Y Cyfarfod Llawn



Yn y fersiwn ddwyieithog, mae’r golofn chwith yn cynnwys yr iaith a lefarwyd yn y cyfarfod. Mae’r golofn dde yn cynnwys cyfieithiad o’r areithiau hynny.

In the bilingual version, the left-hand column includes the language used during the meeting. The right-hand column includes a translation of those speeches.

Cyfarfu'r Senedd yn y Siambr a thrwy gynhadledd fideo am 13:30 gyda'r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair. 

The Senedd met in the Chamber and by video-conference at 13:30 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.

1. Cwestiynau i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Economi, Ynni a Chynllunio
1. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy and Planning

Prynhawn da a chroeso, bawb, i'r Cyfarfod Llawn. Yr eitem gyntaf ar ein hagenda ni y prynhawn yma fydd y cwestiynau i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Economi, Ynni a Chynllunio. Mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf y prynhawn yma gan Mabon ap Gwynfor.

Good afternoon and welcome to this afternoon's Plenary session. The first item on our agenda this afternoon will be questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy and Planning. The first question this afternoon is from Mabon ap Gwynfor.

Datblygu Gofodol
Spatial Planning

1. Pa asesiad mae'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet wedi ei wneud o ba un ai ydi'r cyngor sydd yn cael ei roi i awdurdodau cynllunio ynghylch datblygu gofodol yn addas i bwrpas? OQ61752

1. What assessment has the Cabinet Secretary made of whether advice given to planning authorities in respect of spatial planning is fit for purpose? OQ61752

The development plans manual sets out detailed advice on how to prepare a local development plan. It's based on best practice and identifies the key issues to be addressed and the level of evidence required to achieve an adopted LDP.

Mae'r llawlyfr cynlluniau datblygu yn rhoi cyngor manwl ar sut i baratoi cynllun datblygu lleol. Mae'n seiliedig ar arferion gorau ac yn nodi'r materion allweddol y mae angen mynd i'r afael â hwy a lefel y dystiolaeth sydd ei hangen i gyflawni CDLl mabwysiedig.

Diolch i'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet am yr ateb yna. Wel, ges i'r fraint o fynd o amgylch Pwllheli yn ddiweddar iawn efo Katalina Harper. Mae Katalina Harper yn gaeth i gadair olwyn ac, felly, mae'n anodd iawn iddi hi deithio o amgylch y dref, neu yn wir unrhyw dref. Wrth iddi fynd o amgylch corneli weithiau, oherwydd natur y palmant, mae'r gadair olwyn yn tipio drosodd, neu mae'r palmentydd yn mynd yn gul iawn, sy'n golygu ei bod hi'n methu â chyrraedd gwasanaethau hanfodol, yn methu â mynd i siopa, ac weithiau, pan fydd hi eisiau mynd ar fws, dydy'r palmentydd ddim wedi cael eu codi i'r lefel i gyrraedd mynediad y bws yna—a llwyth o broblemau eraill.

Un enghraifft yn unig ydy Katalina Harper ym Mhwllheli; mae hyn yn wir am fywyd sawl person efo anabledd neu drafferth symudedd mewn cymunedau ar draws Cymru. Felly, mae'n rhaid inni edrych i sicrhau wrth gynllunio gofodol wrth ddatblygu cynlluniau trefol eu bod nhw'n addas ar gyfer pobl mewn cadeiriau olwyn neu efo trafferth symudedd. Felly, pa gynlluniau ydych chi am eu rhoi ar y gweill i sicrhau bod llywodraethau lleol yn mynd i gymryd i ystyriaeth anghenion pobl fel Katalina wrth ddatblygu cynlluniau trefol?

Thank you very much to the Cabinet Secretary for that response. Well, I had the privilege of going around Pwllheli very recently with Katalina Harper. Katalina Harper is in a wheelchair and so it's very difficult for her to travel around the town, or indeed any town. When she goes around corners, often, because the pavement is uneven, the wheelchair tips over, or the pavements become very narrow, which means she is unable to access essential services, unable to go shopping, and sometimes, when she wants to get on a bus, the pavements haven't been raised to a sufficient level to enable her to get on the bus—and a whole host of other problems.

Katalina Harper in Pwllheli is just one example; this is true of many other people with disability or mobility issues in communities across Wales. So, we need to ensure, in spatial planning in developing urban plans for towns, that they are suitable for people who use wheelchairs or who have mobility difficulties. So, what plans will you put in place to ensure that local governments do take into account the needs of people such as Katalina in developing their town plans?

I'm very grateful for the question this afternoon and for really highlighting the importance of placemaking in terms of our town and city centres. And it's really important, of course, that any new development is undertaken in conjunction and in alignment with our planning policies that do promote that. But equally, we have towns and villages that go back centuries, which haven't necessarily kept pace with the kind of change that we want to see for accessibility.

So, I think that the work that local government should be doing in engagement with representative groups and with disabled people themselves is really important in terms of identifying those particular parts within the community that need to be addressed through investment or, often, some relatively simple changes. And I do think that some of the disabled people fora that local authorities have would be perfect places to have those discussions about identifying often relatively simple things in the community that could change but make a very big difference.

Rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn am y cwestiwn y prynhawn yma ac am dynnu sylw at bwysigrwydd creu lleoedd mewn perthynas â chanol ein trefi a'n dinasoedd. Ac mae'n bwysig iawn, wrth gwrs, fod unrhyw ddatblygiad newydd yn cael ei gyflawni ar y cyd ac yn unol â'n polisïau cynllunio sy'n hyrwyddo hynny. Ond yn yr un modd, mae gennym drefi a phentrefi sy'n ganrifoedd oed, nad ydynt o reidrwydd wedi dal i fyny â'r math o newid yr hoffem ei weld o ran hygyrchedd.

Felly, credaf fod y gwaith y dylai llywodraeth leol fod yn ei wneud yn ymgysylltu â grwpiau cynrychiadol a phobl anabl eu hunain yn wirioneddol bwysig er mwyn nodi’r rhannau penodol o fewn y gymuned y mae angen mynd i’r afael â hwy drwy fuddsoddi neu, yn aml, gwneud rhywfaint o newidiadau cymharol syml. A chredaf y byddai rhai o'r fforymau pobl anabl sydd gan awdurdodau lleol yn lleoedd perffaith i gael y trafodaethau ynglŷn â nodi pethau cymharol syml, yn aml, yn y gymuned a allai newid ond a fyddai'n gwneud gwahaniaeth mawr iawn.

I’d like to know the extent to which spatial planning has helped or hindered house building overall since the original spatial plan was adopted by the then Welsh Assembly in 2004. House building has been in steady decline, and our housing crisis continues to magnify. There are many factors contributing to the failure to meet house building targets, but the planning system is a significant part of this, and the Wales spatial plan creates another layer of delay on planning approval and construction.

There are community-led approaches that have been suggested to supplement the existing planning system, such as the idea of so-called street votes. The previous UK Government held a consultation that ended in February of this year regarding the street vote development orders, in which residents have the ability to jointly propose a development on their street and, subject to the proposal meeting certain requirements, a vote on whether the development should be given planning permission. The intention is for developments to be implemented quickly, to give residents control and to deliver more homes as soon as possible. So, can the Cabinet Secretary outline whether the Wales spatial plan has contributed to the sluggish planning approval and has the Welsh Government considered street votes as a possible supplement to the planning system? Thank you.

Hoffwn wybod i ba raddau y mae cynllunio gofodol wedi helpu neu lesteirio adeiladu tai yn gyffredinol ers i’r cynllun gofodol gwreiddiol gael ei fabwysiadu gan y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol ar y pryd yn 2004. Mae adeiladu tai wedi bod yn dirywio’n gyson, ac mae ein hargyfwng tai yn parhau i waethygu. Mae llawer o ffactorau’n cyfrannu at y methiant i gyflawni targedau adeiladu tai, ond mae’r system gynllunio yn rhan sylweddol o hyn, ac mae cynllun gofodol Cymru yn creu haen arall o oedi cyn cymeradwyaeth gynllunio ac adeiladu.

Mae dulliau a arweinir gan y gymuned wedi’u hawgrymu er mwyn ategu’r system gynllunio bresennol, megis y syniad o bleidleisiau stryd, fel y’u gelwir. Cynhaliodd Lywodraeth flaenorol y DU ymgynghoriad a ddaeth i ben ym mis Chwefror eleni ynghylch y gorchmynion datblygu pleidleisiau stryd, lle gall trigolion gynnig datblygiad ar y cyd ar eu stryd, a chyhyd â bod y cynnig yn bodloni gofynion penodol, pleidlais i weld a ddylid rhoi caniatâd cynllunio i'r datblygiad ai peidio. Y bwriad yw i ddatblygiadau gael eu rhoi ar waith yn gyflym er mwyn rhoi rheolaeth i drigolion a darparu mwy o gartrefi cyn gynted â phosibl. Felly, a wnaiff Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet ddweud a yw cynllun gofodol Cymru wedi cyfrannu at arafwch cymeradwyaeth cynllunio, ac a yw Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ystyried pleidleisiau stryd fel atodiad posibl i'r system gynllunio? Diolch.

I'm grateful for the question, and actually, this lunchtime, I was at a round-table with Building magazine, and they brought together a large section of the construction industry's representation around the table in Wales to talk about some of the challenges that are facing us in regard to delivery on construction projects. And some of those issues that they were talking about in that meeting related to visibility of the pipeline, for example, the availability of skills. So, they weren't really talking about the street votes idea, and I'm not sure, entirely, that that's the direction that we would want to go in, because, actually, the system that we have under 'Planning Policy Wales' does actually set out significant ways in which communities can, and should be, involved at the very earliest stage in relation to developments. So, we do have those formal opportunities, and they come often multiple times during the process of planning, for communities to have their say. We have very much a plan-led approach to development, and maintaining LDPs we see as the absolutely essential tool in terms of delivering on those national and local priorities, such as sustainable development through house building, placemaking, affordable housing, climate change, air quality, renewable energy, net zero and sustainable transport. The principles, though, that we have in our approach in 'Planning Policy Wales' do move us away from simply counting houses to thinking about the outcomes and the quality of the places that we build as well. So, I think we do take a different approach, but I assume that we want to get to the same destination in terms of building sustainable communities.

Rwy’n ddiolchgar am y cwestiwn, ac mewn gwirionedd, amser cinio heddiw, roeddwn mewn cyfarfod bwrdd crwn gyda chylchgrawn Building, a daethant â nifer o gynrychiolwyr y diwydiant adeiladu o amgylch y bwrdd yng Nghymru i drafod rhai o’r heriau sy’n ein hwynebu mewn perthynas â chyflawni prosiectau adeiladu. Ac roedd rhai o'r problemau yr oeddent yn sôn amdanynt yn y cyfarfod hwnnw yn ymwneud â gwelededd y llif argaeledd sgiliau, er enghraifft. Felly, nid oeddent yn sôn am syniad y pleidleisiau stryd mewn gwirionedd, ac nid wyf yn hollol siŵr mai dyna'r cyfeiriad y byddem am fynd iddo, oherwydd, mae'r system sydd gennym o dan 'Polisi Cynllunio Cymru' yn nodi ffyrdd ystyrlon y gellid ac y dylid cynnwys cymunedau o'r cychwyn cyntaf mewn perthynas â datblygiadau. Felly, mae gennym y cyfleoedd ffurfiol hynny, ac maent yn aml yn codi droeon yn ystod y broses gynllunio, i gymunedau gael dweud eu dweud. Mae gennym ddull a arweinir gan gynlluniau o ddatblygu, ac rydym o'r farn fod cynnal CDLlau yn arf cwbl hanfodol i gyflawni’r blaenoriaethau cenedlaethol a lleol, megis datblygu cynaliadwy drwy adeiladu tai, creu lleoedd, tai fforddiadwy, newid hinsawdd, ansawdd aer, ynni adnewyddadwy, sero net, a thrafnidiaeth gynaliadwy. Fodd bynnag, mae’r egwyddorion sydd gennym yn ein dull yn 'Polisi Cynllunio Cymru' yn ein symud o gyfrif tai yn unig i feddwl am ganlyniadau ac ansawdd y lleoedd a adeiladwn hefyd. Felly, credaf fod ein dull yn wahanol, ond rwy’n cymryd ein bod am gyrraedd yr un lle o ran adeiladu cymunedau cynaliadwy.

Anweithgarwch Economaidd yng Ngogledd Cymru
Economic Inactivity in North Wales

2. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet roi diweddariad ar yr hyn y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i fynd i'r afael ag anweithgarwch economaidd yng ngogledd Cymru? OQ61759

2. Will the Cabinet Secretary provide an update on what the Welsh Government is doing to tackle economic inactivity in north Wales? OQ61759

Yes. Our economic mission sets out how we are using the levers that we have to narrow the skills divide and support better jobs, with our plan for employability and skills prioritising those most in need of help. This includes supporting people to stay in work and those furthest away from the labour market to find employment.

Gwnaf. Mae ein cenhadaeth economaidd yn nodi sut rydym yn defnyddio'r ysgogiadau sydd gennym i leihau'r bwlch sgiliau a chefnogi swyddi gwell, gyda'n cynllun ar gyfer cyflogadwyedd a sgiliau yn blaenoriaethu'r rhai sydd fwyaf angen cymorth. Mae hyn yn cynnwys cefnogi pobl i aros mewn gwaith a chefnogi'r rheini sydd bellaf o'r farchnad lafur i ddod o hyd i waith.

Thank you for your response, Cabinet Secretary. One of the routes to tackling economic inactivity is what you referenced there—having that well-trained workforce. And for younger people, in particular, a large part can be done through apprenticeships, which you will know—and I know your ministerial colleague Jack Sargeant also appreciates—provide a great way to learn a trade and genuine skills that they can use throughout their working life. Unfortunately, compared to other places in the UK, and in particular England, the range of degree apprenticeships on offer here is poor. Couple that with recent cuts that the Welsh Government have made to the apprenticeship programme, and we have problems in our degree apprenticeship programme here in Wales. I recently met with the new vice-chancellor of Wrexham University, and I also met with the Royal College of Occupational Therapists, who were both very clear that degree apprenticeships can make a big difference not just to the economy, but to the services that the Welsh Government are responsible for here as well. So, I'd like to ask what is being done to increase the range of degree apprenticeships on offer, and, importantly, how you are engaging with those educational institutions and others to see the increase in take-up that I'm sure we'd all want to see.

Diolch am eich ymateb, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Un o'r llwybrau i fynd i'r afael ag anweithgarwch economaidd yw'r hyn rydych wedi cyfeirio ato yno—cael gweithlu wedi'i hyfforddi'n dda. Ac i bobl iau yn enwedig, gellir gwneud llawer drwy brentisiaethau, sydd, fel y gwyddoch—a gwn fod eich cyd-Weinidog, Jack Sargeant, hefyd yn gwybod—yn darparu ffordd wych o ddysgu crefft a sgiliau gwirioneddol y gallant eu defnyddio drwy gydol eu bywyd gwaith. Yn anffodus, o gymharu â lleoedd eraill yn y DU, ac yn enwedig Lloegr, dim ond ystod fach o radd-brentisiaethau a gynigir yma. Golyga hynny, ynghyd â’r toriadau diweddar y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi’u gwneud i’r rhaglen brentisiaethau, fod gennym broblemau yn ein rhaglen radd-brentisiaethau yma yng Nghymru. Cyfarfûm ag is-ganghellor newydd Prifysgol Wrecsam yn ddiweddar, a chyfarfûm hefyd â Choleg Brenhinol y Therapyddion Galwedigaethol, a oedd ill dau yn glir iawn y gall gradd-brentisiaethau wneud gwahaniaeth mawr nid yn unig i’r economi, ond i’r gwasanaethau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gyfrifol amdanynt yma hefyd. Felly, hoffwn ofyn beth sy'n cael ei wneud i gynyddu'r nifer o radd-brentisiaethau a gynigir, ac yn bwysig, sut rydych chi'n ymgysylltu â'r sefydliadau addysgol hynny ac eraill i sicrhau'r cynnydd y byddai pob un ohonom, rwy'n siŵr, yn dymuno ei weld yn y nifer sy'n manteisio ar radd-brentisiaethau.

Again, I'm very grateful for the question. We absolutely recognise the importance of apprenticeships, while we are making really significant investment in our apprenticeship programme here in Wales. Of course, this now is being led on by Medr, and Jack Sargeant is very much involved in this particular piece of work, which he is leading on. But our approach very much is one of collaboration. So, providers absolutely have to be collaborating with our university sector, and the education sector more widely, making sure that the needs of learners, employers and the wider community, and, of course, the economy are supported. So, level 6 degree apprenticeships are available, but any changes or reviews to the existing pathways must be done in collaboration. So, I'm glad to hear that you had those conversations, and I know that Jack Sargeant would be keen to have a read-out of your meeting. Thank you.

Unwaith eto, rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn am y cwestiwn. Rydym yn llwyr gydnabod pwysigrwydd prentisiaethau, ac yn gwneud buddsoddiad sylweddol iawn yn ein rhaglen brentisiaethau yma yng Nghymru. Wrth gwrs, mae Medr yn arwain ar hyn bellach, ac mae Jack Sargeant yn ymwneud yn agos â'r gwaith penodol hwn y mae’n ei arwain. Ond cydweithio yw ein dull o weithredu, yn bendant iawn. Felly, mae'n rhaid i ddarparwyr gydweithio â'n sector prifysgolion, a'r sector addysg yn ehangach, gan sicrhau bod anghenion dysgwyr, cyflogwyr a'r gymuned ehangach, ac wrth gwrs, yr economi, yn cael eu cefnogi. Felly, mae gradd-brentisiaethau lefel 6 ar gael, ond mae'n rhaid i unrhyw newidiadau neu adolygiadau i’r llwybrau presennol gael eu gwneud ar y cyd. Felly, rwy'n falch o glywed eich bod wedi cael y sgyrsiau hynny, a gwn y byddai Jack Sargeant yn awyddus i ddarllen trawsgrifiad o'ch cyfarfod. Diolch.

Cwestiynau Heb Rybudd gan Lefarwyr y Pleidiau
Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople

Mae cwestiynau'r llefarwyr heddiw i'w hateb gan y Gweinidog Diwylliant, Sgiliau a Phartneriaeth Gymdeithasol. Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr yn gyntaf, Tom Giffard.

Today's spokespeople questions are to be answered by the Minister for Culture, Skills and Social Partnership. First, the Conservative spokesperson, Tom Giffard.

Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd. Minister, can I congratulate you on your appointment to the role as Minister, with responsibility particularly today for culture and for sport? I've been looking forward very much to these exchanges—I know you have as well—and I've also been very grateful for the time you've offered in meeting with me already in your brief. You are, though, the fifth Minister this year with responsibility for culture. Do you accept that there has been some degree of uncertainty within the sector because of the chaos at the heart of the Welsh Government this year?

Diolch, Lywydd. Weinidog, a gaf i eich llongyfarch ar gael eich penodi yn Weinidog, gyda chyfrifoldeb yn benodol heddiw am ddiwylliant a chwaraeon? Rwyf wedi bod yn edrych ymlaen yn fawr at y dadleuon hyn—gwn eich bod chithau hefyd—ac rwyf hefyd wedi bod yn ddiolchgar iawn am yr amser rydych chi wedi'i roi i gyfarfod â mi eisoes yn eich briff. Fodd bynnag, chi yw'r pumed Gweinidog eleni â chyfrifoldeb am ddiwylliant. A ydych chi'n derbyn bod rhywfaint o ansicrwydd wedi bod yn y sector oherwydd yr anhrefn yn Llywodraeth Cymru eleni?

Firstly, Llywydd, can I thank Tom Giffard for his warm introduction to the Chamber this afternoon, and also for taking the time to meet with me—I think it was last week—to discuss the important issues the culture and sport sectors face? I think it's fair to say, Tom, that, not just on your benches but on the benches right across this place, there is a shared commitment to see the culture sector succeed. You might want to focus on the past, Tom; I will very much focus on the future. This is a sector I am energised by, it's a workforce that are determined and ambitious, and I will focus very much on understanding the priorities of many stakeholders, like those I've met already. In the challenging budgetary period that we face, we're trying to realise the opportunities of the sector, indeed. And that very much includes making sure that culture, sport, including the creative industries in Wales, are open and accessible to all, including working-class communities like mine. So, I’ll look forward to the future work. I very much look forward to these exchanges. I think, Presiding Officer, if I were to sum up my early conversations and commitment to this industry and sector, it would be very much like the famous line from the poem 'Bread and Roses':

'give us bread, but give us roses.’

Yn gyntaf, Lywydd, a gaf i ddiolch i Tom Giffard am ei groeso cynnes i'r Siambr y prynhawn yma, a hefyd am roi amser i gyfarfod â mi—yr wythnos diwethaf, rwy'n credu—i drafod y materion pwysig y mae'r sectorau diwylliant a chwaraeon yn eu hwynebu? Credaf ei bod yn deg dweud, Tom, nid yn unig ar eich meinciau chi, ond ar yr holl feinciau yn y lle hwn, fod ymrwymiad cyfunol gennym i weld y sector diwylliant yn llwyddo. Efallai eich bod yn dymuno canolbwyntio ar y gorffennol, Tom; rwyf i am ganolbwyntio ar y dyfodol. Mae hwn yn sector sy'n fy nghyffroi, mae'n weithlu sy'n benderfynol ac yn uchelgeisiol, a byddaf yn canolbwyntio ar ddeall blaenoriaethau llawer o randdeiliaid, fel y rhai rwyf eisoes wedi cyfarfod â hwy. Yn y cyfnod ariannol heriol sydd ohoni, rydym yn ceisio gwireddu cyfleoedd y sector. Ac mae hynny'n cynnwys sicrhau bod diwylliant, chwaraeon, gan gynnwys y diwydiannau creadigol yng Nghymru, yn agored ac yn hygyrch i bawb, gan gynnwys cymunedau dosbarth gweithiol fel fy un i. Felly, edrychaf ymlaen at y gwaith yn y dyfodol. Edrychaf ymlaen yn fawr at y dadleuon hyn. Lywydd, pe bawn am grynhoi fy sgyrsiau cynnar ar ymrwymiad i’r diwydiant a’r sector hwn, byddai’n debyg iawn i’r llinell enwog o’r gerdd 'Bread and Roses’:

'rhowch i ni fara, ond rhowch i ni rosod.’


Thank you very much. I had a feeling you might say that you didn’t want to the look to the past but to the future. So, last year, the culture line in the Welsh Government’s budget suffered the biggest cut of any individual budget line. So, if this is a break from the past, and a look ahead to the new future, with this year’s budget on the horizon, how will you succeed in standing up for the sector, where your predecessors didn’t?

Diolch yn fawr. Roedd gennyf deimlad y byddech yn dweud nad oeddech am edrych tua'r gorffennol ond tua'r dyfodol. Felly, y llynedd, y llinell ddiwylliant yng nghyllideb Llywodraeth Cymru a gafodd y toriad mwyaf o unrhyw linell unigol yn y gyllideb. Felly, os yw hyn yn droi cefn ar y gorffennol, ac edrych tua'r dyfodol newydd, gyda chyllideb eleni ar y gorwel, sut y byddwch chi'n llwyddo i sefyll dros y sector, pan na lwyddodd eich rhagflaenwyr i wneud hynny?

Again, thanks to Tom Giffard for raising the question this afternoon. Look, I’m not going to enter into budget discussions now. I’m sure we’ll have those in the Cabinet, and the Cabinet Secretary for finance wouldn’t look gladly on me if I was to say those things. But what I am saying—and I’m not shying away from the fact that difficult decisions have been made in this sector in the past—is that what we’ve seen from the sector, though, is the sheer resilience and the innovation that the sector can bring to the table when looking to the future.

But you’re right, there have been difficult decisions. Those difficult decisions had to be made because of the incompetence of the previous UK Government, who left a financial black hole and the mess that the public finances are in. [Interruption.] You're right, so I will look to the future, Sam Rowlands. What we’ve seen already is the additional £5 million over the summer. That built on the £3.2 million announced in July for the industry. What I can commit to, Tom, on the floor of the Chamber today is very much being the voice for the culture, sport and creative sectors in those budget discussions. They will have a Minister in me who is proud to represent them, who believes in the sectors, and who wants to work collaboratively with the sectors to make sure the sectors succeed, which I know every single one of us in this place wants to happen.

Unwaith eto, diolch i Tom Giffard am godi’r cwestiwn y prynhawn yma. Edrychwch, nid wyf am gael trafodaethau ynglŷn â'r gyllideb nawr. Rwy’n siŵr y cawn y trafodaethau hynny yn y Cabinet, ac ni fyddai Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros gyllid yn hapus gyda mi pe bawn yn dweud y pethau hynny. Ond yr hyn rwy'n ei ddweud—ac nid wyf yn gwadu'r ffaith bod penderfyniadau anodd wedi’u gwneud yn y sector hwn yn y gorffennol—yw mai'r hyn a welsom gan y sector, fodd bynnag, yw’r gwytnwch a’r arloesi y gall y sector eu cynnig wrth edrych tua’r dyfodol.

Ond rydych yn llygad eich lle, mae penderfyniadau anodd wedi bod. Bu'n rhaid gwneud y penderfyniadau anodd hynny oherwydd anghymhwysedd Llywodraeth flaenorol y DU, a adawodd dwll du ariannol a'r llanast y mae cyllid cyhoeddus ynddo. [Torri ar draws.] Rydych chi'n llygad eich lle, felly byddaf yn edrych tua’r dyfodol, Sam Rowlands. Yr hyn rydym wedi’i weld eisoes yw’r £5 miliwn ychwanegol dros yr haf. Adeiladodd hynny ar y £3.2 miliwn a gyhoeddwyd ym mis Gorffennaf ar gyfer y diwydiant. Yr hyn y gallaf ymrwymo iddo, Tom, ar lawr y Siambr heddiw, yw y byddaf yn llais i’r sectorau diwylliant, chwaraeon a chreadigol yn y trafodaethau cyllidebol hynny. Bydd ganddynt Weinidog ynof sy’n falch o’u cynrychioli, sy’n credu yn y sectorau, ac sy'n awyddus i weithio ar y cyd â’r sectorau, i sicrhau bod y sectorau'n llwyddo, sy'n rhywbeth y gwn fod pob un ohonom yn y lle hwn am iddo ddigwydd.

Organisations in the cultural sector have been warning for some time about the dire financial situation that they find themselves in. And that goes for the big national institutions as well as smaller local institutions, which many communities not only are a part of, but thrive upon many of these local organisations. A recent Institute of Welsh Affairs report from August found that funding for the arts has dropped by 30 per cent in Wales in real terms since 2017. That’s the biggest drop in the United Kingdom. And what we’ve seen under your tenure so far is, in the latest supplementary budget, a £130,000 cut for local culture and sports projects. So, whilst we can look ahead to the future, the record is clear. So, how can you reassure those institutions—small and large—across Wales, that things will be different?

Mae sefydliadau yn y sector diwylliannol wedi bod yn rhybuddio am eu sefyllfa ariannol enbyd ers peth amser. Ac mae hynny'n wir am y sefydliadau cenedlaethol mawr yn ogystal â sefydliadau lleol llai, y mae llawer o gymunedau nid yn unig yn rhan ohonynt, ond hefyd yn ffynnu ar lawer o'r sefydliadau lleol hyn. Canfu adroddiad diweddar gan y Sefydliad Materion Cymreig ym mis Awst fod cyllid ar gyfer y celfyddydau wedi gostwng 30 y cant yng Nghymru mewn termau real ers 2017. Dyna'r gostyngiad mwyaf yn y Deyrnas Unedig. A’r hyn a welsom yn eich cyfnod mewn grym hyd yma, yn y gyllideb atodol ddiweddaraf, yw toriad o £130,000 ar gyfer prosiectau diwylliant a chwaraeon lleol. Felly, er y gallwn edrych ymlaen tua'r dyfodol, mae'r hanes yn glir. Felly, sut y gallwch roi sicrwydd i'r sefydliadau hynny—yn fach a mawr—ledled Cymru, y bydd pethau'n wahanol?

Again, thanks to the opposition spokesperson for the range of questions about what the future looks like. The position is difficult, isn’t it. We recognise the position is difficult, and we’re still in those difficult challenges. As I said earlier, I will give a commitment to the industry—and I’ve met with all of our arm’s-length bodies in Wales in this portfolio—to make sure that, when I have those budget discussions with the Cabinet Secretary, we are putting the best case forward for the sector. This is a sector that I think can succeed. We need to support it. We need to be creative in the way we look at things in the future, but what better way to work collaboratively with the creative sector than in coming up with new ways to support the industry? I’m not going to comment on future budget discussions because they haven’t been discussed to a level that I’m prepared to do on the floor of the Chamber. But that commitment to ensure that the voice of the industry is very much at the heart of the Welsh Government will carry on.

In terms of the sector in general, Presiding Officer, and where we have supported successes in the sector, let me just point to Creative Wales as a positive story, particularly in the production industry. Since its introduction in 2020, £26.5 million has been invested via Creative Wales from this Welsh Government. The expected spend back in the Welsh economy is over £313 million. That is a success that I am proud of. It’s a success that we can build on, and it’s a success that I look forward to collaboratively working on, not just with the Member, but with the industry as well, going forward.

Unwaith eto, diolch i lefarydd yr wrthblaid am yr ystod o gwestiynau ynglŷn â sut olwg fydd ar y dyfodol. Mae'n wir fod y sefyllfa'n anodd, onid yw. Rydym yn cydnabod bod y sefyllfa’n anodd, ac rydym yn dal i wynebu’r heriau anodd hynny. Fel y dywedais yn gynharach, rwyf am roi ymrwymiad i’r diwydiant—ac rwyf wedi cyfarfod â phob un o’n cyrff hyd braich yng Nghymru yn y portffolio hwn—i sicrhau, pan fyddaf yn cael y trafodaethau cyllidebol hynny gydag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, ein bod yn dadlau'r achos gorau ar ran y sector. Mae hwn yn sector a all lwyddo, yn fy marn i. Mae angen inni ei gefnogi. Mae angen inni fod yn greadigol yn y ffordd yr edrychwn ar bethau yn y dyfodol, ond pa ffordd well o gydweithio â’r sector creadigol na thrwy ddod o hyd i ffyrdd newydd o gefnogi’r diwydiant? Nid wyf yn mynd i wneud sylw ar drafodaethau cyllidebol yn y dyfodol am nad ydynt wedi cael eu trafod ar lefel rwy'n barod i’w trafod ar lawr y Siambr. Ond bydd yr ymrwymiad i sicrhau bod llais y diwydiant yn hollbwysig i Lywodraeth Cymru yn parhau.

