Y Cyfarfod Llawn - Y Bumed Senedd
Plenary - Fifth Senedd
Yn y fersiwn ddwyieithog, mae’r golofn chwith yn cynnwys yr iaith a lefarwyd yn y cyfarfod. Mae’r golofn dde yn cynnwys cyfieithiad o’r areithiau hynny.
In the bilingual version, the left-hand column includes the language used during the meeting. The right-hand column includes a translation of those speeches.
Cyfarfu'r Senedd drwy gynhadledd fideo am 13:29 gyda'r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair.
The Senedd met by video-conference at 13:29 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.
Prynhawn da. Croeso, bawb, i'r Cyfarfod Llawn. Cyn i ni ddechrau, dwi eisiau nodi ychydig o bwyntiau. Mae Cyfarfod Llawn a gynhelir drwy gynhadledd fideo, yn unol â Rheolau Sefydlog Senedd Cymru, yn gyfystyr â thrafodion y Senedd at ddibenion Deddf Llywodraeth Cymru 2006. Bydd rhai o ddarpariaethau Rheol Sefydlog 34 yn gymwys ar gyfer Cyfarfod Llawn heddiw, ac mae'r rheini wedi'u nodi ar eich agenda chi. Dwi eisiau atgoffa Aelodau hefyd fod y Rheolau Sefydlog sy'n ymwneud â threfn yn y Cyfarfod Llawn yn berthnasol i'r cyfarfod.
Good afternoon, and welcome to this Plenary session. Before we begin, I want to set out a few points. A Plenary meeting held by video-conference, in accordance with the Standing Orders of the Welsh Parliament, constitutes Senedd proceedings for the purposes of the Government of Wales Act 2006. Some of the provisions of Standing Order 34 will apply for today's Plenary meeting, and these are noted on your agenda. I would remind Members that Standing Orders relating to order in Plenary meetings apply to this meeting.
Rŷn ni'n cychwyn ein gwaith heddiw gyda chwestiynau i'r Prif Weinidog, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Jayne Bryant.
We begin today with questions to the First Minister, and the first question is from Jayne Bryant.
1. Pa asesiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud o sut mae Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Aneurin Bevan wedi delio â COVID-19? OQ56202
1. What assessment has the Welsh Government made of how Aneurin Bevan University Health Board has dealt with COVID-19? OQ56202

Llywydd, services in the board’s area continue to be under significant pressure as reductions in community transmission are only slowly being felt in hospitals. I'm sure we are all grateful for the dedication of the board's staff as they strive to deliver the best possible care to their patients.
Llywydd, mae gwasanaethau yn ardal y bwrdd yn parhau i fod o dan bwysau sylweddol gan mai dim ond yn araf y mae gostyngiadau i drosglwyddiad cymunedol yn cael eu teimlo mewn ysbytai. Rwy'n siŵr ein bod ni i gyd yn ddiolchgar am ymroddiad staff y bwrdd wrth iddyn nhw ymdrechu i ddarparu'r gofal gorau posibl i'w cleifion.
Thank you for that answer, First Minister. This winter has been one of the hardest periods anyone can remember for our NHS. Staff numbers have been hit hard, patient numbers have been high, and the pressure and stresses on our front-line staff have been immense. Despite all of this, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board have put in place a mass vaccination programme that is accelerating at pace, whilst also adapting their practices and services. One of these adaptations has been to offer local residents alternatives to attending A&E departments, This has helped to relieve some of the pressure on the system and helped keep patients and staff as safe as possible. The health board and staff are doing incredible work under extreme circumstances. Will the First Minister welcome the actions that are being taken in Aneurin Bevan health board area and ensure the Welsh Government continues to provide all the support it can to help support our staff and keep us safe?
Diolch am yr ateb yna, Prif Weinidog. Mae'r gaeaf hwn wedi bod yn un o'r cyfnodau anoddaf y gall unrhyw un ei gofio i'n GIG. Mae niferoedd staff wedi cael eu taro yn galed, mae nifer y cleifion wedi bod yn uchel, ac mae'r pwysau a'r straen ar ein staff rheng flaen wedi bod yn aruthrol. Er gwaethaf hyn i gyd, mae Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Aneurin Bevan wedi sefydlu rhaglen frechu torfol sy'n cyflymu ar gyfradd uchel, gan hefyd addasu eu harferion a'u gwasanaethau hefyd. Un o'r addasiadau hyn fu cynnig dewisiadau amgen i drigolion lleol yn hytrach na mynd i adrannau damweiniau ac achosion brys. Mae hyn wedi helpu i leddfu rhywfaint o'r pwysau ar y system ac wedi helpu i gadw cleifion a staff mor ddiogel â phosibl. Mae'r bwrdd iechyd a'r staff yn gwneud gwaith anhygoel o dan amgylchiadau eithriadol o anodd. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog groesawu'r camau sy'n cael eu cymryd yn ardal bwrdd iechyd Aneurin Bevan a sicrhau bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn parhau i ddarparu'r holl gymorth posibl i helpu i gefnogi ein staff a'n cadw ni yn ddiogel?

Llywydd, I thank Jayne Bryant very much for that supplementary question. Of course, I do very much welcome all the efforts that are made by our staff in Aneurin Bevan, and across Wales, under the extraordinary pressures that they have faced now for nearly a full 12 months. And, of course, Jayne Bryant is right—the latest challenge is that of vaccination. Fifty thousand vaccines now delivered in the Aneurin Bevan area, 69 of the 74 GP practices in the area delivering the vaccine last week, and that of course is only one of the many challenges they are facing. The board delivered 19,000 tests to residents in the Aneurin Bevan health board area last week as well, and yet, as Jayne Bryant says, Llywydd, the board goes on innovating, and its latest innovation, of their contact first pilot, I think is demonstrating a real success.
We understand the anxiety that people feel about coming into emergency departments at a time when coronavirus is in such circulation. Allowing people to phone first, to have that conversation, and then to be directed to the part of the service that is best suited to helping them is an advantage to the user, but it's an advantage to the service as well. And, Llywydd, as Jayne Bryant suggested, of those people who phoned the service in the two weeks at the end of December, 81 per cent of them did not need to attend an emergency department, 36 per cent of callers were successfully directed to a minor injuries unit, 32 per cent were directed to an urgent primary care centre in the board's area. And I think those are remarkable figures and demonstrate not simply the amazing efforts that staff are making, but their capacity to go on innovating and responding to new circumstances even under the pressures that the board is facing.
Llywydd, diolchaf yn fawr iawn i Jayne Bryant am y cwestiwn atodol yna. Wrth gwrs, rwy'n croesawu yn fawr iawn yr holl ymdrechion a wneir gan ein staff yn Aneurin Bevan, a ledled Cymru, o dan y pwysau eithriadol y maen nhw wedi eu hwynebu'n ers bron i 12 mis llawn erbyn hyn. Ac, wrth gwrs, mae Jayne Bryant yn iawn—yr her ddiweddaraf yw brechu. Hanner can mil o frechlynnau wedi eu rhoi yn ardal Aneurin Bevan erbyn hyn, 69 o'r 74 o feddygfeydd teulu yn yr ardal yn rhoi'r brechlyn yr wythnos diwethaf, a dim ond un o'r heriau niferus y maen nhw'n eu hwynebu yw honno, wrth gwrs. Rhoddodd y bwrdd 19,000 o brofion i drigolion ardal bwrdd iechyd Aneurin Bevan yr wythnos diwethaf hefyd, ac eto, fel y mae Jayne Bryant yn ei ddweud, Llywydd, mae'r bwrdd yn parhau i arloesi, ac mae ei arloesedd diweddaraf, o'u treial cysylltu'n gyntaf, yn dangos llwyddiant gwirioneddol rwy'n credu.
Rydym ni'n deall y pryder y mae pobl yn ei deimlo am ddod i adrannau achosion brys ar adeg pan fo coronafeirws mewn cylchrediad o'r fath. Mae caniatáu i bobl ffonio yn gyntaf, i gael y sgwrs honno, ac yna cael eu cyfeirio at y rhan o'r gwasanaeth sydd fwyaf addas i'w helpu nhw yn fantais i'r defnyddiwr, ond mae'n fantais i'r gwasanaeth hefyd. A, Llywydd, fel yr awgrymodd Jayne Bryant, o'r bobl hynny a ffoniodd y gwasanaeth yn y pythefnos ar ddiwedd mis Rhagfyr, nid oedd angen i 81 y cant ohonyn nhw fynd i adran achosion brys, cyfeiriwyd 36 y cant o alwyr yn llwyddiannus at uned mân anafiadau, cyfeiriwyd 32 y cant at ganolfan gofal sylfaenol frys yn ardal y bwrdd. Ac rwy'n credu bod y rheini yn ffigurau rhyfeddol ac yn dangos nid yn unig yr ymdrechion anhygoel y mae staff yn eu gwneud, ond eu gallu i barhau i arloesi ac ymateb i amgylchiadau newydd hyd yn oed o dan y pwysau y mae'r bwrdd yn eu hwynebu.
I, too, would like to extend my thanks to everyone at the Aneurin Bevan health board for the tremendous work they're doing in delivering the vaccine, but also the extraordinary reactive ways, as the First Minister has just said, that they've handled this pandemic. As you know, First Minister, the Abergavenny centre in Monmouthshire delivers the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine only a couple of days a week, although Monmouthshire County Council and GP practices, who have all been incredible during this delivery of the vaccine, have offered to set up another centre. It would seem to me to make sense that either the Abergavenny vaccination centre becomes a Pfizer vaccination centre, so that it could operate seven days a week like Cwmbran and Newport are just about to, or that another Pfizer delivery centre is established in Monmouthshire, ensuring faster roll-out of the vaccine. I'd just appreciate your thoughts on that, First Minister.
Hoffwn innau, hefyd, ddiolch i bawb ym mwrdd iechyd Aneurin Bevan am y gwaith ardderchog y maen nhw'n ei wneud yn darparu'r brechlyn, ond hefyd y ffyrdd adweithiol eithriadol, fel y mae'r Prif Weinidog newydd ei ddweud, y maen nhw wedi ymdrin â'r pandemig hwn. Fel y gwyddoch chi, Prif Weinidog, mae canolfan y Fenni yn Sir Fynwy yn darparu brechlyn Rhydychen-AstraZeneca ar ddiwrnod neu ddau o'r wythnos yn unig, er bod Cyngor Sir Fynwy a meddygfeydd teulu, sydd i gyd wedi bod yn anhygoel wrth ddarparu'r brechlyn hwn, wedi cynnig sefydlu canolfan arall. Mae'n ymddangos i mi ei bod hi'n gwneud synnwyr bod canolfan frechu'r Fenni naill ai'n dod yn ganolfan frechu Pfizer, fel y gallai weithredu saith diwrnod yr wythnos fel y mae Cwmbrân a Chasnewydd ar fin ei wneud, neu fod canolfan ddosbarthu Pfizer arall yn cael ei sefydlu yn Sir Fynwy, gan sicrhau bod y brechlyn yn cael ei gyflwyno yn gyflymach. Byddwn yn gwerthfawrogi eich safbwyntiau ar hynny, Prif Weinidog.

I thank Laura Anne Jones for those suggestions, which I'm sure the board will know about, and I'm sure that they will be putting that into their thinking. The picture, as Laura Anne Jones acknowledged, is changing all the time. Boards are developing new centres and new GPs are coming on stream. It's an effort to maximise the number of people on the ground able to offer vaccination, but it's also an effort to try to make sure that those possibilities are as close to people's homes and as convenient for them as possible. I think, two weeks ago, Llywydd, I said in these questions that we hoped to have 250 GP practices involved in vaccination by the end of the month; we've got 330 nearly by now, so we've well exceeded what we had expected. That's part of the changing pattern that Laura Anne Jones referred to. I'm sure the board will have heard what she said and will take that into account as they plan to provide even more opportunities for vaccination, and to do it as conveniently as possible for the people that the Member represents.
Diolchaf i Laura Anne Jones am yr awgrymiadau yna, yr wyf i'n siŵr y bydd y bwrdd yn gwybod amdanyn nhw, ac rwy'n siŵr y byddan nhw'n cynnwys hynny yn eu syniadau. Mae'r darlun, fel y gwnaeth Laura Anne Jones gydnabod, yn newid drwy'r amser. Mae byrddau'n datblygu canolfannau newydd ac mae meddygon teulu newydd yn ymuno â'r ymdrech. Mae'n ymdrech i sicrhau bod cymaint o bobl â phosibl ar lawr gwlad yn gallu cynnig brechiadau, ond mae hefyd yn ymdrech i geisio gwneud yn siŵr bod y posibiliadau hynny mor agos at gartrefi pobl ac mor gyfleus iddyn nhw â phosibl. Rwy'n credu, bythefnos yn ôl, Llywydd, i mi ddweud yn y cwestiynau hyn ein bod ni'n gobeithio y byddai 250 o feddygfeydd teulu yn brechu erbyn diwedd y mis; mae gennym ni bron i 330 erbyn hyn, felly rydym ni wedi rhagori yn helaeth ar yr hyn yr oeddem ni wedi ei ddisgwyl. Mae hynny yn rhan o'r patrwm newidiol y cyfeiriodd Laura Anne Jones ato. Rwy'n siŵr y bydd y bwrdd wedi clywed yr hyn a ddywedodd ac y bydd yn cymryd hynny i ystyriaeth wrth iddyn nhw gynllunio i ddarparu hyd yn oed mwy o gyfleoedd i frechu, a'i wneud mor gyfleus â phosibl i'r bobl y mae'r Aelod yn eu cynrychioli.
I'd echo the points made about the bravery and dedication of the Aneurin Bevan health board staff—they are a credit to our communities. I wanted to raise an issue about administering the vaccine in the area, please. Some constituents have got in touch with me because they are caring for an elderly relative, and the elderly relative has been called to get the vaccine but they as a carer have not. Now, I appreciate that this is something that is happening across Wales and not just in our health board area, but I think it does get to the heart of the problem, First Minister, that, whilst paid care workers are in the same priority group as those over 80, unpaid carers are not, and they are in close physical proximity to those they're caring for. So, surely it would make sense for them to receive the vaccine at the same time, to protect their vulnerable relatives. So, First Minister, could I ask if you would consider making this change to the vaccine roll-out in the area so that unpaid carers are given priority too?
Byddwn yn adleisio'r pwyntiau a wnaed am ddewrder ac ymroddiad staff bwrdd iechyd Aneurin Bevan—maen nhw'n glod i'n cymunedau. Roeddwn i eisiau codi mater ynghylch rhoi'r brechlyn yn yr ardal, os gwelwch yn dda. Mae rhai etholwyr wedi cysylltu â mi oherwydd eu bod nhw'n gofalu am berthynas oedrannus, ac mae'r perthynas oedrannus wedi cael ei alw i gael y brechlyn ond nid ydyn nhw fel gofalwr. Nawr, rwy'n sylweddoli bod hyn yn rhywbeth sy'n digwydd ledled Cymru ac nid yn ardal ein bwrdd iechyd ni yn unig, ond rwy'n credu ei fod yn mynd at wraidd y broblem, Prif Weinidog, er bod gweithwyr gofal cyflogedig yn yr un grŵp blaenoriaeth â'r rhai dros 80 oed, nad yw gofalwyr di-dâl, ac maen nhw'n agos yn gorfforol at y rhai y maen nhw'n gofalu amdanynt. Felly, does bosib na fyddai'n gwneud synnwyr iddyn nhw gael y brechlyn ar yr un pryd, i amddiffyn eu perthnasau agored i niwed. Felly, Prif Weinidog, a gaf i ofyn a wnewch chi ystyried gwneud y newid hwn i'r broses o gyflwyno'r brechlyn yn yr ardal fel bod gofalwyr di-dâl yn cael blaenoriaeth hefyd?

Well, Llywydd, those are important points, and they would have been very carefully considered by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation in its prioritisation of groups. The Member will know that unpaid carers are included in priority group 6. So, they're not in the first four priority groups that we are focusing on at the moment, but they will be in the next set of priority groups. We have to abide by the JCVI's prioritisation list. There are many cases that people can make individually for why that list should be amended, but my view is—and it's the view of all First Ministers, and the Prime Minister, across the country—we have to stick to the advice that the JCVI has provided to us. Unpaid carers will be included in that sixth group and, therefore, in the next phase of vaccination. We're working hard to make sure that people who are unpaid carers will be able to make themselves known, so that they can get vaccination in that new list. We amended the advice on the Welsh Government's website to make sure that unpaid carers knew that priority group 6 included them. And, in line with what the JCVI has told us, we will come to unpaid carers once the first four groups are concluded and we're able to move into the next tranche.
Wel, Llywydd, mae'r rheini yn bwyntiau pwysig, a bydden nhw wedi cael eu hystyried yn ofalus iawn gan y Cydbwyllgor ar Frechu ac Imiwneiddio wrth iddo flaenoriaethu grwpiau. Bydd yr Aelod yn gwybod bod gofalwyr di-dâl wedi eu cynnwys yng ngrŵp blaenoriaeth 6. Felly, dydyn nhw ddim yn y pedwar grŵp blaenoriaeth cyntaf yr ydym ni'n canolbwyntio arnyn nhw ar hyn o bryd, ond byddan nhw yn y gyfres nesaf o grwpiau blaenoriaeth. Mae'n rhaid i ni gadw at restr flaenoriaethu'r Cydbwyllgor ar Frechu ac Imiwneiddio. Mae llawer o ddadleuon y gall pobl eu gwneud yn unigol dros pam y dylid diwygio'r rhestr honno, ond fy marn i yw—a dyma farn yr holl Brif Weinidogion, gan gynnwys Prif Weinidog y DU, ledled y wlad—bod yn rhaid i ni gadw at y cyngor y mae'r Cydbwyllgor ar Frechu ac Imiwneiddio wedi ei roi i ni. Bydd gofalwyr di-dâl yn cael eu cynnwys yn y chweched grŵp hwnnw ac, felly, yng ngham nesaf y broses frechu. Rydym ni'n gweithio yn galed i sicrhau y bydd pobl sy'n ofalwyr di-dâl yn gallu gwneud eu hunain yn hysbys, fel y gallan nhw gael eu brechu yn y rhestr newydd honno. Rydym ni wedi diwygio'r cyngor ar wefan Llywodraeth Cymru i wneud yn siŵr bod gofalwyr di-dâl yn gwybod bod grŵp blaenoriaeth 6 yn eu cynnwys nhw. Ac, yn unol â'r hyn y mae'r Cydbwyllgor ar Frechu ac Imiwneiddio wedi ei ddweud wrthym ni, byddwn yn cyrraedd gofalwyr di-dâl pan fydd y pedwar grŵp cyntaf wedi eu cwblhau ac y byddwn yn gallu symud i'r gyfran nesaf.
I think we all appreciate the extraordinary work that the staff in Aneurin Bevan and elsewhere are doing with the vaccination. First Minister, I've had a number of constituents who've come to me saying that relatives who are over 80, or indeed, in some cases, in care homes, are yet to have their vaccination in the Aneurin Bevan area, yet they have other family, over the border in Gloucestershire, and, five days ago, they announced there they'd already vaccinated 85 per cent of the over-85s. Your health Minister said that we would get to that in Wales, and I hope also in Aneurin Bevan, to 70 per cent at least by the end of the weekend just gone. Can you confirm if that's happened, and, if not, when it will, and when we can hope to get to those 85 per cent plus levels of vaccination of that group that we're seeing over the border?
Rwy'n credu ein bod ni i gyd yn gwerthfawrogi'r gwaith eithriadol y mae staff Aneurin Bevan ac mewn mannau eraill yn ei wneud gyda'r brechiad. Prif Weinidog, rwyf i wedi cael nifer o etholwyr sydd wedi dod ataf i yn dweud nad yw perthnasau sydd dros 80 oed, neu'n wir, mewn rhai achosion, mewn cartrefi gofal, wedi cael eu brechiad hyd yn hyn yn ardal Aneurin Bevan, ac eto mae ganddyn nhw deulu arall, dros y ffin yn Swydd Gaerloyw, a, phum niwrnod yn ôl, fe wnaethon nhw gyhoeddi yno eu bod nhw eisoes wedi brechu 85 y cant o bobl dros 85 oed. Dywedodd eich Gweinidog iechyd y byddem ni'n cyrraedd hynny yng Nghymru, a gobeithiaf hefyd yn Aneurin Bevan, 70 y cant o leiaf erbyn diwedd y penwythnos sydd newydd fynd heibio. A allwch chi gadarnhau pa un a yw hynny wedi digwydd, ac, os nad yw, pryd y bydd yn digwydd, a phryd y gallwn ni obeithio cyrraedd y lefel 85 y cant a mwy honno o frechu'r grŵp hwnnw yr ydym ni'n ei weld dros y ffin?

Llywydd, our ambition is to vaccinate all people—or offer vaccination to all people in those top 4 groups by the middle of February. That continues to be our ambition. The aim of getting 70 per cent of the 80-plus age range was affected over the weekend by the adverse weather. We know that a large number of people aged over 80 did not feel that it was safe for them to leave their homes in the snow and, indeed, yesterday morning in the very cold and icy conditions, and weren't able to attend appointments at GP clinics or in mass vaccination centres. All of those people will have been offered another opportunity for vaccination by the end of Wednesday of this week. So, we will very rapidly make up for that number. The figures of people being offered vaccination and able to take it up in Wales over the last week have been remarkable, and that should give us all confidence that we will have offered vaccination to everyone in that group in line with the ambition that we set out at the outset.
Llywydd, ein huchelgais yw brechu pawb—neu gynnig brechiad i bawb yn y 4 grŵp uchaf hynny erbyn canol mis Chwefror. Dyna yw ein huchelgais o hyd. Effeithiwyd ar y nod o gael 70 y cant o'r ystod oedran 80 a hŷn dros y penwythnos gan y tywydd garw. Rydym ni'n gwybod bod nifer fawr o bobl dros 80 oed nad oedden nhw'n teimlo ei bod hi'n ddiogel iddyn nhw adael eu cartrefi yn yr eira ac, yn wir, bore ddoe yn yr amodau oer a rhewllyd iawn, ac nad oedden nhw'n gallu mynd i apwyntiadau mewn clinigau meddygon teulu nac mewn canolfannau brechu torfol. Bydd pob un o'r bobl hynny wedi cael cynnig cyfle arall i gael eu brechu erbyn diwedd dydd Mercher yr wythnos hon. Felly, byddwn ni'n unioni'r rhif hwnnw yn gyflym iawn. Mae ffigurau'r bobl sy'n cael cynnig brechiad ac sy'n gallu manteisio arno yng Nghymru dros yr wythnos diwethaf wedi bod yn rhyfeddol, a dylai hynny roi hyder i ni i gyd y byddwn ni wedi cynnig brechiad i bawb yn y grŵp hwnnw yn unol â'r uchelgais a nodwyd gennym ni ar y cychwyn.
2. Pa asesiad y mae'r Prif Weinidog wedi'i wneud o gefnogaeth Llywodraeth y DU i feysydd awyr ledled y DU? OQ56173
2. What assessment has the First Minister made of the UK Government's support for airports across the UK? OQ56173

Llywydd, I thank Carwyn Jones for that question. UK Government support is limited to airports in England. We continue to call upon them to support regional airports across the country. The catastrophic impact of coronavirus continues to have an impact on the industry, which is not confined to one part of the UK.
Llywydd, diolchaf i Carwyn Jones am y cwestiwn yna. Mae cymorth Llywodraeth y DU wedi'i gyfyngu i feysydd awyr yn Lloegr. Rydym ni'n dal i alw arnyn nhw i gefnogi meysydd awyr rhanbarthol ledled y wlad. Mae effaith drychinebus coronafeirws yn parhau i gael effaith ar y diwydiant, nad yw wedi'i gyfyngu i un rhan o'r DU.
I thank the First Minister for his answer. Airports, of course, are not devolved. But, of course, the UK Government chooses when it wishes to be the Government of England or the Government of the UK according to its whim. First Minister, since 2013, the Tories in Wales have failed to support our airports, both Cardiff and Anglesey. When the airport at Cardiff was bought in 2013, they invented a story that it had been bought at a price that was way over the odds, which was completely untrue. They allowed their ideology to count more than jobs. They didn't like the fact that it was in public ownership, and that was more important than protecting the jobs of the people who actually worked there. That airport would have been turned into a housing estate, no doubt. The councillors would, then, have objected to that as well. Is it not the case, First Minister, that the Welsh Conservatives are not willing to support the airline industry in Wales, and that's what makes them unfit to govern Wales, both now and in the future?
Diolch i'r Prif Weinidog am ei ateb. Nid yw meysydd awyr, wrth gwrs, wedi'u datganoli. Ond, wrth gwrs, mae Llywodraeth y DU yn dewis pryd y mae'n dymuno bod yn Llywodraeth Lloegr neu'n Llywodraeth y DU yn ôl ei mympwy. Prif Weinidog, ers 2013, mae'r Torïaid yng Nghymru wedi methu â chefnogi ein meysydd awyr, yng Nghaerdydd ac Ynys Môn. Pan brynwyd y maes awyr yng Nghaerdydd yn 2013, dyfeisiwyd stori ganddyn nhw ei bod wedi cael ei brynu am bris a oedd yn llawer rhy uchel, a oedd yn gwbl anwir. Fe wnaethon nhw ganiatáu i'w hideoleg gyfrif mwy na swyddi. Nid oedden nhw'n hoffi'r ffaith ei fod mewn perchnogaeth gyhoeddus, ac roedd hynny yn bwysicach na diogelu swyddi'r bobl a oedd yn gweithio yno mewn gwirionedd. Byddai'r maes awyr hwnnw wedi cael ei droi yn ystâd o dai, mae'n siŵr. Byddai'r cynghorwyr, wedyn, wedi gwrthwynebu hynny hefyd. A yw'n wir, Prif Weinidog, nad yw'r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig yn fodlon cefnogi'r diwydiant awyrennau yng Nghymru, a dyna sy'n eu gwneud nhw'n anaddas i lywodraethu Cymru, nawr ac yn y dyfodol?

Well, Llywydd, the failure of the Conservative Party is manifest here in Wales and it's aided and abetted by their compatriots at the UK Government as well. On five separate occasions, Llywydd, since the beginning of December, at senior official level and ministerially, we have tried to get an answer out of the UK Government about the £100 million support fund for airports that they have repeatedly publicised. Now, we know that £8 million of that is to go to Bristol Airport—an airport that the UK Government itself cites, when it has refused to devolve air passenger duty to us here in Wales, on the grounds of competition with Bristol. Yet, they pump millions of pounds of money into Bristol while denying any support to airports here in Wales. It is the actions of the UK Conservatives that are undermining support for the union right across the United Kingdom, and it's the actions of the Welsh Conservatives, in the way in which they fail to support initiatives such as creating a national airport for Wales, that renders them, as the former First Minister says, unfit to be part of a Government here in Wales.
Wel, Llywydd, mae methiant y Blaid Geidwadol yn amlwg yma yng Nghymru ac mae'n cael ei gynorthwyo a'i annog gan eu cymheiriaid yn Llywodraeth y DU hefyd. Ar bum gwahanol achlysur, Llywydd, ers dechrau mis Rhagfyr, ar lefel uwch swyddogion ac yn weinidogol, rydym ni wedi ceisio cael ateb gan Lywodraeth y DU am y gronfa gymorth o £100 miliwn ar gyfer meysydd awyr y maen nhw wedi ei hysbysebu dro ar ôl tro. Nawr, rydym ni'n gwybod y bydd £8 miliwn o hynny yn mynd i Faes Awyr Bryste—maes awyr y mae Llywodraeth y DU ei hun cyfeirio ato, pan fo wedi gwrthod datganoli'r doll teithwyr awyr i ni yma yng Nghymru, ar sail cystadleuaeth â Bryste. Ac eto, maen nhw'n pwmpio miliynau o bunnoedd o arian i mewn i Fryste ond yn gwrthod unrhyw gymorth i feysydd awyr yma yng Nghymru. Gweithredoedd Ceidwadwyr y DU sy'n tanseilio cefnogaeth i'r undeb ar draws y Deyrnas Unedig, a gweithredoedd y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig, yn y ffordd y maen nhw'n methu â chefnogi mentrau fel creu maes awyr cenedlaethol i Gymru, sy'n eu gwneud nhw, fel y dywed y cyn Brif Weinidog, yn anaddas i fod yn rhan o Lywodraeth yma yng Nghymru.
I think I'll tone my question a bit differently. I was very pleased, First Minister, that Wizz Air's recent commitment to start operating from the airport was particularly good for the airport—a real boost for the airport and the aviation sector at, obviously, a very difficult time. From my perspective, I want to see the Welsh Government support Cardiff Airport in order that best value can be achieved when a future government returns the airport to the private sector. In that regard, perhaps, First Minister, you could update us on what measures the Welsh Government is currently taking to support the airport in its future development, in terms of a new marketing strategy, and also update us on improvements to transport links to the airport and in particular what capital investment can be put in place around the airport to help the airport diversify and generate new sources of income.
Rwy'n credu y gwnaf i ofyn fy nghwestiwn mewn ffordd ychydig yn wahanol. Roeddwn i'n falch iawn, Prif Weinidog, bod ymrwymiad diweddar Wizz Air i ddechrau gweithredu o'r maes awyr yn arbennig o dda i'r maes awyr—hwb gwirioneddol i'r maes awyr a'r sector hedfan ar adeg anodd iawn, yn amlwg. O'm safbwynt i, rwyf i eisiau gweld Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi Maes Awyr Caerdydd er mwyn gallu sicrhau'r gwerth gorau pan fydd llywodraeth yn y dyfodol yn dychwelyd y maes awyr i'r sector preifat. Yn hynny o beth, efallai, Prif Weinidog, y gallech chi roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i ni am y mesurau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd ar hyn o bryd i gefnogi'r maes awyr yn ei ddatblygiad yn y dyfodol, o ran strategaeth farchnata newydd, a hefyd rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i ni am welliannau i gysylltiadau trafnidiaeth â'r maes awyr ac yn arbennig pa fuddsoddiad cyfalaf y gellir ei roi ar waith o amgylch y maes awyr i helpu'r maes awyr i arallgyfeirio a chynhyrchu ffynonellau incwm newydd.

Well, Llywydd, the actions of the Welsh Government at the moment are simply focused on helping the airport to survive through the extraordinary impact of coronavirus on the airline industry. We have provided directly a further £4.5 million in loan facilities to the airport, which we are able to do. We have submitted a state-aid notification to the EU Commission for aid that is claimable through the European Union while we were still members of it. What we need to see is help from the UK Government—help that it is apparently prepared to provide to airports in England, help that it is denying to airports here in Wales.
We need a different approach by the UK Government. Why will it not even consider publicly funded air corridors between Cardiff Airport and elsewhere in the UK other than London—routes that we would have to pay for but we believe would be pivotal to the success of the airport? Why does the UK Government persist in taking a different approach to other countries in Europe in relation to allowable aid for safety and security costs—safety and security costs that fall more sharply on regional airports than large airports here in the United Kingdom?
There are many ways in which the UK Government could play its part in assisting the airport here in Wales to weather the enormous storm of coronavirus. We make every effort to support that airport because we know that it is essential to have a national airport to support industry here in Wales, to support passengers here in Wales. That does include, as Russell George says, improvements to infrastructure around the airport, as well as at the airport itself. It would be fantastically useful if the efforts we are making might be matched by those that the UK Government denies us at the moment.
Wel, Llywydd, mae gweithredoedd Llywodraeth Cymru ar hyn o bryd yn canolbwyntio yn syml ar helpu'r maes awyr i oroesi drwy effaith eithriadol coronafeirws ar y diwydiant awyrennau. Rydym ni wedi darparu £4.5 miliwn ychwanegol yn uniongyrchol mewn cyfleusterau benthyca i'r maes awyr, yr ydym ni'n gallu ei wneud. Rydym ni wedi cyflwyno hysbysiad cymorth gwladwriaethol i Gomisiwn yr UE am gymorth y gellir ei hawlio drwy'r Undeb Ewropeaidd tra'r oeddem ni'n dal yn aelodau ohono. Yr hyn y mae angen i ni ei weld yw cymorth gan Lywodraeth y DU—cymorth y mae'n ymddangos ei bod yn barod i'w ddarparu i feysydd awyr yn Lloegr, cymorth y mae'n ei wrthod i feysydd awyr yma yng Nghymru.
Rydym ni angen gwahanol ddull gweithredu gan Lywodraeth y DU. Pam na wnaiff hyd yn oed yn ystyried coridorau awyr a ariennir yn gyhoeddus rhwng Maes Awyr Caerdydd a mannau eraill yn y DU ac eithrio Llundain—llwybrau y byddai'n rhaid i ni dalu amdanyn nhw ond yr ydym ni'n credu y byddent yn ganolog i lwyddiant y maes awyr? Pam mae Llywodraeth y DU yn parhau i gymryd gwahanol agwedd i wledydd eraill yn Ewrop o ran cymorth a ganiateir ar gyfer costau diogelwch—costau diogelwch sy'n cael eu hysgwyddo yn fwy llym gan feysydd awyr rhanbarthol na meysydd awyr mawr yma yn y Deyrnas Unedig?
Mae sawl ffordd y gallai Llywodraeth y DU chwarae ei rhan i gynorthwyo'r maes awyr yma yng Nghymru i oroesi storm enfawr coronafeirws. Rydym ni'n gwneud pob ymdrech i gynorthwyo'r maes awyr hwnnw gan ein bod ni'n gwybod ei bod hi'n hanfodol cael maes awyr cenedlaethol i gefnogi diwydiant yma yng Nghymru, i gefnogi teithwyr yma yng Nghymru. Mae hynny'n cynnwys, fel y dywed Russell George, gwelliannau i seilwaith o amgylch y maes awyr, yn ogystal ag yn y maes awyr ei hun. Byddai'n ddefnyddiol dros ben pe byddai'r ymdrechion yr ydym ni'n eu gwneud yn cael eu cyfateb gan y rhai y mae Llywodraeth y DU yn eu gwrthod i ni ar hyn o bryd.
Will the First Minister agree with me that the best way that Governments could support airports throughout the United Kingdom and, indeed—[Inaudible.]—is to abolish air passenger duty, which is a tax on flying and a massive disincentive to people to use airports? It adds £78 to every short-haul ticket and can end up being—[Inaudible.]—total ticket price. But this, of course, would be in conflict with the Welsh Government's policy of virtue signalling on environmental policy, to which Wales can make no significant difference in global terms. But reducing the cost of air travel is absolutely vital to the survival of airlines and, indeed, the prosperity of airports.
A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog gytuno â mi mai'r ffordd orau y gallai Llywodraethau gynorthwyo meysydd awyr ledled y Deyrnas Unedig ac, yn wir—[Anghlywadwy.] —yw diddymu'r doll teithwyr awyr, sy'n dreth ar hedfan ac yn anghymhelliad enfawr i bobl ddefnyddio meysydd awyr? Mae'n ychwanegu £78 at bob tocyn teithiau byr ac yn y pen draw gall fod—[Anghlywadwy.]—o gyfanswm pris tocyn. Ond byddai hyn, wrth gwrs, yn gwrthdaro â pholisi Llywodraeth Cymru o frolio ei rhinweddau o ran polisi amgylcheddol, na all Cymru wneud unrhyw wahaniaeth sylweddol iddo o safbwynt byd-eang. Ond mae lleihau cost teithio awyr yn gwbl hanfodol i oroesiad cwmnïau awyrennau ac, yn wir, ffyniant meysydd awyr.

Well, Llywydd, of course I disagree with the Member in the casual way that he shrugs off any responsibility we in Wales might have to contribute to the actions that collectively will make a difference to global warming. We are determined here in Wales that we will play our part. That's nothing to do with virtue signalling—it is simply recognising our responsibility. We will live up to that responsibility, just as the Member attempts to evade it in the question that he's asked me.
He will know that we have long argued for the devolution of APD. We were supported in that by the Welsh Affairs Select Committee, in the report that they published on 11 June 2019, when the current junior Minister at the Wales Office chaired that select committee. It's time—in fact, Llywydd, it's long past time when the UK Government allows this Senedd to have control over that tax, just as it allows the Scottish Parliament and the Northern Ireland Assembly to do the same. Then we could have a proper debate here with the Member about the way in which that power could be effectively used to support the airport, while not undermining the efforts we need to make to play our part in combating climate change.
Wel, Llywydd, rwy'n anghytuno â'r Aelod, wrth gwrs, yn y ffordd ddidaro y mae'n bychanu unrhyw gyfrifoldeb y gallai fod gennym ni yng Nghymru o ran cyfrannu at y camau a fydd, gyda'i gilydd, yn gwneud gwahaniaeth i gynhesu byd-eang. Rydym ni'n benderfynol yma yng Nghymru y byddwn ni'n chwarae ein rhan. Nid oes a wnelo hynny ddim â brolio rhinweddau—dim ond mater o gydnabod ein cyfrifoldeb ydyw. Byddwn yn cyflawni'r cyfrifoldeb hwnnw, yn union fel y mae'r Aelod yn ceisio ei osgoi yn y cwestiwn y mae wedi ei ofyn i mi.
Bydd yn gwybod ein bod ni wedi dadlau ers tro byd dros ddatganoli tollau teithio awyr. Cawsom ni ein cefnogi yn hynny o beth gan y Pwyllgor Dethol ar Faterion Cymreig, yn yr adroddiad a gyhoeddwyd ganddyn nhw ar 11 Mehefin 2019, pan roedd y Gweinidog iau presennol yn Swyddfa Cymru yn cadeirio'r pwyllgor dethol hwnnw. Mae'n bryd—a dweud y gwir, Llywydd, mae'n hen bryd i Lywodraeth y DU ganiatáu i'r Senedd hon gael rheolaeth dros y dreth honno, yn union fel y mae'n caniatáu i Senedd yr Alban a Chynulliad Gogledd Iwerddon wneud yr un peth. Yna gallem ni gael dadl briodol yn y fan yma gyda'r Aelod ynglŷn â'r ffordd y gellid defnyddio'r grym hwnnw yn effeithiol i gynorthwyo'r maes awyr, heb danseilio'r ymdrechion y mae angen i ni eu gwneud i chwarae ein rhan i fynd i'r afael â'r newid yn yr hinsawdd.
Cwestiynau nawr gan arweinwyr y pleidiau. Arweinydd Plaid Cymru, Adam Price.
Questions now from the party leaders. Plaid Cymru leader, Adam Price.

