Y Cyfarfod Llawn
Yn y fersiwn ddwyieithog, mae’r golofn chwith yn cynnwys yr iaith a lefarwyd yn y cyfarfod. Mae’r golofn dde yn cynnwys cyfieithiad o’r areithiau hynny.
In the bilingual version, the left-hand column includes the language used during the meeting. The right-hand column includes a translation of those speeches.
Cyfarfu'r Senedd yn y Siambr a thrwy gynhadledd fideo am 13:30 gyda'r Dirprwy Lywydd (David Rees) yn y Gadair.
The Senedd met in the Chamber and by video-conference at 13:30 with the Deputy Presiding Officer (David Rees) in the Chair.
Prynhawn da a chroeso, bawb, i'r Cyfarfod Llawn. Yr eitem gyntaf ar ein hagenda ni fydd cwestiynau i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Lywodraeth Leol a Thai, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Samuel Kurtz.
Good afternoon and welcome to this afternoon's Plenary meeting. The first item on our agenda will be questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Housing and Local Government, and the first question is from Samuel Kurtz.
1. Sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi'r sector rhentu preifat? OQ61803
1. How is the Welsh Government supporting the private rented sector? OQ61803

Diolch. We are committed to using all available levers to ensure we maintain a viable private rented sector in Wales, offering high-quality and choice of accommodation. We have a number of grant schemes that are available to landlords or tenants and provide guidance and information through Rent Smart Wales.
Diolch. Rydym wedi ymrwymo i ddefnyddio pob ysgogiad sydd ar gael i sicrhau ein bod yn cynnal sector rhentu preifat hyfyw yng Nghymru, gan gynnig dewis eang o lety o ansawdd uchel. Mae gennym nifer o gynlluniau grant ar gael i landlordiaid neu denantiaid, ac rydym yn darparu arweiniad a gwybodaeth drwy Rhentu Doeth Cymru.
Thank you, Cabinet Secretary. Recently, I had—well, I can’t call it an honour—I visited some housing stock in my constituency, which is owned by a private landlord, and the conditions, which the tenants live in, I can only describe as squalid. And I’m thankful to Carmarthenshire County Council and Pembrokeshire County Council—this landlord owns properties in both local authorities’ areas—because I’m working with them now to try and help these tenants because of the situation that they find themselves in. But one thing that really took me aback was that Rent Smart Wales has the ability to deter good-quality landlords from the sector, but not then hold those rogue landlords to account at the same time. So, what are you doing within your role and with other Cabinet Secretaries to make sure that Rent Smart Wales has the teeth to go after rogue landlords that are taking advantage of their tenants, but also to make it as welcoming and forthcoming as possible to get more private landlords into the sector to provide those high-quality, affordable homes that you mentioned in your opening response?
Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Yn ddiweddar, cefais y—wel, ni allaf ei galw’n fraint—ond ymwelais â thai yn fy etholaeth, sy’n eiddo i landlord preifat, ac roedd yr amodau y mae’r tenantiaid yn byw ynddynt yn wael. Ac rwy’n ddiolchgar i Gyngor Sir Caerfyrddin a Chyngor Sir Penfro—mae’r landlord hwn yn berchen ar eiddo yn ardaloedd y ddau awdurdod lleol—oherwydd rwy'n gweithio gyda hwy nawr i geisio helpu’r tenantiaid hyn oherwydd y sefyllfa y maent ynddi. Ond un peth a wnaeth fy synnu’n fawr oedd bod gan Rhentu Doeth Cymru allu i rwystro landlordiaid o ansawdd da o'r sector, ond nid i ddwyn landlordiaid diegwyddor i gyfrif ar yr un pryd. Felly, beth rydych chi'n ei wneud yn eich rôl a chydag Ysgrifenyddion Cabinet eraill i sicrhau bod gan Rhentu Doeth Cymru allu i gosbi landlordiaid diegwyddor sy'n cymryd mantais ar eu tenantiaid, ond hefyd i'w gwneud mor groesawgar ac mor hawdd â phosibl i ddenu mwy o landlordiaid preifat i’r sector i ddarparu’r cartrefi fforddiadwy o ansawdd uchel hynny y sonioch chi amdanynt yn eich ymateb agoriadol?
Diolch, Sam, and I'm sorry to hear about the issues that your constituents have. Rent Smart Wales is responsible for the registration and licensing of landlords, ensuring that they’re trained and meet requirements in respect of being fit and proper persons. If the landlord is in breach of standards set out in the Renting Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) (Wales) Regulations 2022, then the tenant should report this to the relevant local authority's environmental health team, who have the responsibility to investigate those breaches. So, if a landlord is in breach of their contract, then any notices that they may serve in the future, including for rent or a no-fault eviction, may be invalid. So, I’d very much make sure that your constituents are raising that with the local authority.
Diolch, Sam, ac mae’n ddrwg gennyf glywed am y problemau sydd gan eich etholwyr. Rhentu Doeth Cymru sy’n gyfrifol am gofrestru a thrwyddedu landlordiaid, gan sicrhau eu bod yn cael eu hyfforddi ac yn bodloni gofynion o ran bod yn bobl addas a phriodol. Os yw’r landlord yn torri’r safonau a nodir yn Rheoliadau Rhentu Cartrefi (Ffitrwydd Annedd i Bobl Fyw Ynddi) (Cymru) 2022, dylai’r tenant roi gwybod i dîm iechyd yr amgylchedd yr awdurdod lleol perthnasol, sy’n gyfrifol am ymchwilio i’r achosion hynny. Felly, os yw landlord yn torri eu contract, gallai unrhyw hysbysiadau y gallent eu cyflwyno yn y dyfodol, gan gynnwys ar gyfer rhenti neu droi allan heb fai, fod yn annilys. Felly, buaswn yn sicrhau bod eich etholwyr yn codi hynny gyda’r awdurdod lleol.
Unfortunately, rogue landlords are probably not a rarity in Cardiff, which they may well be in Pembrokeshire and Carmarthenshire—I hope so. But I’ve got a tenant who has been living in this property for quite a long time with a young child, and we all know how difficult it can be to get a tenancy when you’ve got a child. And they’ve just been suffering for years and years from the landlord refusing to do the necessary repairs. They’ve now been issued with a compulsory improvement order by environmental health, but, frankly, they should have been taken out long before now, because this landlord owns the majority of the flats in this large block and this is not the first situation of this kind that I have experienced. And I think that there’s a disconnect between environmental health and the licensing system, because environmental health needs to be reporting to Rent Smart Wales that they’ve had this problem with the licensee and, therefore, there needs to be a massive question mark over it. Rent Smart Wales just seem to lack the teeth that we need to make the licensing system have more effect.
Yn anffodus, mae'n debyg nad oes prinder o landlordiaid diegwyddor yng Nghaerdydd, yn wahanol, o bosibl, i sir Benfro a sir Gaerfyrddin—rwy'n gobeithio. Ond mae gennyf denant sydd wedi bod yn byw mewn eiddo ers amser maith gyda phlentyn ifanc, a gŵyr pob un ohonom pa mor anodd y gall fod i gael tenantiaeth pan fydd gennych blentyn. Ac maent wedi bod yn dioddef ers blynyddoedd lawer am fod y landlord yn gwrthod gwneud y gwaith atgyweirio angenrheidiol. Maent bellach wedi cael gorchymyn gwella gorfodol gan iechyd yr amgylchedd, ond a dweud y gwir, dylai hynny fod wedi digwydd ymhell cyn hyn, gan mai’r landlord hwn sy’n berchen ar y rhan fwyaf o’r fflatiau yn y bloc mawr hwn ac nid dyma’r achos cyntaf rwy'n ymwybodol ohono. A chredaf fod datgysylltiad rhwng iechyd yr amgylchedd a’r system drwyddedu, gan fod angen i'r adran iechyd yr amgylchedd roi gwybod i Rhentu Doeth Cymru eu bod wedi cael y broblem hon gyda’r trwyddedai ac felly fod angen marc cwestiwn enfawr drosto. Ymddengys nad oes gan Rhentu Doeth Cymru y dannedd sy'n angenrheidiol i wneud i'r system drwyddedu gael mwy o effaith.
Thank you for that question and for raising your constituent's concerns and their situation, as well as Sam's in his initial question. Again, if a landlord is in breach of standards set out in the fitness for human habitation regulations, then the tenant should report that, as your constituents have, to the relevant local authority. The local authority then should inform Rent Smart Wales of any enforcement or improvement notices that have been served on a landlord or, if they fail to rectify that issue, Rent Smart Wales can issue fixed-penalty notices and consider revoking a landlord's licence, which would mean that they could no longer legally manage the letting and would need to appoint an agent. A tenant may also be entitled, under the new occupation contracts, to withhold their rent if they have reported issues affecting the habitability of the property and the landlord has failed to rectify the issue. So, there are ways to make sure that tenants have recourse to this.
But I would just like to put on record that we do have the White Paper on adequate housing, and we’re keen to look at annual check-ins that will confirm whether landlords and properties are active in the sector to ensure that we’ve got up-to-date data rather than waiting for the end of the five-year registration or licensing period, so we've got a better understanding of who's in that. So, we do have the White Paper at the moment. And I'm also keen to see how we can support good landlords who provide high-quality, safe and affordable accommodation, so that people feel safe to stay and invest in the sector for the future.
Diolch am eich cwestiwn ac am godi pryderon eich etholwr a’u sefyllfa, yn ogystal â rhai Sam yn ei gwestiwn cychwynnol. Unwaith eto, os yw landlord yn torri’r safonau a nodir yn y rheoliadau ffitrwydd annedd i bobl fyw ynddi, dylai’r tenant roi gwybod am hynny, fel y gwnaeth eich etholwyr, i’r awdurdod lleol perthnasol. Dylai’r awdurdod lleol wedyn roi gwybod i Rhentu Doeth Cymru am unrhyw hysbysiadau gorfodi neu wella sydd wedi’u cyflwyno i landlord, neu os nad ydynt yn unioni’r mater hwnnw, gall Rhentu Doeth Cymru gyhoeddi hysbysiadau cosb benodedig ac ystyried dirymu trwydded y landlord, a fyddai’n golygu na allent bellach fod yn gyfrifol am reoli'r llety gosod yn ôl y gyfraith, a byddai angen iddynt benodi asiant. Mae’n bosibl y byddai gan denant hawl hefyd, o dan y contractau meddiannaeth newydd, i atal eu taliadau rhent os ydynt wedi rhoi gwybod am faterion sy’n effeithio ar y gallu i fyw yn yr eiddo a bod y landlord wedi methu unioni’r mater. Felly, mae ffyrdd o sicrhau bod hawliau gan denantiaid i wneud hyn.
Ond hoffwn gofnodi fod gennym y Papur Gwyn ar dai digonol, ac rydym yn awyddus i edrych ar wiriadau blynyddol a fyddai'n cadarnhau a yw landlordiaid ac eiddo yn weithredol yn y sector i sicrhau bod gennym ddata cyfredol yn hytrach nag aros tan ddiwedd y cyfnod cofrestru neu drwyddedu pum mlynedd, fel bod gennym well dealltwriaeth o bwy sydd wedi'u cynnwys yn hynny. Felly, mae gennym y Papur Gwyn ar hyn o bryd. Ac rwyf hefyd yn awyddus i weld sut y gallwn gefnogi landlordiaid da sy'n darparu llety diogel a fforddiadwy o ansawdd uchel, fel bod pobl yn teimlo'n ddiogel i aros a buddsoddi yn y sector ar gyfer y dyfodol.
2. Beth yw safbwynt Llywodraeth Cymru ynghylch gweithredu rheolaethau rhent? OQ61814
2. What is the Welsh Government's position regarding the implementation of rent controls? OQ61814
Diolch, Luke. Available evidence on rent controls in the private rented sector indicates such measures would likely to be ineffective or may even have negative impacts on affordability. As such, and as set out in our recently published White Paper, we are not currently proposing to take forward national rent control measures.
Diolch, Luke. Mae'r dystiolaeth sydd ar gael ar reoli rhenti yn y sector rhentu preifat yn dangos y byddai mesurau o'r fath yn debygol o fod yn aneffeithiol neu hyd yn oed yn cael effeithiau negyddol ar fforddiadwyedd. Fel y cyfryw, ac fel y nodir yn y Papur Gwyn a gyhoeddwyd gennym yn ddiweddar, nid ydym yn bwriadu bwrw ymlaen â mesurau rheoli rhenti cenedlaethol ar hyn o bryd.
I have to say it is very disappointing that the Welsh Government is retreating from the idea of rent controls, despite the clear power imbalance that exists between tenants and landlords. Now, the White Paper on adequate housing that was launched on 24 October cites an insufficient evidence base for taking forward rent controls—you alluded to that in your answer. But there is a clear evidence base of immediate affordability challenges for tenants, and we can say for sure that private rents have increased dramatically in recent years. There are plenty of examples of places in the world where limits on rent increases have worked to stabilise housing markets. So, I wonder if the Cabinet Secretary could therefore clarify the Government's intentions? Does this mean that the Government is planning to revisit the idea of rent controls when sufficient data is gathered, or has it dismissed the concept altogether, because there is a space and there is a clear need in Wales for a well-designed rent control system?
Mae'n rhaid imi ddweud ei bod yn siomedig iawn fod Llywodraeth Cymru yn cilio oddi wrth y syniad o reoli rhenti, er gwaethaf yr anghydbwysedd grym clir sy’n bodoli rhwng tenantiaid a landlordiaid. Nawr, mae'r Papur Gwyn ar dai digonol a lansiwyd ar 24 Hydref yn nodi sylfaen dystiolaeth annigonol ar gyfer bwrw ymlaen â rheoli rhenti—fe gyfeirioch chi at hynny yn eich ateb. Ond mae sylfaen dystiolaeth glir o heriau fforddiadwyedd uniongyrchol i denantiaid, a gallwn ddweud i sicrwydd fod rhenti preifat wedi cynyddu’n aruthrol yn y blynyddoedd diwethaf. Mae digonedd o enghreifftiau o leoedd yn y byd lle mae cyfyngiadau ar godiadau rhent wedi gweithio i sefydlogi marchnadoedd tai. Tybed a allai Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet egluro bwriadau'r Llywodraeth felly? A yw hyn yn golygu bod y Llywodraeth yn bwriadu ailystyried y syniad o reoli rhenti pan fydd digon o ddata wedi'i gasglu, neu a yw wedi diystyru’r cysyniad yn gyfan gwbl, gan fod lle ac angen clir yng Nghymru am system reoli rhenti wedi’i chynllunio’n dda?
Diolch, Luke. The evidence from the Green Paper consultation, and evidence from the national rent cap in Scotland, indicates that rent control measures are unlikely to be effective and may have an adverse impact on the affordability and supply. Scotland have now lifted their national rent cap and are now taking forward legislation that will require the collection of rent data and provision for local authorities to apply for specific areas to be designated a rent pressure zone. We've always been clear that we would not introduce rent controls without an understanding of the potential unintended consequences of rent control on the private rented sector. So, we've considered a range of evidence, which has informed the White Paper, and, as I said, that evidence available at the moment indicates that rent control measures would likely be ineffective, and, as I said, may have that adverse impact on affordability.
Diolch, Luke. Mae’r dystiolaeth o’r ymgynghoriad ar y Papur Gwyrdd, a thystiolaeth o’r cap rhenti cenedlaethol yn yr Alban, yn dangos bod mesurau rheoli rhenti yn annhebygol o fod yn effeithiol ac y gallent gael effaith andwyol ar fforddiadwyedd a chyflenwad. Mae’r Alban bellach wedi codi eu cap rhenti cenedlaethol ac yn bwrw ymlaen â deddfwriaeth a fydd yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i gasglu data rhent, a darpariaeth i awdurdodau lleol wneud cais i ddynodi ardaloedd penodol yn barthau pwysau rhent. Rydym bob amser wedi dweud yn glir na fyddem yn cyflwyno mesurau rheoli rhenti heb ddealltwriaeth o ganlyniadau anfwriadol posibl rheoli rhenti ar y sector rhentu preifat. Felly, rydym wedi ystyried ystod o dystiolaeth, sydd wedi llywio’r Papur Gwyn, ac fel y dywedais, mae’r dystiolaeth sydd ar gael ar hyn o bryd yn nodi y byddai mesurau rheoli rhenti'n debygol o fod yn aneffeithiol, ac fel y dywedais, gallent gael effaith niweidiol ar fforddiadwyedd.
I don't think the Welsh Government's position on rent controls is clear, because you have flirted with rent controls in the past, and have consulted on this topic, with the idea, thankfully, being ruled out, albeit tepidly, from the Government. But I'd appreciate if the Welsh Government could actually make their position clearer on the subject and confirm to the Senedd that the Welsh Government does not have plans to follow Scotland's disastrous lead by implementing rent controls, which end up exacerbating the very problem they are designed to remedy, with thousands of landlords taking their properties off the rental market. I'm sure they wouldn't have done that if the Welsh Government's messaging on this matter were clearer. The National Residential Landlords Association said that rent controls would serve only to decimate this sector further and would be a disaster for tenants. And looking over to Dublin and the Republic of Ireland, we can see the real-world effect of this well-meaning but foolish policy, which has greatly exacerbated their housing crisis. So, could the Cabinet Secretary outline whether the Welsh Government's position remains one of rejecting the idea of rent controls, and whether that is also the position of the UK Labour Government, and that the Welsh Government will instead focus on house building, to ensure an adequate supply of housing in the social and private rented sectors? I think we need less ambiguity and more clarity around this subject. Thank you.
Ni chredaf fod safbwynt Llywodraeth Cymru ar reoli rhenti yn glir, gan eich bod wedi chwarae â'r syniad o reoli rhenti yn y gorffennol, ac wedi ymgynghori ar y pwnc hwn, gyda'r syniad, diolch byth, yn cael ei ddiystyru, er yn llugoer, gan y Llywodraeth. Ond buaswn yn gwerthfawrogi pe gallai Llywodraeth Cymru nodi eu safbwynt ar y pwnc yn gliriach, a chadarnhau i’r Senedd nad oes gan Lywodraeth Cymru gynlluniau i ddilyn arweiniad trychinebus yr Alban drwy roi mesurau rheoli rhenti ar waith, sy’n gwaethygu’r union broblem y maent wedi'u cynllunio i'w hunioni, gyda miloedd o landlordiaid yn tynnu eu heiddo oddi ar y farchnad rentu. Rwy'n siŵr na fyddent wedi gwneud hynny pe bai negeseuon Llywodraeth Cymru ar y mater hwn yn gliriach. Dywedodd Cymdeithas Genedlaethol y Landlordiaid Preswyl y byddai mesurau rheoli rhenti'n dinistrio'r sector hwn ymhellach ac y byddai'n drychineb i denantiaid. Ac wrth edrych draw at Ddulyn a Gweriniaeth Iwerddon, gallwn weld effaith wirioneddol y polisi llawn bwriadau da ond ffôl hwn, sydd wedi gwaethygu eu hargyfwng tai yn sylweddol. Felly, a allai Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet nodi a yw Llywodraeth Cymru yn dal i wrthod y syniad o reoli rhenti, ac ai dyna safbwynt Llywodraeth Lafur y DU hefyd, ac y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru, yn hytrach, yn canolbwyntio ar adeiladu tai, er mwyn sicrhau cyflenwad digonol o dai yn y sectorau rhentu cymdeithasol a phreifat? Credaf fod angen llai o amwysedd a mwy o eglurder ar y pwnc hwn. Diolch.
Thank you, Gareth. As I said in response to Luke Fletcher, in our recently published White Paper, we are not currently proposing to take forward national rent control measures. As I said, the White Paper is looking to approve the affordability of the private rented sector by exploring how to achieve better and more localised rent data, to improve our understanding of the market rents. We confirmed to social landlords back in May that the current rent settlement, CPI+1, would be extended to cover the next financial year, while we're working with the sector to develop our proposals for a future social rent policy, thereby providing them certainty for 2026. We're going to consult on our proposals for a new social rent policy for Wales next summer.
Diolch, Gareth. Fel y dywedais mewn ymateb i Luke Fletcher, yn y Papur Gwyn a gyhoeddwyd yn ddiweddar gennym, nid ydym ar hyn o bryd yn cynnig bwrw ymlaen â mesurau rheoli rhenti cenedlaethol. Fel y dywedais, bwriad y Papur Gwyn yw cymeradwyo fforddiadwyedd y sector rhentu preifat drwy archwilio sut i sicrhau data gwell a mwy lleol ar rentu, er mwyn gwella ein dealltwriaeth o renti’r farchnad. Fe wnaethom gadarnhau i landlordiaid cymdeithasol yn ôl ym mis Mai y byddai’r setliad rhent presennol, CPI+1, yn cael ei ymestyn i gwmpasu’r flwyddyn ariannol nesaf, wrth inni weithio gyda’r sector i ddatblygu ein cynigion ar gyfer polisi rhent cymdeithasol yn y dyfodol, a thrwy hynny, darparu sicrwydd iddynt ar gyfer 2026. Byddwn yn ymgynghori ar ein cynigion ar gyfer polisi rhent cymdeithasol newydd i Gymru yn yr haf.
Galwaf yn awr ar lefarwyr y pleidiau ac, yn gyntaf, llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig, Mark Isherwood.
I now call the party spokespeople. First of all, the Welsh Conservative spokesperson, Mark Isherwood.
Diolch. Labour Welsh Governments slashed funding for housing from 1999, ignoring repeated warnings of a housing crisis, and setting in train the housing supply crisis, which has led to almost 140,000 people on social housing waiting lists now. The 2012 UK housing review stated that, by 2009-10, the Welsh Government had by far the lowest proportional level of housing expenditure of any of the four UK countries, and the Welsh Government has continued to lag ever since. North Wales housing associations have highlighted now the Audit Wales report, which found that, without additional funding, the Welsh Government will miss their 20,000 target by up to 4,140 homes. As the Bevan Foundation states, the delivery of new social homes is lagging behind the Welsh Government’s aspirations, as well as the reality of growing demand. And as Community Housing Cymru states, what they really need is a longer term, sustainable multi-year settlement. What assurances can you therefore provide that the affordable homes funding, which the Welsh Government will receive in consequentials from the UK Government—and, hopefully, more—will be fully allocated to affordable housing in Wales?
Diolch. Mae Llywodraethau Llafur Cymru wedi torri cyllid ar gyfer tai ers 1999, gan anwybyddu rhybuddion mynych am argyfwng tai, ac mae hyn wedi arwain at argyfwng cyflenwad tai sy'n golygu bod bron i 140,000 o bobl bellach ar restrau aros am dai cymdeithasol. Nododd adolygiad tai y DU yn 2012 mai Llywodraeth Cymru, erbyn 2009-10, oedd â'r lefel gyfrannol isaf o bell ffordd o wariant ar dai o unrhyw un o bedair gwlad y DU, ac mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi parhau i fod ar ei hôl hi byth ers hynny. Mae cymdeithasau tai gogledd Cymru wedi tynnu sylw at adroddiad Archwilio Cymru, a ganfu, heb gyllid ychwanegol, y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru 4,140 yn fyr o'i tharged o 20,000 o gartrefi. Fel y dywed Sefydliad Bevan, mae darpariaeth cartrefi cymdeithasol newydd yn brin o gymharu â dyheadau Llywodraeth Cymru, yn ogystal â realiti’r galw cynyddol. Ac fel y dywed Cartrefi Cymunedol Cymru, yr hyn sydd ei angen arnynt yn fawr yw setliad amlflwyddyn cynaliadwy a hirdymor. Pa sicrwydd y gallwch ei roi, felly, y bydd y cyllid cartrefi fforddiadwy, y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei gael fel cyllid canlyniadol gan Lywodraeth y DU—a mwy, gobeithio—yn cael ei ddyrannu’n llawn ar gyfer tai fforddiadwy yng Nghymru?
Thank you, Mark. In terms of your point on affordable homes, I think affordable housing is, and really should be, a priority that we all support in this Chamber. In terms of the work we’re putting in on building more homes, we have—. Over the summer, I wrote to all local authorities, all registered social landlords, and asked them specifically what were the red flags in their programmes in terms of building more homes to rent in the social sector, and we’ve got that information now. And, again, I’ve announced a taskforce as part of that, which will look at the specific blockages within that.
So, I think we are doing everything we can, and I really feel that there is that pace behind it. We all know that we need to build more houses, and that is something that we’re looking to do, as we have done in the past, and we want to see where these blockages are and make sure we do what we can to unblock them.
Diolch, Mark. Ar eich pwynt ynglŷn â chartrefi fforddiadwy, credaf fod tai fforddiadwy yn flaenoriaeth y mae pob un ohonom yn ei chefnogi yn y Siambr hon, fel y dylem. Ar y gwaith a wnawn ar adeiladu mwy o gartrefi, mae gennym—. Dros yr haf, ysgrifennais at bob awdurdod lleol, pob landlord cymdeithasol cofrestredig, a gofyn iddynt yn benodol beth oedd y baneri coch yn eu rhaglenni o ran adeiladu mwy o gartrefi i’w rhentu yn y sector cymdeithasol, ac mae’r wybodaeth honno gennym bellach. Ac unwaith eto, rwyf wedi cyhoeddi tasglu fel rhan o hynny, a fydd yn edrych ar y rhwystrau penodol yn hynny o beth.
Felly, credaf ein bod yn gwneud popeth a allwn, ac rwy'n teimlo o ddifrif ein bod yn gweithio'n gyflym. Gŵyr pob un ohonom fod angen inni adeiladu mwy o dai, ac mae hynny’n rhywbeth yr ydym yn bwriadu ei wneud, fel y gwnaethom yn y gorffennol, ac rydym yn awyddus i weld lle mae’r rhwystrau hyn a sicrhau ein bod yn gwneud yr hyn a allwn i gael gwared arnynt.
Thank you, but the question was: what assurances will you provide that the allocation for affordable homes funding you receive in consequentials from the UK Government will be fully allocated to affordable housing in Wales?
Following on from that, last week, Shelter Cymru published a new report showing that, in 2023-24, the total cost of temporary accommodation in Wales reached £99 million, more than double what it was in 2020-21, highlighting the significant increase in temporary accommodation in Wales, and the human impact of this, with over 11,000 people, including almost 3,000 children, now living in such places. Their research also shows increasing reliance on private sector provision. How, therefore, do you respond to calls by the National Residential Landlords Association for Welsh Government action to tackle an acute shortage of homes for private let, with demand outstripping supply, not only putting upward pressure on rents, but also undermining tenants’ purchasing power in the market, making it more difficult to hold bad and criminal landlords to account, and to the statement by Community Housing Cymru—the voice, as you know, of housing associations in Wales—that, as we come up to Welsh Government budget time, there is a need in particular to at least sustain the housing support grant in real terms and to keep people in their homes?
Diolch, ond y cwestiwn oedd: pa sicrwydd y gallwch ei roi y bydd y dyraniad ar gyfer cyllid tai fforddiadwy a gewch fel cyllid canlyniadol gan Lywodraeth y DU yn cael ei ddyrannu’n llawn ar gyfer tai fforddiadwy yng Nghymru?
At hynny, yr wythnos diwethaf, cyhoeddodd Shelter Cymru adroddiad newydd a ddangosai, yn 2023-24, fod cyfanswm cost llety dros dro yng Nghymru wedi cyrraedd £99 miliwn, mwy na dwbl yr hyn ydoedd yn 2020-21, gan nodi'r cynnydd sylweddol mewn llety dros dro yng Nghymru, ac effaith hyn ar bobl, gyda dros 11,000 o bobl, gan gynnwys bron i 3,000 o blant, bellach yn byw mewn lleoedd o’r fath. Mae eu hymchwil hefyd yn dangos dibyniaeth gynyddol ar ddarpariaeth sector preifat. Sut rydych chi'n ymateb felly i alwadau gan Gymdeithas Genedlaethol y Landlordiaid Preswyl am gamau gweithredu gan Lywodraeth Cymru i fynd i’r afael â phrinder dybryd o gartrefi i’w gosod yn breifat, gyda’r galw yn fwy na’r cyflenwad, sydd nid yn unig yn rhoi pwysau cynyddol ar renti, ond hefyd yn tanseilio pŵer prynu tenantiaid yn y farchnad, gan ei gwneud yn fwy anodd i ddwyn landlordiaid gwael a throseddol i gyfrif, ac i’r datganiad gan Cartrefi Cymunedol Cymru—llais cymdeithasau tai yng Nghymru, fel y gwyddoch—wrth inni agosáu at gyllideb Llywodraeth Cymru, fod angen cynnal y grant cymorth tai mewn termau real fan lleiaf, a chadw pobl yn eu cartrefi?
Thank you, Mark, and I can assure you that I’ll be making that argument around the housing support grant around the Cabinet table. I’ve heard directly from people and organisations, as you’ve outlined in your question, and we know that the housing support grant has been really, really important, and the uplift that we’ve managed to put in that. We’ve done as much as we can possibly do in the last budget round, but I really think that the work of people who work in the sector is incredible, and, without that, we just put more pressure on other parts of the system.
Going back to the first question—apologies—that you did raise around the UK Government budget, again, this is something that we’re looking at very carefully. We have our budget-setting process going on, as you know, at the moment, but we’re doing all we can to fix—. We’re seeing a UK Government who want to fix the foundations of the country, after the budget and the last 14 years of economic mismanagement we’ve had by the previous Government. We know that we need to build more houses. As I said, we're looking at what more we can do, and I can assure you that I, the First Minister and the Minister for Delivery, and our new taskforce will be very much focused on that, because we know that there are too many people in temporary accommodation. You mentioned the human cost of that, and I do feel that myself very strongly. We often see numbers and we see those statistics, but behind those are individuals.
Diolch, Mark, a gallaf roi sicrwydd i chi y byddaf yn codi'r ddadl honno ynghylch y grant cymorth tai o amgylch bwrdd y Cabinet. Rwyf wedi clywed yn uniongyrchol gan bobl a sefydliadau, fel yr amlinelloch chi yn eich cwestiwn, a gwyddom fod y grant cymorth tai wedi bod yn wirioneddol bwysig, a’r cynnydd yr ydym wedi llwyddo i’w wneud iddo. Rydym wedi gwneud cymaint ag y gallwn yn y rownd gyllidebol ddiwethaf, ond rwy'n credu'n wirioneddol fod gwaith y bobl sy'n gweithio yn y sector yn anhygoel, a heb hynny, nid ydym ond yn rhoi mwy o bwysau ar rannau eraill o'r system.
I fynd yn ôl at y cwestiwn cyntaf—ymddiheuriadau—a godwyd gennych ynghylch cyllideb Llywodraeth y DU, unwaith eto, mae hyn yn rhywbeth yr ydym yn edrych arno’n ofalus iawn. Mae ein proses o osod y gyllideb yn mynd rhagddi, fel y gwyddoch, ar hyn o bryd, ond rydym yn gwneud popeth a allwn i unioni—. Rydym yn gweld Llywodraeth y DU sydd am unioni sylfeini’r wlad, ar ôl y gyllideb a’r 14 mlynedd diwethaf o gamreoli economaidd a gawsom gan y Llywodraeth flaenorol. Gwyddom fod angen inni adeiladu mwy o dai. Fel y dywedais, rydym yn edrych ar beth arall y gallwn ei wneud, a gallaf roi sicrwydd i chi y byddaf i, y Prif Weinidog, y Gweinidog Cyflawni a’n tasglu newydd yn canolbwyntio ar hynny, gan y gwyddom fod gormod o bobl mewn llety dros dro. Fe sonioch chi am gost ddynol hynny, ac rwy'n teimlo hynny'n gryf iawn fy hun. Rydym yn aml yn gweld ffigurau ac yn gweld yr ystadegau, ond mae unigolion y tu ôl i’r rheini.
Thank you for answering some of the questions, but you didn't respond to the question about the National Residential Landlords Association highlighting an acute shortage of homes for private let and calling for Welsh Government action accordingly. And, of course, the previous Conservative Governments dealt with the largest deficit in the G20, a global pandemic and a global cost-of-living crisis, and still left a deficit, as a proportion of gross domestic product, at two and a half times less than had been left by the UK Government in 2010. But that aside, I was trying to avoid those sorts of comments today.
The Home Builders Federation stated last month that Wales continues to face a housing affordability crisis, caused in part by a lack of new supply of housing over many decades. Indeed, they say, the latest Welsh Government data on housing supply confirms that new dwellings built in Wales in the 2023-24 financial year was the second lowest on record. Furthermore, the Welsh Government's 'Future Wales: The National Plan 2040' estimates that on average 7,400 additional homes were required annually from 2019-24, with the majority for market sale or rent. However, the average number completed over the last five years was just 5,498. They also—.
Diolch am ateb rhai o’r cwestiynau, ond ni wnaethoch ymateb i’r cwestiwn ynglŷn â Chymdeithas Genedlaethol y Landlordiaid Preswyl yn tynnu sylw at brinder dybryd o gartrefi i’w gosod yn breifat ac yn galw am gamau gweithredu gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn unol â hynny. Ac wrth gwrs, bu'n rhaid i'r Llywodraethau Ceidwadol blaenorol ymdrin â'r diffyg mwyaf yn y G20, pandemig byd-eang ac argyfwng costau byw byd-eang, gan adael diffyg a oedd yn dal i fod, fel cyfran o'r cynnyrch domestig gros, ddwywaith a hanner yn llai na’r hyn a adawyd gan Lywodraeth y DU yn 2010. Ond ar wahân i hynny, roeddwn yn ceisio osgoi’r mathau hynny o sylwadau heddiw.
Dywedodd y Ffederasiwn Adeiladwyr Cartrefi fis diwethaf fod Cymru yn parhau i wynebu argyfwng fforddiadwyedd tai, sydd wedi'i achosi'n rhannol gan ddiffyg cyflenwad newydd o dai dros ddegawdau lawer. Yn wir, dywedant fod data diweddaraf Llywodraeth Cymru ar y cyflenwad tai yn cadarnhau mai'r nifer o anheddau newydd a adeiladwyd yng Nghymru ym mlwyddyn ariannol 2023-24 oedd y nifer isaf ond un a gofnodwyd erioed. Yn ychwanegol at hynny, roedd fframwaith 'Cymru’r Dyfodol: y cynllun cenedlaethol 2040' gan Llywodraeth Cymru yn amcangyfrif fod angen 7,400 o gartrefi ychwanegol bob blwyddyn ar gyfartaledd rhwng 2019-24, gyda'r rhan fwyaf i'w rhentu neu eu gwerthu ar y farchnad. Fodd bynnag, dim ond 5,498 oedd y nifer cyfartalog a gwblhawyd dros y pum mlynedd diwethaf. Maent hefyd—.
You need to ask your question, please, Mark.
Mae angen ichi ofyn eich cwestiwn, os gwelwch yn dda, Mark.
Well, noting the statement earlier by yourself on support for housing delivery, issued only 50 minutes ago, do you agree that we need a whole-market solution to the housing crisis in Wales? And if so, how will you co-produce, co-design and co-deliver solutions with housing providers, including private landlords and house builders, with social landlords and local authorities across the whole sector?
Wel, gan nodi’r datganiad gennych yn gynharach ar gymorth i ddarparu tai, a gyhoeddwyd 50 munud yn ôl yn unig, a ydych chi'n cytuno bod angen ateb marchnad gyfan arnom i’r argyfwng tai yng Nghymru? Ac os felly, sut y byddwch yn cydgynhyrchu, yn cydgynllunio ac yn cydgyflawni atebion gyda darparwyr tai, gan gynnwys landlordiaid preifat ac adeiladwyr tai, gyda landlordiaid cymdeithasol ac awdurdodau lleol ar draws y sector cyfan?
Thank you, Mark. We do have a proud record of delivery in difficult circumstances here in Wales in terms of housing. We've provided record levels of funding to support the delivery of social housing in this Senedd term; it's more than £1.4 billion allocated. Despite the challenging budgets that we have seen over the last 14 years, we have protected the budget for social housing. In 2023-24, we awarded an additional £61 million on top of the original £300 million budget for that social housing grant, but there is always more to be done. You know, I'm very acutely aware of that, and I'm really focused on what more we can do together. And that's why one of the reasons I wrote to all the registered social landlords, and wrote to local authorities, to see what more can be done. And I will work in partnership across all elements of the sector to see how we can do this, because it is really important we come together. We all have this ambition, and I think we need to really focus on how we can deliver for people in Wales.
Diolch, Mark. Mae gennym hanes balch o gyflawni mewn amgylchiadau anodd yma yng Nghymru o ran tai. Rydym wedi darparu’r lefelau uchaf erioed o gyllid i gefnogi darparu tai cymdeithasol yn ystod tymor y Senedd hon; mae mwy na £1.4 biliwn wedi'i ddyrannu. Er y cyllidebau heriol a welsom dros y 14 mlynedd diwethaf, rydym wedi diogelu’r gyllideb ar gyfer tai cymdeithasol. Yn 2023-24, dyfarnwyd £61 miliwn yn ychwanegol gennym ar ben y gyllideb wreiddiol o £300 miliwn ar gyfer y grant tai cymdeithasol, ond mae mwy i’w wneud bob amser. Wyddoch chi, rwy'n ymwybodol iawn o hynny, ac rwy'n canolbwyntio'n agos ar beth arall y gallwn ei wneud gyda'n gilydd. A dyna pam mai un o'r rhesymau yr ysgrifennais at yr holl landlordiaid cymdeithasol cofrestredig, ac at awdurdodau lleol, oedd er mwyn gweld beth arall y gellir ei wneud. A byddaf yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth ar draws pob rhan o'r sector i weld sut y gallwn wneud hyn, gan ei bod yn wirioneddol bwysig ein bod yn dod at ein gilydd. Mae hyn yn uchelgais gan bob un ohonom, a chredaf fod angen inni ganolbwyntio ar sut y gallwn gyflawni ar ran pobl yng Nghymru.
Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Peredur Owen Griffiths.
Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Peredur Owen Griffiths.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. 'Austerity has ended'—these were the words of the First Minister yesterday. I know it will be news to the councils across Wales that are in the midst of a financial crisis, facing a £559 million shortfall. They need a 7 per cent revenue increase just to maintain the current services, let alone investment in improvements. I'd be interested to know if the Cabinet Secretary also believes that austerity is over. The UK budget announced funding of £1.7 billion for Wales. Could the Cabinet Secretary provide a timeline for this £1.7 billion spend and let us know how much she is requesting for local authorities, when in discussions with the financial Secretary, and will it be enough to cover the whole of the £559 million gap?
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. 'Mae cyni wedi dod i ben'—dyna eiriau'r Prif Weinidog ddoe. Gwn y bydd hynny'n newyddion i’r cynghorau ledled Cymru sydd yng nghanol argyfwng ariannol, ac yn wynebu diffyg o £559 miliwn. Mae angen cynnydd refeniw o 7 y cant arnynt ddim ond i gynnal gwasanaethau presennol, heb sôn am fuddsoddi mewn gwelliannau. Hoffwn wybod a yw Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet hefyd yn credu bod cyni wedi dod i ben. Cyhoeddodd cyllideb y DU gyllid o £1.7 biliwn i Gymru. A allai Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet ddarparu amserlen ar gyfer y gwariant hwn o £1.7 biliwn a rhoi gwybod inni faint y mae’n gofyn amdano ar gyfer awdurdodau lleol mewn trafodaethau â’r Ysgrifennydd cyllid, ac a fydd yn ddigon i lenwi’r bwlch cyfan o £559 miliwn?
Diolch, Peredur. You know, we have to remember here that we've got that £22 billion black hole from the previous UK Governments that the new Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rachel Reeves, has started to have to fix. The position of the new UK Government that we've inherited cannot be turned around in one budget, and I think we have to be aware of that, and it's going to take time for public finances to recover. The budget is welcome and it's a welcome investment in Wales, its people and its communities, local businesses and public services. You know that the wider financial context remains challenging, remains difficult, but the budget does represent vital first steps forward to fixing that damage that we have inherited.
In terms of local authorities in particular, I obviously meet local authority leaders regularly, I speak to them regularly. And this is all about how we work in partnership to deliver the best that we possibly can, because local authorities have been under a huge amount of pressure over a number of years now, and we’ve done the best we can here in Wales to protect our local authorities. They’ve been under that pressure, as I say, for a number of years, and I’m very acutely aware of that and I hear that directly from them.
Diolch, Peredur. Wyddoch chi, mae'n rhaid inni gofio yma fod gennym dwll du o £22 biliwn gan Lywodraethau blaenorol y DU y mae Canghellor newydd y Trysorlys, Rachel Reeves, wedi dechrau gorfod ei lenwi. Ni ellir trawsnewid y sefyllfa y mae Llywodraeth newydd y DU wedi’i hetifeddu mewn un gyllideb, a chredaf fod yn rhaid inni fod yn ymwybodol o hynny, ac y bydd yn cymryd amser i gyllid cyhoeddus adfer. Mae’r gyllideb i’w chroesawu, ac mae’n fuddsoddiad i’w groesawu yng Nghymru, ei phobl a’i chymunedau, busnesau lleol a gwasanaethau cyhoeddus. Fe wyddoch fod y cyd-destun ariannol ehangach yn parhau i fod yn heriol, yn parhau i fod yn anodd, ond mae'r gyllideb yn cynrychioli'r camau cyntaf hanfodol ymlaen at unioni'r niwed a etifeddwyd gennym.
O ran awdurdodau lleol yn benodol, rwy’n amlwg yn cyfarfod ag arweinwyr awdurdodau lleol yn rheolaidd, rwy’n siarad â hwy'n rheolaidd. Ac mae hyn yn ymwneud â sut rydym yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth i gyflawni'r gorau sy'n bosibl, gan fod awdurdodau lleol wedi bod o dan bwysau aruthrol dros nifer o flynyddoedd bellach, ac rydym wedi gwneud ein gorau yma yng Nghymru i ddiogelu ein hawdurdodau lleol. Maent wedi bod o dan bwysau, fel y dywedaf, ers nifer o flynyddoedd, ac rwy'n ymwybodol iawn o hynny ac rwy'n clywed hynny'n uniongyrchol ganddynt hwy.
Diolch. It is disappointing that that assurance isn’t there at the moment. I’m sure you are listening to local authorities. I’ve been speaking to them as well, and they are making those asks as to how much of that £1.7 billion will be coming their way to help the most vulnerable in our societies. We also heard yesterday that the changes in national insurance contributions will be fully funded, separate from the £1.7 billion, based on the ONS definition of public sector workers. Could the Cabinet Secretary clarify this definition and confirm whether it includes third sector workers contracted to local authorities? Does the Cabinet Secretary acknowledge that employer national insurance increases will have a huge impact on the third sector and the services that they provide on behalf of local authorities?
Diolch. Mae’n siomedig nad yw’r sicrwydd hwnnw yno ar hyn o bryd. Rwy’n siŵr eich bod yn gwrando ar awdurdodau lleol. Rwyf innau wedi bod yn siarad â hwy, ac maent yn gofyn y cwestiynau hynny ynghylch faint o'r £1.7 biliwn a gaiff ei ddarparu iddynt hwy i helpu'r rhai mwyaf agored i niwed yn ein cymunedau. Clywsom ddoe hefyd y bydd y newidiadau mewn cyfraniadau yswiriant gwladol yn cael eu hariannu’n llawn, ar wahân i’r £1.7 biliwn, yn seiliedig ar ddiffiniad y Swyddfa Ystadegau Gwladol o weithwyr y sector cyhoeddus. A allai Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet egluro’r diffiniad hwn a chadarnhau a yw’n cynnwys gweithwyr y trydydd sector sydd wedi’u contractio i awdurdodau lleol? A yw Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn cydnabod y bydd codiadau i gyfraniadau yswiriant gwladol cyflogwyr yn cael effaith enfawr ar y trydydd sector a’r gwasanaethau y maent yn eu darparu ar ran awdurdodau lleol?
Diolch, Peredur. HM Treasury have acknowledged that the change to employer national insurance contributions from April will increase costs for public sector employers, and they’ve said that they’ll provide funding to the public sector to support them with additional costs associated with these changes. We’re working with HM Treasury to clarify the details, and I can assure you that we’ll provide further information as soon as we possibly can.
Diolch, Peredur. Mae Trysorlys EF wedi cydnabod y bydd y newid i gyfraniadau yswiriant gwladol cyflogwyr o fis Ebrill yn cynyddu costau i gyflogwyr yn y sector cyhoeddus, ac maent wedi dweud y byddant yn darparu cyllid i’r sector cyhoeddus i’w cefnogi â chostau ychwanegol sy’n gysylltiedig â’r newidiadau hyn. Rydym yn gweithio gyda Thrysorlys EF i gael eglurder ynghylch y manylion, a gallaf roi sicrwydd i chi y byddwn yn darparu rhagor o wybodaeth cyn gynted ag y gallwn.
Okay, that’s not quite as positive as what the finance Secretary said yesterday, but I know there are lots of things to be worked through. I’ll look forward to getting that update from you.
Finally, can the Cabinet Secretary assure us that consequentials from the social care spend in England will go directly to Welsh councils rather than being absorbed into the Welsh health budget, to ensure that councils are able to fund the vital services?
Iawn, nid yw hynny mor gadarnhaol â’r hyn a ddywedodd yr Ysgrifennydd cyllid ddoe, ond gwn fod llawer o bethau i’w gweithio drwyddynt. Edrychaf ymlaen at gael y diweddariad hwnnw gennych.
Yn olaf, a all Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet roi sicrwydd i ni y bydd cyllid canlyniadol yn sgil y gwariant ar ofal cymdeithasol yn Lloegr yn mynd yn uniongyrchol i gynghorau Cymru yn hytrach na chael ei amsugno i gyllideb iechyd Cymru, er mwyn sicrhau bod cynghorau'n gallu ariannu gwasanaethau hanfodol?
I can certainly make sure that we write to you further on that, because this is something that I know local authorities are very concerned about. Again, I speak to them regularly, and social care is one of those challenges that comes up time and time again. I’ve heard the pressure that they’ve been under and face, and I know that the finance Secretary is very much aware of that as well. I can make sure we write to you with some further information specifically on that.
Yn bendant, gallaf sicrhau y byddwn yn ysgrifennu atoch ymhellach ynglŷn â hynny, gan fod hyn yn rhywbeth y gwn fod awdurdodau lleol yn bryderus iawn yn ei gylch. Unwaith eto, rwy’n siarad â hwy'n rheolaidd, ac mae gofal cymdeithasol yn un o’r heriau sy’n codi dro ar ôl tro. Rwyf wedi clywed am y pwysau sydd wedi bod arnynt ac y maent yn ei wynebu, a gwn fod yr Ysgrifennydd cyllid yn ymwybodol iawn o hynny hefyd. Gallaf sicrhau ein bod yn ysgrifennu atoch gyda gwybodaeth bellach am hynny'n benodol.
3. Pa gymorth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei gynnig i sefydliadau sy'n trosi eiddo masnachol gwag yn dai preswyl? OQ61799
3. What support does the Welsh Government offer to organisations that convert empty commercial property into residential houses? OQ61799
Diolch, Adam. Through our funding programmes, we're working with local authorities to redevelop empty properties, including empty commercial properties across Wales, with many of these disused properties being revitalised for mixed-use development, including residential housing.
Diolch, Adam. Drwy ein rhaglenni ariannu, rydym yn gweithio gydag awdurdodau lleol i ailddatblygu eiddo gwag, gan gynnwys eiddo masnachol gwag ledled Cymru, gyda llawer o'r eiddo nas defnyddir hyn yn cael eu hadfywio ar gyfer datblygiadau defnydd cymysg, gan gynnwys tai preswyl.
Rwy’n ddiolchgar i’r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet am ei hateb. Mae yna angen dybryd o ran digartrefedd a thai cymdeithasol yn ardal Rhydaman a Dyffryn Aman. Er enghraifft, mae yna tua 400 o bobl ar restr aros tai'r cyngor yn Rhydaman yn unig, gyda’r rhan fwyaf ohonyn nhw ar y lefel uchaf o ran angen, felly band A. Mae llawer ohonyn nhw angen tai un person, sydd yn brin iawn, wrth gwrs.
Wrth drafod gyda’r banc bwyd yn lleol a’r cyngor sut ŷn ni’n gallu bod yn ddyfeisgar wrth ymateb i’r angen yma, rŷn ni wedi bod yn trafod gyda Habitat for Humanity, yr elusen sydd ar hyn o bryd yn datblygu cynlluniau peilot yn Lloegr i droi adeiladau gwag yn dai cymdeithasol. Mae diddordeb gyda nhw i wneud rhywbeth yng Nghymru. Mae yna adeiladau gwag gyda ni yn Rhydaman, ac mae diddordeb gyda’r cyngor i fod yn rhan o gynllun peilot o’r fath. Pa gymorth mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gallu cynnig er mwyn hwyluso hyn a’i droi e'n gynllun efallai y gellir wedyn ei efelychu mewn cymunedau eraill ar draws Cymru?
I'm grateful to the Cabinet Secretary for her response. There is a dire need in terms of homelessness and social housing in the Ammanford and the Amman Valley area. For example, there are around 400 people on the council’s housing waiting list in Ammanford alone, with most of them on the highest level in terms of need, namely band A. Many of them need one-person accommodation, which is very scarce, of course.
In discussing with the food bank locally and with the council in terms of how we can be innovative in responding to this need, we have been having discussions with Habitat for Humanity, a charity that is currently developing pilots in England in order to turn empty buildings into social housing. They're interested in doing something in Wales. There are empty buildings in Ammanford, and the council is interested in being part of such a pilot scheme. So, what support can the Welsh Government provide in order to facilitate that and to make it a plan that can be emulated in other communities across Wales?
Diolch, Adam. I do very much understand the situation of our town centres, in particular, are facing, and when we see empty properties in those town centres I think we all look at them and think, 'Could they be used for businesses or accommodation?' I know of some places like in my own constituency, actually, where they've worked really hard to put—. The local registered social landlord has actually bought up some of those properties and created extra housing in the city centre, which has been really successful to bring people to the high street as well. So, this is something we are obviously keen on and looking at, and working with local authorities and RSLs to ensure that that happens.
We do have a number of loans and grant schemes that are available that might be useful to know, and different funds. We've got our land and buildings development fund, which is about low-carbon homes through a strong, short supply chain to make use of modern methods of construction. We also know that we've got our empty homes grant. Just for you to know, we've had 904 valid applications for this scheme to date and 122 of those properties completed. But I can write to you on specific funds, and perhaps you could write to me about that particular scheme that you mentioned as well, because I'd be very interested to hear about that.
Diolch, Adam. Rwy'n deall yn iawn y sefyllfa y mae canol ein trefi, yn arbennig, yn ei hwynebu, a phan welwn eiddo gwag yng nghanol y trefi hynny, credaf fod pob un ohonom yn edrych arnynt ac yn meddwl, 'A ellid eu defnyddio ar gyfer busnesau neu lety?' Gwn am rai lleoedd fel yn fy etholaeth fy hun, mewn gwirionedd, lle maent wedi gweithio'n galed iawn i roi—. Mae’r landlord cymdeithasol cofrestredig lleol wedi prynu peth o’r eiddo ac wedi creu tai ychwanegol yng nghanol y ddinas, sydd wedi bod yn llwyddiannus iawn o ran denu pobl i’r stryd fawr hefyd. Felly, mae hyn yn rhywbeth rydym yn amlwg yn hoff ohono ac yn edrych arno, ac rydym yn gweithio gydag awdurdodau lleol a landlordiaid cymdeithasol cofrestredig i sicrhau bod hynny'n digwydd.
Mae gennym nifer o fenthyciadau a chynlluniau grant a allai fod yn ddefnyddiol, a gwahanol gronfeydd. Mae gennym ein cronfa datblygu tir ac adeiladau, sy'n ymwneud â chartrefi carbon isel drwy gadwyn gyflenwi gref, fer i wneud defnydd o ddulliau adeiladu modern. Gwyddom hefyd fod gennym ein grant cartrefi gwag. Er gwybodaeth, rydym wedi cael 904 o geisiadau dilys ar gyfer y cynllun hwn hyd yma, ac mae 122 o'r eiddo wedi'i gwblhau. Ond gallaf ysgrifennu atoch ynglŷn â chronfeydd penodol, ac efallai y gallech chi ysgrifennu ataf i ynglŷn â'r cynllun penodol y sonioch chi amdano hefyd, gan y buaswn yn awyddus iawn i glywed am hynny.
I thank my colleague Adam Price for raising this really important issue, because for years we've discussed the shortage of affordable homes. I will declare an interest in this matter and refer Members to my declarations of interest. We have so many empty properties in our constituencies within town centres. One only has to look at towns like Bangor and Caernarfon; those high streets now look really sad because there are so many closed-down properties. It's a fact that the commercial market is shrinking and many ground-floor retail properties are suitable for easy conversion back to homes, but this is of course dependent on an innovate-thinking local authority planning department. Too often, such applications struggle to obtain the necessary change-of-use class allowing conversion to make these homes. So, will you, Cabinet Secretary, perhaps work with or send out guidance notes to local authorities to almost suggest to them that one way they could lower the increase in temporary accommodation spend would be by turning some of these commercial units back into lovely homes, and that planning authorities should see it now as a new direction for some of these town centres? Diolch.
Diolch i fy nghyd-Aelod, Adam Price, am godi’r mater hynod bwysig hwn, oherwydd ers blynyddoedd, rydym wedi trafod y prinder tai fforddiadwy. Rwyf am ddatgan buddiant yn y mater a chyfeirio’r Aelodau at fy natganiadau o fuddiant. Mae gennym gymaint o eiddo gwag yn ein hetholaethau yng nghanol trefi. Nid oes ond angen edrych ar drefi fel Bangor a Chaernarfon; mae’r strydoedd mawr hynny bellach yn edrych yn drist iawn gan fod cymaint o eiddo wedi cau. Mae'n ffaith bod y farchnad fasnachol yn crebachu a bod llawer o eiddo manwerthu ar y llawr gwaelod yn addas i'w troi'n ôl yn gartrefi yn hawdd, ond mae hyn wrth gwrs yn dibynnu ar adrannau cynllunio awdurdodau lleol yn meddwl yn arloesol. Yn rhy aml, mae ceisiadau o'r fath yn methu sicrhau'r dosbarth newid defnydd angenrheidiol i gael caniatâd i droi'r adeiladu hyn yn gartrefi. Felly, a wnewch chi, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, weithio gyda, efallai, neu anfon canllawiau at awdurdodau lleol i awgrymu iddynt mai un ffordd y gallent leihau’r cynnydd yn y gwariant ar lety dros dro fyddai drwy droi rhai o’r unedau masnachol hyn yn ôl yn gartrefi hyfryd, ac y dylai awdurdodau cynllunio ystyried hynny nawr fel cyfeiriad newydd ar gyfer canol rhai o'r trefi hyn? Diolch.
As I say, I do agree and I've seen where it's started to be done really well. Earlier this week I visited Torfaen County Borough Council, and just across from where they are they're redeveloping an empty property within Pontypool town centre, which will be for assisted accommodation, assisted living, which is really, really interesting. So, I look forward to that scheme opening, but that's just another example, perhaps, on our high streets of seeing a building that isn't suitable or no longer used being brought back to life with people living in it.
I'd also like to take the opportunity to mention our Leasing Scheme Wales campaign. I try to encourage it as much as I can when I go to all local authorities, and I just think if every Member here could also look into the Leasing Scheme Wales campaign that we have got going on—. That actually looks at some private landlords who might actually be looking to leave or give up their property, or perhaps have a property that's empty, and that's a scheme that local authorities administer, so they can contact their local authorities. And I think it's just something that we can help promote. There is a video on Welsh Government website with Rent Smart Wales. Rent Smart Wales, I believe, have sent out information to landlords who might be interested in Leasing Scheme Wales. It started off small. It's only been announced recently, but we are making some really good progress. Some local authorities have only just brought it online, so I know, when I was speaking to Torfaen, that that's just come on. But I really would encourage Members to share that video as much as possible, and perhaps I could write to all Members to make sure you've all got that information.
Fel y dywedaf, rwy'n cytuno, ac rwyf wedi gweld lle mae wedi dechrau digwydd yn dda iawn. Yn gynharach yr wythnos hon, ymwelais â Chyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Torfaen, gyferbyn â'r man lle maent yn ailddatblygu eiddo gwag yng nghanol tref Pont-y-pŵl, a fydd yn llety â chymorth, byw â chymorth, sy'n ddiddorol iawn. Felly, edrychaf ymlaen at weld y cynllun hwnnw’n agor, ond un enghraifft yn unig yw honno, efallai, ar ein strydoedd mawr o adeilad nad yw’n addas neu nad yw’n cael ei ddefnyddio mwyach yn cael ei adfywio gyda phobl yn byw ynddo.
Hoffwn achub ar y cyfle hefyd i sôn am ein hymgyrch Cynllun Lesio Cymru. Rwy'n ceisio ei annog mor aml ag y gallaf pan fyddaf yn siarad ag awdurdodau lleol, a phe gallai pob Aelod yma hefyd edrych ar ymgyrch Cynllun Lesio Cymru sydd ar y gweill gennym—. Mae'r cynllun hwnnw'n edrych ar rai landlordiaid preifat a allai fod yn ystyried gadael neu werthu eu heiddo, neu sydd efallai ag eiddo gwag, ac mae hwnnw'n gynllun y mae awdurdodau lleol yn ei weinyddu, felly gallant gysylltu â'u hawdurdodau lleol. Ac rwy'n credu ei fod yn rhywbeth y gallwn helpu i'w hyrwyddo. Mae fideo ar wefan Llywodraeth Cymru gyda Rhentu Doeth Cymru. Credaf fod Rhentu Doeth Cymru wedi anfon gwybodaeth at landlordiaid a allai fod â diddordeb yng Nghynllun Lesio Cymru. Fe ddechreuodd yn fach. Dim ond yn ddiweddar y cafodd ei gyhoeddi, ond rydym yn gwneud cynnydd da iawn. Dim ond newydd ei roi ar waith y mae rhai awdurdodau lleol, felly pan oeddwn yn siarad â Thorfaen, rwy'n gwybod mai newydd ddechrau oedd hwnnw. Ond rwy'n annog yr Aelodau'n gryf i rannu'r fideo hwnnw gymaint â phosibl, ac efallai y gallwn ysgrifennu at bob Aelod i sicrhau bod y wybodaeth honno gan bob un ohonoch.
4. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ddatganiad am weithredu'r cynllun Arbed yng Nghaerau? OQ61788
4. Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on the implementation of the Arbed scheme in Caerau? OQ61788
Diolch, Tom. Welsh Government has awarded £2.65 million of grant funding to Bridgend County Borough Council for remedial works on affected homes in Caerau. My officials recently met with BCBC and we will receive an update on progress to treat the affected properties in early December.
Diolch, Tom. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi dyfarnu £2.65 miliwn o gyllid grant i Gyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr ar gyfer gwaith adfer ar gartrefi yr effeithir arnynt yng Nghaerau. Yn ddiweddar, cyfarfu fy swyddogion â Chyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr a byddwn yn cael diweddariad ar y cynnydd ar drin yr eiddo yr effeithiwyd arno ddechrau mis Rhagfyr.
I'm grateful to you for your response. Obviously, what has happened in Caerau I think is one of the biggest injustices that we've seen in a long, long time. What we saw was one of the poorest communities in Wales receive remedial works—or not even remedial works, works to insulate their properties, in the first instance—through a Welsh Government project, delivered by the local council, who then contracted a company where a sitting Labour councillor was its director and found shoddy workmanship that meant those houses were in a much worse condition than before they had the work done. Now, it has taken over a decade for work to even begin on fixing the damage done. This is a huge problem, and it has really damaged the faith, I think, that people in Caerau have not only in the scheme but in politics and in politicians. Now, I asked this question alongside Luke Fletcher just over a month ago of the First Minister, and the First Minister said in response to me,
'I know that my colleague the Deputy First Minister has been making sure that the lessons are being learnt.'
Now, that will have been news to me and all of us, I think, and the first time we would have heard that, so can you inform us exactly what that work entails? Is that a formal piece of work commissioned by the Welsh Government, and when can we expect to hear the lessons-learnt exercise from the Deputy First Minister?
Rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn i chi am eich ymateb. Yn amlwg, mae'r hyn sydd wedi digwydd yng Nghaerau yn un o'r anghyfiawnderau mwyaf a welsom ers amser maith. Yr hyn a welsom oedd un o'r cymunedau tlotaf yng Nghymru yn cael gwaith adferol—nid gwaith adferol hyd yn oed, gwaith i inswleiddio eu heiddo, i gychwyn—drwy brosiect gan Lywodraeth Cymru, wedi'i wneud gan y cyngor lleol, a gontractiodd gwmni wedyn lle roedd cynghorydd Llafur yn gyfarwyddwr a gwelwyd bod gwaith gwael wedi'i wneud a olygai fod y tai hynny mewn cyflwr llawer gwaeth na chyn iddynt gael y gwaith wedi'i wneud. Nawr, mae wedi cymryd dros ddegawd i'r gwaith hyd yn oed ddechrau ar ddatrys y difrod a wnaed. Mae hon yn broblem enfawr, ac mae wedi niweidio'r ffydd sydd gan bobl yng Nghaerau nid yn unig yn y cynllun ond mewn gwleidyddiaeth ac mewn gwleidyddion. Nawr, gofynnais y cwestiwn hwn i'r Prif Weinidog gyda Luke Fletcher ychydig dros fis yn ôl, a dywedodd y Prif Weinidog mewn ymateb i mi,
'Rwy'n gwybod bod fy nghyd-Aelod, y Dirprwy Brif Weinidog, wedi bod yn sicrhau bod y gwersi'n cael eu dysgu.'
Nawr, bydd hynny wedi bod yn newyddion i mi a phob un ohonom, rwy'n credu, a'r tro cyntaf y byddem wedi clywed hynny, felly a allwch chi ein hysbysu yn union beth y mae'r gwaith hwnnw'n ei olygu? A yw'n ddarn ffurfiol o waith a gomisiynwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru, a phryd y gallwn ddisgwyl clywed yr ymarfer gwersi a ddysgwyd gan y Dirprwy Brif Weinidog?
Diolch, Tom, and, again, I'd just like to put on record that I recognise and understand the frustration of home owners in Caerau. I know this, as you say, has been a long-standing issue, and I know that residents are being kept informed of progress now. I know that drop-in sessions happen at least weekly, and I know that there will be opportunities to meet an appointed co-ordinator. Bridgend County Borough Council have appointed that community liaison manager to answer any queries from concerned residents, so I just hope that everybody could share that as well with residents in Caerau to make sure that they are aware of those weekly meetings.
And in terms of the lessons learnt, some of the things from the lessons learnt, from those legacy issues at Caerau, have influenced our new Warm Homes programme, in which we have incorporated a higher standard of quality assurance. Just to say, officials are in regular contact with the local authority and we will receive progress updates on a quarterly basis, but I will also ask my officials to update Members of the Senedd as well. But there are some lessons to be learnt as well as that Warm Homes programme, for example, reducing potential conflicts of interest by letting separate contracts for our advice and referral provider and our delivery provider, introducing key performance indicators for complaints received. So, there are lessons that we definitely need to learn, and I can assure you that that is what we're doing.
Diolch, Tom, ac unwaith eto, hoffwn gofnodi fy mod yn cydnabod ac yn deall rhwystredigaeth perchnogion tai yng Nghaerau. Gwn fod hwn wedi bod yn fater hirsefydlog, fel y dywedwch, a gwn fod trigolion yn cael gwybod am gynnydd nawr. Rwy'n gwybod bod sesiynau galw heibio yn digwydd o leiaf bob wythnos, a gwn y bydd cyfleoedd i gyfarfod â chydlynydd a benodwyd. Mae Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr wedi penodi'r rheolwr cyswllt cymunedol hwnnw i ateb unrhyw ymholiadau gan drigolion pryderus, felly rwy'n gobeithio y gallai pawb rannu hynny gyda thrigolion Caerau i wneud yn siŵr eu bod yn ymwybodol o'r cyfarfodydd wythnosol hynny.
Ac ar y gwersi a ddysgwyd, mae rhai o'r pethau o'r gwersi a ddysgwyd, o'r materion etifeddol hynny yng Nghaerau, wedi dylanwadu ar ein rhaglen Cartrefi Clyd newydd, lle rydym wedi ymgorffori safon uwch o sicrwydd ansawdd. Os caf ddweud, mae swyddogion mewn cysylltiad rheolaidd â'r awdurdod lleol a byddwn yn cael diweddariadau ar gynnydd bob chwarter, ond byddaf hefyd yn gofyn i fy swyddogion roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i Aelodau'r Senedd hefyd. Ond mae gwersi i'w dysgu yn ogystal â'r rhaglen Cartrefi Clyd, er enghraifft, lleihau gwrthdaro buddiannau posibl trwy osod contractau ar wahân ar gyfer ein darparwr cyngor a chyfeirio a'n darparwr cyflenwi, gan gyflwyno dangosyddion perfformiad allweddol ar gyfer cwynion a ddaeth i law. Felly, mae yna wersi y mae angen inni eu dysgu yn bendant, a gallaf eich sicrhau ein bod yn gwneud hynny.
Luke Fletcher.
Luke Fletcher.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd, and I appreciate you allowing me to come in on this. Tom Giffard is right, the residents in Caerau—or at least the feeling I'm getting—have lost complete faith in politicians and organisations to resolve this issue after over a decade or more dealing with it. One resident's daughter has lived in these conditions for as long as she's been alive. Now, I wouldn't accept those living conditions; you wouldn't accept those living conditions; nobody in this Chamber would accept those living conditions.
I just want to pick up on one thing that was said in your answer to Tom Giffard, which is that residents are being given a timeline and a timetable for when works are going to happen. That's not what we're hearing on the ground. A number of residents have approached me over the last couple of months with different dates in hand about when works are going to start, so there's a real communication issue here. So, what I would impress on the Government is that they need to co-ordinate how they're communicating with residents a lot better, because right now that is equally causing as much frustration as the works begin to progress.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd, ac rwy'n gwerthfawrogi eich bod yn caniatáu imi ddod i mewn ar hyn. Mae Tom Giffard yn iawn, mae'r trigolion yng Nghaerau—neu o leiaf y teimlad rwy'n ei gael—wedi colli ffydd mewn gwleidyddion a sefydliadau i ddatrys y mater hwn ar ôl dros ddegawd neu fwy o ymwneud ag ef. Mae merch un preswylydd wedi byw o dan yr amodau hyn ar hyd ei hoes. Nawr, ni fyddwn i'n derbyn yr amodau byw hynny; ni fyddech chi'n eu derbyn; ni fyddai neb yn y Siambr hon yn derbyn yr amodau byw hynny.
Hoffwn fynd ar drywydd un peth a ddywedwyd yn eich ateb i Tom Giffard, sef bod trigolion yn cael amserlen ar gyfer pryd y bydd gwaith yn digwydd. Nid dyna beth rydym ni'n ei glywed ar lawr gwlad. Mae nifer o drigolion wedi cysylltu â mi dros y misoedd diwethaf gyda dyddiadau gwahanol ar gyfer pryd y bydd y gwaith yn dechrau, felly mae yna broblem gyfathrebu go iawn yma. Felly, yr hyn rwyf am ei bwysleisio wrth y Llywodraeth yw bod angen iddynt gydlynu sut y dylent gyfathrebu'n llawer gwell â thrigolion, oherwydd ar hyn o bryd mae hynny'n achosi llawn cymaint o rwystredigaeth wrth i'r gwaith ddechrau symud yn ei flaen.
Diolch, Luke. I know of yours and Tom's, and, I know, the Deputy First Minister's, interest in this area. I think, from my perspective, it's hopeful and helpful to know about the new community liaison manager who answers queries from residents, and I think it's important that I can feed that back and that that is fed back to the community liaison manager as well, because I think, as you say, communication is so important, isn't it, if residents have been living with this for such a long time. I think that we can make sure that communication is as clear as possible for residents. So, I'll take that information back as well. But I think it's important that there is somewhere for people to go. There is a drop-in session that happens, as I say, at least weekly, and I would encourage residents to go to that as well.
Diolch, Luke. Rwy'n gwybod am eich diddordeb chi a Tom, a diddordeb y Dirprwy Brif Weinidog yn y maes hwn. Rwy'n credu, o fy safbwynt i, ei bod yn obeithiol ac yn ddefnyddiol gwybod am y rheolwr cyswllt cymunedol newydd sy'n ateb ymholiadau gan drigolion, ac rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig fy mod yn gallu bwydo hynny'n ôl a bod hynny'n cael ei fwydo yn ôl i'r rheolwr cyswllt cymunedol hefyd, oherwydd fel y dywedwch, rwy'n credu bod cyfathrebu mor bwysig, onid yw, os yw'r trigolion wedi bod yn byw gyda hyn ers cymaint o amser. Rwy'n credu y gallwn sicrhau bod cyfathrebu mor glir â phosibl i breswylwyr. Felly, byddaf yn mynd â'r wybodaeth honno yn ôl hefyd. Ond rwy'n meddwl ei bod hi'n bwysig fod rhywle i bobl fynd. Mae sesiwn galw heibio sy'n digwydd, fel y dywedaf, yn wythnosol fan lleiaf, ac rwy'n annog trigolion i fynychu honno hefyd.
5. A yw Llywodraeth Cymru yn monitro sut y mae awdurdodau lleol yn cyflawni eu dyletswyddau o dan Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb 2010? OQ61777
5. Does the Welsh Government monitor how local authorities fulfil their duties under the Equality Act 2010? OQ61777
Diolch, Mark. Local authorities are democratically accountable to their electorate. Responsibility for regulating and enforcing the Equality Act 2010 and the public sector equality duty falls to the Equality and Human Rights Commission.
Diolch, Mark. Mae awdurdodau lleol yn atebol yn ddemocrataidd i'w hetholwyr. Y Comisiwn Cydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol sydd â'r cyfrifoldeb o reoleiddio a gorfodi Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 a dyletswydd cydraddoldeb y sector cyhoeddus.
Thank you, and, of course, they have limited powers to pursue individual cases. But, for over nine years, I've worked with disabled people and others across Flintshire seeking to work with Flintshire County Council to remove all barriers along the Wales coastal path, managed by the council, allowing access for all. The campaign includes TCC, a charity that supports 40 member groups in tackling social justice issues within north-east Wales, Cycling UK, TheFDF Centre for Independent Living, Sustrans Cymru, Disabled Ramblers UK, Wheels for Wellbeing, Chester Wheelers, and people with lived experience of the impact of these barriers on them. The current situation contravenes both the UK Equality Act 2010 and the legal and policy frameworks of the Welsh Government and Flintshire County Council itself. Age Cymru also contacted me in the context of the Equality Act after respondents to their annual survey noted that public spaces were becoming increasingly inaccessible for older people due to the disappearance of public toilets, benches, dropped pavements and other essential pieces of infrastructure. What actions can you therefore take when breaches of the legislation such as these are identified by external bodies and people with lived experience?
Diolch, ac wrth gwrs, mae ganddynt bwerau cyfyngedig i fynd ar drywydd achosion unigol. Ond ers dros naw mlynedd, rwyf wedi gweithio gyda phobl anabl ac eraill ledled sir y Fflint sy'n ceisio gweithio gyda Chyngor Sir y Fflint i gael gwared ar bob rhwystr ar hyd llwybr arfordir Cymru, a reolir gan y cyngor, i ganiatáu mynediad i bawb. Mae'r ymgyrch yn cynnwys Trefnu Cymunedol Cymru, elusen sy'n cefnogi 40 o grwpiau sy'n aelodau i fynd i'r afael â materion cyfiawnder cymdeithasol yng ngogledd-ddwyrain Cymru, Cycling UK, Canolfan Byw'n Annibynnol TheFDF, Sustrans Cymru, Disabled Ramblers UK, Wheels for Wellbeing, Chester Wheelers, a phobl sydd â phrofiad bywyd o effaith y rhwystrau hyn arnynt. Mae'r sefyllfa bresennol yn mynd yn groes i Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb y DU 2010 a fframweithiau cyfreithiol a pholisi Llywodraeth Cymru a Chyngor Sir y Fflint ei hun. Cysylltodd Age Cymru â mi hefyd yng nghyd-destun y Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb ar ôl i ymatebwyr i'w harolwg blynyddol nodi bod mannau cyhoeddus yn dod yn fwyfwy anhygyrch i bobl hŷn oherwydd diflaniad toiledau cyhoeddus, meinciau, palmentydd wedi'u gostwng a darnau hanfodol eraill o seilwaith. Pa gamau y gallwch chi eu cymryd felly pan fydd achosion o dorri'r ddeddfwriaeth fel y rhain yn cael eu nodi gan gyrff allanol a phobl sydd â phrofiad bywyd?
Diolch, Mark, and thank you—I know you've raised these sorts of issues over a number of years now—and for the work that you do with disabled people's groups as well. I know that you have a long-standing history of that.
The Welsh Government does take a leadership role in promoting the Equality Act across the public sector, including in social partnership, through the workforce partnership council, and the workforce partnership council has promoted the Disability Confident scheme across the public sector, social partners, and produced a variety of statements and reports on diversity, monitoring and things like the gender pay gap. So, there is work ongoing, and I think that it's really important that we also find where there are areas of best practice and how we can share that. There are opportunities where that happens. It includes events such as the one being planned for spring 2025 that showcases best practice and develops new approaches to encourage greater diversity in local democracy. So, there are ways, but we do take that very seriously.
Diolch, Mark, a diolch—rwy'n gwybod eich bod wedi codi'r mathau hyn o faterion dros nifer o flynyddoedd nawr—ac am y gwaith a wnewch gyda grwpiau pobl anabl hefyd. Rwy'n gwybod bod gennych hanes hir o hynny.
Mae gan Lywodraeth Cymru rôl arweiniol yn hyrwyddo'r Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb ar draws y sector cyhoeddus, gan gynnwys mewn partneriaeth gymdeithasol, trwy gyngor partneriaeth y gweithlu, ac mae cyngor partneriaeth y gweithlu wedi hyrwyddo'r cynllun Hyderus o ran Anabledd ar draws y sector cyhoeddus, partneriaid cymdeithasol, ac wedi cynhyrchu amryw o ddatganiadau ac adroddiadau ar amrywiaeth, monitro a phethau fel y bwlch cyflog rhwng y rhywiau. Felly, mae gwaith yn mynd rhagddo, ac rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig iawn ein bod hefyd yn dod o hyd i feysydd o arferion gorau a sut y gallwn rannu hynny. Fe geir cyfleoedd lle mae hynny'n digwydd. Mae'n cynnwys digwyddiadau fel yr un sy'n cael ei gynllunio ar gyfer gwanwyn 2025 sy'n arddangos arferion gorau ac yn datblygu dulliau newydd er mwyn annog mwy o amrywiaeth mewn democratiaeth leol. Felly, mae yna ffyrdd, ond rydym o ddifrif ynglŷn â hyn.
6. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am dai cydweithredol yng Nghymru? OQ61773
6. Will the Cabinet Secretary provide an update on co-operative housing in Wales? OQ61773
Diolch, Mike. We're committed to supporting the development of co-operative and community-led housing in Wales. We have increased funding through Cwmpas to £180,000 annually between 2022-23 and 2024-25. Cwmpas is prioritising support for 41 community-led housing groups seeking to deliver affordable housing in Wales.
Diolch, Mike. Rydym wedi ymrwymo i gefnogi datblygiad tai cydweithredol a thai dan arweiniad y gymuned yng Nghymru. Rydym wedi cynyddu cyllid drwy Cwmpas i £180,000 bob blwyddyn rhwng 2022-23 a 2024-25. Mae Cwmpas yn blaenoriaethu cymorth i 41 o grwpiau tai dan arweiniad y gymuned sy'n ceisio darparu tai fforddiadwy yng Nghymru.
Thank you for that answer, Minister. In terms of co-operative housing, Wales and the rest of Great Britain have substantially less co-operative housing than Europe and North America. Why is co-operative housing so popular in places as diverse as New York City and Scandinavia, but has failed to become a standard form of accommodation in Wales and the rest of Great Britain? As we all know, John Lennon lived in the Dakota building, a co-operative apartment in Manhattan. Some progress has been made, but I believe Vancouver still has more co-operative housing than the whole of Great Britain. The Welsh Government has prioritised registered social landlords as a means to providing social housing. What further action can be taken to increase the number of co-operative housing units?
Diolch am yr ateb hwnnw, Weinidog. Ar dai cydweithredol, mae gan Gymru a gweddill Prydain lawer llai o dai cydweithredol nag Ewrop a Gogledd America. Pam mae tai cydweithredol mor boblogaidd mewn llefydd mor amrywiol ag Efrog Newydd a Sgandinafia, ond wedi methu dod yn fath safonol o gartref yng Nghymru a gweddill Prydain? Fel y gŵyr pawb ohonom, roedd John Lennon yn byw yn adeilad Dakota, fflat cydweithredol ym Manhattan. Mae rhywfaint o gynnydd wedi'i wneud, ond rwy'n credu bod gan Vancouver fwy o dai cydweithredol na Phrydain gyfan. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi blaenoriaethu landlordiaid cymdeithasol cofrestredig fel modd o ddarparu tai cymdeithasol. Pa gamau pellach y gellir eu cymryd i gynyddu nifer yr unedau tai cydweithredol?
Diolch, Mike, and getting John Lennon into a question is no mean feat, so thank you for that. It must be recognised that we do have different models in Wales when compared to some European countries, and our traditional social housing model is one where local authorities and registered social landlords play a central role. The Danish model, for example, has chosen to drive forward community-led housing instead of our more traditional social housing approach. But we do look to learn where we can. Community-led housing is and continues to be an important part of the housing solution in Wales. We're focusing our efforts on our ambition to end homelessness by providing support at both ends, providing more homes alongside early intervention, prevention and support systems. So, we are working with Cwmpas on a future package of support to continue the growing of the sector, and I'm looking forward to the publication of research being undertaken by Cardiff University and Co-op Dan Do to support needs for the sector.
