently ongoing with the UK Government over allowing greater fiscal flexibility. I've encouraged her to pursue that vigorously, but does the Minister agree that Welsh Government is undermining its own case by failing to use the full extent of the borrowing powers it already has? 

Mae'r Gweinidog yn dweud nad yw'n cytuno â fy asesiad. Nid fy asesiad i ydoedd; dim ond datganiad o lle rydym arni. Nid ni yw'r unig rai sy'n argymell defnyddio'r cyfleusterau sydd gennym. Yn yr erthygl honno a grybwyllais, dyfynnir yr economegydd Gerry Holtham yn dweud y dylai Llywodraeth Cymru allu rheoli ei chyllideb i sicrhau ei bod yn gwneud llawer mwy o ddefnydd o'i phwerau benthyca cyfalaf. Aeth ymlaen i ddweud na ellid defnyddio'r ffaith bod Llywodraeth y DU wedi talu derbyniadau cyfalaf yn hwyr fel esgus a rhybuddiodd y gallai diffyg awydd am fenthyca cyfalaf danseilio achos Llywodraeth Cymru dros gynyddu'r lefelau presennol. Nawr, gŵyr y Gweinidog fod Plaid Cymru a minnau wedi bod yn galw am fwy o bwerau cyllidol yn ystod y pandemig hwn, fel y mae hithau. Mae wedi dweud wrthym sawl gwaith bod trafodaethau'n mynd rhagddynt ar hyn o bryd gyda Llywodraeth y DU ynglŷn â chaniatáu mwy o hyblygrwydd ariannol. Rwyf wedi ei hannog i fynd ar drywydd hynny'n egnïol, ond a yw'r Gweinidog yn cytuno bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn tanseilio ei hachos ei hun drwy fethu defnyddio'r pwerau benthyca sydd ganddi eisoes yn llawn?

I don't need Plaid Cymru's encouragement to pursue that particular line with the UK Government vigorously, because it's something that we have been doing for some time. However, we have not yet had that clarification as to our request for flexibility, which will become much clearer to us as we move towards the supplementary estimates, which the UK Government will be publishing in due course. However, we have published our budget for 2021-22, and that shows that we do plan to borrow the maximum £150 million that is available to us within our annual limit. You'll see right across our budget for next year really ambitious plans. You'll have seen that even where we can't do everything that we would want to do within the powers that we have, we've created the mutual investment model in order to help us undertake those larger projects that simply would not be possible within our existing capital settlement and within the borrowing that we currently have. So, we've found innovative ways to address the issue that is being described.  

Nid oes angen anogaeth Plaid Cymru arnaf i fynd ar y trywydd penodol hwnnw gyda Llywodraeth y DU yn egnïol, oherwydd mae'n rhywbeth rydym wedi bod yn ei wneud ers peth amser. Fodd bynnag, nid ydym eto wedi cael yr eglurhad ynglŷn â'n cais am hyblygrwydd, a fydd yn dod yn llawer cliriach inni wrth inni symud tuag at yr amcangyfrifon atodol, y bydd Llywodraeth y DU yn eu cyhoeddi maes o law. Fodd bynnag, rydym wedi cyhoeddi ein cyllideb ar gyfer 2021-22, ac mae honno'n dangos ein bod yn bwriadu benthyca'r uchafswm o £150 miliwn sydd ar gael inni o fewn ein terfyn blynyddol. Fe welwch gynlluniau uchelgeisiol iawn ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf ar draws ein cyllideb. Hyd yn oed lle na allwn wneud popeth y byddem eisiau ei wneud o fewn y pwerau sydd gennym, fe fyddwch wedi gweld ein bod wedi creu'r model buddsoddi cydfuddiannol er mwyn ein helpu i gyflawni'r prosiectau mwy o faint hynny na fyddai'n bosibl o fewn ein setliad cyfalaf presennol ac o fewn y pwerau benthyca sydd gennym ar hyn o bryd. Felly, rydym wedi dod o hyd i ffyrdd arloesol o fynd i'r afael â'r mater sy'n cael ei ddisgrifio.

The Minister can make as many excuses as she likes about what happened in 2019-20 and 2020-21, but the reality is that the Government has failed to use an opportunity there to invest in the future of Wales. I'll quote Gerry Holtham again:

'Failing to borrow in two successive financial years seems unambitious. Not knowing the capital allocation is not a decisive reason because they know what it will be within a 10-20% error margin and could plan for contingencies.

Does the Minister disagree with his assessment and analysis, I wonder? We know there are significant projects that need to be under way—the metro, retrofitting houses, there's a long list—and with interest rates at an all-time low, now is the time to invest. In contrast, looking to Scotland, since the Scotland Act 2012, the Scottish Government has borrowed £1.6 billion in capital and plans to raise a further £300 million in low-interest-bearing debt by the end of the current financial year. Will the Minister admit to the reality that an unwillingness to fully utilise already inadequate fiscal powers is further evidence that this Labour Government lacks ambition for Wales? 

Gall y Gweinidog wneud cymaint o esgusodion ag y mynno am yr hyn a ddigwyddodd yn 2019-20 a 2020-21, ond y realiti yw bod y Llywodraeth wedi methu bachu ar gyfle i fuddsoddi yn nyfodol Cymru. Dyfynnaf Gerry Holtham eto:

Mae methu benthyca mewn dwy flynedd ariannol yn olynol i'w weld yn anuchelgeisiol. Nid yw dweud nad ydynt yn gwybod beth fydd y dyraniad cyfalaf yn rheswm dilys gan eu bod yn gwybod beth fydd hwnnw o fewn ffin cyfeiliornad o 10-20% a gallent gynllunio ar gyfer yr annisgwyl.

A yw'r Gweinidog yn anghytuno â'i asesiad a'i ddadansoddiad, tybed? Gwyddom fod prosiectau sylweddol sydd angen bod ar y gweill—y metro, ôl-osod tai, mae rhestr hir—a chyda chyfraddau llog ar eu hisaf erioed, dyma'r amser i fuddsoddi. Mewn cyferbyniad, gan edrych i'r Alban, ers Deddf yr Alban 2012, mae Llywodraeth yr Alban wedi benthyca £1.6 biliwn mewn cyfalaf ac mae'n bwriadu codi £300 miliwn pellach mewn dyled ar log isel erbyn diwedd y flwyddyn ariannol gyfredol. A wnaiff y Gweinidog gyfaddef mai'r realiti yw bod amharodrwydd i ddefnyddio pwerau cyllidol, sydd eisoes yn annigonol, yn llawn yn dystiolaeth bellach nad oes gan y Llywodraeth Lafur hon uchelgais dros Gymru?

Absolutely not. Of course, we have a very different settlement to Scotland, so I don't think those comparisons are necessarily valid. If you want to look at the ambition that the Welsh Labour Government has, you only have to look as far as the Wales infrastructure investment programme and the pipeline that we've set out. That extends well beyond the period for which we have set budgets, but we nonetheless have identified important projects that we will want to explore taking forward: the A55 third Menai crossing, for example, a £130 million plan to start in 2022; the A55/A494/A458 Flintshire corridor, a £300 million plan to start in 2022; the north-east Wales metro, £504 million, and our Welsh Government will be making a contribution towards that; £1 million in the Tech Valleys programme; the next phase of the twenty-first century schools programme, £2 billion; and the south Wales integrated transport metro, £738 million. These are all serious investments in communities, which will no doubt have an impact on job creation and providing economic stimulus. So, it's absolutely not the case to say we're not ambitious in this area; in fact, we have a Wales infrastructure investment plan that says quite the contrary.  

Nid yw hynny'n wir o gwbl. Wrth gwrs, mae gennym setliad gwahanol iawn i'r Alban, felly nid wyf yn credu bod y cymariaethau hynny o reidrwydd yn ddilys. Os ydych eisiau edrych ar yr uchelgais sydd gan Lywodraeth Lafur Cymru, nid oes ond rhaid i chi edrych cyn belled â rhaglen buddsoddi yn seilwaith Cymru a'r hyn sydd gennym yn yr arfaeth. Mae'n ymestyn ymhell y tu hwnt i'r cyfnod rydym wedi gosod cyllidebau ar ei gyfer, ond serch hynny rydym wedi nodi prosiectau pwysig y byddwn eisiau eu harchwilio wrth symud ymlaen: trydedd groesfan Menai ar yr A55, er enghraifft, cynllun gwerth £130 miliwn i ddechrau yn 2022; coridor yr A55/A494/A458 Sir y Fflint, cynllun gwerth £300 miliwn i ddechrau yn 2022; metro gogledd-ddwyrain Cymru, £504 miliwn, a bydd ein Llywodraeth yng Nghymru yn cyfrannu at hwnnw; £1 filiwn yn rhaglen y Cymoedd Technoleg; cam nesaf rhaglen ysgolion yr unfed ganrif ar hugain, £2 biliwn; a metro trafnidiaeth integredig de Cymru, £738 miliwn. Mae'r rhain i gyd yn fuddsoddiadau difrifol mewn cymunedau, a fydd yn sicr o effeithio ar greu swyddi a darparu ysgogiad economaidd. Felly, nid yw'n wir dweud nad ydym yn uchelgeisiol yn y maes hwn; mewn gwirionedd, mae gennym gynllun buddsoddi yn seilwaith Cymru sy'n dweud y gwrthwyneb.

The Scottish Government have announced they're providing grants for Scottish hostels and bunkhouses with a £2.3 million hostel support fund. Several operators of rural bunkhouse and outdoor alternative businesses in north Wales have written to me calling for a Welsh hostel and bunkhouse support fund from the Welsh Government, equivalent to this. As they said, 'We provide a service to our local community, bringing in visitors all year round who use local pubs and shops, but we're being catastrophically affected by the COVID rules and reduced social mixing, because we provide shared accommodation for people from different households.' How do you therefore respond to the Independent Hostels in the UK report, 'The Case for Extra Financial Support', which states:

'Without extra financial support this winter 34% of hostels are predicted not to survive until the tourist season next year'


'An ideal support would be a "Support Grant" directed specifically at hostels and group accommodation in the tourism sector'?

Mae Llywodraeth yr Alban wedi cyhoeddi eu bod yn darparu grantiau ar gyfer hostelau a thai bynciau i'r Alban gyda chronfa gymorth gwerth £2.3 miliwn ar gyfer hostelau. Mae nifer o weithredwyr tai bynciau gwledig a busnesau awyr agored amgen yn y gogledd wedi ysgrifennu ataf yn galw am gronfa gymorth i hostelau a thai bynciau sy'n cyfateb i hyn yng Nghymru. Fel y dywedasant, 'Rydym yn darparu gwasanaeth i'n cymuned leol, gan ddod ag ymwelwyr i mewn drwy gydol y flwyddyn sy'n defnyddio tafarndai a siopau lleol, ond mae rheolau COVID a llai o gymysgu cymdeithasol yn effeithio'n drychinebus arnom, oherwydd rydym yn darparu llety a rennir i bobl o wahanol aelwydydd.' Sut ydych chi'n ymateb felly i adroddiad Independent Hostels UK, 'The Case for Extra Financial Support', sy'n nodi:

Heb gymorth ariannol ychwanegol y gaeaf hwn, rhagwelir na fydd 34% o hostelau'n goroesi erbyn y tymor twristiaeth y flwyddyn nesaf'


Un cymorth delfrydol fyddai 'Grant Cymorth' wedi'i gyfeirio'n benodol at hostelau a llety grŵp yn y sector twristiaeth?


In the first instance, I'd be encouraging those businesses to explore whether they have made the most of all the opportunities available to them by the Welsh Government. For example, were they to be businesses paying non-domestic rates, have they received the grants that are specific to businesses within the non-domestic rates sector? And also, the Welsh Government has introduced, of course, our £180 million sector-specific fund. That was opened on 13 January. So far, over 7,600 applications have been received and 4,401 offers have been made worth £33 million. This could be somewhere where those businesses could explore to see whether or not they are eligible. It's very much targeted at businesses in the hospitality, tourism and leisure sector. I'd be more than happy to provide Mark Isherwood with some further detail that he might share with those businesses to explore whether this might be that fund that they're hoping to secure support from.

I ddechrau, byddwn yn annog y busnesau hynny i archwilio a ydynt wedi gwneud y gorau o'r holl gyfleoedd sydd ar gael iddynt gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Er enghraifft, os ydynt yn fusnesau sy'n talu ardrethi annomestig, a ydynt wedi cael y grantiau sy'n benodol i fusnesau yn y sector ardrethi annomestig? A hefyd wrth gwrs, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyflwyno ein cronfa gwerth £180 miliwn ar gyfer sectorau penodol. Agorwyd honno ar 13 Ionawr. Hyd yn hyn, derbyniwyd dros 7,600 o geisiadau ac mae 4,401 o gynigion gwerth £33 miliwn wedi'u gwneud. Gallai'r busnesau hynny edrych i weld a ydynt yn gymwys ai peidio. Mae wedi'i dargedu at fusnesau yn y sector lletygarwch, twristiaeth a hamdden. Byddwn yn fwy na pharod i roi manylion pellach i Mark Isherwood a gallai eu rhannu â'r busnesau hynny iddynt weld a allent gael cymorth o'r gronfa honno.

I'd be happy to provide you with a copy of that report if you don't have it, because it shows that they are aware of the existing funding streams and have accessed them where they've been able to.

Responding to the Finance Committee's consultation on the Welsh Government's draft budget proposals, the Wales Council for Voluntary Action said:

'The voluntary sector must be supported and resourced to fulfil its central role in the recovery from the pandemic'


'Co-production must play a key part in the design and delivery of preventative services.'

Their response to the draft budget proposals went further, stating: 

'The voluntary sector continues to require greater resource to respond to increasing demand on its services'


'The sector has many groups and organisations which have developed to redress specific problems or prevent them worsening.'

They're also preventing massive additional financial pressure on health and care services. How will you therefore respond financially to their concern that although the draft budget states that an additional £700,000 will be provided on top of the £3 million to support the sector in its response to COVID-19 and the £24 million Welsh Government third sector COVID-19 recovery fund, charities in Wales have lost around 24 per cent of their income this year, or £1.2 billion for charities based in Wales? In other words, without the extra investment required, it's going to cost the Treasury and the Exchequer in Wales a lot more money than they would otherwise require to prevent that demand being created.

Byddwn yn hapus i roi copi o'r adroddiad hwnnw i chi os nad oes gennych un, oherwydd mae'n dangos eu bod yn ymwybodol o'r ffrydiau ariannu presennol ac wedi manteisio arnynt lle maent wedi gallu gwneud hynny.

Wrth ymateb i ymgynghoriad y Pwyllgor Cyllid ar gynigion cyllideb ddrafft Llywodraeth Cymru, dywedodd Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru:

'Mae'n rhaid i'r sector gwirfoddol gael cefnogaeth ac adnoddau er mwyn iddo gyflawni ei swyddogaeth ganolog yn y broses o adfer ar ôl y pandemig'


'Rhaid i gyd-gynhyrchu chwarae rhan allweddol yn y gwaith o gynllunio a darparu gwasanaethau ataliol.'

Aeth eu hymateb i gynigion y gyllideb ddrafft ymhellach, gan ddweud: 

'Mae'r sector gwirfoddol yn parhau i fod angen mwy o adnoddau i ymateb i'r galw cynyddol ar ei wasanaethau'


'Mae gan y sector lawer o grwpiau a sefydliadau sydd wedi datblygu i ddatrys problemau penodol neu eu hatal rhag gwaethygu.'

Maent hefyd yn atal pwysau ariannol ychwanegol enfawr ar wasanaethau iechyd a gofal. Sut y byddwch yn ymateb yn ariannol felly i'w pryder fod elusennau yng Nghymru wedi colli tua 24 y cant o'u hincwm eleni, neu £1.2 biliwn i elusennau sydd wedi'u lleoli yng Nghymru, er bod y gyllideb ddrafft yn datgan y bydd £700,000 ychwanegol yn cael ei ddarparu ar ben y £3 miliwn i gefnogi'r sector yn ei ymateb i COVID-19 a chronfa adfer COVID-19 trydydd sector Llywodraeth Cymru, sy'n werth £24 miliwn? Mewn geiriau eraill, heb y buddsoddiad ychwanegol sydd ei angen, bydd yn costio llawer mwy o arian i'r Trysorlys yng Nghymru nag y byddai ei angen arnynt fel arall i atal y galw hwnnw rhag cael ei greu.

We've worked very closely with the WCVA and the charity and third sector here in Wales right throughout the pandemic. I've met with the sector myself in order to hear the challenges that they're facing, and they are very much, as Mark Isherwood described, in terms of not being able to undertake their usual fundraising activities, for example. That's why we've put in place the specific support for the sector, but also sought to give them some kind of assurance in terms of the future of the response to the pandemic as well. I'll be exploring the issues that have been raised right throughout all of the committees with my colleagues within the Welsh Government as we move towards the final budget, listening also to the comments that were made in yesterday's debate and having some further discussions regarding what support might be needed.

Rydym wedi gweithio'n agos iawn gyda Chyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru a'r sector elusennau a'r trydydd sector yma yng Nghymru drwy gydol y pandemig. Rwyf wedi cyfarfod â'r sector fy hun er mwyn clywed am yr heriau y maent yn eu hwynebu, ac maent yn sicr yn ymwneud â methu cyflawni eu gweithgareddau codi arian arferol, er enghraifft, fel y disgrifiodd Mark Isherwood. Dyna pam ein bod wedi rhoi cymorth ar waith sy'n benodol i'r sector, ond hefyd rydym wedi ceisio rhoi rhyw fath o sicrwydd iddynt ynglŷn â dyfodol yr ymateb i'r pandemig hefyd. Byddaf yn archwilio'r materion sydd wedi'u codi ym mhob un o'r pwyllgorau gyda fy nghyd-Weinidogion yn Llywodraeth Cymru wrth i ni symud tuag at y gyllideb derfynol, gan wrando hefyd ar y sylwadau a wnaed yn y ddadl ddoe a chael trafodaethau pellach ynghylch pa gymorth y gallai fod ei angen.

I urge you to look at those essential services being provided by the sector, without which everyone in Government's job would be harder, but also our job in opposition would be harder, and everybody's lives would be a lot harder also. One of those, of course, is hospices. Although the Welsh Government initially allocated £6.3 million to the hospice emergency fund, this was less generous than equivalent funds in all other UK nations, as the evidence shows, and falls significantly short of the total allocated to the Welsh Government in consequential funding from the UK Government's support for hospices in England.

However, our hospice and community palliative care sector has continued to provide vital care and essential services throughout the pandemic. Up to £125 million was added to the original hospice emergency funding package for 2020-21 in England, but nothing more was added in Wales. Hospices in Wales are facing a combined shortfall of £4.2 million by March, but after I led the debate on palliative and end-of-life care here last week, the Welsh Government only announced £3 million extra to support them this financial year. Further, there was no indication in the Welsh Government's draft budget for 2021-22 of continued support for hospices to maintain their essential services, despite their estimated combined shortfall of £6.1 million during 2021-22. Where, therefore, is the rest of the extra funding received from the UK Government in consequence of increased funding for hospices in England this financial year to provide their essential services? And how will you respond to the urgent funding needs of hospices in Wales during the next financial year?

Rwy'n eich annog i edrych ar y gwasanaethau hanfodol sy'n cael eu darparu gan y sector, y byddai gwaith pawb yn y Llywodraeth yn anos hebddynt, ond hefyd byddai ein gwaith yn yr wrthblaid yn anos, a byddai bywydau pawb yn llawer anos hefyd. Un o'r rheini, wrth gwrs, yw hosbisau. Er i Lywodraeth Cymru ddyrannu £6.3 miliwn i gronfa argyfwng yr hosbisau ar y cychwyn, roedd hyn yn llai hael na chronfeydd cyfatebol ym mhob gwlad arall yn y DU, fel y mae'r dystiolaeth yn dangos, ac mae'n sylweddol is na'r cyfanswm a ddyrannwyd i Lywodraeth Cymru mewn cyllid canlyniadol o gymorth Llywodraeth y DU i hosbisau yn Lloegr.

Fodd bynnag, mae ein sector hosbisau a gofal lliniarol cymunedol wedi parhau i ddarparu gofal hollbwysig a gwasanaethau hanfodol drwy gydol y pandemig. Ychwanegwyd hyd at £125 miliwn at y pecyn cyllid argyfwng gwreiddiol i hosbisau ar gyfer 2020-21 yn Lloegr, ond ni ychwanegwyd rhagor o arian yng Nghymru. Mae hosbisau yng Nghymru yn wynebu diffyg cyfunol o £4.2 miliwn erbyn mis Mawrth, ond ar ôl i mi arwain y ddadl ar ofal lliniarol a gofal diwedd oes yma yr wythnos diwethaf, dim ond £3 miliwn yn ychwanegol a gyhoeddodd Llywodraeth Cymru i'w cefnogi yn y flwyddyn ariannol hon. At hynny, nid oedd unrhyw arwydd yng nghyllideb ddrafft Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer 2021-22 o gymorth parhaus i hosbisau allu cynnal eu gwasanaethau hanfodol, er gwaethaf eu hamcangyfrif o ddiffyg cyfunol o £6.1 miliwn yn ystod 2021-22. Felly, ble mae gweddill yr arian ychwanegol a gafwyd gan Lywodraeth y DU o ganlyniad i'r cynnydd yn y cyllid i hosbisau yn Lloegr y flwyddyn ariannol hon i ddarparu eu gwasanaethau hanfodol? A sut y byddwch yn ymateb i anghenion ariannu dwys hosbisau yng Nghymru yn ystod y flwyddyn ariannol nesaf?


Well, as Mark Isherwood says, hospices do provide an incredibly important service to the people of Wales and we absolutely recognise the enormous contribution that they do make. We worked alongside the hospice sector here in Wales to understand the particular financial support that they would need, and that's the reason why we've allocated £9.3 million with emergency funding to support those hospices throughout the pandemic, and this is being used to protect clinical services and strengthen hospice bereavement support.

And there's quite a simple answer, really, in terms of the consequential funding received, and it is very simple, and that is that the hospice sector here in Wales is smaller than it is across the border, so this is one of those areas where the consequentials were of a different order to the identified need that we have here in Wales. And I say, 'identified need' because we did work with the sector to identify the funding that it would require. And there are areas, of course, where we get consequentials from the UK Government that do not meet our need and where our need is much greater than across the border. So, we can't operate simply as a post box for consequential funding from the UK Government, we have to work with the individual sectors to understand the need that is identified. And as I say, when we worked with the sector, the need that was identified is the need that we have met, but clearly, if there's further discussion to be had, I would be more than happy to have those discussions with the sector.

Wel, fel y dywed Mark Isherwood, mae hosbisau'n darparu gwasanaeth eithriadol o bwysig i bobl Cymru ac rydym yn llwyr gydnabod y cyfraniad enfawr a wnânt. Buom yn gweithio ochr yn ochr â'r sector hosbisau yma yng Nghymru i ddeall y cymorth ariannol penodol y byddai ei angen arnynt, a dyna'r rheswm pam ein bod wedi dyrannu £9.3 miliwn â chyllid brys i gefnogi'r hosbisau hynny drwy gydol y pandemig, ac mae hwn yn cael ei ddefnyddio i ddiogelu gwasanaethau clinigol a chryfhau cymorth profedigaeth hosbisau.

Ac mae yna ateb eithaf syml, mewn gwirionedd, sef bod y sector hosbisau yma yng Nghymru yn llai na'r hyn ydyw dros y ffin, felly dyma un o'r meysydd hynny lle nad oedd y symiau canlyniadol yn cyfateb i'r angen a nodwyd sydd gennym yma yng Nghymru. A dywedaf, 'angen a nodwyd' oherwydd gwnaethom weithio gyda'r sector i nodi'r cyllid y byddai ei angen arno. Ac mae yna feysydd, wrth gwrs, lle cawn symiau canlyniadol gan Lywodraeth y DU nad ydynt yn diwallu ein hangen a lle mae ein hangen yn llawer mwy nag ar draws y ffin. Felly, ni allwn weithredu fel blwch post ar gyfer cyllid canlyniadol gan Lywodraeth y DU, mae'n rhaid inni weithio gyda'r sectorau unigol i ddeall yr angen a nodir. Ac fel y dywedaf, pan oeddem yn gweithio gyda'r sector, yr angen a nodwyd yw'r angen rydym wedi'i ddiwallu, ond yn amlwg, os oes trafodaeth bellach i'w chael, byddwn yn fwy na pharod i gael y trafodaethau hynny gyda'r sector.

Gwariant Cyfalaf yng Nghwm Cynon
Capital Spending in Cynon Valley

3. A wnaiff y Gweinidog amlinellu asesiad Llywodraeth Cymru o'i gwariant cyfalaf yng Nghwm Cynon yn ystod tymor presennol y Senedd? OQ56259

3. Will the Minister outline the Welsh Government’s assessment of its capital spend in Cynon Valley over the course of the current Senedd term? OQ56259

Over this administration, the Welsh Government has allocated £12.2 billion for investment in capital projects across Wales, including £120 million across the Cynon valley and wider Rhondda Cynon Taf region through the twenty-first century schools and colleges programme, for example.

Dros y weinyddiaeth hon, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi dyrannu £12.2 biliwn ar gyfer buddsoddi mewn prosiectau cyfalaf ledled Cymru, gan gynnwys £120 miliwn ar draws cwm Cynon ac ardal ehangach Rhondda Cynon Taf drwy raglen ysgolion a cholegau'r unfed ganrif ar hugain, er enghraifft.

Thank you, Minister. There's no doubt that the Cynon valley has benefited significantly from Welsh Government funding over the past five years. Perhaps the most significant area of capital expenditure has been the continued investment in educational buildings within the area.

The Cynon valley has seen more investment from the Welsh Government's twenty-first century schools funding than any other constituency in Wales, to the tune of over £100 million, and that's something that I am very proud of indeed. This current Senedd term has seen the opening of the £22 million Coleg y Cymoedd campus in Aberdare; the £7.2 million Cwmaman Primary School; and in just September of last year, the £10.2 million Hirwaun Primary School. Minister, would you agree with me that this represents a substantial investment in our children and young people, which will make a real difference to their educational attainment and future life prospects?

Diolch i chi, Weinidog. Nid oes unrhyw amheuaeth fod cwm Cynon wedi elwa'n sylweddol o gyllid Llywodraeth Cymru dros y pum mlynedd diwethaf. Efallai mai'r maes gwariant cyfalaf mwyaf arwyddocaol fu'r buddsoddiad parhaus mewn adeiladau addysgol yn yr ardal.

Mae cwm Cynon wedi gweld mwy o fuddsoddiad gan gyllid ysgolion yr unfed ganrif ar hugain Llywodraeth Cymru nag unrhyw etholaeth arall yng Nghymru, gwerth dros £100 miliwn, ac mae hynny'n rhywbeth rwy'n falch iawn ohono yn wir. Mae tymor presennol y Senedd wedi arwain at agor campws Coleg y Cymoedd, sy'n werth £22 miliwn, yn Aberdâr; Ysgol Gynradd Cwmaman, sy'n werth £7.2 miliwn; ac ym mis Medi y llynedd, ysgol gynradd Hirwaun sy'n werth £10.2 miliwn. Weinidog, a fyddech yn cytuno bod hwn yn fuddsoddiad sylweddol yn ein plant a'n pobl ifanc, a fydd yn gwneud gwahaniaeth gwirioneddol i'w cyrhaeddiad addysgol a'u rhagolygon bywyd yn y dyfodol?

I would absolutely agree with Vikki Howells there, and she has absolutely been a strong voice for education within her constituency and has been instrumental in making the case for additional funding in her area, so, congratulations to Vikki for what she has achieved on behalf of her constituents. And the examples of the projects that she has described are exciting. It's important that we do give children the absolute best learning environment in which to work and in which to grow, because that's the way in which we tell them that they matter, and that we are there to support them and help them achieve their full potential.

Other areas where we've been, I think, really successful within the Cynon Valley would be in our particular support that we have given to social housing. So, for example, we've transformed the Aberdare Girls' School into flats, houses and bungalows designed specifically for wheelchair users. That's £4.8 million of support. And, there is a £2.7 million social housing grant to develop the former Aberdare Boys' School into 30 much needed affordable homes, again including flats, houses and bungalows. And, there's the work that we're undertaking with the integrated care fund to redevelop Pen Llew Court to provide that 19-bed facility for individuals with a learning disability. Every resident will have their own self-contained flat. So, I think there's so much exciting work going on in the Cynon valley, and it is a demonstration of the investment that we've been able to make in the area.  

Byddwn yn cytuno'n llwyr â Vikki Howells yno, ac mae wedi bod yn llais cryf dros addysg yn ei hetholaeth ac yn allweddol wrth gyflwyno'r achos dros gyllid ychwanegol yn ei hardal, felly llongyfarchiadau i Vikki am yr hyn y mae wedi'i gyflawni ar ran ei hetholwyr. Ac mae'r enghreifftiau o'r prosiectau y mae wedi'u disgrifio yn gyffrous. Mae'n bwysig ein bod yn rhoi'r amgylchedd dysgu gorau i blant weithio ynddo ac i dyfu ynddo, oherwydd dyna sut rydym yn dweud wrthynt eu bod yn bwysig, a'n bod yno i'w cefnogi a'u helpu i gyflawni eu potensial llawn.

Rwy'n credu mai maes arall lle rydym wedi bod yn llwyddiannus iawn yng nghwm Cynon yw'r gefnogaeth arbennig rydym wedi'i rhoi i dai cymdeithasol. Felly, er enghraifft, rydym wedi trawsnewid Ysgol y Merched Aberdâr yn fflatiau, tai a byngalos wedi'u cynllunio'n benodol ar gyfer defnyddwyr cadeiriau olwyn. Dyna £4.8 miliwn o gymorth. A defnyddiwyd grant tai cymdeithasol o £2.7 miliwn ar gyfer datblygu hen Ysgol y Bechgyn Aberdâr yn 30 o dai fforddiadwy mawr eu hangen, unwaith eto gan gynnwys fflatiau, tai a byngalos. Ac rydym yn gwneud gwaith gyda'r gronfa gofal integredig ar ailddatblygu Llys Pen Llew i ddarparu'r cyfleuster 19 gwely i unigolion ag anabledd dysgu. Bydd gan bob preswylydd ei fflat hunangynhwysol ei hun. Felly, rwy'n credu bod cymaint o waith cyffrous yn digwydd yng nghwm Cynon, ac mae'n arwydd o'r buddsoddiad rydym wedi gallu ei wneud yn yr ardal.

Y Gronfa Ffyniant Gyffredin
The Shared Prosperity Fund

4. Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Gweinidog wedi'u cael gyda Llywodraeth y DU ynghylch y gronfa ffyniant gyffredin? OQ56275

4. What discussions has the Minister had with the UK Government regarding the shared prosperity fund? OQ56275

The UK Government has not engaged meaningfully or respectfully on this issue, despite the huge amount of work that has taken place across the Welsh Government and with organisations across Wales over the last three years to develop a new framework for investing replacement EU funds.

Nid yw Llywodraeth y DU wedi ymgysylltu'n ystyrlon nac yn barchus ar y mater hwn, er gwaethaf y gwaith enfawr sydd wedi digwydd ar draws Llywodraeth Cymru a chyda sefydliadau ledled Cymru dros y tair blynedd diwethaf ar ddatblygu fframwaith newydd ar gyfer buddsoddi arian yn lle cronfeydd yr UE.

I'm grateful to you for that, Minister. You will have seen the Welsh Affairs Select Committee's report from Westminster, published in the autumn, which was a devastating report and a devastating condemnation of a UK Government by a committee largely dominated by Conservative Members. They made two criticisms of the UK Government. First of all, there was the lack of engagement that you described. Secondly, there was an arrogance, as I read it, in wanting to ignore the expertise that we have in Wales, in terms of delivering the sort of investments that you have just described in the Cynon valley.

Does it concern you as much as it concerns me, Minister, that this is a betrayal? It's a real betrayal of people, not just those of us who voted 'remain' in 2016, but more so, people who voted to leave the European Union in 2016, who were promised that they wouldn't lose a penny of investment—that all of the investment that was coming to places like Blaenau Gwent would be replaced by the UK Government. That has been demonstrated to be an absolute lie. That means that places like the constituency that I represent, the constituency that you represent, and many of us in this Chamber, will see investments that would have taken place in our people, our places and our infrastructure, but will not take place now because of a real betrayal by the UK Government of people in Wales.

Rwy'n ddiolchgar i chi am hynny, Weinidog. Byddwch wedi gweld adroddiad y Pwyllgor Dethol ar Faterion Cymreig yn San Steffan, a gyhoeddwyd yn yr hydref, a oedd yn adroddiad dinistriol ac yn gondemniad dinistriol o Lywodraeth y DU gan bwyllgor a oedd yn cael ei reoli'n bennaf gan Aelodau Ceidwadol. Cafwyd dwy feirniadaeth ganddynt o Lywodraeth y DU. Yn gyntaf oll, roedd y diffyg ymgysylltu a ddisgrifiwyd gennych. Yn ail, roedd yna haerllugrwydd, fel roeddwn i'n ei ddarllen, yn yr awydd i anwybyddu'r arbenigedd sydd gennym yng Nghymru ar gyfer cyflawni'r math o fuddsoddiadau rydych newydd eu disgrifio yng nghwm Cynon.

A yw'n peri cymaint o bryder i chi ag y mae'n ei wneud i mi, Weinidog, fod hyn yn frad? Mae'n frad go iawn yn erbyn pobl, nid yn unig y rhai ohonom a bleidleisiodd dros aros yn yr UE yn 2016, ond yn fwy felly, y bobl a bleidleisiodd dros adael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd yn 2016, yr addawyd iddynt na fyddent yn colli ceiniog o fuddsoddiad—y byddai Llywodraeth y DU yn gwneud iawn am yr holl fuddsoddiad a oedd yn dod i leoedd fel Blaenau Gwent. Dangoswyd bod hynny'n gelwydd noeth. Mae hynny'n golygu y bydd lleoedd fel yr etholaeth rwy'n ei chynrychioli, yr etholaeth rydych chi'n ei chynrychioli, a llawer ohonom yn y Siambr hon, yn gweld buddsoddiadau a fyddai wedi digwydd yn ein pobl, ein lleoedd a'n seilwaith, ond na fyddant yn digwydd yn awr oherwydd y modd y mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi bradychu pobl Cymru.

I couldn't agree with Alun Davies more in terms of his assessment of the way in which the UK Government has used people to deliver its own agenda, and then not fulfilled the promises that it made to them. We don't have that same arrogance here in the Welsh Government. We've worked really hard, looking internationally, and looking to the OECD, to see what we can learn in terms of delivering regional investment in the future here. We have had a national conversation, speaking to thousands of people to explore what the best way forward will be for reconstruction and how we use our funds best in the future.