O ran y sector yn gyffredinol, Lywydd, a lle rydym wedi cefnogi llwyddiannau yn y sector, gadewch imi sôn am Cymru Greadigol fel stori gadarnhaol, yn enwedig yn y diwydiant cynhyrchu. Ers sefydlu'r corff yn 2020, mae £26.5 miliwn wedi’i fuddsoddi gan Lywodraeth Cymru drwy Cymru Greadigol. Disgwylir y bydd hyn yn arwain at dros £313 miliwn o wariant yn ôl yn economi Cymru. Mae hwnnw’n llwyddiant rwy'n falch ohono. Mae’n llwyddiant y gallwn adeiladu arno, ac mae’n llwyddiant yr edrychaf ymlaen at gydweithio arno, nid yn unig gyda’r Aelod, ond gyda’r diwydiant hefyd, wrth symud ymlaen.

Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Heledd Fychan. 

The Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Heledd Fychan. 


Diolch, Llywydd. Weinidog, hoffwn innau ychwanegu fy llongyfarchiadau i chi ar eich penodiad, a dwi yn gwerthfawrogi’r ffaith ein bod ni eisoes wedi cael cyfarfod i drafod y portffolios sy’n gorgyffwrdd gennym. Fel y gwnes i ddweud wrthych chi ar yr adeg hynny, a dwi’n falch eich bod chi’n gwybod nad sylw arnoch chi’n bersonol mo hyn, mi ydw i’n siomedig nad ydy diwylliant a chwaraeon o fewn portffolio Ysgrifennydd Cabinet. Maen nhw’n feysydd sydd yn allweddol o ran ein hunaniaeth, ein heconomi a’n lles fel cenedl, ac mi o’n i’n croesawu’n fawr y dyrchafiad a gafodd y portffolio pan ddaeth Vaughan Gething yn Brif Weinidog. Wnaf i ddim eich rhoi chi mewn lle cas drwy ofyn a ydych chi o’r un farn a fi, mai Ysgrifennydd Cabinet y dylech chi fod, ond a gaf i fwy o wybodaeth os gwelwch yn dda o ran beth ydy’ch gweledigaeth chi a’ch prif flaenoriaethau chi ar gyfer y portffolio hwn? Roeddech chi’n sôn am fod yn llais, ond beth fydd y llais yna’n ei ddweud wrth y Cabinet?

Thank you, Llywydd. Minister, I'd like to add my congratulations to you on your appointment, and I appreciate the fact that we've already had a meeting to discuss our overlapping portfolios. As I noted at that time, and I'm glad that you know that this isn't a comment on you personally, I am disappointed that culture and sport aren’t part of a Cabinet Secretary’s portfolio. They are key areas in terms of our identity, our economy and our well-being as a nation, and I very much welcomed the enhanced status the portfolio was given when Vaughan Gething became First Minister. I won't put you on the spot by asking whether you share my view that you should be a Cabinet Secretary, but may I have further information please in terms of what your vision and priorities are for this portfolio? You spoke about being a voice, but what will that voice be telling the Cabinet?

Diolch yn fawr, Heledd, for that. Again, thank you for taking the time out of your schedule to meet with me last week. I won’t comment on the position of the Cabinet Secretary. If you want to make that case to the First Minister then that’s for you to do, not me. I am very proud to be the Minister for Culture, Skills and Social Partnership in the department of the economy, under my colleague Rebecca Evans, who is the Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy and Planning.

My voice will be loud and clear for this sector. It’s a sector that I want to see succeed. In the conversations that I will be having with Cabinet colleagues, they will be very much about focus and how we can share our cultural identity. Because I agree with the Member, this sector is very much about the well-being of the nation. I will be making sure that we collectively come up with plans to ensure that the heritage of our nation is futureproofed, but also is accessible to everyone, no matter where you come from in Wales. And I’ll be very much taking that forward through not just budget discussions, but all the policy areas as well.

In my own portfolio, if you look at skills in particular and the role perhaps of social partnership, the conversations that we need to have in this sector to make sure it is futureproofed will be done in a way of social partnership to get the best outcome. And I’m very conscious of the role I play in skills as well, to make sure we have a skilled workforce, whether that be in production, gaming, whether that be in our cultural and heritage aspects, or whether that be in all of the other aspects around sport as well. So, I’m conscious of the role that I have to play in that as well.

Diolch, Heledd. Unwaith eto, diolch am roi eich amser i gyfarfod â mi yr wythnos diwethaf. Nid wyf am wneud sylw am safbwynt Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Os hoffech ddadlau’r achos hwnnw i’r Prif Weinidog, mater i chi yw gwneud hynny, nid fi. Rwy’n falch iawn o fod yn Weinidog Diwylliant, Sgiliau a Phartneriaeth Gymdeithasol yn adran yr economi, o dan fy nghyd-Aelod, Rebecca Evans, sef Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Economi, Ynni a Chynllunio.

Bydd fy llais ar ran y sector hwn yn uchel ac yn glir. Mae’n sector yr wyf am ei weld yn llwyddo. Yn y sgyrsiau a gaf gyda chyd-Aelodau o'r Cabinet, maent yn ymwneud i raddau helaeth â ffocws a sut y gallwn rannu ein hunaniaeth ddiwylliannol. Oherwydd rwy’n cytuno â’r Aelod, mae’r sector hwn yn sicr yn ymwneud â llesiant y genedl. Byddaf yn sicrhau ein bod yn llunio cynlluniau gyda’n gilydd i sicrhau bod treftadaeth ein cenedl yn ddiogel at y dyfodol, ond hefyd yn hygyrch i bawb, ni waeth o ble yng Nghymru rydych chi'n dod. A byddaf yn bwrw ymlaen â hynny nid yn unig drwy drafodaethau'r gyllideb, ond drwy’r holl feysydd polisi hefyd.

Yn fy mhortffolio i, os edrychwch ar sgiliau'n benodol ac ar rôl partneriaeth gymdeithasol efallai, bydd y sgyrsiau y mae angen i ni eu cael yn y sector hwn i sicrhau ei fod yn ddiogel at y dyfodol yn digwydd drwy bartneriaeth gymdeithasol er mwyn sicrhau'r canlyniad gorau. Ac rwy'n ymwybodol iawn o'r rôl rwy'n ei chwarae ym maes sgiliau hefyd, a sicrhau bod gennym weithlu medrus, boed hynny mewn cynhyrchiant, gemau cyfrifiadurol, boed hynny yn ein hagweddau diwylliannol a threftadaeth, neu ym mhob un o'r agweddau eraill sy'n ymwneud â chwaraeon yn ogystal. Felly, rwy’n ymwybodol o’r rôl sydd gennyf i’w chwarae yn hynny hefyd.

Thanks for that response. If I can build on what Tom Giffard was asking you, obviously, it’s not just been challenging, it’s been devastating for a number of the institutions that fall within your portfolio. We’ve heard warnings of huge organisations having to potentially close their doors. We’ve had significant job losses. You’ve talked about being resilient. We’ve heard that sectors are at breaking point in a number of areas under your responsibility. There is no place to cut any further. Key services are being lost. National collections are at risk.

So, can I ask—? When Lesley Griffiths was in role, she was very determined in trying to secure that additional funding from health, from education, and understanding the value of those. I just want to be clear in terms of your priorities here in this portfolio. I hear about being a voice, but what will you actually deliver for these sectors? What are your priorities now to secure from Government to ensure—? It’s not about being resilient, it’s about survival.

Diolch am eich ymateb. Os caf adeiladu ar yr hyn a ofynnodd Tom Giffard i chi, mae'n amlwg, nid yn unig ei fod wedi bod yn gyfnod heriol, ond mae wedi bod yn ddinistriol i nifer o’r sefydliadau sydd yn eich portffolio. Rydym wedi clywed rhybuddion am sefydliadau enfawr yn wynebu'r posibilrwydd o orfod cau eu drysau. Rydym wedi colli nifer fawr o swyddi. Rydych chi wedi sôn am fod yn wydn. Rydym wedi clywed bod sectorau ar ymyl y dibyn mewn nifer o feysydd rydych chi'n gyfrifol amdanynt. Nid oes lle i dorri ymhellach. Mae gwasanaethau allweddol yn cael eu colli. Mae casgliadau cenedlaethol mewn perygl.

Felly, a gaf i ofyn—? Pan oedd Lesley Griffiths yn ei rôl, roedd yn benderfynol iawn o geisio sicrhau’r cyllid ychwanegol hwnnw o iechyd, o addysg, a deall gwerth y rheini. Hoffwn ddeall eich blaenoriaethau yma yn y portffolio hwn. Fe'ch clywaf yn dweud eich bod am fod yn llais, ond beth fyddwch chi'n ei gyflawni i'r sectorau hyn mewn gwirionedd? Beth yw eich blaenoriaethau nawr i’w sicrhau gan y Llywodraeth—? Nid yw hyn yn ymwneud â bod yn wydn, mae'n ymwneud â goroesi.

Well, I agree; we need to survive, but we need to look further than just survival, and we need to look to futureproof the industry, as an industry that wants to succeed. I agree, the fact that we had to make those cuts—and the Cabinet Secretary for finance and you have had an exchange on the issues that are facing us—was devastating for individual organisations. But let me just point to the September announcement from this Government of a further £5 million revenue funding to support Wales’s culture and sports arm’s-length bodies. That’s £725,000 for the National Library of Wales; £90,000 for the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales; £1.5 million for the Arts Council of Wales; £1 million for Sport Wales; for Amgueddfa Cymru £940,000; and Cadw, £745,000. That’s a significant sum of money and I’m pleased that we’ve been able to find that.

The point the Member makes around other budgets, again, I’m not going to go into opening discussions about the budget here today. But I agree with you that this portfolio and the responsibilities within it, and the actions that this portfolio delivers, do have cross-cutting impacts, particularly in the role of mental health and well-being. My colleague Sarah Murphy and I have already had discussions around the role that sport can play and around the role the arts can play in supporting people with mental health. That's what I'll be doing when I have those meetings that very much—. Not just in there, but education as well. You're right, this morning I was at the Rhondda Heritage Park, at the mining museum, and it's excellent to see the work that they do in supporting the local communities, their local schools. I want to see more of that, and, be assured, that's what I'll be pressing the case for.

Wel, rwy’n cytuno; mae angen inni oroesi, ond mae angen inni edrych ymhellach na goroesi'n unig, ac mae angen inni geisio diogelu’r diwydiant at y dyfodol, fel diwydiant sydd am lwyddo. Rwy’n cytuno, roedd y ffaith ein bod wedi gorfod gwneud y toriadau hynny—ac mae Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros gyllid a chi wedi trafod y materion sy’n ein hwynebu—yn ddinistriol i sefydliadau unigol. Ond gadewch imi dynnu sylw at y cyhoeddiad ym mis Medi gan y Llywodraeth hon o £5 miliwn ychwanegol o gyllid refeniw i gefnogi cyrff hyd braich diwylliant a chwaraeon Cymru. Dyna £725,000 i Lyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru; £90,000 i Gomisiwn Brenhinol Henebion Cymru; £1.5 miliwn i Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru; £1 filiwn i Chwaraeon Cymru; £940,000 i Amgueddfa Cymru; a Cadw, £745,000. Mae hwnnw’n swm sylweddol o arian, ac rwy’n falch ein bod wedi gallu dod o hyd iddo.

Y pwynt y mae’r Aelod yn ei wneud ynghylch cyllidebau eraill, unwaith eto, nid wyf yn mynd i ddechrau trafodaethau am y gyllideb yma heddiw. Ond rwy’n cytuno â chi fod y portffolio hwn a'i gyfrifoldebau, a’r camau y mae’r portffolio hwn yn eu cyflawni, yn cael effeithiau trawsbynciol, yn enwedig o ran rôl iechyd meddwl a llesiant. Mae fy nghyd-Aelod Sarah Murphy a minnau eisoes wedi cael trafodaethau ynghylch y rôl y gall chwaraeon ei chwarae ac ynghylch y rôl y gall y celfyddydau ei chwarae yn cefnogi pobl gyda'u hiechyd meddwl. Dyna fyddaf i'n ei wneud pan fyddaf yn cael y cyfarfodydd hynny—. Nid yn unig yno, ond addysg hefyd. Rydych yn llygad eich lle, y bore yma, roeddwn ym Mharc Treftadaeth Cwm Rhondda, yn yr amgueddfa lofaol, ac mae'n wych gweld y gwaith a wnânt i gefnogi'r cymunedau lleol, eu hysgolion lleol. Hoffwn weld mwy o hynny, a gallaf roi sicrwydd i chi mai dyna fyddaf i'n dadlau drosto.


Thank you. As I said yesterday to the Cabinet Secretary for finance, obviously that £5 million was very welcome, but it didn't touch the surface. And, in terms of these sectors, we've lost people in these roles, we've lost expertise, we've lost the ability to actually deliver on many of those programmes that were having a positive impact in terms of people's health and well-being. So, it's not a matter of asking these institutions to do more, it's actually supporting them to do what they were doing and scaling that up. So, in terms of that vision, we're obviously expecting a cultural strategy and I would like to know the timescales, now that you are in post, in terms of that work, but in terms of the finances to support that budget as well.

Also, what assessment have you made about the impact of the cuts on the abilities of organisations that you do provide a remit letter for to deliver on those remit letters? And if that hasn't happened yet, will you commit to doing so, so that we understand the impact these cuts have had on their ability to deliver on the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015? And do you accept that the cultural element of the future generations Act is the least developed goal to date, and how should we rectify that? 

Diolch. Fel y dywedais ddoe wrth Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros gyllid, yn amlwg, mae'r £5 miliwn hwnnw i'w groesawu'n fawr, ond nid yw'n crafu'r wyneb. Ac o ran y sectorau hyn, rydym wedi colli pobl yn y rolau hyn, rydym wedi colli arbenigedd, rydym wedi colli'r gallu i gyflawni ar lawer o'r rhaglenni a oedd yn cael effaith gadarnhaol ar iechyd a lles pobl. Felly, nid yw'n fater o ofyn i'r sefydliadau hyn wneud mwy, ond yn hytrach eu cefnogi i wneud yr hyn roeddent yn ei wneud a chynyddu hynny. Felly, o ran y weledigaeth honno, rydym yn amlwg yn disgwyl strategaeth ddiwylliannol a hoffwn glywed beth yw'r amserlenni, nawr eich bod yn y swydd, ar gyfer y gwaith hwnnw, ond o ran y cyllid i gefnogi'r gyllideb honno hefyd.

Hefyd, pa asesiad a wnaethoch o effaith y toriadau ar alluoedd sefydliadau yr ydych yn darparu llythyr cylch gwaith iddynt i gyflawni ar y llythyrau cylch gwaith hynny? Ac os nad yw hynny wedi digwydd eto, a wnewch chi ymrwymo i wneud hynny, fel y gallwn ddeall yr effaith y mae’r toriadau hyn wedi’i chael ar eu gallu i gyflawni ar Ddeddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015? Ac a ydych chi'n derbyn mai ar elfen ddiwylliannol Deddf cenedlaethau’r dyfodol y gwnaed y cynnydd lleiaf arni hyd yn hyn, a sut y dylem unioni hynny?

Thank you. On that, with regard to the impact on the bodies that we do send remit letters to, where I'm very interested in hearing from in this area is the work of the culture committee, chaired by your colleague Delyth Jewell. I've understood there have been many organisations already in front of the committee, where the impacts—. Well, I'm interested in hearing their views on that, and they will have those conversations directly with me, but also the views of the committee to see how we can militate against that going forward. As I say, this is a sector that I want to succeed in.

In terms of going forward and looking around at how we can better do things, we have to think differently in these scenarios. We're still in a difficult and challenging situation when it comes to budgetary pressures, so we need to come together collectively, in that spirit of social partnership, to find, perhaps, alternative ways of doing things. That will make Wales's culture sector succeed. I'll be having those conversations with a number of stakeholders in the sector. What I am keen to do as well, as I said in response to Tom, is to have that conversation across the Senedd floor and to hear your views on where we can take this forward. Because, as I say, I think in this sector, in culture, arts, sports and heritage, we consistently punch above our weight in sport, and I want to carry on doing that and supporting grass-roots clubs and activities, and when it comes to culture and arts, it's ever so important that we don't just futureproof, but that we actually have the ambitions to grow. And I think that this is a shared commitment across the floor of the Chamber, and I look forward to having those conversations with you. 

Llywydd, just in closing, as I have the opportunity to say this, and around sports as well, I think you won't mind me saying 'Pob lwc' to Cymru in the coming games of the European 2025 play-offs. 

Diolch. Ar hynny, o ran yr effaith ar y cyrff yr ydym yn darparu llythyrau cylch gwaith iddynt, yr hyn y mae gennyf ddiddordeb mawr mewn clywed amdano yn y maes hwn yw gwaith y pwyllgor diwylliant, a gadeirir gan eich cyd-Aelod Delyth Jewell. Deallaf fod llawer o sefydliadau eisoes wedi bod gerbron y pwyllgor, lle mae'r effeithiau—. Wel, mae gennyf ddiddordeb mewn clywed eu barn ar hynny, a byddant yn cael y sgyrsiau hynny gyda mi yn uniongyrchol, ond hoffwn glywed safbwyntiau’r pwyllgor hefyd i weld sut y gallwn liniaru hynny wrth symud ymlaen. Fel y dywedaf, mae hwn yn sector yr wyf am lwyddo ynddo.

O ran symud ymlaen ac edrych ar sut y gallwn wneud pethau’n well, mae’n rhaid inni feddwl yn wahanol yn y senarios hyn. Rydym yn dal i fod mewn sefyllfa anodd a heriol o ran pwysau cyllidebol, felly mae angen inni ddod ynghyd, mewn ysbryd o bartneriaeth gymdeithasol, i ddod o hyd, efallai, i ffyrdd amgen o wneud pethau. Dyna fydd yn gwneud i sector diwylliant Cymru lwyddo. Byddaf yn cael y sgyrsiau hynny gyda nifer o randdeiliaid yn y sector. Yr hyn rwy'n awyddus i’w wneud hefyd, fel y dywedais mewn ymateb i Tom, yw cael sgwrs ar lawr y Senedd a chlywed eich barn ar ble y gallwn fwrw ymlaen â hyn. Oherwydd fel y dywedaf, yn y sector hwn, mewn diwylliant, y celfyddydau, chwaraeon a threftadaeth, rwy'n credu ein bod yn perfformio'n well na'r disgwyl yn gyson mewn chwaraeon, a hoffwn barhau i wneud hynny a chefnogi clybiau a gweithgareddau ar lawr gwlad, ac mae mor bwysig, mewn perthynas â diwylliant a'r celfyddydau, ein bod nid yn unig yn eu diogelu at y dyfodol, ond fod gennym uchelgais i dyfu. A chredaf fod hwn yn ymrwymiad a rennir ar draws y Siambr, ac edrychaf ymlaen at gael y sgyrsiau hynny gyda chi.

Lywydd, i gloi, gan fod cyfle gennyf i ddweud hyn, a ninnau'n trafod chwaraeon, ni chredaf y bydd ots gennych imi ddweud 'Pob lwc' i Gymru yn y gemau ail gyfle sydd ar y ffordd ar gyfer pencampwriaeth Ewrop 2025.

Dim problem o gwbl i ddymuno pob lwc i Gymru ar unrhyw lefel ac mewn unrhyw chwaraeon. 

There's no problem at all in wishing Wales well at any level and in any sport. 

Cynllun Storio Tanfor i Ddal Carbon
Carbon Capture Undersea Storage Scheme

3. Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet wedi'u cael gyda Llywodraeth y DU ynghylch cynigion ar gyfer cynllun storio tanfor i ddal carbon yn Sir y Fflint? OQ61753

3. What discussions has the Cabinet Secretary had with the UK Government about proposals for a carbon capture undersea storage scheme in Flintshire? OQ61753

The Welsh Government has regular discussions with the UK Government at both an official and ministerial level to ensure proposed carbon capture projects across Wales are subject to robust regulatory controls, facilitate long-term decarbonisation and build a stronger, greener economy.

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cynnal trafodaethau rheolaidd gyda Llywodraeth y DU ar lefel swyddogol a gweinidogol i sicrhau bod prosiectau dal carbon arfaethedig ledled Cymru yn destun rheolaethau rheoleiddiol cadarn, yn hwyluso datgarboneiddio hirdymor ac yn adeiladu economi gryfach a gwyrddach.

Earlier this month, you said, and I quote, that

'it is the Welsh Government's intention to provide a clearer statement of our views and our approach to carbon capture usage and storage,'

but the reality is, of course, that it's happening now. We don't really know, clearly, where you stand on this, and it feels a little bit as if you're asleep at the wheel, might I suggest? Now, CCS as a technology, of course, risks giving carbon emitters a bit of a free pass, doesn't it, because they can carry on polluting or, at best, at least it'll slow down the transition away from carbon dioxide, and we know that there are serious public health risks and issues as well. There are examples elsewhere of leaks and explosions causing hospitalisation and asphyxiation. The Health and Safety Executive say it has major hazard potential. Is that a risk that you're willing to expose the people of north-east Wales to as they become the exhaust pipe of the United Kingdom? 

Yn gynharach y mis hwn, fe ddywedoch chi mai

'bwriad Llywodraeth Cymru yw darparu datganiad cliriach o'n barn a'n dull gweithredu o ran y defnydd o ddal a storio carbon,'

ond y gwir amdani, wrth gwrs, yw bod hyn yn digwydd yn barod. Yn amlwg, nid ydym yn gwybod yn iawn beth yw eich safbwynt ar hyn, ac os caf awgrymu, mae'n teimlo fel pe baech chi'n cysgu wrth y llyw. Nawr, mae perygl y gall technoleg dal a storio carbon roi rhwydd hynt i allyrwyr carbon, gan y gallant barhau i lygru, neu ar y gorau, bydd o leiaf yn arafu'r broses o bontio oddi wrth allyrru carbon deuocsid, a gwyddom fod risgiau a phroblemau difrifol i iechyd y cyhoedd hefyd. Mae enghreifftiau mewn mannau eraill o ollyngiadau a ffrwydradau gan achosi i bobl fygu a gorfod mynd i'r ysbyty. Dywed yr Awdurdod Gweithredol Iechyd a Diogelwch fod ganddo beryglon mawr posibl. A yw hynny'n risg rydych chi'n fodlon agor pobl gogledd-ddwyrain Cymru iddi wrth iddynt ddod yn bibell egsôst i'r Deyrnas Unedig?


So, as I said previously, in the coming weeks I will be consulting on the Welsh Government policy position in terms of how we can use carbon capture and storage technology, but our clear focus is on where it can make a clear, measurable and sustained contribution to decarbonisation on our transition away from fossil fuel consumption. I would share your concerns if this was about extending the life of fossil fuels, but that's not what this is about. There are certain sectors, for example, cement, that cannot be decarbonised other than through technologies such as carbon capture and storage.

These are the kinds of areas that we have to be realistic about, and even international studies undertaken by organisations including the Climate Change Committee, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the International Energy Agency have all consistently concluded that carbon capture and storage is a pathway to reducing emissions, and we are not going to get to our targets in terms of net zero without it. So, it is a technology that we have to use, but of course it has to be safe and it has to be done through the appropriate planning regime, and so on.

I know the UK Government has undertaken a range of research in this space, and I'd be more than happy to share more of that with colleagues. One of the examples I have is the UK Government's publication of research and analysis, and that was regarding the deep geological storage of carbon dioxide, offshore UK, and that was about containment certainty. So, that was a particular piece of research that demonstrated a very high level of confidence about the long-term security of carbon dioxide containment in a typical CCS storage complex in and around the UK. So, the research is absolutely there and it's available, and we'll be sharing more of that when we do move to consultation.

But just to be really clear: the policy is about the role of carbon capture and storage on our journey to net zero, and with a particular focus on areas of the economy that can't be decarbonised through other means.

Fel rwyf wedi'i ddweud eisoes, yn yr wythnosau nesaf, byddaf yn ymgynghori ar safbwynt polisi Llywodraeth Cymru ar sut y gallwn ddefnyddio technoleg dal a storio carbon, ond rydym yn canolbwyntio ar ble y gall wneud cyfraniad clir, mesuradwy a pharhaus at ddatgarboneiddio wrth inni bontio o ddefnyddio tanwydd ffosil. Buaswn yn rhannu eich pryderon pe bai hyn yn ymwneud ag ymestyn oes tanwyddau ffosil, ond nid dyna yw hyn. Mae rhai sectorau, er enghraifft sment, na ellir eu datgarboneiddio ac eithrio drwy dechnolegau fel dal a storio carbon.

Dyma’r mathau o feysydd y mae’n rhaid inni fod yn realistig yn eu cylch, ac mae hyd yn oed astudiaethau rhyngwladol a gynhaliwyd gan sefydliadau sy'n cynnwys y Pwyllgor Newid Hinsawdd, y Panel Rhynglywodraethol ar Newid Hinsawdd a’r Asiantaeth Ynni Ryngwladol oll wedi dod i’r casgliad yn gyson fod dal a storio carbon yn llwybr tuag at leihau allyriadau, ac nad ydym yn mynd i gyflawni ein targedau sero net hebddo. Felly, mae’n dechnoleg y mae’n rhaid i ni ei defnyddio, ond wrth gwrs, mae’n rhaid iddi fod yn ddiogel, ac mae’n rhaid ei wneud drwy’r drefn gynllunio briodol, ac yn y blaen.

Gwn fod Llywodraeth y DU wedi gwneud ystod o waith ymchwil yn y maes hwn, ac rwy'n fwy na pharod i rannu mwy o hynny gyda chyd-Aelodau. Un o’r enghreifftiau sydd gennyf yw'r ddogfen ymchwil a dadansoddi a gyhoeddwyd gan Lywodraeth y DU, a oedd yn trafod storio carbon deuocsid yn ddaearegol ddwfn, oddi ar arfordir y DU, ac roedd hynny’n ymwneud â'i storio'n ddiogel. Felly, roedd hwnnw’n ymchwil penodol a ddangosai lefel uchel iawn o hyder ynghylch diogelwch hirdymor storio carbon deuocsid mewn man dal a storio carbon arferol yn y DU ac o'i chwmpas. Felly, mae'r ymchwil yno ac mae ar gael, a byddwn yn rhannu mwy ohoni pan fyddwn yn dechrau ymgynghori.

Ond er eglurder: mae'r polisi'n ymwneud â rôl dal a storio carbon mewn perthynas â'n taith at sero net, ac mae'n canolbwyntio'n benodol ar feysydd o'r economi na ellir eu datgarboneiddio drwy ddulliau eraill.

The north-west industrial cluster region stretches from Flintshire and Wrexham through Cheshire, Liverpool city region and greater Manchester into Lancashire. The HyNet North West hydrogen and carbon capture project received £72 million in funding from the Conservative UK Government in 2021 to play a critical role in the UK's transition to net zero, and the announcement that the new UK Government will continue to support this is therefore welcome. The project will convert natural gas into low-carbon hydrogen to power industry, fuel transport and generate electricity.

So, do you agree with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that carbon capture and storage has a role to play alongside other actions to tackle global emissions? And what engagement are you having with Flintshire industries, including Connah's Quay power station, Heidelberg Materials cement works in Padeswood and Parc Adfer, an energy-from-waste facility at Deeside industrial park, which proposed to transport captured carbon dioxide to permanent offshore storage facilities in repurposed depleted offshore gas fields, as part of the HyNet industrial cluster?   

Mae rhanbarth clwstwr diwydiannol y gogledd-orllewin yn ymestyn o sir y Fflint a Wrecsam drwy Swydd Gaer, dinas-ranbarth Lerpwl a Manceinion fwyaf i mewn i swydd Gaerhirfryn. Darparwyd £72 miliwn o gyllid gan Lywodraeth Geidwadol y DU yn 2021 i brosiect hydrogen a dal carbon HyNet North West i chwarae rhan hollbwysig wrth i'r DU bontio i sero net, ac felly mae’r cyhoeddiad y bydd Llywodraeth newydd y DU yn parhau i gefnogi hyn i'w groesawu. Bydd y prosiect yn troi nwy naturiol yn hydrogen carbon isel i bweru diwydiant a thrafnidiaeth a chynhyrchu trydan.

Felly, a ydych chi'n cytuno â'r Panel Rhynglywodraethol ar Newid Hinsawdd fod gan dechnoleg dal a storio carbon rôl i'w chwarae ochr yn ochr â chamau gweithredu eraill i fynd i'r afael ag allyriadau byd-eang? A pha ymgysylltiad rydych chi'n ei gael â diwydiannau sir y Fflint, gan gynnwys gorsaf ynni Cei Connah, gwaith sment Heidelberg Materials yn Padeswood a Pharc Adfer, cyfleuster troi gwastraff yn ynni ym mharc diwydiannol Glannau Dyfrdwy, a oedd yn cynnig cludo carbon deuocsid wedi'i ddal i gyfleusterau storio parhaol ar y môr mewn hen feysydd nwy alltraeth wedi eu haddasu at ddibenion gwahanol, fel rhan o glwstwr diwydiannol HyNet?

I'm grateful for the question and, as I said in response to the previous question, we're very mindful of the fact that the Climate Change Committee and a range of other organisations have said that carbon capture and storage will necessarily be a part of our journey towards net zero, particularly if we are to hit our net-zero targets in a timely manner. I would just reassure you that we are having those regular discussions; officials meet regularly with HyNet and the consortium partners to better understand the proposals and to offer our support as appropriate. 

And alongside the Minister for north Wales, I visited Heidelberg cement factory recently to understand more about the technology that is being proposed, and the impact that it would have on decarbonising the production of cement.

Rwy’n ddiolchgar am eich cwestiwn, ac fel y dywedais mewn ymateb i’r cwestiwn blaenorol, rydym yn ymwybodol iawn o’r ffaith bod y Pwyllgor Newid Hinsawdd ac amrywiaeth o sefydliadau eraill wedi dweud y bydd dal a storio carbon o reidrwydd yn rhan o'n taith tuag at sero net, yn enwedig os ydym am gyflawni ein targedau sero net mewn pryd. Hoffwn roi sicrwydd i chi ein bod yn cael y trafodaethau rheolaidd hynny; mae swyddogion yn cyfarfod yn rheolaidd â HyNet a phartneriaid y consortiwm i ddeall y cynigion yn well ac i gynnig ein cefnogaeth fel y bo'n briodol.

Ac ymwelais â ffatri sment Heidelberg yn ddiweddar gyda'r Gweinidog dros ogledd Cymru i ddeall mwy am y dechnoleg sy’n cael ei hargymell, a’r effaith y byddai’n ei chael ar ddatgarboneiddio cynhyrchiant sment.

I know there are concerns about the scale of the project and questions about whether this is the right route towards decarbonisation and our net-zero ambitions, but I want to focus today on some concerns around the potential practical impact on my constituency and the communities within it, whether that’s disruption from the construction of the spur pipeline from Padeswood to the proposed above ground installations near Northop Hall. I serve, and I'm proud to serve, an area that has very much been scarred by industry in the past, and I don't wish that to be our future. So, can I ask, Cabinet Secretary, what the Welsh Government can do, working with the UK Government and other partners, to ensure people and places are fully aware and involved with the process, that disruption and impact on landscape is absolutely mitigated, and that community benefits are meaningful and mandated?