Diolch, Mike, ac mae cael John Lennon i mewn i gwestiwn yn dipyn o gamp, felly diolch am hynny. Rhaid cydnabod bod gennym wahanol fodelau yng Nghymru o'i gymharu â rhai gwledydd Ewropeaidd, ac mae ein model tai cymdeithasol traddodiadol yn un lle mae awdurdodau lleol a landlordiaid cymdeithasol cofrestredig yn chwarae rhan ganolog. Mae model Denmarc, er enghraifft, wedi dewis hyrwyddo tai dan arweiniad y gymuned yn hytrach na'n dull mwy traddodiadol ni o gyflenwi tai cymdeithasol. Ond rydym yn ceisio dysgu lle gallwn. Mae tai dan arweiniad y gymuned yn parhau i fod yn rhan bwysig o'r ateb tai yng Nghymru. Rydym yn canolbwyntio ein hymdrechion ar ein huchelgais i roi diwedd ar ddigartrefedd drwy ddarparu cymorth ar y ddau ben, gan ddarparu mwy o gartrefi ochr yn ochr ag ymyrraeth gynnar, atal a systemau cefnogi. Felly, rydym yn gweithio gyda Cwmpas ar becyn cymorth yn y dyfodol i barhau i dyfu'r sector, ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen at gyhoeddi ymchwil sy'n cael ei wneud gan Brifysgol Caerdydd a Co-op Dan Do i gefnogi anghenion y sector.
Cabinet Secretary, while we of course welcome any moves to encourage more housing co-operatives, these are only a small piece of the puzzle. We need to urgently address the supply of housing for rent in the social sector and you are a long way off achieving the 20,000 target. So, while co-operative housing initiatives will play a part in addressing Wales's housing needs, and, hopefully, in time, a large part of that need, we have to address the here and now. Cabinet Secretary, what immediate steps are you taking to address the housing shortage and ensure that no families are forced into long-term temporary accommodation? Thank you.
Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, er ein bod wrth gwrs yn croesawu unrhyw gamau i annog mwy o fentrau tai cydweithredol, dim ond darn bach o'r pos yw'r rhain. Mae angen inni fynd i'r afael ar frys â chyflenwad tai i'w rhentu yn y sector cymdeithasol ac rydych chi'n bell o gyrraedd y targed o 20,000. Felly, er y bydd mentrau tai cydweithredol yn chwarae rhan wrth fynd i'r afael ag anghenion tai Cymru, a gobeithio, ymhen amser, yn rhan fawr o'r angen hwnnw, mae'n rhaid inni fynd i'r afael â'r presennol. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, pa gamau uniongyrchol rydych chi'n eu cymryd i fynd i'r afael â'r prinder tai a sicrhau nad oes unrhyw deuluoedd yn cael eu gorfodi i fyw mewn llety dros dro hirdymor? Diolch.
Diolch, Altaf, and, as I said earlier, affordable housing is and should be a priority that we all support. We know that we can't solely continue to deliver homes in the traditional way, which is why innovative housing solutions have been mainstreamed into the social housing grant funding programme. I'd like to encourage all RSLs and local authorities to explore alternative housing solutions, such as community-led housing, as a mechanism to meet the needs of their communities. To support this, we've launched a range of initiatives that will deliver more genuinely affordable homes as quickly as possible to meet that housing need, such as our transitional accommodation capital programme, or as I know it and many in the sector do, TACP, and, as I mentioned earlier, Leasing Scheme Wales. So, we do know that there are lots of things to do on this, but I think this does—. Community-led and co-operative housing certainly has its role, but we know that it's a small sector.
Diolch, Altaf, ac fel y dywedais yn gynharach, mae tai fforddiadwy yn flaenoriaeth y mae pawb ohonom yn ei chefnogi, fel y dylai fod. Gwyddom na allwn barhau i ddarparu cartrefi yn y ffordd draddodiadol yn unig, a dyna pam mae datrysiadau tai arloesol wedi'u prif ffrydio i raglen ariannu'r grant tai cymdeithasol. Hoffwn annog pob landlord cymdeithasol cofrestredig ac awdurdod lleol i archwilio atebion tai amgen, fel tai dan arweiniad y gymuned, fel mecanwaith i ddiwallu anghenion eu cymunedau. I gefnogi hyn, rydym wedi lansio ystod o gynlluniau a fydd yn darparu mwy o gartrefi gwirioneddol fforddiadwy cyn gynted â phosibl i ddiwallu'r angen am dai, megis ein rhaglen gyfalaf ar gyfer llety dros dro, a Chynllun Lesio Cymru fel y soniais yn gynharach. Felly, fe wyddom fod llawer o bethau i'w gwneud ar hyn, ond rwy'n credu bod hyn yn gwneud—. Yn sicr, mae gan dai cydweithredol a thai dan arweiniad y gymuned ran i'w chwarae, ond fe wyddom ei fod yn sector bach.
7. Beth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i sicrhau bod awdurdodau lleol yn gallu darparu gwasanaethau mewn ardaloedd gwledig yn effeithiol? OQ61781
7. What is the Welsh Government doing to ensure that local authorities are able to effectively deliver services in rural areas? OQ61781
Diolch, Cefin. The Welsh Government will continue to protect local authority services as far as possible, including in rural areas. We're committed to continuing to use and maintain a fair and transparent funding formula for all local authorities, which is agreed with local government.
Diolch, Cefin. Bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn parhau i ddiogelu gwasanaethau awdurdodau lleol cyn belled ag y bo modd, gan gynnwys mewn ardaloedd gwledig. Rydym wedi ymrwymo i barhau i ddefnyddio a chynnal fformiwla ariannu deg a thryloyw ar gyfer pob awdurdod lleol, fformiwla y cytunir arni gyda llywodraeth leol.
Diolch. Fel y nododd pedwar arweinydd mewn cynghorau yn cael eu harwain gan Blaid Cymru mewn ardaloedd gwledig yn ddiweddar mewn llythyr at y Canghellor cyn y gyllideb, maen nhw'n nodi bod llawer iawn o awdurdodau lleol yn ei gweld hi'n anodd i ddarparu gwasanaethau mewn ardaloedd gwledig, yn arbennig gwasanaethau craidd fel addysg a gofal cymdeithasol. Yn ogystal, wrth gwrs, mae'n rhaid inni sylweddoli'r pwysau mawr, y straen, sydd ar gynghorwyr sir sydd yn gorfod gwneud penderfyniadau fel hyn, ac mae'r WLGA wedi cydnabod hynny yn ddiweddar. Ac mae'n rhaid inni gofio bod yna bwysau arbennig ar gynghorau mewn ardaloedd gwledig oherwydd y gost ychwanegol o ddarparu gwasanaethau, yn arbennig y gost o deithio o un man i'r llall.
Ysgrifennydd Cabinet, wythnos diwethaf, gwnes i lansio strategaeth tlodi gwledig, ac un o'r argymhellion yn y strategaeth oedd bod angen inni osod ar sail statudol prawf fesur gwledig o bob polisi gan Lywodraeth Cymru. A wnewch chi gytuno i archwilio'r posibilrwydd o ddeddfu ar gyfer dyletswydd o'r fath?
Thank you. As four leaders in councils led by Plaid Cymru in rural areas noted recently, in a letter to the Chancellor before the budget, they noted many of our local authorities are finding it difficult to provide services in rural areas, particularly in core services such as education and social care. As well, of course, we have to realise the great pressure and stress on county councillors who have to make these decisions, and the WLGA has recognised that recently. And we do have to remember that there is great pressure on councils in rural areas because of the additional cost of providing services, particularly the cost of travelling from one location to another.
Cabinet Secretary, last week, I launched a strategy on rural poverty, and one of the recommendations in the strategy was that we needed to set on a statutory basis rural-proofing of every Welsh Government policy. Would you agree to explore the possibility of legislating for such a duty?
Diolch, Cefin, and thank you for raising the issues within rural communities. We do recognise that there are particular challenges in rural communities, associated with things like the cost of living and poverty, for example. We know that there are those challenges, and I've heard from local authorities on that in particular, and I'm looking forward to visiting Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire in the next week, I think—so, very shortly—and I'm sure I'll hear some of those issues that you've raised today.
It's not the Welsh Government's intention to develop a rural strategy. We are committed to delivering support across all parts of Wales through a range of policy interventions and funding mechanisms, and we remain steadfast in our core priorities. The Welsh Government does undertake a rural-proofing assessment as part of its integrated impact assessments when developing any policy, and we are committed to eradicating poverty and agree that support should be available to everyone in all parts of Wales. As I said, we do recognise that lived experiences of poverty can be different for many in rural areas.
Diolch, Cefin, a diolch am godi'r problemau mewn cymunedau gwledig. Rydym yn cydnabod bod heriau penodol mewn cymunedau gwledig, heriau sy'n gysylltiedig â phethau fel costau byw a thlodi, er enghraifft. Fe wyddom am yr heriau hynny, a chlywais gan awdurdodau lleol am hynny'n benodol, ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen at ymweld â sir Gaerfyrddin a sir Benfro yn yr wythnos nesaf, rwy'n meddwl—felly, yn fuan iawn—ac rwy'n siŵr y byddaf yn clywed am rai o'r problemau yr ydych chi wedi'u codi heddiw.
Nid oes bwriad gan Lywodraeth Cymru i ddatblygu strategaeth wledig. Rydym wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu cymorth ar draws pob rhan o Gymru drwy ystod o ymyriadau polisi a mecanweithiau ariannu, ac rydym yn parhau i fod yn gadarn yn ein blaenoriaethau craidd. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cynnal asesiad prawfesur polisïau o safbwynt anghenion cefn gwlad fel rhan o'i hasesiadau effaith integredig wrth ddatblygu unrhyw bolisi, ac rydym wedi ymrwymo i ddileu tlodi ac yn cytuno y dylai cymorth fod ar gael i bawb ym mhob rhan o Gymru. Fel y dywedais, rydym yn cydnabod y gall profiadau bywyd o dlodi fod yn wahanol i lawer mewn ardaloedd gwledig.
Cwestiwn 8, Natasha Asghar.
Question 8, Natasha Asghar.
Thank you so much, Deputy Presiding Officer. Cabinet Secretary, physically, times are tough and we know that our local authorities have been stretched beyond belief. When it comes—. Sorry, I do apologise, I didn't ask my first question. I'm so sorry.
Diolch yn fawr, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae'n adeg wirioneddol anodd a gwyddom fod ein hawdurdodau lleol dan bwysau anhygoel. Pan ddaw—. Mae'n ddrwg gennyf, nid wyf wedi gofyn fy nghwestiwn cyntaf. Mae'n wir ddrwg gennyf.
8. Beth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i sicrhau bod awdurdodau lleol yn cyflawni eu dyletswyddau statudol yn effeithiol? OQ61805
8. What is the Welsh Government doing to ensure local authorities are carrying out their statutory duties effectively? OQ61805
Local authorities in Wales are democratically accountable bodies. Audit Wales, Estyn and Care Inspectorate Wales assess their performance. This includes consideration of their compliance with statutory requirements and guidance.
Mae awdurdodau lleol yng Nghymru yn gyrff sy'n atebol yn ddemocrataidd. Mae Archwilio Cymru, Estyn ac Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru yn asesu eu perfformiad. Mae hyn yn cynnwys ystyried eu cydymffurfiaeth â gofynion statudol a chanllawiau.
Thank you so much, Cabinet Secretary. As I mentioned just previously, physically, times are tough for everybody. Therefore, I'm sure that you would have been appalled, as I was, when hearing the recent revelation that Caerphilly County Borough Council has awarded their ex-CEO a £209,000 pay-off in a deal drawn up behind closed doors. Cabinet Secretary, that's a staggering amount of money and could pay for just shy of seven doctors' salaries per year, including pay increments as well. And I think this figure does put everything into perspective for all of us. I'm sure my constituents in Caerphilly would rather that this money was, in fact, spent on more nurses or doctors or, in fact, anything else that would, indeed, be to the local authority's benefit, but not on just a golden handshake for a soon-to-be ex-employee. So, Cabinet Secretary, do you agree with me that this cloak-and-dagger approach is entirely unacceptable, and will you commit to ensuring that councils are as open and transparent as possible with the people that they serve? After all, public funds are, indeed, their money.
Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Fel y soniais o'r blaen, mae'n adeg wirioneddol anodd i bawb. Felly, rwy'n siŵr y byddwch wedi eich brawychu, fel finnau, wrth glywed y datgeliad diweddar fod Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili wedi dyfarnu taliad o £209,000 i'w cyn-brif swyddog gweithredol mewn cytundeb a luniwyd y tu ôl i ddrysau caeedig. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae hwnnw'n swm syfrdanol o arian a gallai dalu cyflogau ychydig o dan saith meddyg y flwyddyn, gan gynnwys cynyddrannau cyflog hefyd. Ac rwy'n credu bod y ffigur hwn yn rhoi popeth mewn persbectif i bob un ohonom. Rwy'n siŵr y byddai'n well gan fy etholwyr yng Nghaerffili fod yr arian hwn yn cael ei wario ar fwy o nyrsys neu feddygon, neu unrhyw beth arall a fyddai o fudd i'r awdurdod lleol mewn gwirionedd, ond nid ar dâl ymadael i rywun sydd ar fin dod yn gyn-weithiwr. Felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, a ydych chi'n cytuno â mi fod gweithredu yn y dirgel fel hyn yn gwbl annerbyniol, ac a wnewch chi ymrwymo i sicrhau bod cynghorau mor agored a thryloyw â phosibl gyda'r bobl y maent yn eu gwasanaethu? Wedi'r cyfan, arian cyhoeddus yw eu harian.
Diolch, Natasha. Local authorities make decisions. They are accountable for their decisions, so I do agree that local authorities make those decisions and are accountable for them.
Diolch, Natasha. Awdurdodau lleol sy'n gwneud y penderfyniadau. Maent yn atebol am eu penderfyniadau, felly rwy'n cytuno bod awdurdodau lleol yn gwneud y penderfyniadau hynny ac yn atebol amdanynt.
Ac yn olaf, cwestiwn 9, Russell George.
And finally, question 9, Russell George.
9. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet roi diweddariad ar y rhaglen Cartrefi Clyd? OQ61789
9. Will the Cabinet Secretary provide an update on the Warm Homes programme? OQ61789
We are in the early stages of the new Warm Homes programme, which is an ambitious programme to tackle fuel poverty and the climate emergency. Officials are undertaking a six-month review to ensure the scheme meets the requirements of Welsh householders.
Rydym yng nghamau cynnar y rhaglen Cartrefi Clyd newydd, sy'n rhaglen uchelgeisiol i fynd i'r afael â thlodi tanwydd a'r argyfwng hinsawdd. Mae swyddogion yn cynnal adolygiad chwe mis i sicrhau bod y cynllun yn bodloni gofynion deiliaid tai Cymru.
Thank you, Cabinet Secretary, and I'm pleased to hear that officials are taking that six-monthly review. Care & Repair tell me that their caseworkers and home energy officers have experienced difficulties in successfully referring their clients into the scheme. Secondly, there's also an issue that has been encountered where there are serious challenges when it comes to meeting the heating needs of their most vulnerable clients. Many of them, of course, have inefficient homes and complex health needs as well.
So, given these challenges, I wonder if the Welsh Government would consider reviewing the eligibility criteria and the funding criteria of the Warm Homes programme to better accommodate the urgent and particular heating needs of the most vulnerable, particularly in cases where like-for-like replacements are essential for their health and well-being.
Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, ac rwy'n falch o glywed bod swyddogion yn cynnal yr adolygiad chwe mis hwnnw. Mae Gofal & Thrwsio yn dweud wrthyf fod eu gweithwyr achos a'u swyddogion ynni cartref wedi profi anawsterau wrth gyfeirio eu cleientiaid at y cynllun. Yn ail, gwelwyd problem hefyd lle mae heriau difrifol i ddiwallu anghenion gwresogi eu cleientiaid mwyaf agored i niwed. Mae gan lawer ohonynt gartrefi aneffeithlon o ran eu defnydd o ynni ac anghenion iechyd cymhleth hefyd.
Felly, o ystyried yr heriau hyn, tybed a fyddai Llywodraeth Cymru yn ystyried adolygu'r meini prawf cymhwysedd a meini prawf ariannu'r rhaglen Cartrefi Clyd er mwyn diwallu anghenion gwresogi penodol ac uniongyrchol y rhai mwyaf agored i niwed yn well, yn enwedig mewn achosion lle mae cyfnewid tebyg am debyg yn hanfodol ar gyfer eu hiechyd a'u lles.
Diolch, Russell. We're investing more than £30 million this year in the new Warm Homes Nest scheme to reduce the number of low-income households living in cold, damp homes. Eligible households will receive a bespoke package of measures to insulate and decarbonise their home, leading to lower energy bills and moving them out of fuel poverty. We are targeting the least well-off, and so that income threshold has been introduced, rather than relying solely on that means-tested benefit.
The new Warm Homes programme does respond to the current cost-of-living crisis and it takes a fabric, worst and low-carbon first approach to improve the long-term energy efficiency of the least thermally efficient low-income households in Wales. It’s going to take a two-pronged approach, through an advice service and through physically improving the homes of the fuel poor. The scheme is in its infancy and my officials are reviewing progress to ensure that the programme meets its primary objectives. Free energy savings advice is available to all householders in Wales and I’ve also introduced a crisis route for vulnerable households without heating and hot water on 7 October, and I’m pleased that this service has already helped 26 vulnerable households.
Diolch, Russell. Rydym yn buddsoddi mwy na £30 miliwn eleni yn y cynllun Nyth Cartrefi Clyd newydd i leihau nifer yr aelwydydd incwm isel sy'n byw mewn cartrefi oer, llaith. Bydd aelwydydd cymwys yn derbyn pecyn pwrpasol o fesurau i inswleiddio a datgarboneiddio eu cartref, gan arwain at filiau ynni is a'u symud allan o dlodi tanwydd. Rydym yn targedu'r lleiaf cefnog, ac fel bod trothwy incwm wedi'i gyflwyno, yn hytrach na dibynnu'n llwyr ar y budd-dal prawf modd.
Mae'r rhaglen Cartrefi Clyd newydd yn ymateb i'r argyfwng costau byw presennol ac mae'n ddull gwneuthuriad, gwaethaf a charbon isel yn gyntaf i wella effeithlonrwydd ynni hirdymor yr aelwydydd incwm isel lleiaf effeithlon yn thermol yng Nghymru. Mae'n mynd i alw am ddull deublyg o weithredu, trwy wasanaeth cynghori a thrwy fynd ati'n weithredol i wella cartrefi pobl sy'n byw mewn tlodi tanwydd. Mae'r cynllun yn ei ddyddiau cynnar ac mae fy swyddogion yn adolygu cynnydd i sicrhau bod y rhaglen yn cyflawni ei phrif amcanion. Mae cyngor am ddim ar arbedion ynni ar gael i bob deiliad tŷ yng Nghymru ac rwyf hefyd wedi cyflwyno llwybr argyfwng i aelwydydd bregus heb wres a dŵr poeth ar 7 Hydref, ac rwy'n falch fod y gwasanaeth hwn eisoes wedi helpu 26 o aelwydydd bregus.
Diolch i'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet.
I thank the Cabinet Secretary.
Symudwn ymlaen yn awr at gwestiynau i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Julie Morgan.
We'll move now to item 2, questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Education, and the first question is from Julie Morgan.
1. Beth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i hybu'r nifer sy'n dewis dilyn pynciau STEM mewn addysg bellach ac uwch? OQ61815
1. What is the Welsh Government doing to boost the take up of STEM subjects in further and higher education? OQ61815

I am committed to ensuring equality of opportunity, encouraging a culture of science literacy and learner progression. We provide support from nursery to higher education and beyond, prioritising STEM across the Curriculum for Wales, pledging £1.6 million for STEM enrichment activities, and promoting initiatives such as the science education scheme Wales.
Rwyf wedi ymrwymo i sicrhau cyfle cyfartal, gan annog diwylliant o lythrennedd gwyddoniaeth a chynnydd dysgwr. Rydym yn darparu cefnogaeth o addysg feithrin i addysg uwch a thu hwnt, gan flaenoriaethu STEM ar draws y Cwricwlwm i Gymru, addo £1.6 miliwn ar gyfer gweithgareddau cyfoethogi STEM, a hyrwyddo mentrau fel cynllun addysg wyddoniaeth Cymru.
Diolch am yr ateb.
Thank you for that response.
We know that getting young people, especially girls, into STEM and ensuring that they pursue it into further and higher education means that it has to start at an early age and should be reinforced at every level of education. So, since April, Sacyr, the company that is building the new Velindre Cancer Centre in my constituency, has delivered STEM engagement sessions relating to construction to more than 1,400 young people in secondary schools across south Wales. They’ll also be providing STEM education activities for pupils in as many as 19 local primary schools that are close to the new Velindre centre. Sacyr is also working with Cardiff and Vale College to encourage STEM subjects, and this is so important at every level of education. So, what more can the Welsh Government do to encourage this type of partnership working in education, to make sure that young people continue with STEM in further and higher education?
Gwyddom fod cael pobl ifanc, yn enwedig merched, i mewn i STEM a sicrhau eu bod yn parhau â hynny i addysg bellach ac uwch yn golygu bod yn rhaid iddo ddechrau ar oedran cynnar ac y dylid ei atgyfnerthu ar bob lefel o addysg. Felly, ers mis Ebrill, mae Sacyr, y cwmni sy'n adeiladu canolfan ganser newydd Felindre yn fy etholaeth i, wedi cyflwyno sesiynau ymgysylltu STEM sy'n gysylltiedig ag adeiladu i fwy na 1,400 o bobl ifanc mewn ysgolion uwchradd ledled de Cymru. Byddant hefyd yn darparu gweithgareddau addysg STEM i ddisgyblion mewn cynifer â 19 o ysgolion cynradd lleol sy'n agos at ganolfan newydd Felindre. Mae Sacyr hefyd yn gweithio gyda Choleg Caerdydd a'r Fro i hyrwyddo pynciau STEM, ac mae hyn mor bwysig ar bob lefel o addysg. Felly, beth arall y gall Llywodraeth Cymru ei wneud i annog y math hwn o weithio mewn partneriaeth mewn addysg, i sicrhau bod pobl ifanc yn parhau â STEM mewn addysg bellach ac uwch?
I’d like to thank Julie Morgan for that supplementary question, and I know from my own work as a local MS that when construction projects like this deliver these tangible educational benefits, then it can really help our learners to understand how studying STEM subjects can lead to practical and well-paid career opportunities. And I would add as well that I’m also working closely with the Minister for skills, because this is a cross-cutting area, and one of the key things that we’re working on is to agree how best to progress some of the recommendations made by Hefin David MS in his report on transitions to employment, which of course emphasised the importance of effective partnerships between our schools, colleges and employers, alongside, of course, the recommendations made in the vocational qualifications review.
Hoffwn ddiolch i Julie Morgan am y cwestiwn atodol hwnnw, a gwn o fy ngwaith fy hun fel AS lleol, pan fo prosiectau adeiladu fel hwn yn darparu manteision addysg go iawn o'r fath, y gall helpu ein dysgwyr i ddeall sut y gall astudio pynciau STEM arwain at gyfleoedd gyrfa ymarferol ar gyflogau da. A hoffwn ychwanegu hefyd fy mod yn gweithio'n agos gyda'r Gweinidog sgiliau, oherwydd mae hwn yn faes trawsbynciol, ac un o'r pethau allweddol yr ydym yn gweithio arno yw cytuno ar y ffordd orau o ddatblygu rhai o'r argymhellion a wnaed gan Hefin David AS yn ei adroddiad ar bontydd i gyflogaeth, a oedd wrth gwrs yn pwysleisio pwysigrwydd partneriaethau effeithiol rhwng ein hysgolion, colegau a chyflogwyr, ochr yn ochr â'r argymhellion a wnaed yn yr adolygiad o gymwysterau galwedigaethol.
Minister, I welcome the announcement today, actually, but my question was just asked by Julie, so I just want to say that I really welcome what you said today. Not enough has been done at all when it comes to STEM subjects to date. You’ve had a whole host of opportunities to do things, but I’m looking forward to this Government hopefully now stepping up and at least becoming parallel with what’s going on in England, because they are streets ahead, particularly as they’ve kept their triple separate sciences in their schools, whereas we’ve moved to the double science thing, which immediately puts our children and young people at a disadvantage when going into STEM subjects, and it sends the wrong message, when it's STEM subjects are where they should be focusing for the jobs of the future. I do think it’s completely unfair that we’re disadvantaging our children like that. But it was promised that STEM industries—local, particularly—would engage with schools, so as Julie said, I really look forward to hearing more examples, and I want to hear what you’re going to do to ensure the whole of Wales can benefit from those STEM industries, not just Cardiff. Thank you.
Weinidog, rwy'n croesawu'r cyhoeddiad heddiw mewn gwirionedd, ond mae Julie newydd ofyn fy nghwestiwn, felly hoffwn ddweud fy mod yn croesawu'n fawr yr hyn a ddywedoch chi heddiw. Nid oes digon wedi ei wneud ynghylch pynciau STEM hyd yma. Rydych chi wedi cael llu o gyfleoedd i wneud pethau, ond rwy'n edrych ymlaen at weld y Llywodraeth hon nawr yn camu i'r adwy ac o leiaf yn gwneud cystal â'r hyn sy'n digwydd yn Lloegr, oherwydd maent ymhell ar y blaen i ni, yn enwedig gan eu bod wedi cadw eu gwyddoniaeth driphlyg yn eu hysgolion, a ninnau wedi symud at wyddoniaeth ddwbl, sy'n rhoi ein plant a'n pobl ifanc dan anfantais ar unwaith wrth ddilyn pynciau STEM, ac mae'n anfon y neges anghywir, pan ddylent fod yn canolbwyntio ar bynciau STEM ar gyfer swyddi'r dyfodol. Rwy'n meddwl ei bod hi'n hollol annheg ein bod ni'n rhoi ein plant dan anfantais yn y ffordd honno. Ond addawyd y byddai diwydiannau STEM—lleol, yn enwedig—yn ymgysylltu ag ysgolion, felly fel y dywedodd Julie, rwy'n edrych ymlaen yn fawr at glywed mwy o enghreifftiau, ac rwyf am glywed beth y bwriadwch ei wneud i sicrhau y gall Cymru gyfan elwa o'r diwydiannau STEM hyn, nid Caerdydd yn unig. Diolch.
Thank you, Laura Anne Jones, for your supplementary there. And I would disagree with what you said there; I think the Government has got a really strong track record of investing in STEM. A £1.6 million commitment will reach across the STEM portfolio to deliver a range of enrichment activities, and also professional learning opportunities for teachers, because that’s important too, all encouraging the take-up of STEM subjects at GCSE and A-level. And, of course, that additional £1.1 million that was announced this year will improve attainment in literacy, maths and science as well.
I'd just like to pick up on the point you raised there about science. It has been proven through stakeholder engagement and through all of the professional channels that there is no dumbing down of the science qualifications here in Wales.
Diolch am eich cwestiwn atodol, Laura Anne Jones. Ac rwy'n anghytuno â'r hyn a ddywedoch chi yno; rwy'n credu bod gan y Llywodraeth hanes cryf iawn o fuddsoddi mewn STEM. Bydd ymrwymiad o £1.6 miliwn yn estyn ar draws y portffolio STEM i ddarparu ystod o weithgareddau cyfoethogi, a hefyd cyfleoedd dysgu proffesiynol i athrawon, oherwydd mae hynny'n bwysig hefyd, a'r cyfan yn annog disgyblion i ddilyn pynciau STEM ar lefel TGAU a Safon Uwch. Ac wrth gwrs, bydd y £1.1 miliwn ychwanegol a gyhoeddwyd eleni yn gwella cyrhaeddiad mewn llythrennedd, mathemateg a gwyddoniaeth hefyd.
Hoffwn fynd ar drywydd y pwynt a wnaethoch am wyddoniaeth. Profwyd trwy ymgysylltu â rhanddeiliaid a thrwy'r holl sianeli proffesiynol nad oes unrhyw dwpeiddio'n digwydd i gymwysterau gwyddoniaeth yma yng Nghymru.
2. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet roi diweddariad am ymateb y Llywodraeth yn sgil euogfarn Neil Foden? OQ61812
2. Will the Cabinet Secretary provide an update on the Government's response following the conviction of Neil Foden? OQ61812

The north Wales regional safeguarding board have commissioned a child practice review. We need to allow the CPR to run its course before considering what action is needed. The outcome of this review will therefore inform our next steps.
Mae bwrdd diogelu rhanbarthol gogledd Cymru wedi comisiynu adolygiad ymarfer plant. Mae angen i ni ganiatáu i'r adolygiad gael ei gwblhau cyn ystyried pa gamau sydd eu hangen. Felly, bydd canlyniad yr adolygiad hwnnw'n llywio ein camau nesaf.
Dwi wedi cael gwybod am bryderon gan etholwyr ynglŷn â’r broses gyfathrebu ar gyfer rhieni a phobl ifanc sy’n dymuno rhannu gwybodaeth efo bwrdd diogelu gogledd Cymru fel rhan o’r adolygiad ymarfer plant rydych chi’n sôn amdano fo, yn dilyn euogfarn y cyn-bennaeth Neil Foden o droseddau rhyw yn erbyn plant ysgol. Ydych chi’n hyderus bod yr ymateb yn briodol ac yn amserol i’r rhai sydd am ddarparu gwybodaeth neu am rannu pryderon? Yn ail, ydy cylch gorchwyl yr adolygiad diogelu plant wedi cael ei gyhoeddi eto? Mae hyn yn hanfodol er mwyn sicrhau tryloywder ac ymddiriedaeth yn broses. Os nad ydy o wedi cael ei gyhoeddi erbyn hyn, pryd fydd o’n cael ei gyhoeddi a beth oedd y rheswm dros yr oedi? Dwi’n parhau i gredu, fel mae nifer cynyddol o bobl, mai ymchwiliad cyhoeddus fyddai’r ffordd orau a thecaf o ymdrin â’r sefyllfa yma, yn enwedig gan ystyried honiadau pellach a ddatgelwyd mewn rhaglen deledu yn ddiweddar. Gennych chi fel Llywodraeth mae’r grym i gomisiynu—
I've been informed of constituents' concerns in relation to the communication process for parents and young people who wish to share information with the north Wales safeguarding board as part of the child practice review that you've just mentioned, following the conviction of former headteacher Neil Foden for sexual offences against schoolchildren. Are you confident that the response is appropriate and timely for those who wish to provide information or share concerns? Secondly, has the remit of the child safeguarding review yet been published? This is crucial to ensure transparency and confidence in the process. If it hasn't been published yet, when will that happen and what is the reason for the delay? I remain convinced, as do an increasing number of people, that a public inquiry would be the best and fairest way of dealing with this situation, particularly given the further allegations that came to light in a recent television programme. The power to call a public inquiry is in your hands—
Siân, mae’n rhaid i chi orffen nawr, os gwelwch yn dda.
Siân, you must conclude now, please.
Gennych chi mae’r grym i gomisiynu ymchwiliad cyhoeddus. A wnewch chi wneud hynny, os gwelwch chi’n dda?
The power to call a public inquiry is in your hands. Will you do that, please?
Can I thank Siân Gwenllian for her supplementary question, and can I say that my thoughts remain with the young people and the families affected by the horrendous abuse perpetuated by Neil Foden? Siân Gwenllian raised several points there. I'm aware that some Senedd Members have raised concerns over the process for communicating with the child practice review. I understand that a letter was issued before half term with an e-mail address that people could contact if they wanted to contribute to the review, and that children, young people and their parents do not have to go via the local authority or school to make contact. I will follow up with officials to check, and maybe you could write to me about specific concerns if you're talking about the timeliness of a response. Obviously, this is a review that's being undertaken under the auspices of the north Wales safeguarding board, so it's not our Welsh Government review, but I would be very happy to follow up any particular concerns you've got over the responses that are coming from the child practice review to families.
In terms of the publication of the remit, I can certainly ask officials to follow that up with the north Wales safeguarding board as well. I think it's important that everything is as transparent as possible.
If I can come to your substantive point, really, about a public inquiry, we do need, I think, to allow the child practice review to run its course before we consider what further action is needed, including the possibility of a public inquiry. You'll be aware, Siân, that public inquiries are lengthy processes that will also prolong this process. I think it's right that we wait to see what the child practice review reports, and then Welsh Government will consider next steps.
A gaf i ddiolch i Siân Gwenllian am ei chwestiwn atodol, ac a gaf i ddweud fy mod yn cydymdeimlo â'r bobl ifanc a'r teuluoedd yr effeithiwyd arnynt gan y cam-drin erchyll a achoswyd gan Neil Foden? Cododd Siân Gwenllian sawl pwynt yno. Rwy'n ymwybodol fod rhai Aelodau o'r Senedd wedi codi pryderon ynghylch y broses o gyfathrebu â'r adolygiad ymarfer plant. Rwy'n deall bod llythyr wedi'i ddosbarthu cyn hanner tymor gyda chyfeiriad e-bost y gallai pobl gysylltu ag ef pe baent am gyfrannu at yr adolygiad, ac nad oes rhaid i blant, pobl ifanc a'u rhieni fynd trwy'r awdurdod lleol neu'r ysgol i gysylltu. Byddaf yn gwneud gwaith dilynol gyda swyddogion i wirio, ac efallai y gallech ysgrifennu ataf am bryderon penodol os ydych chi'n siarad am amseroldeb ymateb. Yn amlwg, adolygiad yw hwn sy'n cael ei gynnal o dan oruchwyliaeth bwrdd diogelu gogledd Cymru, felly nid ein hadolygiad ni fel Llywodraeth Cymru mohono, ond rwy'n hapus iawn i fynd ar drywydd unrhyw bryderon penodol sydd gennych ynglŷn â'r ymatebion sy'n dod o'r adolygiad ymarfer plant i deuluoedd.
O ran cyhoeddi'r cylch gwaith, gallaf yn sicr ofyn i swyddogion edrych ar hynny gyda bwrdd diogelu gogledd Cymru hefyd. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig fod popeth mor dryloyw â phosibl.
Os caf ddod at eich prif bwynt ynglŷn ag ymchwiliad cyhoeddus, rwy'n credu bod angen i ni ganiatáu i'r adolygiad ymarfer plant gael ei gwblhau cyn i ni ystyried pa gamau pellach sydd eu hangen, gan gynnwys y posibilrwydd o ymchwiliad cyhoeddus. Fe fyddwch chi'n gwybod, Siân, fod ymchwiliadau cyhoeddus yn brosesau hir a fydd hefyd yn ymestyn y broses hon. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn iawn ein bod yn aros i weld beth y mae'r adolygiad ymarfer plant yn ei ddweud, ac yna bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ystyried y camau nesaf.
This individual is one of the most evil sex offenders in Welsh history, and there was a litany of failures, negligence, red flags that were missed that allowed this abuse to continue unchallenged.
Perhaps the most shocking of the allegations is that Neil Foden gave advice to the Welsh Government. He was also disgracefully defended by the Plaid Cymru leader of Gwynedd Council, who refused to apologise to Foden’s victims after the disgraced headteacher’s conviction. Thankfully, the leader of Gwynedd Council has now stepped down, following pressure to do so from his own party. But there remain questions that need to be answered as to why he remained in the employment of Gwynedd Council when his trial started. And questions also arise regarding the thoroughness of Welsh Government vetting, given that the Welsh Government were unknowingly taking advice on education policy from a prolific paedophile.
Neil Foden was also reprimanded by the teaching regulator and kicked out of his union in 2020. Yet, a year later in 2021, he was given more responsibility as a strategic superhead overseeing two different schools in north Wales. So, clearly there are huge deficiencies—
Mae'r unigolyn hwn yn un o'r troseddwyr rhyw gwaethaf yn hanes Cymru, ac fe wnaeth cyfres o fethiannau, esgeulustod, baneri coch a fethwyd ganiatáu i'r cam-drin barhau heb ei herio.
Efallai mai'r mwyaf brawychus o'r honiadau yw bod Neil Foden wedi rhoi cyngor i Lywodraeth Cymru. Cafodd ei amddiffyn yn warthus hefyd gan arweinydd Plaid Cymru ar Gyngor Gwynedd, a wrthododd ymddiheuro i ddioddefwyr Foden wedi i'r pennaeth gael ei ddyfarnu'n euog. Diolch byth, mae arweinydd Cyngor Gwynedd wedi ymddiswyddo erbyn hyn, yn dilyn pwysau i wneud hynny gan ei blaid ei hun. Ond erys cwestiynau y mae angen eu hateb pam ei fod yn parhau'n gyflogedig gan Gyngor Gwynedd pan ddechreuodd ei achos. Ac mae cwestiynau'n codi hefyd ynghylch trylwyredd fetio Llywodraeth Cymru, o gofio bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn ddiarwybod yn derbyn cyngor ar bolisi addysg gan bedoffeil.
Cafodd Neil Foden ei geryddu gan y rheoleiddiwr addysgu a'i ddiarddel o'i undeb yn 2020. Ond flwyddyn yn ddiweddarach yn 2021, cafodd fwy o gyfrifoldeb fel uwch-bennaeth strategol a oruchwyliai ddwy ysgol wahanol yng ngogledd Cymru. Felly, yn amlwg mae diffygion enfawr—
You need to ask a question, Gareth, please.
Mae angen ichi ofyn cwestiwn, Gareth, os gwelwch yn dda.
—in the reporting process, in communications between agencies and in Welsh Government vetting. So, what is the Cabinet Secretary doing to ensure that these deficiencies are identified and fixed as soon as possible so that these mistakes are never made again?
—yn y broses adrodd, wrth gyfathrebu rhwng asiantaethau a phroses fetio Llywodraeth Cymru. Felly, beth y mae Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn ei wneud i sicrhau bod y diffygion hyn yn cael eu nodi a'u datrys cyn gynted â phosibl fel na wneir y camgymeriadau hyn byth eto?
Thank you, Gareth. I do think it's regrettable to bring party politics into a subject that is this serious, whether that's—[Interruption.] I think that that is a regrettable thing to do. This is a really serious issue. A prolific offender has flown under the radar and we have to take that very seriously.
As I explained, we're having the child practice review, which is being undertaken by the north Wales safeguarding board. I have not had any advice from Neil Foden. Like many headteachers, he would have had contact with the Welsh Government previously. In fact, he gave evidence to the Children, Young People and Education Committee when I was Chair, because he was a senior official for the NUT at the time. Obviously, all headteachers are subject to really stringent procedures around safeguarding, so there could never have been any inkling at Welsh Government level, or even at the committee level, that he was the kind of prolific offender that he was.
I think that it’s really important that we let the child practice review take its course. If, during the review, the reviewer, the panel members or board members identify any issues with regard to individual professionals or agencies that need to be explored further, these issues will be remitted to the relevant organisations and they will take any further action required. So, any organisations that have learning from this case have to do that.
The child practice review will involve asking all agencies that are represented on the board, and any other agencies that have had contact with the victims and their families, to prepare a timeline of their involvement, and this information will be merged to create a multi-agency chronology of all known contact with agencies. That will be scrutinised and challenged by the independent reviewers, chair and panel members, sense-checked with practitioners in a learning event, and then there’ll be further challenge and scrutiny at regional safeguarding board meetings.
As I said in response to Siân Gwenllian, when we’ve had the information from the child practice review, we will then consider whether there is any further action that we need to take. But you can be assured, Gareth, that I want to make sure that we are as thorough as possible in the interests of having justice for the young people who have suffered at the hands of this man.
Diolch, Gareth. Rwy'n meddwl ei bod hi'n anffodus dod â gwleidyddiaeth plaid i mewn i bwnc mor ddifrifol â hyn, boed hynny—[Torri ar draws.] Rwy'n credu bod hynny'n beth anffodus i'w wneud. Mae hwn yn fater difrifol iawn. Dyma droseddwr cyson na chafodd ei ganfod ac mae'n rhaid inni fod o ddifrif ynglŷn â hynny.
Fel yr eglurais, rydym yn cynnal adolygiad ymarfer plant, sy'n cael ei gyflawni gan fwrdd diogelu gogledd Cymru. Nid wyf wedi cael unrhyw gyngor gan Neil Foden. Fel llawer o benaethiaid, byddai wedi cael cyswllt â Llywodraeth Cymru yn y gorffennol. Mewn gwirionedd, rhoddodd dystiolaeth i'r Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg pan oeddwn yn Gadeirydd, oherwydd ei fod yn uwch swyddog i Undeb Cenedlaethol yr Athrawon ar y pryd. Yn amlwg, mae pob pennaeth yn destun gweithdrefnau llym iawn o ran diogelu, felly ni allai fod wedi bod unrhyw syniad ar lefel Llywodraeth Cymru, neu hyd yn oed ar lefel y pwyllgor, ei fod yn droseddwr cyson o'r fath.
Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig iawn ein bod yn gadael i'r adolygiad ymarfer plant ddilyn ei gwrs. Os bydd yr adolygydd, aelodau'r panel neu aelodau'r bwrdd, yn ystod yr adolygiad, yn nodi unrhyw faterion ynghylch gweithwyr proffesiynol neu asiantaethau unigol y mae angen eu harchwilio ymhellach, bydd y materion hyn yn cael eu hailgyfeirio at y sefydliadau perthnasol a byddant hwy'n cymryd unrhyw gamau pellach sydd eu hangen. Felly, mae'n rhaid i unrhyw sefydliadau sydd â gwaith dysgu o'r achos hwn wneud hynny.
Bydd yr adolygiad ymarfer plant yn golygu gofyn i bob asiantaeth sy'n cael ei chynrychioli ar y bwrdd, ac unrhyw asiantaethau eraill sydd wedi cael cyswllt â'r dioddefwyr a'u teuluoedd, baratoi llinell amser o'u cysylltiad, a bydd y wybodaeth hon yn cael ei chyfuno i greu cronoleg amlasiantaethol o'r holl gyswllt hysbys ag asiantaethau. Bydd yr adolygwyr annibynnol, y cadeirydd ac aelodau'r panel yn craffu ar hynny ac yn ei herio, bydd ymarferwyr mewn digwyddiad dysgu yn gwirio synnwyr hynny, ac yna bydd herio a chraffu pellach mewn cyfarfodydd byrddau diogelu rhanbarthol.
Fel y dywedais mewn ymateb i Siân Gwenllian, pan fyddwn wedi cael y wybodaeth o'r adolygiad ymarfer plant, byddwn yn ystyried wedyn a oes unrhyw gamau pellach y mae angen inni eu cymryd. Ond gallwch fod yn sicr, Gareth, fy mod am wneud yn siŵr ein bod mor drylwyr â phosibl er mwyn cael cyfiawnder i'r bobl ifanc sydd wedi dioddef oherwydd y dyn yma.
Cwestiynau y nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Yn gyntaf, llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig, Tom Giffard.
Questions now from the party spokespeople. First of all, the Conservatives' spokesperson, Tom Giffard.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Dirprwy Lywydd. Yesterday, as part of your statement, I asked you whether the pay rise you announced for teachers—. Sorry, I was asking the Cabinet Secretary, not the Minister.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Ddoe, fel rhan o'ch datganiad, gofynnais i chi a oedd y codiad cyflog a gyhoeddwyd gennych ar gyfer athrawon—. Mae'n ddrwg gennyf, roeddwn yn gofyn i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, nid y Gweinidog.
I've been notified that the questions are to the Minister.
Cefais wybod bod y cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog.
I believe Cefin's questions are to the Minister and mine are to the Cabinet Secretary.
Rwy'n credu mai cwestiynau Cefin sydd i'r Gweinidog ac mae fy rhai innau i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet.
We were notified that both sets of questions were for the Minister.
Cawsom wybod bod y ddwy set o gwestiynau ar gyfer y Gweinidog.
Right. There's clearly a misunderstanding here somewhere that has happened.
Iawn. Mae'n amlwg fod camddealltwriaeth wedi digwydd yma yn rhywle.
Well, we are telling you what we were notified.
Wel, rydym yn dweud wrthych beth y cawsom ni ei gwybod.
Okay. I'm not sure what's gone wrong there. I haven't got a question prepared, I'm afraid, for the Minister.
Iawn. Nid wyf yn siŵr beth aeth o'i le yno. Mae arnaf ofn nad oes gennyf gwestiwn wedi ei baratoi i'r Gweinidog.
I'm happy to take the questions.
Rwy'n hapus i gael y cwestiynau.
The Cabinet Secretary will take the questions.
Bydd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn derbyn y cwestiynau.
I'm grateful to you, Cabinet Secretary, for taking the questions. Thank you, and I apologise for that if it's an administration error on the part of the Welsh Conservatives.
Yesterday, you announced the 5.5 per cent pay rise for teachers in Welsh schools. I asked you whether that would be funded in full by the Welsh Government and that no schools or local authorities would have to find that from within their own budget. Can you confirm today that no school and no local authority in Wales will have to find the money to pay for that pay rise from within their own budgets?
Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, am dderbyn y cwestiynau. Diolch, ac rwy'n ymddiheuro am hynny os yw'n gamgymeriad gweinyddol ar ran y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig.
Ddoe, fe wnaethoch chi gyhoeddi'r codiad cyflog o 5.5 y cant i athrawon yn ysgolion Cymru. Gofynnais i chi a fyddai hynny'n cael ei ariannu'n llawn gan Lywodraeth Cymru ac na fyddai'n rhaid i unrhyw ysgol nac awdurdod lleol ddod o hyd i hynny yn eu cyllideb eu hunain. A allwch chi gadarnhau heddiw na fydd yn rhaid i unrhyw ysgol nac awdurdod lleol yng Nghymru ddod o hyd i'r arian i dalu am y codiad cyflog hwnnw o'u cyllidebau eu hunain?
We've already made provision, Tom, for some of that pay rise in the money that's been allocated to local government. Thankfully, because we have a UK Labour Government now in Westminster that is really committed to protecting our public services, there will also be additional money that will be coming to enable us to go further than the independent Welsh pay review body recommendation, which was 4.3 per cent, to take us to 5.5 per cent. So, I think we are making very good provision. That is not to say that I don't recognise the pressures on schools, and I've been very clear with you before that we have done what we can to protect the money that goes to schools through the revenue support grant. And obviously, we're going through a budget process at the moment to look at the budget allocations for next year. But the Welsh Government, in partnership with the UK Labour Government, has made good provision for that pay rise.
Rydym eisoes wedi gwneud darpariaeth, Tom, ar gyfer rhywfaint o'r codiad cyflog hwnnw yn yr arian sydd wedi'i ddyrannu i lywodraeth leol. Diolch byth, oherwydd bod gennym Lywodraeth Lafur y DU nawr yn San Steffan sydd wedi ymrwymo i ddiogelu ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, bydd arian ychwanegol hefyd yn dod i'n galluogi i fynd y tu hwnt i argymhelliad corff adolygu cyflogau annibynnol Cymru, sef 4.3 y cant, i'n codi i 5.5 y cant. Felly, rwy'n credu ein bod yn gwneud darpariaeth dda iawn. Nid yw hynny'n golygu nad wyf yn cydnabod y pwysau ar ysgolion, ac rwyf wedi bod yn glir iawn gyda chi o'r blaen ein bod wedi gwneud yr hyn a allwn i ddiogelu'r arian sy'n mynd i ysgolion drwy'r grant cynnal refeniw. Ac yn amlwg, rydym yn mynd trwy broses gyllidebol ar hyn o bryd i edrych ar ddyraniadau'r gyllideb ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf. Ond mae Llywodraeth Cymru, mewn partneriaeth â Llywodraeth Lafur y DU, wedi gwneud darpariaeth dda ar gyfer y codiad cyflog hwnnw.
I'm grateful to you for your response. Obviously, I read your written statement that was sent out about an hour ago, and what was made very clear in that statement was that this pay rise would not be funded in full by the Welsh Government. I think there's probably an expectation from the public and from schools that, if you announce something, you should pay for it. Schools at the moment are making really difficult decisions. We've seen schools cut back on subjects in curricula, cut back on school trips, school improvements, even some teachers are being made redundant. Without the announcement that this is going to be funded in full by the Welsh Government, schools will have to take a decision as a consequence of the announcement that you made yesterday to make further cuts in their budgets, let alone the decisions local authorities might have to make. So, on that basis, what do you advise that schools should cut?
Rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn ichi am eich ymateb. Yn amlwg, darllenais eich datganiad ysgrifenedig a anfonwyd tua awr yn ôl, a'r hyn a wnaed yn glir iawn yn y datganiad hwnnw oedd na fyddai'r codiad cyflog hwn yn cael ei ariannu'n llawn gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Rwy'n credu bod disgwyliad gan y cyhoedd ac ysgolion, os ydych chi'n cyhoeddi rhywbeth, y dylech dalu amdano. Mae ysgolion yn gwneud penderfyniadau anodd iawn ar hyn o bryd. Rydym wedi gweld ysgolion yn gwneud toriadau ar bynciau mewn cwricwla, yn gwneud toriadau i deithiau ysgol a gwelliannau ysgol, ac mae rhai athrawon yn cael eu diswyddo hyd yn oed. Heb y cyhoeddiad y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ariannu hyn yn llawn, bydd yn rhaid i ysgolion wneud penderfyniad o ganlyniad i'r cyhoeddiad a wnaethoch chi ddoe i wneud toriadau pellach yn eu cyllidebau, heb sôn am y penderfyniadau y gallai fod yn rhaid i awdurdodau lleol eu gwneud. Felly, ar y sail honno, beth ydych chi'n cynghori ysgolion i'w dorri?
Thank you, Tom. I think I've been very clear that we've made funding available to meet the pay increase that we have allocated. We've also protected the funding that has gone to schools as best we can. And can I remind you that we were in the situation of school budgets, and indeed all public services, being under pressure because of the actions of your Government in Westminster, who consistently short-changed this Government in terms of funding of public services? This is a Government that protects public services, and, by working in partnership with the UK Labour Government, we have identified funding for the pay rise for our school teachers.
Diolch, Tom. Rwy'n credu fy mod wedi bod yn glir iawn ein bod wedi sicrhau bod cyllid ar gael i dalu'r codiad cyflog a ddyrannwyd gennym. Rydym hefyd wedi diogelu'r cyllid sydd wedi mynd i ysgolion gystal ag y gallwn. Ac a gaf i eich atgoffa ein bod mewn sefyllfa lle mae cyllidebau ysgolion, ac yn wir yr holl wasanaethau cyhoeddus, o dan bwysau oherwydd gweithredoedd eich Llywodraeth chi yn San Steffan, a fu'n tanariannu'r Llywodraeth hon yn gyson mewn perthynas â gwasanaethau cyhoeddus? Mae hon yn Llywodraeth sy'n diogelu gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, a thrwy weithio mewn partneriaeth â Llywodraeth Lafur y DU, rydym wedi nodi cyllid ar gyfer y codiad cyflog i'n hathrawon ysgol.
Under a Conservative Government, we consistently saw the largest ever budget settlements given to the Welsh Government, and what did the Welsh Government do with it? They spent money on more politicians, they spent money on 20 mph zones, propping up airports—the list goes on and on. And yet, at the same time, schools were struggling to make ends meet, letting teachers go, cutting back on subjects, and delivering the worst education outcomes anywhere in the United Kingdom. You can blame the last UK Government all you want; you are in charge on both ends of the M4, and yesterday we heard the First Minister say that austerity is over. So, will you now commit—given that austerity is over—to funding the thing that you announced yesterday in full, so that schools will not have to cut back any further as a consequence of the announcement that you made?
O dan Lywodraeth Geidwadol, yn gyson fe welsom y setliadau cyllideb mwyaf erioed i Lywodraeth Cymru, a beth a wnaeth Llywodraeth Cymru â'r arian hwnnw? Fe wnaethant wario arian ar fwy o wleidyddion, fe wnaethant wario arian ar barthau 20 mya, ar gynnal meysydd awyr—mae'r rhestr yn mynd ymlaen ac ymlaen. Ac eto, ar yr un pryd, roedd ysgolion yn ei chael hi'n anodd cael dau ben llinyn ynghyd, yn diswyddo athrawon, yn gwneud toriadau i bynciau, ac yn cyflawni'r canlyniadau addysg gwaethaf yn y Deyrnas Unedig. Gallwch feio Llywodraeth ddiwethaf y DU cymaint ag y dymunwch; chi sydd wrth y llyw ar ddau ben yr M4, a ddoe clywsom y Prif Weinidog yn dweud bod cyni wedi dod i ben. Felly, a wnewch chi ymrwymo bellach—o ystyried bod cyni wedi dod i ben—i ariannu'r hyn a gyhoeddoch chi ddoe yn llawn, fel na fydd yn rhaid i ysgolion wneud toriadau pellach o ganlyniad i'r cyhoeddiad a wnaethoch?
Well, the UK Labour Government has been in power since July—it's a matter of months. It's absurd, really, to—. I'm incredibly impressed by what they've done already. Your Government had 14 years of raining destruction down on our public services. We have made provision, in partnership with the UK Labour Government, for a pay rise for teachers that is above what was recommended by the IWPRB. You could be a bit more graceful and welcome that money that's been made available to teachers. And what's more, Tom, I'm confident, following the budget last week, you heard the huge amount of additional funding that's being made available to us here in Wales, which is the biggest boost that we've had since we last had a Labour Government in Westminster. This is a Government that will be spending that additional money on our priorities, and education is one of our priorities.
Wel, mae Llywodraeth Lafur y DU wedi bod mewn grym ers mis Gorffennaf—mater o fisoedd. Mae'n hurt, mewn gwirionedd, i—. Rwy'n hynod falch o'r hyn y maent eisoes wedi'i wneud. Cafodd eich Llywodraeth 14 mlynedd o chwalu ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus. Rydym wedi gwneud darpariaeth, mewn partneriaeth â Llywodraeth Lafur y DU, ar gyfer codiad cyflog i athrawon sy'n uwch na'r hyn a argymhellwyd gan gorff adolygu cyflogau annibynnol Cymru. Gallech fod ychydig yn fwy graslon a chroesawu'r arian a ryddhawyd i athrawon. Ac yn fwy na hynny, Tom, rwy'n hyderus, yn dilyn y gyllideb yr wythnos diwethaf, eich bod wedi clywed am y swm enfawr o gyllid ychwanegol sy'n cael ei ddarparu inni yma yng Nghymru, sef yr hwb mwyaf a gawsom ers inni gael Llywodraeth Lafur yn San Steffan ddiwethaf. Llywodraeth yw hon a fydd yn gwario'r arian ychwanegol hwnnw ar ein blaenoriaethau, ac addysg yw un o'n blaenoriaethau.
Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Cefin Campbell.
Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Cefin Campbell.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Dirprwy Lywydd. Ddydd Llun, fe gyhoeddodd Ysgrifennydd addysg Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Gyfunol y bydd myfyrwyr yn talu mwy i fynd i brifysgolion yn Lloegr y flwyddyn nesaf, gyda ffioedd dysgu yn codi i £9,535. Gan roi’r ffaith bod Keir Starmer wedi torri’i addewid ar hyn o’r neilltu am eiliad, mae’n glir y bydd hyn yn sicr o gael effaith ar brifysgolion yma yng Nghymru, yn ogystal â’n myfyrwyr.
Mae’r naill a’r llall wedi'u siomi dros y degawdau diwethaf gan Lywodraethau Ceidwadol a Llafur sydd heb roi strategaeth gydlynol ar gyfer y sector yn ei lle, a chan ddiffyg cyllid, buddsoddiad a chefnogaeth, a thoriadau i ymchwil ac arloesi. Mae Plaid Cymru yn credu yn yr egwyddor o fynediad unifersal i’n prifysgolion ni, ond mae’n amlwg bod rhaid i ni roi ein prifysgolion ar seiliau llawer mwy cadarn cyn y gallwn ni feddwl am wneud hynny.
Felly, yn sgil y cyhoeddiad, a gaf i ofyn i chi, Weinidog, a fydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn cynyddu ffioedd yn yr un modd a gyhoeddwyd yn Lloegr? Ac os ydych chi, a yw Llywodraeth Cymru yn derbyn, hyd yn oed gydag unrhyw gynnydd, y bydd prifysgolion yn dal i wynebu argyfwng ariannol heriol? Ac yn olaf, pa gamau y byddwch chi’n eu cymryd i gefnogi mynediad i addysg uwch i’r rhai sydd yn dod o gefndiroedd mwy difreintiedig?
Thank you very much, Dirprwy Lywydd. On Monday, the education Secretary of the UK Government announced that students will pay more for going to university in England next year, with tuition fees rising to £9,535. Setting aside the fact that Keir Starmer has broken his promise on this, it is clear that this will certainly have an impact on Welsh universities, as well as our students.
Both have been let down over the last few decades by Conservative and Labour Governments that haven’t put a clear strategy for the sector in place, and by a lack of funding, investment and support, and cuts to research and innovation. Plaid Cymru believes in the principle of universal access to our universities, but it is clear that we have to put our education institutions on a much more sustainable footing before we can do that.
So, in the wake of that announcement, could I ask you, Minister, will the Welsh Government increase fees in the same way as has been announced in England? And if so, does the Welsh Government accept that, even with any increase, universities will still face a financial crisis? And finally, what steps will you take to support access to higher education for those from the most disadvantaged backgrounds?
I thank Cefin Campbell for those questions. I will begin by saying that I recognise that our universities, just like universities across the UK and beyond, are under significant financial pressure. I’m working with my officials to consider the impact of the UK Government decision to raise tuition fees by £285 per student per year. I think it’s important to look at the impact of that, both on the higher education sector and on students. I want to make a decision on that swiftly, with an informed evidence base, so that we can provide certainty both to the universities and to the students themselves.
I can confirm today that all Welsh students on courses at regulated institutions will have the full cost of their undergraduate tuition fees met by the Welsh Government through the student finance system, whether they choose to study in Wales or elsewhere in the UK. This continues our long-standing policy of no Welsh student paying upfront costs for their undergraduate tuition.
Dirprwy Lywydd, I’m not sure if the Member asked all his three questions in one go.
Diolch i Cefin Campbell am y cwestiynau hynny. Dechreuaf drwy ddweud fy mod yn cydnabod bod ein prifysgolion, yn union fel prifysgolion ledled y DU a thu hwnt, o dan bwysau ariannol sylweddol. Rwy'n gweithio gyda fy swyddogion i ystyried effaith penderfyniad Llywodraeth y DU i godi ffioedd dysgu £285 y flwyddyn i bob myfyriwr. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig edrych ar effaith hynny, ar y sector addysg uwch ac ar fyfyrwyr. Rwyf am wneud penderfyniad ar hynny'n gyflym, gyda sail dystiolaeth wybodus, fel y gallwn roi sicrwydd i'r prifysgolion ac i'r myfyrwyr eu hunain.
Gallaf gadarnhau heddiw y bydd pob myfyriwr o Gymru ar gyrsiau mewn sefydliadau a reoleiddir yn cael costau llawn eu ffioedd dysgu israddedig wedi'u talu gan Lywodraeth Cymru drwy'r system cyllid myfyrwyr, boed eu bod yn dewis astudio yng Nghymru neu rywle arall yn y DU. Mae hyn yn parhau ein polisi hirsefydlog nad oes unrhyw fyfyriwr o Gymru'n talu costau ymlaen llaw am eu hyfforddiant israddedig.
Ddirprwy Lywydd, nid wyf yn siŵr a ofynnodd yr Aelod ei dri chwestiwn i gyd ar yr un pryd.
I will remind the Member that he has three questions. He doesn't have to put all three into the first one and go over time. I'm sure he didn't intend to, and I'm sure he won't do it in the future either.
Fe wnaf atgoffa'r Aelod fod ganddo dri chwestiwn. Nid oes raid iddo roi'r tri yn yr un cyntaf a mynd dros yr amser. Rwy'n siŵr nad oedd yn bwriadu gwneud hynny, ac rwy'n siŵr na fydd yn gwneud hynny yn y dyfodol ychwaith.
Is that all three of your questions?
Ai dyna bob un o'ch tri chwestiwn?
No, I'll give him the credit to ask more. He won't do it again.
Na, fe roddaf gredyd iddo ofyn mwy. Ni fydd yn gwneud hynny eto.
Diolch yn fawr iawn. Dwi’n edrych ymlaen at y datganiad ynglŷn ag ydych chi’n bwriadu codi ffioedd yn yr un ffordd, a byddwn i’n hoffi clywed rhyw amserlen wrthych chi ynglŷn â phryd mae hynny yn debygol o ddigwydd, achos mae yna ansicrwydd mawr yn y sector ar hyn o bryd.
Cyhoeddiad arall yng nghyllideb San Steffan yn y dyddiau diwethaf oedd y cynnydd mewn cyfraniadau yswiriant gwladol cyflogwyr. Mae hyn hefyd yn mynd i gael effaith ariannol mawr iawn ar ein prifysgolion ni. Yr amcangyfrif yw bod hyn yn mynd i ychwanegu rhyw £20 miliwn yn fwy ar y costau.
Felly, a allwch chi, Weinidog, roi eglurhad i ni ynghylch a ydych chi’n credu y gallai prifysgolion Cymru dderbyn unrhyw gymorth o dan gynlluniau’r Trysorlys a’i peidio? Achos fe glywon ni yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet dros gyllid ddoe yn dweud bod y sector cyhoeddus yn rhydd o’r taliadau yma, ond mae’r sector prifysgolion yn rhan o’r sector preifat. Felly, a allwch chi esbonio i ni a ydy staff ein prifysgolion ni yn dod o dan y sector cyhoeddus neu'r sector preifat, ac, os na fydd cefnogaeth ar gael—
Thank you very much. I look forward to that statement about whether you intend to raise fees in the same way, and I’d like to hear some kind of timetable about when that’s likely to happen, because there is great uncertainty in the sector at present.
Another announcement in the Westminster budget in recent days was the increase in employers’ national insurance contributions. This is also going to have a great financial impact on our universities, and the estimate is that this is going to add about £20 million to costs.
So, could you, Minister, provide clarification to us as to whether you believe universities in Wales could receive any support under the UK Treasury’s plans or not? Because we heard the Cabinet Secretary for finance yesterday saying that the public sector was free from those payments, but the universities sector is part of the private sector. So, could you explain to us whether the staff in universities come under the public sector or the private sector, and, if there is no support available—
Diolch, Cefin.
Thank you, Cefin.
—ydych chi'n poeni—
—are you concerned—
—na fydd yna—
—that there won't be any—
—gefnogaeth ariannol i chi? Diolch yn fawr iawn. .
—financial support for you? Thank you very much.
Thank you, Cefin Campbell, for the question. I acknowledge that the Chancellor's announcements of changes to employer national insurance contributions from April next year will increase costs for our universities, and I'm currently working with my officials with the affected sectors to understand the scope of these new costs. We're considering the impact of employer national insurance contributions on all public sector employers and public sector services in Wales, and I look forward to being able to provide an update in due course.
Diolch am y cwestiwn, Cefin Campbell. Rwy'n cydnabod y bydd cyhoeddiadau'r Canghellor am newidiadau i gyfraniadau yswiriant gwladol cyflogwyr o fis Ebrill y flwyddyn nesaf yn cynyddu costau i'n prifysgolion, ac rwyf ar hyn o bryd yn gweithio gyda fy swyddogion gyda'r sectorau yr effeithir arnynt i ddeall cwmpas y costau newydd hyn. Rydym yn ystyried effaith cyfraniadau yswiriant gwladol cyflogwyr ar bob cyflogwr sector cyhoeddus a gwasanaethau sector cyhoeddus yng Nghymru, ac edrychaf ymlaen at allu rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf maes o law.
So, even before this most recent kick in the teeth for Welsh universities—having to deal with rises to national insurance contributions—Welsh universities have been on the financial brink for a while, with cumulative deficits upwards of £100 million. Now, a fortnight ago, I asked the Minister had she or the Cabinet Secretary for Education had discussions via official correspondence with individual Welsh universities regarding the transformation fund that she mentioned. Now, the Minister responded by saying,
'Yes, I have started that already'.
So, I've contacted all Welsh universities directly, asking them what correspondence they've had between themselves and the Welsh Government regarding this transformation fund or any other potential support package. I'm afraid the answer that I've had so far paints a different picture to the one painted by the Minister just a fortnight ago: Trinity St David's, no correspondence; Aberystwyth University, no correspondence; Swansea, no correspondence; Cardiff, no correspondence. It seems, yet again, Welsh Government Ministers are saying on the floor of the Senedd one thing, which doesn't seem to match the reality from our evidence. So, the question remains, therefore, what steps have the Welsh Government actually been taking at a ministerial and official level to develop this transformation fund and any other support packages for Welsh universities in conjunction with Welsh universities?
Felly, hyd yn oed cyn yr ergyd ddiweddaraf hon i brifysgolion Cymru—gorfod ymdopi â chodiadau i gyfraniadau yswiriant gwladol—mae prifysgolion Cymru wedi bod ar y dibyn ariannol ers tro, gyda diffygion cronnol o dros £100 miliwn. Nawr, bythefnos yn ôl, gofynnais i'r Gweinidog a oedd hi neu Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg wedi cael trafodaethau drwy ohebiaeth swyddogol â phrifysgolion unigol yng Nghymru ynghylch y gronfa drawsnewid a grybwyllodd. Nawr, ymatebodd y Gweinidog drwy ddweud,
'Ydw, rwyf eisoes wedi dechrau ar hynny.'
Felly, rwyf wedi cysylltu â holl brifysgolion Cymru yn uniongyrchol, gan ofyn iddynt pa ohebiaeth y maent wedi'i chael rhyngddynt hwy a Llywodraeth Cymru ynghylch y gronfa drawsnewid hon neu unrhyw becyn cymorth posibl arall. Mae arnaf ofn fod yr ateb a gefais hyd yma yn paentio darlun gwahanol i'r un a baentiwyd gan y Gweinidog bythefnos yn ôl: y Drindod Dewi Sant, dim gohebiaeth; Prifysgol Aberystwyth, dim gohebiaeth; Abertawe, dim gohebiaeth; Caerdydd, dim gohebiaeth. Unwaith eto, mae'n ymddangos bod Gweinidogion Llywodraeth Cymru yn dweud un peth ar lawr y Senedd, nad yw'n ymddangos ei fod yn cyfateb i'r realiti o'n tystiolaeth ni. Felly, mae'r cwestiwn yn aros, pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi bod yn eu cymryd ar lefel weinidogol a swyddogol i ddatblygu'r gronfa drawsnewid hon ac unrhyw becynnau cymorth eraill ar gyfer prifysgolion Cymru ar y cyd â phrifysgolion Cymru?
Thank you, Cefin. Correspondence, as I'm sure you're aware, is written correspondence. All of my dealings with the universities to date have been through face-to-face meetings and discussions, and I've been really pleased to be able to meet with so many vice-chancellors, Universities Wales, stakeholders from across the sector, and I'll be continuing to do that as I tour each and every higher education institution in Wales. And I explained to the Senedd that the Welsh Government is continuing to explore what, if any, potential support mechanisms are feasible to support the higher education sector in Wales. Those discussions, as I've outlined twice, both in writing and here on the floor of this Chamber, are at an early and exploratory stage and will need to be considered in the context of our wider budget priorities. But, as I've said before, and as I know the Member is aware, the funding that the Welsh Government provides to our HE institutions comprises 10 per cent of their overall funding, and so it is really important that each and every university looks at the rest of their funding streams. And I know that that is exactly what they are doing—exploring innovative ways of working, greater collaboration with the FE sector in particular, which can only be of benefit, so that they can explore ways that they can cut costs and meet these challenging opportunities. The Welsh Government's Digarbon fund, that I mentioned here previously, has had £33 million-worth of applications from our HE institutions, and that shows just one way in which they are exploring different ways to cut costs and to make those savings.
Diolch, Cefin. Mae gohebiaeth, fel y gwyddoch rwy'n siŵr, yn ohebiaeth ysgrifenedig. Mae fy holl waith yn ymwneud â'r prifysgolion hyd yma wedi bod trwy gyfarfodydd a thrafodaethau wyneb yn wyneb, ac rwyf wedi bod yn falch iawn o allu cyfarfod â chymaint o is-gangellorion, Prifysgolion Cymru, rhanddeiliaid o bob rhan o'r sector, a byddaf yn parhau i wneud hynny wrth imi deithio o amgylch pob sefydliad addysg uwch yng Nghymru. Ac eglurais wrth y Senedd fod Llywodraeth Cymru yn parhau i archwilio pa fecanweithiau cymorth posibl, os o gwbl, sy'n ymarferol i gefnogi'r sector addysg uwch yng Nghymru. Mae'r trafodaethau hynny, fel yr amlinellais ddwywaith, yn ysgrifenedig ac yma ar lawr y Siambr hon, ar gam cynnar ac archwiliadol a bydd angen eu hystyried yng nghyd-destun ein blaenoriaethau cyllidebol ehangach. Ond fel y dywedais o'r blaen, ac fel y gwn fod yr Aelod yn gwybod, mae'r cyllid y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei ddarparu i'n sefydliadau addysg uwch yn ffurfio 10 y cant o'u cyllid cyffredinol, ac felly mae'n bwysig iawn fod pob prifysgol yn edrych ar weddill eu ffrydiau cyllido. Ac rwy'n gwybod mai dyna'n union y maent yn ei wneud—gan archwilio ffyrdd arloesol o weithio, mwy o gydweithio â'r sector addysg bellach yn enwedig, sy'n sicr yn fuddiol, fel y gallant archwilio ffyrdd o dorri costau a chyflawni'r cyfleoedd heriol hyn. Mae cronfa Digarbon Llywodraeth Cymru, y soniais amdani yma o'r blaen, wedi cael gwerth £33 miliwn o geisiadau gan ein sefydliadau addysg uwch, ac mae hynny'n dangos un ffordd yn unig y maent yn archwilio ffyrdd gwahanol o dorri costau ac o wneud yr arbedion hynny.
Before I move on, I do expect all backbenchers to continue to keep to their time and ask their questions within their time. I expect the same from spokespeople as well, and, if they have multiple questions, spokespeople have the advantage of having the ability to ask more than one question. So, please, in future, keep to your times to ensure that everybody has a fair opportunity to ask their question, including backbenchers.
Cyn imi symud ymlaen, rwy'n disgwyl i bob aelod o'r meinciau cefn barhau i gadw at eu hamser a gofyn eu cwestiynau o fewn eu hamser. Rwy'n disgwyl yr un peth gan lefarwyr hefyd, ac os oes ganddynt sawl cwestiwn, mae gan lefarwyr y fantais o allu gofyn mwy nag un cwestiwn. Felly, os gwelwch yn dda, yn y dyfodol, cadwch at eich amseroedd i sicrhau bod pawb yn cael cyfle teg i ofyn eu cwestiwn, gan gynnwys aelodau o'r meinciau cefn.
3. Pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i wella recriwtio a chadw athrawon yng Ngorllewin De Cymru? OQ61798
3. What steps is the Welsh Government taking to improve teacher recruitment and retention in South Wales West? OQ61798
We continue to support recruitment into initial teacher education programmes through a range of activities. These include providing incentives to support recruitment to priority subjects and for Welsh-medium trainees, expanding the subjects available through the salaried PGCE programmes and the Teaching Wales marketing campaign.
Rydym yn parhau i gefnogi recriwtio i raglenni addysg gychwynnol i athrawon drwy amrywiaeth o weithgareddau. Mae'r rhain yn cynnwys darparu cymhellion i gefnogi recriwtio i bynciau â blaenoriaeth ac ar gyfer hyfforddeion cyfrwng Cymraeg, gan ehangu'r pynciau sydd ar gael drwy'r rhaglenni TAR cyflogedig ac ymgyrch farchnata Addysgu Cymru.
Thank you, Cabinet Secretary. Unfortunately, teacher morale is at an all-time low. Decisions being taken by local authorities to cut school budgets, leading to lay-offs of teachers and teaching assistants, are increasing the workload on the remaining teaching staff, with many warnings that class sizes are set to grow, adding to the pressures. But, the biggest threat of them all is the behaviour of the pupils and the lack of support given to teaching staff who are subjected to abuse and physical violence. Cabinet Secretary, teachers in my region have had to strive to get their voices heard regarding attacks on staff. I note your earlier statement regarding the school social partnership forum and the steps you’ll take to address pupils’ behaviour. However, it does little to protect staff in the here and now. Cabinet Secretary, what immediate steps will you take to protect staff in our schools? We politicians get issued with panic alarms; have you considered issuing these to our teachers?
Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Yn anffodus, mae morâl athrawon ar ei isaf erioed. Mae penderfyniadau sy'n cael eu gwneud gan awdurdodau lleol i dorri cyllidebau ysgolion, gan arwain at ddiswyddo athrawon a chynorthwywyr addysgu, yn cynyddu'r llwyth gwaith ar weddill y staff addysgu, gyda llawer o rybuddion y bydd maint dosbarthiadau'n tyfu, gan ychwanegu at y pwysau. Ond y bygythiad mwyaf ohonynt i gyd yw ymddygiad y disgyblion a'r diffyg cefnogaeth a roddir i staff addysgu sy'n agored i gamdriniaeth a thrais corfforol. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae athrawon yn fy rhanbarth wedi gorfod ymdrechu i gael eu lleisiau wedi eu clywed ynglŷn ag ymosodiadau ar staff. Nodaf eich datganiad cynharach ynghylch fforwm partneriaeth gymdeithasol ysgolion a'r camau y byddwch yn eu cymryd i fynd i'r afael ag ymddygiad disgyblion. Fodd bynnag, nid yw'n gwneud llawer i ddiogelu staff ar hyn o bryd. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, pa gamau y byddwch yn eu cymryd ar unwaith i ddiogelu staff yn ein hysgolion? Rydym ni wleidyddion yn cael larymau panig; a ydych chi wedi ystyried rhoi'r rhain i'n hathrawon?
Thank you very much, Altaf, for your supplementary. You raised a number of points there. I would like to assure you that we take the issue of teacher recruitment and retention very seriously and that we recognise the huge pressures teachers are under, and also the link between workload and their well-being. It’s essential that teachers are able to maintain an appropriate work-life balance, and there’s a commitment from all stakeholders to make tangible, impactful changes that will make real positive change for teachers.
We’ve worked in the last year in particular with our stakeholders and our partners around the issues of workload, and we’ve had an independently chaired strategic workload co-ordination group, membership of which is drawn from key stakeholders and representatives from across the education system. I issued a written statement updating on our efforts to tackle teacher workload a few weeks ago.
In terms of the points you raise about behaviour in schools, as I made clear yesterday in answers to question, I am really worried about what schools are dealing with. They’re dealing with a really complex range of societal issues that are now presenting in schools, because they are the places that are there all the time, and teachers are focusing on those issues when they want to be focusing on teaching and learning.
You’ve seen my letter, so you know that I have the meeting with the trade unions coming up next week, and that we have the headteachers conference with secondary heads on Friday, where we’re going to be focusing on behaviour. Local authorities and schools are under a legal duty to make sure that schools are a safe place to work. But what I will do is, following those meetings, I’m very happy to consider the issues arising from those. I mean, things like panic alarms, that may be raised—I don’t know. I want to listen to the people who are at the front line when we consider how we can help with this, and that’s, of course, in addition to the other things that we’re doing like the behaviour toolkit and the research that we’re doing on behaviour.
Diolch am eich cwestiwn atodol, Altaf. Fe wnaethoch chi godi nifer o bwyntiau yno. Hoffwn eich sicrhau ein bod o ddifrif ynghylch recriwtio a chadw athrawon a'n bod yn cydnabod y pwysau enfawr sydd ar athrawon, a hefyd y cysylltiad rhwng llwyth gwaith a'u llesiant. Mae'n hanfodol fod athrawon yn gallu cynnal cydbwysedd priodol rhwng bywyd a gwaith, ac mae ymrwymiad gan yr holl randdeiliaid i wneud newidiadau ymarferol, effeithiol a fydd yn sicrhau newid cadarnhaol go iawn i athrawon.
Rydym wedi gweithio yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf yn enwedig gyda'n rhanddeiliaid a'n partneriaid ar faterion llwyth gwaith, ac rydym wedi cael grŵp strategol annibynnol ar gydlynu llwyth gwaith, y daw ei aelodaeth o blith rhanddeiliaid allweddol a chynrychiolwyr o bob rhan o'r system addysg. Ychydig wythnosau yn ôl, cyhoeddais ddatganiad ysgrifenedig yn rhoi'r diweddaraf ar ein hymdrechion i fynd i'r afael â llwyth gwaith athrawon.
Ar y pwyntiau a godwch am ymddygiad mewn ysgolion, fel y dywedais yn glir ddoe mewn atebion i gwestiwn, rwy'n poeni'n fawr am yr hyn y mae ysgolion yn ymdrin ag ef. Maent yn ymdrin ag amrywiaeth gymhleth iawn o broblemau cymdeithasol sydd i'w gweld mewn ysgolion erbyn hyn, am mai dyna'r lleoedd sydd yno drwy'r amser, ac mae athrawon yn canolbwyntio ar y problemau hynny pan fyddant eisiau canolbwyntio ar addysgu a dysgu.