The UK Government was really quick to argue that we would receive more funding this year than last. But, of course, netting off the payments has reduced our funding, and disregards the fact that, had we remained in the EU, we would now have a full year's financial allocation for new programmes, in addition to the payments due from the programmes that are beginning to tail off. So, we would have been in a very different situation as compared to the UK Government's £220 million UK-wide shared prosperity fund, of which we yet are to find out any details. Compare that to the annual £375 million that we would have had from the EU. The UK Government still has time to deliver on its promise that we won't be a penny worse off, and I would encourage them to do so.

Rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr ag asesiad Alun Davies o'r ffordd y mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi defnyddio pobl i gyflawni ei hagenda ei hun, a heb gyflawni'r addewidion a wnaeth iddynt. Nid yw Llywodraeth Cymru yn dangos yr haerllugrwydd hwnnw yma. Rydym wedi gweithio'n galed iawn, gan edrych yn rhyngwladol, a throi at y Sefydliad ar gyfer Cydweithrediad a Datblygiad Economaidd, i weld beth y gallwn ei ddysgu ynghylch sicrhau buddsoddiad rhanbarthol yn y dyfodol yma. Rydym wedi cael sgwrs genedlaethol, gan siarad â miloedd o bobl i archwilio beth fydd y ffordd orau ymlaen ar gyfer ailadeiladu a sut y gallwn ddefnyddio ein harian yn y ffordd orau yn y dyfodol.

Roedd Llywodraeth y DU yn gyflym iawn i ddadlau y byddem yn cael mwy o arian eleni na'r llynedd. Ond wrth gwrs, mae debydu'r taliadau wedi lleihau ein cyllid, ac yn anwybyddu'r ffaith, pe baem wedi aros yn yr UE, y byddai gennym ddyraniad ariannol blwyddyn lawn bellach ar gyfer rhaglenni newydd, yn ogystal â'r taliadau a fyddai'n ddyledus o'r rhaglenni sy'n dechrau dod i ben. Felly, byddem wedi bod mewn sefyllfa wahanol iawn o'i chymharu â chronfa ffyniant gyffredin gwerth £220 miliwn Llywodraeth y DU ar gyfer y DU gyfan, ac nid ydym wedi cael unrhyw fanylion yn ei chylch o hyd. Cymharwch hynny â'r £375 miliwn blynyddol y byddem wedi'i gael gan yr UE. Mae gan Lywodraeth y DU amser o hyd i gyflawni ei haddewid na fyddwn geiniog yn waeth ein byd, a byddwn yn eu hannog i wneud hynny.

Minister, Alun Davies, the Minister emeritus, makes his arguments with his usual passion and vigour, and I appreciate that there has been, to date, anyway—. The Welsh Government has complained about a lack of detail on the shared prosperity fund. Nonetheless, it is, in principle, a mechanism that, eventually, will hopefully deliver for Wales. So, looking beyond the current situation to that point, would you agree with me that, if we want to devolve more power down to local government and give local authorities more control, then the shared prosperity fund presents us with an ideal opportunity to give that more control to local authorities and to allow them to participate in the expenditure of this fund. They have, after all, taken part in the successful city and growth deals. So, in your negotiations with the UK Government, and also within the Welsh Government with the Minister for local government, will you ensure that local authorities are given a key role in the roll-out of the shared prosperity fund? Admittedly, not with us at the moment, but when the details are finally clarified.

Mae Alun Davies, y Gweinidog emeritws, yn cyflwyno ei ddadleuon gyda'i angerdd a'i egni arferol, ac rwy'n derbyn, hyd yma, beth bynnag—. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cwyno am ddiffyg manylion am y gronfa ffyniant gyffredin. Serch hynny, mewn egwyddor, mae'n fecanwaith a fydd, yn y pen draw, yn cyflawni dros Gymru gobeithio. Felly, gan edrych y tu hwnt i'r sefyllfa bresennol at y pwynt hwnnw, os ydym am ddatganoli mwy o bŵer i lywodraeth leol a rhoi mwy o reolaeth i awdurdodau lleol, a fyddech yn cytuno bod y gronfa ffyniant gyffredin yn rhoi cyfle delfrydol inni roi mwy o'r rheolaeth honno i awdurdodau lleol a chaniatáu iddynt gymryd rhan yn y broses o wario'r gronfa hon. Wedi'r cyfan, maent wedi cymryd rhan yn y bargeinion dinesig a'r bargeinion twf llwyddiannus. Felly, yn eich trafodaethau gyda Llywodraeth y DU, a hefyd o fewn Llywodraeth Cymru gyda'r Gweinidog llywodraeth leol, a wnewch chi sicrhau bod awdurdodau lleol yn cael rôl allweddol yn y broses o gyflwyno'r gronfa ffyniant gyffredin? Nid gyda ni ar hyn o bryd, rwy'n cyfaddef, ond pan gaiff y manylion eu hegluro yn y pen draw.


Well, as Nick Ramsay says, the details haven't yet been clarified, so I don't know if I can agree with his assessment that it will put power into the hands of more local people and make that decision making as close to the ground as possible. Welsh Government has developed its regional framework for investment, and that was published in November following three years of engagement, collaboration and consultation. And we were clear that our priority areas would be more productive and competitive businesses, reducing the factors that lead to economic inequality, supporting the transition to a zero-carbon economy, and healthier, fairer and more sustainable communities. And we absolutely see local authorities as being key partners in that. And the local government and WLGA were really actively involved in the development of our framework and are represented on the steering committee that has guided that work for three years. So, local authorities should play an important role in future in terms of regional development, and I hope that we're able to do so within that framework that we've been developing here in Wales.

Wel, fel y dywed Nick Ramsay, nid yw'r manylion wedi'u hegluro eto, felly nid wyf yn gwybod a allaf gytuno â'i asesiad y bydd yn rhoi grym yn nwylo mwy o bobl leol ac yn gwneud y penderfyniadau hynny mor agos at lawr gwlad â phosibl. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi datblygu ei fframwaith rhanbarthol ar gyfer buddsoddi, ac fe'i cyhoeddwyd ym mis Tachwedd yn dilyn tair blynedd o ymgysylltu, cydweithredu ac ymgynghori. Ac roeddem yn glir mai ein meysydd blaenoriaeth fyddai busnesau mwy cynhyrchiol a chystadleuol, lleihau'r ffactorau sy'n arwain at anghydraddoldeb economaidd, cefnogi'r newid i economi ddi-garbon, a chymunedau iachach, tecach a mwy cynaliadwy. Ac rydym yn sicr yn gweld awdurdodau lleol fel partneriaid allweddol yn hynny. Ac roedd llywodraeth leol a CLlLC yn rhan weithredol yn y gwaith o ddatblygu ein fframwaith ac fe'u cynrychiolir ar y pwyllgor llywio sydd wedi arwain y gwaith hwnnw ers tair blynedd. Felly, dylai awdurdodau lleol chwarae rhan bwysig yn y dyfodol o ran datblygu rhanbarthol, a gobeithio y gallwn wneud hynny o fewn y fframwaith y buom yn ei ddatblygu yma yng Nghymru.

I wonder if I can ask you, Minister, as well to pay particular regard to the loss of the European social fund and structural funds on our works and skills programmes in Wales. I'm hearing some rather disconcerting rumours—well, they're more than rumours—that there's an intention now with the Department for Work and Pensions to centralise their work programmes. Now, we've had some exemplary work programmes here in Wales, particularly for those hard-to-reach people who need additional support to get into work because of skills and transport and other challenges they face, and we know how to do it. So, it would be disastrous if there was some centralised, Westminster-driven approach to this that reiterated the problems that they had in the 1980s Thatcher-style work programmes. So, could I please ask, Minister, that you make representations that if these programmes are being redesigned, that when they look for partners to deliver these, they use the local authorities and the regional consortiums that have been delivering them on the ground with great success—far better than in England and elsewhere—in the future as well? We're not only losing the money—it's taken away our ability to control what we do with some very important employment and skills programmes.

Weinidog, tybed a gaf fi ofyn i chi roi sylw arbennig i effaith colli cronfa gymdeithasol Ewrop a chronfeydd strwythurol ar ein rhaglenni gwaith a sgiliau yng Nghymru. Rwy'n clywed sibrydion braidd yn ddigalon—wel, maent yn fwy na sibrydion—fod bwriad yn awr gan yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau i ganoli eu rhaglenni gwaith. Nawr, rydym wedi cael rhaglenni gwaith rhagorol yma yng Nghymru, yn enwedig i'r bobl anodd eu cyrraedd sydd angen cymorth ychwanegol i gael gwaith oherwydd sgiliau a thrafnidiaeth a heriau eraill y maent yn eu hwynebu, a gwyddom sut i'w wneud. Felly, byddai'n drychinebus pe bai rhyw ddull canolog o wneud hyn, wedi'i lywio gan San Steffan, yn ailadrodd y problemau a oedd ganddynt yn rhaglenni gwaith Thatcheraidd y 1980au. Felly, Weinidog, a gaf fi ofyn i chi gyflwyno sylwadau, os yw'r rhaglenni hyn yn cael eu hailgynllunio, pan fyddant yn chwilio am bartneriaid i'w cyflwyno, eu bod yn defnyddio'r awdurdodau lleol a'r consortia rhanbarthol sydd wedi bod yn eu cyflwyno ar lawr gwlad yn llwyddiannus iawn—yn llawer gwell nag yn Lloegr ac mewn mannau eraill—yn y dyfodol hefyd? Rydym nid yn unig yn colli'r arian—mae wedi dileu ein gallu i reoli'r hyn a wnawn gyda rhaglenni cyflogaeth a sgiliau pwysig iawn.

Absolutely. And, obviously, Huw Irranca-Davies speaks with real authority on this having chaired our group, which has been looking at this particular agenda for some time. And he'll know better than anyone about the impact that those EU projects have had in Wales, creating over 56,400 new jobs and 15,400 new businesses since 2007, and also supporting 30,000 business, and helping almost 100,000 people into employment in that time. And that's the kind of thing that we need to keep doing.

We have tried to take some early action to mitigate the early impact, so we've been proactive in extending a number of our key economic interventions supported by EU funds that were due to end in the next financial year, to extend them to subsequent years, and this includes support for entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises currently being delivered by Business Wales. Support for advanced, sustainable manufacturing, investment in business research, development and innovation, and support for low-carbon energy technologies and investment at key tourism sites—these are things that we've been focussing on as we've been preparing our budget for next year.

Yn sicr. Ac yn amlwg, mae Huw Irranca-Davies yn siarad ag awdurdod go iawn ar hyn ar ôl cadeirio ein grŵp, sydd wedi bod yn edrych ar yr agenda benodol hon ers peth amser. A bydd yn gwybod yn well na neb am yr effaith y mae'r prosiectau UE hynny wedi'i chael yng Nghymru, gan greu dros 56,400 o swyddi newydd a 15,400 o fusnesau newydd ers 2007, yn ogystal â chefnogi 30,000 o fusnesau, a helpu bron i 100,000 o bobl i gael gwaith yn y cyfnod hwnnw. A dyna'r math o beth y mae angen inni barhau i'w wneud.

Rydym wedi ceisio rhoi camau buan ar waith i liniaru'r effaith gynnar, felly rydym wedi bod yn rhagweithiol wrth ymestyn nifer o'n hymyriadau economaidd allweddol a gefnogir gan gronfeydd yr UE a oedd i fod i ddod i ben yn y flwyddyn ariannol nesaf, i'w hymestyn i flynyddoedd dilynol, ac mae hyn yn cynnwys cymorth i entrepreneuriaid a busnesau bach a chanolig eu maint sy'n cael ei ddarparu ar hyn o bryd gan Busnes Cymru. Cymorth ar gyfer gweithgynhyrchu uwch cynaliadwy, buddsoddi mewn ymchwil, datblygu ac arloesi ym maes busnes, a chymorth ar gyfer technolegau ynni carbon isel a buddsoddi mewn safleoedd twristiaeth allweddol—mae'r rhain yn bethau rydym wedi bod yn canolbwyntio arnynt wrth i ni baratoi ein cyllideb ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf.

Question 5 was in the name of Rhianon Passmore, who is not present. Therefore, we move to question 6, David Rees.

Roedd cwestiwn 5 yn enw Rhianon Passmore, nad yw'n bresennol. Felly, symudwn at gwestiwn 6, David Rees.

Ni ofynnwyd cwestiwn 5 [OQ56289].

Question 5 [OQ56289] not asked.

Cyllid i Ddioddefwyr Llifogydd
Funding for Flood Victims

6. Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Gweinidog wedi'u cael gyda Gweinidogion Llywodraeth y DU ynghylch gwella'r setliad datganoledig er mwyn darparu cyllid ychwanegol i ddioddefwyr llifogydd? OQ56273

6. What discussions has the Minister had with UK Government Ministers about enhancing the devolved settlement in order to provide additional funding for flood victims? OQ56273

Throughout the year, I have engaged with the UK Government on the legacy impacts of the extraordinary flooding in Wales. We have also provided support through our emergency financial assistance scheme, alongside the £390 million we have invested in flood and coastal risk management over this term, benefiting over 45,000 properties.

Drwy gydol y flwyddyn, rwyf wedi ymgysylltu â Llywodraeth y DU ynglŷn ag effeithiau etifeddol y llifogydd eithriadol yng Nghymru. Rydym hefyd wedi darparu cymorth drwy ein cynllun cymorth ariannol brys, ochr yn ochr â'r £390 miliwn a fuddsoddwyd gennym ar gyfer rheoli perygl llifogydd ac arfordiroedd dros y tymor hwn, gan sicrhau budd i dros 45,000 eiddo.


Can I thank you for the answer, Minister, and can I also thank the Welsh Government for the support they're giving to flood victims in Skewen who have been flooded out because of water coming out of a mine, an old mine workings? The Coal Authority have clearly stated that they are not liable for water damage coming from their mine workings. This was reinforced yesterday in the House of Commons, when the Minister answered my colleague Stephen Kinnock's question on this matter. Now, if the Coal Authority are not taking responsibility, and the UK Government, whose record on this is poor when you consider what's happened in Pontypridd—is it now time for you to press the UK Government for funding from them so we can help these people? Because many citizens in that area haven't got good insurance, and those who have are going to lose money because they have to pay their excess, and there are additional costs on top of that, and they're out of home for long periods of time and that's not being covered. We need to help these people, and it's clear the UK Government is not going to. So, can you therefore press the Treasury for enhanced funding so we can help people in these situations to ensure they are not out of pocket, that they're not in difficulties and we are able to help as soon as possible?

A gaf fi ddiolch i chi am yr ateb, Weinidog, ac a gaf fi ddiolch hefyd i Lywodraeth Cymru am y gefnogaeth y maent yn ei rhoi i ddioddefwyr llifogydd yn Sgiwen sydd wedi cael llifogydd oherwydd bod dŵr yn dod allan o bwll glo, hen safle glofaol? Mae'r Awdurdod Glo wedi datgan yn glir nad ydynt yn atebol am ddifrod dŵr sy'n dod o'u safleoedd glofaol. Atgyfnerthwyd hyn ddoe yn Nhŷ'r Cyffredin, pan atebodd y Gweinidog gwestiwn fy nghyd-Aelod Stephen Kinnock ar y mater hwn. Nawr, os nad yw'r Awdurdod Glo yn cymryd cyfrifoldeb, a Llywodraeth y DU, y mae ei record ar hyn yn wael pan ystyriwch beth sydd wedi digwydd ym Mhontypridd—a yw'n bryd yn awr i chi bwyso ar Lywodraeth y DU am gyllid ganddynt fel y gallwn helpu'r bobl hyn? Oherwydd nid oes yswiriant da gan lawer o ddinasyddion yn yr ardal honno, ac mae'r rhai sydd ag yswiriant da yn mynd i golli arian am fod yn rhaid iddynt dalu eu tâl-dros-ben, a cheir costau ychwanegol ar ben hynny, ac maent allan o'u cartref am gyfnodau hir ac nid yw hynny'n cael ei gynnwys. Mae angen inni helpu'r bobl hyn, ac mae'n amlwg nad yw Llywodraeth y DU yn mynd i wneud hynny. Felly, a wnewch chi bwyso ar y Trysorlys am gyllid ychwanegol fel y gallwn helpu pobl yn y sefyllfaoedd hyn i sicrhau nad ydynt ar eu colled, nad ydynt mewn trafferthion a'n bod yn gallu helpu cyn gynted â phosibl?

Yes. Welsh Government has made available those support payments of up to £1,000 per household, and that's the same level of support that we were able to offer people affected by the extraordinary situation with the storms last March. But, you know, clearly, families and individuals affected are affected particularly badly. I do want to pay tribute to the work that Councillor Mike Harvey's been doing in terms of disseminating information to residents by his WhatsApp residents' group and also ensuring that people locally are having the kind of support and information that they need. But, yes, there's more to do with the UK Government on this particular agenda, both in terms of the immediate issues that we're facing, but that longer issue of coal tips and the mine works and the remediation that is necessary to prevent these kinds of things happening in future, which is why I hope that we can make some progress with the UK Government in this regard. In terms of support for local authorities, we are able, and we have been able, to meet the eligible local authority costs for this immediate response to the flooding during tier 3 and tier 4 by providing 100 per cent of the funding, and I think that that demonstrates the importance that we put on them as our local partners in terms of responding to these terrible events.

Iawn. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi sicrhau bod taliadau cymorth o hyd at £1,000 yr aelwyd ar gael, a dyna'r un lefel o gymorth ag y gallem ei chynnig i bobl yr effeithiwyd arnynt gan y sefyllfa eithriadol yn sgil y stormydd fis Mawrth diwethaf. Ond wyddoch chi, yn amlwg, effeithir yn arbennig o wael ar deuluoedd ac unigolion yr effeithiwyd arnynt. Hoffwn dalu teyrnged i'r gwaith y mae'r Cynghorydd Mike Harvey wedi bod yn ei wneud yn lledaenu gwybodaeth i drigolion drwy ei grŵp trigolion WhatsApp a sicrhau hefyd fod pobl yn lleol yn cael y math o gymorth a gwybodaeth sydd eu hangen arnynt. Ond oes, mae mwy i'w wneud gyda Llywodraeth y DU ar yr agenda benodol hon, o ran y materion uniongyrchol rydym yn eu hwynebu, ond y mater mwy hirdymor ynglŷn â phyllau glo a'r safleoedd glofaol a'r gwaith adfer sy'n angenrheidiol i atal y mathau hyn o bethau rhag digwydd yn y dyfodol, a dyna pam rwy'n gobeithio y gallwn wneud rhywfaint o gynnydd gyda Llywodraeth y DU yn hyn o beth. O ran cymorth i awdurdodau lleol, rydym yn gallu, ac rydym wedi gallu, talu costau cymwys awdurdodau lleol ar yr ymateb uniongyrchol i'r llifogydd yn ystod haen 3 a haen 4 drwy ddarparu 100 y cant o'r cyllid, a chredaf fod hynny'n dangos eu pwysigrwydd i ni fel ein partneriaid lleol yn yr ymateb i'r digwyddiadau ofnadwy hyn.

Can I just associate myself with the remarks of David Rees with regard to how people have really stepped up to the plate in Skewen? Two weeks ago, on the back of his topical question, I asked the local government Minister a question that she didn't answer, but I think you might be able to—maybe you're better placed to do that. Obviously, with the Skewen floods, the focus was very much on the role of the Coal Authority property, but my question was wider, about the liability of landowners through whose land water runs—so, things like canals and other conduits; I'm not talking about water mains, but that kind of conduit. Some of the land's going to be publicly owned, either by local government, central Government or Natural Resources Wales, so can you tell us how public bodies are financed to meet the costs of liabilities incurred as the result of a failure of infrastructure on their land that leads to flood damage, either on their own land or third-party land, as we've seen in Skewen, and how is that reflected in the Welsh Government budget?

A gaf fi ategu sylwadau David Rees ynglŷn â'r modd y mae pobl wedi ysgwyddo eu cyfrifoldebau yn Sgiwen? Bythefnos yn ôl, yn sgil ei gwestiwn amserol, gofynnais gwestiwn i'r Gweinidog llywodraeth leol, un na wnaeth mo'i ateb, ond credaf efallai y gallwch chi wneud hynny—efallai eich bod mewn gwell sefyllfa i wneud hynny. Yn amlwg, gyda llifogydd Sgiwen, roedd y ffocws yn fawr iawn ar rôl eiddo'r Awdurdod Glo, ond roedd fy nghwestiwn yn ehangach, ynglŷn ag atebolrwydd tirfeddianwyr y mae dŵr yn rhedeg drwy eu tir—felly, pethau fel camlesi a dyfrffosydd eraill; nid wyf yn sôn am y prif gyflenwad dŵr, ond y mathau hynny o ddyfrffosydd. Bydd peth o'r tiroedd mewn dwylo cyhoeddus, naill ai llywodraeth leol, Llywodraeth ganolog neu Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, felly a allwch ddweud wrthym sut y caiff cyrff cyhoeddus eu hariannu i dalu costau rhwymedigaethau o ganlyniad i fethiant seilwaith ar eu tir sy'n arwain at ddifrod llifogydd, naill ai ar eu tir eu hunain neu ar dir trydydd parti, fel y gwelsom yn Sgiwen, a sut y caiff hynny ei adlewyrchu yng nghyllideb Llywodraeth Cymru?

Thank you for raising that particular issue. I will, if it's acceptable to Suzy Davies, seek some particular advice, because I think that some of those questions stray into legal areas that I might not be qualified to talk on this afternoon. So, in terms of the liabilities and so forth, I will provide a written update to Suzy Davies on liabilities.

Diolch i chi am godi'r mater penodol hwnnw. Os yw'n dderbyniol gan Suzy Davies, fe wnaf ofyn am gyngor penodol, oherwydd credaf fod rhai o'r cwestiynau hynny'n crwydro i feysydd cyfreithiol nad wyf fi'n gymwys i siarad arnynt y prynhawn yma o bosibl. Felly, ar y rhwymedigaethau ac yn y blaen, fe wnaf ddarparu diweddariad ysgrifenedig i Suzy Davies ar rwymedigaethau.

I certainly agree that some sort of flooding victims guarantee in terms of financial support for the future is absolutely essential. We know that, in Skewen, the Coal Authority has given some sort of financial assistance, but only for external gardens—any changes that need to be made to the gardens, because of the impact—but that doesn't go anywhere close enough. So, anything additional would be welcome. But, recently, we all would have had a joint letter from the Secretary of State for Wales and the Welsh Government saying that there had been identified additional mine shafts here in Wales. I think 2,000 is the number now; it used to be 1,200. Now, this could be a ticking time bomb for other happenings across Wales that we simply do not know about at the moment. I wasn't reassured, from the reply to the letter, that we knew where they were and what was going to be done so that we can mitigate this from happening in the future. So, what are you going to do in terms of budgeting to ensure that we have the support necessary—although we don't want it to happen, it may happen again in the future—so that these victims can be supported through any experience that they may find themselves in?

Rwy'n sicr yn cytuno ei bod hi'n hanfodol cael rhyw fath o warant dioddefwyr llifogydd mewn perthynas â chymorth ariannol ar gyfer y dyfodol. Gwyddom fod yr Awdurdod Glo, yn Sgiwen, wedi rhoi rhyw fath o gymorth ariannol, ond dim ond ar gyfer gerddi allanol—unrhyw newidiadau sydd angen eu gwneud i'r gerddi, oherwydd yr effaith—ond nid yw hynny'n mynd hanner digon pell. Felly, byddai unrhyw beth ychwanegol yn dderbyniol iawn. Ond yn ddiweddar, byddem i gyd wedi cael llythyr ar y cyd gan Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru a Llywodraeth Cymru yn dweud bod siafftiau glofaol ychwanegol wedi'u canfod yma yng Nghymru. Rwy'n credu mai 2,000 yw'r nifer yn awr; arferai fod yn 1,200. Nawr, gallai fod yn fater o amser yn unig cyn y ceir digwyddiadau eraill ledled Cymru nad ydym yn gwybod amdanynt ar hyn o bryd. Ni thawelwyd fy meddwl, o'r ateb i'r llythyr, ein bod yn gwybod ble roeddent a beth oedd yn mynd i gael ei wneud fel y gallwn atal hyn rhag digwydd yn y dyfodol. Felly, beth y bwriadwch ei wneud o ran cyllidebu i sicrhau bod gennym y gefnogaeth angenrheidiol—er nad ydym am iddo ddigwydd, efallai y bydd yn digwydd eto yn y dyfodol—fel y gellir cefnogi'r dioddefwyr hyn drwy unrhyw brofiad y gallent ei wynebu?


Well, we've been having some discussions with the UK Government, which originated with the discussions about flooding, but then, obviously, became larger and took on the discussions relating to coal tips, and now, of course, that's extended again into the mine works. We know that the remediation of coal tips will require a piece of work over—probably a 10-year programme of work. And we're probably, I think, at this stage—and it's very hard to say exactly, but we are talking £500 million of work that would be needed over a long period of time. So, this is a major piece of work. And when we bring the mine works into this as well, I think that we are talking about some extremely serious funding that will be required to address what are, as you've set out, really important issues that can't be ignored. And this is why we're trying to make the case to the UK Government that we should be able to access additional funding, because Wales is disproportionately impacted. With coal tips, for example, we have 40 per cent of the whole of the UK's coal tips in Wales, so this isn't a Barnett consequential kind of situation. But we are continuing to try and make that case for a joint piece of work between the UK Government and Welsh Government. We realise that we have a major part to play in this as well, but I think that it does have to be a genuinely collaborative response to what is a serious matter.

Wel, rydym wedi bod yn cael rhai trafodaethau gyda Llywodraeth y DU, a ddeilliodd o'r trafodaethau am lifogydd, ond wedyn, yn amlwg, daeth yn fwy o beth ac fe wnaethom gynnwys y trafodaethau'n ymwneud â phyllau glo, ac yn awr, wrth gwrs, mae hynny wedi'i ymestyn eto i gynnwys safleoedd glofaol. Gwyddom y bydd gwaith adfer pyllau glo yn galw am waith dros—rhaglen waith 10 mlynedd mae'n debyg. Ac mae'n debyg ein bod ni, rwy'n meddwl, ar hyn o bryd—ac mae'n anodd iawn dweud yn union, ond rydym yn sôn am werth £500 miliwn o waith y byddai ei angen dros gyfnod hir o amser. Felly, mae hwn yn waith mawr. A phan fyddwn yn cynnwys safleoedd glofaol yn hyn hefyd, credaf ein bod yn sôn am gyllid eithriadol o ddifrifol y bydd ei angen i fynd i'r afael â materion sydd, fel rydych wedi nodi, yn rhai gwirioneddol bwysig na ellir eu hanwybyddu. A dyma pam ein bod yn ceisio dadlau'r achos wrth Lywodraeth y DU y dylem allu cael cyllid ychwanegol, oherwydd mae Cymru'n cael ei heffeithio'n anghymesur. Gyda phyllau glo, er enghraifft, mae gennym 40 y cant o holl byllau glo'r DU yng Nghymru, felly nid math o sefyllfa arian canlyniadol Barnett yw hon. Ond rydym yn parhau i geisio dadlau'r achos dros waith ar y cyd rhwng Llywodraeth y DU a Llywodraeth Cymru. Sylweddolwn fod gennym ran fawr i'w chwarae yn hyn hefyd, ond credaf fod yn rhaid iddo fod yn ymateb gwirioneddol gydweithredol i fater difrifol.

Coronafeirws a'r Gyllideb
Coronavirus and the Budget

7. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am yr effaith y mae'r coronafeirws wedi'i chael ar gyllideb flynyddol Llywodraeth Cymru? OQ56287

7. Will the Minister make a statement on the impact that coronavirus has had on the Welsh Government's annual budget? OQ56287

Yes. With significant ongoing uncertainty about the path of the pandemic, we remain focused on providing the right funding at the right time. In 2020-21, we have already allocated more than £4 billion, including nearly £2 billion to support businesses, with further significant allocations in our third supplementary budget this month.

Gwnaf. Gydag ansicrwydd sylweddol parhaus ynghylch llwybr y pandemig, rydym yn parhau i ganolbwyntio ar ddarparu'r cyllid cywir ar yr adeg iawn. Yn 2020-21, rydym eisoes wedi dyrannu mwy na £4 biliwn, gan gynnwys bron i £2 biliwn i gefnogi busnesau, gyda dyraniadau sylweddol pellach yn ein trydedd gyllideb atodol y mis hwn.

Thank you for that answer, Minister. Clearly, the UK Government has access to far greater finances than does the Welsh Government, and it will be very necessary to have those finances to help us recover from the coronavirus. So, can you tell us what discussions you have had or are planning to have with UK Government to support the rebuild of Welsh finances?

Diolch i chi am eich ateb, Weinidog. Yn amlwg, mae gan Lywodraeth y DU fynediad at lawer mwy o arian na Llywodraeth Cymru, a bydd gwir angen cael yr arian hwnnw i'n helpu i ymadfer wedi'r coronafeirws. Felly, a allwch chi ddweud wrthym ba drafodaethau a gawsoch neu y bwriadwch eu cael gyda Llywodraeth y DU i gefnogi'r gwaith o ailadeiladu cyllid Cymru?

So, I'll be looking very carefully at what will be said at the UK Government's budget on 3 March in terms of what it might say in terms of providing support for a recovery effort and the reconstruction of the economy. I'm particularly keen to see what they have to say in terms of capital, because, of course, when we look at what the Chancellor said back in March, we were expecting to be receiving around £400 million of additional capital funding in next year's budget, and that would have been really something that we could use to motor forward with the reconstruction work, with the kind of infrastructure projects that will be necessary for the reconstruction effort. But, in the event, we actually received a cut to our capital budget, which was very unexpected. So, I'm wondering if the Chancellor might be taking the opportunity to announce additional funding in March. That's what I would hope to see. And then Welsh Government would obviously want to put in place those projects that actually we've had the opportunity to discuss right at the start of questions today with the spokesperson for Plaid Cymru, in terms of the infrastructure projects that we have in the pipeline. So, I think that would be one area where I would like to see much more action from the UK Government, and some more clarity in terms of funding for the future years.

Byddaf yn edrych yn ofalus iawn ar yr hyn a ddywedir yng nghyllideb Llywodraeth y DU ar 3 Mawrth o ran yr hyn y gallai ei ddweud ynglŷn â darparu cymorth ar gyfer yr ymdrech adfer ac ailadeiladu'r economi. Rwy'n arbennig o awyddus i weld beth sydd ganddynt i'w ddweud am gyfalaf, oherwydd, wrth gwrs, pan edrychwn ar yr hyn a ddywedodd y Canghellor yn ôl ym mis Mawrth, roeddem yn disgwyl cael tua £400 miliwn o gyllid cyfalaf ychwanegol yng nghyllideb y flwyddyn nesaf, a byddai hynny wedi bod yn rhywbeth y gallem ei ddefnyddio i symud ymlaen gyda'r gwaith ailadeiladu, gyda'r math o brosiectau seilwaith a fydd yn angenrheidiol ar gyfer yr ymdrech ailadeiladu. Ond fel y digwyddodd, cawsom doriad i'n cyllideb cyfalaf, ac roedd hynny'n annisgwyl iawn. Felly, rwy'n meddwl tybed a fydd y Canghellor yn manteisio ar y cyfle i gyhoeddi cyllid ychwanegol ym mis Mawrth. Dyna beth fyddwn i'n gobeithio ei weld. Ac yna byddai Llywodraeth Cymru yn amlwg am weithredu'r prosiectau y cawsom gyfle i'w trafod ar ddechrau'r sesiwn gwestiynau heddiw gyda llefarydd Plaid Cymru, ynghylch y prosiectau seilwaith sydd gennym yn yr arfaeth. Felly, credaf y byddai hwnnw'n un maes lle hoffwn weld llawer mwy o weithredu gan Lywodraeth y DU, a mwy o eglurder ynglŷn â'r cyllid ar gyfer y blynyddoedd i ddod.

I've heard your response, Minister, to David Rowlands, but, of course, it's a matter for the Welsh Government how the Welsh Government cuts its cloth in terms of the funding from central Government. Now, I am concerned that, in the budget for national transport, infrastructure has gone from £150 million this year to £129 million in the next financial year. There are certainly long-term infrastructure projects and upgrades that are required across Wales, and so I'm just trying to understand why that is the case, why this budget has been significantly cut.

Clywais eich ymateb i David Rowlands, Weinidog, ond wrth gwrs, mater i Lywodraeth Cymru yw sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn dyrannu ei chyllid o'r Llywodraeth ganolog. Nawr, rwy'n pryderu bod seilwaith, yn y gyllideb ar gyfer trafnidiaeth genedlaethol, wedi mynd o £150 miliwn eleni i £129 miliwn yn y flwyddyn ariannol nesaf. Yn sicr, mae angen prosiectau seilwaith hirdymor ac uwchraddio ledled Cymru, ac felly rwy'n ceisio deall pam y mae hynny wedi digwydd, pam y mae'r gyllideb hon wedi'i thorri'n sylweddol.


Well, there'll be a number of different challenges in relation to transport for next year. So, on the capital side, as I say, our capital budget has reduced next year, but I am hoping that the Chancellor will take the opportunity in March to provide additional funding and then we can always do more. Right at the start of today's session, I was rehearsing some of the particular projects that we would be looking to bring forward—for example, the third Menai crossing, the work on the A55, A494, A458 Flintshire corridor and the south Wales integrated transport metro and all of those kinds of projects. So, that's part of the story.

The other part is, of course, the COVID-related funding for transport. So, you'll have seen in the draft budget I've provided additional transport funding for buses, because I'm really keen that that sector has the certainty across the financial year and they're not worrying, as we come to the end of this financial year, that there won't be support, and that would have, obviously, negative impacts on service provision for the passengers. So, clearly, one of the next things I'm doing is exploring what, if anything, we need to see at the moment in terms of rail. So, there are further discussions, I think, to be had about support for the transport sector, but, in terms of the infrastructure side of things, clearly, we are more constrained than we would want to be in terms of the capital budget.

Wel, bydd nifer o heriau gwahanol mewn perthynas â thrafnidiaeth ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf. Felly, ar yr ochr gyfalaf, fel y dywedaf, mae ein cyllideb cyfalaf wedi gostwng y flwyddyn nesaf, ond rwy'n gobeithio y bydd y Canghellor yn manteisio ar y cyfle ym mis Mawrth i ddarparu cyllid ychwanegol ac yna gallwn bob amser wneud mwy. Ar ddechrau'r sesiwn heddiw, roeddwn yn rhestru rhai o'r prosiectau penodol y byddem yn ceisio eu cyflwyno—er enghraifft, trydedd groesfan afon Menai, y gwaith ar goridor yr A55, A494, A458 Sir y Fflint a metro trafnidiaeth integredig de Cymru a'r holl fathau hynny o brosiectau. Felly, dyna ran o'r stori.

