Y Cyfarfod Llawn



Yn y fersiwn ddwyieithog, mae’r golofn chwith yn cynnwys yr iaith a lefarwyd yn y cyfarfod. Mae’r golofn dde yn cynnwys cyfieithiad o’r areithiau hynny.

In the bilingual version, the left-hand column includes the language used during the meeting. The right-hand column includes a translation of those speeches.

Cyfarfu'r Senedd yn y Siambr a thrwy gynhadledd fideo am 13:00 gyda'r Dirprwy Lywydd (David Rees) yn y Gadair. 

The Senedd met in the Chamber and by video-conference at 13:00 with the Deputy Presiding Officer (David Rees) in the Chair.

1. Cwestiynau i’r Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol a'r Prif Chwip
1. Questions to the Minister for Social Justice and Chief Whip

Prynhawn da a chroeso, bawb, i'r Cyfarfod Llawn y prynhawn yma. Cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol sydd gyntaf, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Vikki Howells. 

Good afternoon and welcome to this afternoon's Plenary meeting. The first item this afternoon is questions to the Minister for Social Justice, and the first question is from Vikki Howells. 

Siarter Budd-daliadau Cymru
Welsh Benefits Charter

1. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi diweddariad am siarter budd-daliadau Cymru? OQ60773

1. Will the Minister provide an update on the Welsh benefits charter? OQ60773

Thank you very much, Vikki Howells, for that question. The Welsh benefits charter, with its commitments for a person-centred, compassionate and accessible Welsh benefits system, was launched in January. Work on turning the commitments into actions is being led by a steering group of experts, who will publish their implementation plan this summer.

Diolch yn fawr iawn am eich cwestiwn, Vikki Howells. Lansiwyd siarter budd-daliadau Cymru, gyda’i hymrwymiadau ar gyfer system fudd-daliadau Gymreig sy’n canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn, yn dosturiol ac yn hygyrch, ym mis Ionawr. Mae gwaith ar droi’r ymrwymiadau yn gamau gweithredu yn cael ei arwain gan grŵp llywio o arbenigwyr, a fydd yn cyhoeddi eu cynllun gweithredu yn yr haf.

Thank you for that update, Minister. It is vital that people are supported in a way that ensures they are able to receive every benefit they are entitled to, and I know that this is, of course, your ambition. In my own local authority of Rhondda Cynon Taf, that work has included digital access to application forms, training and signposting arrangements for all staff, utilising Department for Work and Pensions data to commence council tax reduction entitlement, data sharing between council services to encourage free-school-meal and school essentials grant take-up, and automated cost-of-living and energy payments where possible. So, can I ask, Minister, what collaborative work is being undertaken between the Welsh Government and local authorities across Wales to ensure that these examples of best practice are being replicated?

Diolch am y diweddariad, Weinidog. Mae’n hanfodol fod pobl yn cael eu cefnogi mewn ffordd sy’n sicrhau eu bod yn gallu cael pob budd-dal y mae ganddynt hawl iddo, a gwn mai dyma yw eich uchelgais wrth gwrs. Yn fy awdurdod lleol fy hun yn Rhondda Cynon Taf, mae’r gwaith hwnnw wedi cynnwys mynediad digidol at ffurflenni cais, hyfforddiant a threfniadau cyfeirio ar gyfer yr holl staff, defnyddio data’r Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau i gychwyn trefniadau ar gyfer yr hawl i ostyngiad yn y dreth gyngor, rhannu data rhwng gwasanaethau’r cyngor i annog disgyblion i fanteisio ar brydau ysgol am ddim a grantiau hanfodion ysgol, a thaliadau costau byw a thaliadau ynni awtomatig lle bo modd. Felly, a gaf i ofyn, Weinidog, pa waith cydweithredol sy’n mynd rhagddo rhwng Llywodraeth Cymru ac awdurdodau lleol ledled Cymru i sicrhau bod yr enghreifftiau hyn o arferion gorau yn cael eu hailadrodd?

Thank you very much for that question. Collaboration with local authorities and the Welsh Local Government Association, particularly, is the foundation upon which we've launched this charter, which all 22 local authorities have signed up to. And it's very helpful and excellent to hear what Rhondda Cynon Taf council is doing, because this is rolling out across Wales those examples of how local authorities are taking this forward, particularly ensuring that people can have access to benefits they're entitled to. 

I was also very pleased to launch the charter in Torfaen's Blaenavon Resource Centre with the designated Member, Siân Gwenllian, and, indeed, we met there the leader, Councillor Anthony Hunt, and spokesperson for the WLGA in terms of finance. And also, more recently, visiting Carmarthenshire and meeting the leader, Councillor Darren Price, and all his staff doing very similar sort of work as well in reaching out in their communities—. So, this is about the partnership council for Wales, 22 local authority leaders, close working, and also an independent group, chaired by Fran Targett, looking at how we can implement this consistently across Wales.

Diolch yn fawr iawn am eich cwestiwn. Cydweithio ag awdurdodau lleol a Chymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru, yn arbennig, yw'r sylfaen ar gyfer lansio'r siarter hon, y mae pob un o'r 22 awdurdod lleol wedi ymrwymo iddi. Ac mae'n ddefnyddiol iawn ac yn ardderchog clywed yr hyn y mae cyngor Rhondda Cynon Taf yn ei wneud, gan ei fod yn cyflwyno'r enghreifftiau o sut mae awdurdodau lleol yn bwrw ymlaen â hyn ledled Cymru, yn enwedig sicrhau bod pobl yn gallu cael mynediad at y budd-daliadau y mae ganddynt hawl iddynt.

Roeddwn hefyd yn falch iawn o lansio’r siarter yng Nghanolfan Adnoddau Blaenafon yn Nhorfaen gyda’r Aelod dynodedig, Siân Gwenllian, ac yn wir, cyfarfuom â’r arweinydd, y Cynghorydd Anthony Hunt, a'r llefarydd ar ran CLlLC o ran cyllid. A hefyd, yn fwy diweddar, wrth ymweld â sir Gaerfyrddin a chyfarfod â’r arweinydd, y Cynghorydd Darren Price, a’i holl staff, sy’n gwneud gwaith tebyg iawn hefyd wrth estyn allan yn eu cymunedau—. Felly, mae hyn yn ymwneud â chyngor partneriaeth Cymru, arweinwyr y 22 awdurdod lleol, cydweithio agos, a hefyd grŵp annibynnol, o dan gadeiryddiaeth Fran Targett, yn edrych ar sut y gallwn roi hyn ar waith yn gyson ledled Cymru.

Questioning you here previously on the Welsh benefits charter, I noted that although, for almost a decade, the sector had been calling for a coherent and integrated Welsh benefits system for all the means-tested benefits the Welsh Government is responsible for, as had I, the Welsh Local Government Association had issued a press release making clear that far from being the launch of a Welsh benefits system, local authorities only agreed to work with the Welsh Government to take action towards developing one. I therefore asked you whether you had a timescale for the introduction of a Welsh benefits system, and, if so, what targets would be in place to measure progress. I also asked you whether the 22 local authorities had agreed to implement a Welsh benefits system on a uniform basis across Wales to avoid a postcode lottery, and, critically, how you will monitor implementation and practice to ensure effectiveness, efficiency and target outcomes. In your reply, you stated only that the steering group will produce an action plan by the summer. Well, every viable commercial or social business has a business plan with targets, timescales and review dates. You're the Minister in charge, so what are the Welsh Government's targets, timescales and review dates?

Wrth eich holi yma o'r blaen ar siarter budd-daliadau Cymru, er bod y sector, fel finnau, wedi bod yn galw ers bron i ddegawd am system fudd-daliadau gydlynol ac integredig yng Nghymru ar gyfer yr holl fudd-daliadau sy'n dibynnu ar brawf modd y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gyfrifol amdanynt, nodais fod Cymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru wedi cyhoeddi datganiad i’r wasg yn nodi’n glir, ymhell o fod yn lansiad system budd-daliadau Cymru, mai dim ond cytuno i weithio gyda Llywodraeth Cymru i gymryd camau tuag at ddatblygu system o'r fath oedd yr awdurdodau lleol wedi'i wneud. Gofynnais i chi felly a oedd gennych amserlen ar gyfer cyflwyno system budd-daliadau Cymru, ac os felly, pa dargedau a fyddai ar waith i fesur cynnydd. Gofynnais i chi hefyd a oedd y 22 awdurdod lleol wedi cytuno i weithredu system budd-daliadau Gymreig ar sail unffurf ledled Cymru er mwyn osgoi loteri cod post, ac yn hollbwysig, sut y byddwch yn monitro gweithrediad ac ymarfer er mwyn sicrhau effeithiolrwydd, effeithlonrwydd a chanlyniadau targedau. Yn eich ateb, fe ddywedoch chi'n unig y bydd y grŵp llywio yn llunio cynllun gweithredu erbyn yr haf. Wel, mae gan bob busnes masnachol neu gymdeithasol hyfyw gynllun busnes gyda thargedau, amserlenni a dyddiadau adolygu. Chi yw'r Gweinidog sy'n gyfrifol, felly beth yw targedau, amserlenni a dyddiadau adolygu Llywodraeth Cymru?

I do hope, because you have questioned me on this before, Mark Isherwood, that you do recognise this is a major step forward in terms of the implementation of a Welsh benefits charter, but it is a first step in the journey to ensure that we do have a Welsh benefits system which, as I said, is compassionate, person centred, and actually enables people to secure their entitlements and rights to financial support. There's a specific commitment within the charter for local authorities to adapt processes to meet individual needs. We've heard what Rhondda Cynon Taf council is doing. We heard that in Torfaen and, indeed, in Carmarthenshire as well.

It is work to streamline the Welsh benefits system, and, of course, it's starting with those key benefits in terms of access to council tax reduction benefits, free school meals and the school essentials grant. It is going to report to the partnership council for Wales, and on the external group, which has already met within days of us launching the charter, chaired by Fran Targett, formerly of Citizens Advice Cymru, are leading members from local government, particularly people on the front line. I think that’s what we found in visiting local authorities, that it’s the people on the front line in the revenue and benefits section who are actually delivering this, in partnership with all of those advice givers, like Citizens Advice, to make sure that it can be delivered effectively.

Gan eich bod wedi fy holi ar hyn o’r blaen, Mark Isherwood, rwy'n gobeithio eich bod yn cydnabod bod hwn yn gam mawr ymlaen ar weithredu siarter budd-daliadau Cymru, ond mae’n gam cyntaf ar y daith i sicrhau bod gennym system budd-daliadau Cymru sydd, fel y dywedais, yn dosturiol, yn canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn, ac yn galluogi pobl i sicrhau eu hawliau i gymorth ariannol. Mae ymrwymiad penodol yn y siarter i awdurdodau lleol addasu prosesau i ddiwallu anghenion unigol. Rydym wedi clywed am yr hyn y mae cyngor Rhondda Cynon Taf yn ei wneud. Clywsom hynny yn Nhorfaen, ac yn wir, yn sir Gaerfyrddin hefyd.

Mae’n waith i symleiddio system budd-daliadau Cymru, ac wrth gwrs, mae’n dechrau gyda'r budd-daliadau allweddol hynny sy'n rhoi mynediad at ostyngiadau’r dreth gyngor, prydau ysgol am ddim, a'r grant hanfodion ysgol. Bydd yn adrodd i gyngor partneriaeth Cymru, ac ar y grŵp allanol, sydd eisoes wedi cyfarfod o fewn dyddiau i lansio’r siarter gennym, dan gadeiryddiaeth Fran Targett, gynt o Cyngor ar Bopeth Cymru, fe geir aelodau blaenllaw o lywodraeth leol, yn enwedig pobl ar y rheng flaen. Credaf mai dyna a welsom wrth ymweld ag awdurdodau lleol, mai'r bobl ar y rheng flaen yn yr adran refeniw a budd-daliadau sy'n cyflawni hyn mewn gwirionedd, mewn partneriaeth â'r holl ddarparwyr cyngor hynny fel Cyngor ar Bopeth, i sicrhau y gellir ei gyflawni'n effeithiol.

Cynllun Gweithredu LHDTC+
LGBTQ+ Action Plan

2. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi diweddariad am gyflawni 'Cynllun Gweithredu LHDTC+ Cymru'? OQ60777

2. Will the Minister provide an update on delivery of the 'LGBTQ+ Action Plan for Wales'? OQ60777

Since publishing our LGBTQ+ action plan, we are working with partners to implement actions in the plan. Alongside this, we have published an LGBTQ+ action plan tracker, so that everyone can monitor progress. The tracker also provides information on services to support Wales's LGBTQ+ communities.

Ers cyhoeddi ein cynllun gweithredu LHDTC+, rydym yn gweithio gyda phartneriaid i roi'r camau gweithredu yn y cynllun ar waith. Ynghyd â hyn, rydym wedi cyhoeddi traciwr cynllun gweithredu LHDTC+, fel y gall pawb fonitro cynnydd. Mae'r traciwr hefyd yn darparu gwybodaeth am wasanaethau i gefnogi cymunedau LHDTC+ Cymru.

The Deputy Minister very kindly met with my constituent Sean Donovan and his mother, Sarah, last autumn to hear about his experiences as a young trans man in Wales. She'll be aware of the BBC news story over the weekend that told Sean's story and his campaign for better access to help for children and young people in Wales with gender dysphoria so they do not have to travel to access services in England, where services are still insufficient. The Welsh Government's pioneering LGBTQ+ action plan contains a commitment to deliver a Welsh gender service, which would help to address this lack of provision. However, it is a little concerning to read in the BBC story that the Welsh Health Specialised Services Committee said that there were no immediate plans to develop a Wales-specific service. Does the Deputy Minister therefore agree that it is time for that committee to start making such plans, and will she work with her colleague the Minister for Health and Social Services to ensure that this commitment is delivered on in line with the action plan and recent calls from the Children's Commissioner for Wales?

Cyfarfu’r Dirprwy Weinidog yn garedig iawn â’m hetholwr Sean Donovan a’i fam, Sarah, yr hydref diwethaf i glywed am ei brofiadau fel dyn traws ifanc yng Nghymru. Fe fydd hi'n ymwybodol o stori newyddion y BBC dros y penwythnos a adroddodd hanes Sean a’i ymgyrch am well mynediad at gymorth i blant a phobl ifanc yng Nghymru sydd â dysfforia rhywedd fel nad oes yn rhaid iddynt deithio i gael mynediad at wasanaethau yn Lloegr, lle mae gwasanaethau'n dal i fod yn annigonol. Mae cynllun gweithredu LHDTC+ arloesol Llywodraeth Cymru yn cynnwys ymrwymiad i ddarparu gwasanaeth rhywedd yng Nghymru, a fyddai’n helpu i fynd i’r afael â’r diffyg yn y ddarpariaeth. Fodd bynnag, mae darllen yn stori’r BBC fod Pwyllgor Gwasanaethau Iechyd Arbenigol Cymru wedi dweud nad oedd unrhyw gynlluniau ar unwaith i ddatblygu gwasanaeth penodol i Gymru yn peri pryder. A yw’r Dirprwy Weinidog yn cytuno felly ei bod yn bryd i’r pwyllgor hwnnw ddechrau gwneud cynlluniau o’r fath, ac a wnaiff hi weithio gyda’i chyd-Aelod, y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol, i sicrhau bod yr ymrwymiad hwn yn cael ei gyflawni yn unol â’r cynllun gweithredu a galwadau diweddar gan Gomisiynydd Plant Cymru?

Can I thank Hefin David for not just his interest in this matter, but actually his absolute commitment to this, and the support that he's provided for Sean and for his mother, Sarah, as well? It was a privilege to have the opportunity to meet both of them some time ago now, and I know that you've since followed that up with a letter, and Sean has very helpfully, very kindly shared some of his experiences, because I think that's often difficult to do, but it's incredibly important to make sure the things that we're doing in the plan are the things that the community wants and needs. It's so important that they are shaped by those lived experiences, whether that's what we could do to build on our inclusive education within schools, the forthcoming transgender guidance for schools as well to support young people there, and how we can share that best practice that we've seen in schools I've visited, which have got really good clubs and safe spaces for young people, and which are supporting teachers to support those young people through their experiences and journeys. We're proud of the plan. There are 46 actions in the plan that have been agreed across Government, and we're absolutely committed to improving that gender identity service for children and young people in Wales, recognising the work that's already been done on an adult service. I'm absolutely committed to working with my colleague the Minister for Health and Social Services to take that work forward. And, on the things that Sean has said, it really is important and I really want to see a service in Wales that supports and is shaped by people's experiences in a way that meets the needs of the community here in Wales. I think the first year following that action plan has been about putting those foundation blocks in place, and now we need to build on that. I absolutely look forward to building on that work under a future First Minister as well.

A gaf i ddiolch i Hefin David, nid yn unig am ei ddiddordeb yn y mater hwn, ond am ei ymrwymiad llwyr i hyn a'r gefnogaeth y mae wedi'i rhoi i Sean a'i fam, Sarah, hefyd? Roedd yn fraint cael cyfle i gyfarfod â’r ddau ohonynt beth amser yn ôl bellach, a gwn eich bod wedi anfon llythyr ers hynny, ac mae Sean wedi rhannu rhywfaint o’i brofiadau, yn garedig iawn, gan y credaf fod hynny’n aml yn anodd, ond mae'n hynod bwysig er mwyn sicrhau bod y pethau a wnawn yn y cynllun yn bethau y mae'r gymuned eu heisiau a'u hangen. Mae hi mor bwysig eu bod yn cael eu llywio gan y profiadau bywyd hynny, pa un a yw hynny'n rhywbeth y gallem ei wneud i adeiladu ar ein haddysg gynhwysol mewn ysgolion, y canllawiau trawsrywedd sydd ar y ffordd i ysgolion hefyd i gefnogi pobl ifanc yno, a sut y gallwn rannu'r arferion gorau a welsom yn yr ysgolion yr ymwelais â nhw, sydd â chlybiau da iawn a mannau diogel i bobl ifanc, ac sy'n cefnogi athrawon i gynorthwyo'r bobl ifanc hynny drwy eu profiadau a’u teithiau. Rydym yn falch o'r cynllun. Mae 46 o gamau gweithredu yn y cynllun y cytunwyd arnynt ar draws y Llywodraeth, ac rydym yn gwbl ymrwymedig i wella’r gwasanaeth hunaniaeth rhywedd i blant a phobl ifanc yng Nghymru, gan gydnabod y gwaith sydd eisoes wedi’i wneud ar wasanaeth i oedolion. Rwyf wedi ymrwymo'n llwyr i weithio gyda fy nghyd-Aelod, y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol ar fwrw ymlaen â'r gwaith hwnnw. Ac ar y pethau y mae Sean wedi'u dweud, maent yn wirioneddol bwysig, a hoffwn weld gwasanaeth yng Nghymru sy’n cefnogi ac sydd wedi'i lywio gan brofiadau pobl mewn ffordd sy’n diwallu anghenion y gymuned yma yng Nghymru. Credaf fod y flwyddyn gyntaf o ddilyn y cynllun gweithredu hwnnw wedi ymwneud â gosod y sylfeini yn eu lle, a nawr, mae angen inni adeiladu ar hynny. Edrychaf ymlaen yn arw at adeiladu ar y gwaith hwnnw o dan Brif Weinidog yn y dyfodol hefyd.

The Welsh Government commissioned Stonewall Cymru to carry out their stakeholder engagement sessions, and indeed the LGBTQ action plan references Stonewall data throughout. Furthermore, organisations such as the LGB Alliance Cymru and Merched Cymru requested to be part of the independent expert panel, but were ignored, sadly. We are now seeing swathes of organisations cutting ties with Stonewall due to their practices as a charity. We've seen University College London, the London Schools of Economics, Channel 4, Ofsted and the Equality and Human Rights Commission, and many more, all cut ties with Stonewall in the last few years. Aside from the poor value for money, reasons cited for the flood of disaffiliations include concerns that Stonewall adopt radical positions not necessarily reflective of the LGBT community as a whole, and they have been accused of giving advice that misinterprets or contravenes the Equality Act 2010. I'm sure, Dirprwy Lywydd, that the Deputy Minister can appreciate that it is important to consult a wide range of experts and views on important matters, and that decisions are not made based on the view of one organisation alone. I can see you crossing your arms quite informally there.

Comisiynodd Llywodraeth Cymru Stonewall Cymru i gynnal eu sesiynau ymgysylltu â rhanddeiliaid, ac yn wir, mae'r cynllun gweithredu LHDTC yn cyfeirio at ddata Stonewall drwyddo draw. Ymhellach, gofynnodd sefydliadau fel LGB Alliance Cymru a Merched Cymru am gael bod yn rhan o’r panel arbenigol annibynnol, ond yn anffodus, cawsant eu hanwybyddu. Rydym bellach yn gweld llu o sefydliadau yn torri cysylltiadau â Stonewall oherwydd eu harferion fel elusen. Rydym wedi gweld Coleg Prifysgol Llundain, Ysgol Economeg Llundain, Channel 4, Ofsted a'r Comisiwn Cydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol, a llawer mwy, oll yn torri cysylltiadau â Stonewall yn yr ychydig flynyddoedd diwethaf. Ar wahân i’r gwerth gwael am arian, mae’r rhesymau a roddwyd am y llu o gysylltiadau a dorrwyd yn cynnwys pryderon fod gan Stonewall safbwyntiau radical nad ydynt o reidrwydd yn adlewyrchu’r gymuned LHDT yn ei chyfanrwydd, ac maent wedi’u cyhuddo o roi cyngor sy’n camddehongli neu’n mynd yn groes i Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb 2010. Rwy’n siŵr, Ddirprwy Lywydd, y gall y Dirprwy Weinidog ddeall ei bod yn bwysig ymgynghori ag ystod eang o arbenigwyr a safbwyntiau ar faterion pwysig, ac nad yw penderfyniadau’n cael eu gwneud ar sail barn un sefydliad yn unig. Gallaf eich gweld yn croesi eich breichiau yn eithaf anffurfiol yno.


Yes, I will. In light of the concerns regarding Stonewall's conduct, will the Welsh Government reassess their relationship with them and their suitability for public grants, and ensure that consultations involve a wider variety of organisations in the future that best represent the views of the LGBT community?

Iawn. Yng ngoleuni’r pryderon ynghylch ymddygiad Stonewall, a wnaiff Llywodraeth Cymru ailasesu eu perthynas â nhw, a’u haddasrwydd ar gyfer grantiau cyhoeddus, a sicrhau bod ymgynghoriadau’n cynnwys amrywiaeth ehangach o sefydliadau yn y dyfodol, sy’n cynrychioli safbwyntiau’r gymuned LHDT orau?

I have to say, Dirprwy Lywydd—you can hear the reactions in the Siambr here—that I'm really proud of the work we've been able to do, within the Siambr, in Wales, in our Senedd, by working together to create a better Wales for all of our LGBTQ+ community. And we're absolutely clear that that is within, and with, the entire LGBTQ+ community, which is why we work with inclusive organisations such as Stonewall, and a range of stakeholders and, more importantly, those voices of the LGBTQ+ community itself, because it's that saying, 'Nothing about us without us'. It's really important that we take that inclusive, holistic approach, and that we work together to implement those 46 actions in the plan and work for Wales.

The Member is muttering at me now, but, I have to say, Gareth, I'm really disappointed by your line of questioning. It's a cheap shot. You're playing to the gallery, targeting organisations that have a long and proud history of supporting, advocating and campaigning for the LGBTQ+ community.

Mae'n rhaid imi ddweud, Ddirprwy Lywydd—gallwch glywed yr ymatebion yn y Siambr yma—fy mod yn falch iawn o'r gwaith yr ydym wedi gallu ei wneud, yn y Siambr, yng Nghymru, yn ein Senedd, drwy gydweithio i greu Cymru well ar gyfer pawb yn ein cymuned LHDTC+. Ac rydym yn gwbl glir fod hynny o fewn, a chyda, y gymuned LHDTC+ gyfan, a dyna pam ein bod yn gweithio gyda sefydliadau cynhwysol fel Stonewall, ac ystod o randdeiliaid, ac yn bwysicach, lleisiau'r gymuned LHDTC+ ei hun, gan fod a wnelo hyn â'r dywediad, 'Dim byd amdanom ni hebom ni'. Mae'n bwysig iawn ein bod yn defnyddio'r dull gweithredu cynhwysol, cyfannol hwnnw, a'n bod yn gweithio gyda'n gilydd i roi'r 46 cam gweithredu hynny yn y cynllun ar waith ac yn gweithio dros Gymru.

Mae’r Aelod yn mwmian arnaf, ond mae’n rhaid imi ddweud, Gareth, fy mod yn siomedig iawn ynglŷn â llwybr eich cwestiynau. Mae'n ergyd rad. Rydych yn chwarae i'r galeri, gan dargedu sefydliadau sydd â hanes hir a balch o gefnogi, ac o ddadlau ac ymgyrchu dros y gymuned LHDTC+.

Can I support the Minister in rejecting the transphobia of the modern Conservative Party? We've talked previously, haven't we, Minister, about the possibility of incorporating Wales in the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association Europe's rainbow map and index, which rank European countries according to their support for LGBT+ rights. ILGA-Europe are telling me that information that they receive on Wales will be included on their rainbow map website this year, but they go on to say,

'We will not and cannot publish a separate region-by-region breakdown, including for Wales, but it would be relatively straightforward, from the downloadable data on our website, to create this for Wales.'

Given that they say it will be relatively straightforward, could the Welsh Government actually do that for Wales, in readiness for 17 May, the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, when the map and the index will be published?

A gaf i gefnogi’r Gweinidog wrth ymwrthod â thrawsffobia’r Blaid Geidwadol fodern? Rydym wedi siarad o’r blaen, onid ydym, Weinidog, am y posibilrwydd o ymgorffori Cymru ym mynegai a map enfys Cymdeithas Ryngwladol Lesbiaidd, Hoyw, Deurywiol, Traws a Rhyngryw (ILGA) Ewrop, sy’n graddio gwledydd Ewrop yn ôl eu cefnogaeth i hawliau LHDT+. Dywed ILGA Ewrop wrthyf y bydd yr wybodaeth a gânt am Gymru yn cael ei chynnwys ar y map enfys ar eu gwefan eleni, ond maent yn mynd rhagddynt i ddweud,

'Ni fyddwn ac ni allwn gyhoeddi dadansoddiad rhanbarth wrth ranbarth ar wahân, gan gynnwys ar gyfer Cymru, ond byddai'n gymharol syml, o'r data y gellir ei lawrlwytho ar ein gwefan, creu hyn ar gyfer Cymru.'

O ystyried eu bod yn dweud y bydd yn gymharol syml, a allai Llywodraeth Cymru wneud hynny i Gymru, yn barod ar gyfer 17 Mai, sef y Diwrnod Rhyngwladol yn erbyn Homoffobia, Deuffobia a Thrawsffobia, pan fydd y map a’r mynegai'n cael eu cyhoeddi?

Could I thank Adam Price for the question? I know this is, as you say, an area that we've discussed both within this Siambr previously and outside, as well. As you say, a key part of the action plan is about how we not only advocate internationally, but learn from other countries and also demonstrate that we're taking a different approach in Wales, and one that we've worked in co-operation and in partnership to achieve, and that differs, sadly, from the approach we see all around the world where our rights are sadly at risk of being rolled back—and, sadly, closer to home in some instances, as well. So, we absolutely commit to taking up the point that Adam Price raised to see what we can do ahead 17 May. Of course, that may not be my responsibility by then, but I hope that whoever is in place will make sure they take that work forward and continue to build on the work that we've already done.

A gaf i ddiolch i Adam Price am ei gwestiwn? Gwn fod hwn, fel y dywedwch, yn faes yr ydym eisoes wedi'i drafod yn y Siambr a thu hwnt. Fel y dywedwch, mae rhan allweddol o'r cynllun gweithredu yn ymwneud â sut rydym nid yn unig yn eirioli'n rhyngwladol, ond sut rydym yn dysgu gan wledydd eraill, a hefyd yn dangos ein bod yn mabwysiadu dull gweithredu gwahanol yng Nghymru, ac un yr ydym wedi gweithio ar y cyd ac mewn partneriaeth i’w gyflawni, ac sy'n ddull gwahanol, yn anffodus, i’r hyn a welwn ym mhob rhan o’r byd lle mae ein hawliau mewn perygl o gael eu lleihau—ac yn nes at adref hefyd mewn rhai achosion, yn anffodus. Felly, rydym yn ymrwymo’n llwyr i fynd i'r afael â'r pwynt a godwyd gan Adam Price i weld beth y gallwn ei wneud cyn 17 Mai. Wrth gwrs, efallai nad fy nghyfrifoldeb i fydd hyn erbyn hynny, ond rwy'n gobeithio y bydd pwy bynnag sy'n gyfrifol yn sicrhau eu bod yn bwrw ymlaen â’r gwaith hwnnw ac yn parhau i adeiladu ar y gwaith a wnaethom eisoes.

Cwestiynau Heb Rybudd gan Lefarwyr y Pleidiau
Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople

Galwaf yn awr ar lefarwyr y pleidiau, ac, yn gyntaf, llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig, Altaf Hussain.

I now call the party spokespeople. First of all, we have the Welsh Conservatives' spokesperson, Altaf Hussain.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Minister, sadly, recent events around the world are having a dramatic impact on community cohesion here in Wales. Although there is nothing we can do to force both sides in the Gaza conflict to stop the horrendous killing, apart from praying for peace, we can act to prevent the killing in the middle east from destroying interfaith relations here at home. Minister, what actions are the Welsh Government taking to ensure events happening elsewhere do not impact religious tolerance and freedom in Wales? How are you working with community and faith leaders across the nation to promote and protect community cohesion?

Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Weinidog, yn anffodus, mae digwyddiadau diweddar ledled y byd yn cael effaith ddramatig ar gydlyniant cymunedol yma yng Nghymru. Er nad oes unrhyw beth y gallwn ei wneud i orfodi’r ddwy ochr yn y gwrthdaro yn Gaza i atal y lladd erchyll, ar wahân i weddïo am heddwch, gallwn weithredu i atal y lladd yn y dwyrain canol rhag dinistrio cysylltiadau rhyng-ffydd yma gartref. Weinidog, pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i sicrhau nad yw digwyddiadau mewn mannau eraill yn effeithio ar oddefgarwch a rhyddid crefyddol yng Nghymru? Sut rydych chi'n gweithio gydag arweinwyr cymunedol a ffydd ledled y wlad i hyrwyddo a diogelu cydlyniant cymunedol?

Diolch yn fawr, Altaf Hussain. Thank you for that really very important question for us today. It is a question that we've discussed and debated here in this Chamber, when we came together and debated this issue, and we were able to report, as a Welsh Government, on how we were reaching out. And certainly, I as Minister for Social Justice, and the finance Minister, the education Minister, we are meeting with our communities who are most affected by the events in the middle east. Of course, we are meeting with our Muslim communities, meeting with our Jewish communities—meeting with them and also visiting their places of worship, and understanding what this has meant for them, but also recognising what it has meant for them in terms of the impact that it has on their lives and globally as well. Can I say, our community cohesion teams are crucially important to this, working with our interfaith council, who have been meeting, and also our faith communities forum?