Rydych chi wedi gweld fy llythyr, felly fe wyddoch fy mod yn cael y cyfarfod â'r undebau llafur yr wythnos nesaf, a bod gennym y gynhadledd penaethiaid gyda phenaethiaid uwchradd ddydd Gwener, lle byddwn yn canolbwyntio ar ymddygiad. Mae dyletswydd gyfreithiol ar awdurdodau lleol ac ysgolion i sicrhau bod ysgolion yn lle diogel i weithio. Ond yr hyn a wnaf, yn dilyn y cyfarfodydd hynny, rwy'n hapus iawn i ystyried y materion sy'n codi o'r rheini. Hynny yw, pethau fel larymau panig, a allai gael eu codi—nid wyf yn gwybod. Rwyf am wrando ar y bobl sydd ar y rheng flaen pan ystyriwn sut y gallwn helpu gyda hyn, ac mae hynny, wrth gwrs, yn ychwanegol at y pethau eraill a wnawn fel y pecyn cymorth ymddygiad a'r ymchwil a wnawn ar ymddygiad.
4. Beth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i wella canlyniadau addysgol i bobl ifanc yn Nwyrain De Cymru? OQ61780
4. What is the Welsh Government doing to improve educational outcomes for young people in South Wales East? OQ61780
My priorities for schools in South Wales East include raising levels of attainment, attendance and closing the gap for our poorest learners.
Mae fy mlaenoriaethau ar gyfer ysgolion yn Nwyrain De Cymru yn cynnwys codi lefelau cyrhaeddiad, presenoldeb a chau'r bwlch i'n dysgwyr tlotaf.
Thank you so much, Cabinet Secretary. The Ebbw Vale Institute in Blaenau Gwent is a cherished community asset that currently provides an array of services, two of which are work experience programmes and volunteering opportunities. Both are, indeed, a vital part of building a well-rounded education as well as setting people up from all ages and backgrounds for work and building self-esteem, additionally benefiting the local community. But, Cabinet Secretary, just like so many various prosperous local assets, the Ebbw Vale Institute community hub offering these services has relied quite a lot on levelling-up funding. However, in the wake of the new Government taking over management of the site, I'm naturally concerned about the future. So, Cabinet Secretary, what assurance can you give me today that you will work with the Cabinet Secretary for Housing and Local Government to support brilliant hubs like this to ensure a holistic approach is indeed taken in education, where both young people and adults can enhance vital skill sets whilst benefiting their communities at large? Thank you.
Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Mae Sefydliad Glyn Ebwy ym Mlaenau Gwent yn ased cymunedol annwyl sydd ar hyn o bryd yn darparu amrywiaeth o wasanaethau, a dau ohonynt yw rhaglenni profiad gwaith a chyfleoedd gwirfoddoli. Mae'r ddau beth, yn wir, yn rhan hanfodol o adeiladu addysg gyflawn, yn ogystal â pharatoi pobl o bob oedran a chefndir ar gyfer gwaith a meithrin hunan-barch, sydd hefyd o fudd i'r gymuned leol. Ond Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, yn union fel cymaint o asedau lleol llewyrchus, mae hyb cymunedol Sefydliad Glyn Ebwy, sy'n cynnig y gwasanaethau hyn, wedi dibynnu cryn dipyn ar gyllid ffyniant bro. Fodd bynnag, wedi i'r Llywodraeth newydd gymryd rheolaeth ar y safle, rwy'n naturiol yn bryderus am y dyfodol. Felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, pa sicrwydd y gallwch ei roi i mi heddiw y byddwch yn gweithio gydag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Lywodraeth Leol a Thai i gefnogi hybiau gwych fel hyn i sicrhau bod dull cyfannol yn cael ei weithredu mewn addysg, lle gall pobl ifanc ac oedolion wella sgiliau hanfodol gan fod o fudd i'w cymunedau yn gyffredinol? Diolch.
Thank you, Natasha, and you raise a really important point about work experience. It's good for all young people to get those opportunities, but, in my experience, it's often our most vulnerable learners who get the most from those opportunities to do things in a slightly different way, and to experience the real-life world of work. I wasn't aware of the funding issues at the Ebbw Vale Institute that you've referred to. Obviously, the levelling-up fund and other funds are in a state of transition at the moment, but I do give you my commitment that I will talk to Cabinet colleagues, not just the local government Minister but also the Cabinet Secretary for finance, about the issues that you've raised, and I'm very happy to write to you about that.
Diolch, Natasha, ac rydych chi'n codi pwynt pwysig iawn am brofiad gwaith. Mae'n dda i bob person ifanc gael y cyfleoedd hynny, ond yn fy mhrofiad i, ein dysgwyr mwyaf agored i niwed yn aml sy'n cael y gorau o'r cyfleoedd hynny i wneud pethau mewn ffordd ychydig yn wahanol, ac i brofi byd gwaith go iawn. Nid oeddwn yn ymwybodol o'r problemau ariannu yn Sefydliad Glyn Ebwy y cyfeirioch chi atynt. Yn amlwg, mae'r gronfa ffyniant bro a'r cronfeydd eraill mewn cyfnod o bontio ar hyn o bryd, ond rwy'n rhoi fy ymrwymiad i chi y byddaf yn siarad â chyd-Aelodau yn y Cabinet, nid dim ond y Gweinidog llywodraeth leol ond Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros gyllid hefyd, am y materion a godwyd gennych, ac rwy'n hapus iawn i ysgrifennu atoch ynglŷn â hynny.
5. Beth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i annog rhagor o ferched i astudio pynciau STEM? OQ61800
5. What is the Welsh Government doing to encourage more girls to study STEM subjects? OQ61800
We want to ensure all our young people are able to positively engage with a world increasingly driven by technological and digital innovation. This financial year, the Welsh Government is providing over £1.6 million for STEM activities in schools, with a focus on encouraging girls into STEM qualifications and careers.
Rydym am sicrhau bod ein holl bobl ifanc yn gallu ymgysylltu'n gadarnhaol â byd sy'n cael ei yrru'n gynyddol gan arloesedd technolegol a digidol. Yn y flwyddyn ariannol hon, mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn darparu dros £1.6 miliwn ar gyfer gweithgareddau STEM mewn ysgolion, gan ganolbwyntio ar annog merched i fynd ar drywydd cymwysterau a gyrfaoedd STEM.
Diolch, Minister. Women and girls are still hugely under-represented in STEM subjects, and they are still often stereotyped as subjects for boys. I was delighted to see that Pembrokeshire College and Pembrokeshire County Council are trying to address this bias by joining forces with local industries like RWE Renewables, Blue Gem Wind, Floventis Energy, Port of Milford Haven and Ledwood Engineering. At the end of last year, they created a careers initiative called SPARC to help inspire a more diverse workforce in STEM industries, and these industries are also massively under-represented by females and, of course, this often starts with the subjects that they study at school or in college. Cabinet Secretary, do you agree with me that initiatives like these are crucial if we are going to ever address the imbalance of girls and women studying STEM subjects?
Diolch, Weinidog. Mae menywod a merched yn dal heb gynrychiolaeth sy'n agos at fod yn ddigonol mewn pynciau STEM, ac maent yn dal i gael eu stereoteipio fel pynciau i fechgyn. Roeddwn yn falch iawn o weld bod Coleg Sir Benfro a Chyngor Sir Penfro yn ceisio mynd i'r afael â'r duedd hon trwy ymgysylltu â diwydiannau lleol fel RWE Renewables, Blue Gem Wind, Floventis Energy, Porthladd Aberdaugleddau a Ledwood Engineering. Ddiwedd y llynedd, fe wnaethant greu menter gyrfaoedd o'r enw SPARC i helpu i ysbrydoli gweithlu mwy amrywiol mewn diwydiannau STEM, ac nid oes agos digon o fenywod yn y diwydiannau hyn ac wrth gwrs, mae hyn yn aml yn dechrau gyda'r pynciau a astudiant yn yr ysgol neu yn y coleg. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, a ydych chi'n cytuno â mi fod mentrau fel hyn yn hanfodol os ydym am fynd i'r afael â'r anghydbwysedd o ran y nifer o ferched a menywod sy'n astudio pynciau STEM?
Dirprwy Lywydd, I'd like to thank Joyce Watson for that supplementary question, and I absolutely agree with her about the importance of initiatives like that. And, in fact, I'm undertaking a joint visit to Pembrokeshire College in just two weeks' time with the Cabinet Secretary for economy, so I really look forward to hearing more about this work when I'm there. Building partnerships between schools and industry can inspire our young girls to follow their passion for STEM subjects, and, of course, that can lead them to rewarding and fulfilling careers. As part of our funding to the Engineering Education Scheme Wales, we're supporting the Girls into STEM initiative, and this is helping to break down barriers, giving girls the opportunity to visit employers and universities, and encouraging them to follow STEM qualification and career pathways. In the last financial year, 390 girls were involved in the Girls into STEM initiative, visiting a range of industry partners. And you'll be aware, Joyce Watson, that, on Tuesday, the Cabinet Secretary announced as part of her oral statement additional investment in the Engineering Education Scheme Wales, including to further enhance the Girls into STEM initiative. That brings our total investment in this work to £196,000 in this year alone.
Ddirprwy Lywydd, hoffwn ddiolch i Joyce Watson am y cwestiwn atodol hwnnw, ac rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â hi am bwysigrwydd mentrau fel honno. Ac mewn gwirionedd, rwy'n ymweld â Choleg Sir Benfro ymhen pythefnos gydag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr economi, felly rwy'n edrych ymlaen yn fawr at glywed mwy am y gwaith hwn pan fyddaf yno. Gall meithrin partneriaethau rhwng ysgolion a diwydiant ysbrydoli ein merched ifanc i fynd ar drywydd eu brwdfrydedd ynghylch pynciau STEM, ac wrth gwrs, gall hynny eu harwain at yrfaoedd gwerth chweil a boddhaus. Fel rhan o'n cyllid i Gynllun Addysg Beirianneg Cymru, rydym yn cefnogi'r fenter Denu Merched i Faes STEM, ac mae hyn yn helpu i chwalu rhwystrau, gan roi cyfle i ferched ymweld â chyflogwyr a phrifysgolion, a'u hannog i ddilyn cymwysterau a llwybrau gyrfa STEM. Yn y flwyddyn ariannol ddiwethaf, roedd 390 o ferched yn rhan o'r fenter Denu Merched i Faes STEM, gan ymweld ag amrywiaeth o bartneriaid diwydiant. Ac fe fyddwch chi'n gwybod, Joyce Watson, fod Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, fel rhan o'i datganiad llafar ddydd Mawrth wedi cyhoeddi buddsoddiad ychwanegol yng Nghynllun Addysg Beirianneg Cymru, gan gynnwys gwella'r fenter Denu Merched i Faes STEM ymhellach. Daw hynny â chyfanswm ein buddsoddiad yn y gwaith hwn i £196,000 eleni yn unig.
I met with SPARC at Pembrokeshire College recently, at the launch of the skills transition hub, which has been part funded by Shell. On Friday, in Pembroke Dock, I'm meeting with Cymbrogi as they're doing an event with four schools in the area, advocating for STEM subjects for young boys and girls in secondary school to show not only are they able to go into fantastic careers using STEM, but the other opportunities that are out there in the workforce to stay locally in the areas in which they were born and raised, which is really important, especially in west Wales where we're seeing a demographic shift of young people, unfortunately, leaving, and the age demographic shifting and putting pressure on those care sectors. So, if it's okay with you, Minister, would you be able to meet with Cymbrogi in the future, as they've got some really exciting plans about how they're having that outreach into our education establishments, getting people thinking about careers in STEM and the alternatives that come in fields such as engineering, mathematics and science? Thank you.
Cyfarfûm â SPARC yng Ngholeg Sir Benfro yn ddiweddar, yn lansiad yr hyb pontio sgiliau, sydd wedi'i ariannu'n rhannol gan Shell. Ddydd Gwener, yn Noc Penfro, rwy'n cyfarfod â Cymbrogi gan eu bod yn cynnal digwyddiad gyda phedair ysgol yn yr ardal i hyrwyddo pynciau STEM i fechgyn a merched ifanc yn yr ysgol uwchradd i ddangos nid yn unig eu bod yn gallu mynd ar drywydd gyrfaoedd gwych gan ddefnyddio STEM, ond y cyfleoedd eraill sydd ar gael yn y gweithlu i aros yn lleol yn yr ardaloedd lle cawsant eu geni a'u magu, sy'n bwysig iawn, yn enwedig yng ngorllewin Cymru lle gwelwn newid demograffig o ran pobl ifanc yn gadael, gwaetha'r modd, a'r oedran demograffig yn newid gan roi pwysau ar y sectorau gofal. Felly, os yw'n iawn gyda chi, Weinidog, a fyddech chi'n gallu cyfarfod â Cymbrogi yn y dyfodol, gan fod ganddynt gynlluniau cyffrous iawn o ran sut y cânt allgymorth i mewn i'n sefydliadau addysg, cael pobl i feddwl am yrfaoedd ym maes STEM a'r dewisiadau amgen sydd ar gael mewn meysydd fel peirianneg, mathemateg a gwyddoniaeth? Diolch.
Thank you, Sam, for that supplementary question. I absolutely agree with everything you said there. It's so important that we don't just look at these skill sets, but at how they can enable our young people to stay in the communities that they are born and raised in and to have a positive impact on those local economies. And that's exactly the kind of cross-cutting work that I'm looking into with the Minister for skills, and I'd be delighted to receive more information about that project. I look forward to finding out more and hopefully visiting in the future.
Diolch am eich cwestiwn atodol, Sam. Rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â phopeth a ddywedoch chi. Mae mor bwysig ein bod yn edrych ar fwy na'r setiau sgiliau hyn yn unig, ac ar sut y gallant alluogi ein pobl ifanc i aros yn y cymunedau lle cânt eu geni a'u magu a chael effaith gadarnhaol ar yr economïau lleol hynny. A dyna'n union y math o waith trawsbynciol rwy'n edrych arno gyda'r Gweinidog sgiliau, a buaswn yn falch iawn o gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y prosiect hwnnw. Edrychaf ymlaen at ddarganfod mwy ac at ymweld yn y dyfodol, gobeithio.
6. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet roi diweddariad am y defnydd o e-sgol yn Nwyrain De Cymru? OQ61811
6. Will the Cabinet Secretary provide an update on the use of e-sgol in South Wales East? OQ61811
E-sgol is an innovative project delivered across Wales. In September I launched an e-sgol partnership in Monmouthshire and saw how it enables learners to access subjects that might not otherwise be offered. E-sgol is currently delivered in three authorities in South Wales East for pupils in years 12 and 13.
Mae e-sgol yn brosiect arloesol a gyflwynir ledled Cymru. Ym mis Medi, lansiais bartneriaeth e-sgol yn sir Fynwy a gweld sut y mae’n galluogi dysgwyr i gael mynediad at bynciau na fyddai’n cael eu cynnig fel arall o bosibl. Ar hyn o bryd, mae prosiect e-sgol yn cael ei gyflwyno mewn tri awdurdod yn Nwyrain De Cymru ar gyfer disgyblion ym mlynyddoedd 12 a 13.
Diolch am yr ateb yna. Yn ystod yr wythnosau diwethaf, dwi wedi bod yn cael trafodaethau gyda'r proffesiwn addysgu ynglŷn â defnydd o e-sgol yn fy rhanbarth. Fel y dywedoch chi, sefydlwyd yr adnodd yma ar-lein yn wreiddiol i gynorthwyo darpariaeth chweched dosbarth mewn ardaloedd gwledig, ond mae o wedi dod yn opsiwn sy'n cael ei ffafrio ar gyfer rhai ardaloedd a rhai pynciau yn lle addysgu wyneb yn wyneb. Fel dŷch chi wedi sôn, mae addysgu Cymraeg safon uwch yn sir Fynwy yn un o'r enghreifftiau o hyn.
Er bod gan y math yma o addysgu ei rinweddau, dylai fo ddim bod yn norm ar draul addysgu wyneb yn wyneb. Yn fy marn i a barn llawer o addysgwyr, does dim yn gallu cymryd lle addysgu wyneb yn wyneb o ran darparu profiad cyfoethog ac amrywiol i ddisgyblion. A allwch chi, felly, roi addewid y bydd y Llywodraeth hon yn mynd i'r afael â diffyg athrawon mewn rhai meysydd a rhai pynciau, fel bod e-sgol ddim yn dod yn fwy cyffredin, yn enwedig yng nghyd-destun y darpariaethau ym Mil y Gymraeg ac Addysg (Cymru) a'r prif amcan o gael pob disgybl yn siaradwr hyderus erbyn 2050? Diolch.
Thank you for that response. During the last few weeks, I've been having discussions with the education profession on the use of e-sgol in my region. As you said, this resource was established online originally to help with the provision of sixth form in rural areas, but it's an option that's been favoured in some areas and certain subjects rather than face-to-face teaching. As you've mentioned, teaching Welsh at A-level in Monmouthshire is one of the examples of this.
Although this kind of learning does have its merits, it shouldn't become the norm at the expense of face-to-face teaching. In my view and the view of many educators, nothing can replace face-to-face teaching in terms of providing a rich and varied experience for pupils. Can you, therefore, provide a pledge that this Government will tackle the shortage of teachers in certain areas and certain subjects, so that e-sgol doesn't become more common, particularly in the context of the provisions of the Welsh Language and Education (Wales) Bill and the main objective of having all pupils as being confident Welsh speakers by 2050? Thank you.
Thank you very much, Peredur, for that question. Without e-sgol there is, unfortunately, a distinct possibility that Welsh A-level wouldn't have been delivered for the nine A-level students in Monmouthshire—two in Caldicot School, two in King Henry VIII school and five in Monmouth Comprehensive School. And I do believe that e-sgol can help rebuild Welsh language provision in Monmouthshire, so that the numbers increase again. There is some face-to-face provision as part of the project, and I was assured of that when I went to see it; they do get opportunities to meet together, face to face.
I think you raise important issues, though, about the numbers of young people who are taking A-level Welsh and I'm keen to look again at the A-level to ensure that we've got a qualification that motivates more young people to choose to do the subject at A-level. More work is going to be done with schools, pupils and parents to showcase the e-sgol provision and its quality to give them the confidence that it provides high-quality teaching and a good experience for learners. And you may find it reassuring that the initial pupil questionnaire came back with a 94 per cent positive response in relation to the provision. I know that the local authority have undertaken a lesson observation cycle recently and had very positive feedback. As I said, I went to see it in action with the Spanish lessons in September and had the opportunity to talk to the young people. It seemed to be going really, really well and they were happy with how it was working. I think the academic results are encouraging as well. The 2023 A-level results show that 15.2 per cent of learners achieved A* grades through e-sgol, compared with 13.5 per cent across Wales, and similarly, there's a slightly higher achievement of A to C grades with e-sgol, compared to the rest of Wales. You'll also, I'm sure, be assured that Estyn have recognised the e-sgol provision in their post-16 partnership report.
The strategic head of e-sgol is very happy to come and meet with Members of the Senedd to talk to you about your concerns if that would be helpful. You do make an important point about the Welsh language and education Bill, and I hope that the work that we're doing, not just through the Bill but through our Welsh in education strategic plans and through our workforce plan, will mean that we will increase the stream of young people that are coming forward to do A-level Welsh, because, clearly, what is creating the challenge here is the fact that there aren't that many pupils, and we need to address that.
Diolch am eich cwestiwn, Peredur. Heb e-sgol, yn anffodus, mae posibilrwydd cryf na fyddai naw myfyriwr Safon Uwch yn sir Fynwy wedi gallu astudio Cymraeg Safon Uwch—dau yn Ysgol Cil-y-coed, dau yn Ysgol Brenin Harri'r VIII a phump yn Ysgol Gyfun Trefynwy. Ac rwy'n credu y gall e-sgol helpu i ailadeiladu darpariaeth iaith Gymraeg yn sir Fynwy, fel bod y niferoedd yn cynyddu eto. Ceir rhywfaint o ddarpariaeth wyneb yn wyneb yn rhan o’r prosiect, a chefais sicrwydd o hynny pan euthum i’w weld; maent yn cael cyfleoedd i gyfarfod â'i gilydd, wyneb yn wyneb.
Credaf eich bod yn codi materion pwysig, serch hynny, ynglŷn â niferoedd pobl ifanc sy’n astudio'r Gymraeg fel pwnc Safon Uwch, ac rwy’n awyddus i edrych eto ar y Safon Uwch i sicrhau bod gennym gymhwyster sy’n ysgogi mwy o bobl ifanc i astudio'r pwnc ar gyfer Safon Uwch. Bydd mwy o waith yn cael ei wneud gydag ysgolion, disgyblion a rhieni i arddangos darpariaeth ac ansawdd e-sgol er mwyn rhoi hyder iddynt ei fod yn darparu addysgu o ansawdd uchel a phrofiad da i ddysgwyr. Ac efallai y bydd yn galonogol i chi fod yr holiadur cychwynnol i ddisgyblion wedi nodi ymateb cadarnhaol o 94 y cant mewn perthynas â’r ddarpariaeth. Gwn fod yr awdurdod lleol wedi cynnal cylch arsylwi gwersi yn ddiweddar ac wedi cael adborth cadarnhaol iawn. Fel y dywedais, euthum i’w weld ar waith gyda’r gwersi Sbaeneg ym mis Medi a chefais gyfle i siarad â’r bobl ifanc. Roedd i'w weld yn mynd yn dda iawn ac roeddent yn fodlon â sut y gweithiai. Credaf fod y canlyniadau academaidd yn galonogol hefyd. Mae canlyniadau Safon Uwch 2023 yn dangos bod 15.2 y cant o ddysgwyr wedi cael graddau A* drwy e-sgol, o gymharu â 13.5 y cant ledled Cymru, ac yn yr un modd, mae cyflawniad ychydig yn uwch o ran graddau A i C gydag e-sgol, o gymharu â gweddill Cymru. Fe fyddwch yn falch o glywed hefyd, rwy’n siŵr, fod Estyn wedi cydnabod darpariaeth e-sgol yn eu hadroddiad ar bartneriaethau ôl-16.
Mae pennaeth strategol e-sgol yn fwy na pharod i ddod i gyfarfod ag Aelodau’r Senedd i siarad â chi am eich pryderon os byddai hynny o gymorth. Rydych yn gwneud pwynt pwysig ynglŷn â Bil y Gymraeg ac addysg, ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd y gwaith a wnawn, nid yn unig drwy’r Bil ond drwy ein cynlluniau strategol Cymraeg mewn addysg a thrwy ein cynllun ar gyfer y gweithlu, yn golygu y byddwn yn cynyddu’r llif o bobl ifanc sy’n astudio Cymraeg Safon Uwch, oherwydd yn amlwg, yr hyn sy’n creu’r her yma yw’r ffaith nad oes cymaint â hynny o ddisgyblion, ac mae angen inni fynd i’r afael â hynny.
It's really good to hear about advancing technologies, such as e-sgol, and how they're connecting classrooms across Wales. I hope you enjoyed that visit to the Spanish class in Caldicot, and we know that that, as you've shared, is sharing provision with Monmouth comprehensive, and it's great that Monmouthshire is taking a lead. It is great that these technologies exist to ensure that pupils can maximise their attendance but also learn new subjects that might not have been available, whilst also ensuring that no child is left behind.
Unfortunately, though, Cabinet Secretary, pupils in Wales are still being left behind, based on the 2023 Programme for International Student Assessment scores. I note your predecessor stated at the time the results were released that plans had been launched to raise standards. Can I therefore ask, Cabinet Secretary, what progress has been made on improving the standard of education systems in Wales, and on ensuring that the gap between Wales and other UK nations is not just narrowed but eliminated altogether?
Mae'n dda iawn clywed am dechnolegau sy'n datblygu, fel e-sgol, a sut y maent yn cysylltu ystafelloedd dosbarth ledled Cymru. Rwy'n gobeithio eich bod wedi mwynhau’r ymweliad â’r dosbarth Sbaeneg yng Nghil-y-coed, a gwyddom fod yr ysgol honno, fel rydych chi wedi’i rannu, yn rhannu darpariaeth ag Ysgol Gyfun Trefynwy, ac mae’n wych fod sir Fynwy yn arwain y ffordd. Mae’n wych fod y technolegau hyn yn bodoli i sicrhau bod disgyblion yn gallu gwneud y mwyaf o’u presenoldeb ond hefyd yn gallu dysgu pynciau newydd na fyddent wedi bod ar gael o bosibl, gan sicrhau hefyd nad oes unrhyw blentyn yn cael eu gadael ar ôl.
Yn anffodus, serch hynny, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae disgyblion yng Nghymru yn dal i gael eu gadael ar ôl, yn seiliedig ar sgorau'r Rhaglen Ryngwladol Asesu Myfyrwyr ar gyfer 2023. Nodaf fod eich rhagflaenydd wedi datgan pan gyhoeddwyd y canlyniadau fod cynlluniau wedi’u lansio i godi safonau. A gaf i ofyn, felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, pa gynnydd a wnaed ar wella safon systemau addysg yng Nghymru, ac ar sicrhau bod y bwlch rhwng Cymru a gwledydd eraill y DU nid yn unig yn cael ei leihau ond yn cael ei ddileu’n gyfan gwbl?
Thank you, Peter, for your supplementary. Indeed, the e-sgol project was a pleasure to visit; I think it has got lots of potential for subjects where there aren't that many learners who are opting to do it. There's good evidence now that we're starting to see it being rolled out in primary schools, where young people are getting opportunities they would never get otherwise to work with things like the Goethe-Institut, so, you know, it is a really good opportunity and I commend the council for their work on it.
Obviously, you went on, then, to make a wider political point about the school standards in Wales. I did make a statement yesterday on that, which I would refer you to. That set out that it is a Welsh Government priority to increase attendance and attainment; that we're going to have an absolute focus on literacy and numeracy. I went into considerable detail in the session yesterday about how we are going to do that, so I would refer you to that statement, which sets out our plans in some detail.
Diolch am eich cwestiwn atodol, Peter. Yn wir, roedd yn bleser ymweld â phrosiect e-sgol; credaf fod ganddo lawer o botensial ar gyfer pynciau nad oes cymaint o ddysgwyr yn eu dewis. Mae tystiolaeth dda bellach ein bod yn dechrau gweld y prosiect yn cael ei gyflwyno mewn ysgolion cynradd, lle mae pobl ifanc yn cael cyfleoedd na fyddent byth yn eu cael fel arall i weithio gyda phethau fel y Goethe-Institut, felly mae'n gyfle da iawn ac rwy'n canmol y cyngor am eu gwaith arno.
Yn amlwg, fe aethoch yn eich blaen wedyn i wneud pwynt gwleidyddol ehangach am y safonau ysgolion yng Nghymru. Gwneuthum ddatganiad ar hynny ddoe yr hoffwn eich cyfeirio ato. Roedd yn nodi ei bod yn flaenoriaeth gan Lywodraeth Cymru i gynyddu presenoldeb a chyrhaeddiad; ein bod yn mynd i ganolbwyntio'n bendant ar lythrennedd a rhifedd. Soniais mewn cryn dipyn o fanylder yn y sesiwn ddoe sut y gwnawn hynny, felly hoffwn eich cyfeirio at y datganiad hwnnw, sy’n nodi ein cynlluniau yn eithaf manwl.
7. Pa gymorth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei ddarparu i ysgolion o ran plant bach sy'n mynychu'r ysgol mewn cewynnau? OQ61782
7. What support is the Welsh Government providing schools with regard to toddlers attending in nappies? OQ61782
Our approach in Wales is on early help and prevention, providing support to families from an early stage to help ensure children experience a smooth transition to school.
Mae ein dull o weithredu yng Nghymru yn ymwneud â chymorth cynnar ac atal, gan ddarparu cymorth i deuluoedd yn gynnar er mwyn helpu i sicrhau bod plant yn pontio'n rhwydd i’r ysgol.
Thank you, Cabinet Secretary. A new report released last Friday by Child of the North and the Centre for Young Lives explains that in 2022-23 a third of children were not considered school-ready, with concerns around speech and language development and arriving to school whilst still wearing nappies. Even a report from some 10 years ago revealed that at least half of primary school staff observed an increase in children unable to successfully take themselves to the toilet during the day. In speaking with my own headteachers locally, concerns of children arriving in nappies now are growing.
Over half of children who are not school-ready perform below expectations in their key stage 1 reading assessment, so there is some direct correlation here. What guidance, Cabinet Secretary, can you provide to parents and families? Also, what resources will you be able to provide to headteachers and schoolteachers, because, clearly, any time spent changing nappies is time away from the classroom? Obviously, there is some guidance needed on this now, because it's an ever-growing problem. Diolch.
Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Mae adroddiad newydd a gyhoeddwyd ddydd Gwener diwethaf gan Child of the North a’r Centre for Young Lives yn esbonio nad ystyrir bod traean o blant yn barod ar gyfer yr ysgol yn 2022-23, gyda phryderon ynghylch datblygiad lleferydd ac iaith a dod i'r ysgol mewn cewynnau. Datgelodd adroddiad o oddeutu 10 mlynedd yn ôl hyd yn oed fod o leiaf hanner y staff ysgolion cynradd wedi gweld cynnydd yn nifer y plant nad oeddent yn gallu mynd i’r toiled eu hunain yn ystod y dydd. Wrth siarad â fy mhenaethiaid fy hun yn lleol, mae pryderon ynghylch plant yn dod i'r ysgol mewn cewynnau yn cynyddu.
Mae dros hanner y plant nad ydynt yn barod ar gyfer yr ysgol yn perfformio’n waeth na’r disgwyl yn eu hasesiad darllen cyfnod allweddol 1, felly mae rhywfaint o gydberthynas uniongyrchol yma. Pa ganllawiau, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, y gallwch eu rhoi i rieni a theuluoedd? Hefyd, pa adnoddau y gallwch eu darparu i benaethiaid ac athrawon ysgol, oherwydd yn amlwg, mae unrhyw amser a dreulir yn newid cewynnau yn amser allan o’r ystafell ddosbarth? Yn amlwg, mae angen rhywfaint o arweiniad ar hyn nawr, gan ei bod yn broblem sy’n cynyddu’n barhaus. Diolch.
Can I thank Janet for her question? Indeed, I've heard myself from some headteachers that they are seeing children coming to school who aren't toilet trained, and how challenging that can be. It's part of what I've described in the Chamber about schools picking up a wider range of issues that are not education related, and that's putting a lot of pressure on them. We do have our ‘Parenting. Give it Time’ campaign and a Teulu Cymru campaign and webpages, which provide vital information for families including parenting tips, advice on parenting concerns such as behaviour, tantrums, bedtimes, mealtimes and potty training, and which signpost parents to sources of further support. The ‘Parenting. Give it Time’ campaign has worked with the Children's Bladder and Bowel Charity to co-brand two of their resources, one called ‘Thinking of wee & poo now you've reached the age of two’ and one called ‘Thinking of wee & poo now you're on your way to school’, to explain the importance of healthy bladder and bowels.
You'll be aware as well of our Flying Start, which we've maintained in Wales despite it not being in place for so long over the border. Our transitional guidance for Flying Start families takes a holistic approach to ensure that children experience positive transitions in the early years, and promotes the importance of understanding the needs of children, including toileting.
A gaf i ddiolch i Janet am ei chwestiwn? Yn wir, rwyf wedi clywed fy hun gan rai penaethiaid eu bod yn gweld plant nad ydynt wedi'u hyfforddi i ddefnyddio'r toiled yn dod i'r ysgol, a pha mor heriol y gall hynny fod. Mae'n rhan o'r hyn a ddisgrifiais yn y Siambr ynglŷn ag ysgolion yn ymdrin ag ystod ehangach o faterion nad ydynt yn ymwneud ag addysg, ac mae hynny'n rhoi llawer o bwysau arnynt. Mae gennym ein hymgyrch 'Magu plant. Rhowch amser iddo' ac ymgyrch a gwefan Teulu Cymru, sy’n darparu gwybodaeth hanfodol i deuluoedd gan gynnwys gwybodaeth am fagu plant, cyngor ar bryderon yn ymwneud â rhianta megis ymddygiad, strancio, amser gwely, amser bwyd a hyfforddiant toiled, ac sy’n cyfeirio rhieni at ffynonellau cymorth pellach. Mae ymgyrch 'Magu plant. Rhowch amser iddo’ wedi gweithio gydag elusen Children's Bladder and Bowel Charity i gyd-frandio dau o’u hadnoddau, un o’r enw ‘Meddwl am bi-pi a phw pw gan dy fod di bellach yn ddwy oed’ ac un o’r enw ‘Meddwl am bi-pi a phw pw nawr eich bod ar y ffordd i'r ysgol!', i egluro pwysigrwydd pledren a choluddion iach.
Fe fyddwch chi hefyd yn ymwybodol o'n rhaglen Dechrau'n Deg, yr ydym wedi'i chadw yng Nghymru er nad yw wedi bod ar waith cyhyd dros y ffin. Mae ein harweiniad trosiannol ar gyfer teuluoedd Dechrau’n Deg yn defnyddio dull cyfannol i sicrhau bod plant yn pontio'n gadarnhaol yn y blynyddoedd cynnar, ac yn hyrwyddo pwysigrwydd deall anghenion plant, gan gynnwys mynd i’r toiled.
Ac yn olaf, cwestiwn 8, Laura Anne Jones.
And finally, question 8, Laura Anne Jones.
8. Pa gamau y mae yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet yn eu cymryd i wella mynediad cyhoeddus i gyfleusterau chwaraeon ysgolion y tu allan i oriau ysgol? OQ61786
8. What steps is the Cabinet Secretary taking to improve public access to school sporting facilities outside of school hours? OQ61786
Investing in our sports facilities is a programme for government commitment and we work closely with Sport Wales to improve and renew facilities across Wales. Since 2022-23, our £60 million community-focused schools capital grant programme has delivered sporting facilities and improved access to our school sites for the community.
Mae buddsoddi yn ein cyfleusterau chwaraeon yn ymrwymiad yn ein rhaglen lywodraethu ac rydym yn gweithio’n agos gyda Chwaraeon Cymru i wella ac adnewyddu cyfleusterau ledled Cymru. Ers 2022-23, mae ein rhaglen grant cyfalaf ysgolion bro gwerth £60 miliwn wedi darparu cyfleusterau chwaraeon a gwell mynediad at ein safleoedd ysgol ar gyfer y gymuned.
The Welsh Government made a shiny announcement about a year or so ago that twenty-first century schools would then be named ‘community schools’, but unfortunately they haven't lived up to their name, have they, Cabinet Secretary, as many schools do not open past school hours and provide the community with access to those brilliant sporting facilities that are on offer there? This is a particular problem in rural areas where we are sporting facilities poor across Wales, and the schools could provide that unique opportunity to encourage children, young people, the entire community to carry on using sporting facilities out of school hours. The things that are holding the schools back from opening are safety concerns, but also the inability to pay for someone to open and close the school after school hours due to already stretched school budgets, as you can imagine. What action will you be taking to try and get over those hurdles? Thank you.
Gwnaeth Llywodraeth Cymru gyhoeddiad arbennig oddeutu blwyddyn yn ôl y byddai ysgolion yr unfed ganrif ar hugain yn cael eu galw'n 'ysgolion cymunedol', ond yn anffodus, nid yw hwnnw wedi bod yn ddisgrifiad teilwng, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, gan nad oes llawer o ysgolion ar agor ar ôl oriau ysgol ac yn darparu mynediad i'r gymuned at y cyfleusterau chwaraeon gwych sydd ar gael yno? Mae hon yn broblem arbennig mewn ardaloedd gwledig lle mae cyfleusterau chwaraeon yn wael ledled Cymru, a gallai’r ysgolion ddarparu cyfle unigryw i annog plant, pobl ifanc, y gymuned gyfan i barhau i ddefnyddio cyfleusterau chwaraeon y tu hwnt i oriau ysgol. Y pethau sy’n atal yr ysgolion rhag agor yw pryderon ynghylch diogelwch, ond hefyd yr anallu i dalu rhywun i agor a chau’r ysgol ar ôl oriau ysgol oherwydd bod cyllidebau ysgolion eisoes dan bwysau, fel y gallwch ddychmygu. Pa gamau y byddwch chi'n eu cymryd i geisio goresgyn y rhwystrau hynny? Diolch.
Thank you, Laura. Well I have to disagree with you that this isn't an area where we've made good progress in Wales. As I said, you know, by the end of this financial year, 2024-25, we'll have invested £60 million in community-focused schools. That's on top of the billions of pounds that we've spent on new school buildings et cetera, so I think our track record in Wales on investing in school buildings is one that we can be proud of.
In terms of South Wales East, we've invested specifically £9.5 million for projects in the South Wales East area. That supported sports facilities in the area through other capital grants, such as the new 3G pitch in Torfaen at Ysgol Gymraeg Gwynllyw and a new sports hall in Newport in Ysgol Gyfun Gwent Is Coed, delivered through the Welsh-medium capital grant funding, and almost 30 per cent of this funding is specifically targeted to deliver and improve a wide range of indoor and outdoor sports facilities.
Now, the Member does make a valid point that not all schools do this, and many schools in Wales do accommodate extended school and community services including sports, but it is down to the governing body, which plays a crucial role in controlling use of these facilities, both outside and inside school hours. The decision to facilitate wider community use normally sits with the governing body and the headteacher, and it's really important that there's a clear vision communicated by senior leaders and governors at the school. In sharing resources, the right fit between schools and other partners will vary depending on the nature of the community, and school leaders need to be clear about how the role of the school is nested within wider initiatives at a local level, and develop the partnerships most relevant to them.
Obviously, in addition to capital we've also this year invested £6.5 million in family engagement officers to work with families and communities around schools, and that's an important contribution to this as well. But we're also continuing to fund a trial of community-focused schools managers who will work on developing better engagement between schools and their communities, and, hopefully, that will lead to a more consistent application of people being able to benefit from this funding.
Diolch, Laura. Wel mae'n rhaid imi anghytuno â chi nad yw hwn yn faes lle rydym wedi gwneud cynnydd da yng Nghymru. Fel y dywedais, erbyn diwedd y flwyddyn ariannol hon, 2024-25, byddwn wedi buddsoddi £60 miliwn mewn ysgolion bro. Daw hynny ar ben y biliynau o bunnoedd a wariwyd gennym ar adeiladau ysgol newydd ac ati, felly credaf fod ein hanes o fuddsoddi mewn adeiladau ysgol yng Nghymru yn un y gallwn fod yn falch ohono.
O ran Dwyrain De Cymru, rydym wedi buddsoddi £9.5 miliwn yn benodol ar gyfer prosiectau yn ardal Dwyrain De Cymru. Fe wnaeth hynny gefnogi cyfleusterau chwaraeon yn yr ardal drwy grantiau cyfalaf eraill, megis y cae 3G newydd yn Ysgol Gymraeg Gwynllyw yn Nhorfaen a neuadd chwaraeon newydd yn Ysgol Gyfun Gwent Is Coed yng Nghasnewydd, a ddarperir drwy’r cyllid grant cyfalaf cyfrwng Cymraeg, ac mae bron i 30 y cant o'r cyllid hwn wedi'i dargedu'n benodol i ddarparu a gwella ystod eang o gyfleusterau chwaraeon dan do ac awyr agored.
Nawr, mae’r Aelod yn gwneud pwynt dilys nad yw pob ysgol yn gwneud hyn, ac mae llawer o ysgolion yng Nghymru yn darparu ar gyfer gwasanaethau ysgol a chymunedol estynedig gan gynnwys chwaraeon, ond mae'n fater i’r corff llywodraethu, sy’n chwarae rhan hanfodol yn rheoli’r defnydd o’r cyfleusterau hyn, o fewn a thu hwnt i oriau ysgol. Mae’r penderfyniad i hwyluso defnydd cymunedol ehangach fel arfer yn nwylo’r corff llywodraethu a’r pennaeth, ac mae’n bwysig iawn fod gweledigaeth glir yn cael ei chyfleu gan uwch-arweinwyr a llywodraethwyr yr ysgol. Wrth rannu adnoddau, bydd trefniant addas rhwng ysgolion a phartneriaid eraill yn amrywio yn dibynnu ar natur y gymuned, ac mae angen i arweinwyr ysgol fod yn glir ynglŷn â sut y mae rôl yr ysgol yn ffitio o fewn mentrau ehangach ar lefel leol, a datblygu’r partneriaethau mwyaf perthnasol iddynt hwy.
Yn amlwg, yn ogystal â chyfalaf, rydym hefyd wedi buddsoddi £6.5 miliwn eleni mewn swyddogion ymgysylltu â theuluoedd i weithio gyda theuluoedd a chymunedau o amgylch ysgolion, ac mae hwnnw'n gyfraniad pwysig at hyn hefyd. Ond rydym hefyd yn parhau i ariannu treial o reolwyr ysgolion bro a fydd yn gweithio ar ddatblygu gwell ymgysylltiad rhwng ysgolion a’u cymunedau, a bydd hynny, gobeithio, yn arwain at fwy o gysondeb o ran gallu pobl i elwa ar y cyllid hwn.
Diolch i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet.
I thank the Cabinet Secretary.
Eitem 3 yw'r cwestiynau amserol, a bydd y cyntaf gan Hannah Blythyn.
Item 3 is the topical questions, and the first will be from Hannah Blythyn.
1. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ddatganiad am yr honiadau a adroddwyd o fwlio a rhywiaeth yn URC yn ymwneud â thîm rhyngwladol y menywod? TQ1228
1. Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on the reported allegations of bullying and sexism at the WRU involving the Women’s International team? TQ1228

Thank you. I met with representatives of the WRU on Monday and issued a written statement later that afternoon. My aim now is to fully understand the circumstances surrounding the recent contract negotiations for women's players and how improvements to existing processes can be taken forward more positively in the future.
Diolch. Cyfarfûm â chynrychiolwyr Undeb Rygbi Cymru ddydd Llun a chyhoeddais ddatganiad ysgrifenedig yn ddiweddarach y prynhawn hwnnw. Fy nod nawr yw deall yr amgylchiadau ynghylch y negodiadau contract diweddar i chwaraewyr benywaidd yn llawn, a sut y gellir bwrw ymlaen â gwelliannau i brosesau presennol mewn ffordd fwy cadarnhaol yn y dyfodol.
Thank you for that update, and I obviously very much welcome that you promptly met with representatives of the WRU, following the most recent allegations. And I'm sure we were all shocked and saddened to see these allegations when they appeared in The Telegraph last week, and I want to pay tribute to the journalist Fiona Thomas who broke the story, and of course to the women who had the courage to come forward.
For me, the most appalling revelation relates to how the players were threatened with disciplinary action, and the potential of the team being withdrawn from the world cup, if they did not conform to the WRU's will and sign their new contracts. Can anyone in the Siambr imagine the men's team being subjected to such treatment? And subsequently, at a hastily arranged WRU press conference on Friday, it was reported that the WRU apologised profusely and was sorry for not treating their women players as employees and for any stress and hurt caused, but denied claims of sexism.
Minister, the definition of sexism is prejudice, stereotyping or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex. I think it's clear to many that what the national team has experienced is the very definition of sexism. Do you agree with me that this is what the women's team have experienced? And whilst I'm sure the apology was appreciated by the team, we've been here before, and words aren't enough. An apology is not, and cannot be, the end of it. It's not about individuals; it's institutional.
So, as well as the WRU's own review, what further action will the Welsh Government take? Will you review the Government's relationship with the WRU, and that there needs to be greater transparency and accountability? I would also urge the same caution here as I've done previously regarding your offer to meet the players. They must not be put in a position where speaking out potentially risks not just their professional career but their mental health too, and they must be protected.
Any cosy establishment consensus must end. We can't hold people to account if we're sharing information or a hospitality box with them, and, this time, there has to be tangible and meaningful cultural change. We owe it not just to the women of the international team but to all young girls wanting to play rugby in Wales.
Diolch am y diweddariad, ac rwy’n amlwg yn croesawu’n fawr y ffaith eich bod wedi cyfarfod yn brydlon â chynrychiolwyr URC, yn dilyn yr honiadau mwyaf diweddar. Ac rwy'n siŵr fod pob un ohonom wedi ein synnu a'n digalonni o weld yr honiadau hyn pan wnaethant ymddangos yn The Telegraph yr wythnos diwethaf, a hoffwn dalu teyrnged i'r newyddiadurwr Fiona Thomas a ddatgelodd y stori, ac wrth gwrs, i'r menywod a fu'n ddigon dewr i godi llais.
I mi, mae’r datgeliad mwyaf echrydus yn ymwneud â sut y cafodd y chwaraewyr eu bygwth â chamau disgyblu, a’r potensial i’r tîm gael ei dynnu allan o gwpan y byd os na fyddent yn cydymffurfio â dymuniadau'r URC ac yn arwyddo eu contractau newydd. A all unrhyw un yn y Siambr ddychmygu tîm y dynion yn cael eu trin yn y fath fodd? Ac wedi hynny, mewn cynhadledd i'r wasg a drefnwyd ar frys gan URC ddydd Gwener, adroddwyd bod URC wedi ymddiheuro'n llaes ac yn edifar am beidio â thrin eu chwaraewyr benywaidd fel gweithwyr cyflogedig ac am unrhyw straen a loes a achoswyd, ond eu bod yn gwadu honiadau o rywiaeth.
Weinidog, y diffiniad o rywiaeth yw rhagfarn, stereoteipio neu wahaniaethu, yn erbyn menywod fel arfer, ar sail rhyw. Credaf ei bod yn amlwg i lawer fod yr hyn y mae’r tîm cenedlaethol wedi’i brofi yn cyd-fynd yn llwyr â'r diffiniad o rywiaeth. A ydych chi'n cytuno â mi mai dyma y mae tîm y menywod wedi’i brofi? Ac er fy mod yn sicr fod y tîm yn gwerthfawrogi'r ymddiheuriad, rydym wedi bod yma o'r blaen, ac nid yw geiriau'n ddigon. Nid yw ymddiheuriad yn ddiwedd arni, ac ni all fod. Nid yw'n ymwneud ag unigolion; mae'n sefydliadol.
Felly, yn ogystal ag adolygiad URC ei hun, pa gamau pellach y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd? A wnewch chi adolygu perthynas y Llywodraeth ag URC, a bod angen mwy o dryloywder ac atebolrwydd? Hoffwn annog yr un gofal yma ag a anogais yn y gorffennol ynglŷn â'ch cynnig i gyfarfod â'r chwaraewyr. Mae'n rhaid iddynt beidio â chael eu rhoi mewn sefyllfa lle gallai codi llais beryglu nid yn unig eu gyrfa broffesiynol ond eu hiechyd meddwl hefyd, ac mae'n rhaid eu diogelu.
Mae'n rhaid i unrhyw gonsensws sefydliadol clyd ddod i ben. Ni allwn ddwyn pobl i gyfrif os ydym yn rhannu gwybodaeth neu flwch lletygarwch â hwy, a'r tro hwn, mae'n rhaid gwneud newid diwylliannol gweladwy ac ystyrlon. Mae arnom ddyled nid yn unig i fenywod y tîm rhyngwladol ond i bob merch ifanc sydd am chwarae rygbi yng Nghymru.
Presiding Officer, can I thank Hannah Blythyn for tabling this important question and for the way in which she contributed her supplementary question this afternoon? I think it's fair to say that all of us in this Chamber were shocked and saddened at last week's revelations in The Telegraph, and I join Hannah Blythyn in thanking in particular the players for having the courage to come forward too because of that process.
As I set out in my statement on Monday to Members of the Senedd, Presiding Officer, I met with the WRU as a matter of urgency, following the media focus over the weekend on the allegations of sexism faced by the women's national team in their contract negotiations. I left them in no doubt of my disappointment that, once again, Welsh rugby was in the headlines for all the wrong reasons, especially given the context of recent years. In my meeting with the WRU, and as Hannah Blythyn has pointed out already, it is clear that the WRU has already accepted some failings of the process and is looking for areas of improvement that need to be followed. The WRU themselves are looking to meet with the players to issue that apology, and, as I said again in my statement on Monday, the review of the process is taking place, and that report is yet to be published. Therefore, I have not had sight of the report, but I'm hoping to do so in the coming weeks to get a full picture and full understanding of what has taken place and what action needs to take place to address the issues, because I agree with Hannah Blythyn that words aren't enough.
My view on any allegations of this nature is clear: the Welsh Government will not be a bystander to any form of sexism, bullying or abuse, and that women and girls should be and should feel safe in all aspects of their life, including in their workplace, and we expect the same level of commitment from all our partners and stakeholders and citizens in Wales, including the WRU.
Presiding Officer, what's most important to me in this process is how the women themselves feel about this, and if they feel they have been treated differently. I take the Member's point around the men's team, and I'm sure many in this Chamber will feel the same way as she does and as I do, that the men's team would not have been treated in this way, with the prospect of not going to the world cup being an option on the negotiating table. That's why I'm seeking to meet with the authors of the review's report in due course, and indeed the players of the women's national team, and I'm seeking to do that in a space in which they feel comfortable and protected, and those meetings will take place in confidence. Presiding Officer, in closing, the players can do that either through the WRU themselves or directly to me, either themselves collectively or through their representative bodies, so it's a safe space where they feel comfortable sharing what they want to share with me, so that I have the full understanding of what action needs to take place.
I should say, Presiding Officer, in all of this, we all want this issue to be addressed because we do in Wales want rugby to thrive in the future.
Lywydd, a gaf i ddiolch i Hannah Blythyn am gyflwyno’r cwestiwn pwysig hwn ac am y ffordd y cyfrannodd ei chwestiwn atodol y prynhawn yma? Credaf ei bod yn deg dweud bod pob un ohonom yn y Siambr hon wedi ein synnu a'n digalonni gan y datgeliadau yr wythnos diwethaf yn The Telegraph, ac ymunaf â Hannah Blythyn i ddiolch yn arbennig hefyd i’r chwaraewyr am fod yn ddigon dewr i godi eu llais yn sgil y broses honno.
Fel y nodais yn fy natganiad i Aelodau’r Senedd ddydd Llun, Lywydd, cyfarfûm ag URC fel mater o frys, yn dilyn y ffocws yn y cyfryngau dros y penwythnos ar yr honiadau o rywiaeth a wynebwyd gan dîm cenedlaethol y menywod yn eu negodiadau contract. Mynegais yn glir fy siom fod rygbi Cymru, unwaith eto, yn y penawdau am y rhesymau anghywir, yn enwedig o ystyried cyd-destun y blynyddoedd diwethaf. Yn fy nghyfarfod ag URC, ac fel y mae Hannah Blythyn eisoes wedi'i nodi, mae’n amlwg fod URC eisoes wedi derbyn rhai methiannau yn y broses ac yn chwilio am feysydd i’w gwella. Mae URC eu hunain yn bwriadu cyfarfod â’r chwaraewyr i roi'r ymddiheuriad hwnnw, ac fel y dywedais eto yn fy natganiad ddydd Llun, mae’r adolygiad o’r broses yn mynd rhagddo, ac nid yw’r adroddiad hwnnw wedi’i gyhoeddi eto. Felly, nid wyf wedi cael golwg ar yr adroddiad, ond rwy'n gobeithio gwneud hynny yn yr wythnosau nesaf i gael darlun llawn a dealltwriaeth lawn o’r hyn sydd wedi digwydd a pha gamau sydd angen eu cymryd i fynd i’r afael â’r materion sy'n codi, gan fy mod yn cytuno gyda Hannah Blythyn nad yw geiriau'n ddigon.
Mae fy marn ar unrhyw honiadau o’r natur hon yn glir: ni fydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn cadw'n dawel ar unrhyw fath o rywiaeth, bwlio neu gam-drin, ac y dylai menywod a merched fod yn ddiogel ac y dylent deimlo’n ddiogel ym mhob agwedd ar eu bywydau, gan gynnwys yn eu gweithle, ac rydym yn disgwyl yr un lefel o ymrwymiad gan ein holl bartneriaid a rhanddeiliaid a dinasyddion yng Nghymru, gan gynnwys URC.
Lywydd, yr hyn sydd bwysicaf i mi yn y broses hon yw sut y mae’r menywod eu hunain yn teimlo am hyn, ac a ydynt yn teimlo eu bod wedi cael eu trin yn wahanol. Rwy’n derbyn pwynt yr Aelod ynglŷn â thîm y dynion, ac rwy’n siŵr y bydd llawer yn y Siambr hon yn teimlo'r un ffordd â hi a minnau, na fyddai tîm y dynion wedi cael eu trin fel hyn, gyda’r posibilrwydd o beidio â mynd i gwpan y byd yn opsiwn ar y bwrdd negodi. Dyna pam fy mod yn gobeithio cyfarfod ag awduron adroddiad yr adolygiad maes o law, ac yn wir, chwaraewyr tîm cenedlaethol y menywod, ac rwy’n gobeithio gwneud hynny mewn man lle maent yn teimlo’n gyfforddus ac yn ddiogel, a bydd y cyfarfodydd hynny'n cael eu cynnal yn gyfrinachol. Lywydd, i gloi, gall y chwaraewyr wneud hynny naill ai drwy URC eu hunain neu’n uniongyrchol i mi, naill ai eu hunain ar y cyd neu drwy eu cyrff cynrychioliadol, felly mae’n ofod diogel lle maent yn teimlo’n gyfforddus yn rhannu’r hyn y maent am ei rannu â mi, fel fy mod yn cael dealltwriaeth lawn o ba gamau sydd angen eu cymryd.
Dylwn ddweud, Lywydd, yn hyn oll, fod pob un ohonom am i’r mater gael ei ddatrys gan ein bod ni yng Nghymru eisiau i rygbi ffynnu yn y dyfodol.
Thank you, Hannah, for tabling this question. Less than two years ago, wasn't it, we saw the BBC documentary into the toxic culture and sexism that existed at the heart of the Welsh Rugby Union, and, in the wake of that documentary, we were assured that lessons had been learnt and that things would change at the Welsh Rugby Union. But I think the report we saw in The Telegraph at the tail end of last week shows that there is still quite a long way to go in terms of tackling sexism at one of our premier institutions in Wales.
I think one of the remarks after the publication of the report that concerned me the most was, when asked if this was a failure of one individual at the Welsh Rugby Union or whether it was collective, the Welsh Rugby Union said it was a collective failure, which does raise questions about whether those lessons have been learnt and about whether things have changed. So, I wonder what assessment you had prior to the publication of this report about the culture at the Welsh Rugby Union, whether you felt that it was a welcoming place, a safe place to work, and that people who engaged with it were treated with the respect and the dignity that they deserved, and what action you've taken since that report has been published to ensure that it lives up to the standards that all of us in Wales expect it to.
Diolch, Hannah, am gyflwyno’r cwestiwn hwn. Mae llai na dwy flynedd, onid oes, ers inni weld rhaglen ddogfen y BBC ar y diwylliant gwenwynig a’r rhywiaeth a fodolai yn Undeb Rygbi Cymru, ac yn sgil y rhaglen ddogfen honno, cawsom sicrwydd fod gwersi wedi’u dysgu ac y byddai pethau'n newid yn Undeb Rygbi Cymru. Ond credaf fod yr adroddiad a welsom ddiwedd yr wythnos diwethaf yn The Telegraph yn dangos bod cryn dipyn o ffordd i fynd o hyd i drechu rhywiaeth yn un o’n prif sefydliadau yng Nghymru.
Credaf mai un o’r sylwadau a oedd yn peri’r pryder mwyaf i mi ar ôl cyhoeddi’r adroddiad, pan ofynnwyd iddynt ai methiant un unigolyn yn Undeb Rygbi Cymru oedd hyn neu fethiant sefydliadol, oedd bod Undeb Rygbi Cymru wedi dweud ei fod yn fethiant sefydliadol, sy'n codi cwestiynau ynglŷn ag a ddysgwyd y gwersi hynny ac a yw pethau wedi newid. Felly, tybed beth oedd eich asesiad chi cyn cyhoeddi’r adroddiad hwn am y diwylliant yn Undeb Rygbi Cymru, ac a oeddech chi'n teimlo ei fod yn lle croesawgar, yn lle diogel i weithio, a bod pobl a oedd yn ymgysylltu ag ef yn cael eu trin â'r parch a’r urddas a haeddent, a pha gamau a gymerwyd gennych ers cyhoeddi’r adroddiad hwnnw i sicrhau ei fod yn bodloni’r safonau y mae pob un ohonom yng Nghymru yn disgwyl iddo eu bodloni.
Can I thank Tom Giffard for contributing this afternoon? I think, Tom, it's important, isn't it, that we join forces politically in the Senedd and take action, and make sure that we call out this type of behaviour where we see it, and I thank Tom for doing that as well.
The points the Member makes are important and valid points. I should stress, Presiding Officer, that the report on this allegation has not yet been fully published. I haven't seen the content within that report, but will be doing so in due course. I've asked to see the report; I want to understand the content of the report, but not just see that report—I want to meet with the authors of the report and also Dame Rafferty, who leads the work on the oversight group, which reflects the Member's point around the issues a year ago. I want to do that for two reasons, Presiding Officer: firstly, to get Dame Rafferty's view on where the WRU are up to in terms of changing the culture, the very much needed change of culture that was there a year ago, and the allegations in front of us again, and what further needs to be done and what support can be offered to the WRU to make sure that this does not happen again. I can't stress enough, Presiding Officer, my disappointment, as I said in the written statement on Monday, and I think, just going back to the clear importance and utmost importance in this of the players in the national team, what I find particularly distressing over the most recent period and allegations made in The Telegraph was the lack of acknowledgement of the power imbalance in this situation. These women, Presiding Officer, have worked all their lives to get to the elite level of their sport. To represent their nation on the global stage is the very pinnacle of their careers, and to be treated in the way in which the players were during the contract negotiations is wholly unacceptable, and that's before we even consider the fact that a strict deadline was put into place.
So, I've heard Heledd Fychan’s contribution to the Trefnydd yesterday during the business statement, and I agree with what the Member said during that statement and the request for a further statement from me, Presiding Officer. Once I've understood what is in the report from the WRU, once those meetings have taken place with the authors and the players themselves, then I will come back to the Senedd Chamber and update Members further.
A gaf i ddiolch i Tom Giffard am gyfrannu y prynhawn yma? Tom, rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig, onid yw, ein bod yn ymuno â'n gilydd yn wleidyddol yn y Senedd ac yn gweithredu, ac yn sicrhau ein bod yn tynnu sylw at y math hwn o ymddygiad pan fyddwn yn ei weld, a diolch i Tom am wneud hynny hefyd.
Mae’r pwyntiau a wna’r Aelod yn rhai pwysig a dilys. Dylwn bwysleisio, Lywydd, nad yw’r adroddiad ar yr honiad hwn wedi’i gyhoeddi’n llawn eto. Nid wyf wedi gweld cynnwys yr adroddiad hwnnw, ond byddaf yn ei weld maes o law. Rwyf wedi gofyn am gael gweld yr adroddiad; hoffwn ddeall cynnwys yr adroddiad, ond nid gweld yr adroddiad hwnnw'n unig—rwyf am gyfarfod ag awduron yr adroddiad a hefyd y Fonesig Rafferty, sy'n arwain y gwaith yn y grŵp goruchwylio, sy'n adlewyrchu pwynt yr Aelod ynghylch y materion a ddaeth i'r amlwg flwyddyn yn ôl. Hoffwn wneud hynny am ddau reswm, Lywydd: yn gyntaf, i gael barn y Fonesig Rafferty ar ble y mae URC arni o ran newid y diwylliant, y newid diwylliant mawr ei angen a nodwyd flwyddyn yn ôl, a’r honiadau ger ein bron eto, a beth arall sydd angen ei wneud a pha gymorth y gellir ei gynnig i URC i sicrhau nad yw hyn yn digwydd eto. Ni allaf orbwysleisio fy siom, Lywydd, fel y dywedais yn y datganiad ysgrifenedig ddydd Llun, ac i fynd yn ôl at bwysigrwydd clir a hanfodol chwaraewyr y tîm cenedlaethol yn hyn, i mi, yr hyn sy'n hynod drallodus yn y cyfnod diweddaraf a'r honiadau a wnaed yn The Telegraph oedd y diffyg cydnabyddiaeth i'r anghydbwysedd grym yn y sefyllfa hon. Mae’r menywod hyn, Lywydd, wedi gweithio ar hyd eu hoes i gyrraedd lefel elît eu camp. Cynrychioli eu cenedl ar y llwyfan byd-eang yw pinacl eu gyrfaoedd, ac mae cael eu trin yn y ffordd y cafodd y chwaraewyr eu trin yn ystod y negodiadau contract yn gwbl annerbyniol, a hynny cyn i ni hyd yn oed ystyried y ffaith bod terfyn amser caeth wedi’i roi ar waith.
Felly, rwyf wedi clywed cyfraniad Heledd Fychan i’r Trefnydd ddoe yn ystod y datganiad busnes, ac rwy’n cytuno â’r hyn a ddywedodd yr Aelod yn ystod y datganiad hwnnw a’r cais am ddatganiad pellach gennyf i, Lywydd. Pan fyddaf wedi gweld cynnwys yr adroddiad gan URC, pan fydd y cyfarfodydd wedi’u cynnal gyda’r awduron a’r chwaraewyr eu hunain, fe ddof yn ôl i Siambr y Senedd i roi’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i’r Aelodau.
A Heledd Fychan.
And Heledd Fychan.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. May I thank you for that response? I think you've seen, over the past few years, when the WRU has, unfortunately, been in the headlines, how concerned Members of the Senedd are, and I would like to associate myself fully with Hannah Blythyn’s comment. It is sexism. This would never have happened to the men’s national team. We need to be clear on that. And I would like to associate myself with the tribute you paid to the bravery of those that have come forward, and the journalists as well, because they will be penalised for speaking out unless we call it out as well, because it is institutional sexism. Looking at Jess Kavanagh’s statement, which was extremely brave as a former player, saying,
'It's a shame really because we've heard apologies over the past three and four years, and we are still hearing the same apologies today.'
So, we have to question what's changed, because we're trying to encourage more participation in sport. This will put women off rugby unless the WRU show meaningful change.
I would like to follow up on Hannah’s question to you, because I don't think we got that point of clarity, in terms of the Welsh Government's continued relationship with the WRU. Obviously, they are a key partner, often in terms of our international relations, for instance. They are a key partner as well, as we've seen, in terms of promoting Wales to the world, but also the economic benefits their huge matches have here in Wales. So, they are a key player. So, we've seen, previously, Welsh Government support the WRU, including providing a loan in 2022. Can I ask what the expectations are in terms of that relationship, and how that relationship is progressing?
I'm very glad that you'll be coming back to the Senedd. I'm sure the culture committee will also be taking a keen look at this. We need assurances that the WRU are not just listening, but progressing real change. It's not good enough that we're seeing the WRU hit the headlines once again and that people have to speak out about sexism. We need to be able to move forward and ensure that everybody that plays rugby here in Wales is respected, whichever team they are playing for.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. A gaf i ddiolch am eich ymateb? Credaf eich bod wedi gweld, dros yr ychydig flynyddoedd diwethaf, pan fo URC wedi bod yn y penawdau, pa mor bryderus yw Aelodau’r Senedd, a hoffwn gytuno'n llwyr â sylwadau Hannah Blythyn. Rhywiaeth yw hyn. Ni fyddai byth wedi digwydd i dîm cenedlaethol y dynion. Mae angen inni ddweud hynny'n glir. A hoffwn ategu eich teyrnged i ddewrder y rheini sydd wedi codi llais, a'r newyddiadurwyr hefyd, gan y byddant yn cael eu cosbi am godi eu llais oni bai ein bod ni'n tynnu sylw at y peth hefyd, oherwydd mae'n rhywiaeth sefydliadol. Wrth edrych ar ddatganiad Jess Kavanagh, a oedd yn hynod ddewr fel cyn-chwaraewr, fe ddywedodd,
'Mae'n drueni, mewn gwirionedd, gan ein bod wedi clywed ymddiheuriadau dros y tair a phedair blynedd diwethaf, ac rydym yn dal i glywed yr un ymddiheuriadau heddiw.'
Felly, mae'n rhaid inni gwestiynu beth sydd wedi newid, gan ein bod yn ceisio annog mwy o gyfranogiad mewn chwaraeon. Bydd hyn yn anghymell menywod rhag chwarae rygbi oni bai bod URC yn dangos newid ystyrlon.
Hoffwn eich holi, yn dilyn cwestiwn Hannah, gan nad wyf yn credu inni gael eglurhad clir ynghylch y pwynt hwnnw, ynglŷn â pherthynas barhaus Llywodraeth Cymru ag URC. Yn amlwg, maent yn bartner allweddol, o ran ein cysylltiadau rhyngwladol yn aml, er enghraifft. Maent yn bartner allweddol hefyd, fel y gwelsom, o ran hyrwyddo Cymru i’r byd, ond hefyd y manteision economaidd yn sgil eu gemau enfawr yma yng Nghymru. Felly, maent yn chwaraewr allweddol. Felly, rydym wedi gweld Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi URC yn flaenorol, gan gynnwys rhoi benthyciad yn 2022. A gaf i ofyn beth yw'r disgwyliadau o ran y berthynas honno, a sut y mae'r berthynas honno'n dod yn ei blaen?
Rwy’n falch iawn y byddwch yn dychwelyd i’r Senedd. Rwy'n siŵr y bydd y pwyllgor diwylliant hefyd yn edrych yn fanwl ar hyn. Mae angen sicrwydd arnom nad gwrando yn unig y mae URC, ond ei fod yn sicrhau newid gwirioneddol. Nid yw'n ddigon da ein bod yn gweld URC yn y penawdau unwaith eto, a bod yn rhaid i bobl godi llais ynglŷn â rhywiaeth. Mae angen inni allu symud ymlaen a sicrhau bod pawb sy’n chwarae rygbi yma yng Nghymru yn cael eu parchu, ni waeth i ba dîm y maent yn chwarae.
Diolch yn fawr, Heledd. Again, I agree with the points that you've made this afternoon. As I said at the start, yes, I want rugby to thrive, Presiding Officer, but I will not be a bystander in this process. I thought it was important for me, at the first opportunity, to meet with the WRU on Monday, that I did meet with their chair, their chief executive and their executive director where I could express my disappointment to them, but remind them that—. You're right, the partnership that we have as a Government—. And we reminded them, in the renegotiation of their loan, that, particularly, workplace practices should be fair for all, both on and off the field. That remains the commitment of our side. It's the expectation I place not just on the WRU, but it's the expectation I place on all employers in Wales. As I said previously and in the statement, I'm keen to satisfy myself that a robust process will be in place to ensure those improvements to the processes within the WRU to ensure that the culture is changed to support a thriving and inclusive rugby union in Wales.
And I want to have the confidence in that process. It's why I want to speak to the players; it's why I want to speak to the chair, the authors of the review; it's why I want to speak to Dame Rafferty around the oversight group and the recommendations, and it's why I'll be meeting with the chief executive and the chair again to discuss those actions, because they are important actions, as all Members who've contributed this afternoon have recognised. We must have a rugby union in Wales that is supportive of inclusive participation in the sport at whatever level and whatever game the players play.
I'll repeat my disappointment about what's happened in the headlines. I hope that we can get to a better place. Of course, I'll bring forward a further statement to Members of this Senedd, and I'm happy to engage in those conversations with Members outside the Senedd because I recognise that this is a matter of importance to them, and I welcome the scrutiny on this issue as well.
Diolch, Heledd. Unwaith eto, rwy'n cytuno â’r pwyntiau a wnaed gennych y prynhawn yma. Fel y dywedais ar y dechrau, ydw, rwyf am i rygbi ffynnu, Lywydd, ond nid wyf am gadw'n dawel yn y broses hon. Roeddwn yn credu ei bod yn bwysig i mi, ar y cyfle cyntaf, gyfarfod ag URC ddydd Llun, fy mod wedi cyfarfod â’u cadeirydd, eu prif weithredwr a’u cyfarwyddwr gweithredol, ac wedi mynegi fy siom iddynt, ond eu hatgoffa—. Rydych chi'n llygad eich lle, mae'r bartneriaeth sydd gennym fel Llywodraeth—. Ac fe wnaethom eu hatgoffa, wrth aildrafod eu benthyciad, y dylai arferion yn y gweithle, yn arbennig, fod yn deg i bawb, ar y cae ac oddi arno. Dyna ymrwymiad ein hochr ni o hyd. Dyna rwy'n ei ddisgwyl nid yn unig gan URC, ond gan bob cyflogwr yng Nghymru. Fel rwyf wedi'i ddweud o'r blaen ac yn y datganiad, rwy’n awyddus i sicrhau y bydd proses gadarn ar waith i sicrhau gwelliannau i’r prosesau o fewn URC er mwyn gwneud yn siŵr fod y diwylliant yn newid i gefnogi undeb rygbi ffyniannus a chynhwysol yng Nghymru.
Ac rwyf am gael hyder yn y broses honno. Dyna pam fy mod am siarad â'r chwaraewyr; dyna pam fy mod am siarad â'r cadeirydd, awduron yr adolygiad; dyna pam fy mod am siarad â’r Fonesig Rafferty ynghylch y grŵp goruchwylio a’r argymhellion, a dyna pam y byddaf yn cyfarfod â’r prif weithredwr a’r cadeirydd eto i drafod y camau hynny, gan eu bod yn gamau pwysig, fel y mae'r holl Aelodau sydd wedi cyfrannu y prynhawn yma wedi'i gydnabod. Mae'n rhaid inni gael undeb rygbi yng Nghymru sy’n gefnogol i gyfranogiad cynhwysol yn y gamp, ni waeth ar ba lefel a pha gêm y mae’r chwaraewyr yn ei chwarae.
Ailadroddaf fy siom am yr hyn sydd wedi digwydd yn y penawdau. Rwy'n gobeithio y gallwn gyrraedd lle gwell. Wrth gwrs, byddaf yn cyflwyno datganiad pellach i Aelodau’r Senedd hon, ac rwy’n fwy na pharod i gymryd rhan yn y sgyrsiau hynny gydag Aelodau y tu allan i’r Senedd, gan fy mod yn cydnabod bod hwn yn fater o bwys iddynt, ac rwy'n croesawu'r craffu ar y mater hwn hefyd.
Diolch i'r Gweinidog. Bydd y cwestiwn nesaf gan Peredur Owen Griffiths.
Thank you, Minister. The next question is from Peredur Owen Griffiths.
2. Pa asesiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud o drenau eraill Trafnidiaeth Cymru sydd wedi cael eu ffitio â'r system ddiogelwch awtomataidd y bwriedir i chwistrellu tywod pan fydd olwynion yn llithro ac a fethodd ar drên a fu'n rhan o'r ddamwain angheuol ddiweddar ym Mhowys, a beth yw'r asesiad o'r risg o fethiannau tebyg? TQ1234
2. What assessment has the Welsh Government made of other Transport for Wales trains fitted with the automated safety system intended to spray sand during wheel slippage which failed on a train involved in the recent fatal crash in Powys, and what is the assessed risk of similar failures? TQ1234

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Safety is always the main priority for Transport for Wales and Network Rail. They’ve carried out enhanced checks to both the trains and the railway line itself to enable the reopening of the Cambrian line, and I’m grateful to their staff who have worked tirelessly since the incident to resume services.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Diogelwch yw'r brif flaenoriaeth i Trafnidiaeth Cymru a Network Rail bob amser. Maent wedi cynnal archwiliadau estynedig o'r trenau a'r rheilffordd ei hun i alluogi rheilffordd y Cambrian i ailagor, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar i'w staff sydd wedi gweithio'n ddiflino ers y digwyddiad i ailddechrau gwasanaethau.
Diolch am yr ateb yna, Cabinet Secretary.
Thank you for that response, Cabinet Secretary.
Crashes like this one that took place in Powys last month have thankfully become a very rare occurrence. It resulted in the death of a passenger, and my sympathies and condolences go out to his family and friends, but this could have been much worse and I worry that there is a potential for it to become more widespread given the nature of the fault.
Inspections following the crash reveal that hoses meant to spray sand during wheel slippage were blocked. What measures will the Welsh Government take to ensure that the hoses on other Transport for Wales trains are free from similar blockages and similar faults?
Cabinet Secretary, can you confirm whether the system failure occurred on one of the new Transport for Wales trains? And if so, will the entire new fleet be inspected for similar faults, and how would that be funded and what contractual warranties are there in place that can be called into place to fix any systematic faults?
And further to that, what conversations and consultations have you had with rail unions and Transport for Wales staff to talk through some of the lessons to be learnt from this tragic incident?
Diolch byth fod damweiniau fel yr un a ddigwyddodd ym Mhowys fis diwethaf yn ddigwyddiadau prin iawn bellach. Arweiniodd at farwolaeth teithiwr, ac rwy'n cydymdeimlo â'i deulu a'i ffrindiau, ond gallai hyn fod wedi bod yn llawer gwaeth ac rwy'n poeni bod perygl iddo ddigwydd yn amlach o ystyried natur y nam.
Mae archwiliadau yn dilyn y ddamwain yn datgelu bod pibelli y bwriedir iddynt chwistrellu tywod pan fydd olwynion yn llithro wedi'u blocio. Pa fesurau y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu rhoi ar waith i sicrhau bod y pibelli ar drenau eraill Trafnidiaeth Cymru heb eu blocio a heb namau tebyg?
Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, a allwch chi gadarnhau na ddigwyddodd y methiant i'r system ar un o drenau newydd Trafnidiaeth Cymru? Ac os gwnaeth, a fydd y fflyd newydd gyfan yn cael ei harchwilio am ddiffygion tebyg, a sut y byddai hynny'n cael ei ariannu a pha warantau contract sydd mewn grym y gellir pwyso arnynt i unioni unrhyw ddiffygion systematig?
Ac ymhellach, pa sgyrsiau ac ymgynghoriadau a gawsoch chi gydag undebau rheilffyrdd a staff Trafnidiaeth Cymru i siarad am rai o'r gwersi sydd i'w dysgu o'r digwyddiad trasig hwn?
I'd like to thank the Member for his valuable comments about, first of all, rail safety and how rare, thankfully, incidents of this type are on the UK railway network. The UK has the safest railway network in the whole of Europe. However, incidents such as these are dreadful when they occur and it's vitally important that we give the experts—those rail investigation experts—the time that they require to assess fully what might have gone wrong and what lessons can be learned. And it would be inappropriate for me to speculate over the cause of the incident.
The report that was published is an interim report and provides no further detail than that which the Members have already seen. However, I have written to both the chief executive of Transport for Wales and also the chief executive of Network Rail. I've been asking them to provide me with an update on what they are doing in terms of advanced checks to ensure that the network and our trains that travel across our lines are as safe as they can possibly be. I will, of course, Dirprwy Lywydd, provide an update as soon as I receive a response from the chief executives.
I've also met with the chief executive of Transport for Wales. Quite obviously, the incident was the primary reason for that meeting and I was assured that Transport for Wales, along with trade unions, are working very closely with Network Rail and the incident investigators to ensure that, where lessons can be learnt, they can be implemented as soon as possible. But I think it would be inappropriate to speculate over the cause of the incident.
In terms of the sanders, these are fitted to trains as standard technology, to ensure that adhesion between the rail line and the wheels can be maximised when the lines are slippery. Now, the new class 197 trains, which the Member has referred to, will be coming into service in the summer of 2025—next summer. But, as I say, we need to give time to the investigators, those experts, who are carrying out very extensive work, and ensure that the lessons that we learn are based on the evidence that they are able to ascertain.
Hoffwn ddiolch i'r Aelod am ei sylwadau gwerthfawr am ddiogelwch rheilffyrdd yn gyntaf a pha mor brin yw digwyddiadau o'r fath ar rwydwaith rheilffyrdd y DU, diolch byth. Gan y DU y mae'r rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd mwyaf diogel yn Ewrop gyfan. Fodd bynnag, mae digwyddiadau fel y rhain yn ofnadwy pan fyddant yn digwydd ac mae'n hanfodol bwysig ein bod yn rhoi amser priodol i'r arbenigwyr—yr arbenigwyr sy'n cynnal ymchwiliadau i'r rheilffyrdd—asesu'n llawn yr hyn a allai fod wedi mynd o'i le a pha wersi y gellir eu dysgu. A byddai'n amhriodol i mi fwrw amcan ynghylch achos y digwyddiad.
Mae'r adroddiad a gyhoeddwyd yn adroddiad interim ac nid yw'n rhoi unrhyw fanylion pellach na'r hyn y mae'r Aelodau eisoes wedi'i weld. Fodd bynnag, rwyf wedi ysgrifennu at brif weithredwr Trafnidiaeth Cymru ac at brif weithredwr Network Rail. Rwyf wedi gofyn iddynt roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf imi am yr hyn y maent yn ei wneud o ran archwiliadau estynedig i sicrhau bod y rhwydwaith a'n trenau sy'n teithio ar y rheilffyrdd mor ddiogel ag y gallant fod. Ddirprwy Lywydd, byddaf yn darparu'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf cyn gynted ag y caf ymateb gan y prif weithredwyr.
Rwyf hefyd wedi cyfarfod â phrif weithredwr Trafnidiaeth Cymru. Yn amlwg, y digwyddiad hwn oedd y prif reswm dros y cyfarfod hwnnw a chefais sicrwydd fod Trafnidiaeth Cymru, ynghyd ag undebau llafur, yn gweithio'n agos iawn gyda Network Rail a'r rhai sy'n ymchwilio i'r digwyddiadau i sicrhau, lle gellir dysgu gwersi, y gellir eu gweithredu cyn gynted â phosibl. Ond rwy'n credu y byddai'n amhriodol imi fwrw amcan ynghylch achos y digwyddiad.
Ar y pibelli tywod, caiff y rhain eu gosod ar drenau fel technoleg safonol, er mwyn sicrhau y gellir sicrhau cymaint â phosibl o adlyniad rhwng y rheilffordd a'r olwynion pan fydd y rheilffyrdd yn llithrig. Nawr, bydd y trenau dosbarth 197 newydd, y mae'r Aelod wedi cyfeirio atynt, yn dod yn weithredol yn haf 2025—yr haf nesaf. Ond fel y dywedais, mae angen inni roi amser i'r ymchwilwyr, yr arbenigwyr, sy'n gwneud gwaith helaeth iawn, a sicrhau bod y gwersi a ddysgwn yn seiliedig ar y dystiolaeth y gallant ei chanfod.
