Y Cyfarfod Llawn
Yn y fersiwn ddwyieithog, mae’r golofn chwith yn cynnwys yr iaith a lefarwyd yn y cyfarfod. Mae’r golofn dde yn cynnwys cyfieithiad o’r areithiau hynny.
In the bilingual version, the left-hand column includes the language used during the meeting. The right-hand column includes a translation of those speeches.
Cyfarfu'r Senedd yn y Siambr a thrwy gynhadledd fideo am 13:30 gyda'r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair.
The Senedd met in the Chamber and by video-conference at 13:30 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.
Prynhawn da, a chroeso, bawb, i'r Cyfarfod Llawn. Yr eitem gyntaf ar ein hagenda ni'r prynhawn yma yw'r cwestiynau i’r Gweinidog Cyllid a Llywodraeth Leol, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf y prynhawn yma gan Siân Gwenllian.
Good afternoon, and welcome, all, to this Plenary meeting. The first item on our agenda this afternoon is questions to the Minister for Finance and Local Government, and the first question this afternoon is from Siân Gwenllian.
1. Sut y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi’r ymdrechion llwyddiannus sy'n mynd ymlaen yn Arfon a mannau eraill i ddenu mwy o ferched i fod yn gynghorwyr sir? OQ59302
1. How will the Welsh Government support the successful efforts taking place in Arfon and elsewhere to attract more women to be county councillors? OQ59302
I welcome the actions being taken across Wales to encourage individuals to put themselves forward for elected office. Diversity delivers better, more inclusive decision making. In advance of the 2027 local elections, work to encourage diversity includes the programme for government commitment to extend the access to elected office fund.
Croesawaf y camau sy’n cael eu cymryd ledled Cymru i annog unigolion i ymgeisio am swyddi etholedig. Mae amrywiaeth yn sicrhau penderfyniadau gwell a mwy cynhwysol. Cyn etholiadau lleol 2027, mae'r gwaith i annog amrywiaeth yn cynnwys ymrwymiad y rhaglen lywodraethu i ymestyn y gronfa mynediad i swyddi etholedig.
Ers yr etholiad cyngor sir flwyddyn yn ôl, tua 35 y cant o gynghorwyr Cymru sy'n ferched. Yn Arfon, fe lwyddon ni i gynyddu nifer y merched a oedd yn sefyll dros Blaid Cymru o 21 y cant. Roedd hyn yn ganlyniad gwaith cwbl fwriadus gan rai ohonom ni, llawer o sgyrsiau o anogaeth, hyfforddiant, mentora, ac mae'r gefnogaeth wedi parhau dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf iddyn nhw ers yr etholiad. Ond ydych chi'n cytuno bod angen mesurau statudol i greu'r gwir newid ar draws cynghorau Cymru er mwyn cyrraedd sefyllfa hafal? A pha waith sy'n mynd rhagddo o ran creu'r newid statudol sydd ei angen?
Since the county council elections a year ago, around 35 per cent of councillors in Wales are women. In Arfon, we succeeded in increasing the number of women standing for Plaid Cymru by 21 per cent. This was the result of intentional work by some of us, a great many encouraging conversations, training, mentoring, and the support has continued over the past year for them since the election. But do you agree that we need statutory measures to create the genuine change across Wales's councils to reach a position of equality? And what work is ongoing to create that statutory change that is needed?
A range of work is ongoing at the moment in order to try and ensure that we have a more diverse group of people putting themselves forward for election, for both town and community councils, and county and country borough councils, in future. And those include the reviewing of the access to elected office fund, which was very successful in supporting a number of candidates to become town and community councillors at the last elections, but also looking to see how job sharing, for example, can be extended to more roles within councils, to recognise how important that is for becoming a more attractive option for a wider range of people. We know that women, in particular, and those with caring responsibilities, find that particularly attractive. And we've also been exploring what more we can do in terms of widening the access to hybrid meetings as a way of working, which, again, supports a more diverse group of people. But in terms of making those things statutory—I suppose we're talking about gender quotas here—I think there is a conversation to be had about that, but it's not one of our key proposals at the moment in terms of reforms, but, certainly, something that we should be having a discussion about. I'm very keen to have more of a discussion with Siân Gwenllian about her ideas in that space.
Mae ystod o waith yn mynd rhagddo ar hyn o bryd i geisio sicrhau bod gennym grŵp mwy amrywiol o bobl yn sefyll etholiadau, i gynghorau tref a chymuned, a chynghorau sir a chynghorau bwrdeistref sirol yn y dyfodol. Ac mae’r gwaith hwnnw'n cynnwys adolygu’r gronfa mynediad i swyddi etholedig, a fu’n llwyddiannus iawn yn cefnogi nifer o ymgeiswyr i ddod yn gynghorwyr tref a chymuned yn yr etholiadau diwethaf, ond yn edrych hefyd i weld sut y gellir ymestyn trefniadau rhannu swyddi, er enghraifft, i fwy o rolau o fewn cynghorau, i gydnabod pa mor bwysig yw hynny i ddod yn opsiwn mwy deniadol ar gyfer ystod ehangach o bobl. Gwyddom fod hynny’n arbennig o ddeniadol i fenywod a phobl a chanddynt gyfrifoldebau gofalu. Ac rydym hefyd wedi bod yn archwilio beth arall y gallwn ei wneud i ehangu mynediad at gyfarfodydd hybrid fel ffordd o weithio, sydd, unwaith eto, yn cefnogi grŵp mwy amrywiol o bobl. Ond o ran gwneud y pethau hynny'n statudol—mae'n debyg ein bod yn sôn am gwotâu rhywedd yma—credaf fod sgwrs i'w chael ynglŷn â hynny, ond nid yw'n un o'n cynigion allweddol ar hyn o bryd o ran diwygiadau, ond yn sicr, mae'n rhywbeth y dylem fod yn ei drafod. Rwy’n awyddus iawn i gael mwy o drafodaethau gyda Siân Gwenllian ynglŷn â'i syniadau yn y cyswllt hwnnw.
I've been proud to host and speak at both the 2022 and 2023 Equal Power Equal Voice Senedd events, celebrating the Equal Power Equal Voice project, a mentoring programme aiming to increase diversity of representation in public and political life in Wales. Equal Power Equal Voice, or EPEV, is a partnership between Women's Equality Network Wales, Stonewall Cymru, Disability Wales, and Ethnic Minorities and Youth Support Team Wales. And I was also pleased to participate in last month's north Wales regional meet-up for the EPEV programme, at the Autistic UK office in Llandudno, meeting and getting to know more about the mentees in north Wales. Although most of those attending were women, both men and women also identified inter-sectional issues, including disability and sexuality, which combined to create barriers for them. What positive action is the Welsh Government therefore taking with people to address this, in order to increase diversity of representation in public and political life in Wales?
Rwyf wedi bod yn falch o gynnal a siarad yn nigwyddiadau Pŵer Cyfartal, Llais Cyfartal y Senedd yn 2022 a 2023, i ddathlu prosiect Pŵer Cyfartal, Llais Cyfartal, rhaglen fentora sy’n ceisio cynyddu amrywiaeth o gynrychiolaeth mewn bywyd cyhoeddus a gwleidyddol yng Nghymru. Partneriaeth yw Pŵer Cyfartal, Llais Cyfartal rhwng Rhwydwaith Cydraddoldeb Menywod Cymru, Stonewall Cymru, Anabledd Cymru, a Thîm Cymorth Lleiafrifoedd Ethnig ac Ieuenctid Cymru. Ac roeddwn yn falch o gymryd rhan hefyd yng nghyfarfod rhanbarthol gogledd Cymru o raglen Pŵer Cyfartal, Llais Cyfartal y mis diwethaf, yn swyddfa Autistic UK yn Llandudno, a chyfarfod a dod i wybod mwy am y rheini sy'n cael eu mentora yn y gogledd. Er mai menywod oedd y rhan fwyaf o’r rhai a fynychodd, roedd dynion a menywod hefyd yn nodi materion croestoriadol, gan gynnwys anabledd a rhywioldeb, a oedd yn cyfuno i greu rhwystrau iddynt. Pa gamau cadarnhaol y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd gyda phobl i fynd i’r afael â hyn, felly, er mwyn cynyddu amrywiaeth cynrychiolaeth ym mywyd cyhoeddus a gwleidyddol Cymru?
I'd like to begin, really, by joining Mark Isherwood in recognising the importance of mentoring schemes. I've been a mentor myself in one of the schemes, and I found that probably as valuable to me as to the mentee, so I would absolutely encourage all colleagues to look at opportunities to support those kinds of schemes. One of the things that we have been doing is trying to widen our evidence base, looking at protected characteristics, and we undertook a survey of members of the public about their perceptions of local councillors, but then, also, our candidates surveys. And those surveys do show that there is a real lack of diversity, and they did give us some kind of insight, really, as to what the barriers are, in terms of allowing people with protected characteristics—often, one or more of those protected characteristics—being able to participate fully in local democracy. So, building on that suite of research, we've been able to hold a range of workshops, whereby we invited elected members, but also representatives of a range of organisations representing diverse, protected characteristics, to talk in a bit more depth about the barriers that there are to people becoming involved in elected politics. And I think that those workshops have been really helpful. They've recently concluded, so now we're looking at all of the learning that we had from those workshops in order to try and help us set out the next steps in this important agenda.
Hoffwn ddechrau, mewn gwirionedd, drwy ymuno â Mark Isherwood i gydnabod pwysigrwydd cynlluniau mentora. Rwyf wedi bod yn fentor fy hun yn un o’r cynlluniau, a chanfûm fod hynny yr un mor werthfawr i mi ag i’r unigolyn y bûm yn eu mentora, felly byddwn yn sicr yn annog pob un o'm cyd-Aelodau i edrych ar gyfleoedd i gefnogi’r mathau hynny o gynlluniau. Un o'r pethau y buom yn eu gwneud yw ceisio ehangu ein sylfaen dystiolaeth, gan edrych ar nodweddion gwarchodedig, a gwnaethom gynnal arolwg o farn aelodau'r cyhoedd ynglŷn â'u canfyddiadau o'u cynghorwyr lleol, ond wedyn, hefyd, ein harolygon o'r ymgeiswyr. Ac mae'r arolygon hynny'n dangos bod diffyg amrywiaeth difrifol, ac yn rhoi rhyw fath o fewnwelediad i ni, mewn gwirionedd, ynglŷn â beth yw'r rhwystrau o ran caniatáu i bobl â nodweddion gwarchodedig—yn aml, un neu fwy o'r nodweddion gwarchodedig hynny—gymryd rhan lawn mewn democratiaeth leol. Felly, gan adeiladu ar y gwaith ymchwil hwnnw, rydym wedi gallu cynnal amrywiaeth o weithdai, lle gwnaethom wahodd aelodau etholedig, a chynrychiolwyr o ystod o sefydliadau sy'n cynrychioli nodweddion amrywiol, gwarchodedig, i sôn mewn mwy o fanylder am y rhwystrau sy'n atal pobl rhag cymryd rhan mewn gwleidyddiaeth etholedig. A chredaf fod y gweithdai hynny wedi bod yn ddefnyddiol iawn. Daethant i ben yn ddiweddar, felly rydym yn edrych bellach ar yr holl bethau a ddysgwyd o'r gweithdai hynny, er mwyn ceisio ein helpu i nodi'r camau nesaf yn yr agenda bwysig hon.
2. Sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi awdurdodau lleol i roi mynediad i amlosgfeydd lleol? OQ59305
2. How is the Welsh Government supporting local authorities to provide access to local crematoriums? OQ59305
Local authorities are burial authorities and responsible for their own cemeteries and crematoriums. It is for local planning authorities to identify suitable sites for new crematoriums. Proposals for new crematoriums would be subject to planning and environmental law.
Mae awdurdodau lleol yn awdurdodau claddedigaethau ac yn gyfrifol am eu mynwentydd a'u hamlosgfeydd eu hunain. Mater i awdurdodau cynllunio lleol yw nodi safleoedd addas ar gyfer amlosgfeydd newydd. Byddai cynigion ar gyfer amlosgfeydd newydd yn destun cyfraith cynllunio a chyfraith amgylcheddol.
Thank you, Minister, for your answer. There is no crematorium in Powys. Many of my constituents have to travel into England, and the vast majority of my constituents have to travel over an hour to the nearest crematorium. So, clearly, this is not ideal for grieving families or friends, or, indeed, very sustainable at all either. Most crematoriums, of course, in Wales are owned and managed by local authorities, but I'm keen to know how the Welsh Government can support either a local authority or a private business to build and provide crematorium services in my constituency. And I ask the question in the context that there was an application in my constituency in north Powys from a private developer to build a crematorium. It was supported by the local authority in principle, and through the planning process as well, but it was rejected by Welsh Government after a call-in. So, what I'm very keen to understand from you, Minister, is how you can support, and Welsh Government can support, either a local authority or a private developer to build a crematorium and provide those services in my constituency, because a private developer isn't going to do that unless they know that their risk is minimalised and they have the support of the Welsh Government. So, can you perhaps give advice to me, and any private developer that wants to build a crematorium in north Powys, to support my constituents?
Diolch am eich ateb, Weinidog. Nid oes unrhyw amlosgfa ym Mhowys. Mae llawer o fy etholwyr yn gorfod teithio i Loegr, ac mae rhan helaeth o fy etholwyr yn gorfod teithio dros awr i’r amlosgfa agosaf. Felly, yn amlwg, nid yw hyn yn ddelfrydol i deuluoedd neu ffrindiau sy’n galaru, nac yn gynaliadwy iawn, yn wir. Mae’r rhan fwyaf o amlosgfeydd yng Nghymru, wrth gwrs, yn eiddo i awdurdodau lleol ac yn cael eu rheoli ganddynt, ond rwy’n awyddus i wybod sut y gall Llywodraeth Cymru gefnogi naill ai awdurdod lleol neu fusnes preifat i adeiladu a darparu gwasanaethau amlosgi yn fy etholaeth. Ac rwy’n gofyn y cwestiwn yng nghyd-destun y ffaith y gwnaed cais yn fy etholaeth i yng ngogledd Powys gan ddatblygwr preifat i adeiladu amlosgfa. Fe’i cefnogwyd gan yr awdurdod lleol mewn egwyddor, a thrwy’r broses gynllunio hefyd, ond fe’i gwrthodwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar ôl galwad i mewn. Felly, yr hyn rwy'n awyddus iawn i'w ddeall gennych chi, Weinidog, yw sut y gallwch gefnogi, a sut y gall Llywodraeth Cymru gefnogi, naill ai awdurdod lleol neu ddatblygwr preifat i adeiladu amlosgfa a darparu'r gwasanaethau hynny yn fy etholaeth i, gan nad yw datblygwr preifat yn mynd i wneud hynny oni bai eu bod yn fodlon eu bod yn agored i gyn lleied o risg â phosibl a bod ganddynt gefnogaeth Llywodraeth Cymru. Felly, a wnewch chi roi cyngor i mi, efallai, ac i unrhyw ddatblygwr preifat sy'n awyddus i adeiladu amlosgfa yng ngogledd Powys, er mwyn cefnogi fy etholwyr?
Thank you to Russell George for raising this issue this afternoon. I am aware of the particular application to which he refers, which was called in and then subsequently refused. The reasons for that are set out in the decision letter, and, because it is open to the applicant to challenge the decision in the High Court, I won't say any more about that application today. But I understand the more general request for information, and, I suppose, the advice would be for the interested private business to have discussions with the local authority in the first instance, because assessment for the need for crematoriums is locally led, and local planning authorities will need to take into account a range of factors, such as drive time, catchment for the existing provision—Russell George has set out some of the challenges there—the capacity of existing provision, and population and demographics, as well as planned housing developments in the area. And, obviously, the authority would want to take into account the views of the local residents as well. Guidance on the establishment of crematoria, including meeting the requirements under the legislation, is available from the Federation of Burial and Cremation Authorities, and that might be another source of useful information for the individual concerned, and for Russell George.
Diolch i Russell George am godi’r mater hwn y prynhawn yma. Rwy'n ymwybodol o’r cais penodol y cyfeiria ato, a alwyd i mewn, ac a gafodd ei wrthod wedi hynny. Mae'r rhesymau am hynny wedi'u nodi yn y llythyr penderfyniad, a chan fod hawl gan yr ymgeisydd i herio’r penderfyniad yn yr Uchel Lys, ni ddywedaf fwy am y cais hwnnw heddiw. Ond rwy’n deall y cais mwy cyffredinol am wybodaeth, ac am wn i, y cyngor fyddai i’r busnes preifat sydd â diddordeb gael trafodaethau gyda’r awdurdod lleol yn y lle cyntaf, gan fod yr asesiad ar gyfer yr angen am amlosgfeydd yn cael ei arwain yn lleol, a bydd angen i awdurdodau cynllunio lleol ystyried amrywiaeth o ffactorau, megis amser gyrru, dalgylch y ddarpariaeth bresennol—mae Russell George wedi nodi rhai o’r heriau yn hynny o beth—capasiti’r ddarpariaeth bresennol, a phoblogaeth a demograffeg, ynghyd â datblygiadau tai a gynlluniwyd yn yr ardal. Ac yn amlwg, byddai'r awdurdod am ystyried safbwyntiau'r trigolion lleol hefyd. Mae canllawiau ar sefydlu amlosgfeydd, gan gynnwys bodloni’r gofynion o dan y ddeddfwriaeth, ar gael gan Ffederasiwn yr Awdurdodau Claddu ac Amlosgi, a gallai honno fod yn ffynhonnell arall o wybodaeth ddefnyddiol i’r unigolyn dan sylw, ac i Russell George.
Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Sam Rowlands.
Questions now from party spokespeople. The Conservative spokesperson, Sam Rowlands.
Diolch, Llywydd, and good afternoon, Minister. As I'm sure you'll gladly recall, earlier this month I wrote a letter to you regarding council tax exemptions, in particular relating to the 182-day regulations for self-catering businesses in Wales. In this letter, I asked for an update on what exemptions will be made in relation to those regulations, and I was grateful to receive your response following the explanatory memorandum published on 6 March. Minister, you will know that these new regulations, with such limited exemptions, will mean that many genuine, well-established businesses in Wales will now pay thousands of pounds in tax that they previously had not done, or had not had to plan for, some of that being retrospective, therefore making some of these businesses unviable. So, Minister, what is your assessment of this?
Diolch, Lywydd, a phrynhawn da, Weinidog. Fel rwy’n siŵr y byddwch yn ei gofio, yn gynharach y mis hwn, ysgrifennais lythyr atoch ynghylch eithriadau i’r dreth gyngor, yn benodol mewn perthynas â’r rheoliadau 182 diwrnod ar gyfer busnesau llety hunanddarpar yng Nghymru. Yn y llythyr hwn, gofynnais am yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf ynglŷn â pha eithriadau a wneir mewn perthynas â’r rheoliadau hynny, ac roeddwn yn falch o gael eich ymateb yn dilyn y memorandwm esboniadol a gyhoeddwyd ar 6 Mawrth. Weinidog, fe fyddwch yn gwybod y bydd y rheoliadau newydd hyn, gydag eithriadau mor gyfyngedig, yn golygu y bydd llawer o fusnesau hirsefydlog dilys yng Nghymru bellach yn talu miloedd o bunnoedd mewn trethi nad oeddent yn arfer gorfod eu talu, neu na fu'n rhaid iddynt gynllunio ar eu cyfer, gyda rhywfaint o hynny'n ôl-weithredol, gan wneud rhai o'r busnesau hyn yn anhyfyw. Felly, Weinidog, beth yw eich asesiad o hyn?
The Welsh Government has tried to set out a position where we recognise the pressures on businesses, but also believe that the owners of properties should be making a reasonable contribution to the communities in which those properties are situated. We have recognised that some self-catering properties are restricted by planning conditions, preventing permanent occupation as somebody's main residence, and, in the regulations, which we laid on 6 March and which come into force on 1 April 2023, we recognise that in terms of the letting criteria and the maximum council tax premium. It is important, though, that where statutory exemptions are clearly definable in legislation and would be appropriate in all circumstances where they apply, that we use that as the format and the basis for taking our decisions, because planning conditions, I think, do satisfy those requirements as being clear and permanent and having their own legislative basis, and, where they apply, they apply in a consistent way. So that, I think, is an appropriate basis upon which to take decisions. I know that colleagues have provided a long list of other potential areas for exemptions, and we have looked at all of those in detail, but the regulations as laid, I think, set out a reasonable approach to move forward.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ceisio nodi safbwynt lle rydym yn cydnabod y pwysau ar fusnesau, ond hefyd yn credu y dylai perchnogion eiddo fod yn gwneud cyfraniad rhesymol i’r cymunedau y mae’r eiddo hynny wedi’u lleoli ynddynt. Rydym wedi cydnabod bod peth eiddo hunanddarpar wedi'i gyfyngu gan amodau cynllunio, sy’n ei atal rhag cael ei feddiannu'n barhaol fel prif breswylfa, ac yn y rheoliadau, a osodwyd gennym ar 6 Mawrth ac a ddaw i rym ar 1 Ebrill 2023, rydym yn cydnabod hynny o ran y meini prawf ar gyfer gosod ac uchafswm premiwm y dreth gyngor. Fodd bynnag, pan fo eithriadau statudol yn ddiffiniadwy mewn deddfwriaeth a lle byddent yn briodol yn yr holl amgylchiadau lle maent yn berthnasol, mae'n bwysig ein bod yn defnyddio hynny fel y fformat a’r sail ar gyfer gwneud ein penderfyniadau, gan fod yn credu bod amodau cynllunio yn bodloni’r gofynion hynny yn glir ac yn barhaol ac mae ganddynt eu sail ddeddfwriaethol eu hunain, a lle maent yn berthnasol, maent yn berthnasol mewn ffordd gyson. Felly, credaf fod honno'n sail briodol ar gyfer gwneud penderfyniadau. Gwn fod cyd-Aelodau wedi darparu rhestr hir o feysydd posibl eraill ar gyfer eithriadau, ac rydym wedi edrych ar bob un o’r rheini’n fanwl, ond credaf fod y rheoliadau fel y’u gosodwyd yn gosod ffordd rhesymol o symud ymlaen.
Thank you for that answer, Minister. As you've outlined, the main exemption put in place in relation to planning conditions specifies properties may only be used for holiday lets et cetera. But you also noted in your response just then the other exemptions that were sought by these businesses in Wales, and, in particular, this included an exemption for registered charities that provide respite for carers and properties that cater for those people with special needs. So, in light of this, Minister, will you reassess your council tax premiums and look at introducing an exemption for those who provide respite care in Wales?
Diolch am eich ateb, Weinidog. Fel rydych wedi'i amlinellu, mae'r prif eithriad a roddwyd ar waith mewn perthynas ag amodau cynllunio yn nodi mai dim ond fel llety gwyliau ac ati y gellir defnyddio eiddo. Ond rydych newydd nodi hefyd, yn eich ymateb, yr eithriadau eraill a geisiwyd gan y busnesau hyn yng Nghymru, ac yn benodol, roedd hyn yn cynnwys eithriad ar gyfer elusennau cofrestredig sy'n darparu seibiant i ofalwyr ac eiddo sy'n darparu ar gyfer pobl ag anghenion arbennig. Felly, yng ngoleuni hyn, Weinidog, a wnewch chi ailasesu premiymau'r dreth gyngor ac ystyried cyflwyno eithriad i’r rheini sy’n darparu gofal seibiant yng Nghymru?
We have looked at the case made by you and by others in respect of where a property is run by a charity, and I think that the circumstances will depend on the particular situation relating to that property. Some will already be covered by an existing exemption or by the new exemption, and, in cases where that's not so, authorities do have discretionary powers that they can use. The nature of charitable lettings can vary, and it would be difficult to define a specific category for this, but I think that there are cases where local authorities will be looking to the revised and refreshed guidance, which the Welsh Government is providing to help them take those decisions, when they believe that there is a real case for a individual property or a group of properties or a category of properties locally to be exempted.
Rydym wedi edrych ar yr achos a wnaed gennych chi a chan eraill o ran lle mae eiddo’n cael ei redeg gan elusen, a chredaf y bydd yr amgylchiadau’n dibynnu ar y sefyllfa benodol mewn perthynas â’r eiddo hwnnw. Bydd yr eithriad presennol neu'r eithriad newydd eisoes yn gymwys i rai, ac mewn achosion lle nad yw hynny'n wir, mae gan awdurdodau bwerau disgresiwn y gallant eu defnyddio. Gall natur llety elusennol amrywio, a byddai’n anodd diffinio categori penodol ar gyfer hyn, ond credaf fod yna achosion lle bydd awdurdodau lleol yn defnyddio'r canllawiau diwygiedig newydd y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu darparu i’w helpu i wneud y penderfyniadau hynny, pan fyddant yn credu bod yna achos gwirioneddol dros eithrio eiddo unigol, neu grŵp o eiddo neu gategori o eiddo yn lleol.
I thank you, again, for that response, Minister. I'm sure you would be the first to acknowledge the importance of these self-catering businesses in supporting our communities, both in the jobs that they create and sustain and the difference that they make to their communities, and I'm sure you'd also acknowledge and accept some of their anxiety and worry due to these 182-day regulations that they're facing at the moment, and many hoped that there would be some sensible exemptions to the premiums, but, clearly, this hasn't been delivered, and I think this needs to be reiterated here today. But, in light of this, Minister, will you today commit to working closely with this really important sector to ensure that we don't see these legitimate, hard-working businesses close, which would consequently result in loss of jobs and, therefore, an impact on our communities here in Wales?
Diolch am eich ymateb unwaith eto, Weinidog. Rwy’n siŵr mai chi fyddai’r cyntaf i gydnabod pwysigrwydd y busnesau llety hunanddarpar hyn yn cefnogi ein cymunedau, o ran y swyddi y maent yn eu creu ac yn eu cynnal a’r gwahaniaeth y maent yn ei wneud i’w cymunedau, ac rwy’n siŵr y byddech hefyd yn cydnabod ac yn derbyn rhywfaint o’u pryderon ynglŷn â'r rheoliadau 182 diwrnod hyn y maent yn eu hwynebu ar hyn o bryd, ac roedd nifer wedi gobeithio y byddai rhai eithriadau synhwyrol i’r premiymau, ond yn amlwg, nid yw hyn wedi digwydd, a chredaf fod angen ailadrodd hynny yma heddiw. Ond yng ngoleuni hyn, Weinidog, a wnewch chi ymrwymo heddiw i weithio'n agos gyda'r sector hynod bwysig hwn i sicrhau na fydd y busnesau dilys a gweithgar hyn yn cau, a fyddai o ganlyniad yn arwain at golli swyddi, ac felly'n effeithio ar ein cymunedau yma yng Nghymru?
The Welsh Government does work very, very closely with the tourism sector, and we do listen very carefully to the representations that they make on behalf of their members. I think that Sam Rowlands will recognise that we are trying to strike a balance here between supporting the tourism industry and allowing that to thrive and supporting that to thrive, but at the same time recognising that there is an important issue in terms of underused properties, particularly in some of our more rural and coastal communities, where there's a great deal of tourism but not opportunities for local individuals to rent or buy a home. So, I do think that we are trying to strike a balance in what is quite a challenging situation.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio'n agos iawn gyda'r sector twristiaeth, ac rydym yn gwrando'n ofalus iawn ar y sylwadau a wnânt ar ran eu haelodau. Credaf y bydd Sam Rowlands yn cydnabod ein bod yn ceisio sicrhau cydbwysedd yma rhwng cefnogi’r diwydiant twristiaeth a chaniatáu iddo ffynnu a'i gefnogi i ffynnu, ond gan gydnabod hefyd ar yr un pryd fod yna fater pwysig yn codi o ran eiddo sy’n cael ei danddefnyddio, yn enwedig yn rhai o’n cymunedau mwy gwledig ac arfordirol, lle mae llawer iawn o dwristiaeth ond diffyg cyfleoedd i unigolion lleol rentu neu brynu cartrefi. Felly, credaf ein bod yn ceisio sicrhau cydbwysedd mewn sefyllfa eithaf heriol.
Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Llyr Gruffydd.
The Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Llyr Gruffydd.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd. Minister, the Barnett formula all too often ends up being a rather convenient reason, some would say, for the Welsh Government to delay implementing transformative policies. The most recent case in point, maybe, relates to public sector pay here in Wales. Because we do know that, very often, the lack of action in England leaves Welsh Ministers sitting on their hands—you would say, 'having to sit on our hands', I'd imagine. Do you agree that the recent UK Government budget and the continued fiasco around HS2 funding, and now the even more absurd decision on no consequential funding to Wales from the Northern Powerhouse Rail work, has again underlined what Plaid Cymru has long advocated—that we need to move away from the current arrangement to a needs-based funding formula, delivered through an independent office of fair funding, which would have a legal obligation to deliver a fairer economic balance across the nations and regions of the UK, legally bound to ensure that public money delivers equality of outcomes right across the United Kingdom?