Y rhan arall, wrth gwrs, yw'r cyllid sy'n gysylltiedig â COVID ar gyfer trafnidiaeth. Felly, byddwch wedi gweld yn y gyllideb ddrafft fy mod wedi darparu cyllid trafnidiaeth ychwanegol ar gyfer bysiau, oherwydd rwy'n awyddus iawn i weld y sector hwnnw'n cael sicrwydd ar hyd y flwyddyn ariannol ac nad ydynt yn poeni, wrth inni ddod at ddiwedd y flwyddyn ariannol hon, na fydd cefnogaeth, a byddai hynny, yn amlwg, yn effeithio'n negyddol ar ddarparu gwasanaethau i deithwyr. Felly, yn amlwg, un o'r pethau nesaf rwy'n ei wneud yw archwilio beth, os rhywbeth, sydd angen inni ei weld ar hyn o bryd mewn perthynas â'r rheilffyrdd. Felly, credaf fod trafodaethau pellach i'w cael ynglŷn â chefnogaeth i'r sector trafnidiaeth, ond ar yr ochr seilwaith i bethau, yn amlwg, rydym yn fwy cyfyngedig nag y byddem eisiau bod o safbwynt y gyllideb cyfalaf.

3. Cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog Addysg
3. Questions to the Minister for Education

Item 3 on the agenda is questions to the Minister for Education, and the first question is from Mark Isherwood.

Eitem 3 ar yr agenda yw cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog Addysg, a daw'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Mark Isherwood.

Disgyblion Awtistig
Autistic Pupils

1. Pa gymorth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei ddarparu ar gyfer disgyblion awtistig mewn lleoliadau ysgol yng Nghymru? OQ56257

1. What support is the Welsh Government providing for autistic pupils in school settings in Wales? OQ56257

Thank you, Mark. I recognise that the uncertainty arising from the circumstances we are facing as a result of the current pandemic is particularly challenging for children and young people with additional learning needs, including autism. I remain committed to supporting learners, parents and carers during this extremely difficult time.

Diolch, Mark. Rwy'n cydnabod bod yr ansicrwydd sy'n deillio o'r amgylchiadau rydym yn eu hwynebu o ganlyniad i'r pandemig presennol yn arbennig o heriol i blant a phobl ifanc ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol, gan gynnwys awtistiaeth. Rwy'n parhau i fod yn ymrwymedig i gefnogi dysgwyr, rhieni a gofalwyr yn ystod y cyfnod hynod anodd hwn.

Thank you. When the Welsh Government first advised schools to close in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, it stated that this was with the exception of making provision for children who are vulnerable, or whose parents are critical to the COVID-19 response. Welsh Government guidance states that vulnerable children includes those with care and support or support plans and those with statements of special educational needs. However, I was then contacted by several affected Flintshire families—but not by families anywhere else—denied provision on the incorrect grounds that their parents also had to be key workers. The council there only backed down several weeks later after I obtained a definitive statement from the Welsh Government. How do you therefore respond to the solicitor representing families across Wales who has contacted me stating they have a legal case, raising the issue of when an autistic child should be schooled at home or in the special school that the child normally attends—the child's parents want the child to go to school, as they can't cope—and asking does the Welsh Government guidance allow children with autism SEN or additional learning needs to attend school if home schooling is a problem for parents?

Diolch. Pan gynghorodd Llywodraeth Cymru ysgolion i gau y tro cyntaf mewn ymateb i'r argyfwng COVID-19, dywedodd na ddylai hyn gynnwys darpariaeth ar gyfer plant sy'n agored i niwed, neu blant y mae eu rhieni'n hanfodol i'r ymateb i COVID-19. Mae canllawiau Llywodraeth Cymru yn nodi bod plant sy'n agored i niwed yn cynnwys rhai sy'n cael gofal a chymorth neu sydd â chynlluniau cymorth a'r rhai sydd â datganiadau o anghenion addysgol arbennig. Fodd bynnag, daeth nifer o deuluoedd yn Sir y Fflint yr effeithiwyd arnynt i gysylltiad â mi wedyn—ond nid teuluoedd yn unman arall—i ddweud nad oeddent yn cael y ddarpariaeth ar y sail anghywir fod yn rhaid i'w rhieni fod yn weithwyr allweddol hefyd. Aeth yn sawl wythnos wedyn ar y cyngor yno'n camu nôl ar ôl i mi gael datganiad pendant gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Felly, sut rydych yn ymateb i'r cyfreithiwr sy'n cynrychioli teuluoedd ledled Cymru ac sydd wedi cysylltu â mi i ddweud bod ganddynt achos cyfreithiol, gan godi'r cwestiwn ynglŷn â pha bryd y dylid addysgu plentyn awtistig gartref neu yn yr ysgol arbennig y mae'r plentyn yn ei mynychu fel arfer—mae rhieni'r plentyn am i'r plentyn fynd i'r ysgol, gan na allant ymdopi—ac yn gofyn a yw canllawiau Llywodraeth Cymru yn caniatáu i blant ag AAA awtistiaeth neu anghenion dysgu ychwanegol fynychu'r ysgol os yw addysgu gartref yn broblem i rieni?

Thank you, Mark. Quite rightly, as you identify, schools continue to provide education on site for vulnerable children and children of critical workers. The two are mutually exclusive; you do not need to be a child with additional learning needs and the child of a key worker to access that provision. And I am very grateful to all of those involved in our special schools and our pupil referral units, as well as our mainstream schools, for providing that support at this time. I'm glad to hear, Mark, that our correspondence to you regarding the contents of our guidance was helpful in assisting your constituents, and I would urge you to write to me once again with the case that you outline. There is considerable flexibility with regard to vulnerability, but we are very clear that, where at all possible, vulnerable children should be able to access face-to-face learning. But, if you would like to write to me, I will do my very best to endeavour to help you once again. 

Diolch, Mark. Yn gwbl briodol, fel y gwyddoch, mae ysgolion yn parhau i ddarparu addysg ar y safle i blant sy'n agored i niwed a phlant gweithwyr hanfodol. Mae'r ddau yn annibynnol ar ei gilydd; nid oes angen ichi fod yn blentyn ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol a phlentyn gweithiwr allweddol i gael mynediad at y ddarpariaeth honno. Ac rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn i bawb sy'n ymwneud â'n hysgolion arbennig a'n hunedau cyfeirio disgyblion, yn ogystal â'n hysgolion prif ffrwd, am ddarparu'r cymorth hwnnw ar hyn o bryd. Rwy'n falch o glywed, Mark, fod ein gohebiaeth â chi ynglŷn â chynnwys ein canllawiau yn ddefnyddiol i gynorthwyo eich etholwyr, a byddwn yn eich annog i ysgrifennu ataf eto gyda'r achos a amlinellwch. Mae cryn hyblygrwydd o ran bod yn agored i niwed, ond rydym yn glir iawn, lle bo'n bosibl, y dylai plant sy'n agored i niwed allu manteisio ar ddysgu wyneb yn wyneb. Ond os hoffech ysgrifennu ataf, fe wnaf fy ngorau glas i geisio eich helpu unwaith eto.

Question 2 [OQ56264] and question 3 [OQ56269] have been withdrawn. Question 4—Gareth Bennett.

Tynnwyd cwestiwn 2 [OQ56264] a chwestiwn 3 [OQ56269] yn ôl. Cwestiwn 4—Gareth Bennett.

Myfyrwyr yn Syrthio ar ei Hôl Hi
Students Falling Behind

4. Pa asesiad y mae'r Gweinidog wedi'i wneud ynghylch i ba raddau y gallai myfyrwyr fod wedi syrthio ar ei hôl hi yn ystod pandemig COVID-19? OQ56281

4. What assessment has the Minister made of the extent to which students may have fallen behind during the COVID-19 pandemic? OQ56281


The disruption to schools has had a significant impact on learners’ progression, health and well-being and confidence. It has affected some more than others, particularly examination cohorts, early years, and our disadvantaged learners. We are working with partners to develop a sustainable and resilient approach to promoting learning in the coming years and addressing the interruptions.

Mae'r tarfu ar ysgolion wedi effeithio'n sylweddol ar gynnydd, iechyd a llesiant a hyder dysgwyr. Mae wedi effeithio ar rai yn fwy nag eraill, yn enwedig carfannau arholiadau, y blynyddoedd cynnar, a'n dysgwyr difreintiedig. Rydym yn gweithio gyda phartneriaid i ddatblygu dull cynaliadwy a gwydn o hyrwyddo dysgu yn y blynyddoedd i ddod a mynd i'r afael â'r ymyriadau.

Yes, thanks for that evaluation. It is a difficult situation. It seems to me that the experience of home learning has varied massively, which, I suppose, we should have expected. Before we can address how to catch up on the lost education of school-aged children as we come out of the COVID crisis, we will need somebody to assess authoritatively exactly where we are. Given that, do you foresee that Estyn will have a big role in assessing where we are, and what is your current thinking as regards the resumption of school inspections in Wales?

Ie, diolch am y gwerthusiad hwnnw. Mae'n sefyllfa anodd. Mae'n ymddangos i mi fod y profiad o ddysgu gartref wedi amrywio'n aruthrol, rhywbeth y dylem fod wedi'i ddisgwyl, mae'n debyg. Cyn y gallwn fynd i'r afael â sut i ddal i fyny ag addysg goll plant oedran ysgol wrth inni ddod allan o'r argyfwng COVID, bydd angen rhywun arnom i asesu'n awdurdodol ble yn union rydym arni. O ystyried hynny, a ydych yn rhagweld y bydd gan Estyn rôl fawr yn asesu ein sefyllfa, a beth yw eich barn ar hyn o bryd ynglŷn ag ailddechrau arolygiadau ysgolion yng Nghymru?

Well, I think it's important to recognise that all children will have had a COVID experience and their learning interrupted, and therefore, we will need an approach that supports all of our learners, but we also recognise that some parts of the cohort, as I said in my original answer, will have particular challenges, and indeed some individual children will have challenges that we will need to support.

In the first instance, we will work with local education authorities, regional school improvements, the professionals themselves, to develop a sustained intervention programme to support learners both in the short, medium and long term, and I would expect Estyn, as always, as part of the Welsh education family, to play a role. I hope inspections can move forward as planned, but clearly, we keep all of these issues under review as we deal with the consequences of the impact of the pandemic on education.

Wel, rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig cydnabod y bydd pob plentyn wedi cael profiad o COVID a tharfu ar eu dysgu, ac felly, bydd angen dull gweithredu arnom sy'n cefnogi ein holl ddysgwyr, ond rydym hefyd yn cydnabod y bydd gan rai rhannau o'r garfan heriau penodol, fel y dywedais yn fy ateb gwreiddiol, ac yn wir bydd gan rai plant unigol heriau y bydd angen i ni eu cefnogi.

Yn y lle cyntaf, byddwn yn gweithio gydag awdurdodau addysg lleol, gwasanaethau rhanbarthol gwella ysgolion, yr addysgwyr eu hunain, i ddatblygu rhaglen ymyrraeth barhaus i gefnogi dysgwyr yn y tymor byr, y tymor canolig ac yn hirdymor, a byddwn yn disgwyl i Estyn chwarae rôl fel arfer, fel rhan o deulu addysg Cymru. Gobeithio y gall arolygiadau fynd rhagddynt yn ôl y bwriad, ond yn amlwg, rydym yn parhau i adolygu'r holl faterion hyn wrth inni ymdrin â chanlyniadau effaith y pandemig ar addysg.

Minister, can you reassure us that the assessment of qualifications will take into account the different opportunities students have had to effectively learn from home?

Weinidog, a allwch ein sicrhau y bydd yr asesiad cymwysterau yn ystyried y gwahanol gyfleoedd y mae myfyrwyr wedi'u cael i ddysgu'n effeithiol gartref?

Yes, indeed, David. Yesterday, the WJEC published further information as to how grades will be designated by schools and colleges. It is designed to be as flexible as possible, and to ensure that the different experiences that children will have can be adequately accounted for in that process. So, for instance, if I could give you an example: it does not designate, for instance, how many pieces of work are necessary to arrive at an assessment, recognising that each individual student will have had a very different experience.

Gallaf, yn wir, David. Ddoe, cyhoeddodd CBAC ragor o wybodaeth ynglŷn â sut y bydd graddau'n cael eu dynodi gan ysgolion a cholegau. Fe'i cynlluniwyd i fod mor hyblyg â phosibl, ac i sicrhau y gellir rhoi cyfrif digonol am y gwahanol brofiadau a gaiff plant yn y broses honno. Felly, os caf roi enghraifft i chi: nid yw'n dynodi, er enghraifft, faint o ddarnau o waith sy'n angenrheidiol i allu gwneud asesiad, gan gydnabod y bydd pob myfyriwr unigol wedi cael profiad gwahanol iawn.

Cwestiynau Heb Rybudd gan Lefarwyr y Pleidiau
Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople

Thank you. We now turn to spokespeople's questions, and the first this afternoon is Conservative spokesperson, Suzy Davies.

Diolch. Trown yn awr at gwestiynau llefarwyr, a'r cyntaf y prynhawn yma yw llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Suzy Davies.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Afternoon, Minister. We were all very relieved, of course, to hear you announce that primary schools will be open for face-to-face learning for foundation phase pupils after half term. However, with just three days to go until half term, we've seen the publication overnight of the guidance that schools have been clamouring for for some days now. Only this morning, actually, parents in one part of Wales received notice that their school would not reopen as anticipated because they hadn't had the guidance on how to carry out risk assessments, so I hope they're going to manage to catch up. 

You know that the teaching unions are very reluctant to see their members return without additional measures to make these safe spaces even safer, whatever the views of individual heads. So, I wonder if you could just summarise us for us the new steps, and tell us how you'll be getting the money or materials to the schools in time for them to implement, and maybe just tell us how you've informed schools, as it's clear from today that some of them still don't know. Thank you. 

Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Prynhawn da, Weinidog. Roeddem i gyd yn falch iawn, wrth gwrs, o'ch clywed yn cyhoeddi y bydd ysgolion cynradd ar agor ar gyfer dysgu wyneb yn wyneb i ddisgyblion y cyfnod sylfaen ar ôl hanner tymor. Fodd bynnag, gyda dim ond tri diwrnod i fynd tan hanner tymor, rydym wedi gweld cyhoeddi dros nos y canllawiau y mae ysgolion wedi bod yn galw amdanynt ers dyddiau bellach. Y bore yma, mewn gwirionedd, cafodd rhieni mewn un rhan o Gymru rybudd na fyddai eu hysgol yn ailagor fel y rhagwelwyd am nad oeddent wedi cael y canllawiau ar sut i gynnal asesiadau risg, felly rwy'n gobeithio y byddant yn llwyddo i ddal i fyny.

Fe wyddoch fod undebau'r athrawon yn amharod iawn i weld eu haelodau'n dychwelyd heb fesurau ychwanegol i wneud y mannau diogel hyn yn fwy diogel byth, beth bynnag fo barn penaethiaid unigol. Felly, tybed a allech grynhoi'r camau newydd i ni, a dweud wrthym sut y byddwch yn cael yr arian neu'r deunyddiau i'r ysgolion mewn pryd iddynt allu eu gweithredu, a dweud wrthym efallai sut rydych wedi hysbysu ysgolion, gan ei bod yn amlwg heddiw nad yw rhai ohonynt yn gwybod o hyd. Diolch.

Thank you, Suzy. The guidance was shared with our trade union partners on Friday of last week, and we have been working with them in the meantime to ensure that the guidance meets their satisfactions, and to work with them rather than issuing guidance and then only having to retract it as a result of comments that are made by the profession. I have been very keen to release that guidance as quickly as possible, and we have advertised across Welsh-medium channels this morning the availability of the guidance. 

Can I just stress though that what headteachers and school staff successfully did in the autumn term, to make their establishments as COVID secure as possible, remains the same? We know what works in terms of hand washing, ventilation and social distancing, as far as that is possible, especially with older children. But you are right, we are placing additional measures in place, including £5 million of investment for high-quality face coverings, which will be the same and distributed across Wales, as well as lateral flow testing. Lateral flow testing kits have been given to special schools this week, and lateral flow testing for those returning to school on 22 February will be in school for the start of that return.

Diolch, Suzy. Rhannwyd y canllawiau â'n partneriaid yn yr undebau llafur ddydd Gwener diwethaf, ac rydym wedi bod yn gweithio gyda hwy yn y cyfamser i sicrhau bod y canllawiau'n eu bodloni, ac i weithio gyda hwy yn hytrach na chyhoeddi canllawiau a gorfod eu tynnu'n ôl o ganlyniad i sylwadau a wneir gan y proffesiwn. Rwyf wedi bod yn awyddus iawn i ryddhau'r canllawiau hynny cyn gynted ag sy'n bosibl, ac rydym wedi hysbysebu ar draws sianeli cyfrwng Cymraeg y bore yma fod y canllawiau ar gael.

A gaf fi bwysleisio, serch hynny, fod yr hyn a wnaeth penaethiaid a staff ysgolion yn llwyddiannus yn nhymor yr hydref, i wneud eu sefydliadau mor ddiogel â phosibl rhag COVID, yn aros yr un fath? Gwyddom beth sy'n gweithio o ran golchi dwylo, awyru a chadw pellter cymdeithasol, cyn belled ag y bo modd, yn enwedig gyda phlant hŷn. Ond rydych yn iawn, rydym yn rhoi mesurau ychwanegol ar waith, gan gynnwys £5 miliwn o fuddsoddiad ar gyfer gorchuddion wyneb o ansawdd uchel, a fydd yr un fath ac yn cael eu dosbarthu ledled Cymru, yn ogystal â phrofion llif unffordd. Mae pecynnau profion llif unffordd wedi'u rhoi i ysgolion arbennig yr wythnos hon, a bydd profion llif unffordd i'r rhai sy'n dychwelyd i'r ysgol ar 22 Chwefror yn yr ysgolion erbyn pan fyddant yn dychwelyd.


Thank you for that. And I'm taking it from that as well that the trade unions are satisfied with the steps that are now in place, certainly for the foundation phase years. I'm hoping that they'll feel the same for secondary schools as well, because, as we know, Welsh Government's position at the moment is that it's pressures on the NHS that determines which parts of our society are released and when. But its position also is that schools—and that's in the round—should be the beneficiaries of any headroom in the drop in infection rates, which, I think, sounds like a commitment to open the secondary schools and colleges next, rather than starting to open up bits of the economy.

You mentioned that schools have now been contacted with high-level guidance for assessment in those exam years, which allows, and I'm quoting here,

'relatively few pieces of clear evidence would be sufficient to demonstrate attainment across overarching key themes for many qualifications.'

It's what you said to David Melding. And although that high-level guidance warns against awarding grades on a learner's potential, as opposed to their actual achievements, I think the temptation is still going to be there, isn't it, in the absence of a body of gradable work? So, I'm wondering if you can confirm that Welsh Government will be using any new headroom—supported by the twice-weekly testing of staff—to allow maximum face-to-face learning for those years, to help them not just to catch up if they're digitally disadvantaged, but in order to build up a body of gradable work, assessed in controlled conditions. And if you can say that, can you also say whether you've given some thought to, I don't know, more localised full reopening of schools and colleges, as the A-level indicators continue to vary across the country?

Diolch ichi am hynny. Ac rwy'n cymryd o hynny hefyd fod yr undebau llafur yn fodlon â'r camau sydd bellach ar waith, yn sicr ar gyfer blynyddoedd y cyfnod sylfaen. Rwy'n gobeithio y byddant yn teimlo'r un fath ar gyfer ysgolion uwchradd hefyd, oherwydd, fel y gwyddom, safbwynt Llywodraeth Cymru ar hyn o bryd yw mai pwysau ar y GIG sy'n pennu pa rannau o'n cymdeithas sy'n cael eu rhyddhau a pha bryd. Ond ei safbwynt hefyd yw y dylai ysgolion—a hynny'n gyffredinol—gael elwa ar unrhyw hyblygrwydd yn sgil y gostyngiad yn y cyfraddau heintio, sy'n swnio fel ymrwymiad i agor yr ysgolion uwchradd a'r colegau nesaf, rwy'n credu, yn hytrach na dechrau agor rhannau o'r economi.

Fe sonioch chi fod canllawiau lefel uchel ar gyfer asesu wedi mynd i ysgolion erbyn hyn ar gyfer y blynyddoedd arholiadau, sy'n caniatáu, ac rwy'n dyfynnu yma,

byddai nifer gymharol fach o ddarnau o dystiolaeth glir yn ddigon i ddangos cyrhaeddiad ar draws themâu allweddol trosfwaol ar gyfer llawer o gymwysterau.

Dyna a ddywedoch chi wrth David Melding. Ac er bod y canllawiau lefel uchel hynny'n rhybuddio yn erbyn dyfarnu graddau ar botensial dysgwr, yn hytrach na'i gyflawniadau gwirioneddol, rwy'n credu y bydd y demtasiwn yno o hyd, oni fydd, yn absenoldeb corff o waith graddedig? Felly, rwy'n meddwl tybed a allwch gadarnhau y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn defnyddio unrhyw hyblygrwydd newydd—wedi'i gefnogi gan brofion staff ddwywaith yr wythnos—i ganiatáu cymaint o ddysgu wyneb yn wyneb â phosibl ar gyfer y blynyddoedd hynny, i'w helpu nid yn unig i ddal i fyny os ydynt o dan anfantais yn ddigidol, ond i adeiladu corff o waith graddadwy, a asesir o dan amodau rheoledig. Ac os gallwch ddweud hynny, a allwch ddweud hefyd a ydych wedi rhoi rhywfaint o ystyriaeth i ailagor ysgolion a cholegau'n llawn yn fwy lleol, gan fod y dangosyddion Safon Uwch yn parhau i amrywio ledled y wlad?

Thank you, Suzy. There is indeed a real enthusiasm from the trade union side and local education authorities to look to prioritise examination years, for exactly the reasons that you have outlined. Teachers would like those children back to as much face-to-face provision as possible, so that those assessments and that work around assessment can be carried out. I want to give reassurance: the guidance does say that work carried out at home can also form part of an assessment, but there is an absolute determination across the piece to now move towards a safe return to face-to-face learning for those older students.

Suzy mentioned the pressure on the NHS. That is just one of the factors that we will need to take into consideration; it's an important one, of course. And it is the danger of overwhelming the NHS and the level 5 notification from the chief medical officers across the United Kingdom that made me take a very regretful decision to have to close schools for face-to-face learning for the majority of pupils. We also need to continue to monitor community transmission levels. We also need to continue to monitor positivity levels, and we need to assess what a return for more face-to-face students would mean for the R rate. But clearly, there is a determination across the piece, and I hope that, by the next three-week review, we will be in a position to outline next steps to returning more children and young people for face-to-face learning.

Diolch, Suzy. Yn wir, mae brwdfrydedd gwirioneddol gan yr undebau llafur ac awdurdodau addysg lleol i geisio blaenoriaethu blynyddoedd arholi, am yr union resymau rydych wedi'u hamlinellu. Hoffai athrawon i'r plant hynny ddychwelyd at gymaint o ddarpariaeth wyneb yn wyneb â phosibl, fel y gellir cynnal yr asesiadau hynny a'r gwaith mewn perthynas ag asesu. Rwyf am dawelu meddyliau: mae'r canllawiau'n dweud y gall gwaith a wneir gartref ffurfio rhan o asesiad hefyd, ond mae penderfyniad llwyr yn gyffredinol i symud yn awr tuag at ddychwelyd yn ddiogel at ddysgu wyneb yn wyneb i'r myfyrwyr hŷn hynny.

Soniodd Suzy am y pwysau ar y GIG. Dyna un o'r ffactorau y bydd angen inni ei ystyried; mae'n un pwysig, wrth gwrs. A'r perygl o lethu'r GIG a'r hysbysiad lefel 5 gan y prif swyddogion meddygol ar draws y Deyrnas Unedig a wnaeth i mi wneud penderfyniad anffodus iawn i orfod cau ysgolion ar gyfer dysgu wyneb yn wyneb i fwyafrif y disgyblion. Rhaid inni hefyd barhau i fonitro lefelau trosglwyddo cymunedol. Rhaid inni hefyd barhau i fonitro lefelau profion positif, ac mae angen inni asesu beth fyddai cael mwy o fyfyrwyr yn dychwelyd at addysg wyneb yn wyneb yn ei olygu i'r gyfradd R. Ond yn amlwg, mae yna benderfyniad yn gyffredinol, ac erbyn yr adolygiad tair wythnos nesaf, gobeithio y byddwn mewn sefyllfa i amlinellu'r camau nesaf ar gyfer sicrhau bod mwy o blant a phobl ifanc yn dychwelyd at ddysgu wyneb yn wyneb.

That's encouraging, because older learners and parents are starting to get very agitated now as they see us heading towards the traditional exam period—I know the process is different now—and they're seeing their children getting quite worked up about this. So, the sooner they're open the better on that. You didn't say anything about differences across Wales, but that's possibly because you're not in a position to do that.

I was going to ask you about the curriculum implementation plan, but unless Siân's going to ask you about it today, I'll save that for our final exchange next month, and ask you a quick question about school funding, if I may. Members have expressed concern about the historically high levels of reserves, especially at primary level in our schools. So, a decrease of 22 per cent in that sector as of March last year, before COVID, is worth noting, but at the same time the overall decrease was actually 32.6 per cent, showing that secondary schools were still struggling and, in fact, some primary schools were starting to struggle. And, now, we're in a position heading into COVID, last year, with 35 per cent of our schools in negative reserves. So, that's not even nil, it's below nil. So, how will your education COVID recovery plan be affected by the fact that so many schools are the equivalent of being insolvent? And, as nine of them are special schools, will you be looking to find additional additional learning needs funds for those particular schools?

Mae hynny'n galonogol, oherwydd mae dysgwyr hŷn a rhieni'n dechrau poeni'n fawr yn awr wrth iddynt ein gweld yn agosáu at y cyfnod arholiadau traddodiadol—rwy'n gwybod bod y broses yn wahanol nawr—ac maent yn gweld eu plant yn pryderu fwyfwy ynglŷn â hyn. Felly, gorau po gyntaf y byddant yn agor o ran hynny. Ni wnaethoch ddweud dim am wahaniaethau ledled Cymru, ond efallai nad ydych mewn sefyllfa i wneud hynny.

Roeddwn yn mynd i'ch holi am gynllun gweithredu'r cwricwlwm, ond oni bai fod Siân yn mynd i'ch holi amdano heddiw, fe wnaf ei gadw tan ein cyfarfod terfynol y mis nesaf, a gofyn cwestiwn cyflym i chi am gyllid ysgolion, os caf. Mae Aelodau wedi mynegi pryder am y lefelau uchel hanesyddol o gronfeydd wrth gefn, yn enwedig ar lefel ein hysgolion cynradd. Felly, roedd gostyngiad o 22 y cant yn y sector hwnnw fis Mawrth y llynedd, cyn COVID, yn werth ei nodi, ond ar yr un pryd roedd y gostyngiad cyffredinol yn 32.6 y cant, sy'n dangos bod ysgolion uwchradd yn dal i'w chael hi'n anodd ac mewn gwirionedd, roedd rhai ysgolion cynradd yn dechrau cael anawsterau. Ac roeddem mewn sefyllfa, nawr, wrth anelu i mewn i COVID y llynedd, gyda 35 y cant o'n hysgolion â chronfeydd wrth gefn negyddol. Felly, nid yw hynny'n ddim hyd yn oed, mae'n llai na dim. Felly, sut yr effeithir ar eich cynllun adfer COVID ar gyfer addysg gan y ffaith bod cynifer o ysgolion yn gyfystyr â methdalwyr? A chan fod naw ohonynt yn ysgolion arbennig, a fyddwch yn ceisio dod o hyd i gronfeydd anghenion dysgu ychwanegol eraill ar gyfer yr ysgolion penodol hynny?


Well, finance for recovery is in addition to usual school budgets and, in this financial year, we have invested £29 million in our recruit, recover and raise standards fund, and additional moneys for examination cohorts, as well as additional moneys for the production of support material for examination cohorts. I always take every opportunity to maximise funding to the ALN system, recognising the specific challenges associated with education for children with additional learning needs and, if I am able to, I will be very pleased to add additional sums to that particular budget line. 

Wel, mae cyllid ar gyfer adferiad yn ychwanegol at gyllidebau arferol ysgolion ac yn y flwyddyn ariannol hon, rydym wedi buddsoddi £29 miliwn yn ein cronfa recriwtio, adfer a chodi safonau, ac arian ychwanegol ar gyfer carfannau arholiadau, yn ogystal ag arian ychwanegol ar gyfer cynhyrchu deunydd cymorth ar gyfer carfannau arholiadau. Byddaf bob amser yn manteisio ar bob cyfle i sicrhau'r cyllid mwyaf posibl i'r system ADY, gan gydnabod yr heriau penodol sy'n gysylltiedig ag addysg i blant ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol ac os gallaf wneud hynny, byddaf yn falch iawn o ychwanegu symiau ychwanegol at y llinell gyllideb benodol honno.

Diolch yn fawr, Dirprwy Lywydd. Ymhen tair wythnos, fe fydd y Senedd lawn yn trafod y Bil Cwricwlwm ac Asesu (Cymru). O'i basio, fe fydd y ddeddfwriaeth yma yn gosod cyfeiriad addysgol ein cenedl am flynyddoedd lawer. Mae dysgu am gydberthynas a rhywioldeb yn cael ei gynnwys ar wyneb y Bil fel elfen orfodol i'w chynnwys yng nghwricwlwm pob ysgol. Mae dysgu am lesiant meddyliol bellach wedi'i ychwanegu i wyneb y Bil yn ystod Cyfnod 2. Fedrwch chi egluro pam fod angen i'r ddwy elfen yma fod ar wyneb y Bil?

Thank you very much, Deputy Presiding Officer. In three weeks' time, the full Senedd will be discussing the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill. If passed the legislation will set the educational direction for our nation for many years to come. Learning about relationships and sexuality is included on the face of the Bill as a mandatory element to be included in the curriculum of all schools. Learning about mental health and well-being has now been added to the face of the Bill at Stage 2. Can you explain why those two elements need to be on the face of the Bill?

The decision to put relationship and sexuality education on the face of the Bill is as a result of the recommendation by the independent review that I set up as the Minister. The inclusion of making sure that, in setting the curriculum, schools have regard for mental health and well-being is perfectly in line with the policy direction of this Government to ensure a whole-school approach. So, what we are changing and what we are amending is ensuring that, in actually designing a curriculum, mental health and well-being of students is a key consideration. With regard to the content of curriculum, mental health and well-being, of course, will play a very important part of the area of learning and experience, which is a statutory part of the curriculum.

Mae'r penderfyniad i roi addysg cydberthynas a rhywioldeb ar wyneb y Bil yn deillio o argymhelliad yr adolygiad annibynnol a sefydlais fel y Gweinidog. Mae cynnwys sicrhau bod ysgolion, wrth osod y cwricwlwm, yn ystyried iechyd meddwl a llesiant yn cyd-fynd yn llwyr â chyfeiriad polisi'r Llywodraeth hon er mwyn sicrhau dull ysgol gyfan. Felly, yr hyn rydym yn ei newid a'r hyn rydym yn ei ddiwygio yw sicrhau, wrth fynd ati i gynllunio cwricwlwm, fod iechyd meddwl a llesiant myfyrwyr yn ystyriaeth allweddol. O ran cynnwys y cwricwlwm, bydd iechyd meddwl a llesiant, wrth gwrs, yn chwarae rhan bwysig iawn o'r maes dysgu a phrofiad, sy'n rhan statudol o'r cwricwlwm.

Dwi'n cytuno'n llwyr efo chi y gallai cynnwys y ddwy elfen yma gyfrannu yn sylweddol tuag at weddnewid ein cymdeithas ni mewn ffordd gadarnhaol: helpu cael gwared ar gamdrin menywod a chreu cymdeithas gydradd; helpu dileu rhagfarn yn erbyn y gymuned LGBT; ac o ran atal problemau iechyd meddwl. Addysg ydy'r allwedd i greu'r trawsnewid sydd ei angen. Ond mae'r Bil yn wallus ac yn ddiffygiol, oherwydd dydy o ddim yn rhesymegol. 

I agree entirely with you that including these two elements could contribute significantly towards transforming our society in a positive way: helping to eradicate the abuse of women and creating an equal society; helping to deal with prejudice against the LGBT community; and in terms of preventing mental health problems. Education is the key in creating the transformation that we need. But the Bill is deficient and flawed, because it isn't rational. 

Your Bill is defective, because it's illogical. 

Mae eich Bil yn ddiffygiol, oherwydd ei fod yn afresymegol.

Mae cynnwys y ddwy elfen rydyn ni'n eu trafod er mwyn sicrhau eu bod nhw'n cael eu dysgu'n gyson ar draws ein hysgolion ni, am eu bod nhw'n gallu bod yn faterion cymhleth ac anodd eu dysgu, ac am ein bod ni'n credu y gallai dysgu amdanyn nhw greu cymdeithas well yng Nghymru—. Rydych chi'n eu cynnwys nhw am y rhesymau yna, ond, eto, yr un ddadl yn union sydd yna a'r un ddadl gwbl ddilys ynglŷn â chynnwys trydedd elfen ar wyneb y Bil, sef rhoi hanes Cymru yn ei holl amrywiaeth, gan gynnwys hanes pobl ddu a phobl o liw, ar wyneb y Bil. Fedrwch chi egluro'r rhesymeg dros gynnwys dwy elfen bwysig ond ymwrthod â rhoi'r drydedd un ar wyneb y Bil? 

Including the two elements that we're discussing in order to ensure that they are taught consistently across our schools, because they can be complex and difficult issues to teach, and because we believe that learning about them could create a better society in Wales—. Now, you've included them for those reasons, but, again, it's exactly the same argument and exactly the same valid argument on the inclusion of a third element on the face of the Bill, namely placing Welsh history in all its diversity, including black and people of colour history, on the face of the Bill. Can you explain the logic for including two important elements, but rejecting that third element on the face of the Bill?

It will be compulsory under the terms of the new Curriculum for Wales for both Welsh history and black and minority history to be taught in our schools. That is because they are outlined in our 'what matters' statement, which is a statutory part of the curriculum.

O dan amodau'r Cwricwlwm newydd i Gymru, fe fydd addysgu hanes Cymru a hanes pobl dduon a lleiafrifoedd yn orfodol yn ein hysgolion. Y rheswm am hynny yw eu bod wedi'u hamlinellu yn ein datganiad o'r hyn sy'n bwysig, sy'n rhan statudol o'r cwricwlwm.