Diolch, Llywydd. First Minister, in September 2019 I asked you to set out the anticipated responsibilities of the new child poverty review lead. Can you update the Senedd on the key findings resulting from their work?
Diolch, Llywydd. Prif Weinidog, ym mis Medi 2019 gofynnais i chi nodi cyfrifoldebau disgwyliedig arweinydd newydd yr adolygiad tlodi plant. A allwch chi roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Senedd am y canfyddiadau allweddol yn deillio o'u gwaith?

Well, Llywydd, a great deal has happened since the Member asked me that question, in particular the intervention of a global pandemic crisis. In the crisis, the whole Cabinet has taken a direct interest in dealing with child poverty here in Wales, focusing on those practical actions that we are able to take that leaves money in the pockets of families that otherwise would be taken away from it or to add money to their weekly incomes. That is a whole-Government responsibility. It is led by my colleague Julie James, but right across the Government we have mobilised the responsibilities that we have and the budgets that we have to offer the practical help that we are able to provide here in Wales.
Wel, Llywydd, mae llawer iawn wedi digwydd ers i'r Aelod ofyn y cwestiwn hwnnw i mi, yn enwedig ymyrraeth argyfwng pandemig byd-eang. Yn yr argyfwng, mae'r Cabinet cyfan wedi cymryd diddordeb uniongyrchol mewn ymdrin â thlodi plant yma yng Nghymru, gan ganolbwyntio ar y camau ymarferol hynny y gallwn ni eu cymryd sy'n gadael arian ym mhocedi teuluoedd a fyddai fel arall yn cael eu tynnu oddi wrthyn nhw neu i ychwanegu arian at eu hincwm wythnosol. Mae hwnnw yn gyfrifoldeb i'r Llywodraeth gyfan. Fe'i harweinir gan fy nghyd-Weinidog Julie James, ond ar draws y Llywodraeth gyfan rydym ni wedi neilltuo'r cyfrifoldebau sydd gennym ni a'r cyllidebau sydd gennym ni i gynnig y cymorth ymarferol y gallwn ni ei ddarparu yma yng Nghymru.
Organisations working in this field in Wales have called for you to publish the findings of the child poverty review, and it's regrettable they're only now being made public as a result of a freedom of information request. They are, however, very revealing. Not only are they contrary to your own Government's policy, they're in line with what we in Plaid Cymru and others have been advocating. The report highlights, and I quote, that 'many of those in need' are not eligible currently for free school meals, and its central finding, as it goes on to say, is that:
'The most common suggestion was the need to expand eligibility for FSM to a wider range of children and young people.'
First Minister, why do you keep on resisting this recommendation?
Mae sefydliadau sy'n gweithio yn y maes hwn yng Nghymru wedi galw arnoch chi i gyhoeddi canfyddiadau'r adolygiad tlodi plant, ac mae'n destun gofid mai dim ond nawr y maen nhw'n cael eu cyhoeddi o ganlyniad i gais rhyddid gwybodaeth. Fodd bynnag, maen nhw'n ddadlennol iawn. Nid yn unig y maen nhw'n groes i bolisi eich Llywodraeth eich hun, maen nhw'n cyd-fynd â'r hyn yr ydym ni ym Mhlaid Cymru ac eraill wedi bod yn ei argymell. Mae'r adroddiad yn tynnu sylw, a dyfynnaf, nad yw llawer o'r rhai sydd mewn angen yn gymwys ar hyn o bryd i gael prydau ysgol am ddim, a'i ganfyddiad canolog, fel y mae'n mynd ymlaen i'w ddweud, yw:
Yr awgrym mwyaf cyffredin oedd yr angen i ehangu cymhwysedd ar gyfer prydau ysgol am ddim i ystod ehangach o blant a phobl ifanc.
Prif Weinidog, pam ydych chi'n dal i wrthsefyll yr argymhelliad hwn?

Well, we don't resist the recommendation. Llywydd, the changes that we have made to free school meals eligibility will result in thousands more children in Wales being able to take up free school meals than was the case under the previous eligibility regime. So, it is simply untrue to say that we have not take account of what the Member quite fairly quoted as not being Government policy, but our account of the suggestions that were made to us during the review. Now, the review was concluded before the global pandemic began. In November of last year, we published our child poverty income maximisation action plan. It was part of that plan that led us to invest an additional £52 million in free school meals in the current financial year to ensure the continued provision of free school meals during school holidays here in Wales. It's a very direct response to the comments that were collected during the review.
Wel, dydyn ni ddim yn gwrthsefyll yr argymhelliad. Llywydd, bydd y newidiadau yr ydym ni wedi eu gwneud i gymhwysedd i gael prydau ysgol am ddim yn golygu y bydd miloedd yn fwy o blant yng Nghymru yn gallu manteisio ar brydau ysgol am ddim na'r hyn a oedd yn wir o dan y drefn gymhwysedd flaenorol. Felly, mae'n gwbl anwir i ddweud nad ydym ni wedi cymryd i ystyriaeth yr hyn a ddyfynnwyd yn gwbl deg gan yr Aelod fel rhywbeth nad yw'n bolisi gan y Llywodraeth, ond ein barn ar yr awgrymiadau a wnaed i ni yn ystod yr adolygiad. Nawr, daeth yr adolygiad i ben cyn i'r pandemig byd-eang ddechrau. Ym mis Tachwedd y llynedd, cyhoeddwyd ein cynllun gweithredu ar sicrhau'r incwm mwyaf posibl ar gyfer tlodi plant. Rhan o'r cynllun hwnnw a wnaeth ein harwain ni i fuddsoddi £52 miliwn ychwanegol mewn prydau ysgol am ddim yn y flwyddyn ariannol gyfredol i sicrhau bod prydau ysgol am ddim yn parhau i gael eu darparu yn ystod gwyliau ysgol yma yng Nghymru. Mae'n ymateb uniongyrchol iawn i'r sylwadau a gasglwyd yn ystod yr adolygiad.
Of course, the actions that have been taken now during the pandemic are welcome, but the children's commissioner has made the point that we do need to see the review, which is looking at what can be done beyond the immediate, turned into a concrete plan of action. Many people working in this field are pointing out that Wales has the least generous provision for free school meals across the UK. Your Government's policy, as the child poverty action group has pointed out, means that 70,000 children living below the poverty line in Wales are currently excluded, and that's why we in Plaid Cymru, alongside many of those that responded to this review—charities, young people, local authorities—have made the case for immediately extending free school meals to any child in any family receiving universal credit or equivalent benefit. We know you've done the costings on that, First Minister, because you told us last week, but what is the long-term cost of allowing child poverty to persist? The children of Wales will be a priority in our manifesto—can you say the same, First Minister?
Wrth gwrs, mae'r camau sydd wedi eu cymryd nawr yn ystod y pandemig i'w croesawu, ond mae'r comisiynydd plant wedi gwneud y pwynt bod angen i ni weld yr adolygiad, sy'n edrych ar yr hyn y gellir ei wneud y tu hwnt i'r uniongyrchol, yn cael ei droi yn gynllun gweithredu pendant. Mae llawer o bobl sy'n gweithio yn y maes hwn yn tynnu sylw at y ffaith mai Cymru sydd â'r ddarpariaeth leiaf hael o ran prydau ysgol am ddim ledled y DU. Mae polisi eich Llywodraeth, fel y nododd y grŵp gweithredu ar dlodi plant, yn golygu bod 70,000 o blant sy'n byw islaw'r llinell dlodi yng Nghymru wedi'u hallgáu ar hyn o bryd, a dyna pam yr ydym ni ym Mhlaid Cymru, ynghyd â llawer o'r rheini a ymatebodd i'r adolygiad hwn—elusennau, pobl ifanc, awdurdodau lleol—wedi dadlau dros ymestyn prydau ysgol am ddim ar unwaith i unrhyw blentyn mewn unrhyw deulu sy'n cael credyd cynhwysol neu fudd-dal cyfatebol. Rydym ni'n gwybod eich bod chi wedi cyfrifo costau hynny, Prif Weinidog, oherwydd dywedasoch wrthym ni yr wythnos diwethaf, ond beth yw'r gost hirdymor o ganiatáu i dlodi plant barhau? Bydd plant Cymru yn flaenoriaeth yn ein maniffesto ni—a allwch chithau ddweud hynny hefyd, Prif Weinidog?

Llywydd, it's plainly nonsensical to suggest that our approach to free school meals is the least generous in the United Kingdom. We were the very first Government in the United Kingdom to guarantee free school meals during school holidays. We've seen the way in which the UK Government was dragged kicking and screaming to the same position as a result of campaigns, campaigns citing the actions that the Welsh Government had taken back in the autumn. I've had an opportunity to discuss directly with the children's commissioner the reports that she herself has provided on, for example, the costs of the school day, including free school meals. Our income maximisation action plan draws very heavily on the recommendations of the commissioner. It's why we have doubled and doubled again the number of times during a young person's school career that a child can draw down what used to be called the school uniform grant and which now, of course, is able to be used for a far wider range of purposes. Those are the practical actions that we can take, and, when this Government says that we will do something, we will make sure that it is practical, deliverable and affordable, and those are obligations that I think fall on any party that seeks to be part of Government. I look forward to his party being able to explain not simply how they're going to provide free school meals for any child in any family on universal credit, but alongside everything else that his party claims to be able to deliver. Then people will know that they are being made a responsible offer, not an offer simply designed to attract a headline.
Llywydd, mae'n amlwg yn hurt i awgrymu mai ein dull o ymdrin â phrydau ysgol am ddim yw'r lleiaf hael yn y Deyrnas Unedig. Ni oedd y Llywodraeth gyntaf un yn y Deyrnas Unedig i sicrhau prydau ysgol am ddim yn ystod gwyliau ysgol. Rydym ni wedi gweld y ffordd y cafodd Llywodraeth y DU ei llusgo yn cicio ac yn sgrechian i'r un sefyllfa o ganlyniad i ymgyrchoedd, ymgyrchoedd yn nodi'r camau yr oedd Llywodraeth Cymru wedi eu cymryd yn ôl yn yr hydref. Rwyf i wedi cael cyfle i drafod yn uniongyrchol gyda'r comisiynydd plant yr adroddiadau y mae hi ei hun wedi eu darparu ar, er enghraifft, costau'r diwrnod ysgol, gan gynnwys prydau ysgol am ddim. Mae ein cynllun gweithredu ar sicrhau'r incwm mwyaf posibl yn tynnu'n helaeth iawn ar argymhellion y comisiynydd. Dyna pam yr ydym ni wedi dyblu a dyblu eto nifer yr adegau yn ystod gyrfa ysgol person ifanc y gall plentyn gael yr hyn a arferai gael ei alw yn grant gwisg ysgol ac y gellir ei ddefnyddio bellach, wrth gwrs, at amrywiaeth lawer ehangach o ddibenion. Dyna'r camau ymarferol y gallwn ni eu cymryd, a phan fo'r Llywodraeth hon yn dweud y byddwn ni'n gwneud rhywbeth, byddwn ni'n gwneud yn siŵr ei fod yn ymarferol, y bod modd ei gyflawni a'i fod yn fforddiadwy, ac mae'r rheini'n rhwymedigaethau sydd, yn fy marn i, yn disgyn ar unrhyw blaid sy'n ceisio bod yn rhan o Lywodraeth. Edrychaf ymlaen at weld ei blaid ef yn gallu esbonio nid yn unig sut y maen nhw'n mynd i ddarparu prydau ysgol am ddim i unrhyw blentyn mewn unrhyw deulu sy'n cael credyd cynhwysol, ond ochr yn ochr â phopeth arall y mae ei blaid yn honni ei bod yn gallu ei ddarparu. Yna bydd pobl yn gwybod eu bod nhw'n cael cynnig cyfrifol, nid cynnig sydd wedi'i gynllunio dim ond i ddenu pennawd.
Arweinydd y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig, Andrew R.T. Davies.
Leader of the Welsh Conservatives, Andrew R.T. Davies.

Thank you, Presiding Officer. First Minister, last week there was much focus on the target of having 70 per cent of over-80-year-olds vaccinated. I heard your response to an earlier question this afternoon, but I think it is very, very important that we know quite clearly whether you've hit that target or not. You said last week that you will have day-to-day information in your possession that could give you an up-to-date picture. The health Minister wasn't able to confirm that yesterday at the press conference, but can you give us a simple response today, please? Have you hit the target of vaccinating 70 per cent of over-80-year-olds in Wales?
Diolch, Llywydd. Prif Weinidog, roedd llawer o bwyslais yr wythnos diwethaf ar y targed o frechu 70 y cant o bobl dros 80 oed. Clywais eich ymateb i gwestiwn cynharach y prynhawn yma, ond rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig dros ben ein bod ni'n gwybod yn eglur pa un a ydych chi wedi cyflawni'r targed hwnnw ai peidio. Dywedasoch yr wythnos diwethaf y bydd gennych chi wybodaeth o ddydd i ddydd yn eich meddiant a allai roi'r darlun diweddaraf i chi. Nid oedd y Gweinidog iechyd yn gallu cadarnhau hynny ddoe yn y gynhadledd i'r wasg, ond a allwch chi roi ymateb syml i ni heddiw, os gwelwch yn dda? A ydych chi wedi cyflawni' targed o frechu 70 y cant o bobl dros 80 oed yng Nghymru?

Well, Llywydd, I've already given an answer to that question this afternoon. I know there was a lot of focus last week on other things as well, but the Member just needs to listen and then he would know that his question has already been answered. The data is still coming in, but the figures we have show 72 per cent of people living and working in care homes have already been vaccinated. That's not just offered vaccination—that's already been vaccinated. We will not reach the 70 per cent for over-80s because of the interruption to the programme of vaccination that happened on Sunday and on Monday morning. I won't have people over 80 feeling pressurised to come out to be vaccinated when they themselves decide that it is not safe for them to do so. All of those people will have been offered a further opportunity to be vaccinated by the end of Wednesday. We are on track to deliver what we said we would, which is to have made an offer of vaccination to everybody in the top four priority groups by the middle of February.
Wel, Llywydd, rwyf i eisoes wedi rhoi ateb i'r cwestiwn hwnnw y prynhawn yma. Gwn fod llawer o bwyslais yr wythnos diwethaf ar bethau eraill hefyd, ond mae angen i'r Aelod wrando ac yna byddai'n gwybod bod ei gwestiwn wedi cael ei ateb eisoes. Mae'r data yn dal i ddod i mewn, ond mae'r ffigurau sydd gennym ni yn dangos bod 72 y cant o bobl sy'n byw ac yn gweithio mewn cartrefi gofal eisoes wedi cael eu brechu. Nid dim ond cynnig brechiad yw hynny—eisoes wedi'u brechu yw hynny. Ni fyddwn ni'n cyrraedd y 70 y cant ar gyfer pobl dros 80 oed oherwydd yr ymyriad i'r rhaglen frechu a ddigwyddodd ddydd Sul a bore dydd Llun. Nid wyf i'n fodlon gwneud pobl dros 80 oed i deimlo dan bwysau i ddod allan i gael eu brechu pan fyddan nhw eu hunain yn penderfynu nad yw'n ddiogel iddyn nhw wneud hynny. Bydd pob un o'r bobl hynny wedi cael cynnig cyfle arall i gael eu brechu erbyn diwedd dydd Mercher. Rydym ni ar y trywydd iawn i gyflawni'r hyn y dywedasom y byddem ni'n ei gyflawni, sef gwneud cynnig o frechiad i bawb yn y pedwar grŵp blaenoriaeth uchaf erbyn canol mis Chwefror.
You have not met your commitment, First Minister. Last week, you said quite clearly, and your health Minister said quite clearly—that was information offered by you as a Government—that everyone over the age of 80, 70 per cent of that cohort, would be vaccinated by the end of the week. I heard loud and clear what the response was, but you didn't give a clear answer. You have cleared that up—you've missed your target. That's straightforward; people understand that. Yesterday, for example, I could tell that the UK Government have four out of five 80-year-olds vaccinated—80 per cent. They've hit their target. What we're seeing constantly is targets being missed by your Government, and we're seeing the opening of a postcode lottery here in Wales. Last Friday, for example, there was a surgery in Barry that had 350 over-80-year-olds on their books, but only 50 individuals had been offered the vaccine and had been administered the shots. That clearly shows that, in some areas, there is a difference of administration and of availability of the vaccine, whilst in other areas the health Minister was talking about over-70-year-olds being called for the vaccination. Can you confirm what measures you are taking to catch up with the roll-out of the vaccine and, ultimately, make sure that a postcode lottery doesn't emerge across Wales?
Dydych chi ddim wedi cyflawni eich ymrwymiad, Prif Weinidog. Yr wythnos diwethaf, dywedasoch yn hollol eglur, a dywedodd eich Gweinidog iechyd yn hollol eglur—gwybodaeth a gynigiwyd gennych chi fel Llywodraeth oedd honno—y byddai pawb dros 80 oed, 70 y cant o'r garfan honno, yn cael eu brechu erbyn diwedd yr wythnos. Clywais yn uchel ac yn eglur beth oedd yr ymateb, ond ni wnaethoch chi roi ateb eglur. Rydych chi wedi egluro hynny—rydych chi wedi methu eich targed. Mae hynny'n syml; mae pobl yn deall hynny. Ddoe, er enghraifft, gallwn ddweud bod Llywodraeth y DU wedi brechu pedwar o bob pump o bobl 80 oed—80 y cant. Maen nhw wedi cyflawni eu targed. Yr hyn yr ydym ni'n ei weld yn gyson yw targedau yn cael eu methu gan eich Llywodraeth chi, ac rydym ni'n gweld loteri cod post yn cychwyn yma yng Nghymru. Ddydd Gwener diwethaf, er enghraifft, roedd meddygfa yn y Barri a oedd â 350 o bobl dros 80 oed wedi'u cofrestru yno, ond dim ond 50 o unigolion oedd wedi cael cynnig y brechlyn ac wedi cael y pigiadau. Mae hynny yn dangos yn eglur bod gwahaniaeth o ran rhoi y brechlyn ac o ran i ba raddau y mae'r brechlyn ar gael mewn rhai ardaloedd, ac mewn ardaloedd eraill roedd y Gweinidog iechyd yn sôn am bobl dros 70 oed yn cael eu galw i gael y brechiad. A allwch chi gadarnhau pa fesurau yr ydych chi'n eu cymryd i ddal i fyny â chyflwyniad y brechlyn ac, yn y pen draw, i wneud yn siŵr nad oes loteri cod post yn dod i'r amlwg ledled Cymru?

Well, really, Llywydd, the Member's going to have to do better than that. Here he is again in his resumed responsibilities. There is no postcode lottery here in Wales; there is an enormous effort in every single part of Wales, right across the health service, to vaccinate as many people as quickly and as safely as possible. The figures from last week demonstrate just how successful that effort has been. Instead of sniping from the sidelines, those people would appreciate just a little bit of support from the Member instead of the undermining of their efforts, which, of course, has been his key characteristic throughout the coronavirus crisis.
Wel, mewn gwirionedd, Llywydd, bydd yn rhaid i'r Aelod wneud yn well na hynna. Dyma fe eto yn ei gyfrifoldebau y mae wedi ailafael ynddynt. Nid oes loteri cod post yma yng Nghymru; mae ymdrech enfawr ym mhob un rhan o Gymru, ar draws y gwasanaeth iechyd cyfan, i frechu cynifer o bobl â phosibl cyn gynted ac mor ddiogel â phosibl. Mae'r ffigurau o'r wythnos diwethaf yn dangos pa mor llwyddiannus y bu'r ymdrech honno. Yn hytrach na beirniadu o'r ymylon, byddai'r bobl hynny yn gwerthfawrogi rhyw fymryn yn unig o gefnogaeth gan yr Aelod yn hytrach na thanseilio eu hymdrechion, sef ei nodwedd allweddol, wrth gwrs, drwy gydol yr argyfwng coronafeirws.
Well, again, the First Minister doesn't look at the facts that are before him. Everything I've quoted him today are facts—about the Government's own commitment about 70 per cent of over-80-year-olds being vaccinated by the end of the week; the fact that that surgery in Barry identified that 350 people on their books over 80 and only 50 have been administered the shots; the difference between England and Wales—there are now 50,000 more people vaccinated in England, as a proportion of population, than in Wales. That's equivalent to the town of Barry. There is a level of urgency required in the roll-out of this vaccine. You yourself are on the record of talking of it not being a sprint. The people of Wales want to know that the speed and the roll-out are catching up with other parts of the United Kingdom, and when you set yourself a target, you hit the target. I've dealt in facts today; you've constantly tried to deflect from that, First Minister. It would be far better if, when you made a commitment, you stuck to it. So, what are you doing to close that population gap that has opened up with England of 50,000 people? As I said, that is a town the size of Barry being vaccinated, and that is of critical importance, First Minister.
Wel, unwaith eto, nid yw'r Prif Weinidog yn edrych ar y ffeithiau sydd ger ei fron. Mae popeth yr wyf i wedi ei ddyfynnu iddo heddiw yn ffeithiau—am ymrwymiad y Llywodraeth ei hun i frechu oddeutu 70 y cant o bobl dros 80 oed erbyn diwedd yr wythnos; y ffaith fod y feddygfa honno yn y Barri wedi nodi bod 350 o bobl dros 80 wedi'u cofrestru â nhw a dim ond 50 sydd wedi cael y pigiadau; y gwahaniaeth rhwng Cymru a Lloegr—mae 50,000 yn fwy o bobl wedi'u brechu yn Lloegr, fel cyfran o'r boblogaeth, nag yng Nghymru erbyn hyn. Mae hynny yn cyfateb i dref y Barri. Mae angen lefel o frys o ran cyflwyno'r brechlyn hwn. Rydych chi eich hun ar y cofnod yn sôn nad yw'n sbrint. Mae pobl Cymru eisiau gwybod bod y cyflymder a'r cyflwyniad yn dal i fyny â rhannau eraill o'r Deyrnas Unedig, a phan fyddwch chi'n pennu targed i'ch hunan, mae'n rhaid i chi gyflawni'r targed. Rwyf i wedi ymdrin â ffeithiau heddiw; rydych chi wedi ceisio tynnu sylw oddi wrth y rheini yn gyson, Prif Weinidog. Byddai'n llawer gwell pe byddech chi, pan eich bod chi wedi gwneud ymrwymiad, yn glynu ato. Felly, beth ydych chi'n ei wneud i gau'r bwlch poblogaeth hwnnw sydd wedi agor gyda Lloegr o 50,000 o bobl? Fel y dywedais, mae hynny yn dref o faint y Barri yn cael ei brechu, ac mae hynny yn hollbwysig, Prif Weinidog.

Let me give the Member a few facts. On Tuesday of last week, we had succeeded in vaccinating 162,000 people in Wales. This Tuesday, that has risen to 290,000 people. That's the fastest rate of increase of any part of the United Kingdom. Last Monday, we vaccinated 10,000 people; this Monday, we vaccinated nearly 20,000 people. That is the speed of the roll-out here in Wales—a speed that is urgent, a speed that is dedicated, a speed that is succeeding. He may want to run it down. He leads a Conservative party in Wales that has reverted to its nineteenth-century type: for Wales, see England. It's not good enough, it doesn't wash and he's going to have to do better than that.
Gadewch i mi roi ychydig o ffeithiau i'r Aelod. Ddydd Mawrth yr wythnos diwethaf, roeddem ni wedi llwyddo i frechu 162,000 o bobl yng Nghymru. Y dydd Mawrth yma, mae hynny wedi codi i 290,000 o bobl. Dyna'r gyfradd gyflymaf o gynnydd mewn unrhyw ran o'r Deyrnas Unedig. Ddydd Llun diwethaf, fe wnaethom ni frechu 10,000 o bobl; y dydd Llun yma, fe wnaethom ni frechu bron i 20,000 o bobl. Dyna gyflymder y cyflwyniad yma yng Nghymru—cyflymder sydd ar frys, cyflymder sy'n ymroddedig, cyflymder sy'n llwyddo. Efallai y bydd ef eisiau ei fychanu. Mae'n arwain plaid Geidwadol yng Nghymru sydd wedi dychwelyd i'w theip pedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg: ar gyfer Cymru, gweler Lloegr. Nid yw'n ddigon da, nid yw'n dderbyniol a bydd yn rhaid iddo ef wneud yn well na hynny.
Cwestiwn 3, Mark Isherwood.
Question 3, Mark Isherwood.
Diolch, Llywydd. Am I on? Yes.
Diolch, Llywydd. Ydw i ymlaen? Ydw.
Yes, you are. Carry on.
Ydych, mi ydych chi. Ewch ymlaen.
3. Sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi busnesau hunanarlwyo yng Ngogledd Cymru yn ystod y pandemig? OQ56166
3. How is the Welsh Government supporting self-catering businesses in North Wales during the pandemic? OQ56166

Llywydd, on Friday 22 January, the package of support to businesses affected by level 4 restrictions was further enhanced by an additional £200 million, taking its total to £650 million. Self-catering businesses will be eligible for elements of this support, provided they meet the necessary criteria.
Llywydd, ddydd Gwener 22 Ionawr, cafodd y pecyn cymorth i fusnesau sy'n cael eu heffeithio gan gyfyngiadau lefel 4 ei gynyddu ymhellach drwy roi £200 miliwn ychwanegol, gan godi ei gyfanswm i £650 miliwn. Bydd busnesau hunanarlwyo yn gymwys i gael elfennau o'r cymorth hwn, cyn belled â'u bod yn bodloni'r meini prawf angenrheidiol.
Thank you. Well, a single north Wales council continues to insist that legitimate self-catering businesses that do not meet all three Welsh Government criteria for the payment of business and lockdown non-domestic rate grants to holiday letting businesses are ineligible, leaving several struggling, telling me that their position is based on a telephone conversation with a Welsh Government official, although they confirm that the council does not have a formal written record of that conversation and nor was there any subsequent correspondence to confirm the outcome. However, I've received confirmation from three Welsh Government Ministers and all five other north Wales county councils that local authorities have discretion to pay out these grants to self-catering businesses unable to meet the three eligibility criteria, but able to prove they're a legitimate business. For example, Denbighshire confirmed they paid the grants out in these cases, and the officers from Welsh Government confirmed that their viewpoint was valid and they were correct in awarding the grants to these businesses. Will you therefore place on record that local authorities have discretion to pay out these grants to self-catering businesses that are unable to meet the three eligibility criteria, but able to prove they're a legitimate business to their council, and confirm whether Welsh Government funding is available for retrospective payments accordingly?
Diolch. Wel, mae un cyngor yng ngogledd Cymru yn parhau i fynnu bod busnesau hunanarlwyo cyfreithlon nad ydyn nhw'n bodloni pob un o dri maen prawf Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer talu grantiau ardrethi annomestig busnes a chyfyngiadau symud i fusnesau gosod ar gyfer gwyliau yn anghymwys, gan adael sawl un mewn trafferthion, gan ddweud wrthyf i fod eu sefyllfa yn seiliedig ar sgwrs ffôn gyda swyddog o Lywodraeth Cymru, er eu bod nhw'n cadarnhau nad oes gan y cyngor gofnod ysgrifenedig ffurfiol o'r sgwrs honno ac nad oedd unrhyw ohebiaeth ddilynol ychwaith i gadarnhau'r canlyniad. Fodd bynnag, rwyf i wedi cael cadarnhad gan dri Gweinidog Llywodraeth Cymru a phob un o'r pum cyngor sir arall yn y gogledd bod gan awdurdodau lleol ddisgresiwn i dalu'r grantiau hyn i fusnesau hunanarlwyo nad ydyn nhw'n gallu bodloni'r tri maen prawf cymhwyso, ond sy'n gallu profi eu bod nhw'n fusnes cyfreithlon. Er enghraifft, cadarnhaodd Sir Ddinbych eu bod nhw'n talu'r grantiau allan yn yr achosion hyn, a chadarnhaodd swyddogion o Lywodraeth Cymru bod eu safbwynt yn ddilys a'u bod nhw'n iawn wrth ddyfarnu'r grantiau i'r busnesau hyn. A wnewch chi gofnodi felly bod gan awdurdodau lleol ddisgresiwn i dalu'r grantiau hyn i fusnesau hunanarlwyo nad ydyn nhw yn gallu bodloni'r tri maen prawf cymhwyso, ond sy'n gallu profi eu bod nhw'n fusnes cyfreithlon i'w cyngor, a chadarnhau pa un a oes cyllid gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar gael ar gyfer ôl-daliadau yn unol â hynny?

Well, Llywydd, I think the Member has accurately set out the Welsh Government's position: we have provided discretion to local authorities to apply the criteria we set out in the specific circumstances that they face. Discretion will mean that some local authorities go about that in ways that others do not. That is in the nature of discretion. The Member has accurately set out the Welsh Government's position on that matter.
Wel, Llywydd, rwy'n credu bod yr Aelod wedi cyflwyno safbwynt Llywodraeth Cymru yn gywir: rydym ni wedi rhoi disgresiwn i awdurdodau lleol gymhwyso'r meini prawf a nodwyd gennym ni o dan yr amgylchiadau penodol y maen nhw'n eu hwynebu. Bydd disgresiwn yn golygu bod rhai awdurdodau lleol yn mynd ati i wneud hynny mewn ffyrdd nad yw eraill yn ei wneud. Dyna natur disgresiwn. Mae'r Aelod wedi cyflwyno safbwynt Llywodraeth Cymru ar y mater hwnnw yn gywir.
4. Pa drafodaethau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'u cael gyda Llywodraeth y DU ynghylch cynlluniau ar gyfer adolygiad ar ôl Brexit o hawliau gweithwyr y DU? OQ56170
4. What discussions has the Welsh Government had with the UK Government regarding plans for a post-Brexit review of UK workers' rights? OQ56170

Llywydd, any erosion of workers' rights is unacceptable, unnecessary and damaging. A race to the bottom is not in the interests of workers, employers or the broader economy. The UK Government must uphold its promise to protect workers' rights following Brexit.
Llywydd, mae unrhyw erydiad o hawliau gweithwyr yn annerbyniol, yn ddiangen ac yn niweidiol. Nid yw ras i'r gwaelod er budd gweithwyr, cyflogwyr na'r economi ehangach. Mae'n rhaid i Lywodraeth y DU gadw ei haddewid i ddiogelu hawliau gweithwyr yn dilyn Brexit.
First Minister, thank you for your answer. I raised this, as you know, last week in questions, but over the course of the last week, despite initial denials, we've now seen a UK business Secretary confirm proposals for a bonfire of hard-won workers' rights and terms and conditions, despite repeated promises from the Prime Minister that this would not happen on leaving the EU. These proposals are going to leave many workers, including key workers throughout Wales, hundreds of pounds out of pocket and working longer hours for less in unsafe work. So, First Minister, will you agree with me that working people who now face the prospect of working longer for less, having their hard-won rights stripped away, could feel that they've been hoodwinked by the Conservatives and their promises of a bright new future when we left the EU?
Prif Weinidog, diolch am eich ateb. Codais hyn, fel y gwyddoch, yr wythnos diwethaf yn ystod cwestiynau, ond yn ystod yr wythnos ddiwethaf, er gwaethaf y gwadu cychwynnol, rydym ni bellach wedi gweld Ysgrifennydd busnes y DU yn cadarnhau cynigion ar gyfer coelcerth o hawliau a thelerau ac amodau gweithwyr y gweithiwyd yn galed i'w hennill, er gwaethaf addewidion mynych gan Brif Weinidog y DU na fyddai hyn yn digwydd wrth adael yr UE. Mae'r cynigion hyn yn mynd i adael llawer o weithwyr, gan gynnwys gweithwyr allweddol ledled Cymru, gannoedd o bunnoedd ar eu colled ac yn gweithio oriau hwy am lai mewn gwaith anniogel. Felly, Prif Weinidog, a wnewch chi gytuno â mi y gallai pobl sy'n gweithio sydd bellach yn wynebu'r posibilrwydd o weithio yn hwy am lai, gan golli eu hawliau y gweithiwyd yn galed i'w hennill, deimlo eu bod nhw wedi cael eu twyllo gan y Ceidwadwyr a'u haddewidion o ddyfodol newydd disglair ar ôl i ni adael yr UE?

Well, Llywydd, Huw Irranca-Davies's question last week was prescient, because he put his finger on this issue before press reports appeared of plans that are going on inside the UK Government. Here is how they were reported:
'Worker protections enshrined in EU law—including the 48-hour week—would be ripped up under plans being drawn up by the government as part of a post-Brexit overhaul of UK labour markets.
'The package of deregulatory measures is being put together by the UK’s business department with the approval of Downing Street...select business leaders have been sounded out on the plan.'
Now, is that the Morning Star reporting what's going on, Llywydd? No, it's the Financial Times telling us what is going on inside the UK Government. It is a disgrace. It's an absolute disgrace that a Government that made such promises to people that if they voted to leave the European Union their rights would be protected are, within weeks of that happening, drawing up secret plans to have a bonfire of those protections.
During this pandemic, our country has been kept going by an army of vulnerable key workers, including agency workers, whose limited rights very often stem from European Union law. Ripping up those rights is no way at all to reward them, and they will not forget—they will not forget what the Conservative Party here in Wales has in store for them: as Huw Irranca-Davies says, a future in which they're going to be asked to work longer for less. But we know what the Conservative Party thinks of them, Llywydd, don't we? The current Secretary of State in the business department was a contributor to that notorious Britannia Unchained book of less than a decade ago, when Conservative Cabinet members described British workers as
'among the worst idlers in the world'.
Now, they're able to put that ideologically charged view of the world into practice.
Wel, Llywydd, roedd cwestiwn Huw Irranca-Davies yr wythnos diwethaf yn rhagweledol, oherwydd rhoddodd ei fys ar y mater hwn cyn i adroddiadau yn y wasg ymddangos o gynlluniau sy'n digwydd y tu mewn i Lywodraeth y DU. Dyma sut y cawsant eu hadrodd:
Byddai amddiffyniadau gweithwyr sydd wedi'u hymgorffori yng nghyfraith yr UE—gan gynnwys yr wythnos 48 awr—yn cael eu dileu'n llwyr o dan gynlluniau sy'n cael eu llunio gan y llywodraeth yn rhan o ailwampio marchnadoedd llafur y DU ar ôl Brexit.
Mae'r pecyn o fesurau dadreoleiddio yn cael ei lunio gan adran fusnes y DU gyda chymeradwyaeth Downing Street...gofynnwyd am farn arweinyddion busnes dethol ar y cynllun.
Nawr, ai'r Morning Star sy'n adrodd beth sy'n digwydd, Llywydd? Nage, y Financial Times sy'n dweud wrthym ni beth sy'n digwydd y tu mewn i Lywodraeth y DU. Mae'n warthus. Mae'n gwbl warthus bod Llywodraeth a wnaeth addewidion o'r fath i bobl y byddai eu hawliau yn cael eu diogelu pe bydden nhw'n pleidleisio i adael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd yn llunio, o fewn wythnosau i hynny ddigwydd, cynlluniau cyfrinachol i gael coelcerth o'r amddiffyniadau hynny.
Yn ystod y pandemig hwn, cadwyd ein gwlad yn rhedeg gan fyddin o weithwyr allweddol agored i niwed, gan gynnwys gweithwyr asiantaeth, y mae eu hawliau cyfyngedig yn aml iawn yn deillio o gyfraith yr Undeb Ewropeaidd. Nid yw dileu'r hawliau hynny yn unrhyw ffordd o gwbl o'u gwobrwyo, ac ni fyddan nhw'n anghofio—ni fyddan nhw'n anghofio yr hyn sydd gan y Blaid Geidwadol yma yng Nghymru ar y gweill iddyn nhw: fel y dywed Huw Irranca-Davies, dyfodol lle bydd gofyn iddyn nhw weithio yn hwy am lai. Ond rydym ni'n gwybod beth mae'r Blaid Geidwadol yn ei feddwl ohonyn nhw, Llywydd, onid ydym ni? Roedd yr Ysgrifennydd Gwladol presennol yn yr adran fusnes yn gyfrannwr at y llyfr drwg-enwog hwnnw Britannia Unchained o lai na degawd yn ôl, pan ddisgrifiodd aelodau Ceidwadol y Cabinet weithwyr Prydain
ymhlith y diogynnod gwaethaf yn y byd.
Nawr, maen nhw'n gallu rhoi'r safbwynt ideolegol hwnnw o'r byd ar waith.
First Minister, the UK Government has been very clear that our high standards on protections for workers were never dependent on our membership of the EU. Now, whilst we can all be proud that the UK has one of the best records on workers' rights in the world, it is true that the Welsh Government could and should be doing more. Let's take, for example, your self-isolation support scheme, which is aimed at those on low incomes who cannot work from home and must self-isolate, and yet you are failing to make payments to Welsh people who have been told to isolate by the NHS track and trace app. So, why don't you today explain what action you are taking to ensure that workers who are notified by the NHS app to self-isolate will actually receive the £500 payment, as they are already doing in England under a Conservative UK Government? Diolch.
Prif Weinidog, mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi bod yn eglur iawn nad oedd ein safonau uchel ar amddiffyniadau i weithwyr erioed yn ddibynnol ar ein haelodaeth o'r UE. Nawr, er y gallwn ni i gyd fod yn falch bod gan y DU un o'r hanesion gorau o ran hawliau gweithwyr yn y byd, mae'n wir y gallai ac y dylai Llywodraeth Cymru fod yn gwneud mwy. Beth am gymryd, er enghraifft, eich cynllun cymorth hunanynysu, y'i bwriedir ar gyfer y rhai ar incwm isel nad ydyn nhw'n gallu gweithio gartref ac y mae'n rhaid iddyn nhw hunanynysu, ac eto rydych chi'n methu â gwneud taliadau i bobl Cymru y dywedwyd wrthyn nhw am ynysu gan ap olrhain y GIG. Felly, pam na wnewch chi esbonio heddiw pa gamau yr ydych chi'n eu cymryd i sicrhau y bydd gweithwyr sy'n cael eu hysbysu gan ap y GIG i hunanynysu yn cael y taliad o £500, fel y maen nhw eisoes yn ei wneud yn Lloegr o dan Lywodraeth Geidwadol y DU? Diolch.