Of course, it's not for us to second guess the investigation into this awful incident, and it is important to remember how rare deaths are on the railways, but the report yesterday suggested that the blockage in the pipe that sprayed sand when there are slippages may point to an issue with maintenance. And there have been historic challenges with the performance of maintenance depots that Transport for Wales sub-contract to. So, separate to the investigation by the Rail Accident Investigation Branch, would the Cabinet Secretary ask Transport for Wales to conduct a review of the performance of the maintenance depots, and whether any steps will be prudently now taken to improve them?
Wrth gwrs, nid mater i ni yw ceisio rhagweld yr ymchwiliad i'r digwyddiad ofnadwy hwn, ac mae'n bwysig cofio pa mor anarferol yw marwolaethau ar y rheilffyrdd, ond awgrymodd yr adroddiad ddoe y gallai'r rhwystr yn y bibell a oedd yn chwistrellu tywod pan fo llithriadau'n digwydd ddynodi problem gyda chynnal a chadw. Ac mae heriau hanesyddol wedi bod gyda pherfformiad depos cynnal a chadw y mae Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn is-gontractio iddynt. Felly, ar wahân i'r ymchwiliad gan y Gangen Ymchwilio i Ddamweiniau Rheilffyrdd, a wnaiff Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet ofyn i Trafnidiaeth Cymru gynnal adolygiad o berfformiad y depos cynnal a chadw, ac a fydd unrhyw gamau yn cael eu cymryd yn ddarbodus nawr i'w gwella?
Can I thank the Member for his question? He's absolutely right: none of us in the Senedd are experts in rail accident, and we need to leave this work to the experts, to the bureau that has been invited in to make sure that we can ascertain exactly what happened. I think it's important that we recognise that the sanding systems are standard technology, and that there is a standard that is applied in terms of how and when they are maintained. The rail investigation bureau will be, I'm in no doubt, carrying out all of the relevant investigations regarding the maintenance standards for those trains, and will ensure that they were complied with. But it would be wrong for me to speculate, again, as I stress, it would be wrong for me to speculate over the cause of why those hose pipes were blocked on that day of the incident.
A gaf i ddiolch i'r Aelod am ei gwestiwn? Mae'n hollol gywir: nid oes yr un ohonom yn y Senedd yn arbenigwyr ar ddamweiniau rheilffyrdd, ac mae angen inni adael y gwaith hwn i'r arbenigwyr, i'r swyddfa sydd wedi cael ei gwahodd i sicrhau y gallwn ganfod beth yn union a ddigwyddodd. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig ein bod yn cydnabod bod y systemau tywod yn dechnoleg safonol, a bod yna safon sy'n cael ei chymhwyso o ran sut a phryd y cânt eu cynnal a'u cadw. Rwy'n sicr y bydd y swyddfa sy'n ymchwilio i ddamweiniau rheilffyrdd yn cynnal yr holl ymchwiliadau perthnasol ynghylch y safonau cynnal a chadw ar gyfer y trenau hynny, ac yn sicrhau cydymffurfiaeth â hwy. Ond unwaith eto, byddai'n amhriodol i mi fwrw amcan ynghylch y rheswm pam oedd y pibelli wedi'u blocio ar ddiwrnod y digwyddiad.
I'd like to thank my colleague Peredur Owen Griffiths for raising this really important question this afternoon. My thoughts remain, as I'm sure do those of my colleagues as well, with the loved ones of David Tudor Evans and all those involved in this horrible incident.
Cabinet Secretary, it is clear from the Rail Accident Investigation Branch's initial findings that the train's emergency braking system, made up of sanding hoses, was blocked—my colleagues have mentioned that already—and I appreciate that you cannot speculate, but I would really sincerely appreciate it if you could look into what actually caused the blockage. I know you mentioned slipperiness—I appreciate all of those things—but I'd like to know why it wasn't actually picked up in the checks before the train journey actually took off.
I'd also really like to know and understand more as to how often safety checks are carried out on all new and old TfW trains, and if any directions have been given by Welsh Government to TfW to increase and strengthen these checks as a result of this tragic incident. And I'm also very curious to know, Cabinet Secretary, if any further issues with other TfW trains have been identified since this collision took place. Because, as I'm sure we can all appreciate, steps must be taken to ensure that passenger safety is paramount and the No. 1 priority is to ensure that something like this never ever happens again. Thank you.
Hoffwn ddiolch i fy nghyd-Aelod Peredur Owen Griffiths am godi'r cwestiwn pwysig hwn y prynhawn yma. Rwyf i, a fy nghyd-Aelodau hefyd rwy'n siŵr, yn cydymdeimlo ag anwyliaid David Tudor Evans a phawb a oedd yn rhan o'r digwyddiad erchyll hwn.
Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae'n amlwg o ganfyddiadau cychwynnol y Gangen Ymchwilio i Ddamweiniau Rheilffordd fod system brecio brys y trên sy'n cynnwys pibelli tywod wedi'i blocio—mae fy nghyd-Aelod wedi sôn am hynny eisoes—ac rwy'n deall na allwch fwrw amcan, ond hoffwn yn fawr pe gallech edrych ar yr hyn a achosodd y rhwystr mewn gwirionedd. Rwy'n gwybod eich bod wedi sôn am lithrigrwydd—rwy'n derbyn yr holl bethau hynny—ond hoffwn wybod pam na chafodd ei nodi yn yr archwiliadau cyn i'r trên gychwyn ar ei daith.
Hoffwn wybod a deall mwy am ba mor aml y cynhelir archwiliadau diogelwch ar bob trên Trafnidiaeth Cymru newydd a hen, ac a oes unrhyw gyfarwyddiadau wedi'u rhoi gan Lywodraeth Cymru i Trafnidiaeth Cymru i gynyddu a chryfhau'r archwiliadau hyn o ganlyniad i'r digwyddiad trasig hwn. Ac rwyf hefyd yn chwilfrydig iawn i wybod, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, a oes unrhyw broblemau pellach gyda threnau eraill Trafnidiaeth Cymru wedi'u nodi ers i'r gwrthdrawiad hwn ddigwydd. Oherwydd, fel rwy'n siŵr y gallwn i gyd ddeall, rhaid cymryd camau i sicrhau bod diogelwch teithwyr o'r pwys mwyaf ac yn brif flaenoriaeth er mwyn sicrhau nad oes unrhyw beth tebyg i hyn yn digwydd eto. Diolch.
Can I thank Natasha for her questions? I repeat that it's very dangerous to infer from the interim report the ultimate cause of the incident. Yes, those pipes were blocked, but we do not know why they were blocked, and I will not be drawn into speculating over the reason why that was the case. I can guarantee that the trains, as part of Transport for Wales's fleet, are being maintained in accordance with the requirements that are laid out for their safe operation, and enhanced checks are taking place. And as I mentioned earlier, I will keep Members updated when I receive a response from both the CEO of Transport for Wales and the CEO of Network Rail.
A gaf i ddiolch i Natasha am ei chwestiynau? Rwy'n ailadrodd ei bod yn beryglus iawn pennu o'r adroddiad interim beth oedd achos sylfaenol y digwyddiad. Oedd, roedd y pibelli wedi blocio, ond nid ydym yn gwybod pam eu bod wedi blocio, ac nid wyf am gael fy nenu i fwrw amcan ynghylch y rheswm pam. Gallaf sicrhau bod y trenau, fel rhan o fflyd Trafnidiaeth Cymru, yn cael eu cynnal a'u cadw'n unol â'r gofynion a nodir ar gyfer eu gweithredu'n ddiogel, ac mae archwiliadau estynedig ar y gweill. Ac fel y soniais yn gynharach, byddaf yn rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Aelodau pan gaf ymateb gan brif swyddog gweithredol Trafnidiaeth Cymru a phrif swyddog gweithredol Network Rail.
Diolch i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Bydd y cwestiwn olaf gan Sioned Williams.
Thank you, Cabinet Secretary. The final question is from Sioned Williams.
3. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ddarparu datganiad ar ddatguddiad diweddar yr ymchwiliad COVID-19 gan Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru, sy'n tynnu sylw at ddata coll ynghylch marwolaethau staff y GIG oherwydd COVID? TQ1235
3. Will the Cabinet Secretary provide a statement on the recent COVID-19 inquiry revelation by Public Health Wales, which highlights missing data regarding NHS staff deaths due to COVID? TQ1235

I’d like to extend my sympathies and condolences to the families of the health and social care workers who tragically lost their lives during the pandemic. Data in relation to deaths as a result of COVID-19 infection are gathered from a number of sources. The evidence heard by the COVID-19 public inquiry yesterday related to the completion of rapid surveillance documentation, which was one such source.
Hoffwn gydymdeimlo â theuluoedd y gweithwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol a gollodd eu bywydau yn ystod y pandemig. Mae data mewn perthynas â marwolaethau o ganlyniad i haint COVID-19 yn cael eu casglu o nifer o ffynonellau. Roedd y dystiolaeth a glywodd yr ymchwiliad cyhoeddus i COVID-19 ddoe yn ymwneud â chwblhau dogfennaeth gwyliadwriaeth gyflym, a oedd yn un ffynhonnell o'r fath.
Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. It was extremely concerning to hear that testimony from Professor Fu-Meng Khaw, the executive medical director of Public Health Wales, about those major data failings during the first wave of the pandemic. Around 17 per cent of the data on COVID deaths amongst health and social care workers is missing, while the extent of the impact of the pandemic on ethnic minority communities was significantly underreported, with missing data on more than 1,000 COVID death records. I can’t imagine how distressing this must have been for the loved ones of those affected, to hear these revelations.
I hope the Cabinet Secretary will apologise on behalf of the Welsh Government, but apologies alone are worth little if lessons aren’t learnt. And this is key, isn’t it, especially when it comes to getting to grips with entrenched health inequalities that cost the NHS £300 million a year, and lead to disproportionately poorer health outcomes for ethnic minority communities. So, any policy making to address this is doomed to fail if we are relying on information that is faulty, even if that’s only in part, and, critically in this context, understates the scale of the issue.
So, can I ask what measures are being put in place to address the data gaps? How soon can we expect this missing data to be retrieved, if at all? And how is the refreshed 'Anti-racist Wales Action Plan', which the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice told us yesterday, in emphatic terms, is a cross-Government responsibility, going to address this? It really was shocking to hear that software was classifying ethnicity based on names. Does the Cabinet Secretary accept that a Welsh-specific inquiry to analyse these failings is the best and most effective way for those crucial lessons to be learned?
Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Roedd yn hynod o ofidus clywed tystiolaeth yr Athro Fu-Meng Khaw, cyfarwyddwr meddygol gweithredol Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru, am y methiannau data mawr yn ystod ton gyntaf y pandemig. Mae tua 17 y cant o'r data ar farwolaethau COVID ymhlith gweithwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol wedi'i golli, tra bod hyd a lled effaith y pandemig ar gymunedau lleiafrifol ethnig wedi ei dangofnodi'n sylweddol, gyda data coll ar fwy na 1,000 o gofnodion marwolaeth COVID. Ni allaf ddychmygu pa mor ofidus oedd clywed y canfyddiadau hyn i anwyliaid y rhai yr effeithiwyd arnynt.
Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn ymddiheuro ar ran Llywodraeth Cymru, ond nid yw ymddiheuriadau ar eu pen eu hunain fawr o werth os na ddysgir gwersi. Ac mae hyn yn allweddol, onid yw, yn enwedig o ran mynd i'r afael ag anghydraddoldebau iechyd sefydledig sy'n costio £300 miliwn y flwyddyn i'r GIG, ac sy'n arwain at ganlyniadau iechyd anghymesur o wael i gymunedau lleiafrifol ethnig. Felly, mae unrhyw bolisi i fynd i'r afael â hyn yn sicr o fethu os ydym yn dibynnu ar wybodaeth sy'n ddiffygiol, hyd yn oed os mai'n rhannol yn unig y bo felly, ac yn hollbwysig yn y cyd-destun hwn, os yw'n tanddatgan maint y peth.
Felly, a gaf i ofyn pa fesurau sy'n cael eu rhoi ar waith i fynd i'r afael â'r bylchau data? Pa mor fuan y gallwn ddisgwyl i'r data coll hwn gael ei adfer, os o gwbl? A sut y mae'r diweddariad o 'Cynllun Gweithredu Cymru Gwrth-hiliol', y dywedodd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Gyfiawnder Cymdeithasol wrthym yn gadarn iawn ddoe ei fod yn gyfrifoldeb trawslywodraethol, yn mynd i fynd i'r afael â hyn? Roedd yn frawychus clywed bod meddalwedd yn nodi ethnigrwydd ar sail enwau. A yw Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn derbyn mai ymchwiliad penodol i Gymru i ddadansoddi'r methiannau hyn yw'r ffordd orau a mwyaf effeithiol i'r gwersi hanfodol hynny gael eu dysgu?
Well, in relation to the last point, I would, of course, remind the Member that the reason she is asking the question is because of the questioning of a Welsh official in relation to practice in Wales, the very kind of question that I’m sure she would welcome, as do we all.
In relation to the points that the Member made in her question, I think it is important to say that in his evidence to the inquiry, Professor Fu-Meng Khaw from Public Health Wales was asked specifically about the form that was put in place to provide a rapid surveillance picture, in what was obviously a very quickly evolving pandemic. And she will know that the Office for National Statistics produced, separately, official statistics on mortality throughout the pandemic, based on an analysis of death certificates. And in his evidence, Professor Khaw pointed out that the purpose of the surveillance wasn't to provide a comprehensive capture of information, and he referred to the official statistics for that broader purpose.
In relation to the point that the Member makes, which is a very important point, about the capturing of data around race and ethnicity in the health and care sector, I had a meeting this morning, actually, with Professor Anton Emmanuel, who has been head of strategy and implementation for the workforce race equality standard. And as part of the broader commitment that my department is making, as part of the 'Anti-racist Wales Action Plan', there is a clear commitment, and progress has been made to improve the data that is captured across the sector in relation to the ethnic origin of the workforce. And the critical thing now is not just to capture the data, but to be able to use that data meaningfully to improve the experience of workers from black, Asian and minority ethnic communities in our workforce.
Wel, mewn perthynas â'r pwynt olaf, hoffwn atgoffa'r Aelod mai'r rheswm y mae hi'n gofyn y cwestiwn yw oherwydd cwestiynau a ofynnwyd i swyddog Cymreig mewn perthynas ag ymarfer yng Nghymru, yr union fath o gwestiwn y byddai hi'n siŵr o'i groesawu, fel pawb ohonom.
Ar y pwyntiau a wnaeth yr Aelod yn ei chwestiwn, credaf ei bod yn bwysig dweud, yn ei dystiolaeth i'r ymchwiliad, y gofynnwyd yn benodol i'r Athro Fu-Meng Khaw o Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru am y ffurflen a roddwyd ar waith i ddarparu darlun gwyliadwriaeth gyflym, yn yr hyn a oedd yn amlwg yn bandemig a oedd yn esblygu'n gyflym iawn. Ac fe fydd hi'n gwybod bod y Swyddfa Ystadegau Gwladol wedi mynd ati, ar wahân, i gynhyrchu ystadegau swyddogol ar farwolaethau drwy gydol y pandemig, yn seiliedig ar ddadansoddiad o dystysgrifau marwolaeth. Ac yn ei dystiolaeth, nododd yr Athro Khaw nad pwrpas y wyliadwriaeth oedd darparu gwybodaeth gynhwysfawr, a chyfeiriodd at yr ystadegau swyddogol at y diben ehangach hwnnw.
Ar y pwynt y mae'r Aelod yn ei wneud, sy'n bwynt pwysig iawn, am gasglu data ynghylch hil ac ethnigrwydd yn y sector iechyd a gofal, cefais gyfarfod y bore yma, mewn gwirionedd, gyda'r Athro Anton Emmanuel, sydd wedi bod yn bennaeth strategaeth a gweithredu ar gyfer safon cydraddoldeb hiliol y gweithlu. Ac fel rhan o'r ymrwymiad ehangach y mae fy adran yn ei wneud, yn rhan o 'Gynllun Gweithredu Cymru Gwrth-hiliol', mae yna ymrwymiad clir, a chynnydd wedi'i wneud i wella'r data sy'n cael ei gasglu ar draws y sector mewn perthynas â chefndir ethnig y gweithlu. A'r peth hanfodol nawr yw nid yn unig casglu'r data, ond gallu defnyddio'r data hwnnw'n ystyrlon i wella profiad gweithwyr o gymunedau du, Asiaidd a lleiafrifol ethnig yn ein gweithlu.
Obviously, this is concerning evidence that we will have heard at the UK COVID inquiry yesterday, and one of the most concerning elements we read from the testimony was, to quote, that
'there were over a thousand elements of missing data in the question of key worker status.'
Now, obviously, you will have been using this data as a Welsh Government to make decisions around which restrictions to lift, and pandemic practices and workplace practices during the pandemic, and that will obviously relate not just to health and social care workers, but to other key workers who will have been impacted by decisions made by the Welsh Government. So, as an example, during the pandemic, I know you will have been education Minister, making decisions about restrictions on schools, for example, and their ability to open, and the risk, therefore, that school staff were exposed to during the pandemic.
So, can I ask, is this a picture that is likely to emerge from across the Welsh Government, from across sectors, that this data was incomplete during the pandemic and the Welsh Government, effectively, was operating and making decisions, if you like, with one hand tied behind its back? Or is this something exclusively limited to health and social care workers and to Public Health Wales?
Yn amlwg, mae'r dystiolaeth a glywyd yn ymchwiliad COVID y DU ddoe yn bryderus, ac un o'r elfennau mwyaf pryderus a ddarllenwn o'r dystiolaeth oedd bod
'dros fil o elfennau data coll yn y cwestiwn ynghylch statws gweithiwr allweddol.'
Nawr, yn amlwg, fe fyddwch chi wedi bod yn defnyddio'r data hwn fel Llywodraeth Cymru i wneud penderfyniadau ynghylch pa gyfyngiadau i'w codi, ac ymarfer pandemig a'r gweithle yn ystod y pandemig, a bydd hynny'n amlwg yn ymwneud nid yn unig â gweithwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, ond â gweithwyr allweddol eraill a fydd wedi cael eu heffeithio gan benderfyniadau a wnaed gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Felly, yn ystod y pandemig, gwn mai chi oedd y Gweinidog addysg, yn gwneud penderfyniadau am gyfyngiadau ar ysgolion, er enghraifft, a'u gallu i agor, a'r risg, felly, a wynebai staff ysgolion yn ystod y pandemig.
Felly, a gaf i ofyn, a yw hwn yn ddarlun sy'n debygol o ddod yn amlwg o bob rhan o Lywodraeth Cymru, o bob sector, fod y data hwn yn anghyflawn yn ystod y pandemig a bod Llywodraeth Cymru, i bob pwrpas, yn gweithredu ac yn gwneud penderfyniadau, os mynnwch, gydag un llaw wedi'i chlymu y tu ôl i'w chefn? Neu a yw hyn yn rhywbeth sy'n gyfyngedig i weithwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol ac i Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru?
I think the Member will have heard the answer that I gave to Sioned Williams a moment ago. Whilst evidence is being given by the Welsh Government in the inquiry, I'm not sure it's particularly helpful for me to provide a commentary on that. Obviously, we're midway through quite an extensive inquiry, and the Member's question, actually, casts the timeline and the scope of that question very much broader. We have a mechanism for giving evidence and for that to be challenged as part of the inquiry. When the evidence is complete, when the inquiry has reached conclusions, there will a separate mechanism for this Senedd to satisfy itself that all relevant questions have been asked, and I think that's the appropriate context in which to reflect on the question that the Member asked.
Rwy'n credu y bydd yr Aelod wedi clywed yr ateb a roddais i Sioned Williams eiliad yn ôl. Er bod tystiolaeth yn cael ei rhoi gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn yr ymchwiliad, nid wyf yn siŵr ei bod yn arbennig o ddefnyddiol i mi ddarparu sylwebaeth ar hynny. Yn amlwg, rydym hanner ffordd drwy ymchwiliad eithaf helaeth, ac mae cwestiwn yr Aelod, mewn gwirionedd, yn ymestyn amserlen a chwmpas y cwestiwn hwnnw yn llawer ehangach. Mae gennym fecanwaith ar gyfer rhoi tystiolaeth ac i hynny gael ei herio fel rhan o'r ymchwiliad. Pan fydd y dystiolaeth yn gyflawn, pan fydd yr ymchwiliad wedi dod i gasgliadau, bydd mecanwaith ar wahân i'r Senedd hon fodloni ei hun fod yr holl gwestiynau perthnasol wedi'u gofyn, ac rwy'n credu mai dyna'r cyd-destun priodol ar gyfer ystyried y cwestiwn a ofynnodd yr Aelod.
Diolch i Sioned am y cwestiwn pwysig yma, achos mae'r dystiolaeth yma yn amlygu dwy o'r problemau mwyaf elfennol a sylfaenol sydd gennym ni o fewn y gwasanaeth iechyd. A dydy o ddim yn syndod i'r rhan fwyaf sydd yn gweithio yn y sectorau iechyd a gofal i glywed y stori yma, oherwydd mae'n amlwg fod problemau dybryd yn y gwasanaeth iechyd pan fo'n dod at ddata neu'r diffyg data. Neithiwr, roeddwn i yn swper yr NHS Confederation; heddiw, roeddwn i ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd; mae tystion pwyllgor wedi sôn droeon a throeon. Bob tro, mae pobl yn y llefydd yma yn sôn am y diffygion data sydd gennym ni yng Nghymru. Sut mae'n bosib, felly, datblygu polisi effeithiol os nad ydy'r data yn gywir neu os nad oes yna gysondeb yn y data sy'n cael ei gasglu?
A'r ail broblem ydy diffygion dybryd yr isadeiledd ddigidol, heb sôn, fel rydyn ni wedi clywed, am yr hiliaeth oedd yn rhan o'r stori yma, efo ethnigrwydd pobl yn cael ei gofnodi ar sail enw, sydd yn gwbl warthus. Mae'n hen bryd gweld gweddnewidiad llwyr yn agwedd y Llywodraeth tuag at ddigideiddio cofnodion iechyd, ynghyd â'r arfer o gasglu data a chysoni data. Felly, ydy'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet yn cytuno y dylai Iechyd a Gofal Digidol Cymru gael ei gyllido a'i ariannu'n gywir er mwyn mynd i'r afael â hyn? Ydych chi hefyd am gynnal awdit gynhwysfawr o addasrwydd y ffynonellau data sydd gennym ni yng Nghymru? Ac a ydy'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet yn cydnabod, yng ngoleuni'r dystiolaeth yma, fod yna fethiannau sylfaenol wedi bod ac yn parhau i fod, a bod camau am gael eu cymryd er mwyn eu cywiro nhw?
I'd like to thank Sioned for asking this important question, because this evidence highlights two of the most fundamental problems that we have within the health service. And it's no surprise to many of those working in health and care sectors in hearing this story, because it is clear that there are grave problems within the health service when it comes to data or rather a lack of data. Last night, I was at the NHS Confederation dinner; today, I was at Cardiff University; committee witnesses have mentioned it time and again. At every turn, people in these places mention the data problems that we face here in Wales. So how can we develop effective policy unless the data is accurate or if there is no consistency in the data collected?
And the second problem is grave deficiencies in the digital infrastructure, never mind the racism that was part of this story, with ethnicity being recorded on the basis of names, which is quite disgraceful. It's about time that we saw a complete transformation in the Government's attitude towards the digitisation of medical records, as well as the habit of gathering data and standardising data. So, would the Cabinet Secretary agree that Digital Health and Care Wales should be funded properly in order to tackle this issue? Will you also conduct a comprehensive audit of the appropriateness of the data sources that we have in Wales currently? And will the Cabinet Secretary recognise, in light of this evidence, that there have been fundamental failings and they continue to exist, and that steps should be taken to address those?
Rwyf wedi ateb rhai o'r cwestiynau yna eisoes yn fy atebion i Sioned Williams. Gobeithio y bydd yr Aelod yn ffeindio'r atebion hynny o gymorth i'w gwestiynau fe. Mae data a rôl datblygiad digidol, wrth gwrs, yn y gwasanaeth iechyd yn flaenoriaeth i'r Llywodraeth hon. Mae'n rhedeg fel llinyn drwy bopeth rŷn ni'n ceisio ei wneud yn y gwasanaeth iechyd. Ond o ran yr amgylchiadau a godwyd yn yr ymchwiliad ddoe, sef testun y cwestiwn gwreiddiol, rwy'n gobeithio bod yr atebion rwyf eisoes wedi eu rhoi wedi bod yn ddigonol.
I have answered some of those questions in my answers to Sioned Williams. I hope that the Member will have found those answers helpful to his questions. Data and the role of digital development in the NHS is a priority for the Government, and it runs as a thread through everything that we try to do in the NHS. But in terms of the circumstances raised in the inquiry yesterday, namely the subject of the first question, I hope that the answers I have already given will have been adequate.
Can I thank Sioned Williams also for raising this important question in the Chamber here today? And I associate myself with the comments raised by Members in this place already. It particularly piqued my interest because yesterday, of course, Cabinet Secretary, you'll recall the discussion we had here on the back of your statement around escalation processes. One of the points I raised in that discussion on your statement was around the accuracy of the data and the information that you receive to be able to do your role as best as possible.
You've probably answered a number of questions that I had already, but I wonder whether you think there's a role in particular on a broader issue that's been raised by Members here today on data, data accuracy and the information being as helpful as possible. Do you think there's a further role outside of Government that this Senedd could play to scrutinise the data that's made available and support the work of Government, to ensure that people across Wales are being delivered services and policies have been set with the most accurate and helpful information possible?
A gaf i ddiolch i Sioned Williams hefyd am godi'r cwestiwn pwysig hwn yn y Siambr heddiw? Ac rwy'n ategu sylwadau a wnaed gan Aelodau yn y lle hwn eisoes. Fe enynnodd fy niddordeb yn arbennig oherwydd, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, fe fyddwch yn cofio'r drafodaeth a gawsom yma ddoe yn sgil eich datganiad ynghylch prosesau uwchgyfeirio. Roedd un o'r pwyntiau a godais yn y drafodaeth honno ar eich datganiad yn ymwneud â chywirdeb y data a'r wybodaeth a roddir i chi er mwyn i chi allu gwneud eich rôl cystal â phosibl.
Mae'n debyg eich bod wedi ateb nifer o gwestiynau a oedd gennyf eisoes, ond tybed a ydych chi'n credu bod yna rôl yn benodol ar fater ehangach a godwyd gan yr Aelodau yma heddiw ynghylch data, cywirdeb data a bod y wybodaeth mor ddefnyddiol â phosibl. A ydych chi'n credu bod rôl bellach y tu allan i'r Llywodraeth y gallai'r Senedd hon ei chwarae i graffu ar y data a gaiff ei rhyddhau a chefnogi gwaith y Llywodraeth, i sicrhau bod pobl ledled Cymru yn cael gwasanaethau a bod polisïau'n cael eu gosod ar sail y wybodaeth gywiraf a mwyaf defnyddiol sy'n bosibl?
We seek to publish data on a regular basis in relation to the performance of the health service and care services in Wales, and that data is available for Members to scrutinise, as it ought to be. It is often used as a basis for how I am challenged appropriately in this Senedd. I think that's in the interests of transparent public services and also improving our delivery of them. So, I very much welcome that.
Rydym yn ceisio cyhoeddi data yn rheolaidd mewn perthynas â pherfformiad y gwasanaeth iechyd a'r gwasanaethau gofal yng Nghymru, ac mae'r data hwnnw ar gael i'r Aelodau graffu arno, fel y dylai fod. Fe'i defnyddir yn aml yn sail ar gyfer sut y caf fy herio'n briodol yn y Senedd hon. Rwy'n credu bod hynny'n fanteisiol er mwyn cael gwasanaethau cyhoeddus tryloyw a hefyd er mwyn gwella'r ffordd y cânt eu darparu gennym. Felly, rwy'n croesawu hynny'n fawr.
Diolch i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet.
I thank the Cabinet Secretary.
Eitem 4 heddiw yw'r datganiadau 90 eiliad. Dim ond un sydd heddiw. Dwi'n galw ar Julie Morgan.
Item 4 today is the 90-second statements. There is only one this afternoon. I call on Julie Morgan.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Pen-blwydd hapus yn 40 oed, Cyfeillion y Ddaear Cymru.
Thank you, Dirprwy Lywydd. Happy fortieth birthday to Friends of the Earth Cymru.
This year marks the fortieth anniversary of Friends of the Earth Cymru. Founded by Margaret and Robert Minhinnick in 1984, originally based in Porthcawl, the organisation became a hub for environmental activists in Wales. Early campaigns focused on increasing awareness of acid rain and recycling. In the 1990s, alongside their growing network of local groups, FOE Cymru was gathering evidence of the Sea Empress oil spill and campaigned to protect rich marine habitats like Cardigan bay. More recently, the organisation has worked on issues such as fracking, bees, sustainable fashion, plastic pollution, active travel, incineration, and got pension funds to shift millions of pounds out of fossil fuels.
The climate and nature emergencies are the most urgent issues facing our planet. In the 25 years since devolution, Friends of the Earth Cymru has helped shape ground-breaking policies and legislation, such as the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, the action plan for pollinators, and life-saving clean air legislation. Over the past four decades, this NGO has worked tirelessly to make Wales a greener and more sustainable place to live. Alongside their network of activists and groups, Friends of the Earth Cymru will continue to fight for a just and sustainable future for people and the planet. We wish them every success in their continuing work in Wales.
Eleni, mae'n ddeugain mlynedd ers sefydlu Cyfeillion y Ddaear Cymru. Fe'i sefydlwyd gan Margaret a Robert Minhinnick ym 1984, a'i leoli'n wreiddiol ym Mhorthcawl, a daeth yn hyb i ymgyrchwyr amgylcheddol yng Nghymru. Canolbwyntiai'r ymgyrchoedd cynnar ar gynyddu ymwybyddiaeth o law asid ac ailgylchu. Yn y 1990au, ochr yn ochr â'u rhwydwaith cynyddol o grwpiau lleol, roedd Cyfeillion y Ddaear Cymru yn casglu tystiolaeth ynghylch gollyngiad olew y Sea Empress ac yn ymgyrchu i warchod cynefinoedd morol cyfoethog fel bae Ceredigion. Yn fwy diweddar, mae'r sefydliad wedi gweithio ar faterion fel ffracio, gwenyn, ffasiwn gynaliadwy, llygredd plastig, teithio llesol, llosgi gwastraff, a chael cronfeydd pensiwn i symud miliynau o bunnoedd allan o danwydd ffosil.
Yr argyfyngau hinsawdd a natur yw'r materion mwyaf difrifol sy'n wynebu ein planed. Yn y 25 mlynedd ers datganoli, mae Cyfeillion y Ddaear Cymru wedi helpu i lunio polisïau a deddfwriaeth arloesol, megis Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015, y cynllun gweithredu ar gyfer peillwyr, a deddfwriaeth aer glân sy'n achub bywydau. Dros y pedwar degawd diwethaf, mae'r corff anllywodraethol hwn wedi gweithio'n ddiflino i wneud Cymru'n lle mwy gwyrdd a chynaliadwy i fyw ynddo. Ochr yn ochr â'u rhwydwaith o ymgyrchwyr a grwpiau, bydd Cyfeillion y Ddaear Cymru yn parhau i frwydro dros ddyfodol cyfiawn a chynaliadwy i bobl a'r blaned. Rydym yn dymuno pob llwyddiant iddynt wrth iddynt barhau â'u gwaith yng Nghymru.
Diolch, Julie.
Diolch, Julie.
Eitem 5 heddiw yw'r ddadl ar adroddiad y Pwyllgor Safonau Ymddygiad—yr ail adroddiad ar bymtheg i’r Chweched Senedd o dan Reol Sefydlog 22.9. Galwaf ar Gadeirydd y pwyllgor i wneud y cynnig. Hannah Blythyn.
Item 5 today is the debate on the Standards of Conduct Committee report—the seventeenth report to the Sixth Senedd under Standing Order 22.9. I call on the Chair of the committee to move the motion. Hannah Blythyn.
Cynnig NDM8707 Hannah Blythyn
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
1. Yn ystyried Adroddiad y Pwyllgor Safonau Ymddygiad - Ail Adroddiad ar Bymtheg i'r Chweched Senedd a osodwyd gerbron y Senedd ar 30 Hydref 2024 yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 22.9.
2. Yn cymeradwyo’r argymhelliad yn yr adroddiad.
Motion NDM8707 Hannah Blythyn
To propose that the Senedd:
1. Considers the Report of the Standards of Conduct Committee - Seventeenth Report to the Sixth Senedd laid before the Senedd on 30 October 2024 in accordance with Standing Order 22.9.
2. Endorses the recommendation in the report.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Fel Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Safonau Ymddygiad, dwi’n cynnig y cynnig yn ffurfiol.
Thank you, Dirprwy Lywydd. As Chair of the Standards of Conduct Committee, I formally move the motion.
The committee considered the report from the commissioner for standards in relation to a complaint made against Andrew R.T. Davies MS regarding the use of the term 'blanket' to describe the default 20 mph speed limit following the publication of the Standards of Conduct Committee’s eighth report. The Standards of Conduct Committee gave the commissioner’s report careful consideration and our report sets out the committee’s judgment.
The committee received two reports on this matter from the commissioner and agreed to consider them together. Given the number of complaints and the Member’s acknowledgment that he was aware of the finding in the Standards of Conduct Committee’s eighth report, the committee is recommending a censure on this occasion. The facts relating to the complaint and the committee’s reasons for its recommendation are set out in full in the committee’s report.
I would like to take this opportunity, Dirprwy Lywydd, to remind Members of the importance of acknowledging and acting on the findings of the Standards of Conduct Committee. In this instance, the committee had previously advised that Members should take care to not intentionally make statements that are imprecise and inaccurate.
Ystyriodd y pwyllgor yr adroddiad gan y comisiynydd safonau mewn perthynas â chŵyn a wnaed yn erbyn Andrew R.T. Davies AS ynghylch defnyddio'r term 'blanket' i ddisgrifio'r terfyn cyflymder diofyn o 20 mya yn dilyn cyhoeddi wythfed adroddiad y Pwyllgor Safonau Ymddygiad. Rhoddodd y Pwyllgor Safonau Ymddygiad ystyriaeth ofalus i adroddiad y comisiynydd ac mae ein hadroddiad ni yn nodi dyfarniad y pwyllgor.
Cafodd y pwyllgor ddau adroddiad ar y mater hwn gan y comisiynydd a chytunodd i'w hystyried gyda'i gilydd. O ystyried nifer y cwynion a chydnabyddiaeth yr Aelod ei fod yn ymwybodol o'r canfyddiad yn wythfed adroddiad y Pwyllgor Safonau Ymddygiad, mae'r pwyllgor yn argymell cerydd y tro hwn. Mae'r ffeithiau sy'n ymwneud â'r gŵyn a rhesymau'r pwyllgor dros ei argymhelliad wedi'u nodi'n llawn yn adroddiad y pwyllgor.
Hoffwn fanteisio ar y cyfle, Ddirprwy Lywydd, i atgoffa'r Aelodau o bwysigrwydd cydnabod a gweithredu ar ganfyddiadau'r Pwyllgor Safonau Ymddygiad. Yn yr achos hwn, roedd y pwyllgor eisoes wedi cynghori y dylai Aelodau ofalu rhag gwneud datganiadau sy'n annelwig ac yn anghywir.
Mae'r cynnig yn gwahodd y Senedd i gymeradwyo argymhelliad y pwyllgor. Diolch.
The motion invites the Senedd to endorse the committee's reccomendation. Thank you.
A censure by the Senedd is a solemn thing. None of us should take lightly a rebuke by our peers or a finding against us by the independent standards commissioner. But I’m bound to note a pattern of behaviour from the leader of the opposition, Andrew R.T. Davies. The fact that he’s not here this afternoon, is not on screen—I’m not aware, Dirprwy Lywydd, if he’s offered any explanation—speaks of a contempt about our standards. This is not the first time his words and conduct have been questioned.
Today, he faces two separate reports from the standards committee about his conduct—two. And in the second of them, he did not even reply to invitations to make written or oral representations to the committee’s work in the complaint about him. He intends to keep shrugging them off. This is not the behaviour we are entitled to expect from a Member, let alone the leader of the opposition of our national Parliament.
Describing the change in speed limits as a ‘blanket’ one, when it only applies to a minority of roads, is clearly deliberate and intended to mislead. But this isn’t some jolly jape; lives are at stake, and confusion is sowed by this inaccurate use of language. The Conservative transport spokesperson, Natasha Asghar, has already been censured for her dishonesty.
The Conservatives have said that the change in speed limits has caused tourists to stay away. From comments I’ve seen online, the reason given by people who were put off from visiting is that they are worried that the speed limit is a ‘blanket’ one. It is the misleading terms used by the leader of the opposition that are doing the damage that he then complains about.
But this isn't an isolated incident. He's also claimed repeatedly that there is a ban on road building in Wales. Not only is it not true, he knows it's not true, but he shrugs it off. He suggested children were being forced to eat halal meat, without evidence. Even when the Muslim Council of Wales warned of the real consequences on our streets of what they called
'ham-fisted attempts at dog-whistle racism',
he was still unrepentant. In his finding of fact, the standards commissioner tells us that Andrew R.T. Davies says what he says
'should be tolerated as "an inaccurate exaggeration".'
So, he accepts what he says is not right. He just doesn't think it matters. Well, Llywydd, it does matter. Honesty matters. Accuracy matters. Standards matter.
Mae cerydd gan y Senedd yn beth difrifol. Ni ddylai'r un ohonom gymryd cerydd gan ein cymheiriaid na chanfyddiad yn ein herbyn gan y comisiynydd safonau annibynnol yn ysgafn. Ond rhaid imi nodi patrwm o ymddygiad gan arweinydd yr wrthblaid, Andrew R.T. Davies. Mae'r ffaith nad yw yma y prynhawn yma, nad yw ar sgrin—nid wyf yn ymwybodol, Ddirprwy Lywydd, a yw wedi cynnig unrhyw esboniad—yn awgrymu dirmyg tuag at ein safonau. Nid dyma'r tro cyntaf i gwestiynau gael eu codi ynghylch ei eiriau a'i ymddygiad.
Heddiw, mae'n wynebu dau adroddiad ar wahân gan y pwyllgor safonau am ei ymddygiad—dau. Ac yn yr ail ohonynt, ni wnaeth ymateb i wahoddiadau i wneud sylwadau ysgrifenedig neu ar lafar i waith y pwyllgor yn y gŵyn amdano. Mae'n bwriadu dal ati i'w diystyru. Nid dyma'r ymddygiad y mae gennym hawl i'w ddisgwyl gan Aelod, heb sôn am arweinydd yr wrthblaid yn ein Senedd genedlaethol.
Mae disgrifio'r newid mewn terfynau cyflymder fel un cyffredinol, 'blanket', pan fo ond yn berthnasol i leiafrif o ffyrdd, yn fwriadol ac wedi ei fwriadu i gamarwain. Ond nid rhyw hwyl diniwed yw hyn; mae bywydau yn y fantol, ac mae defnydd anghywir o iaith yn hau dryswch. Mae llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr ar drafnidiaeth, Natasha Asghar, eisoes wedi cael cerydd am ei hanonestrwydd.
Mae'r Ceidwadwyr wedi dweud bod y newid i derfynau cyflymder wedi peri i dwristiaid gadw draw. O sylwadau a welais ar-lein, y rheswm a roddwyd gan bobl a gafodd eu perswadio i beidio ag ymweld yw eu bod yn poeni bod y terfyn cyflymder yn un 'cyffredinol'. Y termau camarweiniol a ddefnyddiwyd gan arweinydd yr wrthblaid sy'n gwneud y niwed y mae ef yn cwyno amdano wedyn.
Ond nid un digwyddiad yw hwn. Mae hefyd wedi honni dro ar ôl tro fod gwaharddiad ar adeiladu ffyrdd yng Nghymru. Nid yw'n wir, ac mae'n gwybod nad yw'n wir, ond mae'n diystyru hynny. Awgrymodd heb dystiolaeth fod plant yn cael eu gorfodi i fwyta cig halal. Hyd yn oed pan rybuddiodd Cyngor Mwslimaidd Cymru am y canlyniadau real ar ein strydoedd yn sgil yr hyn a alwyd ganddynt yn
'ymdrechion trwsgl i ysgogi hiliaeth 'chwiban y ci'',
roedd yn dal i fod yn ddiedifar. Yn ei ganfyddiad, mae'r comisiynydd safonau yn dweud wrthym fod Andrew R.T. Davies yn dweud y dylai'r hyn y mae'n ei ddweud
'gael ei oddef fel "gor-ddweud anghywir".'
Felly, mae'n derbyn nad yw'r hyn y mae'n ei ddweud yn gywir, ond nid yw'n credu bod hynny'n bwysig. Wel, Lywydd, mae'n bwysig. Mae gonestrwydd yn bwysig. Mae cywirdeb yn bwysig. Mae safonau'n bwysig.
Galwaf ar Hannah Blythyn i ymateb i'r ddadl.
I call on Hannah Blythyn to reply to the debate.
I'd just like to thank the Member for his contribution and once again reiterate the invitation to the Senedd to endorse the committee's recommendation. Diolch.
Hoffwn ddiolch i'r Aelod am ei gyfraniad ac ailadrodd unwaith eto y gwahoddiad i'r Senedd gymeradwyo argymhelliad y pwyllgor. Diolch.
Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Nac oes, felly derbynnir y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
The proposal is to agree the motion. Does any Member object? No. The motion is therefore agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Eitem 6 yw'r ddadl ar adroddiad y Pwyllgor Safonau Ymddygiad, y deunawfed adroddiad i’r chweched Senedd o dan Reol Sefydlog 22.9. Galwaf ar Gadeirydd y pwyllgor i wneud y cynnig. Hannah Blythyn.
Item 6 is a debate on the Standards of Conduct Committee report, the eighteenth report to the sixth Senedd under Standing Order 22.9. I call on the Chair of the committee to move the motion. Hannah Blythyn.
Cynnig NDM8708 Hannah Blythyn
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
1. Yn ystyried Adroddiad y Pwyllgor Safonau Ymddygiad - Deunawfed Adroddiad i'r Chweched Senedd a osodwyd gerbron y Senedd ar 30 Hydref 2024 yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 22.9.
2. Yn cymeradwyo’r argymhelliad yn yr adroddiad.
Motion NDM8708 Hannah Blythyn
To propose that the Senedd:
1. Considers the Report of the Standards of Conduct Committee - Eighteenth Report to the Sixth Senedd laid before the Senedd on 30 October 2024 in accordance with Standing Order 22.9.
2. Endorses the recommendation in the report.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Fel Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Safonau Ymddygiad, rwy'n cynnig y cynnig yn ffurfiol. Trafododd y pwyllgor adroddiad gan y comisiynydd safonau am gŵyn yn erbyn Andrew R.T. Davies AS yn ymwneud â neges drydar y nodwyd ei bod yn gamarweiniol ac yn beryglus.
Thank you, Dirprwy Lywydd. As Chair of the Standards of Conduct Committee, I formally move the motion. The committee discussed a report from the standards commissioner on a complaint against Andrew R.T. Davies MS related to a Twitter message that was believed to be misleading and dangerous.
The Standards of Conduct Committee gave the commissioner's report careful consideration and our report sets out the committee's judgment that although we considered the Member is in breach of the code of conduct, we do not consider that any further action is warranted. The facts relating to the complaint and the committee's reasons for its recommendations are set out in full in the committee's report.
I would like to again take this opportunity to remind Members that whilst we recognise that social media is a tool that has the potential to be used effectively for communication and debate, it is for Members to determine the accuracy of the information they are posting and that every effort is made to differentiate between actual fact and an expression of opinion. We would also advise Members that quoting or actively repeating or posting social media posts does not absolve them of their duty to consider the suitability and sensitivity of what they are sharing and fact-check information for accuracy.
The committee is aware of and acknowledges the steady increase of complaints being made against Members' conduct on social media. The Llywydd has also written to the committee raising the same concerns that we and the standards commissioner share on this issue, so it's our intention to consider this matter further more generally as part of our inquiry into Member accountability. We will of course report back to the Senedd with any proposals in due course.
Rhoddodd y Pwyllgor Safonau Ymddygiad ystyriaeth ofalus i adroddiad y comisiynydd ac mae ein hadroddiad yn nodi dyfarniad y pwyllgor, er ein bod o'r farn fod yr Aelod yn torri'r cod ymddygiad, nad ydym yn ystyried bod cyfiawnhad dros unrhyw gamau pellach. Mae'r ffeithiau sy'n ymwneud â'r gŵyn a rhesymau'r pwyllgor dros ei argymhellion wedi'u nodi'n llawn yn adroddiad y pwyllgor.
Hoffwn fanteisio ar y cyfle hwn eto i atgoffa'r Aelodau, er ein bod yn cydnabod bod cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn offeryn sydd â photensial i gael ei ddefnyddio'n effeithiol ar gyfer cyfathrebu a thrafod, mater i'r Aelodau yw pennu cywirdeb y wybodaeth y maent yn ei phostio a bod pob ymdrech yn cael ei gwneud i wahaniaethu rhwng ffaith wirioneddol a mynegi barn. Hoffem gynghori'r Aelodau nad yw dyfynnu neu ailadrodd neu bostio ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn eu hesgusodi o'u dyletswydd i ystyried addasrwydd a sensitifrwydd yr hyn y maent yn ei rannu ac i wirio ffeithiau i sicrhau cywirdeb gwybodaeth.
Mae'r pwyllgor yn ymwybodol o'r cynnydd cyson yn y cwynion a wneir yn erbyn ymddygiad Aelodau ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol ac yn ei gydnabod. Mae'r Llywydd hefyd wedi ysgrifennu at y pwyllgor yn codi'r un pryderon â'r rhai a rennir gennym ni a'r comisiynydd safonau ar y mater hwn, felly ein bwriad yw ystyried y mater hwn ymhellach yn fwy cyffredinol fel rhan o'n hymchwiliad i atebolrwydd Aelodau. Byddwn yn adrodd yn ôl i'r Senedd gydag unrhyw gynigion maes o law.
Mae'r cynnig yn gwahodd y Senedd i gymeradwyo argymhelliad y pwyllgor. Diolch.
The motion invites the Senedd to agree to the committee's recommendation. Thank you.
Nid oes unrhyw siaradwyr eraill. A hoffech chi ychwanegu unrhyw beth arall? Felly, y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Nac oes, felly derbynnir y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
I have no other speakers. Do you have anything to add? The proposal is to agree the motion. Does any Member object? No. The motion is therefore agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Eitem 7 heddiw yw dadl ar adroddiad y Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol, 'Adroddiad Blynyddol: Y Cynllun Preswylio'n Sefydlog i Ddinasyddion yr Undeb Ewropeaidd'. Galwaf ar Gadeirydd y pwyllgor i wneud y cynnig. Jenny Rathbone.
Item 7 is a debate on the Equality and Social Justice Committee report, 'Annual Report: European Union Settlement Scheme'. I call on the Chair of the committee to move the motion. Jenny Rathbone.
Cynnig NDM8710 Jenny Rathbone
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
Yn nodi adroddiad y Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol: 'Adroddiad Blynyddol: Y Cynllun Preswylio’n Sefydlog i Ddinasyddion yr Undeb Ewropeaidd' a osodwyd ar 8 Ebrill 2024.
Motion NDM8710 Jenny Rathbone
To propose that the Senedd:
Notes the Equality and Social Justice Committee report: 'Annual Report: European Union Settlement Scheme' laid on 8 April 2024.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. The Equality and Social Justice Committee called this debate to draw the attention of all Members to the evidence our committee has gathered about the EU settlement scheme, both in a report we published in April and further evidence we gathered in the last few months, which are causes for concern. I thank all the people who contributed to our work, some of whom are in the gallery today. First of all, there's the staff from Settled, a charity supporting European citizens to navigate their way through the minefield created by the UK withdrawal from the EU, which is now focusing on supporting those making late applications who've had their applications refused, as well as trying to find people unaware or too scared to apply. I'd also like to welcome members of the independent monitoring authority, the citizens' rights watchdog established under the withdrawal agreement—set up by, but independent of, the UK Government—with whom the committee has worked since it was established. You are all very welcome to hear this debate.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Galwodd y Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol y ddadl hon i dynnu sylw'r holl Aelodau at y dystiolaeth y mae ein pwyllgor wedi'i chasglu am gynllun preswylio'n sefydlog yr UE, mewn adroddiad a gyhoeddwyd gennym ym mis Ebrill a thystiolaeth bellach a gasglwyd gennym yn ystod yr ychydig fisoedd diwethaf, ac mae'n dystiolaeth sy'n peri pryder. Diolch i'r holl bobl a gyfrannodd at ein gwaith, ac mae rhai ohonynt yn yr oriel heddiw. Yn gyntaf oll, y staff o Settled, elusen sy'n cynorthwyo dinasyddion Ewropeaidd i lywio eu ffordd drwy'r llanast a grëwyd gan ymadawiad y DU â'r UE, ac sydd bellach yn canolbwyntio ar gefnogi pobl gyda cheisiadau hwyr y cafodd eu ceisiadau eu gwrthod, yn ogystal â cheisio dod o hyd i bobl nad ydynt yn ymwybodol neu sy'n rhy ofnus i wneud cais. Hefyd, hoffwn groesawu aelodau o'r awdurdod monitro annibynnol, y corff gwarchod hawliau dinasyddion a sefydlwyd o dan y cytundeb ymadael—a sefydlwyd gan, ond sy'n annibynnol ar Lywodraeth y DU—y mae'r pwyllgor wedi gweithio gyda hwy ers ei sefydlu. Croeso mawr i chi i gyd i wrando ar y ddadl hon.
Daeth Paul Davies i'r Gadair.
Paul Davies took the Chair.
EU citizens who lived in Wales before Brexit were supposed to apply to stay here by the end of June 2021. As you'll recall, that was just as the sixth Senedd committees were being set up. The committee I chair has been monitoring the quarterly statistics published by the UK Government since 2021 and extracting the figures that apply to Wales. Originally, it was estimated that 95,000 citizens would need to apply in Wales, but that was a guess. How many mainly vulnerable people have missed out on their entitlement is a work in progress. Total applications of 125,000 to date are already significantly higher than that estimate. Of these, over 86,000 have been granted the permanent right to remain. We welcome them. The cause of this committee's concerns are all the other people who've only been given temporary leave to remain, refused leave to remain, whose applications are pending, or who have yet to apply to remain in this country.
I very much appreciate the work that the IMA has done with public bodies to help them identify vulnerable people who failed to apply by the original deadline—for example, care-experienced children; care leavers; frail, elderly people who need help with the application process. Between 500 and 800 new applications have been submitted from people in Wales every month for the last three years or more, and we really don't know how many more people may be affected. Not unreasonably, if the Home Office granted someone definite leave to remain well before we joined the European Union, anyone who is not well informed on the momentous decision to leave the EU after nearly 40 years might easily think this process doesn't apply to them. This has all the hallmarks of a second Windrush. Anyone who comes into contact with the state who should have applied has a mere 28 days to submit an application, and in the meantime can be denied access to the NHS, to social care, lose their job, and, in the worst-case scenarios, can be deported. There are over 40,000 citizens in Wales with pre-settled status, in limbo land effectively.
The IMA achieved a landmark legal victory in December 2022 when the High Court ruled it was illegal to require those with pre-settled status to reapply. The UK Government decided not to appeal, and in July 2023 announced that all these citizens would have their status rolled over by two years and that from the current year, 2024, people would automatically get upgraded to settled status on the basis of automated checks. How anybody is supposed to track exactly what their status is is something that needs to be clarified, because unless the citizen's digital footprint is available, they can be told they've got to apply again. So, for example, unless you pay taxes or receive benefits, you may simply not be able, online, to prove that you have been here for the requisite five years. They may be automatically upgraded to settled status by the expiry date, but they may not, and some will need to apply for a second time.
Late applications are now being subject to narrow criteria and a higher evidence threshold is required. The whole scheme is becoming disproportionately complicated. Reports are intensifying that new and troubling outcomes are occurring, not least because the EUSS is a digital-only system, and it's the first that's being trialled as a guinea pig in the UK. Any digital-only scheme will confront challenges of digital literacy, digital exclusion and errors, and we've seen all of those in this situation. Those with the required proof of residency and language skills, like members of my family, have found applying to the EUSS to be a straightforward process, but for others that is just not the case. Even with status, how do you prove it when the whole thing is digitised? We heard how some landlords, employers, local authorities and statutory services have denied people services because they're risk averse to falling foul of the process, and refuse citizens their entitlement because they don't understand the nuances of how they get to check.
Failure to obtain status, as I said earlier, is really serious and can even lead to deportation, even for people who have got generations of family living in this country. I think, in particular, time and time again we've heard how this presents challenges, not just for those who need to be applying today, especially the most vulnerable in our society: children and young people; older people; children in care or who are looked after; the Roma community who don't speak either English or Welsh or any of the languages that are normally common in this country and they don't have the literacy levels to read any information; people who are homeless; victims of domestic abuse; victims of trafficking. This is a particularly concerning problem for those who may have children in this country whose own status will be affected if these individuals do not apply. So, we applaud the efforts of those who work tirelessly to support EU citizens to stay here in Wales, their home. That includes Jane Hutt, the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, and the Welsh Government, who have consistently provided funds to enable organisations to support Members through this very, very difficult process for some people.
So, we need to raise awareness of the need to apply, as Members, as a committee and as a Senedd. We welcome the Welsh Government's statements of support for EU citizens and the steps taken to help, such as regularly renewing the funding for these specialist advice services. But we called this debate for one main reason, and that's to ask all Members and the Senedd collectively to do more to highlight the issue in our communities, which will create another Windrush, which is a denial of justice and an abuse of justice, and that is what we must avoid, otherwise we will be talking about this in 20, 30 years' time.
Roedd dinasyddion yr UE a oedd yn byw yng Nghymru cyn Brexit i fod i wneud cais i aros yma erbyn diwedd mis Mehefin 2021. Fel y byddwch yn cofio, roedd hynny tua'r un adeg ag yr oedd pwyllgorau'r chweched Senedd yn cael eu sefydlu. Mae’r pwyllgor rwy’n ei gadeirio wedi bod yn monitro’r ystadegau chwarterol a gyhoeddwyd gan Lywodraeth y DU ers 2021 ac yn dethol y ffigurau sy’n berthnasol i Gymru. Yn wreiddiol, amcangyfrifid y byddai angen i 95,000 o ddinasyddion wneud cais yng Nghymru, ond amcangyfrif yn unig oedd hynny. Mae cyfrif faint o bobl agored i niwed, yn bennaf, sydd wedi colli eu hawl yn waith sy'n mynd rhagddo. Mae'r cyfanswm o 125,000 o geisiadau hyd yma eisoes yn sylweddol uwch na’r amcangyfrif hwnnw. O'r rhain, mae dros 86,000 wedi cael hawl i aros yn barhaol. Rydym yn eu croesawu. Achos pryderon y pwyllgor hwn yw’r holl bobl eraill sydd wedi cael caniatâd dros dro i aros yn unig, pobl y gwrthodwyd caniatâd iddynt aros, pobl nad oes penderfyniad wedi'i wneud ar eu ceisiadau eto, neu bobl sydd eto i wneud cais i aros yn y wlad hon.
Rwy’n gwerthfawrogi’n fawr y gwaith y mae’r awdurdod monitro annibynnol wedi’i wneud gyda chyrff cyhoeddus i’w helpu i nodi pobl agored i niwed a fethodd wneud cais erbyn y terfyn amser gwreiddiol—er enghraifft, plant â phrofiad o fod mewn gofal; pobl sy'n gadael gofal; pobl eiddil, oedrannus sydd angen cymorth gyda'r broses ymgeisio. Mae rhwng 500 ac 800 o geisiadau newydd y mis wedi’u cyflwyno gan bobl yng Nghymru dros y tair blynedd diwethaf neu fwy, ac nid ydym yn gwybod faint yn rhagor o bobl a allai gael eu heffeithio. Nid yw’n afresymol i rywun nad ydynt yn gwybod llawer am y penderfyniad mawr i adael yr UE ar ôl bron i 40 mlynedd feddwl nad yw’r broses hon yn berthnasol iddynt hwy os cafodd rhywun ganiatâd amhenodol i aros gan y Swyddfa Gartref ymhell cyn inni ymuno â’r Undeb Ewropeaidd. Mae gan hyn holl nodweddion ail Windrush. Dim ond 28 diwrnod sydd gan unrhyw un sy’n dod i gysylltiad â’r wladwriaeth ac y dylent fod wedi gwneud cais i wneud hynny, ac yn y cyfamser, gellir gwrthod mynediad iddynt at y GIG, gofal cymdeithasol, gallant golli eu swydd, ac yn y senario waethaf, gallent gael eu hallgludo. Mae gan dros 40,000 o ddinasyddion yng Nghymru statws preswylydd cyn-sefydlog, sy'n golygu eu bod mewn limbo, i bob pwrpas.
Enillodd yr awdurdod monitro annibynnol fuddugoliaeth gyfreithiol bwysig ym mis Rhagfyr 2022 pan ddyfarnodd yr Uchel Lys ei bod yn anghyfreithlon ei gwneud yn ofynnol i bobl â statws preswylydd cyn-sefydlog ailymgeisio. Penderfynodd Llywodraeth y DU beidio ag apelio, ac ym mis Gorffennaf 2023, cyhoeddodd y byddai statws yr holl ddinasyddion hyn yn cael ei ymestyn am ddwy flynedd, ac o 2024 ymlaen, y byddai pobl yn cael eu huwchraddio’n awtomatig i statws sefydlog ar sail gwiriadau awtomataidd. Mae sut y mae unrhyw un i fod i olrhain beth yn union yw eu statws yn rhywbeth y mae angen ei egluro, oherwydd oni bai bod ôl troed digidol y dinesydd ar gael, gallai fod yn rhaid iddynt wneud cais arall. Felly, er enghraifft, oni bai eich bod yn talu trethi neu'n derbyn budd-daliadau, efallai na fyddwch yn gallu profi, ar-lein, eich bod wedi bod yma am y cyfnod gofynnol o bum mlynedd. Efallai y cânt eu huwchraddio'n awtomatig i statws sefydlog erbyn y terfyn amser, ond efallai na fydd hynny'n digwydd, a bydd angen i rai wneud cais am yr eildro.
Mae ceisiadau hwyr bellach yn destun meini prawf caeth, ac mae'r trothwy ar gyfer tystiolaeth yn uwch. Mae'r cynllun cyfan yn dod yn anghymesur o gymhleth. Ceir mwy a mwy o adroddiadau o ganlyniadau newydd a gofidus, yn enwedig gan mai system ddigidol yn unig yw'r cynllun preswylwyr sefydlog i ddinasyddion yr UE, a dyma’r cyntaf i gael ei threialu fel arbrawf yn y DU. Bydd heriau o ran llythrennedd digidol, allgáu digidol a gwallau ynghlwm wrth unrhyw gynllun sy'n ddigidol yn unig, ac rydym wedi gweld pob un o'r rheini yn yr achos hwn. Mae’r rhai sydd â’r prawf gofynnol o breswyliad a’r sgiliau iaith, fel aelodau o fy nheulu, wedi canfod bod gwneud cais i’r cynllun preswylio'n sefydlog i ddinasyddion yr UE yn broses syml, ond nid yw hynny’n wir i eraill. Hyd yn oed gyda statws, sut rydych chi'n ei brofi pan fydd yr holl beth wedi'i ddigideiddio? Clywsom sut y mae rhai landlordiaid, cyflogwyr, awdurdodau lleol a gwasanaethau statudol wedi gwrthod gwasanaethau i bobl am eu bod yn amharod i fentro mynd yn groes i'r broses, ac yn gwrthod yr hyn y mae ganddynt hawl iddo i ddinasyddion am nad ydynt yn deall y manylion o ran sut i wirio.
Mae methu cael statws, fel y dywedais yn gynharach, yn wirioneddol ddifrifol, a gall arwain at allgludo, hyd yn oed i bobl y mae eu teuluoedd wedi byw yn y wlad hon ers cenedlaethau. Dro ar ôl tro, clywsom sut y mae hyn yn peri heriau, nid yn unig i'r rhai sydd angen gwneud cais heddiw, yn enwedig y rhai mwyaf agored i niwed yn ein cymdeithas: plant a phobl ifanc; pobl hŷn; plant mewn gofal neu sy'n derbyn gofal; y gymuned Roma nad ydynt yn siarad Saesneg na Chymraeg nac unrhyw un o'r ieithoedd sydd fel arfer yn gyffredin yn y wlad hon ac nad oes ganddynt lefelau llythrennedd i ddarllen unrhyw wybodaeth; pobl ddigartref; dioddefwyr cam-drin domestig; dioddefwyr masnachu pobl. Mae hon yn broblem sy'n peri pryder arbennig i'r rheini a allai fod â phlant yn y wlad hon y bydd eu statws hwy'n cael ei effeithio os na fydd yr unigolion hyn yn gwneud cais. Felly, rydym yn cymeradwyo ymdrechion y bobl sy’n gweithio’n ddiflino i gefnogi dinasyddion yr UE i aros yma yng Nghymru, eu cartref. Mae hynny’n cynnwys Jane Hutt, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Gyfiawnder Cymdeithasol, a Llywodraeth Cymru, sydd wedi darparu cyllid yn gyson i alluogi sefydliadau i gefnogi Aelodau drwy’r broses hynod anodd hon i rai pobl.
Felly, mae angen inni godi ymwybyddiaeth o’r angen i wneud cais, fel Aelodau, fel pwyllgor ac fel Senedd. Rydym yn croesawu datganiadau Llywodraeth Cymru o gefnogaeth i ddinasyddion yr UE a’r camau a gymerwyd i helpu, megis adnewyddu’r cyllid ar gyfer y gwasanaethau cynghori arbenigol hyn yn rheolaidd. Ond fe wnaethom alw’r ddadl hon am un prif reswm, sef i ofyn i’r holl Aelodau a’r Senedd ar y cyd wneud mwy i dynnu sylw at fater yn ein cymunedau a fydd yn creu Windrush arall, sef gwarafun cyfiawnder a gwneud anghyfiawnder, a dyna sy'n rhaid i ni ei osgoi, neu fel arall, byddwn yn dal i sôn am hyn ymhen 20, 30 mlynedd.
I'd like to start by thanking the Chair for opening the debate and the clerking team for compiling such a comprehensive report. As you can see from the European Union settlement scheme and citizens' rights after Brexit report, it is quite encouraging, the Welsh Government's actions in addressing the issues that have been raised and that its recommendations are fair and realistic. And I'm delighted that the proactive measures taken by Welsh local authorities have been rightly recognised, with all 22 being graded green. I also know that the Cabinet Secretary works very hard on these matters and is a passionate advocate, which comes over in many of the positive aspects of this report. That said, I would like to pick up a few points, which are more areas to think about rather than criticisms.
I am surprised that there are still so many late applications. I know, Cabinet Secretary, that these are mainly repeat applications and not new, and that there are concerns that these are increasingly complex. However, given the impact on people's lives, I believe that it would be very beneficial to understand the predominant reasons for refusal in the first instance. Obtaining that data would certainly help with the guidance that could be given and the steps that could be taken by the Welsh Government to support applicants.
I note in the report that it is highlighted that almost 425,000 people had to wait for longer than six months and almost 65,000 people had to wait for more than a year to get their status. And whilst I accept that an influx of applications is going to push up waiting times, I would argue that there might well have been issues in obtaining data from the country of origin and a greater need for enhanced scrutiny that would have substantially contributed to this, which is something I think we should try to find out. The IMA has previously expressed concerns over the accurate record keeping, data capture and storage of applications, particularly for those cases relating to children and care leavers, as we have heard, and that whilst this has started to improve, it nonetheless means that there are lessons to be learnt as to why these new standards weren't enforced from the outset.
Finally, acting Presiding Officer, I'd like to highlight the issue of the lack of awareness and the fact that it is predicted that we may not know for maybe a generation who hasn't actually applied to the scheme yet. The UK officially left the EU over four years ago, and I find it very hard to believe that any EU citizen would not be aware of this and not have been aware that they needed to review their immigration status. But as the report highlights, we need to be asking what are the barriers, and even more troubling, are there people being forcibly stopped in making applications? Sadly, acting Presiding Officer, human trafficking is a huge issue, and the more data that we can obtain will certainly help in identifying individuals who might be victims of this.
It is mentioned that there are people who have been in the UK for some time that should have been granted settled status, but have been granted pre-settled status on the account that they have very little footprint to show they have been here. I believe we need to continually ask why this is the case. Whilst it is shown that digital skills is one major barrier, we can nonetheless expect that, as time goes on, this will become less of a case and therefore we need to keep on top of and better understand the ever-changing new barriers that could arise. In a past life, when I was a local councillor, I held advice surgeries specifically to help EU citizens understand the process, and I have seen at first-hand some of the difficulties and concerns that they had. There's always more that can be done and we need to be ever vigilant, but at the moment, it looks like the Welsh Government is making good progress. Thank you.
Hoffwn ddechrau drwy ddiolch i’r Cadeirydd am agor y ddadl ac i’r tîm clercio am lunio adroddiad mor gynhwysfawr. Fel y gwelwch o'r cynllun preswylio’n sefydlog i ddinasyddion yr UE ac adroddiad hawliau dinasyddion ar ôl Brexit, mae camau gweithredu Llywodraeth Cymru wrth fynd i’r afael â’r materion a godwyd a'r ffaith bod ei hargymhellion yn deg ac yn realistig yn eithaf calonogol. Ac rwy'n falch iawn fod y mesurau rhagweithiol a roddwyd ar waith gan awdurdodau lleol Cymru wedi'u cydnabod, yn gwbl briodol, gyda phob un o'r 22 wedi'u graddio'n wyrdd. Gwn hefyd fod Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn gweithio'n galed iawn ar y materion hyn a'i bod yn eu hyrwyddo'n angerddol, sydd i'w weld yn glir iawn yn llawer o agweddau cadarnhaol yr adroddiad hwn. Wedi dweud hynny, hoffwn godi ychydig o bwyntiau, sy'n feysydd i feddwl amdanynt yn hytrach na beirniadaeth.
Rwy'n synnu bod cymaint o geisiadau hwyr o hyd. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, rwy'n gwybod mai ailgeisiadau yw’r rhain yn bennaf ac nid rhai newydd, a bod pryderon fod y rhain yn gynyddol gymhleth. Fodd bynnag, o ystyried yr effaith ar fywydau pobl, credaf y byddai’n fuddiol iawn deall y prif resymau pam y cawsant eu gwrthod yn y lle cyntaf. Byddai cael y data hwnnw yn sicr yn helpu gyda’r canllawiau y gellid eu rhoi a’r camau y gellid eu cymryd gan Lywodraeth Cymru i gefnogi ymgeiswyr.
Sylwaf fod yr adroddiad yn nodi bod bron i 425,000 o bobl wedi gorfod aros am fwy na chwe mis a bod bron i 65,000 o bobl wedi gorfod aros am fwy na blwyddyn i gael eu statws. Ac er fy mod yn derbyn bod mewnlif o geisiadau'n mynd i gynyddu amseroedd aros, buaswn yn dadlau y gallai fod problemau wedi bod i gael data o’r wlad wreiddiol a mwy o angen am graffu gwell a fyddai wedi cyfrannu’n sylweddol at hyn, sy'n rhywbeth y credaf y dylem geisio ei ganfod. Mae’r Awudrdod Monitro Annibynnol wedi mynegi pryderon yn y gorffennol ynghylch cadw cofnodion cywir, casglu data a storio ceisiadau, yn enwedig ar gyfer yr achosion sy'n gysylltiedig â phlant a phobl sy’n gadael gofal, fel y clywsom, ac er bod hyn wedi dechrau gwella, mae’n golygu serch hynny fod gwersi i'w dysgu ynghylch pam na chafodd y safonau newydd hyn eu gorfodi o'r cychwyn cyntaf.
Yn olaf, Lywydd dros dro, hoffwn dynnu sylw at fater y diffyg ymwybyddiaeth a'r ffaith y rhagwelir efallai na fyddwn yn gwybod am genhedlaeth, mewn gwirionedd, pwy sydd heb wneud cais i'r cynllun eto. Gadawodd y DU yr UE yn swyddogol dros bedair blynedd yn ôl, ac rwy’n ei chael hi'n anodd iawn credu y byddai unrhyw un o ddinasyddion yr UE heb fod yn ymwybodol o hyn a bod angen iddynt adolygu eu statws mewnfudo. Ond fel y mae’r adroddiad yn ei amlygu, mae angen inni ofyn beth yw’r rhwystrau, a hyd yn oed yn fwy difrifol, a oes pobl yn cael eu gorfodi i beidio â gwneud ceisiadau? Yn anffodus, Lywydd dros dro, mae masnachu pobl yn broblem enfawr, a gorau po fwyaf o ddata y gallwn ei gasglu i'n helpu i nodi unigolion a allai fod yn ddioddefwyr.
Dywedir bod pobl sydd wedi bod yn y DU ers peth amser a ddylai fod wedi cael statws preswylydd sefydlog, ond sydd wedi cael statws preswylydd cyn-sefydlog am y rheswm mai ychydig iawn o ôl troed sydd ganddynt i ddangos eu bod wedi bod yma. Credaf fod angen inni ofyn yn barhaus pam mae hyn yn digwydd. Er y dangosir bod sgiliau digidol yn un rhwystr mawr, gallwn ddisgwyl, serch hynny, wrth i amser fynd yn ei flaen, y bydd hyn yn dod yn llai o reswm, ac felly mae angen inni barhau i nodi a deall yn well y rhwystrau newydd a allai godi. Yn y gorffennol, pan oeddwn yn gynghorydd lleol, cynhaliais gymorthfeydd cyngor yn benodol i helpu dinasyddion yr UE i ddeall y broses, ac rwyf wedi gweld rhai o’r anawsterau a’r pryderon a oedd ganddynt drosof fy hun. Mae mwy y gellir ei wneud bob amser, ac mae angen inni fod yn wyliadwrus bob amser, ond ar hyn o bryd, ymddengys bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn gwneud cynnydd da. Diolch.
Diolch, Llywydd dros dro. Chlywsom ni ddim sôn am effeithiau andwyol Brexit yn natganiad y Canghellor yr wythnos diwethaf. Yn wir, mae'r Blaid Lafur wedi bod yn ofalus iawn i beidio â rhoi unrhyw sylw i'r eliffant anferth sy'n eistedd yn ystafell wleidyddol ein gwlad—yr eliffant sy'n cael effaith mor fawr ar ein heconomi a'n diwylliant, ac ar hawliau dinasyddion Ewrop sy'n byw yng Nghymru.
Yn sgil ein gwaith craffu ar sut mae'r degau o filoedd o ddinasyddion yr Undeb Ewropeaidd sy'n byw ymhob rhan o Gymru yn ymwybodol o ac yn cael mynediad at y broses sydd angen ei dilyn nawr er mwyn cael yr hawl i aros yn ein cenedl yn sgil Brexit, mae'r adroddiad wedi canu sawl larwm pwysig sydd angen sylw brys a chadarn gan Lywodraethau Cymru a'r Deyrnas Gyfunol, achos os na fydd yna weithredu nawr, gallwn wynebu sefyllfa gwbl annerbyniol mewn rhai blynyddoedd a fyddai'n gweld degau ar filoedd o bobl a'u disgynyddion sydd yn byw ac yn gweithio yng Nghymru yn colli eu hawl i fyw a gweithio yma, yn colli eu hawl i ofal iechyd ac addysg, yn methu â rhentu cartref, ac yn wynebu'r posibilrwydd o gael eu gyrru o'r wlad. Nid ar chwarae bach mae arbenigwyr wedi dweud wrth y pwyllgor ein bod ni’n wynebu rhywbeth allai ymdebygu i sgandal Windrush.
Y peth cyntaf i'w nodi yn glir yw nad yw'r data sy'n cael ei gasglu a'i adrodd ar hyn yn ddigonol. Dyw'r niferoedd sy'n cael eu hadrodd ddim yn cynnwys gwybodaeth fyddai'n ysgogi ac yn cefnogi ymgyrch effeithiol i sicrhau nad oes yna bobl mewn perygl o golli eu cyfle i aros yma, nac addasu wedyn y prosesau yn unol â'r wybodaeth hynny. Mae'r setiau data ar nifer o gamau'r broses naill ai ddim ar gael i'w rhannu’n gyhoeddus, neu ddim yn cael eu casglu gan adrannau ac asiantaethau Llywodraeth San Steffan. Mae gwir angen datrys hyn ar fyrder. Ac fel y clywon ni gan Jenny Rathbone, y rhai mwyaf bregus sydd angen cefnogaeth fwyaf, sydd fwyaf tebygol o ddioddef yn andwyol yn sgil y cawlach cymhleth a dryslyd hwn—cawlach a achoswyd yn uniongyrchol gan Brexit. Achos mae arbenigwyr wedi pwysleisio wrth y pwyllgor mai plant, pobl hŷn a phobl incwm isel sydd fwyaf tebygol o ddioddef yn sgil y sefyllfa yma. Pobl sydd â salwch tymor hir, pobl â dementia, pobl mewn gofal, pobl sydd yn ddioddefwyr caethwasanaeth a chamdriniaeth ddomestig.
Mae newid wedi bod yn y Llywodraeth yn San Steffan ers inni gyhoeddi'r adroddiad ac ers i Lywodraeth Cymru ymateb iddo. Felly, mae angen inni glywed gan yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet pa drafodaethau, pa newidiadau a pha gynlluniau sydd ar droed i fynd i'r afael â'r anghyfiawnderau posib presennol ac i'r dyfodol, a'r gofid a'r niwed tebygol y mae hynny'n peri i nifer sylweddol o bobl sy'n byw yng Nghymru.
Hoffwn i glywed diweddariad i'r ymatebion i argymhelliad 1, er enghraifft—y mwyaf sylfaenol o'n hargymhellion ni fel pwyllgor—sut mae Llywodraethau Llafur Cymru a'r Deyrnas Gyfunol am gydweithio ar hyn? Ydy'r heriau sylweddol gyda'r Swyddfa Gartref—fel y cawson nhw eu disgrifio gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn eu hymateb—wedi eu datrys, ac os felly, sut? Ydy'r Llywodraeth wedi derbyn pwysigrwydd cyllido gwaith Settled a TGP Cymru yn unol â'ch ymateb i'n ail argymhelliad? Ac o ran eich ymateb i'n hail argymhelliad, bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn parhau i gefnogi dinasyddion Ewrop, gan gynnwys y rheini sy’n gwneud cais i’r EUSS, a yw Llywodraeth Cymru wedi galw felly ar Lywodraeth newydd San Steffan i adolygu'r meini prawf cymhwysedd culach ac ailgyflwyno'r hawl i adolygiad gweinyddol, ill dau sydd wedi arwain at fwy o alw am gyngor a chymorth?
Ydy Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Gyfunol nawr yn fodlon gwrando ar gais Llywodraeth Cymru i ehangu'r cynllun aduno teuluol, er enghraifft, sy'n cael ei amlinellu yn eich ymateb i argymhelliad 5, er mwyn sicrhau ei fod yn fwy hygyrch ar gyfer ceiswyr noddfa sydd ag aelodau teulu yn y Deyrnas Gyfunol, beth bynnag eu cenedligrwydd?
Problem ddifrifol nad yw'n diflannu yw hon, problem gudd, i raddau, ond problem allai gael canlyniadau hynod o ddifrifol i filoedd o bobl sy'n byw yng Nghymru ac yn cyfrannu i ddyfodol ein cenedl. Mae'n hanfodol bod y gwaith o godi ymwybyddiaeth, o sicrhau cefnogaeth ac o wella'r broses yn cael ei gefnogi yn wleidyddol ac yn ariannol. Felly, pa sicrwydd gall Llywodraeth Cymru ei roi na fydd yna gwtogi ar ariannu'r gwaith pwysig hwn o adnabod, annog, cefnogi a sicrhau bod y rhai sydd angen gwneud cais i aros neu drosi statws cyn-sefydlog yn parhau i'r dyfodol ac yn peidio â lleihau? Achos rhaid i ni wrando ar rybudd yr arbenigwyr, fel Migration Observatory, ac rwy’n dyfynnu nawr i orffen, Dirprwy Lywydd:
Thank you, Llywydd dros dro. We heard no mention of the adverse effects of Brexit in the Chancellor's statement last week. Indeed, the Labour Party has been very careful not to pay any attention to the huge elephant that sits in our country's political room—the elephant that is having such a significant impact on our economy and our culture, and on the rights of European citizens living in Wales.
As a result of our scrutiny of how the tens of thousands of EU citizens who live in all parts of Wales are aware of, and have access to, the process that needs to be followed now in order to have the right to stay in our nation following Brexit, the report has sounded several important alarms that require urgent and robust attention from the Governments of Wales and the UK, because if no action is taken now, we could face an entirely unacceptable situation in a few years, which would see tens of thousands of people and their descendants who live and work in Wales losing their right to live and work here, losing their right to healthcare and education, being unable to rent a home, and facing the possibility of being driven from the country. It is not for nothing that experts have told the committee that we face a situation that would resemble the Windrush scandal.