Ond mae eich dadleuon chi'n ddiffygiol, oherwydd dydy hynna ddim yn rhesymegol. Mae beth rydych chi newydd ei egluro rŵan yn dangos nad ydych chi'n bwriadu dyrchafu hanes Cymru, yn ei holl amrywiaeth, i wyneb y Bil yn y ffordd rydych chi wedi dewis—a dwi'n cytuno efo hynny—dyrchafu dwy elfen benodol arall i fod ar wyneb y Bil. Mae'n rhaid i hanes Cymru, yn ei holl amrywiaeth, fod ar wyneb y Bil, os ydym ni o ddifri yn ein nod o greu cwricwlwm fydd yn galluogi disgyblion a phlant i ddatblygu yn ddinasyddion egwyddorol a gwybodus o Gymru a'r byd, sef un o gysyniadau sylfaenol y Bil. Mae'n rhaid ei gynnwys o ar wyneb y Bil os ydym ni'n mynd i fynd i'r afael â phroblemau dwfn hiliaeth ac anghydraddoldeb hiliol sydd yn ddwfn ac yn systemig o fewn ein cymdeithas ni, yn anffodus. Onid ydych chi'n cytuno bod y byd wedi newid yn llwyr ers i'r Bil yma gael ei lunio ac y byddai cynnwys trydedd elfen fandadol a allai greu newid pellgyrhaeddol yn golygu pasio darn o ddeddfwriaeth llawer mwy grymus, gweddnewidiol a rhesymegol?

But your arguments are flawed, because that isn't logical. What you've just explained now demonstrates that you don't intend to promote Welsh history, in all its diversity, to the face of the Bill in the way that you have chosen to—and I agree with that choice—include two other specific elements on the face of the Bill. Welsh history in all its diversity must be on the face of the Bill if we are serious about our aim to create a curriculum that will enable pupils and children to develop into principled and informed citizens of Wales and the world, which is one of the founding principles of the Bill. It must be included on the face of the Bill, if we are to tackle deep-seated problems of racism and racial inequality, which are systemic within our society, unfortunately. Don't you agree that the world has transformed since this Bill was originally drafted and that including a third mandatory element that could create far-reaching change would mean that legislation could be passed that would be far more powerful, transformational and logical?

Siân Gwenllian is right; these subjects must be taught in Welsh schools, and they will be taught in Welsh schools—[Interruption.] No, if you let me finish, Siân Gwenllian—they will be taught in Welsh schools because they are included in the 'what matters' statements, which are a mandatory part of the curriculum. I'm sure Siân Gwenllian knows the meaning of the word 'mandatory'. They will be required in law to be taught.

Can I just caution the Member? Because I know she has taken the time and the trouble to meet with Charlotte Williams, who is taking a particular interest in advising the Government on the subject of black history. Charlotte Williams does not believe that what Siân Gwenllian is hoping to achieve can be done by simply talking about black history within the humanities area of learning and experience. She does not believe that that is the correct approach. If we are to see the transformation that Siân Gwenllian talks about, we need these issues taught as cross-curricular themes right the way across the curriculum and that's what will be achieved by our 'what matters' statement, which, as I repeat again, is compulsory and therefore will have to be taught.

Mae Siân Gwenllian yn iawn; rhaid addysgu'r pynciau hyn yn ysgolion Cymru, ac fe gânt eu haddysgu yn ysgolion Cymru—[Torri ar draws.] Na, os gadewch i mi orffen, Siân Gwenllian—fe gânt eu haddysgu yn ysgolion Cymru am eu bod wedi'u cynnwys yn y datganiadau o'r hyn sy'n bwysig, sy'n rhan orfodol o'r cwricwlwm. Rwy'n siŵr fod Siân Gwenllian yn gwybod ystyr y gair 'gorfodol'. Bydd yn ofynnol yn y gyfraith iddynt gael eu haddysgu.

A gaf fi rybuddio'r Aelod? Oherwydd rwy'n gwybod ei bod wedi rhoi amser ac ymdrech i gyfarfod â Charlotte Williams, sydd â diddordeb arbennig mewn cynghori'r Llywodraeth ar bwnc hanes pobl dduon. Nid yw Charlotte Williams yn credu y gellir gwneud yr hyn y mae Siân Gwenllian yn gobeithio ei gyflawni drwy sôn am hanes pobl dduon ym maes dysgu a phrofiad y dyniaethau yn unig. Nid yw'n credu mai dyna'r dull cywir. Os ydym am weld y gweddnewidiad y mae Siân Gwenllian yn sôn amdano, mae arnom angen i'r materion hyn gael eu haddysgu fel themâu trawsgwricwlaidd yr holl ffordd drwy'r cwricwlwm a dyna fydd yn cael ei gyflawni gan ein datganiad o'r hyn sy'n bwysig, sydd, fel rwy'n ailadrodd eto, yn orfodol ac felly bydd yn rhaid ei addysgu.

Cefnogaeth i Ddysgwyr
Support for Learners

5. Pa ymyriadau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'u rhoi ar waith i gefnogi dysgwyr yng Nghwm Cynon y mae pandemig y coronafeirws wedi effeithio ar eu haddysg? OQ56260

5. What interventions has the Welsh Government put in place to support learners in the Cynon Valley whose education has been affected by the coronavirus pandemic? OQ56260

The range of measures to support learning include extensive professional learning, significant investment in devices and the £29 million accelerating learning programme. Schools in Rhondda Cynon Taf have received over £2.3 million from that £29 million investment and an allocation of over £358,000 from the £7 million fund to support coaching and mentoring for examination years.

Mae'r ystod o fesurau i gefnogi dysgu yn cynnwys dysgu proffesiynol helaeth, buddsoddiad sylweddol mewn dyfeisiau a'r rhaglen ddysgu carlam gwerth £29 miliwn. Mae ysgolion yn Rhondda Cynon Taf wedi cael dros £2.3 miliwn o'r buddsoddiad hwnnw o £29 miliwn a dyraniad o dros £358,000 o'r gronfa £7 miliwn i gefnogi hyfforddi a mentora ar gyfer blynyddoedd arholiadau.

Thank you very much, Minister, for that comprehensive answer. Evidence has consistently shown that those pupils eligible for free school meals are at more risk of falling behind their peers while learning from home, for a variety of complex and interrelated reasons. I recently had the privilege of attending the Senedd's Children, Young People and Education Committee, where you spoke about the emerging plans to use the school holiday enrichment programme as a vehicle to help those pupils who are eligible for free school meals to catch up through the summer holiday on the learning they may have missed during the pandemic. This is a strategy that could prove to reap rich rewards for young people in my constituency and across Wales. So, Minister, are you able to share any further details on this ambitious scheme with us today?

Diolch yn fawr iawn am yr ateb cynhwysfawr hwnnw, Weinidog. Mae tystiolaeth wedi dangos yn gyson fod y disgyblion sy'n gymwys i gael prydau ysgol am ddim mewn mwy o berygl o syrthio ar ôl eu cyfoedion wrth ddysgu gartref, am amryw o resymau cymhleth a rhyngberthynol. Cefais y fraint yn ddiweddar o fynychu Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg y Senedd, lle sonioch chi am y cynlluniau sy'n dod i'r amlwg i ddefnyddio'r rhaglen cyfoethogi gwyliau ysgol fel cyfrwng i helpu'r disgyblion sy'n gymwys i gael prydau ysgol am ddim i ddal i fyny drwy wyliau'r haf gyda'r dysgu y gallent fod wedi'i golli yn ystod y pandemig. Mae hon yn strategaeth a allai fod yn fanteisiol iawn i bobl ifanc yn fy etholaeth i a ledled Cymru. Felly, Weinidog, a allwch rannu unrhyw fanylion pellach am y cynllun uchelgeisiol hwn gyda ni heddiw?

The Welsh Government's budget for 2021-22 includes £4.85 million for the school holiday enrichment programme. This represents a £2.15 million increase on the amount that was available in the previous year. We believe that this will allow us to fund places for up to 14,000 children in Wales. We continue to work with the Welsh Local Government Association, who manage the programme with us, to maximise that budget. We are discussing the potential need to adapt the nature of the programme in light of COVID to be a broader part of our recovery programme. I know, in the past, that the SHEP programme has made a massive difference to children, and it provides us with a really, really helpful model and vehicle to begin to address the very real impact that, as you have quite rightly identified, has hit more disadvantaged children particularly hard. 

Mae cyllideb Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer 2021-22 yn cynnwys £4.85 miliwn ar gyfer y rhaglen cyfoethogi gwyliau ysgol. Dyma gynnydd o £2.15 miliwn ar y swm a oedd ar gael yn y flwyddyn flaenorol. Credwn y bydd hyn yn ein galluogi i ariannu lleoedd ar gyfer hyd at 14,000 o blant yng Nghymru. Rydym yn dal i weithio gyda Chymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru, sy'n rheoli'r rhaglen gyda ni, er mwyn gallu manteisio i'r eithaf ar y gyllideb honno. Rydym yn trafod yr angen posibl i addasu natur y rhaglen yng ngoleuni COVID i fod yn rhan ehangach o'n rhaglen adfer. Yn y gorffennol, gwn fod y rhaglen cyfoethogi gwyliau ysgol wedi gwneud gwahaniaeth enfawr i blant, ac mae'n rhoi model a chyfrwng gwirioneddol ddefnyddiol inni ddechrau mynd i'r afael â'r effaith wirioneddol sydd, fel rydych wedi nodi'n gwbl briodol, wedi taro plant mwy difreintiedig yn arbennig o galed.

Y Cynllun Gweithredu Addysg Bellach a Phrentisiaethau Cyfrwng Cymraeg a Dwyieithog
The Welsh-medium and Bilingual Further Education and Apprenticeships Action Plan

6. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y cynnydd a wnaed o ran gweithredu'r cynllun gweithredu addysg bellach a phrentisiaethau cyfrwng Cymraeg a dwyieithog? OQ56258

6. Will the Minister provide an update on progress in implementing the Welsh-medium and bilingual further education and apprenticeships action plan? OQ56258

I am very pleased with the significant progress of the coleg Cymraeg since the publication of the ambitious and robust action plan. Over 100 additional learners have been supported, and much-needed health and social care resources have been created. The next Prentis-Iaith language modules are also in development after the first level surpassed all of our expectations.

Rwy'n falch iawn o gynnydd sylweddol y coleg Cymraeg ers cyhoeddi'r cynllun gweithredu uchelgeisiol a chadarn. Cefnogwyd dros 100 o ddysgwyr ychwanegol, ac mae adnoddau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol mawr eu hangen wedi'u creu. Mae'r modiwlau iaith Prentis-Iaith nesaf hefyd yn cael eu datblygu ar ôl i'r lefel gyntaf ragori ar ein holl ddisgwyliadau.

Lansiodd y Gweinidog y cynllun gweithredu dros ddwy flynedd yn ôl, ac er bod rhywfaint o gynnydd da wedi ei gyflawni, rydyn ni dal mewn sefyllfa lle mai dim ond 11 y cant o staff addysg bellach a 7 y cant o staff prentisiaethau sy'n gallu addysgu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. A all y Gweinidog egluro'r hyn mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i sicrhau bod gan golegau yr adnoddau sydd eu hangen arnynt i gyflogi mwy o staff sydd â sgiliau iaith Gymraeg i gynnig darpariaeth ddwyieithog, yn enwedig mewn meysydd fel gofal plant ac iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, lle mae angen gweithlu dwyieithog?

The Minister launched the action plan over two years ago, and although some progress has been made, we are still in a position where only 11 per cent of further education staff and 7 per cent of apprenticeship staff are able to teach through the medium of Welsh. Can the Minister explain what the Welsh Government is doing to ensure that colleges have the resources that they need to employ more staff who do have Welsh language skills to provide bilingual provision, particularly in areas such as childcare and health and social care, where we need a bilingual workforce?

I've provided the coleg with over £0.5 million this year for a range of projects, and strategic projects have been extended to all colleges in the priority areas of health and social care and childcare and public services. Because you're absolutely right; we need to make sure that we have the workforce with the linguistic skills to meet the needs of all communities and citizens in Wales. This has enabled the colleges to employ additional teaching staff and put structures in place to support the learners, and embed bilingual provision within the colleges. What's particularly pleasing, Mike, is that colleges themselves have provided match funding to these projects, which demonstrates their commitment to extending bilingual models and courses for learners. This is a joint endeavour, both from the coleg themselves and also the individual institutions. Over 305 staff in 10 colleges followed the Work Welsh/Cymraeg Gwaith course provided by the National Centre for Learning Welsh last year, and the sector's response has been extremely positive again this year by ensuring that more and more of their staff can access such professional learning opportunities. I'd like to pay tribute to the work that the coleg is doing. The post-16 action plan is a long-term plan, and I have full confidence in the coleg in achieving its very stretching and robust goals. 

Rwyf wedi darparu dros £0.5 miliwn i'r coleg eleni ar gyfer amrywiaeth o brosiectau, ac mae prosiectau strategol wedi'u hymestyn i bob coleg ym meysydd blaenoriaeth iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol a gofal plant a gwasanaethau cyhoeddus. Oherwydd rydych chi'n llygad eich lle; mae angen inni sicrhau bod gennym weithlu sydd â sgiliau ieithyddol i ddiwallu anghenion pob cymuned a dinesydd yng Nghymru. Mae hyn wedi galluogi'r colegau i gyflogi staff addysgu ychwanegol a rhoi strwythurau ar waith i gefnogi'r dysgwyr, ac ymgorffori darpariaeth ddwyieithog yn y colegau. Yr hyn sy'n arbennig o braf, Mike, yw bod colegau eu hunain wedi darparu arian cyfatebol i'r prosiectau hyn, sy'n dangos eu hymrwymiad i ymestyn modelau a chyrsiau dwyieithog i ddysgwyr. Mae hon yn ymdrech ar y cyd, gan y coleg ei hun a hefyd y sefydliadau unigol. Dilynodd dros 305 o staff mewn 10 coleg y cwrs Cymraeg Gwaith a ddarparwyd gan y Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol y llynedd, ac mae ymateb y sector wedi bod yn eithriadol o gadarnhaol eto eleni drwy sicrhau bod mwy a mwy o'u staff yn gallu manteisio ar gyfleoedd dysgu proffesiynol o'r fath. Hoffwn dalu teyrnged i'r gwaith y mae'r coleg yn ei wneud. Mae'r cynllun gweithredu ôl-16 yn gynllun hirdymor, ac mae gennyf hyder llwyr y bydd y coleg yn cyflawni ei nodau hynod ymestynnol a chadarn.

My question has been addressed in an earlier question. Thank you. 

Mae fy nghwestiwn wedi cael sylw mewn cwestiwn cynharach. Diolch.

Dwi wedi clywed yma heddiw y ffaith eich bod chi'n dweud pa mor dda mae'r coleg Cymraeg yn ei wneud yn y gwaith maen nhw'n ei wneud, a dwi'n cytuno ac wedi cwrdd â nhw i drafod y gwaith hynny. Ond, pan ddaeth y Gweinidog iaith Gymraeg i'n pwyllgor ni, y Pwyllgor Diwylliant, y Gymraeg a Chyfathrebu, yn ddiweddar, fe wnaethon ni godi'r mater gyda hi nad oedd dim byd yn y gyllideb ddrafft er mwyn ehangu ar y gyllideb hynny. Mae'r Coleg Cymraeg wedi gofyn am £800,000 o arian yn ychwanegol y flwyddyn yma, ac wedyn mwy o ddyraniadau yn y dyfodol er mwyn gallu cyflawni'r gwaith clodwiw yma yn ein sefydliadau addysg bellach. Beth ydych chi'n dweud wrthyn nhw ynglŷn â hynny, ac ydych chi'n bwriadu gwrando arnyn nhw i newid y gyllideb pan ddaw at y cyfnod hwnnw?

I have heard you say here today how well the coleg Cymraeg is doing in the work that they're doing, and I agree, and I've met with them to discuss that work. But, when the Minister for the Welsh language attended our committee, the Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee, very recently, we raised the issue with her that there was nothing in the draft budget to enhance that budget. The coleg Cymraeg has asked for £800,000 in addition this year, and then further future allocations in order to deliver this laudable work in our FE institutions. So, what do you say to them on that, and do you intend to listen to them and make changes to the budget when it comes to that stage?


I can confirm that discussions have been ongoing between the Welsh language division, the further education and apprenticeship division and finance officials to further explore what more we can do to support the important work of the coleg. 

Gallaf gadarnhau bod trafodaethau wedi bod yn mynd rhagddynt rhwng yr is-adran iaith Gymraeg, yr is-adran addysg bellach a phrentisiaethau a swyddogion cyllid i archwilio ymhellach beth arall y gallwn ei wneud i gefnogi gwaith pwysig y coleg.

Plant Nad Ydynt yn yr Ysgol
Children Not in School

7. Pa asesiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud o effaith y cyfyngiadau symud presennol ar blant nad ydynt yn yr ysgol? OQ56253

7. What assessment has the Welsh Government made of the impact of the current lockdown on children who are not in school? OQ56253

As I said earlier, the disruption to schools has had a significant impact on learners' progression, health and well-being and confidence. It has affected some more than others—particularly those that are in the examination cohorts, the early years, and those that are disadvantaged in some way. We are working with our partners to develop a sustainable and resilient approach to promoting learning as we emerge from this pandemic.

Fel y dywedais yn gynharach, mae'r tarfu ar ysgolion wedi effeithio'n sylweddol ar gynnydd, iechyd a llesiant a hyder dysgwyr. Mae wedi effeithio ar rai yn fwy nag eraill—yn enwedig y rheini sydd yn y carfannau arholiadau, y blynyddoedd cynnar, a'r rhai sydd dan anfantais mewn rhyw ffordd. Rydym yn gweithio gyda'n partneriaid i ddatblygu dull cynaliadwy a gwydn o hyrwyddo dysgu wrth inni ddod allan o'r pandemig hwn.

Thank you, Minister, for that frank and honest answer. As you've touched on in that answer, home schooling and associated issues have presented a number of challenges for families during the pandemic. Whilst many schools have seen an increase in the number of pupils attending hub provision, the overwhelming majority of children are still at home, and a large number are struggling, particularly where parents are balancing home schooling with homeworking and other issues. Whilst I welcome the £9.4 million announced by the mental health and well-being Minister last week, can you confirm that we will see a ramping up of counselling and emotional support for children and young people in our schools, and indeed their families as well, and that this will be an urgent priority of the Government during the current budget process and beyond that, so that these families can get the support that they need as we come out of the pandemic?

Diolch am yr ateb diamwys a gonest hwnnw. Fel rydych wedi crybwyll yn eich ateb, mae addysgu gartref a materion cysylltiedig wedi cyflwyno nifer o heriau i deuluoedd yn ystod y pandemig. Er bod llawer o ysgolion wedi gweld cynnydd yn nifer y disgyblion sy'n mynychu darpariaeth hybiau, mae mwyafrif llethol y plant yn dal i fod gartref, ac mae nifer fawr yn ei chael hi'n anodd, yn enwedig lle mae rhieni'n cydbwyso addysgu gartref â gweithio gartref a phethau eraill. Er fy mod yn croesawu'r £9.4 miliwn a gyhoeddwyd gan y Gweinidog iechyd meddwl a llesiant yr wythnos diwethaf, a allwch gadarnhau y gwelwn gynnydd mewn cwnsela a chefnogaeth emosiynol i blant a phobl ifanc yn ein hysgolion, a'u teuluoedd hefyd yn wir, ac y bydd hon yn flaenoriaeth frys i'r Llywodraeth yn ystod proses bresennol y gyllideb a thu hwnt i hynny, fel y gall y teuluoedd hyn gael y gefnogaeth sydd ei hangen arnynt wrth inni ddod allan o'r pandemig?

Thank you, Nick, for your recognition of the real challenges that families have been facing at this time. I don't think anybody has not found home schooling or supporting remote learning at home particularly challenging. I'll hold my hands up myself; it is really, really difficult to do, and if you are working yourself, then it is particularly challenging. I want to say thank you to parents across Wales who have been working to support their children throughout this time. They've done a sterling job, and I know sometimes that has come at the expense of their own well-being. I'm very grateful to them.

Going forward, as part of our recovery programme, we need to address both the issue of interrupted learning from a content point of view, but we also need to ensure that our children's emotional health and well-being needs are also addressed, so that they're in a position to learn. Sometimes, the discussion around recovery is all about cramming in more opportunities for more lessons. But as Yeats is sometimes said to have said, education is not about pouring more into the pail, it is about lighting fires. Our approach to recovery will be about supporting learners to re-engage and to relight that fire as well as addressing the issues of content that they may have missed.

Diolch, Nick, am eich cydnabyddiaeth o'r heriau gwirioneddol y mae teuluoedd wedi bod yn eu hwynebu ar yr adeg hon. Rwy'n credu bod pawb yn teimlo bod addysgu gartref a chefnogi dysgu o bell gartref yn hynod o heriol. Rwy'n cyfaddef hynny fy hun; mae'n anodd iawn ei wneud, ac os ydych chi eich hun yn gweithio, mae'n arbennig o heriol. Hoffwn ddiolch i rieni ledled Cymru sydd wedi bod yn gweithio i gefnogi eu plant drwy gydol y cyfnod hwn. Maent wedi gwneud gwaith rhagorol, ac rwy'n gwybod weithiau fod hynny wedi digwydd ar draul eu llesiant eu hunain. Rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn iddynt.

Wrth symud ymlaen, fel rhan o'n rhaglen adfer, mae angen inni fynd i'r afael â mater y tarfu a fu ar ddysgu o safbwynt cynnwys, ond mae angen inni hefyd sicrhau yr eir i'r afael ag anghenion iechyd a llesiant emosiynol ein plant hefyd, fel eu bod mewn sefyllfa i ddysgu. Weithiau, mae'r drafodaeth ynghylch adferiad yn ymwneud â phentyrru mwy o gyfleoedd i gael rhagor o wersi. Ond fel y dywedir weithiau fod Yeats wedi dweud, nid mater o arllwys rhagor i mewn i'r bwced yw addysg, ond mater o gynnau tanau. Bydd ein dull o adfer yn ymwneud â chefnogi dysgwyr i ailymgysylltu ac ailgynnau'r tân hwnnw yn ogystal â mynd i'r afael â chynnwys y gallent fod wedi'i golli.

Addysg Gymraeg
Welsh-medium Education

8. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am ddarpariaeth addysg Gymraeg yn Nwyrain De Cymru? OQ56285

8. Will the Minister make a statement on the provision of Welsh-medium education in South Wales East? OQ56285

Demand for Welsh-medium education in South Wales East remains high. Our investment in five new Welsh-medium primaries and several childcare and school extensions in this region will further support this upward trend. This is encouraging news, I think, as local authorities head towards the publication of their new Welsh in education strategic plans, with individual targets aligned with the Welsh Government's overall aims of 'Cymraeg 2050'.

Mae'r galw am addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg yn Nwyrain De Cymru yn parhau i fod yn uchel. Bydd ein buddsoddiad mewn pump o ysgolion cynradd cyfrwng Cymraeg newydd a nifer o estyniadau i sefydliadau gofal plant ac ysgolion yn y rhanbarth hwn yn rhoi hwb pellach i'r duedd gynyddol hon. Rwy'n credu bod hyn yn newyddion calonogol wrth i awdurdodau lleol anelu at gyhoeddi eu cynlluniau strategol Cymraeg mewn addysg newydd, gyda thargedau unigol i gyd-fynd â nodau cyffredinol 'Cymraeg 2050' Llywodraeth Cymru.

Ar hyn o bryd, Weinidog, dim ond un ysgol Gymraeg sydd ym Mlaenau Gwent, ac mae teithio yno yn rhwystr, yn enwedig ar gyfer plant iau. Wrth reswm, dyw rhieni ddim eisiau rhoi plant tair mlwydd oed ar ddau fws gwahanol i fynd i ysgol sydd ddau gwm i ffwrdd. Mae ymgyrchwyr lleol wedi pryderu ers blynyddoedd am ostyngiad yn y nifer o blant o'r sir sy'n mynychu ysgolion Cymraeg; hynny ydy, tan nawr. Mae'r cyngor ym Mlaenau Gwent wedi cynnig adeiladu ysgol newydd ar safle Ffordd y Siartwyr, gan agor y dosbarthiadau cyntaf yn 2023. A fyddech chi yn gyntaf, plis, Weinidog, yn ymuno gyda fi i longyfarch yr ymgyrchwyr, megis Meryl Darkins ac Ann Bellis, a hefyd yn sicrhau y byddwch chi'n cefnogi'r cyngor er mwyn gwneud yn siŵr y bydd yr ysgol yn agor ar amser? Yn y cyfamser, Weinidog, a fyddech chi'n gallu siarad gyda'r Gweinidog dros drafnidiaeth i weld os oes yna unrhyw fodd i wella'r sefyllfa drafnidiaeth ar gyfer y plant yn y cyfamser, cyn bod yr ysgol yn agor? Ac i gau—a dwi'n addo, Dirprwy Lywydd, mae hyn i gau—dwi'n deall bod hyn oll yn fater i'r cyngor, ond gwnaethoch chi helpu i roi momentwm y tu ôl i addysg Gymraeg ym Merthyr llynedd, pan oeddech chi wedi cynnig arian grant; mae llefydd fel Blaenau Gwent a Merthyr mor ganolog i'r targed o filiwn o siaradwyr, felly byddai cefnogaeth y Llywodraeth wir yn fuddiol yma. Diolch.

Thank you. At the moment, at the moment, Minister, there is only Welsh-medium school in Blaenau Gwent, and travel there is a barrier, particularly for younger children. Obviously, parents don't want to put three-year-olds on two different buses to go to a school which is two valleys away. And local campaigners have been concerned for many years about the reduction in the number of children from the county attending Welsh-medium schools; that is until now: the council in Blaenau Gwent has proposed the construction of a new Welsh school, opening the first classrooms in 2023. Would you, first of all, Minister, join with me in congratulating campaigners such as Meryl Darkins and Ann Bellis, and also ensure that you will support the council in order to ensure that the school does open on time? In the meantime, Minister, could you speak to the Minister for transport to see whether there is any means of improving the transport situation for the children in the meantime, before that school opens? And this is my last point, I promise, Deputy Presiding Officer: I understand that this is a matter for the council, but you helped to put momentum behind Welsh-medium education in Merthyr last year when you provided grant funding. Places like Blaenau Gwent and Merthyr are so central to the target of a million Welsh speakers, so Government support would be truly beneficial here. Thank you.


Thank you, Delyth. Welsh Government are supporting Blaenau Gwent with the development of the school that you have just referenced with a grant of £5.8 million. That grant has been awarded to address the very real logistical and travel problems that you have identified, and that has meant that families who would previously have chosen Welsh-medium education have not done so, because of the long distances involved. Therefore, it is very important that this need has been recognised, and with the help of that £5.8 million from Welsh Government, we will see a new Welsh-medium primary school in the Tredegar-Sirhowy area. It's much needed, much longed-for, and as you said, people have been campaigning for that. The local authority have also identified the need to improve their marketing and promotion strategy in relation to Welsh-medium education to sit alongside the development of that school. My only regret is that I will not be the Minister who gets the privilege and the pleasure of opening it and welcoming children to that new establishment.

Diolch, Delyth. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi Blaenau Gwent i ddatblygu'r ysgol rydych newydd gyfeirio ati gyda grant o £5.8 miliwn. Dyfarnwyd y grant hwnnw i fynd i'r afael â'r problemau logistaidd a theithio real iawn rydych wedi'u nodi, ac mae hynny wedi golygu nad yw teuluoedd a fyddai wedi dewis addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg o'r blaen wedi gwneud hynny oherwydd y pellteroedd teithio cysylltiedig. Felly, mae'n bwysig iawn fod yr angen hwn wedi'i gydnabod, a thrwy gymorth y £5.8 miliwn gan Lywodraeth Cymru, byddwn yn gweld ysgol gynradd Gymraeg newydd yn ardal Tredegar-Sirhywi. Mae'n fawr ei hangen, a llawer o alw amdani, ac fel y dywedoch chi, mae pobl wedi bod yn ymgyrchu dros hynny. Mae'r awdurdod lleol hefyd wedi nodi'r angen i wella ei strategaeth farchnata a hyrwyddo mewn perthynas ag addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg i gyd-fynd â datblygiad yr ysgol honno. Fy unig ofid yw nad fi fydd y Gweinidog sy'n cael y fraint a'r pleser o'i hagor a chroesawu plant i'r sefydliad newydd hwnnw.

Minister, six months ago the Welsh language commissioner expressed concern about the decline in the number of newly qualified teachers able to teach Welsh, and said it could undermine your Government's ambition to have a million speakers of the language in 30 years' time. I'm just wondering what you've been doing to address this.

Weinidog, chwe mis yn ôl mynegodd comisiynydd y Gymraeg bryder am y gostyngiad yn nifer yr athrawon newydd gymhwyso sy'n gallu addysgu Cymraeg, a dywedodd y gallai danseilio uchelgais eich Llywodraeth i gael miliwn o siaradwyr yr iaith ymhen 30 mlynedd. Tybed beth rydych chi wedi bod yn ei wneud i fynd i'r afael â hyn.

You're absolutely right. To achieve the target in 2050 we do need to recruit more teachers who are able to teach in our Welsh-medium schools and in our bilingual schools, and we also need to equip our teachers working in English-medium schools to deliver high-quality Welsh lessons. We have set targets for ITE providers to recruit to the initial teacher education programmes, and we have established, although the pandemic has slightly impacted on it, a new conversion programme for teachers who have previously qualified to teach through the medium of Welsh in the primary sector, where we sometimes, in certain parts of Wales, have an oversupply, to allow them to convert quickly to be able to teach through the medium of Welsh in the secondary sector. We have seen significant demand for that professional learning programme, which I believe will help us to address some of the issues identified by the commissioner.

Rydych chi'n llygad eich lle. Er mwyn cyrraedd y targed yn 2050 mae angen inni recriwtio mwy o athrawon sy'n gallu addysgu yn ein hysgolion cyfrwng Cymraeg ac yn ein hysgolion dwyieithog, ac mae angen inni hefyd arfogi ein hathrawon sy'n gweithio mewn ysgolion cyfrwng Saesneg i gyflwyno gwersi Cymraeg o ansawdd uchel. Rydym wedi gosod targedau i ddarparwyr addysg gychwynnol athrawon recriwtio i'r rhaglenni addysg athrawon cychwynnol, ac er bod y pandemig wedi effeithio ychydig arni, rydym wedi sefydlu rhaglen gyfnewid newydd ar gyfer athrawon sydd wedi cymhwyso'n flaenorol i addysgu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg yn y sector cynradd, lle mae gennym orgyflenwad weithiau mewn rhai rhannau o Gymru, i'w galluogi i gyfnewid yn gyflym i allu addysgu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg yn y sector uwchradd. Rydym wedi gweld galw sylweddol am y rhaglen dysgu proffesiynol honno, a chredaf y bydd yn ein helpu i fynd i'r afael â rhai o'r materion a nodwyd gan y comisiynydd.

Dealltwriaeth Ryngwladol, Cydweithredu a Heddwch a Hawliau Dynol
International Understanding, Co-operation and Peace and Human Rights

9. A wnaiff y Gweinidog amlinellu'r cyfleoedd a ddarperir gan y cwricwlwm cenedlaethol newydd ar gyfer addysgu dealltwriaeth ryngwladol, cydweithredu a heddwch a hawliau dynol mewn ysgolion? OQ56277

9. Will the Minister outline the opportunities provided by the new national curriculum for the teaching of international understanding, co-operation and peace and human rights in schools? OQ56277

Thank you, David. The Curriculum for Wales’s fundamental purposes include learners becoming ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world. Our guidance is clear that embedding the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in learning and teaching is key to the vision for every school’s curriculum, so that learners can learn about, through and for human rights.   

Diolch, David. Mae dibenion sylfaenol Cwricwlwm i Gymru yn cynnwys dysgwyr i fod yn ddinasyddion moesegol, gwybodus yng Nghymru a'r byd. Mae ein canllawiau'n glir fod ymgorffori Confensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Hawliau'r Plentyn mewn dysgu ac addysgu yn allweddol i'r weledigaeth ar gyfer cwricwlwm pob ysgol, fel y gall dysgwyr ddysgu am, drwy ac ar gyfer hawliau dynol.

Thank you, Minister, and I commend that priority. I wonder if you could also advise us whether the Welsh Government contributed to the UK Government's response to UNESCO's seventh consultation on education for international understanding? I realise this is very specific, so if you would be prepared to write to me with that information, and perhaps give some details of the response, because I think this is a key area given the new climate in the United Kingdom now that we've left the European Union, and the additional global demands of climate change and the pandemic make this a really important area for education. 

Diolch, Weinidog, ac rwy'n cymeradwyo'r flaenoriaeth honno. Tybed a allech hefyd ddweud a gyfrannodd Llywodraeth Cymru at ymateb Llywodraeth y DU i seithfed ymgynghoriad UNESCO ar addysg er dealltwriaeth ryngwladol? Rwy'n sylweddoli bod hyn yn benodol iawn, felly os ydych yn barod i ysgrifennu ataf gyda'r wybodaeth honno, a rhoi rhai manylion am yr ymateb efallai, oherwydd credaf fod hwn yn faes allweddol o ystyried yr hinsawdd newydd yn y Deyrnas Unedig gan ein bod bellach wedi gadael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd, ac mae gofynion byd-eang ychwanegol newid hinsawdd a'r pandemig yn gwneud hwn yn faes gwirioneddol bwysig ar gyfer addysg.


David, I couldn't agree with you more and I will indeed write to you.FootnoteLink As I said in my original answer, guidance for our new curriculum for schools includes a section on learning about human rights, so that's understanding human rights and the sources of those rights; learning through human rights, which is the development of values, attitudes and behaviours that reflect human rights values; and learning for human rights, and that's the motivation of social action and empowerment of active citizenship to advance respect and the rights for all. This approach was developed in collaboration with the office of the Children's Commissioner for Wales, and we work with a range of stakeholders to provide really inspiring and supportive curriculum material on specific subjects to be able to develop teachers to do this well.

Most recently, I was delighted to reference the work of Remembering Srebrenica Wales, who have worked with us to develop a new challenge for our Welsh Baccalaureate programme, and using the terrible tragedy and crime of Srebrenica as a vehicle for understanding and learning. And I'm very grateful for partner organisations such as those who are willing to work alongside us to provide these very valuable and necessary opportunities for children and young people. 

David, rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â chi ac fe fyddaf yn ysgrifennu atoch, yn wir.FootnoteLink Fel y dywedais yn fy ateb gwreiddiol, mae canllawiau ar gyfer ein cwricwlwm newydd i ysgolion yn cynnwys adran ar ddysgu am hawliau dynol, felly deall hawliau dynol a ffynonellau'r hawliau hynny; dysgu drwy hawliau dynol, sef datblygu gwerthoedd, agweddau ac ymddygiadau sy'n adlewyrchu gwerthoedd hawliau dynol; a dysgu ar gyfer hawliau dynol, sef cymhelliant gweithredu cymdeithasol a grymuso dinasyddiaeth weithredol i hyrwyddo parch a hawliau i bawb. Datblygwyd y dull hwn mewn cydweithrediad â swyddfa Comisiynydd Plant Cymru, ac rydym yn gweithio gydag ystod o randdeiliaid i ddarparu deunydd cwricwlwm ysbrydoledig a chefnogol iawn ar bynciau penodol er mwyn gallu datblygu athrawon i wneud hyn yn dda.