Diolch yn fawr, Altaf Hussain. Diolch am y cwestiwn gwirioneddol bwysig hwnnw i ni heddiw. Mae’n gwestiwn yr ydym wedi’i drafod a’i ddadlau yma yn y Siambr, pan ddaethom at ein gilydd i drafod y mater hwn, ac roeddem yn gallu adrodd, fel Llywodraeth Cymru, sut roeddem yn estyn allan. Ac yn sicr, rwyf i fel y Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol, a'r Gweinidog cyllid, y Gweinidog addysg, yn cyfarfod â’n cymunedau sy’n cael eu heffeithio fwyaf gan y digwyddiadau yn y dwyrain canol. Wrth gwrs, rydym yn cyfarfod â’n cymunedau Mwslimaidd, yn cyfarfod â’n cymunedau Iddewig—yn cyfarfod â nhw ac yn ymweld â’u mannau addoli hefyd, ac yn dysgu beth mae hyn wedi’i olygu iddynt hwy, ond gan gydnabod yr hyn y mae wedi’i olygu iddynt hwy o ran yr effaith a gaiff ar eu bywydau ac yn fyd-eang yn ogystal. A gaf i ddweud bod ein timau cydlyniant cymunedol yn hollbwysig yn hyn, gan weithio gyda'n cyngor rhyng-ffydd, sydd wedi bod yn cyfarfod, a hefyd ein fforwm cymunedau ffydd?


Thank you, Minister. It behoves us all to be more tolerant of those with different beliefs to us. At the same time, we should also be free to criticise religions. We have no blasphemy laws in this country, yet those who rightly call out bigoted Islamist views are condemned as Islamaphobic. We only have to look at the Shawcross review of Prevent to see how efforts to avoid racism and Islamaphobia have allowed a rise in non-violent Islamist extremists. We can be critical of these people and their views without being Islamaphobic, just as we can criticise the state of Israel without being antisemitic.

Yet, in recent weeks it seems that intolerance has gained the upper hand, and the only winners are the extremists, both religious and from the far right. Hamas supporters speaking at Palestine solidarity campaign fundraisers about a genocide, or ultra-orthodox Jews calling for the expulsion of Arabs from the holy land do little to relieve tensions. Minister, what more can the Welsh Government do to ensure that Welsh communities do not give in to hate and division, and that we can call for peace, peacefully? 

Diolch, Weinidog. Mae'n ddyletswydd ar bob un ohonom i fod yn fwy goddefgar o bobl sydd â chredoau gwahanol i ni. Ar yr un pryd, dylem hefyd fod yn rhydd i feirniadu crefyddau. Nid oes gennym unrhyw ddeddfau cabledd yn y wlad hon, ac eto mae'r rhai sy'n beirniadu, yn gywir ddigon, safbwyntiau Islamyddol rhagfarnllyd, yn cael eu galw'n Islamoffobig. Nid oes ond angen inni edrych ar adolygiad Shawcross o raglen Prevent i weld sut mae ymdrechion i osgoi hiliaeth ac Islamoffobia wedi arwain at gynnydd mewn eithafwyr Islamyddol di-drais. Gallwn fod yn feirniadol o’r bobl hyn a’u barn heb fod yn Islamoffobig, yn union fel y gallwn feirniadu gwladwriaeth Israel heb fod yn wrthsemitig.

Serch hynny, dros yr wythnosau diwethaf, ymddengys bod anoddefgarwch wedi bod yn drech, a'r unig enillwyr yw'r eithafwyr, rhai crefyddol a'r rheini ar yr asgell dde eithafol. Nid yw cefnogwyr Hamas sy’n siarad mewn digwyddiadau codi arian i ymgyrch undod Palesteina am hil-laddiad, neu Iddewon tra uniongred sy’n galw am gael gwared ar Arabiaid o’r wlad sanctaidd yn gwneud fawr ddim i leddfu tensiynau. Weinidog, beth arall y gall Llywodraeth Cymru ei wneud i sicrhau nad yw cymunedau Cymru'n ildio i gasineb ac ymraniad, ac y gallwn alw am heddwch, yn heddychlon?

Thank you for that follow-up question. Let me make it very clear that the Welsh Government speaks out and stands out against Islamaphobia and antisemitism. I think that it is really important that, in fact, in this Senedd, there was a really important event, when we were recognising the day of action against Islamaphobia. I hope that that was very much recognised as a cross-party event as well.

As we meet with our Muslim colleagues and friends, particularly in the Muslim welfare council, to understand the impact that Islamaphobia has on their lives, and equally understanding the impact of antisemitism—. I have to say, Altaf, that I hope that you would, with me, and certainly I know so many in this Chamber, condemn the Islamaphobic language that has been spoken by some of the Conservative spokespeople now. Lee Anderson—no longer; suspended. But those words and those attacks on Sadiq Khan—I hope you will join me in condemning those as well.

Diolch am eich cwestiwn dilynol. Gadewch imi ddweud yn glir iawn fod Llywodraeth Cymru yn gwrthwynebu Islamoffobia a gwrthsemitiaeth yn llwyr. Credaf ei bod yn bwysig iawn, mewn gwirionedd, yn y Senedd hon, fod digwyddiad gwirioneddol bwysig wedi'i gynnal, pan oeddem yn cydnabod y diwrnod o weithredu yn erbyn Islamoffobia. Rwy'n gobeithio bod y digwyddiad hwnnw wedi’i gydnabod fel digwyddiad trawsbleidiol hefyd.

Wrth inni gyfarfod â’n cymheiriaid a’n ffrindiau Mwslimaidd, yn enwedig yn y cyngor lles Mwslimiaid, i ddeall yr effaith y mae Islamoffobia yn ei chael ar eu bywydau, a deall, yn yr un modd, effaith gwrthsemitiaeth—. Mae'n rhaid imi ddweud, Altaf, fy mod yn gobeithio y byddech chi, gyda mi, a chymaint o rai eraill yn y Siambr hon, rwy'n gwybod, yn condemnio’r iaith Islamoffobaidd a ddefnyddiwyd gan rai o lefarwyr y Ceidwadwyr. Lee Anderson—nid yw'n aelod mwyach; mae wedi'i ddiarddel. Ond y geiriau hynny a'r ymosodiadau hynny ar Sadiq Khan—rwy'n gobeithio y byddwch yn ymuno â mi i gondemnio'r rheini hefyd.

Thank you, Minister. Sadly, many of the demonstrations have been far from peaceful. We just have to look at the treatment of Jo Stevens MP. She said at the weekend that, following the attack on her office, she has had to change her behaviour when she leaves her house. This follows the earlier, appalling treatment of our own colleague Natasha Asghar. This is totally unacceptable. Why should a Member of Parliament, any Parliament, be forced to change their behaviour as a result of violent protesters? I'm afraid that this could have a chilling effect on our democracy, if left to be unchecked. Minister, what discussions have you had with police forces in Wales about the actions they are taking to protect our democracy from violent extremists? Thank you. 

Diolch, Weinidog. Yn anffodus, mae llawer o'r protestiadau wedi bod ymhell o fod yn heddychlon. Nid oes ond angen inni edrych ar yr hyn a wynebodd Jo Stevens AS. Dywedodd ar y penwythnos, yn dilyn yr ymosodiad ar ei swyddfa, ei bod wedi gorfod newid ei hymddygiad pan fydd yn gadael ei thŷ. Daw hyn yn sgil y driniaeth warthus a wynebodd ein cyd-Aelod Natasha Asghar cyn hynny. Mae hyn yn gwbl annerbyniol. Pam y dylai Aelod Seneddol, o unrhyw Senedd, gael eu gorfodi i newid eu hymddygiad o ganlyniad i brotestwyr treisgar? Mae arnaf ofn y gallai hyn gael effaith ddychrynllyd ar ein democratiaeth, os na chaiff ei atal. Weinidog, pa drafodaethau a gawsoch gyda heddluoedd yng Nghymru am y camau y maent yn eu cymryd i amddiffyn ein democratiaeth rhag eithafwyr treisgar? Diolch.


Clearly, we condemn all attacks on elected representatives, but also recognise, and I'm sure many of us across this Chamber particularly recognise, the position of Natasha Asghar, but other elected Members also facing that kind of abuse, and also, in many cases, and I think this is happened even for myself, when there's peaceful protest then that is part of democracy. I welcome that there will be peaceful protest where people have very strong views and feelings about situations that they're caught up in. We condemn attacks, and I particularly recognise the points that you've made about our elected representatives. But you'll be glad to hear that tomorrow we have a meeting, which I'm chairing, of the policing partnership board, and we are going to be discussing particularly the issue of parliamentary security, which we have discussed in this Chamber and outside the Chamber, and the parliamentary security of our elected representatives. Now, there is work being done and funding being made available in terms of the parliamentary security of our MPs, but we are discussing this also in relation to our Senedd Members as well. That, of course, is part of the ways in which we work together with our policing colleagues to ensure that we promote community cohesion, but with the recognition of the importance of peaceful protest, which we stand up to support.

I know the coming weekend there's going to be a Stand Up To Racism rally, march and procession through Cardiff, the streets of our capital. I'm always very proud to join those events, because one of the most important chants that we make on those events is, 'Refugees are welcome here.' I think that's a really important point to make in terms of our nation of sanctuary.

Yn amlwg, rydym yn condemnio pob ymosodiad ar gynrychiolwyr etholedig, ond rydym hefyd yn cydnabod, ac rwy’n siŵr fod llawer ohonom ar draws y Siambr hon yn cydnabod sefyllfa Natasha Asghar yn arbennig, ond Aelodau etholedig eraill hefyd sy'n wynebu’r math hwnnw o gamdriniaeth, a hefyd, mewn llawer o achosion, a chredaf fod hyn wedi digwydd hyd yn oed i mi, pan fo protestio heddychlon, fod hynny'n rhan o ddemocratiaeth. Rwy'n croesawu protestio heddychlon pan fo gan bobl safbwyntiau a theimladau cryf iawn am sefyllfaoedd y maent ynddynt. Rydym yn condemnio ymosodiadau, ac rwy’n cydnabod yn arbennig y pwyntiau a wnaethoch am ein cynrychiolwyr etholedig. Ond fe fyddwch yn falch o glywed y byddaf, yfory, yn cadeirio cyfarfod y bwrdd partneriaeth plismona, a byddwn yn trafod mater diogelwch seneddol yn benodol, sy'n rhywbeth a drafodwyd yn y Siambr hon a thu hwnt, a diogelwch seneddol ein cynrychiolwyr etholedig. Nawr, mae gwaith yn mynd rhagddo a chyllid yn cael ei ddarparu ar gyfer diogelwch seneddol ein Haelodau Seneddol, ond rydym yn trafod hyn hefyd mewn perthynas â’n Haelodau o'r Senedd hefyd. Mae hynny, wrth gwrs, yn rhan o’r ffyrdd y gweithiwn gyda’n cydweithwyr plismona i sicrhau ein bod yn hyrwyddo cydlyniant cymunedol, ond gan gydnabod pwysigrwydd protestio heddychlon, sy'n rhywbeth yr ydym yn ei gefnogi.

Y penwythnos nesaf, gwn y bydd Stand Up To Racism yn cynnal rali a gorymdaith yng Nghaerdydd, ar hyd strydoedd ein prifddinas. Rwyf bob amser yn falch iawn o ymuno â'r digwyddiadau hynny, gan mai un o'r siantiau pwysicaf y gallwn eu gwneud yn y digwyddiadau hynny yw, 'Mae croeso i ffoaduriaid yma.' Credaf fod hwnnw'n bwynt pwysig iawn i'w wneud am ein cenedl noddfa.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. The spin and the counter spin of the spring budget are filling the airwaves, but what is irrefutable is that financial hardship and higher levels of poverty have become the new normal in Wales. As the Bevan Foundation have noted in their latest snapshot of poverty report published today, more than one in eight people across Wales sometimes, often or always are struggling to afford the essentials. The deepening of financial hardship highlights that the support both the UK and Welsh Governments are providing isn't effective at keeping people from falling into and being trapped in poverty.

Plaid Cymru recognises the financial constraints on the Welsh Government due to the unfair funding settlement Wales receives from Westminster and the ruinous effect of the despicable policies of the UK Westminster Tories that care little about our people. But the report's findings show that there have been no major improvements in people's living standards across Wales since their last snapshot of poverty survey in July 2023. So, Minister, what evaluation has there been of Welsh Government anti-poverty measures during this Government term? What further measures are there in this year's budget to better support struggling households? With the social justice portfolio facing a 7.6 per cent reduction in funding, the largest cut of all Welsh Government spending areas, are you confident that Welsh Government can tackle poverty in Wales and support those during the cost-of-living crisis adequately and within your means?

Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Mae sbin a gwrth-sbin cyllideb y gwanwyn yn llenwi’r tonfeddi, ond yr hyn na ellir ei wadu yw bod caledi ariannol a lefelau uwch o dlodi wedi dod yn normal newydd yng Nghymru. Fel y mae Sefydliad Bevan wedi'i nodi yn eu hadroddiad cipolwg diweddaraf ar dlodi a gyhoeddwyd heddiw, mae mwy nag un o bob wyth o bobl yng Nghymru weithiau, yn aml neu bob amser yn ei chael hi'n anodd fforddio’r hanfodion. Mae'r ffaith bod caledi ariannol yn gwaethygu yn dangos nad yw’r cymorth y mae Llywodraeth y DU a Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei ddarparu yn effeithiol ar gyfer atal pobl rhag disgyn i dlodi a chael eu caethiwo mewn tlodi.

Mae Plaid Cymru yn cydnabod y cyfyngiadau ariannol ar Lywodraeth Cymru oherwydd y setliad ariannu annheg y mae Cymru yn ei gael gan San Steffan ac effaith ddinistriol polisïau gwarthus Torïaid y DU yn San Steffan, nad ydynt yn malio dim am ein pobl. Ond mae canfyddiadau’r adroddiad yn dangos na fu unrhyw welliannau mawr yn safonau byw pobl ledled Cymru ers eu hadroddiad cipolwg diwethaf ar dlodi ym mis Gorffennaf 2023. Felly, Weinidog, pa werthusiad a wnaed o fesurau gwrthdlodi Llywodraeth Cymru yn ystod tymor y Llywodraeth hon? Pa fesurau pellach a geir yng nghyllideb eleni i roi gwell cymorth i aelwydydd sy'n ei chael hi'n anodd? Gyda’r portffolio cyfiawnder cymdeithasol yn wynebu gostyngiad o 7.6 y cant yn ei gyllid, y toriad mwyaf o holl feysydd gwariant Llywodraeth Cymru, a ydych chi'n hyderus y gall Llywodraeth Cymru drechu tlodi yng Nghymru a chefnogi pobl drwy'r argyfwng costau byw yn ddigonol ac o fewn eich cyllideb?

Diolch yn fawr, Sioned Williams, for that very important question drawing attention to that snapshot of poverty in this winter of 2024 from the Bevan Foundation. I'm very pleased the Bevan Foundation is playing a key role in delivering our charter of benefits, because entitlement and income maximisation are key to tackling poverty, despite the fact this was such a difficult budget with £1.2 billion taken out of our budget by the UK Government. Thirteen years of austerity were imposed on us by the UK Government—a choice of that Conservative Government, it was not necessary, and we're still living with that. I think the snapshot shows so clearly what that has meant to people's lives in Wales.

But it was very important that we did protect in the budget our discretionary assistance fund, which is worth £38.5 million a year, because that is money that's emergency money in many respects for people in terms of the emergency payments, but also those important goods that people need to access, particularly those who are under particular pressure. Now, I'm also very clear that we have to do everything we can to tackle fuel poverty and food poverty as well. On food poverty, supporting our community food organisations across all our constituencies to tackle food poverty, I’m very glad that as a result of the budget, we're going to be able to protect our food partnerships, the co-ordinators that are working across Wales to provide services to individuals and households. And also there's our partnership with the Fuel Bank Foundation, getting vouchers for people’s prepayment meters. But there's also the heat fund for people off-grid, and you will note yesterday, or Monday, I was able to issue a statement about funding that’s gone to local authorities to help particularly Gypsy, Roma, Traveller people in permanent sites, but also the heat fund for those who are off-grid on those sites to access funding. So, it is across the board that we need to assist and support people in these difficult times.

Diolch yn fawr am eich cwestiwn pwysig, Sioned Williams, sy’n tynnu sylw at yr adroddiad cipolwg ar dlodi yn ystod gaeaf 2024 gan Sefydliad Bevan. Rwy'n falch iawn fod Sefydliad Bevan yn chwarae rhan allweddol yn cyflawni ein siarter budd-daliadau, gan fod yr hawl i fudd-daliadau a gweithredu pwyslais ar incwm yn allweddol er mwyn trechu tlodi, er gwaethaf y ffaith bod hon yn gyllideb mor anodd gyda £1.2 biliwn wedi'i dynnu allan o'n cyllideb gan Lywodraeth y DU. Gorfodwyd 13 blynedd o gyni arnom gan Lywodraeth y DU—dewis gan y Llywodraeth Geidwadol honno, nid oedd yn angenrheidiol, ac rydym yn dal i fyw gyda hynny. Credaf fod yr adroddiad cipolwg yn dangos yn glir iawn beth mae hynny wedi'i olygu i fywydau pobl yng Nghymru.

Ond roedd yn bwysig iawn ein bod yn diogelu, yn y gyllideb, ein cronfa cymorth dewisol, sy'n werth £38.5 miliwn y flwyddyn, gan fod hwnnw'n arian brys mewn sawl ystyr i bobl o ran y taliadau brys, ond hefyd y nwyddau pwysig y mae angen i bobl gael mynediad atynt, yn enwedig pobl o dan bwysau mawr. Nawr, rwyf hefyd yn glir iawn fod yn rhaid inni wneud popeth a allwn i fynd i'r afael â thlodi tanwydd a thlodi bwyd hefyd. Ar dlodi bwyd, a chefnogi ein sefydliadau bwyd cymunedol ar draws ein holl etholaethau i fynd i’r afael â thlodi bwyd, rwy’n falch iawn, o ganlyniad i’r gyllideb, ein bod yn mynd i allu diogelu ein partneriaethau bwyd, y cydgysylltwyr sy'n gweithio ledled Cymru i ddarparu gwasanaethau i unigolion ac aelwydydd. A hefyd, mae gennym ein partneriaeth gyda'r Sefydliad Banc Tanwydd, sy'n darparu talebau ar gyfer mesuryddion rhagdalu pobl. Ond mae gennym hefyd y gronfa wres ar gyfer pobl nad ydynt ar y grid, ac fe fyddwch wedi nodi ddoe, neu ddydd Llun, fy mod wedi gallu cyhoeddi datganiad am gyllid sydd wedi mynd i awdurdodau lleol i helpu, yn fwyaf arbennig, pobl sy'n Sipsiwn, Roma neu Deithwyr ar safleoedd parhaol, ond hefyd, y gronfa wres i’r rhai nad ydynt ar y grid ar y safleoedd hynny gael mynediad at gyllid. Felly, yn gyffredinol, mae angen inni gynorthwyo a chefnogi pobl yn y cyfnod anodd hwn.


Diolch, Weinidog. There is a lot of good work being done in partnership, but the dial isn’t shifting, clearly, is it? We know that’s partly due to our relationship with Westminster, as you’ve highlighted, but we also need to evaluate better, I think, the measures that we are taking. We’ve seen a recent evaluation being published in Scotland, for example, showing the differences that they are making with the policies they have to combat poverty. And it’s children, of course, that are most damaged by poverty, and the heartbreaking and unacceptable effect of poverty on our children is highlighted in new research by the Bevan Foundation on child poverty recently published this week. Half of Welsh children are worried about whether their family had enough money to pay the bills—half of Welsh children; 23 per cent saying they’re recently worried about being cold; 21 per cent saying their mental health has been negatively affected; 10 per cent saying their physical health is being affected by their family’s financial position. More than one in five parents and guardians of children under 18 reported their child had been unable to get the birthday party they wanted due to their family’s financial position. It’s just heartbreaking, isn’t it? And in their recent report, the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health have highlighted that in Wales paediatric waiting lists have soared by a staggering 62 per cent since 2016, and poverty, of course, massively impacts child health. So, what work is the Government doing cross-Cabinet in order to address the health inequalities that are obviously impacting children in poverty the most?

Diolch, Weinidog. Mae llawer o waith da yn mynd rhagddo mewn partneriaeth, ond mae'n amlwg, onid yw, nad yw'r deial yn newid. Gwyddom fod hynny’n rhannol oherwydd ein perthynas â San Steffan, fel y nodwyd gennych, ond mae angen inni hefyd werthuso’n well, yn fy marn i, y mesurau a roddwn ni ar waith. Rydym wedi gweld gwerthusiad diweddar yn cael ei gyhoeddi yn yr Alban, er enghraifft, yn dangos y gwahaniaethau y maent yn eu gwneud gyda’r polisïau sydd ganddynt i ymladd tlodi. A phlant, wrth gwrs, sy'n cael eu niweidio fwyaf gan dlodi, ac mae effaith dorcalonnus ac annerbyniol tlodi ar ein plant wedi'i hamlygu mewn ymchwil newydd gan Sefydliad Bevan ar dlodi plant a gyhoeddwyd yr wythnos hon. Mae hanner plant Cymru yn poeni a oes gan eu teuluoedd ddigon o arian i dalu'r biliau—hanner plant Cymru; dywedodd 23 y cant eu bod yn poeni'n ddiweddar am fod yn oer; dywedodd 21 y cant fod eu hiechyd meddwl wedi’i effeithio’n negyddol; dywedodd 10 y cant fod eu hiechyd corfforol yn cael ei effeithio gan sefyllfa ariannol eu teulu. Dywedodd mwy nag un o bob pump o rieni a gwarcheidwaid plant o dan 18 nad oedd eu plentyn wedi gallu cael y parti pen-blwydd yr oeddent wedi gobeithio ei gael oherwydd sefyllfa ariannol eu teulu. Mae'n dorcalonnus, onid yw? Ac yn eu hadroddiad diweddar, mae’r Coleg Brenhinol Pediatreg ac Iechyd Plant wedi tynnu sylw at y ffaith bod rhestrau aros pediatrig yng Nghymru wedi cynyddu 62 y cant ers 2016, sy'n gynnydd aruthrol, a bod tlodi, wrth gwrs, yn cael effaith anferthol ar iechyd plant. Felly, pa waith y mae’r Llywodraeth yn ei wneud ar draws y Cabinet i fynd i’r afael â’r anghydraddoldebau iechyd sy’n amlwg yn effeithio fwyaf ar blant mewn tlodi?

Diolch, Sioned Williams, for that really important question, and it is a cross-Government responsibility that we take to tackle poverty, particularly child poverty, as clearly laid out in our child poverty strategy. And, of course, that strategy, which I launched only a few weeks ago, has cross-Government support, and we're also engaging, of course, with the End Child Poverty network to give us that evidence, including and alongside the Bevan Foundation, as well as what we need to do to tackle child poverty at the sharp end.

Now, we’ve talked about ways in which we can get incomes to families, because, of course, it is money that’s needed in people’s pockets, and I think there's the example of the Healthy Start vouchers, and the fact that the Deputy Minister has been able to have mandatory training for health visitors to ensure that we get now over a 77 per cent uptake of Healthy Start vouchers. This is about actually, again, getting the right food and support to children at the earlier stages. But I do think also there's the roll-out of the Flying Start programme, which, with the co-operation of Plaid Cymru, reaches our most disadvantaged children and families at such an early stage in their lives, and, of course, the roll-out of free school meals, which of course was a key plank of our co-operation agreement and, indeed, of the budget. So, I think we are doing together—. Many of the aspects of the co-operation agreement are helping us to drive this forward, to reach out to those who are most vulnerable.

But can I say also—? I mean, I’m not up on the news yet, but the thought that there could be more cuts to our public services as a result of the spring budget today fills us with horror in the Welsh Government, and I’m sure it does across this part of the Chamber as well, because we need to have more funding for our public services in order to tackle child poverty.

Diolch am eich cwestiwn gwirioneddol bwysig, Sioned Williams, ac mae gennym gyfrifoldeb trawslywodraethol i fynd ati i drechu tlodi, yn enwedig tlodi plant, fel y nodir yn glir yn ein strategaeth tlodi plant. Ac wrth gwrs, mae'r strategaeth honno, a lansiwyd gennyf ychydig wythnosau yn ôl yn unig, wedi ei chefnogi'n drawslywodraethol, ac rydym hefyd yn ymgysylltu, wrth gwrs, â'r rhwydwaith Dileu Tlodi Plant i gael y dystiolaeth honno, gan gynnwys ac ochr yn ochr â Sefydliad Bevan, yn ogystal â’r hyn y mae angen i ni ei wneud i drechu tlodi plant ar y rheng flaen.

Nawr, rydym wedi sôn am ffyrdd y gallwn sicrhau incwm i deuluoedd, oherwydd, wrth gwrs, mae angen arian ym mhocedi pobl, a chredaf fod y talebau Cychwyn Iach yn enghraifft, a'r ffaith bod y Dirprwy Weinidog wedi gallu sicrhau hyfforddiant gorfodol ar gyfer ymwelwyr iechyd i sicrhau bod gennym dros 77 y cant o bobl bellach yn manteisio ar dalebau Cychwyn Iach. Mewn gwirionedd, mae hyn unwaith eto yn ymwneud â rhoi'r bwyd a'r cymorth cywir i blant yn gynharach yn eu bywydau. Ond rwy'n credu bod cyflwyno rhaglen Dechrau’n Deg hefyd yn bwysig, rhaglen sydd, gyda chydweithrediad Plaid Cymru, yn cyrraedd ein plant a’n teuluoedd mwyaf difreintiedig mor gynnar yn eu bywydau, ac wrth gwrs, cyflwyno prydau ysgol am ddim, a oedd wrth gwrs yn rhan allweddol o’n cytundeb cydweithio, ac yn wir, o’r gyllideb. Felly, credaf ein bod yn gwneud, gyda’n gilydd—. Mae llawer o’r agweddau ar y cytundeb cydweithio yn ein helpu i fwrw ymlaen â hyn, er mwyn estyn cymorth i'r rhai mwyaf agored i niwed.

Ond a gaf i ddweud hefyd—? Nid wyf wedi clywed y newyddion diweddaraf eto, ond mae'r syniad y gallai fod mwy o doriadau i'n gwasanaethau cyhoeddus o ganlyniad i gyllideb y gwanwyn heddiw yn ein llenwi ag arswyd yn Llywodraeth Cymru, ac ar draws y rhan hon o’r Siambr hefyd, rwy'n siŵr, gan fod angen inni gael mwy o gyllid ar gyfer ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus er mwyn mynd ati i drechu tlodi plant.

Argyfwng Costau Byw
The Cost-of-living Crisis

3. Sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi'r sector gwirfoddol a grwpiau cymunedol yn ystod yr argyfwng costau byw? OQ60787

3. How is Welsh Government supporting the voluntary sector and community groups during the cost-of-living crisis? OQ60787


Thank you, John Griffiths. Our third sector support Wales grant provides core funding to the Wales Council for Voluntary Action and county voluntary councils across Wales to provide a support infrastructure for community groups. For 2023-24, I've provided an additional £1.5 million to this support infrastructure, an increase of 20 per cent on the previous year.

Diolch, John Griffiths. Mae ein grant cefnogi trydydd sector Cymru yn darparu cyllid craidd i Gyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru a chynghorau gwirfoddol sirol ledled Cymru i ddarparu seilwaith cymorth i grwpiau cymunedol. Ar gyfer 2023-24, rwyf wedi darparu £1.5 miliwn ychwanegol i'r seilwaith cymorth hwn, cynnydd o 20 y cant ar y flwyddyn flaenorol.

Thank you for that, Minister. I recently visited the Eton Road community centre in Maindee in my constituency. They have done so much good work over so many years and continue to run many advice sessions and a host of different activities, Minister, as I'm sure you're aware.

Amongst those activities is a youth project, which involves over 100 children and five sessions a week. It's mainly children from the black and minority ethnic communities who attend, most of whom are not in full-time education. Amongst the facilities for them there is a music studio that many of them have used to learn to play instruments and to mix their own music. It's just one example of so much good work going on in that Eton Road community centre, all within an old and large building, Minister. And one of the issues is the maintenance cost of that building. And I just wonder if there's anything you could say in terms of the available support for these community organisations, particularly in terms of maintenance costs when buildings are not new and quite large.

Diolch am hynny, Weinidog. Yn ddiweddar, ymwelais â chanolfan gymunedol Eton Road ym Maendy yn fy etholaeth. Maent wedi gwneud cymaint o waith da dros gymaint o flynyddoedd ac yn parhau i gynnal llawer o sesiynau cynghori a llu o wahanol weithgareddau, Weinidog, fel y byddwch yn gwybod rwy'n siŵr.

Ymhlith y gweithgareddau hynny mae yna brosiect ieuenctid, sy'n cynnwys dros 100 o blant a phum sesiwn yr wythnos. Plant o gymunedau du a lleiafrifol ethnig sy'n mynychu'n bennaf, ac nid yw'r rhan fwyaf ohonynt mewn addysg amser llawn. Ymhlith y cyfleusterau sydd ar gael iddynt, mae yna stiwdio gerddoriaeth y mae llawer ohonynt wedi'i defnyddio i ddysgu chwarae offerynnau ac i gymysgu eu cerddoriaeth eu hunain. Dim ond un enghraifft yw hon o'r gwaith da sy'n mynd rhagddo yng nghanolfan gymunedol Eton Road, ac mae'r cyfan yn digwydd o fewn hen adeilad mawr, Weinidog. Ac un o'r problemau yw costau cynnal a chadw'r adeilad hwnnw. Tybed a oes unrhyw beth y gallech ei ddweud ynghylch y cymorth sydd ar gael i'r sefydliadau cymunedol hyn, yn enwedig o ran costau cynnal a chadw pan fo'r adeiladau'n eithaf mawr a heb fod yn newydd.

Thank you very much, John, for that question. I was very pleased to visit Community House last year and indeed, last year, a choir came from Community House to an interfaith council event—a fantastic choir, a multicultural choir. There are so many things going on at Community House, as a multicultural, multifaith community centre, as you've said.

I understand, and I recall from my visit, that it was a church. It's owned by the Presbyterian Church of Wales, and the charity is using that building. I hope that we can advise them to access the community facilities programme. They can get help, of course, from the Gwent Association of Voluntary Organisations, GAVO, because I can see that they need to, hopefully, have access to ensure that the building can be—. There could be improvements made, and perhaps, in terms of maintenance, cost-saving and energy-saving investments. So, there are grants of up to £300,000 to help local voluntary sector organisations to improve, and indeed also to purchase assets.

But can I just congratulate Community House on its youth project, its music studio? This is all about intervention and prevention, empowering and inspiring our young people, particularly those who are more disadvantaged, and the fact that the community there is supporting black, Asian and minority ethnic young people is such a strong indication of support in your constituency for that project.

Diolch yn fawr iawn am y cwestiwn, John. Roeddwn yn falch iawn o ymweld â Tŷ Cymunedol y llynedd ac yn wir, y llynedd, daeth côr o Tŷ Cymunedol i ddigwyddiad gan y cyngor rhyng-ffydd—côr gwych, côr amlddiwylliannol. Mae cymaint o bethau'n digwydd yn Tŷ Cymunedol, fel canolfan gymunedol amlddiwylliannol ac aml-ffydd, fel rydych chi wedi'i ddweud.

Rwy'n deall, ac rwy'n cofio o fy ymweliad, mai eglwys ydoedd. Mae'n eiddo i Eglwys Bresbyteraidd Cymru, ac mae'r elusen yn defnyddio'r adeilad hwnnw. Rwy'n gobeithio y gallwn eu cynghori i gael mynediad at y rhaglen cyfleusterau cymunedol. Maent yn gallu cael cymorth, wrth gwrs, gan Gymdeithas Mudiadau Gwirfoddol Gwent oherwydd rwy'n gallu gweld bod angen iddynt, gobeithio, gael mynediad i sicrhau bod modd i'r adeilad—. Gellid gwneud gwelliannau, ac o ran cynnal a chadw, buddsoddiadau i arbed costau ac arbed ynni efallai. Felly, mae grantiau o hyd at £300,000 ar gael i helpu sefydliadau'r sector gwirfoddol lleol i wella, ac yn wir i brynu asedau hefyd.