Llywydd, the Member's attempt to defend the UK Government's record in this matter barely amounted to being feeble. No doubt she was briefed on the fact that in the House of Commons debate on this matter yesterday, Tory backbencher after backbencher queued up to praise the advantages of what they call flexibility and a bonfire of red tape, and we know what that means. We know that in the hands of the Conservative Party that means a bonfire of the rights of workers, hard-won rights, which, of course, her party has opposed at every possible opportunity.
As far as the self-isolation support scheme is concerned, about 20,000 applications have been received, just under 10,000 have been approved. Over 6,000 people have already received payments. That totals over £3 million. The NHS app is the responsibility of the English health department. It has to help to make sure that the app that it provides is suitable for use in Wales. In the meantime, we will find a workaround so that people who are notified through the app do not lose out on self-isolation support payments here in Wales, because we will take that responsibility, even while her party, which is actually in charge of the problem that she has identified, fails to do so.
Llywydd, prin y gellid disgrifio ymgais yr Aelod i amddiffyn hanes Llywodraeth y DU yn y mater hwn fel tila hyd yn oed. Mae'n siŵr ei bod hi wedi cael ei briffio am y ffaith bod aelod ar ôl aelod o feinciau cefn y Torïaid, yn nadl Tŷ'r Cyffredin ar y mater hwn ddoe, wedi ciwio i ganmol manteision yr hyn y maen nhw'n ei alw yn hyblygrwydd a choelcerth o fiwrocratiaeth, ac rydym ni'n gwybod beth mae hynny yn ei olygu. Rydym ni'n gwybod bod hynny, yn nwylo'r Blaid Geidwadol, yn golygu coelcerth o hawliau gweithwyr, hawliau y gweithiwyd yn galed i'w hennill, y mae ei phlaid hi, wrth gwrs, wedi eu gwrthwynebu ar bob cyfle posibl.
Cyn belled ag y mae'r cynllun cymorth hunanynysu yn y cwestiwn, derbyniwyd oddeutu 20,000 o geisiadau, a chymeradwywyd ychydig o dan 10,000. Mae dros 6,000 o bobl eisoes wedi derbyn taliadau. Mae hynny'n dod i gyfanswm o dros £3 miliwn. Adran iechyd Lloegr sy'n gyfrifol am ap y GIG. Mae'n rhaid iddo helpu i wneud yn siŵr bod yr ap y mae'n ei ddarparu yn addas i'w ddefnyddio yng Nghymru. Yn y cyfamser, byddwn yn dod o hyd i ateb fel nad yw pobl sy'n cael eu hysbysu drwy'r ap ar eu colled o ran taliadau cymorth hunanynysu yma yng Nghymru, oherwydd byddwn ni'n cymryd y cyfrifoldeb hwnnw, hyd yn oed tra bod ei phlaid hi, sy'n gyfrifol mewn gwirionedd am y broblem y mae hi wedi ei nodi, yn methu â gwneud hynny.
First Minister, scaremongering again. That's exactly what I expect. The answer you gave was the sort of reply I always expect from you—doom, gloom and more fear. In many areas of workers' rights, as Janet has rightly said, including maternity and holiday allowances, UK workers have enjoyed and will still enjoy far superior conditions than those mandated by the EU, and the relevant UK Government Minister has pledged that there will be no race to the bottom. So, First Minister, let's turn this around: what would you like to see the UK Government do in this area that would benefit workers in Wales? Thank you.
Prif Weinidog, codi bwganod eto. Dyna'n union yr wyf i'n ei ddisgwyl. Roedd yr ateb a roesoch y math o ateb yr wyf i bob amser yn ei ddisgwyl gennych chi—dinistr, digalondid a mwy o ofn. Mewn sawl maes o hawliau gweithwyr, fel y dywedodd Janet yn briodol, gan gynnwys lwfansau mamolaeth a gwyliau, mae gweithwyr y DU wedi mwynhau ac yn dal i fwynhau amodau llawer gwell na'r rhai a orfodir gan yr UE, ac mae Gweinidog perthnasol Llywodraeth y DU wedi addo na fydd ras i'r gwaelod. Felly, Prif Weinidog, gadewch i ni wrthdroi hyn: beth hoffech chi weld Llywodraeth y DU yn ei wneud yn y maes hwn a fyddai er lles gweithwyr yng Nghymru? Diolch.

Well, Llywydd, the Member can attempt to dismiss people's concerns as scaremongering. I read out for her not my words, but the report that the Financial Times produced of this Government's intentions, confirmed by Kwasi Kwarteng when speaking to the House of Commons Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee only on Tuesday of last week, when he confirmed that this review was going on inside Government. No. 10 has declined to dismiss what the Financial Times said about an end to the 48-hour maximum working week, about changes to rules about breaks at work, about removing overtime pay when calculating holiday pay entitlement. Those are direct assaults, particularly on the working lives of those who have the least protection already. The Labour Party will continue always to stand up for those people, to make sure that their rights are properly articulated and understood, even as she pretends that those things are of no importance.
Wel, Llywydd, gall yr Aelod geisio diystyru pryderon pobl fel codi bwganod. Darllenais iddi nid fy ngeiriau i, ond yr adroddiad a gyhoeddwyd am fwriadau'r Llywodraeth hon gan y Financial Times, a gadarnhawyd gan Kwasi Kwarteng wrth siarad â Phwyllgor Busnes, Ynni a Strategaeth Ddiwydiannol Tŷ'r Cyffredin dim ond ddydd Mawrth yr wythnos diwethaf, pan gadarnhaodd bod yr adolygiad hwn yn cael ei gynnal y tu mewn i'r Llywodraeth. Mae Rhif 10 wedi gwrthod diystyru'r hyn a ddywedodd y Financial Times am ddiwedd yr wythnos waith o ddim mwy na 48 awr, am newidiadau i reolau am seibiannau yn y gwaith, ynghylch dileu tâl goramser wrth gyfrifo hawl i dâl gwyliau. Mae'r rhain yn ymosodiadau uniongyrchol, yn enwedig ar fywydau gwaith y rhai sydd â'r lleiaf o amddiffyniad eisoes. Bydd y Blaid Lafur bob amser yn parhau i sefyll dros y bobl hynny, i wneud yn siŵr bod eu hawliau yn cael eu mynegi a'u deall yn iawn, hyd yn oed wrth iddi hi esgus nad yw'r pethau hynny yn bwysig o gwbl.
Tynnwyd cwestiwn 5 [OQ56193] yn ôl, felly cwestiwn 6, Siân Gwenllian.
Question 5 [OQ56193] was withdrawn. Question 6, Siân Gwenllian.
6. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog roi diweddariad am y rhaglen cyflwyno brechiadau yn erbyn COVID-19 yn Arfon? OQ56197
6. Will the First Minister provide an update on the COVID-19 vaccination programme in Arfon? OQ56197

Llywydd, diolch yn fawr i Siân Gwenllian am y cwestiwn. Ar 11 Ionawr, fe wnaethom gyhoeddi ein strategaeth frechu genedlaethol, gyda cherrig milltir a blaenoriaethau ar gyfer cyflawni. Yn Arfon, mae pob un o’r practisau gofal sylfaenol yn barod i roi’r brechlyn. Mae un o’r tair canolfan brechu torfol yn y gogledd wedi’i lleoli ym Mangor.
Llywydd, thank you to Siân Gwenllian for that question. On 11 January, we published our national vaccination strategy, with key milestones and priorities for delivery. Within Arfon, all primary care practices are ready to deliver the vaccine. Bangor has one of the three mass vaccinations centres in north Wales.
Diolch ichi. Roedd hi'n fraint cael mynd â mam, sy'n 92 oed, am ei brechiad cyntaf i'r digwyddiad mawr ym Mhen Llŷn dros y Sul. O ganlyniad i ymdrechion gwych arweinwyr meddygol lleol ac er gwaethaf llu o rwystrau biwrocrataidd ac eira, fe lwyddwyd i frechu 1,200 o bobl. Mae meddygon teulu a gweithwyr iechyd yn gwneud gwaith arwrol ym mhob cwr o Gymru, a mawr ydy'n diolch ni iddyn nhw.
Gaf i gyfeirio'ch Llywodraeth chi at un broblem sylweddol sydd angen ei datrys? Dydy systemau technoleg gwybodaeth y gwahanol haenau ddim yn siarad efo'i gilydd, ac mae hyn yn creu dryswch. Er enghraifft, dydy meddygon teulu ddim yn gallu gweld pa rai o'u cleifion nhw sydd wedi cael apwyntiad brechu i un o'r canolfannau brechu mawr, ac mi all hynny olygu bod rhai pobl yn cael dau apwyntiad a bod brechlyn gwerthfawr yn cael ei wastraffu. Un enghraifft ydy hynny. Fedrwch chi ffeindio a oes yna ddatrysiad cyflym i'r problemau IT yma? Maen nhw wedi dod i'm sylw i yn Arfon, ond maen nhw'n debygol o fod yn gyffredin ar draws Cymru.
Thank you. It was a privilege to take my mother, who is 92 years old, for her first vaccination at the major event on the Llŷn peninsula over the weekend. As a result of the excellent efforts of local medical leaders and despite a whole host of bureaucratic barriers and snow, 1,200 people were vaccinated. GPs and health workers are doing heroic work in all parts of Wales, and our debt to them is very great.
May I refer your Government to one significant problem that needs to be addressed? The ICT systems at the various levels don't communicate with each other, and this is creating confusion. For example, GPs can't see which of their patients have had a vaccination appointment at one of the mass vaccination centres, and that could mean that some people receive two appointments and that a valuable vaccination is wasted. That's just one example. Can you actually try and find a swift resolution to these IT problems? They've come to my attention in Arfon, but it's likely that they are common across Wales.

Wel, Llywydd, diolch yn fawr i Siân Gwenllian am y cwestiynau ychwanegol. Mae'n grêt i glywed bod ei mam hi wedi cael ei brechu, a dwi wedi bod yn darllen dros y penwythnos popeth sydd wedi bod yn digwydd yn Arfon ac ar y Llŷn. Dwi'n mynd i gyfeirio mewn munud at rywbeth dwi wedi ei weld gan Dr Eilir Hughes, y person sydd wedi bod yn arwain yr ymdrech ar y Llŷn. Ond, jest i ddweud ar y system technoleg gwybodaeth, mae pethau yn digwydd mor gyflym ac mae Gwasanaeth Gwybodeg GIG Cymru yn trio datrys y problemau sydd wedi digwydd. Maen nhw'n digwydd achos mae pob un yn gwneud eu gorau glas i wneud popeth o fewn eu gallu i roi brechiad i bobl ledled Cymru. Mae pethau yn y gogledd wedi arwain yr ymdrech yna hefyd, so dwi'n gallu dweud wrth Siân Gwenllian ein bod yn ymwybodol o'r problemau, ac mae pobl yn gweithio'n galed i drio gwella pethau. Dwi jest eisiau defnyddio un o'r brawddegau a welais i gan Dr Eilir Hughes ar ddiwedd y penwythnos. Mae hi yn Saesneg, Llywydd, a dwi jest yn mynd i'w ddarllen e mas, achos mae'n dangos yr ysbryd a'r ymdrech y mae pobl yn ei wneud.
Well, Llywydd, thank you to Siân Gwenllian for those supplementary questions. It's great to hear that her mother has received her vaccination, and I've been reading over the weekend about everything that's been happening in Arfon and on the Llŷn peninsula. I will refer in a moment to something I saw from Dr Eilir Hughes, who's been leading the vaccination efforts on the Llŷn peninsula. But, in terms of the ICT systems, things are happening so quickly and the NHS Wales Informatics Service are trying to resolve these problems that have arisen. They are happening because everyone is doing their level best to do everything they can to provide vaccinations to people the length and breadth of Wales. Areas of north Wales have led on those endeavours, so I can tell Siân Gwenllian that we're aware of the problems, and people are working very hard to resolve them. I do want to refer to one of the sentences I heard from Dr Eilir Hughes at the end of the weekend. It is in English, so will I just quote it in the original, because it does demonstrate the spirit and the effort that people are making.
This was Dr Eilir Hughes, one of the practitioners to whom Siân Gwenllian referred, who's done such a lot to provide innovative services in that part of Wales. This is what was said: 'Witnessing the joy that people felt of receiving the vaccine was a truly amazing and humbling experience to witness. I'm in total awe of everyone who made this happen and succeed. A team of 50 people delivering over 1,000 vaccines in two days; brilliant work by the admin staff, police, council staff and so many others overcoming unexpected snow and not a single dose wasted. Pen Llŷn at its very best.'
Dr Eilir Hughes oedd hwn, un o'r ymarferwyr y cyfeiriodd Siân Gwenllian atyn nhw, sydd wedi gwneud cymaint i ddarparu gwasanaethau arloesol yn y rhan honno o Gymru. Dyma a ddywedwyd: 'Roedd gweld y llawenydd yr oedd pobl yn ei deimlo o dderbyn y brechlyn yn brofiad gwirioneddol anhygoel a gostyngedig i'w weld. Mae gen i barch anhygoel at bawb a wnaeth i hyn ddigwydd a llwyddo. Tîm o 50 o bobl yn darparu dros 1,000 o frechlynnau mewn dau ddiwrnod; gwaith gwych gan y staff gweinyddol, yr heddlu, staff y cyngor a chymaint o rai eraill yn goresgyn eira annisgwyl ac ni wastraffwyd yr un dos. Pen Llŷn ar ei orau.'
7. Pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwriadu eu cymryd i leihau tlodi yng nghanolbarth a gorllewin Cymru? OQ56198
7. What action does the Welsh Government plan to undertake to reduce poverty in the mid and west region? OQ56198

I thank Helen Mary Jones for that. We focus on those actions that add to or leave money in the pockets of those who need it the most. That includes aiding Welsh citizens to secure entitlement to UK-wide benefits. Our single advice services helped people in Mid and West Wales claim over £4.7 million in additional welfare benefit income last year alone.
Diolchaf i Helen Mary Jones am hynna. Rydym ni'n canolbwyntio ar y camau hynny sy'n ychwanegu at yr arian ym mhocedi'r rhai sydd ei angen fwyaf neu'n ei adael yn y pocedi hynny. Mae hynny yn cynnwys cynorthwyo dinasyddion Cymru i sicrhau hawl i fudd-daliadau DU gyfan. Cynorthwyodd ein gwasanaethau cynghori sengl bobl yn y canolbarth a'r gorllewin i hawlio dros £4.7 miliwn mewn incwm budd-daliadau lles ychwanegol y llynedd yn unig.
I'm grateful to the First Minister for his answer. He will be aware of the report from the Wales Governance Centre in April 2019 and, indeed, the report from a committee of this Senedd. The Wales Governance Centre estimated that if we were able to secure the devolution of welfare benefits on the same model that Scotland has, we could boost the Welsh budget by £200 million a year. Does the First Minister agree with me that it would greatly assist any Welsh Government's efforts to reduce poverty if we were able to control those elements of the benefit system here? Does he understand why my constituents in the poorest part of my region—towns like Llanelli—find it difficult to understand why the Welsh Government won't seek this power, in order to be able to take that practical action to which the First Minister refers?
Rwy'n ddiolchgar i'r Prif Weinidog am ei ateb. Bydd yn ymwybodol o'r adroddiad gan Ganolfan Llywodraethiant Cymru ym mis Ebrill 2019 ac, yn wir, adroddiad un o bwyllgorau'r Senedd hon. Amcangyfrifodd Canolfan Llywodraethiant Cymru pe gallem ni sicrhau datganoli budd-daliadau lles ar yr un model ag sydd gan yr Alban, y gallem ni roi hwb o £200 miliwn y flwyddyn i gyllideb Cymru. A yw'r Prif Weinidog yn cytuno â mi y byddai o gymorth mawr i unrhyw ymdrechion gan Lywodraeth Cymru i leihau tlodi pe gallem ni reoli'r elfennau hynny o'r system fudd-daliadau yn y fan yma? A yw e'n deall pam mae fy etholwyr yn rhan dlotaf fy rhanbarth—trefi fel Llanelli—yn ei chael hi'n anodd deall pam na wnaiff Llywodraeth Cymru geisio cael y grym hwn, er mwyn gallu cymryd y camau ymarferol hynny y mae'r Prif Weinidog yn cyfeirio atyn nhw?

I'm very familiar with the report of the Wales Governance Centre to which Helen Mary Jones refers, and a very useful addition it was to the developing literature on what Wales should seek in relation to the benefits system. I take a different view, I suspect, to the Member. I'm in favour of seeking aspects of the administration of the welfare benefit system; I am not in favour of breaking up the UK's social security system. That's because I think that the United Kingdom offers a different opportunity to pool resources and share out rewards according to need, and that that is to the benefit of Welsh citizens, particularly our poorest Welsh citizens. The Wales Governance Centre report did say, as Helen Mary Jones says, that if we were offered devolution on the same basis as Scotland, that could lead to the sums of money the report identified. The report went on to say that it was highly unlikely that devolution on those terms would be offered to us, and set out the reasons why. So, I think it's important to provide a complete account of what that report said, and I'm afraid I agree with the report. It's very unlikely that the UK Government would be prepared to repeat the sort of deal that they offered to Scotland, partly because they now regret that they did so. Devolution of the administration of benefits is something that I've previously agreed with Helen Mary Jones about and I'm happy to repeat that, because I think that would give us a different set of possibilities in Wales without breaking up the access of Welsh people to the advantages that come by being part of that wider social security system.
Rwy'n gyfarwydd iawn ag adroddiad Canolfan Llywodraethiant Cymru y mae Helen Mary Jones yn cyfeirio ato, ac roedd yn ychwanegiad defnyddiol iawn at y llenyddiaeth ddatblygol ar yr hyn y dylai Cymru ei geisio o ran y system fudd-daliadau. Rwy'n amau bod gen i farn wahanol i'r Aelod. Rwyf i o blaid ceisio agweddau ar weinyddu'r system budd-daliadau lles; nid wyf i o blaid chwalu system nawdd cymdeithasol y DU. Y rheswm am hynny yw fy mod i'n credu bod y Deyrnas Unedig yn cynnig gwahanol gyfle i gyfuno adnoddau a rhannu gwobrau yn ôl yr angen, a bod hynny er budd dinasyddion Cymru, yn enwedig ein dinasyddion tlotaf yng Nghymru. Dywedodd adroddiad Canolfan Llywodraethiant Cymru, fel y dywed Helen Mary Jones, pe byddem ni'n cael cynnig datganoli ar yr un sail â'r Alban, y gallai hynny arwain at y symiau o arian a nodwyd gan yr adroddiad. Aeth yr adroddiad ymlaen i ddweud ei bod hi'n annhebygol iawn y byddai datganoli ar y telerau hynny yn cael ei gynnig i ni, ac yn nodi'r rhesymau am hynny. Felly, rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig rhoi cyfrif cyflawn o'r hyn yr oedd yr adroddiad hwnnw yn ei ddweud, ac mae gen i ofn fy mod i'n cytuno â'r adroddiad. Mae'n annhebygol iawn y byddai Llywodraeth y DU yn barod i ailadrodd y math o gytundeb a gynigiwyd ganddi i'r Alban, yn rhannol oherwydd eu bod nhw'n edifar eu bod nhw wedi gwneud hynny erbyn hyn. Mae datganoli'r broses o weinyddu budd-daliadau yn rhywbeth yr wyf i wedi cytuno â Helen Mary Jones yn ei gylch yn y gorffennol ac rwy'n hapus i ailadrodd hynny, oherwydd fy mod i'n credu y byddai hynny yn rhoi gwahanol gyfres o bosibiliadau i ni yng Nghymru heb chwalu mynediad pobl Cymru at y manteision a ddaw drwy fod yn rhan o'r system nawdd cymdeithasol ehangach honno.
8. Sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn diogelu ac yn cefnogi'r holl weithwyr allweddol yng Nghymru yn ystod pandemig COVID-19? OQ56185
8. How is the Welsh Government protecting and supporting all key workers in Wales during the COVID-19 pandemic? OQ56185

I thank Bethan Sayed for that question. Amongst the latest measures taken to protect and support key workers in Wales are last week’s strengthening of our coronavirus regulations in the workplace and in retail settings in particular. Such workers have been at the forefront of our programmes in PPE, testing and now vaccination throughout the pandemic.
Diolchaf i Bethan Sayed am y cwestiwn yna. Ymhlith y mesurau diweddaraf a gymerwyd i amddiffyn a chynorthwyo gweithwyr allweddol yng Nghymru mae cryfhau ein rheoliadau coronafeirws yn y gweithle ac mewn lleoliadau manwerthu yn arbennig a wnaed yr wythnos diwethaf. Mae gweithwyr o'r fath wedi bod yn flaenllaw yn ein rhaglenni cyfarpar diogelu personol, profi a brechu erbyn hyn, drwy gydol cyfnod y pandemig.
Thank you for that reply. I'll declare an interest, because my son is in nursery day care. I've had quite a lot of nurseries get in touch with me where staff have told me that they don't seem to be appearing on any lists for the vaccine. They feel like they've been left behind. They are working day in, day out in a vulnerable position. They can't wear PPE when they're working with very young children, and they feel that they should be prioritised for the vaccine, and yet they're not hearing anything from your Government. Can you commit today to looking at this again and providing nursery staff with the priority of a vaccination? They should be appreciated by society and by Welsh Government by being given the vaccine, because they're working, and because they're working so hard. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Diolch am yr ateb yna. Hoffwn ddatgan buddiant, oherwydd mae fy mab mewn gofal dydd meithrin. Rwyf i wedi cael cryn dipyn o feithrinfeydd yn cysylltu â mi lle mae staff wedi dweud wrthyf nad yw'n ymddangos fel pe bydden nhw'n ymddangos ar unrhyw restrau ar gyfer y brechlyn. Maen nhw'n teimlo eu bod nhw wedi cael eu gadael ar ôl. Maen nhw'n gweithio o ddydd i ddydd mewn sefyllfa agored i niwed. Ni allan nhw wisgo cyfarpar diogelu personol pan fyddan nhw'n gweithio gyda phlant ifanc iawn, ac maen nhw'n teimlo y dylen nhw gael eu blaenoriaethu ar gyfer y brechlyn, ac eto dydyn nhw'n clywed dim gan eich Llywodraeth. A allwch chi ymrwymo heddiw i edrych ar hyn eto a rhoi brechiad i staff meithrinfeydd fel mater o flaenoriaeth? Dylai cymdeithas a Llywodraeth Cymru eu gwerthfawrogi drwy roi'r brechlyn iddyn nhw, gan eu bod nhw'n gweithio, a chan eu bod nhw'n gweithio mor galed. Diolch yn fawr iawn.

Diolch yn fawr, Bethan Sayed. Can I just, first of all, absolutely echo what she said about the work that staff in that sector do, the nature of that work and its importance? If we need to do more to communicate to people in that sector where they lie in the JCVI vaccination priority list, then I'm sure our colleague Julie Morgan is listening. In fact, I can see her listening to this exchange, and she will follow that up as a result of it. I'm not able to depart from the JCVI priority list, for all the reasons that we've rehearsed on the floor of the Senedd previously, but where people simply feel that they lack information about where they lie in the priority list and what that means for them, I'm sure we would want to do more to make sure that they know and understand that, particularly in the circumstances that the Member referred to.
Diolch yn fawr, Bethan Sayed. A gaf i, yn gyntaf oll, adleisio'n llwyr yr hyn a ddywedodd am y gwaith y mae staff yn y sector hwnnw yn ei wneud, natur y gwaith hwnnw a'i bwysigrwydd? Os oes angen i ni wneud mwy i gyfathrebu i bobl yn y sector hwnnw lle maen nhw ar restr blaenoriaeth frechu y Cydbwyllgor Brechu ac Imiwneiddio, yna rwy'n siŵr bod ein cyd-Aelod Julie Morgan yn gwrando. Yn wir, gallaf ei gweld hi'n gwrando ar y sgwrs hon, a bydd yn mynd ar drywydd hynny o ganlyniad i hyn. Ni allaf wyro oddi wrth restr flaenoriaeth y Cydbwyllgor, am yr holl resymau yr ydym ni wedi eu trafod ar lawr y Senedd o'r blaen, ond lle mae pobl yn teimlo nad oes ganddyn nhw wybodaeth am ble maen nhw ar y rhestr flaenoriaeth a'r hyn y mae hynny yn ei olygu iddyn nhw, rwy'n siŵr y byddem ni eisiau gwneud mwy i wneud yn siŵr eu bod nhw'n gwybod ac yn deall hynny, yn enwedig o dan yr amgylchiadau y cyfeiriodd yr Aelod atyn nhw.
9. Pa asesiad y mae'r Prif Weinidog wedi'i wneud o effaith Brexit ar y GIG yng Nghymru? OQ56200
9. What assessment has the First Minister made of the impact of Brexit on the NHS in Wales? OQ56200

I thank Lynne Neagle. Leaving the European Union brings a range of adverse implications for the NHS, both in the short and long term. We work closely with the Welsh NHS to mitigate these new barriers at a time when the service is already under huge pressures from the global public health crisis.
Diolchaf i Lynne Neagle. Mae gadael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd yn dod ag amrywiaeth o oblygiadau andwyol i'r GIG, yn y byrdymor ac yn y tymor hir. Rydym ni'n gweithio yn agos gyda GIG Cymru i liniaru'r rhwystrau newydd hyn ar adeg pan fo'r gwasanaeth eisoes o dan bwysau enfawr o'r argyfwng iechyd cyhoeddus byd-eang.
Thank you, First Minister. In the House of Commons last week, we saw Tory MPs vote down the Lords amendment to the Trade Bill that excluded NHS data from the scope of any future trade agreements, leaving the door open to the possibility of companies using that data to develop tools and medicines to sell back to the NHS. While Tory Ministers consistently tell us that the NHS is not for sale in future trade deals, their own MPs are voting against the amendment that makes that a reality. Can I ask you, First Minister, to give us your assurance that our NHS is not for sale in Wales? What steps will you take to ensure that that is communicated loudly and clearly to the UK Government?
Diolch yn fawr, Prif Weinidog. Yn Nhŷ'r Cyffredin yr wythnos diwethaf, gwelsom ASau Torïaidd yn pleidleisio yn erbyn gwelliant Tŷ'r Arglwyddi i'r Bil Masnach a oedd yn eithrio data'r GIG o gwmpas unrhyw gytundebau masnach yn y dyfodol, gan adael y drws yn agored i'r posibilrwydd y gallai cwmnïau ddefnyddio'r data hynny i ddatblygu offer a meddyginiaethau i'w gwerthu yn ôl i'r GIG. Er bod Gweinidogion Torïaidd yn dweud wrthym ni yn gyson nad yw'r GIG ar werth mewn cytundebau masnach yn y dyfodol, mae eu ASau eu hunain yn pleidleisio yn erbyn y gwelliant sy'n gwireddu hynny. A gaf i ofyn i chi, Prif Weinidog, roi sicrwydd i ni nad yw ein GIG ar werth yng Nghymru? Pa gamau a wnewch chi eu cymryd i sicrhau bod hynny yn cael ei gyfleu yn gwbl eglur i Lywodraeth y DU?

I thank the Member for that question. The NHS in Wales is absolutely, certainly not for sale, and not to be sacrificed, either, on the altar of some UK trade deal. It was deeply disappointing—I would go further than that, really—that the UK Government decided to overturn again amendments passed in the House of Lords on this matter, amendments passed with the support of three different parties represented here in the Senedd. Our colleagues in the House of Lords have mobilised to defend the interests of the NHS and to defend the interests of Wales against the onslaught of the UK Government. Here in Wales we will do everything that we possibly can to stand up for the Welsh NHS, to make sure that those who work in it know that they have our full support, to try to overcome the new barriers that will be there. The NHS Confederation and Wales Centre for Public Policy report of November told us that those most likely to be affected by new barriers to recruitment included ambulance drivers, social care workers, healthcare support workers and healthcare assistants. All of those people are vital to the Welsh NHS. All of those people will be harder to recruit because of the actions of this Government. They could have, instead of saying warm words, supported that amendment last week, which would have offered some comfort to people that our NHS is not to be sacrificed by this ideologically driven UK Government. They failed to do so; we will stand up for them and for the NHS.
Diolchaf i'r Aelod am y cwestiwn yna. Yn gwbl sicr, nid yw'r GIG yng Nghymru ar werth, ac ni fydd yn cael ei aberthu ychwaith, ar allor rhyw gytundeb masnach y DU. Roedd yn eithriadol o siomedig—byddwn yn mynd ymhellach na hynny, mewn gwirionedd—bod Llywodraeth y DU wedi penderfynu gwrthdroi unwaith eto gwelliannau a basiwyd yn Nhŷ'r Arglwyddi ar y mater hwn, gwelliannau a basiwyd gyda chefnogaeth tair gwahanol blaid a gynrychiolir yma yn y Senedd. Mae ein cydweithwyr yn Nhŷ'r Arglwyddi wedi paratoi i amddiffyn buddiannau'r GIG ac i amddiffyn buddiannau Cymru rhag ymosodiad Llywodraeth y DU. Yma yng Nghymru byddwn yn gwneud popeth o fewn ein gallu i sefyll dros GIG Cymru, i wneud yn siŵr bod y rhai sy'n gweithio ynddo yn gwybod bod ganddyn nhw ein cefnogaeth lawn, i geisio goresgyn y rhwystrau newydd a fydd yno. Dywedodd adroddiad Cydffederasiwn y GIG a Chanolfan Polisi Cyhoeddus Cymru ym mis Tachwedd wrthym ni fod y rhai sydd fwyaf tebygol o gael eu heffeithio gan rwystrau newydd i recriwtio yn cynnwys gyrwyr ambiwlans, gweithwyr gofal cymdeithasol, gweithwyr cymorth gofal iechyd a chynorthwywyr gofal iechyd. Mae'r holl bobl hynny yn hanfodol i GIG Cymru. Bydd yn fwy anodd recriwtio'r holl bobl hynny oherwydd gweithredoedd y Llywodraeth hon. Gallen nhw, yn hytrach na dweud geiriau gwresog, fod wedi cefnogi'r gwelliant hwnnw yr wythnos diwethaf, a fyddai wedi cynnig rhywfaint o gysur i bobl na fydd ein GIG yn cael ei aberthu gan y Llywodraeth hon sy'n cael ei gyrru gan ideoleg. Ni wnaethon nhw hynny; byddwn yn sefyll drostyn nhw a dros y GIG.
Diolch i'r Prif Weinidog.
I thank the First Minister.
Yr eitem nesaf, felly, yw'r datganiad a chyhoeddiad busnes. Mi fyddaf i'n trosglwyddo'r gadair nawr i Ann Jones, ond yn gyntaf, galwaf ar y Trefnydd i wneud y datganiad busnes—Rebecca Evans.
The next item is the business statement and announcement. I will now transfer the reins to Ann Jones, but I will first of all call on the Trefnydd to make the business statement—Rebecca Evans.