Yn fwyaf diweddar, roedd yn bleser mawr gennyf gyfeirio at waith Cofio Srebrenica Cymru, sydd wedi gweithio gyda ni i ddatblygu her newydd ar gyfer ein rhaglen Bagloriaeth Cymru, a defnyddio trychineb a throsedd ofnadwy Srebrenica fel cyfrwng ar gyfer deall a dysgu. Ac rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn am sefydliadau partner fel y rhai sy'n barod i weithio ochr yn ochr â ni i ddarparu'r cyfleoedd gwerthfawr ac angenrheidiol iawn hyn i blant a phobl ifanc.

Question 10 in the name of Neil McEvoy will not be asked, because he is not present at the meeting. Question 11, Huw Irranca-Davies. 

Ni ofynnir cwestiwn 10 yn enw Neil McEvoy, oherwydd nid yw'n bresennol yn y cyfarfod. Cwestiwn 11, Huw Irranca-Davies.

Ni ofynnwyd cwestiwn 10 [OQ56250].

Question 10 [OQ56250] not asked.

Dal i Fyny ar Addysg
Catching Up with Education

11. Pa ddarpariaeth y bydd y Gweinidog yn ei rhoi ar waith i alluogi disgyblion i ddal i fyny ar addysg y mae mesurau'r pandemig wedi effeithio arnynt? OQ56251

11. What provision will the Minister put in place to enable pupils to catch up on education impacted by the pandemic measures? OQ56251

Thank you, Huw. There are currently a range of measures to support learning, including extensive professional learning, significant investment in devices and connectivity, and £29 million for the accelerating learning programme. I am considering further actions to address the pandemic’s impact on learners’ education, health and well-being, and I will publish a learning recovery plan shortly.

Diolch, Huw. Ar hyn o bryd mae amrywiaeth o fesurau i gefnogi dysgu, gan gynnwys dysgu proffesiynol helaeth, buddsoddiad sylweddol mewn dyfeisiau a chysylltedd, a £29 miliwn ar gyfer y rhaglen ddysgu carlam. Rwy'n ystyried camau pellach i fynd i'r afael ag effaith y pandemig ar addysg, iechyd a llesiant dysgwyr, a byddaf yn cyhoeddi cynllun adfer dysgu cyn bo hir.

Minister, I'm glad to hear that, and I know you'll join with me in applauding those teachers, headteachers, all of the people who've actually made huge efforts over the last year to continue teaching in some form or another, and to provide that welfare support and pastoral support as well through our education system. But I know that I'm having teachers in my own area saying to me now that whilst they are concerned about the welfare, not simply welfare in terms of the pandemic and teaching staff, but also having some down time, they do want to make use of the available time we have, particularly towards the summer, in terms of getting that catch-up provision for some of our pupils who really, really need it. So, Minister, I just wonder, how are discussions going with the various teaching unions to see whether they are flexible, and to actually work with Government and work with local schools, with the focus being on the education and the pastoral care of our students and helping them to catch up? 

Weinidog, rwy'n falch o glywed hynny, a gwn y byddwch yn ymuno â mi i ganmol yr athrawon, y penaethiaid, yr holl bobl sydd wedi gwneud ymdrechion enfawr dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf i barhau i addysgu ar ryw ffurf neu'i gilydd, ac i ddarparu cymorth lles a chymorth bugeiliol hefyd drwy ein system addysg. Ond rwy'n gwybod fy mod yn cael athrawon yn fy ardal fy hun yn dweud wrthyf yn awr, er eu bod yn pryderu am les, nid yn unig lles mewn perthynas â'r pandemig a staff addysgu, ond o ran cael toriad hefyd, maent am ddefnyddio'r amser sydd ar gael i ni, yn enwedig tuag at yr haf, i gael darpariaeth dal i fyny ar gyfer rhai o'n disgyblion sydd ei hangen yn ddybryd iawn. Felly, Weinidog, tybed sut y mae trafodaethau'n mynd gyda'r gwahanol undebau athrawon i weld a ydynt yn hyblyg, ac i weithio gyda'r Llywodraeth mewn gwirionedd a gweithio gydag ysgolion lleol, gyda'r ffocws ar addysg a gofal bugeiliol ein myfyrwyr a'u helpu i ddal i fyny?

Thank you, Huw, and thank you for acknowledging the immense efforts that headteachers, classroom teachers and teaching assistants have put in, finding innovative new ways to keep children learning at this time, and going above and beyond to support children and families. Clearly, we need to utilise all opportunities to address the interruption of learning, and ensure that children have the opportunity to address that interruption. But as I said in answer to an earlier question, we need to start from the understanding of addressing children's well-being and their readiness to learn. And, Huw, I want our recovery programme also to recognise the immense pressure and stress that our teaching workforce themselves have endured over the last year, and ensuring that we support them also to be in a position to continue to provide that support, which we know is going to have to be intensive in the short, medium and long term. So, we need to support them to carry on doing what they're doing for children and young people. 

Diolch, Huw, a diolch ichi am gydnabod yr ymdrechion aruthrol y mae penaethiaid, athrawon dosbarth a chynorthwywyr addysgu wedi'u gwneud, gan ddod o hyd i ffyrdd newydd arloesol o gadw plant i ddysgu ar yr adeg hon, a mynd y tu hwnt i hynny i gefnogi plant a theuluoedd. Yn amlwg, mae angen inni ddefnyddio pob cyfle i fynd i'r afael â'r tarfu ar ddysgu, a sicrhau bod plant yn cael cyfle i fynd i'r afael â'r tarfu hwnnw. Ond fel y dywedais wrth ateb cwestiwn cynharach, mae angen inni ddechrau o'r ddealltwriaeth o ymdrin â llesiant plant a'u parodrwydd ar gyfer dysgu. A Huw, rwy'n awyddus i'n rhaglen adfer gydnabod y pwysau a'r straen aruthrol y mae ein gweithlu addysgu eu hunain wedi'u dioddef dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf hefyd, a sicrhau ein bod yn eu cefnogi i fod mewn sefyllfa i barhau i ddarparu'r cymorth hwnnw, y gwyddom y bydd yn rhaid iddo fod yn ddwys yn y tymor byr, y tymor canolig ac yn hirdymor. Felly, mae angen inni eu cefnogi i barhau i wneud yr hyn y maent yn ei wneud dros blant a phobl ifanc.

Dysgu Ar-lein
Online Learning

12. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am ddarparu dyfeisiau TG i gefnogi dysgu ar-lein yng Ngorllewin De Cymru? OQ56274

12. Will the Minister make a statement on the provision of IT devices to support online learning in South Wales West? OQ56274

Thank you, Dai. Since the pandemic began, the Welsh Government has made available over 138,000 devices to schools. A further 54,000 devices will be delivered in the coming weeks, and my officials are in regular contact with colleagues in all local authorities, including those that make up the region of South Wales West, providing support and guidance where that is required.

Diolch, Dai. Ers dechrau'r pandemig, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi darparu dros 138,000 o ddyfeisiau i ysgolion. Bydd 54,000 o ddyfeisiau eraill yn cael eu darparu yn ystod yr wythnosau nesaf, ac mae fy swyddogion mewn cysylltiad rheolaidd â chydweithwyr ym mhob awdurdod lleol, gan gynnwys y rhai sy'n ffurfio rhanbarth Gorllewin De Cymru, yn darparu cymorth ac arweiniad lle mae eu hangen.


Thank you for that answer, Minister. I'm still getting calls about, obviously, a mismatch of the number of learners and the number of devices available in different homes. Can I ask specifically—. I mean, the devices don't have to be new; they can be repurposed—pre-loved, if you like. So, could I ask what measures have you instituted, Minister, to ensure that repurposed IT, in all its forms, actually gets to those families most at need?

Diolch ichi am yr ateb hwnnw, Weinidog. Rwy'n dal i gael galwadau yn dweud nad yw nifer y dyfeisiau sydd ar gael mewn gwahanol gartrefi yn cyfateb i nifer y dysgwyr. A gaf fi ofyn yn benodol—. Hynny yw, nid oes rhaid i'r dyfeisiau fod yn newydd; gellir eu haddasu at ddibenion newydd—eu darparu'n ail-law. Felly, a gaf fi ofyn pa fesurau rydych wedi'u sefydlu, Weinidog, i sicrhau bod TG wedi'i addasu at ddibenion newydd, yn ei holl ffurfiau, yn cyrraedd y teuluoedd sydd fwyaf o'u hangen?

You're right, Dai. We don't need to wait for the delivery of those additional 54,000 devices. At this time, any device that is sitting in a classroom that is not being used on a daily basis needs to be allocated to a family. I have to say, Dai, if you would write to me with those families that are continuing to have difficulties, we can explore that with local authorities. We have done a baseline study with local authorities about unmet need. There is a difference across your region, and clearly we would want to assist any local authority or individual school who is having difficulty supporting families in the way that you outlined. Help is also available for connectivity. We know sometimes that it is the cost of connectivity that is prohibitive to families, and support is also available for MiFi devices to address that issue also.

Rydych chi'n iawn, Dai. Nid oes angen inni aros i'r 54,000 o ddyfeisiau ychwanegol gael eu dosbarthu. Ar yr adeg hon, mae angen dyrannu unrhyw ddyfais mewn ystafell ddosbarth nad yw'n cael ei defnyddio'n ddyddiol i deulu. Rhaid imi ddweud, Dai, pe baech yn ysgrifennu ataf gyda'r teuluoedd sy'n dal i gael anawsterau, gallwn archwilio hynny gydag awdurdodau lleol. Rydym wedi gwneud astudiaeth sylfaenol gydag awdurdodau lleol ynglŷn ag angen nas diwallwyd. Mae gwahaniaeth ar draws eich rhanbarth, ac mae'n amlwg y byddem yn awyddus i gynorthwyo unrhyw awdurdod lleol neu ysgol unigol sy'n ei chael yn anodd cefnogi teuluoedd yn y ffordd a amlinellwyd gennych. Mae cymorth hefyd ar gael ar gyfer cysylltedd. Gwyddom weithiau mai cost cysylltedd sy'n rhwystro teuluoedd, ac mae cymorth ar gael ar gyfer dyfeisiau MiFi i fynd i'r afael â'r broblem honno hefyd.

Thank you very much, Minister. We've reached all the questions on the order paper, so thank you very much.

Diolch yn fawr iawn, Weinidog. Rydym wedi gofyn yr holl gwestiynau ar y papur trefn, felly diolch yn fawr iawn.

4. Cwestiynau i Gomisiwn y Senedd
4. Questions to the Senedd Commission

Item 4 is questions to the Senedd Commission, and the first question this afternoon will be answered by David Rowlands. Question 1, Jenny Rathbone.

Cwestiynau i Gomisiwn y Senedd yw eitem 4, a David Rowlands fydd yn ateb y cwestiwn cyntaf y prynhawn yma. Cwestiwn 1, Jenny Rathbone.

Tyfu Bwyd ar Ystad y Senedd
Growing Food on the Senedd Estate

1. Pa gynlluniau sydd gan y Comisiwn i dyfu bwyd ar ystad y Senedd? OQ56280

1. What plans does the Commission have to grow food on the Senedd estate? OQ56280

Well, since this topic was previously raised, a number of changes have been made to the limited green space on the estate in order to maximise its biodiversity and well-being value. We grow pears and herbs in the Tŷ Hywel car park, which were regularly used by our catering service before lockdown. We have changed our management of the ground alongside the Senedd, where we now grow a wide range of wild flowers, and we have created a small pond for the benefit of amphibians, birds and insects. This year, we're pleased to announce that we have increased our Pierhead bees colony and we now have three productive hives.

The reality is that, unlike other organisations, we have virtually no space for cultivation. However, our new sustainability strategy, which is to be launched in the spring, will commit to increasing the green space on our estate, for example by introducing vertical gardens to support greater biodiversity.

Wel, ers i'r pwnc hwn gael ei godi'n flaenorol, mae nifer o newidiadau wedi'u gwneud i'r mannau gwyrdd cyfyngedig ar yr ystâd er mwyn manteisio i'r eithaf ar eu gwerth o ran bioamrywiaeth a llesiant. Rydym yn tyfu gellyg a pherlysiau ym maes parcio Tŷ Hywel, a ddefnyddid yn rheolaidd gan ein gwasanaeth arlwyo cyn y cyfyngiadau symud. Rydym wedi newid ein rheolaeth o'r tir ar hyd ochr y Senedd, lle rydym bellach yn tyfu ystod eang o flodau gwyllt, ac rydym wedi creu pwll bach er budd amffibiaid, adar a phryfed. Eleni, rydym yn falch o gyhoeddi ein bod wedi cynyddu haid o wenyn y Pierhead ac erbyn hyn mae gennym dri chwch cynhyrchiol.

Yn wahanol i sefydliadau eraill, y realiti yw nad oes gennym y nesaf peth i ddim lle ar gyfer tyfu. Fodd bynnag, bydd ein strategaeth cynaliadwyedd newydd, sydd i'w lansio yn y gwanwyn, yn ymrwymo i gynyddu'r mannau gwyrdd ar ein hystâd, er enghraifft drwy gyflwyno gerddi fertigol i gefnogi mwy o fioamrywiaeth.

Thank you very much—that's really interesting. I particularly look forward to hearing more about the vertical gardens. That's wonderful. Everybody's mental well-being has suffered as a result of all the measures we've had to take to stay at home to curb the infection, and that includes Members and our staff, so I do hope that we can continue to promote such cultivation as we are able to do on the estate as being something that's restorative for people's well-being.

Diolch yn fawr iawn—mae hynny'n ddiddorol iawn. Edrychaf ymlaen yn arbennig at glywed mwy am y gerddi fertigol. Mae hynny'n wych. Mae lles meddyliol pawb wedi dioddef o ganlyniad i'r holl fesurau y bu'n rhaid i ni eu cymryd i aros gartref er mwyn lleihau'r haint, ac mae hynny'n cynnwys Aelodau a'n staff, felly rwy'n gobeithio y gallwn barhau i hyrwyddo tyfu o'r fath fel y gallwn ei wneud ar yr ystâd fel rhywbeth sy'n gwella llesiant pobl.

Yes, well, thank you, Jenny. I can assure Jenny that we are, of course, open to any new ideas or innovations that either she, or indeed any of the Commission staff, are able to put forward, and I can assure her that the Commission is fully committed to enhancing the estate's green credentials in any way possible.

Ie, wel, diolch, Jenny. Gallaf sicrhau Jenny ein bod, wrth gwrs, yn agored i unrhyw syniadau neu ddatblygiadau arloesol newydd y gall hi, neu unrhyw aelod o staff y Comisiwn yn wir, eu cyflwyno, a gallaf ei sicrhau bod y Comisiwn wedi ymrwymo'n llwyr i wella cymwysterau gwyrdd yr ystâd mewn unrhyw ffordd bosibl.

Thank you. Question 2 will be answered by the Llywydd. Helen Mary Jones.

Diolch. Bydd cwestiwn 2 yn cael ei ateb gan y Llywydd. Helen Mary Jones.

Y Senedd Ieuenctid
The Youth Parliament

2. Pa drefniadau y mae'r Comisiwn yn eu rhoi ar waith i gefnogi'r Senedd Ieuenctid yn y Senedd nesaf? OQ56284

2. What arrangements is the Commission putting in place to support the Youth Parliament in the next Senedd? OQ56284

Y nod yw adeiladu ar lwyddiant tymor cyntaf y Senedd Ieuenctid, sy'n dod i ben yn swyddogol y mis hwn, gyda sesiwn fusnes ar y cyd rhwng ein Senedd a'r Senedd Ieuenctid ar 24 Chwefror. Mae'r tymor cyntaf yn cael ei werthuso ar hyn o bryd a bydd y gwersi a ddysgir yn cael eu cymhwyso i'r gwaith o gynllunio ar gyfer tymor nesaf y Senedd Ieuenctid. Disgwylir i'r etholiad nesaf gael ei gynnal ym mis Tachwedd 2021, a bydd y tîm addysg ac ymgysylltu â phobl ifanc yn y Senedd yn parhau i gynorthwyo gyda'r gwaith yma.

The aim is to build on the success of the inaugural Welsh Youth Parliament, which officially ends this month, with a joint business session between our Parliament and the Youth Parliament on 24 February. A full evaluation of the first term is under way and lessons learnt will be applied to the planning and delivery of the next term. The next election is due to take place in November 2021, and the Senedd's education and youth engagement team will continue to support this work.


I'm very grateful to the Llywydd for her answer, and I'm sure that she will agree with me that, when we look back into the early history of our Senedd, the establishment of the Youth Parliament will be one of the achievements of this Senedd term.

Can she confirm that the staff are in conversation with the partner organisations that have been supporting the Youth Parliament and some of the individual Members of the Youth Parliament in this term? And does she anticipate that similar or the same relationships will be able to continue into the new term?

Rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn i'r Llywydd am ei hateb, ac rwy'n siŵr y bydd yn cytuno â mi, pan fyddwn yn edrych yn ôl ar hanes cynnar ein Senedd, y bydd sefydlu'r Senedd Ieuenctid yn un o gyflawniadau tymor y Senedd hon.

A all gadarnhau bod y staff yn trafod gyda'r sefydliadau partner sydd wedi bod yn cefnogi'r Senedd Ieuenctid a rhai o Aelodau unigol y Senedd Ieuenctid yn ystod y tymor hwn? Ac a yw'n rhagweld y bydd y berthynas honno neu berthynas debyg yn gallu parhau i'r tymor newydd?

Yn bendant iawn. Dwi'n meddwl bod y Senedd Ieuenctid gyntaf wedi cael ei chyfoethogi gan y ffaith ein bod ni wedi cael ystod eang o bobl ifanc sy'n cynrychioli gwahanol agweddau o fywyd pobl ifanc yng Nghymru, a'r lleisiau hynny i gyd yn cael eu cynrychioli yn y Senedd Ieuenctid. Dwi'n awyddus iawn i weld ein bod ni, wrth baratoi ar gyfer yr etholiadau i'r Senedd Ieuenctid nesaf, yn sicr o gynnwys y sefydliadau partneriaid hynny sy'n gallu cynnig yr ystod ehangaf posib o ymgeiswyr ar gyfer y Senedd Ieuenctid honno, oherwydd mae llais pob person ifanc yng Nghymru yn haeddu cael eu clywed, beth bynnag yw eu cefndir nhw. Mae hynna wedi sicrhau bod ein Senedd Ieuenctid gyntaf ni wedi bod yn llwyddiannus ac yn amrywiol o ran y lleisiau sydd i'w clywed, ac fe glywn ni'r lleisiau yna eto yn ein cyfarfod ni, fel Senedd, ar 24 Chwefror.

Ac fe liciwn i gymryd y cyfle yma i ddiolch i bawb sydd wedi gweithio ar greu llwyddiant y Senedd Ieuenctid gyntaf yma, yr Aelodau yn enwedig, ond pawb—y partneriaid, fel rŷch chi wedi sôn, Helen Mary, a'r staff sydd wedi gweithio o'r Comisiwn, a hefyd yr Aelodau o'r Senedd sydd wedi cydweithio, boed yn Weinidogion, yn Gadeiryddion pwyllgor, aelodau pwyllgor ac Aelodau'r Senedd. Mae'r cydweithrediad rhwng ein Senedd ni a'r Senedd Ieuenctid wedi bod yn gadarnhaol iawn dros y cyfnod yma, ac, yn sicr, dwi'n meddwl bod ein Senedd ni wedi elwa o'r ymwneud â'r Senedd Ieuenctid.

Most certainly. I think the first Youth Parliament was enhanced and enriched by the fact that we had a broad range of young people representing various different aspects of the lives of young people in Wales, and all of those voices are represented within the Youth Parliament. I'm very eager to see, as we prepare for the elections to the next Youth Parliament, that we will include those partner organisations that can provide the broadest possible range of candidates for that Youth Parliament, because the voices of all young people in Wales deserve to be heard, whatever their background. That has ensured that our first Youth Parliament was successful and diverse in terms of the voices heard, and we will hear those voices again in our meeting, as a Parliament, on 24 February.

And I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has worked towards the success of the first Youth Parliament here, particularly the Members, but also the partners and the staff who have worked within the Commission and the Members of this Senedd who have collaborated, be they Ministers, committee Chairs, committee members or Senedd Members. The work between our Senedd and the Youth Parliament has been very positive indeed over this period, and I certainly think that our Senedd has benefited from our engagement with the Youth Parliament.

5. Cwestiynau Amserol
5. Topical Questions

Item 5 is topical questions, of which none have been accepted this week.

Eitem 5 yw'r cwestiynau amserol, ac ni ddaeth yr un i law yr wythnos hon.

6. Datganiadau 90 Eiliad
6. 90-second Statements

Item 6, then, is the 90-second statements. And just a gentle reminder to you all: the clue is in the title, '90 seconds'. John Griffiths.

Eitem 6, felly, yw'r datganiadau 90 eiliad. Ac os caf atgoffa pawb ohonoch yn garedig: mae'r cliw yn y pennawd, '90 eiliad'. John Griffiths.

This week marks UK Student Volunteering Week. Entering its twenty-first year, it aims to celebrate the impact of student volunteers and encourage students to engage in civic life. Today, as chair of the all-party group on further education, I'd like to share a story brought to my attention by ColegauCymru—the story of one former Grŵp Llandrillo Menai learner.

Nineteen-year-old Tirion Thomas from Bala has racked up over 500 hours of volunteering for both the college and the community. A keen rugby player, she has volunteered alongside stakeholders from her local rugby club in Bala. Her hard work was recognised in December last year, when she won BBC Wales's Sports Personality of the Year's unsung hero award, narrowly missing out on claiming the UK title.

During her time at college, Tirion was instrumental in developing and supporting the newly established active ambassadors programme, developing leaders of the future and promoting the importance of health and well-being. She was also involved in the period dignity campaign recently launched by the college. Now studying midwifery at Swansea University, Tirion continues to be a role model and last year turned her attention to help fellow coaches by creating a young coaches network. 

I'm sure that all Members will join me in celebrating Tirion's successes so far. She's a shining example of the volunteering community and what further education learners contribute. I'm sure that we all wish her the best for what will be a very bright future.

Yr wythnos hon yw Wythnos Gwirfoddoli Myfyrwyr y DU. Hon yw'r unfed flwyddyn ar hugain ers iddi gael ei sefydlu, a'i nod yw dathlu effaith myfyrwyr sy'n gwirfoddoli ac annog myfyrwyr i gymryd rhan mewn bywyd dinesig. Heddiw, fel cadeirydd y grŵp hollbleidiol ar addysg bellach, hoffwn rannu stori a gafodd ei dwyn i fy sylw gan ColegauCymru—stori un cyn-ddysgwr yng Ngrŵp Llandrillo Menai.

Mae Tirion Thomas, sy'n 19 oed ac yn dod o'r Bala, wedi gwneud dros 500 awr o waith gwirfoddol i'r coleg a'r gymuned. Yn chwaraewr rygbi brwd, mae hi wedi gwirfoddoli ochr yn ochr â rhanddeiliaid o'i chlwb rygbi lleol yn y Bala. Cafodd ei gwaith caled ei gydnabod ym mis Rhagfyr y llynedd, pan enillodd wobr arwr di-glod Personoliaeth Chwaraeon y Flwyddyn BBC Cymru, ac o drwch blewyn yn unig y bu iddi fethu hawlio teitl y DU.

Yn ystod ei hamser yn y coleg, roedd Tirion yn allweddol yn y gwaith o ddatblygu a chefnogi'r rhaglen llysgenhadon gweithredol newydd, yn datblygu arweinwyr y dyfodol a hyrwyddo pwysigrwydd iechyd a llesiant. Bu hefyd yn rhan o'r ymgyrch urddas mislif a lansiwyd gan y coleg yn ddiweddar. A hithau bellach yn astudio bydwreigiaeth ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe, mae Tirion yn parhau i fod yn fodel rôl a llynedd, trodd ei sylw at helpu cyd-hyfforddwyr drwy greu rhwydwaith hyfforddwyr ifanc.

Rwy'n siŵr y bydd pob Aelod yn ymuno â mi i ddathlu llwyddiannau Tirion hyd yma. Mae hi'n enghraifft ddisglair o'r gymuned wirfoddoli a'r hyn y mae dysgwyr addysg bellach yn ei gyfrannu. Rwy'n siŵr ein bod i gyd yn dymuno'r gorau iddi yn yr hyn a fydd yn ddyfodol disglair iawn.

Diolch yn fawr, Deputy Llywydd. National Apprenticeship Week is an opportunity to recognise just how important apprenticeships, apprentices and apprenticeship providers are to our economy.

Previously to entering the Senedd, I was an engineering apprentice myself before gaining my degree with the support of the company and becoming a research and development engineer. Deputy Llywydd, if we're going to build back greener and fairer from the coronavirus pandemic, we will need more engineering apprenticeships.

For me, this week is an opportunity to encourage others to take up apprenticeships, but also to say thank you to those who personally train, and personally train the next generation—people like Peter Holden, John Steele, Mike Halliday and everyone at DRB Group on the Deeside industrial estate. These are the people who trained me, and trained alongside me, and continue to support me. Llywydd, I'm proud to have served my time as an apprentice, and I'm proud that I will always be a member of the DRB family, where I served my apprenticeship. Thank you. 

Diolch yn fawr, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Mae Wythnos Genedlaethol Prentisiaethau yn gyfle i gydnabod pa mor bwysig yw prentisiaethau, prentisiaid a darparwyr prentisiaethau i'n heconomi.

Cyn ymuno â'r Senedd, roeddwn yn brentis peirianneg fy hun cyn ennill fy ngradd gyda chefnogaeth y cwmni a dod yn beiriannydd ymchwil a datblygu. Ddirprwy Lywydd, os ydym am adeiladu'n ôl yn fwy gwyrdd ac yn fwy teg yn sgil y pandemig coronafeirws, bydd angen mwy o brentisiaethau peirianneg arnom.

I mi, mae'r wythnos hon yn gyfle i annog eraill i ddilyn prentisiaethau, ond hefyd i ddweud diolch wrth y rhai sy'n darparu hyfforddiant personol, ac yn rhoi hyfforddiant personol i'r genhedlaeth nesaf—pobl fel Peter Holden, John Steele, Mike Halliday a phawb yn DRB Group ar ystâd ddiwydiannol Glannau Dyfrdwy. Dyma'r bobl a roddodd hyfforddiant i mi, ac a hyfforddodd ochr yn ochr â mi, ac sy'n parhau i fy nghefnogi. Lywydd, rwy'n falch fy mod wedi treulio amser fel prentis, ac rwy'n falch y byddaf bob amser yn aelod o deulu DRB, lle bûm yn gwneud fy mhrentisiaeth. Diolch.


Thank you. Deputy Presiding Officer, we all know, I think, that Twitter isn't always the happiest of places. But, last week, my timeline was literally illuminated by hundreds of beautiful lanterns. The lanterns were made by children across Carmarthenshire as part of the Lightbringers Project, the brainchild of Jayne Marciano. The project was inspired by a wonderful children's book, The LightbringersY Lanternwyr, yn Gymraeg.

The book is a true Welsh product, written and illustrated by Karin Celestine of Monmouthshire and published by Graffeg in Llanelli. It's in two parts. The first is a story of a journey taken by little creatures as they seek to return light to the earth at midwinter, centring on the idea that light will always return, even from the darkest days. The second part is a short introduction to the traditions that the story evokes: the Mari Lwyd and the wassail.

The project saw pupils in their homes and in their hubs reading the story, learning about the traditions and making beautiful lanterns, bringing light into dark times. The project also gave opportunities for the children to express their feelings about lockdown and talk about their hopes for the future. The lanterns are incredibly varied, made from a wide range of materials: exquisite painting on glass, colourful paper, clever use of cardboard and plastics and tins, made by children as old as 11 and as young as three. They made my timeline glow. For me, they did exactly what was intended. They brought light in dark times. The lanterns made me smile, and seeing the children's proud, smiling faces made me feel really hopeful, and I'm sure that I speak for many others who saw these lovely lanterns too.

I understand that there are now plans to expand the project beyond Carmarthenshire. So, I want to say thank you. I had thought to try and list all of the schools that I knew of that took part, but there are just too many, and I don't want to try the Deputy Presiding Officer's patience. So, I can't name them all, but thank you all so much—school, staff, families, and most of all the children. Diolch yn fawr iawn. You are true lightbringers, each and every one of you.

Diolch. Ddirprwy Lywydd, rydym i gyd yn gwybod, rwy'n meddwl, nad Twitter yw'r lle hapusaf bob amser. Ond yr wythnos diwethaf, cafodd fy llinell amser ei goleuo'n llythrennol gan gannoedd o lusernau hardd. Gwnaed y llusernau gan blant ar draws Sir Gaerfyrddin fel rhan o Brosiect y Lanternwyr, syniad Jayne Marciano. Ysbrydolwyd y prosiect gan y llyfr gwych i blant, Y Lanternwyr.

Mae'r llyfr yn gynnyrch Cymreig go iawn, wedi'i ysgrifennu a'i ddarlunio gan Karin Celestine o Sir Fynwy a'i gyhoeddi gan Graffeg yn Llanelli. Mae mewn dwy ran. Mae'r gyntaf yn stori am daith a wneir gan greaduriaid bach wrth iddynt geisio dychwelyd golau i'r ddaear ganol gaeaf, gan ganolbwyntio ar y syniad y bydd golau bob amser yn dychwelyd, hyd yn oed i'r dyddiau tywyllaf. Mae'r ail ran yn gyflwyniad byr i'r traddodiadau y mae'r stori'n eu dwyn i gof: y Fari Lwyd a'r canu gwasael.

Gwelodd y prosiect ddisgyblion yn eu cartrefi ac yn eu hybiau yn darllen y stori, yn dysgu am y traddodiadau ac yn gwneud llusernau hardd, gan ddod â golau i amseroedd tywyll. Roedd y prosiect hefyd yn rhoi cyfleoedd i'r plant fynegi eu teimladau am y cyfyngiadau symud a siarad am eu gobeithion ar gyfer y dyfodol. Mae'r llusernau'n amrywiol tu hwnt, wedi'u gwneud o ystod eang o ddeunyddiau: paentio hyfryd ar wydr, papur lliwgar, defnydd clyfar o gardbord a phlastigau a thuniau, wedi'u gwneud gan blant mor hen ag 11 oed ac mor ifanc â thair oed. Gwnaethant i fy llinell amser ddisgleirio. I mi, roeddent yn gwneud yn union yr hyn a fwriadwyd. Daethant â golau mewn cyfnod tywyll. Fe wnaeth y llusernau i mi wenu, ac roedd gweld wynebau balch y plant yn gwenu yn gwneud i mi deimlo'n obeithiol iawn, ac rwy'n siŵr fy mod yn siarad ar ran llawer o rai eraill a welodd y llusernau hyfryd hyn hefyd.

Deallaf fod cynlluniau yn awr i ehangu'r prosiect y tu hwnt i Sir Gaerfyrddin. Felly, hoffwn ddiolch i chi. Roeddwn wedi meddwl ceisio rhestru'r holl ysgolion y gwyddwn eu bod wedi cymryd rhan, ond mae gormod, ac nid wyf am brofi amynedd y Dirprwy Lywydd. Felly, ni allaf eu henwi i gyd, ond diolch i bawb ohonoch—ysgolion, staff, teuluoedd, ac yn bennaf oll, y plant. Diolch yn fawr iawn. Rydych chi'n lanternwyr go iawn, bob un ohonoch.

Lanternwyr go iawn ŷch chi i gyd. Daw eto, haul ar fryn.

You are true lightbringers, each and every one of you. The sun will rise again over the hills.

Thank you. In accordance with Standing Order 12.18, I will now suspend the proceedings until 4.30 p.m., that's 16:30. When we resume, we will proceed immediately to the Stage 3 debate on the Welsh Elections (Coronavirus) Bill. So, the meeting stands adjourned until 4.30 p.m. 

Diolch. Yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.18, rwy'n atal y trafodion yn awr tan 4.30 p.m., sef 16:30. Pan fyddwn yn ailddechrau, byddwn yn symud ymlaen ar unwaith at y ddadl Cyfnod 3 ar Fil Etholiadau Cymru (Coronafeirws). Felly, mae'r cyfarfod wedi'i ohirio tan 4.30 p.m.

Ataliwyd y Cyfarfod Llawn am 16:23.

Plenary was suspended at 16:23.


Ailymgynullodd y Senedd am 16:31, gyda'r Llywydd yn y Gadair.

The Senedd reconvened at 16:31, with the Llywydd in the Chair.

7. Dadl: Cyfnod 3 Bil Etholiadau Cymru (Coronafeirws)
7. Debate: Stage 3 of the Welsh Elections (Coronavirus) Bill

Dyma ni'n cyrraedd nawr Cyfnod 3 o'r Bil Etholiadau Cymru (Coronafeirws), ac felly yn symud i'r grŵp cyntaf o welliannau yn syth.

That brings us to our Stage 3 debate on the Welsh Elections (Coronavirus) Bill, and we move to the first group of amendments.

Grŵp 1: Y cyfnod cyn etholiad: Canllawiau (Gwelliannau 15, 17)
Group 1: Pre-election period: Guidance (Amendments 15, 17)

Mae'r grŵp cyntaf yma yn ymwneud â chanllawiau yn ystod y cyfnod cyn etholiad. Gwelliant 15 yw'r prif welliant yn y grŵp yma, a dwi'n galw ar Rhun ap Iorwerth i gyflwyno'r gwelliant ac i siarad i gwelliannau'r grŵp. Rhun ap Iorwerth.

The first group relates to guidance during the pre-election period. The lead amendment in the group is amendment 15, and I call on Rhun ap Iorwerth to move and speak to the lead amendment and the other amendments in the group. Rhun ap Iorwerth.

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 15 (Rhun ap Iorwerth).

Amendment 15 (Rhun ap Iorwerth) moved.

Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd. Ydw, dwi'n siarad i'r unig ddau welliant sydd gennym ni yn fan hyn: gwelliant 15 a gwelliant 17. Fel y soniwyd ddoe yn ystod trafodion Cyfnod 2, mae yna drafodaethau adeiladol wedi digwydd efo'r Llywodraeth er mwyn dod o hyd i eiriad oedd yn dderbyniol i Weinidogion a ninnau, felly y cyfaddawd a'r cytundeb a gyrhaeddon ni sydd o'n blaenau ni heddiw.

Bwriad gwelliant 15 ydy ymgorffori'r syniad o gyfnod cyn diddymu neu gyfnod cyn etholiadol ar wyneb y ddeddfwriaeth, a chreu dyletswydd ar y Prif Weinidog i gyhoeddi canllawiau yn dweud beth mae'r Llywodraeth a Gweinidogion yn cael ei wneud a beth chân nhw ddim ei wneud yn ystod y cyfnod cyn diddymu yma. Rydym ni yn credu bod angen diogelu'r egwyddor yn y ddeddfwriaeth fod rheolau am degwch y cyfnod cyn etholiad mor bwysig yn etholiad Senedd 2021 ag yn unrhyw etholiad arall, er gwaetha'r ffaith bod y Bil, wrth gwrs, yn cwtogi yn sylweddol y cyfnod diddymu statudol arferol er mwyn galluogi adalw'r Senedd i drafod busnes yn ymwneud â COVID.