Gwn fod pryderon ynghylch maint y prosiect a chwestiynau ynglŷn ag ai dyma’r llwybr cywir tuag at ddatgarboneiddio a’n huchelgeisiau sero net, ond hoffwn ganolbwyntio heddiw ar bryderon ynghylch yr effaith ymarferol bosibl ar fy etholaeth a’r cymunedau ynddi, boed yn darfu yn sgil y gwaith o adeiladu'r bibell gangen o Padeswood i'r safleoedd arfaethedig uwchben y ddaear ger Northop Hall. Rwy’n gwasanaethu, ac rwy’n falch o wasanaethu, ardal sydd wedi’i chreithio’n ddwfn gan ddiwydiant yn y gorffennol, ac nid wyf am i hynny fod yn ddyfodol i ni. Felly, a gaf i ofyn, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, beth y gall Llywodraeth Cymru ei wneud, gan weithio gyda Llywodraeth y DU a phartneriaid eraill, i sicrhau bod pobl a lleoedd yn gwbl ymwybodol o'r broses ac yn rhan ohoni, fod y tarfu a'r effaith ar y dirwedd yn cael eu lliniaru i'r graddau mwyaf posibl, a bod buddion cymunedol yn ystyrlon ac wedi eu mandadu?


We will absolutely be making those important points in our discussions with HyNet and also with the UK Government in relation to the importance of consulting with and properly considering the views of residents in the area, and also, of course, for maximising the opportunities for the area through new jobs and so on. The impact on the area will absolutely be at the forefront of our discussions, and, of course, impressing upon those other partners the need to consult properly with communities, as appropriate, as we move these proposals on.

Byddwn yn gwneud y pwyntiau pwysig hynny yn ein trafodaethau gyda HyNet a hefyd gyda Llywodraeth y DU mewn perthynas â phwysigrwydd ymgynghori â barn trigolion yr ardal a rhoi ystyriaeth briodol iddi, ac ynglŷn â gwneud y mwyaf o'r cyfleoedd i'r ardal drwy swyddi newydd ac yn y blaen. Bydd yr effaith ar yr ardal yn cael lle blaenllaw yn ein trafodaethau, a phwysleisio wrth y partneriaid eraill wrth gwrs fod angen ymgynghori'n briodol â chymunedau, fel y bo'n briodol, wrth inni symud ymlaen ar y cynigion hyn.

Datblygiadau Ffermydd Solar Mawr
Large-scale Solar Farm Developments

4. Beth yw meini prawf cyffredinol y Llywodraeth ar gyfer cymeradwyo neu wrthod datblygiadau ffermydd solar mawr? OQ61762

4. What are the Government's overarching criteria for approving or rejecting large-scale solar farm developments? OQ61762

The Welsh Government’s planning policies for the consideration of large-scale solar farms are contained within 'Planning Policy Wales' and 'Future Wales'.

Mae polisïau cynllunio Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer ystyried ffermydd solar mawr wedi'u cynnwys yn 'Polisi Cynllunio Cymru' a 'Cymru'r Dyfodol'.

Diolch am yr ateb yna.

Thank you for that response.

The Gwent levels are of international significance and are truly unique for featuring a criss-cross network of fertile fields and historic watercourses, known locally as reens, with some of these wetlands originally reclaimed from the sea by the Romans. It remains largely untouched for centuries. As well as cattle, it is home to more than 200 species of insects and other invertebrates, many of them protected due to their rarity, within sites of special scientific interest.

It beggars belief, therefore, that this incredible landscape could be subject to six huge separate solar farms to go with the Llanwern solar farm that has already been approved. This means that nearly a third of the total area of individual Gwent levels SSSIs has been proposed for solar farm development. Whilst I'm in favour of solar and other forms of renewable energy, in my view, it should not be located within crucial and fragile natural habitats like these wetlands.

Minister, I know you cannot offer an opinion on the merits of such planning applications, but can you provide further insight into how such planning applications are determined, and give some indication of what criteria take precedence within the planning framework for large-scale projects like these? Where do SSSI status, 'best and most versatile' assessments and environmental impact assessments rank compared to energy production and economic benefit? Diolch.

Mae arwyddocâd rhyngwladol i wastadeddau Gwent ac maent yn wirioneddol unigryw o fod yn cynnwys rhwydwaith o gaeau ffrwythlon a chyrsiau dŵr hanesyddol, a elwir yn lleol yn ffosydd draenio, gyda rhai o'r gwlyptiroedd hyn wedi eu hadfer yn wreiddiol o'r môr gan y Rhufeiniaid. Maent yn dal heb eu cyffwrdd i raddau helaeth ers canrifoedd. Yn ogystal â gwartheg, mae'n gartref i fwy na 200 rhywogaeth o bryfed ac infertebratau eraill, gyda llawer ohonynt wedi'u gwarchod oherwydd eu prinder, o fewn safleoedd o ddiddordeb gwyddonol arbennig.

Mae'n syndod felly, y gallai'r dirwedd anhygoel hon fod yn lleoliad i chwe fferm solar enfawr i fynd gyda fferm solar Llan-wern sydd eisoes wedi'i chymeradwyo. Mae hyn yn golygu bod bron i draean o gyfanswm arwynebedd SoDdGA unigol gwastadeddau Gwent wedi'i gynnig ar gyfer datblygu ffermydd solar. Er fy mod o blaid ynni solar a mathau eraill o ynni adnewyddadwy, yn fy marn i ni ddylid ei leoli o fewn cynefinoedd naturiol allweddol a bregus fel y gwlyptiroedd hyn.

Weinidog, gwn na allwch gynnig barn ar rinweddau ceisiadau cynllunio o'r fath, ond a allwch chi roi syniad pellach o sut y penderfynir ar geisiadau cynllunio o'r fath, a rhoi rhyw arwydd o ba feini prawf sy'n cael blaenoriaeth o fewn y fframwaith cynllunio ar gyfer prosiectau mawr fel y rhain? Pa statws sydd i SoDdGA, asesiadau 'tir gorau a mwyaf amlbwrpas' ac asesiadau effaith amgylcheddol o gymharu â chynhyrchiant ynni a budd economaidd? Diolch.

The first thing to say is about the importance of the Gwent levels. I think that importance is very much reflected in 'Future Wales' policy 9 by its designation as a national natural resource area. I think that's very important. Officials are currently in the process of preparing some further planning guidance in line with policy 9 of 'Future Wales', and that will involve developing further planning guidance for the Gwent levels, working with local authorities and with stakeholders. Some work on scoping the evidence base for that is ongoing at the moment. And, of course, the Welsh Government has established a Gwent levels working group, and that's chaired by John Griffiths MS. He's looking at how better protection and management of the Gwent levels can be enabled. One of the strategic priorities for that working group is absolutely about the development of better planning guidance to enable the right developments in the right place and to avoid further unacceptable biodiversity and landscape impacts on the Gwent levels. I hope that provides at least a level of reassurance as to the seriousness that we attach to the Gwent levels and the work that John Griffiths will be leading on.

Y peth cyntaf i'w nodi yw pwysigrwydd gwastadeddau Gwent. Rwy'n credu bod y pwysigrwydd yn cael ei adlewyrchu'n gadarn ym mholisi 'Cymru'r Dyfodol' 9 drwy gael ei dynodi'n ardal adnoddau naturiol cenedlaethol. Rwy'n credu bod hynny'n bwysig iawn. Mae swyddogion wrthi'n paratoi canllawiau cynllunio pellach ar hyn o bryd yn unol â pholisi 9 'Cymru'r Dyfodol', a bydd hynny'n golygu datblygu canllawiau cynllunio pellach ar gyfer gwastadeddau Gwent, gan weithio gydag awdurdodau lleol a chyda rhanddeiliaid. Mae gwaith cwmpasu ar y sylfaen dystiolaeth ar gyfer hynny yn mynd rhagddo ar hyn o bryd. Ac wrth gwrs, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi sefydlu gweithgor ar gyfer gwastadeddau Gwent sy'n cael ei gadeirio gan John Griffiths AS. Mae'n edrych ar sut y gellir gwella diogelwch a rheolaeth ar wastadeddau Gwent. Un o flaenoriaethau strategol y gweithgor hwnnw yw datblygu canllawiau cynllunio gwell i alluogi'r datblygiadau cywir yn y lle iawn ac i osgoi rhagor o effeithiau annerbyniol ar fioamrywiaeth a thirwedd ar wastadeddau Gwent. Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd hynny'n rhoi o leiaf rywfaint o sicrwydd ynglŷn â pha mor bwysig yw gwastadeddau Gwent i ni a'r gwaith y bydd John Griffiths yn ei arwain.

Thank you to my colleague Peredur for raising this. I've raised before, in this Chamber, about beautiful rural areas of Anglesey currently under threat from developers who want to cover 3,000 acres of valuable agricultural land with solar panels.

The Maen Hir scheme will have a detrimental effect to the point that one of the reports states that the project has the potential for adverse agricultural economic impacts as a result of reduced agricultural income. On top of that, the element of the project expected to raise income for spend on the local community is situated in one of the locations of the site most vulnerable to flooding. This is just unfair to the community. There's massive opposition to this. 'Future Wales: the national plan 2040' states:

'The Welsh Government strongly supports the principle of developing renewable and low carbon energy from all technologies and at all scales to meet our future energy needs.'

That reads to me as though you're prepared to forgo good agricultural land and farming at the risk of covering thousands of acres with solar farms. Will you look at amending the planning policy, please?

Diolch i fy nghyd-Aelod Peredur am godi hyn. Cyn hyn yn y Siambr hon, rwyf wedi nodi ardaloedd gwledig hardd Ynys Môn sydd dan fygythiad ar hyn o bryd gan ddatblygwyr sydd am osod paneli solar ar 3,000 erw o dir amaethyddol gwerthfawr.

Bydd cynllun Maen Hir yn cael effaith niweidiol i'r graddau fod un o'r adroddiadau'n nodi bod posibilrwydd y gallai'r prosiect greu effeithiau economaidd amaethyddol niweidiol o ganlyniad i lai o incwm amaethyddol. Ar ben hynny, mae elfen y prosiect y disgwylir iddo godi incwm i'w wario ar y gymuned leol wedi'i lleoli yn un o leoliadau'r safle sy'n fwyaf agored i lifogydd. Mae hyn yn annheg i'r gymuned. Mae gwrthwynebiad mawr i hyn. Mae 'Cymru'r Dyfodol: cynllun cenedlaethol 2040' yn nodi:

'Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gryf o blaid egwyddor datblygu ynni adnewyddadwy a charbon isel o bob technoleg ac ar bob graddfa er mwyn diwallu ein hanghenion ynni yn y dyfodol.'

Mae hynny'n swnio i mi fel pe baech chi'n barod i golli tir amaethyddol a ffermio da er mwyn creu ffermydd solar dros filoedd o erwau. A wnewch chi edrych ar ddiwygio'r polisi cynllunio, os gwelwch yn dda?


I'm grateful for the question. Colleagues know I can't comment on any specific plan because most large solar projects will be determined by Welsh Ministers, but we do have comprehensive and up-to-date planning policy that allows for the consideration of the opportunities and the impacts proposed by solar developments. We do have a really ambitious target of meeting 100 per cent of our energy needs from renewable sources by 2030, but that doesn't mean that we're going to abandon policies for the protection of our most valuable environments and habitats. There absolutely has to be that balance to be struck as we move on that journey to net zero. I will say, though, that 'Future Wales' does make a clear statement on the importance of high-quality agricultural land, as it's considered as a national natural resource under policy 9, and there is a lot of detail then involved in terms of how that land is graded. But I do think that 'Future Wales', as I've said, really recognises the importance of agricultural land as well.

Rwy'n ddiolchgar am y cwestiwn. Mae cyd-Aelodau'n gwybod na allaf wneud sylw ar unrhyw gynllun penodol am y bydd y rhan fwyaf o brosiectau solar mawr yn cael eu penderfynu gan Weinidogion Cymru, ond mae gennym bolisi cynllunio cynhwysfawr a chyfredol sy'n caniatáu ystyriaeth o'r cyfleoedd a'r effeithiau a ddaw yn sgil datblygiadau solar. Mae gennym darged uchelgeisiol iawn o ddiwallu 100 y cant o'n hanghenion ynni o ffynonellau adnewyddadwy erbyn 2030, ond nid yw hynny'n golygu ein bod yn mynd i roi'r gorau i bolisïau ar gyfer diogelu ein hamgylcheddau a'n cynefinoedd mwyaf gwerthfawr. Mae'n rhaid cael cydbwysedd wrth inni symud ymlaen ar y daith i sero net. Fe ddywedaf, serch hynny, fod 'Cymru'r Dyfodol' yn gwneud datganiad clir am bwysigrwydd tir amaethyddol o ansawdd uchel, gan ei fod yn cael ei ystyried yn adnodd naturiol cenedlaethol o dan bolisi 9, ac mae llawer o fanylion ynghlwm felly wrth sut y caiff y tir hwnnw ei raddio. Ond fel y dywedais, rwy'n sicr yn credu bod 'Cymru'r Dyfodol' yn bendant yn cydnabod pwysigrwydd tir amaethyddol yn ogystal.

Thank you for your answers on these points to the Chamber today, Cabinet Secretary, and thank you for what you said about the work of the Gwent levels working group, which I do think is very important and shows the commitment in the local area to protecting that unique landscape.

Some of the issues generally in terms of 'Planning Policy Wales', Cabinet Secretary, and policy 9, are about SSSIs and the degree of protection that's provided, and I welcome some of the improvements and better safeguards that have been developed up until now. But, as you mentioned, there is further work under way, and I just wonder if you could say a little bit about that further work in general, Cabinet Secretary, and how it relates to cumulative impact. Because one of the issues with large-scale solar farms is that if a number of them have been consented, it's the cumulative impact on the area. Every time one is consented, it then would normally make further development more likely, given that that development has already taken place.

Just finally, on exceptional circumstances, there is a feeling that greater clarity is needed in terms of interpretation, because sometimes a renewable energy project seems to be considered exceptional no matter what the environmental nature of the land concerned. 

Diolch am eich atebion ar y pwyntiau hyn i'r Siambr heddiw, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, a diolch am yr hyn a ddywedoch chi am waith gweithgor gwastadeddau Gwent, sydd, yn fy marn i, yn bwysig iawn ac yn dangos ymrwymiad yr ardal leol i ddiogelu'r dirwedd unigryw honno.

Mae rhai o'r materion sy'n codi o ran 'Polisi Cynllunio Cymru' yn gyffredinol, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, a pholisi 9, yn ymwneud â SoDdGAoedd a graddau'r diogelwch a ddarperir, ac rwy'n croesawu rhai o'r gwelliannau a'r mesurau diogelu gwell sydd wedi'u datblygu hyd yn hyn. Ond fel y sonioch chi, mae gwaith pellach ar y gweill, a tybed a allech chi ddweud ychydig am y gwaith pellach hwnnw yn gyffredinol, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, a sut y mae'n ymwneud ag effaith gronnol. Oherwydd un o'r problemau gyda ffermydd solar mawr, os oes nifer ohonynt wedi cael caniatâd, yw'r effaith gronnol ar yr ardal. Bob tro y rhoddir caniatâd i un, byddai fel arfer yn gwneud datblygiad pellach yn fwy tebygol wedyn, oherwydd bod y datblygiad hwnnw eisoes wedi digwydd.

Yn olaf, ar amgylchiadau eithriadol, mae yna deimlad fod angen mwy o eglurder mewn perthynas â dehongliad, oherwydd weithiau mae'n ymddangos bod prosiect ynni adnewyddadwy yn cael ei ystyried yn eithriadol ni waeth beth yw natur amgylcheddol y tir dan sylw. 

I'm grateful for the question and for the work that John Griffiths is undertaking in this space. I think the net benefit for biodiversity policy is really important in this space, and hopefully that will seek to at least mitigate some of those cumulative impacts, because it does require developers to follow the stepwise approach as a means of demonstrating the steps that have been taken to securing a net benefit for biodiversity. I think that is going to be absolutely crucial. That means working through a number of steps—so, avoiding impact in the first place, but then minimising and then seeking to mitigate and restore, and finally compensate on site for any losses. That obviously is an absolute last resort. I think that new policy approach is really important. I will give some further consideration to the specific points regarding exceptional circumstances and how we can better define those, if there are things that we can do to offer some more clarity.

Rwy'n ddiolchgar am y cwestiwn ac am y gwaith y mae John Griffiths yn ei wneud yn y maes hwn. Credaf fod budd net i bolisi bioamrywiaeth yn bwysig iawn yn y gofod hwn, a gobeithio y bydd hynny'n ceisio lliniaru o leiaf rai o'r effeithiau cronnus hynny, oherwydd mae'n ei gwneud yn ofynnol i ddatblygwyr ddilyn y dull 'stepwise' fel modd o ddangos y camau a gymerwyd i sicrhau budd net i fioamrywiaeth. Rwy'n credu y bydd hynny'n gwbl hanfodol. Mae hynny'n golygu gweithio drwy nifer o gamau—felly, osgoi effaith yn y lle cyntaf, ond lleihau a cheisio lliniaru ac adfer wedyn, ac yn y pen draw gwneud iawn ar y safle am unrhyw golledion. Mae hwnnw'n amlwg yn ddewis olaf absoliwt. Credaf fod y dull polisi newydd yn bwysig iawn. Byddaf yn rhoi ystyriaeth bellach i'r pwyntiau penodol ynghylch amgylchiadau eithriadol a sut y gallwn ddiffinio'r rheini'n well, os oes pethau y gallwn eu gwneud i gynnig mwy o eglurder.

Allgymorth Cymunedol gan Gyrff Chwaraeon
Sporting Bodies' Community Outreach

5. Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet wedi'u cael â chyrff chwaraeon ynghylch allgymorth cymunedol? OQ61741

5. What discussions has the Cabinet Secretary had with sporting bodies regarding community outreach? OQ61741

Diolch. I met the chair and chief executive of Sport Wales last week, where we discussed support for community and grass-roots sport, including from national governing bodies and other partners. Most sports include community outreach within their activities, and I value their important contributions.

Diolch. Cyfarfûm â chadeirydd a phrif weithredwr Chwaraeon Cymru yr wythnos diwethaf, lle buom yn trafod cefnogaeth i chwaraeon cymunedol a chwaraeon llawr gwlad, gan gynnwys gan gyrff llywodraethu cenedlaethol a phartneriaid eraill. Mae'r rhan fwyaf o chwaraeon yn cynnwys allgymorth cymunedol yn eu gweithgareddau, ac rwy'n gwerthfawrogi eu cyfraniadau pwysig.

Thank you for that answer, Minister. I've worked with a number of grass-roots sports clubs in my constituency—the ones I have in mind are Beddau welfare and Coedely welfare—all of which have developed from their traditional welfare role in mining communities to developing sporting facilities and so on. One of the contributions it's clear they make, increasingly, is not just around physical health, but it's also around the mental health and broader well-being of the communities. Could I ask the Minister what action he's talking to encourage grass-roots sports clubs to play a more specific and focused role in the development of support for mental health in the communities and broader well-being?

Diolch am yr ateb hwnnw, Weinidog. Rwyf wedi gweithio gyda nifer o glybiau chwaraeon llawr gwlad yn fy etholaeth—y rhai sydd gennyf mewn golwg yw grwpiau lles Beddau a lles Coed-elái—mae pob un ohonynt wedi datblygu o'u rôl les draddodiadol mewn cymunedau glofaol i ddatblygu cyfleusterau chwaraeon ac yn y blaen. Mae un o'r cyfraniadau amlwg a wnânt yn ymwneud yn gynyddol nid yn unig ag iechyd corfforol, ond ag iechyd meddwl a lles ehangach y cymunedau hefyd. A gaf i ofyn i'r Gweinidog pa gamau y mae'n eu cymryd i annog clybiau chwaraeon llawr gwlad i chwarae rhan fwy penodol sy'n canolbwyntio ar ddatblygu cefnogaeth i iechyd meddwl yn y cymunedau a llesiant ehangach?


Can I thank Mick for that important question and the points made within the question, but, more importantly, thank him for all of the work he does in his constituency of Pontypridd in this particular area, supporting people with their mental health, supporting sports clubs and other organisations to support people in their mental health?

The Member will be very aware that I have championed, for a number of years now, the idea of sports clubs playing a role in supporting fans and players with their own mental health. We know, don't we, Presiding Officer, that men in particular can struggle to open up and talk to one another about how they are feeling, so providing that safe space and a comfortable space is ever so important to do so. I do believe sports facilities, particularly grass-roots sport, is one of those spaces.

Llywydd, there were two football teams in Wales this year who won awards during the Football Association of Wales’s grass-roots awards for raising awareness and promoting mental well-being, both stemming from the loss of a player to suicide: Heolgerrig Red Lion FC and Connah’s Quay Town in my own constituency, in the memory of my best friend of 20 years, Jamie Wynne. This is a further example of good practice, but it's not just in football. Welsh Athletics also have a partnership with Mind Cymru, and they've recently announced that they have trained 34 mental health champions in 23 running clubs across Wales.

In terms of the specific ask from the Member, I've already had the opportunity to speak with the FAW around this, to speak to Sports Wales around this, and also to Cardiff City FC Foundation around this. My colleague Sarah Murphy and I had those conversations around where sport in particular can, perhaps, play a bigger role in supporting people with their mental health across Wales. Together, we will take that work forward to see what may be possible in the future.

A gaf i ddiolch i Mick am y cwestiwn pwysig hwnnw a'r pwyntiau a wnaed yn y cwestiwn, ond yn bwysicach, diolch iddo am yr holl waith y mae'n ei wneud yn ei etholaeth ym Mhontypridd yn y maes penodol hwn, yn cefnogi pobl gyda'u hiechyd meddwl, yn cefnogi clybiau chwaraeon a sefydliadau eraill i gefnogi pobl gyda'u hiechyd meddwl?

Bydd yr Aelod yn ymwybodol iawn fy mod, ers nifer o flynyddoedd bellach, wedi hyrwyddo'r syniad o rôl clybiau chwaraeon yn cefnogi cefnogwyr a chwaraewyr gyda'u hiechyd meddwl eu hunain. Fe wyddom, oni wyddom, Lywydd, y gall dynion yn enwedig ei chael hi'n anodd bod yn agored a siarad â'i gilydd ynglŷn â sut maent yn teimlo, felly mae darparu lle diogel a lle cyfforddus mor bwysig. Rwy'n credu bod cyfleusterau chwaraeon, yn enwedig chwaraeon llawr gwlad, yn un o'r mannau hynny.

Lywydd, fe wnaeth dau dîm pêl-droed yng Nghymru ennill gwobrau yng ngwobrau llawr gwlad Cymdeithas Bêl-droed Cymru eleni am godi ymwybyddiaeth a hyrwyddo llesiant meddyliol, yn deillio, yn y ddau achos, o golli chwaraewyr i hunanladdiad: Clybiau Pêl-droed Heolgerrig Red Lion a Chei Connah yn fy etholaeth i, er cof am fy ffrind gorau am 20 mlynedd, Jamie Wynne. Mae hon yn enghraifft arall o arfer da, ond nid mewn pêl-droed yn unig. Mae gan Athletau Cymru bartneriaeth gyda Mind Cymru hefyd, ac yn ddiweddar maent wedi cyhoeddi eu bod wedi hyfforddi 34 o hyrwyddwyr iechyd meddwl mewn 23 o glybiau rhedeg ledled Cymru.

Ar yr hyn y mae'r Aelod yn ei ofyn yn benodol, rwyf eisoes wedi cael cyfle i siarad â Chymdeithas Bêl-droed Cymru a Chwaraeon Cymru ynglŷn â hyn, yn ogystal â Sefydliad Clwb Pêl-droed Dinas Caerdydd. Cafodd fy nghyd-Aelod Sarah Murphy a minnau sgyrsiau ynglŷn â lle gall chwaraeon, yn arbennig, chwarae rhan fwy yn cefnogi pobl gyda'u hiechyd meddwl ledled Cymru. Gyda'n gilydd, fe wnawn ddatblygu'r gwaith hwnnw i weld beth allai fod yn bosibl yn y dyfodol.

Community outreach, Minister, for our sports clubs is very important, but also how they link with community health as well. What we have across Wales is an obesity epidemic, and I think sport can play a huge role in addressing the obesity crisis that we have across Wales. So, what I'm interested to learn, Minister, is what you are going to do to have better links with health to make sure that our sports clubs can play their role in ending obesity across Wales. What time frames can we see for when implementation of this is going to happen and when are we going to see the outcomes of the work that the Government is doing?

Weinidog, mae allgymorth cymunedol i'n clybiau chwaraeon yn bwysig iawn, ond hefyd y ffordd y maent yn cysylltu ag iechyd cymunedol. Yr hyn sydd gennym ar draws Cymru yw epidemig o ordewdra, ac rwy'n credu y gall chwaraeon chwarae rhan enfawr yn mynd i'r afael â'r argyfwng gordewdra sydd gennym ledled Cymru. Felly, hoffwn wybod, Weinidog, beth rydych chi'n mynd i'w wneud i gael gwell cysylltiadau ag iechyd i sicrhau y gall ein clybiau chwaraeon chwarae eu rhan yn rhoi diwedd ar ordewdra ledled Cymru. Pa amserlenni y cawn eu gweld ar gyfer pryd y bydd hyn yn cael ei weithredu a phryd y gwelwn ganlyniadau'r gwaith y mae'r Llywodraeth yn ei wneud?

Thank you, James Evans, for that. I know the Member in particular has a real passionate interest around the role sport and health can play in Wales and in his own constituency. And I know he's an avid sports player, Presiding Officer—

Diolch am hynny, James Evans. Rwy'n gwybod bod gan yr Aelod ddiddordeb angerddol yn y rôl y gall chwaraeon ac iechyd ei chwarae yng Nghymru ac yn ei etholaeth ei hun. A gwn ei fod yn chwaraewr brwd, Lywydd—

An average sports player himself—that would be mean, Sam Kurtz. No, he's very good. Llywydd, I've played darts against James—he's much better than me.

But the role he mentions in sport and what it can do in terms of preventative measures in the health department is ever so important. I think it's something that the health Secretary and I, with his Deputy Ministers as well, will have further conversations on, around what that looks like going forward.

I will just point to the Welsh Rugby Union and Urdd programme Fit, Fed and Fun that takes place during the school holidays. That doesn't just help battle loneliness and isolation, but it very much does all of the things James Evans wishes sport to do in terms of getting people fit, getting people healthy. I'm very committed to making sure anyone who wants to access sport in Wales can do so in whatever sport that may be, at whatever level, to make sure that we do have a healthy nation, going forward.

Ag yntau'n chwaraewr cymedrol ei hun, mae hynny'n greulon, Sam Kurtz. Na, mae'n dda iawn. Lywydd, rwyf wedi chwarae dartiau yn erbyn James—mae'n llawer gwell na fi.

Ond mae'r rôl y mae'n sôn amdani mewn chwaraeon a'r hyn y gall ei wneud o ran mesurau ataliol ym maes iechyd mor bwysig. Rwy'n credu ei fod yn rhywbeth y bydd yr Ysgrifennydd iechyd a minnau, gyda'i Ddirprwy Weinidogion hefyd, yn cael sgyrsiau pellach yn ei gylch, ynglŷn â sut olwg sydd ar hynny wrth symud ymlaen.

Rwyf am nodi raglen Undeb Rygbi Cymru a rhaglen Ffit, Bwydo, Hwyl yr Urdd sy'n digwydd yn ystod gwyliau'r ysgol. Mae hynny'n helpu i frwydro yn erbyn unigrwydd ac ynysigrwydd, ac mae hefyd yn gwneud pob un o'r pethau y mae James Evans yn dymuno i chwaraeon ei wneud i gael pobl yn ffit, yn iach. Rwy'n ymrwymedig iawn i sicrhau y gall unrhyw un sydd am gymryd rhan mewn chwaraeon yng Nghymru wneud hynny ym mha bynnag gamp a ddymunant, ar ba lefel bynnag, i sicrhau bod gennym genedl iach ar gyfer y dyfodol.

Prosiectau Dal Carbon
Carbon Capture Projects

6. Pa asesiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud o'r achos busnes dros brosiectau dal carbon yng Nghymru? OQ61757

6. What assessment has the Welsh Government made of the business case for carbon capture projects in Wales? OQ61757

The responsibility for demonstrating that carbon capture and storage business cases make the necessary contribution to long-term decarbonisation and build a stronger, greener economy rests entirely with the developer. To acquire necessary consents, developers must provide evidence in line with our policies set out in 'Planning Policy Wales'.

Mae'r cyfrifoldeb am ddangos bod achosion busnes dal a storio carbon yn gwneud y cyfraniad angenrheidiol at ddatgarboneiddio hirdymor ac adeiladu economi gryfach, wyrddach yn dibynnu'n llwyr ar y datblygwr. Er mwyn cael y cydsyniadau angenrheidiol, rhaid i ddatblygwyr ddarparu tystiolaeth yn unol â'n polisïau a nodir yn 'Polisi Cynllunio Cymru'.


Cabinet Secretary, multiple reports have highlighted that carbon capture is an untested and untried science, and we've already heard some concerns about that, following Llyr Gruffydd's question. We really shouldn't be surprised that the fossil fuel industry is keen to clutch at this straw as a way of prolonging the lifespan of carbon-emitting fuels, rather than switching to alternative energy generation. Given the number of energy experts who say that CCS technology isn't worth investing in, what might the Welsh Government's business case be for sinking money into this doubtful technology, when Wales is endowed with so many renewable energy options on our doorstep, which we can use for both generation and warming our homes?

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae sawl adroddiad wedi nodi bod dal carbon yn wyddoniaeth heb ei phrofi, ac rydym eisoes wedi clywed rhai pryderon ynglŷn â hynny, yn dilyn cwestiwn Llyr Gruffydd. Ni ddylem synnu bod y diwydiant tanwydd ffosil yn awyddus i fachu ar y llygedyn bach hwn o oleuni fel ffordd o ymestyn hyd oes tanwydd allyrru carbon, yn hytrach na newid i gynhyrchu ynni amgen. O ystyried nifer yr arbenigwyr ynni sy'n dweud nad yw technoleg dal a storio carbon yn werth buddsoddi ynddi, beth allai achos busnes Llywodraeth Cymru fod dros suddo arian i'r dechnoleg amheus hon, pan fo cymaint o opsiynau ynni adnewyddadwy ar garreg ein drws yng Nghymru y gallwn eu defnyddio ar gyfer cynhyrchu ynni a chynhesu ein cartrefi?

So, in terms of Welsh Government's own investment, you will see that in the renewable sector. You'll see it through Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru and the five projects that we're seeking to develop there. You'll see it in our wider support through Ynni Cymru for more community-based renewable sources of energy as well. So, in terms of where you see the Welsh Government investment, that's where it's going, and we just are really, really clear that our preferred methods of decarbonisation do remain demand reduction, energy efficiency, use of renewables and transition away from fossil fuels. And we need to ensure that carbon capture and storage is only used where other options for decarbonisation have been explored and are justifiably discounted. We'll support the industry across Wales, which, after exhausting all of those other options, have only CCS as a possible solution to decarbonise. And then it's just worth mentioning as well that any proposal for carbon capture and storage will require planning permission, environmental permits, marine permits, a technical and economic licence for transport and storage activities, and all of those will have demanding technical and economic requirements that have to be fulfilled before any consent is granted. And each regulatory regime requires the developer to provide detailed information and evidence on processes, impacts, monitoring and mitigations, before any energy can take place. But then, just to reiterate in terms of our own investments, they are very much in the renewable space.