Diolch, Llywydd. There are two changes to this week's business. Firstly, the Minister for Health and Social Services will make a statement shortly to update Members on the latest position regarding the COVID-19 vaccination. Secondly, the title of the statement on promoting the use of Welsh in families—the transmission in families policy—has been updated. Draft business for the next three weeks is set out on the business statement and announcement, which can be found amongst the meeting papers available to Members electronically.
Diolch, Llywydd. Mae dau newid i fusnes yr wythnos hon. Yn gyntaf, bydd y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol yn gwneud datganiad yn y man i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Aelodau ynghylch y sefyllfa ddiweddaraf o ran brechu COVID-19. Yn ail, mae teitl y datganiad ar hyrwyddo defnydd y Gymraeg mewn teuluoedd—y polisi trosglwyddo o fewn teuluoedd—wedi'i ddiweddaru. Mae'r busnes drafft ar gyfer y tair wythnos nesaf wedi'i nodi ar y datganiad a chyhoeddiad busnes, sydd i'w weld ymhlith papurau'r cyfarfod sydd ar gael i'r Aelodau'n electronig.
Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd (Ann Jones) i’r Gadair.
The Deputy Presiding Officer (Ann Jones) took the Chair.
Darren Millar. Darren Millar.
Darren Millar. Darren Millar.
Can you hear me?
A ydych chi'n gallu fy nghlywed i?
Yes, we can hear you.
Ydym, rydym yn gallu eich clywed chi.
Apologies for that. Trefnydd, north Wales was hit very hard last week, as were other communities across the country, by storm Christoph. Included in those communities that were hit was Ruthin in my own constituency. Can I call for a statement from the Welsh Government on the impact of those storms and what support is now going to be made available to communities like Ruthin and others across Wales that have really been hit hard by this? These floods couldn't have come at a worse time, given the impact of the COVID pandemic.
Can I also call for a statement from the Minister for Health and Social Services regarding the compensation available for third-year student nurse placements? I was contacted by a student nurse this week who tells me that student nurses in England are being paid for the placement hours that they complete under the new emergency standard measures that have now been introduced during the pandemic. But she and her colleagues in Wales have been told in a letter from the Chief Nursing Officer for Wales that students here will not be paid for their placements. This obviously seems to be quite unfair for those students here in Wales who feel that they are now disadvantaged compared to their peers. Can I ask for a statement on this particular issue in order that the student nurse workforce that we are going to be so reliant on during the pandemic and, indeed, in the future, is given proper compensation for the work that it's putting in? Thank you.
Ymddiheuriadau am hynny. Trefnydd, cafodd gogledd Cymru ei heffeithio'n wael iawn yr wythnos diwethaf, gan storm Christoph, ynghyd â chymunedau eraill ledled y wlad. Roedd Rhuthun yn fy etholaeth i wedi'i chynnwys ymhlith y cymunedau hynny a gafodd eu taro. A gaf i alw am ddatganiad gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar effaith y stormydd hynny a pha gymorth fydd ar gael nawr i gymunedau fel Rhuthun ac eraill ledled Cymru a gafodd eu heffeithio'n wael gan hyn? Ni allai'r llifogydd hyn fod wedi dod ar adeg waeth, o ystyried effaith pandemig COVID.
A gaf i hefyd alw am ddatganiad gan y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol ynglŷn â'r iawndal sydd ar gael ar gyfer lleoliadau myfyrwyr nyrsio trydedd flwyddyn? Cysylltodd myfyriwr nyrsio â mi yr wythnos hon gan ddweud wrthyf fod myfyrwyr nyrsio yn Lloegr yn cael eu talu am yr oriau yn y lleoliad y maen nhw'n gweithio ynddo dan y mesurau safon argyfwng newydd sydd nawr wedi'u cyflwyno yn ystod y pandemig. Ond mae hi a'i chydweithwyr yng Nghymru wedi cael gwybod mewn llythyr gan Brif Swyddog Nyrsio Cymru na fydd myfyrwyr yma yn cael eu talu am eu lleoliadau. Mae'n amlwg bod hyn yn ymddangos yn eithaf annheg i'r myfyrwyr hynny yma yng Nghymru sy'n teimlo eu bod nawr dan anfantais o'u cymharu â'u cyfoedion. A gaf i ofyn am ddatganiad ar y mater penodol hwn er mwyn i'r gweithlu myfyrwyr nyrsio y byddwn ni mor ddibynnol arno yn ystod y pandemig ac, yn wir, yn y dyfodol, gael iawndal priodol am y gwaith a wneir? Diolch.
Thank you to Darren Millar for raising both of these issues, the first being storm Christoph, which is clearly absolutely awful for the families and the businesses involved. As Darren sets out, it couldn't have come at a worse time, being in the middle of the pandemic and in winter as well. We're very alive to the needs of the people who've been affected by the storms, and that's why the Welsh Government has agreed to work with local authorities to make those support payments of up to £1,000 available per household. And of course, you'll remember that that is the same level of support that we made available in the storms that hit Wales in February and March of last year, just before the pandemic really took hold. This support will also be available to people who have suffered significant internal flooding whilst the restrictions have been in place, and we're in some active discussion with the areas impacted in terms of the case for any further funding. I know that the Minister for Housing and Local Government particularly is having discussions with the Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs about what further support might be needed and, clearly, we'd be keen to keep colleagues updated on that.
I will ask my colleague the Minister for Health and Social Services to provide a written response to the particular query that you have regarding student nurses and the role that they can play in the tackling of the pandemic at this point.
Diolch i Darren Millar am godi'r ddau fater hyn. Y cyntaf yw storm Christoph, sy'n amlwg yn hollol ofnadwy i'r teuluoedd a'r busnesau dan sylw. Fel y mae Darren yn ei nodi, ni allai fod wedi dod ar adeg waeth, gan ein bod yng nghanol y pandemig ac yn y gaeaf hefyd. Rydym yn ymwybodol iawn o anghenion y bobl y mae'r stormydd wedi effeithio arnyn nhw, a dyna pam mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cytuno i weithio gydag awdurdodau lleol i sicrhau bod y taliadau cymorth hynny o hyd at £1,000 ar gael i bob cartref. Ac wrth gwrs, byddwch chi'n cofio mai dyna'r un lefel o gefnogaeth a ddarparwyd gennym yn y stormydd a drawodd Gymru ym mis Chwefror a mis Mawrth y llynedd, yn wir ychydig cyn i'r pandemig ddechrau. Bydd y cymorth hwn hefyd ar gael i bobl sydd wedi dioddef llifogydd mewnol sylweddol wrth i'r cyfyngiadau fod ar waith, ac rydym wrthi'n cael trafodaeth â'r ardaloedd yr effeithiwyd arnynt o ran yr achos dros unrhyw gyllid ychwanegol. Rwy'n gwybod bod y Gweinidog Tai a Llywodraeth Leol yn arbennig yn cael trafodaethau gyda Gweinidog yr Amgylchedd, Ynni a Materion Gwledig ynghylch pa gymorth arall y gallai fod ei angen ac, yn amlwg, byddem ni'n awyddus i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i gydweithwyr ynghylch hynny.
Byddaf i'n gofyn i fy nghyd-Weinidog, y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol, ddarparu ymateb ysgrifenedig i'r ymholiad penodol sydd gennych chi ynglŷn â myfyrwyr nyrsio a'r rhan y gallan nhw ei chwarae wrth fynd i'r afael â'r pandemig ar hyn o bryd.
I wanted to ask a question about health visitors. I had a reply from the health Minister today to a written question that I'd put in, and I didn't get a direct response as to whether any health visitors have been redeployed in the health service due to the pandemic. He said in that reply just to risk assess any considerations for redeployment by the health boards, but didn't say if it was happening or not. Now, I know that lots of parents are struggling to get access to their health visitors, so I'd like to have a statement brought forward from the health Minister that can detail whether those redeployments have happened, and how, and whether that means there's a deficiency therefore in helping new parents here in Wales.
My second request for a statement is with regards to the burst mine shaft in Skewen in my region that happened last week. I know one of the ladies whose house it happened to, Samira Jeffreys, very well, and she lost everything in that. I know that we are set to have a briefing as MSs at the end of the week by the Coal Authority, but I'd like to understand, as a Welsh Government, what are you doing to check all those old coal mine shafts to ensure that we don't see this happening all across south Wales, especially where we have former mining communities, and to ensure that you help those people who have been affected by this tragedy?
Roeddwn i eisiau gofyn cwestiwn ynghylch ymwelwyr iechyd. Cefais i ateb gan y Gweinidog Iechyd heddiw i gwestiwn ysgrifenedig yr oeddwn i wedi'i gyflwyno, ac ni chefais ateb uniongyrchol o ran a oes unrhyw ymwelwyr iechyd wedi eu hadleoli yn y gwasanaeth iechyd oherwydd y pandemig. Dywedodd ef yn yr ateb hwnnw i asesu risg unrhyw ystyriaethau ar gyfer adleoli gan y byrddau iechyd, ond ni ddywedodd a oedd yn digwydd ai peidio. Nawr, rwy'n gwybod bod llawer o rieni'n ei chael hi'n anodd cysylltu â'u hymwelwyr iechyd, felly hoffwn i gael datganiad gan y Gweinidog Iechyd a all fanylu a yw'r adleoliadau hynny wedi digwydd, a sut, ac a yw hynny'n golygu bod diffyg felly o ran helpu rhieni newydd yma yng Nghymru.
Mae fy ail gais am ddatganiad yn ymwneud â'r siafft lo a oedd wedi hollti yn Sgiwen yn fy rhanbarth i, a ddigwyddodd yr wythnos diwethaf. Rwy'n nabod un o'r menywod, y digwyddodd hynny i'w thŷ hi, Samira Jeffreys, yn dda iawn, a chollodd hi bopeth. Rwy'n gwybod y byddwn ni'n cael sesiwn friffio fel ASau ddiwedd yr wythnos gan yr Awdurdod Glo, ond hoffwn i ddeall beth ydych chi'n ei wneud yn Llywodraeth Cymru i archwilio'r holl hen siafftiau glo hynny i sicrhau nad ydym ni'n gweld hyn yn digwydd ledled de Cymru, yn enwedig lle mae gennym hen gymunedau glofaol, ac i sicrhau eich bod yn helpu'r bobl hynny y mae'r drasiedi hon wedi effeithio arnyn nhw?
On the first issue that was raised, which was in regard to the redeployment or otherwise of health visitors, I know that the health Minister will have been listening to that request for a statement, but I'd also encourage you, and I'm sure you've already sought this as well, to take it up directly with the local health board who'll be able to provide you with that more granular local level of data that might be useful to you.
And Welsh Government has been working with the Coal Authority and seeking to work also with the UK Government with regard to our legacy coal tips and all of the wider flooding issues that affected us last year. But, clearly, the former mining communities would be really keen that that work includes the mine shafts as well, and I know that some work is already going on to ensure that the work that has already been started is fully cognisant of all of the various risks affecting the communities. But I know that the Coal Authority will be able to give you and other Members representing the local area that fuller briefing on Friday this week.
O ran y mater cyntaf a gafodd ei godi, a oedd yn ymwneud ag adleoli neu fel arall ymwelwyr iechyd, rwy'n gwybod y bydd y Gweinidog Iechyd wedi bod yn gwrando ar y cais hwnnw am ddatganiad, ond byddwn ni hefyd yn eich annog chi, ac rwy'n siŵr eich bod chi eisoes wedi ceisio gwneud hyn hefyd, i'w godi'n uniongyrchol gyda'r bwrdd iechyd lleol a fydd yn gallu rhoi'r lefel leol fwy manwl honno o ddata i chi a allai fod yn ddefnyddiol.
Ac mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi bod yn gweithio gyda'r Awdurdod Glo ac yn ceisio gweithio hefyd gyda Llywodraeth y DU o ran y tipiau glo yr ydym ni wedi'u hetifeddu a'r holl faterion ehangach o ran y llifogydd a effeithiodd arnom y llynedd. Ond, yn amlwg, byddai'r hen gymunedau glofaol yn awyddus iawn i'r gwaith hwnnw gynnwys y siafftiau glo hefyd, ac rwy'n gwybod bod rhywfaint o waith eisoes yn mynd rhagddo i sicrhau bod y gwaith sydd eisoes wedi'i ddechrau yn gwbl ymwybodol o'r holl risgiau amrywiol sy'n effeithio ar y cymunedau. Ond gwn y bydd yr Awdurdod Glo yn gallu rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf honno i chi ac Aelodau eraill sy'n cynrychioli'r ardal leol ddydd Gwener yr wythnos hon.
Trefnydd, can I ask for a Government statement on Welsh Government engagement with the post office and postal services? The reason it's relevant is that Welsh Government policy and support for high streets and small businesses is very important, and I've been told recently when I've applied to the post office in respect of a small post office in Efail Isaf that had shut temporarily and is now in the process of reopening—the store has reopened, it is the only shop in Efail Isaf the village—but what I'm told is that the post office has a grant of £50 million in respect of supporting small shops and postal services like this. Now, it seems to me it is vitally important that Welsh Government actually is engaged with the way in which this money is used to ensure that there's maximum effect. Now, I know the people of Efail Isaf support their store, but would welcome any intervention Welsh Government can make to ensure that the post office money that is available is best used for services like that in our communities, supporting those communities.
Trefnydd, a gaf i ofyn am ddatganiad gan y Llywodraeth am ymgysylltiad Llywodraeth Cymru â Swyddfa'r Post a'r gwasanaethau post? Y rheswm y mae'n berthnasol yw bod polisi a chefnogaeth Llywodraeth Cymru i'r stryd fawr a busnesau bach yn bwysig iawn, a chefais wybod yn ddiweddar pan wnes gais i Swyddfa'r Post ar ran swyddfa bost fach yn Efail Isaf a oedd wedi cau dros dro ac sydd ar fin ailagor nawr—mae'r siop wedi ailagor, yr unig siop ym mhentref Efail Isaf—ond yr hyn a ddywedwyd wrthyf i yw bod gan Swyddfa'r Post grant o £50 miliwn i gefnogi siopau bach a gwasanaethau post fel hyn. Nawr, mae'n ymddangos i mi ei bod yn hanfodol bwysig bod gan Lywodraeth Cymru ran yn y ffordd y mae'r arian hwn yn cael ei ddefnyddio i sicrhau'r effaith fwyaf posibl. Nawr, rwy'n gwybod bod pobl Efail Isaf yn cefnogi eu siop, ond byddwn i'n croesawu unrhyw ymyriad y gall Llywodraeth Cymru ei wneud i sicrhau mai'r ffordd orau o ddefnyddio'r arian sydd ar gael gan Swyddfa'r Post yw ar y gwasanaethau hynny yn ein cymunedau, gan gefnogi'r cymunedau hynny.
Absolutely. And as Mick Antoniw is aware, post office matters aren't devolved and they are the responsibility of the UK Government, but nonetheless, as Mick Antoniw sets out, we have a real and direct interest in ensuring that Wales does get its fair share of those UK funds. Post Office Ltd obviously works right across the UK, and it doesn't ring-fence any part of its budget separately; it's allocated on a needs basis, and I know that the arguments and cases that colleagues across the Senedd have been making for post offices in their own communities have been quite fruitful in terms of ensuring that some of that funding does come to Wales.
My officials are in regular contact with Post Office Ltd to discuss matters such as the situation in Efail Isaf, where, unfortunately, as Mick Antoniw has set out, the local post office did close, and, as he's mentioned, the shop has now reopened. I do know that Post Office Ltd have advised Welsh Government that they do intend to speak to the new owners of the shop in Efail Isaf as soon as possible to discuss a potential contract for post office services, so I very much hope for a successful resolution there.
Yn hollol. Ac fel y mae Mick Antoniw yn gwybod, nid yw materion swyddfeydd post wedi'u datganoli ac maen nhw'n gyfrifoldeb Llywodraeth y DU, ond serch hynny, fel y dywed Mick Antoniw, mae gennym ni ddiddordeb gwirioneddol ac uniongyrchol mewn sicrhau bod Cymru'n cael ei chyfran deg o'r cronfeydd hynny yn y DU. Mae Swyddfa'r Post Cyf yn amlwg yn gweithio ledled y DU, ac nid yw'n neilltuo unrhyw ran o'i chyllideb ar wahân; mae wedi'i dyrannu ar sail anghenion, a gwn fod y dadleuon a'r achosion y mae cydweithwyr ar draws y Senedd wedi bod yn eu gwneud ar gyfer swyddfeydd post yn eu cymunedau eu hunain wedi bod yn eithaf ffrwythlon o ran sicrhau bod rhywfaint o'r cyllid hwnnw'n dod i Gymru.
Mae fy swyddogion mewn cysylltiad rheolaidd â Swyddfa'r Post Cyf i drafod materion fel y sefyllfa yn Efail Isaf, lle, yn anffodus, fel y nododd Mick Antoniw, fe wnaeth y swyddfa bost leol gau, ac, fel y soniodd, mae'r siop bellach wedi ailagor. Rwy'n gwybod bod Swyddfa'r Post Cyf wedi cynghori Llywodraeth Cymru eu bod yn bwriadu siarad â pherchnogion newydd y siop yn Efail Isaf cyn gynted â phosibl i drafod contract posibl ar gyfer gwasanaethau swyddfeydd post, felly rwy'n gobeithio'n fawr y bydd datrysiad llwyddiannus yno.
Trefnydd, could we have an update on the support available for parents managing homeworking and home schooling during the pandemic? I'm sure that this has been raised with you as a Member of the Senedd, as it's been raised with me. As a parent myself, who often has a toddler with me in the room when I attend some Zoom meetings, I'm aware of the pressures that parents are under. Children, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, mustn't be allowed to slip further behind educationally, relative to previous generations. So, could we have a statement from the—well, I imagine the Minister for Education, on that?
Secondly, hopefully the vaccine roll-out means that we will soon be turning a corner in the pandemic. As thoughts turn to trying to rebuild the economy, could we have a statement from the Minister for Economy, Transport and North Wales on a strategy, or the developing strategy, for investing in greener technology and industries? I'm concerned that, for all the talk of doing things differently and building back better, it will be too easy for us to lapse back into pre-COVID ways as we do come out of this, and people relax. So, yes, we've got to get businesses back on their feet, but at the same time we've got to make sure that we do grasp the opportunity to transform the economy and make it greener—a greener and more affluent Wales.
Trefnydd, a gawn ni'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf ynghylch y cymorth sydd ar gael i rieni sy'n rheoli gweithio gartref ac addysgu gartref yn ystod y pandemig? Rwy'n siŵr bod hyn wedi'i godi gyda chi fel Aelod o'r Senedd, gan ei fod wedi'i godi gyda mi. Fel rhiant fy hun, sy'n aml â phlentyn bach gyda mi yn yr ystafell pan fyddaf yn bresennol mewn rhai cyfarfodydd Zoom, rwy'n ymwybodol o'r pwysau sydd ar rieni. Ni ddylid caniatáu i blant, yn enwedig y rhai o gefndiroedd difreintiedig, lithro ymhellach ar ei hôl hi'n addysgol, o'i gymharu â chenedlaethau blaenorol. Felly, a gawn ni ddatganiad gan—wel, rwy'n tybio, y Gweinidog Addysg, ar hynny?
Yn ail, gobeithio y bydd cyflwyno'r brechlyn yn golygu y byddwn ni'n troi'r gornel yn y pandemig cyn bo hir. Wrth i syniadau droi at geisio ailgodi’r economi, a gawn ni ddatganiad gan Weinidog yr Economi, Trafnidiaeth a'r Gogledd ynghylch strategaeth, neu strategaeth sy'n datblygu, ar gyfer buddsoddi mewn technoleg a diwydiannau gwyrddach? Rwy'n pryderu, er yr holl sôn ynghylch gwneud pethau'n wahanol ac ailgodi'n well, y bydd yn rhy hawdd inni fynd yn ôl i'r hen ffyrdd cyn COVID wrth inni ddod allan o hyn, wrth i bobl ymlacio. Felly, oes, mae'n rhaid inni gael busnesau'n ôl ar eu traed, ond ar yr un pryd mae'n rhaid inni wneud yn siŵr ein bod yn manteisio ar y cyfle i drawsnewid yr economi a'i gwneud yn wyrddach—Cymru wyrddach a mwy ffyniannus.
Thank you. Welsh Government very much shares the concern that Nick Ramsay has described, about the impact of the pandemic on children, particularly those in more disadvantaged communities. And that's one of the reasons why we've invested so heavily in supporting young people and children to get all the digital help that they need. You'll be aware of the recent announcement of nearly £12 million of further funding to take the number of laptops and tablets that we've provided to children and families across Wales up to over 133,000. And we're obviously aware that many children also have difficulties getting online in the first place, so we've provided nearly 11,000 MiFi devices to help children access the internet to undertake their work. So, there's a great deal of work going on there, but I don't underestimate the challenges that this places on parents and families, and I know that the education Minister will be listening carefully to that contribution.
And again, my colleague, the Minister for economy, will be keen, I know, in due course, to update colleagues on the response to the economic crisis, which we're also facing as part of the pandemic, and what we can do to build back better—that kind of green and fair recovery that we're all so keen to see. I think we're standing in good stead with our economic contract, and the fact that that includes specific requirements in terms of decarbonisation. So, we have some good groundwork to build on. We have a budget that, last year and this year, has made significant allocations in respect of decarbonisation, and biodiversity. So, I think, again, we're building from a good place, but both colleagues will have heard the requests for statements.
Diolch. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn sicr yn rhannu'r pryder y mae Nick Ramsay wedi'i ddisgrifio, o ran effaith y pandemig ar blant, yn enwedig y rheini mewn cymunedau mwy difreintiedig. A dyna un o'r rhesymau pam yr ydym ni wedi buddsoddi'n gryf mewn cefnogi pobl ifanc a phlant i gael yr holl gymorth digidol sydd ei angen arnyn nhw. Byddwch chi'n ymwybodol o'r cyhoeddiad diweddar ynghylch bron £12 miliwn o gyllid ychwanegol i fynd â nifer y gliniaduron a'r tabledi a ddarparwyd ar gyfer plant a theuluoedd ledled Cymru i fyny y tu hwnt i 133,000. Ac rydym yn amlwg yn ymwybodol bod llawer o blant hefyd yn cael trafferth i fynd ar-lein yn y lle cyntaf, felly rydym wedi darparu bron 11,000 o ddyfeisiau MiFi i helpu plant i fynd ar y rhyngrwyd i ymgymryd â'u gwaith. Felly, mae llawer iawn o waith yn mynd rhagddo, ond nid wyf i'n bychanu'r heriau y mae hyn yn eu rhoi ar rieni a theuluoedd, a gwn y bydd y Gweinidog Addysg yn gwrando'n astud ar y cyfraniad hwnnw.
Ac eto, bydd fy nghyd-Aelod, Gweinidog yr Economi, yn awyddus, rwy'n gwybod, maes o law, i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i gydweithwyr ynghylch yr ymateb i'r argyfwng economaidd, yr ydym ni hefyd yn ei wynebu fel rhan o'r pandemig, a'r hyn y gallwn ni ei wneud i ailgodi'n well—y math hwnnw o adferiad gwyrdd a theg yr ydym ni i gyd mor awyddus i'w weld. Rwy'n credu ein bod ni mewn sefyllfa dda gyda'n contract economaidd, a'r ffaith bod hynny'n cynnwys gofynion penodol o ran datgarboneiddio. Felly, mae gennym ni rywfaint o waith sylfaenol da i fanteisio arno. Mae gennym ni gyllideb sydd, y llynedd ac eleni, wedi gwneud dyraniadau sylweddol o ran datgarboneiddio, a bioamrywiaeth. Felly, unwaith eto, rwy'n credu ein bod yn datblygu o le da, ond bydd y ddau gyd-Aelod wedi clywed y ceisiadau am ddatganiadau.
I'd like a statement from the Government, please, about its ongoing commitment to protecting biodiversity. Biodiversity erosion poses grave risks, of course, to human health, and increases the risk of pandemics, and it has an important role to play in preventing runaway climate change. There's a specific situation happening in my region, which is causing concern among biodiversity advocates. In 2019, Trefnydd, the First Minister decided not to press ahead with the M4 relief road, in part because of the impact it would have on the Gwent levels. But as we speak, the Gwent levels are facing another threat from major development—ironically, this time, from a renewable energy hub. The project is a solar panel installation that's proposed to be built between Marshfield, St Bride's and Peterstone. It would use 155 hectares of green wedge and greenbelt land, which is the equivalent of 290 football pitches, and it would require 30 hectares more land than would have been required for the black route.
I think, Trefnydd, that when the First Minister rejected the black route, he set a precedent for the continued protection of the Gwent levels and the wildlife species that are found there, including the shrill carder bee, of which I'm species champion. Surely, our response to the climate emergency can't be to support renewable energy at the expense of species loss. The Gwent levels are a precious resource for our communities, and all of Wales, and if they're lost they cannot be replaced. So, I'd urge the Government to seek ways of protecting the levels from future threats of this nature. So, please could we have a statement, reasserting the Government's commitment to reverse the decline in biodiversity, for its intrinsic value, and to ensure lasting benefits to society as is set out in its nature recovery action plan for Wales?
Hoffwn i gael datganiad gan y Llywodraeth, os gwelwch chi'n dda, ar ei hymrwymiad parhaus i ddiogelu bioamrywiaeth. Mae erydu bioamrywiaeth yn achosi risgiau difrifol, wrth gwrs, i iechyd pobl, ac yn cynyddu risg pandemig, ac mae ganddo ran bwysig i'w chwarae i atal newid hinsawdd ar garlam. Mae sefyllfa benodol yn digwydd yn fy rhanbarth i, sy'n peri pryder ymhlith eiriolwyr bioamrywiaeth. Yn 2019, Trefnydd, penderfynodd y Prif Weinidog beidio â bwrw ymlaen â ffordd liniaru'r M4, yn rhannol oherwydd yr effaith y byddai'n ei chael ar lefelau Gwent. Ond wrth inni siarad, mae lefelau Gwent yn wynebu bygythiad arall o ddatblygiad mawr—yn eironig, y tro hwn, o ganolfan ynni adnewyddadwy. Gosodiad panel solar yw'r prosiect y bwriedir ei adeiladu rhwng Maerun, Saint-y-Brid a Llan-bedr Gwynllŵg. Byddai'n defnyddio 155 hectar o dir lletem las a llain las, sy'n cyfateb i 290 o gaeau pêl-droed, a byddai angen 30 hectar yn fwy o dir nag a fyddai wedi bod yn ofynnol ar gyfer y llwybr du.
Rwy'n credu, Trefnydd, pan wrthododd y Prif Weinidog y llwybr du, ei fod wedi gosod cynsail ar gyfer parhau i ddiogelu lefelau Gwent a'r rhywogaethau bywyd gwyllt yno, gan gynnwys y gardwenynen fain, yr wyf i'n bencampwr rhywogaethau drosti. Siawns na all ein hymateb ni i'r argyfwng hinsawdd gefnogi ynni adnewyddadwy ar draul colli rhywogaethau. Mae lefelau Gwent yn adnodd gwerthfawr i'n cymunedau, ac i Gymru gyfan, ac os cânt eu colli ni fydd modd eu cael yn ôl. Felly, byddwn i'n annog y Llywodraeth i chwilio am ffyrdd o ddiogelu'r lefelau rhag bygythiadau o'r math hwn yn y dyfodol. Felly, a gawn ni ddatganiad os gwelwch chi'n dda, yn rhoi sicrwydd i ymrwymiad y Llywodraeth i wrthdroi'r dirywiad mewn bioamrywiaeth, oherwydd ei gwerth cynhenid, ac i sicrhau manteision parhaol i'r gymdeithas fel sydd wedi'i nodi yn ei chynllun gweithredu adfer natur ar gyfer Cymru?
I very much share Delyth Jewell's passion for supporting biodiversity, and many of us are species champions and we take a lot of pleasure, I think, in those particular roles as well. The Minister with responsibility for the environment will have listened, but, also, the Minister for Housing and Local Government would have been keen to hear what you've described as well, given her work on the national development plan. And, I will make a point as well of having a conversation with the Minister to see what might be the best way to update the Senedd.
Rwy'n rhannu'n wirioneddol angerdd Delyth Jewell dros gefnogi bioamrywiaeth, ac mae llawer ohonom ni'n hyrwyddwyr rhywogaethau ac rydym yn cael llawer o bleser, rwy'n credu, yn y swyddogaethau penodol hynny hefyd. Bydd y Gweinidog sy'n gyfrifol am yr amgylchedd wedi gwrando, ond, hefyd, byddai'r Gweinidog Tai a Llywodraeth Leol wedi bod yn awyddus i glywed yr hyn yr ydych chi wedi'i ddisgrifio hefyd, o ystyried ei gwaith ar y cynllun datblygu cenedlaethol. A byddaf yn gwneud y pwynt hefyd o gael sgwrs gyda'r Gweinidog i weld beth allai fod y ffordd orau o roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Senedd.
Minister, it's already been mentioned this afternoon, regarding the flooding that's affected my constituency in Skewen and many residents who were evacuated from their homes. Most of them are not yet allowed back into their homes and may not be for several weeks to come. So, I want, essentially, two statements on the same issue: a statement from the Minister for the environment relating to how she is actually tackling the influx of water that's gone into the mines. Storm Christoph just highlighted a big problem and filled that mine and the water is still flowing out of that now, even though the rain subsided several days ago. But it is important that we address that. So, what is the Minister for the environment doing to ensure that we deal with that matter totally, so that the residents can be reassured that they're not going to have more water flowing through their homes?
The second one is actually for the Welsh Government as to what is the First Minister doing to discuss with the UK Government about this? It's been mentioned before that these are old mine workings. There are hundreds dotted across the valleys in my constituency, let alone the Valleys in south Wales. I know he had done work already with the UK Government on coal tips. But this is another agenda that needs to be met and how the UK Government should take up its responsibility and work with the Welsh Government to alleviate the concerns of many residents who, at the moment, are worried about the undermining of their properties as a consequence of this.
Gweinidog, mae sôn eisoes wedi bod y prynhawn yma, am y llifogydd sydd wedi effeithio ar fy etholaeth i yn Sgiwen a llawer o drigolion a gafodd eu symud o'u cartrefi. Nid yw'r rhan fwyaf ohonyn nhw wedi cael dychwelyd i'w cartrefi eto ac efallai na fyddan nhw am sawl wythnos i ddod. Felly, rwyf i eisiau cael dau ddatganiad, yn y bôn, ar yr un mater: datganiad gan Weinidog yr Amgylchedd ar sut y mae hi'n mynd i ymdrin, mewn gwirionedd, â'r mewnlif o ddŵr sydd wedi mynd i mewn i'r pyllau glo. Roedd Storm Christoph wedi amlygu problem fawr a llenwi'r pwll glo ac mae'r dŵr yn dal i lifo allan ohono nawr, er bod y glaw wedi dod i ben sawl diwrnod yn ôl. Ond mae'n bwysig ein bod ni'n mynd i'r afael â hynny. Felly, beth mae Gweinidog yr Amgylchedd yn ei wneud i sicrhau ein bod yn ymdrin â'r mater hwnnw'n llwyr, fel bod modd sicrhau'r trigolion na fyddan nhw'n cael mwy o ddŵr yn llifo drwy eu cartrefi?
Mater i Lywodraeth Cymru yw'r ail un mewn gwirionedd ynglŷn â'r hyn y mae'r Prif Weinidog yn ei wneud i drafod hyn gyda Llywodraeth y DU? Bu sôn o'r blaen mai hen weithfeydd glo yw'r rhain. Mae cannoedd ledled y cymoedd yn fy etholaeth i, heb sôn am Gymoedd y de. Rwy'n ymwybodol ei fod eisoes wedi gwneud gwaith gyda Llywodraeth y DU ar dipiau glo. Ond mae hon yn agenda arall y mae angen ei bodloni a sut y dylai Llywodraeth y DU ymgymryd â'i chyfrifoldeb a gweithio gyda Llywodraeth Cymru i leddfu pryderon llawer o drigolion sydd, ar hyn o bryd, yn poeni ynghylch eu heiddo yn cael ei danseilio o ganlyniad i hyn.
This is very much an area where I think that the Welsh Government and UK Government need to undertake joint work, very much so, especially given the fact that, as David Rees sets out, Wales is very much disproportionately affected by the issues of the old mine works, as we are naturally—as follows—with the issues of the coal tips and so forth. The work, which has already been undertaken in respect of coal tips with the UK Government and the Coal Authority, I do think provides some good foundations for that work, but clearly it needs to be expanded to ensure that it does encapsulate all of the concerns that David Rees has described this afternoon.
Mae hwn yn faes lle rwy'n credu bod angen i Lywodraeth Cymru a Llywodraeth y DU wneud gwaith ar y cyd, yn enwedig o gofio, fel y mae David Rees yn ei nodi, fod materion yr hen byllau glo yn effeithio'n anghymesur iawn ar Gymru, fel yr ydym ni'n naturiol—fel a ganlyn—â materion y tipiau glo ac ati Rwy'n credu bod y gwaith, sydd eisoes wedi'i wneud o ran tipiau glo gyda Llywodraeth y DU a'r Awdurdod Glo, yn darparu rhai sylfeini da ar gyfer y gwaith hwnnw, ond mae'n amlwg bod angen ei ehangu i sicrhau ei fod yn crynhoi'r holl bryderon y mae David Rees wedi'u disgrifio y prynhawn yma.
Business Minister, may I call for a statement on the Welsh Government's reaction to the devastating news that Debenhams stores will now be closing across our country? Its closure and its plans to regenerate our towns and cities is a matter of urgency now. The closure of Debenhams stores across our country, following their takeover from Boohoo, means a loss of hundreds of jobs and will be a severe blow to cities, such as Newport, where Debenhams is the pivotal anchor store within the Friar's Walk city development, Cardiff and Swansea, where the store also forms part of the heart of the city's Quadrant shopping centre.
This is obviously devastating enough, but obviously during the pandemic the knock-on effect of these closures will mean people are hit even harder. It comes at a time when businesses in Wales remain in a precarious position and are suffering immense damage caused by the pandemic, despite grants. Figures produced by the Welsh Retail Consortium reveal that one in five shops in Wales are now empty; the vacancy rates increased from 15.9 per cent to 18 per cent in the third quarter of last year, the largest jump anywhere in the UK.
Big shop closures, such as Debenhams, have a massive impact on local communities and our high streets will now look rundown and blighted. Friar's Walk in Newport is a relatively new development and it was very welcomed at the time when it was first brought there by the Conservative-led Newport City Council. Since then, it's been diminishing—
Trefnydd, a gaf i alw am ddatganiad ar ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru i'r newyddion dinistriol y bydd siopau Debenhams nawr yn cau ledled ein gwlad? Mae cau'r siopau a'i gynlluniau i adfywio ein trefi a'n dinasoedd yn fater o frys nawr. Mae cau siopau Debenhams ledled ein gwlad, ar ôl iddyn nhw gael eu meddiannu gan Boohoo, yn golygu colli cannoedd o swyddi a bydd yn ergyd drom i ddinasoedd, fel Casnewydd, lle mae Debenhams yn gonglfain datblygiad dinas Friar's Walk, Caerdydd ac Abertawe, lle mae'r siop hefyd yn rhan o galon canolfan siopa Cwadrant y ddinas.
Mae hyn yn amlwg yn ddigon dinistriol, ond yn ddiau yn ystod y pandemig bydd canlyniadau effaith y siopau hyn yn cau yn golygu bod pobl yn cael eu heffeithio hyd yn oed yn galetach. Daw ar adeg pan fo busnesau yng Nghymru yn parhau mewn sefyllfa ansicr ac yn dioddef niwed aruthrol oherwydd y pandemig, er gwaethaf grantiau. Mae ffigurau wedi'u cynhyrchu gan Gonsortiwm Manwerthu Cymru yn dangos bod un o bob pum siop yng Nghymru nawr yn wag; cynyddodd y nifer o swyddi gwag o 15.9 y cant i 18 y cant yn nhrydydd chwarter y llynedd, y naid fwyaf yn unman yn y DU.
Mae cau siopau mawr, fel Debenhams, yn cael effaith enfawr ar gymunedau lleol a bydd ein strydoedd mawr nawr yn edrych yn ddi-raen ac yn ddiobaith. Mae Friar's Walk yng Nghasnewydd yn ddatblygiad cymharol newydd a chafodd groeso mawr pan gyflwynwyd ef yno gyntaf gan Gyngor Dinas Casnewydd dan arweiniad y Ceidwadwyr. Ers hynny, mae wedi bod yn lleihau—
Can you wind up, please?
A allwch chi ddirwyn i ben, os gwelwch chi'n dda?
—and now they've lost their jewel in the crown. I urge the Government to release plans on how they're going to work with Newport council to revive the city centre. Many thanks.
—a nawr maen nhw wedi colli eu trysor pennaf. Rwy'n annog y Llywodraeth i ryddhau cynlluniau ynghylch sut y byddan nhw'n gweithio gyda chyngor Casnewydd i adfywio canol y ddinas. Llawer o ddiolch.
Thank you very much for raising this issue, and it is a real concern to the Welsh Government—the loss of so many jobs and quite iconic landmark stores in some of our communities as well. Yes, the Welsh Government will work very closely with all of the local authorities affected. We'll also ensure that our support schemes, such as ReAct and so on, are in place for the affected workers. And, of course, we made this pledge to people, through the coronavirus, that we will seek to ensure that everybody has the support that they need to either retrain or to find a new job or to undertake self-employment, if that's something that they would wish to do. So, we need to ensure that those support packages are there for individuals, but also that our high streets, nonetheless, do have a healthy and vibrant future as we come out of the pandemic. The work we're doing through our town-centre loan scheme, for example, will be really important in that, and some of the allocations specifically in the budget for next year speak very much to ensuring that we have healthy high streets in the future. I think that there is a positive future for our high streets, but it certainly will require a great deal of work, both with Welsh Government but also with the partners that Laura Anne Jones has described.
Diolch yn fawr am godi'r mater hwn, ac mae'n wir yn bryder i Lywodraeth Cymru—colli cynifer o swyddi a siopau allweddol eithaf eiconig yn rhai o'n cymunedau hefyd. Bydd, fe fydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio'n agos iawn gyda'r holl awdurdodau lleol yr effeithiwyd arnyn nhw. Byddwn ni hefyd yn sicrhau bod ein cynlluniau cymorth, megis ReAct ac yn y blaen, ar waith ar gyfer y gweithwyr yr effeithiwyd arnyn nhw. Ac, wrth gwrs, gwnaethom yr addewid hon i bobl, drwy gydol coronafeirws, y byddwn ni'n ceisio sicrhau bod pawb yn cael y gefnogaeth sydd ei hangen arnyn nhw, naill ai i ailhyfforddi neu i ddod o hyd i swydd newydd neu i ymgymryd â hunangyflogaeth, os yw hynny'n rhywbeth y bydden nhw'n dymuno ei wneud. Felly, mae angen inni sicrhau bod y pecynnau cymorth hynny yno i unigolion, ond hefyd fod gan y stryd fawr, serch hynny, ddyfodol iach a bywiog wrth inni ddod allan o'r pandemig. Bydd y gwaith yr ydym ni'n ei wneud drwy ein cynllun benthyciadau canol tref, er enghraifft, yn bwysig iawn yn hynny o beth, ac mae rhai o'r dyraniadau yn benodol yn y gyllideb ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf yn mynd i'r afael â sicrhau bod gennym ni strydoedd mawr iach yn y dyfodol. Rwy'n credu bod dyfodol cadarnhaol i'n strydoedd mawr, ond yn sicr bydd angen llawer iawn o waith, gyda Llywodraeth Cymru ond hefyd gyda'r partneriaid a ddisgrifiodd Laura Anne Jones.
Gaf i ofyn am ddatganiad ynglŷn â chefnogaeth ariannol i Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru, Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, ac Urdd Gobaith Cymru? Maen nhw i gyd yn wynebu heriau sylweddol ac mae angen gweithredu brys o fewn y gyllideb nesaf. Gaf i ofyn i chi, felly, fel y Gweinidog cyllid, i ddwys ystyried y sefyllfa, o gofio bod un o brif strategaethau eich Llywodraeth chi, sef creu miliwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg, yn y fantol? Mae colli eisteddfod arall yn mynd i gael effaith bellgyrhaeddol ar y sefydliad. Maen nhw am orfod haneru'r tîm staff er mwyn gallu goroesi'r cyfnod nesaf. Mae'r Urdd hefyd yn wynebu argyfwng ariannol a cholled incwm o £14 miliwn dros y ddwy flynedd nesaf, ac mae'r llyfrgell genedlaethol angen ychwanegiad o £1 filiwn i'w gwaelodlin. Dwi wedi bod yn tynnu sylw eich Dirprwy Weinidog chi at yr argyfwng yn y llyfrgell genedlaethol ers mis Tachwedd, a dwi'n siomedig tu hwnt nad oes cymorth ar gael i'r sefydliad pwysig yma. Mae angen i'ch Llywodraeth chi symud yn gyflym i gynnig help, a byddai datganiad ar y sefyllfa o gymorth mawr i ni i gyd.
May I ask for a statement on financial support for the National Eisteddfod of Wales, the National Library of Wales and Urdd Gobaith Cymru? They are all facing significant challenges and urgent action is needed within the next budget. Could I ask you, therefore, as finance Minister, to give serious consideration to the situation, given that one of your Government's main strategies, namely the creation of a million Welsh speakers, is at stake here? Missing another eisteddfod will have a far-reaching impact on the institution. They are going to have to halve their staffing team in order to survive the ensuing period. The Urdd is also facing a financial crisis and a loss of income of £14 million over the next two years, and the national library needs an additional £1 million to its bottom line. I have been drawing the attention of your Deputy Minister to the crisis at the national library since November, and I'm extremely disappointed that no support has been made available to this important institution. Your Government needs to move swiftly to provide support, and a statement on the situation would be of great assistance to us all.
Yes, I'm aware of the significant challenges facing all of those organisations. With regard to the library, for example, the budget reflects the Welsh Government settlement from the UK Government, of course, and must be viewed within the overall context, but our draft budget for the next financial year, which was announced on 21 December, does show that we've maintained the revenue for next year and that stays the same as 2020-21, and I think that in itself is an achievement, given all of the pressures and the ongoing pandemic and the desperate need for funding across all kinds of areas of Government. But we do very much recognise the particular challenges in maintaining the library's historic building, for example. So, we've provided an enhanced capital budget of £3.2 million for next year, and there's funding available as well to accelerate the decarbonisation and digital priorities of the library in order to ensure that it does have a strong future in those particular regards. I have had some further discussions and I'll continue to have further discussions with my colleague Eluned Morgan in respect of some of these particular concerns that have been described by Siân Gwenllian this afternoon.
Ydw, rwy'n ymwybodol o'r heriau sylweddol sy'n wynebu'r holl sefydliadau hynny. O ran y Llyfrgell, er enghraifft, mae'r gyllideb yn adlewyrchu setliad Llywodraeth Cymru oddi wrth Lywodraeth y DU, wrth gwrs, a rhaid ei gweld o fewn y cyd-destun cyffredinol, ond mae ein cyllideb ddrafft ar gyfer y flwyddyn ariannol nesaf, a gafodd ei chyhoeddi ar 21 Rhagfyr, yn dangos ein bod wedi cynnal y refeniw ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf ac mae hynny'n aros yr un peth â 2020-21, ac rwy'n credu bod hynny ynddo'i hun yn gyflawniad, o ystyried yr holl bwysau a'r pandemig parhaus a'r angen dybryd am gyllid hyd a lled pob math o feysydd y Llywodraeth. Ond rydym yn cydnabod yn fawr heriau penodol cynnal adeilad hanesyddol y Llyfrgell, er enghraifft. Felly, rydym wedi darparu cyllideb cyfalaf uwch o £3.2 miliwn ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf, ac mae cyllid ar gael hefyd i gyflymu blaenoriaethau datgarboneiddio a digidol y Llyfrgell er mwyn sicrhau bod gan y Llyfrgell ddyfodol cryf yn hynny o beth. Rwyf i wedi cael trafodaethau eraill a byddaf i'n parhau i gael trafodaethau eraill gyda fy nghyd-Aelod Eluned Morgan ynglŷn â rhai o'r pryderon penodol hyn y mae Siân Gwenllian wedi'u disgrifio y prynhawn yma.
I've been contacted by many parents who have children with additional learning needs but who have not been offered a placement in the local hubs. Now, Rhondda Cynon Taf council tell me that they are acting upon Welsh Government guidance, but if children with additional learning needs and, in some cases, statements as well, are adversely affected by home schooling, then surely the guidance has to change. A number of third sector organisations agree that the current guidance doesn't make it sufficiently clear that children with additional learning needs who are struggling at home should be considered as vulnerable for the purposes of accessing face-to-face learning, and the rules appear to be inconsistently applied in different places. So, can we therefore have a statement from the Government about how we can best protect the most vulnerable pupils, with more inclusive guidance during lockdown, before more harm is caused to pupils who would be better served by being able to attend their local hubs?
Mae llawer o rieni sydd â phlant ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol wedi cysylltu â mi ond sydd heb gael cynnig eu lleoli yn yr hybiau lleol. Nawr, mae cyngor Rhondda Cynon Taf yn dweud wrthyf i eu bod yn gweithredu ar ganllawiau Llywodraeth Cymru, ond os yw plant ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol, a chanddynt, mewn rhai achosion ddatganiadau hefyd, yn cael eu heffeithio'n andwyol gan addysg gartref, yna siawns nad oes raid i'r canllawiau newid. Mae nifer o sefydliadau'r trydydd sector yn cytuno nad yw'r canllawiau presennol yn ddigon eglur o ran bod angen i blant ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol sy'n cael trafferth gartref gael eu hystyried yn agored i niwed at ddibenion manteisio ar ddysgu wyneb yn wyneb, ac mae'n ymddangos bod y rheolau'n cael eu cymhwyso'n anghyson mewn gwahanol leoedd. Felly, a gawn ni ddatganiad gan y Llywodraeth ynglŷn â'r ffordd orau o ddiogelu'r disgyblion mwyaf agored i niwed, gyda chanllawiau mwy cynhwysol yn ystod y cyfyngiadau symud, cyn i fwy o niwed gael ei achosi i ddisgyblion a fyddai'n cael eu gwasanaethu'n well drwy allu mynychu eu hybiau lleol?
I'm very grateful to Leanne Wood for raising those concerns, and I will be sure to raise them on her behalf with both the education Minister and the Minister for local government to explore the particular point made about the clarity of the guidance and whether or not we need to issue some further clarification to local authorities in terms of aiding their interpretation of the guidance to ensure that the children who most need to be in those hubs have the opportunity to do so. So, I'll make a point of taking that forward today.
Rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn i Leanne Wood am godi'r pryderon hynny, a byddaf i'n siŵr o'u codi ar ei rhan hi gyda'r Gweinidog Addysg a'r Gweinidog Llywodraeth Leol i archwilio'r pwynt penodol a wnaeth am eglurder y canllawiau ac a oes angen rhoi mwy o eglurhad i awdurdodau lleol i'w helpu i ddehongli'r canllawiau er mwyn sicrhau bod y plant y mae angen iddyn nhw fod yn yr hybiau hynny yn cael y cyfle i wneud hwnnw. Felly, byddaf yn gwneud pwynt o fwrw ymlaen â hynny heddiw.
Thank you, Trefnydd.
Diolch, Trefnydd.
Motions to elect Members to committees for the Welsh Conservatives. In accordance with Standing Orders 12.24 and 12.40, I propose that motions to elect these Members to committees are grouped for debate and for voting. I don't see any objections, therefore, I call on a member of the Business Committee to move the motions formally. Trefnydd.
Cynigion i ethol Aelodau i bwyllgorau ar gyfer y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig. Yn unol â Rheolau Sefydlog 12.24 a 12.40, rwy'n argymell bod cynigion i ethol yr Aelodau hyn i bwyllgorau yn cael eu grwpio ar gyfer dadl a phleidlais. Nid wyf yn gweld unrhyw wrthwynebiad, felly, rwy'n galw ar aelod o'r Pwyllgor Busnes i gynnig y cynigion yn ffurfiol. Trefnydd.
Cynnig NDM7563 Elin Jones
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 17.14, yn ethol Angela Burns (Ceidwadwyr Cymreig) yn aelod o’r Pwyllgor Iechyd, Gofal Cymdeithasol a Chwaraeon yn lle Andrew R.T. Davies (Ceidwadwyr Cymreig).
Motion NDM7563 Elin Jones
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 17.14, elects Angela Burns (Welsh Conservatives) as a member of the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee in place of Andrew R.T. Davies (Welsh Conservatives).
Cynnig NDM7564 Elin Jones
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 17.14, yn ethol Nick Ramsay (Ceidwadwyr Cymreig) yn aelod o’r Pwyllgor Materion Allanol a Deddfwriaeth Ychwanegol yn lle Laura Anne Jones (Ceidwadwyr Cymreig).
Motion NDM7564 Elin Jones
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 17.14, elects Nick Ramsay (Welsh Conservatives) as a member of the External Affairs and Additional Legislation Committee in place of Laura Anne Jones (Welsh Conservatives).
Cynnig NDM7565 Elin Jones
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 17.14, yn ethol Darren Millar (Ceidwadwyr Cymreig) yn aelod o’r Pwyllgor Cyfrifon Cyhoeddus yn lle Angela Burns (Ceidwadwyr Cymreig).
Motion NDM7565 Elin Jones
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 17.14, elects Darren Millar (Welsh Conservatives) as a member of the Public Accounts Committee in place of Angela Burns (Welsh Conservatives).
Cynnig NDM7566 Elin Jones
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 17.14, yn ethol Laura Anne Jones (Ceidwadwyr Cymreig) yn aelod o'r Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb, Llywodraeth Leol a Chymunedau yn lle Mark Isherwood (Ceidwadwyr Cymreig).
Motion NDM7566 Elin Jones
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 17.14, elects Laura Anne Jones (Welsh Conservatives) as a member of the Equalities, Local Government and Communities Committee in place of Mark Isherwood (Welsh Conservatives).
Cynnig NDM7567 Elin Jones
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 17.14, yn ethol Mark Isherwood (Ceidwadwyr Cymreig) yn aelod o’r Pwyllgor Busnes yn lle Darren Millar (Ceidwadwyr Cymreig).
Motion NDM7567 Elin Jones
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 17.14, elects Mark Isherwood (Welsh Conservatives) as a member of the Business Committee in place of Darren Millar (Welsh Conservatives).
Cynnig NDM7568 Elin Jones
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 17.14, yn ethol Mark Isherwood (Ceidwadwyr Cymreig) yn aelod o’r Pwyllgor Cyllid yn lle Nick Ramsay (Ceidwadwyr Cymreig).
Motion NDM7568 Elin Jones
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 17.14, elects Mark Isherwood (Welsh Conservatives) as a member of the Finance Committee in place of Nick Ramsay (Welsh Conservatives).
Cynnig NDM7569 Elin Jones
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 17.14, yn ethol Mark Isherwood (Ceidwadwyr Cymreig) yn aelod amgen o’r Pwyllgor Safonau Ymddygiad yn lle Darren Millar (Ceidwadwyr Cymreig).
Motion NDM7569 Elin Jones
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 17.14, elects Mark Isherwood (Welsh Conservatives) as an alternate member of the Standards of Conduct Committee in place of Darren Millar (Welsh Conservatives).
Cynigiwyd y cynigion.
Motions moved.