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Lywydd. Weinidog, mae fformiwla Barnett, yn rhy aml o lawer, yn cael ei defnyddio fel rheswm eithaf cyfleus, byddai rhai’n dweud, i Lywodraeth Cymru ohirio rhoi polisïau trawsnewidiol ar waith. Mae’r achos diweddaraf o hyn, efallai, yn ymwneud â chyflogau’r sector cyhoeddus yma yng Nghymru. Oherwydd gwyddom, yn aml iawn, fod y diffyg gweithredu yn Lloegr yn golygu bod Gweinidogion Cymru yn eistedd ar eu dwylo—byddwn yn dychmygu y byddech yn dweud eich bod, 'yn gorfod eistedd ar eich dwylo'. A ydych chi'n cytuno bod cyllideb ddiweddar Llywodraeth y DU a’r ffiasgo parhaus ynghylch cyllid HS2, a bellach, y penderfyniad hyd yn oed yn fwy hurt ar ddim cyllid canlyniadol i Gymru yn sgil y gwaith Northern Powerhouse Rail, unwaith eto wedi tanlinellu’r hyn y mae Plaid Cymru wedi dadlau drosto ers tro—fod angen inni newid o'r trefniadau presennol i fformiwla ariannu sy’n seiliedig ar anghenion, a ddarperir drwy swyddfa gyllid teg annibynnol, a fyddai â rhwymedigaeth gyfreithiol i sicrhau cydbwysedd economaidd tecach ar draws gwledydd a rhanbarthau’r DU, ac wedi'i rhwymo'n gyfreithiol i sicrhau bod arian cyhoeddus yn arwain at ganlyniadau cyfartal ledled y Deyrnas Unedig?
I would say that the Barnett formula and the fiscal framework that was agreed by the First Minister when he was in this role with the UK Government actually does provide some advantages to Wales in terms of the fact that the Barnett formula does recognise relative need. I think that's important and that's certainly something that we wouldn't want to move away from. I think that, where there are challenges—as the First Minister, I think, set out in First Minister's questions yesterday—is where the UK Government is the judge and jury in terms of the application of the Barnett formula. I think that that is where some of those real challenges arise, for example the classification of HS2 as an England-and-Wales project when it self-evidently isn't. HM Treasury's own analysis suggests that it will have a disbenefit to south-west Wales. I think that all of those things do lead us to the point where I think a more independent look at the Barnett formula and how it's applied is important. I think that the work that we've done in terms of inter-governmental relations is important as well. When we get to the point of testing some of this through the disputes mechanism, I think it will be an important moment for us to make those arguments quite clearly to the UK Government, using the process that we've agreed.
Byddwn yn dweud bod fformiwla Barnett a’r fframwaith cyllidol y cytunwyd arno gan y Prif Weinidog pan oedd yn y rôl hon gyda Llywodraeth y DU yn darparu rhai manteision i Gymru o ran y ffaith bod fformiwla Barnett yn cydnabod angen cymharol. Credaf fod hynny'n bwysig, ac mae'n sicr yn rhywbeth na fyddem am ymbellhau oddi wrtho. Lle ceir heriau—fel y nodwyd gan y Prif Weinidog yng nghwestiynau’r Prif Weinidog ddoe—credaf mai Llywodraeth y DU yw’r barnwr a’r rheithgor ar ddefnyddio fformiwla Barnett. Credaf mai dyna lle mae rhai o’r heriau gwirioneddol hynny’n codi, er enghraifft, dosbarthu HS2 yn brosiect Cymru a Lloegr pan fo'n amlwg nad yw hynny'n wir. Mae dadansoddiad Trysorlys EF ei hun yn awgrymu y bydd yn arwain at anfantais i dde-orllewin Cymru. Credaf fod yr holl bethau hynny'n ein harwain at y pwynt lle credaf ei bod yn bwysig edrych yn fwy annibynnol ar fformiwla Barnett a sut y caiff ei defnyddio. Rwy'n credu bod y gwaith rydym wedi'i wneud ar gysylltiadau rhynglywodraethol yn bwysig hefyd. Pan fydd yn bryd inni brofi rhywfaint o hyn drwy’r mecanwaith anghydfodau, rwy'n credu y bydd yn foment bwysig inni gyflwyno’r dadleuon hynny’n gwbl glir i Lywodraeth y DU, gan ddefnyddio’r broses rydym wedi cytuno arni.
I'm not sure any of us would relish having to run through those processes, to be honest, because I fear that we maybe know what the outcome might be. But there we are; we won't go there.
Really, it sounded a little bit as if you were making excuses for Barnett earlier on in your answer, but we know that by placing relative need first and foremost within the arrangement, we'd then be able to direct more public finances to address some of the socioeconomic and environmental challenges that we face here in Wales. Needs arising from our ageing demographics, for example, would then translate into increased funding for health and social care. Low employment would incentivise increased spending on education and training. Climate adaptation would necessitate funding then for more green energy investment. Without such reform, Wales is just going to be locked into the current cycle where we depend on a UK Chancellor making spending commitments for England before we can then subsequently act here in Wales.
What commitment can you give, Minister, as a Labour Minister here in Wales, that any incoming UK Labour Government would actually overhaul Wales's funding settlement to achieve that fairer, economic balance across the regions and nations of the UK—something, of course, that would fiscally empower you as a Welsh finance Minister to deliver on our priorities here in Wales, rather, of course, than having to wait, as we do currently, for England to act before we can make the investment that we so desperately need here in Wales?
Nid wyf yn siŵr a fyddai unrhyw un ohonom wrth ein boddau'n gorfod rhedeg drwy’r prosesau hynny a dweud y gwir, gan fod arnaf ofn ein bod yn gwybod efallai beth allai’r canlyniad fod. Ond dyna ni; nid awn i sôn am hynny.
A dweud y gwir, roedd yn swnio braidd fel pe baech yn gwneud esgusodion dros Barnett yn gynharach yn eich ateb, ond drwy sicrhau mai angen cymharol yw'r peth pwysicaf un yn y trefniant, fe wyddom y byddem wedyn yn gallu cyfeirio mwy o arian cyhoeddus i fynd i'r afael â rhai o’r heriau economaidd-gymdeithasol ac amgylcheddol sy’n ein hwynebu yma yng Nghymru. Byddai anghenion sy’n deillio o’n demograffeg sy’n heneiddio, er enghraifft, yn trosi wedyn yn gyllid cynyddol ar gyfer iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol. Byddai cyfraddau cyflogaeth isel yn cymell mwy o wariant ar addysg a hyfforddiant. Byddai addasu i'r hinsawdd yn golygu y byddai angen cyllid wedyn ar gyfer mwy o fuddsoddiad mewn ynni gwyrdd. Heb ddiwygio o’r fath, bydd Cymru wedi'i chloi yn y cylch presennol lle rydym yn dibynnu ar Ganghellor y DU i wneud ymrwymiadau gwariant ar gyfer Lloegr cyn y gallwn weithredu wedyn yma yng Nghymru.
Pa ymrwymiad y gallwch chi ei roi, Weinidog, fel Gweinidog Llafur yma yng Nghymru, y byddai unrhyw Lywodraeth Lafur newydd yn y DU yn ailwampio setliad cyllid Cymru i sicrhau cydbwysedd economaidd tecach ar draws rhanbarthau a gwledydd y DU—rhywbeth, wrth gwrs, a fyddai'n eich grymuso’n ariannol fel Gweinidog cyllid Cymru i gyflawni ein blaenoriaethau yma yng Nghymru, yn hytrach, wrth gwrs, na gorfod aros, fel y mae'n rhaid inni wneud ar hyn o bryd, i Loegr weithredu cyn y gallwn wneud y buddsoddiad y mae cymaint o'i angen arnom yma yng Nghymru?
I'm really keen to impress upon UK Labour the same argument that we've been making to HM Treasury in terms of the fiscal flexibilities that Wales needs. Our borrowing powers are not fit for purpose, really, in the sense that we have such a limited annual ability to borrow. I think that that obviously needs to be addressed. The year-end issues really need to be addressed in the sense that our budget often changes very late on in the year and there are some real limitations on carry-over, so it does potentially lead you to taking spending decisions at the end of the year that might not be the decisions that you would make if you had the ability to carry that funding over into the next financial year. Again, that's just a simple thing I think that the UK Government could do, which would be a common-sense approach to the issues that we're facing. Obviously, we're having the opportunities to make representations to the UK Government. I don't think it's going to be making piecemeal announcements. As the First Minister said yesterday, they will obviously be considering the production of the manifesto for the next election. Certainly, I don't think that this would be the appropriate place for me to be making announcements on behalf of UK Labour in terms of what they would intend to do for a future UK Government.
Rwy’n awyddus iawn i bwysleisio'r un ddadl i Lafur y DU ag y buom yn ei gwneud i Drysorlys EF o ran yr hyblygrwydd ariannol sydd ei angen ar Gymru. Nid yw ein pwerau benthyca yn addas i'r diben, mewn gwirionedd, yn yr ystyr fod gennym allu blynyddol mor gyfyngedig i fenthyca. Credaf fod angen mynd i’r afael â hynny, yn amlwg. Mae gwir angen mynd i’r afael â’r materion diwedd blwyddyn yn yr ystyr fod ein cyllideb yn aml yn newid yn hwyr iawn yn y flwyddyn a bod cyfyngiadau gwirioneddol ar gario drosodd, felly mae’n bosibl y gall hynny eich gorfodi i wneud penderfyniadau gwariant ar ddiwedd y flwyddyn sy'n wahanol i'r penderfyniadau y byddech yn eu gwneud, efallai, pe bai’r gallu gennych i gario’r cyllid hwnnw drosodd i’r flwyddyn ariannol nesaf. Unwaith eto, mae hwnnw'n beth syml y credaf y gallai Llywodraeth y DU ei wneud, a fyddai'n ddull synnwyr cyffredin o ymdrin â'r materion sy'n ein hwynebu. Yn amlwg, rydym yn cael cyfleoedd i gyflwyno sylwadau i Lywodraeth y DU. Ni chredaf y bydd yn gwneud cyhoeddiadau tameidiog. Fel y dywedodd Prif Weinidog Cymru ddoe, byddant yn amlwg yn ystyried llunio'r maniffesto ar gyfer yr etholiad nesaf. Yn sicr, ni chredaf mai dyma fyddai’r lle priodol imi wneud cyhoeddiadau ar ran Llafur y DU ynghylch yr hyn y byddent yn bwriadu ei wneud yn y dyfodol fel Llywodraeth y DU.
3. Pa gamau mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n eu cymryd i annog pobl dalentog i weithio mewn llywodraeth leol o ystyried effaith yr argyfwng costau byw? OQ59301
3. What steps is the Welsh Government taking to encourage talented people to work in local government given the impact of the cost-of-living crisis? OQ59301
Local authorities deliver their essential services through their talented staff. While each local authority is responsible for its own recruitment, the Welsh Government continues to provide support through Academi Wales leadership programmes including the all-Wales public service graduate programme, personal learning accounts and our wider apprenticeship programme.
Mae awdurdodau lleol yn darparu eu gwasanaethau hanfodol drwy eu staff dawnus. Er bod pob awdurdod lleol yn gyfrifol am eu recriwtio eu hunain, mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn parhau i ddarparu cymorth drwy raglenni arweinyddiaeth Academi Wales gan gynnwys rhaglen graddedigion gwasanaeth cyhoeddus Cymru, cyfrifon dysgu personol a’n rhaglen brentisiaethau ehangach.
Diolch, Minister. I'm always pleased to see the work that my local Bridgend County Borough Council do to improve community. With Brexit's complexities causing an increased workload, to the regeneration of our community, to combating the climate and nature emergency, local government staff play a vital role in the day-to-day lives of everyone. However, according to research conducted by the Institute for Government, the average age of civil servants across the UK is 44, and whilst Bridgend County Borough Council has launched a graduate scheme—some members of which are in the gallery here today—Minister, this is a real issue. Therefore, considering the increased workload for local government, what work is the Welsh Government doing to encourage young people to fill vacant posts in local government, and will they encourage schemes like this across Wales? Diolch.
Diolch, Weinidog. Rwyf bob amser yn falch o weld y gwaith y mae fy nghyngor lleol, Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr, yn ei wneud i wella'r gymuned. Gyda chymhlethdodau Brexit yn achosi llwyth gwaith cynyddol, i'r gwaith o adfywio ein cymuned, i wrthsefyll yr argyfwng hinsawdd a natur, mae staff llywodraeth leol yn chwarae rhan hanfodol ym mywydau bob dydd pawb. Fodd bynnag, yn ôl ymchwil a wnaed gan yr Institute for Government, oedran cyfartalog gweision sifil ar draws y DU yw 44, ac er bod Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr wedi lansio cynllun graddedigion—y mae rhai aelodau ohono yn yr oriel yma heddiw—Weinidog, mae hon yn broblem wirioneddol. Felly, o ystyried y llwyth gwaith cynyddol i lywodraeth leol, pa waith y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i annog pobl ifanc i lenwi swyddi gwag mewn llywodraeth leol, ac a wnaiff annog cynlluniau fel hyn ledled Cymru? Diolch.
Thank you very much for raising this important issue this afternoon. I absolutely join you in recognising the vital role that our local government staff play in terms of serving their communities. I'm very sorry I'm not able to meet the Bridgend graduates in person myself this afternoon, but it's wonderful to see them at the Senedd.
I think that there are some really important things that Bridgend is doing in terms of the significant use of apprenticeships. I know there are 144 of them, and that's been particularly useful in ICT, social care and building control. Those are all areas where we need to be encouraging talented people to make a career in local government. I think that, as Bridgend is doing, really, all local authorities need to be thinking about how we can promote the benefits of working in the public sector. As well as having the opportunity to really make a strong contribution to your local area, there are also fantastic opportunities within local authorities to progress within your career. I think that the more we can do to start getting young people at school and college to start thinking about careers in local government, the better, because as you say, there are great opportunities, and it really is a job where you can make a huge difference.
Diolch yn fawr iawn am godi’r mater pwysig hwn y prynhawn yma. Rwy'n sicr yn ymuno â chi i gydnabod y rôl hanfodol y mae ein staff llywodraeth leol yn ei chwarae yn gwasanaethu eu cymunedau. Mae'n ddrwg iawn gennyf nad wyf yn gallu cyfarfod â graddedigion Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr yn bersonol y prynhawn yma, ond mae'n wych eu gweld yn y Senedd.
Credaf fod rhai pethau gwirioneddol bwysig y mae Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr yn eu gwneud gyda'r defnydd sylweddol o brentisiaethau. Gwn fod 144 ohonynt, ac mae hynny wedi bod yn arbennig o ddefnyddiol ym maes TGCh, gofal cymdeithasol a rheoli adeiladu. Mae’r rheini i gyd yn feysydd lle mae angen inni fod yn annog pobl ddawnus i ddilyn gyrfa mewn llywodraeth leol. Fel y mae Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr yn ei wneud, credaf fod angen i bob awdurdod lleol feddwl sut y gallwn hyrwyddo manteision gweithio yn y sector cyhoeddus. Yn ogystal â chael cyfle i wneud cyfraniad cryf i'ch ardal leol, ceir cyfleoedd gwych hefyd o fewn awdurdodau lleol i gamu ymlaen yn eich gyrfa. Yn fy marn i, gorau po fwyaf y gallwn ei wneud i ddechrau cael pobl ifanc yn yr ysgol a’r coleg i ddechrau meddwl am yrfaoedd mewn llywodraeth leol, oherwydd fel y dywedwch, mae yna gyfleoedd gwych i'w cael, ac mae’n swydd lle gallwch wneud gwahaniaeth enfawr.
There are many people in black, Asian and minority ethnic communities who have a range of skills that will benefit the delivery of local authority services, such as language skills and a deep knowledge of different cultural communities. Minister, what should local authorities do to improve the rate of employment amongst these communities to better reflect the people they serve?
Ceir llawer o bobl mewn cymunedau du, Asiaidd ac ethnig leiafrifol sydd ag ystod o sgiliau a fydd o fudd wrth ddarparu gwasanaethau awdurdodau lleol, megis sgiliau iaith a gwybodaeth helaeth am wahanol gymunedau diwylliannol. Weinidog, beth ddylai awdurdodau lleol ei wneud i wella cyfraddau cyflogaeth ymhlith y cymunedau hyn er mwyn adlewyrchu'r bobl y maent yn eu gwasanaethu yn well?
I think it's really important that local authorities—and the public sector more widely—takes opportunities to look to attract a much wider and more diverse range of people to work in their sectors. They can do that by, for example, ensuring that the advertisements for roles are appropriately placed in places where people with more diverse characteristics are likely to see them, and also finding ways to make the interview process a more welcoming and inclusive way in which to find your new staff. And again, those mentoring schemes, which we were talking about earlier in terms of political roles, I think are really quite exciting and important within the context of the public sector as well. There is absolutely more that should be happening in that space, but lots we can learn, I think, from the work that we're doing to improve diversity in democracy, because I think that in many ways they're two sides of the same coin.
Credaf ei bod yn bwysig iawn fod awdurdodau lleol—a'r sector cyhoeddus yn fwy cyffredinol—yn manteisio ar gyfleoedd i geisio denu ystod lawer ehangach a mwy amrywiol o bobl i weithio yn eu sectorau. Gallant wneud hynny drwy, er enghraifft, sicrhau bod yr hysbysebion ar gyfer rolau yn cael eu gosod yn briodol mewn mannau lle mae pobl â nodweddion mwy amrywiol yn debygol o’u gweld, a dod o hyd i ffyrdd hefyd o wneud y broses gyfweld yn ffordd fwy croesawgar a chynhwysol o ddod o hyd i'ch staff newydd. Ac unwaith eto, rwy'n credu bod y cynlluniau mentora, y buom yn sôn amdanynt yn gynharach yng nghyd-destun rolau gwleidyddol, yn gyffrous a phwysig yng nghyd-destun y sector cyhoeddus hefyd. Dylai llawer mwy ddigwydd yn y gofod hwnnw, ond mae llawer y gallwn ei ddysgu o’r gwaith a wnawn ar wella amrywiaeth mewn democratiaeth, oherwydd mewn sawl ffordd, rwy'n credu mai dwy ochr i'r un geiniog ydynt.
4. Sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio gyda chydweithwyr llywodraeth leol i symud cronfeydd pensiwn y sector cyhoeddus oddi wrth fuddsoddiadau tanwydd ffosil? OQ59293
4. How is the Welsh Government working with local government colleagues to divest public sector pension funds from fossil fuel investments? OQ59293
We are working closely with colleagues. The Wales pension partnership discussed decarbonising local government pensions at the Partnership Council for Wales in November. Following your meeting with the First Minister in January, the WLGA has agreed to run an event in May with leaders and pension providers to discuss the next steps.
Rydym yn gweithio'n agos gyda chydweithwyr. Bu partneriaeth pensiwn Cymru yn trafod datgarboneiddio pensiynau llywodraeth leol yng Nghyngor Partneriaeth Cymru ym mis Tachwedd. Yn dilyn eich cyfarfod gyda’r Prif Weinidog ym mis Ionawr, mae CLlLC wedi cytuno i gynnal digwyddiad ym mis Mai gydag arweinwyr a darparwyr pensiynau i drafod y camau nesaf.
I'm very grateful to the Minister for confirmation of that meeting and the session with the Welsh Local Government Association. The Minister will know that, in 2021, the Welsh Government produced the route-map for decarbonisation across the Welsh public sector by 2030, and it shows what can be achieved if the public sector works together on climate emissions. In the spirit of collaboration and in the spirit of the decarbonisation session with the WLGA, I wonder if the Minister agrees with me that that, there, is an opportunity where we can come up together with a new strategy to decarbonise the Welsh public sector pension fund by 2030.
Rwy’n ddiolchgar iawn i’r Gweinidog am gadarnhad o’r cyfarfod hwnnw a’r sesiwn gyda Chymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru. Bydd y Gweinidog yn gwybod bod Llywodraeth Cymru, yn 2021, wedi llunio’r cynllun ar gyfer datgarboneiddio ar draws y sector cyhoeddus yng Nghymru erbyn 2030, ac mae’n dangos yr hyn y gellir ei gyflawni os bydd y sector cyhoeddus yn cydweithio ar allyriadau hinsawdd. Mewn ysbryd cydweithredol ac yn ysbryd y sesiwn ddatgarboneiddio gyda CLlLC, tybed a yw’r Gweinidog yn cytuno â mi fod cyfle yma i lunio strategaeth newydd ar y cyd i ddatgarboneiddio cronfa bensiwn sector cyhoeddus Cymru erbyn 2030.
I absolutely agree that working together to respond to the climate and nature crisis is the only way that we are really, really going to be able to make the improvements that have to be made. The whole pension system really needs to be responding to this agenda. It is true, of course, that local government pension authorities can be learning from each other and from across the public sector more widely. The meeting that I know, Jack, came about as a result of the work that you've been doing I think will be important in sharing that information.
It's also important to recognise that pension owners are already taking some steps to decarbonise. So, it's important to recognise good practice where it is taking place. The local government Wales pension partnership announced a new decarbonisation initiative across £2.5 billion of its investments in April of last year. And again, I think that there are opportunities there to explore that good practice and see how it can be widened even further.
Rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr mai cydweithio i ymateb i’r argyfwng hinsawdd a natur yw’r unig ffordd y gallwn wneud y gwelliannau y mae’n rhaid eu gwneud. Mae gwir angen i’r system bensiwn gyfan ymateb i’r agenda hon. Mae’n wir, wrth gwrs, y gall awdurdodau pensiwn llywodraeth leol ddysgu oddi wrth ei gilydd ac ar draws y sector cyhoeddus yn fwy cyffredinol. Credaf y bydd y cyfarfod y gwn iddo gael ei gynnal, Jack, o ganlyniad i’r gwaith rydych chi wedi bod yn ei wneud yn bwysig ar gyfer rhannu’r wybodaeth honno.
Mae hefyd yn bwysig cydnabod bod perchnogion pensiynau eisoes wedi rhoi rhai camau ar waith i ddatgarboneiddio. Felly, mae'n bwysig cydnabod arferion da lle maent yn digwydd. Cyhoeddodd partneriaeth pensiwn llywodraeth leol Cymru fenter ddatgarboneiddio newydd ar draws £2.5 biliwn o’i buddsoddiadau ym mis Ebrill y llynedd. Ac unwaith eto, credaf fod cyfleoedd yno i archwilio’r arferion da hynny a gweld sut y gellir eu hehangu hyd yn oed ymhellach.
I'm pleased this subject has been raised this afternoon. I have grave concerns over the decarbonisation of pension funds and how that will be implemented over a sustained period of time as a lot of public sector pensions rely on investments in fossil fuels. If you want a statement of fact, in the Member for Alyn and Deeside's own constituency, in Flintshire, they invested in renewables and clean tech way back in 2008 and 2009. So, you saw the perfect example in his own constituency of how a council can work proactively in decarbonising the pensions themselves without necessarily having the legislative framework in place to support that.
But the question I want to ask, Minister, particularly around this is around the lowest-paid workers, some of whom fall within the Clwyd pension fund, which covers my constituency in Denbighshire. In terms of implementation, what would that look like in terms of protecting the lowest-paid workers so that we don't impoverish the lowest-paid workers who very committedly engaged in pension funds all their working career and want a reward when they do decide to retire? What steps is the Welsh Government taking to support the lowest-paid workers in Denbighshire in that sense? Thank you.
Rwy’n falch fod y pwnc hwn wedi’i godi'r prynhawn yma. Mae gennyf bryderon dybryd ynghylch datgarboneiddio cronfeydd pensiwn a sut y bydd hynny'n digwydd dros gyfnod parhaus o amser, gan fod llawer o bensiynau’r sector cyhoeddus yn dibynnu ar fuddsoddiadau mewn tanwydd ffosil. Os ydych yn chwilio am ddatganiad o ffaith, yn etholaeth yr Aelod dros Alun a Glannau Dyfrdwy ei hun, yn sir y Fflint, fe wnaethant fuddsoddi mewn ynni adnewyddadwy a thechnoleg lân yn ôl yn 2008 a 2009. Felly, fe welsoch enghraifft berffaith yn ei etholaeth ei hun o sut mae cyngor yn gallu gweithio’n rhagweithiol i ddatgarboneiddio’r pensiynau eu hunain heb fod y fframwaith deddfwriaethol o reidrwydd ar waith i gefnogi hynny.
Ond mae’r cwestiwn penodol yr hoffwn ei ofyn ynglŷn â hyn, Weinidog, yn ymwneud â’r gweithwyr ar y cyflogau isaf, y mae rhai ohonynt yn cyfrannu i gronfa bensiwn Clwyd, sy’n berthnasol i fy etholaeth yn sir Ddinbych. Mewn perthynas â gweithredu, sut olwg fyddai ar hynny o ran amddiffyn y gweithwyr ar y cyflogau isaf fel nad ydym yn creu tlodi ymhlith y gweithwyr ar y cyflogau isaf sydd wedi cyfrannu'n ymroddedig i gronfeydd pensiwn ar hyd eu gyrfa waith ac sydd am gael eu gwobrwyo pan fyddant yn penderfynu ymddeol? Pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i gefnogi’r gweithwyr ar y cyflogau isaf yn sir Ddinbych yn hynny o beth? Diolch.
These would be matters, really, for the members of the pension board and the pension fund to be considering in terms of the investments that the fund makes. But that said, I think that green pension investments can be very good investments in terms of the way in which the current energy market is moving towards a greener and more sustainable way of delivering energy for the future. I know all of these things will be things that the pension scheme managers and so on are discussing with the pension board. Those specific investment decisions are really not for the Welsh Government, but for the pension boards themselves.
Byddai’r rhain yn faterion i aelodau’r bwrdd pensiynau a’r gronfa bensiwn eu hystyried mewn gwirionedd, o ran y buddsoddiadau y mae’r gronfa’n eu gwneud. Ond wedi dweud hynny, credaf y gall buddsoddiadau pensiwn gwyrdd fod yn fuddsoddiadau da iawn o ystyried y ffordd y mae’r farchnad ynni bresennol yn symud tuag at ffordd wyrddach a mwy cynaliadwy o ddarparu ynni ar gyfer y dyfodol. Gwn y bydd pob un o’r pethau hyn yn bethau y mae rheolwyr cynlluniau pensiwn ac yn y blaen yn eu trafod gyda’r bwrdd pensiynau. Nid penderfyniadau i Lywodraeth Cymru yw'r penderfyniadau buddsoddi penodol hynny, ond penderfyniadau i’r byrddau pensiynau eu hunain.
5. Pa asesiad mae'r Gweinidog wedi ei wneud o waddol ariannol y fenter cyllid preifat yng Nghymru? OQ59320
5. What assessment has the Minister made of the financial legacy of the use of the private finance initiative in Wales? OQ59320
There are now 20 remaining historic private finance initiative contracts in Wales. In 2019, the First Minister instigated a review of PFI contracts, encouraging contracting authorities to renegotiate or terminate PFI contracts where there was a value-for-money case for doing so. This work is ongoing.
Bellach, mae 20 o gontractau mentrau cyllid preifat hanesyddol yn weddill yng Nghymru. Yn 2019, dechreuodd y Prif Weinidog adolygiad o gontractau mentrau cyllid preifat, gan annog awdurdodau contractio i ail-drafod neu derfynu contractau mentrau cyllid preifat lle roedd achos gwerth am arian dros wneud hynny. Mae'r gwaith hwn yn mynd rhagddo.
Thank you for that. That's very helpful. Two of those cases that you've identified are in the Caerphilly borough. One is fully in my constituency, Lewis School Pengam, and the other has a campus in my constituency, which is Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni, and there are nine years left to run on the original 30-year PFI contracts. I don't think we would have had the schools without them, and they are very impressive schools, but Caerphilly County Borough Council believes that key benefits could be gained if the contract, which relates to the provision of building maintenance, cleaning, catering and grounds maintenance services is terminated early, and it's due to be discussed at full council on 19 April. So, in advance of that, I just wanted to ask the Minister: what support can the Welsh Government provide to Caerphilly County Borough Council, if they did decide to exit that PFI contract early?
Diolch. Mae hynny'n ddefnyddiol iawn. Mae dau o'r achosion rydych wedi'u nodi ym mwrdeistref Caerffili. Mae un yn gyfan gwbl o fewn fy etholaeth i, Ysgol Lewis Pengam, ac mae gan y llall gampws yn fy etholaeth i, sef Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni, ac mae naw mlynedd ar ôl ar y contractau mentrau cyllid preifat 30 mlynedd gwreiddiol. Nid wyf yn credu y byddem wedi cael yr ysgolion hebddynt, ac maent yn ysgolion penigamp, ond mae Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili yn credu y gellid sicrhau manteision allweddol pe bai’r contract, sy’n ymwneud â darparu gwaith cynnal a chadw adeiladau, glanhau, arlwyo a gwasanaethau cynnal a chadw tiroedd yn cael ei derfynu'n gynnar, a disgwylir iddo gael ei drafod yng nghyfarfod llawn y cyngor ar 19 Ebrill. Felly, cyn hynny, roeddwn am ofyn i'r Gweinidog: pa gymorth y gall Llywodraeth Cymru ei ddarparu i Gyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili, pe baent yn penderfynu terfynu'r contract menter cyllid preifat hwnnw'n gynnar?
Well, authorities are continuing to review their contracts to determine value for money, and contracting authorities that are undertaking reviews to renegotiate or to terminate a contract don't need Welsh Government approval to renegotiate or terminate that contract. Welsh Government does, however, review the business case, as we provide some revenue support cost for PFI initiatives. This stream of funding is considered as part of the value-for-money case for the overall public purse. So, in terms of Caerphilly County Borough Council, they have submitted a business case proposing the voluntary termination of their PFI contract for the two schools, as you just described, and I've approved the continuation of some revenue support for the remaining period that the contract would have run if the PFI continued. It is now for Caerphilly, of course, to make the decision as to whether or not it wants to voluntarily terminate.