The first thing to note clearly is that the data being collected and reported on this are inadequate. The numbers that are being reported do not include information that would drive and support an effective campaign to ensure that there are no people at risk of losing their opportunity to secure their right to stay, or to then adapt processes in accordance with that information. The data sets on many stages of the process are either not available for sharing, or are not being collected by Westminster Government departments and agencies. We really need to resolve this as a matter of urgency. And as we heard from Jenny Rathbone, it is the most vulnerable people who need the most support, and who are most likely to suffer adversely as a result of this complex and confusing mess—a mess directly caused by Brexit. Because experts have emphasised to the committee that children, older people and low-income people are those most likely to suffer as a result of this situation. People with long-term illness, people with dementia, people in care, people who are victims of slavery and domestic abuse.
There has been a change of Government in Westminster since we published the report and since the Welsh Government responded to it. We therefore need to hear from the Cabinet Secretary what discussions, what changes and what plans are under way to address current and future possible injustices, and the likely distress and harm that that is causing to a significant number of people who live in Wales.
I would like to hear an update to the responses to recommendation 1, for example—the most fundamental of our recommendations as a committee—namely how are the Labour Governments of Wales and the United Kingdom going to work together on this? Have the significant challenges with the Home Office—as they were described by the Welsh Government in its response—been resolved, and if so, how? Has the Government accepted the importance of funding the work of Settled and TGP Cymru, in accordance with your response to our second recommendation? And in terms of your response to our second recommendation, namely that the Welsh Government continue to support European citizens, including those applying for the EUSS, has the Welsh Government called, therefore, on the new Government in Westminster to review the narrower eligibility criteria and reintroduce the right to an administrative review, both of which have led to increased demand for advice and support?
Is the UK Government now willing to listen to the request by the Welsh Government to expand the family reunification scheme, for example, outlined in your response to recommendation 5, in order to ensure that it's more accessible for asylum seekers who have family members in the UK, whatever their nationality?
This is a serious problem that's not going away, a hidden problem, to a certain extent, but a problem that could have extremely serious consequences for thousands of people who live in Wales and contribute to the future of our nation. It is crucial that the work of raising awareness, securing support and improving the process is supported both politically and financially. So, what assurance can the Welsh Government give that there will be no cuts in funding for the important work of identifying, encouraging, supporting and ensuring that those who need to apply to stay or to convert pre-settled status continues for the future and does not decline? Because we must listen to the warnings of the experts such as Migration Observatory, and I quote to conclude, Dirprwy Lywydd:
'There's been, to a certain extent, a sense in Government that the EUSS will be an issue that will gradually go away. It's been a long time since the scheme was introduced. But these problems will continue to be here for a very long time, and I think it's very important that that certainty is available, both for these groups and for the organisations that are supporting them.'
'Cafwyd ymdeimlad, i raddau, yn y Llywodraeth y bydd y cynllun preswylio'n sefydlog i ddinasyddion yr UE yn fater a fydd yn diflannu'n raddol. Mae amser hir wedi bod ers cyflwyno'r cynllun. Ond bydd y problemau hyn yn parhau i fod yma am amser maith, a chredaf ei bod yn bwysig iawn fod y sicrwydd hwnnw ar gael, i'r grwpiau hyn ac i'r sefydliadau sy'n eu cefnogi.'
Felly, hoffwn gael sicrwydd y prynhawn yma bod y Llywodraeth yn gwrando ac yn mynd i bwyso ar ei chwaer Llywodraeth yn San Steffan i wrando hefyd. Diolch.
So, I would like an assurance this afternoon that the Government is listening and is going to press its sister Government in Westminster to listen too. Thank you.
Dwi'n galw nawr ar Mike Hedges fel Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a'r Cyfansoddiad.
I now call on Mike Hedges as Chair of the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee.
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. The LJC committee is responsible for international obligations, including UK-EU agreements, and the withdrawal agreement is one of them. The committee is also responsible for the constitutional aspects of external affairs, and there are many resulting from the UK’s exit from the European Union. The withdrawal agreement governs this exit and, with it, guarantees the rights of European Union citizens and their families.
Many of us will have followed the High Court case mentioned by Jenny Rathbone earlier, which held that the former UK Government’s approach to citizens’ rights was unlawful under the withdrawal agreement, a matter that should concern us all. The court held that pre-settled citizens, those with a temporary status, should not automatically lose their rights because they had not made a second application to upgrade their status to a permanent one.
There have been around 125,000 applications from EU citizens in Wales to the EU settlement scheme. Some of them have been granted a permanent status, some a temporary one, and some no status at all. Others have not yet applied, and nobody knows who or where they are.
Yes, the EU settlement scheme is complicated. But that should not mean that we shy away from implementing our obligations, nor fail to grasp what it means for the people and for us as a Senedd. We have a duty to observe international obligations—the Government of Wales Act 2006 is absolutely clear on that—and how international obligations work on the ground is a key question for us all. When we considered withdrawal agreement compliance for the Northern Ireland Protocol Bill debates in 2022, Welsh Ministers left no doubt of the risks posed by non-performance of international obligations to Wales and to the UK. Here in the Senedd, we have a strong record of holding our international obligations in the highest regard. The LJC is the guardian and gatekeeper of this work. We'll continue to follow the matters debated here today with great interest, and I thank the Equality and Social Justice Committee for tabling this debate. Diolch.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Mae'r Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a’r Cyfansoddiad yn gyfrifol am rwymedigaethau rhyngwladol, gan gynnwys cytundebau rhwng y DU a’r UE, ac mae’r cytundeb ymadael yn un ohonynt. Mae’r pwyllgor hefyd yn gyfrifol am yr agweddau cyfansoddiadol ar faterion allanol, ac mae llawer ohonynt yn deillio o ymadawiad y DU â’r Undeb Ewropeaidd. Mae'r cytundeb ymadael yn llywodraethu'r ymadawiad hwn, a chydag ef, yn gwarantu hawliau dinasyddion yr Undeb Ewropeaidd a'u teuluoedd.
Bydd llawer ohonom wedi dilyn yr achos yn yr Uchel Lys a grybwyllwyd gan Jenny Rathbone yn gynharach, a ddyfarnodd fod agwedd Llywodraeth flaenorol y DU at hawliau dinasyddion yn anghyfreithlon o dan y cytundeb ymadael, mater a ddylai beri pryder i bob un ohonom. Dyfarnodd y llys na ddylai dinasyddion cyn-sefydlog, y rhai â statws dros dro, golli eu hawliau yn awtomatig am nad oeddent wedi gwneud ail gais i uwchraddio eu statws i un parhaol.
Cafwyd oddeutu 125,000 o geisiadau gan ddinasyddion yr UE yng Nghymru i'r cynllun preswylio’n sefydlog i ddinasyddion yr UE. Mae rhai ohonynt wedi cael statws parhaol, rhai wedi cael statws dros dro, a rhai heb gael statws o gwbl. Nid yw eraill wedi gwneud cais eto, ac nid oes unrhyw un yn gwybod pwy ydynt na ble y maent.
Ydy, mae'r cynllun preswylio’n sefydlog i ddinasyddion yr UE yn gymhleth. Ond ni ddylai hynny olygu ein bod yn cilio rhag gweithredu ein rhwymedigaethau, nac yn methu deall yr hyn y mae’n ei olygu i’r bobl ac i ni fel Senedd. Mae gennym ddyletswydd i gadw at rwymedigaethau rhyngwladol—mae Deddf Llywodraeth Cymru 2006 yn nodi hynny'n gwbl glir—ac mae sut y mae rhwymedigaethau rhyngwladol yn gweithio ar lawr gwlad yn gwestiwn allweddol i bob un ohonom. Pan wnaethom ystyried cydymffurfiaeth â'r cytundeb ymadael ar gyfer y dadleuon ar Fil Protocol Gogledd Iwerddon yn 2022, nododd Gweinidogion Cymru y risgiau amlwg y byddai peidio â chyflawni rhwymedigaethau rhyngwladol yn eu creu i Gymru ac i’r DU. Yma yn y Senedd, mae gennym hanes cryf o roi’r parch mwyaf i’n rhwymedigaethau rhyngwladol. Y Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a’r Cyfansoddiad yw gwarcheidwad a phorthgeidwad y gwaith hwn. Byddwn yn parhau i ddilyn y materion a drafodir yma heddiw gyda chryn ddiddordeb, a diolch i’r Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol am gyflwyno’r ddadl hon. Diolch.
Dwi nawr yn galw ar Delyth Jewell fel Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Diwylliant, Cyfathrebu, y Gymraeg, Chwaraeon a Chysylltiadau Rhyngwladol.
I now call on Delyth Jewell as Chair of the Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport and International Relations Committee.
Diolch, Lywydd dros dro. Mae hawliau dinasyddion yn rhan sylfaenol o’r cytundeb ymadael, ond yn aml maen nhw’n cael eu colli mewn trafodaethau am brotocol Gogledd Iwerddon neu fframwaith Windsor. Rwy’n diolch yn fawr i’r Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol am y cyfle i drafod darpariaethau ar hawliau dinasyddion. Fel Cadeirydd y pwyllgor sy’n gyfrifol am gysylltiadau rhyngwladol, rwyf i bob amser yn croesawu’r cyfle i’r Senedd gyfan drafod materion y Deyrnas Unedig a’r Undeb Ewropeaidd.
Lywydd dros dro, heddiw mae’n pwyllgor ni wedi cyhoeddi adroddiad ar effeithiau Brexit ar ein sector diwylliant. Mae'r adroddiad yn edrych ar effeithiau'r cytundeb masnach a chydweithredu rhwng y Deyrnas Unedig a'r Undeb Ewropeaidd yn bennaf, ond mae llinyn cyffredin rhwng ein gwaith ac ym mhwnc y ddadl hon, sef effeithiau Brexit ar bobl. Gwyddom oll fod Brexit wedi dod â'r rhyddid i symud i ben. Yn ein hadroddiad, rŷm ni'n sôn am y ffaith nad arafu symudiad pobl yn unig oedd hyn; arafodd hefyd y rhyddid i symud o ran creadigrwydd, syniadau a photensial.
Thank you, acting Llywydd. Citizens’ rights are a fundamental part of the withdrawal agreement, but they're often lost in discussions about the Northern Ireland protocol, or the Windsor framework. I thank the Equality and Social Justice Committee for this opportunity to discuss citizens’ rights provisions. As Chair of the committee responsible for international relations, I always welcome the opportunity for the whole Senedd to discuss UK-EU matters.
Acting Llywydd, today, our committee published a report on the impacts of Brexit on our culture sector. This looks primarily at the effects of the trade and co-operation agreement between the UK and the EU, but there is a common thread in our work and the subject of this debate, namely the effects of Brexit on people. We all know that Brexit brought about an end to freedom of movement. In our report, we talk about how this didn’t just slow the movement of people, it also slowed the free movement of creativity, ideas and potential.
Now, I welcome the Equality and Social Justice Committee’s regular reports—the maps and the graphs and the charts that are so important. But, like we say in our report, we must look beyond the data to the gaps to truly see the effect on people's lives—people we all represent; people who've built their lives in Wales; people who belong here.
Jenny has outlined the increasing complexity of the EUSS, the bureaucracy, barriers, burdens placed upon or in front of those least able to overcome them. The UK’s departure from the EU has created a need for EU citizens to apply to stay somewhere they may have lived for years, or for decades. And just five years later, here we are, talking about the risk of a second Windrush. That, surely, must be a wake-up call. In my own committee’s report today, in the foreword to the report, I've said that we must all do more and do better. We must all follow the example set by the organisations watching us here today and the Equality and Social Justice Committee, with their work, and not take our eye off what is at stake for people's lives. Surely, it's incumbent on all of us not only to debate these matters, but to help raise awareness in the heart of our Welsh democracy. I propose that that is, indeed, the very least that we can do.
So, once again, I really truly do thank the Equality and Social Justice Committee for its ongoing work on this, for tabling this important debate and for its unwavering support for EU citizens in Wales. They live alongside us, they are our friends and our neighbours, and, Llywydd dros dro, they belong here.
Nawr, rwy'n croesawu adroddiadau rheolaidd y Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol—y mapiau a'r graffiau a'r siartiau sydd mor bwysig. Ond fel y dywedwn yn ein hadroddiad, mae'n rhaid inni edrych y tu hwnt i'r data at y bylchau i weld yr effaith wirioneddol ar fywydau pobl—pobl y mae pob un ohonom yn eu cynrychioli; pobl sydd wedi adeiladu eu bywydau yng Nghymru; pobl sy'n perthyn yma.
Mae Jenny wedi amlinellu cymhlethdod cynyddol y cynllun preswylio'n sefydlog i ddinasyddion yr UE, y fiwrocratiaeth, y rhwystrau, y beichiau a roddir ar neu o flaen y rhai â'r lleiaf o allu i’w goresgyn. Mae ymadawiad y DU â’r UE wedi creu angen i ddinasyddion yr UE wneud cais i aros yn rhywle y gallent fod wedi byw ers blynyddoedd, neu ers degawdau. A bum mlynedd yn unig yn ddiweddarach, dyma ni, yn sôn am y perygl o ail Windrush. Dylai hynny fod yn canu larymau. Yn adroddiad fy mhwyllgor fy hun heddiw, yn y rhagair i'r adroddiad, rwyf wedi dweud bod yn rhaid i bob un ohonom wneud mwy, a gwneud yn well. Mae'n rhaid i bob un ohonom ddilyn yr esiampl a osodwyd gan y sefydliadau sy’n ein gwylio yma heddiw, a’r Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol, gyda’u gwaith, a pheidio â rhoi'r gorau i ganolbwyntio ar yr hyn sydd yn y fantol i fywydau pobl. Mae'n ddyletswydd ar bob un ohonom nid yn unig i drafod y materion hyn, ond i helpu i godi ymwybyddiaeth yng nghalon ein democratiaeth yng Nghymru. Rwy'n cynnig mai dyna’r lleiaf y gallwn ei wneud, yn wir.
Felly, unwaith eto, rwy'n diolch yn fawr i'r Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol am ei waith parhaus ar hyn, am gyflwyno'r ddadl bwysig hon ac am ei gefnogaeth ddiwyro i ddinasyddion yr UE yng Nghymru. Maent yn byw ochr yn ochr â ni, maent yn ffrindiau ac yn gymdogion, a Lywydd dros dro, maent yn perthyn yma.
In 2016, Vote Leave promised that EU citizens would automatically be granted indefinite leave to remain in the UK, and assured that there would be no significant changes for those lawfully residing here. A shameful requirement for those people who have given so much to this country. And those assurances and rights quickly unravelled. What should have been a straightforward process has instead become a complex, frustrating ordeal. Through no fault of their own, thousands of EU citizens in Wales are now caught up in a confusing system that jeopardises their right to stay here. It is the vulnerable who are especially at risk: long-term elderly EU residents often unaware that they need to apply, even; members of the Roma community, as we've heard, who are sometimes unable to access a system that operates entirely online.
So, there are some things that we have done in Wales well. I'm glad to see reflected in the report progress in supporting these communities. Notably, I commend all 22 Welsh local authorities that have achieved green status from the independent monitoring authority for assisting looked-after children and care leavers. Yet the Welsh Government's response to our report's recommendations is really concerning. The commitment to support services like Settled only until March 2025 betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of what witnesses have clearly told us—that this is a generation-long issue that won't simply fade away. Future funding tied solely to annual demand reviews fails to provide the stability needed to avoid, as we've heard many times today, a possible repeat of the Windrush scandal. I, therefore, firstly urge the Cabinet Secretary to commit to sustainable long-term funding for support services beyond 2025.
Another key factor in maintaining support is improving data sharing, as we've already heard from Sioned Williams. Organisations like Settled stress that, without data, we can't identify who needs the support or where they are, diminishing the effectiveness of any efforts. So, will a new UK Labour Government now in office be persuaded and influenced by this Welsh Labour Government to take advantage of renewed collaboration and use all of the available influence to secure access to this vital data?
Finally, I'd like to address the impact of the rapid digitisation of the UK's immigration system, accelerated by the previous Conservative Governments. This shift has created a system that many say is unfit for purpose and already harming vulnerable people. Our evidence sessions revealed how the digital-only status of the settlement scheme continues to exclude many with limited digital literacy or English proficiency. As Fiona Costello highlighted, within communities like the Roma in Wales, many applicants struggle, often relying on children or family members to manage and verify their status.
Soon, the stakes will rise. Starting 1 January 2025, as many as 4 million to 5 million people living in the UK may find themselves, effectively, undocumented. These individuals haven't lost their right to be here—they're lawful residents—but they're trapped by a digital system that was supposed to protect them. So, finally, and to finish, I call on the Welsh Government to press Westminster to ensure that EU citizens and their families in the UK are given physical proof of their right to remain. This is a simple yet essential step to prevent vulnerable residents from being unjustly penalised by a flawed system. Please show us that your role here in Cardiff as a Labour Minister has an influence on a Labour UK Government. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Yn 2016, addawodd Vote Leave y byddai dinasyddion yr UE yn cael caniatâd amhenodol i aros yn y DU yn awtomatig, a sicrhawyd na fyddai unrhyw newidiadau sylweddol i’r rhai sy’n byw yma’n gyfreithlon. Gofyniad cywilyddus i'r bobl hynny sydd wedi rhoi cymaint i'r wlad hon. A datododd y sicrwydd a'r hawliau hynny'n gyflym. Mae'r hyn a ddylai fod wedi bod yn broses syml wedi dod yn brofiad cymhleth, rhwystredig yn lle hynny. Heb unrhyw fai arnynt hwy, mae miloedd o ddinasyddion yr UE yng Nghymru bellach wedi’u dal mewn system ddryslyd sy’n peryglu eu hawl i aros yma. Y rhai agored i niwed sy'n wynebu'r risg fwyaf: yn aml, nid yw pobl oedrannus o'r UE sydd wedi preswylio yma'n hirdymor yn ymwybodol fod angen iddynt wneud cais, hyd yn oed; aelodau o'r gymuned Roma, fel y clywsom, sydd weithiau'n methu cael mynediad at system sy'n gweithredu'n gyfan gwbl ar-lein.
Felly, mae rhai pethau rydym wedi’u gwneud yn dda yng Nghymru. Rwy'n falch o weld cynnydd ar gefnogi'r cymunedau hyn yn cael ei adlewyrchu yn yr adroddiad. Yn nodedig, cymeradwyaf bob un o’r 22 awdurdod lleol yng Nghymru sydd wedi ennill statws gwyrdd gan yr awdurdod monitro annibynnol am gynorthwyo plant sy’n derbyn gofal a phobl sy’n gadael gofal. Ac eto, mae ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru i argymhellion ein hadroddiad yn peri cryn dipyn o bryder. Mae'r ymrwymiad i gefnogi gwasanaethau fel Settled tan fis Mawrth 2025 yn unig yn dangos camddealltwriaeth sylfaenol o'r hyn y mae tystion wedi'i ddweud yn glir wrthym—fod hwn yn fater a fydd yn para cenhedlaeth ac na fydd yn diflannu. Nid yw cyllid yn y dyfodol sy'n gysylltiedig ag adolygiadau blynyddol o alw yn unig yn darparu'r sefydlogrwydd sydd ei angen i osgoi sgandal Windrush arall, o bosibl, fel y clywsom sawl gwaith heddiw. Yn gyntaf, felly, rwy'n annog Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet i ymrwymo i gyllid hirdymor cynaliadwy ar gyfer gwasanaethau cymorth y tu hwnt i 2025.
Ffactor allweddol arall wrth gynnal cymorth yw gwella prosesau rhannu data, fel rydym eisoes wedi'i glywed gan Sioned Williams. Mae sefydliadau fel Settled yn pwysleisio na allwn nodi pwy sydd angen y cymorth na ble y maent heb ddata, gan leihau effeithiolrwydd unrhyw ymdrechion. Felly, a fydd Llywodraeth Lafur newydd y DU yn cael ei pherswadio a’i dylanwadu gan Lywodraeth Lafur Cymru i fanteisio ar y gallu i gydweithio o’r newydd a defnyddio’r holl ddylanwad sydd ar gael i sicrhau mynediad at y data hanfodol hwn?
Yn olaf, hoffwn sôn am effaith digideiddio cyflym system fewnfudo’r DU, a gyflymwyd gan y Llywodraethau Ceidwadol blaenorol. Mae'r newid hwn wedi creu system y mae llawer yn dweud ei bod yn anaddas i'r diben ac sydd eisoes yn amharu ar bobl agored i niwed. Datgelodd ein sesiynau tystiolaeth sut y mae statws digidol yn unig y cynllun preswylio’n sefydlog yn parhau i eithrio llawer o bobl a chanddynt lythrennedd digidol cyfyngedig neu nad ydynt yn rhugl yn y Saesneg. Fel y nododd Fiona Costello, mewn cymunedau fel y Roma yng Nghymru, mae llawer o ymgeiswyr yn ei chael hi'n anodd, ac yn aml yn dibynnu ar blant neu aelodau o'r teulu i reoli a gwirio eu statws.
Cyn bo hir, bydd mwy yn y fantol. O 1 Ionawr 2025, mae’n bosibl y bydd cynifer â 4 miliwn i 5 miliwn o bobl yn byw yn y DU heb eu dogfennu, i bob pwrpas. Nid yw'r unigolion hyn wedi colli eu hawl i fod yma—maent yn breswylwyr cyfreithlon—ond maent yn gaeth i system ddigidol a oedd i fod i'w diogelu. Felly, yn olaf, ac i gloi, galwaf ar Lywodraeth Cymru i bwyso ar San Steffan i sicrhau bod dinasyddion yr UE a’u teuluoedd yn y DU yn cael prawf ffisegol o’u hawl i aros. Mae hwn yn gam syml ond hanfodol i atal trigolion bregus rhag cael eu cosbi'n anghyfiawn gan system ddiffygiol. Dangoswch i ni, os gwelwch yn dda, y gallwch ddylanwadu ar Lywodraeth Lafur y DU yn eich rôl fel Gweinidog Llafur yma yng Nghaerdydd. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Dwi'n galw ar Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Gyfiawnder Cymdeithasol, Jane Hutt.
I call on the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Jane Hutt.

Diolch yn fawr, a phrynhawn da bawb.
Thank you very much, and good afternoon everyone.
I really would like to thank, first of all, the Equality and Social Justice Committee for their report. It is so good that we are debating it here today, and that we're joined by all of those who are so committed to ensuring that, together, EU citizens in Wales have access to the support they need to ensure a settled and stable future here in Wales, and I think that has been the strong message that we all share today.
But coming from that evidence—all-important evidence—from the Equality and Social Justice Committee for your report earlier this year, and, indeed, your monitoring report as well, which was published in September, I thank the Equality and Social Justice Committee for not just these reports, but your continuing commitment and scrutiny—scrutiny, rightly so, of the Welsh Government—and I will talk as well about the reset of relationships with the UK Government, the new UK Government, which I hope will give encouragement to Members here today.
I'd also like to thank the Chair of the culture committee, welcoming your report as well, which I'm sure will be very relevant, from what you've said. You've highlighted key findings and themes in terms of the impact of the effects of Brexit for so many citizens in Wales, but, particularly, I will be looking at it in terms of the impact on our EU citizens.
I can say quite clearly that Welsh Government is committed to being transparent about sharing the information. Anything that we have, we know and that we seek, we share with you, providing Members of the Senedd, but also all of the stakeholders, partners and EU citizens themselves, with a level of confidence regarding our approach to the EU settlement scheme and EU citizens' rights. I've always focused on those rights. This is about EU citizens' rights; they are our people, as you said in this debate.
So, we did support all of the recommendations of the Equality and Social Justice Committee report earlier on in the year. It was before the general election, of course, in July that that report was published. I'd like to thank Members of the Senedd for all of the contributions that you've made today, which have been very valuable and informative, and which I can reflect on further in terms of the debate. Many of the issues we've discussed are a result of the evidence that you took in your committee inquiry, and they are issues that Welsh Government has already been addressing, working on and raising with the UK Government—the previous UK Government—and now we have an opportunity with the new UK Government. But also the way in which we're working to ensure that we understand from our stakeholders and from those who we support and fund that we get that evidence to ensure that we are delivering our support in the best possible way.
Hoffwn ddiolch yn fawr, yn gyntaf, i’r Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol am eu hadroddiad. Mae mor dda ein bod yn ei drafod yma heddiw, ynghyd â phawb sydd mor ymrwymedig i sicrhau, gyda'i gilydd, fod dinasyddion yr UE yng Nghymru yn cael mynediad at y cymorth sydd ei angen arnynt i sicrhau dyfodol sefydlog a diogel yma yng Nghymru, a chredaf mai dyna’r neges gref y mae pob un ohonom yn ei rhannu heddiw.
Ond yn deillio o’r dystiolaeth honno—tystiolaeth hollbwysig—gan y Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol ar gyfer eich adroddiad yn gynharach eleni, a'ch adroddiad monitro hefyd yn wir, a gyhoeddwyd ym mis Medi, diolch i’r Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol nid yn unig am yr adroddiadau hyn, ond am eich ymrwymiad a'ch gwaith craffu parhaus—craffu, yn gwbl briodol, ar Lywodraeth Cymru—ac rwyf am sôn hefyd am ailosod y berthynas â Llywodraeth y DU, Llywodraeth newydd y DU, a fydd, gobeithio, yn galondid i'r Aelodau yma heddiw.
Hoffwn ddiolch hefyd i Gadeirydd y pwyllgor diwylliant, gan groesawu eich adroddiad chi hefyd, a fydd, rwy’n siŵr, yn berthnasol iawn, o’r hyn rydych chi wedi’i ddweud. Rydych wedi tynnu sylw at ganfyddiadau a themâu allweddol o ran effaith effeithiau Brexit ar gynifer o ddinasyddion yng Nghymru, ond byddaf yn edrych yn benodol arno o ran yr effaith ar ddinasyddion yr UE.
Gallaf ddweud yn gwbl glir fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i fod yn dryloyw ynghylch rhannu’r wybodaeth. Unrhyw beth sydd gennym, rydym yn ei wybod ac rydym yn ei geisio, fe'i rhannwn â chi, gan roi lefel o hyder i Aelodau’r Senedd, ond hefyd i’r holl randdeiliaid, partneriaid a dinasyddion yr UE eu hunain, ynghylch ein hymagwedd at y cynllun preswylio’n sefydlog i ddinasyddion yr UE a hawliau dinasyddion yr UE. Rwyf bob amser wedi canolbwyntio ar yr hawliau hynny. Mae'n ymwneud â hawliau dinasyddion yr UE; ein pobl ni a ydynt, fel y dywedoch chi yn y ddadl hon.
Felly, fe wnaethom gefnogi pob un o argymhellion adroddiad y Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol yn gynharach eleni. Cyhoeddwyd yr adroddiad hwnnw ym mis Gorffennaf, cyn yr etholiad cyffredinol, wrth gwrs. Hoffwn ddiolch i Aelodau’r Senedd am eich holl gyfraniadau heddiw, sydd wedi bod yn werthfawr ac yn addysgiadol iawn, a gallaf eu hystyried ymhellach yng nghyd-destun y ddadl. Mae llawer o’r materion a drafodwyd gennym yn ganlyniad i’r dystiolaeth a roddwyd i chi yn ymchwiliad eich pwyllgor, ac maent yn faterion y mae Llywodraeth Cymru eisoes wedi bod yn mynd i’r afael â hwy, yn gweithio arnynt ac yn eu codi gyda Llywodraeth y DU—Llywodraeth flaenorol y DU—ac mae cyfle gennym bellach gyda Llywodraeth newydd y DU. Ond hefyd y ffordd rydym yn gweithio i sicrhau ein bod yn deall gan ein rhanddeiliaid a chan y rhai rydym yn eu cefnogi ac yn eu hariannu ein bod yn cael y dystiolaeth honno i sicrhau ein bod yn darparu ein cefnogaeth yn y ffordd orau sy'n bosibl.
Now, yes, as has been acknowledged, in September the new UK Government announced plans to automate the process for upgrading eligible individuals from pre-settled to settled status, and there will still be a cohort of individuals who will need to apply for an upgrade and that's where we have to make sure that the support systems are in place. I can say today that I recognise that it's vital that support services remain in place post March 2025. I think that's a direct response to the point that Jane Dodds and others have made today.
And I've mentioned the new UK Government. Just this week, Seema Malhotra MP, Minister for Migration and Citizenship, actually visited Wales. We haven't had a Home Office Minister visit Wales since I can't think when. We now have Ministers from the new UK Government. She visited Wales, she met with the Welsh Refugee Council, she met with Windrush Cymru Elders as well, and she met with myself and the First Minister, and we discussed many issues, including e-visas and other migration issues. I will be reporting back to her on this debate today and the issues that have been raised, including—and this is something that I've been raising with every UK Minister and Secretary of State—the importance of data sharing. In fact, we touched on this yesterday in my refresh of the 'Anti-racist Wales Action Plan', and I think there will be a breakthrough in terms of data sharing as a result of the new UK Government, and also the evidence that we are giving that this excludes people, this is unnecessary, and we need to disaggregate data on every level, and that's what we're seeking.
I also recently met with Dame Angela Eagle, the Minister for Border Security and Asylum, and Lord Wajid Khan, the Minister for Faith, Communities and Resettlement. Again, they sought out to meet with us and they are going to take part in our nation of sanctuary oversight strategic board. They want to get engaged with Wales, they want to learn what we're doing as well, which is also a real breakthrough in terms of that kind of engagement. It's a more collaborative approach between our Governments, supporting migrants including EU citizens in Wales, and as I said, I'll report back on the debate today and the issues raised as a result of the inquiry.
The Welsh Government very much values, as we've always said, the contributions that EU citizens make to our communities, culture and economy. We'll continue to ensure their needs are met in terms of support, and that is the commitment that I give you today as the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice. Since 2019, the Welsh Government has been committed to ensuring EU citizens can continue to live and thrive in Wales. We've provided nearly £3 million of grant funding to support EU citizens in applying for the EU settlement scheme, and to remain here in Wales should they wish to do so. The funding has complemented the support provided by the UK Government, so there has been a collective effort to support EU citizens in Wales, and obviously it's really good to know that we've got Settled and other partners here with us today. Settled has been awarded £140,000 for this financial year, and then we look, as we are setting our budgets, to the next financial year, but I’m also very pleased that very recently we announced the funding for Tros Gynnal Plant Cymru, which of course is crucial for the support of Gypsy, Roma, Traveller people. I think also the recruitment—we're supporting the recruitment of an outreach worker in north Wales for 12 months as well. That's another development to show our commitment.
It's really important that the citizens who may have missed the EUSS deadline, those who need to make another application for settled status, any citizen who has appealed a decision, continue to have access to the support they need, and that is my commitment. So, just conscious of the time, in collaboration with stakeholders, you'll be aware that the Welsh Government has developed the EU citizens' rights forum to replace the previous EU settlement scheme Wales co-ordination group. I attended this new forum in October with our stakeholders, and I also acknowledged the positive role of local authorities. The remit of the group is now wider, covering not only the EU settlement scheme, but also access to rights and other issues that may impact EU citizens with pre-settled or settled status. So, this is the start of important work.
Also, a very positive change, a substantive change in policy, which came about as a result of the High Court judgment regarding the rights of pre-settled status holders, resulted in a second round of changes to the EUSS. So, now, automatically, EU citizens with pre-settled status will automatically have their status extended to five years before it expires, if they've not already applied for settled status. Additionally, a process is implemented where individuals with pre-settled status who have a digital footprint with the Department for Work and Pensions or His Majesty's Revenue and Customs will automatically have their statuses upgraded to settled status, without the need to make another application.
So, in conclusion, as I said, we are moving forward, I believe, in the right direction. This debate today is important. We have a reset set of relationships with the new UK Government. The independent monitoring authority—I congratulated them on their High Court win for EU citizens—will continue to ensure that EU citizens are treated fairly. We support the IMA. Their annual report is really important for the EU specialised and joint committees, which, of course, was laid only last month. It showcases—
Nawr, do, fel y cafodd ei gydnabod, ym mis Medi cyhoeddodd Llywodraeth newydd y DU gynlluniau i awtomeiddio'r broses ar gyfer uwchraddio unigolion cymwys o statws preswylwyr cyn-sefydlog i statws sefydlog, a bydd carfan o unigolion o hyd a fydd yn gorfod gwneud cais am uwchraddiad a dyna lle mae'n rhaid inni sicrhau bod y systemau cymorth ar waith. Gallaf ddweud heddiw fy mod yn cydnabod ei bod yn hanfodol fod gwasanaethau cymorth yn parhau i fod ar waith ar ôl mis Mawrth 2025. Rwy'n credu bod hynny'n ymateb uniongyrchol i'r pwynt y mae Jane Dodds ac eraill wedi'i wneud heddiw.
Ac rwyf wedi sôn am Lywodraeth newydd y Deyrnas Unedig. Yr wythnos hon, ymwelodd Seema Malhotra AS, y Gweinidog Mudo a Dinasyddiaeth, â Chymru. Nid ydym wedi cael Gweinidog y Swyddfa Gartref yn ymweld â Chymru ers amser hir iawn. Bellach mae gennym Weinidogion o Lywodraeth newydd y DU yn gwneud hynny. Ymwelodd â Chymru, cyfarfu â Chyngor Ffoaduriaid Cymru, cyfarfu â Windrush Cymru Elders hefyd, a chyfarfu â'r Prif Weinidog a minnau, a buom yn trafod llawer o faterion, gan gynnwys e-fisâu a materion mudo eraill. Byddaf yn adrodd yn ôl iddi ar y ddadl hon heddiw a'r materion a godwyd, gan gynnwys—ac mae hyn yn rhywbeth y bûm yn ei drafod gyda phob Gweinidog ac Ysgrifennydd Gwladol y DU—pwysigrwydd rhannu data. Mewn gwirionedd, fe wnaethom gyffwrdd ar hyn ddoe gyda fy niweddariad o 'Gynllun Gweithredu Cymru Gwrth-hiliol', ac rwy'n credu y bydd cynnydd pwysig o ran rhannu data o ganlyniad i Lywodraeth newydd y DU, a hefyd y dystiolaeth a roddwn fod hyn yn eithrio pobl, mae'n ddiangen, ac mae angen inni ddadgyfuno data ar bob lefel, a dyna yw ein nod.
Hefyd, fe gyfarfûm â'r Fonesig Angela Eagle, y Gweinidog Diogelwch Ffiniau a Lloches, a'r Arglwydd Wajid Khan, y Gweinidog Ffydd, Cymunedau ac Adsefydlu. Unwaith eto, fe wnaethant ofyn am gael cyfarfod â ni ac maent yn mynd i gymryd rhan yn cenedl noddfa: bwrdd trosolwg strategol. Maent eisiau ymgysylltu â Chymru, maent eisiau dysgu beth rydym ni'n ei wneud, sydd hefyd yn gynnydd pwysig o ran y math hwnnw o ymgysylltu. Mae'n ddull mwy cydweithredol o weithredu rhwng ein Llywodraethau, gan gefnogi mudwyr yn cynnwys dinasyddion yr UE yng Nghymru, ac fel y dywedais, byddaf yn adrodd yn ôl ar y ddadl heddiw a'r materion a godwyd o ganlyniad i'r ymchwiliad.
Fel rydym wedi'i ddweud erioed, mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweld gwerth mawr yn y cyfraniadau y mae dinasyddion yr UE yn eu gwneud i'n cymunedau, ein diwylliant a'n heconomi. Byddwn yn parhau i sicrhau bod eu hanghenion yn cael eu diwallu o ran cefnogaeth, a dyna'r ymrwymiad rwy'n ei roi i chi heddiw fel Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Gyfiawnder Cymdeithasol. Ers 2019, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i sicrhau y gall dinasyddion yr UE barhau i fyw a ffynnu yng Nghymru. Rydym wedi darparu bron i £3 miliwn o gyllid grant i gefnogi dinasyddion yr UE i wneud cais am gynllun preswylio'n sefydlog i ddinasyddion yr UE, ac i aros yma yng Nghymru os ydynt yn dymuno gwneud hynny. Mae'r cyllid wedi ategu'r cymorth a ddarparir gan Lywodraeth y DU, felly cafwyd ymdrech ar y cyd i gefnogi dinasyddion yr UE yng Nghymru, ac yn amlwg mae'n dda iawn gwybod bod gennym ni Settled a phartneriaid eraill yma gyda ni heddiw. Mae Settled wedi derbyn £140,000 ar gyfer y flwyddyn ariannol hon, ac wrth i ni osod ein cyllidebau, edrychwn ar y flwyddyn ariannol nesaf, ond rwy'n falch iawn hefyd ein bod wedi cyhoeddi cyllid ar gyfer Tros Gynnal Plant Cymru yn ddiweddar iawn, cynllun sy'n hanfodol ar gyfer cefnogi pobl Sipsiwn, Roma, Teithwyr. Rwy'n meddwl hefyd am recriwtio—rydym yn cefnogi'r broses o recriwtio gweithiwr allgymorth yng ngogledd Cymru am 12 mis hefyd. Dyna ddatblygiad arall i ddangos ein hymrwymiad.
Mae'n bwysig iawn fod y dinasyddion a allai fod wedi methu dyddiad cau y cynllun preswylio'n sefydlog, y rhai sydd angen gwneud cais arall am statws preswylydd sefydlog, unrhyw ddinesydd sydd wedi apelio yn erbyn penderfyniad, yn parhau i gael mynediad at y cymorth sydd ei angen arnynt, a dyna fy ymrwymiad. Felly, rwy'n ymwybodol o'r amser, mewn cydweithrediad â rhanddeiliaid, fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi datblygu fforwm hawliau dinasyddion yr UE i gymryd lle grŵp cydgysylltu blaenorol y cynllun preswylio'n sefydlog i ddinasyddion yr UE yng Nghymru. Mynychais y fforwm newydd hwn ym mis Hydref gyda'n rhanddeiliaid, ac fe wneuthum gydnabod rôl gadarnhaol awdurdodau lleol. Mae cylch gwaith y grŵp yn ehangach erbyn hyn, gan gwmpasu mynediad at hawliau yn ogystal â chynllun preswylio'n sefydlog yr UE, a materion eraill a allai effeithio ar ddinasyddion yr UE sydd â statws preswylydd cyn-sefydlog neu sefydlog. Felly, dyma ddechrau ar waith pwysig.
Hefyd, arweiniodd newid cadarnhaol a phwysig mewn polisi, a ddaeth yn sgil dyfarniad yr Uchel Lys ynghylch hawliau deiliaid statws cyn-sefydlog, at ail rownd o newidiadau i'r cynllun preswylio'n sefydlog i ddinasyddion yr UE. Felly, nawr, yn awtomatig, bydd statws dinasyddion yr UE sydd â statws cyn-sefydlog yn cael ei ymestyn yn awtomatig i bum mlynedd cyn iddo ddod i ben, os nad ydynt eisoes wedi gwneud cais am statws sefydlog. Yn ogystal, mae proses ar waith lle bydd unigolion sydd â statws cyn-sefydlog sydd ag ôl troed digidol gyda'r Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau neu Gyllid a Thollau Ei Fawrhydi yn cael eu statws wedi'i uwchraddio'n awtomatig i statws sefydlog heb fod angen gwneud cais arall.
Felly, i gloi, fel y dywedais, rydym yn symud i'r cyfeiriad cywir. Mae'r ddadl hon heddiw yn bwysig. Mae gennym berthynas newydd â Llywodraeth newydd y DU. Bydd yr awdurdod monitro annibynnol—fe wneuthum eu llongyfarch ar eu buddugoliaeth yn yr Uchel Lys dros ddinasyddion yr UE—yn parhau i sicrhau bod dinasyddion yr UE yn cael eu trin yn deg. Rydym yn cefnogi'r awdurdod monitro annibynnol. Mae eu hadroddiad blynyddol, a gyflwynwyd fis diwethaf, yn bwysig iawn i bwyllgorau arbenigol yr UE a chyd-bwyllgorau. Mae'n dangos—
Cabinet Secretary.
Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet.
—the great work that is being—
—y gwaith gwych sy'n—
Cabinet Secretary, you must come to an end. I've been very generous.
Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, rhaid i chi ddod i ben. Rwyf wedi bod yn hael iawn.
—undertaken across Wales. Diolch yn fawr. Thank you for your time today.
—cael ei wneud ledled Cymru. Diolch yn fawr. Diolch am eich amser heddiw.
Dwi'n galw ar Jenny Rathbone i ymateb i'r ddadl.
I call on Jenny Rathbone to reply to the debate.
Thank you very much. It's good to know that Joel James, in his role as a councillor, was promoting the EUSS scheme, and that's something that all councillors and, indeed, Senedd Members and MPs should have been doing.
We have to remind ourselves that not all people read newspapers, not all people have smartphones, and 25 per cent of the population have considerable literacy challenges. So, understanding about the need to apply for something that you never ever thought you would have to do, if you got here in the 1950s and 1960s, well before we joined the European Union, that is why it has proved so difficult to be able to say with certainty that everybody is covered by this. And as Sioned Williams listed, there are so many people who are going to have difficulty: those with mental illness; those who've been subject to slavery and domestic abuse. These are not people who can go down the road to a lawyer and say, 'Give me a hand filling in this application.' And what is the most scary thing is that this isn't just about the rights of the European citizen and their ability to stay in this country, but also the rights of their children to stay in this country, which they may be completely oblivious of.
We also, in our report, highlight some of the digital errors that have already occurred, which are bound to occur in a digital-only system, particularly when it's a pilot. So, for example, some people have been refused status and have been marked down as having had accepted status. Well, probably the reverse has also taken place. Some people have quite erroneously been charged for health services that they absolutely—. About 141,000 were being charged for NHS treatment, and we were very pleased that, when we wrote to the Cabinet Secretary, she went around every single one of the health boards to ensure that nobody in Wales was charged, or if they were, the money was handed back. So, that is very important. But it just highlights how it is not possible to say, 'This is a perfect system and it'll all be sorted out.'
I suppose one of the things that I didn't mention in my earlier remarks is the removal of the right to appeal.
Diolch. Mae'n dda gwybod bod Joel James, yn ei rôl fel cynghorydd, yn hyrwyddo'r cynllun preswylio'n sefydlog i ddinasyddion yr UE, ac mae hynny'n rhywbeth y dylai pob cynghorydd ac yn wir, Aelodau'r Senedd ac Aelodau Seneddol fod wedi bod yn ei wneud.
Mae'n rhaid inni atgoffa ein hunain nad yw pawb yn darllen papurau newydd, nid oes gan bawb ffonau clyfar, ac mae gan 25 y cant o'r boblogaeth heriau llythrennedd sylweddol. Felly, mae deall yr angen i wneud cais am rywbeth na feddylioch chi erioed y byddai'n rhaid i chi ei wneud, os daethoch chi yma yn y 1950au a'r 1960au, ymhell cyn inni ymuno â'r Undeb Ewropeaidd, dyna pam y mae wedi profi mor anodd inni allu dweud gyda sicrwydd fod pawb wedi ei gynnwys yn hyn. Ac fel y rhestrodd Sioned Williams, mae cymaint o bobl yn mynd i gael anhawster: y rhai sydd â salwch meddwl; y rhai sydd wedi bod yn destun caethwasiaeth a cham-drin domestig. Nid yw'r rhain yn bobl sy'n gallu mynd i swyddfa cyfreithiwr a dweud, 'Helpwch fi i lenwi'r cais hwn.' A'r peth mwyaf brawychus yw bod hyn yn ymwneud â mwy na hawliau'r dinesydd Ewropeaidd a'u gallu i aros yn y wlad hon, mae hefyd yn ymwneud â hawliau eu plant i aros yn y wlad hon, ac mae'n bosibl nad ydynt yn gwybod dim am hynny.
Yn ein hadroddiad, rydym wedi tynnu sylw hefyd at rai o'r gwallau digidol sydd eisoes wedi digwydd, sy'n sicr o ddigwydd mewn system ddigidol yn unig, yn enwedig pan fo'n gynllun peilot. Felly, er enghraifft, gwrthodwyd statws i rai pobl ac maent wedi cael eu nodi fel rhai sydd â statws wedi'i dderbyn. Wel, mae'n debyg fod y gwrthwyneb wedi digwydd hefyd. Mae rhai pobl wedi gorfod talu yn gwbl anghywir am wasanaethau iechyd y mae—. Codwyd tâl am driniaeth GIG ar oddeutu 141,000 o bobl, ac roeddem yn falch iawn, pan ysgrifenasom at Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, ei bod wedi mynd o gwmpas pob un o'r byrddau iechyd i sicrhau na chodir tâl ar neb yng Nghymru, neu os oedd hynny wedi digwydd, fod yr arian wedi ei dalu'n ôl. Felly, mae hynny'n bwysig iawn. Ond mae'n dangos sut nad yw'n bosibl dweud, 'Mae hon yn system berffaith a bydd popeth yn cael ei roi mewn trefn.'
Rwy'n tybio mai un o'r pethau na soniais amdanynt yn fy sylwadau cynharach yw dileu'r hawl i apelio.
Just on that point that you made there about health charges, something else that came up in the report were the charges that are sometimes wrongly made on students also, that they're not being charged home fees, when actually they should be as a European citizen, and they're also having trouble about renting. So, it would be good to hear that the Welsh Government are going to do some work with, perhaps, Universities Wales and Medr around that as well, because equally it's stopping people from taking up opportunities, isn't it?
Ar y pwynt a wnaethoch chi yno ynglŷn â thaliadau iechyd, rhywbeth arall a gododd yn yr adroddiad oedd y taliadau a godir ar gam ar fyfyrwyr weithiau, nad ffioedd cartref a godir arnynt, pan ddylai hynny fod yn digwydd fel dinasyddion Ewropeaidd, ac maent yn cael trafferth gyda rhentu. Felly, byddai'n dda clywed bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn mynd i wneud gwaith gyda Prifysgolion Cymru, efallai, a Medr ar hynny hefyd, oherwydd mae'n atal pobl lawn cymaint rhag manteisio ar gyfleoedd, onid yw?
I absolutely agree with you, and I see the Cabinet Secretary nodding, and I'm sure that we'll be able to work together on that. It's very good to have the support of Mike Hedges in his capacity as Chair of the LJC and indeed Delyth Jewell of the culture committee, which has international relations in its remit. I think it's so important that we see this in the round, and you're quite right to highlight the maps, the graphics, and the data that have been compiled by our Research Service and our clerks, because this is crucial to understand what is a really, really complicated story, actually. That is why we absolutely have to continue talking about these matters.
Jane Dodds highlighted that there was a promise made in 2016, amongst so many promises—what about that £230 million a week or whatever for the NHS? But we have an obligation to deliver for people who are otherwise going to suffer injustices, and also to thank all the people who continue to fight on behalf of European citizens to ensure that they're not suffering injustice: Travelling Ahead, Settled, the3million, the people who are part of the citizens' forum of the IMA. These are people who are committed to ensuring that all European citizens are given the justice they deserve. And we all have to ensure that when we are talking to people, we don't hold back in asking them, 'Did you apply?', 'Have you got settled status?' It's only a quick conversation, but it's really important, and I'm fully aware that this is a question that I need to continue to ask of my neighbours who are quite elderly, and it may impact on their children too.
So, I think the removal of the right to appeal is a really serious matter, because mistakes do get made, as are outlined in our report, and I think it's really important that we now have a really good relationship with the UK Government because it gives us the ability to raise matters and say, 'This doesn't feel right.' And we have to counter the anti-immigration discourse that's going on, with that wonderful exhibition that is still available at the foot of the Senedd steps, which I believe Seema Malhotra visited. It's fantastic that she came here and met so many of the relevant people on this. We need to continue to champion the rights of European citizens to remain here and to continue to be valuable members of our community.
Rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â chi, a gwelaf Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn cytuno, ac rwy'n siŵr y gallwn gydweithio ar hynny. Mae'n dda iawn cael cefnogaeth Mike Hedges yn rhinwedd ei swydd fel Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a'r Cyfansoddiad ac yn wir, Delyth Jewell o'r pwyllgor diwylliant, sydd â chysylltiadau rhyngwladol yn ei gylch gwaith. Rwy'n credu ei bod mor bwysig ein bod yn gweld hyn yn ei gyfanrwydd, ac rydych chi'n llygad eich lle i dynnu sylw at y mapiau, y graffeg a'r data sydd wedi'u llunio gan ein Gwasanaeth Ymchwil a'n clercod, oherwydd mae hyn yn hanfodol i ddeall stori sy'n wirioneddol gymhleth mewn gwirionedd. Dyna pam y mae'n rhaid inni barhau i drafod y materion hyn.
Tynnodd Jane Dodds sylw at addewid a wnaed yn 2016, ymhlith cymaint o addewidion—beth am y £230 miliwn yr wythnos neu beth bynnag i'r GIG? Ond mae gennym ddyletswydd i gyflawni dros bobl sydd fel arall yn mynd i ddioddef anghyfiawnderau, a hefyd i ddiolch i'r holl bobl sy'n parhau i ymladd ar ran dinasyddion Ewropeaidd i sicrhau nad ydynt yn dioddef anghyfiawnder: Travelling Ahead, Settled, the3million, y bobl sy'n rhan o fforwm dinasyddion yr awdurdod monitro annibynnol. Mae'r rhain yn bobl sydd wedi ymrwymo i sicrhau bod pob dinesydd Ewropeaidd yn cael y cyfiawnder y maent yn ei haeddu. Ac mae'n rhaid i ni i gyd sicrhau, pan fyddwn yn siarad â phobl, nad ydym yn dal yn ôl rhag gofyn iddynt, 'A wnaethoch chi wneud cais?', 'A oes gennych chi statws sefydlog?' Sgwrs gyflym yw hi, ond mae'n bwysig iawn, ac rwy'n gwbl ymwybodol fod hwn yn gwestiwn y mae angen imi barhau i'w ofyn i fy nghymdogion sy'n eithaf oedrannus, ac fe allai effeithio ar eu plant hefyd.
Felly, rwy'n credu bod dileu'r hawl i apelio yn fater difrifol iawn, oherwydd mae camgymeriadau'n digwydd, fel yr amlinellwyd yn ein hadroddiad, ac rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig iawn fod gennym berthynas dda iawn â Llywodraeth y DU erbyn hyn oherwydd mae'n rhoi'r gallu inni godi materion a dweud, 'Nid yw hyn yn teimlo'n iawn.' Ac mae'n rhaid inni wrthsefyll y drafodaeth wrth-fewnfudo sy'n digwydd, gyda'r arddangosfa wych honno sy'n dal i fod wrth droed grisiau'r Senedd, y credaf fod Seema Malhotra wedi ymweld â hi. Mae'n wych ei bod wedi dod yma ac wedi cyfarfod â chymaint o'r bobl berthnasol ar hyn. Mae angen inni barhau i hyrwyddo hawliau dinasyddion Ewropeaidd i aros yma a pharhau i fod yn aelodau gwerthfawr o'n cymuned.
Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid nodi adroddiad y pwyllgor? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Nac oes. Felly, derbynnir y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
The proposal is to note the committee's report. Does any Member object? No. The motion is therefore agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Fe symudwn ni ymlaen nawr i eitem 8, sef dadl ar ddeiseb P-06-1400, 'Adnoddau Teg a Digonol ar gyfer Practisau Cyffredinol yng Nghymru'. Mae'r Dirprwy Lywydd wedi penderfynu cyfyngu cyfraniadau gan Aelodau i dair munud er mwyn caniatáu i gynifer â phosib i gael eu galw o fewn yr amser sydd ar gael. Dyw'r terfynau ar gyfer y Cadeirydd ac Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet ddim wedi newid, felly byddwn i'n ddiolchgar os gallai Aelodau gadw tu fewn yr amser er mwyn i fi allu galw pawb. Felly, dwi nawr yn galw ar Gadeirydd y pwyllgor i wneud y cynnig. Carolyn Thomas.
We'll move on now to item 8, which is a debate on petition P-06-1400, 'Fair and Adequate Resourcing of General Practice in Wales'. The Deputy Presiding Officer has decided to limit contributions by Members to three minutes to allow as many to be called as possible in the time available. The limits for the Chair and Cabinet Secretary remain unchanged, so I'd be grateful if Members could stay within the time limits so that I can call everyone. So, I will now call on the Chair of the committee to move the motion. Carolyn Thomas.
Cynnig NDM8709 Carolyn Thomas
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
Yn nodi’r ddeiseb P-06-1400 'Adnoddau Teg a Digonol ar gyfer Practisau Cyffredinol yng Nghymru’ a gasglodd 21,620 o lofnodion.
Motion NDM8709 Carolyn Thomas
To propose that the Senedd:
Notes the petition P-06-1400 'Fair and Adequate Resourcing of General Practice in Wales’ which received 21,620 signatures.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
Diolch. On behalf of the Petitions Committee, thank you for the opportunity to introduce this debate today on GP funding. The petition was created by Lewis Williams of the British Medical Association as part of their campaign, 'Save our Surgeries'. It collected 21,620 signatures. The petition text reads,
'Fair and Adequate Resourcing of General Practice in Wales.
'General Practice in Wales is under significant and growing strain. GP numbers are declining, demand is rising, and practices are struggling to recruit and retain staff.
'General practice is being forced to try and cope with inadequate resources, an unsustainable workload, and a workforce under pressure across the whole of Wales, with some areas in crisis.
'Current inadequate capacity is a product of longstanding workload, workforce, and well-being issues, which correlate to the chronic underfunding of general medical services.
'BMA Cymru Wales's Save Our Surgeries campaign asks Welsh Government to commit to a rescue package for General Practice, to provide GPs and their patients with the support they need.'
At the end of September, the Health and Social Care Committee held a workshop with GPs to inform a piece of work they'll be doing later on this year. At the event, the message from GPs was clear: the current funding model is unsustainable. Over the last two decades, while the number of face-to-face appointments, digital contacts and phone calls has risen, the complexity of the work has been transformed, expenses have risen, and the cost of premises has leapt up. Yet the share of the health budget spent on GP services has shrunk. This is the background to the BMA's campaign.
There are no easy solutions. We know that money is tight across public services, even after the budget, but we have to find a way to ensure the long-term viability of primary care services and of our GP surgeries. We know that workload, workforce, and well-being pressures are increasing in general practice, and I look forward to hearing what that means in different parts of Wales as we hold this debate today. In some areas, recruitment and retention is their main worry, but in other areas it's the crumbling fabric of buildings. In others, it is the rapidly ageing population or a growing workload that isn't matched by an equivalent rise in capacity. But underlying all of these is money to pay for the services that we all want to see.
As I mentioned earlier, the health committee will be doing further work on GP services later in the year, but I hope that today's debate provides an opportunity to set the table for that in-depth piece of work, to highlight some of the challenges, and maybe even suggest some solutions. I look forward to hearing the debate and the Minister's response. Thank you.
Diolch. Ar ran y Pwyllgor Deisebau, diolch am y cyfle i gyflwyno'r ddadl hon heddiw ar gyllid practisau cyffredinol. Cafodd y ddeiseb ei chreu gan Lewis Williams o Gymdeithas Feddygol Prydain fel rhan o'u hymgyrch, 'Achubwch ein Meddygfeydd'. Casglodd 21,620 o lofnodion. Mae testun y ddeiseb yn dweud,
'Adnoddau Teg a Digonol ar gyfer Practisau Cyffredinol yng Nghymru.
'Mae practisau cyffredinol yng Nghymru dan straen sylweddol a chynyddol. Mae nifer y meddygon teulu yn gostwng, mae'r galw yn cynyddu, ac mae practisau'n cael trafferth recriwtio a chadw staff.
'Mae practisau cyffredinol yn cael eu gorfodi i geisio ymdopi ag adnoddau annigonol, llwyth gwaith anghynaliadwy, a gweithlu sydd o dan bwysau ledled Cymru, gyda rhai meysydd mewn argyfwng.
'Mae’r diffyg capasiti a welir ar hyn o bryd yn deillio o broblemau hirsefydlog o ran llwyth gwaith, y gweithlu, a llesiant, sy’n gysylltiedig â thanariannu cronig ym maes gwasanaethau meddygol cyffredinol.
'Mae ymgyrch gan BMA Cymru Wales, sef Achubwch ein Meddygfeydd, yn gofyn i Lywodraeth Cymru ymrwymo i becyn achub ar gyfer practisau cyffredinol, a hynny er mwyn sicrhau bod gan feddygon teulu a'u cleifion y cymorth sydd ei angen arnynt.'
Ddiwedd mis Medi, cynhaliodd y Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol weithdy gyda meddygon teulu i lywio gwaith y byddant yn ei wneud yn ddiweddarach eleni. Yn y digwyddiad, roedd y neges gan feddygon teulu yn glir: mae'r model ariannu presennol yn anghynaliadwy. Dros y ddau ddegawd diwethaf, er bod nifer yr apwyntiadau wyneb yn wyneb, cysylltiadau digidol a galwadau ffôn wedi codi, mae cymhlethdod y gwaith wedi'i drawsnewid, mae costau wedi codi, ac mae cost mangreoedd wedi codi. Ac eto mae cyfran y gyllideb iechyd sy'n cael ei gwario ar wasanaethau meddygon teulu wedi crebachu. Dyma gefndir ymgyrch Cymdeithas Feddygol Prydain.
Nid oes unrhyw atebion hawdd. Gwyddom fod arian yn dynn ar draws y gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, hyd yn oed ar ôl y gyllideb, ond mae'n rhaid inni ddod o hyd i ffordd o sicrhau hyfywedd hirdymor gwasanaethau gofal sylfaenol a'n meddygfeydd. Gwyddom fod pwysau llwyth gwaith, gweithlu, a llesiant yn cynyddu mewn ymarfer cyffredinol, ac edrychaf ymlaen at glywed beth y mae hynny'n ei olygu mewn gwahanol rannau o Gymru wrth inni gynnal y ddadl hon heddiw. Mewn rhai ardaloedd, recriwtio a chadw yw eu prif bryder, ond mewn ardaloedd eraill cyflwr adeiladau sy'n dadfeilio yw'r prif destun pryder. Mewn eraill, y boblogaeth sy'n heneiddio'n gyflym neu lwyth gwaith cynyddol heb gynnydd cyfatebol mewn capasiti i ateb y galw yw'r prif bryder. Ond yn sail i'r pryderon i gyd, mae arian i dalu am y gwasanaethau y mae pawb ohonom eisiau eu gweld.
Fel y soniais yn gynharach, bydd y pwyllgor iechyd yn gwneud gwaith pellach ar wasanaethau meddygon teulu yn ddiweddarach yn y flwyddyn, ond rwy'n gobeithio bod y ddadl heddiw yn rhoi cyfle i baratoi ar gyfer y gwaith manwl hwnnw, i dynnu sylw at rai o'r heriau, ac awgrymu atebion hyd yn oed. Edrychaf ymlaen at glywed y ddadl ac ymateb y Gweinidog. Diolch.
Can I thank the Chair of the Petitions Committee for opening today's debate on fair and adequate resourcing of general practice in Wales, and the committee as a whole for considering this really important petition that Lewis Williams, as you rightly pointed out, Chair, submitted? I think the significance of this petition is shown through the number of people who signed it—over 21,000, I believe. And we sometimes forget, in terms of Senedd petitions, that's a huge number. We sometimes look at it in light of some of the issues around 20 mph, and forget that 21,000 people signing this petition shows the importance that general practice has to the people of Wales, and to communities up and down this country. It's clear that people across the country also feel that general practice is underfunded and is forced to cope with resources that are inadequate and a workload that is frankly unsustainable. I'm sure many of us in this Chamber today have heard from GPs directly how unsustainable the existing situation is for them.
As it stands, we know that 8 per cent of NHS Wales funding goes towards GPs and GP practice, a percentage that is actually lower than levels from 2005-06, which I think probably reflects a little bit of the value in which GPs are perhaps held at from Welsh Government at the moment. If they were properly valued and properly understood, then there would be resources to match that. The reason why we've seen over 100 surgeries in Wales shut down in the last 12 years, with no real sign of reversal, is exactly because of the funding not matching the pressures that they are under. And that's really impacting people across Wales, in particular in rural Wales. I'm looking forward to the short debate that James Evans will be leading later this evening on the impact of GP closures in rural parts of Wales.
I was pleased with the timing of this petition as well, because the Welsh Conservatives led a debate based on the BMA Wales Save Our Surgeries campaign just in the last couple of months. I echo again the calls that we made in that debate, including asking for the Welsh Government to ensure there is a clear workforce strategy to ensure that we do train, recruit and retain enough GPs for the long term. Because we know that they have a core role in improving the well-being of citizens, and, importantly, preventing ill health. We know that prevention is so much better than cure. Get it right in the first place at a primary care level in our communities—that's exactly the right solution. So, again, in closing, I thank the petitioner and repeat the calls for the Welsh Government to commit the funding to GPs to deliver the sustainable services that we all want to see in our communities. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
A gaf i ddiolch i Gadeirydd y Pwyllgor Deisebau am agor y ddadl heddiw ar adnoddau teg a digonol ar gyfer practisau cyffredinol yng Nghymru, a'r pwyllgor cyfan am ystyried y ddeiseb bwysig hon a gyflwynwyd gan Lewis Williams, fel y nodoch chi'n briodol, Gadeirydd? Rwy'n credu bod arwyddocâd y ddeiseb hon i'w weld yn nifer y bobl a'i llofnododd—dros 21,000, rwy'n credu. Ac rydym weithiau'n anghofio, o ran deisebau'r Senedd, fod hwnnw'n nifer enfawr. Weithiau byddwn yn edrych arno yng ngoleuni rhai o'r materion sy'n codi gyda 20 mya, ac yn anghofio bod 21,000 o bobl yn llofnodi'r ddeiseb hon yn dangos pwysigrwydd ymarfer cyffredinol i bobl Cymru, ac i gymunedau ledled y wlad hon. Mae'n amlwg fod pobl ar draws y wlad hefyd yn teimlo bod ymarfer cyffredinol yn cael ei danariannu a'i fod yn cael ei orfodi i ymdopi ag adnoddau annigonol a llwyth gwaith sy'n anghynaliadwy. Rwy'n siŵr fod llawer ohonom ni yn y Siambr hon heddiw wedi clywed gan feddygon teulu yn uniongyrchol pa mor anghynaliadwy yw'r sefyllfa bresennol iddynt hwy.
Fel y mae, fe wyddom fod 8 y cant o gyllid GIG Cymru yn mynd i feddygon teulu a phractisau meddygon teulu, canran sydd mewn gwirionedd yn is na'r lefelau yn 2005-06, sydd, yn ôl pob tebyg, yn adlewyrchu ychydig o'r gwerth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei roi ar feddygon teulu ar hyn o bryd. Pe byddent yn cael eu gwerthfawrogi'n iawn a'u deall yn iawn, byddent yn cael adnoddau i gyfateb â hynny. Y rheswm pam ein bod wedi gweld dros 100 o feddygfeydd yng Nghymru yn cau yn ystod y 12 mlynedd diwethaf, heb unrhyw arwydd go iawn o wrthdroi, yw oherwydd nad oes cyllid ar gael i fynd i'r afael â'r pwysau sydd arnynt. Ac mae hynny'n effeithio'n fawr ar bobl ar draws Cymru, yn enwedig yng nghefn gwlad Cymru. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at y ddadl fer y bydd James Evans yn ei harwain yn ddiweddarach heno ar effaith cau practisau cyffredinol mewn rhannau gwledig o Gymru.
Roeddwn yn falch o amseriad y ddeiseb hon hefyd, oherwydd arweiniodd y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig ddadl yn seiliedig ar ymgyrch BMA Cymru, sef Achubwch Ein Meddygfeydd yn ystod y misoedd diwethaf. Rwy'n adleisio'r galwadau a wnaethom yn y ddadl honno eto, gan gynnwys gofyn i Lywodraeth Cymru sicrhau bod strategaeth glir ar gyfer y gweithlu i sicrhau ein bod yn hyfforddi, recriwtio a chadw digon o feddygon teulu ar gyfer y tymor hir. Oherwydd fe wyddom fod ganddynt rôl ganolog i'w chwarae yn gwella llesiant dinasyddion, ac yn bwysig, yn atal afiechyd. Gwyddom fod atal gymaint yn well na gwella. Cael pethau'n iawn yn y lle cyntaf ar lefel gofal sylfaenol yn ein cymunedau—dyna yw'r ateb cywir. Felly, unwaith eto, wrth orffen, diolch i'r deisebydd ac rwy'n ailadrodd y galwadau ar Lywodraeth Cymru i ymrwymo'r cyllid i feddygon teulu i ddarparu'r gwasanaethau cynaliadwy yr ydym i gyd am eu gweld yn ein cymunedau. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Dwi'n falch iawn bod y ddeiseb yma wedi dod o flaen y Senedd heddiw. Mae o'n tynnu sylw at fater sy'n mynd at wraidd y problemau sy'n effeithio ar ein gwasanaeth iechyd ni. Dwi wedi derbyn ymhell dros 600 o e-byst ar draws fy rhanbarth i, gan rai sydd yn gweithio yn y maes, ond hefyd gan nifer o bobl sy'n llwyr ddibynnol, ac mae'r pryder yn aruthrol. Fel mae Mabon ap Gwynfor, fel ein llefarydd iechyd, wedi sôn nifer o weithiau, mae gwasanaethau cynradd yn rhan allweddol o'r agenda ataliol, ac mae hyn yn dod yn fwyfwy amlwg dros y degawdau nesaf, o ganlyniad i'r newidiadau demograffig yn ein poblogaeth.
Yn ôl yr ystadegau diweddaraf, roedd yna 372 o wasanaethau GP yng Nghymru ar ddiwedd mis Mehefin, sef 14 yn llai na phan lansiwyd ymgyrch Save Our Surgeries gan y BMA. Mae'n amlwg felly bod y rhybuddion clir a chyson yma ynglŷn â phrinder darpariaeth ar draws ein cymunedau wedi syrthio ar glustiau byddar y Llywodraeth. Dwi'n sicr bod pob un ohonom ni yn y Siambr yma wedi clywed pryderon ein hetholwyr am ddiffyg argaeledd i wasanaethau meddygon teulu, yn enwedig y sawl ohonom ni sy'n cynrychioli etholaethau gwledig, er enghraifft, lle mae presenoldeb meddygfa gymunedol yn fwy o foethusrwydd prin y dyddiau yma.
O ran y gweithlu, mae Cymru hefyd yn parhau i fod dros 500 meddyg teulu yn fyr o gyfartaledd yr OECD. Mae'n amlwg felly, fel y mae'r ddeiseb yn ei amlygu, fod angen i Lywodraeth Cymru fynd i'r afael â'r tanfuddsoddiad aruthrol sydd wedi digwydd yn y sector yma dros ddegawd. Rhan o'r ateb ydy i adfer canran y gyllideb iechyd sy'n mynd tuag at GPs nôl i'w lefel hanesyddol o 8.7 y cant, ac mi ydym ni ym Mhlaid Cymru yn ymbil ar y Llywodraeth i ddefnyddio'r arian ychwanegol sydd wedi deillio o gyllideb y Deyrnas Unedig ar iechyd i gyflawni hyn.
Ond dim ond un rhan o'r ateb ydy arian. Mae hefyd angen ystyried diwygiadau i strwythur a strategaeth yn y sector er mwyn ymdopi â'r cynnydd mewn galw sydd i ddod. Dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf, rydym ni wedi gweld tueddiad o gwmnïau mawr, yn aml wedi eu lleoli tu allan i Gymru, yn dechrau camu i mewn i'r farchnad o wasanaethau GPs, gan brynu a rhedeg amryw o feddygfeydd. Mae presenoldeb eHarleyStreet yn ardal Aneurin Bevan yn enghraifft amlwg. Mae hyn yn parhau efo'r patrwm niweidiol o elw yn cael ei sugno allan o'r system iechyd i bocedi'r sector preifat, a hefyd yn creu sefyllfa fregus iawn o ran darpariaeth.
Mae'n amlwg felly fod angen rhyw fath o gynllun i warchod yn erbyn y posibilrwydd yma o golli mwy a mwy o'n GPs ni a'r meddygfeydd eithriadol o bwysig yma yn ein cymunedau ni. Rydym ni hefyd eisiau gweld mwy o gydweithredu rhyngwasanaethol er mwyn ymateb yn fwy effeithiol i gynnydd mewn galw. Gaf i ofyn, felly, wrth i'r Llywodraeth ystyried y ddeiseb hon, pa ystyriaeth sydd wedi ei roi i'r ffaith bod yna gymaint o bryderon yn cael eu mynegi? Ydy'r Llywodraeth yn derbyn bod yna greisis o ran gwasanaethau GPs? Maen nhw'n teimlo nad yw hyn yn cael ei gydnabod gan y Llywodraeth ar y funud, a dwi eisiau gweld yr eglurder hwnnw heddiw gan yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet.
I'm very pleased that this petition has been submitted before the Senedd. It does draw attention to a problem that does affect our health service. I've had more than 600 e-mails across my region, from some who work in this area, but also from a number of people who are very reliant, and there are great concerns. As Mabon ap Gwynfor, as our health spokesperson, has mentioned a number of times, primary care services are a vital part of the preventative agenda, and this will become more prominent over the next decades, as a result of the demographic changes in our population.
According to the most recent statistics, there were 372 GP services in Wales at the end of June, which is 14 fewer than when the BMA launched the Save Our Surgeries campaign. It is clear, therefore, that these consistent warnings about a shortage of provision across our communities has fallen on deaf ears within Government. I'm sure that all of us in this Chamber will have heard concerns from our constituents about the lack of availability of GP services, particularly those of us who represent rural constituencies, for example, where the availability of a community facility is more of a luxury these days.
In terms of workforce, Wales is still 500 GPs short in terms of the OECD average. It is clear, therefore, as the petition highlights, that the Welsh Government does need to address the huge underinvestment that there has been in this sector over a period of a decade. Part of the solution is to restore the percentage of the health budget to GPs back to historic levels of 8.7 per cent, and we in Plaid Cymru do urge the Government to use the additional funding that has emanated from the UK budget for health to deliver that.
But funding is only one part of the solution. We also need to consider reforms to the structure and strategy within the sector in order to cope with the increase in demand that we will experience. Over recent years we have seen a tendency of large companies, often located outside of Wales, starting to step into the market of GP services, buying and running a number of surgeries. In the Aneurin Bevan area, eHarleyStreet is a clear example of this. This continues with the damaging trend of profits being taken out of the health system into private pockets, and also makes the provision vulnerable.
Clearly, we need some sort of plan to guard against this possibility of losing more and more of our GPs, and the important surgeries in our communities. We also want to see more collaboration between services in order to respond more effectively to an increase in demand. Could I therefore ask, as the Government considers this petition, what consideration has been given to the fact that there are so many concerns expressed? Does the Government accept that there is a crisis in terms of GP services? They feel that this isn't being recognised by the Government at the moment, and I want that clarity today from the Cabinet Secretary.
I think this is a very welcome petition, because all health boards need to spend more money and energy and time on primary care. I just want to have a quick look at some of the social justice issues involved in this, because there are 389 practices in Wales, unless one or two have closed in the meanwhile, but the Deep End project is looking at those serving the super-output areas of deprivation, and they have on average 30 per cent more patients per GP than those in the 100 least deprived practices.
These are really important figures. If you look at those who are delivering healthcare as a whole—so not just the doctors but all the other allied professionals—there's an even more stark difference. Those having to serve the populations with the biggest health challenges, who are getting sicker earlier, with less health literacy, have fewer people. I very much welcome the fact that the Petitions Committee is going to look further at this, because I think there's a great deal more that we need to say about this.
We clearly need to have a lot more multidisciplinary working, because there simply aren't enough GPs or, indeed, nurses to go around. We have to think outside the box. We need to grow our own. We need to recruit from our own communities, rather than bringing in people from outside, and give them recruitment and retention pathways so that they are staying in the communities that they have grown up in and are very much less likely to leave. So, I think there's a great deal more that we can do on this, and we need to come back to this and have a fuller debate, which we can't do within this short time.
Rwy'n credu bod hon yn ddeiseb i'w chroesawu'n fawr, oherwydd mae angen i bob bwrdd iechyd wario mwy o arian a rhoi mwy o egni ac amser i ofal sylfaenol. Rwyf am edrych yn gyflym ar rai o'r materion cyfiawnder cymdeithasol sy'n gysylltiedig â hyn, oherwydd mae 389 o bractisau yng Nghymru, oni bai bod un neu ddau wedi cau yn y cyfamser, ond mae'r prosiect Deep End yn edrych ar y rhai sy'n gwasanaethu'r ardaloedd cynnyrch ehangach o amddifadedd, ac mae ganddynt 30 y cant yn fwy o gleifion fesul meddyg teulu ar gyfartaledd na'r rhai yn y 100 practis lleiaf difreintiedig.
Mae'r rhain yn ffigurau pwysig iawn. Os edrychwch chi ar y rhai sy'n darparu gofal iechyd yn ei gyfanrwydd—felly nid y meddygon yn unig ond yr holl weithwyr proffesiynol perthynol eraill—mae yna wahaniaeth mwy amlwg fyth. Mae llai o bobl gan y rhai sy'n gorfod gwasanaethu'r poblogaethau sydd â'r heriau iechyd mwyaf, sy'n mynd yn fwy sâl yn gynharach, ac sydd â llai o lythrennedd iechyd. Rwy'n croesawu'n fawr y ffaith bod y Pwyllgor Deisebau'n mynd i edrych ymhellach ar hyn, oherwydd rwy'n credu bod llawer mwy y mae angen inni ei ddweud am hyn.
Mae'n amlwg fod angen inni gael llawer mwy o waith amlddisgyblaethol, oherwydd yn syml iawn, ni cheir digon o feddygon teulu, na nyrsys yn wir. Mae'n rhaid inni feddwl y tu allan i'r bocs. Mae'n rhaid inni dyfu ein cynnyrch ein hunain. Mae angen inni recriwtio o'n cymunedau ein hunain, yn hytrach na dod â phobl o'r tu allan i mewn, a rhoi llwybrau recriwtio a chadw iddynt fel eu bod yn aros yn y cymunedau y maent wedi tyfu i fyny ynddynt ac yn llawer llai tebygol o'u gadael. Felly, rwy'n credu bod llawer mwy y gallwn ei wneud ar hyn, Ac mae angen inni ddod yn ôl at hyn a chael dadl lawnach, na allwn ei wneud o fewn yr amser byr hwn.
I'm glad to be talking in this debate to try to highlight the importance of this petition. Our GP services in Wales are in chaos and it's simply not good enough. As my colleague Sam Rowlands has already said, 21,000 people have signed this petition, calling on the Government to offer a rescue package to GPs. It's high time that this Labour Government took responsibility and acted. Across Wales, we hear stories of people unable to get appointments. I know from my own surgery that it's the same old story, day after day—a booking system that seems to be designed to make it impossible to get help, and that means that patients are waiting around for hours for a callback just to see if you have an appointment, the alternative being an online system, which of course immediately wipes out many of the elderly and those with disabilities.
A GP in Torfaen recently e-mailed to point out that Wales lost 51 full-time equivalent GPs between September 2023 and March 2024. In a recent survey, 37 per cent of GPs in Wales reported that they may not be in the profession in five years' time. This GP went on to say that 74 per cent of their members believe that they could alleviate hospital pressures if only they had more staff and resources. GPs across my region are crying out for help and some sense from this Government. It is clear that general practice could be a big part of the solution to the NHS crisis, but this just isn't happening. We see new homes being built, but where are the schools and GP services to match? Houses are being built, but no thought to the already stretched infrastructure to meet the demand, particularly in rural areas where there are fewer practices. Community pharmacies can play a key role in helping here, but where is the information campaign to let people know about the increased services that they can offer to try to alleviate this and help our GPs?
In Wales, we've already lost 100 GP sites in the last 12 years, yet patient numbers continue to rise. Why can't we be innovative here, bringing in different offers, capabilities, to relieve GPs and, of course, A&E, for onsite referrals there and then? We need to know exactly how much more GPs will be paying in national insurance contributions. The Minister should have this information already, but if he doesn't, I call on him to find out and let us know as soon as possible. Cabinet Secretary, our GP practices need proper support. Their workload is unsustainable. Our constituents need access to GPs, not more of the same excuses, and I urge the Minister to address this growing crisis in this vital primary care.
Rwy'n falch o siarad yn y ddadl hon i geisio tynnu sylw at bwysigrwydd y ddeiseb. Mae ein gwasanaethau meddygon teulu yng Nghymru mewn anhrefn ac nid yw'n ddigon da. Fel y mae fy nghyd-Aelod Sam Rowlands eisoes wedi dweud, mae 21,000 o bobl wedi arwyddo'r ddeiseb hon, yn galw ar y Llywodraeth i gynnig pecyn achub i feddygon teulu. Mae'n hen bryd i'r Llywodraeth Lafur hon gymryd cyfrifoldeb a gweithredu. Ar draws Cymru, clywn straeon am bobl sy'n methu cael apwyntiadau. Rwy'n gwybod o fy meddygfa fy hun mai'r un hen stori yw hi, ddydd ar ôl dydd—system drefnu apwyntiadau sy'n ymddangos fel pe bai wedi'i chynllunio i'w gwneud hi'n amhosibl cael help, ac mae hynny'n golygu bod cleifion yn aros am oriau am alwad yn ôl i weld a oes apwyntiad, a'r dewis arall yw system ar-lein, sydd, wrth gwrs, yn eithrio llawer o'r henoed a rhai ag anableddau ar unwaith.