Yes, formally.
Do, yn ffurfiol.
Thank you. The proposal is to agree the motions. Does any Member object? No, I don't see any objections. Therefore, the motions are agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Diolch. Y cynnig yw derbyn y cynigion. A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Nac oes, nid wyf yn gweld unrhyw wrthwynebiad. Felly, derbynnir y cynigion yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Derbyniwyd y cynigion yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Motions agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
The next item on the agenda this afternoon is a statement by the Minister for Health and Social Services, an update on COVID vaccinations. I call on the Minister for Health and Social Services, Vaughan Gething.
Yr eitem nesaf ar yr agenda'r prynhawn yma yw datganiad gan y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol, sef yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am frechiadau COVID. Rwy'n galw ar y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol, Vaughan Gething.

Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. Today, we have published the first of our reports summarising progress against our national COVID-19 vaccination plan. These will be published every Tuesday from now on. These reports are in addition to the surveillance data published by Public Health Wales both daily and weekly, and the operational data being published by Welsh Government statisticians from today, which we will publish each Tuesday going forward.
According to the figures published at midday today, NHS Wales has vaccinated almost 290,000 people across Wales. That is just over 9 per cent of the population. We have seen a significant escalation in the pace of vaccine deployment here in Wales over the last couple of weeks. This is because we have seen an increase in vaccine supply, in particular since the introduction of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine at the start of the month, and because of the continued expansion of our vaccination infrastructure.
We hit two markers in our vaccination strategy last week. We offered all front-line Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust staff their first dose of the vaccine, and uptake is now over 65 per cent. We also exceeded our end of January marker to have more than 250 general practices deploying the vaccine. Last week, more than 300 practices were involved in running vaccine clinics and, up to yesterday, at least 329 were doing so. We are also making strong progress towards the final marker, and that is offering the vaccine to all care home residents and staff by the end of the month.
We are currently vaccinating, on average, around 1,000 care home residents a day. Over 11,000 care homes residents, which is about 67 per cent of this priority group, at least that many have now received their first dose of the vaccine. Over 74 per cent of care home staff have also received their first dose. At the end of last week, as I said, more than 300 general practices were running vaccine clinics. We have exceeded the plan's expectation for 250 practices. Our approach encompasses all primary care professionals, including dentists, optometrists and pharmacists, in the delivery of the vaccine. This includes a community pharmacy pilot, community vaccination centres and, from last weekend, clusters of GP practices running clinics in local communities. We heard a little earlier about the particular example in Nefyn on the Llŷn Peninsula. That was one of three GP cluster clinics that ran last weekend and they were estimated to have administered 3,000 vaccines over the weekend between them, many of those, of course, to the priority over-80s group.
I know that Members will, of course, want to know and return to whether we vaccinated 70 per cent of over-80s and in care homes by the weekend. We don't think we quite got there. The centre closures and rescheduling of appointments due to the weather were a key factor in this. What is clear and undoubted, however, is the heroic effort under way, with the numbers of people being vaccinated increasing every day last week as the week progressed, and I want to thank each and every person involved for their commitment to this ongoing national mission.
Members will be aware of the centre closures due to the adverse weather over the weekend in the Cwm Taf area, but also in the Swansea bay area. Centres were closed for safety reasons and vaccine appointments have been rescheduled. A number of GP practices also postponed weekend appointments to early this week, and that was absolutely the right thing to do. Members will also have heard about queues forming outside a vaccination centre in Swansea on Friday evening. Sadly, this was the result of someone needing emergency medical treatment as soon as they arrived at the centre. NHS staff are doing everything they can to ensure people don’t have to queue for their vaccination appointments, but sometimes, as I'm sure all Members will appreciate, emergencies do happen. Whilst the NHS does everything it can to make sure the vaccination infrastructure is resilient, these issues serve as a useful reminder that there are events outside of our control that will impact on the delivery of our aims. There is no doubt, however, that we are making good progress and building pace all the time.
Diolch yn fawr, Dirprwy Lywydd. Heddiw, fe wnaethom ni gyhoeddi'r cyntaf o'n hadroddiadau ni yn rhoi crynodeb o'r cynnydd yn erbyn ein cynllun brechu COVID-19 cenedlaethol. Byddant yn cael eu cyhoeddi bob dydd Mawrth o hyn ymlaen. Mae'r adroddiadau hyn yn ychwanegol i'r data gwyliadwriaeth a gyhoeddir gan Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru yn ddyddiol ac yn wythnosol fel ei gilydd, a'r data gweithredol sy'n cael eu cyhoeddi gan ystadegwyr Llywodraeth Cymru o heddiw ymlaen, y byddwn ni'n eu cyhoeddi bob dydd Mawrth o hyn ymlaen.
Yn ôl y ffigurau a gyhoeddwyd am hanner dydd heddiw, mae GIG Cymru wedi brechu bron 290,000 o bobl ledled Cymru, sef ychydig dros 9 y cant o'r boblogaeth. Rydym wedi gweld cynnydd sylweddol yng nghyflymder gweinyddu'r brechlyn yma yng Nghymru dros yr wythnosau diwethaf. Y rheswm am hyn yw ein bod wedi gweld cynnydd yn y cyflenwad o frechlynnau, yn enwedig ers gallu defnyddio brechlyn Rhydychen-AstraZeneca ddechrau'r mis, ac oherwydd bod ein seilwaith ni o ran gweinyddu brechiadau yn parhau i ehangu.
Fe wnaethom gyrraedd dau nod yn ein strategaeth frechu yn ystod yr wythnos ddiwethaf. Fe wnaethom gynnig y dos gyntaf o'r brechlyn i bob aelod o staff rheng flaen Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Gwasanaethau Ambiwlans Cymru, ac mae dros 65 y cant wedi manteisio ar hynny bellach. Fe wnaethom yn well na'r nod a oedd gennym ar gyfer mis Ionawr, sef mwy na 250 o bractisau cyffredinol yn gweinyddu'r brechlyn. Yr wythnos ddiwethaf, roedd dros 300 o bractisau yn ymroi i'r gwaith o redeg clinigau brechu, a hyd at ddoe roedd o leiaf 329 yn gwneud hynny. Rydym hefyd yn gwneud cynnydd mawr tuag at y nod terfynol, sef cynnig y brechlyn i holl breswylwyr a staff cartrefi gofal erbyn diwedd y mis.
Ar hyn o bryd, rydym yn brechu tua 1,000 o breswylwyr mewn cartrefi gofal bob dydd ar gyfartaledd. Mae o leiaf dros 11,000 o breswylwyr cartrefi gofal, sef tua 67 y cant o'r grŵp blaenoriaeth hwn, wedi cael eu dos gyntaf nhw o'r brechlyn erbyn hyn. Mae dros 74 y cant o staff cartrefi gofal wedi derbyn eu dos gyntaf. Ar ddiwedd yr wythnos ddiwethaf, fel y dywedais i, roedd yna dros 300 o bractisau cyffredinol yn rhedeg clinigau brechu. Rydym wedi rhagori ar ddisgwyliad y cynllun o 250 o bractisau. Mae ein dull ni'n cwmpasu pob ymarferwr gofal sylfaenol proffesiynol, gan gynnwys deintyddion, optometryddion a fferyllwyr, wrth weinyddu'r brechlyn. Mae hyn yn cynnwys cynllun peilot y fferyllfeydd cymunedol, canolfannau brechu cymunedol ac, o'r penwythnos diwethaf, glystyrau o bractisau meddygon teulu sy'n rhedeg clinigau mewn cymunedau lleol. Fe glywsom ni ychydig yn gynharach am yr enghraifft arbennig yn Nefyn ar Benrhyn Llŷn. Roedd hwnnw'n un o dri chlinig clwstwr meddygon teulu a oedd yn rhedeg y penwythnos diwethaf ac fe amcangyfrifwyd eu bod wedi rhoi 3,000 o frechlynnau dros y penwythnos rhyngddyn nhw, a llawer o'r rheini, wrth gwrs, i grŵp blaenoriaeth y bobl dros 80 oed.
Fe wn y bydd yr Aelodau, wrth gwrs, yn awyddus i gael gwybod a thrafod eto a wnaethom ni frechu 70 y cant o'r bobl dros 80 oed a'r rheini mewn cartrefi gofal erbyn y penwythnos. Nid ydym yn credu inni gyrraedd hynny'n union. Roedd cau canolfannau ac aildrefnu apwyntiadau oherwydd y tywydd mawr yn ffactor allweddol yn hynny. Yr hyn sy'n eglur a diamwys, serch hynny, yw'r ymdrech arwrol sydd ar gerdded, gyda nifer y bobl sy'n cael eu brechu yn cynyddu bob dydd yn ystod yr wythnos ddiwethaf wrth i'r wythnos fynd yn ei blaen, ac rwy'n dymuno diolch i bob unigolyn sy'n gysylltiedig â hynny am ei ymrwymiad i'r ymgyrch genedlaethol gyfredol hon.
Mae'r Aelodau yn ymwybodol y bu'n rhaid cau canolfan oherwydd y tywydd garw dros y penwythnos yn ardal Cwm Taf, ac yn ardal bae Abertawe hefyd. Fe gaewyd canolfannau am resymau diogelwch ac fe ad-drefnwyd yr apwyntiadau brechu. Fe ohiriodd nifer o bractisau meddygon teulu apwyntiadau'r penwythnos hefyd tan ddechrau'r wythnos hon, a dyna oedd y peth iawn i'w wneud. Mae'r Aelodau wedi clywed hefyd am giwiau yn ffurfio y tu allan i ganolfan frechu yn Abertawe nos Wener. Yn anffodus, roedd hyn o ganlyniad i rywun ag angen triniaeth feddygol frys yn syth ar ôl cyrraedd y ganolfan. Mae staff y GIG yn gwneud popeth o fewn eu gallu i sicrhau nad oes yn rhaid i bobl giwio am eu hapwyntiadau i gael eu brechu, ond weithiau, fel rwy'n siŵr y bydd pob Aelod yn deall, fe all argyfyngau daro. Er bod y GIG yn gwneud popeth o fewn ei allu i sicrhau bod y seilwaith i frechu yn gadarn, mae'r materion hyn yn ein hatgoffa ni am ddigwyddiadau sydd y tu hwnt i'n rheolaeth ni a all effeithio ar gyflawni ein hamcanion ni. Nid oes amheuaeth, er hynny, ein bod ni'n gweld cynnydd mawr ac mae pethau'n cyflymu drwy'r amser.
Minister, I'd like to thank you for your statement. Like you, I do appreciate, and I am grateful for, the hard work of all those who are trying to carry out these all-important vaccinations. But, despite my gratitude to the front line, I really would like to challenge some of the figures that you've just reeled off and ask you a few questions on your statement. Whilst it is really good news that 290,000 people have been vaccinated, the reality is that simply not enough of the over-80s who are in the community have had the option of having a vaccine. You say that 52.8 per cent of the over-80s have been vaccinated, but it is a seriously missed target. So, Minister, could you please tell us what extended time frame you have now? What about some of the local health boards, such as Cardiff and Vale or, indeed, Hywel Dda, who are already sending out letters to the over-70s? Do you have an LHB percentage breakdown on each priority group?
You stated that some of the centres were closed due to the snow. Are you able to inform us of the numbers of centres or the numbers of planned vaccines that were closed, because I do understand that the weather played a part, but are you really saying that 42,115 over-80s did not get vaccinated because of the weather? The reality is that that's a daily target of some 22,000, which has only been hit three times in the past, so I think that there are other issues at play.
From my inbox, and inboxes, I know, of other Senedd Members, there are many, many over-80s who have not even heard, have not even been called forward for a vaccination, let alone had to have one rescheduled. I have a constituent who's 96 years old and lives on her own in Kilgetty—not a dicky bird from anybody about when she's going to get a vaccine—96. Yet, in other areas of Wales we're already looking at vaccinating over-70s. It's very piecemeal, and I'd be very grateful to know how you're going to be able to pull this together so, as Andrew R.T. Davies said in First Minister's questions, we don't have a postcode lottery.
The over-80s are a very vulnerable group. Therefore, Minister, I'd be very grateful if you could tell us what progress has been made on mobile teams visiting the most vulnerable in their homes.
Looking forward, and, sadly, it's likely that vaccines will need to be altered on a semi-regular basis because of the new variants that are coming through, are you able to give us information on what part Wales is able to play in the future development of any new vaccines?
Finally, Minister, I just wondered whether you could tell us what is being put in place to manage the anomalies of border villages and towns, where patients may live in Wales but be registered with a GP surgery in England or vice versa. These people who are neighbours are getting vaccinations weeks apart, and I know it's causing some unrest. It would be very good to have an update.
I do have a further slew of questions. I am conscious of the time, so I'll take the opportunity to ask my other questions during the Welsh Conservatives' debate on vaccines tomorrow. Thank you.
Gweinidog, fe hoffwn i ddiolch i chi am eich datganiad. Fel chwithau, rwy'n gwerthfawrogi ac yn ddiolchgar iawn am waith caled pawb sy'n ceisio gweinyddu'r brechiadau hollbwysig hyn. Ond, er fy mod i'n ddiolchgar i'r rheng flaen, fe hoffwn i'n fawr allu herio rhai o'r ffigurau yr ydych chi newydd eu crybwyll, un ar ôl y llall, a gofyn ychydig o gwestiynau ichi am eich datganiad. Er mai newyddion da iawn yw clywed bod 290,000 o bobl wedi cael eu brechu, y gwir amdani yw nad oes yna ddigon o bobl dros 80 oed yn y gymuned sydd wedi cael cynnig y brechlyn. Rydych chi'n dweud bod 52.8 y cant o bobl dros 80 oed wedi cael eu brechu, ond fe fethwyd y targed yn ddifrifol iawn. Felly, Gweinidog, a wnewch chi ddweud wrthym ni pa amserlen estynedig sydd gennych chi nawr? Beth am rai o'r byrddau iechyd lleol, fel Caerdydd a'r Fro neu Hywel Dda, yn wir, sydd eisoes yn anfon llythyrau at bobl dros 70 oed? A oes gennych chi ddadansoddiad canrannol BILl ar gyfer pob grŵp blaenoriaeth?
Roeddech chi'n dweud bod rhai o'r canolfannau ar gau oherwydd yr eira. A wnewch chi roi gwybod inni faint o ganolfannau a gaewyd neu nifer y brechlynnau arfaethedig a ohiriwyd, oherwydd er fy mod yn deall bod gan y tywydd ran yn hyn, a ydych chi'n dweud mewn gwirionedd na chafodd 42,115 o bobl dros 80 oed eu brechu oherwydd y tywydd? Y gwir amdani yw mai targed dyddiol o ryw 22,000 yw hynny, ond dim ond tair gwaith y gwireddwyd hynny yn y gorffennol, felly rwyf i o'r farn fod yna broblemau eraill hefyd.
O'r mewnflwch sydd gennyf i, fe wn, ac o fewnflychau Aelodau eraill y Senedd, mae yna lawer o bobl dros 80 oed nad ydyn nhw wedi clywed hyd yn oed, heb eu gwahodd am frechlyn hyd yn oed, heb sôn am fod wedi gorfod aildrefnu. Mae un o'm hetholwyr i, gwraig 96 oed sy'n byw ar ei phen ei hun yng Nghilgeti—heb glywed dim siw na miw gan neb ynghylch pryd y bydd hi'n cael y brechlyn—96 oed. Ac eto i gyd, mewn rhannau eraill o Gymru rydym ni eisoes yn ystyried brechu pobl dros 70 oed. Mae'n fratiog iawn, ac fe fyddai'n dda iawn gennyf gael gwybod sut y gallwch chi dynnu hyn at ei gilydd fel nad oes gennym loteri cod post, fel y dywedodd Andrew R.T. Davies yn y cwestiynau i'r Prif Weinidog.
Mae pobl dros 80 oed yn grŵp agored iawn i niwed. Felly, Gweinidog, fe fyddwn i'n ddiolchgar iawn pe gallech chi ddweud wrthym pa gynnydd sydd wedi bod o ran cael timau symudol i ymweld â'r rhai mwyaf agored i niwed yn eu cartrefi.
Wrth edrych i'r dyfodol, ac, yn anffodus, mae'n debygol y bydd angen addasu'r brechlynnau yn lled reolaidd oherwydd yr amrywiolion newydd sy'n codi eu pennau, a wnewch chi roi gwybodaeth inni am ba ran all fod gan Gymru wrth ddatblygu unrhyw frechlynnau newydd yn y dyfodol?
Yn olaf, Gweinidog, tybed a wnewch chi ddweud wrthym ni beth sy'n cael ei roi ar waith i reoli anghysondebau mewn pentrefi a threfi ar y ffin, lle gall cleifion fyw yng Nghymru ond fod wedi eu cofrestru gyda meddygfa yn Lloegr neu i'r gwrthwyneb. Mae'r bobl hyn sy'n gymdogion i'w gilydd yn gweld wythnosau o wahaniaeth o ran cael eu gwahodd am frechlyn, ac rwy'n gwybod bod hynny'n achosi rhywfaint o anfodlonrwydd. Da o beth fyddai cael yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf.
Mae gennyf i restr faith arall o gwestiynau. Rwy'n ymwybodol o'r amser, felly rwyf am achub ar y cyfle i ofyn fy nghwestiynau eraill ichi yn ystod dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig ar frechlynnau yfory. Diolch.
Thank you for that series of questions. The figures produced by Public Health Wales on over-80s are for over-80s in the community. Of course, some of the over-80s in Wales will be resident in care homes, and that data is being updated. You will have seen the BBC article last week that explained the lag in the data reporting and the fact that England report data at an earlier point than ourselves. We provide data with a level of quality assurance around it, but, still, there's a data lag within that.
On the local health board breakdown, I don't have an over-80s breakdown to provide to you. As we get more information, we'll be able to provide more information. As I said in my statement, every Tuesday we'll provide information, just as every Thursday Public Health Wales will, so you can expect there to me more and more data as it's available, because I do think transparency about the data is important to engender public trust. Being transparent with the data and, as we have seen, the significant increases in vaccine delivery are key, I think, to maintaining the level of public trust and confidence we all want to see in this programme. It is very much a national mission.
Five mass vaccination centres were affected, at least, by the conditions, but a range of additional GP clinics didn't go ahead, and, again, I think for understandable reasons. Also, as the First Minister set out yesterday, and I set out at the press conference yesterday, we're aware that there were a significant number of people who didn't attend for appointments. And that's entirely understandable—the conditions in large parts of Wales in the last two days have been treacherous. So, you'd understand why people haven't attended and why those appointments are being rolled forward into the rest of the week. So, people who don't attend will still be contacted and offered an alternative date.
The reason why a range of over-70 letters are going out is that we're planning ahead in each health board when they've made really good progress with the current stage of the vaccine roll-out. It will still be the case that some over-80s in different parts of Wales won't have had their vaccine yet, just as in other UK nations. What I don't think we should do is to hold back the ability for those parts of Wales who can do that and are on schedule to do so until everyone else has caught up. As I've said repeatedly, the objective is for all of us to go as quickly as possible through the priority groups and to make sure we're protecting our most vulnerable citizens. And I completely reject the suggestion that there is a postcode lottery in our delivery. I think, if you look right across Wales, you'll see that there is a significant amount of progress being made, and I think the differences are relatively marginal, and one or two anecdotes do not paint an accurate version of the national picture.
We have 14 mobile units that are already going around helping to deliver vaccinations. We also have members of the primary care team who are delivering vaccinations to people who are housebound, and again that's substantially led by our colleagues in general practice, which is why it's such great news that at least 329 general practices across the country are engaged in this work. And I'm tremendously grateful to the whole primary care team for working together in such a really incredible way to deliver the vaccine programme. That's why we haven't just got better access, but the pace of what we're doing. It's worth pointing out that, in the last seven days, Wales has the fastest rate of vaccination per head of population compared to every other UK nation. So, as to the demands for Wales to catch up with other UK nations, we are catching up with UK nations. We're going faster than the rest of the UK at present. And it was a few weeks ago when I was facing questions about why Wales was fourth out of the four nations—we're now second and making ground on England—which I know is a significant anxiety for a range of people, but this really is a programme that is delivering and delivering at a much greater pace.
In terms of new vaccines, Wales definitely punches above its weight when it comes to genomic sequencing, understanding what's happening with current variants and newer ones as well. And again, just as I think we can all take a measure of pride in our vaccine programme and the pace that we've seen in the last few days, we should take pride in the contributions that our scientists are making to understanding the new variants, the new potential threats that exist, and what that means for the ability of our scientists, including those people in private sector research, who are looking at having a vaccination programme that continues to meet the challenges that new vaccinations will present.
And on cross-border issues, we had a particular wrinkle when a Welsh office Minister suggested last week that there was a problem with vaccines not being offered to English residents who are registered with a Welsh GP. Actually, we've had a conversation, and I had a conversation at a health Ministers' meeting across the four nations, about this to try and resolve this. My understanding is that, on cross-border vaccination, we are doing the best thing possible, in terms of that everyone who's registered with a Welsh GP can get their vaccination, including residents in care homes. But I think there are some issues to work through, potentially, with indemnity issues, about whether or not people who are resident in a care home but have an English GP can actually have that delivered by their English GP or not, and we're making sure those people are not left behind in our care home programme.
When it comes to how people feel about what's across the border, it is almost always the case that you see something on the other side and you think that it must be better over there. Actually, I think people can take real pride in the fact that, as I say, we're going faster than any other UK nation within the last seven days. I look forward to further progress, and another week to build on the 130,000 vaccines we delivered this week. I'm confident we can do even more in the week ahead.
Diolch i chi am y gyfres yna o gwestiynau. Mae'r ffigurau a gynhyrchwyd gan Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru ar gyfer pobl dros 80 oed yn ffigurau ar gyfer y bobl dros 80 oed hynny sydd yn y gymuned. Wrth gwrs, mae yna rai sydd dros 80 oed yng Nghymru sy'n byw mewn cartrefi gofal, ac mae'r data hynny'n cael eu diweddaru. Rydych chi wedi gweld yr erthygl gan y BBC yr wythnos diwethaf a oedd yn egluro'r oedi o ran adroddiadau data a'r ffaith bod Lloegr yn cyflwyno adroddiadau data yn gynharach na ni. Rydym ni'n cyhoeddi data sydd â lefel o sicrwydd ansawdd, ond, er hynny, mae bwlch yn y data ar hynny.
O ran dadansoddiad bwrdd iechyd lleol, nid oes gennyf ddadansoddiad ar gyfer pobl dros 80 oed i'w roi ichi. Wrth inni gael mwy o wybodaeth, fe fyddwn ni'n gallu rhoi mwy o wybodaeth. Fel y dywedais yn fy natganiad, fe fyddwn ni'n rhoi gwybodaeth bob dydd Mawrth, yn union fel y bydd Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru yn ei rhoi bob dydd Iau. Felly gallwch chi ddisgwyl y bydd yna fwy a mwy o ddata pan fyddan nhw ar gael, oherwydd rwy'n credu bod tryloywder ynglŷn â'r data yn bwysig iawn i ennill ymddiriedaeth y cyhoedd. Yn fy marn i, mae bod yn dryloyw gyda'r data, yn ogystal â'r cynnydd sylweddol, fel y gwelsom, yn y broses o weinyddu brechlynnau, yn allweddol er mwyn cynnal yr ymddiriedaeth a'r hyder gan y cyhoedd yr ydym ni i gyd yn awyddus i'w weld yn y rhaglen hon. Ymgyrch i'r genedl gyfan yw hon i raddau helaeth iawn.
Effeithiwyd ar o leiaf pump o ganolfannau brechu torfol gan y tywydd, ond fe amharwyd ar sawl clinig ychwanegol gan feddygon teulu hefyd ac, unwaith eto, am resymau sy'n ddealladwy, yn fy marn i. Hefyd, fel y nododd y Prif Weinidog ddoe, ac fe wnes innau nodi hynny yn y gynhadledd i'r wasg ddoe, rydym ni'n ymwybodol fod yna nifer sylweddol o bobl wedi methu eu hapwyntiadau. Ac mae hynny'n gwbl ddealladwy—mae'r tywydd garw wedi achosi peryglon mewn rhannau helaeth o Gymru yn ystod y ddau ddiwrnod diwethaf. Felly, fe fyddech chi'n deall pam nad yw pobl wedi gallu bod yn bresennol a pham mae'r apwyntiadau hynny wedi cael eu gohirio tan nes ymlaen yn yr wythnos. Felly, fe fydd rhywun yn cysylltu â'r bobl hynny a fethodd eu hapwyntiadau ac yn cynnig dyddiad arall iddyn nhw.
Y rheswm pam mae llythyrau wedi eu hanfon allan at rai dros 70 oed yw ein bod ni'n cynllunio ymlaen llaw ym mhob bwrdd iechyd pan fyddan nhw wedi gweld cynnydd da iawn gyda'r cam presennol o gyflwyno'r brechlyn. Bydd yn wir o hyd na fydd rhai pobl dros 80 oed mewn gwahanol rannau o Gymru wedi cael eu brechlyn eto, yn union fel y mae yng ngwledydd eraill y DU. Yr hyn na ddylid ei wneud, yn fy marn i, yw ffrwyno'r gallu yn y rhannau hynny o Gymru sy'n medru gwneud hynny ac sydd ar amser i wneud hynny nes bod pawb arall wedi dal i fyny. Fel y dywedais i dro ar ôl tro, yr amcan yw bod pob un ohonom yn mynd cyn gynted ag y gallwn drwy'r grwpiau blaenoriaeth a sicrhau ein bod yn amddiffyn y dinasyddion sy'n fwyaf agored i niwed. Ac rwy'n gwrthod yr awgrym yn llwyr fod yna loteri cod post yn ein darpariaeth ni. Rwy'n credu, os edrychwch chi ledled Cymru, y gwelwch chi fod cryn dipyn o gynnydd yn cael ei wneud, ac rwy'n credu mai cymharol ymylol yw'r gwahaniaethau, ac nid yw un neu ddau o hanesion yn rhoi fersiwn gywir o'r darlun cenedlaethol.
Mae gennym 14 o unedau symudol sydd eisoes yn mynd o gwmpas yn helpu i weinyddu brechiadau. Mae gennym aelodau o'r tîm gofal sylfaenol hefyd sy'n gweinyddu brechiadau i bobl sy'n gaeth i'r tŷ, ac unwaith eto mae hynny'n cael ei arwain i raddau helaeth gan ein cydweithwyr mewn practisau cyffredinol. A dyna pam mae'n newyddion mor wych fod o leiaf 329 o bractisau cyffredinol ledled y wlad yn ymwneud â'r gwaith hwn. Ac rwy'n hynod ddiolchgar i'r tîm gofal sylfaenol cyfan am gydweithio mewn ffordd mor anhygoel i gynnal y rhaglen frechu. Dyna pam mae gennym nid yn unig well hygyrchedd, ond fwy o gyflymder yn yr hyn yr ydym ni'n ei wneud. Mae'n werth nodi mai Cymru, yn ystod y saith diwrnod diwethaf, sydd â'r gyfradd gyflymaf o frechu fesul pen o'r boblogaeth o'i chymharu â phob gwlad arall yn y DU. Felly, o ran y galw ar Gymru i ddal i fyny â chenhedloedd eraill y DU, rydym ni yn dal i fyny â chenhedloedd y DU. Rydym yn mynd yn gyflymach na gweddill y DU ar hyn o bryd. Ac ychydig wythnosau yn ôl, pan oeddwn i'n wynebu cwestiynau ynghylch pam mai'r bedwaredd oedd Cymru o'r pedair gwlad—rydym ni'n ail erbyn hyn ac yn ennill tir ar Loegr—sydd, rwy'n gwybod, yn ofid sylweddol i lawer o bobl, ond mae hon mewn gwirionedd yn rhaglen sy'n llwyddo ac yn cyflawni yn gynt o lawer.
O ran brechlynnau newydd, mae Cymru yn gwneud gwaith campus o ran dilyniannu genomeg, gan ddeall beth sy'n digwydd gydag amrywiolion cyfredol a rhai newydd hefyd. Ac ar yr un pryd, yn union fel y gall pob un ohonom ymfalchïo yn ein rhaglen frechu ni a'r cyflymder a welsom yn ystod y dyddiau diwethaf, fe ddylem ni ymfalchïo hefyd yn y cyfraniadau a wneir gan ein gwyddonwyr o ran dealltwriaeth o'r amrywiolion newydd, y bygythiadau posibl newydd sy'n bodoli, a'r hyn y mae hynny'n ei olygu i allu ein gwyddonwyr ni, gan gynnwys y bobl hynny mewn ymchwil sector preifat, sy'n ceisio cael rhaglen frechu sy'n parhau i ymateb i'r heriau a ddaw o gyflwyno brechiadau newydd.
Ac o ran materion trawsffiniol, fe gawsom ni fater penodol pan awgrymodd un o Weinidogion Swyddfa Cymru yr wythnos ddiwethaf fod yna broblem gyda brechiadau yn cael eu cynnig i bobl sy'n byw yn Lloegr ond sydd wedi eu cofrestru gyda meddyg teulu yng Nghymru. A dweud y gwir, rydym wedi cael sgwrs, a chefais sgwrs mewn cyfarfod o Weinidogion iechyd ar draws y pedair gwlad, ynglŷn â hyn i geisio datrys y mater. Fel rwyf i'n deall, o ran brechu trawsffiniol, rydym yn gwneud y peth gorau posibl, a gall pawb sydd wedi cofrestru â meddyg teulu yng Nghymru gael eu brechu, gan gynnwys preswylwyr cartrefi gofal. Ond rwy'n credu bod yna rai materion y mae angen sylw arnyn nhw eto, o bosibl gyda materion indemniad, ac ynghylch a all pobl sy'n preswylio mewn cartref gofal yma ond sydd â meddyg teulu yn Lloegr gael yr hyn sy'n cael ei gynnig iddynt gan eu meddyg teulu yn Lloegr neu beidio, ac rydym yn gwneud yn siŵr nad yw'r bobl hynny'n cael eu gadael ar ôl yn ein rhaglen ni ar gyfer cartrefi gofal.
O ran sut mae pobl yn teimlo ynglŷn â'r hyn sydd i'w gael dros y ffin, mae bron bob amser yn wir i ddweud pan welwch chi rywbeth ar yr ochr arall y byddwch yn meddwl ei fod yn well yno. Mewn gwirionedd, rwy'n credu y gall pobl ymfalchïo yn fawr iawn yn y ffaith ein bod ni, fel y dywedais i, yn mynd yn gweithredu'n gyflymach nag unrhyw wlad arall yn y DU yn y saith diwrnod diwethaf. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at gynnydd pellach ac wythnos arall i adeiladu ar y 130,000 o frechlynnau a ddarparwyd gennym yr wythnos hon. Rwy'n hyderus y gallwn gyflawni mwy eto yn yr wythnos i ddod.
Thank you. Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Diolch. Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Diolch am y datganiad hefyd. Gaf i'n gyntaf ddiolch o waelod calon i bob un—yn feddyg, yn nyrs, yn weithiwr brechu arall, yn weinyddwr yn ein byrddau iechyd ni—sy'n gweithio mor galed i drio brechu y boblogaeth? Mae'n amlwg bod yna gyflymu wedi bod, ac rydym ni i gyd yn gallu croesawu hynny, ond mae yna gryn ffordd i fynd.