O ran buddsoddiad Llywodraeth Cymru ei hun, fe welwch hwnnw yn y sector ynni adnewyddadwy. Fe'i gwelwch drwy Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru a'r pum prosiect yr ydym yn ceisio eu datblygu yno. Fe'i gwelwch yn ein cefnogaeth ehangach drwy Ynni Cymru i ragor o ffynonellau ynni adnewyddadwy cymunedol hefyd. Felly, o ran ble y gwelwch fuddsoddiad Llywodraeth Cymru, dyna lle mae'n mynd, ac rydym yn glir iawn fod ein dulliau dewisol o ddatgarboneiddio yn parhau i gynnwys lleihau galw, effeithlonrwydd ynni, defnydd o ynni adnewyddadwy a phontio oddi wrth danwydd ffosil. Ac mae angen inni sicrhau nad yw dal a storio carbon ond yn cael ei ddefnyddio pan fydd opsiynau eraill ar gyfer datgarboneiddio wedi'u harchwilio ac wedi eu diystyru'n briodol. Byddwn yn cefnogi'r diwydiant ledled Cymru, os mai'r unig ateb posibl i ddatgarboneiddio ar ôl dihysbyddu pob un o'r opsiynau eraill yw dal a storio carbon. Ac mae'n werth sôn hefyd y bydd unrhyw gynnig ar gyfer dal a storio carbon yn galw am ganiatâd cynllunio, trwyddedau amgylcheddol, trwyddedau morol, trwydded dechnegol ac economaidd ar gyfer gweithgareddau cludo a storio, a bydd gan bob un o'r rheini ofynion technegol ac economaidd heriol y mae'n rhaid eu cyflawni cyn rhoi unrhyw gydsyniad. Ac mae pob cyfundrefn reoleiddiol yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i'r datblygwr ddarparu gwybodaeth a thystiolaeth fanwl ar brosesau, effeithiau, monitro a mesurau lliniaru, cyn y gall unrhyw ynni ddigwydd. Ond i ailadrodd, o ran ein buddsoddiadau ein hunain, maent yn bendant yn canolbwyntio ar y gofod ynni adnewyddadwy.

Cenedl Cyflog Byw
A Living Wage Nation

7. Sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio tuag at y nod o Gymru yn dod yn genedl cyflog byw? OQ61749

7. How is the Welsh Government working towards Wales becoming a living wage nation? OQ61749

Diolch. We collaborate with the living wage movement, employers, trade unions and other stakeholders to promote the real living wage, and we encourage employers across Wales to adopt this wage and to seek accreditation for their commitment.

Diolch. Rydym yn cydweithio â'r mudiad cyflog byw, cyflogwyr, undebau llafur a rhanddeiliaid eraill i hyrwyddo'r cyflog byw gwirioneddol, ac rydym yn annog cyflogwyr ledled Cymru i fabwysiadu'r cyflog hwn a cheisio achrediad i'w hymrwymiad.

Diolch am yr ateb.

Thank you for that response.

And also congratulations on your post. It's good to be questioning you today. I'm very pleased that the new real living wage has gone up to £12.60 in Wales, and the real living wage rates are now worth over £2,262 more per year for the full-time worker in Wales than the legal minimum, the national living wage. There are 582 accredited real living wage employers in Wales, and more than 22,000 employees in Wales have received a pay rise due to the real living wage. Since 2014, all NHS Wales staff have been paid the real living wage, and I'm really pleased that in the social care field we were able to help the real living wage to be introduced for social care workers in Wales. But although things are progressing well, there are still a lot of employers who are not paying the real living wage, so could the Minister suggest ways forward that we can increase the number of employers paying the real living wage?

Hefyd, llongyfarchiadau ar eich swydd. Mae'n dda cael eich holi chi heddiw. Rwy'n falch iawn fod y cyflog byw gwirioneddol newydd wedi codi i £12.60 yng Nghymru, ac mae'r cyfraddau cyflog byw gwirioneddol bellach yn werth dros £2,262 yn fwy y flwyddyn i'r gweithiwr llawn amser yng Nghymru na'r isafswm cyfreithiol, y cyflog byw cenedlaethol. Mae 582 o gyflogwyr cyflog byw gwirioneddol achrededig yng Nghymru, ac mae mwy na 22,000 o weithwyr yng Nghymru wedi cael codiad cyflog oherwydd y cyflog byw gwirioneddol. Ers 2014, mae holl staff GIG Cymru wedi cael y cyflog byw gwirioneddol, ac yn y maes gofal cymdeithasol, rwy'n falch iawn ein bod wedi gallu helpu gyda chyflwyno'r cyflog byw gwirioneddol i weithwyr gofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru. Ond er bod pethau'n mynd rhagddynt yn dda, mae yna lawer o gyflogwyr o hyd nad ydynt yn talu'r cyflog byw gwirioneddol, felly a allai'r Gweinidog awgrymu ffyrdd y gallwn gynyddu nifer y cyflogwyr sy'n talu'r cyflog byw gwirioneddol?

Can I personally thank Julie Morgan for that question and join with Julie Morgan in welcoming today's announcement on the real living wage rate increasing to £12.60 in Wales? It's great to have employers take this seriously in Wales—employers like Transport for Wales and Tiny Rebel. The Member is right to point to the work we do in this field in the NHS, and of course in the social care sector. We're proud to have that commitment, and I want to place on record my thanks to Julie Morgan for making that commitment a reality and her leadership when she was the Minister for social care.

Presiding Officer, the increased wage announced today will make a real difference to thousands of workers who work for real living wage employers across Cymru, and for me personally, and the working class community that I come from, I'm very conscious of the difference that this will make for lower income families with children in particular.

The real living wage not only benefits employees, but the evidence does suggest it benefits employers as well as the wider community. We are approaching Living Wage Week in November. That is an opportunity to celebrate and encourage more employers, if they are able to do so, to consider paying the real living wage and seeking accreditation for doing so.

The Member asks what more we can do in the Welsh Government, and I'm particularly interested to see if there is more to do around the economic contract here and the work of the Social Partnership and Public Procurement (Wales) Act 2023 in encouraging employers to do so. And can I also pay tribute, Presiding Officer, to the movement in general and the trade union movement, who have championed this case for many, many years and deliver real-term pay increases for their members?

A gaf i ddiolch yn bersonol i Julie Morgan am y cwestiwn hwnnw ac ymuno â Julie Morgan i groesawu'r cyhoeddiad heddiw am y gyfradd cyflog byw gwirioneddol yn codi i £12.60 yng Nghymru? Mae'n wych fod cyflogwyr o ddifrif ynglŷn â hyn yng Nghymru—cyflogwyr fel Trafnidiaeth Cymru a Tiny Rebel. Mae'r Aelod yn iawn i nodi'r gwaith a wnawn yn y maes hwn yn y GIG, ac yn y sector gofal cymdeithasol wrth gwrs. Rydym yn falch o gael yr ymrwymiad hwnnw, ac rwyf am gofnodi fy niolch i Julie Morgan am wireddu'r ymrwymiad hwnnw a'i harweinyddiaeth pan oedd hi'n Weinidog gofal cymdeithasol.

Lywydd, bydd y cyflog uwch a gyhoeddwyd heddiw yn gwneud gwahaniaeth gwirioneddol i filoedd o weithwyr sy'n gweithio i gyflogwyr cyflog byw gwirioneddol ledled Cymru, ac i mi'n bersonol, a'r gymuned dosbarth gweithiol rwy'n dod ohoni, rwy'n ymwybodol iawn o'r gwahaniaeth y bydd hyn yn ei wneud i deuluoedd incwm is sydd â phlant yn arbennig.

Mae'r cyflog byw gwirioneddol nid yn unig o fudd i weithwyr, mae'r dystiolaeth yn awgrymu ei fod o fudd i gyflogwyr yn ogystal â'r gymuned ehangach. Rydym yn agosáu at Wythnos Cyflog Byw ym mis Tachwedd. Mae honno'n gyfle i ddathlu ac annog mwy o gyflogwyr i ystyried talu'r cyflog byw gwirioneddol os gallant, a cheisio achrediad am wneud hynny.

Mae'r Aelod yn gofyn beth arall y gallwn ei wneud yn Llywodraeth Cymru, ac mae gennyf ddiddordeb arbennig mewn gweld a oes mwy i'w wneud yma gyda'r contract economaidd a gwaith Deddf Partneriaeth Gymdeithasol a Chaffael Cyhoeddus (Cymru) 2023 i annog cyflogwyr i wneud hynny. A gaf i hefyd dalu teyrnged, Lywydd, i'r mudiad yn gyffredinol a mudiad yr undebau llafur, sydd wedi hyrwyddo'r achos hwn ers blynyddoedd lawer, ac wedi sicrhau codiadau cyflog mewn termau real i'w haelodau?

Datblygu Economaidd ym Mlaenau Gwent
Economic Development in Blaenau Gwent

8. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ddatganiad am fuddsoddiad datblygu economaidd ym Mlaenau Gwent? OQ61746

8. Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on economic development investment in Blaenau Gwent? OQ61746

The Welsh Government works with partners such as the Cardiff capital region, Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council and key businesses to deliver prosperity and the benefits of economic growth to all parts of south-east Wales, including Blaenau Gwent.

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio gyda phartneriaid fel prifddinas-ranbarth Caerdydd, Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Blaenau Gwent a busnesau allweddol i sicrhau ffyniant a manteision twf economaidd i bob rhan o dde-ddwyrain Cymru, gan gynnwys Blaenau Gwent.

I'm grateful to you for that, Cabinet Secretary. The Cabinet Secretary will, of course, be aware of the Goldworks development, which has just been opened in Blaenau Gwent, and I should take the opportunity, of course, of inviting her to Blaenau Gwent to go and see that development and to see what is being achieved in the borough. But, as the completion of the A465 dual carriageway comes to a completion, what we are seeing in the borough is a greater demand for business units and for industrial units. Will the Cabinet Secretary, on her visit to Blaenau Gwent, meet with the local authority and myself to discuss how the Welsh Government can continue to invest in the sorts of business environment we require in the borough to take full advantage of the investment that has already been made by the Welsh Government in the dualling of the A465?

Rwy'n ddiolchgar i chi am hynny, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Bydd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn ymwybodol o ddatblygiad Goldworks sydd newydd gael ei agor ym Mlaenau Gwent, a dylwn fanteisio ar y cyfle i'w gwahodd i Flaenau Gwent i fynd i weld y datblygiad hwnnw ac i weld beth sy'n cael ei gyflawni yn y fwrdeistref. Ond wrth i ffordd ddeuol yr A465 gael ei chwblhau, yr hyn a welwn yn y fwrdeistref yw mwy o alw am unedau busnes ac unedau diwydiannol. A wnaiff Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, ar ei hymweliad â Blaenau Gwent, gyfarfod â'r awdurdod lleol a minnau i drafod sut y gall Llywodraeth Cymru barhau i fuddsoddi yn y mathau o amgylcheddau busnes sydd eu hangen arnom yn y fwrdeistref i fanteisio'n llawn ar y buddsoddiad a wnaed eisoes gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar ddeuoli'r A465?

Thank you very much to Alun Davies. I'd be very happy to take him up on his kind invitation to visit Blaenau Gwent. I know that my predecessor also had a very interesting tour of some of the highlights in terms of Welsh Government investment and the opportunity to talk about additional things that we could be doing together as well. And as Alun Davies says, the construction of the Goldworks business centre was funded by Welsh Government. That was a joint venture with the council, and then it was fitted out by Blaenau Gwent, using some money from the shared prosperity fund. Other premises built in Blaenau Gwent by us include the Rhyd y Blew unit—that's 50,000 sq ft, which is under offer to a local engineering business that is seeking to expand—and also the Tech Valleys House, which currently has interest from two credible inward investors as well. So, again, all very positive stuff. And between those two investments, I think that that required a budget in excess of £10 million. So, that is a really significant investment on the part of the Welsh Government. That includes, of course, the Tech Valleys House. 

I know that the Northern Valleys Initiative has also identified property as one of the top three areas that it wants to look at. So, we stand ready to support that work as well. So, just to recognise the importance of having available units for businesses to move into and expand is absolutely important, and I very much look forward to my tour of Blaenau Gwent.  

Diolch i Alun Davies. Rwy'n hapus iawn i dderbyn ei wahoddiad caredig i ymweld â Blaenau Gwent. Gwn fod fy rhagflaenydd hefyd wedi cael taith ddiddorol iawn o amgylch rhai o'r uchafbwyntiau mewn perthynas â buddsoddiad Llywodraeth Cymru a'r cyfle i siarad am bethau ychwanegol y gallem eu gwneud gyda'n gilydd hefyd. Ac fel y dywed Alun Davies, ariannwyd y gwaith o adeiladu canolfan fusnes Goldworks gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Menter ar y cyd oedd honno gyda'r cyngor, a'i gosod wedyn gan Blaenau Gwent, gan ddefnyddio rhywfaint o arian o'r gronfa ffyniant gyffredin. Mae adeiladau eraill a adeiladwyd gennym ym Mlaenau Gwent yn cynnwys uned Rhyd y Blew—mae honno'n 50,000 troedfedd sgwâr, ac mae cais amdani wedi dod gan fusnes peirianneg lleol sydd eisiau ehangu—a hefyd Tech Valleys House y mae dau fewnfuddsoddwr credadwy wedi dangos ddiddordeb ynddo. Felly, unwaith eto, pethau cadarnhaol iawn. A rhwng y ddau fuddsoddiad hwnnw, rwy'n credu bod hynny wedi galw am gyllideb o fwy na £10 miliwn. Felly, mae'n fuddsoddiad sylweddol iawn ar ran Llywodraeth Cymru. Mae hynny'n cynnwys Tech Valleys House wrth gwrs. 

Gwn fod Menter Cymoedd y Gogledd hefyd wedi nodi eiddo fel un o'r tri phrif le y mae am edrych arnynt. Felly, rydym yn barod i gefnogi'r gwaith hwnnw hefyd. Felly, os caf gydnabod pwysigrwydd cael unedau ar gael i fusnesau symud i mewn iddynt ac ehangu yn bwysig iawn, ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen yn fawr at fy nhaith o gwmpas Blaenau Gwent.  

Diolch i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet a'r Gweinidog. 

I thank the Cabinet Secretary and the Minister. 

2. Cwestiynau i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol
2. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care

Yr eitem nesaf fydd y cwestiynau i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol. Mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Jenny Rathbone. 

The next item will be the questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care. The first question is from Jenny Rathbone. 

Deddf Gofal Gwrthgyfartal
The Inverse Care Law

1. Beth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i sicrhau nad yw gofal sylfaenol yn ddarostyngedig i'r ddeddf gofal gwrthgyfartal? OQ61758

1. What is the Welsh Government doing to ensure primary care isn't subject to the inverse care law? OQ61758

Well, 53 years on from the establishment of the concept of the inverse care law by Julian Tudor Hart and also Brian Gibbons who, of course, went on to become a Member of this Senedd, very sadly this law remains too often a reality right across the UK. The Welsh Government wishes to work for a Wales where this law no longer applies. 

Wel, 53 mlynedd ers sefydlu'r cysyniad o'r ddeddf gofal gwrthgyfartal gan Julian Tudor Hart a hefyd Brian Gibbons a aeth ymlaen i ddod yn Aelod o'r Senedd hon wrth gwrs, yn anffodus mae'r ddeddf hon yn parhau i fod yn realiti'n rhy aml ar draws y DU Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn dymuno gweithio dros Gymru lle nad yw'r ddeddf hon yn gymwys mwyach. 

Thank you, and I absolutely endorse your remarks about the importance of Julian Tudor Hart's work in getting this at the forefront of most clinicians' minds. But I was therefore very sad to read research by Cardiff University with Public Health Wales, published this August, which suggested that GP surgeries in the poorest places are being disadvantaged financially. So, I wondered if you could tell us what action the Welsh Government is taking to ensure that health boards are funding primary care teams equitably so that those serving the poorest, and therefore the most sick, communities get the most support. 

Diolch, ac rwy'n llwyr gymeradwyo eich sylwadau am bwysigrwydd gwaith Julian Tudor Hart yn sicrhau bod hyn yn dod yn flaenllaw ym meddyliau'r rhan fwyaf o glinigwyr. Ond roeddwn yn drist iawn i ddarllen ymchwil gan Brifysgol Caerdydd gydag Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru, a gyhoeddwyd fis Awst, yn awgrymu bod meddygfeydd yn y llefydd tlotaf dan anfantais ariannol. Felly, tybed a allech chi ddweud wrthym pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i sicrhau bod byrddau iechyd yn ariannu timau gofal sylfaenol yn deg fel bod y rhai sy'n gwasanaethu'r cymunedau tlotaf, ac felly, y bobl fwyaf sâl, yn cael y gefnogaeth fwyaf. 

Well I, too, read the report to which the Member refers in her question, and I welcomed its publication because it casts a light on the question of funding allocations on practices that serve more deprived areas. We will as a Government continue to engage with new evidence on the health impacts of inequality and primary care funding and how we can ensure that resources are distributed fairly. One of the authors of the report was a former chair of Deep End Cymru, and I'm pleased that, in the context of primary care, we are contributing to the funding of that project during this financial year, and I very much look forward to the insights that the project will generate as to how we can best support GPs working in challenging circumstances in communities with the highest levels of deprivation. In addition to the formula, which accounts for probably two thirds of the funding for GP practices, good work is happening across GP clusters to identify the further interventions that can be funded that will assist, through that accelerated cluster development set of arrangements, in making further investment into services particularly of value to the communities to which the Member refers in her question.

Wel, darllenais innau yr adroddiad y mae'r Aelod yn cyfeirio ato yn ei chwestiwn hefyd, a chroesewais ei gyhoeddiad am ei fod yn taflu goleuni ar fater dyrannu cyllid i bractisau sy'n gwasanaethu ardaloedd mwy difreintiedig. Fel Llywodraeth fe fyddwn yn parhau i ystyried tystiolaeth newydd ar effeithiau anghydraddoldeb ar iechyd a chyllid gofal sylfaenol a sut y gallwn sicrhau bod adnoddau'n cael eu dosbarthu'n deg. Roedd un o awduron yr adroddiad yn gyn-gadeirydd Deep End Cymru, ac rwy'n falch ein bod, yng nghyd-destun gofal sylfaenol, yn cyfrannu at ariannu'r prosiect hwnnw yn ystod y flwyddyn ariannol hon, ac edrychaf ymlaen yn fawr at y canfyddiadau y bydd y prosiect yn eu cynhyrchu ar gyfer y ffyrdd gorau o gefnogi meddygon teulu sy'n gweithio mewn amgylchiadau heriol mewn cymunedau sydd â'r lefelau amddifadedd uchaf. Yn ogystal â'r fformiwla, sydd i gyfrif am ddwy ran o dair o'r cyllid ar gyfer meddygfeydd teulu yn ôl pob tebyg, mae gwaith da yn digwydd ar draws clystyrau meddygon teulu ar nodi'r ymyriadau pellach y gellir eu hariannu a fydd yn cynorthwyo, drwy'r set o drefniadau cyflym ar gyfer datblygu clwstwr, i wneud buddsoddiad pellach mewn gwasanaethau sydd o werth arbennig i'r cymunedau y mae'r Aelod yn cyfeirio atynt yn ei chwestiwn.


International evidence suggests tackling the underlying causes of early years poverty and the inverse care law are key to improving short- and long-term health outcomes. In fact, poverty in childhood can and does lead to poor health outcomes into adulthood such as asthma, obesity, poor mental health, all of which fundamentally require much-needed primary care.

As you are aware, poverty rates have remained high in Wales over the past two decades, with children consistently at the highest risk of living in poverty of any age group. The evidence is clear that children in poverty are more likely to require intensive medical support. What steps are you taking as the health Cabinet Secretary to try and tackle one of the underlying fundamental factors that result in some of the most vulnerable in our society requiring this intensive healthcare?

Mae tystiolaeth ryngwladol yn awgrymu bod mynd i'r afael ag achosion sylfaenol tlodi blynyddoedd cynnar a'r ddeddf gofal gwrthgyfartal yn allweddol i wella canlyniadau iechyd tymor byr a hirdymor. Mewn gwirionedd, gall tlodi yn ystod plentyndod arwain at ganlyniadau iechyd gwael pan fyddant yn oedolion fel asthma, gordewdra, iechyd meddwl gwael, y mae angen gofal sylfaenol mawr ar bob un ohonynt.

Fel y gwyddoch, mae cyfraddau tlodi wedi parhau'n uchel yng Nghymru dros y ddau ddegawd diwethaf, gyda phlant yn gyson yn wynebu'r risg uchaf o unrhyw grŵp oedran o fyw mewn tlodi. Mae'r dystiolaeth yn glir fod plant sy'n byw mewn tlodi yn fwy tebygol o fod angen cymorth meddygol dwys. Pa gamau rydych chi'n eu cymryd fel Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros iechyd i geisio mynd i'r afael ag un o'r ffactorau sylfaenol gwaelodol sy'n golygu bod rhai o'r bobl fwyaf agored i niwed yn ein cymdeithas angen y gofal iechyd dwys hwn?

The Member is correct to say that the effect of poverty, especially on the early years, can very often cause lifelong challenges and the NHS is there to support those individuals, but they are broader societal challenges in the way that the Member acknowledges, I think very fairly, in her question. That is why our commitment as a Government to Flying Start and to the first 1,000 days of a child's life is so important, because we recognise that it's by making sure that we give every individual the best start in life, the most supportive context, that we can make the biggest difference.

Mae'r Aelod yn gywir i ddweud y gall effaith tlodi, yn enwedig ar y blynyddoedd cynnar, achosi heriau gydol oes yn aml iawn ac mae'r GIG yno i gefnogi'r unigolion hynny, ond maent yn heriau cymdeithasol ehangach yn y ffordd y mae'r Aelod yn cydnabod yn ei chwestiwn, yn deg iawn yn fy marn i. Dyna pam y mae ein hymrwymiad fel Llywodraeth i Dechrau'n Deg ac i'r 1,000 diwrnod cyntaf o fywyd plentyn mor bwysig, oherwydd rydym yn cydnabod mai drwy sicrhau ein bod yn rhoi'r dechrau gorau mewn bywyd, y cyd-destun mwyaf cefnogol, i bob unigolyn y gallwn wneud y gwahaniaeth mwyaf.

Cymorth i Fyfyrwyr Prifysgol
Support for University Students

2. Pa gamau y mae'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet yn eu cymryd i sicrhau bod cymorth ar gael i fyfyrwyr prifysgol â meddyliau hunanladdol? OQ61742

2. What steps is the Cabinet Secretary taking to ensure that support is accessible to university students with suicidal thoughts? OQ61742

We expect higher education institutions to put learners' needs at the centre of the system to protect their mental health and well-being. There is a range of mental health support available to students, which is provided by universities, the third sector and NHS health services.

Rydym yn disgwyl i sefydliadau addysg uwch roi anghenion dysgwyr yn y canol yn y system i ddiogelu eu hiechyd meddwl a'u llesiant meddyliol. Mae ystod o gymorth iechyd meddwl ar gael i fyfyrwyr, sy'n cael ei ddarparu gan brifysgolion, y trydydd sector a gwasanaethau iechyd y GIG.

Okay, thank you for that. However, I think it's fair to say, sometimes things go wrong, and it's how they're picked up and lessons learned going forward. I by chance met the parents the other day of Mared Foulkes, the grieving parents. They're still grieving now after the shocking scenario there, where the wrong exam results were given, and she lost her life as a result.

I'm aware of the consultation on the strategic plan of the Commission for Tertiary Education and Research. As it states in the plan, 'terms and conditions of funding will become the vehicle through which we exercise our regulatory powers.' Now, what upset me was that the parents are working very hard right now to ensure this doesn't happen to anybody else, and so they've written a paper. They've distributed that paper to Parliament—every Member of Parliament, every Member of this Senedd. The response, however, has not been great. I just find it unbelievable that somebody could write in, pointing out their own evidence of what they've come across—. Even Cardiff University has been accused by the parents—and they've said I can raise it here today—of a lack of compassion, of a lack of response to what happened to Mared. Here is a young lady who will not see the life that she should have had and lessons have to be learned from a situation like this.

So, what steps are you taking to co-operate with the Cabinet Secretary for Education to ensure that every university in Wales has stronger measures in place to care for those with mental health issues, to ensure that the wrong results for exams never, ever happens again, and that—? I just find this really difficult. This is a death that could have been prevented, and lessons have to be learnt, and I would just reach out to Cardiff University, using this forum: please respond to this family, work with them to ensure that no other university in Wales, or in fact the UK, loses a student in this way. Diolch.

Iawn, diolch am hynny. Fodd bynnag, rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n deg dweud bod pethau'n mynd o chwith weithiau, ac mae'n fater o sut y cânt eu nodi a'r gwersi a ddysgir wrth symud ymlaen. Y diwrnod o'r blaen, cyfarfûm â rhieni Mared Foulkes. Maent yn dal i alaru nawr ar ôl y sefyllfa frawychus yno, pan roddwyd canlyniadau arholiadau anghywir, ac fe gollodd ei bywyd o ganlyniad.

Rwy'n ymwybodol o'r ymgynghoriad ar gynllun strategol y Comisiwn Addysg Drydyddol ac Ymchwil. Fel y mae'n dweud yn y cynllun, 'bydd telerau ac amodau cyllido'n dod yn gyfrwng ar gyfer arfer ein pwerau rheoleiddio.' Nawr, yr hyn a'm diflasodd oedd bod y rhieni'n gweithio'n galed iawn ar hyn o bryd i sicrhau nad yw hyn yn digwydd i neb arall, ac felly maent wedi ysgrifennu papur. Maent wedi dosbarthu'r papur hwnnw i'r Senedd—pob Aelod Seneddol, pob Aelod o'r Senedd hon. Fodd bynnag, nid yw'r ymateb wedi bod yn wych. Rwy'n ei chael hi'n anghredadwy y gallai rhywun ysgrifennu i mewn, i dynnu sylw at eu tystiolaeth eu hunain o'r hyn a welsant—. Mae Prifysgol Caerdydd wedi cael ei chyhuddo gan y rhieni—ac maent wedi dweud y caf ei godi yma heddiw—o ddiffyg tosturi, o ddiffyg ymateb i'r hyn ddigwyddodd i Mared. Dyma ferch ifanc na fydd yn gweld y bywyd y dylai fod wedi ei gael ac mae'n rhaid dysgu gwersi o sefyllfa fel hon.

Felly, pa gamau rydych chi'n eu cymryd i gydweithredu ag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg i sicrhau bod gan bob prifysgol yng Nghymru fesurau cryfach ar waith i ofalu am y rhai sydd â phroblemau iechyd meddwl, er mwyn sicrhau nad yw'r canlyniadau arholiadau anghywir byth yn digwydd eto, a bod—? Mae hyn yn anodd iawn i mi. Mae hon yn farwolaeth y gellid bod wedi'i hatal, ac mae'n rhaid dysgu gwersi, ac rwyf am estyn allan at Brifysgol Caerdydd, gan ddefnyddio'r fforwm hwn: ymatebwch i'r teulu hwn, gweithiwch gyda nhw i sicrhau nad oes unrhyw brifysgol arall yng Nghymru, na'r DU mewn gwirionedd, yn colli myfyriwr yn y ffordd hon. Diolch.


Yes. Thank you very much, Janet Finch-Saunders. You are right—this was a preventable death that should not have happened. My thoughts are with Mared's parents, who have written to the Welsh Government and have, in the interim whilst we prepare the response, been written to by my Welsh Government officials as well to really thank them and acknowledge them for all the work that they continue to do to make sure, as you said, that this never happens again. I'd also like to point out that the Cabinet Secretary for health now, in his role as Cabinet Secretary for education, met with the family—met with Mr and Mrs Foulkes—to discuss this as well and to assure them too that this will absolutely make a difference. I am now responsible for the suicide and self-harm prevention strategy that will be coming out in the new year. I can assure you that what they have shared has played a huge part in this. 

I've also met with my colleague the Minister for Further and Higher Education, as well, in the last few weeks. It was the first question that we discussed: how do we ensure that these things don't happen? How do we ensure that students, when they're usually away from home, have the support that they really need? And that's, I think, always a worry for parents—always a worry.

In terms of Cardiff University, they have now put themselves forward to be a part of a UK-wide research project that will be looking at what interventions really make a difference. It's being led by the University of Exeter. I'm really pleased to see that they've put themselves forward for this, I think, acknowledging that they really need to learn from this and see what works. But you are right—we have got the Tertiary Education and Research (Wales) Act 2022 now, and we do have the Medr project. There will be funding going towards this, but we also expect to see results and we expect for this not to keep happening. Diolch.

Ie. Diolch yn fawr iawn, Janet Finch-Saunders. Rydych yn llygad eich lle—roedd hon yn farwolaeth y gellid bod wedi'i hatal ac na ddylai fod wedi digwydd. Rwy'n cydymdeimlo â rhieni Mared, sydd wedi ysgrifennu at Lywodraeth Cymru ac sydd, yn y cyfamser wrth inni baratoi’r ymateb, wedi cael gohebiaeth gan fy swyddogion hefyd i ddiolch o galon iddynt a chydnabod yr holl waith y maent yn parhau i'w wneud i sicrhau, fel y dywedoch chi, nad yw hyn byth yn digwydd eto. Hoffwn nodi hefyd fod Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros iechyd, bellach, yn ei rôl fel Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros addysg, wedi cyfarfod â’r teulu—wedi cyfarfod â Mr a Mrs Foulkes—i drafod hyn hefyd ac i roi sicrwydd iddynt y bydd hyn yn bendant yn gwneud gwahaniaeth. Rwyf bellach yn gyfrifol am y strategaeth atal hunanladdiad a hunan-niweidio a fydd yn cael ei chyhoeddi yn y flwyddyn newydd. Gallaf roi sicrwydd i chi fod yr hyn y maent wedi’i rannu wedi chwarae rhan enfawr yn hyn.

Rwyf hefyd wedi cyfarfod â fy nghyd-Aelod, y Gweinidog Addysg Bellach ac Uwch, yn yr ychydig wythnosau diwethaf. Hwn oedd y cwestiwn cyntaf i ni ei drafod: sut rydym yn sicrhau nad yw’r pethau hyn yn digwydd? Sut rydym yn sicrhau bod myfyrwyr, pan fyddant oddi cartref fel arfer, yn cael y cymorth sydd ei angen arnynt? A chredaf fod hynny bob amser yn bryder i rieni—bob amser yn bryder.