Yn ddiweddar, e-bostiodd meddyg teulu yn Nhorfaen i nodi bod Cymru wedi colli 51 o feddygon teulu cyfwerth ag amser llawn rhwng mis Medi 2023 a mis Mawrth 2024. Mewn arolwg diweddar, dywedodd 37 y cant o feddygon teulu yng Nghymru efallai na fyddant yn y proffesiwn ymhen pum mlynedd. Aeth y meddyg teulu hwn rhagddo i ddweud bod 74 y cant o'u haelodau'n credu y gallent leddfu pwysau ar ysbytai pe bai ganddynt fwy o staff ac adnoddau. Mae meddygon teulu ar draws fy rhanbarth yn crefu am help a rhywfaint o synnwyr gan y Llywodraeth hon. Mae'n amlwg y gallai ymarfer cyffredinol fod yn rhan fawr o'r ateb i argyfwng y GIG, ond nid yw hyn yn digwydd. Gwelwn gartrefi newydd yn cael eu hadeiladu, ond lle mae'r gwasanaethau ysgolion a meddygon teulu i gyd-fynd â hynny? Mae tai yn cael eu hadeiladu, ond heb ystyriaeth i'r seilwaith sydd eisoes dan bwysau i ateb y galw, yn enwedig mewn ardaloedd gwledig lle mae llai o bractisau. Gall fferyllfeydd cymunedol chwarae rhan allweddol yn helpu yma, ond ble mae'r ymgyrch wybodaeth i roi gwybod i bobl am y cynnydd yn y gwasanaethau y gallant eu cynnig i geisio lleddfu hyn a helpu ein meddygon teulu?
Yng Nghymru, rydym eisoes wedi colli 100 o safleoedd meddygon teulu yn ystod y 12 mlynedd diwethaf, ac eto mae nifer y cleifion yn parhau i godi. Pam na allwn ni fod yn arloesol yma, a dod â chynigion, galluoedd, gwahanol i mewn i leddfu baich meddygon teulu ac adrannau damweiniau ac achosion brys wrth gwrs, ar gyfer atgyfeiriadau ar y safle yn y fan a'r lle? Mae angen inni wybod yn union faint yn fwy y bydd meddygon teulu yn ei dalu mewn cyfraniadau yswiriant gwladol. Dylai'r wybodaeth hon fod gan y Gweinidog eisoes, ond os nad yw hi, galwaf arno i'w chael a rhoi gwybod i ni cyn gynted â phosibl. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae angen cefnogaeth briodol ar ein practisau meddygon teulu. Mae eu llwyth gwaith yn anghynaliadwy. Mae angen i feddygon teulu fod yn hygyrch i'n hetholwyr, dim mwy o'r un esgusodion ac rwy'n annog y Gweinidog i fynd i'r afael â'r argyfwng cynyddol hwn mewn gofal sylfaenol hanfodol.
I welcome this debate—a primer debate, I think, for a lot of the work that's going to be happening through the Health and Social Care Committee, coming down the line. We can listen to contributions that are being made across the Chamber and I think we're all in agreement that there is an issue within GP practices, whether that's a funding issue or a lack of GPs. I think the frustration for GPs comes from the fact that, despite all of us agreeing that there's an issue, we still have yet to come up with the solution.
I want to focus in particular on locum GPs. This was an issue that was raised with me by a number of GPs in Bridgend. Data from England tells us a bit of a shocking story. A survey carried out by the BMA has found that nearly four out of five locum GPs can't find work, despite patient waiting times reaching record highs. That's in England, but here in Wales the symptoms of the same crisis have been visible for a while, yet the data doesn't seem to be available, and I believe that this should be investigated a bit further. Anecdotally, I've been told of locums in Wales looking to other fields. Some are considering jobs in retail and driving taxis. At a time when we're crying out for GPs and we all accept that there's a shortage of GPs, this situation is madness. Trained doctors are being forced out of healthcare by what is essentially a funding structure that fails to recognise their value, because that's ultimately what this does come down to. The situation with local GPs and sessionals is, as one GP described to me, the canary in the coal mine, warning us of the potential for a much larger collapse. That collapse will happen if we continue down this path. The ripple effects will extend beyond GPs to reception staff, practice nurses, not replacing those partners that leave practices.
So, without a change, we will face longer waits for appointments, more patients forced to seek emergency care due to lack of GP access, and an NHS under unbearable strain. So, we can't afford to overlook these warning signs when it comes to locum GPs, and I would hope that the Cabinet Secretary is aware of the situation in relation to locums, and I would appreciate his thoughts on how we can get to grips with this particular issue.
Rwy'n croesawu'r ddadl hon—dadl baratoadol, rwy'n meddwl, ar gyfer llawer o'r gwaith sy'n mynd i fod yn digwydd drwy'r Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol, sydd ar y ffordd. Gallwn wrando ar gyfraniadau sy'n cael eu gwneud ar draws y Siambr ac rwy'n credu ein bod i gyd yn cytuno bod problem o fewn practisau meddygon teulu, boed yn fater ariannu neu brinder meddygon teulu. Rwy'n credu bod y rhwystredigaeth i feddygon teulu yn deillio o'r ffaith, er bod pob un ohonom yn cytuno bod yna broblem, ein bod eto i ganfod yr ateb.
Rwyf am ganolbwyntio'n benodol ar feddygon teulu locwm. Roedd hon yn broblem a nodwyd gan nifer o feddygon teulu ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr. Mae data o Loegr yn adrodd stori arswydus wrthym. Mae arolwg a gynhaliwyd gan y BMA wedi canfod nad yw bron bedwar o bob pum meddyg teulu locwm yn gallu dod o hyd i waith, er bod amseroedd aros cleifion yn cyrraedd y lefelau uchaf erioed. Mae hynny yn Lloegr, ond yma yng Nghymru mae symptomau'r un argyfwng wedi bod yn weladwy ers tro, ond eto nid yw'n ymddangos bod y data ar gael, ac rwy'n credu y dylid ymchwilio ymhellach i hyn. Yn anecdotaidd, dywedwyd wrthyf am feddygon locwm yng Nghymru sy'n troi at feysydd eraill. Mae rhai yn ystyried swyddi'n gyrru tacsis ac mewn manwerthu. Ar adeg pan ydym yn crefu am feddygon teulu ac rydym i gyd yn derbyn bod prinder meddygon teulu, mae'r sefyllfa hon yn wallgof. Mae meddygon hyfforddedig yn cael eu gorfodi allan o ofal iechyd gan strwythur cyllido sy'n methu cydnabod eu gwerth yn y bôn, oherwydd yn y pen draw dyna yw hyn. Mae'r sefyllfa gyda meddygon teulu lleol a meddygon sesiynol fel y caneri yn y pwll glo, fel y disgrifiodd un meddyg teulu i mi, yn ein rhybuddio o'r perygl o chwalfa lawer mwy. Bydd y chwalfa honno'n digwydd os byddwn yn parhau ar hyd y llwybr hwn. Bydd yr effeithiau canlyniadol yn ymestyn y tu hwnt i feddygon teulu i staff derbynfa, nyrsys practis, a methu cael partneriaid yn lle'r rhai sy'n gadael practisau.
Felly, heb newid, byddwn yn wynebu amseroedd aros hirach am apwyntiadau, mwy o gleifion yn cael eu gorfodi i droi at ofal brys oherwydd diffyg mynediad at feddygon teulu, a GIG dan straen annioddefol. Felly, ni allwn fforddio anwybyddu'r arwyddion rhybudd hyn mewn perthynas â meddygon teulu locwm, ac rwy'n gobeithio bod Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn ymwybodol o'r sefyllfa mewn perthynas â meddygon locwm, a hoffwn glywed ei farn ar sut y gallwn fynd i'r afael â'r broblem.
I'd like to take this time to briefly focus on GP funding in Cardiff North. Across the last year, I visited many surgeries in Cardiff North, in Llandaff North, Llanishen, Gabalfa, Heath and Birchgrove and others, and the story has been the same message from all of them: they're struggling to maintain safe levels of service and are worried about being able to continue. I'd like to pay tribute to their commitment to their patients and to their desire to improve their services, particularly including preventative work, which obviously they're in an absolutely ideal position to provide, but there's so much more that they would like to do and there's so much more that I think we would want them to do, but it's enabling that to happen, I think, is the key answer. They are struggling to meet demand, they've all said the same thing, and they've all had to mostly reduce their staff, and this means that people are not receiving the service they need or that GPs want to provide.
Now, there is this particular funding issue that has been raised with me about funding for GP practices in Cardiff North, and they maintain that they are in a particular position that they receive less funding per head than other practices throughout Wales, and one GP partner told me that North Cardiff is in the bottom 1 per cent of funded practices in the UK. And I'm told that this is because the Carr-Hill formula, which calculates the funding received by GP practices, is outdated and urgently needs reforming. So, I wondered if it is possible for the Cabinet Secretary to comment on this formula in his contribution to the debate. That is something that has been raised very strongly with me from the Cardiff North GPs.
So, in conclusion, I welcome this debate very much, and I think that what we've got to do is shift to the preventative agenda, and I think the key to the preventative agenda is GP practices, and what we're able to do in conjunction with that. The expansion of what pharmacies are able to do is obviously a big step forward, the additional funding for community nursing teams, again, is a big step forward, and I think we've got to think of all that as a whole.
Hoffwn roi amser i ganolbwyntio'n fyr ar gyllid meddygon teulu yng Ngogledd Caerdydd. Dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, ymwelais â llawer o feddygfeydd yng Ngogledd Caerdydd, yng Ngogledd Llandaf, Llanisien, Gabalfa, y Mynydd Bychan a Birchgrove ac eraill, a'r un neges a gefais gan bob un ohonynt: maent yn cael trafferth cynnal lefelau diogel o wasanaeth ac yn poeni ynglŷn â'u gallu i barhau. Hoffwn dalu teyrnged i'w hymrwymiad i'w cleifion ac i'w hawydd i wella eu gwasanaethau, yn enwedig gan gynnwys gwaith ataliol, gwaith y maent mewn sefyllfa hollol ddelfrydol i'w ddarparu, yn amlwg, ond mae cymaint mwy yr hoffent ei wneud ac mae cymaint mwy y credaf y byddem ni am iddynt ei wneud, ond galluogi hynny i ddigwydd, rwy'n credu, yw'r ateb allweddol. Maent yn ei chael hi'n anodd ateb y galw, maent i gyd wedi dweud yr un peth, ac maent i gyd wedi gorfod cyfyngu ar nifer eu staff, ac mae hyn yn golygu nad yw pobl yn cael y gwasanaeth sydd ei angen arnynt ac y mae meddygon teulu eisiau ei ddarparu.
Nawr, mae un mater ariannu penodol wedi cael ei ddwyn i fy sylw ynghylch cyllid ar gyfer practisau meddygon teulu yng Ngogledd Caerdydd, ac maent yn honni eu bod mewn sefyllfa arbennig am eu bod yn cael llai o gyllid y pen na phractisau eraill ledled Cymru, a dywedodd un meddyg teulu partner wrthyf fod Gogledd Caerdydd yn yr 1 y cant isaf o bractisau a ariennir yn y DU. A dywedir wrthyf fod hyn oherwydd bod fformiwla Carr-Hill, sy'n cyfrifo'r arian a gaiff practisau meddygon teulu, wedi dyddio ac mae angen ei diwygio ar frys. Felly, tybed a yw'n bosibl i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet wneud sylwadau ar y fformiwla hon yn ei gyfraniad i'r ddadl. Mae hynny'n rhywbeth y mae meddygon teulu Gogledd Caerdydd wedi ei ddwyn i fy sylw yn gadarn iawn.
Felly, i gloi, rwy'n croesawu'r ddadl hon yn fawr, ac rwy'n credu mai'r hyn sy'n rhaid i ni ei wneud yw symud at yr agenda ataliol, a chredaf mai'r allwedd i'r agenda ataliol yw practisau meddygon teulu, a'r hyn y gallwn ei wneud ar y cyd â hynny. Mae ehangu'r hyn y gall fferyllfeydd ei wneud yn amlwg yn gam mawr ymlaen, mae'r cyllid ychwanegol ar gyfer timau nyrsio cymunedol, unwaith eto, yn gam mawr ymlaen, ac rwy'n credu bod yn rhaid inni feddwl am hynny i gyd yn ei gyfanrwydd.
The wording of this petition is not new to me. I was the sponsor of an event, working alongside the BMA, back in July, which recognised it was one year on at that point since the BMA launched their Save our Surgeries campaign, calling on the Welsh Government to introduce an urgent rescue package as part of their Save our Surgeries campaign. So, over the years, many constituents of mine, GPs I have spoken to, have talked about the significant pressures that they're under, and how they're also competing with the issues about not being able to recruit staff. So, we do need the restoration of NHS funding for general practice before we see a total collapse of this service in Wales. I don't think that that's scaremongering at all, that's the reality.
Now, Carolyn Thomas in her opening to this debate today referred to the Health and Social Care Committee doing work in this area, and that's right, the committee members agreed to do that earlier this year. But not only did they do that, it was other Members that were writing to the committee asking us to consider this work as well. There were several other Members contacting the committee in that regard. And we held a stakeholder session back in September. We held it in private session; we wanted GPs, nurses, other health professionals to be as open and frank with us as possible, so we held that in a private session, and they were very frank and candid with us. And the messages that they gave to us as a committee were that funding pressures are putting the sustainability of general practice at risk; inflationary pressures and the cost of managing and maintaining buildings are further squeezing GP budgets; practices are struggling to recruit and retain staff at all levels, from GP partners to admin staff; and GPs and others working in general practice are managing increasing complexity in their workload as more healthcare services are moved into the community. So, the committee is in the process now of developing its terms of reference. Once it's done, of course, we'll put a formal call-out for evidence.
But it struck me that what I just read out—I think we're all aware of those issues, and, as Luke Fletcher pointed out in his contribution, it's the solutions that we need. I think it's going to be a really complicated piece of work for us as a health committee, because I don't think finding the solutions to some of these issues is going to be incredibly easy for us. That's going to be a challenge in itself.
Nid yw geiriad y ddeiseb hon yn newydd i mi. Roeddwn yn noddwr digwyddiad, gan weithio ochr yn ochr â'r BMA, yn ôl ym mis Gorffennaf, a oedd yn cydnabod ei bod yn flwyddyn ar y pwynt hwnnw ers i'r BMA lansio eu hymgyrch Achubwch ein Meddygfeydd, yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i gyflwyno pecyn achub brys fel rhan o'u hymgyrch. Felly, dros y blynyddoedd, mae llawer o fy etholwyr, meddygon teulu y siaradais â hwy, wedi sôn am y pwysau sylweddol sydd arnynt, a sut y maent hefyd yn cystadlu â mater methu recriwtio staff. Felly, mae angen adfer cyllid GIG ar gyfer ymarfer cyffredinol cyn inni weld y gwasanaeth hwn yn chwalu'n llwyr yng Nghymru. Nid wyf yn credu mai codi bwganod yw hynny o gwbl, dyna'r realiti.
Nawr, cyfeiriodd Carolyn Thomas, yn ei hagoriad i'r ddadl hon heddiw, at y Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol yn gwneud gwaith yn y maes hwn, ac mae hynny'n gywir, fe gytunodd aelodau'r pwyllgor i wneud hynny yn gynharach eleni. Ond nid yn unig hynny, roedd Aelodau eraill yn ysgrifennu at y pwyllgor yn gofyn inni ystyried y gwaith hwn hefyd. Fe wnaeth sawl Aelod arall gysylltu â'r pwyllgor ynglŷn â hynny. Ac fe wnaethom gynnal sesiwn rhanddeiliaid yn ôl ym mis Medi. Gwnaethom ei chynnal mewn sesiwn breifat; roeddem am i feddygon teulu, nyrsys, gweithwyr iechyd proffesiynol eraill fod mor agored a gonest â phosibl gyda ni, felly fe wnaethom gynnal hynny mewn sesiwn breifat, ac roeddent yn onest iawn gyda ni. A'r negeseuon a roesant i ni fel pwyllgor oedd bod pwysau ariannu'n peryglu cynaliadwyedd ymarfer cyffredinol; mae pwysau chwyddiant a chost rheoli a chynnal adeiladau yn gwasgu cyllidebau meddygon teulu ymhellach; mae practisau'n ei chael hi'n anodd recriwtio a chadw staff ar bob lefel, o feddygon teulu partner i staff gweinyddol; ac mae meddygon teulu ac eraill sy'n gweithio mewn ymarfer cyffredinol yn rheoli cymhlethdod cynyddol yn eu llwyth gwaith wrth i fwy o wasanaethau gofal iechyd gael eu symud i'r gymuned. Felly, mae'r pwyllgor wrthi nawr yn datblygu ei gylch gorchwyl. Pan fydd wedi'i wneud, wrth gwrs, byddwn yn gwneud galwad ffurfiol am dystiolaeth.
Ond fe wnaeth fy nharo fod yr hyn rwyf newydd ei ddarllen allan—rwy'n credu ein bod i gyd yn ymwybodol o'r materion hynny, ac fel y nododd Luke Fletcher yn ei gyfraniad, yr hyn sydd eu hangen arnom yw'r atebion. Rwy'n credu y bydd yn waith cymhleth iawn i ni fel pwyllgor iechyd, oherwydd nid wyf yn credu y bydd dod o hyd i atebion i rai o'r problemau hyn yn hawdd iawn i ni. Mae honno'n mynd i fod yn her ynddi ei hun.
I would like to begin by thanking BMA Cymru for their Save our Surgeries campaign. I was there at the Senedd reception back in July that Russell has just referred to, and it was incredibly sad to hear the stories of GPs who face incredible challenges in 2024 and beyond. GPs are the first point of contact in the life of a patient, and are often now intervening more, given the longer waiting lists. Thank you, diolch yn fawr iawn, to all of those who work in surgeries as GPs, practice managers, nurses and additional staff. It is hard going, and we are grateful to you.
The statistics, in their most recent report, paint a sad picture of the state of GPs and their practices here in Wales. But GPs are not statistics, they're our friends, our neighbours, our colleagues, and their well-being should not be an afterthought. Their well-being, physical, mental and emotional, is crucial if we are to ensure that they work to the best of their abilities. This is impossible without adequate financing of GP practices.
Six months ago, I visited the GPs in Brecon and Radnorshire and heard from them all about the significant challenges in recruiting and retaining GPs in rural areas. I have called, and I call again, for a GP rural premium to recognise the significant and additional challenges for GPs in our rural areas. But I finish with a very specific question for the Cabinet Secretary: will you continue to fund and recruit GPs through the innovative practice and programme that there was previously? It was a really innovative programme that allowed GPs in rural areas to both be recruited and to be retained. Diolch yn fawr iawn, Dirprwy Lywydd dros dro.
Hoffwn ddechrau drwy ddiolch i BMA Cymru am eu hymgyrch Achubwch ein Meddygfeydd. Roeddwn i yno yn y derbyniad yn y Senedd yn ôl ym mis Gorffennaf y cyfeiriodd Russell ato nawr, ac roedd yn hynod drist clywed straeon meddygon teulu sy'n wynebu heriau anhygoel yn 2024 a thu hwnt. Meddygon teulu yw'r pwynt cyswllt cyntaf ym mywyd claf, ac yn aml nawr maent yn ymyrryd mwy, o ystyried y rhestrau aros hirach. Diolch yn fawr iawn i bawb sy'n gweithio mewn meddygfeydd fel meddygon teulu, rheolwyr practis, nyrsys a staff ychwanegol. Mae'n waith caled ac rydym yn ddiolchgar i chi.
Mae'r ystadegau, yn eu hadroddiad diweddaraf, yn creu darlun trist o sefyllfa meddygon teulu a'u practisau yma yng Nghymru. Ond nid ystadegau yw meddygon teulu, ein ffrindiau ydynt, ein cymdogion, ein cydweithwyr, ac ni ddylai eu llesiant fod yn ôl-ystyriaeth. Mae eu lles, corfforol, meddyliol ac emosiynol yn hanfodol os ydym am sicrhau eu bod yn gweithio hyd eithaf eu galluoedd. Mae hyn yn amhosibl heb arian digonol i bractisau meddygon teulu.
Chwe mis yn ôl, fe ymwelais â'r meddygon teulu ym Mrycheiniog a sir Faesyfed a chlywed ganddynt am yr heriau sylweddol i recriwtio a chadw meddygon teulu mewn ardaloedd gwledig. Rwyf wedi galw, ac rwy'n galw eto, am bremiwm meddygon teulu gwledig i gydnabod yr heriau sylweddol ac ychwanegol i feddygon teulu yn ein hardaloedd gwledig. Ond rwy'n gorffen gyda chwestiwn penodol iawn i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet: a wnewch chi barhau i ariannu a recriwtio meddygon teulu drwy'r ymarfer a'r rhaglen arloesol a oedd yno o'r blaen? Roedd yn rhaglen arloesol iawn a oedd yn caniatáu i feddygon teulu mewn ardaloedd gwledig gael eu recriwtio a'u cadw. Diolch yn fawr iawn, Ddirprwy Lywydd dros dro.
Dwi'n galw ar Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol, Jeremy Miles.
I call on the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care, Jeremy Miles.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd dros dro. Mae meddygaeth teulu yn darparu gofal ataliol hollbwysig, ac rwy’n hynod ddiolchgar i feddygon teulu a’u staff am weithio mor galed bob dydd. I lawer o bobl, fel rŷn ni wedi trafod yn y ddadl, y feddygfa yw eu cyswllt cyntaf a’u prif gyswllt gyda’r gwasanaeth iechyd, ac mae’n ddealladwy iawn felly fod deiseb sy’n mynegi pryder am ddyfodol meddygfeydd wedi denu cymaint o ddiddordeb. Rŷn ni i gyd eisiau sicrwydd y bydd ein meddyg teulu lleol yno bob amser i ddarparu’r gofal rŷn ni ei angen, ac rwyf i am fod yn glir ein bod yn credu y bydd meddygon teulu yn parhau i fod yn gwbl ganolog i ofal sylfaenol nawr ac yn y dyfodol, yn enwedig gan ein bod am symud mwy o ofal allan o’r ysbyty ac i gymunedau lleol.
Mae ymgyrch BMA Cymru Achub ein Meddygfeydd a’r ddeiseb yn tynnu sylw at rai agweddau pryderus iawn o weithio yn y maes hwn heddiw. Rwyf am sicrhau meddygon teulu ein bod ni wedi clywed y negeseuon am y galw mawr a’r pwysau ar les staff, fel soniodd Jane Dodds. Rŷn ni wrthi’n cymryd camau i fynd i’r afael â’r materion hyn.
Mae meddygfeydd Cymru yn gweld tua 1.5 miliwn o bobl bob mis, sydd yn nifer syfrdanol, ond efallai nad oedd angen i bob un o’r 1.5 miliwn hyn weld meddyg teulu. Gallen nhw gael eu gweld gan aelod arall o’r tîm gofal sylfaenol neu gan wasanaeth gofal sylfaenol arall. Fel Llywodraeth, rŷn ni wedi bod yn datblygu gwasanaethau gofal sylfaenol a chymunedol i’w gwneud hi’n haws i bobl gael y gofal cywir yn gyflymach gan y person cywir ar yr adeg gywir.
Cafodd y contract unedig newydd a gyflwynwyd y llynedd ei ddatblygu i gydnabod bod meddygon teulu yn rhan o'r system ofal ehangach honno. Rhoddodd eglurder defnyddiol am ba wasanaethau y dylai pob meddygfa yng Nghymru eu darparu.
Thank you, acting Deputy Presiding Officer. GP provision provides crucial preventive services, and I'm very grateful to GPs and their staff for working so hard every day. For many people, as we've discussed during the debate, the surgery is their first and main contact with the health service, and it's very understandable, therefore, that a petition that expresses concern about the future of surgeries has attracted so much interest. We all want assurances that our local GP will always be there to provide the care that we need, and I want to be clear that we believe that GPs will continue to be central to primary care now and for the future, particularly as we will want to move more care from hospitals and into local communities.
The BMA Cymru campaign Save our Surgeries and the petition do highlight some very concerning aspects of working in this area today. I want to reassure GPs that we have heard the messages about the huge demands and the pressure on staff welfare, as Jane Dodds mentioned. We are taking steps to address these issues.
Surgeries in Wales see around 1.5 million people every month, which is an astonishing number, but perhaps not every one of the 1.5 million needed to see a GP. They could be seen by another member of the primary care team or by another primary care service. As a Government, we have been developing primary care and community care services to make it easier for people to get the right care more quickly from the right person at the right time.
The new united contract that was introduced last year was developed to recognise that GPs are part of the broader care system that I mentioned. It provided useful clarity as to which services every surgery in Wales should provide.
Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd i’r Gadair.
The Deputy Presiding Officer took the Chair.
Dirprwy Lywydd, part of making general practice sustainable is about allowing GPs to care for their patients more efficiently and relieving some of the pressure and demand they're experiencing, by working more collaboratively with other primary care services—a matter I discussed in my recent meeting with the Royal College of General Practitioners. In the last year, pharmacies have created additional capacity by delivering more than 600,000 consultations. Urgent primary care centres have been developed across Wales to help respond to demand and are now seeing more than 70,000 people a month. We've invested £5 million a year in allied health professionals and more than £8 million to increase the community nursing workforce at weekends. This will further increase the support available to GPs via community resource teams, whilst helping people living with frailty. We've also targeted investment at increasing staffing in general practice to improve access for patients. An additional £4 million has been made available via health boards over the past three years to support practices to increase staffing resources. This funding enables GP practices to take on additional administrative and clinical staff. And we are continuing to invest in multidisciplinary teams to ensure that people can access a wider group of primary care health professionals, including practice nurses, physiotherapists and pharmacists.
In response to the point that Julie Morgan made in the debate, I am aware of a report from Cardiff University, which looks at the distribution of funding and addresses the question of the Carr-Hill formula, which she rightly identifies as being the formula that provides most of the practice-level funding to GPs. Whilst I am not able to comment on the specific situation in Cardiff North, though I'm very happy to look into it, I'm also aware that there is a connection between that report and Deep End Cymru, to which Jenny Rathbone referred in her contribution, which has done very valuable work in helping us understand exactly that challenge of the pressures on practices serving particularly disadvantaged communities. And I'm glad that the Government has been able to contribute to the funding of that work.
I know Members are concerned about the future of the GP workforce. We've increased the number of GP trainees—199 were recruited last year and we continue to provide financial incentives in the way that Jane Dodds was asking about to encourage GPs to work in areas where recruitment has traditionally been difficult. We are also reviewing the National Health Service (General Medical Services—Premises Costs) (Wales) Directions 2015 to support investment in GMS facilities across Wales, which will help improve the sustainability and safety of patients and staff in GP practices.
Dirprwy Lywydd, we've made a choice to commit £1 billion over the course of this Senedd term to clear the backlog and reduce waiting times, which built up during the pandemic. By necessity, this means that a larger proportion of funding has gone to secondary care. Redressing this imbalance will be a priority for future—[Interruption.]
Ddirprwy Lywydd, rhan o wneud ymarfer cyffredinol yn gynaliadwy yw caniatáu i feddygon teulu ofalu am eu cleifion yn fwy effeithlon a lleddfu rhywfaint o'r pwysau a'r galw y maent yn ei brofi trwy weithio'n fwy cydweithredol â gwasanaethau gofal sylfaenol eraill—mater a drafodais yn fy nghyfarfod diweddar â Choleg Brenhinol yr Ymarferwyr Cyffredinol. Yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, mae fferyllfeydd wedi creu capasiti ychwanegol trwy ddarparu mwy na 600,000 o ymgynghoriadau. Datblygwyd canolfannau gofal sylfaenol brys ledled Cymru i helpu i ymateb i'r galw ac maent bellach yn gweld mwy na 70,000 o bobl y mis. Rydym wedi buddsoddi £5 miliwn y flwyddyn mewn gweithwyr proffesiynol perthynol i iechyd a mwy nag £8 miliwn i gynyddu'r gweithlu nyrsio cymunedol ar benwythnosau. Bydd hyn yn cynyddu'r cymorth sydd ar gael i feddygon teulu ymhellach drwy dimau adnoddau cymunedol, gan helpu pobl sy'n byw gydag eiddilwch. Rydym hefyd wedi targedu buddsoddiad at gynyddu staffio mewn practisau cyffredinol i wella mynediad i gleifion. Mae £4 miliwn ychwanegol wedi bod ar gael drwy fyrddau iechyd dros y tair blynedd diwethaf i gefnogi practisau i gynyddu adnoddau staffio. Mae'r cyllid hwn yn galluogi practisau meddygon teulu i gyflogi staff gweinyddol a chlinigol ychwanegol. Ac rydym yn parhau i fuddsoddi mewn timau amlddisgyblaethol i sicrhau y gall pobl gael mynediad at grŵp ehangach o weithwyr iechyd proffesiynol gofal sylfaenol, gan gynnwys nyrsys practis, ffisiotherapyddion a fferyllwyr.
Mewn ymateb i'r pwynt a wnaeth Julie Morgan yn y ddadl, rwy'n ymwybodol o adroddiad gan Brifysgol Caerdydd sy'n edrych ar ddosbarthiad cyllid ac yn mynd i'r afael â chwestiwn fformiwla Carr-Hill, y nododd hi'n briodol fel y fformiwla sy'n darparu'r rhan fwyaf o'r cyllid lefel practis i feddygon teulu. Er nad wyf yn gallu gwneud sylwadau ar y sefyllfa benodol yng Ngogledd Caerdydd, er fy mod yn hapus iawn i edrych i mewn iddi, rwy'n ymwybodol hefyd fod cysylltiad rhwng yr adroddiad hwnnw a Deep End Cymru, y cyfeiriodd Jenny Rathbone ato yn ei chyfraniad, sydd wedi gwneud gwaith gwerthfawr iawn i'n helpu i ddeall yn iawn beth yw her y pwysau ar bractisau sy'n gwasanaethu cymunedau arbennig o ddifreintiedig. Ac rwy'n falch fod y Llywodraeth wedi gallu cyfrannu at ariannu'r gwaith hwnnw.
Rwy'n gwybod bod yr Aelodau'n poeni am ddyfodol y gweithlu meddygon teulu. Rydym wedi cynyddu nifer yr hyfforddeion meddygon teulu—cafodd 199 eu recriwtio y llynedd ac rydym yn parhau i ddarparu cymhellion ariannol yn y ffordd yr oedd Jane Dodds yn gofyn yn ei gylch i annog meddygon teulu i weithio mewn ardaloedd lle mae recriwtio wedi bod yn anodd yn draddodiadol. Rydym hefyd yn adolygu Cyfarwyddiadau'r Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol (Gwasanaethau Meddygol Cyffredinol—Costau Mangre) (Cymru) 2015 i gefnogi buddsoddiad mewn cyfleusterau gwasanaethau meddygol cyffredinol ledled Cymru, a fydd yn helpu i wella cynaliadwyedd a diogelwch cleifion a staff mewn practisau meddygon teulu.
Ddirprwy Lywydd, rydym wedi dewis ymrwymo £1 biliwn dros dymor y Senedd hon i glirio'r ôl-groniad a lleihau amseroedd aros a gronnodd yn ystod y pandemig. O reidrwydd, mae hyn yn golygu bod cyfran fwy o gyllid wedi mynd i ofal eilaidd. Bydd unioni'r anghydbwysedd hwn yn flaenoriaeth ar gyfer penderfyniadau cyllido—[Torri ar draws.]
The Minister has—[Inaudible.]—time, so he's not going to give way, because I won't let him.
Mae'r Gweinidog wedi—[Anghlywadwy.]—amser, felly nid yw'n mynd i ildio, oherwydd nid wyf am adael iddo wneud.
—funding decisions, and we are committed to the principle of providing more care closer to home.
Dirprwy Lywydd, I'm grateful to you for allowing me to speak a little beyond my time. I would like to say that I'm grateful for the relationship we have with the GP profession in Wales, and we'll continue to work with GP representatives to ensure that Wales has a sustainable model for general medical services as part of a thriving primary care model into the future.
—yn y dyfodol, ac rydym wedi ymrwymo i'r egwyddor o ddarparu mwy o ofal yn nes at adref.
Ddirprwy Lywydd, rwy'n ddiolchgar i chi am ganiatáu imi siarad ychydig y tu hwnt i fy amser. Hoffwn ddweud fy mod yn ddiolchgar am y berthynas sydd gennym â'r proffesiwn meddygon teulu yng Nghymru, a byddwn yn parhau i weithio gyda chynrychiolwyr meddygon teulu i sicrhau bod gan Gymru fodel cynaliadwy ar gyfer gwasanaethau meddygol cyffredinol fel rhan o fodel gofal sylfaenol ffyniannus i'r dyfodol.
Galwaf ar Carolyn Thomas i ymateb i'r ddadl.
I call on Carolyn Thomas to reply to the debate.
I'd like to thank the Members for their responses. Sam Rowlands and Laura Anne highlighted the number of signatures—21,000—so it shows how important this issue is and that funding is not actually matching the pressures as well. Everybody spoke about the importance of prevention at the primary level and so did the Cabinet Secretary in his response. Rural communities, in particular, are an issue, and Jane Dodds asked for a GP rural premium and mentioned a programme as well regarding the retention of GPs, and I think that might be something that the Health and Social Care Committee could look at.
We also need to look at restoring the infrastructure as well—so, it's not just GPs themselves, it's also the buildings—and Heledd mentioned corporate services taking over, putting profit before services in some rural areas, and better collaboration is needed.
Jenny mentioned that it's also a social care issue. She highlighted that health inequalities are also need-linked as well to certain areas, so, where there are bigger health inequalities, there might be more need as well, and mentioned the Deep End project as well.
Hoffwn ddiolch i'r Aelodau am eu hymatebion. Nododd Sam Rowlands a Laura Anne nifer y llofnodion—21,000—felly mae'n dangos pa mor bwysig yw'r mater hwn ac nad yw cyllid yn cyfateb i'r pwysau. Siaradodd pawb am bwysigrwydd atal ar y lefel sylfaenol ac felly hefyd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn ei ymateb. Mae cymunedau gwledig, yn arbennig, yn broblem, a gofynnodd Jane Dodds am bremiwm gwledig i feddygon teulu a soniodd am raglen ar gyfer cadw meddygon teulu, ac rwy'n credu y gallai hynny fod yn rhywbeth y gallai'r Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol edrych arno.
Mae angen inni edrych hefyd ar adfer y seilwaith—felly, nid meddygon teulu eu hunain yn unig ond yr adeiladau hefyd—a soniodd Heledd am wasanaethau corfforaethol yn cymryd yr awenau, gan roi elw o flaen gwasanaethau mewn rhai ardaloedd gwledig, ac mae angen cydweithio gwell.
Soniodd Jenny ei fod hefyd yn fater gofal cymdeithasol. Nododd fod anghydraddoldebau iechyd yn gysylltiedig ar sail angen ag ardaloedd penodol, felly, lle ceir anghydraddoldebau iechyd mwy, efallai y bydd mwy o angen hefyd, a soniodd am y prosiect Deep End.
I think the issue was that, the people serving the poorest communities, there are fewer of them, serving people with much greater need.
Rwy'n credu mai'r broblem oedd bod llai o bobl yn gwasanaethu'r cymunedau tlotaf, fod llai ohonynt yn gwasanaethu pobl ag anghenion llawer mwy.
Thank you. Thank you for that clarification. Laura Anne mentioned also the booking system, and that getting an appointment is still difficult in some areas, so we need to look at shifting resources. You know, very often, new homes are being built, but the infrastructure doesn't always follow.
Julie Morgan spoke about this funding formula—the Carr-Hill funding formula—which I hadn't heard about before. We did have a response from the Cabinet Secretary, but maybe that's something that we just need to pick up on further. Russell, thank you for coming in, as Chair of the Health and Social Care Committee. You talked about the inquiry you've done, looking at building on those terms of reference ready for the inquiry taking place next year.
I'd like to thank the Minister for his response, speaking about the importance of primary and community care services, making sure that the focus is on that. Also, he spoke about staff welfare, which is really important, and the keenness to work with GPs, going forward, and support them.
This is an issue that won't be solved this afternoon, but it has given us all a chance to reflect, before our own budget is finalised, on an area facing considerable pressures. It isn't the only area crying out for additional funding. Increasingly, as a Petitions Committee, we see petitions being used to highlight those areas where funding is disappearing or in too-short supply. Today's debate has given us a chance to take the pulse of GPs' surgeries and to hear some of the urgent issues that they're facing.
The draft budget will be published later this year, and the health committee's work, I believe, will start in 2025. This debate is not the last word on the issue, and I hope it's the start of a renewed focus on primary healthcare in Wales. Thank you to everybody who's taken part and thank you to the petitioners.
Diolch. Diolch am yr eglurhad hwnnw. Soniodd Laura Anne hefyd am y system trefnu apwyntiadau, a bod cael apwyntiad yn dal i fod yn anodd mewn rhai ardaloedd, felly mae angen inni edrych ar symud adnoddau. Yn aml iawn, caiff cartrefi newydd eu hadeiladu, ond nid yw'r seilwaith bob amser yn dilyn.
Siaradodd Julie Morgan am y fformiwla ariannu—fformiwla ariannu Carr-Hill—nad oeddwn wedi clywed amdani o'r blaen. Cawsom ymateb gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, ond efallai fod hynny'n rhywbeth y mae angen inni ei drafod ymhellach. Russell, diolch am ddod i mewn, fel Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol. Fe wnaethoch chi siarad am yr ymchwiliad a wnaethoch, yn edrych ar adeiladu ar y cylch gorchwyl hwnnw'n barod ar gyfer yr ymchwiliad a fydd yn digwydd y flwyddyn nesaf.
Hoffwn ddiolch i'r Gweinidog am ei ymateb, gan siarad am bwysigrwydd gwasanaethau gofal sylfaenol a chymunedol, a sicrhau bod y ffocws ar hynny. Hefyd, siaradodd am les staff, sy'n bwysig iawn, a'r awydd i weithio gyda meddygon teulu, wrth symud ymlaen, a'u cefnogi.
Mae hwn yn fater na fydd yn cael ei ddatrys y prynhawn yma, ond mae wedi rhoi cyfle i bawb ohonom fyfyrio, cyn i'n cyllideb ein hunain gael ei chwblhau, ar faes sy'n wynebu pwysau sylweddol. Nid dyma'r unig faes sy'n crefu am gyllid ychwanegol. Yn gynyddol, fel Pwyllgor Deisebau, gwelwn ddeisebau'n cael eu defnyddio i dynnu sylw at y meysydd lle mae cyllid yn diflannu neu'n rhy brin. Mae'r ddadl heddiw wedi rhoi cyfle inni edrych ar feddygfeydd ac i glywed rhai o'r problemau dybryd a wynebir ganddynt.
Bydd y gyllideb ddrafft yn cael ei chyhoeddi yn ddiweddarach eleni, ac rwy'n credu y bydd gwaith y pwyllgor iechyd yn dechrau yn 2025. Nid y ddadl hon yw'r gair olaf ar y mater, ac rwy'n gobeithio ei bod yn ddechrau ar ffocws o'r newydd ar ofal iechyd sylfaenol yng Nghymru. Diolch i bawb sydd wedi cymryd rhan a diolch i'r deisebwyr.
Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid nodi'r ddeiseb? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Nac oes. Felly, derbynnir y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
The proposal is to note the petition. Does any Member object? No. The motion is, therefore, agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Detholwyd y gwelliannau canlynol: gwelliant 1 yn enw Jane Hutt, a gwelliannau 2, 3, 4, 5 a 6 yn enw Heledd Fychan. Os derbynnir gwelliant 1, caiff gwelliannau 2, 3, 4 a 5 eu dad-ddethol.
The following amendments have been selected: amendment 1 in the name of Jane Hutt, and amendments 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in the name of Heledd Fychan. If amendment 1 is agreed, amendments 2, 3, 4 and 5 will be deselected.
Eitem 9 heddiw yw dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig: ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru i gyllideb Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig. Galwaf ar Peter Fox i wneud y cynnig.
Item 9 this afternoon is the Welsh Conservatives debate: the Welsh Government's response to the UK Government budget. I call on Peter Fox to move the motion.
Cynnig NDM8713 Darren Millar
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
1. Yn credu bod Cyllideb yr Hydref Llywodraeth y DU yn torri ymrwymiad maniffesto Llafur i beidio codi trethi ar bobl sy'n gweithio.
2. Yn gresynu y bydd yn rhaid i lawer o bensiynwyr ddewis rhwng bwyta a gwresogi o ganlyniad i dynnu taliadau tanwydd y gaeaf yn ôl.
3. Yn cydnabod y bydd y cynnydd yng nghyfraniadau yswiriant gwladol cyflogwyr yn ei gwneud yn anos i fusnesau gyflogi a chadw staff.
4. Yn mynegi ei siom bod cyllideb Llywodraeth y DU wedi methu â chyflawni naill ai trydaneiddio prif linell reilffordd Gogledd Cymru neu gyllid canlyniadol Barnett o brosiect HS2 i Gymru.
5. Yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i:
a) defnyddio cyllid sy'n deillio o Gyllideb yr Hydref i gefnogi'r gwaith o leihau rhestrau aros y GIG a chryfhau gwasanaethau gofal cymdeithasol ledled Cymru;
b) darparu cymorth i bensiynwyr Cymru drwy fisoedd y gaeaf drwy sefydlu lwfans tanwydd gaeaf yng Nghymru;
c) cynyddu buddsoddiad yn system addysg Cymru i wella deilliannau dysgwyr yn ein hysgolion;
d) amddiffyn ffermwyr drwy gefnogi'r achos i gynnal rhyddhad eiddo amaethyddol a rhyddhad eiddo busnes at ddibenion treth etifeddiant; ac
e) sefyll dros Gymru drwy chwilio am fformiwla ariannu newydd sy'n seiliedig ar anghenion i gymryd lle fformiwla Barnett.
Motion NDM8713 Darren Millar
To propose that the Senedd:
1. Believes that the UK Government’s Autumn Budget breaks Labour’s manifesto commitment to not raise taxes on working people.
2. Regrets that many pensioners will have to choose between eating and heating as a result of the withdrawal of winter fuel payments.
3. Recognises that the increase in employer national insurance contributions will make it harder for businesses to employ and retain staff.
4. Expresses its disappointment that the UK Government’s budget has failed to deliver either the electrification of the North Wales main line or Barnett consequentials from the HS2 project for Wales.
5. Calls on the Welsh Government to:
a) use funding arising from the Autumn Budget to support reducing NHS waiting lists and strengthen social care services across Wales;
b) deliver support to Welsh pensioners through the winter months via the establishment of a Welsh winter fuel allowance;
c) increase investment in the Welsh education system to improve learner outcomes in our schools;
d) protect farmers by supporting the case to maintain agricultural property relief and business property relief for inheritance tax purposes; and
e) stand up for Wales by seeking a new, needs based funding formula to replace the Barnett formula.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd, and I move the motion in the name of Darren Millar. Forty billion pounds—that's how much additional taxation Labour have levied against the people of the United Kingdom. Frankly, I've been shocked at how disingenuous the Labour Government in Westminster has been surrounding this budget. Even the Institute for Fiscal Studies have said that Labour knew the broad outlines of the financial challenges the country faced, but they refused to confront them in their manifesto or pre-election statements.
It's astonishing that one of the first things that the Labour Government did was strip the vital heating support from our pensioners, a move that we are told could see 4,000 premature deaths in Wales. Now, this is a move that every single Welsh Labour MP supported and a move that Labour Members here have failed to condemn.
The Labour Party promised not to raise taxes on working people, and have conveniently decided that business owners do not count as working people, despite the fact that many are struggling and do not take more than the minimum wage home. The Chancellor promised not to alter her fiscal rules to enable more borrowing, yet now we have billions of pounds added to the country's debt through her blatant fiddling of her own fiscal rules.
Contrary to what Labour would have everyone believe, this budget is profoundly anti-growth. Now, we know that Welsh businesses are already saddled with the highest business rates in Great Britain, and now the IFS has highlighted the fact that employers will have to pay an additional £900 for each employee on the median average earnings; even an employee on the minimum wage will cost employers an additional £770.
Now, the chief economist of the Institute of Directors has said, and I quote:
‘A hike in national insurance represents a straightforward increase in business costs. It is essentially the equivalent of a poll tax on companies, and takes no account of whether a business is profitable or not. At a time when business confidence is low, hiring plans have already been hit, and vacancies are falling, this will hit employment prospects and earnings.’
His words, not mine. And this sting will be particularly damaging for the economy of Wales, where we already have the highest rate of unemployment in the United Kingdom.
I hope that the Labour Government here in Cardiff Bay takes the time to contemplate the damage this policy will have on businesses in Wales and implement tax cuts of their own. At the very least, we need to ensure that business rate relief for the hospitality, retail and leisure sector is in line with what is on offer in England, so that the businesses here are not punished for operating in Wales.
Labour's tax rises are also set to hit rural communities, and will rip the heart out of family farms, despite what has been said, causing irreparable damage to our rural economy and, most importantly, our food security. This isn't the first time that Labour have abandoned the people of Wales when it's politically convenient. After years of calling for billions of pounds—we've heard it in this Chamber time and time again—in consequentials from HS2, Labour's Secretary of State in Wales is happy to do a complete 180 degree u-turn, saying Wales shouldn't get these levels of consequentials anymore. At the same time, Labour Members here are happy to call for comparative pennies compared to the billions they used to call for in the past.
One thing we were disappointed not to see in the budget was funding allocated to the electrification of the north Wales line, a move that was promised—[Interruption.]—a move that was promised by the previous Conservative Government.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd, ac rwy'n gwneud y cynnig yn enw Darren Millar. Deugain biliwn o bunnoedd—dyna faint o drethiant ychwanegol y mae Llafur wedi ei godi ar bobl y Deyrnas Unedig. A dweud y gwir, rwyf wedi synnu pa mor anonest y mae'r Llywodraeth Lafur yn San Steffan wedi bod mewn perthynas â'r gyllideb hon. Mae hyd yn oed y Sefydliad Astudiaethau Cyllid wedi dweud bod Llafur yn gwybod yn fras beth oedd yr heriau ariannol a oedd yn wynebu'r wlad, ond eu bod wedi gwrthod eu hwynebu yn eu maniffesto neu ddatganiadau cyn yr etholiad.
Mae'n rhyfeddol mai un o'r pethau cyntaf a wnaeth y Llywodraeth Lafur oedd dileu'r cymorth gwresogi hanfodol i'n pensiynwyr, cam y dywedir wrthym a allai arwain at 4,000 o farwolaethau cynamserol yng Nghymru. Nawr, mae hwn yn gam a gefnogwyd gan bob AS Llafur Cymru ac yn gam y mae Aelodau Llafur yma wedi methu ei gondemnio.
Addawodd y Blaid Lafur beidio â chodi trethi ar y gweithiwr, ac maent wedi penderfynu yn gyfleus iawn nad yw perchnogion busnes yn cyfrif fel gweithwyr er bod llawer ohonynt yn ei chael hi'n anodd ac nad ydynt yn mynd â mwy na'r isafswm cyflog adref. Addawodd y Canghellor beidio â newid ei rheolau cyllidol i alluogi mwy o fenthyca, ond erbyn hyn mae biliynau o bunnoedd wedi'u hychwanegu at ddyled y wlad trwy ei ffidlan amlwg â'i rheolau cyllidol ei hun.
Yn groes i'r hyn y byddai Llafur am i bawb ei gredu, mae'r gyllideb hon yn wrth-dwf eithriadol. Nawr, gwyddom fod busnesau Cymru eisoes yn dioddef yr ardrethi busnes uchaf ym Mhrydain, a nawr mae'r Sefydliad Astudiaethau Cyllid wedi tynnu sylw at y ffaith y bydd yn rhaid i gyflogwyr dalu £900 ychwanegol am bob gweithiwr ar yr enillion cyfartalog canolrifol; bydd hyd yn oed cyflogai ar yr isafswm cyflog yn costio £770 ychwanegol i gyflogwyr.
Nawr, mae prif economegydd Sefydliad y Cyfarwyddwyr wedi dweud, ac rwy'n dyfynnu:
'Mae cynnydd mewn yswiriant gwladol yn gynnydd syml yng nghostau busnesau. Yn y bôn, mae'n gyfwerth â threth y pen ar gwmnïau, ac nid yw'n ystyried a yw busnes yn broffidiol ai peidio. Ar adeg pan fo hyder busnesau'n isel, pan fo cynlluniau cyflogi eisoes wedi'u taro, a nifer y swyddi gwag yn gostwng, bydd hyn yn taro rhagolygon cyflogaeth ac enillion.'
Ei eiriau ef, nid fy ngeiriau i. A bydd yr ergyd hon yn arbennig o niweidiol i economi Cymru, lle mae gennym y gyfradd uchaf o ddiweithdra yn y Deyrnas Unedig eisoes.
Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd y Llywodraeth Lafur yma ym Mae Caerdydd yn rhoi amser i ystyried y niwed y bydd y polisi hwn yn ei wneud i fusnesau yng Nghymru ac yn gweithredu toriadau treth eu hunain. Fan lleiaf, mae angen inni sicrhau bod rhyddhad ardrethi busnes ar gyfer y sector lletygarwch, manwerthu a hamdden yn cyd-fynd â'r hyn sydd ar gael yn Lloegr, fel na chaiff y busnesau yma eu cosbi am weithredu yng Nghymru.
Mae disgwyl i godiadau treth Llafur daro cymunedau gwledig hefyd, a byddant yn rhwygo'r galon allan o ffermydd teuluol, er gwaethaf yr hyn a ddywedwyd, gan achosi niwed anadferadwy i'n heconomi wledig ac yn bwysicaf oll, i'n diogeledd bwyd. Nid dyma'r tro cyntaf i Lafur gefnu ar bobl Cymru pan fo'n gyfleus yn wleidyddol. Ar ôl blynyddoedd o alw am biliynau o bunnoedd—fe'i clywsom yn y Siambr hon dro ar ôl tro—mewn symiau canlyniadol yn sgil HS2, mae Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru y Blaid Lafur yn hapus i wneud tro pedol 180 gradd llawn, gan ddweud na ddylai Cymru gael y lefelau hyn o symiau canlyniadol mwyach. Ar yr un pryd, mae Aelodau Llafur yma yn hapus i alw am geiniogau cymharol o'i gymharu â'r biliynau yr arferent alw amdano yn y gorffennol.
Un peth yr oeddem yn siomedig i beidio â'i weld yn y gyllideb oedd cyllid yn cael ei ddyrannu i drydaneiddio rheilffordd gogledd Cymru, rhywbeth a addawyd—[Torri ar draws.]—rhywbeth a addawyd gan y Llywodraeth Geidwadol flaenorol.
Will you take an intervention on that?
A wnewch chi dderbyn ymyriad ar hynny?
Yes, Alun.
Gwnaf, Alun.
I'm interested that you make that point, because I wrote to Network Rail, of course, when the UK Government, the Conservative UK Government, made an announcement of £1 billion to be spent on the electrification of the north Wales main line, and what Network Rail told me was that no money existed, there was no budget, the UK Government hadn't instructed them to do any design work and nothing had been done on it for over a decade.
Mae'n ddiddorol eich clywed yn gwneud y pwynt hwnnw, oherwydd ysgrifennais at Network Rail, wrth gwrs, pan wnaeth Llywodraeth y DU, Llywodraeth Geidwadol y DU, gyhoeddiad o £1 biliwn i'w wario ar drydaneiddio prif reilffordd gogledd Cymru, a'r hyn a ddywedodd Network Rail wrthyf oedd nad oedd unrhyw arian yn bodoli, nid oedd unrhyw gyllideb, nid oedd Llywodraeth y DU wedi eu cyfarwyddo i wneud unrhyw waith cynllunio ac nid oedd unrhyw beth wedi'i wneud yn ei gylch ers dros ddegawd.
The commitment was there from the Conservative Government to do it and it would have been—[Interruption.] It would have been carried forward, and it would provide a massive boost for the north Wales economy.
Roedd yr ymrwymiad yno gan y Llywodraeth Geidwadol i'w wneud a byddai wedi bod—[Torri ar draws.] Byddai wedi cael ei wneud, a byddai'n rhoi hwb enfawr i economi gogledd Cymru.
Will you take an intervention?
A wnewch chi dderbyn ymyriad?
Yes, I will, Darren.
Gwnaf, Darren.
Thank you very much indeed. I seem to remember the current Cabinet Secretary for finance making a clear commitment over a decade ago to spend money on a brand-new hospital in Rhyl, which has completely been abandoned and not budgeted for in the Welsh Government's own budget. Will you agree that that's a shocking hypocrisy on his part, not to be making that money available at a time when he's sneering about the previous UK Government and the billions it wanted to invest in Wales, including in high-speed rail services in the north?
Diolch yn fawr. Rwy'n meddwl fy mod yn cofio'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet presennol dros gyllid yn gwneud ymrwymiad clir dros ddegawd yn ôl i wario arian ar ysbyty newydd sbon yn y Rhyl, sydd wedi'i anghofio'n llwyr a heb ei gyllidebu yng nghyllideb Llywodraeth Cymru ei hun. A wnewch chi gytuno bod hynny'n rhagrith syfrdanol ar ei ran, i beidio â sicrhau bod yr arian hwnnw ar gael ar adeg pan fo'n lladd ar Lywodraeth flaenorol y DU a'r biliynau roedd hi am eu buddsoddi yng Nghymru, gan gynnwys mewn gwasanaethau trenau cyflym yn y gogledd?
I agree it's disappointing when people are misled in Wales and nothing comes as a result of that. What do we know? What we do know is that Labour's tax-and-spend policy will inevitably come back to bite the people of Wales, and while this additional borrowing may artificially inflate the economy in the short term, when this borrowed money runs out, because it will, growth is set to remain largely unchanged in the long run, with the economy set to grow less than was predicted in March. The influx of borrowed money may look good now, but the proof will be in the pudding.
We need the Welsh Government to use any additional consequentials to effectively tackle our NHS waiting times, which successive health Ministers have clearly lost control of. This will involve a holistic approach to our health service, taking into account the increasing pressures on social care. And I know the Cabinet Secretary has mooted similar.
We also need to see additional funding allocated to our education system, which has clearly been let down by 25 years of Labour mismanagement. But, ultimately, we need—[Interruption.] Oh, sorry, yes I will, Joyce.
Rwy'n cytuno ei bod yn siomedig pan fo pobl yn cael eu camarwain yng Nghymru a dim byd yn dod o ganlyniad i hynny. Beth rydym ni'n ei wybod? Yr hyn a wyddom yw ei bod yn anochel y bydd polisi trethu a gwario Llafur yn dod yn ôl i frathu pobl Cymru, ac er y gallai'r benthyca ychwanegol hwn chwyddo'r economi yn artiffisial yn y tymor byr, pan ddaw'r arian benthyg i ben, oherwydd fe ddaw i ben, bydd twf yn aros yn ddigyfnewid at ei gilydd yn y tymor hir, gyda'r economi ar fin tyfu llai na'r hyn a ragwelwyd ym mis Mawrth. Efallai y bydd mewnlif o arian benthyg yn edrych yn dda nawr, ond wrth ei flas mae profi pwdin.
Mae angen i Lywodraeth Cymru ddefnyddio unrhyw symiau canlyniadol ychwanegol i fynd i'r afael ag amseroedd aros ein GIG yn effeithiol, rhywbeth y mae Gweinidogion iechyd olynol wedi colli rheolaeth arno, yn amlwg. Bydd hyn yn cynnwys dull cyfannol o weithredu ein gwasanaeth iechyd, gan ystyried y pwysau cynyddol ar ofal cymdeithasol. Ac rwy'n gwybod bod Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet wedi crybwyll pethau tebyg.
Hefyd, mae angen inni weld cyllid ychwanegol yn cael ei ddyrannu i'n system addysg, sydd yn amlwg wedi dioddef yn sgil 25 mlynedd o gamreoli Llafur. Ond yn y pen draw, mae angen—[Torri ar draws.] O, mae'n ddrwg gennyf, iawn, fe wnaf, Joyce.
Thank you. I just want to ask you for an honest answer about taxpayers' money being used for the benefit of the taxpayers. Would you condemn the mismanagement of your Government, your previous Government, by allowing Michelle Mone to benefit personally from personal protective equipment profits by £60 million?
Diolch. Roeddwn eisiau gofyn i chi am ateb gonest am arian trethdalwyr yn cael ei ddefnyddio er budd y trethdalwyr. A wnewch chi gondemnio camreolaeth eich Llywodraeth, eich Llywodraeth flaenorol, yn caniatáu i Michelle Mone fanteisio'n bersonol o elw o £60 miliwn am gyfarpar diogelu personol?
Sorry. I couldn't quite hear the last bit of that, Joyce.
Mae'n ddrwg gennyf. Ni allwn glywed y rhan olaf o hynny, Joyce.
Just agree with her.
Cytunwch â hi.
Sixty million pounds of PPE profit going directly to Michelle Mone: will you condemn that, because that was taxpayers' money being thrown into the pocket of one individual to no benefit whatsoever?
Gwerth £60 miliwn o elw cyfarpar diogelu personol yn mynd yn uniongyrchol i Michelle Mone: a wnewch chi gondemnio hynny, oherwydd arian trethdalwyr oedd hwnnw yn cael ei daflu i boced un unigolyn heb unrhyw fudd o gwbl?
We could stand here for hours, Joyce, talking about how money should have been spent in different ways. I could probably highlight millions of pounds spent in Wales by Welsh Government that perhaps could have been spent in a different way, so I don't agree with you, Joyce.
But, ultimately—[Interruption.] But, ultimately, we need a better funding formula, something most of us here are agreed on, one that seeks a needs-based formula that replaces the current Barnett system, and I think we all agree that needs rethinking.
Finally, I know the First Minister has said that she has as much influence over the next President of the United States as she does Keir Starmer, but I think that is an absolute cop-out; we all know that. Ultimately, what Wales needs right now is Labour Members here willing to stand up to their counterparts in Westminster and stop this raid on people's pockets. It's clear—[Interruption.] It is clear that the Labour MPs here in Wales do not want to, but I would hope that the Senedd Members in here would reconsider. Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd.
Gallem sefyll yma am oriau, Joyce, yn siarad am sut y dylai arian fod wedi cael ei wario mewn gwahanol ffyrdd. Mae'n debyg y gallwn dynnu sylw at filiynau o bunnoedd a wariwyd yng Nghymru gan Lywodraeth Cymru y gellid bod wedi ei wario mewn ffordd wahanol efallai, felly nid wyf yn cytuno â chi, Joyce.
Ond yn y pen draw—[Torri ar draws.] Ond yn y pen draw, mae angen gwell fformiwla ariannu arnom, rhywbeth y mae'r rhan fwyaf ohonom yma yn gytun yn ei gylch, fformiwla'n seiliedig ar anghenion sy'n disodli'r system Barnett gyfredol, ac rwy'n credu ein bod i gyd yn cytuno bod angen ailfeddwl am hynny.
Yn olaf, rwy'n gwybod bod y Prif Weinidog wedi dweud bod ganddi gymaint o ddylanwad dros Arlywydd nesaf yr Unol Daleithiau ag sydd ganddi dros Keir Starmer, ond rwy'n credu bod hynny'n rhy hawdd; rydym i gyd yn gwybod hynny. Yn y pen draw, yr hyn sydd ei angen ar Gymru nawr yw Aelodau Llafur yma sy'n barod i wrthwynebu eu cymheiriaid yn San Steffan a rhwystro'r cyrch hwn ar bocedi pobl. Mae'n amlwg—[Torri ar draws.] Mae'n amlwg nad yw'r ASau Llafur yma yng Nghymru am wneud hynny, ond rwy'n gobeithio y gwnaiff Aelodau'r Senedd yma ailystyried. Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd.
Rwyf wedi dethol y chwe gwelliant i'r cynnig. Os derbynnir gwelliant 1, caiff gwelliannau 2, 3, 4 a 5 eu dad-ddethol. Galwaf ar Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Gyllid a'r Gymraeg i gynnig yn ffurfiol gwelliant 1, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Jane Hutt.
I have selected the six amendments to the motion. If amendment 1 is agreed, amendments 2, 3, 4, and 5 will be deselected. I call on the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Welsh Language to move formally amendment 1, tabled in the name of Jane Hutt.
Gwelliant 1—Jane Hutt
Dileu popeth a rhoi yn ei le:
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
1. Yn croesawu:
a) cyllideb y DU a’r cyllid ychwanegol gwerth £1.7 biliwn i Gymru; a
b) y cyllid ychwanegol ar gyfer diogelwch tomenni glo a’r cynnydd mewn cyllid cyfalaf ar gyfer buddsoddi mewn seilwaith.
2. Yn cydnabod bod hyn yn gam cyntaf tuag at unioni’r difrod a achoswyd gan Lywodraeth flaenorol y DU i wasanaethau cyhoeddus a chyllid cyhoeddus.
3. Yn nodi y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru:
a) yn cyhoeddi ei chyllideb ddrafft ym mis Rhagfyr, gan nodi sut y bydd yn cefnogi blaenoriaethau a gwasanaethau cyhoeddus Cymru, gan gynnwys y GIG, ysgolion a llywodraeth leol; a
b) yn parhau i weithio gyda Llywodraeth y DU i sicrhau cyllid teg i’r rheilffyrdd yng Nghymru a mwy o hyblygrwydd cyllidebol.
Amendment 1—Jane Hutt
Delete all and replace with:
To propose that the Senedd:
1. Welcomes:
a) the UK budget and the additional £1.7 billion funding for Wales; and
b) the additional funding for coal tip safety and the increase in capital funding for infrastructure investment.
2. Recognises this is a first step towards repairing the damage inflicted by the previous UK Government on public services and public finances.
3. Notes that the Welsh Government will:
a) publish its draft budget in December, setting out how it will support Wales’s priorities and public services, including the NHS, schools and local government; and
b) continue to work with the UK Government to secure fair rail funding for Wales and improved budget flexibilities.
Cynigiwyd gwelliant 1.
Amendment 1 moved.

I move.
Galwaf ar Heledd Fychan i gynnig gwelliannau 2, 3, 4, 5 a 6, a gyflwynwyd yn ei henw ei hun.
I call on Heledd Fychan to move amendments 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, tabled in her name.
Gwelliant 2—Heledd Fychan
Ychwanegu pwynt newydd ar ddechrau'r cynnig ac ailrifo yn unol â hynny:
Yn gresynu at y difrod dwys a achoswyd i gyllid a gwasanaethau cyhoeddus Cymru gan bedair blynedd ar ddeg o gyni dan Lywodraeth Ceidwadwyr flaenorol y DU a'r adladd o gyllideb fach Hydref 2022.
Amendment 2—Heledd Fychan
Add as new point at the start of motion and renumber accordingly:
Regrets the profound damage caused to Welsh public finances and services by fourteen years of austerity under the previous Conservative UK Government and the fallout from the October 2022 mini budget.
Gwelliant 3—Heledd Fychan
Ychwanegu pwynt newydd ar ôl pwynt 1 a'i ailrifo yn unol â hynny:
Yn gresynu at y methiant i gael gwared ar y cap budd-dal dau blentyn creulon sy'n cyfrannu'n uniongyrchol i gyffredinrwydd brawychus tlodi plant mewn cymdeithas.
Amendment 3—Heledd Fychan
Add as new point after point 1 and renumber accordingly:
Regrets the failure to scrap the cruel two-child benefit cap which directly contributes to the shocking prevalence of child poverty in society.
Gwelliant 4—Heledd Fychan
Dileu pwynt 4 a rhoi yn ei le:
Yn mynegi ei siom nad yw cyllideb Llywodraeth y DU wedi cynnwys cyllid canlyniadol HS2 i Gymru, heb ddarparu arian newydd ar gyfer prosiectau trydaneiddio rheilffyrdd, a lleihau'r ffactor cymharedd adrannol ar gyfer gwariant rheilffyrdd y DU yn berthnasol i Gymru ymhellach fyth, a fydd yn gwaethygu'r tanfuddsoddiad systematig yn rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd Cymru.
Amendment 4—Heledd Fychan
Delete point 4 and replace with:
Expresses its disappointment that the UK Government’s budget failed to include any HS2 consequential funding for Wales, provided no new money for rail electrification projects, and reduced the departmental comparability factor for UK rail spending relative to Wales even further, which will exacerbate the systematic underinvestment of Wales’s rail network.
Gwelliant 5—Heledd Fychan
Ychwanegu pwynt newydd ar ôl pwynt 4:
Yn mynegi siom am anweithred Llywodraeth Lafur bresennol y DU ar ddatganoli Ystad y Goron i alluogi Cymru i elwa ar gyfoeth ei hadnoddau naturiol ei hun.
Amendment 5—Heledd Fychan
Add as new point after point 4:
Expresses disappointment at the inaction of the current Labour UK Government on devolving the Crown Estate to enable Wales to benefit from the wealth of its own natural resources.
Gwelliant 6—Heledd Fychan
Ychwanegu pwynt newydd ar ddiwedd y cynnig:
Yn galw:
a) ar Lywodraeth Cymru i gyflwyno sylwadau i Lywodraeth y DU i gael gwared ar y cap budd-dal dau blentyn yn ddi-oed;
b) am fargen ariannu deg i awdurdodau lleol yng nghyllideb Cymru sydd ar ddod i sicrhau nad yw'r cynnydd mewn cyfraniadau yswiriant gwladol cyflogwyr yn cael effaith andwyol ar eu cyllid; ac
c) ar Lywodraeth Cymru i ddefnyddio'r arian ychwanegol a gafodd o gyllideb yr hydref i wrthdroi'r toriad i ryddhad ardrethi busnes a gyhoeddwyd ym mis Ebrill.
Amendment 6—Heledd Fychan
Add as new point at the end of the motion:
a) on the Welsh Government to make representations to the UK Government to scrap the two-child benefit cap without delay;
b) for a fair funding deal for local authorities in the upcoming Welsh budget to ensure their finances are not adversely affected by the rise in employer national insurance contributions; and
c) on the Welsh Government to utilise the additional money it received from the autumn budget to reverse the cut to business rate relief announced in April.
Cynigiwyd gwelliannau 2, 3, 4, 5 a 6.
Amendments 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 moved.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Dirprwy Lywydd. Mae yna eironi, onid oes, fod y Ceidwadwyr wedi cyflwyno’r ddadl hon heddiw a’u bod nhw'n cwyno am gyllideb sydd yn cynnwys setliad gwell i Gymru na phe bydden nhw'n dal wrth y llyw yn Llundain. Fe gafodd eu polisïau llymder nhw effaith niweidiol a dinistriol ar gynifer yn ein cymunedau, gan normaleiddio bod pobl methu â fforddio hanfodion megis bwyd a chartref cynnes. Gwaddol o weld banciau bwyd wedi eu normaleiddio ac yn fwy niferus na McDonald's; gwaddol o dwf mewn tlodi plant; gwaddol o economi ar chwal yn dilyn cyllideb echrydus Liz Truss a sgil effeithiau Brexit.
Hefyd, tra’n croesawu bod y Torïaid yn cefnogi safbwynt Plaid Cymru o ran cyllid HS2, ac o ran diwygio’r fformiwla Barnett, byddai yn esgeulus ohonof i beidio â thynnu sylw at y ffaith bod eu meistri yn Llundain wedi cael 14 mlynedd i newid hyn a’u bod wedi dewis peidio.
Mae’n ddyddiau cynnar o ran y Llywodraeth Lafur newydd yn San Steffan, fel gwnaeth yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ein hatgoffa ddoe, ac, heb os, mae disgwyliadau Cymru yn uchel o ran beth fydd hyn yn ei olygu i’r Senedd hon, wedi blynyddoedd o glywed pa mor wahanol fydd pethau gyda dwy Lywodraeth Lafur mewn grym. Mae yna arwyddion cadarnhaol o ran hynny. Mae’r cyllid ychwanegol i’w groesawu, ynghyd â nifer o elfennau y cyfeiriais atyn nhw ddoe. Ond, wrth gwrs, mae yna bethau eraill rydym ni eisiau gweld y Llywodraeth Lafur newydd yn eu cyflawni, a dyma’n cyfle heddiw, drwy’r cynnig hwn, gyda’n gwelliannau ni, i yrru neges bendant o’r Senedd hon o ran ein disgwyliadau.
Ymatebodd yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet yn chwyrn imi ddoe pan ddywedais bod llymder yn parhau yn y gyllideb hon, er imi ddyfynnu eraill sydd o’r farn, rheini sydd ddim yn wleidyddion. Ond does dim gwadu’r ffaith bod parhau gyda’r cap dau blentyn a thynnu i ffwrdd y lwfans tanwydd gaeaf oddi ar filiynau o bensiynwyr yn barhad â llymder. Efallai nad llymder i’r un graddau â’r hyn a welwyd o dan y Torïaid, ond maen nhw’n bolisïau niweidiol sy’n effeithio ar bobl yn ein cymunedau ni. Does dim amheuaeth chwaith bod y gyllideb a gyhoeddwyd wythnos diwethaf yn tanseilio addewidion Llafur yn ystod ymgyrch yr etholiad cyffredinol o ran trethiant, rhywbeth y cyfaddefodd y Canghellor mewn cyfweliad ar y penwythnos. Ac yn hytrach nag ymrwymo i ddiwygiadau mwy blaengar o ran trethu’r rhai mwyaf cyfoethog yn ein cymdeithas, mae Llywodraeth Keir Starmer wedi mynd ati i godi yswiriant gwladol i gyflogwyr. Mae’r syniad na fydd gweithwyr yn cael eu heffeithio gan hyn yn ffuglen llwyr. Mae’r OBR yn barod wedi amcangyfrif y bydd tyfiant mewn cyflogau a safonau byw yn cael eu niweidio dros y blynyddoedd i ddod o ganlyniad i’r mesur yma. Mae hyn hefyd wedi dilyn penderfyniad y Llywodraeth hon i leihau rhyddhad ardrethi busnes o 75 y cant i 40 y cant, felly mae yna double whammy yn wynebu busnesau Cymreig o ganlyniad i benderfyniadau Llafur ar ddau begwn yr M4. Mae'n angenrheidiol, felly, fod y Llywodraeth yn asesu effaith posib y codiad mewn yswiriant gwladol ar fusnesau yng Nghymru, ac yn y cyfamser yn edrych pa gefnogaeth gall y Llywodraeth hon ei chynnig yn sgil yr arian ychwanegol.
Yr hyn sydd wedi dod yn amlwg hefyd ydy'r effaith ar y trydydd sector. Hoffwn pe bai'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet, yn ei ymateb heddiw, yn gallu ateb y cwestiynau y gwnes i ac eraill eu holi ddoe ynglŷn â hyn yn benodol, ac os ydy'r Llywodraeth wedi gwneud asesiad o ran effaith hyn ar wasanaethau mae'r trydydd sector yn eu darparu yng Nghymru. Mae hyn yn rhywbeth sy'n pryderu arweinwyr llywodraeth leol hefyd yn fawr, oherwydd bod nifer o wasanaethau maen nhw'n gyfrifol amdanyn nhw'n cael eu darparu gan y trydydd sector. Mae eglurder ar hyn yn hollbwysig.
Da oedd clywed ddoe gan yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet fod y Llywodraeth hon yn parhau i gytuno â Phlaid Cymru ar yr angen i ddiwygio Barnett, am ddatganoli Ystad y Goron yn llawn i Gymru, ac am sicrhau'r arian sy'n ddyledus i Gymru o ran HS2, ynghyd â diwygiadau eraill sydd eu hangen, megis o ran benthyg. Efallai mai dim ond 14 wythnos mae Llafur wedi bod wrth y llyw yn San Steffan, ond maen nhw wedi cael 14 mlynedd fel gwrthblaid a 25 mlynedd o lywodraethu yma yng Nghymru i sicrhau bod y newidiadau hyn yn cael eu rhoi ar waith, felly rwy'n gobeithio yn fawr y gwelwn hynny'n digwydd, a hynny'n fuan.
Mae'n bwysig ein bod ni fel Senedd, lle mae cytundeb, yn parhau i gydweithio i fynnu tegwch i Gymru. Ac yn sicr, fe gaiff y Llywodraeth hon ein cefnogaeth ni ym Mhlaid Cymru o ran mynnu'r hyn sy'n ddyledus i Gymru. Gobeithiaf, felly, y gall y Senedd heddiw gefnogi ein gwelliannau ni, a gyrru neges glir i San Steffan fod y Senedd hon eisiau gweld camau pellach yn cael eu cymryd i sicrhau'r adnoddau a'r grym sydd eu hangen arnom er mwyn cyflawni i'n cymunedau.
Thank you very much, Dirprwy Lywydd. It is ironic, is it not, that the Conservatives have brought forward this debate today and that they are complaining about a budget that includes a better settlement for Wales than if they were still in charge in London. Their austerity policies had a damaging and destructive impact on so many in our communities, normalising situations where people were unable to afford the basics, such as food and a warm home. There is a legacy of seeing foodbanks normalised and more numerous than McDonald's; a legacy of rising child poverty; a legacy of a shattered economy following Liz Truss's appalling budget and the after-effects of Brexit.
Also, while welcoming the fact that the Tories support Plaid Cymru's position in terms of HS2 funding and in terms of reforming the Barnett formula, it would be remiss of me not to point out that their masters in London had 14 years to change this and that they chose not to.
These are early days when it comes to the new Labour Government in Westminster, as the Cabinet Secretary reminded us yesterday, and, without doubt, Wales's expectations are high in terms of what this will mean for this Senedd, following years of hearing how different things would be with two Labour Governments in power. There are positive signs in that regard. The additional funding is to be welcomed, along with a number of elements that I made reference to yesterday. But, of course, there are other things that we want to see the new Labour Government achieve, and this is our opportunity today, through this motion, with our amendments, to send a clear message from this Senedd in terms of our expectations.
The Cabinet Secretary responded robustly to me yesterday when I said that austerity continues in this budget, even though I quoted others who share this view, who are not politicians. But there is no denying the fact that continuing the two-child cap and removing the winter fuel allowance from millions of pensioners is a continuation of austerity. Perhaps it is not the same degree of austerity as was seen under the Tories, but these are harmful policies that affect people in our communities. There is also no doubt that the budget announced last week undermines Labour's pledges during the general election campaign in terms of taxation, something that the Chancellor admitted in an interview at the weekend. And instead of committing to more progressive reforms in terms of taxing the wealthiest in our society, the Keir Starmer Government has set about raising national insurance for employers. The notion that workers will not be affected by this is a complete fiction. The OBR has already estimated that growth in wages and living standards will be damaged over the coming years as a result of this measure. This has also followed this Government's decision to reduce business rates relief from 75 per cent to 40 per cent, so there is a double whammy facing Welsh businesses as a result of Labour's decisions at both ends of the M4. It is therefore essential that the Government assesses the potential impact of the rise in national insurance on businesses in Wales, and in the meantime looks at what support this Government can offer in the wake of this additional funding.
What has also become clear is the impact on the third sector. I would like it if the Cabinet Secretary, in his response today, could answer the questions that I and others asked him yesterday regarding this specific issue, and whether the Government has made an assessment in terms of the impact of this on services that the third sector provides in Wales. This is something that also greatly concerns local government leaders, because of the number of services they are responsible for that are provided by the third sector. Clarity on this is very important, therefore.
It was good to hear yesterday from the Cabinet Secretary that this Government continues to agree with Plaid Cymru on the need to reform Barnett, on the full devolution of the Crown Estate to Wales, and securing the money owed to Wales in terms of HS2, together with other reforms that are needed, such as on borrowing. Labour may have only been in charge in Westminster for 14 weeks, but they have had 14 years in opposition and 25 years of governing here in Wales to ensure that these changes are implemented, so I really hope that we will see that implemented, and soon.
It is important that we as a Senedd, where there is agreement, continue to work together to demand fairness for Wales. And certainly, this Government will have our support in Plaid Cymru in terms of demanding what is owed to Wales. I therefore hope that this Senedd can today support our amendments, and send a clear message to Westminster that this Senedd wants to see further steps taken to ensure the resources and the powers that we need in order to deliver for our communities.
Let's start by making clear the context within which this first Labour budget is being set: 14 long years of austerity; 14 years of attacks on public services; 14 years of rampant wealth inequality; real-terms wage cuts for workers; a nationwide housing and rent crisis; councils on the brink; the NHS brought to its knees; sewage wrecking our rivers and seas; debt as a percentage of GDP at its highest rate for more than 60 years; mortgage rates through the roof; energy bills soaring; and more foodbanks than there are branches of McDonald's. That is the Conservative legacy, and it's hardly a legacy to be proud of.
The budget is the first major step on the road to repairing the country, and how refreshing it is to have a Government that believes in public services and is honest about the fact that good public services need to be paid for. That payment, yes, is in the form of higher taxes—it's an investment. It's an investment in making the NHS the jewel in the country's crown once again. It's an investment in our schools and the future of our children. It's an investment in building the houses that future generations will call their homes. These are much-needed investments in the very building blocks of our country, as I do keep asking for all the time, but it's really important, and they're investments in the millions of people who work in the public services that we all rely upon on a daily basis.
For Wales, this budget represents the largest real-terms funding settlement for a long, long time. What greater signal can there be that we finally have a UK Government that believes in the potential of Wales and is willing to invest in that potential? These investments are a down payment on a brighter future. We know the long-term impact of investing in public services. We know that a healthier country is a happier one; it's more productive. We know that public transport is one of the biggest weapons that we have in the fight against climate change. We know that investing in sports and leisure facilities is a crucial step in preventing illness. We know that creating a well-educated workforce is the basis for future prosperity. And we know that the security of housing creates certainty and stability.
Fundamentally, Government is about choices. For the last 14 years, we've had a Government that's chosen austerity, a smaller public state, and now we have a Government that chooses investment, a Government that chooses national renewal, and a Government that chooses to believe in the power of public services and people who work in them. This budget isn't just an investment in health, education and housing; it's an investment into the engineers, the doctors, the teachers, the carers, the builders, the nurses, and the children of tomorrow. It is a belief in a better Britain and a commitment to a brighter future, free from the ravages of austerity. We need to build a decent life for people. That's all they ask for—a decent life—and this is what it's all about. Thank you.