O ran y methiant yma i daro'r targed o frechu 70 y cant o bobl dros 80, ydych, rydych chi'n hollol iawn, Weinidog, ein bod ni eisiau gwybod a oeddech chi wedi taro'r targed. 'We didn't quite make it', meddech chi. Ond y ffigur gan Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru, wrth gwrs, ydy 52.8 y cant. Nid 'didn't quite make it' ydy hynny, gadewch inni fod yn onest, hyd yn oed os oes yna beth data yn dal angen eu bwydo i'r system. Ac os caf i ddweud, dwi ddim yn meddwl bod beio eira dros y Sul yn dal dŵr, waeth faint o broblem gwnaeth yr eira, wrth gwrs, greu mewn rhai ardaloedd; y broblem oedd eich bod chi yn dal ar 24 y cant o bobl dros 80 oed ganol yr wythnos diwethaf, ac mi oedd yna ormod o fynydd i'w ddringo. Ond, fel dwi'n ei ddweud, dwi'n falch bod pethau yn symud i'r cyfeiriad iawn.
Rydych yn dweud bod 67 y cant o breswylwyr cartrefi gofal wedi'u brechu. Dwi braidd yn bryderus am y ffigur yna, mae'n rhaid i fi ddweud. Mae e'n swnio'n isel i fi, o ystyried mor fregus ydy'r grŵp yna. Ac mae hefyd yn ymddangos bod yna gryn wahaniaeth o ardal i ardal. Mae o'n grŵp ddylai fod yn reit hawdd i'w gyrraedd. Yn ardal bwrdd iechyd Betsi Cadwaladr, er enghraifft, roedden nhw'n dweud ddoe bod brechu wedi'i gwblhau mewn 180 allan o'r 200 cartref gofal yn y rhanbarth, a bod dros 90 y cant o'r preswylwyr wedi cael eu brechu. Maen nhw hefyd yn dweud bod dros 90 y cant o staff iechyd rheng flaen a staff gofal wedi'u brechu—eto, 74 y cant o staff gofal ydy'r canran Cymru gyfan rydych chi wedi'i ddyfynnu heddiw. Allwch chi ddweud beth ydych yn ei wneud i drio lefelu pethau ar draws Cymru i godi pethau i fyny i'r canrannau rydym ni wedi'u clywed gan Betsi Cadwaladr?
Dwi'n falch bod cymaint o feddygfeydd teulu yn rhan o'r broses rŵan, a'ch bod chi wedi pasio y 250 o feddygfeydd oedd yn darged gennych chi. Yn gyffredinol, rydych chi'n dweud bod capasiti wedi cynyddu, sy'n dda o beth. Mae'n dal yn gwestiwn gen i pam na adeiladwyd y capasiti dros y misoedd yn arwain at pan ddaeth y brechiad ar gael. Ac mi ddywedsoch chi wrth sôn am y gwahanol rannau o ofal sylfaenol sy'n cymryd rhan bellach:
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer, and thank you for the statement. May I first of all thank everyone—doctors, nurses, other vaccination workers, administrators in our health boards—who are all working so very hard to try and vaccinate our population? It's clear that the process has sped up, and we can all welcome that, but there is some way to go.
In terms of this failure in hitting the target of vaccinating 70 per cent of those over 80 years of age, yes, you're quite right, Minister, that we wanted to know whether you hit that target. You said, 'We didn't quite make it', but the figure from Public Health Wales, of course, is 52.8 per cent. It was not a matter of 'didn't quite make it', let's be honest about this, even if there is some data that still needs to be fed into the system. And if I may say, I don't think blaming snow over the weekend holds water. Of course, snow did cause problems in certain areas, but the problem was that you were still on 24 per cent of over-80s the middle of last week, and it was too high a mountain to climb. As I say, I'm pleased that things are moving in the right direction.
You say that 67 per cent of care home residents have been vaccinated. I'm quite concerned about that figure, I have to say. It sounds low to me, given how vulnerable that group is. And it also appears that there is some difference from one area to another. It's a group that should be quite easy to identify. In the Betsi Cadwaladr health board area, for example, they said yesterday that vaccination had been completed in 180 of the 200 care homes in the region and that over 90 per cent of residents had been vaccinated. They also said that over 90 per cent of front-line healthcare staff and care staff had been vaccinated, and 74 per cent is the all-Wales percentage that you've quoted today. So, can you tell us what you're trying to do to level things out across Wales, so that we can raise things up to the percentages we hear from Betsi Cadwaladr?
I'm pleased to hear that so many GP surgeries are now part of the process and that you have passed the 250 surgeries that you had as a target. Generally speaking, you say the capacity has increased, which is positive. I still have a question as to why that capacity wasn't built up in the months leading up to the introduction of the vaccination. But you said, in mentioning the different parts of primary care now participating:
'This includes a community pharmacy pilot'.
A community pharmacy pilot.
'Mae hyn yn cynnwys cynllun peilot y fferyllfaoedd cymunedol'.
Cynllun peilot y fferyllfaoedd cymunedol.
Un—hwnnw ym Mhenllyn yr wythnos cyn diwethaf, dwi'n cymryd rydych chi'n cyfeirio ato fo. Mae gennym ni dros 600 o fferyllfeydd cymunedol. Mae'n rhaid sicrhau eu bod nhw'n dod yn rhan o'r broses frechu mor fuan â phosib. Maen nhw eisiau cymryd rhan. Mi wnaeth fferyllydd yn fy etholaeth i, yn y Fali, digwydd bod, gysylltu yn y dyddiau diwethaf yn dweud, 'Rydyn ni eisiau gwneud. Mae gennyn ni le, rydyn ni wedi ein hyfforddi i wneud, gadewch inni wneud.' Ac os caf i ddweud, y neges glir dwi yn ei chlywed ydy: 'Mi allwn ni wneud llawer mwy pe baen ni'n cael mwy o'r brechiad.' Rŵan, dwi wedi gofyn dro ar ôl tro ar ôl tro am ddata ar faint o'r gwahanol frechiadau sydd wedi cael eu rhannu i bedair cenedl y Deyrnas Unedig, faint wedyn sy'n cael eu rhannu o bob un i bob bwrdd iechyd yma. Dwi'n gofyn eto. Rydych chi wedi sôn am bwysigrwydd tryloywder yn eich cyflwyniad chi. Rhowch y tryloywder inni yn fan hyn fel ein bod ni'n gallu gweld unrhyw anghyfartaleddau neu flocs yn y system. Mae o'n wybodaeth, mae o'n ddata cwbl, cwbl sylfaenol.
Yn olaf, dwi eisiau tynnu sylw at y pryderon diweddaraf am y newid polisi hwnnw a fu fel bod hyd at 12 wythnos o oedi rhwng dau ddos y brechiad Pfizer yn hytrach na'r tair wythnos gwreiddiol. Mae yna fwy o bryderon wedi'u tynnu i'm sylw am hyn: poeni y gallai hynny fod yn effeithio a thanseilio effeithlonrwydd y brechiad i'r graddau eich bod chi'n gorfod dechrau o'r dechrau pan fo'n cyrraedd at y 12 wythnos. Dwi'n deall y syniad o roi rhywfaint o warchodaeth i fwy o bobl—wrth gwrs fy mod i'n deall hynny—ond ydych chi'n barod i wynebu'r posibilrwydd y gallai, i bob pwrpas, filiynau o frechiadau wedi cael eu gwastraffu oherwydd y newid polisi hwnnw?
One—that was in the Llyn peninsula the week before last, I believe. We have over 600 community pharmacies, and we must ensure that they become part of the vaccination process as soon as possible. They want to participate. A pharmacist in my constituency in Valley contacted me over the past few days, saying, 'We want to do this, we are trained to do it, we have capacity to do it, let us do it.' If I may say so, the clear message I hear is: 'We could do much more if we had more of the vaccine.' Now, I've asked time and time again for data on how many of the various vaccines have been distributed to the four nations of the UK, how many are provided to each health board here. I ask again. You've mentioned the importance of transparency in your opening remarks. Well, provide that transparency here so that we can see any inequalities or blocks in the system. It is crucial, fundamentally important data.
Finally, I want to highlight the most recent concerns about that change of policy so that there would be up to a 12-week delay between the two doses of the Pfizer vaccine rather than the original three weeks. More concerns have been brought to my attention on this issue. There are concerns that it could undermine the effectiveness of the vaccination to the extent that you would have to start from the beginning. Now, I understand the idea of providing greater protection to more people, but are you willing to face the possibility that, to all intents and purposes, millions of vaccinations could have been wasted because of this change of policy?
I don't believe we've wasted millions of vaccines because of policy choices that we've made, but I'll start with your point about not blaming the snow. The snow was an obvious factor—an obvious factor—on Sunday and Monday, and it had a material impact. And the figures that we are publishing, the 52.8 per cent that Public Health Wales refer to—at least that many have received the vaccine. And, as I said in response to Angela Burns, we know that there's a lag before we get data that is brought up to date, but it is clear that we're unlikely to get to—that we're not going to get to the 70 per cent, when that is all reconciled for the end of Sunday. And that is being honest and upfront with people, and I think most members of the public will not be at all surprised that the snowfall we saw in large parts of the country had an impact.
When it comes to care home residents, at least 67 per cent have already had theirs—again, the same issues about data. It's also the case that, some care homes—we've had to work through some of our policy questions about red care homes, where they've got a number of positive cases. We're now in a more settled position that's now being applied consistently across the country. That's why we can be confident that every health board is working through these as the top priority group, and I'm looking forward to all of those homes having been covered by the end of this month—all those homes where it's possible to go into. A risk assessment approach is being used, as you would expect, so, if there is an active outbreak, where a substantial portion of the home, its staff and residents are covered, then that may mean that the vaccination programme can't go ahead within that home. I think everyone would understand why that is, but we've looked at risk assessments where there are one or two cases in a home and what that means to make sure the vaccine is provided more generally. So, we've worked that through, and we do think that we're now in a position to have, again, a real level of confidence to achieve the expectation I referred to by the end of the month to have completed this section of the population.
In terms of the time to build capacity, well, with respect, we couldn't turn on all of the capacity when supplies were much more reduced, when we had issues about the use of the Pfizer vaccine. When we started, we couldn't deliver the vaccine in primary care effectively, we couldn't deliver the vaccine to care home residents. And you'll recall there was an unfortunate instance where the previous Conservative leader said that he thought residents had been left behind, which is not what had happened at all. It's a shame those comments have never been corrected. We're now in a position where supply is much more significant, with a mix of the vaccines. We're in a position to make a different and more flexible use of Pfizer, so our infrastructure is different and is better now. Much more significant, and it is the case that supply is the limiting factor. If we had even more of the AstraZeneca vaccine than we have today, then we could not only maximise the capacity that exists within general practice, but we could make use of the significant network in community pharmacy, as we are keen to do. It is the case, though, that general practice, working together, is able to effectively deliver the vaccine supplies that we currently have. And so we're looking at how we have that combination of mass-vaccination centres that make use of the skills of people who can be vaccinators as well in our wider primary care team and how we'll then be able to make much fuller use of the willing and highly professional workforce—and trusted, crucially—trusted workforce in community pharmacy as we expect supplies to increase further in the weeks ahead.
Now, when it comes to the share of vaccine supply, I am regularly asked this question by you and by colleagues in Plaid Cymru, and I regularly give exactly the same answer about us receiving our population share, and that continues to be the case. It continues to be the case that we receive our population share. It continues to be the case that, in the now weekly meeting that I'm having with the UK vaccines Minister, it's a regular topic of our conversations to make sure that there is a continued assurance on the level of vaccine we'll need to get to the mid February milestone for all four priority groups—the first four priority groups—to be covered. Because, for that to happen, we know that we will need more than our population share if there is only just enough to cover that within the UK. So, that is part of our challenge, it's part of what I have regularly raised, and there is a repeated assurance that all of those supplies will be available in time for us to be able to do that by the middle of February. And within Wales, we are absolutely providing vaccine supplies on a population share to each of our health boards.
And you will have seen some of the public comments and widely reported public commentary about some of the sensitivity over vaccine supply and manufacture between the UK and our partners in the European Union. There is an element of commercial sensitivity, which is why we haven't published more information today about the vaccine stocks that we hold, and I've made it clear that I want to be in a position where we can have a common publication between the different parts of the UK to be upfront about the vaccine supplies that we're holding. We're looking to work that through across all four nations. I respect the fact that there are current commercial sensitivities that mean that we're not in a position to do that today, but I want to do that as soon as possible, because I recognise that transparency is a good thing in terms of giving the public confidence about what we're doing and why.
Nid wyf i o'r farn ein bod wedi gwastraffu miliynau o frechlynnau oherwydd y dewisiadau polisi a wnaethom ni, ond rwyf am ddechrau gyda'ch pwynt chi am beidio â rhoi'r bai ar yr eira. Roedd yr eira'n elfen amlwg—elfen amlwg—ddydd Sul a dydd Llun, a chafodd effaith sylweddol. A'r ffigurau a gyhoeddwyd gennym, y 52.8 y cant y mae Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru yn cyfeirio ato—mae o leiaf cymaint â hynny wedi cael y brechlyn. Ac, fel y dywedais wrth roi ateb i Angela Burns, fe wyddom fod bwlch cyn inni gael data sydd wedi eu diweddaru, ond mae'n amlwg ein bod yn annhebygol o gyrraedd—nad ydym yn mynd i gyrraedd y 70 y cant, pan gaiff hynny i gyd ei gysoni ar gyfer diwedd dydd Sul. Mae hynny'n fater o fod yn onest ac yn agored gyda phobl, ac rwy'n credu na fydd y rhan fwyaf o'r cyhoedd yn synnu o gwbl fod yr eira a welsom mewn rhannau helaeth o'r wlad wedi cael effaith.
O ran preswylwyr cartrefi gofal, mae o leiaf 67 y cant wedi cael eu brechu eisoes—unwaith eto, yr un materion ynghylch data. Mae'n wir hefyd, o ran rhai cartrefi gofal—rydym ni wedi gorfod gweithio drwy rai o'n cwestiynau polisi am gartrefi gofal rhybudd coch, lle mae ganddyn nhw nifer o achosion cadarnhaol. Rydym mewn sefyllfa fwy sefydlog erbyn hyn sy'n cael ei chymhwyso bellach yn gyson ledled y wlad. Dyna pam y gallwn ni fod yn hyderus bod pob bwrdd iechyd yn gweithio drwy'r rhain fel y prif grŵp blaenoriaeth, ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen at weld yr holl gartrefi hynny'n cael eu cynnwys erbyn diwedd y mis hwn—yr holl gartrefi hynny lle mae'n bosibl cael mynediad iddynt. Mae dull o asesu risg yn cael ei ddefnyddio, fel y byddech chi'n ei ddisgwyl, felly, pe byddai unrhyw achosion cyfredol, yn cynnwys cyfran sylweddol o blith staff a phreswylwyr y cartref, yna fe allai hynny olygu na all y rhaglen frechu ddigwydd yn y cartref hwnnw. Rwy'n credu y byddai pawb yn deall pam. Ond rydym wedi edrych ar asesiadau risg lle ceir un neu ddau achos mewn cartref a'r hyn a olygir gan hynny ar gyfer sicrhau bod y brechlyn yn cael ei ddarparu'n fwy cyffredinol. Felly, rydym wedi gweithio drwy hynny, ac rydym yn credu ein bod mewn sefyllfa erbyn hyn, unwaith eto, i gael cyfradd wirioneddol o hyder i gyflawni'r disgwyliad y cyfeiriais i ato erbyn diwedd y mis, sef cwblhau brechu'r rhan hon o'r boblogaeth.
O ran yr amser i gynyddu'r capasiti, wel, â phob parch, nid oedd modd ysgogi ein holl gapasiti pan oedd y cyflenwadau yn llawer llai, pan oedd gennym broblemau o ran defnyddio brechlyn Pfizer. Ar y dechrau, nid oeddem yn gallu gweinyddu'r brechlyn yn effeithiol mewn gofal sylfaenol, nid oeddem yn gallu gweinyddu'r brechlyn i breswylwyr cartrefi gofal. Ac rydych chi'n cofio'r achos anffodus pan ddywedodd cyn arweinydd y Ceidwadwyr ei fod ef yn credu bod preswylwyr wedi cael eu gadael ar ôl. Nid dyna ddigwyddodd o gwbl. Mae'n drueni na chafodd y sylwadau hynny eu cywiro. Rydym mewn sefyllfa erbyn hyn o fod â chyflenwad llawer mwy sylweddol, gyda chymysgedd o frechlynnau. Rydym mewn sefyllfa i wneud defnydd gwahanol a mwy hyblyg o frechlyn Pfizer, ac felly mae ein seilwaith ni'n wahanol ac mae'n well nawr. Mae'n llawer mwy sylweddol. Y cyflenwad yw'r ffactor sy'n llesteirio. Pe byddai gennym ni fwy hyd yn oed o frechlyn AstraZeneca nag sydd gennym ni heddiw, fe allem fanteisio i'r eithaf wedyn nid yn unig ar y capasiti sy'n bodoli o fewn practisau cyffredinol, ond fe allem ddefnyddio'r rhwydwaith sylweddol sydd mewn fferylliaeth gymunedol, fel rydym ni'n awyddus i'w wneud. Er hynny, mae practisau cyffredinol, gan weithio gyda'i gilydd, yn gallu darparu'r cyflenwadau o frechiadau sydd gennym ni ar hyn o bryd yn effeithiol. Ac felly rydym yn edrych ar sut y gallwn gael y cyfuniad hwnnw o ganolfannau brechu torfol sy'n defnyddio sgiliau pobl sy'n gallu gweinyddu brechiadau hefyd yn ein tîm gofal sylfaenol ehangach a sut y byddwn ni'n defnyddio llawer mwy ar ein gweithlu parod a phroffesiynol iawn—sy'n ddibynadwy, yn hollbwysig iawn—gweithlu dibynadwy mewn fferylliaeth gymunedol, gan ein bod yn disgwyl gweld cynnydd yn y cyflenwadau eto yn yr wythnosau i ddod.
Nawr, o ran ein cyfran ni o'r cyflenwad brechlynnau, mae'r cwestiwn hwn yn cael ei ofyn i mi'n rheolaidd gennych chi a chyd-Aelodau ym Mhlaid Cymru, ac rwyf innau'n rhoi'r un ateb yn rheolaidd, sef ein bod ni'n cael ein cyfran ni yn ôl ein poblogaeth, ac mae hynny'n parhau i fod yn wir. Mae'n dal i fod yn wir ein bod ni'n cael ein cyfran ni yn ôl maint ein poblogaeth. Mae'n dal i fod yn wir, yn y cyfarfod wythnosol a gaf i erbyn hyn gyda Gweinidog brechlynnau'r DU, mai hwn yw'r pwnc cyson yn ein trafodaethau ni i wneud yn siŵr y ceir sicrwydd parhaol o ran lefel y brechlynnau y bydd ei hangen i gyrraedd carreg filltir canol mis Chwefror ar gyfer y pedwar grŵp blaenoriaeth—y pedwar grŵp blaenoriaeth cyntaf. Er mwyn i hynny ddigwydd, fe wyddom y bydd angen mwy na'n cyfran ni yn ôl y boblogaeth os mai dim ond digon i wireddu hynny sydd o fewn y DU. Felly, dyna ran o'n her ni, dyna ran o'r hyn yr wyf i wedi ei godi'n rheolaidd, ac fe geir sicrwydd dro ar ôl tro y bydd yr holl gyflenwadau hynny ar gael mewn pryd i allu cyflawni'r garreg filltir erbyn canol mis Chwefror. Ac yng Nghymru, rydym ni'n darparu ein cyflenwadau ni o'r brechlyn ar sail y gyfran o'r boblogaeth ym mhob un o'n byrddau iechyd.
Ac fe fyddwch wedi gweld rhai o'r sylwadau cyhoeddus a'r sylwebaeth gyhoeddus a adroddwyd yn eang am rai o'r materion sensitif ynghylch cyflenwad a gweithgynhyrchu brechlynnau rhwng y DU a'n partneriaid yn yr Undeb Ewropeaidd. Mae yna elfen o sensitifrwydd masnachol, a dyna pam nad ydym wedi cyhoeddi mwy o wybodaeth heddiw am y stociau sydd gennym ni o frechlynnau. Ac rwyf i wedi egluro fy mod i'n dymuno bod mewn sefyllfa lle gallwn ni gael cyhoeddiad cyffredin rhwng gwahanol rannau'r DU i fod yn agored ynglŷn â'r cyflenwadau o frechlynnau sydd gennym yn ein meddiant. Rydym yn ystyried gweithredu hynny ar draws y pedair gwlad. Rwy'n parchu'r ffaith fod yna sensitifrwydd masnachol ar hyn o bryd sy'n golygu nad ydym mewn sefyllfa i wneud hynny heddiw. Ond rwy'n awyddus i wneud hynny cyn gynted â phosibl, oherwydd rwy'n cydnabod mai da o beth yw tryloywder er mwyn rhoi hyder i'r cyhoedd am yr hyn yr ydym ni'n ei wneud a pham.
Minister, constituents have raised with me issues regarding prisoners in Welsh prisons with regard to the vaccination programme. So, some prisoners who are in the top-four priority groups, and the immediate priority groups currently being vaccinated, have not received any information as to when they are likely to receive their vaccinations, and, understandably, they are wondering whether they have been overlooked or whether they will be hearing something in short order. There are also issues regarding new prisoners coming into prison and the testing regime that applies, and concerns that it is not as rigorous as it should be, and further concerns around prison officers in terms of priority for vaccination, although I'm sure that will be considered by the UK joint committee in their consideration of other groups that may have priority beyond the first four priority groups. Obviously, Minister, I know that there's cross-over here with UK Government responsibilities, but the prison population is very vulnerable, given the lack of space and the difficulties with social distancing, and many of the prisoners are in vulnerable groups in terms of their health and their general profile. So, these are important matters, and I wonder if you could say something today about how Welsh Government has been involved in consideration of these matters and will be involved as we move forward.
Gweinidog, mae etholwyr wedi codi materion am y rhaglen frechu gyda mi o ran carcharorion yng ngharchardai Cymru. Nid yw rhai carcharorion sydd yn y pedwar grŵp blaenoriaeth uchaf, a'r grwpiau blaenoriaeth cyntaf sy'n cael eu brechu ar hyn o bryd, wedi cael unrhyw wybodaeth ynghylch pryd y maen nhw'n debygol o gael eu brechu, ac, yn ddealladwy, maen nhw'n meddwl tybed a ydyn nhw wedi cael eu hanwybyddu neu a fyddan nhw'n clywed rhywbeth yn fuan. Mae materion hefyd sy'n ymwneud â charcharorion sydd newydd eu carcharu a'r drefn brofi sy'n berthnasol iddyn nhw, a phryderon nad yw honno mor drylwyr ag y dylai fod, a phryderon pellach ynghylch swyddogion carchardai o ran y flaenoriaeth iddyn nhw ar gyfer brechu, er fy mod i'n siŵr y bydd cydbwyllgor y DU yn ystyried hynny wrth ystyried grwpiau eraill a allai gael blaenoriaeth dros y pedwar grŵp blaenoriaeth cyntaf. Yn amlwg, Gweinidog, rwy'n gwybod bod yna faterion yma sy'n croesi'r ffiniau â chyfrifoldebau Llywodraeth y DU, ond mae'r boblogaeth carchardai yn agored iawn i niwed, o ystyried y lle cyfyng a'r anawsterau o ran cadw pellter cymdeithasol, ac mae llawer o'r carcharorion mewn grwpiau agored i niwed o ran eu hiechyd a'u proffil cyffredinol. Felly, mae'r rhain yn faterion pwysig, a tybed a wnewch chi ddweud rhywbeth heddiw ynglŷn â chyfraniad Llywodraeth Cymru i'r ystyriaeth o'r materion hyn a'i rhan wrth inni symud ymlaen.
Well, as you'll know, responsibility for prisoner healthcare is now with my colleague Eluned Morgan, but in terms of the vaccine roll-out, that remains with me. Now, we are working through this from our responsibility for prisoner healthcare, but also a specific responsibility for the vaccine roll-out, how those prisoners who will be in priority groups—it's a matter of fact that the prisoner population is significantly less healthy than the wider population, with a range of additional healthcare needs. We also have an older prisoner population in Usk, as well, so there'll be a range of people there who will be in priority groups because of their age as well. We've had outbreaks within prisons, we've had fatalities within prisons, as well, so this is part of the population that we have responsibility for, and we are working through with colleagues responsible for running prisons how we will deliver within the first four priorities by the middle of February. So, the prisoner population is not going to be left behind. It's a matter of being able to work that through and then being able to deliver that with that particular group of the population of Wales. So, I hope that assurance is helpful. As we get more detail, I'll be happy to commit to writing a further statement either individually or on a joint basis with my colleague Eluned Morgan.
Wel, fel y gwyddoch chi, Eluned Morgan, fy nghyd-Weinidog i, sy'n gyfrifol am ofal iechyd carcharorion erbyn hyn, ond o ran cyflwyniad y brechlyn, mae hwnnw'n aros dan fy ngofal i. Nawr, rydym ni'n gweithio drwy ein cyfrifoldeb ni am ofal iechyd carcharorion, ond cyfrifoldeb penodol hefyd am gyflwyniad y brechlyn, a'r carcharorion hynny sydd mewn grwpiau blaenoriaeth—mae'n ffaith fod y boblogaeth carcharorion yn dioddef llawer mwy o afiechyd na'r boblogaeth ehangach, gydag amrywiaeth o anghenion gofal iechyd ychwanegol. Mae gennym ni boblogaeth o garcharorion hŷn ym Mrynbuga hefyd, felly fe fydd yna amrywiaeth o bobl yn y fan honno sydd mewn grwpiau blaenoriaeth oherwydd eu hoedran nhw hefyd. Rydym wedi gweld achosion yn torri allan mewn carchardai, ac rydym wedi gweld marwolaethau mewn carchardai hefyd, felly mae hon yn rhan o'r boblogaeth y mae gennym gyfrifoldeb amdani, ac rydym yn gweithio ar hyn gyda chydweithwyr sy'n gyfrifol am redeg carchardai i weld sut y byddwn ni'n cyflawni o ran y pedwar grŵp blaenoriaeth cyntaf erbyn canol mis Chwefror. Felly, ni chaiff y boblogaeth carcharorion ei gadael ar ôl. Mae'n fater o allu gweithio ar hynny a gallu cyflawni hynny wedyn gyda'r grŵp penodol hwnnw o boblogaeth Cymru. Felly, rwy'n gobeithio bod y sicrwydd hwnnw'n ddefnyddiol. Wrth inni gael mwy o fanylion, fe fyddaf yn hapus i ymrwymo i ysgrifennu datganiad pellach naill ai'n unigol neu ar y cyd â'm cyd-Weinidog Eluned Morgan.
Thank you for your statement, Minister. I hope and pray that you are able to meet all your targets. Minister, are you content that we are administering every dose that we receive? There is widespread concern that the length of time between the two doses is far too great. Will you publish the JCVI advice that you have used to inform your decision to increase the time between the doses? Can you please outline how much protection is granted by a single dose of each of the available vaccines? The main barrier to quicker vaccination of the population is supply, so, Minister, are you able to update us on the progress being made on the approval of the other vaccine candidates, such as the one from Johnson & Johnson? Finally, Minister, we can't afford to waste this most precious resource. You have said that only 1 per cent of the vaccine has been wasted so far, but this amounts to thousands of doses, and thousands of people who could have been vaccinated have not received their first dose. So, Minister, what steps are you taking to reduce waste to around 0.1 per cent, rather than its current level? Diolch yn fawr.
Diolch i chi am eich datganiad, Gweinidog. Rwy'n gobeithio ac yn gweddïo y byddwch chi'n gallu cyrraedd pob un o'ch targedau. Gweinidog, a ydych chi wedi eich bodloni ein bod ni'n gweinyddu pob dos a gawn? Fe geir pryder cyffredinol bod yr amser rhwng y ddwy ddos yn rhy hir o lawer. A wnewch chi gyhoeddi'r cyngor gan y JCVI y gwnaethoch chi ei ddefnyddio i lywio eich penderfyniad i gynyddu'r amser rhwng y ddwy ddos? A wnewch chi amlinellu faint o amddiffyniad a roddir gan un ddos o bob un o'r brechlynnau sydd ar gael? Y prif rwystr i frechu'r boblogaeth yn gyflymach yw'r cyflenwad, felly, Gweinidog, a wnewch chi roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf inni am y cynnydd sy'n cael ei wneud o ran cymeradwyo brechlynnau eraill, megis yr un gan Johnson & Johnson? Yn olaf, Gweinidog, ni allwn ni fforddio gwastraffu'r adnodd hwn sydd mor werthfawr. Rydych wedi dweud mai dim ond 1 y cant o'r brechlyn sydd wedi ei wastraffu hyd yn hyn, ond mae hyn yn gyfystyr â miloedd o ddosau, ac fe geir miloedd o bobl y gellid bod wedi eu brechu nad ydyn nhw wedi cael eu dos gyntaf. Felly, Gweinidog, pa gamau sy'n cael eu cymryd i leihau gwastraff i fod tua 0.1 y cant, yn hytrach na'r gyfradd ar hyn o bryd? Diolch yn fawr.
Thank you. I don't know where you get the 0.1 per cent wastage target. Actually, the fact that we have a wastage rate of less than 1 per cent shows that we have a highly efficient vaccination programme, which is part of what we should take real pride in, that our NHS Wales-led programme is actually achieving. We are publishing from today wastage rates, so you'll get to see on a regular basis how effective and efficient we are being.
When it comes to the approval of other vaccination candidates, I'll just remind the Member and anyone else watching that it's not up to politicians to do this and it's an important part of our system that politicians don't approve vaccination candidates. The independent regulator, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, approve vaccines for use and the basis upon which they can be used. It's an important safeguard in our system. They have to review the data and they determine whether a vaccine is able to be used. It's then up to politicians to make choices on the delivery of those vaccines. That is still very much the position. So, any other candidate vaccine will need to go through the same rigorous process, will need to have the same determination made by the MHRA. We have the third vaccine, which we expect to be available later in the spring, the Moderna vaccine. It's been approved, and that's when we expect to have supplies arriving within the UK. That's already a matter of public record. Any further approval will be subject to a public announcement by the MHRA in the usual way.
When it then comes to their use and the JCVI advice on the inter-dose interval between the first and second dose, this has already been published. It's not a matter of me publishing it, it has already been published and JCVI members have done a regular round of interviews for the last few weeks, explaining their advice, how they've come to that advice, the reason why the advice they've given covers the first nine priority groups, where 99 per cent of hospitalisation and deaths occur from COVID-19, but also, in particular, that advice on the inter-dose interval, which is classic public health advice on making sure that we provide as much protection as possible to the largest group in our population as quickly as possible, rather than providing a higher level of protection to a much smaller group of the population within the same time frame. It's part of the reason why Public Health Wales and their colleague agencies in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland support the JCVI advice on extending the inter-dose interval to 12 weeks. It's also why every single chief medical officer in the United Kingdom supports that advice. And it would be a very odd thing indeed if I decided as the Minister to overturn the advice of the chief medical officer, to overturn the advice of Public Health Wales and to overturn the advice of the independent expert JCVI on how to deliver a vaccine. It is not a position that I'm going to undertake. I would make the chief medical officer's position absolutely untenable if I did so. But, more than that, I would be ignoring the very direct advice that says that this approach will actually save lives and an alternative approach will cost lives. And I am absolutely not going to do that.