Ond a gaf i longyfarch Tŷ Cymunedol ar ei brosiect ieuenctid, ei stiwdio gerddoriaeth? Mae hyn i gyd yn ymwneud ag ymyrraeth ac atal, grymuso ac ysbrydoli ein pobl ifanc, yn enwedig y rhai sydd dan anfantais, ac mae'r ffaith bod y gymuned yno yn cefnogi pobl ifanc du, Asiaidd a lleiafrifol ethnig yn dangos mor gryf yw'r gefnogaeth i'r prosiect hwnnw yn eich etholaeth.

Minister, the voluntary and charity sectors in Wales consist of so many fantastic individuals, willing to give so much in order to help others. One charity in particular, Minister, which I know that I've raised in this Chamber before—and I don't think that anyone is going to get tired of me saying this—is Sparkle, a charity that provides invaluable support to hundreds of Gwent children and young people, as well as their families, who have complex needs. The charity, Minister, needs at least £750,000 per year to support 935 children. As I'm sure you can imagine, it is a huge amount of fundraising that is required to make this happen, but, inevitably, the pandemic and the cost of living have put the brakes on fundraising abilities. Yet the number of children and families they see year on year is still on the rise.

In addition, Minister, other organisations, like Sparkle, already receive funding from your Government, including Action for Children, who receive 45 per cent of their funding from this very Welsh Government. So, Minister, I know and understand that funding is tight, but I wondered what funding and support could be available to help this fantastic organisation to thrive, as it is without a doubt a lifeline to so many children and families across Wales.

Weinidog, mae'r sectorau gwirfoddol ac elusennol yng Nghymru yn cynnwys cymaint o unigolion gwych, sy'n barod i roi cymaint er mwyn helpu eraill. Un elusen yn arbennig, Weinidog, a gwn fy mod wedi ei chrybwyll yn y Siambr hon o'r blaen—ac nid wyf yn credu y bydd unrhyw un yn blino ar fy nghlywed yn dweud hyn—yw Sparkle, elusen sy'n darparu cymorth amhrisiadwy i gannoedd o blant a phobl ifanc yng Ngwent sydd ag anghenion cymhleth, yn ogystal â'u teuluoedd. Mae angen o leiaf £750,000 y flwyddyn ar yr elusen i gefnogi 935 o blant. Fel rwy'n siŵr y gallwch ddychmygu, mae hwnnw'n swm enfawr o arian i'w godi er mwyn gwneud i hyn ddigwydd, ond yn anochel, mae'r pandemig a chostau byw wedi cyfyngu ar y gallu i godi arian. Ac eto mae nifer y plant a'r teuluoedd y maent yn eu gweld flwyddyn ar ôl blwyddyn yn dal i gynyddu.

Yn ogystal, Weinidog, mae sefydliadau eraill, fel Sparkle, eisoes yn derbyn cyllid gan eich Llywodraeth, gan gynnwys Gweithredu dros Blant, sy'n derbyn 45 y cant o'u cyllid gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Felly, Weinidog, rwy'n gwybod ac yn deall bod arian yn dynn, ond tybed pa gyllid a chymorth a allai fod ar gael i helpu'r sefydliad gwych hwn i ffynnu, gan ei fod heb amheuaeth yn achubiaeth i gynifer o blant a theuluoedd ledled Cymru.

Thank you, once again, for drawing attention, Natasha Asghar, to Sparkle, to that all-important voluntary organisation supporting so many children across Gwent. I'm sure that I've drawn attention, as I've just done in response to John Griffiths, to GAVO, the Gwent Association of Voluntary Organisations. And just to say that we do provide £8.48 million to third sector support Wales, and £734,000 plus is going to GAVO to support the voluntary sector in the community. I've mentioned the community facilities grant, which is more for capital funding, and I know that they have sites that they use and venues. But I do encourage Sparkle to contact GAVO to get the latest in terms of access to a variety of funding sources. But, of course, my budget has been very much constrained this year in terms of support for the voluntary sector. But it is I think also important for the record as well for Members to recall that also we have a community asset loan fund, administered by the WCVA, offering loans up to £250,000, over a maximum term of 25 years, to third sector organisations who are seeking to take ownership of community assets, land or buildings. So, again, there are a variety of options that Sparkle could take, I think, to access further support.

Diolch unwaith eto i Natasha Asghar am dynnu sylw at Sparkle, y mudiad gwirfoddol hollbwysig hwnnw sy'n cefnogi cymaint o blant ledled Gwent. Rwy'n siŵr fy mod wedi tynnu sylw, fel rwyf newydd ei wneud mewn ymateb i John Griffiths, at Gymdeithas Mudiadau Gwirfoddol Gwent. A hoffwn ddweud ein bod yn darparu £8.48 miliwn i gefnogi cymorth trydydd sector Cymru, a bydd dros £734,000 yn mynd i Gymdeithas Mudiadau Gwirfoddol Gwent i gefnogi'r sector gwirfoddol yn y gymuned. Rwyf wedi sôn am y grant cyfleusterau cymunedol, sy'n fwy ar gyfer cyllid cyfalaf, ac rwy'n gwybod bod ganddynt safleoedd a lleoliadau y maent yn eu defnyddio. Ond rwy'n annog Sparkle i gysylltu â Chymdeithas Mudiadau Gwirfoddol Gwent i gael y newyddion diweddaraf ynghylch mynediad at amrywiaeth o ffynonellau cyllido. Ond wrth gwrs, mae fy nghyllideb wedi cael ei chyfyngu'n fawr eleni o ran cymorth i'r sector gwirfoddol. Ond rwy'n credu ei bod hefyd yn bwysig i'r Aelodau gofio bod gennym hefyd gronfa benthyciadau asedau cymunedol, a weinyddir gan Gyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru, sy'n cynnig benthyciadau o hyd at £250,000, dros gyfnod o hyd at 25 mlynedd, i sefydliadau'r trydydd sector sy'n ceisio perchnogi tir, adeiladau neu asedau cymunedol. Felly, unwaith eto, rwy'n credu bod amrywiaeth o opsiynau ar gael i Sparkle ar gyfer ceisio cymorth pellach.

Cap ar Bris Ynni
Energy Price Cap

4. Beth yw asesiad Llywodraeth Cymru o'r effaith y caiff y cap newydd ar bris ynni ar dlodi tanwydd yng Nghymru? OQ60769

4. What is the Welsh Government’s assessment of the impact the new energy price cap will have on fuel poverty in Wales? OQ60769

Thank you for your question, Carolyn Thomas. Despite the decrease in the price cap, energy costs remain almost double the pre-energy crisis levels, and are predicted to remain high for the foreseeable future. The energy market needs a complete overhaul, so that customers are treated fairly, no matter where they live, and investment is made into local communities.

Diolch am eich cwestiwn, Carolyn Thomas. Er gwaethaf y gostyngiad yn y cap prisiau, mae costau ynni yn dal i fod bron i ddwbl y lefelau cyn yr argyfwng ynni, a rhagwelir y byddant yn parhau i fod yn uchel am y dyfodol rhagweladwy. Mae angen ailwampio'r farchnad ynni yn llwyr, fel bod cwsmeriaid yn cael eu trin yn deg ni waeth lle maent yn byw, a bod buddsoddiad yn cael ei wneud mewn cymunedau lleol.

Thank you for that answer, Minister, and for everything that you have been doing to tackle fuel poverty across Wales—it's much appreciated. Although the overall energy price cap has fallen, it's a total disgrace that the standing charges, which hit those in fuel poverty the most, have been allowed to increase. Standing charges also disproportionately impact my residents in north Wales, who are subject to the highest standing charges in the UK, and will be paying over £95 more than those in London. Minister, may I ask what plans you have to make representations to the UK Westminster Government regarding the significant injustice that's happening?

Diolch am yr ateb hwnnw, Weinidog, ac am bopeth rydych wedi bod yn ei wneud i fynd i'r afael â thlodi tanwydd ledled Cymru—mae'n cael ei werthfawrogi'n fawr. Er bod y cap prisiau ynni cyffredinol wedi gostwng, mae'n warth llwyr fod y taliadau sefydlog, sydd wedi taro'r rhai mewn tlodi tanwydd yn waeth, wedi cael eu gadael i godi. Mae taliadau sefydlog hefyd yn effeithio'n anghymesur ar fy nhrigolion yng ngogledd Cymru, sy'n gorfod talu'r taliadau sefydlog uchaf yn y DU, a byddant yn talu dros £95 yn fwy na thrigolion yn Llundain. Weinidog, a gaf i ofyn pa gynlluniau sydd gennych i gyflwyno sylwadau i Lywodraeth San Steffan ynghylch yr anghyfiawnder mawr hwn?

Thank you for drawing attention to this injustice, particularly for your constituents in north Wales. There are two issues with standing charges: the postcode lottery around the amounts charged, and the fact that costs are applied even when people have used very little or no electricity. So, we have regularly called for urgent reform of standing charges with UK Ministers. There is an Ofgem consultation. I've had meetings in person, and also with the UK Minister for Energy Consumers and Affordability, and also with the new Ofgem chair. But it is north Wales households who are very hard done by, also because they live so close to sources of affordable, renewable electricity, which is exported from north Wales through the national grid, yet they face the highest standing charges. I will publish—I have published—our response to the Ofgem call for input on standing charges. We need a solution that is fair to low-income and low-usage households and that doesn't continue to disadvantage households in north Wales.

Diolch am dynnu sylw at yr anghyfiawnder hwn, yn enwedig i'ch etholwyr yng ngogledd Cymru. Mae dwy broblem gyda thaliadau sefydlog: y loteri cod post o ran y symiau sy'n cael eu codi, a'r ffaith bod costau'n digwydd hyd yn oed pan na fydd pobl wedi defnyddio fawr iawn o drydan os o gwbl. Felly, rydym wedi gofyn sawl gwaith i Weinidogion y DU ddiwygio taliadau sefydlog ar frys. Mae yna ymgynghoriad gan Ofgem. Rwyf wedi cael cyfarfodydd wyneb yn wyneb, a hefyd gyda Gweinidog y DU dros Ddefnyddwyr Ynni a Fforddiadwyedd, yn ogystal â chadeirydd newydd Ofgem. Ond aelwydydd gogledd Cymru sy'n cael cam mawr, a hwythau'n byw mor agos at ffynonellau trydan adnewyddadwy fforddiadwy hefyd, sy'n cael ei allforio o ogledd Cymru drwy'r grid cenedlaethol, ond eto nhw sy'n wynebu'r taliadau sefydlog uchaf. Byddaf yn cyhoeddi—rwyf wedi cyhoeddi—ein hymateb i alwad Ofgem am fewnbwn ar daliadau sefydlog. Mae angen ateb sy'n deg i aelwydydd incwm isel a defnydd isel ac nad yw'n parhau i roi aelwydydd dan anfantais yng ngogledd Cymru.

Our energy market has failed. It's failed consumers, who have to pay extortionate prices for the basic necessity of staying warm enough to live. And that failure has been the inevitable consequence of privatisation. Bills go up because this false margin of profit has to be generated to pay off shareholders, to keep executives' pay high, no matter the cost to those who can't afford to keep the heating and lights on. Now, Ofgem's new price cap will provide scarce comfort for those families. It'll do little to help households who still have prepayment meters being installed forcibly in their homes, a third of whom have been forced into self-disconnecting this past year. And let's not use nice language to hide the truth here—self-disconnecting isn't a choice, it is enforced privation, it is state-sanctioned destitution. Do you agree with me, Minister, that no new price cap can make right this moral wrong, and that the scourge of fuel poverty will continue to blight our society until this failed market is fundamentally changed, renationalised and brought again into our hands?

Mae ein marchnad ynni wedi methu. Mae wedi siomi defnyddwyr sy'n gorfod talu prisiau afresymol am yr angen sylfaenol i gadw'n ddigon cynnes i fyw. Ac mae'r methiant hwnnw'n ganlyniad anochel preifateiddio. Mae biliau'n codi oherwydd bod yn rhaid cynhyrchu maint elw ffug i dalu cyfranddalwyr, i gadw cyflog swyddogion gweithredol yn uchel, ni waeth beth fo'r gost i'r rhai na allant fforddio cadw'r gwres a'r goleuadau ynghyn. Nawr, bydd cap prisiau newydd Ofgem yn rhoi rhywfaint o gysur i'r teuluoedd hynny. Ni fydd yn gwneud llawer i helpu aelwydydd sy'n dal i gael mesuryddion rhagdalu wedi'u gosod yn orfodol yn eu cartrefi, gyda thraean ohonynt wedi cael eu gorfodi i hunanddatgysylltu dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf. A gadewch inni beidio â defnyddio iaith ddymunol i guddio'r gwir yma—nid dewis yw hunanddatgysylltu, ond amddifadrwydd dan orfodaeth, amddifadrwydd a gymeradwywyd gan y wladwriaeth. A ydych chi'n cytuno â mi, Weinidog, na all unrhyw gap prisiau newydd wneud iawn am y drwg moesol hwn, ac y bydd pla tlodi tanwydd yn parhau i ddiffeithio ein cymdeithas nes bod y farchnad fethedig hon yn cael ei newid yn sylfaenol, ei hailwladoli a'i rhoi yn ein dwylo ni unwaith eto?

Well, as I said in response, Delyth Jewell, to Carolyn Thomas's question, the energy market needs a complete overhaul. The energy costs, as you said, are almost double the pre-energy crisis levels. So, clearly, major reform is needed. Just in terms of looking at issues around standing charges, for example, we feel that we need a holistic review of retail charges, including the abolition of standing charges, the introduction of a social tariff. We've all been calling for a social tariff, and no progress, despite the fact that a former Chancellor actually said they would look at a social tariff and/or a medical tariff, and the rebalancing of gas and electricity costs.

This is about the UK Government and Ofgem taking responsibility, particularly looking at the review of electricity market arrangements—that will have an impact on customers as well, geographical impacts under certain scenarios as well. But, as you say, the self-disconnection, and, now, when there is also this challenge of the fact that Ofgem is allowing some more energy suppliers to have forced installation of prepayment meters, which, of course, is another injustice. 

Wel, Delyth Jewell, fel y dywedais mewn ymateb i gwestiwn Carolyn Thomas, mae angen ailwampio'r farchnad ynni yn llwyr. Mae'r costau ynni, fel y dywedoch chi, bron ddwywaith y lefelau cyn yr argyfwng ynni. Felly, yn amlwg, mae angen diwygio mawr. O ran y materion sy'n ymwneud â thaliadau sefydlog, er enghraifft, rydym yn teimlo bod angen adolygiad cyfannol o daliadau manwerthu, gan gynnwys diddymu taliadau sefydlog a chyflwyno tariff cymdeithasol. Rydym i gyd wedi bod yn galw am dariff cymdeithasol ac nid oes unrhyw ddatblygiad wedi bod ar hynny, er bod cyn-Ganghellor wedi dweud y byddent yn edrych ar dariff cymdeithasol a/neu dariff meddygol, ac ailgydbwyso costau nwy a thrydan.

Mater o Lywodraeth y DU ac Ofgem yn cymryd cyfrifoldeb yw hyn, ac edrych ar yr adolygiad o drefniadau'r farchnad drydan yn enwedig—bydd hynny'n cael effaith ar gwsmeriaid hefyd, ac effeithiau daearyddol o dan senarios penodol. Ond fel y dywedwch, yr hunanddatgysylltu, a nawr, pan fo gennym yr her hon lle mae Ofgem yn caniatáu i ragor o gyflenwyr ynni osod mesuryddion rhagdalu drwy orfodaeth, sydd, wrth gwrs, yn anghyfiawnder arall. 

Pobl â nam ar eu Golwg
People with Visual Impairments

5. Pa waith y mae tasglu hawliau pobl anabl a fforwm cydraddoldeb i bobl anabl Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ei wneud o ran sicrhau bod pobl â nam ar eu golwg yn gallu cael gafael ar waith neu brofiad gwaith cyflogedig neu wirfoddol? OQ60775

5. What work has the Welsh Government's disability rights taskforce and disability equality forum done on ensuring that people with visual impairments can access paid or voluntary work or work experience? OQ60775

Diolch yn fawr, Adam Price. Welsh Government is committed to ensuring all visually impaired people have equitable access to employment and voluntary work. Welsh Government's disabled people's employment champions are breaking down the barriers to employment for all disabled people, and our disability rights taskforce has produced recommendations to make work an equitable experience for all.

Diolch yn fawr, Adam Price. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i sicrhau bod gan bob person â nam ar ei olwg fynediad teg at gyflogaeth a gwaith gwirfoddol. Mae hyrwyddwyr cyflogaeth pobl anabl Llywodraeth Cymru yn chwalu'r rhwystrau i gyflogaeth i bob person anabl, ac mae ein tasglu hawliau pobl anabl wedi cynhyrchu argymhellion i wneud gwaith yn brofiad teg i bawb.

Thank you for that answer, Minister. You'll be aware from previous correspondence between us that I've spoken to young people in my constituency with visual impairments about their life experiences, and access to work was a very strong theme. And from the experiences they shared, there was a consistent theme of things falling between the cracks in terms of ensuring the best access to work possible, and there were some particular systemic tensions identified that made their lives more difficult, things like, for example, being able to receive assistive technology support for paid work through the Access to Work scheme, but not for unpaid work experience or voluntary work. There were also issues that were thrown up in terms of the effects of receiving certain benefits. And it all seems like an incredibly difficult and exhausting system for people to navigate. So, would the Welsh Government be willing to work with relevant stakeholders, and especially people with visual impairments, to look into creating an assistive technology passport for those with visual impairments, as a way to ensure that that assistive technology moves with a person and remains in their ownership and therefore improves their ability to search for and access work?

Diolch am yr ateb hwnnw, Weinidog. Fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol o'n gohebiaeth flaenorol fy mod wedi siarad â phobl ifanc sydd â nam ar eu golwg yn fy etholaeth am eu profiadau bywyd, ac roedd mynediad at waith yn thema gref iawn. Ac o'r profiadau yr oeddent yn eu rhannu, roedd yna thema gyson o bethau yn llithro drwy'r bylchau o ran sicrhau'r mynediad gorau posibl at waith, a nodwyd rhai tensiynau systemig penodol a oedd yn gwneud eu bywydau'n anos, pethau fel, er enghraifft, gallu derbyn cymorth technoleg gynorthwyol ar gyfer gwaith cyflogedig drwy'r cynllun Mynediad i Waith, ond nid ar gyfer profiad gwaith di-dâl neu waith gwirfoddol. Nodwyd rhai problemau hefyd gydag effeithiau derbyn budd-daliadau penodol. Ac mae'r cyfan i'w weld yn system anhygoel o anodd a llafurus i bobl ei llywio. Felly, a fyddai Llywodraeth Cymru yn fodlon gweithio gyda rhanddeiliaid perthnasol, ac yn enwedig pobl â nam ar eu golwg, i ystyried creu pasbort technoleg gynorthwyol i'r rhai â nam ar eu golwg, fel ffordd o sicrhau bod y dechnoleg gynorthwyol honno'n symud gyda'r unigolyn ac yn aros yn eu meddiant ac felly'n gwella eu gallu i chwilio am waith a chael mynediad at waith?

Well, diolch yn fawr, Adam Price, for that question. And it is important that the disability rights taskforce has got a work stream on children and young people. Of course, there is also a work stream on employment and income, but a focus on children and young people means that we are engaging with children and young people to look at their experiences and to understand what we can do to tackle those issues. And the young people that you have engaged with and drawn to my attention are important. They are going to guide us, I hope, in terms of getting the policy solutions that you identified. And, if they fall between the cracks, we have to recognise that this is again the jagged edge of devolved and non-devolved responsibilities in terms of access to assistive technology. But I certainly will follow up those issues and that evidence that's come from the children and young people with visual impairments that you're engaging with, but also will feed this directly back to the disability rights taskforce's children and young people's work stream, who are actually working with schools, and with children in Wales, to ensure that they're participating fully in the work. 

Diolch yn fawr am y cwestiwn hwnnw, Adam Price. Ac mae'n bwysig fod gan y tasglu hawliau pobl anabl ffrwd waith ar blant a phobl ifanc. Wrth gwrs, mae yna hefyd ffrwd waith ar gyflogaeth ac incwm, ond mae ffocws ar blant a phobl ifanc yn golygu ein bod yn ymgysylltu â phlant a phobl ifanc i edrych ar eu profiadau ac i ddeall beth y gallwn ei wneud i fynd i'r afael â'r materion hynny. Ac mae'r bobl ifanc yr ydych wedi ymgysylltu â nhw ac wedi tynnu fy sylw atynt yn bwysig. Rwy'n gobeithio y byddant yn ein harwain ac yn ein helpu i ddod o hyd i'r atebion polisi a nodwyd gennych. Ac os ydynt yn llithro drwy'r bylchau, mae'n rhaid inni gydnabod mai dyma'r ymylon garw unwaith eto rhwng cyfrifoldebau datganoledig a heb eu datganoli o ran mynediad at dechnoleg gynorthwyol. Ond byddaf yn sicr yn mynd ar drywydd y materion hynny a'r dystiolaeth sydd wedi dod gan y plant a'r bobl ifanc sydd â nam ar eu golwg yr ydych chi'n ymgysylltu â nhw, ond byddaf hefyd yn bwydo hyn yn ôl yn uniongyrchol i ffrwd waith plant a phobl ifanc y tasglu hawliau pobl anabl, sy'n gweithio gydag ysgolion, a chyda phlant yng Nghymru, i sicrhau eu bod yn cyfranogi'n llawn yn y gwaith. 

Tlodi Plant
Child Poverty

6. Pa asesiad y mae'r Gweinidog wedi'i wneud o rôl gofal plant hygyrch o safon uchel wrth fynd i'r afael â thlodi plant? OQ60785

6. What assessment has the Minister made of the role of high-quality accessible childcare in tackling child poverty? OQ60785

Diolch yn fawr, Jane Dodds. Evidence suggests that quality childcare provision supports child development, particularly for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. And that's why we are expanding childcare services to all two-year-olds via the quality provision, a feature of our flagship early years programme, Flying Start, as part of our co-operation agreement with Plaid Cymru.

Diolch yn fawr, Jane Dodds. Mae tystiolaeth yn awgrymu bod darpariaeth gofal plant o ansawdd yn cefnogi datblygiad plant, yn enwedig plant o gefndiroedd difreintiedig. A dyna pam ein bod yn ehangu gwasanaethau gofal plant i bob plentyn dwy oed drwy'r ddarpariaeth o ansawdd, nodwedd o'n rhaglen flaenllaw ar gyfer y blynyddoedd cynnar, Dechrau'n Deg, fel rhan o'n cytundeb cydweithio â Phlaid Cymru.

Diolch am yr ymateb. 

Thank you for that response. 

Public Health Wales issued a report underscoring the profound impact of poverty on infants, children and young people. Within the report, they emphasised how early childhood education and care holds the promise of a triple dividend: fostering positive child development; empowering women and parents; and driving economic growth. In particular, the report highlights the example of Slovenia, a leading nation in reducing child poverty. They focus on harmonised childcare, aiding families as a whole rather than children alone. That has proven effective in preventing the intergenerational transmission of poverty. Gaps in our childcare system here in Wales actually lack that harmonisation. There are gaps in our provision and a pressing need to enhance the integration of childcare programmes with each other and with other essential services as well. As a stakeholder articulated in the Bevan Foundation report, which Sioned referred to, actually, what happens here is the child is following the funding, not the funding following the child. So, could I ask you what consideration have you given to developing a fully integrated childcare system that brings together all three Welsh childcare schemes? Diolch yn fawr.

Cyhoeddodd Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru adroddiad yn tanlinellu effaith ddwys tlodi ar fabanod, plant a phobl ifanc. Yn yr adroddiad, roeddent yn pwysleisio sut mae addysg a gofal y blynyddoedd cynnar yn cynnwys addewid o fudd triphlyg, drwy feithrin datblygiad plant cadarnhaol, grymuso menywod a rhieni, a hybu twf economaidd. Yn fwyaf arbennig, mae'r adroddiad yn tynnu sylw at enghraifft Slofenia, cenedl sydd ar y blaen gyda lleihau tlodi plant. Maent yn canolbwyntio ar ofal plant wedi'i gydgordio, sy'n cynorthwyo teuluoedd yn eu cyfanrwydd yn hytrach na'r plant yn unig. Mae hynny wedi bod yn effeithiol wrth atal tlodi rhag cael ei drosglwyddo o un genhedlaeth i'r llall. Mae cydgordio o'r fath yn mynd ar goll yn y bylchau yn ein system gofal plant yma yng Nghymru. Mae yna fylchau yn ein darpariaeth ac angen dybryd i wella'r ffordd y caiff rhaglenni gofal plant eu hintegreiddio â'i gilydd a chyda gwasanaethau hanfodol eraill hefyd. Fel y nodwyd gan randdeiliad yn adroddiad Sefydliad Bevan, y cyfeiriodd Sioned ato, yr hyn sy'n digwydd yma yw bod y plentyn yn dilyn y cyllid, yn hytrach na bod y cyllid yn dilyn y plentyn. Felly, a gaf i ofyn i chi pa ystyriaeth a roddwyd gennych i ddatblygu system gofal plant wedi'i hintegreiddio'n llawn sy'n dod â phob un o'r tri chynllun gofal plant yng Nghymru at ei gilydd? Diolch yn fawr.


Diolch yn fawr iawn, and I'm really pleased that the Deputy Minister for Social Services is here in the Chamber, as well as the designated Member Siân Gwenllian, because I know this is precisely and particularly what they're working on, to ensure that there is that integration. So, for many of us who've been working and campaigning, and then administering and hopefully driving forward change in terms of that integration and that family approach in terms of the importance of early years childcare, we recognise the findings of that report, recognise we can learn from other countries.

But I do think it's important to see that the flagship early years programme, Flying Start, which I've already mentioned today, is making a real difference to the lives of children and their families in some of our most disadvantaged communities, and it is helping parents in terms of balancing work. I think the fact that the childcare offer now is extended to those in training and education is evidence of the steps we want to take to make that integration. From an independent evaluation, Flying Start is making a real difference to the lives of children in some of the most disadvantaged communities and having a positive impact on families' lives. I think this is important, it says in the evaluation that it's been life changing for some high-need families, and that outcomes for families living in Flying Start areas may now be on a par with outcomes for families in less disadvantaged areas. The programme is making a difference to the lives of Flying Start families.

Diolch yn fawr iawn, ac rwy'n falch iawn fod y Dirprwy Weinidog Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol yma yn y Siambr, yn ogystal â'r Aelod dynodedig Siân Gwenllian, oherwydd rwy'n gwybod mai dyma'n union y maent yn gweithio arno, i sicrhau bod yr integreiddio hwnnw'n digwydd. Felly, i lawer ohonom sydd wedi bod yn gweithio ac yn ymgyrchu, ac yna'n gweinyddu, ac yn hybu newid, gobeithio, mewn perthynas â'r integreiddio hwnnw a'r dull teuluol hwnnw o ran pwysigrwydd gofal plant y blynyddoedd cynnar, rydym yn cydnabod canfyddiadau'r adroddiad hwnnw, ac yn cydnabod y gallwn ddysgu gan wledydd eraill.

Ond rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig gweld bod rhaglen flaenllaw y blynyddoedd cynnar, Dechrau'n Deg, y soniais amdani eisoes heddiw, yn gwneud gwahaniaeth gwirioneddol i fywydau plant a'u teuluoedd yn rhai o'n cymunedau mwyaf difreintiedig, ac mae'n helpu rhieni i gydbwyso gwaith. Rwy'n credu bod y ffaith bod y cynnig gofal plant nawr wedi'i ymestyn i'r rhai sydd mewn hyfforddiant ac addysg yn dystiolaeth o'r camau yr ydym eisiau eu cymryd i sicrhau bod yr integreiddio hwnnw'n digwydd. O werthusiad annibynnol, mae Dechrau'n Deg yn gwneud gwahaniaeth gwirioneddol i fywydau plant yn rhai o'r cymunedau mwyaf difreintiedig ac yn cael effaith gadarnhaol ar fywydau teuluoedd. Rwy'n credu bod hyn yn bwysig, mae'n dweud yn y gwerthusiad ei fod wedi newid bywydau rhai teuluoedd sydd â llawer o anghenion, ac y gallai canlyniadau i deuluoedd sy'n byw mewn ardaloedd Dechrau'n Deg fod yn gyfartal â chanlyniadau i deuluoedd mewn ardaloedd llai difreintiedig bellach. Mae'r rhaglen yn gwneud gwahaniaeth i fywydau teuluoedd Dechrau'n Deg.

Iaith Casineb a Radicaleiddio
Hate Speech and Radicalisation

7. Sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi ymdrechion i fynd i'r afael ag iaith casineb a radicaleiddio yng Nghymru? OQ60762

7. How does the Welsh Government support efforts to tackle hate speech and radicalisation in Wales? OQ60762

The Welsh Government works in partnership with criminal justice partners to tackle hate speech and radicalisation. This work is overseen by our hate and community tension board. We are currently supporting the Office of Communications to develop clear and consistent standards for social media platforms to safeguard people from online harms. 

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth â phartneriaid cyfiawnder troseddol i fynd i'r afael ag iaith casineb a radicaleiddio. Mae'r gwaith hwn yn cael ei oruchwylio gan ein bwrdd casineb a thensiynau cymunedol. Ar hyn o bryd rydym yn cefnogi'r Swyddfa Gyfathrebiadau i ddatblygu safonau clir a chyson ar gyfer llwyfannau cyfryngau cymdeithasol i ddiogelu pobl rhag niwed ar-lein. 

Thank you, Minister, and I welcome that answer. The way in which we carry out political and public discourse really matters. Words matter, and inflammatory language can heighten tensions and sometimes even lead to fatal conclusions. Women politicians can often face the most brutal onslaught, often from keyboard warriors and others, for daring to do the very job that they were elected to do. 

This Friday marks International Women's Day, with the theme this year being to inspire inclusion. It is a chance to champion progress and to set out our ambition to go further. We have worked hard here in Wales to create a more inclusive Parliament, with a record of representation we can be proud of and the potential to build on this, actually, with Senedd reform. There are currently more women than men in Welsh Government. Yet, too often, on too many occasions, women politicians are subject to appalling misogyny and abuse simply for being in the public eye. This is completely unacceptable. We all have a responsibility to call it out.

So, Deputy Minister, what is the Welsh Government doing to tackle misogyny and hate speech that targets women? And importantly, what can we all do, all of us, to challenge and to change such abuse of women and to inspire real inclusion?

Diolch, Weinidog, ac rwy'n croesawu'r ateb hwnnw. Mae'r ffordd y cynhaliwn drafodaethau gwleidyddol a chyhoeddus yn bwysig iawn. Mae geiriau'n bwysig, a gall iaith ymfflamychol ddwysáu tensiynau ac arwain weithiau at ganlyniadau angheuol hyd yn oed. Yn aml, gwleidyddion benywaidd sy'n wynebu'r ymosodiadau mwyaf creulon, yn aml gan ryfelwyr bysellfwrdd ac eraill, am fentro gwneud y gwaith y cawsant eu hethol i'w wneud. 

Mae'n Ddiwrnod Rhyngwladol y Menywod ddydd Gwener, a'r thema eleni yw ysbrydoli cynhwysiant. Mae'n gyfle i hyrwyddo cynnydd a nodi ein huchelgais i fynd ymhellach. Rydym wedi gweithio'n galed yma yng Nghymru i greu Senedd fwy cynhwysol, gyda hanes o gynrychiolaeth y gallwn fod yn falch ohono a'r potensial i adeiladu ar hyn gyda diwygio'r Senedd. Ar hyn o bryd mae mwy o fenywod na dynion yn Llywodraeth Cymru. Ac eto, yn rhy aml, ar ormod o achlysuron, mae gwleidyddion benywaidd yn dioddef casineb at fenywod a cham-drin echrydus yn syml oherwydd eu bod mewn swyddi cyhoeddus. Mae hyn yn gwbl annerbyniol. Mae gan bob un ohonom gyfrifoldeb i siarad yn erbyn hyn.