Gadewch inni ddechrau drwy egluro'r cyd-destun ar gyfer y gyllideb Lafur gyntaf hon: 14 mlynedd hir o gyni; 14 mlynedd o ymosodiadau ar wasanaethau cyhoeddus; 14 mlynedd o anghydraddoldeb cyfoeth rhemp; toriadau cyflog mewn termau real i weithwyr; argyfwng tai a rhentu ledled y wlad; cynghorau ar ymyl y dibyn; y GIG ar ei liniau; carthion yn dinistrio ein hafonydd a'n moroedd; dyled fel canran o gynnyrch domestig gros ar ei chyfradd uchaf ers mwy na 60 mlynedd; cyfraddau morgais drwy'r to; biliau ynni yn codi i'r entrychion; a mwy o fanciau bwyd nag o ganghennau McDonald's. Dyna waddol y Ceidwadwyr, a go brin ei fod yn waddol i ymfalchïo ynddo.
Y gyllideb yw’r cam mawr cyntaf ar y llwybr i atgyweirio'r wlad, ac mae hi mor braf cael Llywodraeth sy’n credu mewn gwasanaethau cyhoeddus ac sy’n onest am y ffaith bod angen talu am wasanaethau cyhoeddus da. Daw, fe ddaw'r taliad hwnnw ar ffurf trethi uwch—mae'n fuddsoddiad. Mae'n fuddsoddiad i wneud y GIG yn rhywbeth i'r wlad ymfalchïo ynddo unwaith eto. Mae'n fuddsoddiad yn ein hysgolion a dyfodol ein plant. Mae’n fuddsoddiad i adeiladu’r tai y bydd cenedlaethau’r dyfodol yn eu galw’n gartrefi. Mae’r rhain yn fuddsoddiadau mawr eu hangen ym mlociau adeiladu ein gwlad, fel rwy'n gofyn amdanynt drwy’r amser, ond maent yn bwysig iawn, ac maent yn fuddsoddiadau yn y miliynau o bobl sy’n gweithio yn y gwasanaethau cyhoeddus y mae pob un ohonom yn dibynnu arnynt bob dydd.
I Gymru, y gyllideb hon yw’r setliad cyllid mwyaf mewn termau real ers amser maith. Pa arwydd mwy y gellid ei gael fod gennym Lywodraeth y DU o'r diwedd sy’n credu ym mhotensial Cymru ac sy’n barod i fuddsoddi yn y potensial hwnnw? Mae'r buddsoddiadau hyn yn flaendal ar ddyfodol mwy disglair. Gwyddom am effaith hirdymor buddsoddi mewn gwasanaethau cyhoeddus. Gwyddom fod gwlad iachach yn wlad hapusach; mae'n fwy cynhyrchiol. Gwyddom mai trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus yw un o’r arfau mwyaf sydd gennym yn y frwydr yn erbyn newid hinsawdd. Gwyddom fod buddsoddi mewn cyfleusterau chwaraeon a hamdden yn gam hollbwysig i atal salwch. Gwyddom mai creu gweithlu addysgedig yw’r sail ar gyfer ffyniant yn y dyfodol. A gwyddom fod diogeledd tai yn creu sicrwydd a sefydlogrwydd.
Yn y bôn, mae Llywodraeth yn ymwneud â dewisiadau. Am y 14 mlynedd diwethaf, cawsom Lywodraeth a oedd wedi dewis cyni, gwladwriaeth gyhoeddus lai, a nawr, mae gennym Lywodraeth sy'n dewis buddsoddi, Llywodraeth sy'n dewis adnewyddu cenedlaethol, a Llywodraeth sy'n dewis credu yng ngrym gwasanaethau cyhoeddus a'r bobl sy'n gweithio ynddynt. Nid buddsoddiad mewn iechyd, addysg a thai yn unig mo’r gyllideb hon; mae'n fuddsoddiad yn y peirianwyr, y meddygon, yr athrawon, y gofalwyr, yr adeiladwyr, y nyrsys, a phlant yfory. Mae’n gred mewn Prydain well ac yn ymrwymiad i ddyfodol mwy disglair, yn rhydd rhag anrhaith cyni. Mae angen inni adeiladu bywyd gweddus i bobl. Dyna'r cyfan y gofynnant amdano—bywyd gweddus—a dyma yw hanfod y gyllideb hon. Diolch.
Last week’s first attempt at a budget by the UK Labour Government was a sad realisation that we are in for a painful five years, or one term, shall we say. This must surely be described as a budget of broken promises, with a plethora of measures that contradicted their own manifesto pledges by the Rt Hon Sir Keir Starmer, the Prime Minister. He misled, he lied, and he failed to deliver what he had promised the electorate, in writing, in his manifesto, whilst betraying our country, its people and, in particular, the people of Wales.
Most concerning for Wales, of course, is the unprecedented increase in the tax burden. So much for Welsh Labour's constant criticism of the previous Conservative Government. Yes, they were in power for the last 14 years. Thank goodness. A Government that saw a growth in our economy during a Brexit transition, a global COVID pandemic and the war in Ukraine, and faced up to the shocking crisis we are now seeing in the middle east. When Labour came into power, they took over the fastest growing economy in the G7, with inflation down to its lowest level, and interest rates, for those with savings, increasing.
We are now facing, as a result of this budget, a tax burden that is now projected to reach 38.2 per cent of GDP by 2028-29—the highest level since the late 1940s. This is largely a result of a £25 billion increase in national insurance, affecting both the employers and workers too, because the burden gets passed down to employees through lower wages. The budget's own architect, the Rt Hon Rachel Reeves, explained:
'It will mean that businesses will have to absorb some of this through profits and it is likely to mean that wage increases might be slightly less than they otherwise would have been.'
Already, my business owners in Aberconwy take home much less than the national median rate. This policy is going to exacerbate regional economic disparities and drive more Welsh workers towards economic hardship. The OBR has warned that this budget is likely to stoke inflation further, by keeping it above the 2 per cent target until 2029. This will have catastrophic consequences for living standards across Wales. With the cost of living still high, and inflation now on the rise, household budgets will be squeezed even more, making it more challenging for families to cover everyday expenses, increasing reliance on welfare services—maybe that's what you're happy with—and placing further strain on already stretched resources.
The fairytale that two Labour Governments would lead to a more Wales-focused agenda is utterly debunked by this budget. Yesterday, I witnessed here the First Minister and the Cabinet Secretary for finance trying to justify this shambolic first attempt of a budget. At a time when we face energy insecurity, there has been no commitment to the Wylfa project, which was well under way by the previous UK Conservative Government. There is no commitment—[Interruption.] Behave. There is no commitment to a HS2 consequential, despite all the jumping around that Welsh Labour—
Roedd yr ymgais gyntaf ar gyllideb yr wythnos diwethaf gan Lywodraeth Lafur y DU yn sylweddoliad trist ein bod yn wynebu pum mlynedd, neu un tymor, ddywedwn ni, o boen. Mae’n rhaid disgrifio hon fel cyllideb o addewidion wedi'u torri, gyda llu o fesurau a oedd yn gwrth-ddweud addewidion eu maniffesto eu hunain gan y Gwir Anrhydeddus Syr Keir Starmer, Prif Weinidog y DU. Fe wnaeth gamarwain, fe ddywedodd gelwydd, a methodd gyflawni'r hyn a addawodd i'r etholwyr, yn ysgrifenedig, yn ei faniffesto, gan fradychu ein gwlad, ei phobl, a phobl Cymru yn enwedig.
Yr hyn sy’n peri’r pryder mwyaf i Gymru, wrth gwrs, yw’r cynnydd digynsail yn y baich treth. Naw wfft i feirniadaeth gyson Llafur Cymru o’r Llywodraeth Geidwadol flaenorol. Roeddent mewn grym am y 14 mlynedd diwethaf, oeddent. Diolch byth. Llywodraeth a sicrhaodd dwf yn ein heconomi yng nghyfnod pontio Brexit, pandemig COVID byd-eang a’r rhyfel yn Wcráin, ac a wynebodd yr argyfwng ysgytwol a welwn nawr yn y dwyrain canol. Pan ddaeth Llafur i rym, daethant yn gyfrifol am yr economi a oedd yn tyfu gyflymaf yn y G7, gyda chwyddiant i lawr i'w lefel isaf, a chyfraddau llog, i bobl â chynilion, yn cynyddu.
O ganlyniad i’r gyllideb hon, rydym bellach yn wynebu baich treth y rhagwelir y bydd yn cyrraedd 38.2 y cant o gynnyrch domestig gros erbyn 2028-29—y lefel uchaf ers diwedd y 1940au. Mae hyn yn bennaf o ganlyniad i gynnydd o £25 biliwn mewn yswiriant gwladol, sy'n effeithio ar gyflogwyr a gweithwyr hefyd, gan fod y baich yn cael ei drosglwyddo i lawr i weithwyr drwy gyflogau is. Eglurodd pensaer y gyllideb ei hun, y Gwir Anrhydeddus Rachel Reeves:
'Bydd yn golygu y bydd yn rhaid i fusnesau amsugno rhywfaint o hyn drwy elw ac mae'n debygol o olygu y gallai codiadau cyflog fod ychydig yn llai nag y byddent wedi bod fel arall.'
Eisoes, mae perchnogion busnes yn Aberconwy yn ennill llawer llai na’r gyfradd ganolrifol genedlaethol. Mae’r polisi hwn yn mynd i waethygu gwahaniaethau economaidd rhanbarthol a gyrru mwy o weithwyr Cymru i galedi economaidd. Mae’r Swyddfa Cyfrifoldeb Cyllidebol wedi rhybuddio bod y gyllideb hon yn debygol o gynyddu chwyddiant ymhellach, drwy ei gadw uwchlaw’r targed o 2 y cant tan 2029. Bydd hyn yn arwain at ganlyniadau trychinebus i safonau byw ledled Cymru. Gyda chostau byw yn parhau'n uchel, a chwyddiant bellach ar gynnydd, bydd cyllidebau aelwydydd o dan fwy byth o bwysau, gan ei gwneud yn fwy heriol i deuluoedd fforddio costau bob dydd, dibyniaeth gynyddol ar wasanaethau lles—efallai eich bod yn hapus ynglŷn â hynny—a rhoi mwy o straen ar adnoddau sydd eisoes dan bwysau.
Mae’r stori dylwyth teg y byddai dwy Lywodraeth Lafur yn arwain at agenda sy’n canolbwyntio mwy ar Gymru yn cael ei chwalu’n llwyr gan y gyllideb hon. Ddoe, bûm yn dyst yma i’r Prif Weinidog ac Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros gyllid yn ceisio cyfiawnhau’r ymgais gyntaf drychinebus hon ar gyllideb. Ar adeg pan ydym yn wynebu diffyg diogeledd ynni, ni fu unrhyw ymrwymiad i brosiect Wylfa, a oedd wedi hen ddechrau o dan Lywodraeth Geidwadol flaenorol y DU. Nid oes unrhyw ymrwymiad—[Torri ar draws.] Bihafiwch. Nid oes unrhyw ymrwymiad i gyllid canlyniadol HS2, er gwaethaf yr holl neidio o gwmpas y mae Llafur Cymru—
Janet—. I'd like to hear the contributions. It's actually her backbenchers that are making so much noise, I can't hear her.
Janet—. Hoffwn glywed y cyfraniadau. Ei meinciau cefn ei hun sy'n cadw sŵn mewn gwirionedd, ni allaf ei chlywed.
Yes, behave.
Ie, bihafiwch.
So, please let us all have some quiet to hear it.
Felly, gadewch inni gael rhywfaint o dawelwch i'w chlywed.
Yes. And no commitment to improve the north Wales main line. Ironically too, the only place they do seem to be teaming up is to double down on the attack on our farmers: a callous commitment to extract funds from hard-working farming families, many of whom lack the liquidity to cough up a 20 per cent inheritance tax, and will be forced to sell their land to meet their obligations. Can we just be serious for a minute? It has seen the tragic instance of one farmer taking his own life in despair at the prospect of this budget.
Labour's economic plans, characterised by rising taxes and increased borrowing, threaten both immediate economic stability and long-term growth. The OBR has downgraded growth by 0.7 per cent over the next five years, and debt is now projected to reach £3 trillion within two years. That's £3,000,000,000,000. The budget's effects on inflation, investment and real wages mean that Wales, despite its ambitions and resilience, will be left more vulnerable to both economic and environmental setbacks. During the—
Iawn. A dim ymrwymiad i wella prif linell reilffordd gogledd Cymru. Yn eironig, hefyd, yr unig le yr ymddengys eu bod yn cydweithio yw ar atgyfnerthu'r ymosodiad ar ein ffermwyr: ymrwymiad dideimlad i fynd ag arian oddi ar deuluoedd ffermio gweithgar, pan nad yw'r hylifedd gan lawer ohonynt i dalu treth etifeddiant o 20 y cant, a byddant yn cael eu gorfodi i werthu eu tir i gydymffurfio â'u rhwymedigaethau. A gawn ni fod o ddifrif am funud? Mae wedi arwain at enghraifft drasig o un ffermwr yn cyflawni hunanladdiad mewn anobaith ynghylch canlyniadau'r gyllideb hon.
Mae cynlluniau economaidd Llafur, a nodweddir gan drethi uwch a mwy o fenthyca, yn bygwth sefydlogrwydd economaidd uniongyrchol a thwf hirdymor. Mae’r Swyddfa Cyfrifoldeb Cyllidebol wedi israddio twf 0.7 y cant dros y pum mlynedd nesaf, a rhagwelir bellach y bydd dyled yn cyrraedd £3 triliwn o fewn dwy flynedd. Mae hynny'n £3,000,000,000,000. Mae effeithiau’r gyllideb ar chwyddiant, buddsoddiad a chyflogau gwirioneddol yn golygu y bydd Cymru, er gwaethaf ei huchelgeisiau a’i gwytnwch, yn fwy agored i niwed economaidd ac amgylcheddol. Yn ystod y—
Janet, you need to conclude now.
Janet, mae angen ichi ddirwyn i ben nawr.
Right, okay. We are now left with the challenging task of mitigating the impacts of this budget. Yesterday, you were really pleased that you're putting all this money into the public sector and that it would grow the economy. The only way you grow the economy is by supporting your businesses who employ more workers, who pay more tax. That tax pays for your public services. End of. It's a disastrous budget and I, for one, will never support it. Diolch.
Iawn. Rydym bellach yn wynebu'r dasg heriol o liniaru effeithiau'r gyllideb hon. Ddoe, roeddech yn falch iawn eich bod yn rhoi’r holl arian yn y sector cyhoeddus ac y byddai’n tyfu’r economi. Yr unig ffordd y gwnewch chi dyfu’r economi yw drwy gefnogi eich busnesau sy’n cyflogi mwy o weithwyr, sy’n talu mwy o dreth. Mae’r dreth honno’n talu am eich gwasanaethau cyhoeddus. Dyna ni. Mae'n gyllideb drychinebus ac ni fyddaf i'n bersonol byth yn ei chefnogi. Diolch.
I think a budget is best judged in the context of the budgets that precede it and follow it. Obviously, there isn't a budget that precedes this one, other than the disastrous Conservative budgets, but the ones that follow it then put it into context, and you need to judge those over those months and years.
So, let's take for example the 1987 budget of Nigel Lawson, which at the time was lauded for £2.6 billion of tax cuts, which led to Margaret Thatcher winning the 1987 general election. But what it also led to was a consumer boom that led us into one of the worst recessions we've seen, and it took us from 1987 to 1997 to recover from, and the Conservatives digging themselves out of their own hole of their making. So, a budget that is welcomed immediately or a budget that is attacked immediately needs to be judged in that context, and this is a budget that fixes the foundations. And it is about ideology. Conservatives want—and I'm sure you'd agree—a small state, limited and constrained public services, and an attempt at lower taxes. But when you attempt to lower taxes, you find out you get the experience that Nigel Lawson had, or you get the experience that Kwasi Kwarteng had under Liz Truss. That is what happens when you try and achieve a small state in a European country.
Labour's priority is to prioritise those public services, and that means that those with the broadest shoulders do need to carry something of the burden, which is where the tax cuts came from, but it can only be judged again over that period of time in which the budget plans take effect. And of course, we also need to think of pensioners. I noticed the comments about the winter fuel allowance, but next year's state pension increase is 4.1 per cent because of the triple lock, and you will see—[Interruption.] And it is happening next year, under this Labour Government, and you will see it. [Interruption.]
The £1,700 million boost to the Welsh Government's budget is also massively significant, and we await with interest the Welsh Government's budget in December, when the Cabinet Secretary will unveil exactly how that will contribute to the many areas that are required as a result of 14 years of austerity. We've also seen a pay boost for up to 70,000 Welsh workers through an uplift to the national living wage—you cannot not support that—and I also welcome the £25 million provided to make coal tips safer. And I actually believe—perhaps I'm feeling a little bit Conservative on this one—that some of that money needs to be matched with private money, and that's what's happening in Caerphilly, with the redevelopment of the coal tip and coal being removed and made safe as a result of private sector involvement. I think we can still have that private sector involvement, which is then supported by £25 million this year from the UK Government.
Credaf mai'r ffordd orau o farnu cyllideb yw yng nghyd-destun y cyllidebau o'i blaen ac ar ei hôl. Yn amlwg, nid oes cyllideb i ragflaenu hon, ac eithrio cyllidebau trychinebus y Ceidwadwyr, ond mae’r rhai sy’n ei dilyn wedyn yn ei rhoi yn ei chyd-destun, ac mae angen ichi farnu’r rheini dros y misoedd a’r blynyddoedd hynny.
Felly, gadewch inni ystyried, er enghraifft, cyllideb Nigel Lawson ym 1987, a gafodd ei chanmol ar y pryd am £2.6 biliwn o doriadau treth, a arweiniodd at Margaret Thatcher yn ennill etholiad cyffredinol 1987. Ond yr hyn yr arweiniodd ato hefyd oedd ymchwydd mewn treuliant a achosodd un o’r dirwasgiadau gwaethaf a welsom, a gymerodd rhwng 1987 a 1997 i adfer ohono, wrth i'r Ceidwadwyr geisio cloddio eu hunain allan o'r twll a dyllwyd ganddynt. Felly, mae angen barnu cyllideb sy’n cael ei chroesawu ar unwaith neu gyllideb yr ymosodir arni ar unwaith yn y cyd-destun hwnnw, ac mae hon yn gyllideb sy’n gosod y sylfeini. Ac mae a wnelo ag ideoleg. Mae'r Ceidwadwyr eisiau—ac rwy'n siŵr y byddech chi'n cytuno—gwladwriaeth fach, gwasanaethau cyhoeddus cyfyngedig a chul, ac ymgais i ostwng trethi. Ond pan fyddwch yn ceisio gostwng trethi, fe welwch eich bod yn cael yr un profiad â'r un a gafodd Nigel Lawson, neu'n cael y profiad a gafodd Kwasi Kwarteng o dan Liz Truss. Dyna sy’n digwydd pan fyddwch yn ceisio cael gwladwriaeth fach mewn gwlad Ewropeaidd.
Blaenoriaeth Llafur yw blaenoriaethu’r gwasanaethau cyhoeddus hynny, a golyga hynny fod angen i’r rheini sydd â’r ysgwyddau lletaf ysgwyddo peth o’r baich, sef o ble y daeth y toriadau treth, ond ni ellir ond barnu hynny dros y cyfnod hwnnw o amser lle daw'r cynlluniau cyllidebol i rym. Ac wrth gwrs, mae angen inni feddwl am bensiynwyr hefyd. Nodais y sylwadau am lwfans tanwydd y gaeaf, ond mae’r cynnydd ym mhensiwn y wladwriaeth y flwyddyn nesaf yn 4.1 y cant oherwydd y clo triphlyg, ac fe welwch—[Torri ar draws.] Ac mae’n digwydd y flwyddyn nesaf, o dan y Llywodraeth Lafur hon, ac fe welwch hynny. [Torri ar draws.]
Mae’r hwb o £1,700 miliwn i gyllideb Llywodraeth Cymru yn aruthrol o arwyddocaol hefyd, ac rydym yn aros gyda diddordeb am gyllideb Llywodraeth Cymru ym mis Rhagfyr, pan fydd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn datgelu sut yn union y bydd hynny’n cyfrannu at y meysydd niferus sydd eu hangen o ganlyniad i 14 mlynedd o gyni. Rydym hefyd wedi gweld codiad cyflog i hyd at 70,000 o weithwyr Cymru drwy godiad i'r cyflog byw cenedlaethol—ni allwch beidio â chefnogi hwnnw—ac rwy'n croesawu'r £25 miliwn a ddarparwyd i wneud tomenni glo yn fwy diogel. Ac rwy'n credu mewn gwirionedd—efallai fy mod yn teimlo braidd yn Geidwadol ar hyn—fod angen rhywfaint o arian preifat cyfatebol i fynd gyda'r arian hwnnw, a dyna sy'n digwydd yng Nghaerffili, gyda'r gwaith ailddatblygu ar y domen lo a glo'n cael ei symud a'i wneud yn ddiogel o ganlyniad i ymwneud y sector preifat. Credaf y gallwn barhau i gael yr ymwneud sector preifat hwnnw, a gefnogir wedyn gan £25 miliwn eleni gan Lywodraeth y DU.
Would you give way?
A wnewch chi ildio?
Thank you. You've referred to a few historical budgets that I'd be happy to debate, but there isn't time. Gordon Brown ignored international warnings, including from the IFS, that if he continued to increase borrowing faster than the growth rate of the economy at a time of growth, there would be a day of reckoning, and he left the biggest deficit in the G20, which has since been defined as austerity, meaning not having enough money. Now, by increasing borrowing in the way we have, by removing headroom and risking bigger cuts in the future, we're risking—
Diolch. Rydych chi wedi cyfeirio at ambell gyllideb hanesyddol y buaswn yn fwy na pharod i ddadlau yn eu cylch, ond nid oes amser. Anwybyddodd Gordon Brown rybuddion rhyngwladol, gan gynnwys gan y Sefydliad Astudiaethau Cyllid, y byddai dydd o brysur bwyso'n dod pe bai’n parhau i gynyddu benthyca yn gyflymach na chyfradd dwf yr economi ar adeg o dwf, ac fe adawodd y diffyg mwyaf yn y G20, sydd wedi’i ddiffinio ers hynny fel cyni, sy’n golygu dim digon o arian. Nawr, drwy gynyddu benthyca yn y ffordd y gwnaethom, drwy gael gwared ar hyblygrwydd a chreu risg o doriadau mwy yn y dyfodol, rydym yn mentro—
I can't hear you.
Ni allaf eich clywed.
Mark, there are too many conversations going on between your benches and the Labour backbenches. Let's have those conversations outside of the Chamber so that we can hear the people speaking in the Chamber.
Mark, mae gormod o sgyrsiau'n mynd rhagddynt rhwng eich meinciau chi a meinciau cefn Llafur. Gadewch inni gael y sgyrsiau hynny y tu allan i'r Siambr fel y gallwn glywed y bobl yn siarad yn y Siambr.
Can you not see that we're at risk of repeating history if we continue to increase borrowing in this way and the markets lose confidence? We could end up with bigger cuts, as were forced upon us—
Oni allwch weld ein bod mewn perygl o ailadrodd hanes os byddwn yn parhau i gynyddu benthyca fel hyn a bod y marchnadoedd yn colli hyder? Gallem gael toriadau mwy yn y pen draw, fel y rhai a orfodwyd arnom—
This is not an intervention, it's a speech.
Araith yw hon, nid ymyriad.
—by Alistair Darling initially and subsequently those who inherited the mess in 2010.
—gan Alistair Darling i ddechrau ac wedi hynny gan y rhai a etifeddodd y llanast yn 2010.
Can I have an extra 10 minutes for that? I really respect Mark Isherwood; I don't want to devalue his comment. I do want to say that it was a global credit crunch that began as a result of the mortgage markets in America.
But I was actually in the House of Commons in 1997, sitting behind both Nigel Lawson and Jeffrey Archer in the gallery. I managed to get a ticket from Allan Rogers for the Lords gallery, sitting behind Nigel Lawson. I remember him, as Gordon Brown was announcing his budget, making a note on his piece of paper as Gordon Brown was speaking, 'Medium-term financial strategy, mark 2'. So, actually what Nigel Lawson was seeing was that the approach by Gordon Brown in 1997 was quite conservative. It was only later that extra money was spent, and that had the biggest ever boost to the NHS that has happened before or since. So, I'm not going to criticise Gordon Brown's budget. The later days of that Government were affected by a global crisis that affected economies across the world.
I also want to raise something I wanted to say yesterday: two Labour Governments working together. We've also got a Labour council in Caerphilly, and £88 million has been provided to unlock growth in Welsh towns and cities. This is benefiting towns in my constituency, like Caerphilly, Ystrad Mynach and Bargoed. We are seeing an anchor town strategy being introduced by Caerphilly County Borough Council, and that is benefiting those towns in my constituency.
So, just to wrap up—although I suspect I've probably been underdone for time today—I would say that this is a budget that fixes the foundations. But any budget that takes place in the first year of a Government needs to be put into the context of what happens next, and I'm confident that we're going to start to see some economic growth and classic Keynesian progress.
A gaf i 10 munud ychwanegol ar gyfer hynny? Rwy'n parchu Mark Isherwood; nid wyf am ddibrisio ei sylw. Rwyf am ddweud mai gwasgfa gredyd fyd-eang oedd honno, a ddechreuodd o ganlyniad i'r marchnadoedd morgeisi yn America.
Ond roeddwn yn Nhŷ'r Cyffredin ym 1997 mewn gwirionedd, yn eistedd y tu ôl i Nigel Lawson a Jeffrey Archer yn yr oriel. Llwyddais i gael tocyn gan Allan Rogers ar gyfer oriel yr Arglwyddi, yn eistedd y tu ôl i Nigel Lawson. Rwy'n ei gofio, pan oedd Gordon Brown yn cyhoeddi ei gyllideb, yn gwneud nodyn ar ei ddarn o bapur wrth i Gordon Brown siarad, 'Strategaeth ariannol dymor canolig, fersiwn 2’. Felly, mewn gwirionedd, yr hyn a welai Nigel Lawson oedd bod dull Gordon Brown ym 1997 yn eithaf ceidwadol. Dim ond yn ddiweddarach y gwariwyd arian ychwanegol, ac arweiniodd hynny at yr hwb mwyaf erioed i’r GIG cyn neu ers hynny. Felly, nid wyf yn mynd i feirniadu cyllideb Gordon Brown. Cafodd dyddiau olaf y Llywodraeth honno eu heffeithio gan argyfwng byd-eang a effeithiodd ar economïau ym mhob rhan o'r byd.
Rwyf hefyd am godi rhywbeth roeddwn am ei ddweud ddoe: dwy Lywodraeth Lafur yn gweithio gyda'i gilydd. Mae gennym gyngor Llafur yng Nghaerffili hefyd, ac mae £88 miliwn wedi'i ddarparu i ddatgloi twf yn nhrefi a dinasoedd Cymru. Mae hyn o fudd i drefi yn fy etholaeth, fel Caerffili, Ystrad Mynach a Bargoed. Rydym yn gweld strategaeth drefi angor yn cael ei chyflwyno gan Gyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili, ac mae hynny o fudd i’r trefi hynny yn fy etholaeth.
Felly, i gloi—er fy mod yn amau nad wyf wedi cael digon o amser heddiw—hoffwn ddweud bod hon yn gyllideb sy'n gosod y sylfeini. Ond mae angen i unrhyw gyllideb a wneir ym mlwyddyn gyntaf Llywodraeth gael ei gosod yng nghyd-destun yr hyn sy’n digwydd nesaf, ac rwy’n hyderus ein bod yn mynd i ddechrau gweld rhywfaint o dwf economaidd a chynnydd Keynesaidd clasurol.
Today I'm here to expose the real impacts of Labour's reckless changes to agricultural property relief and the threat that they pose to farming families and rural communities here in Wales.
The Chancellor's autumn budget has sent a clear message: Labour is willing to sacrifice the backbone of Welsh agriculture and the communities that depend on it. From April 2026, any family farm valued at over £1 million will face 20 per cent inheritance tax. APR has long allowed family farms to be passed down through generations without damaging tax bills, recognising the central role that they have in feeding the nation and caring for our landscapes. Labour is stripping away that support, claiming that this tax will only impact 25 per cent of farms. That is simply not true, and it just shows how out of touch Labour is with rural Wales.
Labour's £1 million threshold for relief is shockingly low. Here in Wales, it's almost impossible to buy even a modest family farm for under £1 million. With land prices soaring, the cost for an average family-sized farm easily hits £1.5 million to £2 million and above, and that doesn't include the vital equipment and buildings, which add hundreds and thousands of pounds to that cost. And land alone now costs between £8,000 and £10,000 per acre—far beyond what Labour's thresholds are. [Interruption.] Yes, go on, Lee, why not?
Heddiw, rwyf yma i ddatgelu effeithiau gwirioneddol newidiadau di-hid Llafur i ryddhad eiddo amaethyddol a'r bygythiad y maent yn ei greu i deuluoedd ffermio a chymunedau gwledig yma yng Nghymru.
Mae cyllideb hydref y Canghellor wedi anfon neges glir: mae Llafur yn fodlon aberthu asgwrn cefn amaethyddiaeth Cymru a’r cymunedau sy’n dibynnu arno. O fis Ebrill 2026, bydd unrhyw fferm deuluol sy'n werth dros £1 filiwn yn wynebu treth etifeddiant o 20 y cant. Ers amser maith, mae rhyddhad eiddo amaethyddol wedi caniatáu i ffermydd teuluol gael eu trosglwyddo drwy'r cenedlaethau heb filiau treth niweidiol, gan gydnabod eu rôl hollbwysig yn bwydo’r genedl ac yn gofalu am ein tirweddau. Mae Llafur yn cael gwared ar y cymorth hwnnw, gan honni mai dim ond ar 25 y cant o ffermydd y bydd y dreth hon yn effeithio. Nid yw hynny’n wir, ac mae’n dangos cyn lleied o gysylltiad sydd gan Lafur â'r hyn sy'n bwysig i'r Gymru wledig.
Mae trothwy £1 filiwn Llafur ar gyfer rhyddhad yn syfrdanol o isel. Yma yng Nghymru, mae bron yn amhosibl prynu fferm deuluol gymedrol ei maint hyd yn oed am lai nag £1 filiwn. Gyda phrisiau tir yn codi i’r entrychion, mae pris fferm deuluol gyffredin yn £1.5 miliwn i £2 filiwn ac uwch yn hawdd, ac nid yw hynny’n cynnwys yr offer hanfodol a’r adeiladau, sy’n ychwanegu cannoedd ar filoedd o bunnoedd at y gost honno. Ac mae tir yn unig bellach yn costio rhwng £8,000 a £10,000 yr erw—ymhell y tu hwnt i drothwyon Llafur. [Torri ar draws.] Iawn, ewch amdani, Lee, pam lai?
In the debates around tree planting, you and your colleagues often make the case that we can't ask farmers to do things like that because it impedes their ability to act as a business and they should be treated as a business. Well, now they're going to be treated as a business and you're still not happy.
Yn y dadleuon ynghylch plannu coed, rydych chi a’ch cyd-Aelodau yn aml yn dadlau na allwn ofyn i ffermwyr wneud pethau o'r fath am eu bod yn amharu ar eu gallu i weithredu fel busnes, ac y dylent gael eu trin fel busnes. Wel, a hwythau bellach yn mynd i gael eu trin fel busnesau, rydych chi'n dal yn anfodlon.
The thing with our benches is that we want to plant the right tree in the right place; what your Government want to do is plant trees everywhere, right the way across Wales. I suggest to the Labour Party that if you want to see the true price of farms in Wales, have a look on Google and type in, 'The price of farms in Wales'. You'll soon find that a lot of them are over £1 million.
A lot of Labour colleagues seem to think that farmers are rich, wealthy landowners. A lot of farmers are not rich, wealthy landowners; they are asset rich and cash poor. In 2018, upland farmers in Wales earned as little as £15,000 a year, working 365 days a year. These are hard-working families, often earning below the national average wage. They rely on tight budgets to keep their farms going. Under Labour’s new tax rules, they could face tax bills as high as £200,000 for simply wanting to pass their family farm on to the next generation. Families could be forced to sell-off land and equipment just to foot the bill, dismantling generations of the Welsh family farming heritage.
And let’s not forget Labour’s broken promises. Just before the election, DEFRA Secretary Steve Reed pledged:
‘We have no intention of changing APR.’
Roll on a few months, now they’re telling farmers, ‘Do more with less’. That just shows where Labour are when it comes to farming in Wales. These changes will push our small family farms out of the industry, while big corporations buy up the farms for greenwashing, just so they can meet their environmental credentials. They don’t care about Wales. They don’t care about the people who live here; they only care about making sure that they look green on the international stage.
And something I’m sure Alun Davies would like to hear about: we only have to look at Europe to see what happens when small family farms are driven out. Between 2005 and 2016, 5.3 million small farms disappeared across the EU, and that was all because of the green agenda being pushed by the European Union. And if Labour have their way, Wales is going to be next. This policy doesn’t just threaten rural Wales, it threatens everybody who depends on the food we produce. When family farms struggle, food prices go up. And as the saying goes: no farmers, no food.
That is simple. This isn’t just a countryside issue, it’s an issue about food security for everybody across the country. It’s about time that Labour reversed their attack on our farming communities. Let’s stand together to protect the backbone of Wales: our farmers, our rural community and our food supply chains. Remember what I say: no farmers, no food.
Y peth gyda'n meinciau ni yw ein bod eisiau plannu'r goeden iawn yn y lle iawn; yr hyn y mae eich Llywodraeth chi am ei wneud yw plannu coed ym mhobman, ledled Cymru gyfan. Rwy'n awgrymu i’r Blaid Lafur, os hoffech weld gwir bris ffermydd yng Nghymru, edrychwch ar Google a theipiwch, ‘Pris ffermydd yng Nghymru’. Fe welwch yn gyflym fod llawer ohonynt yn werth dros £1 filiwn.
Ymddengys bod llawer o'n cyd-Aelodau Llafur yn credu bod ffermwyr yn dirfeddianwyr cyfoethog. Nid oes llawer o ffermwyr yn dirfeddianwyr cyfoethog; mae ganddynt fwy o asedau nag arian. Yn 2018, roedd ffermwyr ucheldir Cymru yn ennill cyn lleied â £15,000 y flwyddyn, ac yn gweithio 365 diwrnod y flwyddyn. Teuluoedd gweithgar yw'r rhain sy'n aml yn ennill llai na’r cyflog cyfartalog cenedlaethol. Maent yn dibynnu ar gyllidebau tynn i gynnal eu ffermydd. O dan reolau treth newydd Llafur, gallent wynebu biliau treth mor uchel â £200,000 am eu bod eisiau i'r genhedlaeth nesaf etifeddu eu fferm deuluol. Gallai teuluoedd gael eu gorfodi i werthu tir ac offer er mwyn talu'r bil, gan ddatgymalu cenedlaethau o dreftadaeth ffermio teuluol Cymru.
A gadewch inni beidio ag anghofio'r addewidion y mae Llafur wedi'u torri. Ychydig cyn yr etholiad, addawodd Ysgrifennydd DEFRA, Steve Reed:
'Nid oes gennym unrhyw fwriad i newid rhyddhad eiddo amaethyddol.'
Ychydig fisoedd yn ddiweddarach, maent bellach yn dweud wrth ffermwyr, 'Gwnewch fwy gyda llai'. Mae hynny’n dangos agwedd Llafur at ffermio yng Nghymru. Bydd y newidiadau hyn yn gwthio ein ffermydd teuluol bach allan o'r diwydiant, tra bo cwmnïau corfforaethol mawr yn prynu'r ffermydd at ddibenion gwyrddgalchu, er mwyn iddynt allu bodloni eu rhinweddau amgylcheddol. Nid oes ots ganddynt am Gymru. Nid oes ots ganddynt am y bobl sy'n byw yma, dim ond am edrych yn wyrdd ar y llwyfan rhyngwladol.
A rhywbeth rwy’n siŵr yr hoffai Alun Davies glywed amdano: nid oes ond angen inni edrych ar Ewrop i weld beth sy’n digwydd pan fydd ffermydd teuluol bach yn cael eu gorfodi allan. Rhwng 2005 a 2016, diflannodd 5.3 miliwn o ffermydd bach ar draws yr UE, a hynny oherwydd yr agenda werdd a gâi ei gwthio gan yr Undeb Ewropeaidd. Ac os caiff Llafur eu ffordd, Cymru fydd nesaf. Nid yn unig fod y polisi hwn yn bygwth cefn gwlad Cymru, mae'n bygwth pawb sy'n dibynnu ar y bwyd a gynhyrchwn. Pan fydd ffermydd teuluol yn ei chael hi'n anodd, mae prisiau bwyd yn codi. Ac fel y dywed yr hen air: dim ffermwyr, dim bwyd.
Mae hynny'n syml. Nid mater sy'n ymwneud â chefn gwlad yn unig yw hwn, mae'n fater sy'n ymwneud â diogeledd bwyd i bawb ledled y wlad. Mae’n hen bryd i Lafur wrthdroi eu hymosodiad ar ein cymunedau ffermio. Gadewch inni sefyll gyda’n gilydd i ddiogelu asgwrn cefn Cymru: ein ffermwyr, ein cymuned wledig a’n cadwyni cyflenwi bwyd. Cofiwch yr hyn a ddywedaf: dim ffermwyr, dim bwyd.
We’ve had some lively contributions from all sides of the Chamber this evening. I’m slightly concerned that I’m going to let Members down with my contribution now, because what I want to talk about specifically here is business rates. Of course, there is a perception that there is a better deal when it comes to business rates across the border. What we saw in this budget was the potential of business rates reform. We saw that 40 per cent business rates relief as well. I could try my luck and ask the Cabinet Secretary what the Welsh Government’s response will be in its own budget, but I imagine the answer is either going to be, ‘It's too expensive’ or, 'Wait for the budget’, which I think is actually the more likely answer.
But what I really want to get out of the Cabinet Secretary this evening is his thoughts on varying the business rates multiplier. Because prior to this budget, a number of conversations were had between myself and his predecessor around that proposal for varying the multiplier, and she conceded prior to this budget that to match what was on offer in England was too expensive for the Welsh Government. But I really think here we have an opportunity to deliver something for businesses on our high streets—those small businesses, those Welsh businesses—that is going to be relatively inexpensive, so changing the emphasis on who pays what within the business rates system. I’ve said a number of times that supermarkets, out-of-town shopping centres and large chains should be paying more business rates, using that funding then to lower the business rates for some of our smaller businesses, some of our Welsh businesses on the high street, and then by doing that, helping to regenerate the high street.
So, I’d be really interested in his thoughts on what the potential of varying the multiplier would be, and if he agrees with me that this might be something that, although it might seem quite boring, would have a massive impact for those small businesses here in Wales on our high streets.
Rydym wedi cael cyfraniadau bywiog ar bob ochr i’r Siambr heno. Rwyf braidd yn bryderus fy mod yn mynd i siomi’r Aelodau gyda fy nghyfraniad nawr, gan mai'r hyn rwyf am siarad amdano'n benodol yma yw ardrethi busnes. Wrth gwrs, ceir canfyddiad fod gwell bargen o ran ardrethi busnes i'w chael dros y ffin. Yr hyn a welsom yn y gyllideb hon oedd potensial diwygio ardrethi busnes. Gwelsom y rhyddhad ardrethi busnes o 40 y cant hefyd. Gallwn fentro fy lwc a gofyn i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet beth fydd ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei chyllideb ei hun, ond rwy’n dychmygu mai’r ateb fydd naill ai, ‘Mae’n rhy ddrud’ neu, ‘Arhoswch am y gyllideb’, sef yr ateb mwy tebygol, mae'n siŵr.
Ond yr hyn rwy'n awyddus iawn i'w glywed gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet heno yw ei farn ar amrywio'r lluosydd ardrethi busnes. Oherwydd cyn y gyllideb hon, cefais nifer o sgyrsiau gyda'i ragflaenydd ynghylch yr argymhelliad i amrywio'r lluosydd, a chyfaddefodd cyn y gyllideb hon fod cynnig yr hyn a oedd ar gael yn Lloegr yn rhy ddrud i Lywodraeth Cymru. Ond rwy'n credu'n gryf fod cyfle gennym yma i ddarparu rhywbeth i fusnesau ar ein stryd fawr—y busnesau bach hynny, y busnesau Cymreig hynny—sy'n mynd i fod yn gymharol rad, gan newid y pwyslais, felly, ar bwy sy'n talu faint o fewn y system ardrethi busnes. Rwyf wedi dweud nifer o weithiau y dylai archfarchnadoedd, canolfannau siopa ar gyrion trefi a chadwyni mawr dalu mwy o ardrethi busnes, a defnyddio’r cyllid hwnnw wedyn i ostwng yr ardrethi busnes i rai o’n busnesau llai, rhai o’n busnesau Cymreig ar y stryd fawr, a thrwy wneud hynny, helpu i adfywio’r stryd fawr.
Felly, byddai gennyf ddiddordeb mawr yn ei farn ar beth fyddai'r potensial i amrywio'r lluosydd, ac os yw'n cytuno â mi y gallai hyn fod yn rhywbeth a fyddai, er ei fod yn ymddangos yn eithaf diflas, yn cael effaith aruthrol ar fusnesau bach y stryd fawr yma yng Nghymru.
I agree with my Conservative colleagues. [Interruption.] That's obviously not much of a surprise. Of course I do. This UK Labour autumn budget has been utterly barmy. It's been hugely damaging, breaking election promise after election promise, and it's been hugely damaging to rural communities. It's their first UK budget back in power, and once again, we see their utter contempt for the countryside. So, once again, I feel compelled to speak again on rural issues. Coming from a farming background myself, I know first-hand how hard it is to run a family farm. I've spoken to many farmers now in Monmouthshire and across my region, and they're deeply worried about these changes to the inheritance tax and agricultural property relief. For farmers, as I said yesterday, these are not just numbers on a page, they are threats to their livelihoods, to the future of family farms in Wales.
Yesterday, the First Minister stated that by defending family farms against the budget of tax rises, I was defending the richest in society. Clearly, she does not understand that many farming families are making just above the minimum wage and that high-value assets do not mean a high income. Labour are getting their maths wrong once again, and it is Labour that are misleading the people of Wales by mixing up assets with income. Under the new rules, any farm worth over £1 million will face a massive hit when it's passed down. Farmers want to hand their farms to their children, as my colleagues have just said, and ensure that food in Wales is produced by local families, not industrial companies and not through imports. But any family members hoping to take over a farm will be faced with hundreds of thousands of pounds in a big bill. We could lose an entire generation of farmers this way.
In the run-up to the last general election, at a hustings in Raglan market, my own local MP, Catherine Fookes, dismissed concerns about changes to IHT for farmers, assuring everybody present that Labour would stand up for Welsh farmers. It is therefore incredibly disappointing that just a few months later those same farmers face losing hundreds and thousands of pounds and their livelihoods as a result of these ill-thought-out changes by the Labour Government. I've now written to our Monmouthshire MP asking if she still supports what the UK Government is doing and whether what you're saying in here, in this Chamber, is right, if she understands the impact of this budget on local farms, unlike the Labour Members in this place, and if she will speak up on behalf of farmers in our community who stand to lose so much.
These changes do not target the wealthy as the Government claim; they target the very people the Government said they would protect: the working people. Because farmers are the working people of the countryside. These changes affect a huge percentage of Welsh farms, alongside other budget pressures like the rise in national insurance contributions, which will hit small businesses very hard. Even the Chancellor has admitted that this could mean low pay rises for workers. We also need clarity from this Government. I'd love someone to stand up and tell me now what the budget will mean for the public sector. I urge the Welsh Government and my local MP to support family farms so they can keep doing what they do best: producing food, supporting rural communities and keeping Welsh traditions alive.
Today, Cabinet Secretary, you have a choice. You can once again nod along to the budget that you know will damage Welsh agriculture, that you know will harm Welsh businesses, or you can stand up, speak out for Wales, speak out for farmers and show that this Senedd is not just an echo chamber for Westminster Labour politicians, but a true defender of Welsh interests. I urge Members to support this motion today.
Rwy'n cytuno â fy nghyd-Aelodau Ceidwadol. [Torri ar draws.] Yn amlwg, nid yw hynny’n fawr o syndod. Wrth gwrs fy mod. Mae cyllideb Llafur y DU yr hydref hwn wedi bod yn gwbl wallgof. Mae wedi bod yn hynod niweidiol, gan dorri addewid etholiad ar ôl addewid etholiad, ac mae wedi bod yn hynod niweidiol i gymunedau gwledig. Dyma eu cyllideb DU gyntaf ers dod yn ôl i rym, ac unwaith eto, gwelwn eu dirmyg llwyr tuag at gefn gwlad. Felly, unwaith eto, teimlaf fod rheidrwydd arnaf i siarad am faterion gwledig. A minnau'n dod o gefndir ffermio, gwn o fy mhrofiad fy hun pa mor anodd yw rhedeg fferm deuluol. Rwyf wedi siarad â llawer o ffermwyr yn sir Fynwy ac ar draws fy rhanbarth, ac maent yn bryderus iawn am y newidiadau hyn i’r dreth etifeddiant a rhyddhad eiddo amaethyddol. Fel y dywedais ddoe, i ffermwyr nid ffigurau ar dudalen yn unig yw’r rhain, maent yn fygythiadau i’w bywoliaeth, i ddyfodol ffermydd teuluol yng Nghymru.
Ddoe, dywedodd y Prif Weinidog fy mod, drwy amddiffyn ffermydd teuluol yn erbyn y gyllideb o godiadau treth, yn amddiffyn y cyfoethocaf mewn cymdeithas. Yn amlwg, nid yw’n deall bod llawer o deuluoedd fferm yn ennill ychydig mwy na’r isafswm cyflog ac nad yw asedau uchel eu gwerth yn golygu incwm uchel. Mae mathemateg Llafur yn anghywir unwaith eto, a Llafur sy’n camarwain pobl Cymru drwy ddrysu rhwng asedau ag incwm. O dan y rheolau newydd, bydd unrhyw fferm sy'n werth dros £1 filiwn yn wynebu ergyd enfawr pan gaiff ei throsglwyddo. Mae ffermwyr am drosglwyddo eu ffermydd i’w plant, fel y mae fy nghyd-Aelodau newydd ddweud, a sicrhau bod bwyd yng Nghymru yn cael ei gynhyrchu gan deuluoedd lleol, nid cwmnïau diwydiannol ac nid drwy fewnforion. Ond bydd unrhyw aelodau o'r teulu sy'n gobeithio parhau â'r gwaith o redeg y fferm yn wynebu bil mawr o gannoedd o filoedd o bunnoedd. Gallem golli cenhedlaeth gyfan o ffermwyr fel hyn.
Yn y cyfnod cyn yr etholiad cyffredinol diwethaf, mewn hustyngau ym marchnad Rhaglan, diystyrodd fy AS lleol fy hun, Catherine Fookes, bryderon ynghylch newidiadau i dreth etifeddiant i ffermwyr, gan sicrhau pawb a oedd yn bresennol y byddai Llafur yn sefyll o blaid ffermwyr Cymru. Mae’n hynod siomedig, felly, ychydig fisoedd yn unig yn ddiweddarach, fod y ffermwyr hynny’n wynebu colli cannoedd ar filoedd o bunnoedd a’u bywoliaeth o ganlyniad i’r newidiadau difeddwl hyn gan y Llywodraeth Lafur. Rwyf bellach wedi ysgrifennu at ein Haelod Seneddol yn sir Fynwy i ofyn a yw hi’n dal i gefnogi’r hyn y mae Llywodraeth y DU yn ei wneud ac a yw’r hyn a ddywedwch yma, yn y Siambr hon, yn gywir, a yw’n deall effaith y gyllideb hon ar ffermydd lleol, yn wahanol i'r Aelodau Llafur yn y lle hwn, ac a yw'n barod i sefyll o blaid ffermwyr yn ein cymuned sy’n mynd i golli cymaint.
Nid yw’r newidiadau hyn yn targedu’r cyfoethog fel y mae’r Llywodraeth yn ei honni; maent yn targedu’r union bobl y dywedodd y Llywodraeth y byddent yn eu diogelu: y gweithwyr. Oherwydd ffermwyr yw'r gweithwyr yng nghefn gwlad. Mae’r newidiadau hyn yn effeithio ar ganran enfawr o ffermydd Cymru, ynghyd â phwysau cyllidebol eraill fel y cynnydd mewn cyfraniadau yswiriant gwladol, a fydd yn cael effaith fawr iawn ar fusnesau bach. Mae hyd yn oed y Canghellor wedi cyfaddef y gallai hyn olygu codiadau cyflog isel i weithwyr. Mae angen inni gael eglurder gan y Llywodraeth hon. Hoffwn yn fawr pe bai rhywun yn codi ac yn dweud wrthyf beth fydd y gyllideb yn ei olygu i'r sector cyhoeddus. Rwy’n annog Llywodraeth Cymru a fy AS lleol i gefnogi ffermydd teuluol fel y gallant barhau i wneud yr hyn a wnânt orau: cynhyrchu bwyd, cefnogi cymunedau gwledig a chadw traddodiadau Cymru'n fyw.
Heddiw, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae gennych ddewis. Gallwch gytuno unwaith eto â'r gyllideb y gwyddoch y bydd yn niweidio amaethyddiaeth yng Nghymru, y gwyddoch y bydd yn niweidio busnesau Cymru, neu gallwch godi a siarad o blaid Cymru, o blaid ffermwyr a dangos nad siambr atsain i wleidyddion Llafur San Steffan yn unig mo’r Senedd hon, ond gwir amddiffynnydd buddiannau Cymru. Rwy'n annog yr Aelodau i gefnogi’r cynnig hwn heddiw.
Rachel Reeves inherited a broken economy and has begun the work of repair. This was a necessary budget, necessary because austerity failed. And again, it's been left to a Labour Government to repair the damage. Let's remember the policy of austerity was a political choice. Other choices were available in 2010, but the Conservative and Liberal Democrat Government chose—[Interruption.] Not yet. They chose an approach that history will show caused real harm to our country. They not only shrunk the state, they shrunk the economy: a fall of 2 per cent in GDP. Their austerity policy made us poorer and made our key services poorer. Spending fell in real terms per person every year between 2010 and the start of COVID. At the time an ageing population demanded greater investment in the NHS and social care, Tories flatlined spending budgets.
It was the key workers who had to absorb that through frozen wages. This Labour budget has thrown a lifeline to our front-line services with pay rises to key workers to start to make up for those years of sacrifice. But the Tories have learned nothing from their wipeout, with no contrition, no acknowledgement of the consequences of their chaos. Today's Tory motion, unbelievably, condemns rises in taxes and calls for even more spending. But as the Institute for Fiscal Studies points out, if the Tories had won the election, their first budget would've implemented sharp cuts to spending—a £20 billion cut, according to the Resolution Foundation—and yet they criticise this budget. No wonder voters are cynical about politics.
Dirprwy Lywydd, no budget is perfect. There are aspects I'd like to have seen done differently, but I applaud Rachel Reeves for getting the big call right. I do regret that we've stopped making the case for progressive taxation; the idea that the more you earn—[Interruption.]—no, thank you—the more you should contribute. It's the price we pay for a civilised society. It's an idea with a strong Welsh tradition. It was Jim Griffiths who put in place the national insurance system that funded the welfare state after the war, and Lloyd George, in his people's budget, who placed death duties at the centre of efforts to tackle intergenerational inequality. There's a strong Welsh progressive tradition of using the tax system to advance fairness, and I'd hope that the Liberals and Plaid Cymru would remember that inheritance tax is a progressive tax. But the thing about inheritance tax is that even though very few people pay it—only about 4 per cent of people get captured—polls show that 10 times as many think it'll affect them, and that's what we're seeing again: claims that this budget will destroy the future of the family farm are getting way ahead of the facts. Paul Johnson, the highly respected head of the Institute for Fiscal Studies, says that the complaints are massively overdone and that the tax change will affect a very small number of large farms, he says, and they're still going to be better treated than anyone else in terms of inheritance tax. Those of us who are not farmers—[Interruption.] Yes.
Etifeddodd Rachel Reeves economi sydd wedi torri, ac mae wedi dechrau ar y gwaith o'i hatgyweirio. Roedd hon yn gyllideb angenrheidiol, yn angenrheidiol am fod cyni wedi methu. Ac unwaith eto, gadawyd i Lywodraeth Lafur drwsio'r difrod. Gadewch inni gofio mai dewis gwleidyddol oedd y polisi cyni. Roedd dewisiadau eraill ar gael yn 2010, ond dewisodd Llywodraeth y Ceidwadwyr a’r Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol—[Torri ar draws.] Ddim eto. Fe wnaethant ddewis dull y bydd hanes yn dangos ei fod wedi achosi niwed gwirioneddol i'n gwlad. Nid yn unig eu bod wedi crebachu'r wladwriaeth, fe wnaethant grebachu'r economi: cwymp o 2 y cant yn y cynnyrch domestig gros. Fe'n gwnaed yn dlotach gan eu polisi cyni, a gwnaed ein gwasanaethau allweddol yn dlotach. Gostyngodd gwariant y pen mewn termau real bob blwyddyn rhwng 2010 a dechrau COVID. Ar adeg pan oedd poblogaeth sy'n heneiddio yn galw am fwy o fuddsoddiad yn y GIG a gofal cymdeithasol, cafwyd cyllidebau gwariant gwastad gan y Torïaid.
Bu'n rhaid i weithwyr allweddol amsugno hynny drwy gyflogau wedi'u rhewi. Mae’r gyllideb Lafur hon wedi rhoi achubiaeth i’n gwasanaethau rheng flaen gyda chodiadau cyflog i weithwyr allweddol i ddechrau gwneud iawn am y blynyddoedd hynny o aberth. Ond nid yw'r Torïaid wedi dysgu dim o'u llanast, heb ddangos unrhyw edifeirwch, dim cydnabyddiaeth o ganlyniadau eu hanhrefn. Mae'n anghredadwy fod cynnig y Torïaid heddiw yn condemnio codiadau treth ac yn galw am fwy byth o wariant. Ond fel y mae’r Sefydliad Astudiaethau Cyllid yn nodi, pe bai’r Torïaid wedi ennill yr etholiad, byddai eu cyllideb gyntaf wedi cyflwyno toriadau llym i wariant—toriad o £20 biliwn, yn ôl y Resolution Foundation—ac eto, maent yn beirniadu’r gyllideb hon. Nid oes ryfedd fod pleidleiswyr yn sinigaidd ynglŷn â gwleidyddiaeth.
Ddirprwy Lywydd, nid oes unrhyw gyllideb yn berffaith. Mae yna agweddau yr hoffwn pe baent wedi cael eu gwneud yn wahanol, ond rwy'n cymeradwyo Rachel Reeves am wneud y prif bethau'n iawn. Rwy'n gresynu ein bod wedi rhoi'r gorau i ddadlau'r achos dros drethu blaengar; y syniad, po fwyaf y byddwch yn ei ennill—[Torri ar draws.]—na, diolch—y mwyaf y dylech ei gyfrannu. Dyna'r pris a dalwn am gymdeithas wâr. Mae'n syniad ag iddo draddodiad Cymreig cryf. Jim Griffiths a sefydlodd y system yswiriant gwladol a ariannodd y wladwriaeth les ar ôl y rhyfel, a Lloyd George, yng nghyllideb y bobl, a ddefnyddiodd dollau marwolaeth fel y prif arf i fynd i’r afael ag anghydraddoldeb rhwng cenedlaethau. Mae traddodiad blaengar cryf Cymreig o ddefnyddio’r system drethi i hybu tegwch, a buaswn yn gobeithio y byddai’r Rhyddfrydwyr a Phlaid Cymru yn cofio bod treth etifeddiant yn dreth flaengar. Ond er mai ychydig iawn o bobl sy'n talu treth etifeddiant—dim ond oddeutu 4 y cant o bobl sy'n gorfod ei thalu—y peth amdani yw bod arolygon barn yn dangos bod 10 gwaith yn fwy yn credu y bydd yn effeithio arnynt hwy, a dyna rydym yn ei weld eto: mae'r honiadau y bydd y gyllideb hon yn dinistrio dyfodol y fferm deuluol yn anwybyddu'r ffeithiau. Mae Paul Johnson, pennaeth uchel ei barch y Sefydliad Astudiaethau Cyllid, yn dweud bod y cwynion wedi’u gorliwio'n aruthrol ac y bydd y newid yn y dreth yn effeithio ar nifer fach iawn o ffermydd mawr, meddai, a byddant yn dal i gael eu trin yn well nag unrhyw un arall o ran treth etifeddiant. Mae'r rhai ohonom nad ydym yn ffermwyr—[Torri ar draws.] Ie.
You say 'large farms'. There's a farm up for sale in my constituency, and it's a farm with 20 acres and valued at £1.9 million. Do you actually say that that's a large farm?
Rydych chi'n dweud 'ffermydd mawr'. Mae yna fferm ar werth yn fy etholaeth i, ac mae'n fferm gydag 20 erw ac yn werth £1.9 miliwn. A ydych chi'n dweud bod honno'n fferm fawr?
Let me go through the figures. Those of us who are not farmers will face death duties of 40 per cent on anything over £325,000 that we pass on. That will not apply to farms. There'll be no inheritance tax to pay on any estate worth under £1 million—a huge tax advantage for farmers. The Financial Times says that last year, just 462 farms inherited more than £1 million across the whole of the UK. And the Government points out that when you add in the other allowances, the real threshold is nearer £2 million. The tax specialist, Dan Neidle, says that it could capture as few as 100 large landowners across the UK. Not many of those, if any, will be in Wales. When wealthy farms are eligible for inheritance tax, they will face a rate of 20 per cent instead of 40 per cent like everyone else. So, let's get this in proportion. I've heard much angst from the rural community about companies and rich individuals buying up farms to exploit tax loopholes. Well, this change is designed to tackle that. If there are genuine issues, if there are unintended consequences, let's address them as they arise, as the example that has just been given.
But let's remember the huge contribution that this budget will make to starting to repair our economy and our public services, because, in this budget, our Senedd will have £21 billion a year to invest in Wales—the largest settlement, in real terms, in the history of devolution.
Gadewch imi fynd drwy'r ffigurau. Bydd y rhai ohonom nad ydym yn ffermwyr yn wynebu tollau marwolaeth o 40 y cant ar unrhyw beth dros £325,000 a drosglwyddir gennym. Ni fydd hyn yn digwydd gyda ffermydd. Ni fydd treth etifeddiant i'w thalu ar unrhyw ystad sy'n werth llai na £1 filiwn—mantais dreth enfawr i ffermwyr. Mae'r Financial Times yn dweud mai dim ond 462 o ffermydd a etifeddodd dros £1 filiwn ar draws y DU gyfan. Ac mae'r Llywodraeth yn nodi, pan fyddwch chi'n ychwanegu'r lwfansau eraill, fod y trothwy go iawn yn agosach at £2 filiwn. Dywed yr arbenigwr trethi, Dan Neidle, y gallai gynnwys cyn lleied â 100 o dirfeddianwyr mawr ar draws y DU. Ni fydd llawer o'r rheini yng Nghymru, os o gwbl. Pan fydd ffermydd cyfoethog yn gymwys ar gyfer treth etifeddiant, byddant yn wynebu cyfradd o 20 y cant yn hytrach na 40 y cant fel pawb arall. Felly, gadewch inni gael rhywfaint o gymesuredd. Rwyf wedi clywed llawer o ofid gan y gymuned wledig am gwmnïau ac unigolion cyfoethog yn prynu ffermydd i fanteisio ar fylchau treth. Wel, mae'r newid hwn wedi'i gynllunio i fynd i'r afael â hynny. Os oes cwestiynau dilys yn codi, os oes canlyniadau anfwriadol, gadewch inni fynd i'r afael â hwy wrth iddynt godi, fel yr enghraifft sydd newydd gael ei rhoi.
Ond gadewch inni gofio'r cyfraniad enfawr y bydd y gyllideb hon yn ei wneud i ddechrau atgyweirio ein heconomi a'n gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, oherwydd, yn y gyllideb hon, bydd ein Senedd yn cael £21 biliwn y flwyddyn i'w fuddsoddi yng Nghymru—y setliad mwyaf, mewn termau real, yn hanes datganoli.
I think it's really important that we have this debate because the budget is the most political thing that we do in the year, because it's where we say and where we state our priorities—what is important to us, what is important to us as a Parliament and what is important to us as a Government, where we are going to invest and where we are not going to invest, how we are going to raise our funds, and from who and how. It's the most political thing that we do because it speaks to us of our values and our priorities. And I very much, like the previous speaker, welcome the priorities that have been set out in this budget by Rachel Reeves. I welcome that the investment in—[Interruption.] I'll take the intervention, but I very much welcome the investment in schools, which the Member has been calling for for the last four years. I'll take the intervention.
Rwy'n meddwl ei bod hi'n bwysig iawn ein bod ni'n cael y ddadl hon am mai'r gyllideb yw'r peth mwyaf gwleidyddol a wnawn yn y flwyddyn, am mai dyma lle rydym yn dweud a lle rydym yn datgan ein blaenoriaethau—beth sy'n bwysig i ni, beth sy'n bwysig i ni fel Senedd a'r hyn sy'n bwysig i ni fel Llywodraeth, lle rydym ni'n mynd i fuddsoddi a lle nad ydym yn mynd i fuddsoddi, sut rydym ni'n mynd i godi ein harian, a chan bwy a sut. Dyma'r peth mwyaf gwleidyddol a wnawn oherwydd mae'n dangos beth yw ein gwerthoedd a'n blaenoriaethau. Ac fel y siaradwr blaenorol, rwy'n croesawu'r blaenoriaethau a nodwyd yn y gyllideb hon gan Rachel Reeves yn fawr. Rwy'n croesawu'r buddsoddiad—[Torri ar draws.] Fe dderbyniaf yr ymyriad, ond rwy'n croesawu'n fawr y buddsoddiad mewn ysgolion, y mae'r Aelod wedi bod yn galw amdano dros y pedair blynedd diwethaf. Fe dderbyniaf yr ymyriad.
Absolutely. So, you'd agree with your UK Government's stance of punishing pensioners, then.
Yn sicr. Felly, byddech yn cytuno â safbwynt Llywodraeth y DU ar gosbi pensiynwyr.
I very much agree that we should be investing in people and investing in public services. You can't come here—I'll be absolutely clear to the Conservatives—you can't come here every Wednesday afternoon demanding money be spent on anywhere under the sun and then object to taxes. You simply can't do it, and you're not credible when you do so. And the context for this—[Interruption.] No, I won't take another one yet. Don't worry, I'm going to say something that is going to provoke you soon—you can have an intervention then, right? The reality, and the context that this budget was set in, is a context of economic stagnation for a decade and a half. Austerity failed the United Kingdom and Brexit has made austerity far worse. You can look at the numbers. I would advise the Conservatives to read some economic texts and not just their press releases. They really would learn far more, because we have seen poor investment in the public realm and we've seen people becoming poorer as a consequence of Conservative Government policy, not as a side effect, but as a consequence of policy.
But the Welsh Government also has to respond to these challenges, and my questions today are towards the Welsh Government, since we are having this debate in the Welsh Parliament, and I think it's important that we do have this conversation here. I would like to understand how the Welsh Government will take forward issues around the financial framework. We had a good conversation yesterday on this through the statement, and I think there was wide agreement from all parts of the Chamber that the financial framework that we have at the moment is failing Wales. Wales is uniquely badly served by the Barnett formula and by the current financial framework. The Welsh Government has a very clear policy on this, so how now are we going to take this forward? The Cabinet Secretary for finance has spoken about this being a two-stage budget process, so will the Welsh Government, for example, be publishing a White Paper on these matters to enable this Parliament to debate and discuss how the Welsh Government intends to take forward reform of the financial framework?
The second question I have for the Welsh Government is: is there a reform agenda for public services? Both the finance Secretary and others have spoken very clearly and very convincingly of the need for more funding into public services, and I agree with that argument. I accept it completely. But are we simply going to invest more finance and more funding in the public services as they are today, or do we want to reform public services for the future? I'd be interested to know and to understand how the Welsh Government intends to take that forward.
Thirdly and finally in this debate, an economic agenda. Now, where I have difficulties with this budget is that I think it's pretty clear that the UK Government's growth agenda is not sufficient to mitigate the impact of being outside of the European single market. We've seen the impact of Brexit on our economy, we've seen the impact of Brexit on our ability to spend. One of the reasons we have a relatively high tax environment today is because there is far less trade intensity in the United Kingdom as a direct consequence of Brexit. As a consequence of that, you have to raise more taxation in order to raise more income. So, I think we need to have some serious thinking from the Conservatives on this. So, what then is the approach of the Welsh Government to an economic agenda? Does the Welsh Government believe that being outside the single market is going to have an impact on our own tax revenues in the in the coming years? Are we going to have an economic strategy and policy that is based on the work that is being done in London, and how then will we be able to deal with that and debate that?
And finally, let me finish with this. Many of us were burning the midnight oil last night watching the results from the United States, and one of the graphs that stayed with me—one of the graphics that I saw on CNN last night—was a correlation between the fall in support for the Democratic Party and the impact of inflation on wages. Where people had seen the quality and standard of living fall the greatest, so then did the vote for the Democratic Party, and that may be at the heart of the story of the election last night. So, the Welsh Government has 18 months to get these things right, and what we have to do is to invest—
Rwy'n cytuno'n gryf y dylem fod yn buddsoddi mewn pobl a buddsoddi mewn gwasanaethau cyhoeddus. Ni allwch ddod yma—rwy'n mynd i fod yn hollol glir wrth y Ceidwadwyr—ni allwch ddod yma bob prynhawn dydd Mercher a mynnu bod arian yn cael ei wario unrhyw le dan haul a gwrthwynebu trethi. Ni allwch ei wneud, ac nid ydych yn gredadwy pan fyddwch chi'n gwneud hynny. A'r cyd-destun ar gyfer hyn—[Torri ar draws.] Na, nid wyf am dderbyn un arall nawr. Peidiwch â phoeni, rwy'n mynd i ddweud rhywbeth sy'n mynd i'ch cythruddo chi'n fuan—gallwch gael ymyriad bryd hynny, iawn? Mae'r realiti, a'r cyd-destun y gosodwyd y gyllideb hon ynddo, yn gyd-destun o ddiffyg twf economaidd am ddegawd a hanner. Fe fethodd cyni y Deyrnas Unedig ac mae Brexit wedi gwneud cyni yn llawer gwaeth. Gallwch edrych ar y ffigurau. Rwy'n cynghori'r Ceidwadwyr i ddarllen testunau economaidd ac nid eu datganiadau i'r wasg yn unig. Byddent yn dysgu llawer mwy, oherwydd rydym wedi gweld buddsoddiad gwael yn y byd cyhoeddus ac rydym wedi gweld pobl yn mynd yn dlotach o ganlyniad i bolisi'r Llywodraeth Geidwadol, nid fel sgil-effaith, ond o ganlyniad i bolisi.
Ond mae'n rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru ymateb i'r heriau hyn hefyd, ac mae fy nghwestiynau heddiw i Lywodraeth Cymru, gan ein bod yn cael y ddadl hon yn Senedd Cymru, ac rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig ein bod yn cael y sgwrs hon yma. Hoffwn ddeall sut y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwrw ymlaen â materion yn ymwneud â'r fframwaith ariannol. Cawsom sgwrs dda ar hyn ddoe drwy'r datganiad, a chredaf fod cytundeb cyffredinol ym mhob rhan o'r Siambr fod y fframwaith ariannol sydd gennym ar hyn o bryd yn gwneud cam â Chymru. Mae Cymru'n cael ei gwasanaethu'n arbennig o wael gan fformiwla Barnett a chan y fframwaith ariannol presennol. Mae gan Lywodraeth Cymru bolisi clir iawn ar hyn, felly sut rydym ni'n mynd i fwrw ymlaen â hyn nawr? Mae Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros gyllid wedi siarad am hyn fel proses gyllidebu dau gam, felly a fydd Llywodraeth Cymru, er enghraifft, yn cyhoeddi Papur Gwyn ar y materion hyn er mwyn galluogi'r Senedd hon i drafod sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwriadu bwrw ymlaen â diwygio'r fframwaith ariannol?
Yr ail gwestiwn sydd gennyf i Lywodraeth Cymru yw: a oes agenda ddiwygio ar gyfer gwasanaethau cyhoeddus? Mae'r Ysgrifennydd cyllid ac eraill wedi siarad yn glir iawn ac yn argyhoeddiadol iawn ynghylch yr angen am fwy o gyllid i wasanaethau cyhoeddus, ac rwy'n cytuno â'r ddadl honno. Rwy'n ei derbyn yn llwyr. Ond a ydym yn mynd i fuddsoddi mwy a mwy o gyllid yn y gwasanaethau cyhoeddus fel y maent heddiw, neu a ydym am ddiwygio gwasanaethau cyhoeddus ar gyfer y dyfodol? Hoffwn wybod a deall sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwriadu bwrw ymlaen â hynny.
Yn drydydd ac yn olaf yn y ddadl hon, agenda economaidd. Nawr, lle rwy'n cael anawsterau gyda'r gyllideb hon yw fy mod yn credu ei bod yn eithaf clir nad yw agenda dwf Llywodraeth y DU yn ddigonol i liniaru effaith bod y tu allan i'r farchnad sengl Ewropeaidd. Rydym wedi gweld effaith Brexit ar ein heconomi, rydym wedi gweld effaith Brexit ar ein gallu i wario. Un o'r rhesymau pam y mae gennym amgylchedd treth cymharol uchel heddiw yw oherwydd bod llawer llai o ddwysedd masnach yn y Deyrnas Unedig o ganlyniad uniongyrchol i Brexit. O ganlyniad i hynny, mae'n rhaid ichi godi mwy o drethiant er mwyn codi mwy o incwm. Felly, rwy'n credu bod angen i'r Ceidwadwyr feddwl o ddifrif am hyn. Beth felly yw agenda economaidd Llywodraeth Cymru? A yw Llywodraeth Cymru yn credu y bydd bod y tu allan i'r farchnad sengl yn cael effaith ar ein refeniw treth ein hunain yn y blynyddoedd i ddod? A oes gennym strategaeth a pholisi economaidd sy'n seiliedig ar y gwaith a wneir yn Llundain, a sut y gallwn ymdrin â hynny a thrafod hynny?
Yn olaf, gadewch i mi orffen gyda hyn. Roedd llawer ohonom yn effro yn hwyr neithiwr yn gwylio'r canlyniadau o'r Unol Daleithiau, ac un o'r graffiau a arhosodd gyda mi—un o'r graffiau a welais ar CNN neithiwr—oedd y gydberthynas rhwng y gostyngiad yn y gefnogaeth i'r Blaid Ddemocrataidd ac effaith chwyddiant ar gyflogau. Lle roedd pobl wedi gweld ansawdd a safon byw yn gostwng fwyaf, felly wedyn y gostyngodd y bleidlais i'r Blaid Ddemocrataidd, ac efallai mai dyna oedd craidd stori'r etholiad neithiwr. Felly, mae gan Lywodraeth Cymru 18 mis i gael y pethau hyn yn iawn, a'r hyn sy'n rhaid i ni ei wneud yw buddsoddi—
Alun, you need to conclude now, please.
Alun, mae angen ichi ddod i ben nawr, os gwelwch yn dda.
—in our services, our people and our communities to ensure that we have the opportunity to continue doing so in the future.
—yn ein gwasanaethau, ein pobl a'n cymunedau i sicrhau ein bod yn cael cyfle i barhau i wneud hynny yn y dyfodol.
Galwaf ar Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Gyllid a'r Gymraeg, Mark Drakeford.
I call on the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Welsh Language, Mark Drakeford.

Diolch yn fawr, Dirprwy Lywydd. It was Prime Minister Disraeli who said that the Conservative Party was an organised hypocrisy, and the motion in front of the Senedd today digs deep into that rich tradition. A series of colleagues here have exposed the basis of the advice that we are offered from the Conservative benches, advice drawn on a 14-year period of austerity, which its author, George Osborne, said would last three years and lasted for 14. The longest period in our history of anaemic growth. [Interruption.] I'll make a bit of progress, Joel; I think a minute is a bit early for an intervention. I won't detain the Chamber long with this rehearsal, Dirprwy Lywydd, because others have already done it. But we're offered advice by a party responsible for the longest period in our history of anaemic growth, stalled productivity, wage erosion, reductions in funding for public services, and a devastating collapse in capital investment, and all this while engineering the most acute crisis of financial management in the post-war period by a Prime Minister who may have been outlived by a lettuce but whose own legacy lives on in the lives of Welsh citizens, with higher mortgage rates, higher interest rates and eroded living standards. Dirprwy Lywydd, this is the foundation from which the party opposite seeks to instruct others about their responsibilities. And while one after another Conservative spokesperson were sent over the top in variations of Apocalypse Now speeches, what we will do on this side is to vote against their motion because it so clearly fails to represent the facts of last week's budget, facts captured in the amendment in the name of the Trefnydd.
And I say, Dirprwy Lywydd, that these are facts, because, two weeks ago, we had a debate in advance of the budget and now we know what actually happened. And in the things that we highlighted two weeks ago, each one of those has been borne out in the budget presented by Rachel Reeves, a budget that, as Hefin David said and Alun Davies echoed, is inherently a political act—a budget that went further in demonstrating that this new UK Labour Government approaches the business of boosting the economy in a way that flies in the face of the failed policies of neoliberalism and makes certain that there is a different future for people here in Wales. I spoke two weeks ago about a Government that will regard workers as key assets in the business of building our economy. That's why the national living wage was increased by 6.7 per cent in the budget and the national minimum wage by 16.3 per cent, in a budget as well that, here in Wales, righted the wrong done to the miners' pension fund, returning it to the trustees where it belonged.
Two weeks ago, we said that the Chancellor would deal with the £22 billion gap between funded and actual expenditure in this financial year. The Chancellor said that she would accept all 10 recommendations of the Office for Budget Responsibility, and she would have to draw together a package of measures that do indeed ask those most able to do so to make a contribution to filling that black hole. In another of those highly inflamed contributions—[Interruption.] Yes, I will now. Yes, Joel.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Y Prif Weinidog Disraeli a ddywedodd fod y Blaid Geidwadol yn rhagrith trefnus, ac mae'r cynnig o flaen y Senedd heddiw yn cloddio'n ddwfn i'r traddodiad cyfoethog hwnnw. Mae cyfres o gyd-Aelodau yma wedi amlygu sail y cyngor a gynigiwyd i ni oddi ar feinciau'r Ceidwadwyr, cyngor a dynnwyd o gyfnod o 14 mlynedd o gyni, y dywedodd ei awdur, George Osborne, y byddai'n para tair blynedd ac a barhaodd am 14 mlynedd. Y cyfnod hiraf yn ein hanes o dwf anaemig. [Torri ar draws.] Rwyf am wneud peth cynnydd, Joel; rwy'n credu bod munud ychydig yn fuan i gael ymyriad. Ni wnaf gadw'r Siambr yn hir gyda hyn, Ddirprwy Lywydd, oherwydd mae eraill eisoes wedi'i ddweud. Ond cawn gynnig cyngor gan blaid sy'n gyfrifol am y cyfnod hiraf yn ein hanes o dwf anaemig, cynhyrchiant disymud, erydu cyflogau, gostyngiadau mewn cyllid ar gyfer gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, a chwymp dinistriol mewn buddsoddiad cyfalaf, a hyn i gyd gan beiriannu'r argyfwng mwyaf difrifol o ran rheolaeth ariannol ers y rhyfel gan Brif Weinidog y gwnaeth letysen oroesi'n hwy na hi ond y mae ei heffaith yn parhau ar fywydau dinasyddion Cymru, gyda chyfraddau morgais uwch, cyfraddau llog uwch a safonau byw wedi'u herydu. Ddirprwy Lywydd, o'r sylfaen hon y mae'r blaid gyferbyn yn ceisio cyfarwyddo eraill ar eu cyfrifoldebau. Ac er bod un ar ôl y llall o'r llefarwyr Ceidwadol wedi cael eu hanfon dros y top gydag amrywiadau ar areithiau Apocalypse Now, yr hyn y byddwn ni'n ei wneud ar yr ochr hon yw pleidleisio yn erbyn eu cynnig am ei fod mor amlwg yn methu nodi ffeithiau'r gyllideb yr wythnos diwethaf, ffeithiau a nodwyd yn y gwelliant yn enw'r Trefnydd.
Ac rwy'n dweud mai dyma'r ffeithiau, Ddirprwy Lywydd, oherwydd, bythefnos yn ôl, cawsom ddadl cyn y gyllideb a nawr fe wyddom beth a ddigwyddodd mewn gwirionedd. Ac yn y pethau a nodwyd gennym bythefnos yn ôl, mae pob un o'r rheini wedi'u cadarnhau yn y gyllideb a gyflwynwyd gan Rachel Reeves, cyllideb sydd, fel y dywedodd Hefin David ac a adleisiwyd gan Alun Davies, yn weithred wleidyddol yn ei hanfod—cyllideb a aeth ymhellach i ddangos bod y Llywodraeth Lafur newydd hon yn y DU yn hybu'r economi mewn ffordd sy'n gwbl groes i bolisïau neoryddfrydiaeth aflwyddiannus ac sy'n gwneud yn siŵr fod yna ddyfodol gwahanol i bobl yma yng Nghymru. Siaradais bythefnos yn ôl am Lywodraeth a fydd yn ystyried gweithwyr yn asedau allweddol yn y gwaith o adeiladu ein heconomi. Dyna pam y cynyddwyd y cyflog byw cenedlaethol 6.7 y cant yn y gyllideb a'r isafswm cyflog cenedlaethol 16.3 y cant, mewn cyllideb hefyd, yma yng Nghymru, a unionodd y cam a wnaed i gronfa bensiwn y glowyr, gan ei dychwelyd i'r ymddiriedolwyr lle roedd hi i fod.