Wel, mae'r awdurdodau'n parhau i adolygu eu contractau i benderfynu ar werth am arian, ac nid yw awdurdodau contractio sy'n cynnal adolygiadau i ail-drafod neu i derfynu contract angen cymeradwyaeth Llywodraeth Cymru i ail-drafod na therfynu'r contract hwnnw. Ond mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn adolygu'r achos busnes, gan ein bod yn darparu rhywfaint o gost cymorth refeniw ar gyfer mentrau cyllid preifat. Ystyrir y ffrwd hon o gyllid fel rhan o'r achos gwerth am arian ar gyfer pwrs y wlad yn gyffredinol. Felly, yn achos Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili, maent wedi cyflwyno achos busnes yn cynnig terfynu eu contract menter cyllid preifat yn wirfoddol ar gyfer y ddwy ysgol, fel y disgrifiwyd gennych, ac rwyf wedi cymeradwyo parhau â rhywfaint o gymorth refeniw ar gyfer gweddill cyfnod y byddai'r contract wedi bod yn weithredol pe bai'r fenter cyllid preifat yn parhau. Mater i Gaerffili nawr wrth gwrs yw gwneud y penderfyniad a yw'n dymuno terfynu'n wirfoddol ai peidio.
Minister, as you know, the use of PFI has been calamitous, to say the least. You will know that many councils were caught in the grip of toxic PFI schemes, and as we know, Minister, at last count, I believe there were 23 PFI projects with a capital value of £701 million, which was sponsored by Welsh Government, and there were five projects sponsored by the UK Government. Minister, there will be times when access to private capital is essential. However, often, they've offered poor value for money and merely place a burden of debt on many generations to come. I just wondered what lessons has the Welsh Government learned from the experience of PFIs. What work is the Welsh Government doing in order to increase transparency and to ensure that taxpayers get the best value for money when engaging with the private sector?
Weinidog, fel y gwyddoch, mae'r defnydd o fentrau cyllid preifat wedi bod yn ddadleuol a dweud y lleiaf. Fe fyddwch yn gwybod bod llawer o gynghorau wedi'u dal yng ngafael cynlluniau mentrau cyllid preifat gwenwynig, ac fel y gwyddom, Weinidog, yn ôl y cyfrif diwethaf, credaf fod 23 o brosiectau menter cyllid preifat gyda gwerth cyfalaf o £701 miliwn wedi'u noddi gan Lywodraeth Cymru, a bod pum prosiect wedi'u noddi gan Lywodraeth y DU. Weinidog, bydd yna adegau pan fydd mynediad at gyfalaf preifat yn hanfodol. Fodd bynnag, yn aml, gwerth gwael am arian a gynigir ganddynt ac maent yn creu baich o ddyled i sawl cenhedlaeth i ddod. Roeddwn i'n meddwl tybed pa wersi mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'u dysgu o brofiad o fentrau cyllid preifat. Pa waith mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i gynyddu tryloywder a sicrhau bod trethdalwyr yn cael y gwerth gorau am arian wrth ymgysylltu â'r sector preifat?
Well, I will say that successive Welsh Governments have consistently avoided the pitfalls of PFI contracts, and as a result of our approach, liabilities relating to this type of scheme in Wales are much lower than in other parts of the UK. For example, the average cost per head of PFI schemes in Wales is around £40, and that's approximately a fifth of the cost per head across the UK as a whole.
In Wales, we've looked to develop a different kind of model, which is of course our mutual investment model. It does differ from traditional PFI in a number of ways. For example, it ensures that the businesses involved have to help the Welsh Government deliver on the objectives of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015; they will, for example, need to deliver very stretching community benefits, and there are remedies for non-delivery; they will need to commit to the Welsh Government's ethical employment code, and also build with long-term sustainability and environmental efficiency in mind as well.
So, I think we've seen some very good examples—during the construction of the A465, for example, where we've seen lots of new local jobs being created, lots of employment for people who have experienced long-term unemployment, or who are not in employment, education or training, for example, and, of course, a number of community initiatives have been supported through the community initiatives programme, which was set up as part of that as well. So, I think it's important to recognise that we have developed the MIM model, but it does differ significantly from traditional PFI.
Wel, fe ddywedaf fod Llywodraethau olynol yng Nghymru wedi osgoi peryglon contractau mentrau cyllid preifat yn gyson, ac o ganlyniad i'n dull o weithredu, mae'r rhwymedigaethau sy'n gysylltiedig â'r math hwn o gynllun yng Nghymru yn llai o lawer nag mewn rhannau eraill o'r DU. Er enghraifft, tua £40 y pen yw cost cynlluniau mentrau cyllid preifat yng Nghymru ar gyfartaledd, ac mae hynny oddeutu un rhan o bump o'r gost y pen drwy'r DU gyfan.
Yng Nghymru, rydym wedi ceisio datblygu math gwahanol o fodel, sef ein model buddsoddi cydfuddiannol wrth gwrs. Mae'n wahanol i'r mentrau cyllid preifat traddodiadol mewn nifer o ffyrdd. Er enghraifft, mae'n sicrhau bod rhaid i'r busnesau sy'n rhan o'r cynllun helpu Llywodraeth Cymru i gyflawni amcanion Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015; byddant angen darparu manteision cymunedol ymestynnol iawn, a cheir rhwymedïau am fethu cyflawni; bydd angen iddynt ymrwymo i god cyflogaeth moesegol Llywodraeth Cymru, a hefyd adeiladu gyda chynaliadwyedd hirdymor ac effeithlonrwydd amgylcheddol mewn cof hefyd.
Felly, rwy'n credu ein bod ni wedi gweld rhai enghreifftiau da iawn—yn ystod adeiladu'r A465, er enghraifft, lle gwelsom lawer o swyddi lleol newydd yn cael eu creu, llawer o gyflogaeth i bobl sydd wedi profi diweithdra hirdymor, neu sydd heb fod mewn gwaith, addysg neu hyfforddiant, er enghraifft, ac wrth gwrs, cafodd nifer o fentrau cymunedol eu cefnogi drwy'r rhaglen mentrau cymunedol a sefydlwyd yn rhan o hynny hefyd. Felly, rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig cydnabod ein bod wedi datblygu'r model buddsoddi cydfuddiannol, ond mae'n wahanol iawn i gynlluniau menter preifat traddodiadol.
6. Pa drafodaethau mae'r Gweinidog wedi'u cael gyda Gweinidog yr Economi am gymorth ariannol ychwanegol i Gyngor Sir Ynys Môn yn sgil cyhoeddiad y 2 Sisters Food Group am gau ei safle yn Llangefni? OQ59316
6. What discussions has the Minister had with the Minister for Economy about additional financial support for Isle of Anglesey County Council following the announcement by the 2 Sisters Food Group regarding the closure of its site in Llangefni? OQ59316
The Minister for Economy, working with the Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, is engaging across Government and working in partnership with Anglesey council through the 2 Sisters taskforce. Our collective focus to date has been on supporting affected workers and the community in Llangefni and beyond.
Mae Gweinidog yr Economi, gan weithio gyda'r Gweinidog Materion Gwledig a Gogledd Cymru, yn ymgysylltu ar draws y Llywodraeth ac yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth â chyngor Ynys Môn drwy dasglu 2 Sisters. Mae ein ffocws cyfunol hyd yma wedi bod ar gefnogi gweithwyr yr effeithir arnynt a'r gymuned yn Llangefni a thu hwnt.
Diolch am yr ymateb yna. Mae angen ymateb o ran cyllid ychwanegol ar sawl lefel, wrth gwrs. Mae hon yn anferth o ergyd i ni yn Ynys Môn. Dwi, wrth gwrs, mewn cyswllt efo llawer o'r rheini sy'n colli eu gwaith wrth iddyn nhw wynebu dyfodol o ansicrwydd, a dwi'n gofyn am sicrwydd heddiw y bydd y Gweinidog yn edrych yn ffafriol ar unrhyw geisiadau am gefnogaeth i weithwyr a'u teuluoedd yn uniongyrchol, ac i greu cyfleon hyfforddiant a swyddi, ac yn y blaen.
Ac o ran y cyngor sir wedyn, mae gwaith yn cael ei wneud ar hyn o bryd i adnabod y meysydd fydd yn rhoi y mwyaf o alw arnyn nhw. Maen nhw'n edrych ar anghenion llesiant a chymdeithasol, anghenion tai, gwytnwch teuluoedd, ac yn y blaen. A'r pryder mawr ar y pwynt yma ydy na fydd hi'n amlwg beth ydy'r effaith tan ar ôl i'r ffatri gau. Felly, a gaf i ofyn, unwaith eto heddiw, ar y Llywodraeth i gydweithio yn agos iawn, iawn efo'r gymuned, ac efo'r cyngor sir yn benodol, a sicrhau cyllid digonol i wynebu yr heriau sy'n codi?
Thank you for that response. There does need to be a response in terms of additional funding on many levels. This is a huge blow to us on Anglesey. I, of course, am in contact with many of those who are losing their jobs as they face an uncertain future, and I am asking for an assurance today that the Minister will look favourably at any applications for support for workers and their families, both directly and by creating employment and training opportunities and so on too.
In terms of the county council, work is currently ongoing to identify the areas that will place most demand on them. They're looking at well-being and social needs, housing, the resilience of families, and so on and so forth. And the great concern at this point is that it won't be apparent what the impact will be until after the plant closes. So can I ask, once again today, the Government to work very closely with the community. and the council particularly, to secure sufficient funding to face the challenges that arise?
I'd just begin by reassuring Rhun ap Iorwerth that the Minister for Economy is working very closely indeed with the council on this issue, and the taskforce also continues to be meeting regularly to establish a way forward and also to understand those wider implications to which the Member has referred. The Minister for Economy has approved additional funding through the Welsh Government's Communities for Work Plus programme for Anglesey County Council and Gwynedd Council in 2023-24 to expand the capacity of their local Communities for Work teams, to support those who have been made redundant as a result of the closure of the Llangefni plant. And both of those teams are already on site, alongside Careers Wales and Job Centre Plus, to ensure that the staff at 2 Sisters get the full range of support that they need to find alternative employment.
With the plant's closure having now entered the next stage, consideration is being given to future options for the site, which remain with its owner. Alongside the local authority, we are engaging with them to ensure that this important and prominent site can once again provide local employment opportunities as soon as possible. As far as I'm aware, to date, no funding request for the site has been made to the Minister for Economy, and given that the taskforce's focus to date has been on the individuals affected, there hasn't been any additional funding request from the council at this time. But I appreciate that these are early days in terms of understanding the full impact of the closure.
Hoffwn ddechrau drwy dawelu meddwl Rhun ap Iorwerth fod Gweinidog yr Economi yn gweithio'n agos iawn wir gyda'r cyngor ar y mater hwn, ac mae'r tasglu hefyd yn parhau i gyfarfod yn rheolaidd i sefydlu ffordd ymlaen a hefyd i ddeall y goblygiadau ehangach y mae'r Aelod wedi cyfeirio atynt. Mae Gweinidog yr Economi wedi cymeradwyo cyllid ychwanegol drwy raglen Cymunedau am Waith a Mwy Llywodraeth Cymru i Gyngor Sir Ynys Môn a Chyngor Gwynedd yn 2023-24 i ehangu gallu eu timau Cymunedau am Waith lleol, i gefnogi'r rhai sydd wedi colli eu gwaith o ganlyniad i gau'r ffatri yn Llangefni. Ac mae'r ddau dîm eisoes ar y safle, ochr yn ochr â Gyrfa Cymru a Chanolfan Byd Gwaith, i sicrhau bod staff 2 Sisters yn cael yr ystod lawn o gefnogaeth sydd ei angen arnynt i ddod o hyd i waith arall.
Gyda'r broses o gau'r ffatri wedi dechrau ar y cam nesaf erbyn hyn, mae ystyriaeth yn cael ei rhoi i opsiynau ar gyfer y safle yn y dyfodol, sy'n parhau gyda'i berchennog. Ochr yn ochr â'r awdurdod lleol, rydym yn ymgysylltu â hwy i sicrhau bod y safle pwysig a blaenllaw hwn yn gallu darparu cyfleoedd cyflogaeth lleol unwaith eto cyn gynted â phosibl. Hyd y gwn i, ni ddaeth cais i law am gyllid ar gyfer y safle hyd yma i Weinidog yr Economi, ac o ystyried bod ffocws y tasglu hyd yn hyn wedi bod ar yr unigolion yr effeithiwyd arnynt, ni wnaed cais ychwanegol am arian gan y cyngor ar hyn o bryd. Ond rwy'n derbyn ei bod yn ddyddiau cynnar o ran deall effaith lawn y cau.
Can I support Rhun ap Iorwerth in his request for the appropriate support to be provided to the local authority at Anglesey? I noted in your response there, Minister, that you rightly pointed to the important goal of the support for workers from the 2 Sisters site and also for the re-establishment of the site to be utilised at some point in the future as well. I also noted that, right towards the end there, you said that you hadn't seen any further requests for support from the local authority. But I wonder if you'd be able to expand on any other types of support that may have been requested to you, whether you've had sight of those, and what the options might be for supporting the community from other places, not just from the local authority.
A gaf fi gefnogi Rhun ap Iorwerth yn ei alwad am ddarparu'r cymorth priodol i'r awdurdod lleol yn Ynys Môn? Nodais yn eich ymateb yno, Weinidog, eich bod wedi nodi'n briodol yr amcan pwysig o ddarparu cefnogaeth i weithwyr safle 2 Sisters a hefyd i ail-sefydlu'r safle ar gyfer ei ddefnyddio rywbryd yn y dyfodol. Nodais hefyd, tua'r diwedd yno, eich bod wedi dweud nad oeddech wedi gweld unrhyw geisiadau pellach am gymorth gan yr awdurdod lleol. Ond tybed a wnewch chi ehangu ar unrhyw fathau eraill o gefnogaeth y gofynnwyd amdanynt gennych, a ydych chi wedi gweld y rheini, a beth allai'r opsiynau fod ar gyfer cefnogi'r gymuned o lefydd eraill, nid gan yr awdurdod lleol yn unig.
The request for additional support, for example the additional funding that has gone through Communities for Work, was made to the Minister for Economy. So, I haven't had any particular approaches in terms of additional funding. But I do know that there was a meeting held on 15 March between Anglesey council, the Wales Office, Welsh Government and Amber Holdings who own the site, and that meeting secured an agreement to engage with stakeholders to agree a future use of the site in line with local needs, and also to engage with local businesses to determine the type of property required in the current market. And again, that would be a discussion led by the Minister for Economy. But I just thought that sharing that could be of interest to colleagues this afternoon as well.
Cafodd y cais am gymorth ychwanegol, er enghraifft yr arian ychwanegol sydd wedi mynd drwy Cymunedau am Waith, ei wneud i Weinidog yr Economi. Felly, nid wyf wedi cael unrhyw geisiadau penodol am gyllid ychwanegol. Ond rwy'n gwybod bod cyfarfod wedi'i gynnal ar 15 Mawrth rhwng cyngor Môn, Swyddfa Cymru, Llywodraeth Cymru ac Amber Holdings sy'n berchen ar y safle, a bod y cyfarfod hwnnw wedi sicrhau cytundeb i ymgysylltu â rhanddeiliaid i gytuno ar ddefnydd o'r safle yn y dyfodol yn unol ag anghenion lleol, a hefyd i ymwneud â busnesau lleol i benderfynu ar y math o eiddo sydd ei angen yn y farchnad bresennol. Ac unwaith eto, byddai honno'n drafodaeth dan arweiniad Gweinidog yr Economi. Ond roeddwn i'n meddwl y gallai rhannu hynny fod o ddiddordeb i gyd-Aelodau y prynhawn yma hefyd.
7. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am godiadau treth cyngor yng ngogledd Cymru? OQ59306
7. Will the Minister make a statement on council tax rises in north Wales? OQ59306
The responsibility for setting the council's annual budget and, as part of that, decisions about council tax, are matters for each local authority and its elected members.
Materion i bob awdurdod lleol a'u haelodau etholedig yw'r cyfrifoldeb dros bennu cyllideb flynyddol y cyngor, a phenderfyniadau am dreth gyngor yn rhan o hynny.
Thank you for that response, Minister. I recognise that local authority members themselves are responsible for setting council tax, but as you will know, in Conwy, local residents there are facing an eye-watering increase in their council tax bills of 9.9 per cent this year, which is the largest increase in Wales, and one of the largest in the whole of England and Wales. Such an increase would not be permitted if that local authority had the same opportunity to have a cap fitted on it by you in your responsibility as the Minister for local government. And, of course, in England, residents there who face excessive council tax increases cannot have them imposed upon them without a 'yes' vote in a referendum. Can I ask you, will you consider the introduction of similar legislation here in Wales, so that when things go wrong with significant increases like this at a time when there are cost-of-living pressures, people can have the opportunity to have their say on their local council tax?
Diolch am yr ymateb hwnnw, Weinidog. Rwy'n cydnabod mai aelodau awdurdodau lleol eu hunain sy'n gyfrifol am osod y dreth gyngor, ond fel y gwyddoch yng Nghonwy, mae trigolion lleol yno'n wynebu cynnydd aruthrol o 9.9 y cant yn eu biliau treth gyngor eleni, sef y cynnydd mwyaf yng Nghymru, ac un o'r mwyaf yng Nghymru a Lloegr gyfan. Ni fyddai cynnydd o'r fath yn cael ei ganiatáu pe bai'r awdurdod lleol hwnnw wedi cael yr un cyfle i gael cap wedi'i osod gennych chi yn rhan o'ch cyfrifoldeb fel Gweinidog llywodraeth leol. Ac wrth gwrs, yn Lloegr, ni allai trigolion yno sy'n wynebu cynnydd gormodol yn y dreth gyngor fod wedi gorfod eu hwynebu heb bleidlais 'ie' mewn refferendwm. A gaf fi ofyn i chi ystyried cyflwyno deddfwriaeth debyg yma yng Nghymru, fel bod modd i bobl, pan fydd pethau'n mynd o chwith gyda chynnydd sylweddol fel hyn ar adeg pan fo costau byw'n pwyso, gael cyfle i ddweud eu barn am eu treth gyngor yn lleol?
The Welsh Government doesn't intend to introduce any legislation of that sort, because we do believe that capping an authority's budget would be a serious imposition on the responsibilities of those locally elected members. We do provide local authorities, of course, with flexibility when setting their budgets and determining their council tax levels, and that does allow them to respond to local priorities and pressures. We believe that's an important feature of local democracy and enables authorities to be accountable to their residents. Obviously, those local referenda in England are costly. Instead, we channel our funding to the front line of local government through the local government settlement so that authorities do have that greater flexibility in terms of allocating that funding according to their local priorities.
Nid yw Llywodraeth Cymru'n bwriadu cyflwyno unrhyw ddeddfwriaeth o'r fath, oherwydd credwn y byddai capio cyllideb awdurdod yn llyffethair difrifol ar gyfrifoldebau'r aelodau a etholir yn lleol. Rydym yn darparu hyblygrwydd i awdurdodau lleol, wrth gwrs, wrth osod eu cyllidebau a phenderfynu ar eu lefelau treth gyngor, ac mae hynny'n caniatáu iddynt ymateb i flaenoriaethau a phwysau lleol. Credwn fod honno'n nodwedd bwysig o ddemocratiaeth leol ac yn galluogi awdurdodau i fod yn atebol i'w trigolion. Yn amlwg, mae'r refferenda lleol hynny yn Lloegr yn gostus. Yn hytrach, rydym yn sianelu ein cyllid i reng flaen llywodraeth leol drwy'r setliad llywodraeth leol fel bod gan yr awdurdodau hyblygrwydd pellach i ddyrannu'r cyllid yn ôl eu blaenoriaethau lleol.
8. Pa ystyriaeth a roddodd y Gweinidog i ymyriadau cyllido sy'n galluogi cynghorau Cymru i fynd i'r afael ag effaith tlodi wrth baratoi cyllideb y Llywodraeth ar gyfer 2023-24? OQ59287
8. What consideration did the Minister give to funding interventions that enable Welsh councils to tackle the impact of poverty in preparing the Government's budget for 2023-24? OQ59287
Supporting vital public services through these hard times was a key priority in the 2023-24 budget. I have provided an additional £227 million for local government, including funding for schools and social care, which sits alongside other directly funded cost-of-living support interventions, including £18.8 million for the discretionary assistance fund.
Roedd cefnogi gwasanaethau cyhoeddus hanfodol drwy'r amseroedd caled hyn yn flaenoriaeth allweddol yng nghyllideb 2023-24. Rwyf wedi darparu £227 miliwn ychwanegol ar gyfer llywodraeth leol, gan gynnwys cyllid ar gyfer ysgolion a gofal cymdeithasol, ochr yn ochr ag ymyriadau cymorth costau byw eraill a ariennir yn uniongyrchol, gan gynnwys £18.8 miliwn ar gyfer y gronfa cymorth dewisol.
Thank you, Minister. I was really pleased to see that the budget for the discretionary assistance fund would be increasing by nearly £19 million, and that the cash value of payments would rise in line with inflation by 11 per cent. This news has been very warmly welcomed by, for example, the Bevan Foundation, as we know that the DAF is used by councils as a lifeline for families facing crisis. With our principal authorities being at the coalface during the cost-of-living crisis, how else is Welsh Government supporting councils so that they in turn can support their local communities?
Diolch, Weinidog. Roeddwn yn falch iawn o weld y byddai'r gyllideb ar gyfer y gronfa cymorth dewisol yn cynyddu bron £19 miliwn, ac y byddai gwerth arian parod y taliadau'n codi 11 y cant yn unol â chwyddiant. Mae'r newyddion wedi cael croeso cynnes iawn gan Sefydliad Bevan, er enghraifft, gan ein bod yn gwybod bod y gronfa cymorth dewisol yn cael ei defnyddio gan gynghorau fel achubiaeth i deuluoedd sy'n wynebu argyfwng. Gyda'n prif awdurdodau ar y rheng flaen yn ystod yr argyfwng costau byw, sut arall mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi cynghorau fel eu bod hwythau yn eu tro yn gallu cefnogi eu cymunedau lleol?
Welsh Government sees the most important thing that we can do in terms of helping local authorities support their communities through this difficult time as providing as much support as we possibly can through the revenue support grant. Our settlement for 2023-24 is an increase of £227 million to the indicative allocations that were published at the last budget. That, in part, is due to the fact that we provided over and above the consequential funding that we received for both education and social care in the previous statement from the UK Government. And, as a result of the reprioritisation exercise that we undertook across Government, we were able to provide that more generous settlement. We think that prioritising local government and ensuring the best possible settlement is the absolutely best way to help local authorities help their local communities.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n gweld mai'r peth pwysicaf y gallwn ei wneud i helpu awdurdodau lleol i gefnogi eu cymunedau drwy'r cyfnod anodd hwn yw darparu cymaint o gefnogaeth ag y gallwn drwy'r grant cymorth refeniw. Mae ein setliad ar gyfer 2023-24 yn gynnydd o £227 miliwn i'r dyraniadau dangosol a gyhoeddwyd yn y gyllideb ddiwethaf. Mae hynny, yn rhannol, yn deillio o'r ffaith ein bod wedi darparu mwy na'r cyllid canlyniadol a gawsom ar gyfer addysg a gofal cymdeithasol yn y datganiad blaenorol gan Lywodraeth y DU. Ac o ganlyniad i'r ymarfer ail-flaenoriaethu a gyflawnwyd gennym ar draws y Llywodraeth, llwyddwyd i ddarparu'r setliad mwy hael hwnnw. Rydym yn credu mai blaenoriaethu llywodraeth leol a sicrhau'r setliad gorau posibl yw'r ffordd orau o helpu awdurdodau lleol i helpu eu cymunedau lleol.
Mae cwestiwn 9 [OQ59298] wedi'i dynnu yn ôl, a dyw Jayne Bryant ddim yma i ofyn cwestiwn 10 [OQ59321]. Cwestiwn 11, felly—Mike Hedges.
Question 9 [OQ59298] has been withdrawn, and Jayne Bryant isn't here to ask question 10 [OQ59321], so we'll move on to question 11 from Mike Hedges.
11. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am raglen buddsoddi i arbed Llywodraeth Cymru? OQ59284
11. Will the Minister provide an update on the Welsh Government's invest-to-save programme? OQ59284
Since its introduction in 2009, the invest-to-save programme has supported approximately 200 projects with an aggregate value in the region of £200 million. Most recently, it has provided funding for three new projects, helping us to deliver our programme for government commitment in respect of looked-after children.
Ers ei chyflwyno yn 2009, mae'r rhaglen buddsoddi i arbed wedi cefnogi tua 200 o brosiectau gyda gwerth cyfanredol o oddeutu £200 miliwn. Yn fwyaf diweddar, mae wedi darparu cyllid ar gyfer tri phrosiect newydd, gan ein helpu i gyflawni ein hymrwymiad yn y rhaglen lywodraethu mewn perthynas â phlant sy'n derbyn gofal.
Can I thank the Minister for that response? I know that, at one time, it was being used by Natural Resources Wales to fill their gaps because of the cost of the merger. But, generally, I believe it's a very good thing, invest-to-save, and it is an opportunity to help the Welsh public sector and get as much as we can for what we spend. The question I've got is: how do we ensure that what works and is seen to work in one place is actually shared and followed up by other parts of the Welsh public sector, so that we can all benefit rather than just having some one-off successes instead of having successes across the whole sector?
A gaf fi ddiolch i'r Gweinidog am yr ymateb hwnnw? Rwy'n gwybod, ar un adeg, ei fod yn cael ei ddefnyddio gan Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru i lenwi bylchau oherwydd cost yr uno. Ond yn gyffredinol, rwy'n credu bod buddsoddi i arbed yn beth da iawn, ac mae'n gyfle i helpu'r sector cyhoeddus yng Nghymru a chael cymaint ag y gallwn am yr hyn a wariwn. Y cwestiwn sydd gennyf yw hwn: sut mae sicrhau bod yr hyn sy'n gweithio ac sy'n cael ei weld yn gweithio mewn un lle yn cael ei rannu a'i ddilyn gan rannau eraill o'r sector cyhoeddus yng Nghymru, fel y gallwn i gyd elwa yn hytrach na chael rhai llwyddiannau achlysurol yn unig yn lle cael llwyddiannau ar draws y sector cyfan?
Cardiff University undertook some work with us, which sought to have discussions right across the public sector where the invest-to-save programme had been used, and it's been used right across Wales in a range of ways to understand what the barriers were for the implementation and expansion of those good projects and the learning across Wales so that these kinds of interventions could be made without the need for the invest-to-save funding. So, we are still considering, really, the learning of that, and it was very much about ensuring that there are opportunities for collaboration and for sharing that information. But we are currently exploring and considering how the fund will operate in future, what activities it should focus on, and part of that will be considering the learning about the barriers to the expansion of good practice.
Gwnaeth Prifysgol Caerdydd waith gyda ni i geisio cael trafodaethau ledled y sector cyhoeddus lle defnyddiwyd y rhaglen buddsoddi i arbed, ac mae wedi'i defnyddio ledled Cymru mewn ystod o ffyrdd i ddeall beth oedd y rhwystrau i weithredu ac ehangu'r prosiectau da hynny a'r dysgu ledled Cymru fel y gellid gwneud y mathau hyn o ymyriadau heb fod angen y cyllid buddsoddi i arbed. Felly, rydym yn dal i ystyried y gwersi o hynny mewn gwirionedd, ac roedd yn ymwneud i raddau helaeth â sicrhau bod yna gyfleoedd i gydweithio a rhannu'r wybodaeth honno. Ond ar hyn o bryd rydym yn archwilio ac yn ystyried sut fydd y gronfa'n gweithredu yn y dyfodol, pa weithgareddau y dylai ganolbwyntio arnynt, a rhan o hynny fydd ystyried y gwersi am y rhwystrau i ehangu arferion da.
Diolch yn fawr iawn i'r Gweinidog.
Thank you very much to the Minister.
Yr eitem nesaf, felly, fydd y cwestiynau i’r Gweinidog Materion Gwledig a Gogledd Cymru, a’r Trefnydd, a'r cwestiwn cyntaf heddiw gan Janet Finch-Saunders.
The next item, therefore, is the questions to the Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd, and the first question today is from Janet Finch-Saunders.
1. Pa drafodaethau mae'r Gweinidog wedi eu cael gyda Gweinidog yr Economi ynglŷn â bargen twf y gogledd? OQ59294
1. What discussions has the Minister had with the Minister for Economy regarding the north Wales growth deal? OQ59294
I have regular discussions with the Minister for Economy about a range of north Wales matters, including the north Wales growth deal. At the last Cabinet sub-committee for north Wales, the Minister for Economy gave an economic update for the region, including progress of the deal.
Rwy'n cael trafodaethau rheolaidd gyda Gweinidog yr Economi am amrywiaeth o faterion yn ymwneud â gogledd Cymru, gan gynnwys bargen twf y gogledd. Yn is-bwyllgor diwethaf y Cabinet ar gyfer gogledd Cymru, rhoddodd Gweinidog yr Economi ddiweddariad economaidd ar gyfer y rhanbarth, gan gynnwys cynnydd y fargen twf.