O ran Prifysgol Caerdydd, maent bellach wedi ymgeisio i fod yn rhan o brosiect ymchwil ledled y DU a fydd yn edrych ar ba ymyriadau sy'n gwneud gwahaniaeth go iawn. Mae'n cael ei arwain gan Brifysgol Caerwysg. Rwy'n falch iawn o weld eu bod wedi ymgeisio i fod yn rhan o hyn, gan gydnabod, rwy'n credu, fod gwir angen iddynt ddysgu o hyn a gweld beth sy'n gweithio. Ond rydych chi'n llygad eich lle—mae gennym Ddeddf Addysg Drydyddol ac Ymchwil (Cymru) 2022 erbyn hyn, ac mae gennym brosiect Medr. Bydd cyllid yn cael ei ddarparu ar gyfer hyn, ond rydym hefyd yn disgwyl gweld canlyniadau ac yn disgwyl i hyn beidio â pharhau i ddigwydd. Diolch.

Cwestiynau Heb Rybudd gan Lefarwyr y Pleidiau
Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople

Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Gareth Davies.

Questions now from the party spokespeople. The Welsh Conservative spokesperson, Gareth Davies.

Diolch, Llywydd. Firstly, I’d like to address the Mental Health (Wales) Measure 2010 and how this interreacts with the Mental Health Act 1983. There is, of course, uncertainty regarding the Mental Health Act, as Keir Starmer’s Government has promised to reform the Act in a phased approach, but there is no timeline set for this yet. But an issue that has been raised regarding the mental health Measure, after 14 years on the statute book, is that there is no enforcement of the Measure and there are no real consequences to contravening its edicts as opposed to the Mental Health Act, which has more bite. Given the length of time it will take to legislate for a Welsh mental health Act, it would make more sense to amend the mental health Measure to include a new code of practice that would strengthen the Measure and would ensure compliance. The Measure is also 14 years old and there are no supplementary amendments to it that have been suggested, such as those put forward by my colleague James Evans, which include removing the age limit upon those who can request a reassessment of their mental health, and amend the Measure to extend the ability to request a reassessment to people nominated by the patient. So, can the Minister outline whether the Welsh Government will reassess the mental health Measure to consider elements that may be outdated and to consider strengthening the code of practice to ensure that the Measure carries more weight than in a clinical setting?

Diolch, Lywydd. Yn gyntaf, hoffwn sôn am Fesur Iechyd Meddwl (Cymru) 2010 a sut y mae'n rhyngweithio â Deddf Iechyd Meddwl 1983. Mae ansicrwydd, wrth gwrs, ynglŷn â’r Ddeddf Iechyd Meddwl, gan fod Llywodraeth Keir Starmer wedi addo diwygio’r Ddeddf yn raddol, ond nid oes amserlen wedi'i phennu ar gyfer hyn eto. Ond un mater a godwyd ynghylch y Mesur iechyd meddwl, ar ôl 14 mlynedd ar y llyfr statud, yw nad yw'r Mesur yn cael ei orfodi ac nad yw mynd yn groes i’w orchmynion yn arwain at unrhyw ganlyniadau gwirioneddol, yn wahanol i'r Ddeddf Iechyd Meddwl, sydd â mwy o rym. O ystyried yr amser y bydd yn ei gymryd i ddeddfu ar gyfer Deddf iechyd meddwl i Gymru, byddai’n gwneud mwy o synnwyr i ddiwygio’r Mesur iechyd meddwl i gynnwys cod ymarfer newydd a fyddai’n cryfhau’r Mesur ac yn sicrhau cydymffurfiaeth. Mae’r Mesur hefyd yn 14 oed, ac nid oes unrhyw welliannau atodol wedi’u hawgrymu iddo, megis y rheini a gyflwynwyd gan fy nghyd-Aelod, James Evans, sy’n cynnwys dileu’r terfyn oedran ar gyfer pwy a all ofyn am ailasesiad o’u hiechyd meddwl, a diwygio’r Mesur i ehangu’r gallu i ofyn am ailasesiad i bobl a enwebir gan y claf. Felly, a all y Gweinidog ddweud a fydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ailasesu’r Mesur iechyd meddwl i ystyried elfennau a allai fod wedi dyddio ac i ystyried cryfhau’r cod ymarfer i sicrhau bod mwy o bwysau gan y Mesur nag mewn lleoliad clinigol yn unig?

Thank you very much for that question. Interestingly, I actually met with the UK Government Minister who has responsibility for this, Baroness Merron, this morning. It is absolutely still happening. It was in the King’s Speech. We are thrilled that it’s going ahead because so much work had been done on this by stakeholders, by politicians. There’d been so much really constructive debate about this in Westminster, and, honestly, it was almost very much ready to go and I think it was a shame that it didn’t. So, I think that many people have welcomed, and are absolutely thrilled, that this is one of the first Bills that the incoming UK Labour Government picked up, because that’s how important they know that this work is.

So, we had a very constructive conversation this morning about it. I’m afraid, though, that I’m not going to be able to comment on a Bill that I haven’t seen. So, I agree with you—many of the things that you’ve highlighted I would also expect to see in it, and have been in initial drafts, but until we see the final draft, which I hope will be coming very soon, I won’t be able to comment on the detail of it. But I think this is an excellent Bill to be beginning with. I also met with James Evans just this week as well. It's not my place to discuss James's own Member's Bill and the future of that, but we have had some very, very constructive conversations, and I admire everything that James has done.

Diolch am eich cwestiwn. Yn ddiddorol, cyfarfûm â Gweinidog Llywodraeth y DU sydd â chyfrifoldeb am hyn, y Farwnes Merron, y bore yma. Mae'n sicr yn dal i ddigwydd. Roedd yn Araith y Brenin. Rydym yn falch iawn y bydd yn mynd rhagddo gan fod cymaint o waith wedi'i wneud ar hyn gan randdeiliaid, gan wleidyddion. Bu cymaint o ddadlau gwirioneddol adeiladol am hyn yn San Steffan, ac o ddifrif, roedd bron iawn yn barod a chredaf ei bod yn drueni na lwyddodd. Felly, credaf fod llawer o bobl wedi croesawu'r ffaith, ac wrth eu boddau, mai hwn yw un o’r Biliau cyntaf a godwyd gan Lywodraeth Lafur newydd y DU, gan y gwyddant pa mor bwysig yw'r gwaith hwn.

Felly, cawsom sgwrs adeiladol iawn amdano y bore yma. Mae arnaf ofn, serch hynny, nad wyf yn mynd i allu gwneud sylw ar Fil nad wyf wedi’i weld. Felly, rwy’n cytuno â chi—mae llawer o’r pethau rydych chi wedi eu nodi yn bethau y buaswn yn disgwyl eu gweld ynddo, ac maent wedi bod mewn drafftiau cychwynnol, ond hyd nes y gwelwn y drafft terfynol, a fydd, gobeithio, yn dod cyn bo hir, ni fyddaf yn gallu gwneud sylw ar ei fanylion. Ond credaf fod hwn yn Fil rhagorol fel man cychwyn. Cyfarfûm â James Evans yr wythnos hon hefyd. Nid fy lle i yw trafod Bil Aelod James a'i ddyfodol, ond rydym wedi cael sgyrsiau adeiladol iawn, ac rwy’n edmygu popeth y mae James wedi’i wneud.


I appreciate that response, and I understand the remarks you make in terms of the Act, but my question is more along the lines of the Measure and what we can do as a Welsh Parliament, and, indeed, you as a Welsh Government, in order to expand what was passed here 14 years ago, and how we can enhance that and move that across into a broader suite of modern measures that we can incorporate in the existing things that were agreed 14 years ago, but then also to incorporate it and it can, indeed, move with time. So, it's in terms of conversations, in terms of the Welsh Government and your work in terms of the Measure and what is devolved to Wales, and how that can work with the existing Mental Health Act of 1983, and how that can coincide and work together in a streamlined way, because, often, in mental health practice there's an internal debate among mental health professionals, who say there's confusion on how to interpret the Act and, indeed, the Measure as well. So, how can those streamline together in a more succinct way, which would make life easier for professionals, and, indeed, get the right care for the right patient at the right time?

Rwy'n gwerthfawrogi eich ymateb, ac rwy'n deall y sylwadau a wnewch ar y Ddeddf, ond mae fy nghwestiwn yn ymwneud i raddau mwy â'r Mesur a beth y gallwn ei wneud fel Senedd Cymru, ac yn wir, chi fel Llywodraeth Cymru, er mwyn ehangu’r hyn a gyflwynwyd yma 14 mlynedd yn ôl, a sut y gallwn wella hynny a chynyddu hynny'n gyfres ehangach o fesurau modern y gallwn eu hymgorffori yn y pethau presennol y cytunwyd arnynt 14 mlynedd yn ôl, ond wedyn hefyd ei ymgorffori, ac fe all, yn wir, symud gydag amser. Felly, mae a wnelo â'r sgyrsiau, mae a wnelo â Llywodraeth Cymru a’ch gwaith chi mewn perthynas â'r Mesur a’r hyn sydd wedi’i ddatganoli i Gymru, a sut y gall hynny weithio gyda Deddf Iechyd Meddwl bresennol 1983, a sut y gall hynny gyd-fynd a gweithio gyda'i gilydd mewn ffordd symlach, oherwydd yn aml, mewn ymarfer iechyd meddwl, ceir dadl fewnol ymhlith gweithwyr iechyd meddwl proffesiynol, sy'n dweud bod dryswch ynghylch sut i ddehongli'r Ddeddf, ac yn wir, y Mesur hefyd. Felly, sut y gellir symleiddio'r rheini gyda'i gilydd mewn ffordd fwy cryno, a fyddai'n gwneud bywyd yn haws i weithwyr proffesiynol, ac yn wir, yn sicrhau'r gofal iawn ar gyfer y claf iawn ar yr adeg iawn?

Thank you. I agree with everything that you're saying, and I think we're not disagreeing here. We're very much on the same page, as that's where we want to get to. The reason why James Evans's Bill had Government support was because it was going to achieve many of those things. As it stands, it is still a legislative proposal, on the time frame that we have. So, that is very much—. That's why we supported it, because that's what it was going to do—everything that you've just laid out, that's what it was going to present, and what the Welsh Government then would have done is to look at all those things that you've pointed out. So, at the moment, unfortunately, whilst we're in this place where James's Bill is still going, that is for James to discuss and to share, and we are trying to get to the same place, absolutely. So, that's where we are. I've met with James Evans this week to discuss that.

Diolch. Rwy'n cytuno â phopeth a ddywedwch, ac ni chredaf ein bod yn anghytuno yma. Rydym yn sicr ar yr un dudalen, gan mai dyna ble'r hoffem ei gyrraedd. Y rheswm pam y cafodd Bil James Evans gefnogaeth y Llywodraeth oedd am ei fod yn mynd i gyflawni llawer o’r pethau hynny. Fel y mae, mae’n gynnig deddfwriaethol o hyd, ar yr amserlen sydd gennym. Felly, mae hynny'n sicr yn—. Dyna pam y gwnaethom ei gefnogi, gan mai dyna y byddai'n ei wneud—popeth rydych chi newydd ei nodi, dyna y byddai'n ei gyflwyno, a'r hyn y byddai Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud wedyn yw edrych ar yr holl bethau hynny rydych chi wedi'u nodi. Felly, ar hyn o bryd, yn anffodus, tra ydym yn y lle hwn lle mae Bil James yn dal i fynd rhagddo, mae hynny'n rhywbeth i James ei drafod a'i rannu, ac rydym yn sicr yn ceisio cyrraedd yr un lle. Felly, dyna ble rydym arni. Rwyf wedi cyfarfod â James Evans yr wythnos hon i drafod hynny.

I'm pleased you've had those discussions with James Evans regarding his legislative proposal, but, again, the question is about the Measure. The Measure has been in place for 14 years, and it compels healthcare professionals, mental health practitioners to honour what was agreed in this Senedd 14 years ago. And that's embedded in Welsh practice across all of the health authorities, and all, indeed, of those local authorities and tertiary sectors that work with mental health professionals. So, it's really important, I think, that there's a recognition from the Government, in your context, to recognise the role of the Measure, understand that it's been in place for 14 years, and how that can, indeed, move fluidly, given that it's been embedded for so long, be updated and work in a streamlined way, as mentioned, with the Act. So, in terms of the political element to it, now that we've got a Labour Government in Westminster and there's a Labour Government here in Wales, what conversations can you have with your counterparts down the M4 to make these decisions streamlined in a way, like I say, that is right for the patient, right for the delivery of care and right for the mental health professionals as well?

Rwy’n falch eich bod wedi cael y trafodaethau hynny gyda James Evans ynghylch ei gynnig deddfwriaethol, ond unwaith eto, mae'r cwestiwn yn ymwneud â’r Mesur. Mae’r Mesur wedi bod ar waith ers 14 mlynedd, ac mae’n gorfodi gweithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol ac ymarferwyr iechyd meddwl i anrhydeddu’r hyn y cytunwyd arno yn y Senedd hon 14 mlynedd yn ôl. Ac mae hynny wedi'i wreiddio mewn ymarfer ar draws pob un o awdurdodau iechyd Cymru, a phob un, yn wir, o'r awdurdodau lleol a'r sectorau trydyddol hynny sy'n gweithio gyda gweithwyr iechyd meddwl proffesiynol. Felly, credaf ei bod yn bwysig iawn fod cydnabyddiaeth gan y Llywodraeth, yn eich cyd-destun chi, i gydnabod rôl y Mesur, deall ei fod wedi bod ar waith ers 14 mlynedd, a sut y gall fod yn hyblyg yn wir, o ystyried ei fod wedi'i ymgorffori ers cyhyd, cael ei ddiweddaru a gweithio mewn ffordd symlach, fel y crybwyllwyd, gyda'r Ddeddf. Felly, o ran yr elfen wleidyddol, gan fod gennym Lywodraeth Lafur yn San Steffan bellach a Llywodraeth Lafur yma yng Nghymru, pa sgyrsiau y gallwch eu cael gyda'ch cymheiriaid ar ben arall yr M4 i symleiddio'r penderfyniadau hyn mewn ffordd sydd, fel y dywedaf, yn iawn i'r claf, yn iawn ar gyfer darparu gofal ac yn iawn i'r gweithwyr iechyd meddwl proffesiynol hefyd?

Thank you very much. Okay, well, just to prove that we're very much on the same page here, I do recognise the role, I do recognise that it's been 14 years, I do want it to move forward, I do want it to be updated, and we do want it to be streamlined. On all of those things, we absolutely agree. At the moment, what we're looking at is that we've got a Member's Bill that aims to achieve many of those things, which is here, which I've met with James Evans about this week. So, I've looked at it in a Welsh context, with my officials, and that's exactly what we're seeing if we can achieve. And on the other side of it, as you've just asked, about what we're doing with the UK Government, I've also met with the UK Government this morning to discuss what they are looking at doing with their mental health Bill and how that would be able to work with both Governments together, so that we can achieve all the things that you've laid out. Diolch.

Diolch. Iawn, wel, i brofi ein bod ar yr un dudalen yma, rwy'n cydnabod y rôl, rwy'n cydnabod ei bod wedi bod yn 14 mlynedd, rwyf am ei symud ymlaen, rwyf am iddo gael ei ddiweddaru, ac rydym am iddo gael ei symleiddio. Ar bob un o’r pethau hynny, rydym yn cytuno’n llwyr. Ar hyn o bryd, yr hyn rydym yn edrych arno yw bod gennym Fil Aelod sy'n anelu at gyflawni llawer o'r pethau hynny, sydd yma, ac rwyf wedi cyfarfod â James Evans yn ei gylch yr wythnos hon. Felly, rwyf wedi edrych arno mewn cyd-destun Cymreig, gyda fy swyddogion, a dyna'n union rydym yn edrych i weld a allwn ei gyflawni. Ac ar yr ochr arall, fel rydych newydd ofyn, am yr hyn rydym yn ei wneud gyda Llywodraeth y DU, rwyf hefyd wedi cyfarfod â Llywodraeth y DU y bore yma i drafod yr hyn y maent yn bwriadu ei wneud gyda'u Bil iechyd meddwl a sut y gallai hwnnw weithio gyda'r ddwy Lywodraeth gyda'i gilydd, fel y gallwn gyflawni'r holl bethau a nodwyd gennych. Diolch.

Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Mabon ap Gwynfor.

The Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Mabon ap Gwynfor.

Diolch, Llywydd. Llywydd, yn ystod ymddangosiad yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ar un o raglenni gwleidyddol y Sul yn ddiweddar, fe wnaeth o ddisgrifio’r bartneriaeth newydd rhwng yr NHS yng Nghymru a’r NHS yn Lloegr fel ffordd newydd o weithio, cyn sôn mai’r cyfan oedd y bartneriaeth yna, mewn gwirionedd, oedd dysgu arferion da. Ydy’r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet yn dweud wrthym ni, felly, nad oedd yr NHS yng Nghymru yn dysgu ac yn edrych ar arferion da o Loegr cyn hyn?

Thank you, Llywydd. Llywydd, during the Cabinet Secretary's appearance on one of the weekend's political programmes recently, he described the new partnership between the NHS in Wales and the NHS in England as a new way of working, before going on to say that all that partnership entailed, really, was a way to learn good practice. Is the Cabinet Secretary, therefore, telling us that the NHS in Wales wasn’t learning and looking at good practice from England before now?


Mae diddordeb yr Aelod mewn proses ar draul allbwn yn eithaf trawiadol. [Chwerthin.] Ond, er mwyn ateb ei gwestiwn e, yr hyn sy'n newydd yw’r parodrwydd a welwn ni gan Lywodraeth yn San Steffan i weithio gyda’r Llywodraeth Lafur yma yng Nghymru mewn ffordd agored, gydweithredol. Dyna sydd yn newydd yn hyn o beth. Mae e wastad yn bwysig i edrych ar arfer dda, o ble bynnag mae hynny’n dod, yn cynnwys o fewn y gwasanaeth iechyd yma yng Nghymru ac ar draws y Deyrnas Gyfunol, ond beth sydd yn newydd yw’r brwdfrydedd ar ran Llywodraeth Lafur newydd yn San Steffan i gydweithio â ni.

The Member’s interest in the process at the expense of output is rather striking. [Laughter.] But, to answer his question, what was new was the willingness that we see from a Government in Westminster to work with a Labour Government here in Wales in an open, co-operative manner. That’s what’s changed in this regard. That’s what’s new. It’s always important to look at good practice from wherever it may come, including in the health service here in Wales and across the United Kingdom, but what is new is the enthusiasm on behalf of the new Labour Government in Westminster to work with us.

Diolch am yr ateb yna. 

Thank you for that response. 

Now, I and, indeed, many people in Wales are unclear about the impact that this will have on waiting lists in Wales. When asked if the plan is to send Welsh patients to England, the Cabinet Secretary has said that, in his words,

‘It isn’t what we’re talking about’.

Yet, the Welsh Secretary is adamant that Welsh patients will receive elective care in theatres in English hospitals. So, how many patients from Wales, over and above those receiving elective care in England already, will receive treatment in hospital theatres in England?

Nawr, rwyf i, a llawer o bobl yng Nghymru yn wir, yn ddryslyd ynghylch yr effaith y bydd hyn yn ei chael ar restrau aros yng Nghymru. Pan ofynnwyd iddo ai’r cynllun yw anfon cleifion o Gymru i Loegr, mae Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet wedi dweud, yn ei eiriau ef,

'Nid dyma rydym yn sôn amdano'.

Ac eto, mae Ysgrifennydd Cymru yn mynnu y bydd cleifion o Gymru yn cael gofal a gynlluniwyd mewn theatrau mewn ysbytai yn Lloegr. Felly, faint o gleifion o Gymru, yn ychwanegol at y rheini sy’n derbyn gofal a gynlluniwyd yn Lloegr eisoes, fydd yn cael triniaeth mewn theatrau mewn ysbytai yn Lloegr?

I refer the Member to the publication that the Government made—I think, probably, two weeks ago, or a little under that at this point—which sets out the level of activity in terms of people from Wales treated in England and people from England treated in Wales. That is a very pragmatic set of long-standing arrangements, which are in place for very good reasons—for reasons of geography, reasons of the existence of specialisms—and I’ll be working with the Secretary of State for health to explore whether there are opportunities, as I’m sure there will be, to work more closely together. And this will of course build on that existing partnership between the two NHSs, which already see thousands of people from England receive their care in Wales and vice versa.  

Cyfeiriaf yr Aelod at y cyhoeddiad a wnaeth y Llywodraeth— bythefnos yn ôl, mae’n debyg, rwy'n credu, neu ychydig o dan hynny ar y pwynt hwn—sy’n nodi lefel y gweithgarwch o ran pobl o Gymru sy’n cael eu trin yn Lloegr a phobl o Loegr sy'n cael eu trin yng Nghymru. Mae honno’n gyfres bragmatig iawn o drefniadau hirsefydlog, sydd ar waith am resymau da iawn—am resymau daearyddol, rhesymau'n ymwneud â bodolaeth arbenigeddau—a byddaf yn gweithio gyda’r Ysgrifennydd Gwladol dros iechyd i archwilio a oes cyfleoedd i gydweithio'n agosach, ac rwy’n siŵr y bydd. A bydd hyn, wrth gwrs, yn adeiladu ar y bartneriaeth bresennol rhwng y ddau GIG, sydd eisoes yn golygu bod miloedd o bobl o Loegr yn derbyn eu gofal yng Nghymru ac fel arall.

So, if I can sum up what you’ve said, and my understanding, then, it’s that best practice was, essentially, you’ve told us, already being shared between the Welsh NHS and English NHS anyway, but you’re looking at maybe a better way of working openly and together. There’s no extra capacity in the English NHS to provide more treatment to patients from Wales, but you’re looking at exploring these possibilities, and health boards and health trusts on both sides of the border have not received any correspondence regarding any form of mutual aid partnerships or any other agreements. So, the only thing to actually have come from this new policy is an advisory group to help the Cabinet Secretary deliver better policy, while patients will see no tangible benefits. Is that a fair summary, or can the Cabinet Secretary elaborate on exactly how waiting lists will fall as a consequence of this headline-grabbing policy?

Felly, os caf grynhoi'r hyn rydych wedi'i ddweud, a'm dealltwriaeth i, rydych chi wedi dweud wrthym fod yr arfer gorau, yn y bôn, eisoes yn cael ei rannu rhwng GIG Cymru a GIG Lloegr beth bynnag, ond eich bod chi'n edrych am ffordd well, efallai, o weithio'n agored gyda'n gilydd. Nid oes capasiti ychwanegol yn y GIG yn Lloegr i ddarparu mwy o driniaeth i gleifion o Gymru, ond rydych chi'n edrych ar archwilio’r posibiliadau hyn, ac nid yw byrddau iechyd ac ymddiriedolaethau iechyd ar y naill ochr i’r ffin na'r llall wedi cael unrhyw ohebiaeth ynghylch unrhyw fath o bartneriaethau cydgymorth neu unrhyw gytundebau eraill. Felly, yr unig beth sydd wedi dod o'r polisi newydd hwn mewn gwirionedd yw grŵp cynghori i helpu Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet gyflawni gwell polisi, ond na fydd cleifion yn gweld unrhyw fanteision diriaethol. A yw hwnnw’n grynodeb teg, neu a all Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet ymhelaethu ar sut yn union y bydd rhestrau aros yn lleihau o ganlyniad i’r polisi hwn sy'n bachu'r penawdau?

Well, the Member will know that I made an announcement, probably three weeks ago, which set out the arrangements that we are putting in place for a group of people with significant experience in reducing waiting lists. They will be tasked with identifying the arrangements we currently have in place, and they will also advise us on arrangements that we might consider putting in place to improve performance right across the NHS, including in relation to waiting lists. I’m expecting to meet them in the next few days as they start their work, and I will be publishing the terms of reference once they’ve considered them at their forthcoming meeting. I think it’s really important that we allow that group of people to do its work. Now, we have got a number of initiatives already in place in order to reduce waiting times, and I’ll be making announcements about more very shortly. But this group of people will bring the best knowledge, the best experience, the best practice to bear on what is a very persistent challenge. I hope they will encourage us to be bold in our response and to draw from the widest possible body of experience, because we want the NHS in Wales to be able to be inspired by good practice both within Wales and beyond.

Wel, fe ŵyr yr Aelod fy mod wedi gwneud cyhoeddiad, dair wythnos yn ôl mae’n debyg, a oedd yn nodi’r trefniadau yr ydym yn eu rhoi ar waith ar gyfer grŵp o bobl sydd â phrofiad sylweddol o leihau rhestrau aros. Byddant yn cael y dasg o nodi'r trefniadau sydd gennym ar waith ar hyn o bryd, a byddant hefyd yn ein cynghori ar drefniadau y gallem ystyried eu rhoi ar waith i wella perfformiad ar draws y GIG, gan gynnwys mewn perthynas â rhestrau aros. Rwy’n disgwyl cyfarfod â hwy yn y dyddiau nesaf wrth iddynt ddechrau ar eu gwaith, a byddaf yn cyhoeddi’r cylch gorchwyl unwaith y byddant wedi ei ystyried yn eu cyfarfod sydd i ddod. Credaf ei bod yn wirioneddol bwysig ein bod yn caniatáu i’r grŵp hwnnw o bobl wneud ei waith. Nawr, mae gennym nifer o fentrau ar waith eisoes er mwyn lleihau amseroedd aros, a byddaf yn gwneud cyhoeddiadau am ragor ohonynt cyn bo hir. Ond bydd y grŵp hwn o bobl yn dod â'r wybodaeth orau, y profiad gorau, a'r arferion gorau i fynd i'r afael â her barhaus. Rwy'n gobeithio y byddant yn ein hannog i fod yn feiddgar yn ein hymateb ac i ddysgu gan y corff ehangaf posibl o brofiad, gan ein bod am i’r GIG yng Nghymru allu cael ei ysbrydoli gan arfer da yng Nghymru a thu hwnt.

Gofal Iechyd Cymunedol yn Nyffryn Clwyd
Community Healthcare in the Vale of Clwyd

3. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ddatganiad am ddarpariaeth gofal iechyd cymunedol yn Nyffryn Clwyd? OQ61765

3. Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on community healthcare provision in Vale of Clwyd? OQ61765

Yes. Our vision in 'A Healthier Wales' is for people to have equity of access to an increasing range of community services to support them to stay well and live independently. We expect local partners to collaborate to build community capacity and design and deliver integrated and preventative services.

Gwnaf. Ein gweledigaeth yn 'Cymru Iachach' yw i bobl gael mynediad cyfartal at ystod gynyddol o wasanaethau cymunedol i'w cefnogi i gadw'n iach a byw'n annibynnol. Disgwyliwn i bartneriaid lleol gydweithio i feithrin capasiti cymunedol a chynllunio a darparu gwasanaethau integredig ac ataliol.

Thank you, Cabinet Secretary. Concerns have been raised with me regarding the ease of access to home adaptations and funding for people in Wales living with disabilities. The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 stipulates eligibility as meeting the set of national criteria for adults, children and carers. There are many constituents I’ve met who have faced difficulties in accessing funding for home adaptations and NHS-funded disability equipment, as there is a rigid set of criteria to meet. Four conditions are set by the legislation that must be met in order to have access to the funding, but many disabled people with restricted mobility do not meet every condition. For patients with rare conditions who only meet some of the conditions, they find accessing the funding for the correct equipment for their home difficult, and what is offered to them does not meet their requirements. The red tape can also be tricky to navigate, but having access to funding for accessibility equipment can massively ease the burden placed on the health service by allowing those with disabilities to have the facilities to live at home. So, how does the Welsh Government respond to feedback from people with disabilities to simplify the process of applying for home adaptations and equipment on the NHS that will, in the long run, ease the burden on NHS service provision? Thank you.

Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Mae pryderon wedi’u codi gyda mi ynghylch pa mor hawdd yw cael addasiadau yn y cartref a chyllid i bobl sy’n byw gydag anableddau yng Nghymru. Mae Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) 2014 yn nodi bod cymhwystra yn golygu bodloni’r set o feini prawf cenedlaethol ar gyfer oedolion, plant a gofalwyr. Mae llawer o etholwyr y cyfarfûm â hwy wedi wynebu anawsterau i gael cyllid ar gyfer addasiadau yn y cartref ac offer anabledd a ariennir gan y GIG, gan fod set anhyblyg o feini prawf i’w bodloni. Mae pedair amod wedi’u nodi gan y ddeddfwriaeth y mae’n rhaid eu bodloni er mwyn cael mynediad at y cyllid, ond ceir llawer o bobl anabl â symudedd cyfyngedig nad ydynt yn bodloni pob amod. I gleifion â chyflyrau prin sydd ond yn bodloni rhai o’r amodau, maent yn ei chael hi’n anodd cael cyllid ar gyfer yr offer cywir ar gyfer eu cartref, ac nid yw’r hyn a gynigir iddynt yn bodloni eu gofynion. Gall y fiwrocratiaeth fod yn anodd hefyd, ond gall cael mynediad at gyllid ar gyfer offer hygyrchedd ysgafnhau'r baich ar y gwasanaeth iechyd yn sylweddol drwy ganiatáu i bobl ag anableddau gael cyfleusterau i fyw gartref. Felly, sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ymateb i adborth gan bobl ag anableddau i symleiddio'r broses o wneud cais am gyllid ar gyfer addasiadau yn y cartref ac offer gan y GIG a fydd, yn y pen draw, yn ysgafnhau'r baich ar ddarpariaeth gwasanaethau'r GIG? Diolch.

The Member raises an important question, and I absolutely agree with the thrust of his question, which is, we know—. In fact, we’ve seen this most recently with the Darzi report for the NHS in England, haven’t we, that the increasing ability of the NHS to provide care for people in their homes or in the community is an absolutely critical part not just of making sure that the service that the NHS can provide is robust, resilient and sustainable, which is obviously crucial, but also most people would prefer to be getting appropriate healthcare as close to home as possible. So, that is absolutely the thrust of this Government’s policy. If there are particular obstacles that the Member has identified that we can help with resolving, if he could identify those to me in correspondence, I will look into what more can be done to address those particular points.

Mae’r Aelod yn gofyn cwestiwn pwysig, ac rwy’n cytuno’n llwyr â byrdwn ei gwestiwn, sef, fel y gwyddom—. Mewn gwirionedd, rydym wedi gweld hyn yn fwyaf diweddar gydag adroddiad Darzi ar gyfer y GIG yn Lloegr, onid ydym, fod gallu cynyddol y GIG i ddarparu gofal i bobl yn eu cartrefi neu yn y gymuned yn rhan gwbl hanfodol nid yn unig o sicrhau bod y gwasanaeth y gall y GIG ei ddarparu yn gadarn, yn wydn ac yn gynaliadwy, sy’n amlwg yn hollbwysig, ond hefyd y byddai’n well gan y rhan fwyaf o bobl gael y gofal iechyd priodol mor agos i’w cartrefi â phosibl. Felly, dyna’n sicr yw byrdwn polisi’r Llywodraeth hon. Os oes rhwystrau penodol y mae’r Aelod wedi’u nodi y gallwn helpu i’w datrys, os gall nodi’r rheini i mi mewn gohebiaeth, fe edrychaf i weld beth arall y gellir ei wneud i fynd i’r afael â’r pwyntiau penodol hynny.