Bythefnos yn ôl, fe wnaethom ddweud y byddai'r Canghellor yn ymdrin â'r bwlch o £22 biliwn rhwng gwariant yr ariannwyd ar ei gyfer a gwariant gwirioneddol yn y flwyddyn ariannol hon. Dywedodd y Canghellor y byddai'n derbyn pob un o'r 10 argymhelliad gan y Swyddfa Cyfrifoldeb Cyllidebol, a byddai'n rhaid iddi lunio pecyn o fesurau sy'n gofyn i'r rhai sydd fwyaf abl i wneud hynny wneud cyfraniad at lenwi'r twll du hwnnw. Mewn un arall o'r cyfraniadau hynod ymfflamychol hynny—[Torri ar draws.] Iawn, fe wnaf hynny nawr. Iawn, Joel.
I'm grateful for that. You said at the start that it was George Osborne who was the architect of austerity. That is factually incorrect. Alistair Darling set the first austerity budget. Would you amend your statement?
Rwy'n ddiolchgar am hynny. Fe ddywedoch chi ar y dechrau mai George Osborne oedd pensaer cyni. Mae hynny'n ffeithiol anghywir. Alistair Darling a osododd y gyllideb gyni gyntaf. A wnewch chi newid eich datganiad?
No, of course I will not. Alistair Darling responded to the economic circumstances he found himself in. George Osborne—[Interruption.]. No, no, no—[Interruption.] Calm down. Calm down. Calm down. George Osborne embarked on a policy of austerity as a matter of policy and choice. It was his determination to shrink the state, a policy I hear echoed by the current leader of the Conservative Party— [Interruption.]
Na wnaf, wir. Roedd Alistair Darling yn ymateb i'r amgylchiadau economaidd a wynebai. Roedd George Osborne—[Torri ar draws.]. Na, na, na—[Torri ar draws.] Byddwch yn dawel. Byddwch yn dawel. Byddwch yn dawel. Dechreuodd George Osborne ar bolisi o gyni fel mater o bolisi a dewis. Ei benderfyniad oedd crebachu'r wladwriaeth, polisi y clywaf arweinydd presennol y Blaid Geidwadol yn ei adleisio— [Torri ar draws.]
I have in my folder an article from The Guardian from 2009, where Alistair Darling states—
Mae gennyf erthygl yn fy ffolder o The Guardian yn 2009, lle mae Alistair Darling yn datgan—
Don't tell your friends. [Laughter.]
Peidiwch â dweud wrth eich ffrindiau. [Chwerthin.]
—that if the Labour Party were to get re-elected, their cuts would be worse than Thatcher's. And the Liberal Democrats at the time were promising swingeing cuts if they were the Government. So, to say George Osborne, and that it was his policy, again is factually incorrect.
—pe bai'r Blaid Lafur yn cael ei hailethol, y byddai eu toriadau'n waeth na rhai Thatcher. Ac roedd y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol ar y pryd yn addo toriadau llym pe baent hwy'n Llywodraeth. Felly, mae dweud George Osborne, mai ei bolisi ef ydoedd, unwaith eto'n ffeithiol anghywir.
Well, this is a fairly heroic attempt, Dirprwy Lywydd, at the rewriting of history. I’m afraid George Osborne himself wouldn’t agree with what the Member has said, because he set out, as he said at the time, to reduce the scope of the state, and in three years’ time the sunny uplands would be there for all to enjoy, except those uplands disappeared ever further into the future.
Dirprwy Lywydd, let me give just one example of the way in which the Chancellor used the budget to deal with that £22 billion gap. She found £80 million to support workers in Port Talbot, whereas the Conservative Party simply announced a fund, a fund that it turned out had no money in it at all until last week’s budget.
We said two weeks ago that the Chancellor would start the journey of repairing the damage done to public services. What a contrast last week provided, because it wasn’t just George Osborne who set out to shrink the state, but Kemi Badenoch has made that the centrepiece of her Conservative values. She has one remarkable achievement to her credit already, in that she has managed to be too right wing to be supported even by Andrew R.T. Davies. The contrast between Mrs Badenoch and the Chancellor of the Exchequer could not have been clearer.
Here in Wales, we now have the opportunity to begin to repair the damage done—
Wel, dyma ymgais eithaf arwrol i ailysgrifennu hanes, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Rwy'n ofni na fyddai George Osborne ei hun yn cytuno â'r hyn y mae'r Aelod wedi'i ddweud, oherwydd fe aeth ati, fel y dywedodd ar y pryd, i leihau cwmpas y wladwriaeth, ac ymhen tair blynedd byddai'r uchelfannau heulog yno i bawb eu mwynhau, heblaw bod yr uchelfannau hynny wedi diflannu ymhellach byth i'r dyfodol.
Ddirprwy Lywydd, gadewch imi roi un enghraifft yn unig o'r ffordd y defnyddiodd y Canghellor y gyllideb i ymdrin â'r bwlch o £22 biliwn. Daeth o hyd i £80 miliwn i gefnogi gweithwyr Port Talbot, er na wnaeth y Blaid Geidwadol ddim mwy na chyhoeddi cronfa, cronfa heb unrhyw arian o gwbl ynddi tan y gyllideb yr wythnos diwethaf.
Bythefnos yn ôl fe wnaethom ddweud y byddai'r Canghellor yn cychwyn ar daith i atgyweirio'r difrod a wnaed i wasanaethau cyhoeddus. Am gyferbyniad a welwyd yr wythnos diwethaf, oherwydd nid George Osborne yn unig a aeth ati i grebachu'r wladwriaeth, mae Kemi Badenoch wedi gwneud hynny'n ganolbwynt i'w gwerthoedd Ceidwadol. Mae ganddi un cyflawniad rhyfeddol i'w henw'n barod, gan ei bod wedi llwyddo i fod yn rhy asgell dde i ennyn cefnogaeth Andrew R.T. Davies hyd yn oed. Ni allai'r gwrthgyferbyniad rhwng Mrs Badenoch a Changhellor y Trysorlys fod yn gliriach.
Yma yng Nghymru, mae gennym gyfle nawr i ddechrau atgyweirio'r difrod a wnaed—

Will the finance Secretary take an intervention?
A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd cyllid dderbyn ymyriad?
Of course.
Wrth gwrs.
I’m grateful. Thank you, finance Secretary. Could you pinpoint to me where the OBR—because you use this as a line of defence for the budget and the £22 billion supposed black hole—could you pinpoint where the OBR highlighted the existence of that £22 billion black hole? Because I can’t find it, and they certainly did not highlight it in their report.
Diolch. Diolch yn fawr, Ysgrifennydd cyllid. A allech chi nodi i mi ble mae'r Swyddfa Cyfrifoldeb Cyllidebol—oherwydd rydych chi'n defnyddio hyn i amddiffyn y gyllideb a'r twll du tybiedig o £22 biliwn—a allech chi ddweud lle nododd y Swyddfa Cyfrifoldeb Cyllidebol y mae'r twll du o £22 biliwn yn bodoli? Oherwydd ni allaf ddod o hyd iddo, ac yn sicr ni wnaethant ei nodi yn eu hadroddiad.
I think the OBR said yesterday in front of a House of Commons select committee that the Conservative Government may have broken the law in concealing—[Interruption.] The OBR—it was the OBR giving evidence yesterday in front of a House of Commons select committee who said that the UK Government may have broken the law in concealing from the OBR the extent of the black hole in Jeremy Hunt’s last budget. That’s the OBR. You can read their evidence for yourself from just yesterday. [Interruption.] I’m aware of time, Dirprwy Lywydd. Diolch.
I set out yesterday the extent to which Wales now has an opportunity to begin the process of repairing the damage done by those 14 years—£700 million more this year, £700 million more next year, to invest in our public services. Finally, and most importantly, perhaps, of all for the long term, the budget provided investment for growth, £300 million between this year and next for us to be able to invest in the conditions, in the infrastructure, in the machinery, in the equipment that will allow workers here in Wales and businesses here in Wales to succeed. Alun Davies asked me about public service reform. Well, I have been talking with all my colleagues and with other organisations about the way I want to try to use that capital opportunity to bring about reform so that Welsh workers in the private and the public sector can be as productive as those in other parts of the European Union. That is why, Dirprwy Lywydd, the IMF supported the Government’s focus on boosting growth through an increase in public investment. It’s why the IFS said that the budget’s combination of extra investment, planning reform and greater stability will all help boost growth.
And let me just for a moment repeat the point that Lee Waters made. It was the head of the IFS, Paul Johnson, that highly respected independent view of economic matters, who has said that the inheritance tax changes in agriculture will fall on a remarkably modest number of farms. Now, when opposition Members don’t like independent advice, they shake their heads at me, but that is what somebody who has no stake in trying to exaggerate the impact or underplay the impact has to say.
Rwy'n credu bod y Swyddfa Cyfrifoldeb Cyllidebol wedi dweud ddoe gerbron pwyllgor dethol Tŷ'r Cyffredin y gallai'r Llywodraeth Geidwadol fod wedi torri'r gyfraith drwy gelu—[Torri ar draws.] Y Swyddfa Cyfrifoldeb Cyllidebol—y Swyddfa Cyfrifoldeb Cyllidebol wrth roi tystiolaeth ddoe gerbron pwyllgor dethol Tŷ'r Cyffredin a ddywedodd y gallai Llywodraeth y DU fod wedi torri'r gyfraith drwy gelu maint y twll du yng nghyllideb olaf Jeremy Hunt rhag y Swyddfa Cyfrifoldeb Cyllidebol. Y Swyddfa Cyfrifoldeb Cyllidebol a ddywedodd hynny. Gallwch ddarllen eu tystiolaeth ddoe ddiwethaf drosoch eich hun. [Torri ar draws.] Rwy'n ymwybodol o'r amser, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Diolch.
Ddoe, nodais y cyfle sydd gan Gymru nawr i ddechrau'r broses o atgyweirio'r difrod a wnaed gan y 14 mlynedd hynny—£700 miliwn yn fwy eleni, £700 miliwn yn fwy y flwyddyn nesaf, i fuddsoddi yn ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus. Yn olaf, ac yn bwysicaf oll, efallai, ar gyfer y tymor hir, darparodd y gyllideb fuddsoddiad ar gyfer twf, £300 miliwn rhwng eleni a'r flwyddyn nesaf i ni allu buddsoddi yn yr amodau, yn y seilwaith, yn y peirianwaith, yn yr offer a fydd yn caniatáu i weithwyr yma yng Nghymru a busnesau yma yng Nghymru lwyddo. Gofynnodd Alun Davies i mi ynglŷn â diwygio gwasanaethau cyhoeddus. Wel, rwyf wedi bod yn siarad â fy holl gyd-Aelodau a chyda sefydliadau eraill am y ffordd rwyf am geisio defnyddio'r cyfle cyfalaf hwnnw i ddiwygio fel y gall gweithwyr Cymru yn y sector preifat a'r sector cyhoeddus fod mor gynhyrchiol â'r rhai mewn rhannau eraill o'r Undeb Ewropeaidd. Dyna pam, Ddirprwy Lywydd, y cefnogodd y Gronfa Ariannol Ryngwladol ffocws y Llywodraeth ar hybu twf trwy gynyddu buddsoddiad cyhoeddus. Dyna pam y dywedodd y Sefydliad Astudiaethau Cyllid y bydd cyfuniad y gyllideb o fuddsoddiad ychwanegol, diwygio cynllunio a mwy o sefydlogrwydd oll yn helpu i hybu twf.
A gadewch i mi am eiliad ailadrodd y pwynt a wnaeth Lee Waters. Pennaeth y Sefydliad Astudiaethau Cyllid, Paul Johnson, yr olwg annibynnol uchel ei pharch honno ar faterion economaidd, a ddywedodd y bydd y newidiadau i dreth etifeddiant mewn amaethyddiaeth yn disgyn ar nifer hynod gymedrol o ffermydd. Nawr, pan nad yw Aelodau'r gwrthbleidiau yn hoffi cyngor annibynnol, maent yn ysgwyd eu pennau arnaf, ond dyna sydd gan rywun heb unrhyw fuddiant o gwbl o geisio gorliwio'r effaith neu danddatgan yr effaith i'w ddweud.
You now need to conclude, Cabinet Secretary.
Mae angen ichi ddod i ben nawr, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet.
Let me conclude, in that case, Dirprwy Lywydd. This was a budget that was never going to solve every problem, fill every hole, right every wrong. But what it has done, it has set the United Kingdom's economy and prospects here in Wales on a different pathway to the future. Of course this Government will continue to speak up for Wales, to be clear about our priorities, but now to work alongside a Government elected so emphatically here in Wales only a few months ago, so that we can create a pathway to a decent life, as Carolyn Thomas said, for the future, and an economy that thrives and works for us all.
Gadewch i mi ddod i ben, felly, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Roedd hon yn gyllideb nad oedd byth yn mynd i ddatrys pob problem, llenwi pob twll, cywiro pob camgymeriad. Ond yr hyn y mae wedi'i wneud yw gosod economi a rhagolygon y Deyrnas Unedig yma yng Nghymru ar lwybr gwahanol i'r dyfodol. Wrth gwrs, bydd y Llywodraeth hon yn parhau i godi llais dros Gymru, i fod yn glir ynglŷn â'n blaenoriaethau, ond gan weithio nawr ochr yn ochr â Llywodraeth a etholwyd mor bendant yma yng Nghymru ychydig fisoedd yn ôl, fel y gallwn greu llwybr at fywyd gweddus, fel y dywedodd Carolyn Thomas, ar gyfer y dyfodol, ac economi sy'n ffynnu ac yn gweithio i bob un ohonom.
Galwaf ar Sam Rowlands i ymateb i'r ddadl.
I call on Sam Rowlands to reply to the debate.
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer, and thank you to everybody for taking part in this important debate here this evening in the Senedd. Alun Davies was unusually correct when he said in his opening remarks that a budget debate is important because it demonstrates the priorities and attitudes of a Government. What this budget has demonstrated in its priorities and attitude is that a Labour Government will always tax you more, will always increase the burden on working people and always increase the burden on job-creating businesses, because the Labour Party thinks it knows how to spend your money better than you know how to spend it yourself.
Peter Fox opened the debate here this evening by pointing to the budget's harsh impact on those hard-working businesses, with the IFS highlighting that employers will have to pay an additional £900 for each employee on median average earnings. Even an employee on the minimum wage will mean that employers will be spending an extra £770 in a national insurance contribution.
Imagine thinking that working people were not being taxed further because of this budget’s implications. Imagine thinking that business owners are not working people. Imagine thinking that farmers are not working people. This is the hypocrisy of the Labour budget that was presented in Westminster last week. They continue to hold this line, that they're not punishing working people, but we've seen in this debate here today that all people through society, working people in particular, are being punished because of this budget.
We heard from Heledd Fychan—and it worried me slightly in the opening of Heledd Fychan's contribution, decrying the democratic will of the people of Wales to leave the European Union, clearly forgetting that our economy in the UK is performing much better than that in the eurozone—and Heledd Fychan was absolutely right to raise the impact of national insurance contributions on the third sector and charities. I'll be willing to hear more from the Cabinet Secretary in the future on that, and all the Cabinet Secretaries, on the portfolios they represent—the impact that increased national insurance will have on the third sector and charity sector.
Carolyn Thomas was keen to highlight the last 14 years of challenge within different sectors here in Wales, sadly forgetting that nearly all the ones that she mentioned—housing, health, the environment, transport, local government, education—all those areas are the responsibility of the Labour Welsh Government here in Wales.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd, a diolch i bawb am gymryd rhan yn y ddadl bwysig hon yma yn y Senedd heno. Roedd Alun Davies yn anarferol o gywir pan ddywedodd yn ei sylwadau agoriadol fod dadl ar y gyllideb yn bwysig am ei bod yn dangos blaenoriaethau ac agweddau Llywodraeth. Yr hyn y mae'r gyllideb hon wedi'i ddangos yn ei blaenoriaethau a'i hagwedd yw y bydd Llywodraeth Lafur bob amser yn codi mwy o dreth arnoch, bob amser yn cynyddu'r baich ar weithwyr a bob amser yn cynyddu'r baich ar fusnesau sy'n creu swyddi, oherwydd mae'r Blaid Lafur yn meddwl ei bod yn gwybod sut i wario eich arian yn well nag y gwyddoch chi eich hun sut i'w wario.
Agorodd Peter Fox y ddadl yma heno trwy dynnu sylw at effaith llym y gyllideb ar fusnesau gweithgar, gyda'r Sefydliad Astudiaethau Cyllid yn nodi y bydd yn rhaid i gyflogwyr dalu £900 ychwanegol am bob gweithiwr ar enillion cyfartalog canolrifol. Bydd hyd yn oed cyflogai ar yr isafswm cyflog yn golygu y bydd cyflogwyr yn gwario £770 ychwanegol mewn cyfraniad yswiriant gwladol.
Dychmygwch feddwl na fyddai gweithwyr yn cael eu trethu ymhellach yn sgil goblygiadau'r gyllideb hon. Dychmygwch feddwl nad yw perchnogion busnes yn weithwyr. Dychmygwch feddwl nad yw ffermwyr yn weithwyr. Dyma ragrith y gyllideb Lafur a gyflwynwyd yn San Steffan yr wythnos diwethaf. Maent yn parhau i honni nad ydynt yn cosbi gweithwyr, ond fe welsom yn y ddadl hon heddiw fod pawb trwy gymdeithas, gweithwyr yn enwedig, yn cael eu cosbi oherwydd y gyllideb hon.
Clywsom gan Heledd Fychan—ac roedd yn fy mhoeni braidd fod agoriad cyfraniad Heledd Fychan yn lladd ar ewyllys ddemocrataidd pobl Cymru i adael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd, gan anghofio'n amlwg fod ein heconomi yn y DU yn perfformio'n llawer gwell na'r economi yn ardal yr ewro—ac roedd Heledd Fychan yn hollol gywir i godi effaith cyfraniadau yswiriant gwladol ar y trydydd sector ac elusennau. Rwy'n barod i glywed mwy gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet ar hynny yn y dyfodol, a holl Ysgrifenyddion y Cabinet, ar y portffolios y maent yn eu cynrychioli—yr effaith y bydd mwy o yswiriant gwladol yn ei chael ar y trydydd sector a'r sector elusennol.
Roedd Carolyn Thomas yn awyddus i dynnu sylw at y 14 mlynedd diwethaf o her o fewn gwahanol sectorau yma yng Nghymru, gan anghofio bod bron bob un o'r rhai a grybwyllodd—tai, iechyd, yr amgylchedd, trafnidiaeth, llywodraeth leol, addysg—yr holl feysydd hynny'n gyfrifoldeb y Llywodraeth Lafur yma yng Nghymru.
Will you take an intervention? Don't you find it astonishing that Members for north Wales in this Chamber aren't united on all sides of the Chamber about the need for investment in north Wales, in things like the electrification of the north Wales railway line, which I didn't hear the Member opposite refer to, or the investment in hospitals in north Wales, which we're not seeing to the same extent as in the south?
A wnewch chi dderbyn ymyriad? Onid yw'n syndod i chi nad yw Aelodau gogledd Cymru yn y Siambr hon yn unedig, ar bob ochr i'r Siambr, ynghylch yr angen am fuddsoddiad yng ngogledd Cymru, mewn pethau fel trydaneiddio rheilffordd gogledd Cymru, na chlywais yr Aelod gyferbyn yn cyfeirio ato, na'r buddsoddiad mewn ysbytai yng ngogledd Cymru, nad ydym yn ei weld i'r un graddau ag yn y de?
I'm grateful for the intervention from the Member for Clwyd West, because Janet Finch-Saunders was also keen to highlight this point about the lack of announcements for the rail investment.
Rwy'n ddiolchgar am yr ymyriad gan yr Aelod dros Orllewin Clwyd, oherwydd roedd Janet Finch-Saunders hefyd yn awyddus i dynnu sylw at y pwynt ynglŷn â diffyg cyhoeddiadau am fuddsoddiad yn y rheilffyrdd.
Sam, in case you can't hear, there are requests for interventions.
Sam, rhag ofn na allwch glywed, mae yna geisiadau am ymyriadau.
I do apologise for not looking over there. I'll take the intervention.
Rwy'n ymddiheuro am fethu edrych draw acw. Fe dderbyniaf yr ymyriad.
I'm just interested to hear, because you were previously leader of a council that had to cut budgets because of your Government cutting our budget, so I'm just interested to know whether you supported cutting the budgets when you were leader, and denying services to your constituents, because you supported a Government that clearly didn't believe in public service.
Oherwydd eich bod chi'n arfer bod yn arweinydd cyngor a oedd yn gorfod cwtogi cyllidebau am fod eich Llywodraeth chi'n torri ein cyllideb ni, hoffwn wybod a oeddech chi'n cefnogi torri'r cyllidebau pan oeddech chi'n arweinydd, ac amddifadu eich etholwyr o wasanaethau, am eich bod chi'n cefnogi Llywodraeth nad oedd yn credu mewn gwasanaeth cyhoeddus.
It's an interesting intervention. Clearly the Member has forgotten again that Welsh Government is responsible for funding councils here in Wales, so councils up and down Wales are having to deal with those challenges with a Welsh Government funding formula punishing councils in north Wales, which all Members in north Wales I'm sure would rally behind, to see more funding into those local authorities.
Hefin David's contribution started to threaten to sound a bit like a young Mark Isherwood taking a trip down memory lane, and then the real Mark Isherwood thankfully intervened to put him right on the additional consequences of previous Labour Governments. I was grateful to James Evans and to Laura Anne Jones for their contributions, reminding us of the impact on farmers in Wales that this budget will have. James Evans particularly pointed out that the new DEFRA Secretary had previously pledged no changes to agricultural property relief before Labour made that screeching u-turn just last week, leaving our farming communities in the lurch. And we must remember, as James Evans and Laura Anne Jones both pointed out in particular, that our farmers are working hard to protect our environment and provide food on the table for people up and down Wales, and we need to protect them as much as possible. Lee Waters of course did his best to defend the Labour Party's policy on this, but I think was unable to do so adequately.
I was grateful to Luke Fletcher for his honesty at the risk of being boring. I'm not going to perhaps suggest whether he was accurate in his risk assessment at all, but he was absolutely right to challenge the issue around business rates and the multiplier effect and to support our high streets. Because without our high streets functioning well, and the impact of the business rates multiplier on those high streets—if that is not dealt with soon, then we see a real problem ahead. Alun Davies certainly was boring when he started talking about the financial framework, but was right to raise that point because it is an issue that does need dealing with, to ensure that services can be delivered properly here in Wales.
We were grateful, of course, to the—I was going to say 'First Minister'; I do apologise. We were grateful, finally, to the Cabinet Secretary for his views on things, but, sadly, his focus on facts I think risked slipping into the Trumpian phrase of 'alternative facts'. Because his challenge was around the facts laid out in our motion here today. And we're going to stick by our motion here today because they are factually correct. I'll read these out here now to Members across this Chamber. On this bench, we believe that
'the UK Government’s Autumn Budget breaks Labour’s manifesto commitment to not raise taxes on working people.'
That's been highlighted here multiple times today. We regret
'that many pensioners will have to choose between eating and heating as a result of the withdrawal of winter fuel payments.'
That's a fact. We recognise
'that the increase in employer national insurance contributions will make it harder for businesses to employ and retain staff.'
That is a fact. We express
'disappointment that the UK Government’s budget has failed to deliver either the electrification of the North Wales main line or Barnett consequentials from the HS2 project for Wales.'
So, in short, Dirprwy Lywydd, this budget we heard last week is anti-growth, anti-business, will produce higher debts, higher taxes, and is against the working people of Britain and Wales. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Mae'n ymyriad ddiddorol. Yn amlwg mae'r Aelod wedi anghofio eto mai Llywodraeth Cymru sy'n gyfrifol am ariannu cynghorau yma yng Nghymru, felly mae cynghorau ar hyd a lled Cymru yn gorfod ymdopi â heriau fformiwla ariannu Llywodraeth Cymru sy'n cosbi cynghorau yng ngogledd Cymru, ac rwy'n siŵr y byddai pob Aelod yng ngogledd Cymru yn eu cefnogi, i weld mwy o gyllid i'r awdurdodau lleol hynny.
Dechreuodd cyfraniad Hefin David swnio ychydig bach fel Mark Isherwood ifanc yn mynd ar daith ar hyd lôn atgofion, ac yna fe wnaeth y Mark Isherwood go iawn ymyrryd, diolch byth, i'w gywiro ar ganlyniadau ychwanegol Llywodraethau Llafur blaenorol. Roeddwn yn ddiolchgar i James Evans ac i Laura Anne Jones am eu cyfraniadau, yn ein hatgoffa o effaith y gyllideb hon ar ffermwyr yng Nghymru. Tynnodd James Evans sylw arbennig at y ffaith bod Ysgrifennydd newydd DEFRA wedi addo na fyddai unrhyw newidiadau i ryddhad eiddo amaethyddol cyn i Lafur wneud y tro pedol mawr yr wythnos diwethaf, gan adael ein cymunedau ffermio mewn twll. Ac mae'n rhaid inni gofio, fel y nododd James Evans a Laura Anne Jones yn enwedig, fod ein ffermwyr yn gweithio'n galed i ddiogelu ein hamgylchedd a rhoi bwyd ar y bwrdd i bobl ledled Cymru, ac mae angen inni eu diogelu gymaint â phosibl. Fe wnaeth Lee Waters ei orau i amddiffyn polisi'r Blaid Lafur ar hyn, ond ni allodd wneud hynny'n ddigonol.
Roeddwn yn ddiolchgar i Luke Fletcher am ei onestrwydd ynghylch y risg o fod yn ddiflas. Nid wyf am farnu a oedd yn gywir yn ei asesiad risg ai peidio, ond roedd yn llygad ei le i herio mater ardrethi busnes a'r effaith lluosydd ac yn ei gefnogaeth i'r stryd fawr. Oherwydd os nad yw ein strydoedd mawr yn gweithio'n dda, ac effaith y lluosydd ardrethi busnes ar y stryd fawr honno—os nad ymdrinnir â hynny'n fuan, rydym yn wynebu problem go iawn. Roedd Alun Davies yn sicr yn ddiflas pan ddechreuodd siarad am y fframwaith ariannol, ond roedd yn iawn i godi'r pwynt oherwydd mae'n fater y mae angen ymdrin ag ef, er mwyn sicrhau bod modd darparu gwasanaethau'n iawn yma yng Nghymru.
Roeddem yn ddiolchgar, wrth gwrs, i'r—roeddwn i'n mynd i ddweud 'Prif Weinidog'; rwy'n ymddiheuro. Roeddem yn ddiolchgar, ar y diwedd, i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet am ei farn ar bethau, ond yn anffodus, roedd perygl i'w ffocws ar ffeithiau lithro i fod yn 'ffeithiau amgen' Trumpaidd yn fy marn i. Oherwydd roedd ei her yn ymwneud â'r ffeithiau a nodwyd yn ein cynnig yma heddiw. Ac rydym yn glynu wrth ein cynnig yma heddiw am ei fod yn ffeithiol gywir. Fe ddarllenaf y ffeithiau hyn allan nawr i'r Aelodau ar draws y Siambr. Ar y fainc hon, rydym yn credu bod
'Cyllideb yr Hydref Llywodraeth y DU yn torri ymrwymiad maniffesto Llafur i beidio codi trethi ar bobl sy'n gweithio.'
Mae hynny wedi cael ei nodi yma sawl gwaith heddiw. Rydym yn gresynu
'y bydd yn rhaid i lawer o bensiynwyr ddewis rhwng bwyta a gwresogi o ganlyniad i dynnu taliadau tanwydd y gaeaf yn ôl.'
Mae hynny'n ffaith. Rydym yn cydnabod
'y bydd y cynnydd yng nghyfraniadau yswiriant gwladol cyflogwyr yn ei gwneud yn anos i fusnesau gyflogi a chadw staff.'
Mae hynny'n ffaith. Rydym yn mynegi
'siom bod cyllideb Llywodraeth y DU wedi methu â chyflawni naill ai trydaneiddio prif linell reilffordd Gogledd Cymru neu gyllid canlyniadol Barnett o brosiect HS2 i Gymru.'
Felly, yn fyr, Ddirprwy Lywydd, mae'r gyllideb a glywsom yr wythnos diwethaf yn wrth-dwf, yn wrth-fusnes, yn mynd i gynhyrchu dyledion uwch, trethi uwch, ac yn erbyn gweithwyr Prydain a Chymru. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig heb ei ddiwygio? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes—dwi wedi clywed gwrthwynebiad, felly gohiriaf y bleidlais ar yr eitem hon tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
The proposal is to agree the motion without amendment. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes, there are objections, therefore I will defer voting under this item until voting time.
Gohiriwyd y pleidleisio tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
Voting deferred until voting time.
Daw hynny â ni at y cyfnod pleidleisio. Oni bai fod tri Aelod yn dymuno i mi ganu'r gloch, symudaf yn syth i'r cyfnod pleidleisio. Felly, bydd y bleidlais ar eitem 9 heno, dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig. Galwaf am bleidlais ar y cynnig heb ei ddiwygio a gyflwynwyd yn enw Darren Millar. Os gwrthodir y cynnig, byddwn yn pleidleisio ar y gwelliannau a gynigiwyd i'r cynnig. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 15, neb yn ymatal, 38 yn erbyn, felly mae'r cynnig wedi ei wrthod.
That brings us to voting time. Unless three Members wish for the bell to be rung, I will move immediately to voting time. Therefore, the vote this evening will be on item 9, the Welsh Conservatives debate. I call for a vote on the motion without amendment, tabled in the name of Darren Millar. If the proposal is not agreed, we will vote on the amendments tabled to the motion. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 15, no abstentions, 38 against, therefore the motion is not agreed.
Eitem 9. Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig - Ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru i gyllideb Llywodraeth y DU. Cynnig heb ei ddiwygio: O blaid: 15, Yn erbyn: 38, Ymatal: 0
Gwrthodwyd y cynnig
Item 9. Welsh Conservatives Debate - Welsh Government response to UK Government budget. Motion without amendment: For: 15, Against: 38, Abstain: 0
Motion has been rejected
Galwaf nawr am bleidlais ar welliant 1 a gyflwynwyd yn enw Jane Hutt. Os derbynnir gwelliant 1, caiff gwelliannau 2, 3, 4 a 5 eu dad-ddethol. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 27, neb yn ymatal, 26 yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 1 wedi ei dderbyn.
I now call for a vote on amendment 1, tabled in the name of Jane Hutt. If amendment 1 is agreed, amendments 2, 3, 4 and 5 will be deselected. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 27, no abstentions, 26 against. Therefore, amendment 1 is agreed.
Eitem 9. Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig - Ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru i gyllideb Llywodraeth y DU. Gwelliant 1, cyflwynwyd yn enw Jane Hutt: O blaid: 27, Yn erbyn: 26, Ymatal: 0
Derbyniwyd y gwelliant
Item 9. Welsh Conservatives Debate - Welsh Government response to UK Government budget. Amendment 1, tabled in the name of Jane Hutt: For: 27, Against: 26, Abstain: 0
Amendment has been agreed
Cafodd gwelliannau 2, 3, 4 a 5 eu dad-ddethol.
Amendments 2, 3, 4 and 5 deselected.
Symudwn ymlaen nawr at welliant 6. Galwaf am bleidlais ar welliant 6, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Heledd Fychan. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 11, neb yn ymatal, 42 yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 6 wedi ei wrthod.
We will now move to a vote on amendment 6. I call for a vote on amendment 6, tabled in the name of Heledd Fychan. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 11, no abstentions, 42 against. Therefore, amendment 6 is not agreed.
Eitem 9. Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig - Ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru i gyllideb Llywodraeth y DU. Gwelliant 6, cyflwynwyd yn enw Heledd Fychan: O blaid: 11, Yn erbyn: 42, Ymatal: 0
Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant
Item 9. Welsh Conservatives Debate - Welsh Government response to UK Government budget. Amendment 6, tabled in the name of Heledd Fychan: For: 11, Against: 42, Abstain: 0
Amendment has been rejected
Galwaf nawr am bleidlais ar y cynnig wedi ei ddiwygio.
I now call for a vote on the motion as amended.
Cynnig NDM8713 fel y'i diwygiwyd:
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
1. Yn croesawu:
a) cyllideb y DU a’r cyllid ychwanegol gwerth £1.7 biliwn i Gymru; a
b) y cyllid ychwanegol ar gyfer diogelwch tomenni glo a’r cynnydd mewn cyllid cyfalaf ar gyfer buddsoddi mewn seilwaith.
2. Yn cydnabod bod hyn yn gam cyntaf tuag at unioni’r difrod a achoswyd gan Lywodraeth flaenorol y DU i wasanaethau cyhoeddus a chyllid cyhoeddus.
3. Yn nodi y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru:
a) yn cyhoeddi ei chyllideb ddrafft ym mis Rhagfyr, gan nodi sut y bydd yn cefnogi blaenoriaethau a gwasanaethau cyhoeddus Cymru, gan gynnwys y GIG, ysgolion a llywodraeth leol; a
b) yn parhau i weithio gyda Llywodraeth y DU i sicrhau cyllid teg i’r rheilffyrdd yng Nghymru a mwy o hyblygrwydd cyllidebol.
Motion NDM8713 as amended:
To propose that the Senedd:
1. Welcomes:
a) the UK budget and the additional £1.7 billion funding for Wales; and
b) the additional funding for coal tip safety and the increase in capital funding for infrastructure investment.
2. Recognises this is a first step towards repairing the damage inflicted by the previous UK Government on public services and public finances.
3. Notes that the Welsh Government will:
a) publish its draft budget in December, setting out how it will support Wales’s priorities and public services, including the NHS, schools and local government; and
b) continue to work with the UK Government to secure fair rail funding for Wales and improved budget flexibilities.
Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 27, neb yn ymatal, 26 yn erbyn. Felly, mae'r cynnig wedi ei ddiwygio wedi ei dderbyn.
Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 27, no abstentions, 26 against. Therefore, the motion as amended is agreed.
Eitem 9. Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig - Ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru i gyllideb Llywodraeth y DU. Cynnig wedi'i ddiwygio: O blaid: 27, Yn erbyn: 26, Ymatal: 0
Derbyniwyd y cynnig fel y'i diwygiwyd
Item 9. Welsh Conservatives Debate - Welsh Government response to UK Government budget. Motion as amended: For: 27, Against: 26, Abstain: 0
Motion as amended has been agreed
And that concludes voting today, but we haven't concluded our business, so, if Members are leaving, please do so quietly.
A daw hynny â'r pleidleisio i ben am heddiw, ond nid ydym wedi gorffen ein busnes, felly, os oes Aelodau'n gadael, gwnewch hynny'n dawel.
Symudaf yn awr i'r ddadl fer, a galwaf ar James Evans i siarad am y pwnc a ddewiswyd ganddo. James.
I now move to the short debate, and I call on James Evans to speak to the topic that he has chosen. James.
Diolch, Deputy Presiding Officer. I'd like to give a minute of my time to Russell George, Sam Rowlands, Gareth Davies and the one and only Janet Finch-Saunders.
The future of healthcare in rural Wales is under serious strain. In Brecon and Radnorshire, we face a unique set of challenges due to our sparsely populated areas, which has limited access to hospitals and emergency services. Most residents are forced to travel outside the county to receive essential care. This issue is especially concerning, given our ageing population in Powys, where nearly 28 per cent of the population are aged 65 or older, much higher than the national average. This figure is projected to skyrocket, with over-65s reaching 47,000 by 2036. Despite these increasing needs, Powys Teaching Health Board struggles under a £23 million budget deficit, a clear indication of financial mismanagement.
While some positive steps have been made, such as advancements in stroke rehabilitation and mobile dental units—all these are to be welcomed—they are consistently undermined by significant cuts to our essential services, which are always on the front line. Most concerning are the cuts to minor injuries unit opening hours across rural Wales, and the downgrading of Crug ward in Brecon, which cared for dementia patients. Knighton hospital in the north of my constituency has been reduced to a small respite unit, further diminishing the scope of the care we can provide locally within our cottage hospitals in rural Wales.
The downgrading of these services isn't limited to Powys alone. Recently, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board announced the closure and downgrading of wards, meaning a loss of nearly 15 beds, at a minimum. Our district general hospitals in Merthyr, Hereford, which is across the border, Swansea and the Grange are frequently at capacity and on red alerts, and maternity services in Bronglais can't accept any more patients. These are not isolated cases but signs of a system—our NHS here in Wales—that is buckling under pressure. I do applaud colleagues from all across the political spectrum in this Chamber who have spoken out about cuts to the NHS in their own communities, as we're all facing the same challenges right the way across Wales.
For non-acute care, the situation is even more fragmented. It's unacceptable that elderly residents in Abercrave must travel as far as Telford for eye appointments because of service level agreements that rural health boards strike across the country even though a closer hospital, in Swansea, could handle that treatment. It simply isn't good enough. Similarly, patients from rural Wales find themselves driving to Shrewsbury for orthodontic care for their children, despite these services being available much closer within Wales.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Hoffwn roi munud o fy amser i Russell George, Sam Rowlands, Gareth Davies a'r dihafal Janet Finch-Saunders.
Mae dyfodol gofal iechyd yng nghefn gwlad Cymru dan straen ddifrifol. Ym Mrycheiniog a Sir Faesyfed, rydym yn wynebu cyfres unigryw o heriau oherwydd ein hardaloedd prin eu poblogaeth, lle mae mynediad at ysbytai a gwasanaethau brys yn gyfyngedig. Mae'r rhan fwyaf o drigolion yn cael eu gorfodi i deithio y tu allan i'r sir i gael gofal hanfodol. Mae'r broblem yn arbennig o bryderus o ystyried ein poblogaeth sy'n heneiddio ym Mhowys, lle mae bron i 28 y cant o'r boblogaeth yn 65 oed neu'n hŷn, sy'n llawer uwch na'r cyfartaledd cenedlaethol. Rhagwelir y bydd y ffigur hwn yn codi i'r entrychion, gyda nifer y bobl dros 65 oed yn cyrraedd 47,000 erbyn 2036. Er gwaethaf yr anghenion cynyddol hyn, mae Bwrdd Iechyd Addysgu Powys yn brwydro dan ddiffyg cyllidebol o £23 miliwn, arwydd clir o gamreoli ariannol.
Er bod rhai camau cadarnhaol wedi'u gwneud, megis datblygiadau ym maes adsefydlu strôc ac unedau deintyddol symudol—mae'r rhain i gyd i'w croesawu—cânt eu tanseilio'n gyson gan doriadau sylweddol i'n gwasanaethau hanfodol, sydd bob amser ar y rheng flaen. Y toriadau mwyaf gofidus yw'r rhai i oriau agor unedau mân anafiadau ar draws cefn gwlad Cymru, ac israddio ward Crug yn Aberhonddu, a ofalai am gleifion dementia. Mae ysbyty Trefyclo yng ngogledd fy etholaeth wedi cael ei leihau'n uned seibiant fechan, gan gyfyngu fwyfwy ar gwmpas y gofal y gallwn ei ddarparu'n lleol yn ein hysbytai bwthyn yng nghefn gwlad Cymru.
Nid yw israddio'r gwasanaethau hyn wedi'i gyfyngu i Bowys yn unig. Yn ddiweddar, cyhoeddodd Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Aneurin Bevan fod wardiau'n cau ac yn israddio, gan olygu colli bron i 15 gwely, fan lleiaf. Mae ein hysbytai cyffredinol dosbarth ym Merthyr Tudful, Henffordd, sydd dros y ffin, Abertawe a'r Faenor yn aml yn llawn ac ar rybudd coch, ac ni all gwasanaethau mamolaeth yn ysbyty Bronglais dderbyn rhagor o gleifion. Nid achosion ynysig yw'r rhain ond arwyddion o system—ein GIG yma yng Nghymru—yn gwegian o dan y pwysau. Rwy'n cymeradwyo cyd-Aelodau o bob rhan o'r sbectrwm gwleidyddol yn y Siambr hon sydd wedi siarad am doriadau i'r GIG yn eu cymunedau eu hunain, gan ein bod i gyd yn wynebu'r un heriau ar draws Cymru.
Ar gyfer gofal nad yw'n acíwt, mae'r sefyllfa hyd yn oed yn fwy tameidiog. Mae'n annerbyniol fod yn rhaid i drigolion oedrannus yn Aber-craf deithio cyn belled â Telford i gael apwyntiadau llygaid oherwydd cytundebau lefel gwasanaeth y mae byrddau iechyd gwledig yn eu taro ar draws y wlad er y gallai ysbyty agosach, yn Abertawe, wneud y driniaeth honno. Nid yw'n ddigon da. Yn yr un modd, mae cleifion o gefn gwlad Cymru yn gyrru i Amwythig am ofal orthodontig i'w plant, er bod y gwasanaethau hyn ar gael yn llawer agosach yng Nghymru.
These examples show the breakdown in co-ordination between health boards, leaving patients stranded in a web of bureaucracy and needless travel, and, more often than not, as an MS and other MSs here who represent rural Wales, we are contacted to pick up the pieces. Our health boards may be under budgetary pressures, but there is no excuse for mismanagement. That disproportionally impacts our front-line services. Efficiencies could be found in the NHS by streamlining management, improving organisation and rethinking our approach to healthcare delivery.
Time and time again, we hear from the health Secretary that they won't intervene in local decisions, yet this isn't just a local decision, this is a national problem. We still lack across Wales a unified IT system across health boards, and waiting lists in Wales are out of control. We need strong oversight from the Minister, and it's time to shake up the system, to root out waste and prioritise the health of our people. I know the previous health Secretary did some work into looking into the organisation and accountability of health boards across Wales, and it'd be very interesting to hear from the Cabinet Secretary a little bit about that and how we can actually hold health boards more to account.
What we do see, though, is top-level management positions across health boards, they keep getting advertised, yet I hear countless stories—I'm sure as others do—of roles that one person used to handle now being expanded into multiple positions with no increases in efficiency. This must change. The bureaucracy grows and grows as front-line services are cut.
The critical role of GP practices in rural communities cannot be overstated. We had a good debate in here earlier on the future of our GP practices. They are our front line; they are the stop-the-gap between critical services and community services, but many of them feel they're consistently fighting against health boards just to provide basic care because they cannot get contracts arranged with health boards. Their innovative ideas and solutions to improve service areas are often ignored. They're presented to health boards across rural Wales, and the health boards don't want to listen to them, and I'd be interested to hear as well from the Minister how, actually, our GPs can feed more into the process and directly correspond with the Minister to make sure that their decisions and their ideas are being heard by Government. If we are serious about rural healthcare, we do need to empower our GPs and give them tools to manage their practices efficiently.
Dementia care is yet another issue that requires immediate attention. In rural Powys, only 40 per cent of those living with dementia have received a formal diagnosis—that's shocking—meaning more than half are without essential support and treatment, and, without that diagnosis, they can't get the changes and adaptations they need to stay in their homes for longer. With an ageing population, this lack of access to diagnostic resource is alarming. We must do better for those individuals, ensuring that every person, regardless of where they live, has access to timely, quality healthcare.
The people of rural Wales deserve better. Our communities are being neglected by a system that's lost sight of what truly matters and more focuses on urban areas. We need a healthcare system that serves its people and not one that forces elderly residents into arduous journeys and ignores the hard work of our GPs and other health professionals.
One thing we do need to look at is the structure of our NHS across Wales. The NHS is not a sacred cow. It should not be immune from change. And time and time again, we see Governments not willing to grasp it by the nettle and actually deliver the change that's needed, because Governments worry about the political backlash of changing the NHS, of driving efficiency and making it serve the people of rural Wales and the whole of Wales better. And I implore the Welsh Government: forget the ballot box, think about the people that the changes could actually make to get them seen in appointments, get operations done, and make sure the system works better. The future of rural healthcare in Wales depends on action and accountability and a commitment to making real changes for the people who need it the most. It's time to prioritise front-line services, invest in our GPs, demand the joined-up approach that will deliver the healthcare our communities deserve and deliver that NHS that we all need for the future. Diolch.
Mae'r enghreifftiau hyn yn dangos y methiant i gydlynu rhwng byrddau iechyd, gan adael cleifion yn sownd mewn gwe o fiwrocratiaeth a theithio diangen, ac yn amlach na pheidio, fel Aelod Senedd ac Aelodau eraill o'r Senedd yma sy'n cynrychioli'r Gymru wledig, mae pobl yn cysylltu â ni i gamu i'r adwy. Efallai fod ein byrddau iechyd o dan bwysau cyllidebol, ond nid oes esgus dros gamreoli. Mae hynny'n cael effaith anghymesur ar ein gwasanaethau rheng flaen. Gellid dod o hyd i arbedion effeithlonrwydd yn y GIG drwy symleiddio rheolaeth, gwella trefniadaeth ac ailfeddwl ein dull o ddarparu gofal iechyd.
Dro ar ôl tro, clywn gan yr Ysgrifennydd iechyd nad ydynt am ymyrryd mewn penderfyniadau lleol, ond eto nid penderfyniad lleol yn unig yw hwn, mae'n broblem genedlaethol. Rydym yn dal i fod heb system TG unedig ledled Cymru ar draws y byrddau iechyd, ac mae rhestrau aros yng Nghymru allan o reolaeth. Mae angen goruchwyliaeth gref gan y Gweinidog, ac mae'n bryd rhoi ysgytwad i'r system, cael gwared ar wastraff a blaenoriaethu iechyd ein pobl. Rwy'n gwybod bod yr Ysgrifennydd iechyd blaenorol wedi gwneud peth gwaith ar edrych ar drefniadaeth ac atebolrwydd byrddau iechyd ledled Cymru, a byddai'n ddiddorol iawn clywed ychydig am hynny gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet a sut y gallwn ddwyn byrddau iechyd i gyfrif yn well.
Yr hyn a welwn, serch hynny, yw swyddi rheoli lefel uchaf ar draws y byrddau iechyd yn parhau i gael eu hysbysebu, ac eto rwy'n clywed straeon dirifedi—fel eraill, rwy'n siŵr—am rolau yr arferai un person eu gweithredu bellach yn cael eu hehangu'n sawl swydd heb unrhyw gynnydd mewn effeithlonrwydd. Rhaid i hyn newid. Mae'r fiwrocratiaeth yn tyfu ac yn tyfu wrth i wasanaethau rheng flaen gael eu torri.
Ni ellir gorbwysleisio rôl hanfodol practisau meddygon teulu mewn cymunedau gwledig. Cawsom ddadl dda yma yn gynharach ar ddyfodol ein practisau meddygon teulu. Hwy yw ein rheng flaen; hwy sy'n sefyll yn y bwlch rhwng gwasanaethau hanfodol a gwasanaethau cymunedol, ond mae llawer ohonynt yn teimlo eu bod yn brwydro'n barhaol â byrddau iechyd i ddarparu lefel sylfaenol o ofal yn unig am na allant gael contractau wedi'u trefnu gyda byrddau iechyd. Mae eu syniadau a'u hatebion arloesol i wella meysydd gwasanaeth yn aml yn cael eu hanwybyddu. Cânt eu cyflwyno i fyrddau iechyd ar draws cefn gwlad Cymru, ac nid yw'r byrddau iechyd eisiau gwrando arnynt, a hoffwn glywed hefyd gan y Gweinidog sut y gall ein meddygon teulu fwydo mwy i mewn i'r broses a gohebu'n uniongyrchol â'r Gweinidog i sicrhau bod eu penderfyniadau a'u syniadau'n cael eu clywed gan y Llywodraeth. Os ydym o ddifrif ynglŷn â gofal iechyd gwledig, mae angen inni rymuso ein meddygon teulu a rhoi offer iddynt reoli eu practisau'n effeithlon.
Mae gofal dementia yn fater arall eto sydd angen sylw ar unwaith. Yng nghefn gwlad Powys, dim ond 40 y cant o'r rhai sy'n byw gyda dementia sydd wedi cael diagnosis ffurfiol—mae hynny'n arswydus—sy'n golygu bod mwy na'u hanner heb fod yn cael cymorth a thriniaeth hanfodol, a heb y diagnosis hwnnw, ni allant gael y newidiadau a'r addasiadau sydd eu hangen arnynt i aros yn eu cartrefi am fwy o amser. Gyda phoblogaeth sy'n heneiddio, mae'r diffyg mynediad hwn at adnoddau diagnostig yn frawychus. Mae'n rhaid inni wneud yn well i'r unigolion hynny, gan sicrhau bod pob person, ble bynnag y bo'n byw, yn gallu cael gofal iechyd amserol o safon.
Mae pobl cefn gwlad Cymru yn haeddu gwell. Mae ein cymunedau yn cael eu hesgeuluso gan system sydd wedi colli golwg ar yr hyn sy'n bwysig go iawn ac sy'n canolbwyntio mwy ar ardaloedd trefol. Mae arnom angen system gofal iechyd sy'n gwasanaethu ei phobl ac nid un sy'n gorfodi trigolion oedrannus i fynd ar deithiau anodd ac sy'n anwybyddu gwaith caled ein meddygon teulu a gweithwyr iechyd proffesiynol eraill.
Un peth y mae angen inni edrych arno yw strwythur ein GIG ledled Cymru. Nid yw'r GIG yn fuwch gysegredig. Ni ddylai fod yn rhydd rhag newid. A dro ar ôl tro, rydym yn gweld Llywodraethau'n amharod i fynd i'r afael â hyn a chyflawni'r newid sydd ei angen, am fod Llywodraethau'n poeni am yr ymateb gwleidyddol i newid y GIG, i yrru arbedion effeithlonrwydd a gwneud iddo wasanaethu pobl cefn gwlad Cymru a Chymru gyfan yn well. Ac rwy'n erfyn ar Lywodraeth Cymru: anghofiwch y blwch pleidleisio, meddyliwch am y bobl y gallai'r newidiadau eu helpu drwy sicrhau eu bod yn cael eu gweld mewn apwyntiadau, yn cael llawdriniaethau wedi'u gwneud, a thrwy sicrhau bod y system yn gweithio'n well. Mae dyfodol gofal iechyd gwledig yng Nghymru yn dibynnu ar weithredu ac atebolrwydd ac ymrwymiad i wneud newidiadau go iawn i'r bobl sydd ei angen fwyaf. Mae'n bryd blaenoriaethu gwasanaethau rheng flaen, buddsoddi yn ein meddygon teulu, mynnu'r dull cydgysylltiedig a fydd yn darparu'r gofal iechyd y mae ein cymunedau yn ei haeddu a darparu'r GIG sydd ei angen arnom i gyd ar gyfer y dyfodol. Diolch.
I thank James Evans for allowing me to contribute in this debate as well. Of course, Powys has no district general hospital, and James and I frequently have to tell our constituents and set out the reasons why it's not possible for there to be a DGH in Powys. But what I think we can expect is a good, reliable network of community hospitals across Powys, and that should be the bare minimum.
Now, I've huge concerns at the moment, I've raised them with the Cabinet Secretary, about the downgrading of Llanidloes hospital, which is disappointing. But I hope that, when the Cabinet Secretary responds to this debate today, he'll set out his positive vision for rural health, and in doing so I hope he can also update us on plans for a new hospital and health hub in Newtown, which I know the former First Minister, Mark Drakeford, often commented on and committed to, because this is absolutely crucial not to serve just the town, but the whole of north Powys, working with other community hospitals. So, I really am looking forward to an update on the current position in that regard from the Cabinet Secretary as well.
Diolch i James Evans am ganiatáu imi gyfrannu yn y ddadl hon hefyd. Wrth gwrs, nid oes gan Bowys ysbyty cyffredinol dosbarth, ac yn aml mae'n rhaid i James a minnau ddweud wrth ein hetholwyr a nodi'r rhesymau pam nad yw'n bosibl cael ysbyty cyffredinol dosbarth ym Mhowys. Ond yr hyn y gallwn ei ddisgwyl, fan lleiaf yn fy marn i, yw rhwydwaith da, dibynadwy o ysbytai cymunedol ar draws Powys.
Nawr, mae gennyf bryderon enfawr ar hyn o bryd, rwyf wedi eu codi gydag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, ynglŷn ag israddio ysbyty Llanidloes, sy'n siomedig. Ond rwy'n gobeithio, pan fydd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn ymateb i'r ddadl hon heddiw, y bydd yn nodi ei weledigaeth gadarnhaol ar gyfer iechyd gwledig, ac wrth wneud hynny, rwy'n gobeithio y gall roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i ni am gynlluniau ar gyfer ysbyty a chanolfan iechyd newydd yn y Drenewydd, a gwn fod y cyn-Brif Weinidog, Mark Drakeford, wedi gwneud sylwadau ar hynny droeon ac wedi ymrwymo i hynny, oherwydd mae hyn yn gwbl hanfodol nid yn unig i wasanaethu'r dref, ond gogledd Powys gyfan, gan weithio gydag ysbytai cymunedol eraill. Felly, rwy'n edrych ymlaen yn fawr at y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y sefyllfa bresennol yn hynny o beth gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet hefyd.
I'm grateful to James Evans for tabling this short debate for today as well. Two points I just want to make, briefly. The first is in relation to general practice, and what we've seen across Wales in the last 12 years is more than 100 GP surgeries closing, over, as I say, the last 12 years in Wales. And when it's been raised previously in this place, previous Cabinet Secretaries or Ministers have pointed towards a strategic aim of creating these health hubs, which absolutely work really well in towns and cities where transport links work well, but, in our rural areas, clearly, getting to and from your GP surgery can be a real challenge at times, especially with public transport in some areas being really limited. So, I'd be grateful to hear from the Cabinet Secretary his views on how the grouping together of general practice and the service they deliver works and will work in rural areas, and whether there should be a greater piece of work to ensure that our rural communities have GP surgeries that are accessible.
And the second point, briefly, is we haven't perhaps mentioned enough of the mental health challenges in some of our rural communities, particularly with our famers and farm workers, and I'd be keen to understand the Cabinet Secretary’s views on where mental health services can provide additional, perhaps, specific support to some people in our rural areas, particularly to farmers, who are feeling a real pressure at the moment, to ensure that they are supported in the most appropriate way. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Rwy'n ddiolchgar i James Evans am gyflwyno'r ddadl fer hon heddiw hefyd. Hoffwn ddweud dau beth yn fyr. Mae'r cyntaf mewn perthynas ag ymarfer cyffredinol, a'r hyn a welsom ledled Cymru yn ystod y 12 mlynedd diwethaf yw mwy na 100 o feddygfeydd meddygon teulu yn cau, dros y 12 mlynedd diwethaf yng Nghymru, fel y dywedais. A phan gafodd hyn ei godi'n flaenorol yn y lle hwn, mae Gweinidogion neu Ysgrifenyddion Cabinet blaenorol wedi cyfeirio at nod strategol o greu'r canolfannau iechyd hyn, sy'n gweithio'n dda iawn mewn trefi a dinasoedd lle mae cysylltiadau trafnidiaeth yn gweithio'n dda, ond yn ein hardaloedd gwledig, yn amlwg, gall mynd i'ch meddygfa meddyg teulu ac oddi yno fod yn her wirioneddol ar adegau, yn enwedig gyda thrafnidiaeth gyhoeddus mewn rhai ardaloedd yn gyfyngedig iawn. Felly, hoffwn glywed barn Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet ynglŷn â sut y bydd grwpio ymarfer cyffredinol a'r gwasanaeth y maent yn ei ddarparu gyda'i gilydd yn gweithio a sut y bydd yn gweithio mewn ardaloedd gwledig, ac a ddylid gwneud mwy o waith i sicrhau bod gan ein cymunedau gwledig feddygfeydd meddygon teulu sy'n hygyrch.
A'r ail bwynt, yn gryno, yw nad ydym wedi crybwyll digon ar yr heriau iechyd meddwl yn rhai o'n cymunedau gwledig, yn enwedig gyda'n ffermwyr a'n gweithwyr fferm, ac rwy'n awyddus i glywed barn Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet ar ble y gall gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl ddarparu cymorth ychwanegol, penodol efallai, i rai pobl yn ein hardaloedd gwledig, yn enwedig i ffermwyr, sy'n teimlo pwysau gwirioneddol ar hyn o bryd, er mwyn sicrhau eu bod yn cael eu cefnogi yn y ffordd fwyaf priodol. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Thank you, James, for tabling this important discussion here tonight in the Senedd. Whereas it's welcome, obviously, that we're talking about broadening the scope of community healthcare provision in rural areas, I believe we're having a conversation around something that was set up organically many years ago, because I think of my patch, for example—we had a community hospital in most towns going back in history. We had Chatsworth House in Prestatyn, Royal Alexandra in Rhyl, HM Stanley in St Asaph. But what they did, organically, was take pressure off the acute units in Glan Clwyd and other major hospitals in north Wales. But we seem to be—not reinventing the wheel, but then almost having conversations around something that was there organically anyway.
But what I'm looking for, in terms of responses from the Minister, is in response to the UK Government's budget last week, and whether there can be any progress to be made on the construction, or the delayed construction, of a north Denbighshire community hospital in Rhyl, which would serve as an antidote to some of those acute waiting times at Glan Clwyd’s accident and emergency department. It's been promised for over a decade now, and we really need to be making some progress in order for my constituents to receive timely primary healthcare services in their local area. Thank you.
Diolch, James, am gyflwyno'r drafodaeth bwysig hon heno yn y Senedd. Er bod croeso i'r ffaith ein bod yn siarad am ehangu cwmpas y ddarpariaeth gofal iechyd cymunedol mewn ardaloedd gwledig wrth gwrs, rwy'n credu ein bod yn cael sgwrs am rywbeth a sefydlwyd yn organig flynyddoedd maith yn ôl, oherwydd rwy'n meddwl am fy ardal i, er enghraifft—roedd gennym ysbyty cymunedol yn y rhan fwyaf o drefi yn mynd yn ôl mewn hanes. Roedd gennym Chatsworth ym Mhrestatyn, Royal Alexandra yn y Rhyl, HM Stanley yn Llanelwy. Ond yr hyn a wnaethant, yn organig, oedd tynnu pwysau oddi ar yr unedau acíwt yng Nglan Clwyd ac ysbytai mawr eraill yng ngogledd Cymru. Ond mae'n ymddangos ein bod—nid yn ailddyfeisio'r olwyn, ond bron yn cael sgyrsiau am rywbeth a oedd yno'n organig beth bynnag.
Ond yr hyn rwy'n chwilio amdano yn ymateb y Gweinidog yw ei ymateb i gyllideb Llywodraeth y DU yr wythnos diwethaf, ac a ellir gwneud unrhyw gynnydd ar adeiladu, neu ynghylch yr oedi cyn adeiladu, ysbyty cymunedol yng ngogledd sir Ddinbych yn y Rhyl, a fyddai'n gwella rhai o'r amseroedd aros acíwt yn adran damweiniau ac achosion brys Glan Clwyd. Mae wedi cael ei addo ers dros ddegawd bellach, ac mae gwir angen inni wneud rhywfaint o gynnydd er mwyn i fy etholwyr gael gwasanaethau gofal iechyd sylfaenol amserol yn eu hardal leol. Diolch.
I thank James Evans for bringing this important debate here, and also for allowing me a minute. A new problem that’s started affecting Aberconwy constituents, and indeed Betsi Cadwaladr patients, is the Welsh ambulance service cancelling appointments for people very near to the time of their appointment. This leaves patients really concerned, upset, and feeling that they’ve missed an appointment in the first place. They need that appointment, and these are often people living in remote rural communities. These services are a vital lifeline to many in the Conwy valley. Aberconwy covers from Llanfairfechan to Penrhyn Bay, the Conwy valley, right up to Capel Curig and Dolwyddelan. It’s a huge swathe of rural isolated parts. Without this transport, some patients are forced to then pay for expensive taxi alternatives, and we’ve got poor bus services across the same areas.
Indeed, recently, Cabinet Secretary, I’ve even had appointments falling far outside our county, some as far as Liverpool—urgent heart appointments and things—and, again, arranged transport, only for it to be cancelled. It’s completely unacceptable. These services must be preserved and protected to ensure that those in rural areas—often among the most vulnerable—can access the medical treatment they need without having to spend extra on unnecessary taxi journeys. And, also, how much is it costing in resources for all the failed appointments, where the consultant is waiting for the patient? Their health should never be at risk as a result of something like this. How are you going to address this basic inequality? Diolch.
Diolch i James Evans am ddod â'r ddadl bwysig hon yma, a hefyd am ganiatáu munud i mi. Problem newydd sydd wedi dechrau effeithio ar etholwyr Aberconwy, ac ar gleifion Betsi Cadwaladr yn wir, yw gwasanaeth ambiwlans Cymru sy'n canslo apwyntiadau i bobl yn agos iawn at adeg eu hapwyntiad. Mae hyn yn gadael cleifion yn poeni, yn ofidus ac yn teimlo eu bod wedi methu apwyntiad yn y lle cyntaf. Maent angen yr apwyntiad hwnnw, ac yn aml mae'r rhain yn bobl sy'n byw mewn cymunedau gwledig anghysbell. Mae'r gwasanaethau hyn yn achubiaeth hanfodol i lawer yn nyffryn Conwy. Mae Aberconwy yn ymestyn o Lanfairfechan i Fae Penrhyn, dyffryn Conwy, hyd at Gapel Curig a Dolwyddelan. Mae'n ardal enfawr o rannau gwledig ynysig. Heb y drafnidiaeth hon, caiff rhai cleifion eu gorfodi i dalu am ddewisiadau amgen ar ffurf tacsis drud, ac mae gwasanaethau bws ar draws yr un ardaloedd yn wael.
Yn ddiweddar, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, rwyf wedi clywed am apwyntiadau ymhell y tu allan i'n sir, rhai cyn belled â Lerpwl—apwyntiadau calon brys a phethau—ac unwaith eto, cafodd cludiant ei drefnu, cyn ei ganslo wedyn. Mae'n gwbl annerbyniol. Rhaid cadw'r gwasanaethau hyn a'u gwarchod er mwyn sicrhau bod pobl mewn ardaloedd gwledig—sydd ymhlith y bobl fwyaf agored i niwed yn aml—yn gallu cael mynediad at y driniaeth feddygol sydd ei hangen arnynt heb orfod gwario mwy ar deithiau tacsi diangen. A hefyd, faint mae'r holl apwyntiadau sy'n cael eu methu'n ei gostio mewn adnoddau, lle mae'r meddyg ymgynghorol yn aros am y claf? Ni ddylai eu hiechyd byth fod mewn perygl o ganlyniad i rywbeth fel hyn. Sut y bwriadwch chi fynd i'r afael â'r anghydraddoldeb sylfaenol hwn? Diolch.
A Galwaf ar Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol i ymateb i’r ddadl. Jeremy Miles.
And I call on the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care to reply to the debate. Jeremy Miles.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd, and this is an important debate reflecting the importance of rural healthcare to communities all over Wales. And my vision, in response to the question that colleagues have asked, is that everyone should be able to access quality NHS care as close to home as possible, wherever they live in Wales. We continue to work with the NHS to move more care out of hospitals, which is in line with the approach set out in our long-term plan, 'A Healthier Wales'. This does include investing in digital, in equipment and in services, investing in our NHS workforce, especially attracting healthcare professionals into rural areas, and in our NHS estate as well, and providing strategic guidance to health boards to plan local services, and we’ve heard how important that is today.
I’ll say something about each of these areas. Last month, the Powys Teaching Health Board announced £1.7 million for new digital x-ray equipment, which will be installed in two phases: the first beginning this month in Ystradgynlais, Llandrindod Wells and Welshpool, and the second phase will begin in early January 2025. We have funded this, and the new equipment will produce faster, clearer images, helping to improve diagnostic testing for people in Powys, by reducing waiting times and providing quicker and more accurate results.
We are also funding the digital medicines transformation portfolio, which will digitise all prescriptions across both primary and secondary care. The electronic prescription service is a major element of this portfolio, and a major change programme is being rolled out across Wales, practice by practice, community pharmacy by community pharmacy, including in rural Wales. At the beginning of October, the service was live in 13 GP practices and 51 community pharmacies. The pace of change will now begin to pick up quickly. Once it’s been deployed across Wales, the service will allow prescriptions to be transmitted swiftly between England and Wales, and the cross-border flow of prescriptions is important for many, especially those who live and use pharmacies in rural communities near and along the border. Once rolled out, it will mean, ultimately, that people will be able to nominate any pharmacy in Wales or England to dispense their prescription.
I want to use this opportunity, Dirprwy Lywydd, to share some examples, as I’ve been invited by Members, of how health boards are developing new ways of bringing healthcare closer to people in more rural areas. In north Wales, Betsi Cadwaladr health board has launched a mobile audiology service, to provide high-quality NHS care for some of its local communities. Powys Teaching Health Board, as we’ve heard, is using a mobile dental unit—and I’m pleased to hear that being welcomed—to provide NHS dentistry in underserved areas. A mobile dental unit in Hay-on-Wye is offering the same range of dental procedures as would be available in any high-street practice, from extractions to crowns and dentures.
The recruitment and retention of healthcare professionals can be harder in rural areas and is a key part of our strategy for improving access to NHS care, including dentistry. We're looking to identify and establish innovative opportunities to upskill and improve career pathways to make working in rural Wales more attractive still.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd, ac mae hon yn ddadl bwysig sy'n adlewyrchu pwysigrwydd gofal iechyd gwledig i gymunedau ledled Cymru. A fy ngweledigaeth i, mewn ymateb i'r cwestiwn y mae cyd-Aelodau wedi'i ofyn, yw y dylai pawb allu cael mynediad at ofal GIG o safon mor agos at adref â phosibl, ble bynnag y bônt yn byw yng Nghymru. Rydym yn parhau i weithio gyda'r GIG i symud mwy o ofal allan o ysbytai, sy'n cyd-fynd â'r dull gweithredu a nodir yn ein cynllun hirdymor, 'Cymru Iachach'. Mae hyn yn cynnwys buddsoddi mewn technoleg ddigidol, offer a gwasanaethau, buddsoddi yng ngweithlu'r GIG, yn enwedig denu gweithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol i ardaloedd gwledig, ac yn ein hystad GIG hefyd, a darparu arweiniad strategol i fyrddau iechyd i gynllunio gwasanaethau lleol, ac rydym wedi clywed pa mor bwysig yw hynny heddiw.
Fe ddywedaf rywbeth am bob un o'r meysydd hyn. Fis diwethaf, cyhoeddodd Bwrdd Iechyd Addysgu Powys £1.7 miliwn ar gyfer offer pelydr-x digidol newydd, a fydd yn cael ei osod mewn dau gam: mae'r cyntaf yn dechrau y mis hwn yn Ystradgynlais, Llandrindod a'r Trallwng, a bydd yr ail gam yn dechrau yn gynnar ym mis Ionawr 2025. Rydym wedi ariannu hyn, a bydd yr offer newydd yn cynhyrchu delweddau cyflymach, cliriach, gan helpu i wella profion diagnostig i bobl ym Mhowys, drwy leihau amseroedd aros a darparu canlyniadau cyflymach a mwy cywir.
Rydym hefyd yn ariannu'r portffolio trawsnewid meddyginiaethau digidol, a fydd yn digideiddio'r holl bresgripsiynau ar draws gofal sylfaenol ac eilaidd. Mae'r gwasanaeth presgripsiynau electronig yn elfen bwysig o'r portffolio hwn, ac mae rhaglen fawr o newid yn cael ei chyflwyno ledled Cymru, o bractis i bractis, o fferyllfa gymunedol i fferyllfa gymunedol, gan gynnwys yng nghefn gwlad Cymru. Ar ddechrau mis Hydref, roedd y gwasanaeth yn fyw mewn 13 practis meddyg teulu a 51 fferyllfa gymunedol. Bydd cyflymder y newid yn dechrau cynyddu'n gyflym nawr. Pan fydd wedi'i gyflwyno ledled Cymru, bydd y gwasanaeth yn caniatáu i bresgripsiynau gael eu trosglwyddo'n gyflym rhwng Cymru a Lloegr, ac mae llif trawsffiniol presgripsiynau yn bwysig i lawer, yn enwedig y rhai sy'n byw ac yn defnyddio fferyllfeydd mewn cymunedau gwledig ger ac ar hyd y ffin. Ar ôl ei gyflwyno, bydd yn golygu, yn y pen draw, y bydd pobl yn gallu enwebu unrhyw fferyllfa yng Nghymru neu Loegr i ddosbarthu eu presgripsiwn.
Rwyf am ddefnyddio'r cyfle hwn, Ddirprwy Lywydd, i rannu rhai enghreifftiau, gan fy mod wedi cael fy ngwahodd gan Aelodau i wneud hynny, o sut y mae byrddau iechyd yn datblygu ffyrdd newydd o ddod â gofal iechyd yn agosach at bobl mewn ardaloedd mwy gwledig. Yng ngogledd Cymru, mae bwrdd iechyd Betsi Cadwaladr wedi lansio gwasanaeth awdioleg symudol, i ddarparu gofal GIG o ansawdd uchel i rai o'i gymunedau lleol. Mae Bwrdd Iechyd Addysgu Powys, fel y clywsom, yn defnyddio uned ddeintyddol symudol—ac rwy'n falch o glywed bod honno'n cael croeso—i ddarparu deintyddiaeth y GIG mewn ardaloedd sydd heb eu gwasanaethu'n ddigonol. Mae uned ddeintyddol symudol yn y Gelli Gandryll yn cynnig yr un ystod o driniaethau deintyddol ag a fyddai ar gael mewn unrhyw bractis ar y stryd fawr, o dynnu dannedd i osod coronau a dannedd gosod.
Gall recriwtio a chadw gweithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol fod yn anos mewn ardaloedd gwledig ac mae'n rhan allweddol o'n strategaeth ar gyfer gwella mynediad at ofal y GIG, gan gynnwys deintyddiaeth. Rydym yn awyddus i nodi a sefydlu cyfleoedd arloesol i uwchsgilio a gwella llwybrau gyrfaol i wneud gweithio yng nghefn gwlad Cymru yn fwy atyniadol.
Will you take an intervention?
A wnewch chi dderbyn ymyriad?
I will.
Thank you. You talk about upskilling the workforce, in certain parts of rural Wales, we're seeing services being downgraded, not upgraded. So, how can we encourage people to come and work in rural Wales when the services there are no more than almost like a nursing home, looking after elderly people, when they should be upgraded so that nurses and people who want to work in rural Wales can do more?
Diolch. Rydych chi'n siarad am uwchsgilio'r gweithlu, mewn rhai rhannau o gefn gwlad Cymru, rydym yn gweld gwasanaethau'n cael eu hisraddio, nid eu huwchraddio. Felly, sut y gallwn ni annog pobl i ddod i weithio yng nghefn gwlad Cymru pan fo'r gwasanaethau yno'n fawr mwy na chartref nyrsio, a gofalu am bobl oedrannus, pan ddylid eu huwchraddio fel bod nyrsys a phobl sydd eisiau gweithio yng nghefn gwlad Cymru yn gallu gwneud mwy?
Well, I wouldn't accept that characterisation. I will come on and touch on that in a moment.
Health Education and Improvement Wales has developed a scheme to encourage dental trainees to work in rural dental practices, and the Welsh enhanced recruitment offer incentivises dental trainees to undertake their foundation year in practices in more locations. Now in its second year, it offers an additional £7,000 in salary, plus additional educational and well-being support. All available places were filled for the September 2024 intake.
More broadly, health boards serving rural populations continue to work hard to meet the different workforce needs and to attract and retain staff. For example, each has appointed a retention lead to ensure that the principles and best practice in the NHS Wales national retention programme are applied in the best way to make sure that continuity of care is maintained. We're supporting initiatives that highlight and encourage health and care professionals to consider the unique opportunities that working in rural communities offer. We also embed rural placements in our education and training programmes, so the future NHS workforce can experience these and make informed choices about their careers.
I was asked about the NHS estate, Dirprwy Lywydd. Overall, the Welsh capital budget is worth 8 per cent less in real terms in 2024-25 than when it was set in 2021. Our ability to invest in public infrastructure, including the NHS estate, has been severely compromised by political decisions taken by the previous UK Governments, which had the effect of restricting the flow of capital funding to Wales and the Welsh NHS. The first budget by the new Labour Chancellor, Rachel Reeves, has signalled a welcome change in direction, with a marked increase in the availability of capital funding for Wales this year and next.
Despite the constraints on our capital budgets, we've continued to invest in the NHS estate. Powys Teaching Health Board, for example, has just announced a programme of essential improvement works to replace windows, resurface roads and footpaths, and carry out repairs to the roof, for example, at Llandrindod Wells Memorial Hospital. An earlier stage of work resulted in upgrades to clinical spaces at the hospital. We've also awarded £4.2 million to the health board as part of the Re:fit Cymru programme to install new solar panels, improved heating systems and LED lighting at hospitals across Powys.
Russell George asked me to confirm the position in relation to the north Powys health and well-being campus. The health board has confirmed that it still remains committed to the development of the campus in Newtown, and there are still discussions going on with my officials in relation to the strategic outline case for that. Subject to us approving that, the health board will then launch further conversations with local communities, as the Member would expect, on the next steps that would be needed to develop the outline business case.
Wel, nid wyf yn derbyn y disgrifiad hwnnw. Fe wnaf gyffwrdd â hynny mewn munud.
Mae Addysg a Gwella Iechyd Cymru wedi datblygu cynllun i annog hyfforddeion deintyddol i weithio mewn practisau deintyddol gwledig, ac mae cynnig recriwtio estynedig Cymru yn cymell hyfforddeion deintyddol i gyflawni eu blwyddyn sylfaen mewn practisau mewn mwy o leoliadau. Mae yn ei ail flwyddyn bellach, ac yn cynnig £7,000 ychwanegol o gyflog, ynghyd â chymorth addysgol a llesiant ychwanegol. Cafodd yr holl leoedd a oedd ar gael eu llenwi ar gyfer y garfan ym mis Medi 2024.
Yn fwy cyffredinol, mae byrddau iechyd sy'n gwasanaethu poblogaethau gwledig yn parhau i weithio'n galed i ddiwallu anghenion gwahanol y gweithlu ac i ddenu a chadw staff. Er enghraifft, mae pob un wedi penodi arweinydd cadw staff i sicrhau bod yr egwyddorion a'r arferion gorau yn rhaglen gadw staff genedlaethol GIG Cymru yn cael eu defnyddio yn y ffordd orau i sicrhau bod gofal parhaus yn cael ei gynnal. Rydym yn cefnogi mentrau sy'n annog gweithwyr proffesiynol iechyd a gofal i ystyried y cyfleoedd unigryw y mae gweithio mewn cymunedau gwledig yn eu cynnig. Rydym hefyd yn ymgorffori lleoliadau gwledig yn ein rhaglenni addysg a hyfforddiant, fel y gall gweithlu'r GIG y dyfodol gael profiad o'r rhain a gwneud dewisiadau gwybodus am eu gyrfaoedd.
Gofynnwyd i mi am ystad y GIG, Ddirprwy Lywydd. At ei gilydd, mae cyllideb gyfalaf Cymru yn werth 8 y cant yn llai mewn termau real yn 2024-25 na phan gafodd ei gosod yn 2021. Mae ein gallu i fuddsoddi mewn seilwaith cyhoeddus, gan gynnwys ystad y GIG, wedi ei beryglu'n ddifrifol gan benderfyniadau gwleidyddol a wnaed gan Lywodraethau blaenorol y DU, a gyfyngodd ar lif cyllid cyfalaf i Gymru a GIG Cymru. Mae'r gyllideb gyntaf gan y Canghellor Llafur newydd, Rachel Reeves, yn dynodi newid cyfeiriad sydd i'w groesawu, gyda chynnydd amlwg yn argaeledd cyllid cyfalaf i Gymru eleni a'r flwyddyn nesaf.
Er gwaethaf y cyfyngiadau ar ein cyllidebau cyfalaf, rydym wedi parhau i fuddsoddi yn ystad y GIG. Mae Bwrdd Iechyd Addysgu Powys, er enghraifft, newydd gyhoeddi rhaglen o waith gwella hanfodol i osod ffenestri newydd, ailosod wyneb ffyrdd a llwybrau troed, a gwneud atgyweiriadau i do Ysbyty Coffa Llandrindod, er enghraifft. Arweiniodd cam cynharach o'r gwaith at uwchraddio mannau clinigol yn yr ysbyty. Rydym hefyd wedi dyfarnu £4.2 miliwn i'r bwrdd iechyd fel rhan o raglen Re:fit Cymru i osod paneli solar newydd, gwell systemau gwresogi a goleuadau LED mewn ysbytai ledled Powys.
Gofynnodd Russell George i mi gadarnhau'r sefyllfa mewn perthynas â champws iechyd a llesiant gogledd Powys. Mae'r bwrdd iechyd wedi cadarnhau ei fod yn parhau i fod yn ymrwymedig i ddatblygu'r campws yn y Drenewydd, ac mae trafodaethau'n parhau gyda fy swyddogion mewn perthynas â'r achos amlinellol strategol ar gyfer hwnnw. Yn amodol ar gymeradwyo hynny, bydd y bwrdd iechyd yn lansio sgyrsiau pellach wedyn gyda chymunedau lleol, fel y byddai'r Aelod yn ei ddisgwyl, ar y camau nesaf y byddai eu hangen i ddatblygu'r achos busnes amlinellol.
Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Daw hynny â thrafodion heddiw i ben.
Thank you, Cabinet Secretary. That brings today's proceedings to a close.
Daeth y cyfarfod i ben am 18:54.
The meeting ended at 18:54.