Thank you. I'm sure you'll agree with me that the north Wales growth deal, made possible by funding from the UK Government, represents a fantastic opportunity for investment and jobs in north Wales. I also hope you'll agree that local businesses should be encouraged to do everything they can to apply for funding as part of this deal. This includes our rural and agricultural sector, who also play a role that's just as important in driving economic growth. Hedd Vaughan-Evans, head of operations at Ambition North Wales explains, 'We want to hear from businesses and organisations that can meet our funding criteria and work with us to deliver the benefits to the region from the growth deal. Our website has all the relevant information about funding and how to apply.'
Now, the deadline for submitting bids is 27 March 2023, however, many smaller rural businesses simply do not have the same time available and resources to devote to developing these applications, and they are rather complex business cases, easy for much larger businesses to do. So, what can you do, as the Minister, to increase awareness among rural businesses of these funding opportunities, and what help is being provided to smaller rural businesses to make the application process as easy as possible? Thank you.
Diolch. Rwy'n siŵr y byddwch yn cytuno fod bargen twf y gogledd, a wnaed yn bosibl drwy gyllid gan Lywodraeth y DU, yn gyfle gwych ar gyfer buddsoddi a swyddi yng ngogledd Cymru. Gobeithio hefyd y byddwch yn cytuno y dylid annog busnesau lleol i wneud popeth yn eu gallu i wneud cais am gyllid yn rhan o'r fargen hon. Mae hyn yn cynnwys ein sector gwledig ac amaethyddol, sydd hefyd yn chwarae rôl yr un mor bwysig yn ysgogi twf economaidd. Mae Hedd Vaughan-Evans, pennaeth gweithrediadau Uchelgais Gogledd Cymru yn esbonio, 'Rydym eisiau clywed gan fusnesau a sefydliadau a all fodloni ein meini prawf cyllido a gweithio gyda ni i sicrhau'r manteision i'r rhanbarth o'r fargen twf. Mae ein gwefan yn cynnwys yr holl wybodaeth berthnasol am gyllid a sut i ymgeisio.'
Nawr, y dyddiad cau ar gyfer cyflwyno ceisiadau yw 27 Mawrth 2023, ond nid oes gan lawer o fusnesau gwledig yr un faint o amser ac adnoddau ar gael i'w roi tuag at ddatblygu'r ceisiadau hyn, ac maent yn achosion busnes braidd yn gymhleth, sy'n hawdd i fusnesau llawer mwy o faint eu gwneud. Felly, beth allwch chi ei wneud, fel y Gweinidog, i gynyddu ymwybyddiaeth ymhlith busnesau gwledig o'r cyfleoedd ariannu hyn, a pha help sy'n cael ei ddarparu i fusnesau gwledig llai o faint i wneud y broses ymgeisio mor hawdd â phosibl? Diolch.
I think it is really important that, obviously, the application process is as straightforward and, as you say, as easy as possible. I was aware the £30 million call-out for new growth deal projects did go live on 13 February for six weeks, which I think does take us up to 27 March. And I know Ambition North Wales is particularly interested in transformational projects that have investment ready and complement the programme objectives for agri-food and tourism, along with low carbon energy as well and land and property. I think the process is very robust, I think it's very fair and it's very transparent; I think that's really important. I appreciate what you're saying about the timescale, but I do think the process is important to get it right. Obviously, the responsibility for delivery of the growth deal lies with the North Wales Economic Ambition Board, not the Welsh Government, but I know that my officials do have meetings with the board, and I will certainly ensure that the point you make around the small timescale for small business is raised.
Rwy'n credu ei bod yn amlwg yn bwysig iawn fod y broses ymgeisio mor syml ac mor hawdd â phosibl, fel y dywedwch. Roeddwn yn ymwybodol fod y cyfnod ymgeisio ar gyfer cyfanswm o £30 miliwn i brosiectau newydd y fargen twf wedi agor ar 13 Chwefror am chwe wythnos, sy'n mynd â ni hyd at 27 Mawrth, rwy'n credu. Ac rwy'n gwybod bod gan Uchelgais Gogledd Cymru ddiddordeb arbennig mewn prosiectau trawsnewidiol sydd â buddsoddiad yn barod ac sy'n ategu amcanion y rhaglen ar gyfer bwyd-amaeth a thwristiaeth, ynghyd ag ynni carbon isel yn ogystal, a thir ac eiddo. Rwy'n credu bod y broses yn gadarn iawn, rwy'n credu ei bod yn deg iawn ac mae'n dryloyw iawn; rwy'n credu bod hynny'n hynod o bwysig. Rwy'n deall yr hyn a ddywedwch am yr amserlen, ond rwy'n credu bod y broses yn bwysig i'w gael yn iawn. Yn amlwg, Bwrdd Uchelgais Economaidd Gogledd Cymru, nid Llywodraeth Cymru, sydd â'r cyfrifoldeb dros gyflawni'r cytundeb twf, ond rwy'n gwybod bod fy swyddogion yn cael cyfarfodydd â'r bwrdd, a byddaf yn bendant yn sicrhau bod y pwynt rydych chi'n ei wneud am yr amserlen fer i fusnesau bach yn cael ei godi.
Ychydig funudau yn ôl roeddwn i'n gofyn i'r Gweinidog cyllid am gefnogaeth i Ynys Môn yn sgil cau gwaith 2 Sisters Food Group. Mi all arian ychwanegol sy'n dod ar gael rŵan drwy'r bid twf fod yn fodd i roi cefnogaeth i'r sector bwyd yn Ynys Môn rŵan hefyd. Dwi'n eiddgar i weld a oes modd defnyddio'r arian hwnnw i ddelifro'r parc cynhyrchu bwyd—mae'r Gweinidog yn gwybod dwi wedi bod yn gwthio amdano fo ers blynyddoedd—a dwi yn gweld os oes modd, yn erbyn y cloc, creu cais ar gyfer sefydlu pentref bwyd Ynys Môn. Mae'r galw yno, mae Coleg Menai yn dweud eu bod nhw'n barod i'w gefnogi fo, yn gweithio efo'u canolfan dechnoleg bwyd nhw, a'r datblygiad sy'n mynd i fod yn digwydd yng Nglynllifon, sydd hefyd yn cynnwys elfen fwyd. Mi fuasai'n dda cael cefnogaeth y Gweinidog mewn egwyddor i fwrw ymlaen efo hynny, ac unrhyw gefnogaeth y gallai hi a'i swyddogion ei roi. Ond hefyd mi fyddwn i yn gwerthfawrogi addewid y gwnaiff hi bopeth y gall hi i sicrhau, yn sgil cau 2 Sisters, fod tyfu swyddi bwyd yn Ynys Môn wir yn flaenoriaeth.
Just a few minutes ago I was asking the Minister for finance for support for Anglesey as a result of the closure of the 2 Sisters Food Group works. Additional funding that is becoming available now through the growth deal could be a way to provide support to the food sector in Anglesey as well. I'm eager to see whether that funding could be delivered to provide the food park that I've been pushing for for several years, and whether, against the clock, we can put together a bid for establishing a food village on Anglesey. The demand is there, Coleg Menai say that they are ready to support that, working with their food technology centre, and the development that's going to be happening in Glynllifon too, which includes a food element. It would be good to have the Minister's support in principle to proceed with those plans, and any support that she and her officials could provide. But also I would appreciate a pledge that she will do everything that she can do to ensure, as a result of the closure of 2 Sisters, that the growth of food employment in Anglesey is a priority.
Thank you. Obviously, we've met previously around your request for a food park. I'm actually visiting the food technology centre in Llangefni—I think it's during the Easter recess—so I'll certainly see where we are up to in relation to that.
With respect to 2 Sisters, as the Minister for Finance and Local Government said, I'm working very closely with the Minister for Economy. I think it was—. Unfortunately, I think we could see what was on the cards when the consultation was announced, but it's really important we do everything we can. You may be aware that the Minister for Social Justice recently visited, and, as I say, I'm visiting the technology centre and other areas of Llangefni during Easter recess, so I'll certainly be happy to have further discussions with you around that.
Diolch. Yn amlwg, rydym wedi cyfarfod o'r blaen ynglŷn â'ch cais am barc bwyd. Rwy'n ymweld â'r ganolfan technoleg bwyd yn Llangefni mewn gwirionedd—yn ystod toriad y Pasg, rwy'n credu—felly byddaf yn sicr yn gweld lle rydym arni mewn perthynas â hynny.
O ran 2 Sisters, fel y dywedodd y Gweinidog Cyllid a Llywodraeth Leol, rwy'n gweithio'n agos iawn gyda Gweinidog yr Economi. Rwy'n meddwl mai—. Yn anffodus, rwy'n credu y gallem weld beth oedd i ddod pan gyhoeddwyd yr ymgynghoriad, ond mae'n bwysig iawn ein bod yn gwneud popeth a allwn. Efallai eich bod yn ymwybodol fod y Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol wedi ymweld yn ddiweddar, ac fel y dywedaf, rwy'n ymweld â'r ganolfan dechnoleg ac ardaloedd eraill yn Llangefni yn ystod toriad y Pasg, felly byddaf yn sicr yn hapus i gael trafodaethau pellach gyda chi ynglŷn â hynny.
Minister, one of the key projects in the north Wales growth deal is supporting the work at the digital signal processing centre in Bangor University, where they're developing next-generation technology in digital connectivity. And Llywydd, I will at this point declare an interest as an unpaid member of the project board at the DSP centre. Minister, you'll know I want to see north Wales becoming a global innovator when it comes to digital technology, and, to do this, we need good collaboration from both the Welsh and UK Governments, as well as academic and industry partners. Will you, Minister, provide an update to the Chamber today on what conversations Welsh Government officials, both in your department and the Minister for Economy's department, have had with UK Government counterparts on the importance of investing in north Wales's digital projects?
Weinidog, un o'r prosiectau allweddol ym margen twf gogledd Cymru yw cefnogi'r gwaith yn y ganolfan brosesu signalau digidol ym Mhrifysgol Bangor, lle maent yn datblygu technoleg y genhedlaeth nesaf mewn cysylltedd digidol. Lywydd, ar y pwynt hwn fe wnaf ddatgan buddiant fel aelod di-dâl o fwrdd y prosiect yn y ganolfan brosesu signalau digidol. Weinidog, fe fyddwch yn gwybod fy mod am weld gogledd Cymru yn dod yn arloeswr byd-eang ym maes technoleg ddigidol, ac i wneud hyn, mae angen cydweithio da gan Lywodraeth Cymru a Llywodraeth y DU, yn ogystal â phartneriaid academaidd a diwydiannol. Weinidog, a wnewch chi roi diweddariad i'r Siambr heddiw ar y sgyrsiau mae swyddogion Llywodraeth Cymru, yn eich adran chi ac adran Gweinidog yr Economi, wedi'u cael gyda swyddogion cyfatebol yn Llywodraeth y DU am bwysigrwydd buddsoddi mewn prosiectau digidol yng ngogledd Cymru?
Thank you. So, it was actually the first project to be delivered under the north Wales growth deal, as you're aware, so I think it really does demonstrate the difference that the deal investment can make in the area. And I certainly share your ambition to see north Wales—and, in fact, all parts of Wales—become a global innovator when it does come to digital technology, and I'm very happy to amplify that ambition in any interactions that I have with the UK Government. But I know the Minister for Economy, who obviously leads on this—. There was a meeting between him and UK Ministers that focused on digital connectivity, particularly in relation to the UK Government's delivery of the Project Gigabit in Wales. So, the Minister has asked for his officials to be kept updated with that.
Diolch. Felly, hwn mewn gwirionedd oedd y prosiect cyntaf i gael ei gyflawni o dan gytundeb twf y gogledd, fel y gwyddoch, felly rwy'n credu ei fod yn dangos yn glir y gwahaniaeth y gall buddsoddiad y fargen ei wneud yn yr ardal. Ac yn sicr, rwy'n rhannu eich uchelgais i weld gogledd Cymru—a phob rhan o Gymru mewn gwirionedd—yn dod yn arloeswr byd-eang ym maes technoleg ddigidol, ac rwy'n hapus iawn i hyrwyddo'r uchelgais hwnnw mewn unrhyw ymwneud rhyngof a Llywodraeth y DU. Ond rwy'n gwybod bod Gweinidog yr Economi, sy'n amlwg yn arwain ar hyn—. Cafwyd cyfarfod rhyngddo a Gweinidogion y DU a oedd yn canolbwyntio ar gysylltedd digidol, yn enwedig mewn perthynas â'r modd y mae Llywodraeth y DU yn darparu'r Prosiect Gigabit yng Nghymru. Felly, mae'r Gweinidog wedi gofyn am i'w swyddogion gael yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf ar hynny.
2. A wnaiff y Gweinidog amlinellu strategaeth Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer darparu mannau gwyrdd cymunedol? OQ59280
2. Will the Minister outline the Welsh Government's strategy for the delivery of community green spaces? OQ59280
Welsh Government is committed to ensuring everyone has access to green spaces close to home. We are delivering this through programmes, including Local Places for Nature, community facilities, landfill disposals tax communities scheme and access improvement grants. Over 1,400 green spaces have been created by Local Places for Nature alone.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i sicrhau mynediad i bawb at fannau gwyrdd yn agos at eu cartrefi. Rydym yn darparu hyn drwy raglenni, gan gynnwys Lleoedd Lleol ar gyfer Natur, cyfleusterau cymunedol, cynllun cymunedau y dreth gwarediadau tirlenwi a grantiau gwella mynediad. Mae dros 1,400 o fannau gwyrdd wedi'u creu gan Lleoedd Lleol ar gyfer Natur yn unig.
Thank you, Minister. Minister, almost three years ago, you established a green recovery task and finish group led by the chair of Natural Resources Wales. In their report to you, one of their key recommendations was reimagining urban areas and green spaces, building space for nature in the design of urban landscapes. There are many dreadful examples of urban development with little thought to green spaces for recreation and well-being. What specific actions will you take over the course of this Senedd term to address how, in your planning and development policies, this can be addressed? People want places to live and green spaces to enjoy, and not just buildings to sit in.
Diolch. Weinidog, bron i dair blynedd yn ôl, fe wnaethoch sefydlu grŵp gorchwyl a gorffen adferiad gwyrdd dan arweiniad cadeirydd Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru. Yn eu hadroddiad i chi, un o'u prif argymhellion oedd ail-ddychmygu ardaloedd trefol a mannau gwyrdd, gan greu mannau ar gyfer natur wrth gynllunio tirweddau trefol. Ceir llawer o enghreifftiau erchyll o ddatblygiad trefol heb fawr o feddwl am fannau gwyrdd ar gyfer hamdden a llesiant. Pa gamau penodol fyddwch chi'n eu cymryd yn ystod tymor y Senedd hon i fynd i'r afael â hyn yn eich polisïau cynllunio a datblygu? Mae pobl eisiau llefydd i fyw a mannau gwyrdd i'w mwynhau, ac nid dim ond adeiladau i eistedd ynddynt.
Thank you. We have several projects that we are taking forward during this term of Government. I mentioned a couple of them in my opening answer to you; certainly, Local Places for Nature I think has been incredibly successful, and it is very well received by our constituents all across Wales. And we are continuing to support and expand on the valuable work of that specific programme, and build on its success. We've allocated approximately £10 million to all 22 local authorities and the three national parks; £1.4 million—I know you take a particular interest in Bridgend—has been allocated to projects in the Bridgend, Rhondda Cynon Taf, Swansea and Neath Port Talbot local authority areas to support that nature enhancement of community green spaces here in Wales. There are other, obviously, schemes—the community facilities programme I’m sure you’re very well aware of—and I think what is really important is that communities themselves take ownership of green spaces.
Diolch. Rydym yn datblygu sawl prosiect yn ystod tymor y Llywodraeth hon. Soniais am un neu ddau ohonynt yn fy ateb agoriadol i chi; yn sicr, mae Llefydd Lleol ar gyfer Natur wedi bod yn hynod lwyddiannus, ac mae wedi cael derbyniad da iawn gan ein hetholwyr ledled Cymru. Ac rydym yn parhau i gefnogi ac ehangu gwaith gwerthfawr y rhaglen benodol honno, ac yn adeiladu ar ei llwyddiant. Rydym wedi dyrannu tua £10 miliwn i bob un o'r 22 awdurdod lleol a'r tri pharc cenedlaethol; mae £1.4 miliwn—rwy'n gwybod fod gennych ddiddordeb arbennig ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr—wedi'i ddyrannu i brosiectau yn ardaloedd awdurdodau lleol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr, Rhondda Cynon Taf, Abertawe a Chastell-nedd Port Talbot i gefnogi'r gwaith o wella natur mannau gwyrdd cymunedol yma yng Nghymru. Mae yna gynlluniau eraill, yn amlwg—rwy'n siŵr eich bod yn ymwybodol iawn o'r rhaglen cyfleusterau cymunedol—ac rwy'n credu mai'r hyn sy'n bwysig iawn yw bod cymunedau eu hunain yn perchnogi mannau gwyrdd.
I absolutely endorse your ambition, and also NRW’s ambition, to reimagine urban spaces. At a time when people’s mental health is quite fragile, this is a really important thing. In my experience, it isn’t local vandals who are the problem—it’s people operating on grass-cutting contracts who, basically, mow down trees and flowers that people have planted to make their own area look nicer. I just wondered how the Welsh Government plans to ensure that everybody is engaged with this, with the importance of reimagining our urban green spaces. We don’t need to spray weedkiller to kill off weeds because it also kills off plants as well and it adds to the phosphorus problem. So, how do you think you might be able to ensure that, in urban areas, we have a complete partnership approach with our communities and with all our services that are being delivered, so that we’re all singing from the same hymn sheet?
Rwy'n cymeradwyo eich uchelgais yn llwyr, a hefyd uchelgais CNC, i ail-ddychmygu gofodau trefol. Mewn cyfnod lle mae iechyd meddwl pobl yn eithaf bregus, mae hyn yn bwysig iawn. Yn fy mhrofiad i, nid fandaliaid lleol yw'r broblem, ond pobl sy'n gweithredu ar gontractau torri gwair sydd, yn y bôn, yn torri coed a blodau y mae pobl wedi'u plannu i wneud i'w hardal eu hunain edrych yn brafiach. Tybed sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwriadu sicrhau bod pawb yn ymgysylltu â hyn, â phwysigrwydd ail-ddychmygu ein mannau gwyrdd trefol. Nid oes angen inni chwistrellu chwynladdwyr i ladd chwyn oherwydd mae hefyd yn lladd planhigion ac yn ychwanegu at y broblem ffosfforws. Felly, sut rydych chi'n meddwl y gallech chi sicrhau bod gennym ddull partneriaeth cyflawn mewn ardaloedd trefol gyda'n cymunedau a chyda'r holl wasanaethau sy'n cael eu darparu, fel ein bod i gyd yn teithio i'r un cyfeiriad ar hyn?
Thank you. I think you raise a very important point, and you’ll be aware of some of the campaigns as a Government we’ve brought forward. So, one of them is—. Carolyn Thomas, our colleague, has been working to develop and promote the ‘It’s for Them’ campaign, and that’s about helping local communities understand the importance of verges and green spaces for wildlife, for instance, as well as, obviously, planting wild flowers as well. So, there are a variety of schemes that we’re bringing forward. We’ve got the ‘Nature isn’t Neat’ scheme, which I think has been very successful as well.
Diolch. Rwy'n credu eich bod yn codi pwynt pwysig iawn, ac fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol o rai o'r ymgyrchoedd a gyflwynwyd gennym fel Llywodraeth. Felly, un ohonynt yw—. Mae Carolyn Thomas, ein cyd-Aelod, wedi bod yn gweithio i ddatblygu a hyrwyddo ymgyrch 'Iddyn Nhw', sy'n ymwneud â helpu cymunedau lleol i ddeall pwysigrwydd ymylon ffyrdd a mannau gwyrdd ar gyfer bywyd gwyllt, er enghraifft, yn ogystal â phlannu blodau gwyllt hefyd, yn amlwg. Felly, mae yna amrywiaeth o gynlluniau'n cael eu cyflwyno gennym. Mae gennym y cynllun 'Natur Wyllt', sydd wedi bod yn llwyddiannus iawn hefyd yn fy marn i.
Minister, as you say, community groups are doing some very good work in greening our local communities, and this is vital, isn’t it, in meeting the challenges of climate change, in connecting people more with nature, and gaining popular support for the transition that we need if we are really going to meet the environmental challenges of the future? One example of that, I think, is in the Maindee area of Newport East. On Saturday, the First Minister will be coming along to open the Triangle site, which is all about greening the local community—there’s a community café, there’s a performance space; some really, really good work has been done. So, Minister, will you continue to look at how you can support these community groups right across Wales, with their litter picks, with their planting, with their greening activity?
Weinidog, fel y dywedwch, mae grwpiau cymunedol yn gwneud gwaith da iawn yn gwyrddu ein cymunedau lleol, ac mae hyn yn hanfodol, onid yw, wrth fynd i'r afael â heriau newid hinsawdd, cysylltu pobl yn agosach â natur, a chael cefnogaeth boblogaidd i'r newid sydd ei angen arnom os ydym yn mynd i ymateb o ddifrif i heriau amgylcheddol y dyfodol? Rwy'n credu bod un enghraifft o hynny i'w gweld yn ardal Maendy yn Nwyrain Casnewydd. Ddydd Sadwrn, bydd y Prif Weinidog yn dod draw i agor safle Triongl, sy'n ymwneud â gwyrddu'r gymuned leol—mae yna gaffi cymunedol, mae yna le perfformio; mae gwaith da dros ben wedi'i wneud. Felly, Weinidog, a fyddwch chi'n parhau i edrych ar sut y gallwch chi gefnogi'r grwpiau cymunedol hyn ledled Cymru, gyda chasglu sbwriel, gyda phlannu, a chyda'u gweithgarwch gwyrdd?
Yes, thank you, and certainly it sounds a great project in Maindee and, if the First Minister is attending on Saturday, I’m sure the event will be very successful. But I think it is really important that you work with communities about what they want in their open spaces and their green spaces, because then I think they’re valued more, and they’re respected more as well. So, certainly, working closely with my colleague the Minister for Climate Change, we will certainly look at what more we can do across Wales.
Ie, diolch, ac yn sicr mae'n swnio'n brosiect gwych ym Maendy ac os yw'r Prif Weinidog yn mynychu ddydd Sadwrn, rwy'n siŵr y bydd y digwyddiad yn llwyddiannus iawn. Ond rwy'n meddwl ei bod hi'n bwysig iawn eich bod chi'n gweithio gyda chymunedau ynglŷn â'r hyn y maent ei eisiau yn eu mannau agored a'u mannau gwyrdd, oherwydd wedyn rwy'n meddwl y cânt eu gwerthfawrogi fwy, a chânt eu parchu fwy hefyd. Felly, yn sicr, drwy weithio'n agos gyda fy nghyd-Aelod, y Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd, byddwn yn bendant yn edrych ar beth arall y gallwn ei wneud ledled Cymru.
Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Darren Millar.
Questions now from party spokespeople. Conservative spokesperson, Darren Millar.
Diolch, Llywydd. As the Minister for north Wales, can you tell us how the Welsh Government is ensuring that people across the north Wales region will benefit from the additional funding that was announced in the Chancellor’s budget for growth last week?
Diolch, Lywydd. Fel Gweinidog gogledd Cymru, a wnewch chi ddweud wrthym sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n sicrhau y bydd pobl ar draws rhanbarth y gogledd yn elwa o'r arian ychwanegol a gafodd ei gyhoeddi yng nghyllideb y Canghellor ar gyfer twf yr wythnos diwethaf?
Obviously, those decisions will be taken across Cabinet, with the Minister for finance. You’ll be aware that we didn’t receive perhaps as much money as we had hoped to, but those decisions are taken on a cross-Government basis. Obviously, as the Minister with responsibility for north Wales, I will ensure that north Wales continues to get its fair share.
Yn amlwg, bydd y penderfyniadau hynny'n cael eu gwneud ar draws y Cabinet, gyda'r Gweinidog cyllid. Fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol na chawsom gymaint o arian ag yr oeddem wedi'i obeithio efallai, ond mae'r penderfyniadau hynny'n cael eu gwneud ar sail drawslywodraethol. Yn amlwg, fel y Gweinidog sy'n gyfrifol am ogledd Cymru, byddaf yn sicrhau bod y gogledd yn parhau i gael ei chyfran deg.
Well, I’m afraid that answer didn’t give me a great deal of hope, Minister. As you know, this is £180 million-worth extra that is coming to Wales, and this is on top of—this is on top of—£600 million that was announced in the autumn statement last year. So, that’s £780 million, £0.75 billion extra, that you have to spend in the financial year 2023-24. And we have a situation where the UK Government is determined to invest in all parts of the United Kingdom, levelling up across the country. I just wish that we had a Welsh Government that was determined to level up across Wales, because, unfortunately, north Wales doesn’t get its fair share and is constantly being left behind.
Now, we know that the Welsh Government has no plans at the moment to invest the extra cash into extending the universal free childcare offer to the under-threes. So, can I ask you again: what are you arguing for in these discussions that you're having with Cabinet colleagues in terms of investment in north Wales? Give me your shopping list.
Wel, mae arnaf ofn na roddodd yr ateb hwnnw lawer iawn o obaith i mi, Weinidog. Fel y gwyddoch, mae £180 miliwn ychwanegol yn dod i Gymru, a hynny ar ben—ar ben—y £600 miliwn a gyhoeddwyd yn natganiad yr hydref y llynedd. Felly, dyna £780 miliwn, £0.75 biliwn ychwanegol, sydd gennych i'w wario yn y flwyddyn ariannol 2023-24. Ac mae gennym sefyllfa lle mae Llywodraeth y DU yn benderfynol o fuddsoddi ym mhob rhan o'r Deyrnas Unedig, gan godi'r gwastad ym mhob cwr o'r wlad. Hoffwn pe bai gennym Lywodraeth Cymru sy'n benderfynol o godi'r gwastad ledled Cymru, oherwydd, yn anffodus, nid yw gogledd Cymru'n cael ei gyfran deg a chaiff ei adael ar ôl yn gyson.
Nawr, gwyddom nad oes gan Lywodraeth Cymru unrhyw gynlluniau ar hyn o bryd i fuddsoddi'r arian ychwanegol er mwyn ymestyn y cynnig gofal plant am ddim i bob plentyn dan dair oed. Felly, a gaf fi ofyn i chi eto: beth ydych chi'n dadlau drosto yn y trafodaethau a gewch gyda chyd-Weinidogion o ran buddsoddi yng ngogledd Cymru? Rhowch eich rhestr siopa i mi.
No. I'll discuss that with my Cabinet colleagues, not with an opposition Member here in the Chamber. You will see, if you look, that north Wales absolutely gets its fair share, and you will have heard the First Minister say time and time again yesterday that we already provide much of the childcare facilities and care and provision that the UK Government are merely talking about and kicking into the long grass. They clearly have no confidence that they're going to be there after the next general election, and that's why they've said they'll do it in 2025. And as for levelling up, you look across north Wales and see how many bids were not successful in the levelling-up fund. So, please don't talk to me about the UK Government and the levelling-up fund in relation to north Wales.
Na. Byddaf yn trafod hynny gyda fy nghyd-Aelodau yn y Cabinet, nid gydag Aelod o'r wrthblaid yma yn y Siambr. Fe welwch, os edrychwch, fod gogledd Cymru yn sicr yn cael cyfran deg, a byddwch wedi clywed y Prif Weinidog yn dweud dro ar ôl tro ddoe ein bod eisoes yn darparu llawer o'r cyfleusterau gofal plant a'r gofal a'r ddarpariaeth y mae Llywodraeth y DU ond yn siarad amdanynt ac yn gohirio gweithredu arnynt. Yn amlwg nid ydynt yn hyderus y byddant yno ar ôl yr etholiad cyffredinol nesaf, a dyna pam eu bod wedi dweud y byddant yn ei wneud yn 2025. Ac mewn perthynas â chodi'r gwastad, edrychwch ar draws y gogledd i weld faint o geisiadau aflwyddiannus a gafwyd i'r gronfa ffyniant bro. Felly, peidiwch â siarad am Lywodraeth y DU a'r gronfa ffyniant bro mewn perthynas â gogledd Cymru.
Let's have a look at the evidence, shall we? Let's look at transport—let's look at transport: £800 million you're investing in a metro system in south Wales; north Wales, a paltry £50 million for the north Wales metro. Let's have a look at the airport that you're investing £250 million in, in south Wales; so far—so far—north Wales, diddly-squat. The roads review: you cancelled projects across the north Wales region, while you're still building a brand-new dual carriageway in the south. The evidence speaks for itself, Minister. And what the people of north Wales expect from the Minister for north Wales is someone who will fight for investment, to solve the crisis in the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, to solve the crisis in NHS dentistry, to help people get themselves onto the housing ladder, to freeze their council taxes, where they're going up beyond extortionate rates, and to deliver those road improvement schemes that people want to see. These are the sorts of priorities that I would expect to be on your shopping list. So, will you adopt them?