Rydym ni'n credu hefyd fod angen gwarant y bydd canllawiau yn cael eu cyhoeddi gan y Llywodraeth, yn amlinellu'r gofynion a'r cyfyngiadau ar ddefnydd adnoddau ac ar fusnes y Llywodraeth yn y cyfnod yma. Mae hynny'n angenrheidiol er mwyn tryloywder ac i roi ffydd i etholwyr na fydd adnoddau cyhoeddus y Llywodraeth yn cael eu defnyddio at ddibenion pleidiol yn yr wythnosau'n arwain at yr etholiad, y bydd tegwch i Lywodraeth y dydd a'r gwrthbleidiau fel ei gilydd. Mi oeddwn i'n dweud ddoe fod canllawiau wedi'u cyhoeddi mor fuan â Rhagfyr 2015 ar gyfer etholiad Mai 2016 ond nad ydyn ni hyd yma wedi cael unrhyw beth gan y Llywodraeth eto ar gyfer etholiad 2021.

Rŵan, mae Comisiwn y Senedd eisoes wedi cyhoeddi canllawiau ar gyfer y cyfnod diddymu statudol, mewn paratoad ar gyfer y cyfnod diddymu mis o hyd, y cyfnod arferol y byddem ni wedi'i weld mewn amgylchiadau arferol, ac mae yna fecanwaith statudol ar gyfer cyhoeddi canllawiau ar ddefnydd adnoddau'r Senedd yn barod mewn lle o dan Ddeddf Llywodraeth Cymru 2006 a Mesur Comisiynydd Safonau Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru 2009 ac ati. Dydy'r Comisiwn ddim wedi'i gynnwys yn y gwelliant yma am y rheswm hwnnw. Er hynny, mae'n bwysig bod cyn gymaint o ganllawiau â phosib ar gael i Aelodau presennol y Senedd, ac mi ydw i'n edrych ymlaen i weld y Comisiwn yn diweddaru ac ailgyhoeddi y canllawiau sydd wedi cael eu cyhoeddi'n barod er mwyn ymateb yn gadarnhaol i ddarpariaethau terfynol y Bil yma.

At welliant 17 yn fyr: bwriad y gwelliant yma ydy creu dyletswydd ar Weinidogion Cymru i gyhoeddi canllawiau'n amlinellu'n glir y math o weithgarwch ymgyrchu sy'n cael digwydd o dan wahanol gyfyngiadau COVID wrth arwain at yr etholiad. Does yna neb yn gweld etholiad cyffredin yn digwydd eleni, ond er mwyn caniatáu cyfle cyfartal i bawb sy'n sefyll—nid jest y rhai sydd â phlatfform cryf ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn barod neu rai sydd â phocedi dyfnion er mwyn talu i ddeunydd gael ei rannu—mae'n rhaid cael eglurder ar y math o weithgarwch sy'n cael ei ganiatáu. Mae'r gwelliant yma yn cyflawni'r nod hwnnw, felly, a'r disgwyliad ydy y bydd y canllawiau a gaiff eu cyhoeddi o dan y Bil wedi'i wella, o basio'r gwelliant yma, yn rhoi eglurder i gwestiynau fel, 'A oes hawl cyfreithiol gan wirfoddolwyr i ddosbarthu taflenni o dan gyfyngiadau lefel 4?', 'A fydd modd ymgyrchu o ddrws i ddrws o dan gyfyngiadau lefel 2 neu 3?' Cwestiynau pwysig, mae yna lawer o gwestiynau tebyg, ac mae'r gwelliant yma yn mynd i wneud yn siŵr ein bod ni'n gallu cael yr atebion iddyn nhw.

Thank you very much, Llywydd. I'll speak to the two amendments that we have here: amendments 15 and 17. As was mentioned yesterday during Stage 2 proceedings, there have been constructive discussions with Government in order to find a wording that was acceptable to both Ministers and ourselves, so there's been a compromise and the agreement that we reached is before us today.

The intention of amendment 15 is to incorporate a pre-dissolution or pre-election period on the face of the legislation, putting a duty on the First Minister to publish guidance on what the Government and Ministers are allowed and aren't allowed to do during that pre-dissolution period. We do believe that we need to safeguard the principle in the legislation that rules on fairness in the pre-election period are as important in the 2021 Senedd election as they are in any other election, despite the fact that the Bill significantly reduces the statutory dissolution period in order to enable the recall of the Senedd to discuss business related to COVID.

We also believe that we need guarantees that guidance will be published by Government, outlining the requirements and restrictions on the use of resources and Government business during this period. That is essential for the sake of transparency and to give constituents faith that the public resources of Government won't be used for party political purposes in the weeks leading up to the election, that there will be fairness to the Government of the day and the opposition parties alike. I said yesterday that guidance was published as early as December 2015 for the May 2016 election, but that we haven't had anything from Government to date for the 2021 election.

Now, the Senedd Commission has already published guidance for the statutory dissolution period in preparation for that month-long dissolution, which is the norm that we would have seen in other circumstances, and there is a statutory mechanism for the publication of guidance on the use of Senedd resources already in place under the Government of Wales Act 2006 and the National Assembly for Wales Commissioner for Standards Measure 2009 and so on. The Commission isn't included in this amendment for that very reason. However, it is important that as much guidance as possible is available for current Senedd Members, and I look forward to seeing the Commission updating and republishing its guidance in responding positively to the final provisions of this Bill.

Turning to amendment 17 briefly, the intention there is to place a duty on Welsh Ministers to publish guidance, outlining clearly the kind of campaigning activities that will be allowed under the various COVID restriction levels in the lead-up to the election. Nobody expects this election to be an ordinary election this year, but in order to provide equality of opportunity for all candidates—not just those who already have a strong platform on social media or those who have very deep pockets and can pay for materials to be distributed—we must have clarity on the kinds of activities that are allowed. This amendment delivers that objective and the expectation is that the guidance published under the amended Bill, in passing this amendment, will provide answers to questions such as, 'Will volunteers have a legal right to distribute leaflets under level 4 restrictions?', 'Will door-to-door campaigning be allowed under level 2 or 3 restrictions?' These are important questions, there are many similar questions, and these amendments will ensure that we have those answers.


Diolch, Llywydd. As I indicated at Stage 2, I was very comfortable with the spirit behind what the Member was trying to achieve by his amendments at that stage in respect of guidance about the pre-election period and about campaigning. These are obviously both important matters on which we are indeed preparing guidance. I am therefore really pleased to have been able to work with the Member to prepare these amendments, and the Government will support them. Diolch.

Diolch, Lywydd. Fel y dywedais yng Nghyfnod 2, roeddwn yn gyfforddus iawn â'r ysbryd sy'n sail i'r hyn roedd yr Aelod yn ceisio'i gyflawni drwy ei welliannau yn y cyfnod hwnnw mewn perthynas â chanllawiau am y cyfnod cyn yr etholiad ac am ymgyrchu. Mae'n amlwg bod y rhain ill dau yn faterion pwysig ac rydym yn sicr yn paratoi canllawiau arnynt. Felly, rwy'n falch iawn o fod wedi gallu gweithio gyda'r Aelod i baratoi'r gwelliannau hyn, a bydd y Llywodraeth yn eu cefnogi. Diolch.

Ydy Rhun ap Iorwerth eisiau cyfrannu mewn ymateb?

Rhun ap Iorwerth, do you want to reply to the debate?

Na, ond i ddiolch unwaith eto am y cydweithrediad ar y rhain. Mae'r gwelliannau yma heb os yn cryfhau y Bil, dwi'n credu.

No, but I would like to say thank you again for the collaboration on these amendments; they strengthen the Bill without doubt.

Y cwestiwn felly yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 15? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Nac oes, ac felly mae gwelliant 15 wedi'i dderbyn.

The question is that amendment 15 be agreed. Does any Member object? No, and therefore amendment 15 is agreed.

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.

Amendment agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.

Grŵp 2: Y broses ar gyfer cynnig gohirio o dan adran 5 (Gwelliannau 3, 16, 4, 6, 7)
Group 2: Process for proposing a postponement under section 5 (Amendments 3, 16, 4, 6, 7)

Felly, y grŵp nesaf i'w drafod yw grŵp 2, ac mae'r grŵp yma yn ymwneud â'r broses ar gyfer cynnig gohirio o dan adran 5. Gwelliant 3 yw'r prif welliant yn y grŵp yma, a dwi'n galw ar Gareth Bennett i gynnig y gwelliant ac i siarad i'r grŵp. Gareth Bennett.

So, the next group for discussion is group 2, and the group relates to the process for proposing a postponement under section 5. The lead amendment is amendment 3, and I call on Gareth Bennett to move and speak to the lead amendment and the other amendments in the group. Gareth Bennett.

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 3 (Gareth Bennett, gyda chefnogaeth Mark Reckless).

Amendment 3 (Gareth Bennett, supported by Mark Reckless) moved.

Diolch, Llywydd. I will be brief, as the two amendments from my party—Abolish—are quite simple in their intent. Amendment 3 is the substantive amendment, while amendment 4 is consequential to amendment 3. So, if amendment 3 is not supported, then I won't be moving amendment 4. 

The amendments pertain to the police and crime commissioner elections, which are due to be held in Wales on 6 May. These elections are not within the remit of the Welsh Government or this Senedd, so the decision to hold them on 6 May is a decision that will be taken by the UK Government. Our latest information, which is quite recent, is that the stated intention of the UK Government is to go ahead with these elections on 6 May. Now, of course, we are in a fluid situation. The public health situation could worsen, and it is possible that the PCC elections will not, after all, take place, but as far as we know, as I say, these elections are going ahead. Given that, our amendment 3 seeks to prevent the Welsh Government from delaying the Senedd elections to a date beyond 6 May if the PCC elections do take place on that date. The aim is to save the public money of hard-paying taxpayers. Our thinking is that if an election is taking place on 6 May in any case, then what would be the justification for the Welsh Government in delaying the Senedd election? We feel that such an outcome would be a blatant waste of time and money, and worse, it would be extending the term of this Senedd for no viable reason. That is the sole intent of our amendment 3: to save public money and ensure that there is no delay to the Senedd election for no good reason. Now, if the PCC election is going ahead, then we can be assured that any delay to the Senedd election will be for no good reason.

As I said earlier, amendment 3 is merely technical, and is consequential—sorry, amendment 4 is merely technical and is consequential to amendment 3. The only thing I would like to add is Plaid's amendment in this group seems eminently sensible, and we're also supporting that. Thanks for listening, and I hope Members will support our sensible and constructive amendments. Diolch.

Diolch, Lywydd. Fe fyddaf yn gryno, gan fod y ddau welliant gan fy mhlaid—Diddymu—yn eithaf syml yn eu bwriad. Gwelliant 3 yw'r gwelliant o sylwedd, tra bod gwelliant 4 yn ganlyniad i welliant 3. Felly, os na chefnogir gwelliant 3, ni fyddaf yn cynnig gwelliant 4. 

Mae'r gwelliannau'n ymwneud ag etholiadau comisiynwyr heddlu a throseddu, sydd i fod i gael eu cynnal yng Nghymru ar 6 Mai. Nid yw'r etholiadau hyn yn rhan o gylch gwaith Llywodraeth Cymru na'r Senedd hon, felly mae'r penderfyniad i'w cynnal ar 6 Mai yn benderfyniad a fydd yn cael ei wneud gan Lywodraeth y DU. Ein gwybodaeth ddiweddaraf, sy'n eithaf diweddar, yw mai bwriad datganedig Llywodraeth y DU yw bwrw ymlaen â'r etholiadau hyn ar 6 Mai. Nawr, rydym mewn sefyllfa gyfnewidiol wrth gwrs. Gallai sefyllfa iechyd y cyhoedd waethygu, ac mae'n bosibl na fydd etholiadau comisiynwyr heddlu a throseddu'n digwydd wedi'r cyfan, ond hyd y gwyddom, fel y dywedais, mae'r etholiadau hyn yn mynd rhagddynt. O ystyried hynny, mae ein gwelliant 3 yn ceisio atal Llywodraeth Cymru rhag gohirio etholiadau'r Senedd tan ddyddiad wedi 6 Mai os cynhelir etholiadau comisiynwyr heddlu a throseddu ar y dyddiad hwnnw. Y nod yw arbed arian cyhoeddus trethdalwyr. Ein safbwynt ni yw: os cynhelir etholiad ar 6 Mai beth bynnag, sut y gellid cyfiawnhau bod Lywodraeth Cymru yn gohirio etholiad y Senedd? Teimlwn y byddai canlyniad o'r fath yn amlwg yn wastraff amser ac arian, ac yn waeth, byddai'n ymestyn tymor y Senedd hon heb unrhyw reswm ymarferol. Dyna unig fwriad ein gwelliant 3: arbed arian cyhoeddus a sicrhau na chaiff etholiad y Senedd ei ohirio heb reswm da. Nawr, os yw etholiad y comisiynwyr heddlu a throseddu yn mynd rhagddo, gallwn fod yn sicr y bydd unrhyw ohiriad i etholiad y Senedd yn digwydd heb reswm da.

Fel y dywedais yn gynharach, gwelliant technegol yn unig yw gwelliant 3, ac mae'n ganlyniad—mae'n ddrwg gennyf, gwelliant technegol yn unig yw gwelliant 4 ac mae'n ganlyniad i welliant 3. Yr unig beth yr hoffwn ei ychwanegu yw bod gwelliant Plaid Cymru yn y grŵp hwn yn ymddangos yn un cwbl synhwyrol, ac rydym yn cefnogi hwnnw hefyd. Diolch am wrando, a gobeithio y bydd yr Aelodau'n cefnogi ein gwelliannau synhwyrol ac adeiladol. Diolch.

We will be supporting amendments 3 and 4, but we're not able to support Plaid Cymru's amendment 16. It would seem very bizarre to compel the First Minister to explain his reasons for not doing something. This is completely without precedent and not something I believe that anyone, as I said yesterday in a different context, is intentionally calling for. If you believe the election should go ahead, then we do not think the First Minister should be dragged in to the Plenary to explain why he isn't going to interrupt the democratic process, rather than explain, as we believe, why he should if the situation arises.

I therefore move amendments 6 and 7 in my name, and having listened to the debate during Stage 2 of this Bill yesterday, our amendment 6 is a compromise that will require the Welsh Government to bring forward regulations through the affirmative procedure to set out the criteria for triggering a request to the Senedd to delay the election within 14 days from the Act receiving Royal Assent. Amendment 7 is also a compromise amendment that would only require the Welsh Government to publish the criteria to be used by the First Minister for determining whether it is necessary or appropriate to postpone the election within 14 days from the Act receiving Royal Assent.

I've repeatedly expressed concern that the Welsh Government has not said what situation the pandemic needs to be in before the First Minister formally requests a delay to the Welsh general election. The people of Wales need to have confidence that if their democratic will is to be temporarily delayed, they'll be entitled to know why. Unless this legislation includes a clear, objective, quantifiable threshold for the First Minister to formally request a delay to the Welsh general election due on 6 May, it will be impossible for him to avoid allegations of political opportunism and conflict of interest were he to do so. Diolch.

Byddwn yn cefnogi gwelliannau 3 a 4, ond ni allwn gefnogi gwelliant 16 Plaid Cymru. Byddai'n ymddangos yn rhyfedd iawn gorfodi'r Prif Weinidog i egluro ei resymau dros beidio â gwneud rhywbeth. Mae hyn yn gwbl ddigynsail ac nid yw'n rhywbeth y credaf fod neb, fel y dywedais ddoe mewn cyd-destun gwahanol, yn galw amdano'n fwriadol. Os credwch y dylid cynnal yr etholiad, ni chredwn y dylid llusgo'r Prif Weinidog i mewn i'r Cyfarfod Llawn i egluro pam nad yw'n mynd i dorri ar draws y broses ddemocrataidd, yn hytrach nag esbonio, fel y credwn ni, pam y dylai wneud hynny pe bai'r sefyllfa'n codi. 

Felly, rwy'n cynnig gwelliannau 6 a 7 yn fy enw i, ac ar ôl gwrando ar y ddadl yn ystod Cyfnod 2 y Bil hwn ddoe, mae ein gwelliant 6 yn gyfaddawd a fydd yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i Lywodraeth Cymru gyflwyno rheoliadau drwy'r weithdrefn gadarnhaol i nodi'r meini prawf ar gyfer sbarduno cais i'r Senedd i ohirio'r etholiad o fewn 14 diwrnod wedi i'r Ddeddf gael Cydsyniad Brenhinol. Mae gwelliant 7 hefyd yn welliant cyfaddawd a fyddai ond yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i Lywodraeth Cymru gyhoeddi'r meini prawf sydd i'w defnyddio gan y Prif Weinidog ar gyfer penderfynu a yw'n angenrheidiol neu'n briodol gohirio'r etholiad o fewn 14 diwrnod wedi i'r Ddeddf gael Cydsyniad Brenhinol.

Rwyf wedi mynegi pryder dro ar ôl tro nad yw Llywodraeth Cymru wedi dweud pa sefyllfa y mae angen i'r pandemig fod ynddi cyn i'r Prif Weinidog ofyn yn ffurfiol am ohirio etholiad cyffredinol Cymru. Os yw eu hewyllys ddemocrataidd i gael ei gohirio dros dro, mae angen i bobl Cymru fod yn hyderus y bydd ganddynt hawl i wybod pam. Oni bai bod y ddeddfwriaeth hon yn cynnwys trothwy clir, gwrthrychol, mesuradwy i'r Prif Weinidog ofyn yn ffurfiol am ohirio etholiad cyffredinol Cymru sydd i'w gynnal ar 6 Mai, bydd yn amhosibl iddo osgoi honiadau o oportiwnistiaeth wleidyddol a gwrthdaro buddiannau pe bai'n gwneud hynny. Diolch.


Rydw i'n siarad i welliant 16 yn y grŵp yma. Eto, yn achos y gwelliant yma, fel yn y ddau ddiwethaf, mae yna drafodaethau adeiladol wedi gallu digwydd rhwng Plaid Cymru a'r Llywodraeth ac mae'r gwelliant sydd o'n blaenau ni fan hyn yn gyfaddawd positif iawn, rydw i'n credu. Bwriad y gwelliant ydy rhoi dyletswydd ar y Prif Weinidog i wneud datganiad rhagweithiol i'r Senedd yn dweud naill ffordd neu'r llall erbyn 24 Mawrth ydy o'n bwriadu gwneud cynnig i ohirio'r etholiad ai peidio.

Mi drechwyd ein gwelliannau ni ddoe oedd yn galw am point of no return cadarn fyddai wedi golygu bod yn rhaid i'r Prif Weinidog ddechrau'r broses o wneud cais i ohirio'r etholiad erbyn dechrau'r cyfnod cyn diddymu ar yr hwyraf—7 Ebrill fyddai hynny wedi bod yn achos etholiad 6 Mai. Fel y soniais i ddoe, mae unrhyw beth ar ôl hynny yn mynd yn rhy hwyr yn ein tyb ni, o ystyried y bydd ymgeiswyr yn ymgeiswyr cyfreithiol erbyn hynny, o ystyried y bydd y cyfnod gwariant etholiadol wedi dechrau ac yn y blaen. Dan y cyfaddawd yma, er na chawn ni wybod yn gwbl bendant erbyn 7 Ebrill, bydd gennym ni fwy o sicrwydd erbyn 24 Mawrth a phenderfyniad hefyd, oni bai bod rhywbeth mawr iawn ac annisgwyl iawn yn newid, a fydd yr etholiad yn mynd yn ei flaen ai peidio.

Yn sgil pasio ein gwelliant ni ddoe oedd yn creu dyletswydd ar y Llywodraeth i gynnal adolygiad o'r paratoadau ar gyfer cynnal etholiad yn ystod pob un o'r adolygiadau tair wythnosol o'r cyfyngiadau COVID, a chyfathrebu canfyddiadau'r adolygiadau hynny, mi ddylai fod gennym ni ddarlun clir, rydw i'n credu, erbyn 24 Mawrth o'r cyfeiriad rydyn ni'n mynd iddo fe o ran y pandemig a'i effaith tebygol o ar y gallu i gynnal etholiad. Mi ddylai fod y Prif Weinidog mewn sefyllfa, felly, i wneud penderfyniad erbyn y dyddiad hwnnw. Y rheswm dros y dyddiad yna ydy mai hwnnw ydy'r diwrnod olaf mae disgwyl i'r Senedd eistedd cyn dechrau'r toriad Pasg fydd yn arwain i mewn i'r cyfnod cyn etholiadol, ac mae yna resymeg felly yn y ffaith bod y penderfyniad yn cael ei ddatgan i'r Senedd tra mae'r Senedd yn dal yn eistedd, fel y gallwn ni graffu ar y penderfyniad.

I ateb rheswm y Ceidwadwyr dros yr hyn glywsom ni, eu bod nhw'n mynd i bleidleisio yn erbyn hwn, gaf i eich hatgoffa chi bod hwn yn Fil nid yn unig i ganiatáu gohirio etholiad ond i ddangos ac i ganiatáu'r etholiad gael ei gynnal mewn ffordd ddiogel ar 6 Mai? Rydyn ni i gyd yn gobeithio mai dyna fydd y sefyllfa. Rydyn ni'n gofyn i'r Prif Weinidog amlinellu yn ei ddatganiad o i'r Senedd sut allwn ni gael sicrwydd y byddai parhau efo etholiad dan gysgod y cyfyngiadau COVID yn galluogi cael ymgyrch lawn a theg, a hynny er tegwch i bob ymgeisydd sy'n sefyll, boed yn ariannog neu ddim, ond hefyd er tegwch i bawb sy'n gymwys i bleidleisio, fel y gallan nhw gael mynediad er gwaetha'r cyfyngiadau tebygol at wybodaeth, sydd mor bwysig er mwyn gallu gwneud penderfyniad o ran i ble y dylen nhw fwrw eu pleidlais. Felly, mae'n bwysig iawn, dwi'n meddwl, bod hwn yn cael ei gynnwys yn y Bil wedi ei wella. 

Gair am welliannau 3 a 4. Rydyn ni yn erbyn y gwelliannau yma, gafodd eu cyflwyno gan Gareth Bennett efo cefnogaeth Mark Reckless, sy'n ceisio cyfyngu gallu'r Prif Weinidog i gynnig gohirio'r etholiad oni bai bod Llywodraeth Prydain wedi gwneud yr un peth ar gyfer etholiadau'r comisiynwyr heddlu. Cydnabyddwch mai dyma ein hetholiad cyffredinol ni yma yng Nghymru. Mae'r dyddiad rydyn ni'n ei osod a'r rheolaeth sydd gennym ni dros y dyddiad hwnnw yn hollbwysig i ddemocratiaeth Cymru.

At welliannau 6 a 7, rydyn ni'n cefnogi ysbryd y gwelliannau yma gan y Ceidwadwyr. Mae'n bwysig bod y Llywodraeth yn ei gwneud hi'n glir beth ydy'r trothwy ar gyfer gohirio. Mi allwn ni weld rhinwedd yng ngwelliant 7 yn enwedig, a allai atgyfnerthu'r adran newydd a gafodd ei chefnogi'n unfrydol ddoe o ran adrodd fesul tair wythnos am ba mor debygol ydy gohirio'r etholiad. Mi fyddai'r gwelliannau yma yn ffurfioli'r meini prawf sy'n sail i hynny, er mi fyddwn i'n rhoi'r cafeat na fuasem ni am weld cyfyngu ar y mathau o ffactorau fyddai angen eu pwyso a mesur wrth ddod i benderfyniad.

I speak to amendment 16 in this group. Again, in the case of this amendment, as with the other two, there have been constructive discussions between Plaid Cymru and the Government, and the amendment before us is a very positive compromise, I believe. The intention of the amendment is to place a duty on the First Minister to make a proactive statement to the Senedd saying one way or the other by 24 March whether he intends to make a proposal to postpone the election or not.

Our amendments yesterday, calling for a point of no return, were defeated, and they would have meant that the First Minister would have had to start the process of making a request to postpone the election by the start of the pre-dissolution period at the latest—7 April in the case of an election on 6 May. As I mentioned yesterday, anything after that is too late in the day in our view, given that candidates will be legally in place as candidates by that point, and the electoral spending period will have begun and so on. Under this compromise, although we won't be told with complete certainty by 7 April, we will have greater assurance by 24 March and also a decision, unless a major unexpected event takes place, as to whether the election will take place on not.

In light of passing our amendment yesterday that placed a duty on the Government to carry out a review of preparations for holding an election during each of the three-weekly reviews of the COVID restrictions, and to communicate the findings of those reviews, then we should have a clear picture by 24 March of our direction of travel in terms of the pandemic and its likely impact on the ability to hold an election. The First Minister should therefore be in a position to make a decision by that date. The reason for choosing that date is that that is the last day on which the Senedd is expected to sit before the beginning of the Easter recess, which will lead into the pre-dissolution period. There are reasons why that statement should be made to the Senedd whilst it's still in situ so that we can scrutinise the decision.

To respond to the Conservatives' view that we heard, that they were to vote against this amendment, may I remind you that this is a Bill not only to allow the postponement of an election, but also to allow an election to be held in a safe way on 6 May? And we all very much hope that that will be the case. We are asking the First Minister to outline in his statement to the Senedd how we can be assured that continuing with an election under COVID restrictions would allow a full and fair election campaign for the benefit of all candidates, be they wealthy or not, but also for the benefit of everyone who is eligible to vote, so that they can have access despite restrictions to information, which is so important in making a decision on how they would wish to cast their vote. So, it is very important, I think, that this is included on the face of the amended Bill. 

In terms of amendments 3 and 4, we are opposed to these. They've been put forward by Gareth Bennett with the support of Mark Reckless and they're trying to restrict the ability of the First Minister to propose a postponement unless the UK Government has done the same for police and crime commissioner elections. Now, recognise that this is our general election here in Wales. The date that we set and the control that we have over that date is crucially important for Welsh democracy. 

Turning to amendments 6 and 7, we support the spirit of these amendments from the Conservatives. It's important that the Government does make it clear what the threshold for postponement should be. We can see the merit of amendment 7 particularly, which could reinforce the new section inserted with unanimous support yesterday in terms of the three-weekly reporting on postponing the election. These amendments would formalise the criteria that are the foundation for that, although I would place a caveat on it that we wouldn't want to see any restrictions on the kind of factors that would need to be weighed up in coming to a decision. 


Y Gweinidog i gyfrannu at y ddadl—Julie James.

The Minister to contribute to the debate—Julie James. 

I strongly oppose amendments 3 and 4, as the effect of these amendments would be to make our decision to postpone the Senedd election dependent upon the UK Government's decision regarding the PCC elections. Of course we are working closely with the UK Government to try to ensure the appropriate degree of consistency between the polls, but I would strongly reject the view that the Senedd election is somehow subordinate to the PCC elections. I note that these have already been postponed for a year, something that I think not only we but most Members of this Senedd would think was wholly unacceptable in the case of the Welsh general election.

While the decisions taken by the UK Government on the PCC elections and other elections in England will clearly carry weight in our consideration of whether we can safely conduct the Senedd election, it is quite possible that those decisions will be taken in the light of circumstances in respect of the pandemic that might pertain across parts of England but not here in Wales. We must be free to take action to protect that election should we face a situation in which the ability of voters to participate safely is under threat. This amendment could prevent the Senedd taking a decision that is in the best interest of voters in the middle of a national crisis. That is wholly unacceptable. Ultimately, decisions that affect the people of Wales should be made here in Wales.

I support amendment 16 and am grateful to the Member for the work we have done together on it. As currently drafted, the requirement is for the First Minister to make a statement by the day of the last Plenary before recess as to whether and why he takes the view that it is safe to proceed with the election.

Amendment 6 would impose a requirement on the Welsh Ministers to make regulations to specify the criteria to be used by the First Minister in exercising the power under section 5(1). This is an unnecessary step in a process that already requires a supermajority of Members to agree a postponement and could box us into a wholly unnecessary corner. So, I cannot support this amendment. However, I do recognise the strength of feeling among Members about the need for transparency about the criteria to be used by the First Minister in making his decision, so I will support the Member’s amendment 7, which requires those criteria to be published.

Rwy'n gwrthwynebu gwelliannau 3 a 4 yn gryf, gan mai effaith y gwelliannau hyn fyddai gwneud ein penderfyniad i ohirio etholiad y Senedd yn ddibynnol ar benderfyniad Llywodraeth y DU ynghylch etholiadau comisiynwyr heddlu a throseddu. Rydym yn gweithio'n agos gyda Llywodraeth y DU wrth gwrs i geisio sicrhau'r cysondeb priodol rhwng yr etholiadau, ond byddwn yn gwrthod yn gryf y farn fod etholiad y Senedd rywsut yn israddol i etholiadau'r comisiynwyr heddlu a throseddu. Nodaf fod y rhain eisoes wedi cael eu gohirio am flwyddyn, rhywbeth y credaf y byddem ni a'r rhan fwyaf o'r Aelodau o'r Senedd hon yn credu ei fod yn gwbl annerbyniol yn achos etholiad cyffredinol Cymru.

Er y bydd y penderfyniadau a wneir gan Lywodraeth y DU ynglŷn ag etholiadau comisiynwyr heddlu a throseddu ac etholiadau eraill yn Lloegr yn amlwg o bwys wrth inni ystyried a allwn gynnal etholiad y Senedd yn ddiogel, mae'n eithaf posibl y bydd y penderfyniadau hynny'n cael eu gwneud yng ngoleuni amgylchiadau mewn perthynas â'r pandemig a allai fod yn berthnasol i rannau o Loegr ond nid yma yng Nghymru. Rhaid inni fod yn rhydd i weithredu i ddiogelu'r etholiad hwnnw pe baem yn wynebu sefyllfa lle mae gallu pleidleiswyr i gymryd rhan yn ddiogel dan fygythiad. Gallai'r gwelliant hwn atal y Senedd rhag gwneud penderfyniad sydd er budd pleidleiswyr ynghanol argyfwng cenedlaethol. Mae hynny'n gwbl annerbyniol. Yn y pen draw, dylid gwneud penderfyniadau sy'n effeithio ar bobl Cymru yma yng Nghymru.

Rwy'n cefnogi gwelliant 16 ac rwy'n ddiolchgar i'r Aelod am y gwaith a wnaethom gyda'n gilydd arno. Fel y mae wedi'i ddrafftio ar hyn o bryd, y gofyniad yw i'r Prif Weinidog wneud datganiad erbyn diwrnod y Cyfarfod Llawn diwethaf cyn y toriad yn dweud a yw o'r farn ei bod yn ddiogel bwrw ymlaen â'r etholiad a pham.

Byddai gwelliant 6 yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i Weinidogion Cymru wneud rheoliadau i bennu'r meini prawf i'w defnyddio gan y Prif Weinidog wrth arfer y pŵer o dan adran 5(1). Mae hwn yn gam diangen mewn proses sydd eisoes yn galw am uwchfwyafrif o Aelodau i gytuno i ohirio a gallai ein cau mewn cornel yn gwbl ddiangen. Felly, ni allaf gefnogi'r gwelliant hwn. Fodd bynnag, rwy'n cydnabod cryfder y teimladau ymhlith yr Aelodau ynglŷn â'r angen am dryloywder ynghylch y meini prawf sydd i'w defnyddio gan y Prif Weinidog wrth iddo wneud ei benderfyniad, felly fe gefnogaf welliant 7 yr Aelod, sy'n ei gwneud yn ofynnol i'r meini prawf hynny gael eu cyhoeddi.

Thank you, everyone, for contributing to the debate on this group. Mark Isherwood, I think, made some constructive and practical comments. I think unfortunately Rhun and Julie have descended into party-political rhetoric. Their objections as stated to not being dictated to by the date of PCC elections are entirely bogus, because Rhun is saying that the decision on the date of the election has to be taken in Wales, in the Senedd, and Julie is saying something similar. She said that our elections shouldn't be subordinate to the PCC elections, and of course she's right, and I never suggested that they were in any way subordinate to the PCC elections. The whole reason why the PCC elections were delayed to 6 May was, surely, in part at least, because we were having an election here on 6 May and they would therefore correspond with our Senedd elections. The date of the elections on 6 May for the Senedd was already taken, and it was in no way subordinate to a decision on the PCC elections. So, I have to say their arguments seem somewhat bogus and somewhat tenuous. But anyway, I'll stop there, because obviously, everyone will have their opinions; the opinions were clearly expressed by everyone from the parties, and I thank them for their contributions. With your assistance, Llywydd, hopefully we will proceed to the vote on this group. 

Diolch, bawb, am gyfrannu at y ddadl ar y grŵp hwn. Credaf fod Mark Isherwood wedi gwneud sylwadau adeiladol ac ymarferol. Credaf yn anffodus fod Rhun a Julie wedi ildio i rethreg bleidiol. Mae eu gwrthwynebiadau fel y'u nodwyd i beidio â gadael i ddyddiad etholiadau comisiynwyr heddlu a throseddu lywio'u gweithredoedd yn gwbl ffug, oherwydd mae Rhun yn dweud bod yn rhaid gwneud y penderfyniad ar ddyddiad yr etholiad yng Nghymru, yn y Senedd, ac mae Julie yn dweud rhywbeth tebyg. Dywedodd na ddylai ein hetholiadau fod yn israddol i etholiadau comisiynwyr heddlu a throseddu, ac wrth gwrs mae hi'n iawn, ac ni awgrymais erioed eu bod mewn unrhyw ffordd yn israddol i etholiadau comisiynwyr heddlu a throseddu. Yr holl reswm pam y cafodd etholiadau comisiynwyr heddlu a throseddu eu gohirio tan 6 Mai, does bosibl, yn rhannol o leiaf, oedd oherwydd ein bod yn cael etholiad yma ar 6 Mai ac felly byddent yn cyd-fynd ag etholiadau ein Senedd. Roedd dyddiad yr etholiadau ar 6 Mai ar gyfer y Senedd eisoes wedi'i gymryd, ac nid oedd yn israddol mewn unrhyw fodd i benderfyniad ynglŷn ag etholiadau comisiynwyr heddlu a throseddu. Felly, rhaid imi ddweud bod eu dadleuon yn ymddangos braidd yn ffug a braidd yn denau. Ond beth bynnag, rwy'n gorffen yn y fan honno, oherwydd mae'n amlwg y bydd gan bawb eu barn; mynegwyd y safbwyntiau'n glir gan bawb o'r pleidiau, a diolch iddynt am eu cyfraniadau. Gyda'ch cymorth chi, Lywydd, gobeithio y gallwn symud ymlaen i'r bleidlais ar y grŵp hwn.


The question, then, is whether amendment 3 should be accepted. Is there an objection? [Objection.] Yes, there is, so we will move to a vote on amendment 3. Before we do so, we need to take a break to prepare for this vote, as it's the first vote in this Stage 3 set of proceedings. So, we'll take a break.