Felly, Ddirprwy Weinidog, beth mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i fynd i'r afael â chasineb at fenywod a iaith casineb sy'n targedu menywod? Ac yn bwysig, beth y gall pawb ohonom ei wneud i herio ac i newid y fath gamdriniaeth yn erbyn menywod ac ysbrydoli cynhwysiant go iawn?

Can I thank Huw Irranca-Davies for that powerful question on a really important issue that I think impacts on all of us in this place? You started by saying 'words matter', and I think we've often said that in debates here, that what we say here has an impact outside of this Chamber and can impact on a person's own personal well-being, but it also impacts and encourages certain actions elsewhere as well. And we're using all the levers we have as a Government. This morning, I actually met with the Wales Hate Support Centre about the work that they're doing in terms of being active bystanders and working with those online platforms to see how to better challenge and mitigate some of the abuse and some of the behaviours on there. And one thing they say is it starts with being an active bystander, as you said too, and it starts with us and what we do and what we say.

I've spoken in the Siambr before, as have colleagues, to say there's a difference between scrutiny and challenge and disagreeing and debate, but then there's a balance that flips, when the benign goes to something slightly more sinister. And I've spoken here about how I've had abuse on the back of simply not just being myself, being an out Member of the Senedd, but actually for doing my job too, around the 'LGBTQ+ Action Plan for Wales'. We had a debate, I think, when Adam Price, Jeremy Miles and I were first elected to mark LGBT History Month, as the first out Members of this place, and I remember some of the comments online. Somebody said, 'Oh, who cares who she sleeps with?', and things like that. Well, actually, my wife does, but that's not the point. [Laughter.]

But, in all seriousness, when we launched the LGBTQ+ action plan, that triggered a whole heap of not just online abuse on social media, but actually something that was referred to the police in the end as a hate crime. And this person had not just e-mailed me, telling me that I needed to go for conversion therapy, but also my wife, other colleagues, and I actually found out later on that they'd contacted my dad as well.

I've seen it more recently too, on the back of an intervention around—I think I spoke to Sioned earlier about it—the problem with the fire service being that we let women join, that it's wokeness taking over the world. There was even some correspondence to a male colleague of mine from a representative of an organisation that I won't name because that wouldn't be fair in this place, effectively telling them to keep the pressure up on me and effectively saying to put me in my place. So, I think we need to say today that I don't think it's the sisters that need sorting, it's society and the system. And it goes back to how you started, Huw, that what we say matters and we all have a responsibility to call that out and do something.

Dirprwy Lywydd, if you'll indulge me, I want to pivot to the positive, because it is International Women's Day on Friday, and it is about inspiring inclusion, and actually what you say, that in this place we do aspire to be inclusive and we can build on that through Senedd reform. And one of the things I would say is that we do talk about the negative and the abuse that we face, but actually it's still a huge privilege to be here, and I think other women, young women out there should aspire to be part of this Senedd too.

A gaf i ddiolch i Huw Irranca-Davies am y cwestiwn pwerus hwnnw ar fater pwysig iawn y credaf ei fod yn effeithio ar bob un ohonom yn y lle hwn? Fe wnaethoch chi ddechrau drwy ddweud bod 'geiriau'n bwysig', ac rwy'n credu ein bod wedi dweud hynny'n aml mewn dadleuon yma, fod yr hyn a ddywedwn yma'n cael effaith y tu allan i'r Siambr hon a'i fod yn gallu effeithio ar lesiant personol unigolyn, ond mae hefyd yn effeithio ac yn annog gweithredoedd mewn mannau eraill hefyd. Ac rydym yn defnyddio'r holl ysgogiadau sydd gennym fel Llywodraeth. Y bore yma, cyfarfûm â Chanolfan Cymorth Casineb Cymru ynghylch y gwaith y maent yn ei wneud ar fod yn wylwyr gweithredol a gweithio gyda'r llwyfannau ar-lein hynny i weld sut y gallant wella'r modd o herio a lleihau rhywfaint o'r gamdriniaeth a rhai o'r ymddygiadau yno. Ac un peth a ddywedant yw ei fod yn dechrau gyda bod yn wyliwr gweithredol, fel y dywedoch chi hefyd, ac mae'n dechrau gyda ni a'r hyn a wnawn a'r hyn a ddywedwn.

Rwyf wedi siarad yn y Siambr o'r blaen, fel y mae cyd-Aelodau eraill wedi'i wneud, i ddweud bod gwahaniaeth rhwng craffu a herio ac anghytuno a dadlau, ond mae yna newid yn y cydbwysedd pan fydd rhywbeth diniwed yn troi'n rhywbeth ychydig yn fwy sinistr. Ac rwyf wedi siarad yma ynglŷn â sut y cefais fy ngham-drin am fod yn fi fy hun, yn Aelod hoyw agored o'r Senedd, ond hefyd am wneud fy ngwaith hefyd ar y 'Cynllun Gweithredu LHDTC+ i Gymru'. Cawsom ddadl, rwy'n credu, pan etholwyd Adam Price, Jeremy Miles a minnau gyntaf i nodi Mis Hanes LHDT, fel yr Aelodau hoyw agored cyntaf yn y lle hwn, ac rwy'n cofio rhai o'r sylwadau ar-lein. A dywedodd rhywun, 'O, pwy sy'n poeni gyda phwy mae hi'n cysgu?' a phethau felly. Wel, mae fy ngwraig yn poeni, ond nid dyna'r pwynt. [Chwerthin.]

Ond o ddifrif, pan lansiwyd y cynllun gweithredu LHDTC+ gennym, fe sbardunodd hynny lwyth o gamdriniaeth ar-lein ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol, a hefyd at fater a gyfeiriwyd at yr heddlu fel trosedd casineb yn y pen draw. Ac roedd yr unigolyn wedi anfon e-bost nid yn unig ataf i, yn dweud wrthyf fod angen imi gael therapi trosi, ond hefyd at fy ngwraig, a chyd-Aelodau eraill, ac mewn gwirionedd fe ddarganfûm yn ddiweddarach eu bod wedi cysylltu â fy nhad hefyd.

Rwyf wedi'i weld yn fwy diweddar hefyd, yn sgil ymyrraeth ynglŷn â—rwy'n credu fy mod wedi siarad â Sioned am y peth yn gynharach—mai'r broblem gyda'r gwasanaeth tân yw ein bod yn gadael i fenywod ymuno, a bod pobl 'woke' yn tra-arglwyddiaethu. Cafwyd gohebiaeth hyd yn oed i gyd-Aelod gwrywaidd i mi gan gynrychiolydd sefydliad na wnaf ei enwi am na fyddai hynny'n deg yn y lle hwn, a oedd yn dweud wrthynt am gadw'r pwysau arnaf, ac i bob pwrpas yn dweud wrthynt am fy rhoi yn fy lle. Felly, rwy'n credu bod angen inni ddweud heddiw fy mod yn credu nad ar y chwiorydd y mae angen cadw trefn ond ar gymdeithas a'r system. Ac mae'n cysylltu â'r hyn a ddywedoch chi ar y dechrau, Huw, sef bod yr hyn a ddywedwn yn bwysig a bod cyfrifoldeb ar bob un ohonom i godi llais a gwneud rhywbeth.

Ddirprwy Lywydd, os caf, rwyf am droi at bethau mwy cadarnhaol, oherwydd mae'n Ddiwrnod Rhyngwladol y Menywod ddydd Gwener, ac mae'n ymwneud ag ysbrydoli cynhwysiant, a'r hyn a ddywedwch mewn gwirionedd, sef ein bod ni'n anelu at fod yn gynhwysol yn y lle hwn a gallwn adeiladu ar hynny drwy ddiwygio'r Senedd. Ac un o'r pethau y byddwn i'n ei ddweud yw ein bod ni'n siarad am y pethau negyddol a'r cam-drin a wynebwn, ond mewn gwirionedd mae'n dal i fod yn fraint enfawr i fod yma, ac rwy'n credu y dylai menywod eraill, menywod ifanc allan yno, goleddu'r uchelgais i fod yn rhan o'r Senedd hon hefyd.

Mesuryddion Rhagdalu
Prepayment Meters

8. Pa asesiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud o’r effaith ar dlodi tanwydd yng Nghymru yn sgil y ffaith bod cyflenwyr ynni unwaith eto’n gosod mesuryddion rhagdalu gorfodol? OQ60765

8. What assessment has the Welsh Government made of the impact of energy suppliers again force-fitting prepayment meters on fuel poverty in Wales? OQ60765

Thank you very much, Jack Sargeant, for that question. I welcome your Petitions Committee—the Petitions Committee that you chair—your recent report on the forced installation of prepayment meters, and I share your concerns. I welcome the steps Ofgem has taken to make charges fairer for prepayment customers and their rules for energy companies, but the risk of self-disconnection and damage to the mental well-being of low-income households remains.

Diolch yn fawr iawn am y cwestiwn, Jack Sargeant. Rwy'n croesawu adroddiad diweddar y Pwyllgor Deisebau—y Pwyllgor Deisebau yr ydych chi'n ei gadeirio—ar osod mesuryddion rhagdalu dan orfodaeth, ac rwy'n rhannu eich pryderon. Rwy'n croesawu'r camau y mae Ofgem wedi'u cymryd i wneud taliadau'n decach i gwsmeriaid rhagdalu a'u rheolau ar gyfer cwmnïau ynni, ond mae'r risg o hunanddatgysylltu a niwed i lesiant meddyliol aelwydydd incwm isel yn parhau.

I thank the Minister for that answer this afternoon, and also your long-standing commitment, Minister, to supporting vulnerable residents who have been badly treated by energy suppliers for a number of years. Presiding Officer, I've stated a number of times in this Chamber my concerns about the new code Ofgem have introduced, and despite the spin by Ofgem and the stories running that these new rules are strict new rules, the reality is that there is nothing strict or tough about them. The disability charity, Scope, have recently said that there are serious gaps in the new code, meaning that vulnerable people could still be forced onto prepayment meters.

Minister, I'm grateful to you for mentioning the Petitions Committee report in your earlier response. We made a series of recommendations to Welsh Government and to Ofgem. I'm grateful that the Welsh Government accepted all of them, and one in principle, from the committee report, however, Ofgem, many months later, have now missed their own extended deadline to provide a response to the committee. Will you use your office in Welsh Government to raise this matter directly with Ofgem? And do you agree with me, Minister, that this is no way to treat a parliamentary inquiry? Diolch.

Diolch i'r Gweinidog am yr ateb hwnnw y prynhawn yma, ac rwyf hefyd yn ddiolchgar i chi am eich ymrwymiad hirsefydlog, Weinidog, i gefnogi trigolion agored i niwed sydd wedi cael eu trin yn wael gan gyflenwyr ynni ers nifer o flynyddoedd. Lywydd, rwyf wedi datgan fy mhryderon am y cod newydd y mae Ofgem wedi'i gyflwyno nifer o weithiau yn y Siambr hon, ac er y sbin y mae Ofgem yn ei roi arno a'r straeon sy'n dweud bod y rheolau newydd hyn yn rheolau newydd llym, y gwir amdani yw nad oes unrhyw beth yn llym na'n gadarn yn eu cylch. Mae'r elusen anabledd, Scope, wedi dweud yn ddiweddar bod bylchau difrifol yn y cod newydd, sy'n golygu y gallai pobl agored i niwed barhau i gael eu gorfodi i gael mesuryddion rhagdalu.

Weinidog, rwy'n ddiolchgar i chi am sôn am adroddiad y Pwyllgor Deisebau yn eich ymateb cynharach. Fe wnaethom gyfres o argymhellion i Lywodraeth Cymru ac i Ofgem. Rwy'n ddiolchgar fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi derbyn pob un ohonynt, ac un mewn egwyddor, o adroddiad y pwyllgor, ond mae Ofgem, fisoedd yn ddiweddarach, wedi methu eu dyddiad estynedig eu hunain ar gyfer darparu ymateb i'r pwyllgor. A wnewch chi ddefnyddio eich swydd yn Llywodraeth Cymru i godi'r mater hwn yn uniongyrchol gydag Ofgem? Ac a ydych chi'n cytuno â mi, Weinidog, nad dyma'r ffordd i drin ymchwiliad seneddol? Diolch.

This is no way to treat a parliamentary inquiry, and it's unacceptable that Ofgem has failed to provide that prompt response to the committee, which we have pressed for again today. Because we need confidence that Ofgem is actually treating the Senedd with equal respect to Westminster.

I did meet the new Ofgem chair on 19 December in Cardiff, in their office. I met him and particularly raised the issues that, of course, are the subject of your report, in terms of how we were going to monitor the situation closely, to ensure that the rules surrounding the fact that energy suppliers can recommence forced installation of prepayment meters are actually being monitored carefully and that eligible households are protected. Now, the fact that we have a Petitions Committee, the fact we have your leadership, Jack Sargeant, on this issue, and we've had that report, I mean, Ofgem should be paying more attention to what we're doing here in Wales.

And can I just say one quick thing, Deputy Llywydd? I recently met the Enforcement Conduct Board, and I know colleagues in the Chamber will be aware that because of their engagement with Wales, all—. For example, all local authorities now have to use accredited debt collectors. I heard this on some programme, just, you know, one day, driving through my constituency, where they were saying that every local authority—it's a bit like our charter—have signed up to the Enforcement Conduct Board. That's not happening anywhere else. Also, I'm going to take the Enforcement Conduct Board to a meeting with energy suppliers soon, because I think they should only be using accredited debt collectors. Dŵr Cymru is already using accredited debt collectors. So, we've managed to have that kind of power and influence, thanks to Jack Sargeant and his committee. But it is important, we recognise, that energy suppliers are—. We're disappointed that they can now go back to the forced installation of prepayment meters. We've called for a ban on involuntary installation as we know that has revealed the impact it has on the most vulnerable people's lives.

Nid dyma'r ffordd i drin ymchwiliad seneddol, ac mae'n annerbyniol fod Ofgem wedi methu darparu ymateb prydlon i'r pwyllgor, ac rydym wedi pwyso arnynt eto heddiw. Oherwydd rydym angen bod yn hyderus fod Ofgem yn trin y Senedd gyda pharch cyfartal â San Steffan.

Cyfarfûm â chadeirydd newydd Ofgem ar 19 Rhagfyr yng Nghaerdydd, yn eu swyddfa. Cyfarfûm ag ef a chodais y materion penodol sydd, wrth gwrs, yn destun eich adroddiad, a sut roeddem yn mynd i fonitro'r sefyllfa'n agos, er mwyn sicrhau bod y rheolau ynghylch y ffaith bod cyflenwyr ynni sy'n ailgychwyn gosod mesuryddion rhagdalu dan orfodaeth yn cael eu monitro'n ofalus a bod aelwydydd cymwys yn cael eu diogelu. Nawr, o ran y ffaith bod gennym Bwyllgor Deisebau, a'r ffaith eich bod chi, Jack Sargeant, yn ein harwain ar y mater hwn, a'n bod wedi cael yr adroddiad hwnnw, hynny yw, dylai Ofgem fod yn talu mwy o sylw i'r hyn a wnawn yma yng Nghymru.

Ac a gaf i ddweud un peth yn gyflym, Ddirprwy Lywydd? Yn ddiweddar, cyfarfûm â'r Bwrdd Ymddygiad Gorfodi, a gwn y bydd cyd-Aelodau yn y Siambr yn ymwybodol oherwydd eu hymgysylltiad â Chymru—. Er enghraifft, mae'n rhaid i bob awdurdod lleol ddefnyddio casglwyr dyledion achrededig nawr. Clywais hyn ar ryw raglen un diwrnod wrth yrru drwy fy etholaeth, lle'r oeddent yn dweud bod pob awdurdod lleol—mae ychydig yn debyg i'n siarter ni—wedi cofrestru i'r Bwrdd Ymddygiad Gorfodi. Nid yw hynny'n digwydd yn unrhyw le arall. Hefyd, rwyf am gynnal cyfarfod rhwng y Bwrdd Ymddygiad Gorfodi a chyflenwyr ynni yn fuan, oherwydd rwy'n credu mai dim ond casglwyr dyledion achrededig y dylent fod yn eu defnyddio. Mae Dŵr Cymru eisoes yn defnyddio casglwyr dyledion achrededig. Felly, rydym wedi llwyddo i gael y math hwnnw o bŵer a dylanwad, diolch i Jack Sargeant a'i bwyllgor. Ond rydym yn cydnabod ei bod yn bwysig fod cyflenwyr ynni yn—. Rydym yn siomedig y gallant ailddechrau gosod mesuryddion rhagdalu dan orfodaeth bellach. Rydym wedi galw am waharddiad ar osod mesuryddion rhagdalu yn anwirfoddol gan ein bod yn gwybod am yr effaith y mae'n ei chael ar fywydau'r bobl fwyaf agored i niwed.

2. Cwestiynau i'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol a Gweinidog y Cyfansoddiad
2. Questions to the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution

Y cwestiynau nesaf fydd y cwestiynau i'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol a Gweinidog y Cyfansoddiad. Mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Delyth Jewell.

The next set of questions will be to the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution. The first question is from Delyth Jewell.

Colli Pensiynau
Pensions Loss

1. Pa drafodaethau diweddar y mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi eu cael â swyddogion eraill y gyfraith ynglŷn â menywod a anwyd yn y 1950au sydd wedi colli pensiynau yn sgil targedu eu hawliau pensiwn? OQ60779

1. What recent discussions has the Counsel General had with other law officers about women born in the 1950s who have suffered pensions loss through the targeting of their pension rights? OQ60779

Thank you for the question, and perhaps it's right at the beginning of the question to acknowledge that there are about 30 Women Against State Pension Inequality campaigners in the gallery who are, I'm sure, very welcome here and have made a determined campaign over the years.

The Welsh Government has written to the UK Government on numerous occasions to express concerns about the women born in the 1950s who had their state pension age raised without effective notification by the Pensions Acts of 1995 and 2011. We will continue to monitor developments and continue to make appropriate representations.

Diolch am y cwestiwn, ac efallai ei bod hi'n briodol cydnabod, ar ddechrau'r cwestiwn, fod oddeutu 30 o ymgyrchwyr Menywod yn Erbyn Anghydraddoldeb Pensiwn y Wladwriaeth yn yr oriel, sydd wedi cynnal ymgyrch benderfynol dros y blynyddoedd, ac rwy'n siŵr bod croeso mawr iddynt yma.

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ysgrifennu at Lywodraeth y DU ar sawl achlysur i fynegi pryderon am y menywod a anwyd yn y 1950au y mae eu hoedran pensiwn y wladwriaeth wedi cael ei godi heb hysbysiad effeithiol gan Ddeddfau Pensiynau 1995 a 2011. Byddwn yn parhau i fonitro datblygiadau ac yn parhau i wneud sylwadau priodol.

Diolch am hwnna.

Thank you for that.

The 1950s-born women denied their state pensions still await justice. I suggested to you last year that WASPI also stands for 'Waiting and Still Pleading for Integrity'. They should not still be waiting. It's a scandal that the UK Government has dragged its feet for so long that women have died before getting the money they're owed, and they are due financial redress. I hope, I trust that the ombudsman will recommend awarding payments of the highest level possible, but Westminster has the final say, so I'd urge you please to maintain pressure at this critical time. Any proposal to pay these women off with a sum that's less than what they're owed would go against the Equality Act 2010 and would flout international law, including the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.

So, what recent discussions have you had, please, and will you have, to demand that this wrongdoing be made right and to correct the imbalance that allowed nearly 10 million men to claim free national insurance contributions from the 1980s right up until 2018, whilst 1950s-born women were stopped from claiming anything? It is direct discrimination, and in the week of International Women's Day, these women deserve certainty and to be given hope that they will finally see justice.

Mae menywod a anwyd yn y 1950au nad ydynt wedi cael pensiwn y wladwriaeth yn dal i aros am gyfiawnder. Awgrymais wrthych y llynedd bod WASPI hefyd yn sefyll am 'Waiting and Still Pleading for Integrity'. Ni ddylent fod yn dal i aros. Mae'n sgandal fod Llywodraeth y DU wedi llusgo ei thraed cyhyd nes bod menywod wedi marw cyn cael yr arian sy'n ddyledus iddynt, ac maent yn haeddu iawndal ariannol. Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd yr ombwdsmon yn argymell dyfarnu taliadau ar y lefel uchaf posibl, ond San Steffan sydd â'r gair olaf, felly hoffwn eich annog i gadw'r pwysau arnynt ar yr adeg dyngedfennol hon. Byddai unrhyw gynnig i dalu swm sy'n llai na'r hyn sy'n ddyledus i'r menywod hyn yn mynd yn erbyn Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 a byddai'n mynd yn groes i gyfraith ryngwladol, gan gynnwys y Confensiwn ar Ddileu Pob Math o Wahaniaethu yn erbyn Menywod.

Felly, pa drafodaethau a gawsoch yn ddiweddar, neu pa drafodaethau y byddwch chi'n ei cael, i fynnu bod y camwedd hwn yn cael ei unioni ac i gywiro'r anghydbwysedd a ganiataodd i bron i 10 miliwn o ddynion hawlio cyfraniadau yswiriant gwladol am ddim o'r 1980au hyd at 2018, tra bod menywod a anwyd yn y 1950au wedi cael eu hatal rhag hawlio unrhyw beth? Mae'n wahaniaethu uniongyrchol, ac yn wythnos Diwrnod Rhyngwladol y Menywod, mae'r menywod hyn yn haeddu sicrwydd a gobaith y byddant yn cael cyfiawnder o'r diwedd.

Can I commend the Member for consistently raising this point in this Chamber? As the Member knows, not so long ago, I wrote to the ombudsman specifically raising those particular points, but raising the importance of this matter being expedited. We've had a response, and, of course, the issue is still being considered by the ombudsman. We'll continue to monitor what is happening and continue to make, where appropriate, representations.

In respect of the issue of the compensation that I think we all feel is due and would be just, there should be two things. Firstly, all the women who've been affected should be compensated for the specific economic loss that they have suffered. They should also be compensated for the impact this has had on their lives. I doubt very much whether there is anyone in this Chamber who doesn't know someone who has been affected by this and who isn't concerned about it, so extensive has been the impact.

Can I just say one other thing as well? I think it’s also important that there are posthumous payments that are made, because so many people have passed away before seeing any form of justice or rectification for what has happened. It is important that that is recognised and that the estates of those people and their families also see that that justice is delivered for those who are no longer here to receive that.

A gaf i ganmol yr Aelod am godi'r pwynt hwn yn gyson yn y Siambr hon? Fel y gŵyr yr Aelod, heb fod mor bell yn ôl â hynny, ysgrifennais at yr ombwdsmon yn codi'r pwyntiau penodol hynny, ac yn nodi hefyd pa mor bwysig yw ymdrin â'r mater ar frys. Rydym wedi cael ymateb, ac wrth gwrs, mae'r mater yn dal i gael ei ystyried gan yr ombwdsmon. Byddwn yn parhau i fonitro'r hyn sy'n digwydd ac yn parhau i wneud sylwadau lle bo hynny'n briodol.

Ar yr iawndal y credaf ein bod i gyd yn teimlo'i fod yn ddyledus ac yn gyfiawn, dylid sicrhau dau beth. Yn gyntaf, dylai pob menyw sydd wedi cael eu heffeithio gael iawndal am y golled economaidd benodol y maent wedi'i dioddef. Dylent hefyd gael iawndal am yr effaith y mae hyn wedi'i chael ar eu bywydau. Rwy'n siŵr fod pawb yn y Siambr yn adnabod rhywun y mae hyn wedi effeithio arnynt ac sy'n poeni amdano, oherwydd mae ei effaith wedi bod mor eang.

A gaf i ddweud un peth arall yn ogystal? Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig fod taliadau ar ôl marwolaeth yn cael eu gwneud hefyd, oherwydd mae cymaint o bobl wedi marw cyn gweld unrhyw fath o gyfiawnder neu gywiro'r hyn sydd wedi digwydd. Mae'n bwysig fod hynny'n cael ei gydnabod a bod ystadau'r bobl hynny a'u teuluoedd hefyd yn gweld cyfiawnder i'r rhai nad ydynt yma bellach i dderbyn y taliadau hynny.

Diwygio'r Senedd
Senedd Reform

2. Pa asesiad y mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi'i wneud o effaith diwygio'r Senedd ar bobl yn Sir Ddinbych? OQ60792

2. What assessment has the Counsel General made of the impact of Senedd reform on people in Denbighshire? OQ60792

The Senedd Cymru (Members and Elections) Bill will give effect to a proportional list system, enabling the votes cast by people in Denbighshire, and the rest of Wales, to be more accurately reflected in the Members of the Senedd that represent that area.

Bydd Bil Senedd Cymru (Aelodau ac Etholiadau) yn rhoi system rhestr gyfrannol ar waith, gan alluogi'r pleidleisiau a fwrir gan bobl yn sir Ddinbych, a gweddill Cymru, i gael eu hadlewyrchu'n fwy cywir gan yr Aelodau o'r Senedd sy'n cynrychioli'r ardal honno.

Thank you very much, Counsel General. This week, the Bishop of St Asaph made the rare decision to voice his grave concerns regarding this Senedd reform and the consequences for Welsh democracy by adopting a closed list system. Bishop Gregory Cameron has described the closed list proposals as

'a huge shift of power away from the people and towards the politicians'. 

Let me remind the Counsel General that most nations internationally that use a closed list system are unfree, autocratic regimes. The adoption of a closed list electoral system where one has no power to elect or remove specific candidates will undoubtedly set Wales back.

The academic evidence, incidentally, is also on our side, with Professor Laura McAllister calling the closed list system a major weakness. With trust in public institutions in north Wales being at record lows, this will not help. The latest Welsh Government budget has announced real-terms cuts to every area other than health and social services, which in north Wales is trailing behind the rest of the nation and particularly the rest of the UK. This inevitably makes people question the importance of spending £120 million on more politicians when they live in the area with an NHS health board where only 88.6 per cent of A&E patients are seen within—

Diolch yn fawr iawn, Gwnsler Cyffredinol. Yr wythnos hon, fe wnaeth Esgob Llanelwy benderfyniad anarferol i leisio ei bryderon difrifol ynghylch diwygio'r Senedd hon a'r canlyniadau i ddemocratiaeth Gymreig o fabwysiadu system rhestr gaeedig. Mae'r Esgob Gregory Cameron wedi disgrifio cynigion y rhestr gaeedig fel,

'newid enfawr mewn grym o ddwylo pobl i ddwylo gwleidyddion.'

Gadewch imi atgoffa'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol fod y rhan fwyaf o genhedloedd yn rhyngwladol sy'n defnyddio system rhestr gaeedig yn gyfundrefnau caeth ac awtocrataidd. Heb os, bydd mabwysiadu system etholiadol rhestr gaeedig lle nad oes gan rywun bŵer i ethol neu gael gwared ag ymgeiswyr penodol yn gam yn ôl i Gymru.

Mae'r dystiolaeth academaidd hefyd o'n plaid gyda llaw, gyda'r Athro Laura McAllister yn galw'r system rhestr gaeedig yn wendid mawr. Gyda hyder mewn sefydliadau cyhoeddus yng ngogledd Cymru ar ei lefel isaf erioed, ni fydd hyn yn helpu. Mae cyllideb ddiweddaraf Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyhoeddi toriadau mewn termau real i bob maes heblaw am iechyd a gwasanaethau cymdeithasol, sydd, yng ngogledd Cymru, yn llusgo ar ôl gweddill y genedl a gweddill y DU yn enwedig. Mae'n anochel fod hyn yn gwneud i bobl gwestiynu pwysigrwydd gwario £120 miliwn ar fwy o wleidyddion pan fyddant yn byw mewn ardal gyda bwrdd iechyd GIG lle nad oes ond 88.6 y cant o gleifion damweiniau ac achosion brys yn cael eu gweld o fewn—

Gareth, can you get to the question, please?

Gareth, a wnewch chi ddod at y cwestiwn, os gwelwch yn dda?

Yes, sure. Could the Counsel General please outline what assessments have been made regarding the appetite for Senedd expansion in north Wales, specifically in Denbighshire, and could the Counsel General outline how Senedd reform will affect Denbighshire with regard to representation? Thank you.

Gallaf, yn sicr. A allai'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol amlinellu pa asesiadau sydd wedi'u gwneud o'r awydd i ehangu'r Senedd yng ngogledd Cymru, yn sir Ddinbych yn benodol, ac a allai'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol amlinellu sut y bydd diwygio'r Senedd yn effeithio ar sir Ddinbych o ran cynrychiolaeth? Diolch.

The proposals that we've brought forward are an investment in democracy. I note that the Member had no concern whatsoever about spending £120 million to introduce ID cards, the purpose of which is to actually stop people participating in democracy. But in terms of the detail of the Government's position, I refer the Member to the transcript of the proceedings yesterday, where this was fully debated and which the Member will be aware of. 

Mae'r cynigion a gyflwynwyd gennym yn fuddsoddiad mewn democratiaeth. Nodaf nad oedd gan yr Aelod unrhyw bryder o gwbl ynglŷn â gwario £120 miliwn i gyflwyno cardiau adnabod, sydd â'r diben o atal pobl rhag cymryd rhan mewn democratiaeth. Ond o ran manylion safbwynt y Llywodraeth, cyfeiriaf yr Aelod at drawsgrifiad y trafodion ddoe, lle trafodwyd hyn yn llawn a bydd yr Aelod yn ymwybodol o hynny. 

Cwestiynau Heb Rybudd gan Lefarwyr y Pleidiau
Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople

Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Yn gyntaf, llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig, Mark Isherwood.

Questions now from the party spokespeople. First of all, we have the Welsh Conservatives spokesperson, Mark Isherwood.

Diolch. Last month, you and the social justice Minister released jointly the 'Delivering Justice for Wales' 2024 progress report, with a regrettably partisan ministerial foreword. The report goes on to state that

'Our mission to provide social justice in Wales requires a focus on preventative action to address the root causes of pressures on the justice system.'

It then cobbles together a list of disconnected Welsh Government policies claimed to prevent pressure on the justice system in Wales. What it fails to mention is actions taken by this Welsh Government that will have a direct negative impact on the justice system in Wales, such as withdrawing funding for the Wales schools police programme, SchoolBeat, a collaboration with the four police forces in Wales for ages five to 16. It also responds to reports of incidents in schools and supports and advises schools in a safeguarding capacity—basically early intervention and prevention.

However, the Welsh Government is withdrawing its match funding for this programme, thereby removing a key early intervention and prevention programme and stoking up costs for statutory services, including those the Welsh Government is responsible for, therefore directly contradicting the mission claimed by the Welsh Government in its 'Delivering Justice for Wales' progress report. How, therefore, do you justify cutting a programme that is designed to prevent rather than cure and to deliver a saving to the public purse?

Diolch. Fis diwethaf, fe wnaethoch chi a'r Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol gyhoeddi adroddiad cynnydd 'Sicrhau Cyfiawnder i Gymru' 2024 ar y cyd, gyda rhagair gweinidogol dallbleidiol ei naws, yn anffodus. Mae'r adroddiad yn mynd rhagddo i ddweud,

'Mae ein cenhadaeth i sicrhau cyfiawnder cymdeithasol yng Nghymru yn gofyn am ffocws ar gamau ataliol i fynd i'r afael ag achosion sylfaenol pwysau ar y system gyfiawnder.'