Beth am edrych ar y dystiolaeth? Gadewch inni edrych ar drafnidiaeth—gadewch inni edrych ar drafnidiaeth: rydych yn buddsoddi £800 miliwn mewn system metro yn ne Cymru; a £50 miliwn pitw ar gyfer metro gogledd Cymru. Beth am gael golwg ar y maes awyr rydych yn buddsoddi £250 miliwn ynddo, yn ne Cymru; hyd yn hyn—hyd yn hyn—nid yw gogledd Cymru wedi cael dim. Yr adolygiad ffyrdd: fe wnaethoch ganslo prosiectau ledled rhanbarth gogledd Cymru, ac yn dal ati i adeiladu ffordd ddeuol newydd sbon yn y de. Mae'r dystiolaeth yn siarad drosti ei hun, Weinidog. A'r hyn y mae pobl y gogledd yn ei ddisgwyl gan Weinidog gogledd Cymru yw rhywun sy'n fodlon brwydro am fuddsoddiad, datrys yr argyfwng ym Mwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr, datrys yr argyfwng ym maes deintyddiaeth y GIG, helpu pobl i gael troed ar yr ysgol dai, rhewi eu trethi cyngor, lle maent yn cynyddu y tu hwnt i gyfraddau afresymol, a chyflwyno'r cynlluniau gwella ffyrdd y mae pobl eisiau eu gweld. Dyma'r math o flaenoriaethau y byddwn yn disgwyl eu gweld ar eich rhestr siopa. Felly, a wnewch chi eu mabwysiadu?
So, as you said yourself, we had an extra £180 million. I was trying to add up in my head all the money that you think should be spent in north Wales, and, believe me, it comes to a lot more than £180 million. We are getting £1 million for capital funding next year—[Interruption.]—£1 million. If you look in—[Interruption.] Do you want to listen?
Felly, fel rydych wedi'i ddweud eich hun, cawsom £180 miliwn ychwanegol. Roeddwn yn ceisio adio'r holl arian y credwch y dylid ei wario yng ngogledd Cymru yn fy mhen, a chredwch fi, mae'r cyfanswm yn llawer mwy na £180 miliwn. Rydym yn cael £1 filiwn o gyllid cyfalaf y flwyddyn nesaf—[Torri ar draws.]—£1 filiwn. Os edrychwch—[Torri ar draws.] A ydych chi eisiau gwrando?
Allow the Minister to answer the questions, please.
Gadewch i'r Gweinidog ateb y cwestiynau, os gwelwch yn dda.
You know, as well as I do, how much money would be needed to bring our estate in Betsi Cadwaladr up to the standard that we all want. I don't know about you, but me, I use the NHS, and I get excellent healthcare from Betsi. If you use private healthcare, that's up to you. [Interruption.]
Rydych yn gwybod cystal â minnau faint o arian fyddai ei angen i godi ein hystad yn Betsi Cadwaladr i'r safon rydym i gyd ei heisiau. Nid wyf yn gwybod amdanoch chi, ond rwy'n defnyddio'r GIG, ac rwy'n cael gofal iechyd rhagorol gan Betsi Cadwaladr. Os ydych chi'n defnyddio gofal iechyd preifat, eich dewis chi yw hynny. [Torri ar draws.]
Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Mabon ap Gwynfor.
Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Mabon ap Gwynfor.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd. Mae gwlân Cymru yn gynnyrch cynaliadwy, aml bwrpas, ac yn dda yn amgylcheddol. Mae yna alw cynyddol am gynnyrch eco-gyfeillgar, ac mae gwlân Cymru'n berffaith i ateb y galw yma. Fel mae'r Gweinidog yn ei wybod, mae gan ffermwyr Cymru ymrwymiad diysgog i sicrhau amaeth cynaliadwy, ac wrth gwrs, gall gwlân Cymru chwarae rhan bwysig wrth i'r sector geisio byw i fyny i'w ymrwymiad amgylcheddol uchelgeisiol. Ond er y rhinweddau yma, mae prisiau rhyngwladol gwlân wedi dod o dan bwysau, wrth i brisiau uchel ynni arwain at golli busnes, a hyder y prynwyr yn disgyn, sydd yn ei dro'n creu amgylchiadau anodd i ddarparwyr deunydd crai megis gwlân. A wnaiff y Gweinidog felly ymrwymo i wneud pob dim i gynorthwyo'r sector, ac i'r Llywodraeth ddangos arweiniad, yn cynnwys drwy ddefnyddio grym caffael, gan nodi'r angen i ddefnyddio gwlân Cymreig ym mhrosiectau'r Llywodraeth, megis defnyddio carpedi gwlân Cymreig mewn cynlluniau adeiladu a thrafnidiaeth? Er enghraifft, faint o wlân Cymreig sydd ar garpedi cerbydau Trafnidiaeth Cymru? Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Thank you very much, Llywydd. Welsh wool is a sustainable product, it's multipurpose, and it's environmentally beneficial. There's increasing demand for eco-friendly produce, and Welsh wool is perfect for this end. As the Minister knows, Welsh farmers have an unswerving commitment to secure sustainable farming, and, of course, Welsh wool could play an important role as the sector tries to live up to its ambitious environmental commitment. But despite these positives, international wool prices have come under pressures, as high energy prices lead to loss of business, and buyers' confidence falling, which, in turn, cause problems for the providers of core materials such as wool. Will the Minister therefore commit to doing everything she can to assist the sector, and for the Government to show leadership, including by using procurement powers, noting the need to use Welsh wool in Government projects, such as using Welsh wool carpets in building and transport schemes? For example, how much Welsh wool is used in Transport for Wales vehicles? Thank you very much.
Thank you. I think you raise a very important point, and I'm certainly committed to doing all I can. I think I meet probably annually with the chief executive of the British Wool council, and I'm due to meet in the next few weeks, I think, again. And certainly, it's really good to hear from them their ideas for the use of wool. So, for instance, it was raised with me that one of the ways we could help would be to use it in insulation, but, actually, when you talk to the British Wool council, they said that wasn't the best use. But the point that you made around transport—so, in seats on transport—I certainly had some discussions with the Deputy Minister for Climate Change to see, as we were procuring the new trains, how much wool could be used for the seats. Obviously, I've had discussions with the Minister for Climate Change as well, and she's very keen to use more wool. So, I shall certainly continue those conversations, and I'll be very happy to update the Member.
Diolch. Rwy'n credu eich bod yn codi pwynt pwysig iawn, ac rwy'n sicr wedi ymrwymo i wneud popeth a allaf. Rwy'n credu fy mod yn cyfarfod yn flynyddol, mae'n debyg, gyda phrif weithredwr cyngor Gwlân Prydain, a byddaf yn cyfarfod â hwy eto yn ystod yr wythnosau nesaf, rwy'n credu. Ac yn sicr, mae'n dda iawn clywed eu syniadau ar gyfer defnyddio gwlân. Felly, er enghraifft, un o'r syniadau a godwyd gyda mi oedd y gellid ei ddefnyddio i insiwleiddio, ond mewn gwirionedd, pan siaradwch â chyngor Gwlân Prydain, roeddent yn dweud nad yw hynny'n ddefnydd gorau ohono. Ond y pwynt a wnaethoch ynglŷn â thrafnidiaeth—felly, mewn seddi ar drafnidiaeth—yn sicr cefais drafodaethau gyda'r Dirprwy Weinidog Newid Hinsawdd, gan ein bod yn caffael y trenau newydd, i weld faint o wlân y gellid ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer y seddi. Yn amlwg, cefais drafodaethau gyda'r Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd hefyd, ac mae hi'n awyddus iawn i ddefnyddio mwy o wlân. Felly, byddaf yn sicr yn parhau â'r sgyrsiau hynny, a byddaf yn hapus iawn i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Aelod.
Diolch yn fawr iawn i'r Gweinidog am yr ateb yna. Dwi am fynd ymlaen rŵan, os caf i, at goedwigaeth. Mae tua 15 y cant o Gymru wedi'i orchuddio efo coedwigaeth o wahanol fathau, sef tua 316,000 hectar yma. Mae'r coed yma yn wahanol drwyddi draw, o wahanol rywogaethau a gwahanol fathau o orchudd, yn goed unigol, coedlannau bychan neu fforestydd mawr. Ond yr un peth sydd yn gyffredin ydy bod coedwig sy'n cael ei reoli yn gwneud yn well na rhai sydd ddim yn cael eu rheoli. Pa un ai bod y rheoli yma ar gyfer coed adeiladu neu ffeibr, bioamrywiaeth neu gynefinoedd, rheoli llifogydd neu hamdden, bydd angen trwydded torri coed er mwyn sicrhau eu bod nhw'n cael eu rheoli ar ryw bwynt neu'i gilydd.
Mae'r Bil amaeth newydd, fel ag y mae o'n blaenau ni ar hyn o bryd, yn mynd i newid yn sylweddol ar y system drwyddedu hynny. Dwi felly am wahodd y Gweinidog i osod allan ei gweledigaeth ar gyfer rheoli coed a fforestydd yng Nghymru.
Thank you very much to the Minister for that response. I want to move on now, if I may, to forestry. Around 15 per cent of Wales is covered with forestry of different sorts—around 316,000 hectares here. The trees are different, with various different species and different kinds of cover, individual trees, small woodlands or large forests. But the one thing that is common is that managed woodland does better than unmanaged woodland. Whether that management is for construction timber or fibre, biodiversity or habitats, flood management or leisure, you will need a timber permit in order to ensure that the woodland is managed at some point or another.
The new agriculture Bill, as it currently stands, is going to significantly change the licensing system in this area. I would therefore invite the Minister to set out her vision for woodland and forest management in Wales.
Thank you. So, you are quite right, part of the agricultural Bill—and, obviously, we've got Stage 2 tomorrow—does include new powers to allow for environmental conditions to be added to felling licenses, and to amend or suspend, or revoke any licenses that have already been granted. I'm having to look very carefully at the forestry element of it, as is often the case when you start a piece of legislation. As you go through the various stages, you perhaps need to look at providing more clarity in the legislation going forward. And I will certainly be looking to have more detailed provision at Stage 3.
Diolch. Rydych yn llygad eich lle, mae rhan o'r Bil amaethyddol—ac yn amlwg, mae gennym Gyfnod 2 yfory—yn cynnwys pwerau newydd i ganiatáu i amodau amgylcheddol gael eu hychwanegu at drwyddedau torri coed, ac i ddiwygio, atal neu ddirymu unrhyw drwyddedau sydd eisoes wedi'u caniatáu. Mae'n rhaid imi edrych yn ofalus iawn ar yr elfen goedwigaeth, fel sy'n aml yn digwydd pan fyddwch yn dechrau deddfwriaeth. Wrth ichi fynd drwy'r gwahanol gyfnodau, efallai y bydd angen ichi edrych ar ddarparu mwy o eglurder yn y ddeddfwriaeth wrth symud ymlaen. Ac yn sicr byddaf yn ceisio cael darpariaeth fanylach yng Nghyfnod 3.
3. A wnaiff y Gweinidog amlinellu blaenoriaethau Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer gwella lles anifeiliaid domestig yng Nghwm Cynon? OQ59286
3. Will the Minister outline the Welsh Government's priorities for improving the welfare of domestic animals in Cynon Valley? OQ59286
The Welsh Government's priorities for animal welfare are set out in the animal welfare plan for Wales. The plan includes a timetable for the delivery of key actions against our four animal welfare programme for government commitments, alongside our other planned work.
Mae blaenoriaethau Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer lles anifeiliaid wedi'u nodi yng nghynllun lles anifeiliaid Cymru. Mae'r cynllun yn cynnwys amserlen ar gyfer cyflawni camau allweddol pedwar ymrwymiad lles anifeiliaid ein rhaglen lywodraethu, ochr yn ochr â'n gwaith arfaethedig arall.
Thank you, Minister. The second anniversary of the regulations introducing Lucy's law—the ban on third-party sales of cats and dogs being brought in here in Wales—is imminent. This was such an important step forward in terms of domestic animal welfare. So, I'd like to ask: how is Welsh Government working to monitor those regulations, and to ensure that its provisions are being enforced, and building this into its wider animal welfare work?
Diolch, Weinidog. Mae bron i ddwy flynedd wedi bod ers i ni gyflwyno rheoliadau cyfraith Lucy, sef y gwaharddiad ar werthu cathod a chŵn gan drydydd partïon yma yng Nghymru. Roedd hwn yn gam mor bwysig ymlaen o ran lles anifeiliaid domestig. Felly, hoffwn ofyn: sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n gweithio i fonitro'r rheoliadau hynny, ac i sicrhau bod eu darpariaethau'n cael eu gorfodi, a sut mae'n cynnwys hyn yn ei gwaith ehangach ar les anifeiliaid?
Thank you. I am aware, obviously, that Lucy's law is reaching an important anniversary next month, and Lucy, the spaniel who the legislation was named after, did come from a farm here in Wales. But that legislation only applies to England. As you're aware, our legislation, which was the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (Wales) Regulations 2021 goes further, and I hope that demonstrates and reflects my strong commitment to the welfare of dogs—in fact, all animals here in Wales—and my officials do monitor very carefully those regulations.
I do accept, of course, that those regulations do not address all the problems that we have associated with puppy trading, and that's why we are bringing in further measures. As we look at that legislation, and we monitor that, we look at other measures to bring forward to ensure that we really have those high welfare standards in our dog breeders here in Wales.
Diolch. Rwy'n ymwybodol, yn amlwg, fod cyfraith Lucy yn cyrraedd pen-blwydd pwysig fis nesaf, ac roedd Lucy, y tarfgi yr enwyd y ddeddfwriaeth ar ei hôl, yn dod o fferm yma yng Nghymru. Ond nid yw'r ddeddfwriaeth honno ond yn berthnasol i Loegr. Fel y gwyddoch, mae ein deddfwriaeth ni, sef Rheoliadau Lles Anifeiliaid (Trwyddedu Gweithgareddau sy’n Ymwneud ag Anifeiliaid) (Cymru) 2021, yn mynd gam ymhellach, ac rwy'n gobeithio bod hynny'n dangos ac yn adlewyrchu fy ymrwymiad cryf i les cŵn—pob anifail yma yng Nghymru mewn gwirionedd—ac mae fy swyddogion yn monitro'r rheoliadau hynny'n ofalus iawn.
Rwy'n derbyn, wrth gwrs, nad yw'r rheoliadau hynny'n mynd i'r afael â'r holl broblemau sydd gennym yn gysylltiedig â masnachu cŵn bach, a dyna pam ein bod yn cyflwyno mesurau pellach. Wrth inni edrych ar y ddeddfwriaeth honno, ac wrth inni ei monitro, rydym yn edrych ar fesurau eraill i'w cyflwyno er mwyn sicrhau bod gennym safonau lles uchel ar gyfer ein bridwyr cŵn yma yng Nghymru.
Minister, as you will be well aware, the purchasing of domestic animals as pets online is fraught with danger, and sadly, there are little to no safeguards in place that can stop buyers from unknowingly purchasing animals that have been bred in puppy farms and raised in horrific conditions. There's also the issue that dangerous dogs, with a known history of attacking people, have been advertised and sold online, which, tragically, has led to some horrific, and even fatal, attacks.
Minister, as sad as this is to say, there is also the issue of dogs being advertised as 'free to a good home', and these dogs who may well be given to seemingly genuine people can end up in the hands of illegal dog fighters, who use these free dogs as bait to train fighting dogs. I believe—and I'm sure every Member here will also agree with me—that we cannot go on like this and allow such easy trade of abused animals. We need much tougher measures in place with regard to online sales and advertising.
Justice for Reggie, a charity set up to campaign for much tighter regulations with regard to the online sale and breeding of domestic animals, will have, during our recess in April, their Online Pet Sales Awareness Week. And with this in mind, Minister—and I'm conscious of your comments to my colleague Vikki—what commitments are the Welsh Government making to tighten regulations regarding the online sale of domestic animals in Wales by individuals and businesses? Thank you.
Weinidog, fel y byddwch yn gwybod, mae prynu anifeiliaid domestig fel anifeiliaid anwes ar-lein yn beryglus iawn, ac yn anffodus, nid oes llawer o fesurau diogelu ar waith a all atal prynwyr rhag prynu, yn ddiarwybod iddynt, anifeiliaid sydd wedi eu bridio mewn ffermydd cŵn bach, a'u cadw mewn amodau erchyll. Yn ogystal, ceir problem gyda chŵn peryglus, sydd â hanes hysbys o ymosod ar bobl, yn cael eu hysbysebu a'u gwerthu ar-lein, sydd wedi arwain, yn drasig, at ymosodiadau erchyll, ac angheuol mewn rhai achosion.
Weinidog, ffaith arall drist yw bod rhai cŵn yn cael eu hysbysebu fel rhai sydd 'am ddim i gartref da', ac mae'n bosibl y bydd y cŵn hyn, sy'n cael eu rhoi i bobl sydd i'w gweld yn bobl dda, yn mynd i ddwylo ymladdwyr cŵn anghyfreithlon, sy'n defnyddio'r cŵn hyn a gafwyd am ddim fel abwyd i hyfforddi cŵn ymladd. Rwy'n credu—ac rwy'n siŵr y bydd pob Aelod yma yn cytuno â mi—na allwn barhau fel hyn a chaniatáu i anifeiliaid sy'n cael eu cam-drin gael eu masnachu mor hawdd. Mae angen mesurau llawer llymach arnom mewn perthynas â gwerthu a hysbysebu ar-lein.
Yn ystod ein toriad ym mis Ebrill, bydd Justice for Reggie, elusen a sefydlwyd i ymgyrchu dros reoliadau llawer llymach ar gyfer gwerthu ar-lein a bridio anifeiliaid domestig, yn cynnal eu Hwythnos Ymwybyddiaeth o Werthu Anifeiliaid Anwes Ar-lein. A chyda hyn mewn golwg, Weinidog—ac rwy'n ymwybodol o'ch sylwadau i fy nghyd-Aelod Vikki—pa ymrwymiadau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu gwneud i dynhau'r rheoliadau mewn perthynas â unigolion a busnesau sy'n gwerthu anifeiliaid domestig ar-lein yng Nghymru? Diolch.
Thank you. Well, as I stated to Vikki Howells, our legislation goes further than the legislation in England. I do think you raise a very important point, though, because we know that, unfortunately, people do still buy their pets online, and our legislation means someone should only go and purchase a pet where that pet was bred. So, it's something that we're continuing to monitor and, within the powers that we have, we're doing all we can. I'm also calling on the UK Government to strengthen its dog legislation, particularly around dangerous dogs, because I don't think it's fit for purpose, but to date they are not happy to do that.
Diolch. Wel, fel y dywedais wrth Vikki Howells, mae ein deddfwriaeth yn mynd gam ymhellach na'r ddeddfwriaeth yn Lloegr. Er hynny, rwy'n credu eich bod yn codi pwynt pwysig iawn, oherwydd rydym yn gwybod, yn anffodus, fod pobl yn dal i brynu eu hanifeiliaid anwes ar-lein, ac mae ein deddfwriaeth yn golygu na ddylai rhywun brynu anifail anwes yn unman heblaw lle cafodd yr anifail anwes hwnnw ei fridio. Felly, mae'n rhywbeth rydym yn parhau i'w fonitro ac rydym yn gwneud popeth a allwn o fewn y pwerau sydd gennym. Rwyf hefyd yn galw ar Lywodraeth y DU i gryfhau ei deddfwriaeth mewn perthynas â chŵn, yn enwedig cŵn peryglus, oherwydd nid wyf yn credu ei bod yn addas i'r diben, ond nid ydynt wedi bod yn hapus i wneud hynny hyd yma.
4. Pa gamau mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n eu cymryd i ddiogelu gwenyn? OQ59303
4. What action is the Welsh Government taking to protect bees? OQ59303
We recognise the worrying decline in pollinators. Our action plan for pollinators, the first of its kind in the world, aims to provide diverse and connected flower-rich habitats to ensure healthy pollinator populations. In Gwent, Nature Isn’t Neat is changing how verges and parks are managed to benefit pollinators.
Rydym yn cydnabod y gostyngiad pryderus mewn peillwyr. Nod ein cynllun gweithredu ar gyfer pryfed peillio, y cyntaf o'i fath yn y byd, yw darparu cynefinoedd amrywiol, cysylltiedig gyda llawer o flodau er mwyn sicrhau poblogaethau iach o beillwyr. Yng Ngwent, mae Natur Wyllt yn newid y ffordd y caiff ymylon ffyrdd a pharciau eu cynnal a'u cadw er mwyn sicrhau eu bod o fudd i beillwyr.
Thank you, Minister. I asked what action is being taken to protect our crucial pollinators because of the emergence of a new threat, which I'm sure you're aware of, the Asian hornet. The invasive species preys on native honey bees and, as a result, is now causing serious concern, as several cases are reported in the south of England. With reports recording an estimated 23 per cent decline of the honey bee in Wales, we need to be vigilant against this new threat. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has said it's absolutely essential that any possible sightings of the Asian hornet are recorded as early as possible to ensure swift action. Minister, I'm sure you'll agree with me that it's vital that the Welsh Government works in close collaboration with the UK Government to tackle this threat. Can you outline what steps your Government is taking to prevent this threat from escalating?
Diolch. Weinidog, gofynnais pa gamau sy'n cael eu cymryd i ddiogelu ein peillwyr hollbwysig oherwydd ymddangosiad bygythiad newydd, ac rwy'n siŵr eich bod yn ymwybodol ohono, sef cacynen Asia. Mae'r rhywogaeth oresgynnol hon yn ysglyfaethu gwenyn mêl brodorol ac o ganlyniad, mae'n achosi pryder difrifol, gan fod nifer o achosion wedi'u cofnodi yn ne Lloegr. Gydag adroddiadau'n cofnodi dirywiad amcangyfrifedig o 23 y cant yn niferoedd gwenyn mêl yng Nghymru, mae angen inni fod yn wyliadwrus o'r bygythiad newydd hwn. Mae Adran yr Amgylchedd, Bwyd a Materion Gwledig wedi dweud ei bod yn gwbl hanfodol fod unrhyw un sy'n gweld cacynen Asia yn rhoi gwybod cyn gynted â phosibl er mwyn gallu gweithredu'n gyflym. Weinidog, rwy'n siŵr y byddwch yn cytuno ei bod yn hanfodol fod Llywodraeth Cymru yn cydweithio'n agos â Llywodraeth y DU i fynd i'r afael â'r bygythiad hwn. A wnewch chi amlinellu pa gamau y mae eich Llywodraeth yn eu cymryd i atal y bygythiad hwn rhag gwaethygu?
We certainly do work very closely with DEFRA. I'm not aware of any sightings in Wales, and I'm not aware of any sightings in England, actually, for quite a little while—I think certainly not this year. But when there is a sighting of one, obviously our officials work very closely and it's dealt with also very quickly, and it's not something that we do want to see in Wales. It's not something that I discuss frequently with DEFRA, but officials do work, as I say, very closely to ensure that, if there is a sighting, action can be taken.
Yn sicr, rydym yn gweithio'n agos iawn gyda DEFRA. Nid wyf yn ymwybodol fod unrhyw un wedi gweld cacynen Asia yng Nghymru, ac nid wyf yn ymwybodol fod unrhyw un wedi gweld un yn Lloegr ers cryn dipyn o amser mewn gwirionedd—yn sicr, nid eleni. Ond pan fo rhywun yn gweld un, yn amlwg mae ein swyddogion yn gweithio'n agos iawn ac maent yn mynd i'r afael â'r mater yn gyflym iawn hefyd, ac nid yw'n rhywbeth rydym eisiau ei weld yng Nghymru. Nid yw'n rhywbeth rwy'n ei drafod yn aml gyda DEFRA, ond fel rwy'n dweud mae swyddogion yn gweithio'n agos iawn i sicrhau, os oes rhywun yn gweld un, fod camau gweithredu'n cael eu cymryd.
5. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad ar yr ymgynghoriad sydd i ddod ar ddyfodol rasio milgwn yng Nghymru? OQ59319
5. Will the Minister make a statement on the forthcoming consultation on the future of greyhound racing in Wales? OQ59319
Thank you. As detailed in the debate on 8 March, I will launch a public consultation regarding greyhound racing later this year. The consultation will gather evidence on the benefits and impacts of both legislating and banning greyhound racing in Wales.
Diolch. Fel y nodwyd yn fanwl yn y ddadl ar 8 Mawrth, byddaf yn lansio ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus ar rasio milgwn yn ddiweddarach eleni. Bydd yr ymgynghoriad yn casglu tystiolaeth ar fanteision ac effeithiau deddfu a gwahardd rasio milgwn yng Nghymru.
The Minister will know, from private conversations and public, that I fully support the Welsh Government's consultation. In last week's meeting of the Economy, Trade, and Rural Affairs Committee, I asked you for a commitment, should the forthcoming Welsh Government consultation recommend anything that causes a restriction on greyhound racing in Wales, that the Valley Greyhound Stadium in my constituency in Ystrad Mynach would be considered, and that you would have conversations with the Minister for Climate Change on how flooding as a consequence of the potential track closure would be alleviated. We are concerned about the consequences for flooding there, should that go ahead. So, would you be willing to have those conversations with your ministerial colleagues and identify potential Welsh Government support through Natural Resources Wales, and, as things progress, to meet with me, perhaps on site, to discuss some of the concerns that I've got for those people living in Ystrad Mynach?
O sgyrsiau preifat a chyhoeddus, bydd y Gweinidog yn gwybod fy mod yn llwyr gefnogi ymgynghoriad Llywodraeth Cymru. Yng nghyfarfod Pwyllgor yr Economi, Masnach, a Materion Gwledig yr wythnos diwethaf, gofynnais i chi am ymrwymiad, pe bai'r ymgynghoriad sydd ar y ffordd gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn argymell unrhyw beth sy'n achosi cyfyngu ar rasio milgwn yng Nghymru, y byddai stadiwm milgwn Valley yn fy etholaeth yn Ystrad Mynach yn cael ei ystyried, ac y byddech yn cael sgyrsiau gyda'r Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd ar sut fyddai llifogydd, o ganlyniad i'r penderfyniad i gau'r trac, yn cael eu lliniaru. Rydym yn poeni am ganlyniad llifogydd yno, pe bai hynny'n digwydd. Felly, a fyddech chi'n barod i gael y sgyrsiau hynny gyda'ch cyd-Weinidogion a nodi cymorth posibl gan Lywodraeth Cymru drwy Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, ac wrth i bethau fynd rhagddynt, i gyfarfod â mi, ar y safle o bosibl, i drafod rhai o'r pryderon sydd gennyf ar ran y bobl sy'n byw yn Ystrad Mynach?
Thank you. Well, as I said, last week, during the scrutiny session in committee, I'm very happy to speak with the Minister for Climate Change, and I'm sure she would be very happy to speak to you also, if any future changes in land use were likely to exacerbate flood risk to any existing homes or businesses in your constituency. I think it might be a little bit premature at the moment, but I'm sure, further down the line, if that was necessary, she would be happy to do so as well. I think there are a lot of variables at play here. I don't want to pre-empt any outcome of the consultation or the future of the race track.
Diolch. Wel, fel y dywedais yr wythnos diwethaf yn ystod y sesiwn graffu yn y pwyllgor, rwy'n hapus iawn i siarad â'r Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd, ac rwy'n siŵr y byddai hi'n hapus iawn i siarad â chi hefyd, pe bai unrhyw newidiadau i ddefnydd tir yn y dyfodol yn debygol o waethygu risg llifogydd i unrhyw gartrefi neu fusnesau sy'n bodoli eisoes yn eich etholaeth. Rwy'n credu y gallai fod ychydig yn gynamserol ar hyn o bryd, ond rwy'n siŵr, maes o law, pe bai'n angenrheidiol, byddai'n hapus i wneud hynny hefyd. Rwy'n credu bod llawer o ystyriaethau gwahanol ar waith yma. Nid wyf am achub y blaen ar unrhyw ganlyniad i'r ymgynghoriad na dyfodol y trac rasio.
Minister, the Valley race track in my constituency has clearly outlined that it will apply for a Greyhound Board of Great Britain licence. Now, you may want to ban greyhound racing or you may not, but herein lies the problem. We all want to have a higher animal welfare standard, but the question must be: how do we work with the industry going forward? GBGB has a number of strict animal welfare requirements, including monitoring greyhounds from when they are puppies, to when they are transported to races, to after they retire. I'm really pleased to hear about the millions of pounds that GBGB has provide to animal welfare charities to ensure that retired greyhounds are placed in loving homes.
Minister, you'll be no stranger to poor animal welfare legislation, so it won't come as a surprise to you that there is another big gap in Welsh animal welfare law. Essentially, we have not adopted the Welfare of Racing Greyhounds Regulations 2010. Now, these regulations help local authorities revoke or suspend greyhound racing licences, and also set out the conditions for disqualification from a licence. Furthermore, to get a licence, a vet has to be present before and throughout the race, conditions of kennels have to be of a high standard, the microchipping of dogs is required, as well as the maintenance of records of greyhounds participating in races and injury records. I think that it would be a really easy step for the Welsh Government to adopt and implement these regulations here in Wales. So, Minister, are you willing to work with GBGB to ensure that animal welfare is a top priority, or, unfortunately, is this going to be, in effect, where we are going to have a sledgehammer to crack a nut in this sensitive area, going forward?