Canlyniadau i Gleifion Canser
Outcomes for Cancer Patients

4. Pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i wella canlyniadau i gleifion canser? OQ61739

4. What steps is the Welsh Government taking to improve outcomes for cancer patients? OQ61739

Our approach is set out in the quality statement for cancer, and the NHS set out what action it will take in the cancer improvement plan. For example, this includes our investment in a new breast centre of excellence at Ysbyty Ystrad Fawr.

Mae ein dull gweithredu wedi’i nodi yn y datganiad ansawdd ar gyfer canser, a nododd y GIG pa gamau y bydd yn eu cymryd yn y cynllun gwella gwasanaethau canser. Er enghraifft, mae hyn yn cynnwys ein buddsoddiad mewn canolfan ragoriaeth newydd ar gyfer canser y fron yn Ysbyty Ystrad Fawr.

Thank you so much, Cabinet Secretary. Every year, nearly 20,000 people in Wales are diagnosed with cancer. It is a truly cruel condition, with one in two people in the UK being diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. My region of south-east Wales used to be home to a pioneering cancer centre that used proton beam therapy, a more targeted form of radiotherapy. The Rutherford centre closed its doors in 2022, which was a huge blow to cancer patients and the wider community at large. There were reports following the centre’s closure that a Government takeover might be on the horizon, but it doesn’t look like that materialised into anything.

Cabinet Secretary, from my understanding, all of the centre’s pioneering lifesaving equipment remains in a derelict building as of today. This equipment could indeed be put to some really good use within our health service to treat Welsh cancer patients, instead of simply gathering dust. Has the Welsh Government had any conversations about acquiring this equipment for use within our NHS? And if not, Cabinet Secretary, will you commit to looking into this matter further to see if it can indeed be done? Thank you.

Diolch yn fawr, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Bob blwyddyn, mae bron i 20,000 o bobl yng Nghymru yn cael diagnosis o ganser. Mae’n gyflwr gwirioneddol greulon, gydag un o bob dau o bobl yn y DU yn cael diagnosis o ganser yn ystod eu hoes. Roedd fy rhanbarth i yn ne-ddwyrain Cymru yn arfer bod yn gartref i ganolfan ganser arloesol a oedd yn defnyddio therapi pelydr proton, math o radiotherapi mwy targededig. Caeodd canolfan Rutherford ei drysau yn 2022, a oedd yn ergyd enfawr i gleifion canser a’r gymuned ehangach yn gyffredinol. Cafwyd adroddiadau yn dilyn cau'r ganolfan y gallai'r Llywodraeth gymryd yr awenau o bosibl, ond nid yw'n edrych fel pe bai hynny wedi digwydd.

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, o'r hyn a ddeallaf, mae holl offer achub bywyd arloesol y ganolfan yn parhau i fod mewn adeilad adfeiliedig hyd heddiw. Yn wir, gellid gwneud defnydd da iawn o’r offer hwn yn ein gwasanaeth iechyd i drin cleifion canser Cymru, yn hytrach na'i fod yn hel llwch. A yw Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cael unrhyw sgyrsiau am gaffael yr offer hwn i'w ddefnyddio yn ein GIG? Ac os na, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, a wnewch chi ymrwymo i ymchwilio ymhellach i weld a ellir gwneud hyn? Diolch.

Thank you for that further question. I’m not myself aware of any discussions of that sort. The Government does invest heavily in cancer services, as the Member would expect, given the level of priority that we attach, and I know that she attaches, to good cancer services. Tens of millions of pounds for equipment, facilities and training, as well as modernising and expanding screening programmes, and, crucially, introducing rapid diagnostic centres of the sort that I referred to in my initial question. So, we will always be looking for what more we can do, what more we can do to bring together the kinds of expertise, the kinds of innovation that are required, so that we can provide the best possible service to patients in Wales.

Diolch am eich cwestiwn pellach. Yn bersonol, nid wyf yn ymwybodol o unrhyw drafodaethau o’r fath. Mae’r Llywodraeth yn buddsoddi’n drwm mewn gwasanaethau canser, fel y byddai’r Aelod yn ei ddisgwyl, o ystyried lefel y flaenoriaeth yr ydym yn ei rhoi, ac y gwn ei bod hithau'n ei rhoi, i wasanaethau canser da. Degau o filiynau o bunnoedd ar gyfer offer, cyfleusterau a hyfforddiant, yn ogystal â moderneiddio ac ehangu rhaglenni sgrinio, ac yn hollbwysig, cyflwyno canolfannau diagnosis cyflym o'r math y cyfeiriais atynt yn fy nghwestiwn cychwynnol. Felly, byddwn bob amser yn edrych i weld beth arall y gallwn ei wneud, beth arall y gallwn ei wneud i ddwyn ynghyd y mathau o arbenigedd, y mathau o arloesedd sydd eu hangen, fel y gallwn ddarparu'r gwasanaeth gorau posibl i gleifion yng Nghymru.

Cabinet Secretary, there is a campaign called Claire's Campaign, which collates women's experiences of gynaecological cancer and campaigns for service improvement. Their testimony is that too many women have their initial cancer concerns dismissed by their GP: cancer isn't suspected, other conditions are proposed and, over time, they're ruled out, and, far too often, their pain and extreme discomfort is dismissed or overlooked. This is not bashing GPs, they do a wonderful, wonderful job, but in terms of the training and support that is offered to them, perhaps that needs to be looked at. Because, for too many women, their cancer progresses before suspicion, even, let alone diagnosis and treatment starts, and too many women die as a result. We are letting women down and the whole system can do more to diagnose and to treat these women's cancers earlier. The women's health plan presents a huge opportunity here. What can women expect, please, from the plan to say and do to improve the NHS's culture of listening to women who are experiencing pain and symptoms that might be gynaecological cancers?

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae ymgyrch o’r enw Ymgyrch Claire, sy’n coladu profiadau menywod o ganser gynaecolegol ac yn ymgyrchu dros wella gwasanaethau. Eu tystiolaeth yw bod pryderon cychwynnol gormod o fenywod ynghylch canser yn cael eu diystyru gan eu meddyg teulu: ni cheir amheuaeth o ganser, caiff cyflyrau eraill eu cynnig, a thros amser, cânt eu diystyru, ac yn llawer rhy aml, mae eu poen a’u hanghysur eithafol yn cael ei ddiystyru neu ei anwybyddu. Nid lladd ar feddygon teulu mo hyn, maent yn gwneud gwaith gwych, ond o ran yr hyfforddiant a’r cymorth a gynigir iddynt, efallai fod angen edrych ar hynny. Oherwydd, i ormod o fenywod, mae eu canser yn datblygu cyn y ceir amheuaeth fod canser arnynt, hyd yn oed, heb sôn am ddechrau diagnosis a thriniaeth, ac mae gormod o fenywod yn marw o ganlyniad. Rydym yn gwneud anghymwynas â menywod, a gall y system gyfan wneud mwy i gael diagnosis a thrin canserau'r menywod hyn yn gynharach. Mae'r cynllun iechyd menywod yn gyfle enfawr yma. Beth y gall menywod ddisgwyl y bydd y cynllun yn ei ddweud a’i wneud i wella diwylliant y GIG o wrando ar fenywod sy’n dioddef poen a symptomau a allai fod yn ganserau gynaecolegol?


Well, I thank Delyth Jewell for the question and for the way that she's highlighted the work of Claire's Campaign, which I would absolutely wish to associate myself with, and the work that Claire and her colleagues are doing to highlight challenges in the system, which we would absolutely acknowledge. I was very struck by the evidence given to the Senedd committee as well in its recent inquiry.

I had a conversation this very morning in relation to the importance of responding at that first consultation to symptoms, as they're presented, and to really making sure that that is taken at its most serious, so that we can make sure that people get the rapid care that they need. I know, from discussions with the Minister, that we are looking very closely at making sure that the plan, when it is published in December, is as robust and as supportive as it possibly can be, and, actually, some of that thinking has certainly been shaped by Claire's Campaign.

Wel, diolch i Delyth Jewell am ei chwestiwn ac am y ffordd y mae wedi tynnu sylw at waith Ymgyrch Claire, y buaswn yn sicr yn dymuno ei chefnogi, a’r gwaith y mae Claire a’i chydweithwyr yn ei wneud i dynnu sylw at heriau yn y system, y byddem yn bendant yn eu cydnabod. Fe wnaeth y dystiolaeth a roddwyd i bwyllgor y Senedd yn ei ymchwiliad diweddar argraff fawr arnaf hefyd.

Cefais sgwrs y bore yma ynglŷn â phwysigrwydd ymateb i symptomau yn yr ymgynghoriad cyntaf hwnnw, fel y maent yn ymgyflwyno, a sicrhau bod hynny’n cael ei gymryd o ddifrif, fel y gallwn sicrhau bod pobl yn cael y gofal cyflym sydd ei angen arnynt. O drafodaethau gyda’r Gweinidog, rwy'n gwybod ein bod yn edrych yn fanwl iawn ar sicrhau bod y cynllun, pan gaiff ei gyhoeddi ym mis Rhagfyr, mor gadarn ac mor gefnogol ag y gall fod, ac mewn gwirionedd, mae rhywfaint o’r meddylfryd hwnnw'n sicr wedi'i siapio gan Ymgyrch Claire.

Profion Canser y Prostad
Prostate Cancer Testing

5. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ddatganiad am brofion canser y prostad i ddynion dros 50 oed? OQ61747

5. Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on prostate cancer testing for men over 50? OQ61747

Men concerned about their risk of prostate cancer should request an appointment with their GP to discuss their concerns and come to an informed decision about further investigation. There is publicly available guidance to support men and GPs to have that discussion.

Dylai dynion sy'n pryderu am eu risg o ganser y prostad ofyn am apwyntiad gyda'u meddyg teulu i drafod eu pryderon ac i wneud penderfyniad gwybodus ynglŷn ag archwiliadau pellach. Mae canllawiau cyhoeddus ar gael i gefnogi dynion a meddygon teulu i gael y drafodaeth honno.

Thank you for the response. Since tabling this question, Sir Chris Hoy has confirmed his own terminal prostate diagnosis, and prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, and it's risk increases with age and a range of other factors. But, caught early, it is possible to live a long and positive life. Like me, the health Secretary is over 50, which is one of the factors when men should consider seeking advice and the possibility of a test. I have the additional risk of being mixed race with black African heritage. My own experience of contact with general practice on this issue has been a positive one. What steps is the health Secretary taking to make sure that more men understand the risk factors and are encouraged to act early on them? And can he confirm what progress is being made in Wales towards more accurate testing for prostate cancer? 

Diolch am eich ymateb. Ers cyflwyno’r cwestiwn hwn, mae Syr Chris Hoy wedi cadarnhau ei ddiagnosis angheuol ei hun o ganser y prostad, a chanser y prostad yw’r canser mwyaf cyffredin mewn dynion, ac mae ei risg yn cynyddu gydag oedran ac ystod o ffactorau eraill. Ond os caiff ei ddal yn gynnar, mae'n bosibl byw bywyd hir a chadarnhaol. Fel fi, mae’r Ysgrifennydd iechyd dros 50 oed, sy’n un o’r ffactorau y dylai dynion eu hystyried wrth geisio cyngor a’r posibilrwydd o brawf. Mae gennyf risg ychwanegol o fod yn hil gymysg o dras du Affricanaidd. Mae fy mhrofiad fy hun o ymgysylltu ag ymarfer cyffredinol ar y mater wedi bod yn gadarnhaol. Pa gamau y mae’r Ysgrifennydd iechyd yn eu cymryd i sicrhau bod mwy o ddynion yn deall y ffactorau risg ac yn cael eu hannog i weithredu’n gynnar arnynt? Ac a all gadarnhau pa gynnydd sy'n cael ei wneud yng Nghymru tuag at gynnal profion mwy cywir ar gyfer canser y prostad?

I thank the Member for those remarks and that question, including his reminder to me of my age. I thank him for that. It is absolutely critical in the way that the Member identified in his question to recognise how important it is to detect cancer early. There is clear national guidance in place, which is based on symptoms and risk factors, for GPs to follow when referring for suspected prostate cancer. We've augmented this with digital training materials for GPs, detailing how to assess people. If people feel that they may be at risk, then they ought to see their GP. There is clear national guidance on that to support those conversations. I think it's also important to look at approaches that are developing constantly in this space. As he will know, there is no current recommendation in relation to screening—population screening—in this space, but I'm also aware of the work that Prostate Cancer UK has been undertaking with the UK National Screening Committee, and I will be interested to look at the developments in that space. 

Diolch i’r Aelod am ei sylwadau a'i gwestiwn, gan gynnwys fy atgoffa o fy oedran. Diolch am hynny. Mae’n gwbl hanfodol cydnabod, yn y ffordd a nododd yr Aelod yn ei gwestiwn, pa mor bwysig yw canfod canser yn gynnar. Mae canllawiau cenedlaethol clir ar waith, sy’n seiliedig ar symptomau a ffactorau risg, i feddygon teulu eu dilyn wrth atgyfeirio ar gyfer amheuaeth o ganser y prostad. Rydym wedi ategu hyn gyda deunyddiau hyfforddi digidol ar gyfer meddygon teulu, yn manylu ar sut i asesu pobl. Os yw pobl yn teimlo y gallent fod mewn perygl, dylent weld eu meddyg teulu. Mae canllawiau cenedlaethol clir ar hynny i gefnogi’r sgyrsiau hynny. Credaf ei bod hefyd yn bwysig edrych ar ddulliau gweithredu sy'n datblygu'n gyson yn y maes hwn. Fel y gŵyr, nid oes unrhyw argymhelliad ar hyn o bryd mewn perthynas â sgrinio—sgrinio’r boblogaeth—yn y maes hwn, ond rwyf hefyd yn ymwybodol o’r gwaith y mae Prostate Cancer UK wedi bod yn ei wneud gyda Phwyllgor Sgrinio Cenedlaethol y DU, a bydd gennyf ddiddordeb mewn edrych ar y datblygiadau yn y maes hwnnw.

Llywydd, I declare an interest, as someone living with prostate cancer, and, clearly, as someone else who is over 50 as well. Now, my understanding is that, at the moment, doctors cannot proactively offer prostate-specific antigen tests to high-risk men with no symptoms, such as men over 50, black men and men with a family history of prostate cancer, and so more clearly needs to be done in this area to address that.

Now, last week, I took part in a Prostate United walk with Haverfordwest County Association Football Club, an initiative that is raising funds for Prostate Cancer UK by encouraging people to walk, run or cycle every day in October. So, Cabinet Secretary, will you join me in celebrating the efforts of everyone who has taken part in the Prostate United challenge so far? Can you also tell us how the Welsh Government is working with health boards to be much more proactive in reaching out to men at the highest risk of prostate cancer?

Lywydd, rwy’n datgan buddiant, fel rhywun sy’n byw gyda chanser y prostad, ac yn amlwg, fel rhywun arall sydd dros 50 oed hefyd. Nawr, fy nealltwriaeth i yw na all meddygon fynd ati'n rhagweithiol ar hyn o bryd i gynnig profion antigenau penodol i’r prostad i ddynion risg uchel heb unrhyw symptomau, megis dynion dros 50 oed, dynion du a dynion â hanes teuluol o ganser y prostad, ac felly mae'n amlwg fod angen gwneud mwy yn y maes hwn i fynd i'r afael â hynny.

Nawr, yr wythnos diwethaf, cymerais ran yn nhaith gerdded Prostate United gyda Chlwb Pêl-droed Hwlffordd, menter sy’n codi arian ar gyfer Prostate Cancer UK drwy annog pobl i gerdded, rhedeg neu feicio bob dydd ym mis Hydref. Felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, a wnewch chi ymuno â mi i ddathlu ymdrechion pawb sydd wedi cymryd rhan yn her Prostate United hyd yma? A wnewch chi ddweud wrthym hefyd sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio gyda byrddau iechyd i fod yn llawer mwy rhagweithiol wrth estyn allan at ddynion sydd â’r risg uchaf o ganser y prostad?


I will absolutely celebrate the work that he is referring to in his question, and it is really important that we use those opportunities to highlight the risks in the way that this set of questions is doing today, and that that happens at a local health board level as well. As I mentioned in my response to Vaughan Gething, the work that Prostate Cancer UK is doing around alternatives to testing in this space and the developments in testing in the future is absolutely a critical part of that landscape.

Byddaf yn sicr yn dathlu’r gwaith y cyfeiria ato yn ei gwestiwn, ac mae’n wirioneddol bwysig ein bod yn defnyddio’r cyfleoedd hynny i dynnu sylw at y risgiau yn y ffordd y mae’r gyfres hon o gwestiynau yn ei gwneud heddiw, a bod hynny’n digwydd ar lefel y byrddau iechyd lleol hefyd. Fel y soniais yn fy ymateb i Vaughan Gething, mae’r gwaith y mae Prostate Cancer UK yn ei wneud ar opsiynau eraill heblaw profi yn y maes hwn a’r datblygiadau o ran profi yn y dyfodol yn rhan gwbl hanfodol o’r dirwedd honno.

Cyn-filwyr y Lluoedd Arfog
Armed Forces Veterans

6. Beth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i sicrhau bod cyn-filwyr y lluoedd arfog sy'n byw yng Nghymru yn cael y gofal iechyd y mae arnynt ei angen? OQ61744

6. What is the Welsh Government doing to ensure that armed forces veterans living in Wales receive the healthcare they need? OQ61744

We owe a debt of gratitude to our veterans. This is reflected in our policy, which provides priority access to NHS treatment for health conditions that are a result of their time in military service. We also provide access to Veterans' NHS Wales for service-related mental health issues.

Mae ein dyled yn fawr i'n cyn-filwyr. Adlewyrchir hyn yn ein polisi, sy'n rhoi mynediad blaenoriaethol i driniaeth y GIG ar gyfer cyflyrau iechyd sy'n deillio o'u hamser mewn gwasanaeth milwrol. Rydym hefyd yn darparu mynediad at GIG Cymru i Gyn-filwyr ar gyfer materion iechyd meddwl sy'n gysylltiedig â'u gwasanaeth.

Thank you, Minister. According to the recent Veterans' Commissioner for Wales's report, Veterans' NHS Wales spends around £1,600 per veteran seeking mental health services; in England, the figure is over double that at £3,400. There, veterans receive support with substance misuse, addiction and complex post-traumatic stress disorder therapies. This is unavailable here in Wales. Here, veterans are referred back to non-veteran mental health services for any issues not considered directly related to their time in service. Now, as you indicated at the beginning of your answer, these individuals have faced circumstances that we cannot begin to fathom. They have often put their lives on the line. Yet, I meet veterans on the streets of Cardiff, homeless. We are letting them down. Do you know why we have such a huge gap here in Wales compared with England, and do you think there is sufficient spend in Wales to provide the services they deserve? Diolch yn fawr.

Diolch, Weinidog. Yn ôl adroddiad diweddar Comisiynydd Cyn-filwyr Cymru, mae GIG Cymru i Gyn-filwyr yn gwario oddeutu £1,600 fesul cyn-filwr sy'n ceisio gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl; yn Lloegr, mae'r ffigur yn fwy na dwywaith hynny, sef £3,400. Yno, mae cyn-filwyr yn cael cymorth gyda chamddefnyddio sylweddau, caethiwed a therapïau anhwylder straen ôl-drawmatig cymhleth. Nid yw hyn ar gael yma yng Nghymru. Yma, caiff cyn-filwyr eu cyfeirio’n ôl at wasanaethau iechyd meddwl cyffredinol ar gyfer unrhyw faterion nad ystyrir eu bod yn uniongyrchol gysylltiedig â’u cyfnod mewn gwasanaeth. Nawr, fel y nodwyd gennych ar ddechrau eich ateb, mae'r unigolion hyn wedi wynebu amgylchiadau na allwn ddechrau eu dirnad. Maent yn aml wedi mentro eu bywydau. Ac eto, rwy’n cyfarfod â chyn-filwyr digartref ar strydoedd Caerdydd. Rydym yn gwneud cam â hwy. A ydych chi'n gwybod pam fod gennym fwlch mor enfawr yma yng Nghymru o gymharu â Lloegr, ac a ydych chi'n credu bod gwariant digonol yng Nghymru i ddarparu’r gwasanaethau y maent yn eu haeddu? Diolch yn fawr.

Thank you very much, Rhys ab Owen, for this question and for highlighting the veterans' commissioner's report that came out, the annual report, which I feel is a very helpful personal assessment of the key issues affecting veterans in Wales, many of which you have touched on just now. I also just wanted to say that we continue to invest in Veterans' NHS Wales, and mental health is one of the First Minister's four priority areas, so I will revert back to what my colleague Jack Sargeant said earlier on, in that I cannot pre-empt what will be in the upcoming budget.

However, I would say that some cross-border comparisons do need some qualifications, and the veterans' commissioner recognises that, in relation to crisis beds and specialist substance misuse services. So, yes, our mental health service for veterans, Veterans' NHS Wales, is funded by Welsh Government and it is meeting its targets with some local exceptions, where a post is gapped or recruitment is taking place. This service is now also supporting veterans in prison in Wales.

I think it's also worth mentioning as well, though, that you are right, a lot of this is centred around the NHS veterans in Wales service, but we also have a fantastic range of third sector organisations who are doing tremendous work on the ground in people's communities. So, the work of TGP Cymru includes a specific focus on restorative approaches for veterans and family services, so that's really helping them to reconnect with their families and to have a really positive, healthy family life. We also have Adferiad as well, which has a Change Step programme that works with veterans, and they're doing tremendous work again with the Places, Pathways and People programme, which is making a big difference.

So, please continue to raise it. I'm very proud to have veterans' mental health in my portfolio, and I will continue to communicate with the community as well and ensure that they're getting everything that they need. Diolch.

Diolch am y cwestiwn hwn, Rhys ab Owen, ac am dynnu sylw at adroddiad y comisiynydd cyn-filwyr a gyhoeddwyd, yr adroddiad blynyddol, sydd, yn fy marn i, yn asesiad personol defnyddiol iawn o’r materion allweddol sy'n effeithio ar gyn-filwyr yng Nghymru, ac rydych chi newydd sôn am lawer ohonynt. Hoffwn ddweud hefyd ein bod yn parhau i fuddsoddi yn GIG Cymru i Gyn-filwyr, ac mae iechyd meddwl yn un o bedwar maes blaenoriaeth y Prif Weinidog, felly dof yn ôl at yr hyn a ddywedodd fy nghyd-Aelod, Jack Sargeant, yn gynharach, sef na allaf achub y blaen ar beth fydd yn y gyllideb sydd i ddod.

Fodd bynnag, hoffwn ddweud bod angen amodi rhai o'r cymariaethau trawsffiniol, ac mae’r comisiynydd cyn-filwyr yn cydnabod hynny, mewn perthynas â gwelyau argyfwng a gwasanaethau camddefnyddio sylweddau arbenigol. Felly, ydy, mae ein gwasanaeth iechyd meddwl ar gyfer cyn-filwyr, GIG Cymru i Gyn-filwyr, yn cael ei ariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru ac mae'n cyflawni ei dargedau gyda rhai eithriadau lleol, lle mae swydd wag neu lle mae proses recriwtio ar waith. Mae’r gwasanaeth hwn bellach hefyd yn cefnogi cyn-filwyr sydd yn y carchar yng Nghymru.

Credaf ei bod yn werth sôn hefyd, serch hynny, eich bod chi'n iawn, mae llawer o hyn yn ymwneud â gwasanaeth GIG Cymru i gyn-filwyr, ond mae gennym hefyd ystod wych o sefydliadau trydydd sector sy’n gwneud gwaith aruthrol ar lawr gwlad yng nghymunedau pobl. Felly, mae gwaith TGP Cymru yn cynnwys ffocws penodol ar ddulliau adferol ar gyfer cyn-filwyr a gwasanaethau teuluoedd, felly mae hynny'n eu helpu'n fawr i ailgysylltu â'u teuluoedd ac i gael bywyd teuluol gwirioneddol gadarnhaol ac iach. Mae gennym Adferiad hefyd, sydd â rhaglen Change Step sy'n gweithio gyda chyn-filwyr, ac maent yn gwneud gwaith aruthrol unwaith eto gyda rhaglen Places, Pathways and People, sy'n gwneud gwahaniaeth mawr.

Felly, daliwch ati i godi'r mater. Rwy'n falch iawn o gael iechyd meddwl cyn-filwyr yn rhan o fy mhortffolio, a byddaf yn parhau i gyfathrebu â'r gymuned hefyd a sicrhau eu bod yn cael popeth sydd ei angen arnynt. Diolch.

The first thing I'd like to start with is by thanking Lisa Rawlings from the Female Veterans Alliance for raising a very important issue in our recent Senedd armed forces cross-party group. She pointed out that female veterans face unique challenges, both during and after service life. Great strides have been made, of course, in veteran care since the introduction of the armed forces covenant under the previous UK Conservative Government, but way more needs to be done here in Wales particularly. One of the major barriers to supporting female veterans is that we have no dedicated female veteran peer mentors in the NHS veterans service.

In 2021, servicewomen were 10 times more likely to experience sexual harassment. A study of UK female veterans found higher rates of mental health difficulties among female veterans, compared to non-serving females. Wales having no dedicated female veteran peer mentors creates a barrier of access to the service, meaning that many are not wanting to explain issues that perhaps involved a male to a male veteran, which is currently the only offering in Wales. Feedback suggests that there is a clear need for more female veteran support in the NHS. So, Minister, could you please assure us that you'll look into this and perhaps meet with the Female Veterans Alliance so that this can be addressed with some sort of urgency? Thank you.

Y peth cyntaf yr hoffwn ddechrau gydag ef yw diolch i Lisa Rawlings o’r Female Veterans Alliance am godi mater pwysig iawn yn ddiweddar yng ngrŵp trawsbleidiol y Senedd ar gyfer y lluoedd arfog. Tynnodd sylw at y ffaith bod cyn-filwyr benywaidd yn wynebu heriau unigryw, yn ystod ac ar ôl eu gwasanaeth. Mae camau breision wedi’u cymryd, wrth gwrs, ym maes gofal cyn-filwyr ers cyflwyno cyfamod y lluoedd arfog o dan Lywodraeth Geidwadol flaenorol y DU, ond mae angen gwneud llawer mwy yma yng Nghymru yn arbennig. Un o’r prif rwystrau o ran cefnogi cyn-filwyr benywaidd yw nad oes gennym unrhyw fentoriaid cymheiriaid penodol ar gyfer cyn-filwyr benywaidd yng ngwasanaeth cyn-filwyr y GIG.

Yn 2021, roedd menywod yn y lluoedd arfog 10 gwaith yn fwy tebygol o ddioddef aflonyddu rhywiol. Canfu astudiaeth o gyn-filwyr benywaidd y DU gyfraddau uwch o anawsterau iechyd meddwl ymhlith cyn-filwyr benywaidd, o gymharu â menywod nad ydynt wedi gwasanaethu. Mae’r ffaith nad oes gan Gymru unrhyw fentoriaid cymheiriaid penodol ar gyfer cyn-filwyr benywaidd yn creu rhwystr o ran mynediad at y gwasanaeth, sy’n golygu bod llawer yn amharod i sôn am faterion a oedd efallai’n ymwneud â dyn wrth gyn-filwr gwrywaidd, sef yr unig opsiwn yng Nghymru ar hyn o bryd. Mae adborth yn awgrymu bod angen clir am fwy o gymorth i gyn-filwyr benywaidd yn y GIG. Felly, Weinidog, a allwch chi roi sicrwydd i ni, os gwelwch yn dda, y byddwch yn ymchwilio i hyn, ac efallai’n cyfarfod â’r Female Veterans Alliance fel y gellir mynd i’r afael â hyn ar fyrder? Diolch.


I really welcome your question today, Laura Anne Jones. It's very important. I'd also like to put on record my thanks to Lisa Rawlings for sharing her lived experience. I always hugely appreciate and admire anybody who can do that, especially when there can be a stigma associated with it, when it can be traumatic, when it can be painful, in the hopes that, truly, they'll make a difference for other people. So, I would like to assure you that I will, absolutely, agree to meet with the Female Veterans Alliance. I would like to hear more. I'm a big believer in the peer mentor support; it's going incredibly well. There is one Veterans’ NHS Wales embedded peer support mentor in almost every health board that we have now. However, if none of them are female, that is a huge issue. So, I would really welcome that meeting and I will absolutely go away and look into this more. Diolch.

Rwy'n croesawu eich cwestiwn heddiw, Laura Anne Jones. Mae'n bwysig iawn. Hoffwn innau hefyd gofnodi fy niolch i Lisa Rawlings am rannu ei phrofiad bywyd. Rwyf bob amser yn gwerthfawrogi ac yn edmygu unrhyw un sy'n gallu gwneud hynny, yn enwedig pan allai fod stigma'n gysylltiedig ag ef, pan all fod yn drawmatig, pan all fod yn boenus, yn y gobaith y byddant yn gwneud gwahaniaeth i bobl eraill. Felly, hoffwn eich sicrhau fy mod yn sicr yn cytuno i gyfarfod â'r Female Veterans Alliance. Hoffwn glywed mwy. Rwy'n gredwr mawr mewn cymorth gan fentoriaid cymheiriaid; mae'n mynd yn anhygoel o dda. Mae un mentor cymheiriaid GIG Cymru i Gyn-filwyr ym mhob bwrdd iechyd sydd gennym bron iawn. Fodd bynnag, os nad oes unrhyw fentoriaid cymheiriaid benywaidd, mae honno'n broblem enfawr. Felly, buaswn yn croesawu cyfarfod ac yn sicr, fe edrychaf ymhellach ar hyn. Diolch.

Ni ofynnwyd cwestiwn 7 [OQ61763].

Question 7 [OQ61763] not asked. 

Amseroedd Aros Gastroenteroleg
Gastroenterology Waiting Times

8. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am amseroedd aros gastroenteroleg ym Mwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Caerdydd a'r Fro? OQ61730

8. Will the Cabinet Secretary provide an update on gastroenterology waiting times in Cardiff and Vale University Health Board? OQ61730

Reducing waiting times is a priority for this Government, and we are working with the health board to ensure that they prioritise cancer and urgent referral for gastroenterology and then focus on the diagnosis and treatment of the longest waiting patients.

Mae lleihau amseroedd aros yn flaenoriaeth i'r Llywodraeth hon, ac rydym yn gweithio gyda'r bwrdd iechyd i sicrhau eu bod yn blaenoriaethu canser ac atgyfeirio brys ar gyfer gastroenteroleg ac yna'n canolbwyntio ar ddiagnosis a thriniaeth y cleifion sy'n aros hiraf.