Yna, mae'n nodi rhestr o bolisïau digyswllt Llywodraeth Cymru yr honnir eu bod yn atal pwysau ar y system gyfiawnder yng Nghymru. Yr hyn y mae'n methu sôn amdano yw camau a gymerwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru a fydd yn cael effaith negyddol uniongyrchol ar y system gyfiawnder yng Nghymru, megis dileu cyllid ar gyfer rhaglen yr heddlu ar gyfer ysgolion Cymru, SchoolBeat, sef cydweithrediad gyda'r pedwar heddlu yng Nghymru ar gyfer plant pump i 16 oed. Mae hefyd yn ymateb i adroddiadau o ddigwyddiadau mewn ysgolion ac yn cefnogi ac yn cynghori ysgolion o ran diogelu—yn y bôn ymyrraeth gynnar ac atal.

Fodd bynnag, mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn dileu ei chyllid cyfatebol ar gyfer y rhaglen hon, a thrwy hynny'n cael gwared ar raglen ymyrraeth gynnar ac atal allweddol a phentyrru costau i wasanaethau statudol, gan gynnwys y rhai y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gyfrifol amdanynt, ac felly'n gwrthddweud yn uniongyrchol y genhadaeth a honnwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn ei hadroddiad cynnydd 'Sicrhau Cyfiawnder i Gymru'. Sut felly rydych chi'n cyfiawnhau torri rhaglen sydd wedi'i chynllunio i atal yn hytrach na gwella ac i arbed arian i'r pwrs cyhoeddus?


Of course, in the past decade, legal services and the justice system have been absolutely decimated by this Conservative Government. Legal aid and access to legal advice has been all but destroyed for a majority of people who are desperately in need of that sort of advice. We have, therefore, for example, had to concentrate funding on our single advice fund in order to try and make some recompense for the damage that has been done. We've seen also the implications of UK Government policy throughout the justice system, which has led to an increase in the prison population from 45,000 to almost 90,000, and the only solution coming from the UK Government is to invest a further £400 million in trying to create additional places within the prison system.

In terms of the youth justice system, 90 per cent of the youth justice system is actually funded by the Welsh Government. That is why there is such a logic to youth justice and early intervention being devolved to the Welsh Government. What the 'Delivering Justice' paper does is highlight a number of areas. Firstly, it highlights all those areas where we are spending money, often money in respect of non-devolved functions, to enable the justice system to operate and integrate with our devolved functions and with the justice system. We have many of those programmes, which are funded. But we do have to prioritise which ones we do the most, in view of the impact that the UK austerity policies have had on our budget, and the loss of somewhere in the region of £1.2 billion. We are nevertheless funding parts of the justice system that are not devolved to us, but we are doing that because it enables the devolved functions we have to work better, and it enables the justice system to operate better.

Wrth gwrs, yn ystod y degawd diwethaf, mae gwasanaethau cyfreithiol a'r system gyfiawnder wedi cael eu torri i'r bôn gan y Llywodraeth Geidwadol hon. Mae cymorth cyfreithiol a mynediad at gyngor cyfreithiol wedi'u dinistrio bron yn llwyr i fwyafrif y bobl sydd gymaint o angen y math hwnnw o gyngor. Felly, er enghraifft, rydym wedi gorfod canolbwyntio cyllid ar ein cronfa gynghori sengl er mwyn ceisio gwneud rhywfaint o iawn am y niwed a wnaed. Rydym hefyd wedi gweld goblygiadau polisi Llywodraeth y DU yn y system gyfiawnder drwyddi draw, sydd wedi arwain at gynnydd ym mhoblogaeth y carchardai o 45,000 i bron i 90,000, a'r unig ateb sy'n dod gan Lywodraeth y DU yw buddsoddi £400 miliwn arall i geisio creu lleoedd ychwanegol o fewn y system garchardai.

O ran y system cyfiawnder ieuenctid, mae 90 y cant o'r system cyfiawnder ieuenctid yn cael ei hariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Dyna pam mae cymaint o resymeg i ddatganoli cyfiawnder ieuenctid ac ymyrraeth gynnar i Lywodraeth Cymru. Yr hyn y mae'r papur 'Sicrhau Cyfiawnder' yn ei wneud yw tynnu sylw at nifer o feysydd. Yn gyntaf, mae'n tynnu sylw at yr holl feysydd lle'r ydym yn gwario arian, yn aml mewn perthynas â swyddogaethau nad ydynt wedi'u datganoli, i alluogi'r system gyfiawnder i weithredu ac integreiddio gyda'n swyddogaethau datganoledig a chyda'r system gyfiawnder. Gennym ni y mae llawer o'r rhaglenni hynny'n cael eu hariannu. Ond mae'n rhaid inni flaenoriaethu pa rai y gwnawn fwyaf ohonynt, o ystyried yr effaith y mae polisïau cyni'r DU wedi'i chael ar ein cyllideb, a cholli oddeutu £1.2 biliwn. Serch hynny, rydym yn ariannu rhannau o'r system gyfiawnder nad ydynt wedi'u datganoli i ni, ond rydym yn gwneud hynny oherwydd ei fod yn galluogi'r swyddogaethau datganoledig sydd gennym i weithio'n well, ac mae'n galluogi'r system gyfiawnder i weithredu'n well.

Thank you. You appear to be answering questions I've asked previously, but not the actual question I asked today, which is entirely about a matter funded by the Welsh Government in partnership with the four police forces, a matter that was focused on a measure the Welsh Government can take on early intervention and prevention, which would also save money, but you've taken the decision to go otherwise.

Moving on, calling for the devolution of policing to Wales, both you and the First Minister have referred to the devolution of policing to Manchester as a model for Wales. But those are only the powers of police and crime commissioners, and we already have devolution of them to Wales. For clarity, what are you therefore proposing—retention of the current regional police and crime commissioner model, centralisation of the powers of a police and crime commissioner in a national person or body, or recentralisation of powers, in this case in a Welsh Government department?

Further, are you proposing that this should apply to a single Welsh police force against the detailed recommendations of the committee of Assembly Members, as we were, including myself, appointed to consider this during a previous Senedd term, when the then Labour Home Secretary accepted and implemented our recommendations?

Diolch. Mae'n ymddangos eich bod yn ateb cwestiynau yr wyf wedi'u gofyn o'r blaen, ond nid y cwestiwn a ofynnais heddiw, sy'n ymwneud yn llwyr â mater a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru mewn partneriaeth â'r pedwar heddlu, mater a oedd yn canolbwyntio ar fesur y gall Llywodraeth Cymru ei weithredu ar ymyrryd yn gynnar ac atal, a fyddai hefyd yn arbed arian, ond rydych wedi penderfynu gwneud fel arall.

I symud ymlaen, wrth alw am ddatganoli plismona i Gymru, rydych chi a'r Prif Weinidog wedi cyfeirio at ddatganoli plismona i Fanceinion fel model i Gymru. Ond pwerau'r comisiynwyr heddlu a throseddu yw'r rheini, ac mae'r rheini eisoes wedi'u datganoli i Gymru. Er eglurder, beth rydych chi'n ei gynnig felly—cadw model presennol y comisiynwyr heddlu a throseddu rhanbarthol, canoli pwerau comisiynwyr heddlu a throseddu mewn unigolyn neu gorff cenedlaethol, neu ailganoli pwerau, yn yr achos hwn mewn adran o fewn Llywodraeth Cymru?

Ar ben hynny, a ydych chi'n cynnig y dylai hyn ymwneud ag un heddlu yng Nghymru yn erbyn argymhellion manwl pwyllgor o Aelodau'r Cynulliad, fel yr oeddem, gan fy nghynnwys i, wedi ei benodi i ystyried hyn yn ystod tymor Senedd blaenorol, pan dderbyniodd yr Ysgrifennydd Cartref Llafur ar y pryd ein hargymhellion a'u gweithredu?

Thank you for the question. The issue of policing and devolution of policing is, of course, Welsh Government policy, but it is also something that is fully supported by all four elected police and crime commissioners. So, this isn't just something that emerges from the Welsh Government or from this Senedd—it is something that has much, much broader support. What I can tell the Member is that, in accordance with the statement myself and the Minister for Social Justice issued some while back, we have commissioned some expert evidence and reporting on this. A detailed report will look at the issues around the devolution of policing, how it might work, what the benefits of it are, what the challenges from it are, and it would be hoped, in the imminent future, that that will be published.

Diolch am y cwestiwn. Mae mater plismona a datganoli, wrth gwrs, yn bolisi Llywodraeth Cymru, ond mae hefyd yn rhywbeth sy'n cael ei gefnogi'n llawn gan y pedwar comisiynydd heddlu a throseddu etholedig. Felly, nid rhywbeth sy'n codi o Lywodraeth Cymru neu o'r Senedd hon yn unig yw hyn—mae'n rhywbeth sy'n ennyn cefnogaeth lawer ehangach. Yn unol â'r datganiad a gyhoeddwyd gennyf i a'r Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol beth amser yn ôl, yr hyn y gallaf ei ddweud wrth yr Aelod yw ein bod wedi comisiynu tystiolaeth ac adroddiadau arbenigol ar hyn. Fe fydd adroddiad manwl yn edrych ar y materion sy'n ymwneud â datganoli plismona, sut y gallai weithio, beth yw ei fanteision, beth yw'r heriau, a gobeithiwn y bydd hwnnw'n cael ei gyhoeddi yn y dyfodol agos.


Of course, the four police and crime commissioners are politicians—two from your party and two from Plaid Cymru—so it's not surprising they support your direction of travel at the moment. Previous police and crime commissioners have not been so united on that subject. But, regrettably, again—[Interruption.] It's absolutely factual. I actually met and spoke with many of them over the years, and they looked at the real evidence rather than the policy-led evidence that's driving—

Wrth gwrs, gwleidyddion yw'r pedwar comisiynydd heddlu a throseddu—dau o'ch plaid chi a dau o Blaid Cymru—felly nid yw'n syndod eu bod yn cefnogi eich cyfeiriad teithio ar hyn o bryd. Nid yw comisiynwyr heddlu a throseddu blaenorol wedi bod yr un mor unedig ar y pwnc. Ond yn anffodus, eto—[Torri ar draws.] Mae'n hollol ffeithiol. Fe gyfarfûm ac fe siaradais â nifer ohonynt dros y blynyddoedd, ac fe wnaethant edrych ar y dystiolaeth wirioneddol yn hytrach na'r dystiolaeth a arweinir gan bolisi sy'n gyrru—

Mark, ask your question, rather than responding to interventions. 

Mark, gofynnwch eich cwestiwn, yn hytrach nag ymateb i ymyriadau. 

The final question is again referring to the progress report. It said that the Thomas commission concluded in 2019 that the design and delivery of justice policy should be devolved to Wales, and refers to the appointment of Carl Foulkes, former chief constable of north Wales, to lead on work that will be used to

'inform a long-term vision for what a devolved policing service in Wales could look like'.

However, the Welsh Government and you are yet to explain why the Thomas commission report only makes one reference to cross-border criminality, despite the evidence of the north-west regional organised crime unit, which includes north Wales, to the Thomas commission being largely ignored in the commission's report. Unlike Scotland and Northern Ireland, Wales has a heavily populated cross-border area with an estimated 90 per cent or more of crime in north Wales operating east-west, and almost none on an all-Wales basis. Why, therefore, is the Welsh Government devoting so much time and resource to the devolution of policing to Wales when it is cutting key budgets elsewhere, including the one I referred to earlier, especially when both the UK Conservative Government and the most senior Welsh Labour MP in Westminster, shadow Welsh secretary, Jo Stevens, have rejected fresh calls for the Welsh Government to be given control of policing and adult criminal justice?

Mae'r cwestiwn olaf yn cyfeirio eto at yr adroddiad cynnydd. Dywedai fod comisiwn Thomas wedi dod i'r casgliad yn 2019 y dylid datganoli'r broses o gynllunio a chyflawni polisi cyfiawnder i Gymru, ac mae'n cyfeirio at benodi Carl Foulkes, cyn-brif gwnstabl gogledd Cymru, i arwain ar waith fydd yn cael ei ddefnyddio i

'lywio gweledigaeth hirdymor o sut beth y gallai gwasanaeth plismona datganoledig yng Nghymru fod.'

Fodd bynnag, nid ydych chi na Llywodraeth Cymru wedi esbonio eto pam mai dim ond un cyfeiriad at droseddu trawsffiniol y mae adroddiad comisiwn Thomas yn ei wneud, er bod tystiolaeth uned troseddau cyfundrefnol rhanbarthol y gogledd-orllewin, sy'n cynnwys gogledd Cymru, i gomisiwn Thomas wedi cael ei anwybyddu i raddau helaeth yn adroddiad y comisiwn. Yn wahanol i'r Alban a Gogledd Iwerddon, mae gan Gymru ardal drawsffiniol boblog gyda 90 y cant amcangyfrifedig neu fwy o droseddau yng ngogledd Cymru yn gweithredu o'r dwyrain i'r gorllewin, a bron ddim ar sail Cymru gyfan. Pam, felly, y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn neilltuo cymaint o amser ac adnoddau i ddatganoli plismona i Gymru pan fo'n torri cyllidebau allweddol mewn mannau eraill, gan gynnwys yr un y cyfeiriais ati'n gynharach, yn enwedig pan fo Llywodraeth Geidwadol y DU ac AS Llafur mwyaf blaenllaw Cymru yn San Steffan, ysgrifennydd Cymru yr wrthblaid, Jo Stevens, wedi gwrthod galwadau newydd dros roi rheolaeth dros blismona a chyfiawnder troseddol oedolion i Lywodraeth Cymru?

Thank you for the question. There is a tide for reform and there's also considerable merit for reform. Of course, policing is part of the justice system, and parts of policing are integral, whether it be community safety, whether it be anti-social behaviour, whether it be a whole variety of issues that engage with devolved functions. The Thomas commission covered a wide range of areas, but it didn't cover every area. You've mentioned already Carl Foulkes; Carl Foulkes is the officer who's been commissioned to produce the work to look into the issue of the devolution of policing that I referred to earlier, so you'll be able to see the outcome of that work, I would hope, within a matter of weeks.

Diolch am y cwestiwn. Mae llawer o blaid diwygio ac mae cryn rinwedd i ddiwygio hefyd. Wrth gwrs, mae plismona yn rhan o'r system gyfiawnder, ac mae rhannau o blismona yn integrol, boed yn ddiogelwch cymunedol, yn ymddygiad gwrthgymdeithasol, neu'n amrywiaeth eang o faterion sy'n ymwneud â swyddogaethau datganoledig. Roedd comisiwn Thomas cwmpasu amrywiaeth eang o feysydd, ond nid oedd yn cwmpasu pob maes. Rydych eisoes wedi sôn am Carl Foulkes; Carl Foulkes yw'r swyddog sydd wedi'i gomisiynu i gynhyrchu'r gwaith o ystyried mater datganoli plismona y cyfeiriais ato yn gynharach, felly, fe allwch weld canlyniad y gwaith hwnnw, gobeithio, o fewn ychydig wythnosau.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Counsel General, you and I a few weeks ago were present in the Senedd when Yvonne Murphy of Democracy Box and her amazing young co-creators presented their final report 'Beyond the Ballot Box' with their recommendations for transforming our democracy here in Wales. One of the main themes was the need to provide basic democratic information to all of our citizens both online and offline. The voter information platform that you're suggesting through the Elections and Elected Bodies (Wales) Bill is a small but important step in the right direction, but given one of the themes of the report was the need to do this consistently, not just at election time, would you work with me and with others on a cross-party basis and with Democracy Box to see how we can turn that voter information platform and expand it to be the kind of holistic idea that Democracy Box were presenting?

Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Gwnsler Cyffredinol, roeddech chi a minnau ychydig wythnosau yn ôl yn bresennol yn y Senedd pan gyflwynodd Yvonne Murphy o Democracy Box a'i chyd-grewyr ifanc anhygoel eu hadroddiad terfynol, 'Beyond the Ballot Box', gyda'u hargymhellion ar gyfer trawsnewid ein democratiaeth yma yng Nghymru. Un o'r prif themâu oedd yr angen i ddarparu gwybodaeth ddemocrataidd sylfaenol i'n holl ddinasyddion ar-lein ac all-lein. Mae'r platfform gwybodaeth i bleidleiswyr yr ydych yn ei awgrymu drwy'r Bil Etholiadau a Chyrff Etholedig (Cymru) yn gam bach ond pwysig i'r cyfeiriad cywir, ond o ystyried mai un o themâu'r adroddiad oedd yr angen i wneud hyn yn gyson, nid ar adeg etholiad yn unig, a wnewch chi weithio gyda mi a chydag eraill ar sail drawsbleidiol a chyda Democracy Box i weld sut y gallwn newid y platfform gwybodaeth i bleidleiswyr a'i ehangu i fod y math o syniad cyfannol yr oedd Democracy Box yn ei gyflwyno?

Can I thank you for the question? I attended the event that they held in the Senedd and I can't but say how impressed I was with that grouping of young people whose main concern was how they engage with other young people and put over the importance of people participating within our democratic structures and also understanding it. Of course, one of the issues the recent independent commission on the future of Wales referred to was the challenge to democracy, and out of that emerged the issue of civic education. Civic education and political education with a small 'p' is something that we've discussed in this Chamber on quite a number of occasions. This is, in fact, the publication they have, and it's a very impressive publication, because it is young people talking to other young people and it is a programme that can be implemented in schools.

I can't say how much importance I actually attach to the sustainability of our democratic systems without what is, I think, a very successful and important civic education programme as part of our education system. Young people, I think, from an early age, need to understand not only what civic responsibilities are, but how the system, when they become adults and go out into the world, actually works, how they participate in it and how they make their voice felt. What was important, I think, with The Democracy Box work is that it is young people saying, 'This is what we need to know. This is how we need to do it. This is how we need to communicate and how we actually want our politicians to support us in that particular work.' So, I'm very keen to see the development of this particular work. I know that the education Minister is equally so, and we're also looking very much at how the curriculum may be developed to actually facilitate that and to encourage that.

A gaf i ddiolch i chi am y cwestiwn? Mynychais y digwyddiad a gynhaliwyd ganddynt yn y Senedd ac roedd gennyf y fath edmygedd o'r grŵp hwnnw o bobl ifanc gyda'u prif sylw ar sut i ymgysylltu â phobl ifanc eraill a chyfleu pa mor bwysig yw hi i bobl gymryd rhan yn ein strwythurau democrataidd yn ogystal â'u deall. Wrth gwrs, un o'r materion y cyfeiriodd y comisiwn annibynnol diweddar ar ddyfodol Cymru ato oedd yr her i ddemocratiaeth, ac fe ddaeth mater addysg ddinesig i'r amlwg o hynny. Mae addysg ddinesig a gwleidyddol gyda 'g' fach yn rhywbeth yr ydym wedi'i drafod yn y Siambr hon ar sawl achlysur. Dyma'r cyhoeddiad sydd ganddynt, ac mae'n gyhoeddiad trawiadol iawn, oherwydd mae'n ymwneud â phobl ifanc yn siarad â phobl ifanc eraill ac mae'n rhaglen y gellir ei gweithredu mewn ysgolion.

Ni allaf fynegi pa mor bwysig yw cynaliadwyedd ein systemau democrataidd heb yr hyn sydd, yn fy marn i, yn rhaglen addysg ddinesig lwyddiannus a phwysig iawn fel rhan o'n system addysg. Mae angen i bobl ifanc, o oedran ifanc, ddeall nid yn unig beth yw cyfrifoldebau dinesig, ond sut mae'r system yn gweithio pan fyddant yn dod yn oedolion ac yn mynd allan i'r byd, sut maent yn cymryd rhan ynddi a sut maent yn sicrhau bod eu lleisiau'n cael eu clywed. Roedd gwaith Democracy Box yn bwysig am mai pobl ifanc sy'n dweud: 'Dyma beth sydd angen inni ei wybod. Dyma sut mae angen inni ei wneud. Dyma sut mae angen inni gyfathrebu a sut rydym eisiau i'n gwleidyddion ein cynorthwyo gyda'r gwaith hwnnw.' Felly, rwy'n awyddus iawn i weld datblygiad y gwaith arbennig hwn. Gwn fod y Gweinidog addysg yr un mor awyddus, ac rydym hefyd yn edrych i weld sut y gellir datblygu'r cwricwlwm i hwyluso ac i annog hynny.


Many of the ideas in the report are things that we as a Senedd could decide to do, for example, the creation of a nationwide physical network of democracy hubs, building on the very successful Talking Shop template. We could, as the report suggests, decide to adapt our processes here, the ways that committees work, the way that our legislation works, to involve civic participation in a myriad of different ways. And, as you suggest, Counsel General, these ideas are very much consistent with recommendation 1, aren't they, of the Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales—their stress on democratic innovation, on inclusive community engagement and civic education, as you point out. So, given that we, yesterday, voted £1 million for continuation of the work of the constitutional commission and its ideas, will you convene a meeting, Counsel General, cross-party, involving the young people from The Democracy Box, and also the trinity of commissions—Senedd, electoral, and local democracy and boundary—so we can see how, working together, we can implement some of the vision and the fantastic energy that was contained in this report?

Mae llawer o'r syniadau yn yr adroddiad yn bethau y gallem ni fel Senedd benderfynu eu gwneud, er enghraifft, creu rhwydwaith ffisegol cenedlaethol o hybiau democratiaeth, gan adeiladu ar dempled llwyddiannus iawn Talking Shop. Fel y mae'r adroddiad yn awgrymu, gallem benderfynu addasu ein prosesau yma, y ffyrdd y mae pwyllgorau'n gweithio, y ffordd y mae ein deddfwriaeth yn gweithio, i gynnwys cyfranogiad dinesig mewn llu o wahanol ffyrdd. Ac fel yr awgrymwch, Gwnsler Cyffredinol, mae'r syniadau hyn yn gyson iawn ag argymhelliad 1 y Comisiwn Annibynnol ar Ddyfodol Cyfansoddiadol Cymru, onid ydynt—eu pwyslais ar arloesi democrataidd, ar ymgysylltu cymunedol cynhwysol ac addysg ddinesig, fel y nodwch. Felly, o gofio ein bod wedi pleidleisio ddoe dros ddarparu £1 filiwn i barhau gwaith y comisiwn cyfansoddiadol a'i syniadau, a wnewch chi gynnull cyfarfod trawsbleidiol, Gwnsler Cyffredinol, yn cynnwys y bobl ifanc o Democracy Box, a hefyd y drindod o gomisiynau—y Senedd, etholiadol, a ffiniau a democratiaeth leol—er mwyn inni weld sut y gallwn, drwy weithio gyda'n gilydd, weithredu rhywfaint o'r weledigaeth a'r egni gwych a gynhwyswyd yn yr adroddiad hwn?

Well, thank you for that further question. I think the theme of democratic health, democratic well-being, is a theme that emerges increasingly across portfolios. What I was quite impressed with actually in this booklet from The Democracy Box is that they say:

'Democracy is about more than simply voting and elections. It is about having your say every day and not just on election days.'

So, on the point you raise about democracy hubs and how that might work, from the Government side, as to where the portfolio and the responsibility for this lies, or across which portfolios it lies, I think there is a common recognition that the issue of democratic engagement and, again, as identified by the independent commission, is increasingly important. It is something that has to be addressed. In some of the things we're doing, we'll work towards that—for example, automatic registration from 16 plus, where were we will probably have, in Wales, the most extensive franchise we have ever had. But that means nothing if people don't have the confidence to actually participate within that, and that process, I think, starts earlier. So, certainly, I give my personal support, and I'm sure, across Government, there is support for looking at and exploring what needs to be done to actually achieve some of those objectives, some of which are actually outlined in The Democracy Box papers.

Diolch am y cwestiwn pellach hwnnw. Rwy'n credu bod thema iechyd democrataidd, lles democrataidd, yn thema sy'n dod i'r amlwg fwyfwy ar draws portffolios. Yn y llyfryn hwn gan Democracy Box, fe wnaeth argraff arnaf eu bod yn dweud:

'Mae democratiaeth yn ymwneud â mwy na dim ond pleidleisio ac etholiadau. Mae’n ymwneud â chael eich dweud bob dydd ac nid ar ddyddiau etholiad yn unig.'

Felly, ar y pwynt a godwch am hybiau democratiaeth a sut y gallai hynny weithio, o ochr y Llywodraeth, a ble mae'r portffolio a'r cyfrifoldeb am hyn, neu ar draws pa bortffolios, credaf fod cydnabyddiaeth gyffredin fod mater ymgysylltiad democrataidd, ac unwaith eto, fel y nodwyd gan y comisiwn annibynnol, yn fwyfwy pwysig. Mae'n rhywbeth y mae'n rhaid mynd i'r afael ag ef. Yn rhai o'r pethau a wnawn, byddwn yn gweithio tuag at hynny—er enghraifft, cofrestru awtomatig o 16 oed ymlaen, lle byddwn yn debygol o weld, yng Nghymru, yr etholfraint fwyaf helaeth a fu gennym erioed. Ond nid oes pwrpas i hynny os nad oes gan bobl hyder i gyfranogi yn hynny, ac mae'r broses honno'n dechrau'n gynharach yn fy marn i. Felly, yn sicr, rwy'n rhoi fy nghefnogaeth bersonol, ac rwy'n siŵr, ar draws y Llywodraeth, fod cefnogaeth i ystyried ac archwilio'r hyn sydd angen ei wneud i gyflawni rhai o'r amcanion yr amlinellwyd rhai ohonynt ym mhapurau Democracy Box.

Deddf Diogelwch Adeiladu 2022
The Building Safety Act 2022

3. Pa gyngor cyfreithiol y mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi'i roi i'r Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd mewn perthynas â deddfu adrannau 116 i 125 o Ddeddf Diogelwch Adeiladu 2022, yn sgil y dyfarniad yn achos Triathlon Homes yn erbyn Stratford Village Development Partnership ac eraill? OQ60788

3. What legal advice has the Counsel General provided to the Minister for Climate Change in relation to enacting sections 116 to 125 of the Building Safety Act 2022, in light of the ruling in Triathlon Homes v Stratford Village Development Partnership and others? OQ60788

Well, thank you for the question. In Wales, the context is different to England. We have announced there is a route to remediation for all buildings of 11m or over in height. This commitment extends to both cladding and non-cladding-related fire safety issues, and is for all leaseholders.

Diolch am y cwestiwn. Yng Nghymru, mae'r cyd-destun yn wahanol i'r un yn Lloegr. Rydym wedi cyhoeddi bod trywydd at waith cyweirio ar gyfer pob adeilad 11 metr neu uwch. Mae'r ymrwymiad hwn yn cwmpasu materion diogelwch tân cladin ac fel arall, ac mae ar gyfer pob lesddeiliad.

Diolch, Cwnsler Cyffredinol. As you know, leaseholders in Wales feel that they are currently on a jagged edge. Whilst leaseholders in England are able to bring action to force developers to pay their fair share of the costs of remediation, those here in Wales are having to navigate layers of bureaucracy in order to get similar results. Constituents engaging with the leaseholder support scheme have complained of a lack of timescale, communication issues and lack of accountability. The Prif Weinidog has said previously that these sections are not necessary because the Welsh Government is responsible for legally challenging developers, but would it not be simpler and more efficient for the leaseholders themselves to hold and exercise those powers? Will the Welsh Government listen to the leasehold campaigners and enact these sections to give them the right to seek remediation contribution orders? Diolch.

Diolch, Gwnsler Cyffredinol. Fel y gwyddoch, mae lesddeiliaid yng Nghymru yn teimlo eu bod ar ymyl arw ar hyn o bryd. Tra bo lesddeiliaid yn Lloegr yn gallu mynd i gyfraith i orfodi datblygwyr i dalu eu cyfran deg o gostau cyweirio, mae'r rheini yma yng Nghymru yn gorfod llywio haenau o fiwrocratiaeth er mwyn cael canlyniadau tebyg. Mae etholwyr sy'n ymgysylltu â'r cynllun cymorth i lesddeiliaid wedi cwyno am ddiffyg amserlen, problemau cyfathrebu a diffyg atebolrwydd. Mae'r Prif Weinidog wedi dweud o'r blaen nad yw'r adrannau hyn yn angenrheidiol oherwydd bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn gyfrifol am herio datblygwyr yn gyfreithiol, ond oni fyddai'n symlach ac yn fwy effeithlon i'r lesddeiliaid eu hunain feddu ar y pwerau hyn a'u harfer? A wnaiff Llywodraeth Cymru wrando ar y lesddeiliaid sy'n ymgyrchu a deddfu'r adrannau hyn i roi hawl iddynt geisio gorchmynion cyfrannu at waith cyweirio? Diolch.


Thank you for the question, and it is an important question. Part of it probably ought to be addressed to the Minister for Climate Change, within whose portfolio this lies. But in terms of the legal aspects to it, one thing to say is that we have announced that there is a route to remediation for all buildings over 11m in height. This commitment extends to both cladding and non-cladding-related fire safety issues, and it's for all leaseholders. So, we simply do not need the same legislation in Wales, where the context is different to that of England, and where all leaseholders in buildings of 11m and over have a route to get their buildings made as fire safe as possible. 

Now, to my knowledge, the recent tribunal case in England is just the second contribution order for funding to address fire safety issues to date. However, given that all buildings of 11m and over have a route to remediation in Wales for fire safety issues, which extends to both external and internal fire safety, leaseholders and others in Wales do not have to go down the route of a tribunal to be able to have their building made as safe from fire risk as it can be. We have been clear that we do not wish to only limit liability for leaseholders, and that we have been firm that the leaseholder should not pay for works to rectify safety issues that are not of their making. I think we've also chosen not to exclude leaseholders by adopting the concept of qualifying and non-qualifying leaseholders, so we invite expressions of interest from responsible persons so that we can support all leaseholders who find themselves in a building impacted by fire safety. 

Eleven major UK developers with buildings in Wales have signed the Welsh Government's contract, which commits them to remediating fire safety defects in buildings they've developed over the last 30 years. To support this, officials are procuring legal advisers to support leaseholders where a dispute arises on circumstances that are not covered in the Welsh Government contract.

Diolch am y cwestiwn, ac mae'n gwestiwn pwysig. Mae'n debyg y dylid cyfeirio rhan ohono at y Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd, gan mai yn ei phortffolio hi y mae hyn. Ond o ran yr agweddau cyfreithiol arno, un peth y dylid ei ddweud yw ein bod wedi cyhoeddi trywydd at waith cyweirio ar gyfer pob adeilad dros 11 metr mewn uchder. Mae'r ymrwymiad hwn yn cwmpasu materion diogelwch tân cladin ac fel arall, ac mae ar gyfer pob lesddeiliad. Felly, nid oes angen yr un ddeddfwriaeth arnom yng Nghymru, lle mae'r cyd-destun yn wahanol i'r un yn Lloegr, a lle mae gan bob lesddeiliad mewn adeiladau 11 metr ac uwch drywydd i sicrhau bod eu hadeiladau'n cael eu gwneud mor ddiogel â phosibl rhag tân. 

Nawr, hyd y gwn i, yr achos tribiwnlys diweddar yn Lloegr yw'r ail orchymyn cyfrannu cyllid i fynd i'r afael â materion diogelwch tân hyd yma. Fodd bynnag, o ystyried bod gan bob adeilad 11 metr ac uwch drywydd at waith cyweirio yng Nghymru ar gyfer materion diogelwch tân, sy'n cwmpasu diogelwch tân allanol a mewnol, nid oes rhaid i lesddeiliaid ac eraill yng Nghymru fynd ar drywydd tribiwnlys i allu sicrhau bod eu hadeilad mor ddiogel ag y gall fod rhag tân. Rydym wedi bod yn glir nad ydym eisiau cyfyngu rhwymedigaeth i lesddeiliaid yn unig, ac rydym wedi bod yn gadarn na ddylai'r lesddeiliad dalu am waith i unioni materion diogelwch na wnaethant eu hachosi. Rwy'n credu ein bod hefyd wedi dewis peidio ag eithrio lesddeiliaid trwy fabwysiadu'r cysyniad o lesddeiliaid cymwys ac anghymwys, felly rydym yn gwahodd mynegiant o ddiddordeb gan bobl gyfrifol fel y gallwn gefnogi pob lesddeiliad mewn adeilad yr effeithir arno gan ddiogelwch tân. 