Y cwestiwn, felly, yw a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 3. A oes gwrthwynebiad? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, felly symudwn i bleidlais ar welliant 3. Cyn inni wneud hynny, mae angen inni gymryd seibiant i baratoi ar gyfer y bleidlais hon, gan mai dyma'r bleidlais gyntaf yn y gyfres hon o drafodion Cyfnod 3. Felly, fe gymerwn seibiant.

Ataliwyd y Cyfarfod Llawn am 16:51.

Ailymgynullodd y Senedd am 16:53, gyda'r Llywydd yn y Gadair.

Plenary was suspended at 16:51.

The Senedd reconvened at 16:53, with the Llywydd in the Chair. 

Dyma'r bleidlais, felly, ar welliant 3 yn enw Gareth Bennett. Agor y bleidlais ar welliant 3. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 14, neb yn ymatal, 37 yn erbyn, ac felly mae gwelliant 3 wedi'i wrthod. 

This is the vote on amendment 3 in the name of Gareth Bennett. Open the vote on amendment 3. Close the vote. In favour 14, no abstentions, 37 against, and therefore amendment 3 is not agreed. 

Gwelliant 3: O blaid: 14, Yn erbyn: 37, Ymatal: 0

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 3: For: 14, Against: 37, Abstain: 0

Amendment has been rejected

Grŵp 3: Y diwrnod olaf posibl ar gyfer etholiad (Gwelliannau 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)
Group 3: Last possible election day (Amendments 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)

Grŵp 3 yw'r grŵp nesaf o welliannau. Mae'r grŵp yma yn ymwneud â'r diwrnod olaf posib ar gyfer etholiad. Gwelliant 5 yw'r prif welliant yn y grŵp yma a dwi'n galw ar Mark Isherwood i gynnig y gwelliant yna ac i siarad i'r grŵp. 

The next group of amendments is group 3. This group relates to the last possible election day. Amendment 5 is the lead amendment in the group and I call Mark Isherwood to move that amendment and to speak to the other amendments in the group. 

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 5 (Mark Isherwood).

Amendment 5 (Mark Isherwood) moved.

I move amendments 5, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13. These specify 26 August as the latest date until when an election can be delayed. As I said yesterday during Stage 2 proceedings, a six-month delay to the scheduled election on 6 May is too long. The National Assembly for Wales usually sat for four-year terms and the Senedd sits for five. A delay until bonfire night would take us halfway through a sixth year. There is no mandate from the people of Wales for that. Indeed, I—and I'm sure all Members I've spoken with at least—am receiving e-mails from concerned members of the public, anxious that their right to vote on 6 May might be taken away from them. I've not received a single e-mail from somebody supporting that concept. We know that the risks presented by coronavirus and its variants are highest in the winter months, and the annual risks to the NHS are greatest in the winter months. I can understand if there was a sharp rise in cases and the weekly incidence rate per 100,000 rose to the level we saw in December, for example, there would be a case for delaying the election until the summer. But surely we would not seek to delay it until the winter, when risks are greater, or introduce legislation enabling that to happen.

We accept the Minister's argument that our proposed amendment yesterday would have meant an election could have potentially clashed with the September school return, which is why we've instead proposed 26 August, although clearly the summer months of June or July would be preferable if there had to be any delay at all. Holding an election during a holiday period should not be an impediment to either the effective administration of the election or voter turnout. There is no practical merit in the arguments to the opposite, given the wider provisions within this Bill and existing wider provisions for alternative means of voting if required. The real issue is that voter turnout at devolved elections has always been low, and we have a collective responsibility to address that regardless. 

The position of the Welsh Conservatives is still clear: we want to see the scheduled election on 6 May go ahead, just as elections are taking place in other parts of the world during this pandemic, and are scheduled to continue doing so. If the election must be delayed because, for instance, we are in an alert level 4 lockdown, that delay should be as short as possible so that the people of Wales can elect a new Welsh Government of their choosing. I urge Members to support this accordingly.

Rwy'n cynnig gwelliannau 5, 9, 10, 11, 12 a 13. Mae'r rhain yn nodi mai 26 Awst yw'r dyddiad diweddaraf y gellir gohirio etholiad. Fel y dywedais ddoe yn ystod trafodion Cyfnod 2, mae gohiriad o chwe mis i'r etholiad a drefnwyd ar 6 Mai yn rhy hir. Arferai Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru eistedd am dymor o bedair blynedd ac mae'r Senedd yn eistedd am bump. Byddai gohirio tan noson tân gwyllt yn mynd â ni hanner ffordd drwy chweched flwyddyn. Ni chafwyd mandad gan bobl Cymru ar gyfer hynny. Yn wir, rwyf fi—ac rwy'n siŵr yr holl Aelodau rwyf wedi siarad â hwy o leiaf—yn cael negeseuon e-bost gan aelodau pryderus o'r cyhoedd, yn poeni y gallai eu hawl i bleidleisio ar 6 Mai gael ei dwyn oddi arnynt. Ni chefais unrhyw e-bost gan rywun sy'n cefnogi'r cysyniad hwnnw. Gwyddom fod y risgiau a gyflwynir gan coronafeirws a'i amrywolion ar eu huchaf yn ystod misoedd y gaeaf, ac mae'r risgiau blynyddol i'r GIG ar eu huchaf yn ystod misoedd y gaeaf. Gallaf ddeall pe bai cynnydd sydyn mewn achosion a bod y gyfradd wythnosol o achosion ym mhob 100,000 yn codi i'r lefel a welsom ym mis Rhagfyr, er enghraifft, y byddai achos dros ohirio'r etholiad tan yr haf. Ond does bosibl y byddem yn ceisio ei ohirio tan y gaeaf, pan fydd y risgiau'n fwy, neu'n cyflwyno deddfwriaeth sy'n galluogi hynny i ddigwydd.

Rydym yn derbyn dadl y Gweinidog y byddai'r gwelliant a gynigiwyd gennym ddoe wedi golygu y gallai etholiad fod wedi gwrthdaro â dychweliad plant i'r ysgol ym mis Medi, a dyna pam ein bod wedi cynnig 26 Awst yn lle hynny, er ei bod yn amlwg y byddai misoedd yr haf, mis Mehefin neu fis Gorffennaf, yn well pe bai'n rhaid gohirio o gwbl. Ni ddylai cynnal etholiad yn ystod cyfnod gwyliau fod yn rhwystr i weinyddu'r etholiad yn effeithiol nac i'r nifer sy'n pleidleisio. Nid oes unrhyw rinwedd ymarferol yn y dadleuon i'r gwrthwyneb, o ystyried y darpariaethau ehangach yn y Bil hwn a'r darpariaethau ehangach presennol ar gyfer dulliau pleidleisio amgen os oes angen. Y broblem go iawn yw bod nifer y rhai sy'n pleidleisio mewn etholiadau datganoledig wedi bod yn isel erioed, ac mae gennym gyfrifoldeb cyfunol i fynd i'r afael â hynny beth bynnag. 

Mae sefyllfa'r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig yn dal yn glir: rydym am weld yr etholiad a drefnwyd ar 6 Mai yn mynd rhagddo, yn union fel y mae etholiadau'n cael eu cynnal mewn rhannau eraill o'r byd yn ystod y pandemig hwn, a disgwylir iddynt barhau i wneud hynny. Os oes rhaid gohirio'r etholiad oherwydd ein bod mewn cyfyngiadau symud lefel rhybudd 4 er enghraifft, dylai'r gohiriad hwnnw fod mor fyr â phosibl fel y gall pobl Cymru ethol Llywodraeth newydd o'u dewis i Gymru. Rwy'n annog yr Aelodau i gefnogi hyn felly.


Y Gweinidog i gyfrannu—Julie James.

The Minister to contribute—Julie James. 

I commend the Member's tenacity in respect of reducing flexibility for the postponement of elections this year. In principle, as a Government, we agree that holding the election during the summer months is preferable to waiting for the autumn. But as I indicated at Stage 2, I believe that 5 November strikes the right balance between flexibility and certainty about when in 2021 postponed elections could be held. So, I cannot support the amendments in this group, which reduce the maximum period of postponement for an election within the scope of this Bill from 6 months to less than 4 months. Let us not forget that at the start of the pandemic the UK Government postponed elections for an entire year. Although the amendments avoid the difficulties with schools I highlighted yesterday, they do not overcome the timing issues around the summer holidays. I therefore urge Members to vote against the amendments in this group. Diolch. 

Rwy'n cymeradwyo dycnwch yr Aelod mewn perthynas â lleihau hyblygrwydd i ohirio etholiadau eleni. Mewn egwyddor, fel Llywodraeth, cytunwn fod cynnal yr etholiad yn ystod misoedd yr haf yn well nag aros tan yr hydref. Ond fel y nodais yng Nghyfnod 2, credaf fod 5 Tachwedd yn taro'r cydbwysedd cywir rhwng hyblygrwydd a sicrwydd ynglŷn â pha bryd y gellid cynnal etholiadau gohiriedig yn 2021. Felly, ni allaf gefnogi'r gwelliannau yn y grŵp hwn, sy'n lleihau'r cyfnod hiraf o ohiriad i etholiad o fewn cwmpas y Bil hwn o 6 mis i lai na 4 mis. Gadewch inni beidio ag anghofio bod Llywodraeth y DU, ar ddechrau'r pandemig, wedi gohirio etholiadau am flwyddyn gyfan. Er bod y gwelliannau'n osgoi'r anawsterau gydag ysgolion y tynnais sylw atynt ddoe, nid ydynt yn goresgyn y problemau amseru sy'n gysylltiedig â gwyliau'r haf. Felly, rwy'n annog yr Aelodau i bleidleisio yn erbyn y gwelliannau yn y grŵp hwn. Diolch.

Mark Isherwood, do you wish to respond?

Mark Isherwood, a ydych yn dymuno ymateb?

I know the Minister believes that if there is to be a delayed election it would be preferably held in the summer months rather than in the winter, because she's also told me that consistently beforehand. It is intellectually unsustainable to then enable the possibility, or provide for the possibility, of having that very election in the winter. Our position is sustainable, our position stands, and notwithstanding the Minister's comments, although I fear the outcome of them, I urge Members to support our amendments. 

Rwy'n gwybod bod y Gweinidog yn credu, os caiff etholiad ei ohirio, y byddai'n well ei gynnal yn ystod misoedd yr haf yn hytrach nag yn y gaeaf, oherwydd mae hi hefyd wedi dweud hynny wrthyf yn gyson yn flaenorol. Mae'n anghynaliadwy yn ddeallusol felly i alluogi'r posibilrwydd, neu ddarparu ar gyfer y posibilrwydd, o gael yr union etholiad hwnnw yn y gaeaf. Mae ein safbwynt yn gynaliadwy, mae ein safbwynt yn sefyll, ac er gwaethaf sylwadau'r Gweinidog, er fy mod yn ofni eu canlyniad, rwy'n annog yr Aelodau i gefnogi ein gwelliannau.

Y cwestiwn, felly, yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 5? A oes unrhyw wrthwynebiad? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, dwi'n gweld gwrthwynebiad. Felly, cymerwn ni bleidlais ar welliant 5. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 11, tri yn ymatal, 37 yn erbyn, ac felly mae'r gwelliant wedi'i wrthod. 

The question, therefore, is that amendment 5 be agreed. Are there any objections? [Objection.] Yes, I see an objection. Therefore, we will take a vote on amendment 5. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 11, three abstentions, 37 against, and therefore the amendment is not agreed. 

Gwelliant 5: O blaid: 11, Yn erbyn: 37, Ymatal: 3

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 5: For: 11, Against: 37, Abstain: 3

Amendment has been rejected

Rhun ap Iorwerth, gwelliant 16 i'w gynnig.

Rhun ap Iorwerth to move amendment 16.

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 16 (Rhun ap Iorwerth).

Amendment 16 (Rhun ap Iorwerth) moved.

Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 16? A oes gwrthwynebiad? Dwi ddim yn gweld gwrthwynebiad. 

The question is that amendment 16 be agreed to. Are there any objections? I don't see any objections.

Are you objecting, Mark Isherwood? Shall I take that as an objection?

A ydych yn gwrthwynebu, Mark Isherwood? A gymeraf hynny fel gwrthwynebiad?


It is an objection. I thought you would unmute me, but object.  

Mae'n wrthwynebiad. Roeddwn yn meddwl y byddech yn agor fy meic, ond rwy'n gwrthwynebu.

No, that's fine. Thank you. I did notice some flag waving or something, or pen waving by you, so that's fine. So, it's objected and we'll call a vote, therefore, on gwelliant 16, amendment 16. 

Na, mae hynny'n iawn. Diolch. Fe wnes i sylwi ar ryw chwifio baner neu rywbeth, neu chwifio ysgrifbin gennych chi, felly mae hynny'n iawn. Felly, fe'i gwrthwynebir ac fe wnawn alw pleidlais, felly, ar welliant 16.

Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 39, dau yn ymatal, 10 yn erbyn, ac felly mae'r gwelliant wedi cael ei gymeradwyo. 

Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 39, two abstentions, 10 against, and therefore the amendment is agreed. 

Gwelliant 16: O blaid: 39, Yn erbyn: 10, Ymatal: 2

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 16: For: 39, Against: 10, Abstain: 2

Amendment has been agreed

Gareth Bennett, gwelliant 4. 

Gareth Bennett, amendment 4. 

Is it being moved?

A yw'n cael ei gynnig?

Diolch. Felly, nid yw gwelliant 4 yn cael ei symud i'r bleidlais.

Thank you. So, amendment 4 is not being moved to a vote.

Ni chynigiwyd gwelliant 4 (Gareth Bennett gyda chefnogaeth Mark Reckless). 

Amendment 4 (Gareth Bennett supported by Mark Reckless) not moved.

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 6 (Mark Isherwood).

Amendment 6 (Mark Isherwood) moved.

Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 6? A oes unrhyw wrthwynebiad? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Felly, wnawn ni symud i bleidlais ar welliant 6. Agor y bleidlais. 

The question is that amendment 6 be agreed. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes. We'll therefore move to a vote on amendment 6. Open the vote. 

Close the vote. 

Cau'r bleidlais.

O blaid 12, ymatal tri, yn erbyn 37. Felly, mae gwelliant 6 wedi cael ei wrthod. 

In favour 12, three abstentions, 37 against. Therefore, amendment 6 is not agreed. 

Gwelliant 6: O blaid: 12, Yn erbyn: 37, Ymatal: 3

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 6: For: 12, Against: 37, Abstain: 3

Amendment has been rejected

Gwelliant 7, Mark Isherwood. 

Amendment 7, Mark Isherwood. 

Is it being moved?

A yw'n cael ei gynnig?

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 7 (Mark Isherwood).

Amendment 7 (Mark Isherwood) moved.

Oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 7? 

Is there any objection to amendment 7? 

Is there an objection to amendment 7? [Objection.] Yes, there is. I can see one. 

A oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 7? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Gallaf weld un.

Llywydd, I do apologise for interrupting you. I did vote when you were asking me whether my vote had registered. It had registered on my screen, but—

Lywydd, rwy'n ymddiheuro am dorri ar eich traws. Fe bleidleisiais pan oeddech yn gofyn i mi a oedd fy mhleidlais wedi'i nodi. Roedd wedi'i nodi ar fy sgrin i, ond—

Don't worry—it finally registered on my screen also, so your vote was cast. 

Peidiwch â phoeni—fe gafodd ei nodi ar fy sgrin innau yn y diwedd hefyd, felly fe gafodd eich pleidlais ei bwrw.

Okay. Diolch, Darren. So, there's been an objection to gwelliant 7, so I'll call a vote on gwelliant 7. 

O'r gorau. Diolch, Darren. Fe gafwyd gwrthwynebiad i welliant 7, felly galwaf am bleidlais ar welliant 7.

Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 47, pedwar yn ymatal, un yn erbyn. Ac felly, mae gwelliant 7 wedi ei dderbyn. 

Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 47, four abstentions, one against. And therefore, amendment 7 is agreed. 

Gwelliant 7: O blaid: 47, Yn erbyn: 1, Ymatal: 4

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 7: For: 47, Against: 1, Abstain: 4

Amendment has been agreed

Grŵp 4: Diwrnodau ychwanegol ar gyfer pleidleisio (Gwelliant 8)
Group 4: Additional polling days (Amendment 8)

Sy'n dod â ni at grŵp 4, ac mae'r grŵp 4 yma yn ymwneud â gwelliannau sydd yn ymwneud â diwrnodau ychwanegol ar gyfer pleidleisio. Gwelliant 8 yw'r prif welliant, yr unig welliant yn y grŵp, a dwi'n galw ar Mark Isherwood i gyflwyno'r gwelliant yma. Mark Isherwood. 

Which brings us to the fourth group of amendments, and these amendments relate to additional polling days. The lead amendment and only amendment in the group is amendment 8, and I call on Mark Isherwood to move and speak to the amendment. Mark Isherwood. 

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 8 (Mark Isherwood).

Amendment 8 (Mark Isherwood) moved.

Diolch, Llywydd, and I move amendment 8 in my name. This amendment simply leaves out section 6 in order to prevent multiple-day voting. As I said yesterday, we recognise the need for voting to take place on a single day and not be spread out over multiple days. An election held over multiple days raises security concerns over the integrity of the election. As I said, where will ballot boxes be stored and how will their security be protected and guaranteed? Whilst the Minister stated yesterday that the Welsh Government is working with returning officers to seek to address this, and it's a criminal offence to interfere with ballot boxes and therefore the democratic will of the people, multiple-day voting would inevitably create a higher risk of this, necessitating multiple-agency involvement and increased costs.

What will the impact be on those community venues that have to close to become a polling station, usually just for a day? This also runs the risks of some voters being unduly influenced by how others have voted, and sets an unfavourable precedent we cannot support. In fact, I believe that we've not had multiple voting anywhere, certainly in the UK, since the end of the first world war. It was ended for sound democratic reasons, and we would return it, I believe, at high risk.

As I said yesterday, I hope the Welsh Government will be reading with interest the delivery plan published by the UK Government Cabinet Office last week, which does set out—. Excuse me. Modern technology—everything just jumped. How elections can be safely run on 6 May 2021 in England and Wales. Given that polling stations in Wales will already be operating an election on 6 May and 6 May only, to elect police and crime commissioners, it would be bizarre to extend voting by multiple days for another franchise. The Senedd elections must take place on a single day, and in our view that single day should remain Thursday 6 May. Diolch.

Diolch, Lywydd, ac rwy'n cynnig gwelliant 8 yn fy enw i. Yn syml, mae'r gwelliant hwn yn gadael adran 6 allan er mwyn atal pleidleisio ar fwy nag un diwrnod. Fel y dywedais ddoe, rydym yn cydnabod yr angen i bleidleisio ddigwydd ar un diwrnod a heb ei wasgaru dros fwy nag un diwrnod. Mae etholiad a gynhelir dros fwy nag un diwrnod yn cynyddu pryderon diogelwch yn ymwneud ag uniondeb yr etholiad. Fel y dywedais, ble fydd blychau pleidleisio yn cael eu storio a sut mae amddiffyn a gwarantu eu diogelwch? Er i'r Gweinidog ddweud ddoe fod Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio gyda swyddogion canlyniadau i geisio mynd i'r afael â hyn, a'i bod yn drosedd ymyrryd â blychau pleidleisio ac felly, ag ewyllys ddemocrataidd y bobl, byddai pleidleisio dros fwy nag un diwrnod yn anochel yn creu mwy o risg o hyn, gan olygu bod angen i fwy nag un asiantaeth gymryd rhan a chostau uwch.

Beth fydd yr effaith ar y lleoliadau cymunedol sy'n gorfod cau er mwyn bod yn orsaf bleidleisio, am ddiwrnod yn unig fel arfer? Mae hyn hefyd yn creu risg y bydd rhai pleidleiswyr yn cael eu dylanwadu'n ormodol gan y ffordd y mae eraill wedi pleidleisio, ac yn gosod cynsail anffafriol na allwn ei gefnogi. Yn wir, credaf nad ydym wedi gweld pleidleisio dros fwy nag un diwrnod yn unman, yn sicr yn y DU, ers diwedd y rhyfel byd cyntaf. Daeth i ben am resymau democrataidd cadarn, a byddai'n beryglus inni ei adfer yn fy marn i.

Fel y dywedais ddoe, rwy'n gobeithio y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn darllen gyda diddordeb y cynllun cyflawni a gyhoeddwyd gan Swyddfa Cabinet Llywodraeth y DU yr wythnos diwethaf, sy'n nodi—. Esgusodwch fi. Technoleg fodern—mae popeth newydd neidio. Sut y gellir cynnal etholiadau'n ddiogel ar 6 Mai 2021 yng Nghymru a Lloegr. O gofio y bydd gorsafoedd pleidleisio yng Nghymru eisoes yn cynnal etholiad ar 6 Mai a 6 Mai yn unig, i ethol comisiynwyr heddlu a throseddu, byddai'n rhyfedd ymestyn y pleidleisio dros fwy nag un diwrnod ar gyfer etholfraint arall. Rhaid cynnal etholiadau'r Senedd ar un diwrnod, ac yn ein barn ni, dydd Iau 6 Mai ddylai'r un diwrnod hwnnw fod. Diolch.


Diolch, Llywydd. As I explained yesterday, the Government's intention is that early voting should be available if, and only if, the Senedd election is postponed from 6 May and is not then combined on a new date with the police and crime commissioner elections. We cannot support the amendment in this group as it would remove the power we need to give effect to that intention. As the Member has himself repeatedly reminded us, elections have been held around the world during this pandemic. This has been the case in Canada and New Zealand, for example, and in both those countries, early voting in person is commonplace. I am perplexed by the Member's continued efforts to remove the ability to vote early and thus potentially disenfranchise many who may not feel comfortable or even be able to attend on polling day. All the evidence on voter fraud in the UK suggests that it is both rare and almost entirely focused on local government elections in a handful of local authority areas, all of which are in England. I would therefore ask the Member to withdraw an amendment that could easily be seen as a deliberate attempt to make it more difficult for those who are vulnerable or worried about the pandemic to vote. Diolch, Llywydd.

Diolch, Lywydd. Fel yr eglurais ddoe, bwriad y Llywodraeth yw y dylai pleidleisio cynnar fod ar gael os, a dim ond os, caiff etholiad y Senedd ei ohirio wedi 6 Mai ac na chaiff ei gyfuno wedyn ar ddyddiad newydd gydag etholiadau'r comisiynwyr heddlu a throseddu. Ni allwn gefnogi'r gwelliant yn y grŵp hwn gan y byddai'n dileu'r pŵer sydd ei angen arnom i roi grym i'r bwriad hwnnw. Fel y mae'r Aelod ei hun wedi ein hatgoffa dro ar ôl tro, cynhaliwyd etholiadau ym mhob rhan o'r byd yn ystod y pandemig hwn. Mae hyn wedi digwydd yng Nghanada a Seland Newydd, er enghraifft, ac yn y ddwy wlad, mae pleidleisio cynnar yn bersonol yn gyffredin. Testun dryswch i mi yw ymdrechion parhaus yr Aelod i ddileu'r gallu i bleidleisio'n gynnar a'r perygl felly o ddifreinio llawer nad ydynt efallai'n teimlo'n gyfforddus neu nad ydynt hyd yn oed yn gallu bod yn bresennol ar ddiwrnod yr etholiad. Mae'r holl dystiolaeth ynglŷn â thwyll pleidleiswyr yn y DU yn awgrymu ei fod yn brin ac yn ymwneud bron yn gyfan gwbl ag etholiadau llywodraeth leol mewn llond llaw o ardaloedd awdurdodau lleol, gyda phob un ohonynt yn Lloegr. Felly, hoffwn ofyn i'r Aelod dynnu gwelliant yn ôl y gellid ei ystyried yn hawdd fel ymgais fwriadol i wneud pleidleisio'n anos i'r rheini sy'n agored i niwed neu'n poeni am y pandemig. Diolch, Lywydd.

Y cwestiwn, felly, yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 8? A oes unrhyw wrthwynebiad? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, felly, fe wnawn ni symud i bleidlais ar welliant 8. Agor y bleidlais.

The question, therefore, is that amendment 8 be agreed. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes, we will therefore move to a vote on amendment 8. Open the vote.

Oh, yes, you do, Mark Isherwood. I'm very sorry. Please respond.

O, ydych, Mark Isherwood. Mae'n ddrwg iawn gennyf. Ymatebwch os gwelwch yn dda.

Don't worry, you've had a very long two days, after all.

Peidiwch â phoeni, rydych wedi cael dau ddiwrnod hir iawn, wedi'r cyfan.

I'm perplexed by the Minister's position, which I believe would actually diminish the democratic rights of the full electorate. There are alternative ways to vote, which are also addressed under parts of this Bill, and which pre-exist this Bill. To introduce this new precedent at this point would not achieve the goals identified by the Minister, and we believe, to the contrary, could actually run counter to them. Therefore, I will not be withdrawing this amendment.

Mae safbwynt y Gweinidog yn peri dryswch i mi, a chredaf y byddai'n lleihau hawliau democrataidd yr holl etholwyr. Mae ffyrdd eraill o bleidleisio, a chânt hwythau hefyd sylw o dan rannau o'r Bil hwn, neu ddarpariaeth sy'n bodoli cyn y Bil hwn. Ni fyddai cyflwyno'r cynsail newydd hwn ar hyn o bryd yn cyflawni'r nodau a nodwyd gan y Gweinidog, a chredwn, i'r gwrthwyneb, y gallai fynd yn groes iddynt mewn gwirionedd. Felly, ni fyddaf yn tynnu'r gwelliant hwn yn ôl.

Y cwestiwn, felly, yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 8? A oes unrhyw wrthwynebiad? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, mae yna wrthwynebiad ac felly symudwn ni i'r bleidlais ar welliant 8. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 14, un yn ymatal ac mae 37 yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 8 wedi'i wrthod.

The question, therefore, is that amendment 8 be agreed. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes, there is an objection and we will therefore move to a vote on amendment 8. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 14, one abstention and 37 against. Therefore, amendment 8 is not agreed.


Gwelliant 8: O blaid: 14, Yn erbyn: 37, Ymatal: 1

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 8: For: 14, Against: 37, Abstain: 1

Amendment has been rejected

Gwelliant 9—

Amendment 9—

Mark Isherwood, is it being moved?

Mark Isherwood, a yw'n cael ei gynnig?

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 9 (Mark Isherwood).

Amendment 9 (Mark Isherwood) moved.

Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 9? A oes gwrthwynebiad? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, ac felly, cawn ni bleidlais ar welliant 9. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 11, pedwar yn ymatal a 37 yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 9 wedi'i wrthod.

The question is that amendment 9 be agreed. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes. We will therefore move to a vote on amendment 9. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 11, four abstentions and 37 against. Therefore, amendment 9 is not agreed.

Gwelliant 9: O blaid: 11, Yn erbyn: 37, Ymatal: 4

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 9: For: 11, Against: 37, Abstain: 4

Amendment has been rejected

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 17 (Rhun ap Iorwerth).

Amendment 17 (Rhun ap Iorwerth) moved.

Diolch. Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 17? A oes gwrthwynebiad? Dwi ddim yn gweld gwrthwynebiad i hynny, ac felly, mae gwelliant 17 wedi'i dderbyn.

Thank you. The question is that amendment 17 be agreed. Does any Member object? I don't see any objection, therefore, amendment 17 is agreed.

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.

Amendment agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 10 (Mark Isherwood).

Amendment 10 (Mark Isherwood) moved.

Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 10? A oes gwrthwynebiad? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, dwi'n gweld gwrthwynebiad. Felly, cawn ni bleidlais ar welliant 10. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 11, pedwar yn ymatal ac mae 37 yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 10 wedi'i wrthod.

The question is that amendment 10 be agreed. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes, I see an objection. We will therefore move to a vote on amendment 10. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 11, four abstentions and 37 against. Therefore, amendment 10 is not agreed.

Gwelliant 10: O blaid: 11, Yn erbyn: 37, Ymatal: 4

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 10: For: 11, Against: 37, Abstain: 4

Amendment has been rejected

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 11 (Mark Isherwood).

Amendment 11 (Mark Isherwood) moved.

Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 11? A oes gwrthwynebiad? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, mae gwrthwynebiad. Felly, pleidlais ar welliant 11. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 11, pedwar yn ymatal a 37 yn erbyn. Mae gwelliant 11 wedi'i wrthod.

The question is that amendment 11 be agreed. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes, there is an objection. We will therefore move to a vote on amendment 11. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 11, four abstentions and 37 against. Therefore, amendment 11 is not agreed.

Gwelliant 11: O blaid: 11, Yn erbyn: 37, Ymatal: 4

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 11: For: 11, Against: 37, Abstain: 4

Amendment has been rejected

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 12 (Mark Isherwood).

Amendment 12 (Mark Isherwood) moved.

Diolch. Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 12? A oes unrhyw wrthwynebiad? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, mae gwrthwynebiad. Agor y bleidlais ar welliant 12. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 11, pedwar yn ymatal a 37 yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 12 wedi'i wrthod.

Thank you. The question is that amendment 12 be agreed. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes, there are objections. We will therefore move to a vote on amendment 12. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 11, four abstentions and 37 against. Therefore, amendment 12 is not agreed.

Gwelliant 12: O blaid: 11, Yn erbyn: 37, Ymatal: 4

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 12: For: 11, Against: 37, Abstain: 4

Amendment has been rejected

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 13 (Mark Isherwood).

Amendment 13 (Mark Isherwood) moved.

Oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 13? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, felly cymrwn ni bleidlais ar welliant 13. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 11, pedwar yn ymatal a 37 yn erbyn. Felly mae gwelliant 13 wedi'i wrthod.

Is there any objection to amendment 13? [Objection.] There is. We will therefore move to a vote on amendment 13. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 11, four abstentions and 37 against. Therefore, amendment 13 is not agreed.

Gwelliant 13: O blaid: 11, Yn erbyn: 37, Ymatal: 4

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 13: For: 11, Against: 37, Abstain: 4

Amendment has been rejected

Grŵp 5: Gorchmynion a rheolau ynglŷn â chynnal etholiadau yn 2021 (Gwelliannau 1, 2)
Group 5: Orders and rules on the conduct of elections to be held in 2021 (Amendments 1, 2)

Mae hynny'n dod â ni at grŵp 5 o welliannau. Mae'r grŵp yma'n ymwneud â gorchmynion a rheolau ynglŷn â chynnal etholiadau yn 2021. Gwelliant 1 yw'r prif welliant yn y grŵp yma, a dwi'n galw ar y Gweinidog i wneud y cynnig ar y prif welliant ac i siarad i'r grŵp—Julie James.

That brings us to group 5. These relate to orders and rules on the conduct of elections to be held in 2021. Amendment 1 is the lead amendment, and I call on the Minister to speak to the lead amendment and to the other amendments in the group—Julie James.


Cynigiwyd gwelliant 1 (Julie James).

Amendment 1 (Julie James) moved.

Diolch, Llywydd. I move amendments 1 and 2 tabled in my name. The amendments provide that regulations making temporary amendments to the National Assembly for Wales (Representation of the People) Order 2007, commonly known as the conduct Order, for the 2021 Senedd election only are subject to the made affirmative procedure, instead of the affirmative procedure. This is to ensure that any changes that need to be made can come into force quickly, and can be relied upon by electoral administrators to put in place arrangements in a timely fashion.

The amendment is broadly drawn to make sure that, if issues do arise between the Bill being enacted and the election, the Welsh Government can respond swiftly to help administrators and safeguard the rights of voters. The amending Order to the conduct Order was agreed by the Senedd before Christmas, in line with the Gould convention. But, in this fast-moving situation, we may need to make further changes. If we do so, this will be in close consultation with the Electoral Commission and electoral administrators.

Our specific policy intentions for this provision currently concern creating more options for the use of territorial descriptors on nomination and ballot papers, and helping to avoid errors on postal voting statements. The amending Order made provision for the use of the territorial descriptors 'Welsh' and 'Cymru' as additions to the registered party name on nomination and ballot papers. Similar provision already exists in Scotland. We are exploring whether this provision could be widened to give political parties more choice about how they are described.

We've also been made aware of an error that is sometimes made on the postal voting statement a voter must return with their postal ballot paper. The statement requires the voter to enter their date of birth for checking against the date that they gave on their postal vote application. Some voters insert the date of signing the postal vote statement instead of their date of birth, which results in rejection of their vote.

The indications, for example from the recent Electoral Commission survey, are that the proportion of postal votes may rise, and we are encouraging people to consider applying for a postal vote, especially people who are shielding. With more postal votes comes the risk that this error might become more common. So, we are exploring whether provision could be made in the conduct Order to help avoid this error occurring and thus potentially reduce the number of postal votes that are rejected. I urge Members to support these amendments. Diolch.

Diolch, Lywydd. Rwy'n cynnig gwelliannau 1 a 2 a gyflwynwyd yn fy enw i. Mae'r gwelliannau'n darparu bod rheoliadau sy'n gwneud diwygiadau dros dro i Orchymyn Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru (Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl) 2007, a adwaenir yn gyffredinol fel y Gorchymyn cynnal etholiadau, ar gyfer etholiad y Senedd 2021 yn unig, yn ddarostyngedig i'r weithdrefn gadarnhaol 'gwnaed', yn hytrach na'r weithdrefn gadarnhaol. Mae hyn er mwyn sicrhau y gall unrhyw newidiadau sydd angen eu gwneud ddod i rym yn gyflym, ac y gall gweinyddwyr etholiadol ddibynnu arnynt er mwyn rhoi trefniadau ar waith yn amserol.

Lluniwyd y gwelliant yn fras er mwyn sicrhau y gall Llywodraeth Cymru ymateb yn gyflym i helpu gweinyddwyr a diogelu hawliau pleidleiswyr os bydd materion yn codi rhwng deddfu'r bil a'r etholiad. Cytunodd y Senedd ar y Gorchymyn diwygio i'r Gorchymyn cynnal etholiadau cyn y Nadolig, yn unol â chonfensiwn Gould. Ond yn y sefyllfa hon sy'n newid yn gyflym, efallai y bydd angen i ni wneud newidiadau pellach. Os byddwn yn gwneud hynny, bydd yn digwydd drwy ymgynghori agos â'r Comisiwn Etholiadol a gweinyddwyr etholiadol.

Ar hyn o bryd, mae ein bwriadau polisi penodol ar gyfer y ddarpariaeth hon yn ymwneud â chreu mwy o opsiynau ar gyfer defnyddio disgrifyddion tiriogaethol ar bapurau enwebu a phleidleisio, a helpu i osgoi gwallau ar ddatganiadau pleidleisio drwy'r post. Roedd y Gorchymyn diwygio yn gwneud darpariaeth ar gyfer defnyddio'r disgrifyddion tiriogaethol 'Cymreig' a 'Cymru' fel ychwanegiadau i enw cofrestredig plaid ar bapurau enwebu a phapurau pleidleisio. Mae darpariaeth debyg eisoes yn bodoli yn yr Alban. Rydym yn ystyried a ellid ehangu'r ddarpariaeth hon er mwyn rhoi mwy o ddewis i bleidiau gwleidyddol ynglŷn â sut y cânt eu disgrifio.