Thank you, Cabinet Secretary. Early diagnosis of gastroenterological issues and access to treatment to get symptoms under control is essential for people living with Crohn's and colitis. Delays to diagnosis and treatment increase the risk of serious complication and increase the likelihood of surgery. In the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board area, the number waiting over a year for their first gastroenterological outpatient appointment has risen from three people in July 2023 to 449 at the end of July this year. With a median wait for a gastroenterological appointment of 37.6 weeks at the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, how is the Cabinet Secretary working with the health board to prevent people living with Crohn's and colitis from having no choice but to present at A&E? Thank you.

Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Mae diagnosis cynnar o broblemau gastroenterolegol a mynediad at driniaeth i gael symptomau dan reolaeth yn hanfodol i bobl sy'n byw gyda chlefyd Crohn a llid y colon. Mae oedi i ddiagnosis a thriniaeth yn cynyddu'r risg o gymhlethdod difrifol ac yn cynyddu'r tebygolrwydd o lawdriniaeth. Yn ardal Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Caerdydd a'r Fro, mae'r nifer sy'n aros dros flwyddyn am eu hapwyntiad cleifion allanol gastroenterolegol cyntaf wedi codi o dri pherson ym mis Gorffennaf 2023 i 449 ddiwedd mis Gorffennaf eleni. Gydag amser aros canolrifol am apwyntiad gastroenterolegol o 37.6 wythnos ym Mwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Caerdydd a'r Fro, sut y mae Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn gweithio gyda'r bwrdd iechyd i atal pobl sy'n byw gyda chlefyd Crohn a llid y colon rhag gorfod mynd i adrannau damweiniau ac achosion brys? Diolch.

I thank the Member for that important question. I think it is absolutely fair to say that the health board have found diagnostic waiting times a real challenge. In my periodic meeting with the chair, we discussed that very question and I'm absolutely clear that the health board recognises the need to make real progress as quickly as possible, for the reasons, partly, that the Member sets out in his question. I know that the health board have secured a mobile endoscopy unit, which was used until recently, and are now increasing capacity through additional insourcing. It is a significant challenge, it is one that, unfortunately, will take some time to resolve in its entirety, but I hope I can give the Member the assurance that I raised that in my meeting with the chair and there's an absolute recognition on the part of the health board that the service needs to be improved.

Diolch i'r Aelod am y cwestiwn pwysig hwn. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn gwbl deg dweud bod y bwrdd iechyd wedi gweld amseroedd aros diagnostig yn her go iawn. Yn fy nghyfarfod cyfnodol gyda'r cadeirydd, buom yn trafod yr union gwestiwn hwnnw ac rwy'n gwbl glir fod y bwrdd iechyd yn cydnabod yr angen i wneud cynnydd go iawn cyn gynted â phosibl, yn rhannol am y rhesymau y mae'r Aelod yn eu nodi yn ei gwestiwn. Rwy'n gwybod bod y bwrdd iechyd wedi sicrhau uned endosgopi symudol, a gafodd ei defnyddio tan yn ddiweddar, a bellach yn cynyddu capasiti trwy fewnoli ychwanegol. Mae'n her sylweddol, mae'n un a fydd, yn anffodus, yn cymryd peth amser i'w datrys yn ei chyfanrwydd, ond rwy'n gobeithio y gallaf roi sicrwydd i'r Aelod fy mod wedi codi hynny yn fy nghyfarfod gyda'r cadeirydd a bod y bwrdd iechyd yn llwyr gydnabod bod angen gwella'r gwasanaeth.

Diolch i'r Gweinidog a'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet.

I thank the Cabinet Secretary and the Minister.

3. Cwestiynau Amserol
3. Topical Questions

Y cwestiynau amserol sydd nesaf. Mae dau wedi cael eu dewis heddiw. Mae'r cyntaf i'w ateb gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros newid hinsawdd ac i'w ofyn gan James Evans.

The topical questions are next. Two have been selected today. The first is to be answered by the Cabinet Secretary for climate change and to be asked by James Evans.

Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru
Natural Resources Wales

1. Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet yn eu cael gyda Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ynghylch eu Hadroddiad Blynyddol a Chyfrifon ar gyfer 2023-24 sy'n cynnwys manylion ymchwiliadau Cyllid a Thollau EF i gydymffurfiaeth hanesyddol Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru â gofynion gweithio oddi ar y gyflogres, a maint yr atebolrwydd posibl a allai fod yn ddyledus? TQ1220

1. What discussions is the Cabinet Secretary having with Natural Resources Wales regarding their 2023-24 Annual Report and Accounts which include details of HMRC investigations into NRW's historic compliance with off-pay-roll working requirements, and the extent of the potential liability that may be owed? TQ1220

Member (w)
Huw Irranca-Davies 15:04:46
Y Dirprwy Brif Weinidog ac Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Newid Hinsawdd a Materion Gwledig

Diolch, James. Thank you for the question. The Welsh Government has increased its engagement with NRW to monitor progress in resolving the matter and to learn lessons from the how the position came about. This is an operational matter for NRW, as it continues in its discussions with HMRC to bring about resolution.

Diolch, James. Diolch am y cwestiwn. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cynyddu ei hymgysylltiad â CNC i fonitro cynnydd ar ddatrys y mater ac i ddysgu gwersi o'r ffordd y digwyddodd y sefyllfa. Mae hwn yn fater gweithredol i CNC, wrth iddo barhau ei drafodaethau gyda CThEF i sicrhau datrysiad.


Thank you for your answer, Cabinet Secretary. It is deeply troubling to learn that Natural Resources Wales has been under investigation by HMRC, and it has been estimated in the press that Welsh taxpayers may be on the hook for as much as £19 million. That's a truly staggering figure. 

And yet, this isn't the first time that NRW has misled the public when it comes to its financial competencies. The Countryside Alliance has previously accused Natural Resources Wales of misleading the public during its public consultation, following the organisation's purchase of land in Carmarthenshire.

Cabinet Secretary, looking at the numerous finance-related controversies that NRW has created since its creation in 2013, it is clear that it is incapable of managing its finances. So, I ask you: what is the total liability anticipated from this latest fiasco at NRW, and how much more Welsh taxpayer money are we going to have to fork out to cover for NRW's mess?

I would also like to ask you a question in your role as the Deputy First Minister. What work is the Welsh Government doing to look across Government and public organisations in Wales about the IR35 rules, to make sure that no other organisation, whether that be Welsh Government or local authority, has fallen foul of the rules and is going to owe HMRC millions of pounds of taxpayer money?

Diolch am eich ateb, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Mae'n peri gofid mawr i glywed bod Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru wedi bod yn destun ymchwiliad gan CThEF, ac amcangyfrifir yn y wasg y gallai trethdalwyr Cymru orfod talu gymaint â £19 miliwn. Mae hwnnw'n ffigur gwirioneddol syfrdanol. 

Ac eto, nid dyma'r tro cyntaf i CNC gamarwain y cyhoedd ynghylch ei gymwyseddau ariannol. Mae'r Gynghrair Cefn Gwlad eisoes wedi cyhuddo Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru o gamarwain y cyhoedd yn ystod ei ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus, yn dilyn prynu tir yn sir Gaerfyrddin gan y sefydliad.

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, wrth edrych ar y trafferthion niferus yn gysylltiedig â chyllid y mae CNC wedi'u hwynebu ers ei greu yn 2013, mae'n amlwg nad yw'n gallu rheoli ei gyllid. Felly, gofynnaf i chi: beth yw cyfanswm yr atebolrwydd a ragwelir o'r ffiasgo diweddaraf yn CNC, a faint yn fwy o arian trethdalwyr Cymru fydd yn rhaid i ni ei dalu am lanast CNC?

Hoffwn ofyn cwestiwn i chi hefyd yn eich rôl fel y Dirprwy Brif Weinidog. Pa waith y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i edrych ar draws y Llywodraeth a sefydliadau cyhoeddus yng Nghymru ar reolau IR35, i sicrhau nad oes unrhyw sefydliad arall, boed yn Llywodraeth Cymru neu'n awdurdod lleol, wedi mynd yn groes i'r rheolau ac yn mynd i wynebu dyled o filiynau o bunnoedd o arian trethdalwyr i CThEF?

Well, Llywydd, first of all, let's acknowledge that this is a significant issue that NRW needs to resolve in its discussions with HMRC. But one thing that I will not do is engage in political attacks on the organisation, which is the principal environmental guardian and regulator within this space. As we just saw, it has expanded into a larger attack on NRW, the organisation.

Just to make crystal clear, NRW is not the only organisation that has been subject to IR35 investigations by HMRC. Indeed, under the UK Conservative Government, the MoJ and DEFRA—I’m sure there might be others as well—also have been in this predicament. But it is for NRW—a Welsh Government-sponsored body, but not run by Welsh Government—to actually engage now, as it is doing, with HMRC to resolve this.

Just to make clear—contrary, by the way, to some of the suggestions made on the Conservative Twitter pages and by the leader of the opposition during this week in the Senedd—this is not the taxpayer opening a cheque book to NRW. In fact, the reason that the Welsh Government has made, I think, the right decision to enable NRW to enter into those negotiations with HMRC with a loan was to avoid, actually, higher costs that could accrue through interest rates on that.

So, in fact, this is wise use of taxpayers’ money to avoid it getting into a more difficult situation. And, by the way, the £19 million is an indicative amount, and I made a written statement on Monday, James, as you know. I have been making great efforts, by the way, to engage with the shadow spokespeople on this issue, but unfortunately, I have had no response—

Wel, Lywydd, yn gyntaf oll, gadewch inni gydnabod bod hwn yn fater pwysig y mae angen i CNC ei ddatrys yn ei drafodaethau â CThEF. Ond un peth nad wyf yn mynd i'w wneud yw cymryd rhan mewn ymosodiadau gwleidyddol ar y sefydliad, sef y prif warcheidwad a rheoleiddiwr amgylcheddol yn y gofod hwn. Fel y gwelsom, mae wedi ehangu i fod yn ymosodiad mwy ar CNC, y sefydliad.

I fod yn hollol glir, nid CNC yw'r unig sefydliad sydd wedi bod yn destun ymchwiliadau IR35 gan CThEF. Yn wir, dan Lywodraeth Geidwadol y DU, mae'r Weinyddiaeth Amddiffyn a DEFRA—rwy'n siŵr y gallai fod eraill hefyd—wedi bod yn y sefyllfa hon. Ond mater i CNC—corff a noddir gan Lywodraeth Cymru, ond heb ei weithredu gan Lywodraeth Cymru—yw ymgysylltu nawr, fel y mae'n gwneud, gyda CThEF i ddatrys hyn.

I fod yn glir—yn groes, gyda llaw, i rai o'r awgrymiadau a wnaed ar dudalennau Twitter y Ceidwadwyr a chan arweinydd yr wrthblaid yr wythnos hon yn y Senedd—nid yw'n fater o'r trethdalwr yn agor llyfr siec i CNC. Mewn gwirionedd, y rheswm y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi gwneud y penderfyniad cywir yn fy marn i i alluogi CNC i gael benthyciad wrth ddechrau'r trafodaethau gyda CThEF oedd osgoi costau uwch a allai gronni trwy gyfraddau llog ar hynny.

Felly, mae'n ddefnydd doeth o arian trethdalwyr i'w atal rhag mynd i sefyllfa anos. Gyda llaw, mae'r £19 miliwn yn swm dangosol, a gwneuthum ddatganiad ysgrifenedig ddydd Llun, James, fel y gwyddoch. Rwyf wedi bod yn gwneud ymdrechion mawr, gyda llaw, i ymgysylltu â llefarwyr yr wrthblaid ar y mater hwn, ond yn anffodus, nid wyf wedi cael unrhyw ymateb—

—and that's disappointing, because I would have liked to have gone through the real detail of this.

However, let me just say, NRW's annual report and accounts include details of HMRC's investigations into what is a historic compliance issue with IR35 rules and the extent of a potential liability—watch those words: a potential liability—that may be owed. Llywydd, we laid the written statement on Monday, as you know. They are discussing this matter, between NRW and HMRC, to bring forth a resolution.

We are continuing to work with NRW to provide necessary support as it goes through the process. I have discussed this with NRW's chair regularly since it has come to my attention, including as recently as Monday. I have asked my officials to work with NRW to develop enhanced monitoring arrangements and further support for capacity and capability, as is required.

But let's be clear as well: when we put these political attacks on NRW that go beyond this IR35 issue, as we saw earlier this week in this Senedd—. We are facing a climate and nature crisis. NRW's work as a regulator is of the utmost importance to us all, and the professional and passionate NRW staff work day in, day out to help protect nature and people in Wales. The Welsh Government does indeed have a clear role, Llywydd, in supporting NRW in fulfilling those responsibilities and ensuring that its vital work will continue, and we will support NRW in its discussions with HMRC.

—ac mae hynny'n siomedig, oherwydd buaswn wedi hoffi mynd drwy fanylion go iawn hyn.

Fodd bynnag, gadewch imi ddweud, mae adroddiad a chyfrifon blynyddol CNC yn cynnwys manylion ymchwiliadau CThEF i'r hyn sy'n fater cydymffurfio hanesyddol â rheolau IR35 a maint atebolrwydd posibl—gwyliwch y geiriau hynny: atebolrwydd posibl—a allai fod yn ddyledus. Lywydd, fe wnaethom osod y datganiad ysgrifenedig ddydd Llun, fel y gwyddoch. Maent yn trafod y mater hwn, rhwng CNC a CThEF, er mwyn sicrhau datrysiad.

Rydym yn parhau i weithio gyda CNC i ddarparu'r cymorth angenrheidiol wrth iddo fynd drwy'r broses. Rwyf wedi trafod hyn gyda chadeirydd CNC yn rheolaidd ers iddo ddod i fy sylw, gan gynnwys mor ddiweddar â dydd Llun. Rwyf wedi gofyn i fy swyddogion weithio gyda CNC i ddatblygu trefniadau monitro gwell a chefnogaeth bellach ar gyfer capasiti a gallu, fel sy'n ofynnol.

Ond gadewch inni fod yn glir hefyd: pan fyddwn yn gwneud ymosodiadau gwleidyddol ar CNC sy'n mynd y tu hwnt i'r mater IR35 hwn, fel y gwelsom yn gynharach yr wythnos hon yn y Senedd—. Rydym yn wynebu argyfwng hinsawdd a natur. Mae gwaith CNC fel rheoleiddiwr o'r pwys mwyaf i ni i gyd, ac mae staff proffesiynol ac angerddol CNC yn gweithio o ddydd i ddydd i helpu i ddiogelu natur a phobl yng Nghymru. Yn wir, mae gan Lywodraeth Cymru rôl glir, Lywydd, yn cefnogi Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru i gyflawni'r cyfrifoldebau hynny a sicrhau y bydd ei waith hanfodol yn parhau, a byddwn yn cefnogi CNC yn ei drafodaethau gyda CThEF.


Diolch, Llywydd. This payment to HMRC does raise serious concerns about management and compliance, but it also, surely, prompts questions about what processes are in place to support staff in this position. I don't know the details of what's happened here, but my instinct would tell me that no-one would have wanted things to get to this stage, that this wouldn't have come about through deliberate deception, but inadequate safeguards and, who knows, maybe staff fear. I'd like to know what support is currently being given to the staff affected by this, and I'd like to know what steps the Government took to monitor NRW's financial practices, again, yes, to hear assurances, of course, that similar failures won't happen again in public bodies under its remit. Processes have to be strengthened, clear lines of accountability have to be clarified if need be, but NRW does do hugely significant important work. My view on this is that we should be focusing on the future, ensuring that this doesn't happen again, to protect staff, as well as finances. Just focusing on calling for heads to roll doesn't get us anywhere, does it? A mistake was made, it was a very serious mistake, but surely the blame needs to be placed on processes not people.

Diolch, Lywydd. Mae'r taliad hwn i CThEF yn codi pryderon difrifol am reolaeth a chydymffurfiaeth, ond mae hefyd yn ysgogi cwestiynau ynghylch pa brosesau sydd ar waith i gefnogi staff yn y sefyllfa hon. Nid wyf yn gwybod manylion yr hyn sydd wedi digwydd yma, ond byddai fy ngreddf yn dweud wrthyf na fyddai unrhyw un wedi dymuno i bethau gyrraedd y cam hwn, na fyddai hyn wedi digwydd trwy dwyll bwriadol, ond yn hytrach, mesurau diogelwch annigonol a phwy a ŵyr, ofnau staff efallai. Hoffwn wybod pa gymorth sy'n cael ei roi i'r staff y mae hyn yn effeithio arnynt ar hyn o bryd, a hoffwn wybod pa gamau a gymerodd y Llywodraeth i fonitro arferion ariannol CNC, unwaith eto, ie, i glywed sicrwydd na fydd methiannau tebyg yn digwydd eto mewn cyrff cyhoeddus o dan ei goruchwyliaeth. Rhaid cryfhau prosesau, rhaid egluro llinellau atebolrwydd clir os oes angen, ond mae CNC yn gwneud gwaith pwysig iawn. Fy marn i yw y dylem ganolbwyntio ar y dyfodol, gan sicrhau nad yw hyn yn digwydd eto, i ddiogelu staff, yn ogystal â chyllid. Nid yw canolbwyntio ar feio'n unig yn mynd â ni i unman. Fe wnaed camgymeriad, roedd yn gamgymeriad difrifol iawn, ond mae angen rhoi'r bai ar brosesau nid ar bobl.

Delyth, thank you very much for that. You raise some really important points here, because, at the heart of this also—. This is a historic compliance issue that they're dealing with; it goes back several years. They are undertaking proper scrutiny of what happened in order to learn those lessons going forward—to avoid it. They have indeed, and I've met with the chair of the board frequently on this, put in place now strengthened governance and oversight, and risk analysis, to make sure that this doesn't happen again. I would expect that of them, and they are doing it. But right at the heart of this are people who are passionate about the work they do, at all levels, within NRW. And that's why I say very strongly, 'Let's not look at pointing the finger at individuals or NRW as an organisation', and actually say to NRW that they need to sort this out in terms of their relationship now with HMRC, this potential liability needs to be resolved, we need to see the exact quantum of what it is, and then the Welsh Government stands by to help support in one way or the other, in a responsible way, with our own proper responsibility as the sponsoring body for NRW, but not stepping into that space that they have to resolve. 

And just one thing to clarify as well, Delyth, and Llywydd: whilst this is a matter for NRW itself and the board, rather than the Welsh Government, NRW has made clear that it is no longer using off-payroll contractors, and its default position is that it will not use them in the future, and that is good to hear. So, there are historic issues to deal with, to understand, to learn how this can be avoided in the future. I think that NRW have to be very frank and honest in their internal analysis of that. We are also, as the Welsh Government, in that space, trying to understand exactly what has got on in a body that we sponsor, but it is now for them to sort out. And meanwhile, they have to get on with their essential day job as a regulator of the natural environment here in Wales, and also all the work that they do on flood defences, the work that they do with communities throughout Wales. And I know this is definitely not where you were heading, but let's not try and drag them down and use this as a political opportunity to undermine them as an organisation; they've got a critical role to play.

Delyth, diolch am hynny. Rydych chi'n codi rhai pwyntiau pwysig iawn yma, oherwydd, wrth wraidd hyn hefyd—. Mae hwn yn fater cydymffurfio hanesyddol y maent yn ymdrin ag ef; mae'n mynd yn ôl sawl blwyddyn. Maent yn gwneud gwaith craffu priodol ar yr hyn a ddigwyddodd er mwyn dysgu gwersi wrth symud ymlaen—er mwyn ei osgoi. Yn wir, rwyf wedi cyfarfod â chadeirydd y bwrdd yn aml ar hyn, wedi rhoi trefniadau llywodraethu a goruchwylio cryfach ar waith, a dadansoddi risg, i sicrhau nad yw hyn yn digwydd eto. Rwy'n disgwyl hynny ac maent yn ei wneud. Ond wrth wraidd hyn mae pobl sy'n angerddol am y gwaith a wnânt ar bob lefel o fewn CNC. A dyna pam rwy'n dweud yn gryf iawn, 'Gadewch inni beidio â phwyntio bys at unigolion neu CNC fel sefydliad', a dweud wrth CNC fod angen iddynt ddatrys hyn o ran eu perthynas â CThEF, mae angen datrys yr atebolrwydd posibl hwn, mae angen inni weld union swm yr hyn ydyw, ac yna mae Llywodraeth Cymru yno i helpu i gefnogi mewn rhyw ffordd neu'i gilydd, mewn ffordd gyfrifol, gyda'n cyfrifoldeb priodol ein hunain fel y corff sy'n noddi CNC, ond heb gamu i'r gofod y mae'n rhaid iddynt hwy ei ddatrys. 

Ac os caf egluro un peth hefyd, Delyth, a Lywydd: er bod hwn yn fater i CNC ei hun a'r bwrdd, yn hytrach na Llywodraeth Cymru, mae CNC wedi dweud yn glir nad yw'n defnyddio contractwyr oddi ar y gyflogres mwyach, a'i safbwynt diofyn yw na fydd yn eu defnyddio yn y dyfodol, ac mae hynny'n dda i'w glywed. Felly, mae yna faterion hanesyddol i ymdrin â hwy, i'w deall, i ddysgu sut y gellir osgoi hyn yn y dyfodol. Rwy'n credu bod yn rhaid i CNC fod yn onest yn eu dadansoddiad mewnol o hynny. Rydym ni hefyd, fel Llywodraeth Cymru, yn y gofod hwnnw, yn ceisio deall yn union beth sydd wedi digwydd mewn corff a noddir gennym, ond mater iddynt hwy yw datrys hyn nawr. Ac yn y cyfamser, mae'n rhaid iddynt fwrw ymlaen â'u gwaith hanfodol fel rheoleiddiwr yr amgylchedd naturiol yma yng Nghymru, a hefyd yr holl waith a wnânt ar amddiffynfeydd rhag llifogydd, y gwaith a wnânt gyda chymunedau ledled Cymru. Ac rwy'n gwybod yn bendant nad dyma lle roeddech chi'n mynd, ond gadewch inni beidio â cheisio eu llusgo i lawr a defnyddio hyn fel cyfle gwleidyddol i'w tanseilio fel sefydliad; mae ganddynt rôl allweddol i'w chwarae.

Just for clarification—I don't know who you were referring to—I haven't had an e-mail about this particular issue from you. I know we spoke outside, but that was about your statement yesterday and nothing to do with NRW.

I've got to be honest, this is yet another inadequacy on the part of NRW. Even your own statement yesterday, Deputy Minister, following the bail-out, was a clear admission that NRW is not only struggling, but is in need of greater oversight. This latest scandal highlights the poor—incredibly poor—leadership within NRW. Week after week, we hear many failings of this organisation.

I feel really sorry for the hard-working staff, who I work with regularly, and they feel let down by constant management inadequacies. They do a fantastic job, but they're being let down. Serious questions should be asked. I make no apology for going a step further than you: if this was a private company, people would be on notice. Why should the public sector, this Welsh Government or NRW be any different? Who was appointed to audit these accounts? Why did they not highlight this situation earlier, when it talks about NRW's historic compliance with off-payroll working? I would never get away with that in business, nor would many within the private sector.

In the Welsh NHS, we have an oversight and escalation framework. Have you never thought of having such a similar process for other public bodies, to include NRW? But I have to tell you, if I had my way here today somebody in senior management would be asked to consider their position. Diolch.

Dim ond er eglurder—nid wyf yn gwybod at bwy roeddech chi'n cyfeirio—nid wyf wedi cael e-bost oddi wrthych am y mater penodol hwn. Rwy'n gwybod ein bod wedi siarad y tu allan, ond roedd hynny'n ymwneud â'ch datganiad ddoe a dim byd i'w wneud â CNC.

Mae'n rhaid i mi fod yn onest, dyma fethiant arall gan CNC. Roedd hyd yn oed eich datganiad chi ddoe, Ddirprwy Weinidog, wedi ichi achub ei groen, yn gyfaddefiad clir fod Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru nid yn unig yn ei chael hi'n anodd, ond bod angen mwy o oruchwyliaeth. Mae'r sgandal ddiweddaraf hon yn tynnu sylw at yr arweinyddiaeth wael—anhygoel o wael—o fewn CNC. Wythnos ar ôl wythnos, clywn am fethiannau niferus y sefydliad hwn.

Rwy'n teimlo'n flin iawn dros y staff gweithgar, y byddaf yn gweithio gyda hwy'n rheolaidd, ac maent yn teimlo'n siomedig ynghylch diffygion rheoli cyson. Maent yn gwneud gwaith gwych, ond maent yn cael eu siomi. Dylid gofyn cwestiynau difrifol. Nid wyf yn ymddiheuro am fynd gam ymhellach na chi: pe bai hwn yn gwmni preifat, byddai pobl wedi cael rhybudd. Pam y dylai'r sector cyhoeddus, y Llywodraeth hon neu CNC fod yn wahanol? Pwy a benodwyd i archwilio'r cyfrifon hyn? Pam na wnaethant dynnu sylw at y sefyllfa hon yn gynharach, pan fo'n sôn am gydymffurfiaeth hanesyddol CNC â gwaith oddi ar y gyflogres? Ni fuaswn i byth yn cael dianc rhag hynny mewn busnes, na fawr o neb yn y sector preifat.

Yn y GIG yng Nghymru, mae gennym fframwaith goruchwylio ac uwchgyfeirio. A ydych chi erioed wedi meddwl am gael proses debyg ar gyfer cyrff cyhoeddus eraill, i gynnwys CNC? Ond mae'n rhaid imi ddweud wrthych, pe bawn i'n cael fy ffordd yma heddiw byddai gofyn i rywun o blith yr uwch-reolwyr ystyried eu sefyllfa. Diolch.


Llywydd, there is a genuine and serious point within this about NRW taking responsibility for how this came about, actually learning the lessons and being transparent as well, and that process is under way, Janet. But, just to be clear, you've just thrown on the line there, if I heard you correctly, incredibly poor leadership, inadequate management, whilst paying tribute to the passion of the front-line workers. Actually, there are people in NRW at every single level that are passionate about protecting our natural environment, and—[Interruption.]—and to use this as an opportunity to undermine and denigrate the organisation and those people within it—

Lywydd, mae yna bwynt dilys a difrifol yn hyn o beth am CNC yn cymryd cyfrifoldeb am y ffordd y digwyddodd hyn, gan ddysgu'r gwersi a bod yn dryloyw hefyd, ac mae'r broses honno ar y gweill, Janet. Ond i fod yn glir, rydych chi newydd sôn yno, os clywais chi'n iawn, am arweinyddiaeth anhygoel o wael, rheolaeth ddiffygiol, gan dalu teyrnged i angerdd y gweithwyr rheng flaen ar yr un pryd. A dweud y gwir, mae yna bobl yn CNC ar bob lefel sy'n angerddol ynglŷn â diogelu ein hamgylchedd naturiol, a—[Torri ar draws.]—ac mae defnyddio hyn fel cyfle i danseilio a lladd ar y sefydliad a'r bobl ynddo—

—I think is a poorly placed attack.

So can I just say as well, just for clarity, Llywydd, during the course of the last few days, including Monday, but actually prior to that as well, I as the Cabinet Secretary made approaches to every frontbench spokesperson. Janet, you mentioned the approach that I made to you yesterday in person wasn't on NRW. No, it was. This is NRW. [Interruption.] This is NRW and IR35, and we've made, just for clarity of purposes, on the record, Llywydd—[Interruption.] 

—nid wyf yn credu y dylech chi ymosod arnynt.

Felly, a gaf i ddweud hefyd, er eglurder, Lywydd, yn ystod y dyddiau diwethaf, gan gynnwys dydd Llun, ond cyn hynny hefyd mewn gwirionedd, fe wneuthum siarad fel Ysgrifennydd Cabinet â phob llefarydd ar y fainc flaen. Janet, fe sonioch chi nad oedd y fy ymgysylltiad wyneb yn wyneb â chi ddoe yn ymwneud ag CNC. Nid yw hynny'n wir. CNC yw hyn. [Torri ar draws.] CNC ac IR35 yw hyn, ac er eglurder, er mwyn y cofnod, Lywydd, rydym wedi—[Torri ar draws.] 

I'm allowing the Cabinet Secretary to conclude his comments.

Rwy'n caniatáu i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet gwblhau ei sylwadau.

In trying to be absolutely clear, we made repeated overtures by e-mail, telephone and indeed direct personal message to say could we speak about this, if you wanted to, to go through this in detail before we brought it to the floor. So those have been done to every single political party without fear or favour in order to explain this. We'll keep on trying to do that in future as well, but part of this is because of the detail behind it. Because I think what we have here in front of us is an organisation with a historical compliance issue with IR35. The organisation is working with HMRC to resolve this. There is a potential liability of up to £19 million. Welsh Government is standing by the organisation in a responsible way to make sure that that doesn't increase and to provide support where appropriate. But that is our role as the sponsor of this body, and I will not join in attacks on an organisation that is established to protect the very best of our natural environment, our rivers, our seas, our soil, everything else, and to deal with flood protection for individuals throughout Wales.

I geisio bod yn hollol glir, fe wnaethom gysylltu dro ar ôl tro trwy e-bost, ffôn a thrwy neges bersonol uniongyrchol yn wir i ddweud a allem siarad am hyn, os oeddech chi eisiau, i fynd trwy hyn yn fanwl cyn inni ddod ag ef i'r llawr. Felly mae'r rheini wedi cael eu gwneud i bob un blaid wleidyddol yn ddiwahân er mwyn egluro hyn. Byddwn yn parhau i geisio gwneud hynny yn y dyfodol hefyd, ond mae rhan o hyn oherwydd y manylion y tu ôl iddo. Oherwydd credaf mai'r hyn sydd gennym yma o'n blaenau yw sefydliad sydd â phroblem gydymffurfiaeth hanesyddol ag IR35. Mae'r sefydliad yn gweithio gyda CThEF i ddatrys hyn. Mae yna atebolrwydd posibl o hyd at £19 miliwn. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn sefyll gyda'r sefydliad mewn ffordd gyfrifol i sicrhau nad yw hynny'n cynyddu ac i ddarparu cefnogaeth lle bo hynny'n briodol. Ond dyna yw ein rôl ni fel noddwr y corff hwn, ac nid wyf am ymuno mewn ymosodiadau ar sefydliad a grëwyd i ddiogelu'r gorau o'n hamgylchedd naturiol, ein hafonydd, ein moroedd, ein pridd, popeth arall, ac i ymdrin ag amddiffyn rhag llifogydd i unigolion ledled Cymru.

Of course, IR35 issues aren't new in terms of public sector bodies. We remember the BBC being caught up in this many years ago, the Ministry of Justice and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs as well on a UK Government level a few years ago. But it would be interesting to understand what if any advice the Welsh Government issued to its own departments or to sponsored bodies as a consequence of those issues in the past, flagging up risks for those organisations that come within the Welsh Government's remit. You've now asked NRW to increase capacity and capability, particularly on financial risk and management arrangements. Is that a slight admission that they are struggling with capacity more generally? Because we as a Climate Change, Environment and Infrastructure Committee have long warned of our concerns in that respect. Is this one of the kinds of consequences that we're now seeing as a result of that unsustainable trajectory of increased duties and diminishing resources? And finally, are you expecting NRW to pay back any money out of that £19 million at the end of the day?