Mae 11 o ddatblygwyr mawr y DU sydd ag adeiladau yng Nghymru wedi llofnodi cytundeb Llywodraeth Cymru, sy'n eu hymrwymo i gyweirio diffygion diogelwch tân mewn adeiladau y maent wedi'u datblygu dros y 30 mlynedd diwethaf. I gefnogi hyn, mae swyddogion yn caffael cynghorwyr cyfreithiol i gefnogi lesddeiliaid lle mae anghydfod yn codi mewn amgylchiadau nad ydynt wedi'u cynnwys yng nghytundeb Llywodraeth Cymru.

Diwygio Tribiwnlysoedd Datganoledig
Reform of Devolved Tribunals

4. Pa gynnydd sydd wedi ei wneud o ran diwygio tribiwnlysoedd datganoledig? OQ60789

4. What progress has been made on the reform of devolved tribunals? OQ60789

Our White Paper consultation on reform of the devolved tribunals closed in October 2023 and the summary of responses was published in January. I am grateful to those who responded and whose contribution is shaping the policy for legislative proposals. We continue to engage with stakeholders as work progresses.

Daeth ein hymgynghoriad Papur Gwyn ar ddiwygio'r tribiwnlysoedd datganoledig i ben ym mis Hydref 2023 a chyhoeddwyd y crynodeb o'r ymatebion ym mis Ionawr. Rwy'n ddiolchgar i'r rhai a ymatebodd ac y mae eu cyfraniad yn llunio'r polisi ar gyfer cynigion deddfwriaethol. Rydym yn parhau i ymgysylltu â rhanddeiliaid wrth i'r gwaith fynd rhagddo.

Diolch, Cwnsler Cyffredinol. One argument in favour of setting up a first-tier tribunal with multiple chambers is the opportunity to save money, to allow for the pooling of resources into a single pot, which then can be allocated flexibly in line with demand and will allow for tribunal users to access specialist services that they made not be able to otherwise. I was concerned to see recently that members of Welsh Tribunals will not be getting a similar increase in their pay in comparison to their English counterparts. Will the Welsh Government guarantee that members of a future joint first-tier tribunal for Wales will have pay of similar levels to their colleagues in England, or the concern is that we will lose people to tribunals across the border? Diolch yn fawr.

Diolch, Gwnsler Cyffredinol. Un ddadl o blaid sefydlu tribiwnlys haen gyntaf gyda siambrau lluosog yw'r cyfle i arbed arian, er mwyn caniatáu cronni adnoddau mewn un gronfa y gellir ei dyrannu'n hyblyg wedyn yn unol â'r galw ac a fydd yn caniatáu i ddefnyddwyr tribiwnlysoedd gael mynediad at wasanaethau arbenigol na fyddent yn gallu ei wneud fel arall. Roeddwn yn bryderus wrth weld yn ddiweddar na fydd aelodau o Dribiwnlysoedd Cymru yn cael cynnydd tebyg yn eu cyflog o gymharu â'u cymheiriaid yn Lloegr. A wnaiff Llywodraeth Cymru warantu y bydd aelodau tribiwnlys haen gyntaf ar y cyd yng Nghymru yn y dyfodol yn cael tâl ar lefelau tebyg i'w cymheiriaid yn Lloegr, neu'r pryder yw y byddwn yn colli pobl i dribiwnlysoedd dros y ffin? Diolch yn fawr.

Thank you for the point. This is a matter that, obviously, was discussed between the First Minister and the president of tribunals, and, indeed, me. Considerable time and thought was given to the decision on the pay award for members of Welsh Tribunals. Our decision was to award 5 per cent compared to the 7 per cent awarded by the UK Government for those sitting in reserved tribunals, some of whom, of course, do also sit in devolved—. Some sit on our tribunals but also some in non-devolved tribunals. So, our decision was taken bearing in mind the overall financial position, budgetary constraints, but also the importance of valuing public sector workers equitably. No sector for which Welsh Ministers are the primary decision makers on pay matters has received more than 5 per cent for the 2023-24 financial year.

There is an intention to establish parity within the tribunal system, and the reform of our tribunals provides an opportunity to do that because the issue of reform and the creation of a first-tier tribunal system, and indeed an appellate structure, isn’t just on the percentage rates that might apply in one particular year to tribunal members, but it is about looking across the six or seven chambers that there will be, how those will operate, but also the broader terms and conditions, the amount of time there is for preparation, the amount of work in particular types of tribunals, and so on. So, I think, as part of our tribunal reform, there is actually a broader need to look across the whole picture of what will become the Welsh tribunal system and to look at how this can be achieved. That is something I believe is part of the preparations for the legislation and part of the issues that will arise around it, and that there will be a need to have that engagement broadly and, indeed, with members of the judiciary themselves, in order to achieve something that is at least as equitable as, if not better and more appropriate than, what exists at the moment.

Diolch am y pwynt. Mae hwn yn fater a drafodwyd rhwng y Prif Weinidog a llywydd y tribiwnlysoedd, a minnau hefyd. Rhoddwyd cryn dipyn o amser a meddwl i'r penderfyniad ynghylch y dyfarniad cyflog i aelodau Tribiwnlysoedd Cymru. Ein penderfyniad oedd dyfarnu 5 y cant o gymharu â'r 7 y cant a ddyfarnwyd gan Lywodraeth y DU i'r rhai sy'n aelodau o dribiwnlysoedd a gadwyd yn ôl, ac mae rhai ohonynt, wrth gwrs, hefyd yn aelodau—. Mae rhai'n aelodau o'n tribiwnlysoedd ni ond hefyd mae rhai'n aelodau o dribiwnlysoedd heb eu datganoli. Felly, gwnaethom ein penderfyniad gan ystyried y sefyllfa ariannol gyffredinol, cyfyngiadau cyllidebol, ond hefyd pwysigrwydd cydnabod gwerth gweithwyr y sector cyhoeddus yn deg. Nid oes unrhyw sector lle mae Gweinidogion Cymru yn brif benderfynwyr ar faterion cyflogau wedi cael mwy na 5 y cant ar gyfer blwyddyn ariannol 2023-24.

Mae bwriad i sefydlu cydraddoldeb o fewn y system tribiwnlysoedd, ac mae diwygio ein tribiwnlysoedd yn rhoi cyfle i wneud hynny gan nad yw mater diwygio a chreu system dribiwnlysoedd haen gyntaf, ac yn wir strwythur apeliadol, yn ymwneud yn unig â'r cyfraddau canran a allai fod yn berthnasol mewn blwyddyn benodol i aelodau tribiwnlys, ond mae'n ymwneud ag edrych ar draws y chwech neu saith siambr a fydd yn bodoli, sut y bydd y rheini'n gweithredu, ond hefyd y telerau ac amodau ehangach, faint o amser a geir ar gyfer paratoi, faint o waith a fydd mewn mathau penodol o dribiwnlysoedd, ac yn y blaen. Felly, fel rhan o'r gwaith o ddiwygio'r tribiwnlysoedd, rwy'n credu bod angen ehangach i edrych ar draws y darlun llawn o'r hyn a ddaw'n system dribiwnlysoedd Gymreig ac edrych ar sut y gellir cyflawni hyn. Mae hynny'n rhywbeth y credaf ei fod yn rhan o'r paratoadau ar gyfer y ddeddfwriaeth ac yn rhan o'r materion a fydd yn codi o'i chwmpas, ac y bydd angen cael yr ymgysylltiad hwnnw'n eang ac yn wir gydag aelodau o'r farnwriaeth, er mwyn cyflawni rhywbeth sydd o leiaf yr un mor deg â'r hyn sy'n bodoli ar hyn o bryd, os nad yn well ac yn fwy priodol?

Recriwtio a Chadw Ynadon
Recruitment and Retention of Magistrates

5. Sut y mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol yn gweithio gyda Llywodraeth y DU i annog y gwaith o recriwtio a chadw ynadon yng Nghymru? OQ60794

5. How does the Counsel General work with the UK Government to encourage the recruitment and retention of magistrates in Wales? OQ60794

Thank you for your question. The justice system could not operate without the many dedicated people who volunteer their time and expertise as magistrates to help their local community. The appointment of lay magistrates is undertaken by the Judicial Office, not the UK Government, and there are no magistrate vacancies or recruitment issues within Wales.

Diolch am eich cwestiwn. Ni allai'r system gyfiawnder weithredu heb y nifer fawr o bobl ymroddedig sy'n gwirfoddoli eu hamser a'u harbenigedd fel ynadon i helpu eu cymuned leol. Y Swyddfa Farnwrol sy'n penodi ynadon lleyg, nid Llywodraeth y DU, ac nid oes problem prinder ynadon na recriwtio ynadon yng Nghymru.

Thank you, Counsel General. Firstly, I'm happy to acknowledge that the issue skirts around the boundaries of devolution, with policing and justice not being devolved responsibilities, and His Majesty's Courts and Tribunal Service being the responsibility of the UK Government. But it's a matter of concern that there is still a severe shortage of magistrates in Wales, in contradiction to your remarks, which, of course, causes significant delays in the criminal justice system. This means that victims of crime are not seeing justice in a timely fashion, it means that the Crown Prosecution Service is reluctant to prosecute, knowing the pressures that the courts are under, and it means that those who are being prosecuted have to wait too long to receive their day in court and have their defence heard. The number of magistrates in Wales has fallen considerably—a 42 per cent reduction between 2009 and 2019—and many more are due to retire in the coming years. We know from attitude surveys that the vast majority of Welsh people would prefer a closer working relationship between the Welsh Government and the UK Government on such matters. So, I’d like to ask the Counsel General how the Welsh Government is working with the UK Government in order to recruit and retain magistrates to ease the over-burdened criminal justice system. Has the Counsel General considered extending the mandatory retirement age of magistrates, which is currently 70, as a short-term solution to this problem? Thank you.

Diolch yn fawr, Gwnsler Cyffredinol. Yn gyntaf, rwy'n hapus i gydnabod bod y mater yn ymwneud â ffiniau datganoli, gyda phlismona a chyfiawnder heb fod yn gyfrifoldebau datganoledig, a Llywodraeth y DU sy'n gyfrifol am Wasanaeth Llysoedd a Thribiwnlysoedd Ei Fawrhydi. Ond mae'n destun pryder fod prinder difrifol o ynadon yng Nghymru o hyd, yn groes i'ch sylwadau, sydd, wrth gwrs, yn achosi oedi sylweddol yn y system cyfiawnder troseddol. Mae hyn yn golygu nad yw dioddefwyr troseddau'n gweld cyfiawnder mewn modd amserol, mae'n golygu bod Gwasanaeth Erlyn y Goron yn amharod i erlyn, gan wybod am y pwysau sydd ar y llysoedd, ac mae'n golygu bod yn rhaid i'r rhai sy'n cael eu herlyn aros yn rhy hir i gael eu diwrnod yn y llys a chael gwrandawiad i'w hamddiffyniad. Mae nifer yr ynadon yng Nghymru wedi gostwng yn sylweddol—gostyngiad o 42 y cant rhwng 2009 a 2019—ac mae disgwyl i lawer mwy ymddeol yn y blynyddoedd i ddod. Gwyddom o arolygon barn y byddai'n well gan y mwyafrif helaeth o Gymry berthynas waith agosach rhwng Llywodraeth Cymru a Llywodraeth y DU ar faterion o'r fath. Felly, hoffwn ofyn i'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio gyda Llywodraeth y DU er mwyn recriwtio a chadw ynadon i hwyluso'r system cyfiawnder troseddol orlwythog. A yw'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi ystyried ymestyn oedran ymddeol gorfodol ynadon, sef 70 ar hyn o bryd, fel ateb tymor byr i'r broblem hon? Diolch.

Well, just taking that last point, the mandatory age of magistrates, and so on, is not a matter that's devolved to us, or that we have any control over, but I take the point that's there, because it's also one that's issued in the other courts. Can I also say that I've met recently with the new director of public prosecutions? I met also with the Judicial Appointments Commission recently. The issue of magistrate shortage is not one that has been raised and not one that I'm aware of. In fact, the information I have is that there isn't an issue with regard to the shortage of magistrates. Certainly, there's an issue with the shortage of magistrates' courts, because half our magistrates' courts have been closed under the Conservative Government, which has massively undermined the availability of local justice. 

The issues that are being raised are, of course, the availability of skilled lawyers, for example, in the prosecution of cases, which primarily relates to the low rates of pay that make it almost uneconomic for lawyers to engage in the criminal justice system. That is an issue that Lord Bellamy, the current Under-Secretary of State for Justice, raised, and I raised that with him in terms of the Inter-ministerial Group for Justice. But it is an issue in terms of funding that is in the hands of the UK Government. The issue in terms of the Crown Courts, of course, is not only in terms of those skills. You may have heard on Radio 4 this morning Lord Thomas and others discussing the issue of the enormous backlogs in the Crown Courts in England. I have to say that the arrangements in Wales are actually working far better than in England—that there aren't those particular backlogs—but there is a very serious issue generally, but very specifically in England, with the criminal justice system. It comes down to the use of resources that there are and it comes down to the availability of resources and, essentially, the underfunding of the justice system within the UK.

Wel, i ystyried y pwynt olaf hwnnw, nid yw oedran ymddeol gorfodol ynadon, ac yn y blaen, yn fater sydd wedi'i ddatganoli inni, neu'n fater y mae gennym unrhyw reolaeth drosto, ond rwy'n derbyn y pwynt, oherwydd mae hefyd yn un sy'n cael ei godi yn y llysoedd eraill. A gaf i ddweud hefyd fy mod wedi cyfarfod â'r cyfarwyddwr erlyniadau cyhoeddus newydd yn ddiweddar? Cyfarfûm hefyd â'r Comisiwn Penodiadau Barnwrol yn ddiweddar. Nid yw mater prinder ynadon yn un sydd wedi'i godi ac nid yw'n un rwy'n ymwybodol ohono. Mewn gwirionedd, yr wybodaeth sydd gennyf i yw nad oes problem prinder ynadon. Yn sicr, mae problem gyda phrinder llysoedd ynadon, gan fod hanner ein llysoedd ynadon wedi cael eu cau o dan y Llywodraeth Geidwadol, sydd wedi tanseilio argaeledd cyfiawnder lleol yn aruthrol. 

Y materion sy'n cael eu codi, wrth gwrs, yw argaeledd cyfreithwyr medrus, er enghraifft, i erlyn achosion, sy'n ymwneud yn bennaf â'r cyfraddau cyflog isel sy'n ei gwneud yn aneconomaidd bron i gyfreithwyr gymryd rhan yn y system cyfiawnder troseddol. Mae hynny'n fater a gododd yr Arglwydd Bellamy, yr Is-Ysgrifennydd Gwladol dros Gyfiawnder presennol, a chodais hynny gydag ef o ran y Grŵp Rhyngweinidogol dros Gyfiawnder. Ond mae'n fater sy'n codi o ran cyllid sydd yn nwylo Llywodraeth y DU. Mae'r mater sy'n codi gyda Llysoedd y Goron, wrth gwrs, yn ymwneud â mwy na'r sgiliau hynny. Efallai eich bod wedi clywed ar Radio 4 y bore yma yr Arglwydd Thomas ac eraill yn trafod yr ôl-groniadau enfawr yn Llysoedd y Goron yn Lloegr. Mae'n rhaid imi ddweud bod y trefniadau yng Nghymru yn gweithio'n llawer gwell nag yn Lloegr—lle nad oes gennym yr ôl-groniadau hynny—ond mae yna broblem ddifrifol iawn yn gyffredinol, ond yn benodol iawn yn Lloegr, gyda'r system cyfiawnder troseddol. Mae'n ymwneud â'r defnydd o adnoddau sydd ar gael ac mae'n deillio o argaeledd adnoddau ac yn y bôn, o danariannu'r system gyfiawnder yn y DU.


Mae cwestiwn 6 [OQ60767] wedi'i dynnu yn ôl. Cwestiwn 7—Delyth Jewell.

Question 6 [OQ60767] has been withdrawn. Question 7—Delyth Jewell.

Hawliau i Ddelweddau
The Rights to Images

7. Pa gyngor cyfreithiol y mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi'i roi i Lywodraeth Cymru ynghylch yr hawliau i ddelweddau o berthnasau a fu farw neu a oedd ar fin marw mewn ysbytai yn ystod COVID? OQ60780

7. What legal advice has the Counsel General provided to the Welsh Government regarding the rights to images of dying or dead relatives in hospitals during COVID? OQ60780

Thank you for your question. Everything possible should be done to avoid causing additional distress to families and loved ones impacted by the COVID pandemic. I am aware that images were taken across hospital settings during the pandemic by local health board staff, which is a matter for the relevant local health board. 

Diolch am eich cwestiwn. Dylid gwneud popeth sy'n bosibl i osgoi achosi trallod ychwanegol i deuluoedd ac anwyliaid yr effeithiwyd arnynt gan bandemig COVID. Rwy’n ymwybodol fod ffotograffau wedi'u tynnu mewn ysbytai yn ystod y pandemig gan staff byrddau iechyd lleol, sy’n fater i’r bwrdd iechyd lleol perthnasol.

Diolch. I'm raising this issue on behalf of constituents and bereaved families who were devastated to find out that pictures were taken of their dead and dying relatives in Nevill Hall Hospital in Abergavenny and the Grange University Hospital in Cwmbran. Now, these constituents have been advised that, legally, people's rights cease to apply after death. That is a brutal reading, but perhaps you could provide an assessment about the legality of those photos that were taken of patients dying in hospital. Is that matter different? Because, disturbingly, if it's possible to obtain the metadata of these photographs to know the time and place they were taken, those individuals can be identified, and these photos capture the most horrific moments of their lives. They could not possibly have consented to them being taken.

So, what assessment would you make, please, about the applicability of the right to privacy under article 8 of the Human Rights Act 1998, that is the right to control how information about your private life is shared, including photographs that have been taken secretly?

Diolch. Rwy’n codi’r mater hwn ar ran etholwyr a theuluoedd mewn profedigaeth a gafodd y newyddion torcalonnus fod ffotograffau wedi’u tynnu o’u perthnasau ar ddiwedd eu hoes ac ar ôl iddynt farw yn Ysbyty Nevill Hall yn y Fenni ac Ysbyty Athrofaol y Faenor yng Nghwmbrân. Nawr, mae’r etholwyr hyn wedi cael eu cynghori, yn gyfreithiol, nad yw hawliau pobl yn berthnasol ar ôl iddynt farw. Mae hynny'n swnio'n ddideimlad, ond efallai y gallech ddarparu asesiad ynghylch cyfreithlondeb y ffotograffau a dynnwyd o gleifion ar ddiwedd eu hoes yn yr ysbyty. A yw hynny'n fater gwahanol? Oherwydd, ac mae hyn yn destun pryder, os yw'n bosibl cael gafael ar fetadata'r ffotograffau hyn i weld pryd a lle y cawsant eu tynnu, gellir nodi pwy yw'r unigolion hynny, ac mae'r ffotograffau hyn yn dal eiliadau mwyaf erchyll eu bywydau. Ni allent fod wedi cydsynio iddynt gael eu tynnu.

Felly, beth yw eich asesiad, os gwelwch yn dda, o gymhwysedd yr hawl i breifatrwydd o dan erthygl 8 o Ddeddf Hawliau Dynol 1998, sef yr hawl i reoli sut y caiff gwybodaeth am eich bywyd preifat ei rhannu, gan gynnwys ffotograffau sydd wedi’u tynnu’n gyfrinachol?

Well, the issues about rights to images are relevant to, as you say, privacy, to human rights and to data protection laws, alongside, of course, a wider consideration of the issue of consent. So, such matters must be treated with the utmost care and sensitivity. I am aware that, of course, this is a matter that has been raised by the COVID-19 Bereaved Families for Justice and it's been raised in the COVID inquiry on 28 February 2024, and no doubt that will be given proper consideration by that inquiry. 

I understand also that the relevant local health board took the matter, and any concerns raised by families in relation to those images, seriously, in particular they considered the issues of consent and acknowledged the concerns of families with a response. Now, this is a matter that has to be dealt with by the local health boards, but, of course, it is very important that in such sensitive areas, the legalities of this, the human rights and the issues of consent, are of the absolute utmost importance, and I support the Member in the principles that you are raising there relating to this.

Wel, mae’r materion ynghylch hawliau i ddelweddau yn berthnasol, fel y dywedwch, i breifatrwydd, i hawliau dynol ac i gyfreithiau diogelu data, ynghyd ag ystyriaeth ehangach o fater cydsyniad wrth gwrs. Felly, mae'n rhaid trin materion o'r fath gyda'r gofal a'r sensitifrwydd mwyaf. Rwy’n ymwybodol fod hwn yn fater a godwyd gan COVID-19 Bereaved Families for Justice a chafodd ei godi yn yr ymchwiliad COVID ar 28 Chwefror 2024, a heb os, bydd hynny’n cael ystyriaeth briodol gan yr ymchwiliad hwnnw.

Deallaf hefyd fod y bwrdd iechyd lleol perthnasol wedi rhoi ystyriaeth ddifrifol i'r mater, ac unrhyw bryderon a godwyd gan deuluoedd mewn perthynas â’r delweddau hynny, ac maent wedi ystyried y materion ynghylch cydsyniad yn benodol, ac wedi cydnabod pryderon teuluoedd gydag ymateb. Nawr, mae hwn yn fater y mae'n rhaid i'r byrddau iechyd lleol ymdrin ag ef, ond wrth gwrs, mae'n bwysig iawn, mewn meysydd mor sensitif, fod cyfreithlondeb hyn, hawliau dynol a materion ynghylch cydsyniad, yn hollbwysig, ac rwy'n cefnogi'r Aelod o ran yr egwyddorion a godwch mewn perthynas â hyn.

Mae cwestiwn 8 [OQ60768] wedi ei dynnu yn ôl. Felly, cwestiwn 9—Alun Davies.

Question 8 [OQ60768] has been withdrawn, so question 9—Alun Davies.

Cyngor Cyfreithiol
Legal Advice

9. A wnaiff y Cwnsler Cyffredinol ddatganiad am ba gyngor cyfreithiol sydd ar gael i Weinidogion? OQ60783

9. Will the Counsel General make a statement on what legal advice is available to Ministers? OQ60783

Thank you for the question. The legal services department of the Welsh Government provides advice to Ministers and officials across Government, but in addition, as law officer, I also provide advice directly to Ministers, and as Counsel General I provide the definitive legal voice of Government.

Diolch am eich cwestiwn. Mae adran gwasanaethau cyfreithiol Llywodraeth Cymru yn rhoi cyngor i Weinidogion a swyddogion ar draws y Llywodraeth, ond yn ogystal, fel swyddog y gyfraith, rwyf innau hefyd yn rhoi cyngor yn uniongyrchol i Weinidogion, ac fel Cwnsler Cyffredinol, fi sy'n darparu llais cyfreithiol diffiniol y Llywodraeth.

I'm grateful to you for that, Counsel General. We have, over the last few years, debated and discussed a number of legislative consent Orders and motions and memoranda coming in front of this place. And we have seen an increase in terms of the UK Government attempting to usurp the powers that should be here. But we've also seen Ministers here using Westminster to legislate, and quite often the reason given to committees is that resources aren't available here in order to legislate here in Wales's Parliament.

Now, we agreed the final budget yesterday, and I would be grateful if the Counsel General could reassure me, and other Members, that all Ministers have all the legal support they require in order to produce a legislative programme for Wales that goes through this place, rather than being sent to London.

Rwy’n ddiolchgar i chi am hynny, Gwnsler Cyffredinol. Dros yr ychydig flynyddoedd diwethaf, rydym wedi dadlau a thrafod nifer o Orchmynion a chynigion a memoranda cydsyniad deddfwriaethol a ddaw ger bron y lle hwn. Ac rydym wedi gweld cynnydd yn y ffordd y mae Llywodraeth y DU yn ceisio camfeddiannu'r pwerau a ddylai fod yma. Ond rydym hefyd wedi gweld Gweinidogion yma yn defnyddio San Steffan i ddeddfu, ac yn aml iawn, y rheswm a roddir i bwyllgorau yw am nad oes adnoddau ar gael yma i ddeddfu yma yn Senedd Cymru.

Nawr, fe wnaethom gytuno ar y gyllideb derfynol ddoe, a hoffwn pe gallai’r Cwnsler Cyffredinol roi sicrwydd i mi, ac i'r Aelodau eraill, fod gan bob Gweinidog yr holl gymorth cyfreithiol sydd ei angen arnynt er mwyn llunio rhaglen ddeddfwriaethol i Gymru sy’n mynd drwy’r lle hwn, yn hytrach na chael ei hanfon i Lundain.


Thank you for that question. Just in respect of legislative consent memoranda, well, of course, these are all areas where the UK Government is legislating and is wanting to or considering legislation in devolved areas, and therefore, under the Sewel convention, requires consent. You'll be aware of the number of these legislative consent memoranda, and supplementary memoranda, which really are a product of the UK Government's legislative programme. I'd say there is no significant proactive use of UK Government Bills to legislate. From time to time, circumstances arise where UK Government is going to legislate in an area, and if we took the view as a Government that there is some substantial benefit to that legislation operating within Wales, provided it doesn't take away or usurp the devolved responsibilities and powers that we actually have, that may be justifiable, on the basis that, in order to legislate separately within Wales, it might mean that we were legislating later, or it might mean we have to divert resources from other important legislation. It would also mean that the UK Government's programme of legislation would effectively be determining what our legislative programme should be and what our legislative priorities are. So, it's one of those things that has to be balanced. And, of course, there are many occasions, as the Member will be aware, where legislative consent is sought and is refused, or where there are changes made to the UK Government legislation in order to protect our devolved responsibilities that we have. So, it's by no means an uncomplex situation, it's one that is often changing, week by week and month by month, depending upon the nature of the UK Government's legislation.

The Member will also be aware of the number of occasions where we have refused permission to legislate, and that permission has been overridden. So, I think the premise that was suggested that the Welsh Government is seeking, is going out and proactively seeking, opportunities for UK Government to legislate is one that is wholly wrong. The reality is that we do often have to react, we do often have to engage, and we do everything that we can in order to protect our devolved responsibilities and position. But from time to time, there is legislation where we are not in the position to expedite, where Welsh citizens would suffer if that legislation did not appear. Now, all I can say, I think, is that the issue of resources is not really just a question of budget. It is actually a question of the very, very detailed skills that are needed by those who are involved, not only on the policy side, but on the legal services side, and also in the legislative drafting side. So, it's not something that can just be switched on and off very quickly. So, sometimes, priority decisions do have to be taken.

Diolch am eich cwestiwn. Mewn perthynas â memoranda cydsyniad deddfwriaethol, wel, wrth gwrs, mae’r rhain oll yn feysydd lle mae Llywodraeth y DU yn deddfu ac yn dymuno neu’n ystyried deddfwriaeth mewn meysydd datganoledig, ac felly, o dan gonfensiwn Sewel, mae angen cydsyniad. Fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol o nifer y memoranda cydsyniad deddfwriaethol hyn, a memoranda atodol, sydd mewn gwirionedd yn deillio o raglen ddeddfwriaethol Llywodraeth y DU. Byddwn yn dweud nad oes defnydd rhagweithiol sylweddol o Filiau Llywodraeth y DU i ddeddfu. O bryd i’w gilydd, mae amgylchiadau’n codi lle mae Llywodraeth y DU yn mynd i ddeddfu mewn maes, a phe baem ni fel Llywodraeth o’r farn fod rhyw fantais sylweddol i gael y ddeddfwriaeth honno ar waith yng Nghymru, ar yr amod nad yw’n dileu neu’n camfeddiannu’r cyfrifoldebau a'r pwerau datganoledig sydd gennym, efallai y gellir cyfiawnhau hynny, ar y sail y gallai olygu, er mwyn deddfu ar wahân yng Nghymru, ein bod yn deddfu yn ddiweddarach, neu gallai olygu bod yn rhaid inni ddargyfeirio adnoddau o ddeddfwriaeth bwysig arall. Byddai hefyd yn golygu y byddai rhaglen ddeddfwriaethol Llywodraeth y DU, i bob pwrpas, yn pennu beth ddylai ein rhaglen ddeddfwriaethol fod a beth yw ein blaenoriaethau deddfwriaethol ni. Felly, mae'n un o'r pethau hynny y mae'n rhaid eu cydbwyso. Ac wrth gwrs, mae sawl achlysur, fel y gŵyr yr Aelod, lle caiff cydsyniad deddfwriaethol ei geisio a’i wrthod, neu lle caiff newidiadau eu gwneud i ddeddfwriaeth Llywodraeth y DU er mwyn diogelu'r cyfrifoldebau datganoledig sydd gennym ni. Felly, nid yw’n sefyllfa syml o bell ffordd, mae’n un sy’n newid yn aml, o wythnos i wythnos ac o fis i fis, yn dibynnu ar natur deddfwriaeth Llywodraeth y DU.

Bydd yr Aelod hefyd yn ymwybodol o’r nifer o achlysuron lle rydym wedi gwrthod caniatâd i ddeddfu, ac mae’r caniatâd hwnnw wedi’i ddiystyru. Felly, credaf fod y rhagosodiad a awgrymwyd, fod Llywodraeth Cymru yn ceisio, yn mynd allan ac yn mynd ati'n rhagweithiol i chwilio am gyfleoedd i Lywodraeth y DU ddeddfu, yn un cwbl anghywir. Y gwir amdani'n aml yw bod yn rhaid inni ymateb, fod yn rhaid inni ymgysylltu, ac rydym yn gwneud popeth a allwn i ddiogelu ein cyfrifoldebau datganoledig a’n safbwynt. Ond o bryd i’w gilydd, ceir deddfwriaeth lle nad ydym mewn sefyllfa i gyflymu, lle byddai dinasyddion Cymru yn dioddef pe na bai’r ddeddfwriaeth honno'n ymddangos. Nawr, credaf mai'r cyfan y gallaf ei ddweud yw nad mater o gyllideb yn unig yw mater adnoddau mewn gwirionedd. Mae’n fater o’r sgiliau manwl tu hwnt sydd eu hangen ar y rhai sy'n gysylltiedig nid yn unig â pholisi, ond â'r gwasanaethau cyfreithiol, a'r drafftio deddfwriaethol. Felly, nid yw'n rhywbeth y gellir ei gynnau a'i ddiffodd yn gyflym. Felly, weithiau, mae’n rhaid gwneud penderfyniadau sy'n blaenoriaethu.

Mae cwestiwn 10 [OQ60786] wedi ei dynnu nôl. Cwestiwn 11—Jack Sargeant.

Question 10 [OQ60786] has been withdrawn. Question 11—Jack Sargeant.

Ymgyrch Cyfiawnder Orgreave
Justice for Orgreave Campaign

11. Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi eu cael gyda Llywodraeth y DU ynghylch ymgyrch cyfiawnder Orgreave a sicrhau cyfiawnder i drigolion Cymru? OQ60772

11. What discussions has the Counsel General had with the UK Government regarding the justice for Orgreave campaign and getting justice for Welsh residents? OQ60772

Thank you for your question, and thank you for raising this issue. There has been a demand for a public inquiry into the events at Orgreave. I remain of the view that changes to the law are essential to avoid similar miscarriages of justice, and I last raised this with Lord Bellamy at the Inter-ministerial Group for Justice in January.