Rydym hefyd wedi cael gwybod am wall sydd weithiau'n cael ei wneud ar y datganiad pleidleisio drwy'r post y mae'n rhaid i bleidleisiwr ei ddychwelyd gyda'i bapur pleidleisio drwy'r post. Mae'r datganiad yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i'r pleidleisiwr nodi ei ddyddiad geni i'w wirio yn erbyn y dyddiad a roesant ar eu cais am bleidlais bost. Mae rhai pleidleiswyr yn mewnosod dyddiad llofnodi datganiad y bleidlais bost yn hytrach na'u dyddiad geni, sy'n arwain at wrthod eu pleidlais.

Yr arwyddion, o arolwg diweddar y Comisiwn Etholiadol er enghraifft, yw y gallai cyfran y pleidleisiau post godi, ac rydym yn annog pobl i ystyried gwneud cais am bleidlais bost, yn enwedig pobl sy'n gwarchod. Gyda mwy o bleidleisiau post daw'r risg y gallai'r gwall hwn ddod yn fwy cyffredin. Felly, rydym yn ystyried a ellid gwneud darpariaeth yn y Gorchymyn cynnal etholiadau i helpu i osgoi'r camgymeriad hwn a lleihau nifer y pleidleisiau post a wrthodir o bosibl. Rwy'n annog yr Aelodau i gefnogi'r gwelliannau hyn. Diolch.

Apologies, Llywydd, but I didn't have anything to say on this group. We are opposing these amendments. I didn't want to actually speak at this stage, but thank you. 

Ymddiheuriadau, Lywydd, ond nid oedd gennyf ddim i'w ddweud am y grŵp hwn. Rydym yn gwrthwynebu'r gwelliannau hyn. Nid oeddwn eisiau siarad ar y cam hwn, ond diolch.

Okay. Okay, that's fine. The Minister to respond, if there is a response. No. Okay.

O'r gorau. Iawn, mae hynny'n iawn. Y Gweinidog i ymateb, os oes ymateb. Na. O'r gorau.

Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 1, felly? A oes gwrthwynebiad i welliant 1? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, mae gwrthwynebiad i welliant 1. Felly, gwnawn ni gynnal pleidlais ar welliant 1. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 47, un yn ymatal, pedwar yn erbyn, felly mae gwelliant 1 wedi'i dderbyn.

The question is that amendment 1 be agreed. Does any Member object? [Objection.] There is, and therefore we will move to a vote on amendment 1. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 47, one abstention, four against, therefore amendment 1 is agreed.

Gwelliant 1: O blaid: 47, Yn erbyn: 4, Ymatal: 1

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 1: For: 47, Against: 4, Abstain: 1

Amendment has been agreed

Julie James, gwelliant 2.

Julie James, amendment 2.

Is amendment 2 being moved?

A yw gwelliant 2 yn cael ei gynnig?

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 2 (Julie James).

Amendment 2 (Julie James) moved.

Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 2? A oes gwrthwynebiad? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Felly, cawn ni bleidlais ar welliant 2. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 48, un yn ymatal, tri yn erbyn, felly mae gwelliant 2 wedi'i dderbyn.

The question is that amendment 2 be agreed. Does any Member object? [Objection.] There is. We will therefore move to a vote on amendment 2. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 48, one abstention, three against, therefore amendment 2 is agreed.

Gwelliant 2: O blaid: 48, Yn erbyn: 3, Ymatal: 1

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 2: For: 48, Against: 3, Abstain: 1

Amendment has been agreed

Grŵp 6: Pleidleisio drwy ddirprwy (Gwelliant 14)
Group 6: Proxy voting (Amendment 14)

Grŵp 6 yw'r grŵp nesaf, a'r grŵp yma yn ymwneud â phleidleisio drwy ddirprwy. Gwelliant 14 yw'r prif welliant, a'r unig welliant yn y grŵp. Dwi'n galw ar Mark Isherwood i gyflwyno'r gwelliant.

Group 6 is our next group, and it relates to proxy voting. The lead amendment is amendment 14, and the only amendment in the group. I call on Mark Isherwood to move and speak to the amendment.

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 14 (Mark Isherwood).

Amendment 14 (Mark Isherwood) moved.

Diolch. I move amendment 14, tabled in my name. As currently drafted, this Bill gives licence to absolutely anyone to have a proxy vote for almost any reason, setting a dangerous precedent and one that could be open to abuse. Our amendment 14 would therefore require an applicant's polling day proxy voting application to be accompanied by an NHS coronavirus isolation note. This will, of course, be in addition to eligibility under current normal circumstances. Our amendment therefore represents a prudent and practical compromise that reflects the sole stated reason for this Bill—the current COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. I urge Members to support it accordingly.

Diolch. Rwy'n cynnig gwelliant 14, a gyflwynwyd yn fy enw i. Fel y mae wedi'i ddrafftio ar hyn o bryd, mae'r Bil hwn yn rhoi trwydded i unrhyw un gael pleidlais drwy ddirprwy am bron unrhyw reswm, gan osod cynsail peryglus ac un a allai fod yn agored i gamdriniaeth. Felly, byddai gwelliant 14 yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i'r sawl sy'n gwneud cais gynnwys nodyn hunanynysu coronafeirws y GIG gyda'i gais am bleidlais drwy ddirprwy ar y diwrnod pleidleisio. Bydd hyn, wrth gwrs, yn ychwanegol at gymhwysedd o dan yr amgylchiadau arferol presennol. Felly, mae ein gwelliant yn gyfaddawd doeth ac ymarferol sy'n adlewyrchu'r unig reswm a nodwyd dros y Bil hwn—y pandemig coronafeirws COVID-19 presennol. Rwy'n annog yr Aelodau i'w gefnogi yn unol â hynny.


Diolch, Llywydd. The aim of this Bill is to deliver a safe and fair election for the people of Wales in the face of a public health crisis the like of which we have not previously seen in our lifetimes. The objective in these exceptional times must be to ensure the election can be run in a COVID-safe manner and protecting the fundamental right to vote. It is concerning, therefore, that the Member continues to promote an amendment that would at best narrow the criteria for proxy vote applications and at worst disenfranchise those who, because they are following law and guidance to stay at home, find that they cannot vote in person.

The Member would like to add an amendment that requires an NHS isolation note as a necessary requirement for a person seeking a proxy vote. These isolation notes are provided by the NHS to people who are unable to work for more than seven days because of coronavirus, and are obtained using the NHS website. It is important to understand that these notes are only available to patients who are advised to self-isolate by the online symptom checker and who are employed. The Member's amendment, therefore, would prevent those who have been advised to shield, those who do not currently display symptoms, and those who are not in employment from being able to apply for an emergency proxy vote. Finally, we have been advised that the speed at which these isolation notes are received can vary depending on the application. The concern here is the note may not be returned in time for voters who find they cannot vote in person to arrange the proxy. With all these concerns I ask: why does the Member want to disenfranchise these people? We must also acknowledge the considerable pressure having to administer these notes would put on an NHS already dealing with a pandemic.

The Member has previously mentioned the potential for fraud, which is a valid concern in all elections. However, I would like to put his mind at rest. In 2019, a year that saw a general election, European election and local elections, only 142 allegations of voter fraud were recorded. From this already small number of allegations, only two cases were prosecuted, both of which related to impersonation at a polling station, and not postal or proxy votes. Although the Member’s continued protestations of fraud sound alarming, they appear to be baseless.

Given our concerns that this amendment would narrow the criteria for proxy voting, potentially disenfranchise voters and put further and unnecessary pressure on the NHS, we are opposing this amendment. The reasons that you would give for having a proxy vote in these emergency circumstances are for a coronavirus reason only, and therefore I urge Members to vote against this amendment. Diolch.

Diolch, Lywydd. Nod y Bil hwn yw sicrhau etholiad diogel a theg i bobl Cymru yn wyneb argyfwng iechyd cyhoeddus nad ydym wedi gweld ei debyg o'r blaen yn ystod ein hoes ni. Yr amcan yn y cyfnod eithriadol hwn yw sicrhau y gellir cynnal yr etholiad mewn modd sy'n ddiogel rhag COVID ac amddiffyn yr hawl sylfaenol i bleidleisio. Mae'n destun pryder, felly, fod yr Aelod yn parhau i hyrwyddo gwelliant a fyddai ar y gorau'n culhau'r meini prawf ar gyfer ceisiadau pleidleisio drwy ddirprwy ac ar y gwaethaf yn difreinio'r rheini sydd, oherwydd eu bod yn dilyn y gyfraith a chanllawiau i aros gartref, yn canfod na allant bleidleisio'n bersonol.

Hoffai'r Aelod ychwanegu gwelliant sy'n ei gwneud yn ofynnol i unigolyn sy'n gofyn am bleidlais drwy ddirprwy gael nodyn hunanynysu'r GIG fel gofyniad angenrheidiol. Darperir y nodiadau hunanynysu hyn gan y GIG i bobl nad ydynt yn gallu gweithio am fwy na saith diwrnod oherwydd coronafeirws, a gellir gofyn amdanynt drwy ddefnyddio gwefan y GIG. Mae'n bwysig deall nad yw'r nodiadau ond ar gael i gleifion sy'n cael eu cynghori i hunanynysu gan y gwiriwr symptomau ar-lein ac sy'n gyflogedig. Byddai gwelliant yr Aelod, felly, yn atal y rhai sydd wedi cael eu cynghori i warchod, y rhai nad ydynt yn arddangos symptomau ar hyn o bryd, a'r rhai nad ydynt mewn cyflogaeth rhag gallu gwneud cais am bleidlais frys drwy ddirprwy. Yn olaf, fe'n cynghorwyd y gallai pa mor gyflym y caiff y nodiadau hunanynysu hyn eu derbyn amrywio yn dibynnu ar y cais. Y pryder yma yw'r perygl na fyddai'r nodyn yn cael ei ddychwelyd mewn pryd i bleidleiswyr sy'n canfod na allant bleidleisio'n bersonol allu trefnu'r bleidlais drwy ddirprwy. Gyda'r holl bryderon hyn, rwy'n gofyn: pam y mae'r Aelod am ddifreinio'r bobl hyn? Rhaid inni hefyd gydnabod y pwysau sylweddol y byddai gorfod gweinyddu'r nodiadau hyn yn ei roi ar GIG sydd eisoes yn ymdrin â phandemig.

Mae'r Aelod eisoes wedi sôn am y perygl o dwyll, sy'n bryder dilys ym mhob etholiad. Fodd bynnag, hoffwn dawelu ei feddwl. Yn 2019, blwyddyn a welodd etholiad cyffredinol, etholiad Ewropeaidd ac etholiadau lleol, dim ond 142 o honiadau o dwyll pleidleisio a gofnodwyd. O'r nifer fach hon o honiadau, dim ond dau achos a arweiniodd at erlyniad, y ddau ohonynt yn ymwneud â phersonadu mewn gorsaf bleidleisio, nid pleidleisiau post na phleidleisio drwy ddirprwy. Er bod protestiadau parhaus yr Aelod o dwyll yn swnio'n frawychus, mae'n ymddangos eu bod yn ddi-sail.

O ystyried ein pryderon y byddai'r gwelliant hwn yn culhau'r meini prawf ar gyfer pleidleisio drwy ddirprwy, gyda'r perygl o ddifreinio pleidleiswyr a rhoi pwysau pellach a diangen ar y GIG, rydym yn gwrthwynebu'r gwelliant hwn. Mae'r rhesymau y byddech yn eu rhoi dros gael pleidlais drwy ddirprwy yn yr amgylchiadau brys hyn yn ymwneud yn unig â'r coronafeirws, ac felly rwy'n annog yr Aelodau i bleidleisio yn erbyn y gwelliant hwn. Diolch.

Thank you. Clearly, we would not wish to exclude people who are, for example, shielding, or extremely vulnerable groups, and, as I said, eligibility existing under current legislation for proxy voting would continue accordingly, and we are here only talking about voting on polling day, not otherwise, where normal rules would also continue to apply. I believe that invalidates the Minister's perhaps somewhat scaremongering response and instead seeks to focus the purpose of this Bill on the issue it's solely supposed to be about, which is the pandemic, whilst ensuring the other proxy eligibility criteria continue as normal to protect everyone else. I therefore urge Members to support it.

Diolch. Yn amlwg, ni fyddem am eithrio pobl sydd, er enghraifft, yn gwarchod, neu'n grwpiau eithriadol o agored i niwed, ac fel y dywedais, byddai cymhwysedd sy'n bodoli eisoes o dan y ddeddfwriaeth bresennol ar gyfer pleidleisio drwy ddirprwy yn parhau'n unol â hynny, ac nid ydym ond yn sôn yma am bleidleisio ar ddiwrnod yr etholiad, nid fel arall, lle byddai rheolau arferol yn parhau i fod yn gymwys hefyd. Credaf fod hynny'n dirymu ymateb y Gweinidog a oedd yn codi bwganod braidd, ac yn hytrach, mae'n canolbwyntio diben y Bil hwn ar y mater y mae i fod i ymwneud ag ef yn unig, sef y pandemig, gan sicrhau bod y meini prawf cymhwysedd eraill ar gyfer pleidleisio drwy ddirprwy yn parhau fel arfer i ddiogelu pawb arall. Felly, rwy'n annog yr Aelodau i'w gefnogi.

Y cwestiwn felly yw: a ddylid derbyn gwelliant 14? A oes unrhyw wrthwynebiad? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Felly, cawn ni bleidlais ar welliant 14. Agor y bleidlais.

The question is that amendment 14 be agreed. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes. We'll to a vote on amendment 14. Open the vote. 

Your vote is cast. All votes cast.

Mae eich pleidlais wedi'i bwrw. Pob pleidlais wedi'u bwrw.

Cau'r bleidlais, felly. O blaid 11, pump yn ymatal, 36 yn erbyn, ac felly mae gwelliant 14 wedi ei wrthod.

Close the vote. In favour 11, five abstentions, 36 against, and therefore amendment 14 is not agreed.


Gwelliant 14: O blaid: 11, Yn erbyn: 36, Ymatal: 5

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Amendment 14: For: 11, Against: 36, Abstain: 5

Amendment has been rejected

Dyna ni, felly. Dŷn ni wedi dod i ddiwedd ein hystyriaeth o Gyfnod 3 o Fil Etholiadau Cymru (Coronafeirws), ac rwy'n datgan y bernir bod pob adran o'r Bil a phob Atodlen iddo wedi'u derbyn. Hefyd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 26.50A, gallaf gadarnhau nad yw darpariaethau'r Bil Etholiadau Cymru (Coronafeirws) yn ymwneud â phwnc a warchodir yn fy marn i.

We have reached the end of our Stage 3 consideration of the Welsh Elections (Coronavirus) Bill, and I declare that all sections of the Bill are deemed agreed. Also, in accordance with Standing Order 26.50A, I can confirm that, in my view, the provisions of the Welsh Elections (Coronavirus) Bill do not relate to a protected subject matter.

Barnwyd y cytunwyd ar bob adran o’r Bil.

All sections of the Bill deemed agreed.

8. Dadl: Cyfnod 4 Bil Etholiadau Cymru (Coronafeirws)
8. Debate: Stage 4 of the Welsh Elections (Coronavirus) Bill

Yr eitem olaf felly yw'r cynnig i gymeradwyo'r Bil etholiadau Cymru, Cyfnod 4 y Bil, ac rwy'n galw ar y Gweinidog Tai a Llywodraeth Leol i wneud y cynnig hwnnw—Julie James.

The final item of business therefore is the Stage 4 motion to approve the Welsh Elections (Coronavirus) Bill, and I call on the Minister for Housing and Local Government to move that motion—Julie James.


Cynnig bod y Senedd yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 26.47:

Yn cymeradwyo Bil Etholiadau Cymru (Coronafeirws).


To propose that the Senedd in accordance with Standing Order 26.47:

Approves the Welsh Elections (Coronavirus) Bill.

Cynigiwyd y cynnig.

Motion moved.

Diolch, Llywydd. I formally move the motion. This Bill has been produced to a challenging timetable in a period of history that is not without its own unique challenges on our usual ways of working. I would like to thank not just the officials who have put this together through an intense period of hard work, but also to the Members here whose contribution to the scrutiny of this Bill has been invaluable. In particular, I would like to express my gratitude to the Chair, members and staff of the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee for the speed at which they were able to consider and report on the Bill. We brought forward a number of amendments at Stage 2 to give effect to their amendments, which have made the Bill more robust. I would also like to thank Rhun ap Iorwerth for his collaborative approach to amending this Bill. Through this approach, we were able to find a consensus on amendments that have greatly improved the Bill and the transparency of the subject matter.

On the theme of transparency, I am also glad that we were able to support Mark Isherwood's amendment requiring the criteria for proposing postponement of the Senedd election to be published. As I have stated many times during the course of this Bill, it is the Government's firm view that the elections should take place, as planned, on 6 May, and that is a view shared across the Siambr. But both the Senedd and the Welsh Government need a fresh mandate, and this Bill is not intended to prevent that. However, the pandemic has shown that it does not always follow a predictable course. It would be irresponsible of us not to have a contingency plan in the event that the public health situation is such that it is unsafe for the election to run as planned. Thanks to the cross-party work on this Bill, we have both the means to ensure the election can safely happen in May, if the public health situation allows, and to hold the election as soon as possible if it does not. Diolch.

Diolch, Lywydd. Rwy'n gwneud y cynnig yn ffurfiol. Cynhyrchwyd y Bil hwn o fewn amserlen heriol mewn cyfnod o hanes nad yw heb ei heriau unigryw ei hun i'n ffyrdd arferol o weithio. Hoffwn ddiolch nid yn unig i'r swyddogion a'i lluniodd drwy gyfnod dwys o waith caled, ond hefyd i'r Aelodau yma y mae eu cyfraniad i'r gwaith o graffu ar y Bil hwn wedi bod yn amhrisiadwy. Yn fwyaf arbennig, hoffwn ddiolch i Gadeirydd, aelodau a staff y Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a Chyfansoddiad am ystyried a chyflwyno adroddiad ar y Bil mor gyflym. Gwnaethom gyflwyno nifer o welliannau yng Nghyfnod 2 i roi grym i'w gwelliannau, gan wneud y Bil yn fwy cadarn. Hoffwn ddiolch hefyd i Rhun ap Iorwerth am ei ddull cydweithredol wrth fynd ati i ddiwygio'r Bil hwn. Drwy'r dull hwn, gallasom ddod o hyd i gonsensws ar welliannau sydd wedi gwella'r Bil yn fawr ynghyd â thryloywder y deunydd dan sylw.

Ar thema tryloywder, rwyf hefyd yn falch ein bod wedi gallu cefnogi gwelliant Mark Isherwood yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i gyhoeddi'r meini prawf ar gyfer y cynnig i ohirio etholiad y Senedd. Fel y dywedais droeon yn ystod taith y Bil hwn, barn gadarn y Llywodraeth yw y dylid cynnal yr etholiadau, yn ôl y bwriad, ar 6 Mai, ac mae honno'n farn a rennir ar draws y Siambr. Ond mae angen mandad newydd ar y Senedd a Llywodraeth Cymru, ac ni fwriedir i'r Bil hwn atal hynny. Fodd bynnag, mae'r pandemig wedi dangos nad yw bob amser yn dilyn trywydd y gellir ei ragweld. Byddai'n anghyfrifol inni beidio â chael cynllun wrth gefn pe bai sefyllfa iechyd y cyhoedd yn golygu nad yw'n ddiogel i'r etholiad gael ei gynnal yn ôl y bwriad. Diolch i'r gwaith trawsbleidiol ar y Bil hwn, mae gennym fodd o sicrhau y gall yr etholiad ddigwydd yn ddiogel ym mis Mai, os yw'r sefyllfa iechyd y cyhoedd yn caniatáu, yn ogystal â chynnal yr etholiad cyn gynted â phosibl os nad yw'n caniatáu hynny. Diolch.

All legislation should pass the merit test of doing what it says on the tin, and that's particularly essential when that is emergency legislation. So, our amendments sought to ensure that this would be the case. It is therefore both regrettable and concerning that all but one of these were defeated, and, in consequence, that avoidable allegations about the First Minister's motives are bound to be raised if he does choose to exercise the powers given to him by this Bill. The people deserve better. We understand that the Welsh Government needs some flexibility if coronavirus cases surge in the weeks preceding the current election date. However, the UK Government has made it clear that local and police and crime commissioner elections will be taking place on 6 May, with a robust delivery plan that minimises the risk of spreading the coronavirus, and the Welsh Government should be putting all its efforts into ensuring that this also happens for the Senedd election.

The Welsh Government have failed throughout this Bill's process to state what the criteria would be to trigger a delay in the election, and it refused to back our proposals, except for welcome support for one amendment, at each stage, to include this in the Bill. For these reasons, we will be abstaining on this Bill.

Dylai pob deddfwriaeth basio'r prawf teilyngdod o wneud yr hyn y mae'n ei ddweud ar y label, ac mae hynny'n arbennig o hanfodol pan fo'n ddeddfwriaeth frys. Felly, ceisiodd ein gwelliannau sicrhau bod hyn yn digwydd. Mae'n destun gofid felly, ac yn peri pryder fod pob un ond un o'r rhain wedi'u trechu, ac o ganlyniad, fod honiadau y gellid bod wedi eu hosgoi am gymhellion y Prif Weinidog yn sicr o gael eu gwyntyllu os yw'n dewis arfer y pwerau a roddwyd iddo gan y Bil hwn. Mae'r bobl yn haeddu gwell. Deallwn fod angen rhywfaint o hyblygrwydd ar Lywodraeth Cymru os ceir ymchwydd yn nifer yr achosion o'r coronafeirws yn yr wythnosau cyn dyddiad presennol yr etholiad. Fodd bynnag, mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi dweud yn glir y bydd etholiadau lleol ac etholiadau comisiynwyr heddlu a throseddu yn cael eu cynnal ar 6 Mai, gyda chynllun cyflawni cadarn sy'n lleihau'r risg o ledaenu'r coronafeirws, a dylai Llywodraeth Cymru ganolbwyntio ei hymdrechion ar sicrhau bod hyn yn digwydd ar gyfer etholiad y Senedd hefyd.

Drwy gydol proses y Bil hwn, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi methu nodi beth fyddai'r meini prawf i sbarduno gohiriad i'r etholiad, a heblaw am gefnogaeth sydd i'w chroesawu i un gwelliant, gwrthododd gefnogi ein cynigion ym mhob Cyfnod i gynnwys hyn yn y Bil. Am y rhesymau hyn, byddwn yn ymatal ar y Bil hwn.

This Bill is wrong in principle and unnecessary in practice. We see successful roll-out of vaccines, we see infections and, increasingly, deaths falling sharply from the virus. We're within three months of this projected election, and the suggestion that we need emergency powers to postpone this election is not borne out by that factual background.

We have already had the UK Government say that the police and crime commissioner elections for England and Wales will go ahead on 6 May. Therefore, the purpose stated for this Bill is no longer there. We heard from the Minister various, I thought, rather contradictory concerns posed about us being subsidiary or secondary to the PCC elections, or that we had to act in the best interests of voters, but if there's already going to be an election on 6 May because the UK Government is so determined, how on earth would we be protecting voters by requiring them to vote twice by postponing our election? It makes no sense.

Most shocking I find of this is the extension of our term beyond five years. Since the Parliament Act 110 years ago, the House of Common has not been able to extend its own term—the House of Lords has to consent. However, we now see, thanks to the Wales Act 2017 that the Conservatives passed, without, as far as I can see, considering this issue, that we, in Wales, are able to evade that requirement—powers once exercised subject to that democratic restraint no longer are. And here we're perhaps being quite measured with only six months of an extra term, but there's nothing to stop us going further. Why is it right in Wales that we can extend this term, as a unicameral institution, without anyone else's say-so when there are previously democratic protections that have now been removed? 

I regret that I recall at least three Labour Members from the Labour benches saying that they wouldn't vote to allow a postponement to the election. Yet, today they are. I regret that 2017 Act giving us these powers to do so. I think it's not surprising that with and more powers being taken by this place, contrary to what was agreed in the 2011 referendum, more and more people are now intending to vote to abolish this institution.

Mae'r Bil hwn yn anghywir mewn egwyddor ac yn ddiangen yn ymarferol. Gwelwn frechlynnau'n cael eu cyflwyno'n llwyddiannus, gwelwn nifer y rhai a heintiwyd ac yn gynyddol, nifer y marwolaethau o'r feirws, yn gostwng yn helaeth. Rydym o fewn tri mis i'r etholiad a ragwelir, ac ni chaiff yr awgrym fod angen pwerau brys arnom i ohirio'r etholiad ei gadarnhau gan y cefndir ffeithiol hwnnw.

Rydym eisoes wedi cael Llywodraeth y DU yn dweud y bydd etholiadau comisiynwyr heddlu a throseddu ar gyfer Cymru a Lloegr yn mynd rhagddynt ar 6 Mai. Felly, nid yw'r diben a nodir ar gyfer y Bil hwn yno mwyach. Clywsom gan y Gweinidog amrywiol bryderon, anghyson braidd yn fy marn i, ynglŷn â'n bod yn israddol neu'n eilradd i etholiadau'r comisiynwyr heddlu a throseddu, neu ein bod wedi gorfod gweithredu er lles pleidleiswyr, ond os oes etholiad eisoes yn mynd i fod ar 6 Mai oherwydd bod Llywodraeth y DU mor benderfynol, sut ar y ddaear y byddem yn diogelu pleidleiswyr drwy ei gwneud yn ofynnol iddynt bleidleisio ddwywaith drwy ohirio ein hetholiad ni? Nid yw'n gwneud unrhyw synnwyr.

Y peth mwyaf brawychus am hyn yn fy marn i yw ymestyn ein tymor y tu hwnt i bum mlynedd. Ers Deddf y Senedd 110 mlynedd yn ôl, nid yw Tŷ'r Cyffredin wedi gallu ymestyn ei dymor ei hun—rhaid i Dŷ'r Arglwyddi gydsynio. Fodd bynnag, diolch i Ddeddf Cymru 2017 a basiwyd gan y Ceidwadwyr heb ystyried y mater hwn hyd y gwelaf fi, gwelwn ein bod ni, yng Nghymru yn gallu osgoi'r gofyniad hwnnw—ni chaiff pwerau yr arferid eu harfer yn amodol ar yr ataliad democrataidd hwnnw eu harfer felly mwyach. Ac yn hyn o beth, efallai ein bod yn eithaf rhesymol yn pennu chwe mis yn unig o dymor ychwanegol, ond nid oes dim i'n hatal rhag mynd ymhellach. Pam y mae'n iawn yng Nghymru ein bod yn cael ymestyn y tymor hwn, fel sefydliad un siambr, heb ganiatâd neb arall pan fo amddiffyniadau democrataidd blaenorol bellach wedi'u dileu? 

Mae'n ofid i mi fy mod yn cofio o leiaf dri Aelod Llafur oddi ar feinciau Llafur yn dweud na fyddent yn pleidleisio dros ganiatáu gohirio'r etholiad. Ac eto, maent yn gwneud hynny heddiw. Mae'n ofid i mi fod Deddf 2017 yn rhoi'r pwerau inni wneud hynny. Gyda mwy o bwerau'n cael eu cymryd gan y lle hwn, yn groes i'r hyn a gytunwyd yn refferendwm 2011, nid wyf yn credu ei bod yn syndod fod mwy a mwy o bobl bellach yn bwriadu pleidleisio dros ddiddymu'r sefydliad hwn.


Mae hwn yn Fil nad oes unrhyw un yn dymuno bod ei angen. Rydyn ni i gyd yma'n eiddgar i bobl Cymru gael penderfynu mor fuan â phosib ar y dyddiad a bennwyd yn wreiddiol—6 Mai—pwy ddylai gael ffurfio Llywodraeth Cymru am y blynyddoedd nesaf. Ond, mae'r argyfwng rydyn ni wedi bod drwyddo fo wedi bod yn un digynsail yn yr oes fodern, a'r gwir ydy bod y feirws yma ddim yn un sydd yn parchu'r broses ddemocrataidd. Dwi ddim, serch hynny, yn credu bod rhaid inni fod wedi dilyn proses mor funud olaf â hyn, ond, o ddilyn proses frys hyd yn oed, dwi'n hyderus ein bod ni wedi diweddu efo Bil sydd lawer cryfach nag oedd gennym ni ar ddechrau'r broses. A beth dwi'n feddwl wrth 'cryfach' ydy ei fod o'n fwy tebyg o ganiatáu tegwch i ymgeiswyr, i drefnwyr etholiadau ac, uwchlaw popeth, i etholwyr Cymru a'r broses ddemocrataidd ei hun. Fel dwi wedi'i ddweud droeon, Bil ydy hwn, ie, i ganiatáu oedi pe bai rhaid, ond hefyd i ganiatáu cynnal etholiad. Ydy, mae o'n caniatáu gohirio os oes angen hynny—os oes wir angen hynny—er mwyn sicrhau etholiad teg yn wyneb y pandemig, ond hefyd mi ddylai fo rŵan helpu i sicrhau bod modd cynnal etholiad a chael trafodaeth gynhwysfawr efo pobl Cymru os caiff yr etholiad ei gynnal fel rydyn ni eisiau ei weld ar 6 Mai.

This is a Bill that nobody wants to see. We're all eager to see the people of Wales deciding as soon as possible, on the day appointed—6 May—as to who should formulate the Welsh Government for the next years. But, the crisis that we have lived through has been unprecedented in modern times, and the truth is that this virus is not one that respects the democratic process. However, I don't believe that we should have followed such a last-minute process to get to this point, but, having adopted an emergency process, I am confident that we have concluded with a Bill that is far stronger than it was at the beginning of the process. And what I mean by that is that it is more likely to secure fairness and equity for candidates, to those responsible for elections and, above all, to the constituents of Wales and the democratic process itself. As I've said on a number of occasions, this is a Bill, yes, to allow postponement if absolutely necessary, but also to allow the staging of an election. And yes, it allows postponement if necessary—if truly necessary—in order to secure a fair election in the face of the pandemic, but it should also help to ensure that an election can be held and that a comprehensive debate can be had with the people of Wales if that election is held, as we all hope to see, on 6 May.

Diolch, Llywydd. I thank the Members I mentioned earlier for their contributions to the debate. If the Bill is passed today, we will make every effort to see it become law as soon as possible. We will continue to work closely with returning officers, electoral administrators, the Electoral Commission, the other Governments within the UK and everyone else involved in this year's elections, to enable our voters to participate in the democratic process in these unprecedented times. And through the duties placed upon us by the Bill and our wider work, we will keep Members fully informed about preparations for 6 May.

I would just like to mention once more to Members, as I have mentioned several times during this debate, that we are working very closely with the UK Government, who also take a pragmatic approach to this matter, and although they have at this point in time made it clear that they'd like the elections to go ahead, that is no different from what we have said. We would like the elections to go ahead as well. This is merely a pragmatic approach to ensuring that the democratic process can continue, and as many Members have seen, if the pandemic takes one of the unexpected turns that we know only too well it can take in these unprecedented times. So, for those reasons, I commend this Bill to the Senedd and hope that all Members will feel able to agree with it. Diolch, Llywydd.

Diolch, Lywydd. Diolch i'r Aelodau y soniais amdanynt yn gynharach am eu cyfraniadau i'r ddadl. Os caiff y Bil ei basio heddiw, byddwn yn gwneud pob ymdrech i'w weld yn dod yn gyfraith cyn gynted â phosibl. Byddwn yn parhau i weithio'n agos gyda swyddogion canlyniadau, gweinyddwyr etholiadol, y Comisiwn Etholiadol, y Llywodraethau eraill yn y DU a phawb arall sy'n rhan o'r etholiadau eleni, er mwyn galluogi ein pleidleiswyr i gymryd rhan yn y broses ddemocrataidd yn y cyfnod digynsail hwn. A thrwy'r dyletswyddau a osodir arnom gan y Bil a'n gwaith ehangach, byddwn yn rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Aelodau am y paratoadau ar gyfer 6 Mai.

Hoffwn sôn unwaith eto wrth yr Aelodau, fel y soniais droeon yn ystod y ddadl hon, ein bod yn gweithio'n agos iawn gyda Llywodraeth y DU, sydd hefyd wedi mabwysiadu ymagwedd bragmatig at y mater hwn, ac er eu bod wedi dweud yn glir ar yr adeg hon yr hoffent i'r etholiadau fynd rhagddynt, nid yw hynny'n wahanol i'r hyn rydym ni wedi'i ddweud. Hoffem ninnau i'r etholiadau fynd rhagddynt hefyd. Dull pragmatig yw hwn o sicrhau y gall y broses ddemocrataidd barhau, ac fel y mae llawer o Aelodau wedi gweld, os yw'r pandemig yn datblygu mewn ffordd annisgwyl fel y gwyddom yn iawn y gall yn y cyfnod digynsail hwn. Felly, am y rhesymau hynny, rwy'n cymeradwyo'r Bil hwn i'r Senedd ac yn gobeithio y bydd pob Aelod yn teimlo y gall gytuno ag ef. Diolch, Lywydd.


Yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 26.50C, rhaid cynnal pleidlais wedi ei chofnodi ar gynigion Cyfnod 4. Felly, dwi'n galw am bleidlais ar y cynnig i gymeradwyo Bil Etholiadau Cymru (Coronafeirws). Agor y bleidlais. O blaid 36, yn ymatal naw, pump yn erbyn. Felly, mae'r bleidlais ar y cynnig yna o dan Gyfnod 4 wedi ei gymeradwyo.

In accordance with Standing Order 26.50C, a recorded vote must be taken on Stage  4 motions. Therefore, I call for a vote on the motion to approve Welsh Elections (Coronavirus) Bill. Open the vote. In favour 36, nine abstentions and five against. Therefore, the Stage 4 motion is agreed.

Cynnig Cyfnod 4 i gymeradwyo Bil Etholiadau Cymru (Coronafeirws): O blaid: 36, Yn erbyn: 5, Ymatal: 9

Derbyniwyd y cynnig

Stage 4 motion to approve the Welsh Elections (Coronavirus) Bill: For: 36, Against: 5, Abstain: 9

Motion has been agreed

A dyna ni. Dyna ddiwedd ar ein gwaith am y dydd heddiw. Diolch i chi i gyd am eich cydweithrediad dros ddau ddiwrnod trwm o bleidleisio, a diolch i'r holl swyddogion sydd wedi gweithio tu ôl i'r llenni i ganiatáu i hynny fod mor effeithiol ag oedd yn bosib ac o bell. Felly, nos da i chi i gyd.

And that brings today's proceedings to a close. I thank you all for your collaboration over two busy days of voting, and I thank all officials who've worked behind the scenes to make that work as effectively as possible and to have done so remotely. So, good evening to you all.

Daeth y cyfarfod i ben am 17:38.

The meeting ended at 17:38.