Diolch. Nid wyf i'n gwybod o ble y cawsoch chi'r targed o 0.1 y cant o ran gwastraff. Mewn gwirionedd, mae'r ffaith bod gennym gyfradd wastraff o lai nag 1 y cant yn dangos bod gennym raglen frechu sy'n hynod effeithlon, sy'n rhan o'r hyn y dylem ni fod yn ymfalchïo ynddo'n fawr, sef bod ein rhaglen ni a arweinir gan GIG Cymru yn cyflawni mewn gwirionedd. Rydym yn cyhoeddi cyfraddau gwastraff o heddiw ymlaen, felly fe gewch chi weld yn rheolaidd pa mor effeithiol ac effeithlon y yr ydym.
O ran cymeradwyo brechlynnau eraill, fe hoffwn i atgoffa'r Aelod ac unrhyw un arall sy'n gwylio nad gwaith i wleidyddion yw hynny ac mae'n rhan bwysig o'n system ni nad gwleidyddion sy'n cymeradwyo darpar frechlynnau. Y rheoleiddiwr annibynnol, sef Asiantaeth Rheoleiddio Meddyginiaethau a Chynhyrchion Gofal Iechyd, yr MRHA, sy'n cymeradwyo brechlynnau i'w defnyddio ac yn pennu ar ba sail y gellir eu defnyddio nhw. Mae hwn yn amddiffyniad pwysig sydd yn ein system ni. Mae'n rhaid iddyn nhw adolygu'r data ac maen nhw'n penderfynu a ellir defnyddio brechlyn. Mater i wleidyddion yw gwneud dewisiadau wedyn o ran gweinyddu'r brechlynnau hynny. Dyna yw'r sefyllfa. Felly, fe fydd angen i unrhyw ddarpar frechlyn arall fynd drwy'r un broses fanwl, ac fe fydd angen i'r MHRA wneud y penderfyniad yn yr un modd. Mae trydydd brechlyn gennym ni, y disgwyliwn iddo fod ar gael yn ddiweddarach yn y gwanwyn, sef brechlyn Moderna. Mae wedi ei gymeradwyo, a dyna pryd yr ydym ni'n disgwyl i gyflenwadau gyrraedd y DU. Mae hynny ar gofnod cyhoeddus yn barod. Fe fydd unrhyw gymeradwyaeth bellach yn amodol ar gyhoeddiad cyhoeddus gan yr MHRA yn y ffordd arferol.
O ran eu defnydd nhw wedyn a chyngor y JCVI ar y bwlch rhwng y dos gyntaf a'r ail, cafodd hynny ei gyhoeddi eisoes. Nid mater i mi yw ei gyhoeddi, fe'i cyhoeddwyd yn barod ac mae aelodau'r JCVI wedi cynnal cyfweliadau rheolaidd dros yr wythnosau diwethaf, yn esbonio eu cyngor, sut y penderfynwyd ar y cyngor hwnnw, y rheswm pam mae'r cyngor a roddwyd yn cynnwys y naw grŵp blaenoriaeth cyntaf, lle mae 99 y cant o'r derbyniadau i ysbytai a marwolaethau yn digwydd oherwydd COVID-19, ond hefyd, yn benodol, y cyngor hwnnw ar y cyfnod rhwng y dosau, sef y cyngor iechyd cyhoeddus arferol ynglŷn â sicrhau ein bod ni'n rhoi cymaint o amddiffyniad â phosibl i'r grŵp mwyaf bregus yn ein poblogaeth a hynny cyn gynted â phosibl, yn hytrach na darparu lefel uwch o amddiffyniad i grŵp llawer llai o'r boblogaeth o fewn yr un amserlen. Dyna ran o'r rheswm pam mae Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru a'i chydasiantaethau yn Lloegr, yr Alban a Gogledd Iwerddon yn cefnogi cyngor y JCVI ar ymestyn y cyfnod rhwng dosau i 12 wythnos. Dyna pam mae pob prif swyddog meddygol yn y Deyrnas Unedig yn cefnogi'r cyngor hwnnw hefyd. Ac fe fyddai'n beth rhyfedd iawn pe byddwn i'n penderfynu, yn rhinwedd swydd Gweinidog, i wrthdroi cyngor y prif swyddog meddygol, a gwrthdroi cyngor Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru, a gwrthdroi cyngor y JVCI, yr arbenigwr annibynnol, ar y dull o ddarparu brechlyn. Nid wyf yn dymuno gwneud unrhyw beth o'r fath. Fe fyddwn i'n tanseilio barn y prif swyddog meddygol yn gyfan gwbl pe byddwn i'n gwneud felly. Ond, yn fwy na hynny, fe fyddwn i'n anwybyddu'r cyngor uniongyrchol iawn sy'n mynegi y bydd y dull hwn yn wir yn achub bywydau ac y byddai dull arall yn golygu colli bywydau. Ac nid wyf i am wneud hynny byth.
Can I thank the Minister for his statement, and also it is appropriate to salute the heroic efforts of all involved in delivering this huge vaccination programme. I know my GP colleagues are absolutely chomping at the bit, and if they could get more vaccines, they'd be lining up people as we speak. So, there's a phenomenal performance happening as we speak.
One question, which I alluded to this morning in the briefing, and thank you—[Inaudible.]—Frank Atherton as well, and Rob Orford, for their involvement. But can I press you, here in a public forum, about the importance of the messaging concerning the vaccine? We've all seen the pictures of people being delighted to receive their vaccine, and it is in fact a great occasion, but it does take three weeks for your body to develop some protection against severe COVID infection after a jab. Obviously, you're more protected after two jabs, but you could still catch COVID, you just don't get the severe illness. That's the benefit of the vaccination: you don't get the severe illness and ending up in hospital. So, of having the jab, the important message is not to discard and ignore all those social distancing, stay at home and wear masks-type messages, because after vaccination, you can still pass on the coronavirus to others. So, celebrations indeed after getting a jab, but you still need to stay at home, and all the rest. So, can I ask you now what you are doing exactly to get that very important message across?
A gaf i ddiolch i'r Gweinidog am ei ddatganiad, ac mae'n briodol hefyd ganmol ymdrechion arwrol pawb sy'n ymwneud â chyflawni'r rhaglen frechu enfawr hon? Rwy'n gwybod bod fy nghydweithwyr i sy'n feddygon teulu yn ysu am wneud mwy, a phe gallen nhw gael mwy o frechlynnau, fe fydden nhw'n gosod pobl yn y ciw nawr. Felly, mae yna waith rhyfeddol yn digwydd wrth inni siarad yma.
Un cwestiwn, y cyfeiriais i ato'r bore yma yn y briff, a diolch—[Anghlywadwy.]—Frank Atherton hefyd, a Rob Orford, am eu rhan nhw. Ond a gaf i bwyso arnoch chi, yn y fan hon mewn fforwm cyhoeddus, ynglŷn â phwysigrwydd y genadwri sy'n ymwneud â'r brechlyn? Mae pawb ohonom wedi gweld y lluniau o bobl yn falch iawn o gael eu brechlyn, ac mae hynny'n rhywbeth gwirioneddol wych, ond mae'n cymryd tair wythnos ar ôl y pigiad i'ch corff chi fagu rhywfaint o amddiffyniad yn erbyn haint COVID difrifol. Yn amlwg, rydych chi'n fwy diogel byth ar ôl dau bigiad, ond fe allech chi ddal COVID o hyd, ond ni fyddech yn ddifrifol o sâl. Dyna fantais y brechlyn: ni fyddwch chi'n cael y salwch difrifol nac yn gorfod mynd i'r ysbyty. Felly, o gael y brechlyn, y neges bwysig yw peidiwch ag anghofio nac anwybyddu'r holl gymhellion i gadw pellter cymdeithasol, ac aros gartref, a gwisgo mygydau, oherwydd ar ôl brechu, fe allwch chi fod yn trosglwyddo'r coronafeirws i bobl eraill o hyd. Felly, mae dathlu ar ôl cael pigiad yn iawn, ond mae angen ichi aros gartref o hyd, a phopeth arall. Felly, a gaf i ofyn ichi nawr beth yn union ydych chi'n ei wneud i drosglwyddo'r genadwri bwysig iawn hon?
Thank you for your comments, and I agree with you that it's been a phenomenal performance from colleagues in primary care and right across our NHS Wales-led team to deliver the significant additional pace in vaccine delivery. And I'm pleased that you and colleagues find the briefings with me, the chief medical officer and the chief scientific adviser on health to be useful. We'll continue to do that.
On the vaccine messaging, I think this is a useful opportunity to restate that it does take time to receive the protection from the first dose of the vaccine, and so people can't have their vaccine shot and then act as if everything is normal for them and proceed to take greater risks. That wouldn't mean that they'd be benefiting from the protection at all. But even with the protection, you're right: the vaccines have been trialled and show data about protecting people from harm. That means you're much more likely to be protected from becoming seriously unwell and subject to hospitalisation or death, once the protection has kicked in. That does not mean, though, that you won't get COVID; it does not mean that you can't transmit COVID to another person, so it's really important that everyone still follows the protective measures that are in place for all our benefit. Even with significant numbers of people covered and protected, there is still going to be the potential for real harm to be done if there is a breakdown in social distancing, if there is much more mixing between people indoors, and people forget the protective behaviours of hand washing, or face coverings, and of having good ventilation.
It's particularly important, I think, to make this point when, sadly, our death figures in the last week have been so very high. We are starting to see an improvement across our NHS with the pressure, we're starting to see a levelling off and a slight levelling down in admissions, but that is against the backdrop of record highs of people in our hospitals. It's worth reminding people that whilst we're seeing an improvement, that improvement still means that critical care today is operating at 140 per cent, down from 150 per cent, but still 140 per cent of its normal capacity, so we all still need to stick with this for another period of time to make sure we don't lose people who don't need to fall off the road on the journey that we're on to the end of pandemic.
Diolch i chi am eich sylwadau, ac rwy'n cytuno â chi fod hwn wedi bod yn waith aruthrol gan gydweithwyr ym maes gofal sylfaenol ac ar draws ein tîm ni a gaiff ei arwain gan GIG Cymru i sicrhau'r cyflymder ychwanegol sylweddol i weinyddu'r brechlyn. Ac rwy'n falch eich bod chi a'ch cydweithwyr yn gweld gwerth y sesiynau briffio ar iechyd gyda'r prif swyddog meddygol, y prif gynghorydd gwyddonol a minnau. Fe fyddwn ni'n parhau i gynnal y rhain.
O ran y genadwri am y brechlyn, rwy'n credu bod hwn yn gyfle defnyddiol i ailddatgan ei bod yn cymryd amser i fagu'r amddiffyniad ar ôl gweinyddu'r ddos gyntaf o'r brechlyn, ac felly ni all pobl gael eu brechu ac ymddwyn fel pe bai popeth yn normal wedyn a mynd ati i gymryd mwy o risgiau. Ni fyddai hynny'n golygu y bydden nhw'n elwa ar yr amddiffyniad o gwbl. Ond hyd yn oed gyda'r amddiffyniad, rydych chi'n iawn: mae'r brechlynnau wedi cael eu treialu ac wedi rhoi data am amddiffyn pobl rhag niwed. Mae hynny'n golygu eich bod chi'n llawer mwy tebygol o fod wedi eich amddiffyn rhag mynd yn ddifrifol wael ac mewn perygl o orfod mynd i ysbyty neu farwolaeth, pan fydd yr amddiffyniad wedi dechrau. Eto i gyd, nid yw hynny'n golygu na allech chi gael COVID; nid yw hynny'n golygu na allech chi drosglwyddo COVID i rywun arall, felly mae'n bwysig iawn bod pawb yn dal ati i ddilyn y mesurau amddiffynnol sydd ar waith er ein lles ni i gyd. Hyd yn oed gyda niferoedd sylweddol o bobl yn cael eu brechu a'u hamddiffyn, byddai modd gwneud niwed gwirioneddol o hyd pe byddai llai o gadw pellter cymdeithasol, mwy o bobl yn cymysgu dan do, a phobl yn anghofio arferion amddiffynnol fel golchi dwylo, neu wisgo gorchudd wyneb, a chael awyru da.
Yn fy marn i, mae'n arbennig o bwysig gwneud y pwynt hwn wrth gofio bod ein ffigurau ni o ran marwolaethau, yn drist iawn, yn ystod yr wythnos ddiwethaf wedi bod yn uchel iawn. Rydym yn dechrau gweld gwelliant o ran y pwysau ar ein GIG, rydym yn dechrau gweld lefelau'r derbyniadau i ysbytai yn sefydlogi ac yn gostwng ychydig, ond mae hynny yng nghyd-destun y lefelau uchaf erioed o gleifion yn ein hysbytai ni. Mae'n werth atgoffa pobl, er ein bod ni'n gweld gwelliant, fod y gwelliant hwnnw'n dal i olygu bod gofal critigol yn gweithio ar gyfradd o 140 y cant, i lawr o 150 y cant, ond mae'n parhau i fod ar 140 y cant o'i gapasiti arferol. Felly mae angen i bob un ohonom ni gadw at hyn am ryw hyd eto i sicrhau nad ydym yn colli pobl nad oes angen eu colli ar hyd y daith yr ydym arni tuag at ddiwedd y pandemig.
Minister, may I thank you for the update today and may I also thank you for everything else you're doing? Although my party would prefer the UK Government to be leading the programme rather than Welsh Government, that doesn't mean we don't appreciate the amount of work that's being put in. You seem to be working extraordinary hours under extraordinary pressure and I would like to thank you and everyone around you for that.
Could I ask about the over-80s target that was set at 70 per cent for the weekend? I think you said we're at 52.8 per cent on that. You said the snow was a material factor; can you estimate what percentage of vaccinations may have been delayed on account of that? And can you also tell us when you would now expect to hit that target of 70 per cent, and also when we might hope to catch up with the proportion of over-80s that have been vaccinated in England, which I understand is just shy of 79 per cent on the latest data?
Can I also ask you specifically about the Pfizer vaccine? There does seem to have been an acceleration in vaccination on the back end of last week, and that is something that we would applaud. Our numbers, though, still are substantially below what England has done cumulatively. Is the Pfizer rate accelerating? Have we moved away from the policy the First Minister explained of spreading out vaccination so that we didn't have any risk of vaccinators being idle for any period? Has that changed?
And I understand—I certainly don't want the Welsh Government to say anything like the Scottish Government did in terms of releasing inappropriate information—but what degree of confidence do we have in the continued supply of that Pfizer vaccine, particularly given threats or suggestions coming out of the European Union around the manufacture of that in Belgium? And what are the plans for—
Gweinidog, fe hoffwn i ddiolch i chi am y diweddariad heddiw ac a gaf i ddiolch am bopeth arall yr ydych chi'n ei wneud hefyd? Er y byddai'n well gan fy mhlaid i weld Llywodraeth y DU yn arwain y rhaglen hon yn hytrach na Llywodraeth Cymru, nid yw hynny'n golygu nad ydym yn gwerthfawrogi maint y gwaith sy'n cael ei wneud. Mae'n ymddangos eich bod chi'n gweithio am oriau aruthrol dan bwysau aruthrol ac fe hoffwn i ddiolch i chi a phawb sydd o'ch cwmpas am hynny.
A gaf i holi ynglŷn â'r targed a osodwyd o 70 y cant o bobl dros 80 oed ar gyfer y penwythnos? Rwy'n credu ichi ddweud ein bod ni wedi cyrraedd 52.8 y cant gyda hwnnw. Roeddech chi'n dweud bod yr eira wedi cael effaith berthnasol; a allwch chi amcangyfrif beth oedd y canran o frechlynnau a allai fod wedi eu gohirio oherwydd hynny? Ac a wnewch chi ddweud wrthym hefyd pryd y byddech chi'n disgwyl cyrraedd y targed hwnnw o 70 y cant nawr ac, yn ogystal â hynny, pryd allem ni obeithio dal i fyny â chyfran y bobl dros 80 oed sydd wedi eu brechu yn Lloegr, sydd, fel rwyf i'n deall, ychydig yn llai na 79 y cant yn ôl y data diweddaraf?
A gaf i eich holi chi hefyd am frechlyn Pfizer yn benodol? Mae'n ymddangos bod brechu wedi cyflymu ar ddiwedd yr wythnos diwethaf, ac mae hynny'n rhywbeth y byddem ni'n ei gymeradwyo. Mae ein niferoedd ni, serch hynny, yn parhau i fod yn sylweddol is na'r hyn a gyrhaeddwyd yn Lloegr dros y cyfnod i gyd. A yw'r gyfradd Pfizer yn cyflymu? A ydym wedi symud oddi wrth y polisi a esboniwyd gan y Prif Weinidog ynghylch ymestyn amser y broses frechu fel na fyddai unrhyw berygl y byddai'r gweinyddwyr yn segur am unrhyw gyfnod o amser? A yw hynny wedi newid?
Ac rwy'n deall—yn sicr ni fyddwn i'n dymuno i Lywodraeth Cymru ddweud unrhyw beth fel y gwnaeth Llywodraeth yr Alban o ran rhyddhau gwybodaeth anaddas—ond pa mor hyderus ydym ni o ran cyflenwad parhaus o'r brechlyn hwnnw gan Pfizer, yn enwedig o ystyried bygythiadau neu awgrymiadau sy'n dod o'r Undeb Ewropeaidd ynghylch gweithgynhyrchu hwnnw yng Ngwlad Belg? A beth yw'r cynlluniau i—
Can you wind up, please?
A wnewch chi ddiweddu, os gwelwch chi'n dda?
Of course; final bit—the second doses for those who've already had the first dose versus moving down the risk profile in providing vaccination with that Pfizer vaccine?
Wrth gwrs; y tamaid bach olaf—roi ail ddos i'r rhai sydd eisoes wedi cael y ddos gyntaf yn hytrach na symud i lawr y proffiliau risg wrth ddarparu brechiadau gyda'r brechlyn Pfizer hwnnw?
Thank you for the questions. I'm not able to give you a hard percentage estimate of the impact of the adverse weather, but we are aware there was a significant amount of activity that was pulled, and rather than plucking figures out of the air, what I am committing to doing is to making sure that we continue to provide daily information, that we continue to provide twice-weekly information on a Tuesday and a Thursday giving more detail, so people will be able to see transparently the progress we're making on each of these priority groups, on the backdrop of the assurance of the much greater pace that we have demonstrated we can deliver when the supply is with us.
I note that you asked about when we'll catch up with England on the over-80s. Actually, on some of the other categories of health and social care workers, we are, of course, ahead of England, but I'm only being asked about areas where we're behind England. All that information will be continue to be provided about where we are, and you'll see that again in the information that is being published on a daily basis by Public Health Wales. So, I think we have a good approach to being transparent with our data and our information, and in the level of assurance people can have that that published data is accurate.
We are accelerating in our use of the Pfizer vaccine. As I have said repeatedly, we are providing as much as our NHS can deliver. We know that we have new ways where we can be a bit more flexible in the use of Pfizer now as well, and that's a good thing too. So, we haven't just built up our infrastructure; we've got additional ways of using that as well. When it comes to commercial sensitivity, I think I dealt with this earlier in response to Rhun ap Iorwerth, and also in the opening as well. It's about making sure that we're as transparent as we possibly can be, but taking account of the sensitivities that exist around stock numbers.
When it comes to the second dose of vaccines, we are of course already planning for those, and we're having to consider then what that means in terms of the use of our stock, especially for the Pfizer vaccine, because the first groups of people who will be eligible for their second dose will be people who have had the Pfizer vaccine itself. So, we need to make sure we have stocks of those to deliver second vaccines whilst still being able to carry on the work of getting through the first not just four priority groups, but the first nine priority groups we have, with the vaccines available. That is partly why added supplies of the AstraZeneca vaccine are so important to us.
Diolch am y cwestiynau. Ni allaf i roi amcangyfrif canrannol pendant i chi o effaith y tywydd mawr, ond rydym ni'n ymwybodol bod cryn dipyn o weithgarwch wedi cael ei dynnu'n ôl, ac yn hytrach na thynnu ffigurau o'r awyr, yr hyn yr wyf i'n ymrwymo i'w wneud yw sicrhau ein bod ni'n parhau i gyflwyno gwybodaeth yn ddyddiol, ein bod ni'n parhau i gyflwyno gwybodaeth ddwywaith yr wythnos ar ddydd Mawrth a dydd Iau sy'n rhoi rhagor o fanylion, fel y bydd pobl yn gallu gweld yn dryloyw y cynnydd a wnawn ni yn ôl pob un o'r grwpiau blaenoriaeth hyn, yng nghyd-destun sicrwydd y cyflymder uwch yr ydym ni wedi dangos y gallwn ei gyflawni pan fydd y cyflenwad ar gael i ni.
Rwy'n nodi eich bod wedi gofyn pryd y byddwn ni'n dal i fyny â Lloegr o ran pobl dros 80 oed. Mewn gwirionedd, o ran rhai o'r categorïau eraill o weithwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, rydym ni, wrth gwrs, ar y blaen i Loegr, ond dim ond am y meysydd yr ydym ni y tu ôl i Loegr yr wyf i'n cael fy holi. Fe fydd yr holl wybodaeth honno am ein sefyllfa ni'n parhau i gael ei chyflwyno, ac fe welwch chi hynny eto yn yr wybodaeth a gaiff ei chyhoeddi'n ddyddiol gan Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru. Felly, rwyf i o'r farn fod gennym ddull da o fod yn dryloyw gyda'n data ni a'n gwybodaeth ni, ac yn lefel y sicrwydd y gall pobl ei gael bod y data a gyhoeddir hynny'n gywir.
Mae ein defnydd ni o frechlyn Pfizer yn cyflymu. Fel yr wyf i wedi ei ddweud dro ar ôl tro, rydym ni'n gweinyddu cymaint ag y gall ein GIG ei gyflenwi. Fe wyddom fod gennym ddulliau newydd lle mae modd bod ychydig yn fwy hyblyg nawr wrth ddefnyddio brechlyn Pfizer, ac mae hynny'n beth da hefyd. Felly, nid adeiladu ar ein seilwaith yn unig a wnawn ni; mae gennym ffyrdd ychwanegol o ddefnyddio hwnnw hefyd. O ran sensitifrwydd masnachol, rwy'n credu imi ymdrin â hyn yn gynharach wrth roi ateb i Rhun ap Iorwerth, ac wrth agor hefyd. Mae'n ymwneud â sicrhau ein bod ni mor dryloyw ag y gallwn fod, ond gan gofio'r sensitifrwydd sy'n bodoli o ran niferoedd y stoc.
O ran ail ddos y brechlynnau, rydym ni eisoes, wrth gwrs, yn cynllunio ar gyfer y rhain, ac fe fydd yn rhaid inni ystyried bryd hynny beth mae hynny'n ei olygu o ran defnyddio ein stoc ni, yn enwedig o ran brechlyn Pfizer, oherwydd y grwpiau cyntaf o bobl a fydd yn gymwys i gael eu hail ddos fydd y bobl sydd wedi cael y brechlyn Pfizer ei hun. Felly, mae angen inni sicrhau bod gennym stociau o hwnnw i roi'r ail frechiadau wrth barhau â'r gwaith o fynd trwy nid yn unig y pedwar grŵp blaenoriaeth cyntaf, ond y naw grŵp blaenoriaeth cyntaf sydd gennym ni, gyda'r brechlynnau sydd ar gael. Dyna pam, yn rhannol, mae cyflenwadau ychwanegol o frechlyn AstraZeneca mor bwysig i ni.
And finally, Rhianon Passmore.
Ac yn olaf, Rhianon Passmore.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Health Minister, I do welcome greatly your statement today that the vaccination programme across Islwyn, administered by Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, is doing well, and is further innovating. I also want to put on record my sincerest thanks to all those risking their lives across the front line, and also those in leadership roles during this war on COVID-19. I'm extremely heartened that a new vaccination centre is opening in Newbridge, and I welcome the innovative 'contact first' programme for Islwyn and wider. As of yesterday, over 48,840 people had been vaccinated across the health board, 20,471 people over 80 had been vaccinated, 14,000 front-line staff, and residents from 90 care homes. The vaccination programme has been going so well that GPs will be offering the vaccine to priority group 3 when all those over-80s have been vaccinated this week. So, First Minister, to what do you credit the successful roll-out of the vaccination programme across my constituency, and what assurances have we received that the very critical supply of vaccine will continue at pace so that the programme can accelerate even further?
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Gweinidog Iechyd, rwy'n croesawu eich datganiad chi'n fawr heddiw am effeithiolrwydd y rhaglen frechu yn Islwyn, a weinyddir gan Fwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Aneurin Bevan, ac sy'n arloesi ymhellach. Rwyf am ddiolch ar goedd hefyd yn ddiffuant i bawb sy'n peryglu eu bywydau ar y rheng flaen, a'r rhai sydd mewn swyddi arweinwyr yn y rhyfel hwn ar COVID-19. Mae agor y ganolfan frechu newydd yn Nhrecelyn wedi fy nghalonogi i'n fawr iawn, ac rwy'n croesawu'r rhaglen 'cyswllt yn gyntaf' arloesol ar gyfer Islwyn a thu hwnt. Erbyn ddoe, roedd dros 48,840 o bobl wedi eu brechu yn holl ardal y bwrdd iechyd, roedd 20,471 o bobl dros 80 oed wedi eu brechu, a 14,000 o staff rheng flaen, a phreswylwyr mewn 90 o gartrefi gofal. Mae'r rhaglen frechu wedi bod yn mynd cystal fel y bydd meddygon teulu yn cynnig y brechlyn i grŵp blaenoriaeth 3 pan fydd pawb dros 80 oed wedi eu brechu'r wythnos hon. Felly'n gyntaf, Gweinidog, beth sy'n gyfrifol am y llwyddiant wrth gyflwyno'r rhaglen frechu yn fy etholaeth i, a pha sicrwydd a gawsom y bydd y cyflenwad hanfodol iawn o frechlynnau yn parhau ar gyflymder fel y gall y rhaglen gyflymu yn fwy byth?
It's good to hear praise for health boards, which I think are doing an extraordinary job in dealing with all of the pressures that our national health service face in this, the most extraordinary event that we have had to live through. This really is a genuine once-in-a-century event. No-one has had to deal with a pandemic like this, in modern times at least.
When it comes to vaccine delivery, and in terms of supply, as I said, I'm having weekly meetings with Nadhim Zahawi, who is the joint Minister working between the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial strategy and the health department on vaccines, about the challenge over the messaging. We have relationships with Pfizer because of their broader interests and research in Wales. You'll be aware of the partnership that they've entered into with Swansea University and their interest in value-based healthcare; that's part of the reason they came to invest in Wales rather than another part of the United Kingdom, for that significant partnership. And also, there's the interest we have with AstraZeneca, who have their fill and finish plant in Wrexham. So, we're having conversations with them directly too. It's been a very practical working relationship between my officials—and the conversations I've had too. We're certainly in the position where they are both looking to increase their supplies, not just for the UK, but for the rest of Europe as well. There's a significant opportunity to help protect many, many citizens right across not just the continent but across the world, of course, and I'm very pleased that AstraZeneca have given a commitment to provide cost-price vaccines to other parts of the world.
In terms of why we've made such progress in Islwyn, and indeed across Gwent and the whole of Wales, it's really because there's such a 'can do' approach. There is a real team Wales approach going through our NHS, through partners in local government, through the military assistance we've had, and that is a key factor in this. Our teams recognise that we are doing something for the nation here that will protect and save many, many lives, and bring us to the point where we can make more normal choices again, and be able to release some of the freedoms that we have all had to give up to keep us alive. I look forward to the day when the vaccine programme really has provided that level of protection to the public and we can look forward to much better figures for our national health service, not just with COVID but with non-COVID matters too. Thank you very much, Deputy Presiding Officer.
Mae'n braf clywed canmoliaeth i fyrddau iechyd, sydd, yn fy marn i, yn gwneud gwaith eithriadol wrth ymdopi â'r holl bwysau y mae ein gwasanaeth iechyd gwladol ni'n ei wynebu yn hyn o beth, y digwyddiad mwyaf anghyffredin y bu'n rhaid inni fyw trwyddo. Digwyddiad unwaith mewn canrif yw hwn, mae'n hollol wir dweud hynny. Nid oes unrhyw un wedi gorfod ymdrin â phandemig fel hwn, yn y cyfnod modern o leiaf.
O ran darparu brechlynnau, ac o ran y cyflenwad, fel y dywedais i, rwy'n cyfarfod yn wythnosol gyda Nadhim Zahawi. Ef yw'r Gweinidog cydlynol sy'n cydweithio â'r Adran Busnes, Ynni a Strategaeth Ddiwydiannol a'r Adran Iechyd ar y brechlynnau, am yr her o ran y genadwri. Mae gennym berthynas â Pfizer am eu bod nhw â diddordebau ehangach yng Nghymru ac yn gwneud ymchwil yma. Rydych chi'n ymwybodol o'r bartneriaeth y maen nhw wedi ymrwymo iddi â Phrifysgol Abertawe a'u diddordeb nhw mewn gofal iechyd sy'n seiliedig werth; dyna ran o'r rheswm y gwnaethon nhw fuddsoddi yng Nghymru yn hytrach na rhan arall o'r Deyrnas Unedig, ar gyfer y bartneriaeth arwyddocaol honno. Ac yn ogystal â hynny, mae'r berthynas sydd gennym ni ag AstraZeneca, sydd â'u gwaith llenwi a gorffen yn Wrecsam. Rydym ni'n cael sgyrsiau gyda nhw hefyd yn uniongyrchol. Mae wedi bod yn berthynas ymarferol iawn o weithio rhwng fy swyddogion i—a'r sgyrsiau a gefais i hefyd. Rydym mewn sefyllfa, yn sicr, lle mae maen nhw'n ceisio cynyddu eu cyflenwadau, nid yn unig i'r DU, ond i weddill Ewrop hefyd. Mae cyfle arwyddocaol i helpu i amddiffyn llawer iawn o ddinasyddion ledled nid yn unig y cyfandir ond yn fyd-eang, wrth gwrs, ac rwy'n falch iawn fod AstraZeneca wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu brechlynnau i rannau eraill o'r byd am y pris o'u cynhyrchu nhw.
O ran y rheswm am y fath gynnydd a fu yn Islwyn, a thrwy Went a Chymru gyfan, y rheswm gwirioneddol yw'r agwedd hon o 'fe allwn ni wneud hyn'. Mae yna ddull o weithredu fel tîm Cymru yn mynd trwy ein GIG ni, drwy bartneriaid mewn llywodraeth leol, drwy'r cymorth milwrol a gawsom, ac mae hwnnw'n ffactor allweddol yn hyn o beth. Mae ein timau ni'n cydnabod ein bod yn gwneud rhywbeth er mwyn y genedl a fydd yn amddiffyn ac yn achub llawer o fywydau, ac yn ein tywys ni i fan lle gallwn wneud dewisiadau mwy normal unwaith eto ac y gallwn adennill rhywfaint o'r rhyddid y bu'n rhaid i bawb ohonom ei hildio er mwyn ein cadw'n fyw. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at y diwrnod pan fydd y rhaglen frechu wedi darparu'r lefel honno o ddiogelwch i'r cyhoedd ac fe allwn ni edrych ymlaen at weld ffigurau llawer gwell ar gyfer ein gwasanaeth iechyd gwladol ni, nid yn unig o ran COVID ond materion eraill hefyd nad ydynt yn ymwneud â COVID. Diolch yn fawr iawn, Dirprwy Lywydd.
Thank you, Minister.
Item 4 and item 5 will be chaired by David Melding. So, I now hand over the chair to David Melding.
Diolch, Gweinidog.
David Melding fydd yn cadeirio eitem 4 ac eitem 5. Felly, rwyf nawr yn trosglwyddo'r gadair i David Melding.
Daeth David Melding i’r Gadair.
David Melding took the Chair.
Thank you very much, Deputy Presiding Officer.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Dirprwy Lywydd.
We move to item 4, which is the statement by the Minister for Education—an update on qualifications for 2021. I call the Minister, Kirsty Williams.
Symudwn at eitem 4, sef y datganiad gan y Gweinidog Addysg—diweddariad ar gymwysterau ar gyfer 2021. Galwaf ar y Gweinidog, Kirsty Williams.