Diolch am eich cwestiwn, a diolch am godi’r mater hwn. Bu galw am ymchwiliad cyhoeddus i'r digwyddiadau yn Orgreave. Rwy’n dal i fod o’r farn fod newidiadau i’r gyfraith yn hanfodol er mwyn osgoi camweinyddu cyfiawnder o'r fath, a chodais hyn ddiwethaf gyda’r Arglwydd Bellamy yn y Grŵp Cyfiawnder Rhyngweinidogol ym mis Ionawr.

I'm grateful for that answer, Counsel General. Forty years since the miners' strike, former miners have still not had justice. Thirty-five years since the Hillsborough disaster and families are still waiting for justice. The scales of justice, Presiding Officer, as I have said many times before in this Chamber, are tipped against working-class people, against working-class communities, and in the favour of the powerful and the establishment. I'm grateful to the Counsel General for how he has championed the need for a law change in terms of the need for a Hillsborough law, and how he also has fought for those former miners and their families. Counsel General, will you speak to Welsh Government officials, to keep conversations going with the Hillsborough Law Now campaign, and provide the Senedd with an update on what you believe needs to happen to get the Hillsborough law we clearly need?

Diolch am eich ateb, Gwnsler Cyffredinol. Ddeugain mlynedd ers streic y glowyr, mae cyn-lowyr yn dal i fod heb gael cyfiawnder. Dri deg pump o flynyddoedd ers trychineb Hillsborough, mae teuluoedd yn dal i aros am gyfiawnder. Mae mantol cyfiawnder, Lywydd, fel rwyf wedi’i ddweud droeon eisoes yn y Siambr hon, yn pwyso yn erbyn pobl ddosbarth gweithiol, yn erbyn cymunedau dosbarth gweithiol, ac yn drwm o blaid y pwerus a’r sefydliad. Rwy’n ddiolchgar i’r Cwnsler Cyffredinol am y ffordd y mae wedi hyrwyddo’r angen am newid yn y gyfraith o ran yr angen am gyfraith Hillsborough, a'r ffordd y mae hefyd wedi ymladd dros y cyn-lowyr hynny a’u teuluoedd. Gwnsler Cyffredinol, a wnewch chi siarad â swyddogion Llywodraeth Cymru, i barhau'r sgyrsiau gydag ymgyrch Hillsborough Law Now, a rhoi’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i’r Senedd am yr hyn y credwch fod angen iddo ddigwydd i gael y gyfraith Hillsborough sydd ei hangen arnom yn amlwg?


Well, thank you for your question, and you're right, it is 40 years since the miners' strike. I was a lawyer involved in that, acting on behalf of miners during that particular strike. I saw many of the events that occurred during that. I saw many of what we now know as miscarriages of justice, and I am also very, very familiar with the events at Orgreave. I represented a number of miners in the long Orgreave riot in unlawful assembly cases—cases where every miner was acquitted and the majority of miners then took civil actions and succeeded in civil actions for malicious prosecution. 

I've met since then with the other lawyers who were involved in the case, and with two Home Secretaries, to press the case for an inquiry, and the independent police complaints commission also said they didn't have the resources for an inquiry, but there was merit in the case for a public inquiry. 

The reason why the inquiry is important is because had the lessons been learnt from what happened at Orgreave, events might have been very, very different at Hillsborough. I'm enthused by the fact that the Labour opposition has promised that, with an incoming Government, they will bring about an inquiry into Orgreave, and I think it is important to know that chain of command that led up to the operations that took place in Orgreave—who gave the commands, how those events occurred, and how it is that there were so many cases that were brought on evidence that subsequently turned out to be false or misconceived. 

I will continue to monitor this. I just think, in this fortieth anniversary year, when you are hearing on the media that so many former miners who are basically, still to this day, traumatised by those events and the beatings they took at Orgreave, and what happened subsequently, which could have resulted in many of them being put away for long, long prison sentences, there is still an injustice that impacts on our Valleys in south Wales, north Wales and, indeed, the mining communities in the rest of the UK, and there is justice there that still needs to be resolved. 

Wel, diolch am eich cwestiwn, ac rydych yn llygad eich lle, mae hi'n 40 mlynedd ers streic y glowyr. Roeddwn yn rhan o hynny fel cyfreithiwr, yn gweithredu ar ran glowyr yn ystod y streic honno. Gwelais lawer o'r pethau a ddigwyddodd yn ystod hynny. Gwelais lawer o'r hyn sy'n amlwg i ni bellach yn gamweinyddu cyfiawnder, ac rwyf hefyd yn gyfarwydd iawn â'r digwyddiadau yn Orgreave. Cynrychiolais nifer o lowyr yn achosion maith terfysg mewn cynulliadau anghyfreithlon Orgreave—achosion lle cafwyd pob glöwr yn ddieuog, ac yna, fe wnaeth y rhan fwyaf o'r glowyr ddwyn achosion sifil llwyddiannus am erlyniad maleisus.

Rwyf wedi cyfarfod ers hynny â’r cyfreithwyr eraill a oedd yn rhan o’r achos, a dau Ysgrifennydd Cartref, i ddadlau'r achos dros gynnal ymchwiliad, a dywedodd comisiwn cwynion annibynnol yr heddlu hefyd nad oedd ganddynt yr adnoddau ar gyfer ymchwiliad, ond fod achos teilwng o blaid ymchwiliad cyhoeddus.

Y rheswm pam fod yr ymchwiliad yn bwysig yw oherwydd pe bai’r gwersi wedi’u dysgu o’r hyn a ddigwyddodd yn Orgreave, gallai digwyddiadau fod wedi bod yn wahanol iawn yn Hillsborough. Rwyf wedi fy nghyffroi gan y ffaith bod yr wrthblaid Lafur wedi addo, gyda Llywodraeth newydd, y byddant yn cynnal ymchwiliad i Orgreave, a chredaf ei bod yn bwysig gwybod am y gadwyn reoli a arweiniodd at y gweithrediadau a ddigwyddodd yn Orgreave—pwy roddodd y gorchmynion, sut y digwyddodd y digwyddiadau hynny, a sut y dygwyd cymaint o achosion ar sail tystiolaeth y canfuwyd wedyn ei bod yn ffug neu'n gyfeiliornus.

Byddaf yn parhau i fonitro hyn. A hithau'n ddeugain mlynedd ers y digwyddiad, pan fyddwch yn clywed ar y cyfryngau am gymaint o gyn-lowyr sydd, yn y bôn, hyd heddiw, yn dal i ddioddef trawma oherwydd y digwyddiadau hynny a’r ymosodiadau arnynt yn Orgreave, a’r hyn a ddigwyddodd wedyn, a allai fod wedi arwain at lawer ohonynt yn cael dedfrydau hir iawn o garchar, rwy'n credu bod yna anghyfiawnder sy'n dal i effeithio ar ein Cymoedd yn ne Cymru, yng ngogledd Cymru, ac yn wir, ar gymunedau mwyngloddio yng ngweddill y DU, ac mae mater o gyfiawnder yno sy'n dal i fod angen ei ddatrys.

Cytundeb Gogledd Iwerddon a Phapur Gorchymyn 'Safeguarding the Union'
The Northern Ireland Agreement and the 'Safeguarding the Union' Command Paper

12. Pa asesiad y mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi'i wneud o'r effaith bosibl ar Gymru yn sgil cytundeb Gogledd Iwerddon a phapur gorchymyn 'Safeguarding the Union'? OQ60796

12. What assessment has the Counsel General made of the potential impact on Wales of the Northern Ireland agreement and the Safeguarding the Union command paper? OQ60796

Well, we welcome the restoration of the Northern Ireland Executive as a key part of a functioning UK devolution settlement. But we still await a detailed explanation from the UK Government of many aspects of the paper, to allow us to fully assess the financial, operational and constitutional implications for Wales.

Wel, rydym yn croesawu adferiad Gweithrediaeth Gogledd Iwerddon fel rhan allweddol o setliad datganoli gweithredol yn y DU. Ond rydym yn dal i aros am esboniad manwl gan Lywodraeth y DU ynglŷn â sawl agwedd ar y papur, er mwyn caniatáu inni asesu’n llawn y goblygiadau ariannol, gweithredol a chyfansoddiadol i Gymru.

I'm grateful to you, Counsel General, for that response. I've raised here on a number of occasions the potential financial impact on the structure of the United Kingdom fiscal system of the agreement with the parties in Northern Ireland. And it is a great disappointment that the United Kingdom Government seems to have reached an agreement that they're now not willing to defend or explain in public, and I think it is something the Welsh Government needs to pursue with the United Kingdom Government. 

But also it appears to me that the United Kingdom Government are giving assurances, if you like, to the unionist community in Northern Ireland that there will be both changes to the regulation of the market, whilst at the same time saying that there will be no changes to the regulation of the market between the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. You can't ride two horses at the same time. Either we remain essentially in the European single market, in terms of the regulatory environment, which is managed by the UK Government, or we are not and we diverge from the regulations of the single market. At the moment, however many years it is since we left the European Union, we're still largely within the regulatory orbit of the European Union, and I welcome that. But it would be useful for us as a Senedd to understand from the Welsh Government, if the United Kingdom Government seeks to diverge from the current EU regulatory environment, what impact that has on us, our legislation, and what impact it has on the relationship between the countries of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 

Diolch am eich ymateb, Gwnsler Cyffredinol. Rwyf wedi codi yma ar sawl achlysur effaith ariannol bosibl y cytundeb gyda’r pleidiau yng Ngogledd Iwerddon ar strwythur system gyllidol y Deyrnas Unedig. Ac mae'n siomedig iawn fod Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig, yn ôl pob golwg, wedi dod i gytundeb nad ydynt bellach yn fodlon ei amddiffyn na'i esbonio'n gyhoeddus, a chredaf ei fod yn rhywbeth y mae angen i Lywodraeth Cymru fynd ar ei drywydd gyda Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig.

Ond ymddengys i mi hefyd fod Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig yn rhoi sicrwydd, os mynnwch, i'r gymuned unoliaethol yng Ngogledd Iwerddon y bydd newidiadau'n cael eu gwneud i reoleiddio'r farchnad, gan ddweud ar yr un pryd na fydd unrhyw newidiadau'n cael eu gwneud i reoleiddio'r farchnad rhwng y Deyrnas Unedig a Gogledd Iwerddon. Ni allwch farchogaeth dau geffyl ar yr un pryd. Naill ai rydym yn aros, yn y bôn, yn y farchnad sengl Ewropeaidd, o ran yr amgylchedd rheoleiddiol, a reolir gan Lywodraeth y DU, neu nid ydym yn gwneud hynny ac rydym yn ymwahanu oddi wrth reoliadau'r farchnad sengl. Ar hyn o bryd, ni waeth faint o flynyddoedd sydd yna ers inni adael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd, rydym yn dal i fod i raddau helaeth o fewn orbit rheoleiddiol yr Undeb Ewropeaidd, ac rwy'n croesawu hynny. Ond byddai’n ddefnyddiol i ni fel Senedd ddeall gan Lywodraeth Cymru, os yw Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig yn ceisio ymwahanu oddi wrth amgylchedd rheoleiddiol presennol yr UE, pa effaith y mae hynny’n ei chael arnom ni, ein deddfwriaeth, a pha effaith y mae’n ei chael ar y berthynas rhwng gwledydd Prydain a Gogledd Iwerddon.

Well, the points you raise are absolutely right. We need to know what the detail is, because, inevitably, with our proximity to Northern Ireland, and with the trade connectivity that we have, it's important we understand what the nature of that market is, what the accessibility of it is, and what the trade implications and the economic implications are. I will be chairing next week the Interministerial Standing Committee where the representatives of the Northern Ireland Executive will be present, and I look forward to welcoming them to that and for a discussion with them. But what I can say, of course, is that we have asked the UK Government to provide more detailed information. Regrettably, we still await that detail to be able to fully assess the implications of the command paper. It is disappointing that, on a matter such as this, a request is made, a request is agreed to, but the information does not arise or does not arise in an expedited or a timely manner to enable us in this Senedd to be able to discuss those implications.

Wel, mae’r pwyntiau a godwch yn gwbl gywir. Mae angen inni wybod beth yw’r manylion, oherwydd, yn anochel, gyda’n hagosrwydd at Ogledd Iwerddon, a chyda’r cysylltedd masnach sydd gennym, mae’n bwysig inni ddeall beth yw natur y farchnad honno, beth yw ei hygyrchedd, a beth yw'r goblygiadau masnach a'r goblygiadau economaidd. Yr wythnos nesaf, byddaf yn cadeirio’r Pwyllgor Sefydlog Rhyngweinidogol lle bydd cynrychiolwyr Gweithrediaeth Gogledd Iwerddon yn bresennol, ac edrychaf ymlaen at eu croesawu i hwnnw ac at drafod gyda nhw. Ond yr hyn y gallaf ei ddweud, wrth gwrs, yw ein bod wedi gofyn i Lywodraeth y DU ddarparu gwybodaeth fanylach. Yn anffodus, rydym yn dal i aros am y manylion hynny er mwyn gallu asesu goblygiadau'r papur gorchymyn yn llawn. Mae’n siomedig, ar fater fel hwn, fod cais yn cael ei wneud, yn cael ei gytuno, ond nid yw’r wybodaeth yn codi neu'n codi mewn modd digon cyflym neu amserol i’n galluogi ni yn y Senedd hon i allu trafod y goblygiadau hynny.

3. Cwestiynau i Gomisiwn y Senedd
3. Questions to the Senedd Commission

Eitem 3, cwestiynau i Gomisiwn y Senedd, sydd nesaf, a bydd y Llywydd yn eu hateb. Cwestiwn 1, Gareth Davies.

Item 3 is questions to the Senedd Commission, and the Llywydd will answer the questions. The first question is from Gareth Davies.

Gwasanaethau Cyfieithu
Translation Services

1. A wnaiff y Comisiwn roi diweddariad am argaeledd gwasanaethau cyfieithu i ieithoedd heblaw am y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg? OQ60795

1. Will the Commission provide an update on the availability of translation services into languages other than English and Welsh? OQ60795

Mae Comisiwn y Senedd yn ymrwymedig i gefnogi Senedd gynhwysol. Cyhoeddir deunyddiau’r Comisiwn mewn ieithoedd ar wahân i’r Gymraeg a’r Saesneg fesul achos, gan ystyried natur y prosiect a’r cynulleidfaoedd targed tebygol. Mae’r Comisiwn yn archwilio’r defnydd o wasanaeth cyfieithu dros y ffôn ar gyfer unigolion sydd am gael gwybodaeth gyhoeddus am y Senedd i bobl nad yw’r Gymraeg na’r Saesneg yn iaith gyntaf iddyn nhw. Gall Aelodau hawlio costau cyfieithu neu gyfieithu ar y pryd o'u lwfans costau swyddfa a chysylltu ag etholwyr pan fydd y costau hynny'n codi er mwyn galluogi'r Aelod i gyflawni eu dyletswyddau, er enghraifft, mewn perthynas â gwaith achos. Y bwrdd taliadau, wrth gwrs, sy'n pennu lefel y lwfansau yn y penderfyniad.

The Senedd Commission is committed to supporting an inclusive Parliament. Commission materials are published in languages other than English and Welsh on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration the nature of the project and the likely target audiences. The Commission is exploring the use of a telephone interpretation service for individuals seeking public information about the Senedd and the services it provides for people whose first language is neither English nor Welsh. Members are able to claim for translation and interpretation costs from their allowance for office costs and constituent liaison when they are incurred in order to enable the performance of the Member's duties, for example, in relation to casework. It's the remuneration board, of course, that sets the level of those allowances in the determination.

Diolch am yr ymateb, Llywydd.

Thank you for that response, Llywydd.

I enquired in November last year as to the possibility of translation services for languages other than Welsh and English and I was informed that this was something that the Commission would look into. I recognise that English and Welsh are our primary modes of communication, of course, and we have an excellent translation service here in the Senedd, but the demographic make-up of Wales is changing and it's important, as Senedd Members, that we're able to communicate with our constituents when they are seeking redress.

The need for additional services is one that I've encountered when assisting a family who have rightly sought redress into the death of a loved one, a grave matter that they deserve to be able to access the full facts in relation to, albeit including complex and clinical terms. I am sure this is a growing issue for other Members too. I'm also aware that the NHS, UK Parliament and most civil service departments offer a translation service for languages other than English and Welsh, but currently this is not available in the Senedd.

A translation service of this kind obviously carries considerations of cost, but I would be grateful if the Commission could provide an update as to whether they've undertaken an assessment regarding the growing need for a wider translation service, if there is a threshold at which one would be considered, and if the Commission has made enquiries as to the cost of implementing such translation services for languages other than Welsh and English. Thanks.

Holais ym mis Tachwedd y llynedd ynglŷn â'r posibilrwydd o gael gwasanaethau cyfieithu ar gyfer ieithoedd heblaw’r Gymraeg a’r Saesneg, a dywedwyd wrthyf fod hyn yn rhywbeth y byddai’r Comisiwn yn ymchwilio iddo. Rwy’n cydnabod mai’r Gymraeg a’r Saesneg yw ein prif ddulliau cyfathrebu wrth gwrs, ac mae gennym wasanaeth cyfieithu rhagorol yma yn y Senedd, ond mae cyfansoddiad demograffig Cymru yn newid, ac mae’n bwysig, fel Aelodau’r Senedd, ein bod yn gallu cyfathrebu â’n hetholwyr pan fyddant yn ceisio iawn.

Mae’r angen am wasanaethau ychwanegol yn un rwyf wedi dod ar ei draws wrth gynorthwyo teulu sydd, yn gwbl briodol, wedi ceisio iawn am farwolaeth anwylyd, mater difrifol y maent yn haeddu gallu cael mynediad at y ffeithiau llawn mewn perthynas ag ef, er ei fod yn cynnwys termau cymhleth a clinigol. Rwy’n siŵr fod hon yn broblem gynyddol i Aelodau eraill hefyd. Rwyf hefyd yn ymwybodol fod y GIG, Senedd y DU a’r rhan fwyaf o adrannau’r gwasanaeth sifil yn cynnig gwasanaeth cyfieithu ar gyfer ieithoedd heblaw’r Gymraeg a’r Saesneg, ond nid yw hyn ar gael yn y Senedd ar hyn o bryd.

Mae'n amlwg fod ystyriaethau cost ynghlwm wrth wasanaeth cyfieithu o’r math hwn, ond byddwn yn ddiolchgar pe gallai’r Comisiwn roi’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf ynglŷn ag a ydynt wedi cynnal asesiad o’r angen cynyddol am wasanaeth cyfieithu ehangach, beth fyddai'r trothwy ar gyfer ystyried un, ac a yw'r Comisiwn wedi gwneud ymholiadau ynghylch cost gweithredu gwasanaethau cyfieithu o'r fath ar gyfer ieithoedd heblaw'r Gymraeg a'r Saesneg. Diolch.

Thank you for the supplementary. As I said in my initial response, Members who are undertaking any casework, as you obviously are, with people whose first language isn't either English or Welsh are able to use their office costs allowance for the purposes of translation. Obviously, there is a limit to that office costs allowance of £25,000 per Member. I would hope that that office costs allowance would be sufficient to cover some of the costs you've needed to incur for your constituents. If not, and if there is an issue here and a growing issue that you've outlined, then representations to the remuneration board would be useful to make the representation that the office costs allowance needs to be looked at to be extended for the purposes of accommodating this work, should you feel and any other Members here feel that the allowance that's in place at the moment is insufficient to meet the needs of your constituents. Because I quite clearly agree with you that some of our constituents need to be communicating both with us as their elected representatives and possibly with any public authorities that they are engaged with in a language that is understood clearly by them. So, if this is an issue that you don't think that the current office costs allowance adequately caters for, then I'd be interested in hearing your exact experience on that directly and perhaps we can have that discussion outside of this Chamber to see what other measures need to be looked at, and whether that office costs allowance is insufficient and that the representations need to be made to the remuneration board. 

Diolch am eich cwestiwn atodol. Fel y dywedais yn fy ymateb cychwynnol, mae Aelodau sy'n gwneud unrhyw waith achos, fel rydych chi'n amlwg yn ei wneud, gyda phobl nad yw'r Gymraeg na'r Saesneg yn iaith gyntaf iddynt, yn gallu defnyddio eu lwfans costau swyddfa at ddibenion cyfieithu. Yn amlwg, mae terfyn o £25,000 yr Aelod ar y lwfans costau swyddfa hwnnw. Byddwn yn gobeithio y byddai'r lwfans costau swyddfa hwnnw'n ddigon i dalu rhai o'r costau y bu'n rhaid i chi eu talu ar ran eich etholwyr. Os nad yw, ac os oes problem yma a phroblem gynyddol fel rydych wedi’i amlinellu, byddai sylwadau i’r bwrdd taliadau yn ddefnyddiol i nodi bod angen ystyried ymestyn y lwfans costau swyddfa at ddibenion darparu ar gyfer y gwaith hwn, pe byddech yn teimlo, a phe bai unrhyw Aelodau eraill yma yn teimlo, fod y lwfans sydd ar waith ar hyn o bryd yn annigonol i ddiwallu anghenion eich etholwyr. Oherwydd yn amlwg, rwy’n cytuno â chi fod angen i rai o’n hetholwyr gyfathrebu â ni fel eu cynrychiolwyr etholedig, ac o bosibl, gydag unrhyw awdurdodau cyhoeddus y maent yn cysylltu â nhw, mewn iaith y maent yn ei deall yn glir. Felly, os yw hwn yn fater nad ydych chi'n credu bod y lwfans costau swyddfa presennol yn darparu'n ddigonol ar ei gyfer, byddai gennyf ddiddordeb mewn clywed eich union brofiad o hynny yn uniongyrchol, ac efallai y gallwn gael y drafodaeth honno y tu allan i'r Siambr hon i weld pa fesurau eraill y mae angen edrych arnynt, ac a yw'r lwfans costau swyddfa hwnnw'n annigonol a bod angen gwneud y sylwadau i'r bwrdd taliadau.

Gweithwyr sydd â Chyfrifoldebau Gofalu
Employees with Caring Responsibilities

2. Sut y mae Comisiwn y Senedd yn cefnogi gweithwyr sydd â chyfrifoldebau gofalu? OQ60771

2. How does the Senedd Commission support employees with caring responsibilities? OQ60771

Mae yna gyfran sylweddol o weithwyr y Comisiwn mae gyda nhw gyfrifoldebau gofalu. Mae’r Comisiwn yn deall y gallai’r rhai sydd â’r cyfrifoldebau hyn fod yn wynebu straen ychwanegol wrth geisio cydbwyso eu hymrwymiadau gwaith â’u cyfrifoldebau gofalu. Er mwyn cydnabod hyn, mae’r Comisiwn wedi sefydlu polisi gofalwyr penodol, sydd wedi’i ddatblygu mewn ymgynghoriad ag ochr yr undebau llafur. Mae'n rhoi cyngor ac arweiniad i weithwyr a’u rheolwyr llinell ynghylch pa gymorth sydd ar gael i bawb. Nod y polisi hwn a’r polisïau ategol yw helpu gweithwyr i aros mewn gwaith, cyflawni eu potensial gyrfaol a chyflawni eu cyfrifoldebau gofalu.

A significant proportion of Commission employees have caring responsibilities. The Commission understands that those with these responsibilities may be facing additional stress in attempting to balance their work commitments with their caring responsibilities. In recognition of this, the Commission has in place a specific carers' policy, which has been developed in consultation with the trade union side. The policy provides advice and guidance to employees and their line managers as to what support is available to everyone. The aim of this policy and supporting policies is to support employees to remain in work, to fulfil their career potential and to meet their caring responsibilities.

Thank you for your response. Post COVID, with new ways of working and communicating, I have chosen not to have a fixed office in north Wales, enabling staff and me to work flexibly from home or hubs and cafes across the region, meeting people in various locations. I welcome recent news that the homeworking allowance will continue for employees. Continuing with hybrid working in the Senedd here for Members has enabled those with caring responsibilities to be able to continue and bring in valuable experiences to debates and discussions. Looking at wanting to achieve gender quotas, women are still, very often, the main carer, but I am aware that here there are exceptions, which is fantastic. Do you agree with me that, if we are to achieve a diverse Senedd, that hybrid working can be an enabler?

Diolch am eich ymateb. Ar ôl COVID, gyda ffyrdd newydd o weithio a chyfathrebu, rwyf wedi dewis peidio â chael swyddfa sefydlog yng ngogledd Cymru, gan alluogi staff a minnau i weithio’n hyblyg gartref neu mewn hybiau a chaffis ar draws y rhanbarth, gan gyfarfod â phobl mewn lleoliadau amrywiol. Rwy'n croesawu newyddion diweddar y bydd y lwfans gweithio gartref yn parhau ar gyfer gweithwyr. Mae parhau â gweithio hybrid yn y Senedd yma i Aelodau wedi galluogi’r rhai sydd â chyfrifoldebau gofalu i barhau i ddod â phrofiadau gwerthfawr i ddadleuon a thrafodaethau. Gan ystyried y dyhead i gyflawni cwotâu rhywedd, menywod yw’r prif ofalwr yn aml iawn o hyd, ond rwy’n ymwybodol fod eithriadau yma, sy’n wych. A ydych yn cytuno â mi, os ydym am gael Senedd amrywiol, y gall gweithio hybrid fod yn alluogydd?

Yes. I agree most definitely. I think it's almost a shame, isn't it, that we were led down this path of hybrid working, flexible working, working from home, not feeling that you need to have a constituency regional office in your area and can work more flexibly around that—we were led down that path primarily by COVID, and we were moving too slowly, probably, as a society and as a Senedd before then, in taking some of these actions and enabling all of this to happen. So, that's a positive, most definitely. It's a positive for all of our staff, all of us as Members, all of our constituents as well, who are able to work from home or work in a way that allows more flexibility in their lives. As a society, that's a really useful contribution to our society and to our economy. But we always have to remember, as elected Members here, that we have constituents who, due to their working arrangements or the work they do or, in fact, their economic circumstances, are not able to work in that mode, and, as elected representatives here, we need to strive to ensure that they are also looked after and allowed to lead the fullest possible lives that incorporate all aspects of life, both economic, social and family. 

Ydw. Rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr. Credaf ei bod bron yn drueni, onid yw, i ni gael ein harwain ar hyd llwybr gweithio hybrid, gweithio hyblyg, gweithio gartref, peidio â theimlo bod angen ichi gael swyddfa etholaeth ranbarthol yn eich ardal ac y gallwch weithio’n fwy hyblyg o gwmpas hynny—cawsom ein harwain ar hyd y llwybr hwnnw yn bennaf gan COVID, ac roeddem yn symud yn rhy araf, mae’n debyg, fel cymdeithas ac fel Senedd cyn hynny, i gymryd rhai o’r camau hyn a galluogi hyn oll i ddigwydd. Felly, mae hynny'n gadarnhaol, yn sicr. Mae'n beth cadarnhaol i'n holl staff, pob un ohonom ni fel Aelodau, pob un o'n hetholwyr hefyd, sy'n gallu gweithio gartref neu weithio mewn ffordd sy'n caniatáu mwy o hyblygrwydd yn eu bywydau. Fel cymdeithas, mae hynny'n gyfraniad defnyddiol iawn i'n cymdeithas ac i'n heconomi. Ond mae'n rhaid inni gofio bob amser, fel Aelodau etholedig yma, fod gennym etholwyr nad ydynt yn gallu gweithio yn y modd hwnnw oherwydd eu trefniadau gwaith neu’r gwaith y maent yn ei wneud, neu eu hamgylchiadau economaidd mewn gwirionedd, ac fel eu cynrychiolwyr etholedig yma, mae angen inni ymdrechu i sicrhau ein bod yn gofalu amdanynt hwy hefyd a'u bod yn cael byw'r bywydau llawnaf posibl sy’n ymgorffori pob agwedd ar fywyd, yn economaidd, yn gymdeithasol ac yn deuluol.

Cefnogi Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru
Supporting the Welsh Youth Parliament

3. Sut y mae'r Comisiwn yn cefnogi Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru i ymgysylltu â seneddau ieuenctid eraill? OQ60764

3. How does the Commission support the Welsh Youth Parliament to engage with other youth parliaments? OQ60764

Ers sefydlu Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru, mae Comisiwn y Senedd wedi hwyluso cyfleoedd i Aelodau o’r Senedd Ieuenctid gwrdd â’u cymheiriaid rhyngwladol, er enghraifft, drwy gymryd rhan yn Senedd Ieuenctid y Gymanwlad. Mae Aelodau Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru wedi cwrdd â seneddau ieuenctid y Gymanwlad yn India ac yn Trinidad a Tobago, a byddwn ni'n gwneud cais am leoedd i Aelodau o’r Senedd Ieuenctid fynychu Cymdeithas Seneddol y Gymanwlad eleni, a fydd yn cael ei chynnal yn Senedd Seland Newydd. 

Rydym yn manteisio ar bob cyfle i arddangos gwaith y Senedd Ieuenctid ar lwyfan y byd, ac rydym wedi ymgysylltu â seneddau ieuenctid eraill, gan gynnwys yn yr Alban, Senedd Ieuenctid Jersey, Cyngor Rhanbarthol Llydaw ac, yn fwy diweddar, Senedd Ieuenctid Seland Newydd, i gyfnewid gwybodaeth, syniadau a chyfleoedd.

Since establishing the Welsh Youth Parliament, the Senedd Commission has facilitated opportunities for Members of the Youth Parliament to meet with their international counterparts, for example, taking part in the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association biennial Commonwealth Youth Parliament. Members of the Youth Parliament have met Commonwealth youth parliaments in India and Trinidad and Tobago, and we will be bidding for places for Members of the Youth Parliament to attend this year’s CPA meeting, which will be hosted by the New Zealand Parliament.

We use every opportunity to showcase the work of the Welsh Youth Parliament on the world stage, and we've engaged with other youth parliaments, including the Scottish Youth Parliament, Jersey Youth Parliament, the Regional Council of Brittany and, more recently, with the New Zealand Youth Parliament, to exchange knowledge, ideas and opportunities.

Diolch yn fawr, Llywydd. I'm grateful for the really positive response to the question posed this afternoon. During a recent Senedd delegation visit to the Falkland Islands, I and colleagues Alun Davies, James Evans and Laura Anne Jones met with the Falkland Islands Youth Parliament. We were all really impressed with the work that they're doing and their vision for the Falkland Islands, but particularly impressed with their work around mental health, Llywydd. This resonates so much with the work of our own Youth Parliament and, in particular, their report, 'Young Minds Matter'. Given the priorities of the two youth parliaments are very much aligned, will the Commission seek to find time for an online conversation between our Youth Parliament and colleagues in the Falkland Islands to discuss how the parliamentarians can discuss and work together on matters of interest in the future? Diolch.

Diolch yn fawr, Lywydd. Rwy’n ddiolchgar am yr ymateb cadarnhaol iawn i’r cwestiwn a ofynnwyd y prynhawn yma. Yn ystod ymweliad gan ddirprwyaeth o'r Senedd yn ddiweddar ag Ynysoedd Falkland, cyfarfu fy nghyd-Aelodau, Alun Davies, James Evans a Laura Anne Jones a minnau â Senedd Ieuenctid Ynysoedd Falkland. Gwnaeth eu gwaith a'u gweledigaeth ar gyfer Ynysoedd Falkland argraff fawr ar bob un ohonom, ond gwnaeth eu gwaith ym maes iechyd meddwl argraff arbennig arnom, Lywydd. Mae hyn yn cyd-fynd i'r fath raddau â gwaith ein Senedd Ieuenctid ein hunain, ac yn enwedig eu hadroddiad, 'Meddyliau Iau o Bwys'. O ystyried bod blaenoriaethau’r ddwy senedd ieuenctid yn debyg iawn, a wnaiff y Comisiwn geisio dod o hyd i amser ar gyfer sgwrs ar-lein rhwng ein Senedd Ieuenctid a chymheiriaid yn Ynysoedd Falkland i drafod sut y gall y seneddwyr drafod a chydweithio ar faterion o ddiddordeb yn y dyfodol? Diolch.