Weinidog, mae trac rasio Valley yn fy etholaeth wedi nodi'n glir y bydd yn gwneud cais am drwydded Bwrdd Milgwn Prydain. Nawr, efallai eich bod eisiau gwahardd rasio milgwn, efallai ddim, ond dyma'r broblem. Rydym i gyd eisiau safon uwch o les anifeiliaid, ond rhaid gofyn y cwestiwn: sut y gallwn weithio gyda'r diwydiant wrth symud ymlaen? Mae gan Fwrdd Milgwn Prydain nifer o ofynion llym o ran lles anifeiliaid, gan gynnwys monitro milgwn o'r adeg pan fyddant yn gŵn bach, i'r adeg pan fyddant yn cael eu cludo i rasys, i'r adeg ar ôl iddynt orffen rasio. Rwy'n falch iawn o glywed am y miliynau o bunnoedd y mae Bwrdd Milgwn Prydain wedi'u darparu i elusennau lles anifeiliaid er mwyn sicrhau bod milgwn sydd wedi gorffen rasio yn cael eu gosod mewn cartrefi cariadus.
Weinidog, fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol o ddeddfwriaeth wael ym maes lles anifeiliaid, felly ni fydd yn syndod i chi fod bwlch mawr arall yng nghyfraith lles anifeiliaid Cymru. Yn y bôn, nid ydym wedi mabwysiadu Rheoliadau Lles Milgwn Rasio 2010. Nawr, mae'r rheoliadau hyn yn helpu awdurdodau lleol i ddiddymu neu atal trwyddedau rasio milgwn, ac maent hefyd yn nodi'r amodau ar gyfer anghymhwyso trwyddedau. Ar ben hynny, er mwyn cael trwydded, rhaid i filfeddyg fod yn bresennol cyn a thrwy gydol y ras, rhaid i amodau cytiau fod o safon uchel, mae'n ofynnol i osod microsglodion mewn cŵn, yn ogystal â chadw cofnodion am filgwn sy'n cymryd rhan mewn rasys a chofnodi anafiadau. Rwy'n credu y byddai'n gam hawdd iawn i Lywodraeth Cymru fabwysiadu a gweithredu'r rheoliadau hyn yma yng Nghymru. Felly, Weinidog, a ydych chi'n barod i weithio gyda Bwrdd Milgwn Prydain i sicrhau bod lles anifeiliaid yn brif flaenoriaeth, neu, yn anffodus, a fydd hon yn sefyllfa, i bob pwrpas, lle bydd gennym forthwyl i dorri cneuen yn y maes sensitif hwn wrth symud ymlaen?
Well, as I say, I don't want to pre-empt the consultation that I will be launching later this year. I have met with representatives from the Greyhound Board of Great Britain. I have met with other welfare organisations, and I have met with the owner of Valley Stadium to discuss welfare issues and plans for the Valley site. As you say, the site currently isn't up to GBGB standards.
Wel, fel rwy'n dweud, nid wyf am achub y blaen ar yr ymgynghoriad y byddaf yn ei lansio yn ddiweddarach eleni. Rwyf wedi cyfarfod â chynrychiolwyr o Fwrdd Milgwn Prydain. Rwyf wedi cyfarfod â sefydliadau lles eraill, ac rwyf wedi cyfarfod â pherchennog stadiwm Valley i drafod materion lles a chynlluniau ar gyfer safle Valley. Fel y dywedwch, nid yw'r safle ar hyn o bryd yn cyrraedd safonau Bwrdd Milgwn Prydain.
I'm glad that I followed my colleague Natasha Asghar because I really want to make it clear that I've also met with GBGB. Let me tell you two things that GBGB confirmed that they did, which I don't think you would want to see as high animal welfare standards. One of them is that we know that, at a GBGB track in Harlow last year, we saw racing of greyhounds at a temperature of 32 degrees centigrade, when the RSPCA had told domestic pet owners to keep their dogs indoors. And yet, at a GBGB track, racing continued.
The second issue is that GBGB do offer a rehoming bond, but only to those dogs homes who will not make comment on greyhound racing. So, they restrict their funding to dogs homes—and I'm calling them dogs homes. They are not rehoming centres. They have to go from there to a home. Sixty-seven per cent of the homes under GBGB—. Sorry, GBGB only rehome 67 per cent of their dogs through dogs homes. So, really, GBGB have a lot to answer for, and I'd love to have a chat with you, Natasha. But my point is—
Rwy'n falch fy mod wedi dilyn fy nghyd-Aelod Natasha Asghar oherwydd rwyf eisiau ei gwneud yn glir fy mod innau hefyd wedi cyfarfod â Bwrdd Milgwn Prydain. Gadewch imi ddweud dau beth wrthych y mae Bwrdd Milgwn Prydain wedi cadarnhau iddynt eu gwneud, ac nid wyf yn credu y byddech yn eu hystyried yn safonau lles anifeiliaid uchel. Yn gyntaf, ar drac Bwrdd Milgwn Prydain yn Harlow y llynedd, gwyddom fod milgwn wedi cael eu rasio mewn tymheredd o 32 gradd canradd, pan oedd yr RSPCA wedi dweud wrth berchnogion anifeiliaid anwes domestig gadw eu cŵn dan do. Ac eto roedd rasio milgwn yn parhau ar drac Bwrdd Milgwn Prydain.
Yr ail broblem yw nad yw Bwrdd Milgwn Prydain ond yn cynnig bond ailgartrefu i'r cartrefi cŵn nad ydynt yn gwneud sylw ar rasio milgwn. Felly, maent yn cyfyngu eu cyllid i gartrefi cŵn—ac rwy'n eu galw'n gartrefi cŵn. Nid canolfannau ailgartrefu mohonynt. Rhaid iddynt fynd oddi yno i gartref. Mae 67 y cant o'r cartrefi o dan Fwrdd Milgwn Prydain—. Mae'n ddrwg gennyf, nid yw Bwrdd Milgwn Prydain ond yn ailgartrefu 67 y cant o'u cŵn drwy gartrefi cŵn. Felly, mewn gwirionedd, mae gan Fwrdd Milgwn Prydain lawer o gwestiynau i'w hateb, a byddwn wrth fy modd yn cael sgwrs gyda chi, Natasha. Ond fy mhwynt i yw—
I think that the Minister is being blissfully ignored in this discussion. [Laughter.]
Rwy'n credu bod y Gweinidog yn cael ei anwybyddu'n llwyr yn y drafodaeth hon. [Chwerthin.]
I know. I'm sorry. I couldn't resist that, Llywydd.
Rwy'n gwybod. Mae'n ddrwg gennyf. Ni allwn ymwrthod, Lywydd.
No, I'm taking it all in.
Na, rwy'n gwrando'n astud.
If you could focus on your question now.
Os gallech chi ganolbwyntio ar eich cwestiwn nawr.
My point to you, Minister, is as follows: going back to Valley racetrack, which Hefin has highlighted, I understand—and I hope that you would agree with this—that if greyhound racing was banned at Valley racetrack, we would only see a period of between nine and 12 months when dogs would need to be removed from there to be rehomed. Therefore, the potential closure—and I know that you can't comment on the ban—would not have a long-term effect on the dogs from that home. I know you can't comment on it, but I'm sure you would take that into account.
Fy mhwynt i chi, Weinidog, yw: gan droi'n ôl at drac rasio Valley, y mae Hefin wedi tynnu sylw ato, rwy'n deall—ac rwy'n gobeithio y byddech chi'n cytuno â hyn—pe bai rasio milgwn yn cael ei wahardd ar drac rasio Valley, ni fyddem ond yn edrych ar gyfnod o 9-12 mis lle byddai angen symud cŵn oddi yno i gael eu hailgartrefu. Felly, ni fyddai'r cau posibl—ac rwy'n gwybod na allwch chi wneud sylw ar y gwaharddiad—yn cael effaith hirdymor ar y cŵn o'r cartref hwnnw. Rwy'n gwybod na allwch wneud sylw ar y mater, ond rwy'n siŵr y byddech yn ystyried hynny.
Thank you. Well, as I say, I cannot pre-empt any consultation, but, certainly, the discussions I have had—. I mentioned in my answer to Natasha Asghar that I have met with representatives of many welfare organisations on a range of issues. Obviously, housing dogs is something that I am particularly interested in. Clearly, nine to 12 months is not a huge amount of time. I am very grateful for all of the work that our animal welfare organisations do in Wales.
Diolch. Wel, fel rwy'n dweud, ni allaf achub y blaen ar unrhyw ymgynghoriad, ond yn sicr, o'r trafodaethau a gefais—. Soniais yn fy ateb i Natasha Asghar fy mod wedi cyfarfod â chynrychiolwyr nifer o sefydliadau lles ar ystod o faterion. Yn amlwg, mae cartrefu cŵn yn rhywbeth y mae gennyf ddiddordeb arbennig ynddo. Yn amlwg, nid yw 9-12 mis yn llawer iawn o amser. Rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn am yr holl waith y mae ein sefydliadau lles anifeiliaid yn ei wneud yng Nghymru.
6. Pa drafodaethau mae’r Gweinidog wedi'u cynnal gyda’r Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol am uned mamau a babanod i’r gogledd a fyddai'n gwasanaethu pobl Arfon? OQ59297
6. What discussions has the Minister held with the Minister for Health and Social Services about a mother and baby unit for north Wales that would serve the people of Arfon? OQ59297
I have not had any specific discussions with the Minister for Health and Social Services regarding a mother and baby unit for the people of Arfon. I am, of course, aware of the plans to improve access to specialist mother and baby unit provision for the people living in north Wales.
Nid wyf wedi cael unrhyw drafodaethau penodol gyda'r Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol ynglŷn ag uned mamau a babanod i bobl Arfon. Wrth gwrs, rwy'n ymwybodol o'r cynlluniau i wella mynediad at ddarpariaeth arbenigol uned mamau a babanod i'r bobl sy'n byw yng ngogledd Cymru.
Yn ôl datganiad diweddar gan y bwrdd iechyd lleol, maen nhw’n gweithio efo NHS England i ddarparu uned yng Nghaer, gyda dau wely ynddi ar gyfer mamau o bob rhan o’r gogledd. Dwi’n deall mai yn Ysbyty’r Countess of Chester y bydd yr uned yma. A fedrwch chi gadarnhau hynny?
Mewn adroddiad a gyhoeddwyd y llynedd gan y Comisiwn Ansawdd Gofal, nodwyd fod gwasanaethau mamolaeth yn Ysbyty’r Countess of Chester yn annigonol, a bod diffyg staff a chyfarpar yn broblemau a oedd angen sylw, ynghyd â phroblemau arweinyddiaeth yn yr ymddiriedolaeth. A ydych chi’n meddwl bod sefydlu dau wely dros y ffin yn Lloegr ar gyfer mamau fyddai angen teithio yn bell, a hynny mewn ysbyty sydd â track record gwael o ran mamolaeth, yn gynllun doeth a synhwyrol yn eich barn chi fel Gweinidog y gogledd?
According to a recent statement by the local health board, they are working with NHS England to provide a unit in Chester, with two beds in that unit for mothers from all parts of the north. I understand that it is in the Countess of Chester Hospital that this unit will be based. Could you confirm that?
In a report that was published last year by the Care Quality Commission, it was noted that maternity services at the Countess of Chester Hospital were inadequate, and that a lack of staff and equipment were problems that needed attention, as well as problems in terms of leadership at the particular trust. Do you think that establishing two beds over the border in England for mothers who would need to travel a long distance, and in a hospital that has a poor track record in terms of maternity care, is a wise and sensible plan in your view as Minister for north Wales?
What I do think is that it's really important that these babies have access to the very best care available, and my understanding is that the Welsh Health Specialised Services Committee undertook an assessment of demand in north Wales and concluded there was a need to fund two beds in a mother and baby unit and, within their plans, they concluded the most appropriate approach to delivering this was for joint working between themselves, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board and NHS England to develop plans for that shared unit.
Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig iawn fod yna fynediad i'r babanod hyn at y gofal gorau sydd ar gael, a fy nealltwriaeth i yw bod Pwyllgor Gwasanaethau Iechyd Arbenigol Cymru wedi cynnal asesiad o'r galw yn y gogledd ac wedi dod i'r casgliad fod angen ariannu dau wely mewn uned mamau a babanod, ac o fewn eu cynlluniau, daethant i'r casgliad mai'r dull mwyaf priodol o ddarparu hyn oedd drwy weithio ar y cyd â Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr a GIG Lloegr er mwyn datblygu cynlluniau ar gyfer yr uned a rennir.
Can I welcome the question from Siân Gwenllian and also pay credit to her for her persistence on this really important issue for people in north Wales? Just to expand on the question already asked, Minister, as the Minister for north Wales and a Member, of course, in the region as well, I wonder what assurances you can give that the particular needs of people in north Wales, whether it's around language or whether it's around the distance having to be travelled to access these services, especially keeping in mind the potential fragility of the people who need to access these services—. I wonder what assurances you can give that the proposed provision will be suitable for the people of north Wales.
A gaf fi groesawu'r cwestiwn gan Siân Gwenllian a rhoi clod iddi hefyd am ei dyfalbarhad ar y mater hynod bwysig hwn i bobl y gogledd? Hoffwn ehangu ar y cwestiwn a ofynnwyd eisoes, Weinidog, fel Gweinidog gogledd Cymru ac fel Aelod yn y rhanbarth hefyd wrth gwrs, tybed pa sicrwydd y gallwch ei roi y bydd anghenion penodol pobl gogledd Cymru, boed yn ymwneud ag iaith neu'n ymwneud â'r pellter y mae'n rhaid ei deithio i gael mynediad at y gwasanaethau hyn, yn enwedig o ystyried breuder posibl y bobl sydd angen cael mynediad at y gwasanaethau hyn—. Tybed pa sicrwydd y gallwch chi ei roi y bydd y ddarpariaeth arfaethedig yn addas ar gyfer pobl gogledd Cymru.
It's imperative that the proposed provision is what we would want for our constituents across north Wales. My understanding from the work that WHSSC undertook is that this was the best way of providing provision. I do take on board what you're saying about the language; it's very important that that is part of the consideration. But I think we have to be very pragmatic here and say that we can't have mother and baby units in every hospital, unfortunately. There just isn't the capacity or the capability to be able to do that. What I would want for my constituents, as you specifically asked me, and as the Minister for north Wales, is for our babies to have the very best access in the very best way, and I think that is having a specialist unit.
Mae'n hanfodol fod y ddarpariaeth arfaethedig yn cyd-fynd â'r hyn y byddem ei eisiau ar gyfer ein hetholwyr ar draws gogledd Cymru. Fy nealltwriaeth i o'r gwaith a gyflawnodd Pwyllgor Gwasanaethau Iechyd Arbenigol Cymru yw mai dyma'r ffordd orau o gynnig darpariaeth. Rwy'n cytuno â'r hyn rydych yn ei ddweud am yr iaith; mae'n bwysig iawn fod hynny'n rhan o'r ystyriaeth. Ond rwy'n credu bod rhaid i ni fod yn bragmatig iawn yma a dweud na allwn gael unedau mamau a babanod ym mhob ysbyty, yn anffodus. Nid oes gennym gapasiti na gallu i wneud hynny. Yr hyn rwyf ei eisiau i fy etholwyr, gan eich bod wedi gofyn i mi'n benodol, ac fel Gweinidog gogledd Cymru, yw i'n babanod gael y mynediad gorau yn y ffordd orau sy'n bosibl, ac rwy'n credu mai'r ffordd o sicrhau hynny yw drwy gael uned arbenigol.
7. Pa asesiad mae’r Gweinidog wedi gwneud o effeithiolrwydd gwariant y gronfa datblygu gwledig ar y prosiect Down to Earth? OQ59296
7. What assessment has the Minister made of the effectiveness of rural development fund spending on the Down to Earth project? OQ59296
Thank you. The Down to Earth project, funded through rural development programme, is due to submit the final claim in June 2023. The project is required to appoint an independent assessor to report on the impact and outcomes achieved, which will be assessed before the final claim is paid and project ends.
Diolch. Mae disgwyl i brosiect Down to Earth, sy'n cael ei ariannu drwy'r rhaglen datblygu gwledig, gyflwyno'r cais terfynol ym mis Mehefin 2023. Mae gofyn i'r prosiect benodi asesydd annibynnol i adrodd ar yr effaith a'r canlyniadau a gyflawnwyd, a fydd yn cael eu hasesu cyn i'r hawliad terfynol gael ei dalu a chyn i'r prosiect ddod i ben.
Diolch yn fawr, Trefnydd. Mae nifer o etholwyr o ardal yr Eglwys Newydd yng Nghaerdydd wedi cysylltu â fi ynglŷn â phrosiect Down to Earth. Beth maen nhw eisiau gwybod a beth dwi eisiau gwybod hefyd yw a all y Gweinidog esbonio pam mae arian gwledig yn cael ei ddefnyddio i adeiladu ar un o fannau gwyrdd y brifddinas, yng ngogledd y brifddinas, a sut mae ardal drefol fel ein prifddinas yn gymwys i arian y gronfa datblygu gwledig. Diolch yn fawr.
Thank you very much, Trefnydd. A number of constituents in the Whitchurch area of Cardiff have contacted me on the Down to Earth project. What they want to know and what I also want to know too is whether the Minister can explain why rural development funding is being used to build on one of the green sites in the north of the capital city, and how an urban area such as our capital qualifies for funding from the rural development programme. Thank you very much.
You'll be aware there are very strict criteria around this funding. So, the Down to Earth project is funded through the EU RDP co-operation and LEADER schemes, and it's absolutely able to do that. You're very well aware, I'm sure, of what the project will be working on—two specific schemes. RDP projects are subject to special conditions, and, as I said, this will be assessed. It has to be assessed by an independent external evaluator within six months of the project start date. Nothing has been raised with me of concern. If you have anything that you wish to raise with me, please write to me.
Fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol fod meini prawf llym iawn o gwmpas yr arian hwn. Mae'r prosiect Down to Earth yn cael ei ariannu drwy gydweithrediad cynlluniau LEADER a rhaglen datblygu gwledig yr UE, ac yn sicr mae'n gallu gwneud hynny. Rydych yn ymwybodol iawn, rwy'n siŵr, o'r hyn y bydd y prosiect yn gweithio arno—dau gynllun penodol. Mae prosiectau'r rhaglen datblygu gwledig yn ddarostyngedig i amodau arbennig, ac fel y dywedais, bydd hyn yn cael ei asesu. Mae'n rhaid iddo gael ei asesu gan asesydd allanol annibynnol o fewn chwe mis i ddyddiad cychwyn y prosiect. Nid oes unrhyw bryderon wedi cael eu dwyn i fy sylw. Os oes gennych unrhyw beth yr hoffech ei godi gyda mi, ysgrifennwch ataf os gwelwch yn dda.
Minister, ensuring that RDP spending is effectively allocated and delivered is key to ensuring that it delivers value for money, while supporting the development of rural communities. In the most recent Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee meeting, you stated that you will no longer be setting up a rural development advisory board to advise on the content and delivery of the domestic rural support programme. I would stress the importance of reporting arrangements for replacement rural development funding in ensuring transparency and accountability to ensure effective monitoring, especially given the damning Auditor General for Wales report that RDP funding was allocated by the Welsh Government via direct payments with no competition. Therefore, what plans does the Welsh Government have to publish the proposed measures, budget allocations and commitments, and spend for each of the financial years in the transition period? Diolch.
Weinidog, mae sicrhau bod gwariant y rhaglen datblygu gwledig yn cael ei ddyrannu a'i ddarparu'n effeithiol yn allweddol i sicrhau ei fod yn cynnig gwerth am arian, gan gefnogi datblygiad cymunedau gwledig ar yr un pryd. Yng nghyfarfod diweddaraf y Pwyllgor Economi, Masnach a Materion Gwledig, fe ddywedoch chi na fyddwch chi'n sefydlu bwrdd cynghori ar ddatblygu gwledig mwyach i gynghori ar gynnwys a darpariaeth y rhaglen cymorth gwledig ddomestig. Rwyf am bwysleisio pwysigrwydd trefniadau adrodd ar gyfer cyllid datblygu gwledig newydd i sicrhau tryloywder ac atebolrwydd er mwyn sicrhau monitro effeithiol, yn enwedig o gofio adroddiad damniol Archwilydd Cyffredinol Cymru fod cyllid y rhaglen datblygu gwledig wedi'i ddyrannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru drwy daliadau uniongyrchol heb unrhyw gystadleuaeth. Felly, pa gynlluniau sydd gan Lywodraeth Cymru i gyhoeddi'r ymrwymiadau, dyraniadau cyllidebol, a'r mesurau arfaethedig, a gwariant ar gyfer pob un o'r blynyddoedd ariannol yn y cyfnod pontio? Diolch.
Well, the report to which you refer was many years ago, and we’ve certainly learned lessons, and there’s been no criticism since that time, and I can assure you that will absolutely be put in place. The reason I said I wasn’t having a board any more is because we’re not looking to replace the RDP in the way that it currently is, and we’re focusing very much on bringing forward the sustainable farming scheme.
Wel, cafodd yr adroddiad y cyfeiriwch ato ei gyflawni flynyddoedd lawer yn ôl, ac rydym yn sicr wedi dysgu gwersi, ac nid oes unrhyw feirniadaeth wedi bod ers hynny, a gallaf eich sicrhau y bydd hynny'n cael ei roi ar waith. Y rheswm pam y dywedais nad wyf am sefydlu bwrdd mwyach yw oherwydd nad ydym yn ceisio disodli'r rhaglen datblygu gwledig yn y ffordd y mae'n gweithredu ar hyn o bryd, ac rydym yn canolbwyntio'n helaeth ar gyflwyno'r cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy.
8. A oes gan y Gweinidog unrhyw gynlluniau i reoleiddio bridio cathod? OQ59300
8. Does the Minister have any plans to regulate cat breeding? OQ59300
Our animal welfare plan for Wales details how we will deliver our programme for government commitments. A review of the Animal Welfare (Breeding of Dogs) (Wales) Regulations 2014 is planned and will include consideration of broadening the scope to include cats.
Mae ein cynllun lles anifeiliaid i Gymru yn manylu ar sut y byddwn yn cyflawni ymrwymiadau ein rhaglen lywodraethu. Rydym yn bwriadu cynnal adolygiad o Reoliadau Lles Anifeiliaid (Bridio Cŵn) (Cymru) 2014 a bydd hynny'n cynnwys ystyriaeth i ehangu'r cwmpas i gynnwys cathod.
Wonderful. My colleague Huw Irranca-Davies, the MS for Ogmore, and I recently met with Cats Protection in their Bridgend adoption centre to discuss the work that they do to improve the welfare of cats in Wales and across the UK. According to Cat Protection's latest 'Cats and Their Stats' report, ownership of pedigree cats in Wales is on the rise, with 25 per cent of the cats purchased last year being pedigree breeds. While many pedigree cat breeds can live healthy lives, there are a few extreme breeds with genetic birth defects that can lead to a very painful existence throughout the cat’s life. For example, ultra flat-faced cats, such as Persians, will struggle with breathing problems throughout their lives, or Scottish Folds, the sale of which has now been banned in Scotland, suffer from severe cartilage deficiencies. Unlike dogs, cat breeding is currently unregulated, so does the Welsh Government have any intention in the meantime of bringing cat regulation up to the same as dog regulation in Wales? Diolch.
Bendigedig. Yn ddiweddar, cyfarfu fy nghyd-Aelod, Huw Irranca-Davies, yr Aelod o'r Senedd dros Ogwr, a minnau â Cats Protection yn eu canolfan fabwysiadu ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr i drafod y gwaith a wnânt ar wella lles cathod yng Nghymru a ledled y DU. Yn ôl adroddiad diweddaraf Cats Protection sef 'Cats and Their Stats', mae perchnogaeth cathod pedigri yng Nghymru ar gynnydd, gyda 25 y cant o'r cathod a gafodd eu prynu y llynedd yn fridiau pedigri. Er y gall llawer o fridiau cathod pedigri fyw bywydau iach, mae na rai bridiau eithafol gyda diffygion geni genetig sy'n gallu arwain at fywyd poenus iawn i'r gath. Er enghraifft, bydd cathod sydd â wynebau gwastad iawn, fel cathod Persia, yn cael trafferth gyda phroblemau anadlu drwy gydol eu bywydau, neu gathod Scottish Fold, y mae eu gwerthiant bellach wedi'i wahardd yn yr Alban, sy'n dioddef o ddiffygion cartilag difrifol. Yn wahanol i gŵn, nid yw bridio cathod yn cael ei reoleiddio ar hyn o bryd, felly a oes gan Lywodraeth Cymru unrhyw fwriad yn y cyfamser i reoleiddio cathod yn yr un modd ag y mae'n rheoleiddio cŵn yng Nghymru? Diolch.
Thank you. Well, as I mentioned, a review of the dog breeding regulations is going to be broadened to see if there are any other species—and, absolutely, cats would be part of that—would benefit from being within the scope of the regulations, because I think we’ve seen it with dogs, haven’t we? You referred to the extreme breeds and, unfortunately, as you say, we are seeing it with cats as well. I was aware of your visit; I saw your photographs on social media. I think it is really important that we do look at what we can do to improve the welfare of cats in Wales.
Diolch. Wel, fel y soniais, bydd yr adolygiad o'r rheoliadau bridio cŵn yn cael ei ehangu i weld a oes unrhyw rywogaethau eraill—ac yn sicr byddai cathod yn rhan o hynny—a fyddai'n elwa o gael eu cynnwys yn y rheoliadau, oherwydd rwy'n credu ein bod wedi'i weld gyda chŵn, onid ydym? Fe gyfeirioch chi at y bridiau eithafol, ac yn anffodus, fel y dywedwch, rydym yn ei weld gyda chathod hefyd. Roeddwn yn ymwybodol o'ch ymweliad; fe welais eich lluniau ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig iawn ein bod yn edrych ar yr hyn y gallwn ei wneud i wella lles cathod yng Nghymru.
As a cat owner myself, I'm delighted that Sarah Murphy tabled this question, and I welcomed the Welsh Government's introduction of Lucy's law 18 months ago, which seeks to ban third-party sales of cats and dogs under the age of six months. On reading your explanatory memorandum to the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (Wales) Regulations 2021—snappily titled—I was interested to see that you mentioned the regulations were drafted as a first step to ensuring that the welfare of puppies and kittens in Wales who are currently being bred and sold to third parties is improved significantly. However, as you will be aware, Minister, cat and dog breeders are subject to a licensing scheme enforced through local authorities. I also note you provided statutory guidance to local authorities on the regulations alongside creating a pan-Wales system for training local authority enforcement officers. So, how far are you in assessing the effectiveness of Lucy's law in Wales, and how well are enforcement and licensing officers applying it at local authority level, and what is the next step in protecting the welfare of cats?
Fel perchennog cathod fy hun, rwy'n falch iawn fod Sarah Murphy wedi cyflwyno'r cwestiwn hwn, ac fe groesewais y ffaith bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyflwyno cyfraith Lucy 18 mis yn ôl i geisio gwahardd gwerthiant cathod a chŵn o dan chwe mis oed gan drydydd partïon. Ar ôl darllen eich memorandwm esboniadol i Reoliadau Lles Anifeiliaid (Trwyddedu Gweithgareddau sy'n Ymwneud ag Anifeiliaid) (Cymru) 2021—teitl bachog—roedd yn ddiddorol gweld eich bod wedi dweud bod y rheoliadau wedi'u drafftio fel cam cyntaf i sicrhau bod lles cŵn bach a chathod bach yng Nghymru sy'n cael eu bridio a'u gwerthu i drydydd partïon ar hyn o bryd yn cael ei wella'n sylweddol. Fodd bynnag, fel y byddwch yn ymwybodol, Weinidog, mae bridwyr cathod a chŵn yn ddarostyngedig i gynllun trwyddedu sy'n cael ei orfodi drwy awdurdodau lleol. Nodaf hefyd eich bod wedi darparu canllawiau statudol i awdurdodau lleol ar y rheoliadau ochr yn ochr â chreu system Cymru gyfan ar gyfer hyfforddi swyddogion gorfodi awdurdodau lleol. Felly, faint o waith rydych wedi'i wneud ar asesu effeithiolrwydd cyfraith Lucy yng Nghymru, ac i ba raddau y mae swyddogion gorfodi a thrwyddedu yn ei chymhwyso ar lefel awdurdod lleol, a beth yw'r cam nesaf i amddiffyn lles cathod?
Thank you. Clearly, the Member didn't hear my answer to Vikki Howells—we didn't introduce Lucy's law here in Wales; that's England-only legislation. We went beyond that; we brought forward the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (Wales) Regulations 2021, and, as I say, that went further than Lucy's law.
The point you make around the local authority enforcement project I think is a very pertinent one. What we did as a Government was give funding for a three-year project to make sure that our local authorities' inspectors had all the tools that they needed to be able to carry-out visits to dog breeding premises and ensure that they absolutely knew what they were looking for and that they could take forward the significant changes. And, certainly, the project has received some high recognition, and I've just extended the project for a further three years.