Wrth gwrs, nid yw'r materion IR35 yn newydd o ran cyrff sector cyhoeddus. Rydym yn cofio bod y BBC wedi cael ei ddal yn hyn flynyddoedd lawer yn ôl, a'r Weinyddiaeth Gyfiawnder ac Adran yr Amgylchedd, Bwyd a Materion Gwledig ar lefel Llywodraeth y DU hefyd rai blynyddoedd yn ôl. Ond byddai'n ddiddorol deall pa gyngor os o gwbl a roddwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru i'w hadrannau ei hun neu i gyrff noddedig o ganlyniad i'r materion hynny yn y gorffennol, gan dynnu sylw at risgiau i'r sefydliadau sy'n dod o fewn cylch gwaith Llywodraeth Cymru. Rydych chi nawr wedi gofyn i CNC gynyddu capasiti a gallu, yn enwedig ar drefniadau risg a rheolaeth ariannol. A yw hynny'n gyfaddefiad bach eu bod yn cael trafferth gyda chapasiti yn fwy cyffredinol? Oherwydd rydym ni fel Pwyllgor Newid Hinsawdd, yr Amgylchedd a Seilwaith wedi rhybuddio ers tro ynglŷn â'n pryderon yn hynny o beth. A yw hwn yn un o'r mathau o ganlyniadau a welwn bellach o ganlyniad i'r llwybr anghynaliadwy o fwy o ddyletswyddau ac adnoddau sy'n lleihau? Ac yn olaf, a ydych chi'n disgwyl i CNC ad-dalu unrhyw arian allan o'r £19 miliwn hwnnw yn y pen draw?

Llyr, thank you very much for those questions. First of all, there's an awareness of this issue right across Government. So, every Cabinet Secretary is aware of this and every sponsored body is aware of their direct responsibilities. I should say very, very clearly, whilst it's for HMRC to assess compliance or non-compliance on IR35 across all organisations, we are not aware of any other live cases in relation to Welsh Government sponsored bodies.

But you mentioned the issue of support on capacity, so one of the things we've done in this situation, which I think is a responsible way forward, is, in our engagement with NRW and the repeated meetings that I've had with the Chair and senior management, to say if they need additional support in terms of supporting their discussions with HMRC, to enable them to go ahead—. We want this to be resolved as soon as possible; the worst thing is this hangs over the head of the organisation. So, we've tried to work with them to say, ‘Let's get some timescales here’, bearing in mind that it's up to HMRC how fast they want to evolve it, but I think HMRC are also aware of a desire to get to a completion on this to see what the potential liability is. You ask pertinently as well: does this mean NRW will need to pay back any money to us? Because we have, indeed, stepped in, and I say, again, I think it's a responsible way to step in, because we're avoiding interest and other costs accruing. Now, on the basis, if we can first determine—. Sorry, 'if we can'. If NRW can first determine with HMRC what its potential liability is, then at that point I, along with the finance Cabinet Secretary here and others, will have those discussions with NRW to talk about how, actually, the taxpayer's money can head back to the place that it came from. We're not at that point yet, but it's a very pertinent question. 

Just one other thing is to say this is very different from the wider pressures that some people are trying to conflate the issues into with the 'Case for Change', with the well-known budgetary pressures that NRW are facing, over recent years as well, which the Environment Agency in England is also under pressure with. This is separate from that entirely, but we are conscious that we don't want this to be an issue that detracts from, then, proceeding with the unions through the 'Case for Change' consultation, determining how they focus on their statutory responsibilities and also being fit for purpose for today and for the future. 

So, we're keen to stand in the right way with support for NRW and its engagement with HMRC but, just to be clear, this is a matter for them to resolve with HMRC.  

Llyr, diolch yn fawr iawn am y cwestiynau hynny. Yn gyntaf oll, mae ymwybyddiaeth o'r mater hwn ar draws y Llywodraeth. Felly, mae pob Ysgrifennydd Cabinet yn ymwybodol o hyn ac mae pob corff a noddir yn ymwybodol o'u cyfrifoldebau uniongyrchol. Dylwn ddweud yn glir iawn, er mai mater i CThEF yw asesu cydymffurfiaeth neu ddiffyg cydymffurfiaeth ag IR35 ar draws pob sefydliad, nid ydym yn ymwybodol o unrhyw achosion byw eraill mewn perthynas â chyrff a noddir gan Lywodraeth Cymru.

Ond fe sonioch chi am gefnogaeth o ran capasiti, felly un o'r pethau a wnaethom yn y sefyllfa hon, sydd, yn fy marn i, yn ffordd gyfrifol ymlaen, yn ein hymgysylltiad â CNC a'r cyfarfodydd niferus a gefais gyda'r Cadeirydd a'r uwch-reolwyr, yw dweud os oes angen cymorth ychwanegol arnynt i gefnogi eu trafodaethau gyda CThEF, i'w galluogi i fynd yn eu blaen—. Rydym am i hyn gael ei ddatrys cyn gynted â phosibl; y peth gwaethaf yw bod hyn yn hongian uwchben y sefydliad. Felly, rydym wedi ceisio gweithio gyda hwy i ddweud, 'Gadewch inni gael amserlenni yma', gan gofio mai mater i CThEF yw pa mor gyflym y maent am ei ddatblygu, ond credaf fod CThEF hefyd yn ymwybodol o awydd i gwblhau hyn i weld beth yw'r atebolrwydd posibl. Rydych chi'n gofyn hefyd: a yw hyn yn golygu y bydd angen i CNC ad-dalu unrhyw arian i ni? Oherwydd rydym wedi camu i mewn, ac rwy'n dweud, unwaith eto, fy mod yn credu ei bod hi'n ffordd gyfrifol o gamu i mewn, oherwydd rydym yn osgoi llog a chostau eraill rhag cronni. Nawr, ar y sail, os gallwn ni benderfynu'n gyntaf—. Mae'n ddrwg gennyf, 'os gallwn'. Os gall CNC benderfynu gyda CThEF yn gyntaf beth yw ei atebolrwydd posibl, bryd hynny byddaf i, ynghyd ag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros gyllid yma ac eraill, yn cael y trafodaethau hynny gyda CNC i siarad ynglŷn â sut y gall arian y trethdalwr fynd yn ôl i'r lle y daeth. Nid ydym ar y pwynt hwnnw eto, ond mae'n gwestiwn cymwys iawn. 

Un peth arall i'w ddweud yw bod hyn yn wahanol iawn i'r pwysau ehangach y mae rhai pobl yn ceisio ei gyfuno gyda'r 'Achos dros Newid', gyda'r pwysau cyllidebol cyfarwydd y mae CNC yn eu hwynebu, dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf hefyd, sy'n bwysau ar Asiantaeth yr Amgylchedd yn Lloegr hefyd. Mae hyn ar wahân i hynny'n gyfan gwbl, ond rydym yn ymwybodol nad ydym am i hwn fod yn fater sy'n tynnu sylw felly rhag bwrw ymlaen gyda'r undebau drwy'r ymgynghoriad 'Achos dros Newid', a phenderfynu sut y maent yn canolbwyntio ar eu cyfrifoldebau statudol a bod yn addas i'r diben ar gyfer heddiw ac ar gyfer y dyfodol. 

Felly, rydym yn awyddus i sefyll yn y ffordd iawn gyda chymorth i CNC a'i ymgysylltiad â CThEF ond i fod yn glir, mater iddynt hwy i'w ddatrys gyda CThEF yw hwn.  


Minister, thank you for your responses this afternoon. I've listened intently and I was grateful for the leader of the house's response yesterday, which I think was very insightful, especially as you agreed to keep the Chamber updated.

Weinidog, diolch am eich ymatebion y prynhawn yma. Rwyf wedi gwrando'n astud ac roeddwn yn ddiolchgar am ymateb arweinydd y tŷ ddoe, a chredaf fod hwnnw'n graff iawn, yn enwedig gan i chi gytuno i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Siambr.

A couple of points, if I may. I was of the understanding from the reports that I've read that the £19 million is the quantifiable amount of money that's owed to HMRC at the moment. It is not the totality of the liability and the discussions are ongoing, and certainly that liability could increase. Could you confirm that that is the case? 

And secondly, are these employees, a number of them having taken redundancies, being put back onto the books of NRW via the self-employed route and subcontractor route, and therefore that is how this liability has arisen? Because, obviously, all public bodies have been reducing headcounts, but, ultimately, when you go into some of these organisations, they've re-employed the individuals as subcontractors or on a self-employed basis, and this is where the liability has obviously manifested itself. Because £19 million is a considerable sum of money in anyone's context, and it is our job as the opposition to hold the Government to account as to why that liability has crystallised. 

Ambell bwynt, os caf. Roeddwn yn deall o'r adroddiadau a ddarllenais mai'r £19 miliwn yw'r swm meintiol o arian sy'n ddyledus i CThEF ar hyn o bryd. Nid cyfanswm yr atebolrwydd ydyw ac mae'r trafodaethau'n parhau, ac yn sicr gallai'r atebolrwydd hwnnw gynyddu. A allwch chi gadarnhau bod hynny'n wir? 

Ac yn ail, a yw'r gweithwyr hyn, gyda nifer ohonynt wedi derbyn diswyddiadau, yn cael eu rhoi yn ôl ar lyfrau CNC drwy'r llwybr hunangyflogedig a'r llwybr is-gontractio, ac felly ai dyna sut y mae'r atebolrwydd wedi codi? Oherwydd, yn amlwg, mae pob corff cyhoeddus wedi bod yn lleihau nifer eu gweithwyr, ond yn y pen draw, pan fyddwch chi'n mynd i rai o'r sefydliadau hyn, maent wedi ailgyflogi'r unigolion fel is-gontractwyr neu ar sail hunangyflogedig, a dyma lle mae'n amlwg fod yr atebolrwydd wedi dod i'r golwg. Oherwydd mae £19 miliwn yn swm sylweddol o arian yng nghyd-destun unrhyw un, a'n gwaith ni fel yr wrthblaid yw dwyn y Llywodraeth i gyfrif ynglŷn â'r rheswm pam y digwyddodd yr atebolrwydd hwnnw. 

Indeed, and, listen, thank you for the way in which you've phrased those questions, Andrew; that's really helpful. First of all, one thing to be very clear of—and this is a genuine point—is we don't comment in detail on discussions between a sponsored body and HMRC, okay. We don't, and there are good reasons why we shouldn't do that, because those discussions are ongoing. But the headline figure of £19 million—. Let me stress again: potential liability is exactly that; it's potential liability. But I don't comment on where that figure might end up; those are exactly the discussions that are currently ongoing. It's for NRW to have those discussions with HMRC. 

Just to make it clear, the issue of redundancies and so on is wholly and entirely separate from the IR35 issue. This is separate from the 'Case for Change', it's separate from the wider pressures on this and other public sector organisations. So, we need to unpack it from that. And as I mentioned earlier on, it's been made clear by NRW that neither do they have any currently, or intend to have any going forward, off-payroll contractors. But, as I say, as I mentioned before, Andrew, NRW is not the first organisation to be in this territory and discussions with HMRC, either in terms of Government departments or others. I don't think they'd want to be here, neither would we as their sponsor for them, but they're going to have to get on now at pace with those discussions with HMRC so that they can get to what is the figure, and then how do we as Welsh Government actually help them through this particular issue. But I come back to the point that they've got a job of work to do as well on their day to day, and we need to make sure that they're focused on that as well. 

Yn wir, a gwrandewch, diolch am y ffordd rydych chi wedi gofyn y cwestiynau hynny, Andrew; mae hynny'n ddefnyddiol iawn. Yn gyntaf oll, un peth i fod yn glir iawn yn ei gylch—ac mae hwn yn bwynt diffuant—yw nad ydym yn gwneud sylw manwl ar drafodaethau rhwng corff noddedig a CThEF, iawn. Nid ydym, ac mae rhesymau da pam na ddylem wneud hynny, oherwydd mae'r trafodaethau hynny'n parhau. Ond y ffigur penodol o £19 miliwn—. Gadewch imi bwysleisio eto: mae atebolrwydd posibl yn golygu yn union hynny; atebolrwydd posibl. Ond nid wyf yn gwneud sylwadau ar beth y gallai'r ffigur fod yn y pen draw; dyna'n hollol yw'r trafodaethau sy'n mynd rhagddynt ar hyn o bryd. Mater i CNC yw cael y trafodaethau hynny gyda CThEF. 

Os caf ddweud yn glir, mae mater diswyddiadau ac yn y blaen yn gyfan gwbl ar wahân i fater IR35. Mae hyn ar wahân i'r 'Achos dros Newid', mae ar wahân i'r pwysau ehangach ar y sefydliad hwn a sefydliadau eraill yn y sector cyhoeddus. Felly, mae angen inni ei wahanu oddi wrth hynny. Ac fel y soniais yn gynharach, fe wnaed yn glir gan CNC nad oes ganddynt unrhyw gontractwyr oddi ar y gyflogres ar hyn o bryd, ac nid ydynt yn bwriadu cael unrhyw gontractwyr oddi ar y gyflogres yn y dyfodol. Ond fel y dywedais, fel y soniais o'r blaen, Andrew, nid CNC yw'r sefydliad cyntaf i fod yn y diriogaeth hon a thrafodaethau gyda CThEF, yn adrannau'r Llywodraeth neu fel arall. Nid wyf yn credu y byddent eisiau bod yma, ac ni fyddem ni fel eu noddwyr ychwaith, ond bydd yn rhaid iddynt fwrw ymlaen yn gyflym nawr â'r trafodaethau gyda CThEF fel y gallant gyrraedd y ffigur, ac yna sut rydym ni fel Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu helpu drwy hyn. Ond rwy'n dod yn ôl at y pwynt fod ganddynt waith i'w wneud hefyd ar eu gorchwylion o ddydd i ddydd, ac mae angen inni sicrhau eu bod yn canolbwyntio ar hynny hefyd. 

Diolch i'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet. Y cwestiwn nesaf yw ateb gan y Gweinidog Addysg Bellach ac Uwch, ac i'w ofyn gan Cefin Campbell. 

I thank the Cabinet Secretary. The next question is to be answered by the Minister for Further and Higher Education, and is to be asked by Cefin Campbell. 

Prifysgolion Cymru
Welsh Universities

2. A wnaiff Llywodraeth Cymru egluro’r cymorth ariannol sydd ar gael i brifysgolion Cymru sydd mewn perygl, yn dilyn llythyr y Gweinidog Addysg Bellach ac Uwch at Aelodau'r Senedd ar 16 Hydref 2024? TQ1223

2. Will the Welsh Government explain the financial support available to at-risk Welsh universities, following the letter from the Minister for Further and Higher Education to Members of the Senedd on 16 October 2024? TQ1223

We are absolutely committed to supporting a sustainable higher education sector. The sector will receive £197 million in grant funding this financial year from Medr, previously the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales. The Welsh Government has increased the tuition fee cap to £9,250 in 2024-25, and an additional £20 million in capital support will be made available to tertiary education providers for decarbonisation.

Rydym wedi ymrwymo'n llwyr i gefnogi sector addysg uwch cynaliadwy. Bydd y sector yn derbyn £197 miliwn o gyllid grant y flwyddyn ariannol hon gan Medr, Cyngor Cyllido Addysg Uwch Cymru gynt. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cynyddu'r cap ffioedd dysgu i £9,250 yn 2024-25, a bydd £20 miliwn ychwanegol o gymorth cyfalaf ar gael i ddarparwyr addysg drydyddol ar gyfer datgarboneiddio.

Wel, diolch yn fawr iawn am yr ateb hwnna. Mae'r cyfan yn ddirgelwch llwyr, onid yw e?

Well, thank you very much for that response. It's all a mystery, isn't it?

In response to a question from me last week regarding the financial crisis facing Welsh universities, you stated

'Medr is going to have its own funds to support our institutions.... It will be called a transformation fund'.

But, lo and behold, within 24 hours, we then received a letter from you backtracking on this commitment of support to Welsh universities. In that letter, you wrote:

'the policy in this area remains at a very exploratory stage, and we are still working through what, if any, potential support mechanism may look like, in partnership with Medr and institutions.'

So, I'm just wondering, at that stage, whether you were making things up as a Government as you went along. Just as your Government has given false hope to patients with non-existent cross-border health plans, you've also misled the higher education sector last week by spuriously raising expectations.

Now, Minister, Welsh universities need a cast-iron guarantee from you that they will be given the support they need not just to survive but to prosper. Now, you also reiterate that you don't think any Welsh universities are at risk of failure. Now, however, at least five Welsh universities are running, or have just completed, further voluntary redundancy schemes. And as I've mentioned previously in the Siambr, the collective deficits are now spiralling north of about £100 million. So, do you agree with me that giving the false impression that support is imminent erodes the confidence of the sector? Now, this can't continue. It's not sustainable, and Welsh Government needs to get a grip on this.

So, I have two specific questions: firstly, since taking post, have you or the Cabinet Secretary for Education actually had discussions via official correspondence with HEFCW, Medr, or individual Welsh universities regarding this transformation fund? And secondly, when will you make a decision on what, if any, support will be provided further to what you have just outlined today? Diolch.

Mewn ymateb i gwestiwn gennyf yr wythnos diwethaf ynglŷn â'r argyfwng ariannol sy'n wynebu prifysgolion Cymru, fe ddywedoch chi

'Mae Medr yn mynd i gael ei arian ei hun i gefnogi ein sefydliadau... Bydd yn cael ei galw'n gronfa drawsnewid'.

Ond wele, o fewn 24 awr, cawsom lythyr gennych yn cefnu ar yr ymrwymiad o gefnogaeth i brifysgolion Cymru. Yn y llythyr hwnnw, fe wnaethoch chi ysgrifennu:

'mai megis dechrau yn unig y mae'r gwaith yn y maes polisi hwn ac rydym yn dal i weithio trwy'r hyn y gallai mecanwaith cymorth posibl, os o gwbl, edrych, mewn partneriaeth gyda Medr a sefydliadau eraill.'

Felly, ar y pwynt hwnnw, tybed a oeddech chi'n creu pethau wrth ichi fynd yn eich blaen fel Llywodraeth. Yn yr un modd ag y mae eich Llywodraeth wedi rhoi gobaith ffug i gleifion â chynlluniau iechyd trawsffiniol nad ydynt yn bodoli, rydych chi hefyd wedi camarwain y sector addysg uwch yr wythnos diwethaf trwy godi disgwyliadau ffug.

Nawr, Weinidog, mae ar brifysgolion Cymru angen gwarant gadarn gennych chi y byddant yn cael y gefnogaeth sydd ei hangen arnynt nid yn unig i oroesi ond i ffynnu. Nawr, rydych chi hefyd yn ailadrodd nad ydych chi'n credu bod unrhyw brifysgolion yng Nghymru mewn perygl o fethu. Ond mae o leiaf bum prifysgol yng Nghymru yn gweithredu cynlluniau diswyddo gwirfoddol pellach neu newydd eu cwblhau. Ac fel y crybwyllais yn flaenorol yn y Siambr, mae'r diffygion cyfunol bellach yn uwch na thua £100 miliwn. Felly, a ydych chi'n cytuno â mi fod rhoi'r argraff ffug fod cefnogaeth ar y ffordd yn erydu hyder y sector? Ni all hyn barhau. Nid yw'n gynaliadwy, ac mae angen i Lywodraeth Cymru gael rheolaeth ar y sefyllfa.

Felly, mae gennyf ddau gwestiwn penodol: yn gyntaf, a ydych chi neu Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg wedi cael trafodaethau drwy ohebiaeth swyddogol gyda CCAUC, Medr, neu brifysgolion unigol Cymru ynghylch y gronfa drawsnewid hon? Ac yn ail, pryd fyddwch chi'n penderfynu pa gefnogaeth, os o gwbl, fydd yn cael ei darparu yn ychwanegol at yr hyn rydych chi newydd ei amlinellu heddiw? Diolch.

Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd (David Rees) i’r Gadair.

The Deputy Presiding Officer (David Rees) took the Chair.

Thank you, Cefin Campbell, for your supplementary questions there. I'd like to start by saying that I am absolutely committed to supporting a sustainable higher education sector, and by that I mean strong institutions that are able to deliver not just on our ambitions for students and for research but for driving economic growth across Wales as well.

I recognise the financial pressure that our HE institutions in Wales and across the UK, and, indeed, across the globe, are under, but you'll be well aware that, as universities are independent organisations, they are managing their budgets in a range of ways. And I'd add that our student support package for student living costs remains the highest in the UK, which is something I think we should be really proud of here, and that the income that that generates for Welsh institutions per student remains comparable with England and actually higher than that in Scotland and Northern Ireland as well.

You ask if I've had discussions with HEFCW. Well, no I haven't, because they don't exist any more. I've had discussions with Medr, which is the body that's been set up to replace them, and those discussions have been really positive, including a meeting with staff on the ground and a meeting with the board as well as with the chair and the CEO.

You ask if I’ve had discussions with institutions. Yes, I have started that already. As I said in the Chamber just last week, I think it’s really important that I get out there and visit each HE institution in Wales. I’ve started doing that already. I’ve been to the University of South Wales already, and I’m looking forward in the coming weeks to meeting with both Cardiff University and Cardiff Metropolitan University as well.

The conversations that I’ve had so far have been really constructive and there has been a lot of desire for further collaboration within the sector as well, which is something where I see lots of positive work already. And I explained to the Senedd that the Welsh Government is continuing to explore what, if any, potential support mechanisms are feasible to support the sector in Wales.

It is important as well to add that we do not believe that any Welsh institution is at immediate risk of failure. Medr closely monitors institutional finances and advises that there is appropriate liquidity to manage ongoing risks while those important strategic decisions are taken within each independent institution to ensure their ongoing sustainability.

And just to add there, as a final closing remark, I did say that I felt that the sector was really exploring lots of constructive ways forward. And I think that that is summed up by the fact that we’ve got this £20 million decarbonisation fund for the tertiary sector. And we’ve already received £33 million in bids for that. So, I think that that just really sums up how hard the sector is working within these new areas in order to enhance their sustainability.

Diolch am eich cwestiynau atodol, Cefin Campbell. Hoffwn ddechrau drwy ddweud fy mod wedi ymrwymo'n llwyr i gefnogi sector addysg uwch cynaliadwy, ac wrth hynny rwy'n golygu sefydliadau cryf sy'n gallu cyflawni nid yn unig ein huchelgeisiau ni ar gyfer myfyrwyr ac ar gyfer ymchwil ond ar gyfer sbarduno twf economaidd ledled Cymru hefyd.

Rwy'n cydnabod y pwysau ariannol sydd ar ein sefydliadau addysg uwch yng Nghymru ac ar draws y DU, ac ar draws y byd yn wir, ond gan fod prifysgolion yn sefydliadau annibynnol, fe fyddwch chi'n ymwybodol iawn eu bod yn rheoli eu cyllidebau mewn amryw o ffyrdd. Ac fe ychwanegaf fod ein pecyn cymorth i fyfyrwyr ar gyfer costau byw myfyrwyr yn parhau i fod yr uchaf yn y DU, sy'n rhywbeth y credaf y dylem fod yn falch iawn ohono yma, a bod yr incwm y mae hynny'n ei gynhyrchu i sefydliadau Cymru fesul myfyriwr yn parhau i fod yn debyg i Loegr ac yn uwch na'r hyn a geir yn yr Alban a Gogledd Iwerddon hefyd.

Rydych chi'n gofyn a wyf i wedi cael trafodaethau gyda CCAUC. Nac ydw, oherwydd nid ydynt yn bodoli mwyach. Rwyf wedi cael trafodaethau gyda Medr, sef y corff sydd wedi'i sefydlu i gymryd eu lle, ac mae'r trafodaethau hynny wedi bod yn gadarnhaol iawn, gan gynnwys cyfarfod â staff ar lawr gwlad a chyfarfod gyda'r bwrdd yn ogystal â'r cadeirydd a'r prif swyddog gweithredol.

Rydych chi'n gofyn a wyf i wedi cael trafodaethau gyda sefydliadau. Ydw, rwyf eisoes wedi dechrau ar hynny. Fel y dywedais yn y Siambr yr wythnos diwethaf, rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig iawn fy mod yn mynd allan ac yn ymweld â phob sefydliad addysg uwch yng Nghymru. Rwyf eisoes wedi dechrau gwneud hynny. Rwyf wedi bod ym Mhrifysgol De Cymru yn barod, ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen yn ystod yr wythnosau nesaf at gyfarfod â Phrifysgol Caerdydd a Phrifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd hefyd.

Mae'r sgyrsiau a gefais hyd yma wedi bod yn adeiladol iawn ac mae llawer o awydd wedi bod am gydweithio pellach o fewn y sector hefyd, sy'n rhywbeth lle rwy'n gweld llawer o waith cadarnhaol eisoes. Ac eglurais wrth y Senedd fod Llywodraeth Cymru yn parhau i archwilio pa fecanweithiau cymorth posibl, os o gwbl, y gellid eu defnyddio i gefnogi'r sector yng Nghymru.

Mae'n bwysig ychwanegu nad ydym yn credu bod unrhyw sefydliad yng Nghymru mewn perygl uniongyrchol o fethu. Mae Medr yn monitro cyllid sefydliadol yn ofalus ac yn dweud bod hyblygrwydd priodol i reoli risgiau parhaus tra bod y penderfyniadau strategol pwysig yn cael eu gwneud ym mhob sefydliad annibynnol i sicrhau eu cynaliadwyedd parhaus.

Ac os caf ychwanegu fel sylw terfynol i gloi, dywedais fy mod yn teimlo bod y sector o ddifrif yn archwilio llawer o ffyrdd adeiladol ymlaen. Ac rwy'n credu bod hynny'n cael ei grynhoi gan y ffaith bod gennym y gronfa ddatgarboneiddio gwerth £20 miliwn ar gyfer y sector trydyddol. Ac rydym eisoes wedi derbyn £33 miliwn mewn ceisiadau ar gyfer honno. Felly, rwy'n credu bod hynny'n crynhoi pa mor galed y mae'r sector yn gweithio o fewn y meysydd newydd hyn er mwyn gwella eu cynaliadwyedd.


I think Cefin is right: you did give false hope to universities and other institutions across Wales with your statement last week. Within about 24 hours, a fund

'to support our institutions here in Wales, and I'm pleased to say it's going to be a more positive kind of fund...a transformation fund,'

within 24 hours, became

'that the policy in this area remains at a very exploratory stage, and we are still working through what, if any, potential support mechanism may look like...with Medr and institutions.'

And those institutions, obviously, are very clear about the scale of the funding challenge that they face. Cardiff University mentioned a £30 million black hole that it needs to address; Bangor University, a £9 million deficit; Aberystwyth, £15 million; Swansea University is going through 240 voluntary redundancies at the moment. So, it is a sector—I’m sorry to agree with Plaid Cymru—that you have given false hope to.

It is a mess, quite frankly, Minister, and it is a mess that happened just days after the education Cabinet Secretary changed three times in three weeks what the Government’s guidance was on reading in Wales. It does beg the question: does anybody in the education department of the Welsh Government know what they’re doing?

Rwy'n credu bod Cefin yn iawn: fe wnaethoch chi roi gobaith ffug i brifysgolion a sefydliadau eraill ledled Cymru gyda’ch datganiad yr wythnos diwethaf. O fewn tua 24 awr, daeth cronfa

'i gefnogi ein sefydliadau yma yng Nghymru, ac rwy'n falch o ddweud y bydd yn fath mwy cadarnhaol o gronfa…gronfa drawsnewid,'

o fewn 24 awr yn

'megis dechrau yn unig y mae'r gwaith yn y maes polisi hwn ac rydym yn dal i weithio trwy'r hyn y gallai mecanwaith cymorth posibl, os o gwbl, edrych…gyda Medr a sefydliadau eraill.'

Ac mae’r sefydliadau hynny, yn amlwg, yn deall maint yr her ariannu y maent yn ei hwynebu. Soniodd Prifysgol Caerdydd am dwll du o £30 miliwn y mae angen iddi fynd i’r afael ag ef; Prifysgol Bangor, diffyg o £9 miliwn; Aberystwyth, £15 miliwn; mae Prifysgol Abertawe yn mynd drwy 240 o ddiswyddiadau gwirfoddol ar hyn o bryd. Felly, mae'n sector—mae'n gas gennyf gytuno â Phlaid Cymru—yr ydych chi wedi rhoi gobaith ffug iddo.

Mae’n llanast, a dweud y gwir, Weinidog, ac mae’n llanast a ddigwyddodd ddyddiau’n unig ar ôl i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros addysg newid canllawiau’r Llywodraeth ar ddarllen yng Nghymru deirgwaith mewn tair wythnos. Mae'n codi'r cwestiwn: a oes unrhyw un yn adran addysg Llywodraeth Cymru yn gwybod beth y maent yn ei wneud?

Well, thank you, Tom. You may be in the business of hyperbole and cheap political point scoring, but I can assure you that myself and the Cabinet Secretary are in the business of delivering for students across Wales at all ages.

And there is that £197 million of grant funding that we are providing this financial year via Medr to our Welsh universities. You’ll be aware that 90 per cent of university income comes from sources outside of the Welsh Government, and that’s why I’ve already reiterated how important it is that the sector are working within those areas that they have control of, and I do see lots of green shoots there for lots of positive interventions.

The additional £20 million that we’re putting forward for decarbonisation as well, all of that is really important, and so I am quite happy with the direction of travel that we are taking and I look forward to engaging further with the sector in the months to come.

Wel, diolch, Tom. Efallai eich bod yn hoff o ormodiaith a sgorio pwyntiau gwleidyddol rhad, ond gallaf roi sicrwydd i chi fy mod i ac Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn gweithio i gyflawni ar gyfer myfyrwyr o bob oed ledled Cymru.

Ac rydym hefyd yn darparu £197 miliwn o arian grant ar gyfer y flwyddyn ariannol hon drwy Medr i'n prifysgolion yng Nghymru. Fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol fod 90 y cant o incwm prifysgolion yn dod o ffynonellau y tu hwnt i Lywodraeth Cymru, a dyna pam fy mod eisoes wedi ailadrodd pa mor bwysig yw hi fod y sector yn gweithio o fewn y meysydd y mae ganddynt reolaeth drostynt, ac rwy'n gweld llawer o arwyddion yno o lawer o ymyriadau cadarnhaol.

Y £20 miliwn ychwanegol a ddarparwn ar gyfer datgarboneiddio hefyd, mae hynny oll yn bwysig iawn, ac felly rwy'n fodlon iawn ar y cyfeiriad rydym yn mynd iddo, ac edrychaf ymlaen at ymgysylltu ymhellach â'r sector yn y misoedd i ddod.

4. Datganiadau 90 Eiliad
4. 90-second Statements

Eitem 4 heddiw yw'r datganiadau 90 eiliad, a bydd y datganiad cyntaf gan Hannah Blythyn.

Item 4 this afternoon is the 90-second statements and the first statement is from Hannah Blythyn.