That's an excellent idea, and I'd be keen to facilitate that. It's encouraging to know that, in two youth parliaments from two areas so far away from each other in the world, the young people are interested in discussing mental health issues, that they are issues facing young people all over the world, due to some common circumstances around social media and all kinds of other areas of common interest, I'm sure. So, I'd very keen, with you and the delegation of Members from here that visited the Falklands, to pursue how we can put that into practice between both youth parliaments. Diolch yn fawr.

Dyna syniad ardderchog, a byddwn yn awyddus i hwyluso hynny. Mae’n galonogol gwybod, mewn dwy senedd ieuenctid o ddwy ardal sydd mor bell oddi wrth ei gilydd yn y byd, fod gan y bobl ifanc ddiddordeb mewn trafod materion iechyd meddwl, eu bod yn faterion sy’n wynebu pobl ifanc ledled y byd, oherwydd rhai amgylchiadau cyffredin yn ymwneud â chyfryngau cymdeithasol a phob math o feysydd eraill o ddiddordeb cyffredin, rwy’n siŵr. Felly, byddwn yn awyddus iawn, gyda chi a'r ddirprwyaeth o Aelodau o'r fan hon a ymwelodd ag Ynysoedd Falkland, i archwilio sut y gallwn roi hynny ar waith rhwng y ddwy senedd ieuenctid. Diolch yn fawr.

4. Cwestiynau Amserol
4. Topical Questions

Eitem 4 yw'r cwestiynau amserol. Mae un cwestiwn amserol heddiw, a fydd yn cael ei ofyn gan Russell George.

Item 4 is topical questions. There is one topical question today, which will be asked by Russell George.

Pleidlais ar Weithredu Diwydiannol
Vote on Industrial Action

1. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad ar ymgynghorwyr ac arbenigwr, arbenigwr cyswllt, a meddygon arbenigol yng Nghymru yn pleidleisio am ddau ddiwrnod o streic ym mis Ebrill ynghylch cyflogau? TQ1010

1. Will the Minister make a statement on consultants and specialist, associate specialist, and speciality doctors in Wales voting for two days of strike in April over pay? TQ1010

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. It's disappointing that consultants and specialty and specialist doctors have voted to take strike action, but we understand the strength of their feeling about the 5 per cent pay offer. The £168 million funding announced today by the Chancellor for Wales is already planned for and known by the Welsh Government and accounted for in our spending plans. We will work with the British Medical Association and NHS Wales to ensure patient safety is protected during industrial action.

Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Mae'n siomedig fod meddygon ymgynghorol a meddygon arbennig ac arbenigol wedi pleidleisio i streicio, ond rydym yn deall cryfder eu teimladau am y cynnig cyflog o 5 y cant. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru eisoes yn ymwybodol ac wedi cynllunio ar gyfer y cyllid o £168 miliwn a gyhoeddwyd heddiw gan Ganghellor Cymru, a rhoddir cyfrif amdano yn ein cynlluniau gwariant. Byddwn yn gweithio gyda Chymdeithas Feddygol Prydain a GIG Cymru i sicrhau bod diogelwch cleifion yn cael ei warchod yn ystod gweithredu diwydiannol.

Thank you for your answer, Minister. I also thank the Presiding Officer for allowing this topical question today. This week, both the Welsh consultants and SAS doctors have voted overwhelmingly to take strike action over pay. This follows, of course, two rounds of action taken by junior doctors and a 96-hour walkout later this month, and that's a record first. Now, this comes, of course, on the back of the worst pay offer in the UK, it's the third set of strikes, and it also will, of course, add pressure onto the already existing longer waiting times that we have in Wales in comparison to the rest of the UK. And, of course, there's the financial cost as well of the strike action.

Now, the cost of meeting the additional 1 per cent payment for consultants and SAS doctors, recommended by the independent review body, would cost £6.5 million, according to a response to a written question from us as Welsh Conservatives. Now, I know, Minister, you will say that there is no more money, but, later today, we'll be spending a considerable amount of time talking about Senedd reform, and we know that cost. We know that cost is £17.8 million per year for the additional politicians that some Members would like to see. So, this is about priorities, and this is about decisions that are made here. So, can I ask you, Minister, to return to the negotiation table with a credible offer for doctors in Wales to avoid further disruption and to avoid the even more millions of pounds that will be spent on covering the industrial action that could, of course, otherwise be put towards pay restoration?

Diolch am eich ateb, Weinidog. Diolch hefyd i’r Llywydd am ganiatáu’r cwestiwn amserol hwn heddiw. Yr wythnos hon, mae meddygon ymgynghorol a meddygon arbennig ac arbenigol Cymru wedi pleidleisio gyda mwyafrif llethol o blaid streicio dros gyflogau. Mae hyn yn dilyn dwy rownd o weithredu gan feddygon iau a streic 96 awr yn ddiweddarach y mis hwn wrth gwrs, a hynny am y tro cyntaf erioed. Nawr, daw hyn yn sgil y cynnig cyflog gwaethaf yn y DU, dyma'r drydedd set o streiciau, a bydd hefyd yn ychwanegu pwysau ar yr amseroedd aros sydd gennym yng Nghymru, sydd eisoes yn hwy o gymharu â gweddill y DU. Ac wrth gwrs, rhaid ystyried cost ariannol y streic hefyd.

Nawr, byddai cost y taliad ychwanegol o 1 y cant ar gyfer meddygon ymgynghorol a meddygon arbennig ac arbenigol, fel yr argymhellodd y corff adolygu annibynnol, yn £6.5 miliwn, yn ôl ymateb i gwestiwn ysgrifenedig gennym fel Ceidwadwyr Cymreig. Nawr, Weinidog, rwy'n gwybod y byddwch yn dweud nad oes mwy o arian i'w gael, ond yn ddiweddarach heddiw, byddwn yn treulio cryn dipyn o amser yn siarad am ddiwygio’r Senedd, ac rydym yn gwybod am y gost honno. Gwyddom mai £17.8 miliwn y flwyddyn yw’r gost am y gwleidyddion ychwanegol yr hoffai rhai Aelodau eu gweld. Felly, mae a wnelo hyn â blaenoriaethau, ac mae a wnelo â phenderfyniadau a wneir yma. Felly, a gaf i ofyn i chi, Weinidog, ddychwelyd at y bwrdd negodi gyda chynnig teg i feddygon yng Nghymru er mwyn osgoi tarfu pellach ac i osgoi gwario miliynau o bunnoedd yn rhagor ar ddarpariaeth cyflenwi dros y gweithredu diwydiannol, arian y gellid ei roi fel arall tuag at adfer cyflogau wrth gwrs?

Thanks very much. The 5 per cent increase for 2023-24 is, I'm afraid, at the limits of the finances available to us, and reflects the agreement reached with the other health unions for this year. We, of course, remain committed to working in social partnership with the British Medical Association, and are available for further talks at any stage. We will work with the NHS and unions and partners to ensure that lifesaving and life-maintaining care is provided during the industrial action, and patient safety is maintained.

I am pleased to see that there is additional funding for the NHS by the Chancellor today, but, as I say, that was additional funding that we had assumed would be coming for us and is already written into our budgetary plans. But I think boasting, like he did today, about the 13 per cent increase over the term of the Parliament—five years—is not that impressive, when, under the last Labour Government, spending on health increased by 4 per cent in real terms every year. Between 2010 and 2019, we saw the most prolonged squeeze in the history of the NHS, in terms of spending, which on average rose by 1.5 per cent. The Health Foundation published data showing that the UK spends 21 per cent less on health than the median EU average, and 39 per cent less than Germany. We have demonstrated in the past that, when we have money available, we have gone above and beyond the recommendations of the pay review body.

Diolch yn fawr iawn. Mae arnaf ofn fod y cynnydd o 5 y cant ar gyfer 2023-24 ar derfyn eithaf y cyllid sydd ar gael i ni, ac mae’n adlewyrchu’r cytundeb a wnaed gyda’r undebau iechyd eraill ar gyfer eleni. Rydym yn parhau i fod yn ymrwymedig i weithio mewn partneriaeth gymdeithasol â Chymdeithas Feddygol Prydain, ac rydym ar gael am sgyrsiau pellach ar unrhyw adeg. Byddwn yn gweithio gyda’r GIG ac undebau a phartneriaid i sicrhau bod gofal yn cael ei ddarparu er mwyn achub bywydau a chynnal bywyd yn ystod y cyfnod o weithredu diwydiannol, ac y bydd diogelwch cleifion yn cael ei gynnal.

Rwy’n falch o weld cyllid ychwanegol i’r GIG gan y Canghellor heddiw, ond fel y dywedaf, roedd hwnnw’n arian ychwanegol yr oeddem wedi tybio y byddai’n dod i ni ac sydd eisoes wedi’i gynnwys yn ein cynlluniau cyllidebol. Ond ni chredaf fod brolio, fel y gwnaeth heddiw, am y cynnydd o 13 y cant dros dymor y Senedd—pum mlynedd—mor wefreiddiol â hynny, pan gynyddodd gwariant ar iechyd 4 y cant mewn termau real bob blwyddyn o dan y Llywodraeth Lafur ddiwethaf. Rhwng 2010 a 2019, gwelsom y wasgfa fwyaf hirfaith yn hanes y GIG, o ran gwariant, a gododd 1.5 y cant ar gyfartaledd. Cyhoeddodd y Sefydliad Iechyd ddata sy’n dangos bod y DU yn gwario 21 y cant yn llai ar iechyd na chyfartaledd canolrifol yr UE, a 39 y cant yn llai na’r Almaen. Rydym wedi dangos yn y gorffennol pan fo gennym arian ar gael, ein bod wedi mynd y tu hwnt i argymhellion y corff adolygu cyflogau.


As I have mentioned many times here, the NHS is nothing without its legions of diligent and dedicated staff. But it is the defining, and highly regrettable, paradox of our health system over the past decade that, as the demands on the NHS have increased significantly, the value that is placed on the work of its workers has diminished.

Having seen their real-terms pay eroded significantly since 2008, it's entirely unsurprising that so many hard-working but perennially undervalued NHS staff in Wales are sending a clear message that enough is enough. As we've heard, consultants and specialist doctors are the latest to announce that they are undertaking strike action.

Given their extraordinary devotion to the profession, I know that they will not have taken this decision lightly. But the strength of feeling is clearly underlined by the fact that 86 per cent of consultants, and 94 per cent of specialty and specialist doctors, voted in favour of the BMA strike ballot. We stand firmly in solidarity with them, and I would urge the Government to get around the negotiating table as soon as possible with a credible offer. This should include a demonstration of intent that your commitment to the principle of pay restoration is more than simply warm words and vague promises.

Doctors deserve the certainty that this Government has a clear strategy, underpinned by realistic time frames for translating this ambition into reality. Could the Minister therefore explain the precise figure needed to restore the real-terms pay of NHS doctors in Wales? How long will it take to get this money into their pockets? And why isn't Keir Starmer's Government in waiting pledging to give you the resources to achieve this?

Fel y dywedais sawl gwaith yma, nid yw'r GIG yn ddim heb ei lu o staff diwyd ac ymroddedig. Ond paradocs diffiniol a gofidus iawn ein system iechyd dros y degawd diwethaf, wrth i'r pwysau ar y GIG gynyddu'n sylweddol, yw bod y gwerth sy'n cael ei roi ar waith ei weithwyr wedi lleihau.

Ar ôl gweld eu cyflog mewn termau real yn gostwng yn sylweddol ers 2008, nid yw'n syndod fod cymaint o staff y GIG sy'n gweithio'n galed ond sy'n cael eu tanbrisio'n barhaol yng Nghymru wedi anfon neges glir i ddweud mai digon yw digon. Fel y clywsom, meddygon ymgynghorol a meddygon arbenigol yw'r rhai diweddaraf i gyhoeddi eu bod yn mynd ar streic.

O ystyried eu hymroddiad eithriadol i'r proffesiwn, gwn na fyddant wedi gwneud y penderfyniad hwn ar chwarae bach. Ond mae cryfder y teimladau wedi'i amlygu gan y ffaith bod 86 y cant o feddygon ymgynghorol, a 94 y cant o feddygon arbennig ac arbenigol, wedi pleidleisio o blaid streic Cymdeithas Feddygol Prydain. Rydym yn cydsefyll â nhw, a hoffwn annog y Llywodraeth i ddod o gwmpas y bwrdd negodi a gwneud cynnig teg cyn gynted â phosibl. Dylai hwn ddangos bwriad fod eich ymrwymiad i'r egwyddor o adfer cyflog yn fwy na dim ond geiriau cynnes ac addewidion amwys.

Mae meddygon yn haeddu'r sicrwydd fod gan y Llywodraeth hon strategaeth glir, wedi'i seilio ar fframiau amser realistig ar gyfer gwireddu'r uchelgais hwn. A allai'r Gweinidog esbonio'r union ffigur sydd ei angen felly i adfer cyflog meddygon y GIG yng Nghymru mewn termau real? Pa mor hir fydd hi nes y gwelir yr arian hwn yn eu pocedi? A pham nad yw darpar Lywodraeth Keir Starmer wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu'r adnoddau i chi gyflawni hyn?

Thanks very much. We know that the NHS only works because of the immense commitment of the staff who work within it. We have more people than ever working for the NHS in Wales, now numbering more than 105,000. I agree that I don't think that the consultants or the SAS doctors took this decision lightly. I understand the frustrations.

I hope that the public and the NHS consultants and SAS doctors have understood, and have seen, how we in the Welsh Government have prioritised the NHS in our budget. We have been around the whole of the Cabinet table to ask them to shore up the service, which is so close to people's hearts. We have increased the NHS budget by about 4 per cent in Wales next year, compared to the 1 per cent that you had seen planned in England.

I think that consultants and SAS doctors are more aware than anyone that the flow of patients through our hospitals is a particularly challenging issue, and an issue that we are unlikely to resolve unless we keep supporting a fragile care system. The money for that care system comes from the same pot as the NHS, and we are absolutely committed to paying the real living wage to our care workers, which does continue to be a budget priority for us.

I think that it's important for everybody to understand that we are committed to pay restoration, but at the moment that is very, very financially challenging, as you are aware. You saw the books. You have been involved in the budget process. Plaid Cymru has never—never—put the NHS in the priority list of what you want to see prioritised. It was not part of an agreement. So, I think that it's important that we all understand that, of course, we want to see this matter resolved, and we continue to be open to further discussions with the BMA.

Diolch yn fawr. Rydym yn gwybod mai'r unig reswm y mae'r GIG yn gweithio yw oherwydd ymrwymiad aruthrol y staff sy'n gweithio o'i fewn. Mae gennym fwy o bobl nag erioed yn gweithio i'r GIG yng Nghymru, ffigur sydd bellach yn fwy na 105,000. Rwy'n cytuno nad wyf yn credu bod y meddygon ymgynghorol na'r meddygon arbennig ac arbenigol wedi gwneud y penderfyniad hwn ar chwarae bach. Rwy'n deall y rhwystredigaethau.

Rwy'n gobeithio bod y cyhoedd a meddygon ymgynghorol a meddygon arbennig ac arbenigol y GIG wedi deall, ac wedi gweld, sut rydym ni yn Llywodraeth Cymru wedi blaenoriaethu'r GIG yn ein cyllideb. Rydym wedi bod o gwmpas bwrdd y Cabinet cyfan i ofyn iddynt gynnal y gwasanaeth, sydd mor agos at galonnau pobl. Rydym wedi cynyddu cyllideb y GIG tua 4 y cant yng Nghymru y flwyddyn nesaf, o'i gymharu â'r cynnydd o 1 y cant y gwelsoch wedi'i gynllunio yn Lloegr.

Credaf fod meddygon ymgynghorol a meddygon arbennig ac arbenigol yn fwy ymwybodol nag unrhyw un fod llif cleifion drwy ein hysbytai yn fater arbennig o heriol, ac yn fater nad ydym yn debygol o'i ddatrys oni bai ein bod yn parhau i gefnogi system ofal fregus. Mae'r arian ar gyfer y system ofal honno'n dod o'r un gronfa â'r GIG, ac rydym wedi ymrwymo'n llwyr i dalu'r cyflog byw gwirioneddol i'n gweithwyr gofal, sy'n parhau i fod yn flaenoriaeth gyllidebol i ni.

Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig i bawb ddeall ein bod wedi ymrwymo i adfer cyflogau, ond ar hyn o bryd mae hynny'n heriol iawn yn ariannol, fel y gwyddoch. Rydych wedi gweld y llyfrau. Rydych wedi bod yn rhan o broses y gyllideb. Nid yw Plaid Cymru erioed—erioed—wedi cynnwys y GIG yn ei rhestr o flaenoriaethau. Nid oedd yn rhan o gytundeb. Felly, rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig ein bod i gyd yn deall, wrth gwrs, ein bod eisiau gweld y mater wedi ei ddatrys, ac rydym yn parhau i fod yn agored i drafodaethau pellach gyda Chymdeithas Feddygol Prydain.

5. Datganiadau 90 Eiliad
5. 90-second Statements

Eitem 5 heddiw yw'r datganiadau 90 eiliad, ac yn gyntaf, Jenny Rathbone. 

Item 5 today is the 90-second statements, and first of all, we have Jenny Rathbone.

The inspiration for International Women's Day began with 15,000 women marching through New York in 1908, seeking shorter working hours, better pay and the right to vote. This prompted the Socialist Party of America to declare a first National Women's Day. In Copenhagen, an international conference of working women from 17 countries unanimously agreed in 1910 on the need for an International Women's Day. Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland seized the moment, but the date of 8 March was chosen to commemorate the 1917 strike by Russian women demanding bread and peace. Their strike led to the abdication of the Czar, Russia suing for peace and the new Government granting women the right to vote—a great day to celebrate women's fight for justice and peace.

In 1975, 8 March was recognised by all 144 countries of the United Nations, and the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, CEDAW, was adopted four years later. Each year, every country is examined on how well they are promoting the rights of women and girls, Wales included. So, how well are we doing? On the plus side, we have the Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (Wales) Act 2015, the public sector gender equality duty and, last year, Cardiff became the first city outside the US to adopt CEDAW.

But women continue to get 14 per cent less pay than men for doing the same job, so women work the equivalent of two months of the year for free on top of doing a greater share of unpaid work at home. The cornerstone of this discrimination is an assumption that all women become mothers and are the primary carers of children. Every year, thousands of women lose their jobs because they're pregnant. That's illegal if you've been in a job for six months, but extremely difficult to challenge, unless you're in a union—

Dechreuodd yr ysbrydoliaeth ar gyfer Diwrnod Rhyngwladol y Menywod gyda 15,000 o fenywod yn gorymdeithio drwy Efrog Newydd ym 1908, yn galw am oriau gwaith byrrach, cyflogau gwell a'r hawl i bleidleisio. Fe ysgogodd hyn Blaid Sosialaidd America i ddatgan y Diwrnod Cenedlaethol y Menywod cyntaf. Yn Copenhagen, ym 1910, fe wnaeth cynhadledd ryngwladol o fenywod a oedd yn gweithio o 17 gwlad gytuno'n unfrydol fod angen Diwrnod Rhyngwladol y Menywod. Fe wnaeth Awstria, Denmarc, yr Almaen a'r Swistir achub ar y cyfle, ond dewiswyd 8 Mawrth fel dyddiad i goffáu streic 1917 gan fenywod Rwsiaidd i fynnu bara a heddwch. Arweiniodd eu streic at ymddiorseddiad y Tsar, Rwsia'n ymbil am heddwch a'r Llywodraeth newydd yn rhoi hawl i fenywod bleidleisio—diwrnod gwych i ddathlu brwydr menywod dros gyfiawnder a heddwch.

Ym 1975, cydnabuwyd 8 Mawrth gan bob un o 144 gwlad y Cenhedloedd Unedig, a mabwysiadwyd Confensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Ddileu Pob Math o Wahaniaethu yn erbyn Menywod bedair blynedd yn ddiweddarach. Bob blwyddyn, edrychir ar bob gwlad i weld pa mor dda y maent yn hyrwyddo hawliau menywod a merched, gan gynnwys Cymru. Felly, pa mor dda ydym ni? Ar yr ochr gadarnhaol, mae gennym Ddeddf Trais yn erbyn Menywod, Cam-drin Domestig a Thrais Rhywiol (Cymru) 2015, dyletswydd cydraddoldeb rhywiol y sector cyhoeddus, a'r llynedd, Caerdydd oedd y ddinas gyntaf y tu hwnt i'r Unol Daleithiau i fabwysiadu Confensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Ddileu Pob Math o Wahaniaethu yn erbyn Menywod.

Ond mae menywod yn parhau i gael 14 y cant yn llai o gyflog na dynion am wneud yr un swydd, felly mae menywod yn gweithio'r hyn sy'n gyfwerth â dau fis o'r flwyddyn am ddim yn ogystal â gwneud cyfran fwy o waith di-dâl gartref. Conglfaen y gwahaniaethu hwn yw rhagdybiaeth fod pob menyw'n dod yn fam ac mai nhw yw'r prif ofalwyr am blant. Bob blwyddyn, mae miloedd o fenywod yn colli eu swyddi am eu bod yn feichiog. Mae hynny'n anghyfreithlon os ydych chi wedi bod mewn swydd ers chwe mis, ond yn anodd iawn ei herio, oni bai eich bod chi'n rhan o undeb—


Childcare continues to be a constant juggling act and gender-based violence is a public health epidemic. The women's struggle for bread and peace continues.

Mae gofal plant yn parhau i fod yn ymdrech gyson i gadw cydbwysedd ac mae trais ar sail rhywedd yn epidemig iechyd cyhoeddus. Mae brwydr y menywod dros fara a heddwch yn parhau.

This week marks the two-hundredth anniversary of the foundation of the Royal National Lifeboat Institute, the RNLI. Since 1824, RNLI volunteers have saved the lives of almost 13,000 people in Wales, and nearly 150,000 people across Great Britain and Ireland. My own region of Mid and West Wales is, of course, a coastal one, and between Burry Port in the south and Porth Dinllaen in the north, there are 16 lifeboat stations in the region.

Every week, from Tenby to Fishguard, Newquay to Borth, and Aberdyfi to Abersoch, hundreds of volunteers give up their time freely to train to save lives at sea. When their pagers go off, even in the middle of the night or the dead of winter, those same volunteers never hesitate in responding to a shout, putting their own comfort and safety on the line to deliver others safely back to shore.

Can I therefore use the opportunity presented by this two-hundredth anniversary to record my thanks, and I'm sure on behalf of everyone else here, for the service given by RNLI volunteers past and present, and my gratitude to the families and communities who support them?

Mae'r wythnos hon yn nodi dau ganmlwyddiant sefydlu Sefydliad Cenedlaethol Brenhinol y Badau Achub, yr RNLI. Ers 1824, mae gwirfoddolwyr yr RNLI wedi achub bywydau bron i 13,000 o bobl yng Nghymru, a bron i 150,000 o bobl ledled Prydain ac Iwerddon. Mae fy rhanbarth fy hun, Canolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru, yn un arfordirol wrth gwrs, a rhwng Porth Tywyn yn y de a Phorth Dinllaen yn y gogledd, mae yna 16 o orsafoedd badau achub yn y rhanbarth.

Bob wythnos, o Ddinbych-y-pysgod i Abergwaun, o Gei Newydd i'r Borth, ac o Aberdyfi i Abersoch, mae cannoedd o wirfoddolwyr yn rhoi eu hamser am ddim i hyfforddi i achub bywydau ar y môr. Pan gânt eu galw, yng nghanol y nos neu yn nyfnder gaeaf hyd yn oed, nid yw'r gwirfoddolwyr byth yn oedi cyn ymateb i alwad, gan roi eu cysur a'u diogelwch eu hunain mewn perygl i achub eraill a dod â nhw yn ôl i'r lan yn ddiogel.

A gaf i ddefnyddio'r cyfle a geir gan y ddau ganmlwyddiant hwn i gofnodi fy niolch, ac rwy'n siŵr ar ran pawb arall yma, am y gwasanaeth a roddwyd gan wirfoddolwyr yr RNLI ddoe a heddiw, a diolch i'r teuluoedd a'r cymunedau sy'n eu cefnogi?

Diolch o galon i chi am eich gwasanaeth cwbl arbennig, yr RNLI.

A heartfelt thanks to you all for your excellent service, the RNLI.

Today, across Wales, our communities come together to commemorate a pivotal moment in the history of our nation, the fortieth anniversary of the miners' strike of 1984. Four decades ago, Wales was home to a network of proud mines and proud miners. Rhondda alone, with its rich mining heritage, housed over 70 mines that fuelled not just industry, but the very heart of my constituency. The miners, the backbone of our communities, embarked on a courageous journey in 1984, enduring a prolonged strike that lasted months.

The impact of this strike rippled through the families and communities of Rhondda and across Wales, leaving scars on the lives of all the families it touched. The sacrifices made during those challenging times are unimaginable, as families faced fear and anxiety through tough economic hardship. The struggle was real, but so was the unwavering spirit of our miners and the wider community who rallied around them, supporting them on their marches back to work and in their voices, 'Coal, not dole'.

As we reflect on those times, we must express our deepest gratitude to the miners who stood tall in the face of adversity, who in no uncertain terms found themselves in a war against the then Conservative Government of Margaret Thatcher, a Government whose decisions have had a lasting effect on our communities to this day. In honouring the fortieth anniversary of the coal miners' strike, let us not only remember the challenges faced, but also celebrate the strength, resilience and unity that emerged from this struggle. Together, we pay tribute to the miners who shaped the history of this country and acknowledge their enduring contribution to Wales, to Britain, and to the world.

Heddiw, ar hyd a lled Cymru, mae ein cymunedau'n dod ynghyd i goffáu moment dyngedfennol yn hanes ein cenedl, sef deugain mlynedd ers streic y glowyr ym 1984. Bedwar degawd yn ôl, roedd Cymru'n gartref i rwydwaith o byllau glo a glowyr balch. Roedd Rhondda'n unig, gyda'i threftadaeth lofaol gyfoethog, yn gartref i dros 70 o byllau glo a oedd yn darparu tanwydd i ddiwydiant, ac i galon fy etholaeth hefyd. Dechreuodd y glowyr, asgwrn cefn ein cymunedau, ar daith ddewr ym 1984, gan ddioddef streic hir a barodd am fisoedd.

Rhwygodd effaith y streic hon drwy deuluoedd a chymunedau'r Rhondda a ledled Cymru, gan adael creithiau ar fywydau'r holl deuluoedd a gafodd eu heffeithio ganddi. Mae'r aberth a wnaed yn ystod y cyfnod heriol hwnnw yn annirnadwy, wrth i deuluoedd wynebu ofn a phryder oherwydd caledi economaidd anodd. Roedd hi'n frwydr fawr, ond roedd ysbryd diwyro ein glowyr hefyd yn fawr, a'r gymuned ehangach a oedd yn gefn iddynt, gan eu cefnogi ar eu gorymdeithiau yn ôl i'r gwaith ac yn eu lleisiau, 'Coal, not dole'.

Wrth inni ystyried y cyfnod hwnnw, mae'n rhaid inni fynegi ein diolch diffuant i'r glowyr a safodd yn gadarn yn wyneb adfyd, ac a oedd yn bendant mewn rhyfel yn erbyn Llywodraeth Geidwadol Margaret Thatcher ar y pryd, Llywodraeth y mae ei phenderfyniadau wedi cael effaith barhaol ar ein cymunedau hyd heddiw. Wrth nodi deugain mlynedd ers streic y glowyr gadewch inni gofio'r heriau a wynebwyd, a gadewch inni hefyd ddathlu'r cryfder, y gwytnwch a'r undod a ddaeth i'r amlwg o'r frwydr hon. Gyda'n gilydd, rydym yn talu teyrnged i'r glowyr a siapiodd hanes y wlad hon ac yn cydnabod eu cyfraniad parhaus i Gymru, i Brydain, ac i'r byd.


I'd like to pay tribute here in the Senedd this afternoon to a team of Welsh heroes who are nearing the completion of an unbelievable challenge that will raise much-needed funds for a very worthy cause. A group of enthusiastic cyclists, led by Rob Boyns from Ruthin, are part of the Welsh team taking part in the Doddie Aid challenge.

They've almost completed an epic bike ride from Edinburgh to Rome—yes, you heard me—all the way from Scotland to Italy, linking up all the six-nation rugby stadiums as they go, cycling through Dublin, Cardiff, London and Paris on their way. Now, they've been on their bikes for a week, and nearing the end of their journey; the latest is that they've just crossed into Italy, and that the finishing line in Rome this weekend is now within sight. As part of their journey, they've stopped in Monaco, where Prince Albert gave them a rugby ball, which Rob and the lads will have the privilege of taking onto the pitch at the Olympic Stadium in Rome, for use as the match ball in the six nations game this Saturday between Italy and Scotland.

Now, this Herculean effort is all in aid of the My Name'5 Doddie Foundation, which raises awareness and funding, of course, for motor neurone disease. The overall challenge has so far raised well over £300,000 for this amazing cause, and let's all do what we can to support them and help them get over the £400,000 mark. You can give to this fantastic organisation by visiting the JustGiving page and searching for 'All Roads Lead to Rome'.

Hoffwn dalu teyrnged yma yn y Senedd y prynhawn yma i dîm o arwyr Cymreig sydd bron â chwblhau her anghredadwy a fydd yn codi arian mawr ei angen ar gyfer achos teilwng iawn. Mae grŵp o feicwyr brwdfrydig, dan arweiniad Rob Boyns o Ruthun, yn rhan o'r tîm o Gymru sy'n cymryd rhan yn her Doddie Aid.

Maent bron â chwblhau taith feicio epig o Gaeredin i Rufain—do, fe glywoch chi'n iawn—yr holl ffordd o'r Alban i'r Eidal, gan gysylltu pob stadiwm rygbi'r chwe gwlad ar y daith, gan feicio drwy Ddulyn, Caerdydd, Llundain a Pharis. Nawr, maent wedi bod ar eu beiciau ers wythnos, ac yn agosáu at ddiwedd eu taith; y diweddaraf yw eu bod newydd groesi i mewn i'r Eidal, a bod y llinell derfyn yn Rhufain y penwythnos hwn o fewn golwg bellach. Fel rhan o'u taith, maent wedi aros yn Monaco, lle rhoddodd y Tywysog Albert bêl rygbi iddynt, a bydd Rob a'r bechgyn yn cael y fraint o'i chario ar y cae yn y Stadiwm Olympaidd yn Rhufain, i'w defnyddio yn y gêm chwe gwlad rhwng yr Eidal a'r Alban ddydd Sadwrn.

Nawr, mae'r ymdrech anfarwol hon i gyd er budd Sefydliad My Name'5 Doddie, sy'n codi ymwybyddiaeth ac arian, wrth gwrs, ar gyfer clefyd niwronau motor. Hyd yn hyn, mae'r her gyfan wedi codi ymhell dros £300,000 ar gyfer yr achos anhygoel hwn, a gadewch i bawb ohonom wneud yr hyn a allwn i'w cefnogi a'u helpu i gyrraedd y targed o £400,000. Gallwch gyfrannu at y sefydliad gwych hwn drwy ymweld â thudalen JustGiving a chwilio am 'All Roads