Diolch. Yn amlwg, ni chlywodd yr Aelod fy ateb i Vikki Howells—ni wnaethom gyflwyno cyfraith Lucy yma yng Nghymru; deddfwriaeth Lloegr yn unig yw honno. Aethom y tu hwnt i hynny; fe wnaethom gyflwyno Rheoliadau Lles Anifeiliaid (Trwyddedu Gweithgareddau sy'n Ymwneud ag Anifeiliaid) (Cymru) 2021, ac fel y dywedais, maent yn mynd ymhellach na chyfraith Lucy.
Mae'r pwynt rydych yn ei wneud ynglŷn â phrosiect gorfodi yr awdurdodau lleol yn un perthnasol iawn yn fy marn i. Yr hyn a wnaethom fel Llywodraeth oedd neilltuo cyllid ar gyfer prosiect tair blynedd i sicrhau bod gan arolygwyr ein hawdurdodau lleol yr holl offer angenrheidiol i allu cynnal ymweliadau â safleoedd bridio cŵn a sicrhau eu bod yn gwybod yn iawn am beth y chwilient a sicrhau y gallent fwrw ymlaen â'r newidiadau sylweddol. Ac yn sicr mae'r prosiect wedi cael cryn dipyn o gydnabyddiaeth, ac rwyf newydd ymestyn y prosiect am dair blynedd arall.
Yn olaf, cwestiwn 9, Llyr Gruffydd.
Finally, question 9, Llyr Gruffydd.
9. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi diweddariad ar ymdrechion y Llywodraeth i adfywio economi cefn gwlad? OQ59312
9. Will the Minister provide an update on the Government's efforts to revive the rural economy? OQ59312
Future rural development support focuses on delivering our core programme for government commitments. I have already announced a package of support through my rural investment schemes worth over £200 million to support the rural economy and our natural environment.
Mae cymorth datblygu gwledig yn y dyfodol yn canolbwyntio ar gyflawni ymrwymiadau craidd ein rhaglen lywodraethu. Rwyf eisoes wedi cyhoeddi pecyn cymorth drwy fy nghynlluniau buddsoddi gwledig, sy'n werth dros £200 miliwn, i gefnogi'r economi wledig a'n hamgylchedd naturiol.
Diolch i chi am hynny. Y cwestiwn dwi'n ei ofyn yn sylfaenol fan hyn yw pwy sy’n gyrru y gwaith yna o adfywio economi cefn gwlad. Ble mae'r focal point sy'n tynnu beth sy'n teimlo fel plethora o gyrff a phrosiectau a rhaglenni a strategaethau at ei gilydd i fod yn un pecyn strategol, cydlynol? Ble mae'r strategaeth ehangach a phwy sy'n gyfrifol am hynny? Oherwydd, 'slawer dydd, wrth gwrs, mi fyddai Bwrdd Datblygu Cymru Wledig wedi bod yn llenwi peth o'r vacuum yna dwi'n teimlo sy'n bodoli erbyn hyn. Y cwestiwn dwi eisiau ei ofyn, felly, yw a ydych chi'n meddwl bod yr amser wedi dod i ni edrych ar greu rhyw fath o endid neu ryw fath o gyfrwng fydd yn gyfrifol am yrru'r agenda yna ymlaen, oherwydd, ar hyn o bryd, mae'n teimlo jest fel cyfres o nifer o raglenni digyswllt sydd ddim yn tynnu i'r un cyfeiriad.
Thank you very much for that. The question that I'm asking here is who is driving that work of reviving the economy. What is the focal point that draws together what feels like a plethora of bodies and projects and programmes and strategies into one strategic, co-ordinated package. Where's the wider strategy and who is responsible for that? In the past, the Development Board for Rural Wales would have filled some of that vacuum that I feel exists. The question I want to ask is whether you think that the time has come for us to look at creating some kind of entity or some kind of medium that will be responsible for driving that agenda forward, because at the moment it just feels like a series of disconnected programmes that don't pull in the same direction.
I don't think they're disconnected at all. What I've been really keen to do with the rural investment schemes is for our stakeholders to work very closely with us and that they tell us what they want. For instance, we had, I think, three schemes specifically around horticulture, because that's what I was being told people wanted. Of course, you can tell by the number of bids you get with particular schemes how popular they are and whether you need to put further funding into that. As I said in my answer to Sam Kurtz, we're no longer having a rural development board. It was something that I had considered, but my focus really now is on bringing forward the sustainable farming scheme and that transition to the SFS in 2025.
Ni chredaf eu bod yn ddigyswllt o gwbl. Gyda’r cynlluniau buddsoddi gwledig, rwyf wedi bod yn awyddus iawn i’n rhanddeiliaid weithio’n agos iawn gyda ni, a’u bod yn dweud wrthym beth maent ei eisiau. Er enghraifft, credaf fod gennym dri chynllun a oedd yn ymwneud yn benodol â garddwriaeth, gan mai dyna'r hyn y dywedwyd wrthyf roedd pobl ei eisiau. Wrth gwrs, gallwch ddweud yn ôl nifer y cynigion a gewch gyda chynlluniau penodol pa mor boblogaidd ydynt ac a oes angen ichi roi rhagor o arian tuag at hynny. Fel y dywedais yn fy ateb i Sam Kurtz, nid oes gennym fwrdd datblygu gwledig mwyach. Roedd yn rhywbeth roeddwn wedi’i ystyried, ond mae fy ffocws bellach ar gyflwyno’r cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy a’r newid i’r cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy yn 2025.
Diolch i'r Gweinidog.
Thank you, Minister.
Yr eitem nesaf, felly, fydd y cwestiynau amserol. Un cwestiwn sydd y prynhawn yma, i'w ateb gan y Dirprwy Weinidog Newid Hinsawdd. Mae'r cwestiwn i'w ofyn gan Jack Sargeant.
The next item will be the topical questions. There is one question this afternoon, to be answered by the Deputy Minister for Climate Change. The question will be asked by Jack Sargeant.
1. Pa asesiad mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud o'r effaith ar Gymru a gaiff penderfyniad Llywodraeth y DU i gategoreiddio Northern Powerhouse Rail fel prosiect Cymru a Lloegr? TQ746
1. What assessment has the Welsh Government made of the impact on Wales of the UK Government's decision to class Northern Powerhouse Rail as an England and Wales project? TQ746
Thank you for the question. The UK Government should classify Northern Powerhouse Rail as an England-only project, with Wales receiving a population share of this funding. It would be completely unacceptable if the UK Government treats the funding for this project in the same way as it treats funding for HS2.
Diolch am eich cwestiwn. Dylai Llywodraeth y DU gategoreiddio Northern Powerhouse Rail fel prosiect i Loegr yn unig, gyda Chymru’n cael cyfran sy'n cyfateb i'r boblogaeth o’r cyllid hwn. Byddai’n gwbl annerbyniol pe bai Llywodraeth y DU yn trin y cyllid ar gyfer y prosiect hwn yn yr un modd ag y mae’n trin cyllid ar gyfer HS2.
I'm grateful to the Deputy Minister for his answer, and I agree with what he has said. As if it wasn't already bad enough for Cymru that Cymru has been denied the £5 billion it is entitled to from the HS2 consequential funding, it is now being suggested that the UK Tories are refusing us a further £1 billion from the Northern Powerhouse Rail programme, labelling it as a so-called England-and-Wales project. Six billion pounds we are now owed. Llywydd, I'm not sure if Members from the opposition here in the Senedd wish to provide the Prime Minister with a map, as it's clear that the Tories in Westminster don't even understand where Cymru is, let alone understand the needs of the people of Wales. Minister, do you agree with me that it is time to get rid of this broken UK Tory Government, it's time for a UK general election, and it's time to elect a UK Labour Government, working in collaboration with this Welsh Labour Government to deliver the infrastructure funding we need and we are owed?
Rwy’n ddiolchgar i’r Dirprwy Weinidog am ei ateb, ac rwy’n cytuno â’r hyn a ddywedodd. Fel pe na bai’n ddigon drwg eisoes i Gymru fod Cymru wedi cael ei hamddifadu o'r £5 biliwn o gyllid canlyniadol y mae gennym hawl iddo yn sgil HS2, awgrymir bellach fod Torïaid y DU yn ein hamddifadu o £1 biliwn o gyllid canlyniadol pellach yn sgil rhaglen Northern Powerhouse Rail, gan ei labelu'n brosiect Cymru a Lloegr. Dyna i chi £6 biliwn o bunnoedd sy'n ddyledus i ni bellach. Lywydd, nid wyf yn siŵr a hoffai Aelodau o’r wrthblaid yma yn y Senedd ddarparu map i Brif Weinidog y DU, gan ei bod yn amlwg nad yw’r Torïaid yn San Steffan hyd yn oed yn deall ble mae Cymru, heb sôn am ddeall anghenion pobl Cymru. Weinidog, a ydych yn cytuno â mi ei bod yn bryd cael gwared ar y Llywodraeth Dorïaidd ddiffygiol hon, mae’n bryd cael etholiad cyffredinol yn y DU, ac mae’n bryd ethol Llywodraeth Lafur ar gyfer y DU, a fydd yn gweithio ar y cyd â Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru i ddarparu’r cyllid seilwaith sydd ei angen arnom ac sy'n ddyledus i ni?
Thank you. I agree with the analysis, clearly. For those listening who are not as familiar as my colleagues are with the way this works, when a project in a wholly devolved area is announced in England, we would expect to get a population share of that funding. So, when a £100 billion project like HS2 is announced, we would expect to get a 5 per cent share of that, some £5 billion, if it only applied in England. If it's classified as being of benefit to England and Wales, then we don't get any funding. The Treasury are stretching all credibility in saying that HS2, which doesn't have a single mile of track in Wales and whose own business case shows it takes hundreds of millions out of the south Wales economy, does benefit Wales. It clearly does not, and certainly with the chopping off of the leg to Crewe, any thin case they had to make has fallen away. It is diabolical. As the First Minister said yesterday, the fact that the Treasury can arbitrarily, on a whim, decide how this funding is allocated shows that the way that we deal with finances within the devolved settlement is clearly broken.
There have been suggestions that the Northern Powerhouse Rail project will be similarly classified. That is not entirely clear yet. There are two options available to the UK Government: they could classify it as a Northern Powerhouse Rail project, in which case we would expect to get a Barnett share because it is an England-only scheme; or they could classify it as a Network Rail project, which would be outside of the Barnett consequential and we wouldn't get anything. We have not been able to establish which of these is going to happen. But the very fact it is opaque and not clear is in itself part of the problem. I met with the regulator this morning, the Office of Rail and Road, and it's clear right throughout the rail settlement that the decisions are made with an England focus and we then are given the crumbs from that decision. Our needs and our aspirations and our modal shift targets are not taken into account when rail spending across the UK is decided. So, this is yet another example of a broken system that needs to be reformed. And if the Treasury are foolish enough to do on the Northern Powerhouse Rail project the same as they've done on HS2, then they will continue to weaken the case for a sharing United Kingdom, because clearly they are not sharing, and it's an opportunity for them now to put it right.
Diolch. Rwy’n cytuno â’r dadansoddiad, yn amlwg. I’r rhai sy’n gwrando sydd heb mor gyfarwydd â fy nghyd-Aelodau ynghylch y ffordd y mae hyn yn gweithio, pan gyhoeddir prosiect mewn maes sydd wedi'i ddatganoli'n llwyr yn Lloegr, byddem yn disgwyl cael cyfran sy'n cyfateb i'r boblogaeth o’r cyllid hwnnw. Felly, pan gyhoeddir prosiect gwerth £100 biliwn fel HS2, byddem yn disgwyl cael cyfran o 5 y cant o hynny, sef oddeutu £5 biliwn, pe bai ond yn gymwys yn Lloegr. Os caiff ei gategoreiddio fel prosiect sydd o fudd i Gymru a Lloegr, ni fyddwn yn cael unrhyw gyllid. Mae'r Trysorlys yn ymestyn pob hygrededd drwy ddweud bod HS2 o fudd i Gymru, er nad oes ganddo un filltir o drac yng Nghymru ac y mae ei achos busnes ei hun yn dangos ei fod yn mynd â channoedd o filiynau allan o economi de Cymru. Mae'n amlwg nad yw hynny'n wir, ac yn sicr, ar ôl torri'r cysylltiad â Crewe, mae unrhyw achos tila a oedd ganddynt wedi dymchwel. Mae'n ddiarhebol. Fel y dywedodd y Prif Weinidog ddoe, mae’r ffaith y gall y Trysorlys, yn fympwyol, ar chwiw, benderfynu sut y caiff y cyllid hwn ei ddyrannu yn dangos bod y ffordd rydym yn ymdrin â chyllid o fewn y setliad datganoli yn amlwg ddiffygiol.
Cafwyd awgrymiadau y bydd prosiect Northern Powerhouse Rail yn cael ei gategoreiddio yn yr un modd. Nid yw hynny’n gwbl glir eto. Mae dau opsiwn ar gael i Lywodraeth y DU: gallent ei gategoreiddio fel prosiect Northern Powerhouse Rail, ac os felly, byddem yn disgwyl cael cyfran Barnett am ei fod yn gynllun i Loegr yn unig; neu gallent ei ddosbarthu fel prosiect Network Rail, a fyddai y tu hwnt i'r cyllid canlyniadol Barnett ac ni fyddem yn cael ceiniog. Nid ydym wedi gallu sefydlu pa un o’r rhain sy’n mynd i ddigwydd. Ond mae'r ffaith ei fod yn niwlog ac yn aneglur ynddi ei hun yn rhan o'r broblem. Cyfarfûm â’r rheoleiddiwr y bore yma, Swyddfa'r Rheilffyrdd a'r Ffyrdd, ac mae’n amlwg ym mhob rhan o’r setliad rheilffyrdd fod y penderfyniadau’n cael eu gwneud drwy ganolbwyntio ar Loegr, a ninnau wedyn yn cael y briwsion o’r penderfyniad hwnnw. Nid yw ein hanghenion na’n dyheadau na’n targedau i newid dulliau teithio'n cael eu hystyried pan wneir penderfyniadau ar wariant rheilffyrdd ledled y DU. Felly, dyma enghraifft arall eto o system ddiffygiol y mae angen ei diwygio. Ac os yw'r Trysorlys yn ddigon ffôl i wneud yr un peth gyda phrosiect Northern Powerhouse Rail ag y maent wedi'i wneud gyda phrosiect HS2, byddant yn parhau i wanhau'r achos dros Deyrnas Unedig sy'n rhannu, oherwydd yn amlwg, nid ydynt yn rhannu, ac mae cyfle ganddynt i unioni'r sefyllfa nawr.
Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd (David Rees) i’r Gadair.
The Deputy Presiding Officer (David Rees) took the Chair.
On this side of the benches, it's our understanding that there has not yet been a decision regarding Northern Powerhouse Rail being classified as an England-and-Wales project. Today's topical question refers to rail, but the biggest rail story in the news today actually relates to Transport for Wales's announcement that commuters travelling between Pontypridd and Treherbert in Rhondda Cynon Taf will have to use a replacement bus service from the end of April until the start of 2024. This is going to cause huge problems for those trying to get on with their ordinary lives and get into work. This is all whilst the Welsh Government are trying to get cars off the road with the roads review and are cutting support for buses. [Interruption.] It's got a point. Of course we do support improvements in rail infrastructure, but I'd like to ask you today, Minister, why has this announcement been made with such short notice—[Interruption.]
Ar yr ochr hon i'r meinciau, ein dealltwriaeth ni yw nad oes penderfyniad wedi'i wneud eto ynghylch categoreiddio Northern Powerhouse Rail yn brosiect Cymru a Lloegr. Mae cwestiwn amserol heddiw'n cyfeirio at y rheilffyrdd, ond mae'r stori fwyaf ynglŷn â rheilffyrdd yn y newyddion heddiw yn ymwneud â chyhoeddiad Trafnidiaeth Cymru y bydd yn rhaid i gymudwyr sy’n teithio rhwng Pontypridd a Threherbert yn Rhondda Cynon Taf ddefnyddio gwasanaeth bws yn lle trenau o ddiwedd mis Ebrill tan ddechrau 2024. Bydd hyn yn achosi problemau enfawr i bobl sy'n ceisio byw eu bywydau bob dydd a chyrraedd y gwaith. Mae hyn oll yn digwydd tra bo Llywodraeth Cymru yn ceisio dod â cheir oddi ar y ffordd gyda'r adolygiad ffyrdd ac yn torri cymorth i fysiau. [Torri ar draws.] Mae ganddo bwynt. Wrth gwrs ein bod yn cefnogi gwelliannau i'r seilwaith rheilffyrdd, ond hoffwn ofyn i chi heddiw, Weinidog, pam y gwnaed y cyhoeddiad hwn ar fyr rybudd—[Torri ar draws.]
Can backbenchers give a chance to the speaker? I can't hear her. I'm sure the speaker is going to make sure the focus is on Northern Powerhouse Rail.
A all y rheini ar y meinciau cefn roi cyfle i'r siaradwr? Ni allaf ei chlywed. Rwy'n siŵr y bydd y siaradwr yn sicrhau y bydd yn canolbwyntio ar Northern Powerhouse Rail.
Thank you. I'd like to ask you today, Minister, why has this announcement been made at such short notice, and what assessment have you and Transport for Wales made of the disruption and inconvenience that this will cause? You mention the relationship between Westminster, but I'd like to know exactly what you are doing to build that relationship with Westminster if you want to see a change. You can't blame Westminster for everything, Minister. You're going to have to do something yourself to try and make sure that the needs of the people of Wales are projected to our colleagues in Westminster as well.
Diolch. Hoffwn ofyn i chi heddiw, Weinidog, pam y gwnaed y cyhoeddiad hwn ar fyr rybudd, a pha asesiad rydych chi a Trafnidiaeth Cymru wedi’i wneud o’r tarfu a’r anghyfleustra y bydd hyn yn ei achosi? Rydych yn sôn am y berthynas rhwng San Steffan, ond hoffwn wybod beth yn union rydych chi'n ei wneud i adeiladu’r berthynas â San Steffan os ydych am weld newid. Ni allwch feio San Steffan am bopeth, Weinidog. Rydych yn mynd i orfod gwneud rhywbeth eich hun i geisio sicrhau bod anghenion pobl Cymru yn cael eu cyfleu i'n swyddogion cyfatebol yn San Steffan hefyd.
Dirprwy Lywydd, that's a poor response. I met with the Secretary of State for Transport in recent weeks, actually, and I'm committed to a constructive relationship with him, as our officials are. This is not about building a constructive relationship with Westminster. This is about the UK recognising the needs of Wales and the needs of the infrastructure of Wales. I thought her party had a change of heart and was supporting us in a cross-party case to get funding to Wales from HS2. Unfortunately, Natasha Asghar seems to find it irresistible to score petty points rather than focusing on the big picture.
On the point on which she had a topical question turned down but she's tried to ask anyway, on the decision to close the railway for metro upgrades, this is an example of investment by the Welsh Labour Government in modern infrastructure from within our funding to create a modern metro system for Cardiff and the Valleys. It is going to involve a transformational change of infrastructure for the upper end of the Valleys, which, for the huge inconvenience of the customers, will involve a temporary closure, for which there will be a significantly improved service. If she has engineering advice on how we can completely transform a railway line while still keeping it open, I'm all ears.
Ddirprwy Lywydd, mae hwnnw'n ymateb gwael. Cyfarfûm â’r Ysgrifennydd Gwladol dros Drafnidiaeth yn ystod yr wythnosau diwethaf, a dweud y gwir, ac rwyf wedi ymrwymo i berthynas adeiladol ag ef, fel y mae ein swyddogion. Nid oes a wnelo hyn ag adeiladu perthynas adeiladol â San Steffan. Mae a wnelo â’r DU yn cydnabod anghenion Cymru ac anghenion seilwaith Cymru. Roeddwn yn credu bod ei phlaid wedi newid ei meddwl a’u bod yn ein cefnogi mewn achos trawsbleidiol i sicrhau cyllid i Gymru yn sgil HS2. Yn anffodus, mae Natasha Asghar fel pe bai’n methu peidio ceisio sgorio pwyntiau pitw yn hytrach na chanolbwyntio ar y darlun mawr.
Ar y pwynt y gwrthodwyd ei chwestiwn amserol yn ei gylch ond y mae hi wedi ceisio'i ofyn beth bynnag, ar y penderfyniad i gau’r rheilffordd ar gyfer uwchraddio’r metro, mae hon yn enghraifft o fuddsoddiad gan Lywodraeth Lafur Cymru o seilwaith modern o'n cyllid ni ein hunain i greu system fetro fodern ar gyfer Caerdydd a’r Cymoedd. Mae’n mynd i olygu newid seilwaith trawsnewidiol ar ben uchaf y Cymoedd, a fydd, er mawr anghyfleustra i’r cwsmeriaid, yn golygu cau dros dro, er mwyn darparu gwasanaeth llawer gwell. Os oes ganddi gyngor peirianyddol ar sut y gallwn drawsnewid rheilffordd yn llwyr gan ei chadw ar agor ar yr un pryd, rwy’n glustiau i gyd.
Diolch, Jack, am ofyn y cwestiwn hwn.
Thank you, Jack, for asking this question.
We knew the UK Government was without a moral compass, but the last few days seem to suggest they don't even own a compass. Ethical boundaries evade them; so too, it would appear, do geographical realities as well. Northern Powerhouse Rail cannot be classified as England and Wales. It would add insult to the financial injury of the HS2 fiasco. It would cost Wales, as we've heard, an estimated £1 billion, which is on top of the £5 billion cheque that we are owed from HS2. Wales will not benefit from these projects; it is a lie to suggest otherwise. Could I ask you, Minister—and I take on board what you've already said here—what conversations has the Welsh Government had to date with the UK Government about the possibility of this project being classified as England and Wales? And if they are not more forthcoming in their answer, would you please remind them where the boundaries of Wales actually begin and end?
Roeddem yn gwybod nad oedd gan Lywodraeth y DU gwmpawd moesol, ond ymddengys bod yr ychydig ddyddiau diwethaf yn awgrymu nad ydynt hyd yn oed yn berchen ar gwmpawd. Nid ydynt yn talu sylw i ffiniau moesegol; mae'r un peth yn wir, ymddengys, am wirioneddau daearyddol hefyd. Ni ellir categoreiddio Northern Powerhouse Rail fel prosiect i Gymru a Lloegr. Byddai'n ychwanegu sarhad ar anaf ariannol ffiasgo HS2. Byddai’n costio £1 biliwn amcangyfrifedig i Gymru, fel y clywsom, yn ychwanegol at y siec o £5 biliwn sy’n ddyledus i ni yn sgil HS2. Ni fydd Cymru’n elwa o’r prosiectau hyn; celwydd yw awgrymu fel arall. A gaf fi ofyn i chi, Weinidog—ac rwy'n derbyn yr hyn rydych eisoes wedi'i ddweud yma—pa sgyrsiau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'u cael hyd yma gyda Llywodraeth y DU ynghylch y posibilrwydd o gategoreiddio'r prosiect hwn yn brosiect Cymru a Lloegr? Ac os nad ydynt yn barod i ymateb, a fyddech cystal â'u hatgoffa, os gwelwch yn dda, lle mae ffiniau Cymru yn dechrau ac yn gorffen?
Thank you for that. As I mentioned, we have been in touch with the Treasury, who simply tell us that this is part of the integrated rail plan that was published in November 2021. It remains unclear whether that will be administered through Network Rail or the Northern Powerhouse Rail project. As I mentioned, the consequences for us depend on that arbitrary judgment, which they don't feel the need to explain or elaborate on. I think that is part of the problem we have; we don't have a system of fiscal devolution and clarity and transparency on how decisions that affect the UK are made. As the First Minister has made the point time and time again, the UK Treasury should be for the UK, but it is in fact treated by the Government in London as a Treasury for England, and we have to suck it up. It's clearly not a sustainable position nor a defensible one. I've very sad the Conservatives in Wales don't see that and instead try and defend the indefensible yet again.
Diolch. Fel y soniais, rydym wedi bod mewn cysylltiad â’r Trysorlys, sy’n dweud wrthym fod hyn yn rhan o’r cynllun rheilffyrdd integredig a gyhoeddwyd ym mis Tachwedd 2021. Mae’n parhau i fod yn aneglur a fydd hwnnw’n cael ei weinyddu drwy Network Rail neu brosiect Northern Powerhouse Rail. Fel y soniais, mae'r canlyniadau i ni yn dibynnu ar y diffiniad mympwyol hwnnw, nad ydynt yn teimlo bod angen ei egluro nac ymhelaethu arno. Credaf fod hynny’n rhan o’r broblem sydd gennym; nid oes gennym system ddatganoli cyllidol ac eglurder a thryloywder ynglŷn â sut y gwneir penderfyniadau sy’n effeithio ar y DU. Fel y mae’r Prif Weinidog wedi'i nodi dro ar ôl tro, dylai Trysorlys y DU fod ar gyfer y DU, ond mewn gwirionedd, mae’n cael ei drin gan y Llywodraeth yn Llundain fel Trysorlys i Loegr, ac mae’n rhaid inni fodloni ar hynny. Mae'n amlwg nad yw'n sefyllfa gynaliadwy nac yn un y gellir ei hamddiffyn. Rwy'n drist iawn nad yw'r Ceidwadwyr yng Nghymru yn gweld hynny, a'u bod yn hytrach, yn ceisio amddiffyn yr anamddiffynadwy unwaith eto.
Yn olaf, Alun Davies.
Finally, Alun Davies.
I'm grateful, Deputy Presiding Officer. The crashing irony of the Conservative position on this, of course, is that the reason the Rhondda line is being closed is because it's nineteenth century infrastructure there that needs to be replaced in the twenty-first century. For a century, that line has not had the investment it needs. If anything, it's a condemnation of UK Government policy as regards to Wales. The fact of that closure stands as a rebuke to the current way in which these matters are conducted. The Minister is absolutely right in his analysis and his approach. [Interruption.] I welcome the conversion of the Member for Clwyd West as well to these matters. We very much welcome him. I hope that he will be more persuasive with his colleagues in London than he is with his colleagues on the backbench. We look forward to seeing that.
But can I ask you, Minister, in taking this forward—? Because we can rehearse the arguments. We all understand the arguments. This is a dishonest UK Government putting its hands in the pockets of the people of Wales in order to fund pet projects for their own Ministers and their backyards. It's not the way to govern this country. Will the Minister look to take this matter to the disputes procedure in the inter-governmental arrangements to ensure that this is done in public so that UK Ministers can justify why Wales is now a part of Yorkshire, and can justify why Wales does not have the investment it requires? And we can see if this disputes procedure works for Wales's benefit, or if it's simply broken for the benefit of pet projects in England.
Rwy’n ddiolchgar, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Eironi aruthrol safbwynt y Ceidwadwyr ar hyn, wrth gwrs, yw mai’r rheswm pam fod rheilffordd y Rhondda yn cael ei chau yw am ei bod yn ddarn o seilwaith o'r bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg y mae angen ei newid yn yr unfed ganrif ar hugain. Ers canrif, nid yw’r rheilffordd honno wedi cael y buddsoddiad sydd ei angen arni. Os rhywbeth, mae’n gondemniad o bolisi Llywodraeth y DU mewn perthynas â Chymru. Mae'r ffaith bod y rheilffordd wedi'i chau yn ymateb i'r ffordd y caiff y materion hyn eu trin ar hyn o bryd. Mae’r Gweinidog yn llygad ei le yn ei ddadansoddiad a’i ddull o weithredu. [Torri ar draws.] Rwy'n croesawu tröedigaeth yr Aelod dros Orllewin Clwyd i’r materion hyn hefyd. Fe'i croesawn yn fawr. Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd yn fwy perswadiol gydag aelodau ei blaid yn Llundain nag y bu gyda’i gyd-Aelodau ar y meinciau cefn. Edrychwn ymlaen at weld hynny.
Ond a gaf fi ofyn i chi, Weinidog, wrth fwrw ymlaen â hyn—? Oherwydd gallwn ailadrodd y dadleuon. Mae pob un ohonom yn deall y dadleuon. Mae Llywodraeth anonest y DU yn rhoi ei dwylo ym mhocedi pobl Cymru er mwyn ariannu prosiectau hoff eu Gweinidogion eu hunain a’u gerddi cefn eu hunain. Nid dyma'r ffordd i lywodraethu'r wlad. A wnaiff y Gweinidog geisio mynd â’r mater drwy’r weithdrefn anghydfodau yn y trefniadau rhynglywodraethol i sicrhau bod hyn yn digwydd yn gyhoeddus fel y gall Gweinidogion y DU gyfiawnhau pam fod Cymru bellach yn rhan o Swydd Efrog, a chyfiawnhau pam nad yw Cymru'n cael y buddsoddiad sydd ei angen arni? A gallwn weld a yw'r weithdrefn anghydfodau hon yn gweithio er budd Cymru, neu a yw wedi'i gogwyddo er budd prosiectau hoff yn Lloegr.
I think there's an opportunity for the UK Government to take stock of the arguments here. There's certainly a role for the Conservative MPs elected from Wales to make the case in the Treasury to make sure that the tone-deafness is not repeated. Because, as I understand it, the decision does not appear to have been finally decided. If it has, they're certainly not telling us. But let's take them at their face value, that no final decision has been made yet. Here is a chance to put it right, to not repeat the mistakes of HS2, and to make sure we get a Barnett consequential for the investment between cities and towns in the north of England. Nobody can credibly argue that this has any benefit for Wales. The decision to suspend HS2 up to Crewe completely pulls the rug from the position of the Secretary of State for Wales, who argues that HS2 does benefit Wales because of connectivity between north Wales and Crewe. That is no longer a position that can be credibly argued, and there is no credible argument to defend the reports that they're going to make the same mistake twice. Here's a chance for Welsh Conservative MPs to show that they have the interests of Wales at heart, to make sure the Treasury doesn't repeat its mistake.
Credaf fod cyfle i Lywodraeth y DU bwyso a mesur y dadleuon yma. Yn sicr, mae rôl i'r ASau Ceidwadol a etholwyd yng Nghymru gyflwyno'r achos yn y Trysorlys er mwyn sicrhau nad yw'r byddardod yn parhau. Oherwydd, yn ôl yr hyn a ddeallaf, nid ymddengys bod y penderfyniad wedi'i wneud yn derfynol. Os ydyw, yna'n sicr, nid ydynt yn dweud wrthym. Ond gadewch inni gymryd eu gair nad oes penderfyniad terfynol wedi'i wneud eto. Dyma gyfle i unioni'r sefyllfa, i beidio ag ailadrodd camgymeriadau HS2, ac i sicrhau ein bod yn cael cyllid canlyniadol Barnett ar gyfer y buddsoddiad rhwng dinasoedd a threfi yng ngogledd Lloegr. Ni all unrhyw un ddadlau o ddifrif fod hyn o unrhyw fudd i Gymru. Mae’r penderfyniad i atal HS2 hyd at Crewe yn dirymu safbwynt Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru, sy’n dadlau bod HS2 o fudd i Gymru oherwydd y cysylltedd rhwng gogledd Cymru a Crewe. Nid yw hwnnw bellach yn safbwynt y gellir ei ddadlau'n gredadwy, ac nid oes dadl gredadwy i amddiffyn yr adroddiadau eu bod yn mynd i wneud yr un camgymeriad ddwywaith. Dyma gyfle i ASau Ceidwadol Cymru ddangos eu bod yn poeni am fuddiannau Cymru, i sicrhau nad yw’r Trysorlys yn ailadrodd eu camgymeriad.
I have accepted a last-minute request to ask a supplementary question on the topical question. Darren Millar.
Rwyf wedi derbyn cais munud olaf i ofyn cwestiwn atodol ar y cwestiwn amserol. Darren Millar.
You have wholehearted support on these benches for consequentials from the HS2 project and the Northern Powerhouse project coming into Wales. That is our position, and that is very clear. Can I ask you what you're doing to make sure that there's a fair share of investment across Wales, and not just in south Wales, from your transport budget? We already had a discussion earlier on in this Chamber about the fact that £800 million is being spent in the south on the south Wales metro versus £50 million in the north. We know that you're spending a fortune on the Heads of the Valleys road, quite rightly, because it needs to be done, yet you're postponing and scrapping projects in north Wales. When will we get our north Wales consequential that we need?
Mae gennych gefnogaeth lwyr ar y meinciau hyn i gyllid canlyniadol ddod i Gymru yn sgil prosiect HS2 a phrosiect Northern Powerhouse. Dyna ein safbwynt ni, ac mae hynny’n glir iawn. A gaf fi ofyn beth a wnewch chi i sicrhau cyfran deg o fuddsoddiad ledled Cymru, ac nid yn y de yn unig, o'ch cyllideb drafnidiaeth? Cawsom drafodaeth yn gynharach yn y Siambr am y ffaith bod £800 miliwn yn cael ei wario yn y de ar fetro de Cymru o gymharu â £50 miliwn yn y gogledd. Gwyddom eich bod yn gwario ffortiwn ar ffordd Blaenau’r Cymoedd, yn gwbl briodol, gan fod angen gwneud, ac eto, rydych yn gohirio ac yn dileu prosiectau yn y gogledd. Pryd y cawn ni y cyllid canlyniadol y mae cymaint o'i angen arnom yn y gogledd?
I appreciate that Darren Millar is committed to his divisive narrative of trying to pit different parts of Wales against each other. The facts, I'm afraid, don't support his position. We do spend investment roughly equivalent to population shares across Wales. We did an analysis of this some years ago and found that north Wales had a fair share.
In terms of the roads review, he also knows the position that the schemes that were altered or postponed fell right across Wales, and he forgets to mention the fact that the M4 in south Wales was cancelled before the roads review began. I know it won't stop him from his tune, because he thinks it plays well to his core vote, but I'm afraid it's not based on reality. He has the opportunity to engage, as I believe he's begun to do, with the north Wales Burns commission, which will set out a programme of work and a programme of investment that will need to jointly come from the Welsh Government and the UK Government to make sure that north Wales has a modern public transport system to match the best in the country. That has to come from both Governments, and I hope that he will put his support behind that too.
Rwy'n derbyn bod Darren Millar wedi ymrwymo i’w naratif ymrannol o geisio gosod gwahanol rannau o Gymru yn erbyn ei gilydd. Mae arnaf ofn nad yw'r ffeithiau'n cefnogi ei safbwynt. Rydym yn gwario buddsoddiad sy'n cyfateb yn fras i gyfrannau poblogaeth ledled Cymru. Fe wnaethom ddadansoddiad o hyn rai blynyddoedd yn ôl, a chanfod bod y gogledd yn cael cyfran deg.
O ran yr adolygiad ffyrdd, gŵyr hefyd fod cynlluniau wedi eu haddasu neu eu gohirio ledled Cymru, ac mae’n anghofio sôn am y ffaith bod prosiect yr M4 yn y de wedi’i ganslo cyn i’r adolygiad ffyrdd ddechrau. Gwn na fydd hynny'n ei atal rhag canu ei gân, gan ei fod yn credu ei bod yn swnio'n dda i'w etholwyr, ond mae arnaf ofn nad yw'n seiliedig ar realiti. Mae ganddo gyfle i ymgysylltu, fel y credaf ei fod wedi dechrau gwneud, â chomisiwn Burns ar gyfer y gogledd, a fydd yn nodi rhaglen waith a rhaglen fuddsoddi y bydd angen iddi ddod gan Lywodraeth Cymru a Llywodraeth y DU ar y cyd i sicrhau bod gan ogledd Cymru system drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus fodern sydd cystal â’r gorau yn y wlad. Rhaid i hynny ddod gan y ddwy Lywodraeth, ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd yn cefnogi hynny hefyd.
Diolch, Dirprwy Weinidog.
Thank you, Deputy Minister.
Eitem 4 yw'r datganiadau 90 eiliad, ac mae'r datganiad cyntaf heddiw gan Luke Fletcher.
Item 4 is the 90-second statements, and the first statement this afternoon is from Luke Fletcher.
'One Ring to rule them all / One Ring to find them / One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them / In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.'
Dirprwy Lywydd, though I haven't read the full verse, the Ring verse will be read by many people, not just in Wales but across the globe this Saturday as people celebrate Tolkien Reading Day. Why 25 March? It's the chosen date for the destruction of the ring, completing Frodo’s quest. Tolkien Reading Day has been organised by the Tolkien Society since 2003 as a way to celebrate and promote the life and works of J.R.R. Tolkien by reading favourite passages.
Tolkien had a deep understanding and love for Welsh, and it played a key role in influencing the names of people and places in middle earth. One of the language's most arguably well-known influences was to one of the Elven languages, Sindarin, notably in its grammatical number and mutations.
Tolkien said that,
'The names of persons and places in this story were mainly composed on patterns deliberately modelled on those of Welsh.... This element in the tale has given perhaps more pleasure to more readers than anything else in it.'
So, whether we are travelling from Bag End to Erebor or Hobbiton to Mordor and the Cracks of Doom—
'Un Fodrwy i'w rheoli nhw i gyd / Un Fodrwy i ddod o hyd iddyn nhw / Un Fodrwy i ddod â nhw ynghyd ac yn y tywyllwch yn eu rhwymo / Yn Nhir Mordor lle mae'r Cysgodion yn gorwedd.'
Ddirprwy Lywydd, er nad wyf wedi darllen yr adnod lawn, bydd adnod y Fodrwy yn cael ei darllen gan lawer o bobl, nid yn unig yng Nghymru ond ledled y byd ddydd Sadwrn wrth i bobl ddathlu Diwrnod Darllen Tolkien. Pam 25 Mawrth? Dyma'r dyddiad a ddewiswyd ar gyfer dinistrio'r fodrwy, gan gwblhau taith Frodo. Mae Diwrnod Darllen Tolkien wedi’i drefnu gan Gymdeithas Tolkien ers 2003 fel ffordd o ddathlu a hyrwyddo bywyd a gwaith J.R.R. Tolkien drwy ddarllen hoff ddarnau.
Roedd gan Tolkien ddealltwriaeth ddofn a chariad at y Gymraeg, a chwaraeodd yr iaith ran allweddol yn dylanwadu ar enwau pobl a lleoedd yn y canol-fyd. Un o'r enghreifftiau mwyaf adnabyddus o ddylanwad yr iaith, gellir dadlau, oedd ar un o ieithoedd yr Ellyllon, Sindarin, yn arbennig ei system rifo ramadegol a'i threigladau.
Dywedodd Tolkien,
'Cyfansoddwyd enwau pobl a lleoedd yn y stori hon yn bennaf ar batrymau a fodelwyd yn fwriadol ar rai'r Gymraeg…. Efallai fod yr elfen hon yn y chwedl wedi rhoi mwy o bleser i fwy o ddarllenwyr nag unrhyw beth arall ynddi.'
Felly, boed ein bod yn teithio o Bag End i Erebor neu o Hobbiton i Mordor a'r Cracks of Doom—
—dydd Sadwrn yma, dylem ni gofio dylanwad ein hiaith ar rai o'r storïau mwyaf enwog yn y byd.
—this Saturday, we should remember our language's influence on some of the world's most famous stories.
I'll close by sharing my favourite passage. It comes after Gandalf and Frodo have found the ring.
'"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo. "So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."'
Rwyf am gloi drwy rannu fy hoff ddarn. Daw ar ôl i Gandalf a Frodo ddod o hyd i'r fodrwy.
'"Well gen i na fyddai'n rhaid iddo ddigwydd yn fy amser i," meddai Frodo. "A finnau," meddai Gandalf, "a phawb sy'n byw i weld y fath adegau. Ond nid yw iddyn nhw ei benderfynu. Y cyfan sydd gennym ni i'w benderfynu yw beth i wneud gyda'r amser a roddwyd i ni."'
Ac yn ail heddiw, Altaf Hussain.
And second this afternoon, Altaf Hussain.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd.
Yesterday, we marked World Down's Syndrome Day, a day chosen to highlight the challenges still faced by people living with Down's syndrome. The twenty-first of March was chosen specifically to signify the uniqueness of the triplication of the twenty-first chromosome, which causes Down's syndrome.
World Down's Syndrome Day raises global awareness, which has been officially observed by the United Nations for the past 11 years to highlight the fact that, all around the world, people with Down's syndrome are treated badly; they are denied a quality education; they are denied good healthcare; they are denied the chance to work and earn their own money; they are not allowed to make decisions about their own lives; their voices are not heard.
We're making progress here in the UK, but the voices of the around 42,000 people living with Down's syndrome in England and Wales are not being heard loudly enough. The theme of this year's awareness is 'with us, not for us'. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities calls for full and effective participation of persons with disabilities, but many organisations exclude people with Down's syndrome from taking part in their work. They take decisions for them, not with them. I hope that, here in Wales, we can do better. Diolch yn fawr.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd.
Ddoe oedd Diwrnod Syndrom Down y Byd, diwrnod a ddewiswyd i dynnu sylw at yr heriau y mae pobl sy'n byw gyda syndrom Down yn dal i'w hwynebu. Dewiswyd yr unfed ar hugain o Fawrth yn benodol i ddangos pa mor unigryw yw trisomedd yr unfed cromosom ar hugain, sy'n achosi syndrom Down.
Mae Diwrnod Syndrom Down y Byd yn codi ymwybyddiaeth fyd-eang, ac wedi'i gydnabod yn swyddogol gan y Cenhedloedd Unedig am yr 11 mlynedd diwethaf i dynnu sylw at y ffaith bod pobl â syndrom Down, ledled y byd, yn cael eu trin yn wael; gwrthodir addysg o safon iddynt; gwrthodir gofal iechyd da iddynt; nid ydynt yn cael cyfle i weithio ac i ennill eu harian eu hunain; nid ydynt yn cael gwneud penderfyniadau am eu bywydau eu hunain; nid yw eu lleisiau'n cael eu clywed.
Rydym yn gwneud cynnydd yma yn y DU, ond nid yw lleisiau’r oddeutu 42,000 o bobl sy’n byw gyda syndrom Down yng Nghymru a Lloegr yn cael eu clywed yn ddigon uchel. Thema ymwybyddiaeth eleni yw 'gyda ni, nid ar ein cyfer'. Mae Confensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Hawliau Pobl ag Anableddau yn galw am gyfranogiad llawn ac effeithiol i bobl ag anableddau, ond mae llawer o sefydliadau yn eithrio pobl â syndrom Down rhag cymryd rhan yn eu gwaith. Maent yn gwneud penderfyniadau ar eu cyfer, nid gyda hwy. Yma yng Nghymru, rwy'n gobeithio y gallwn wneud yn well. Diolch yn fawr.
Thank you.
Eitem 5 sydd nesaf, dadl Aelodau o dan Reol Sefydlog 11.21: mesuryddion rhagdalu a gwasanaethau cyngor ynni. Galwaf ar Jack Sargeant i wneud y cynnig.
Item 5 is next, a Member debate under Standing Order 11.21: prepayment meters and energy advice services. I call on Jack Sargeant to move the motion.
Cynnig NDM8219 Jack Sargeant
Cefnogwyd gan Alun Davies, Carolyn Thomas, Delyth Jewell, Heledd Fychan, Jane Dodds, Jayne Bryant, Joyce Watson, Llyr Gruffydd, Luke Fletcher, Mike Hedges, Peredur Owen Griffiths, Rhianon Passmore, Rhys ab Owen, Sarah Murphy, Sioned Williams, Vikki Howells
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
1. Yn credu:
a) ei fod yn sgandal genedlaethol bod 600,000 o bobl wedi cael eu gorfodi i ddefnyddio mesuryddion rhagdalu yn 2022 oherwydd na allent fforddio eu biliau ynni;
b) bod rheoleiddiwr ynni Ofgem wedi methu â diogelu aelwydydd bregus drwy ganiatáu i gyflenwyr ynni osgoi gwiriadau priodol;
c) y dylai'r rhai sy'n cael eu gorfodi i ddefnyddio mesuryddion rhagdalu gael eu digolledu'n briodol gan gyflenwyr ynni a'u newid yn ôl yn rhad ac am ddim.
2. Yn nodi:
a) y cafodd cyflenwad ynni 3.2 miliwn o bobl ei dorri y llynedd oherwydd eu bod wedi rhedeg allan o gredyd ar eu mesuryddion rhagdalu;
b) y gallai biliau ynni cyfartalog cartrefi godi hyd yn oed ymhellach, gan roi baich ychwanegol ar aelwydydd sydd eisoes yn ei chael hi'n anodd oherwydd yr argyfwng costau byw.
3. Yn cydnabod cynllun peilot ynni yn y cartref 2021-22 Llywodraeth Cymru, a oedd yn rhoi cyngor rhagweithiol a chefnogaeth allgymorth i bobl a oedd, neu a oedd mewn perygl o fod, mewn tlodi tanwydd.
4. Yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i gyflwyno gwasanaeth cyngor ynni yn y cartref ledled Cymru i sicrhau bod pob cartref yn gallu cael y cymorth a'r cyngor sydd eu hangen arnynt.
Motion NDM8219 Jack Sargeant
Supported by Alun Davies, Carolyn Thomas, Delyth Jewell, Heledd Fychan, Jane Dodds, Jayne Bryant, Joyce Watson, Llyr Gruffydd, Luke Fletcher, Mike Hedges, Peredur Owen Griffiths, Rhianon Passmore, Rhys ab Owen, Sarah Murphy, Sioned Williams, Vikki Howells
To propose that the Senedd:
1. Believes that:
a) it is a national scandal that 600,000 people were forced onto prepayment meters in 2022 because they could not afford their energy bills;
b) energy regulator Ofgem has failed to protect vulnerable households by allowing energy suppliers to bypass proper checks;
c) those forced on to a prepay meter should be properly compensated by energy suppliers and switched back free of charge.
2. Notes that:
a) 3.2 million people were cut off from energy last year due to running out of credit on their prepay meter;
b) average household energy bills could rise even further, placing an additional burden on households already struggling due to the cost-of-living crisis.
3. Acknowledges the Welsh Government’s 2021-22 in-home energy advice pilot, providing proactive advice and outreach support to people who are, or at risk of being, in fuel poverty.
4. Calls on the Welsh Government to roll out an in-home energy advice service across Wales to ensure all households can access the support and advice they need.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Deputy Presiding Officer.
This motion is the culmination of months of campaigning. Since autumn last year, I have been calling for a ban on the forced installation of prepayment meters. This was because customers on prepayment meters are forced to pay more for their electricity, but also because of the growing evidence throughout the year that people were being forcibly switched onto prepayment meters on a scale never seen before.
Late last year, campaigning journalist Dean Kirby of The i newspaper wrote a story where he described sitting in a courtroom, where nearly 400 warrants were issued to forcibly install prepay meters in less than three minutes—400 warrants in under three minutes. Dirprwy Lywydd, suddenly everything made sense: 600,000 people switched last year alone, with only 72 of these warrants rejected, and the month on month increases in people being forcibly switched. Dean's story exposed the reason behind these numbers. Absolutely no checks were being done to see if any of these people were vulnerable. As Dean explained, not even their names were read out on that day in court.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Ddirprwy Lywydd.
Mae’r cynnig hwn yn benllanw misoedd o ymgyrchu. Ers yr hydref y llynedd, rwyf wedi bod yn galw am waharddiad ar osod mesuryddion rhagdalu gorfodol. Roedd hyn am fod cwsmeriaid ar fesuryddion rhagdalu yn cael eu gorfodi i dalu mwy am eu trydan, ond hefyd oherwydd y dystiolaeth gynyddol drwy gydol y flwyddyn fod pobl yn cael eu gorfodi i newid i fesuryddion rhagdalu ar raddfa ddigynsail.
Yn hwyr y llynedd, ysgrifennodd y newyddiadurwr a'r ymgyrchydd, Dean Kirby, o bapur newydd The i stori yn disgrifio eistedd mewn llys lle cyhoeddwyd bron i 400 o warantau i osod mesuryddion rhagdalu gorfodol mewn llai na thri munud—400 o warantau mewn llai na thri munud. Ddirprwy Lywydd, yn sydyn, roedd popeth yn gwneud synnwyr: cafodd mesuryddion 600,000 o bobl eu newid y llynedd yn unig, gyda dim ond 72 o'r gwarantau hyn yn cael eu gwrthod, a'r cynnydd o fis i fis yn nifer y bobl a oedd cael eu gorfodi i newid. Datgelodd stori Dean y rheswm y tu ôl i'r niferoedd hyn. Nid oedd unrhyw archwiliadau o gwbl yn cael eu cynnal i weld a oedd unrhyw un o'r bobl hyn yn agored i niwed. Fel yr eglurodd Dean, ni ddarllenwyd eu henwau hyd yn oed ar y diwrnod hwnnw yn y llys.
Dirprwy Lywydd, let's be clear about what is supposed to happen: energy suppliers should give anyone who classes themselves as vulnerable the chance to refuse a prepayment meter. Instead, Ofgem allowed energy suppliers themselves to define what is classed as a vulnerable individual, and this has been exploited with catastrophic consequences. The UK Government and Ofgem were asleep at the wheel, and whilst the statistics I have stated already came into the public domain, they did nothing. The regulator, Ofgem, only conceded wrongdoing when a The Times exposé caught agents working on British Gas's behalf breaking the rules on camera. Any regulator who witnessed this explosion in warrants issued last year, including over 20,000 of them in one court in Swansea, should have acted. And even the current moratorium on the installation of prepayment meters is happening voluntarily, simply because of those British Gas videos.
Now, Dirprwy Lywydd, I note Ofgem's recent national call for evidence on prepayment meters, but I must say that I share real concern about whether those who have already been so badly let down by the regulator will engage with that process. In February, I launched my own survey to gather evidence, and this was because, at that time, Ofgem told me in the meeting I had with them that there was no evidence of wrongdoing outside of British Gas, even though the statistics prove otherwise. And the responses I had, Dirprwy Lywydd, in my report, entitled 'A National Scandal: The true cost of pre-pay meters' were very difficult to read. They paint a clear picture of just how difficult life on a prepayment meter is for so many families. One response said, and I quote,
'My husband is an army veteran with reconstructed ankles, PTSD and many more health issues'.
They went on to add,
'On one occasion, I felt so embarrassed having to ring and ask if they could put some credit on my meters, which they took back as soon as I had the money to put on the meters, basically putting me back to square one. I never rang them again and instead went without'.
Dirprwy Lywydd, how in twenty-first century Britain are we failing those who have served in our armed forces so badly that they are left in the dark and in the cold in their own homes? This gentleman is a war hero. He risked his life for each and every one of us, and yet, in his time of need, the system has totally failed him.
Another couple, both in receipt of personal independence payments, with three young children, were switched by their energy company in January. They said, and I quote,
'We felt bullied onto a prepayment meter because they gave us a lot of debt out of nowhere that we couldn't afford to pay. We're currently paying £10 a day just for electricity, and we're struggling financially'.
Their situation, Dirprwy Lywydd, has become so difficult that they have been forced to borrow money from a family to top up. Very sadly, multiple other respondents expressed that they too have had to borrow money just to keep the lights on. The toll that prepayment meters are taking on the health of those forced to live with them is so shockingly clear in this report. One person living with severe arthritis had a prepayment meter forcibly installed at the end of last year. Another explained how they regularly run out of credit on their gas meter and the extended periods of cold have made their asthma much worse.
As I've said in this Chamber on a number of occasions, Dirprwy Lywydd, this is a matter of life or death. One survey respondent said that, despite being reliant on a medical device that has to be plugged into the mains, they have been put on a prepayment meter. Every day, they are having to make the choice to limit their energy usage, just so that they can be sure that they can use their medical device. Can you imagine the stress and the anxiety this must cause this particular family? It is truly heartbreaking that families across the United Kingdom are having to live this way.
Dirprwy Lywydd, it's sadly unsurprising that many of those who responded to my survey expressed how their mental health has suffered as a direct result of their prepayment meter. This anxiety has been made worse by the treatment they have been subjected to by their energy suppliers. The Minister will remember that I recently highlighted the case of a mum who was on hold for over an hour, sat in the dark, sat in the cold, after their prepayment meter stopped working. When she finally got through to her call handler and she explained that they needed help, and that their six-year-old son was obviously very upset, very concerned, crying at home in the dark, in the cold, the person on the other end of the phone laughed, and then hung up. It's nothing more than a disgrace, Deputy Presiding Officer.
Every one of these people who have responded to my survey, every one of these people we've described in these statistics, they have been let down by their energy supplier. They have been let down by Ofgem, and they have been let down by the United Kingdom Government. I want to be absolutely clear, Deputy Presiding Officer, I have absolutely no faith in Ofgem, but there is a clear role for the UK Government to legislate. Colleagues will remember that, at the end of the 1990s, it was recognised that private companies should not be allowed to cut people off from their water supply. Energy, too, Deputy Presiding Officer, is life and death. We should follow suit and legislate to stop being cut off, and this includes people being cut off because their prepayment meter runs out of credit.
Dirprwy Lywydd, in the meantime here in Wales, we need to look at rolling out the in-home domestic energy advice pilot to ensure that people are empowered with access to the best advice possible. And we need to look at what powers we have to stop landlords being able to force tenants onto prepayment meters as well. Deputy Presiding Officer, in closing, I want to say this: people have been badly let down by those who are supposed to protect them in the energy market. Let's hope we see an end to this national scandal, and let's hope it ends soon. Diolch.
Ddirprwy Lywydd, gadewch inni fod yn glir ynghylch yr hyn sydd i fod i ddigwydd: dylai cyflenwyr ynni roi cyfle i unrhyw un sy'n ystyried eu hunain yn agored i niwed wrthod mesurydd rhagdalu. Yn lle hynny, roedd Ofgem yn caniatáu i'r cyflenwyr ynni eu hunain ddiffinio’r hyn yw unigolyn agored i niwed, a manteisiwyd ar hyn gyda chanlyniadau trychinebus. Roedd Llywodraeth y DU ac Ofgem yn cysgu wrth y llyw, ac er bod yr ystadegau rwyf wedi’u nodi eisoes wedi'u gwneud yn gyhoeddus, ni wnaethant unrhyw beth. Nid nes i The Times ddatgelu asiantau a oedd yn gweithio ar ran Nwy Prydain yn torri'r rheolau ar gamera y gwnaeth y rheolydd, Ofgem, gyfaddef unrhyw gamweddau. Dylai unrhyw reoleiddiwr a welodd y cynnydd aruthrol hwn yn nifer y gwarantau a gyhoeddwyd y llynedd, gan gynnwys dros 20,000 ohonynt mewn un llys yn Abertawe, fod wedi gweithredu. Ac mae hyd yn oed y moratoriwm presennol ar osod mesuryddion rhagdalu yn digwydd yn wirfoddol, yn syml oherwydd y fideos Nwy Prydain hynny.
Nawr, Ddirprwy Lywydd, nodaf alwad genedlaethol ddiweddar Ofgem am dystiolaeth ar fesuryddion rhagdalu, ond mae'n rhaid imi ddweud fy mod yn rhannu pryder gwirioneddol ynglŷn ag a fydd y rheini sydd eisoes wedi cael cymaint o gam gan y rheoleiddiwr yn ymgysylltu â'r broses honno. Ym mis Chwefror, lansiais fy arolwg fy hun i gasglu tystiolaeth, ac roedd hyn oherwydd, ar y pryd, dywedodd Ofgem wrthyf yn y cyfarfod a gefais gyda hwy nad oedd unrhyw dystiolaeth i'w chael o gamweddau y tu allan i Nwy Prydain, er bod yr ystadegau’n profi fel arall. Ac roedd yr ymatebion a gefais, Ddirprwy Lywydd, yn fy adroddiad, 'A National Scandal: The true cost of pre-pay meters' yn anodd iawn i'w darllen. Maent yn darlunio'n glir pa mor anodd yw bywyd ar fesurydd rhagdalu i gynifer o deuluoedd. Dywedodd un ymateb, a dyfynnaf,
'Mae fy ngŵr yn gyn-filwr yn y fyddin gyda fferau wedi'u hadlunio, anhwylder straen wedi trawma a llawer mwy o broblemau iechyd'.
Aethant ymlaen i ychwanegu,
'Ar un achlysur, roeddwn yn teimlo cymaint o gywilydd yn gorfod ffonio i ofyn a allent roi credyd ar fy mesuryddion, y gwnaethant ei gymryd yn ôl cyn gynted ag yr oedd gennyf arian i'w roi ar y mesuryddion, gan fy rhoi yn ôl yn y man cychwyn yn y bôn. Ni wneuthum eu ffonio wedyn, ac yn lle hynny, bu'n rhaid imi wneud heb'.
Ddirprwy Lywydd, ym Mhrydain yn yr unfed ganrif ar hugain, sut rydym yn gwneud y fath gam â'r rheini sydd wedi gwasanaethu yn ein lluoedd arfog i'r fath raddau nes eu bod yn cael eu gadael yn y tywyllwch ac yn yr oerfel yn eu cartrefi eu hunain? Mae'r gŵr hwn yn arwr rhyfel. Peryglodd ei fywyd dros bob un ohonom, ac eto, yn ei awr gyfyng, mae'r system wedi gwneud cam mawr ag ef.
Cafodd mesurydd pâr arall, ill dau'n derbyn taliadau annibyniaeth personol, a chanddynt dri o blant ifanc, ei newid gan eu cwmni ynni ym mis Ionawr. Roeddent yn dweud hyn,
'Roeddem yn teimlo ein bod wedi cael ein bwlio i gael mesurydd rhagdalu gan eu bod wedi rhoi llawer o ddyled i ni allan o unman na allem fforddio'i thalu. Ar hyn o bryd, rydym yn talu £10 y dydd am drydan yn unig, ac rydym yn ei chael hi'n anodd yn ariannol'.
Mae eu sefyllfa, Ddirprwy Lywydd, mor anodd bellach fel eu bod wedi cael eu gorfodi i fenthyg arian gan deulu i ychwanegu at eu mesurydd. Yn drist iawn, mynegodd nifer o ymatebwyr eraill eu bod hwythau hefyd wedi gorfod benthyca arian er mwyn cadw'r golau ymlaen. Mae’r effaith y mae mesuryddion rhagdalu yn ei chael ar iechyd y rheini sy’n cael eu gorfodi i fyw gyda hwy mor syfrdanol o glir yn yr adroddiad hwn. Gosodwyd mesurydd rhagdalu gorfodol yng nghartref un unigolyn sydd ag arthritis difrifol ddiwedd y llynedd. Esboniodd unigolyn arall sut maent yn rhedeg allan o gredyd yn rheolaidd ar eu mesurydd nwy, a bod y cyfnodau estynedig o oerfel wedi gwaethygu eu hasthma yn sylweddol.