Thank you, acting Presiding Officer. Last week, I announced my intention that learners undertaking WJEC-approved GCSEs, AS-levels and A-levels would have their qualifications awarded through a centre-determined grade model. This decision reflects my priority of supporting learner wellbeing and progression in the reality of the public health and policy context we now find ourselves in. While there is still more work to be done, I hope that the announcement of the centre-determined grade approach—where learners' grades will be determined by their school or college, based on an assessment of their work—will help remove learners' anxiety. This way forward has been developed by the design and delivery advisory group, and puts learner wellbeing and public confidence at the centre of our proposals.
As part of this approach, centres will be able to use a range of evidence to inform their decisions, including non-exam assessments, mock exams and adapted past papers made available by the WJEC. There will be an assessment framework to support them to develop their plans for assessment. This will give schools and colleges flexibility when deciding what assessment information to use as they focus on teaching the core content that will help learners as they progress through the next steps of their education. These assessment plans will be quality assured by the WJEC and demonstrate how the centre has determined a learner's grade. Every school or college will also be required to build on or develop quality assurance processes, and will be supported in doing so by guidance from the WJEC. Once this quality assurance has been completed at the centre, the grade will be submitted to the WJEC.
I have also asked the design and delivery advisory group to consider how to promote greater consistency across centres in delivering our approach. This includes asking them to support Qualifications Wales and the WJEC in developing and setting out both the assessment framework and the quality assurance processes that will be adopted. I recognise that the appeals process is of concern and interest to learners and practitioners alike. I can confirm that learners will be able to appeal to their school or college if they believe they have been awarded a grade that doesn’t reflect their level of attainment, and to the WJEC if they are unhappy with the process followed by their centre. We will work to ensure that clear and accessible information about appeals is made available, and will explore a professional learning offer for practitioners so that the processes that are applied are consistent, equitable, and fair.
In addition to the expertise of the headteachers and college principals on our design and delivery advisory group, who have dedicated so much time to the development of these proposals, the group will expand their membership and will engage with wider stakeholders to support them in the next stage of their work. Part of this work will be giving consideration to the equalities and workload impacts of any new arrangements, alongside the development of guidance, communications and professional learning that will support schools and colleges in their professional judgements. I have also asked the group to consider arrangements for private candidates as a priority. I recognise that there are some private candidates who are concerned about a centre-determined grade approach, as not all private candidates were able to receive a qualification under the arrangements made last year. I would therefore like to reiterate my absolute commitment to ensuring that there is a clear option for them to support their progression.
In summary, the centre-determined grade approach puts trust in teachers' and lecturers' commitment to prioritise teaching and learning in the time available, and their knowledge of the quality of their learners' work. Teaching the core content and aspects of each course, however, remains extremely important, so that all learners are supported to progress with certainty into their next steps and with confidence in the grades they’ve been awarded. We have, therefore, sought to make the grading approach as clear as possible in the circumstances, while remaining as simple and responsive as possible.
We are working with colleges and universities to look at how they can support learners through this transition and I am very grateful for their ongoing commitment and support. It is vital that the wider education sector continues to come together in this way to support our learners, including by strengthening professional judgments through support that ensures consistent and transparent arrangements. Qualifications Wales is also considering the approach for other Wales-only qualifications, including the skills challenge certificate, Essential Skills Wales and approved vocational qualifications. They are also working closely with fellow UK regulators to ensure consistency of approach and fairness for Welsh learners studying for vocational qualifications that are also available in other nations.
As we continue to work at pace to develop our proposals, I encourage learners, teachers and lecturers to continue to focus on learning in the core areas of their courses in the coming weeks. It is this learning and the development of associated skills and knowledge that will continue to open doors for learners in the future, even after the qualification itself has been awarded. I want to thank each and every learner and educational professional for their ongoing flexibility and adaptability in responding to the situation in which we find ourselves. Thank you, acting Presiding Officer.
Diolch, Llywydd dros dro. Yr wythnos diwethaf, cyhoeddais fy mwriad y byddai cymwysterau dysgwyr sy'n sefyll arholiadau TGAU, Safon Uwch Gyfrannol a Safon Uwch a gymeradwywyd gan CBAC yn cael eu dyfarnu drwy fodel gradd a bennir gan ganolfannau. Mae'r penderfyniad hwn yn adlewyrchu fy mlaenoriaeth o gefnogi llesiant a chynnydd dysgwyr yn realiti'r cyd-destun iechyd cyhoeddus a pholisi yr ydym ni bellach yn gweld ein hunain ynddo. Er bod mwy o waith i'w wneud o hyd, gobeithiaf y bydd cyhoeddi'r dull gradd a bennir gan ganolfannau—lle caiff graddau dysgwyr eu pennu gan eu hysgol neu goleg, yn seiliedig ar asesiad o'u gwaith—yn helpu i ddileu pryder dysgwyr. Datblygwyd y ffordd hon ymlaen gan y grŵp cynghori dylunio a chyflawni, ac mae'n rhoi lles dysgwyr a hyder y cyhoedd wrth wraidd ein cynigion.
Yn rhan o'r dull hwn, bydd canolfannau'n gallu defnyddio ystod o dystiolaeth yn ganllaw i'w penderfyniadau, gan gynnwys asesiadau nad ydynt yn arholiadau, ffug arholiadau a phapurau blaenorol wedi'u haddasu a ddarparwyd gan CBAC. Bydd fframwaith asesu i'w cefnogi i ddatblygu eu cynlluniau ar gyfer asesu. Bydd hyn yn rhoi hyblygrwydd i ysgolion a cholegau wrth benderfynu pa wybodaeth asesu i'w defnyddio wrth iddyn nhw ganolbwyntio ar ddysgu'r cynnwys craidd a fydd yn helpu dysgwyr wrth iddyn nhw symud ymlaen drwy gamau nesaf eu haddysg. Caiff ansawdd y cynlluniau hyn eu sicrhau gan CBAC a byddant yn dangos sut mae'r ganolfan wedi pennu gradd dysgwr. Bydd hefyd yn ofynnol i bob ysgol neu goleg adeiladu ar brosesau sicrhau ansawdd neu eu datblygu, ac fe gânt eu cefnogi i wneud hynny drwy arweiniad gan CBAC.
Ar ôl i'r sicrwydd ansawdd hwn gael ei gwblhau yn y ganolfan, caiff y radd ei chyflwyno i CBAC. Rwyf hefyd wedi gofyn i'r grŵp cynghori dylunio a chyflawni ystyried sut i hyrwyddo mwy o gysondeb rhwng canolfannau wrth gyflawni ein dull gweithredu. Mae hyn yn cynnwys gofyn iddyn nhw gefnogi Cymwysterau Cymru a CBAC i ddatblygu a nodi'r fframwaith asesu a'r prosesau sicrhau ansawdd a gaiff eu mabwysiadu. Rwy'n cydnabod bod y broses apelio yn destun pryder a diddordeb i ddysgwyr ac ymarferwyr fel ei gilydd. Gallaf gadarnhau y bydd dysgwyr yn gallu apelio i'w hysgol neu goleg os ydyn nhw'n credu eu bod wedi cael gradd nad yw'n adlewyrchu eu cyrhaeddiad, ac i CBAC os ydyn nhw'n anhapus â'r broses a ddilynir gan eu canolfan. Byddwn yn gweithio i sicrhau bod gwybodaeth glir a hygyrch am apeliadau ar gael, ac yn ystyried cynnig dysgu proffesiynol i ymarferwyr fel bod y prosesau a ddefnyddir yn gyson, yn gydradd ac yn deg.
Yn ogystal ag arbenigedd y prifathrawon a phenaethiaid colegau ar ein grŵp cynghori dylunio a chyflawni, sydd wedi neilltuo cymaint o amser i ddatblygu'r cynigion hyn, bydd y grŵp yn ehangu ei aelodaeth ac yn ymgysylltu â rhanddeiliaid ehangach i'w cefnogi yng ngham nesaf eu gwaith. Rhan o'r gwaith hwn fydd ystyried effeithiau unrhyw drefniadau newydd ar gydraddoldeb a llwyth gwaith, ochr yn ochr â datblygu canllawiau, cyfathrebu a dysgu proffesiynol a fydd yn cefnogi ysgolion a cholegau yn eu barn broffesiynol. Rwyf hefyd wedi gofyn i'r grŵp ystyried trefniadau ar gyfer ymgeiswyr preifat fel blaenoriaeth. Rwy'n cydnabod bod rhai ymgeiswyr preifat sy'n pryderu am ganolfannau’n graddio yn ôl eu trefn eu hunain, gan nad oedd pob ymgeisydd preifat yn gallu cael cymhwyster o dan y trefniadau a wnaed y llynedd. Felly, hoffwn ailadrodd fy ymrwymiad llwyr i sicrhau bod dewis clir iddyn nhw i gefnogi eu cynnydd.
I grynhoi, mae'r dull gradd a bennir gan ganolfannau yn ymddiried yn ymrwymiad athrawon a darlithwyr i flaenoriaethu addysgu a dysgu yn yr amser sydd ar gael, a'u gwybodaeth am ansawdd gwaith eu dysgwyr. Fodd bynnag, mae dysgu cynnwys craidd ac agweddau pob cwrs yn parhau i fod yn eithriadol o bwysig, fel y caiff pob dysgwr ei gefnogi i symud ymlaen gyda sicrwydd i'w camau nesaf a chyda hyder yn y graddau a ddyfarnwyd iddyn nhw. Rydym ni felly wedi ceisio gwneud y dull graddio mor glir â phosib o dan yr amgylchiadau, ond mor syml ac ymatebol â phosib ar yr un pryd.
Rydym yn gweithio gyda cholegau a phrifysgolion i ystyried sut y gallan nhw gefnogi dysgwyr drwy'r cyfnod pontio hwn ac rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn am eu hymroddiad a'u cefnogaeth barhaus. Mae'n hanfodol bod y sector addysg ehangach yn parhau i ddod at ei gilydd fel hyn i gefnogi ein dysgwyr, gan gynnwys drwy gryfhau dyfarniadau proffesiynol drwy gymorth sy'n sicrhau trefniadau cyson a thryloyw. Mae Cymwysterau Cymru hefyd yn ystyried y dull o ymdrin â chymwysterau eraill i Gymru'n unig, gan gynnwys y dystysgrif her sgiliau, Sgiliau Hanfodol Cymru a chymwysterau galwedigaethol cymeradwy. Mae hefyd yn gweithio'n agos â chyd-reoleiddwyr y DU i sicrhau dull gweithredu a thegwch cyson i ddysgwyr Cymru sy'n astudio ar gyfer cymwysterau galwedigaethol sydd hefyd ar gael mewn gwledydd eraill.
Wrth i ni barhau i weithio'n gyflym i ddatblygu ein cynigion, rwy'n annog dysgwyr, athrawon a darlithwyr i barhau i ganolbwyntio ar ddysgu ym meysydd craidd eu cyrsiau yn ystod yr wythnosau nesaf. Y dysgu hwn a datblygu sgiliau a gwybodaeth gysylltiedig a fydd yn parhau i agor drysau i ddysgwyr yn y dyfodol, hyd yn oed ar ôl dyfarnu'r cymhwyster ei hun. Hoffwn ddiolch i bob dysgwr a gweithiwr addysg proffesiynol am barhau i fod mor hyblyg a pharod i addasu wrth ymateb i'r sefyllfa yr ydym ni ynddi. Diolch, Llywydd dros dro.
Can I just offer my thanks to the design and delivery advisory group as well? I don't suppose they were expecting to do this work. I think the necessity for your announcement last week and this statement today, Minister, shows how close we are to the edge with education at the moment, and I know you're making decisions that you'd rather not make. So, my questions today are no reflection on teachers and lecturers, who, I have to say, continue to astound me during this period. But that statement today is evidence that online learning is not hitting its mark and, I think, by half term, we'd all be expecting you to tell us your plan A, your plan B and your plan C for getting schools open by the end of next month.
Last autumn, Qualifications Wales was adamant that it would not be possible to create and introduce a reliable moderation system for what were, then, centre-assessed grades. The framework you're talking about today can only be a pale imitation of something that was impossible six months ago. So, how close to not being able to comply with its statutory duties has this decision pushed Qualifications Wales, and, for that matter, the WJEC? And how confident are you that this new way forward will ensure public confidence in our young people's achievements, as well as protecting teachers from accusations of unconscious bias, however unjustified those are?
If the WJEC can offer adapted past papers to schools—you mentioned them today, and there's a strong hint there, isn't there, that they should be picked up and used for internal tests, graded in line with helpful WJEC guidance—why is it so difficult for the WJEC to set these papers formally in May or June, and mark them, bringing in a clear and external sign of consistency and rigour to the system? What can you tell us about how the WJEC is going to be able to quality assure every single school or college's internal process for assessment in time? If it decides that some schools already have a strong process, which falls within their guidance, how will that empower a young person to challenge a school on its process? More importantly, what if a school that the WJEC hasn't got round to seeing claims its process is equal to or better than a WJEC-sanctioned version?
You mentioned professional learning. Which practitioners do you envisage will need this grading training? You can't seriously expect it to be every teacher or lecturer in years 10 to 13. And as for non-exam assessments, they're already not going to be moderated, but you do urge schools to continue doing them. Which way do you think this is going to go? Is it going to be schools maximising their use, if the weighting given to them in the new framework encourages that, or schools and colleges minimising their use to do more teaching to a test in order to get up the evidence of graded work? Because not all schools have been canny enough to carry out topic testing as they've gone along this year.
And then, just briefly from me, AS levels. Why won't they count towards a student's final grade? Either you have confidence in the system or you don't. I think maybe you should consider offering them the choice—the students who are doing AS this year—whether to bank their grade or not. And, if you have a moment, perhaps you can just give us an idea of the timetable when we might hear some more information about private candidates and the UK-wide vocational qualifications. Thank you.
A gaf i ddiolch i'r grŵp cynghori dylunio a chyflawni hefyd? Dydw i ddim yn tybio eu bod wedi disgwyl gwneud y gwaith hwn. Credaf fod yr angen am eich cyhoeddiad yr wythnos diwethaf a'r datganiad hwn heddiw, Gweinidog, yn dangos pa mor agos ydym ni at y dibyn gydag addysg ar hyn o bryd, ac rwy'n gwybod eich bod yn gwneud penderfyniadau y byddai'n well gennych beidio â'u gwneud. Felly, nid yw fy nghwestiynau heddiw yn adlewyrchiad o athrawon a darlithwyr, sydd, mae'n rhaid imi ddweud, yn parhau i'm syfrdanu yn ystod y cyfnod hwn. Ond mae'r datganiad yna heddiw yn dystiolaeth nad yw dysgu ar-lein yn cyrraedd ei nod ac, rwy'n credu, erbyn hanner tymor, y byddem i gyd yn disgwyl i chi ddweud wrthym ni beth yw eich cynllun A, eich cynllun B a'ch cynllun C ar gyfer agor ysgolion erbyn diwedd y mis nesaf.
Yr hydref diwethaf, roedd Cymwysterau Cymru yn bendant na fyddai'n bosib creu a chyflwyno system gymedroli ddibynadwy ar gyfer yr hyn a oedd, bryd hynny, yn raddau wedi eu hasesu gan ganolfannau. Ni all y fframwaith yr ydych chi'n sôn amdano heddiw ond bod yn ddynwarediad gwan o rywbeth a oedd yn amhosib chwe mis yn ôl. Felly, pa mor agos at fethu â chydymffurfio â'i ddyletswyddau statudol y mae'r penderfyniad hwn wedi gwthio Cymwysterau Cymru, ac, yn hynny o beth, CBAC? A pha mor ffyddiog ydych chi y bydd y ffordd newydd hon ymlaen yn sicrhau bod gan y cyhoedd ffydd yng nghyflawniad ein pobl ifanc, yn ogystal ag amddiffyn athrawon rhag cyhuddiadau o ragfarn anymwybodol, waeth pa mor ddi-sail yw'r rheini?
Os gall CBAC gynnig papurau blaenorol wedi'u haddasu i ysgolion—fe wnaethoch chi sôn amdanyn nhw heddiw, ac mae awgrym cryf yn y fan yna, onid oes, y dylid troi atyn nhw a'u defnyddio ar gyfer profion mewnol, wedi'u graddio yn unol â chanllawiau defnyddiol CBAC—pam y mae hi mor anodd i CBAC osod y papurau hyn yn ffurfiol ym mis Mai neu fis Mehefin, a'u marcio, gan gyflwyno arwydd clir ac allanol o gysondeb a thrylwyredd i'r system? Beth allwch chi ei ddweud wrthym ni ynghylch sut y gall CBAC sicrhau ansawdd proses fewnol pob ysgol neu goleg unigol ar gyfer asesu mewn pryd? Os yw'n penderfynu bod gan rai ysgolion broses gref eisoes, sy'n dod o fewn eu canllawiau, sut y bydd hynny'n grymuso person ifanc i herio ysgol ar ei phroses? Yn bwysicach na hynny, beth petai ysgol nad yw CBAC wedi'i gweld eto yn honni bod ei phroses yn gyfwerth neu'n well na fersiwn a gymeradwywyd gan CBAC?
Fe wnaethoch chi sôn am ddysgu proffesiynol. Pa ymarferwyr ydych chi'n rhagweld bydd angen yr hyfforddiant graddio hwn arnyn nhw? Ni allwch chi ddisgwyl o ddifrif i bob athro neu ddarlithydd ym mlynyddoedd 10 i 13 fod angen hynny. Ac o ran asesiadau nad ydyn nhw yn arholiadau, ni fyddan nhw eisoes yn cael eu cymedroli, ond rydych chi yn annog ysgolion i barhau i'w gwneud. Beth ydych chi'n ei gredu bydd canlyniad hyn? Ai ysgolion fydd yn gwneud y defnydd gorau ohonyn nhw, os yw'r pwysoliad a roddir iddyn nhw yn y fframwaith newydd yn annog hynny, neu ysgolion a cholegau yn defnyddio llai arnyn nhw i wneud mwy o addysgu er mwyn profi a chynyddu'r dystiolaeth o waith wedi'i raddio? Oherwydd nid pob ysgol sydd wedi bod yn ddigon hirben i gynnal profion pwnc rheolaidd eleni.
Ac yna, yn fyr gennyf fi, Safon Uwch Gyfrannol. Pam na fyddan nhw'n cyfrif tuag at radd derfynol myfyriwr? Naill ai mae gennych chi ffydd yn y system neu does gennych chi ddim. Credaf efallai y dylech chi ystyried cynnig y dewis iddyn nhw—y myfyrwyr sy'n gwneud Safon Uwch Gyfrannol eleni—boed hynny i fancio eu gradd neu beidio. Ac, os oes gennych chi eiliad, efallai y gallwch chi roi syniad i ni o'r amserlen pan fyddwn efallai'n clywed mwy o wybodaeth am ymgeiswyr preifat a'r cymwysterau galwedigaethol ar gyfer y DU gyfan. Diolch.
Thank you, Suzy Davies, for your questions and your acknowledgement of the hard work of the design and delivery group, as I said, made up of headteachers and college principals who have worked at great speed to provide advice and guidance. I'm grateful that they have agreed to continue to do that work with an expanded membership now, as we move into the next phase of operationalising the decisions that have been made.
Suzy quite rightly points out the challenges of the centre-determined grades system. All methods of assessment have their upsides and their downsides, and the job is, having decided on an assessment mechanism, how you can mitigate the downsides. Ensuring that there is a consistent moderation scheme when each school's experience during this last year will have been so very, very different does provide real challenges for creating that moderation system, especially if there are pieces of work that have not been possible to complete in some schools. So, you could end up in a situation where you are comparing apples with pears rather than apples with apples. That's the challenge of designing a moderation system in the current climate, but we can take steps to mitigate against that, and that is what the design and delivery group will be aiming to work towards.
With regard to WJEC assessments, this is a tool that will be available to schools. Some schools potentially will have lots and lots and lots of material on which to base a centre-determined grade. Other individual classes, teachers, schools perhaps would like some additional support and help, and rather than designing their own, they will be able to avail themselves of material that is quality assured, equalities assured, and has gone through all the processes that you would expect a WJEC assessment to go through. I believe that will offer a valuable opportunity for schools to avail themselves of, but clearly that is a matter for individual schools. But I think it is a valuable resource that the WJEC will make available, and can play an important part in helping teachers assess children and designate a grade.
With regard to training, that is for individual teachers to identify the training needs within their individual workforce, and which individuals within their school perhaps are crucial in terms of operating the system, and additional training will be made available. What we have learnt—one of the very few silver linings of this entire pandemic—is that we have transformed the way that we have been able to deliver professional learning, and I am confident that we'll be in a position where those schools that want to or need to avail themselves of this additional support will be able to do so.
The evaluation process of the school's procedures is an important part of creating that national approach and that equity and fairness. That's why we will be working initially on the assessment tools, and an assessment framework that will be a national framework, and it is then for schools to identify how they will utilise that framework within their individual setting, and for the WJEC to assure that. With regards to the appeals process, it's only right that, in the first instance, if a candidate is unhappy with the grade they have been designated, then that has to be an appeal to the people who designated the grade. It's simply impossible to make an appeal to the WJEC, who will not have played a part in designating that grade. But clearly, having the WJEC assure a school's processes, if a candidate feels that the school's processes have not been correctly applied, then it is perfectly appropriate in those instances that the WJEC would be responsible for the appeals process.
Finally, with regard to AS-levels, the arguments that we rehearsed last year about how UCAS scores are designated in AS-levels, and how that translates into A-levels, still stand. In the absence of being able to run exams or, indeed, our initial procedures, we will revert to the policy that existed this year. All AS candidates will be designated a grade. That is important for those candidates who are deciding not to continue with that subject, but it's only fair that their learning to date for that qualification is awarded and, of course, many students feel that it is very, very valuable to have those grades when it comes to their UCAS application, but their A2 exams—and I hope, my goodness me, that we're in a position to run those examinations—that tier will be the basis on which their entire A-level will be awarded.
Diolch, Suzy Davies, am eich cwestiynau a'ch cydnabyddiaeth o waith caled y grŵp dylunio a chyflawni, fel y dywedais, sy'n cynnwys prifathrawon a phenaethiaid colegau sydd wedi gweithio'n gyflym iawn i roi cyngor ac arweiniad. Rwy'n ddiolchgar eu bod wedi cytuno i barhau i wneud y gwaith hwnnw gydag aelodaeth estynedig nawr, wrth i ni symud i'r cam nesaf o weithredu'r penderfyniadau a wnaed.
Yn gwbl briodol, mae Suzy yn tynnu sylw at heriau'r system graddau a bennir gan ganolfannau. Mae manteision ac anfanteision i bob dull asesu, a'r gorchwyl yw, ar ôl penderfynu ar fecanwaith asesu, sut y gallwch chi liniaru'r anfanteision. Mae sicrhau bod cynllun cymedroli cyson pan fydd profiad pob ysgol yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf wedi bod mor wahanol yn cynnig heriau gwirioneddol o ran creu'r system gymedroli honno, yn enwedig os oes darnau o waith na fu'n bosib eu cwblhau mewn rhai ysgolion. Felly, fe allech chi fod mewn sefyllfa lle yr ydych chi'n cymharu tebyg ac annhebyg yn hytrach na chymharu tebyg a thebyg. Dyna'r her o gynllunio system gymedroli yn yr hinsawdd sydd ohoni, ond fe allwn ni fynd ati i liniaru hynny, a dyna fydd y grŵp dylunio a chyflawni yn bwriadu gweithio tuag ato.
O ran asesiadau CBAC, mae hwn yn offeryn a fydd ar gael i ysgolion. Mae'n bosib y bydd gan rai ysgolion lawer iawn o ddeunydd i seilio gradd a bennir gan ganolfannau arno. Efallai y byddai dosbarthiadau, athrawon, ysgolion eraill efallai yn hoffi rhywfaint o gymorth a help ychwanegol, ac yn hytrach na chynllunio eu rhai eu hunain, byddant yn gallu manteisio ar ddeunydd sydd wedi ei sicrhau o ran ansawdd, cydraddoldeb, ac sydd wedi mynd drwy'r holl brosesau y byddech yn disgwyl i asesiad CBAC fynd drwyddynt. Credaf y bydd hynny'n cynnig cyfle gwerthfawr i ysgolion fanteisio arno, ond mae'n amlwg mai mater i ysgolion unigol yw hynny. Ond rwy'n credu ei fod yn adnodd gwerthfawr y bydd CBAC yn ei ddarparu, a gall chwarae rhan bwysig wrth helpu athrawon i asesu plant a dynodi gradd.
O ran hyfforddiant, mater i athrawon unigol yw nodi'r anghenion hyfforddi yn eu gweithlu unigol, a pha unigolion yn eu hysgol efallai sy'n hanfodol o ran gweithredu'r system, a bydd hyfforddiant ychwanegol ar gael. Yr hyn yr ydym ni wedi'i ddysgu—un o'r ychydig iawn o agweddau cadarnhaol yr holl bandemig hwn—yw ein bod ni wedi trawsnewid y ffordd yr ydym ni wedi gallu cyflawni dysgu proffesiynol, ac rwy'n ffyddiog y byddwn ni mewn sefyllfa lle bydd yr ysgolion hynny sydd eisiau manteisio ar y cymorth ychwanegol hwn neu y mae angen iddyn nhw fanteisio arno yn gallu gwneud hynny.
Mae proses werthuso gweithdrefnau'r ysgol yn rhan bwysig o greu'r dull cenedlaethol hwnnw a'r cydraddoldeb a'r tegwch hwnnw. Dyna pam y byddwn yn gweithio i ddechrau ar yr offer asesu, a fframwaith asesu a fydd yn fframwaith cenedlaethol, ac yna mater i ysgolion yw penderfynu sut y byddant yn defnyddio'r fframwaith hwnnw yn eu lleoliad unigol, ac i CBAC sicrhau hynny. O ran y broses apelio, nid yw hi ond yn briodol, yn y lle cyntaf, os yw ymgeisydd yn anhapus â'r radd a roddwyd iddo, yna mae'n rhaid apelio i'r bobl a roddodd y radd. Mae'n amhosib apelio i CBAC, na fydd wedi chwarae rhan yn y gwaith o ddynodi'r radd honno. Ond yn amlwg, os yw CBAC yn sicrhau prosesau ysgol, os yw ymgeisydd yn teimlo nad yw prosesau'r ysgol wedi'u cymhwyso'n gywir, yna mae'n gwbl briodol yn yr achosion hynny mai CBAC fyddai'n gyfrifol am y broses apelio.
Yn olaf, o ran Safon Uwch Gyfrannol, mae'r dadleuon a wnaethom ni y llynedd ynglŷn â sut y mae sgoriau UCAS wedi'u dynodi gyda Safon Uwch Gyfrannol, a sut mae hynny'n cyfateb i Safon Uwch, yn dal yn wir. Yn absenoldeb gallu cynnal arholiadau neu, yn wir, ein gweithdrefnau cychwynnol, byddwn yn dychwelyd at y polisi a fodolai eleni. Bydd pob ymgeisydd Uwch Gyfrannol yn cael gradd. Mae hynny'n bwysig i'r ymgeiswyr hynny sy'n penderfynu peidio â pharhau â'r pwnc hwnnw, ond nid yw hi ond yn deg y cydnabyddir eu dysgu hyd yma ar gyfer y cymhwyster hwnnw ac, wrth gwrs, mae llawer o fyfyrwyr yn teimlo ei bod yn werthfawr iawn cael y graddau hynny o ran eu cais UCAS, ond eu harholiadau A2—a gobeithio, bobl bach, ein bod ni mewn sefyllfa i gynnal yr arholiadau hynny—yr haen honno fydd y sail ar gyfer dyfarnu eu Safon Uwch gyfan.
Diolch am y datganiad. Dwi am gymryd y cyfle y pnawn yma i sôn am adolygiad Louise Casella a gafodd ei gomisiynu gennych chi yn dilyn ffiasgo arholiadau y llynedd. O'r diwedd, pnawn dydd Gwener fe gyhoeddwyd adolygiad annibynnol o drefniadau haf 2020 ar gyfer dyfarnu graddau ac ystyriaethau ar gyfer haf 2021, teitl hir. Y fersiwn terfynol oedd hwn a dydy o ddim wedi cael llawer o sylw, felly dwi am gymryd y cyfle i roi rhai o'r prif gasgliadau ar y record heddiw, oherwydd dwi yn teimlo eu bod nhw yn hynod o bwysig. Dwi'n hynod ddiolchgar i Louise Casella a'r tîm am eu gwaith trwyadl ac am eu casgliadau di-flewyn-ar-dafod. Mae angen i Lywodraeth Cymru a'r gyfundrefn addysg drwyddi draw dalu sylw manwl i'r adolygiad.
Mae'r adroddiad yn nodi fod nifer o gamgymeriadau wedi cael eu gwneud a allai fod wedi cael eu hosgoi, a hynny gan Gyd-bwyllgor Addysg Cymru a Cymwysterau Cymru. Roedd y camgymeriadau yn cynnwys methu rhagweld graddfa'r materion a fyddai'n codi, a'r risg o anghydraddoldeb i gymaint o ddysgwyr unigol o ganlyniad i'r diffyg gweithredu gan y ddau gorff. Yn benodol o ran cymedroli, mae'r adroddiad yn dweud hyn:
'Roedd Cymwysterau Cymru a CBAC wedi ystyried a ellid ymgymryd â rhyw fath o waith cymedroli graddau asesu canolfannau yn allanol cyn iddynt gael eu cyflwyno fel rhai terfynol, ond cafodd yr opsiwn hwn ei ddiystyru heb brofi'r rhagdybiaethau a ategodd y penderfyniad hwnnw yn llawn. Disgwyliodd canolfannau y byddai CBAC yn dychwelyd i ganolfannau a gyflwynodd raddau asesu canolfannau nad oeddent yn ymddangos eu bod yn cydfynd â'r disgwyl, gan barchu ei hawl i wneud hyn, ond ni ddigwyddodd hynny.
Yn absenoldeb cymedroli allanol o ran y penderfyniadau a wnaed wrth bennu graddau asesu canolfannau...ac yn absenoldeb hyfforddi aseswyr er mwyn osgoi unrhyw duedd wrth bennu graddau asesu canolfannau, dibynnwyd yn llwyr ar y prosesau safoni ystadegol i sicrhau tegwch rhwng canolfannau.'
Dwi wedi dyfynnu yn fanna o'r adroddiad ei hun, ac wrth bwyso a mesur yr hyn dwi newydd ddisgrifio, mae'r adolygiad yn dod i'r penderfyniad yma, a dwi'n dyfynnu eto,
'Mae hyn yn gyfystyr â methiant mewn arweinyddiaeth a llywodraethu mewn perthynas â'r trefniadau ar gyfer dyfarnu graddau yn ystod haf 2020.'
Mae hyn yn ddamniol ond, eto, yr un bobl sydd wrth y llyw yn y ddau gorff yma, ac yn parhau i gael cryn ddylanwad ar y broses ers y ffiasgo yn 2020 wnaeth greu gymaint o bryder i gymaint o bobl ifanc.
Hoffwn i, i gloi, ofyn i chi felly, Weinidog, a ydych chi wedi ystyried diswyddo rhai o'r bobl sydd yn rhedeg CBAC a Chymwysterau Cymru yn sgil canfyddiadau damniol adolygiad Casella, neu, o leiaf, ydych chi'n ystyried cynnal adolygiad pellach eich hun i weld a oes angen cymryd camau o'r math? Ac os nad ydych chi'n ystyried adolygiad pellach er mwyn canfod a oes angen gweithredu pellach, a wnewch chi egluro pam?
Thank you for the statement. I want to take the opportunity this afternoon to mention Louise Casella's review, which was commissioned by you following the exams fiasco of last year. At last, on Friday afternoon the independent review of the summer 2020 arrangements for the awarding of grades and considerations for the summer of 2021 was published; it's a lengthy title. This was the final version and it hasn't had a great deal of coverage, so I'm going to take this opportunity to set out some of the main conclusions and to put them on the record today, because I do believe that they are exceptionally important. I'm very grateful to Louise Casella and her team for the thorough work that they undertook and for their stark conclusions. The Welsh Government and the education system as a whole need to pay close attention to this review.
The report notes that a number of mistakes were made that could have been avoided, and that was by the WJEC and Qualifications Wales. The errors included failing to anticipate the scale of the issues that would arise, and the risk of inequality for so many individual learners as a result of the lack of action by those two bodies. Specifically in terms of moderation, the report states this:
'Qualifications Wales and WJEC did consider whether some form of external moderation of the CAGs could be undertaken prior to final submission, but this option was dismissed with the assumptions underpinning that decision not being fully tested. The right for WJEC to go back to centres submitting CAGs that appeared out of line with expectation was also reserved, and expected by centres, but this did not take place.
Without external moderation of the decisions reached in assigning CAGs and rank orders, and without training of assessors to ensure the avoidance of any bias in arriving at CAGs, total reliance was being placed on the statistical standardisation processes to ensure fairness between centres.'
And I have quoted there from the report itself, and in weighing up what I have just described, the review does come to this conclusion, and I quote once again,
'This is akin to a failure of leadership and governance in relation to the arrangements for deciding on grades during the summer of 2020.'
Now, this is a damning verdict but, again, it's the same people who are in charge in both of these bodies, and they continue to have great influence on the process since the fiasco in 2020, which created so much concern to so many young people.
In conclusion, I would like to ask you, Minister, therefore, whether you have considered dismissing some of the people who run the WJEC and Qualifications Wales in light of the findings of the damning Casella report, or have you at least considered a further review of your own to see whether steps of this kind need to be taken? And if you're not considering a further review in order to decide whether further action is required, will you explain why?
Thank you very much, Siân, for your comments. We've had an independent review. You have quoted at length from its report. I do not feel that there is any need, or indeed any further help a further review at this time will be. What we need now is to ensure that the lessons of the Louise Casella report are learnt. If the Member was being fair, I'm sure she would acknowledge that already in the way in which we have handled this situation, both within this Government and without the Government, is reflective of the recommendations, first of all, in the initial report by Louise Casella's group, and in the subsequent full report.
I'm very grateful to Louise and her team for the work that they have done. There are, as I said, valuable lessons to be learnt, which are already being enacted by myself and those that are working with us, to ensure that the awarding of qualifications this year does not cause the distress and difficulties that it did for learners and educators last year.
It is very important that we make the distinction between how last year's grades were arrived at and how this year's grades were arrived at. Last year, the standardisation, as was pointed out in Louise's report, relied too heavily on an algorithm, to ensure that there was fairness across the system, and to try and mitigate the concerns that we will have to try and mitigate again this year, which are legitimate concerns about unintentional bias, about how this system potentially has equalities impacts, as was outlined in previous reviews of last year's centre-assessed grades. We need, now, to mitigate against that, and that is what everybody that is working on qualifications for this year is committed to doing.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Siân, am eich sylwadau. Rydym ni wedi cael adolygiad annibynnol. Rydych chi wedi dyfynnu'n helaeth o'i adroddiad. Nid wyf yn teimlo bod angen adolygiad pellach ar hyn o bryd, nac y byddai hynny yn wir o unrhyw gymorth. Yr hyn sydd ei angen arnom ni nawr yw sicrhau bod gwersi adroddiad Louise Casella yn cael eu dysgu. Pe bai'r Aelod yn bod yn deg, rwy'n siŵr y byddai'n cydnabod eisoes yn y ffordd yr ydym ni wedi ymdrin â'r sefyllfa hon, yn y Llywodraeth hon a'r tu allan i'r Llywodraeth, bod hynny yn adlewyrchu'r argymhellion, yn gyntaf oll, yn yr adroddiad cychwynnol gan grŵp Louise Casella, ac yn yr adroddiad llawn dilynol.
Rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn i Louise a'i thîm am y gwaith y maen nhw wedi'i wneud. Fel y dywedais, mae gwersi gwerthfawr i'w dysgu, sydd eisoes yn cael eu gweithredu gennyf fi a'r rhai sy'n gweithio gyda ni, i sicrhau nad yw dyfarnu cymwysterau eleni yn achosi'r trallod a'r anawsterau a wnaeth i ddysgwyr ac addysgwyr y llynedd.
Mae'n bwysig iawn ein bod yn gwahaniaethu rhwng sut y cyrhaeddwyd graddau'r llynedd a sut y cyrhaeddwyd graddau eleni. Y llynedd, roedd y safoni, fel y nodwyd yn adroddiad Louise, yn dibynnu'n ormodol ar algorithm, i sicrhau tegwch ar draws y system, ac i geisio lliniaru'r pryderon y bydd yn rhaid inni geisio eu lliniaru eto eleni, sy'n bryderon dilys am ragfarn anfwriadol, ynghylch sut y gallai'r system hon effeithio ar gydraddoldeb, fel yr amlinellwyd mewn adolygiadau blaenorol o'r graddau a aseswyd gan y canolfannau y llynedd. Mae angen inni, nawr, liniaru rhag hynny, a dyna y mae pawb sy'n gweithio ar gymwysterau ar gyfer eleni wedi ymrwymo i'w wneud.
Thank you very much for your detailed statement. We're both of the female species, so obviously we're not unfamiliar with the concept of discrimination, so I just want to address the challenges that any system faces in addressing gender, ethnicity, physical appearance, prior learning difficulty, that consciously or subconsciously, any human being is capable of making. We've got lots of research to back all that up, and we also know that some schools are much better at accurately predicting attainment based on under- or over-predicting what they were going to do in exams and then—. And all of this, of course, is very important to get right, to ensure we are challenging students and teachers effectively.
So, I'm very pleased to see that you're endeavouring as far as possible to get a design and delivery advisory group to own the challenges that this is bound to throw up, so that we can ensure not just that all our centres of learning are endeavouring to overcome these sorts of problems, but also that we've got external people ensuring, where those checks and balances are inadequate, that we've got adequate ways of providing against that bias, so that we're not having mountains of appeals, which cause so much grief to young people. I wonder if you could just say a little bit more about how successful you think you're going to be, to really tie the profession into addressing what are genuine problems.
Diolch yn fawr am eich datganiad manwl. Mae'r ddau ohonom ni yn fenywod, felly mae'n amlwg nad ydym ni'n anghyfarwydd â'r cysyniad o wahaniaethu, felly rwyf eisiau mynd i'r afael â'r heriau y mae unrhyw system yn eu hwynebu wrth fynd i'r afael â rhyw, ethnigrwydd, ymddangosiad corfforol, anhawster dysgu blaenorol, y gall unrhyw fod dynol ei wneud, boed hynny'n ymwybodol neu'n isymwybodol. Mae gennym ni lawer o ymchwil i gefnogi hynny i gyd, a gwyddom hefyd fod rhai ysgolion yn llawer gwell am ragfynegi cyrhaeddiad yn gywir yn seiliedig ar ragfynegi canlyniadau arholiadau yn is neu ragfynegi yn uwch ac yna—. Ac mae hi'n bwysig iawn, wrth gwrs, gwneud hyn i gyd yn gywir, er mwyn sicrhau ein bod yn herio myfyrwyr ac athrawon yn effeithiol.
Felly, rwy'n falch iawn o weld eich bod yn ymdrechu cyn belled ag y bo modd i gael grŵp cynghori dylunio a chyflawni i fod yn gyfrifol am yr heriau y mae hyn yn sicr o'u cyflwyno, fel y gallwn ni sicrhau nid yn unig bod ein holl ganolfannau dysgu yn ceisio goresgyn y mathau hyn o broblemau, ond hefyd bod gennym ni bobl allanol yn sicrhau, lle mae'r trefniadau rhwystrau a gwrthbwysau hynny'n annigonol, bod gennym ni ffyrdd digonol o ddarparu yn erbyn y duedd honno, fel nad oes llwyth o apeliadau, sy'n achosi cymaint o alar i bobl ifanc. Tybed a wnewch chi ddweud ychydig mwy am ba mor llwyddiannus ydych chi'n meddwl y byddwch chi, i ymrwymo'r proffesiwn mewn difrif i fynd i'r afael â phroblemau gwirioneddol.
Thank you, Jenny. We have to be honest and recognise that in moving to this approach there are risks that we will need to take steps to mitigate, and there is no good pretending otherwise. Sometimes, this debate about awarding qualifications is sometimes dominated by the suggestion that this is the simplest and fairest of models, but, actually, in speaking to young people, there are many young people who have concerns that, as you said, intentional or unintentional bias could affect their outcomes. And we know from the equalities impact work that was carried out on last year's system that those are real issues that we will need to work hard to overcome.
So, if I can just outline three ways—the first of three ways in which we will seek to do that. Firstly, it is the adoption of a national assessment framework that all schools will need to work within. Secondly, it is training—so, therefore, making sure that centres are aware of these potential challenges around fairness and equalities and making sure that steps are taken in the training of staff in assessment and that they are aware of that and can take action accordingly. Thirdly, it is the availability, which I referred to earlier, of equality-assured materials from the WJEC. I'm sure that many people in this Chamber will be aware, but, in setting an examination paper, a great deal of attention is exuded in designing questions that seek to be as open and inclusive as possible, talking about situations that are available to all children, talking about concepts or scenarios that children of all genders and from all walks of life will be familiar with. If you're asked to write a creative piece of writing about a foreign holiday when you have never had the luxury of experiencing a foreign holiday—. These are the things and thought processes that go behind designing examination papers and questions, and therefore making sure that there is available to all schools a set of equality-assured adapted papers and assessment materials that schools can then use, knowing that they've been through that process, is one of the ways in which we can mitigate against the risks that you're quite right to point out.
Diolch, Jenny. Rhaid inni fod yn onest a chydnabod, wrth symud at y dull hwn, fod risgiau y bydd angen inni fynd ati i'w lliniaru, ac nid oes diben esgus fel arall. Weithiau, mae pwyslais mawr yn y ddadl hon am ddyfarnu cymwysterau ar yr awgrym mai dyma'r modelau symlaf a thecaf, ond, mewn gwirionedd, wrth siarad â phobl ifanc, mae llawer o bobl ifanc sydd â phryderon y gallai rhagfarn fwriadol neu anfwriadol effeithio ar eu canlyniadau, fel y dywedoch chi. A gwyddom o'r gwaith effaith ar gydraddoldeb a wnaed ar system y llynedd fod y rheini'n faterion gwirioneddol y bydd angen inni weithio'n galed i'w goresgyn.
Felly, os caf i amlinellu tair ffordd yn unig—y cyntaf o dair ffordd y byddwn yn ceisio gwneud hynny. Yn gyntaf, mabwysiadu fframwaith asesu cenedlaethol y bydd angen i bob ysgol weithio ynddo. Yn ail, hyfforddiant—felly, sicrhau bod canolfannau'n ymwybodol o'r heriau posib hyn o ran tegwch a chydraddoldeb a sicrhau y cymerir camau wrth hyfforddi staff a'u bod yn ymwybodol o hynny ac yn gallu gweithredu'n unol â hynny. Yn drydydd, mae ynglŷn â deunyddiau ar gael sydd wedi'u sicrhau gan CBAC o ran cydraddoldeb, y cyfeiriais atyn nhw yn gynharach. Rwy'n siŵr y bydd llawer o bobl yn y Siambr hon yn ymwybodol, ond, wrth osod papur arholiad, fe roddir llawer iawn o sylw i gynllunio cwestiynau sy'n ceisio bod mor agored a chynhwysol â phosib, siarad am sefyllfaoedd y gall pob plentyn uniaethu â nhw, siarad am gysyniadau neu sefyllfaoedd y bydd plant o bob rhyw ac o bob cefndir yn gyfarwydd â nhw. Os gofynnir i chi ysgrifennu darn creadigol am wyliau tramor pan nad ydych chi erioed wedi cael y moethusrwydd o fod ar wyliau tramor—. Dyma'r pethau a'r prosesau meddwl sy'n sail i gynllunio papurau a chwestiynau arholiad, gan felly sicrhau bod cyfres o bapurau a deunyddiau asesu sydd wedi'u haddasu i sicrhau cydraddoldeb ar gael i bob ysgol y gall ysgolion eu defnyddio wedyn, gan wybod y buont drwy'r broses honno, yw un o'r ffyrdd y gallwn ni liniaru'r risgiau yr ydych chi yn briodol iawn yn cyfeirio atyn nhw.
And finally, Rhianon Passmore.
Ac yn olaf, Rhianon Passmore.
Thank you very much. I do welcome your statement and the difficult decision made by the Welsh Government to cancel examinations in summer 2021 in order to allow more space and time for teaching and learning. This decision affords learners, their families and teachers the certainty that is required at a very uncertain time. Every day, children and their teachers are continuing their education remotely, and I know that, in Islwyn, many schools are adapting their teaching methodologies and ways of connecting with one another, and I do wish to thank all those across the statutory sector and within local government and our consortia for their determination and strong leadership. Minister, the well-being of learners and ensuring fairness across the system is central in all that the Welsh Government does when deciding on such issues. So, in what ways can the Welsh Government ensure, as far as possible, that all learners throughout Wales receive a relatively equitable learning experience during these very difficult months of winter and spring?
Diolch yn fawr iawn. Rwyf yn croesawu eich datganiad a'r penderfyniad anodd a wnaed gan Lywodraeth Cymru i ganslo arholiadau yn haf 2021 er mwyn caniatáu mwy o le ac amser ar gyfer dysgu ac addysgu. Mae'r penderfyniad hwn yn rhoi'r sicrwydd sydd ei angen ar ddysgwyr, eu teuluoedd a'u hathrawon ar adeg ansicr iawn. Bob dydd, mae plant a'u hathrawon yn parhau â'u haddysg o bell, ac rwy'n gwybod bod llawer o ysgolion, yn Islwyn, yn addasu eu dulliau addysgu a'u ffyrdd o gysylltu â'i gilydd, ac fe hoffwn i ddiolch i bawb ar draws y sector statudol ac mewn llywodraeth leol ac yn ein consortia am eu penderfyniad a'u harweinyddiaeth gref. Gweinidog, mae lles dysgwyr a sicrhau tegwch ar draws y system yn ganolog ym mhopeth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud wrth benderfynu ar faterion o'r fath. Felly, ym mha ffyrdd y gall Llywodraeth Cymru sicrhau, cyn belled ag y bo modd, fod pob dysgwr ledled Cymru yn cael profiad dysgu cymharol deg yn ystod y misoedd anodd iawn hyn o'r gaeaf a'r gwanwyn?
Thank you, Rhianon. It is really important, even in these most challenging of times, that we keep focus on learning core concepts within these subjects that children will be examined on. But it is clear that you cannot examine a child on content that they have not sat; it simply can't be done and it's not fair. This system allows schools to be able to make a judgment on work and course content that a child has been able to cover. And again, we will be giving further advice to schools to make sure that core content in qualifications is the focus of the work going forward. And schools were working very hard throughout the last term to do that and they continue to strive to do that now. But, clearly, core concepts in subjects is really important.
We're also in early discussions with Welsh universities and further education colleges as to what we can do to potentially address any learning loss—so, working with our universities to establish pre-university courses that can be run remotely and digitally during the summer to make sure that everybody is up to speed with core concepts, which allows them to make sure that their passage into undergraduate study is a successful one, and, again, working with colleges and local schools to help pupils successfully transition perhaps from their local high school into their college with all of the requisite skills, or, again, a programme, above and beyond when that formal course has come to an end and grades have been submitted, that looks to keep children learning where at all possible to continue to develop their skills and key competencies as we go forward. Because that's what we need: qualifications awarded, yes, but also young people feeling confident about their next steps and feeling able to move on successfully to whatever it is they decide to do.
Diolch, Rhianon. Mae'n bwysig iawn, hyd yn oed yn yr adegau mwyaf heriol hyn, ein bod yn parhau i ganolbwyntio ar ddysgu cysyniadau craidd yn y pynciau hyn y caiff y plant eu harholi arnynt. Ond mae'n amlwg na allwch chi arholi plentyn ar gynnwys nad yw wedi ei astudio; ni ellir gwneud hynny, ac nid yw'n deg. Mae'r system hon yn caniatáu i ysgolion allu llunio barn ar gynnwys gwaith a chwrs y mae plentyn wedi gallu ei astudio. Ac eto, byddwn yn rhoi cyngor pellach i ysgolion i sicrhau mai cynnwys craidd mewn cymwysterau yw canolbwynt y gwaith wrth symud ymlaen. Ac roedd ysgolion yn gweithio'n galed iawn drwy gydol y tymor diwethaf i wneud hynny ac maen nhw'n parhau i ymdrechu i wneud hynny nawr. Ond, yn amlwg, mae cysyniadau craidd mewn pynciau yn bwysig iawn.
Rydym ni hefyd mewn trafodaethau cynnar gyda phrifysgolion a cholegau addysg bellach Cymru ynghylch yr hyn y gallwn ni ei wneud i fynd i'r afael o bosib ag unrhyw golled mewn dysgu—felly, gweithio gyda'n prifysgolion i sefydlu cyrsiau cyn-brifysgol y gellir eu cynnal o bell ac yn ddigidol yn ystod yr haf i sicrhau bod pawb yn cael yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am gysyniadau craidd, sy'n eu galluogi i sicrhau eu bod yn trosglwyddo yn llwyddiannus i astudiaethau israddedig, ac, unwaith eto, gweithio gyda cholegau ac ysgolion lleol i helpu disgyblion i bontio'n llwyddiannus efallai o'u hysgol uwchradd leol i'w coleg gyda'r holl sgiliau angenrheidiol, neu, unwaith eto, rhaglen, ar ôl i'r cwrs ffurfiol hwnnw ddod i ben a bod y graddau wedi'u cyflwyno, sy'n ceisio cadw plant i ddysgu lle y bo'n bosib o gwbl i barhau i ddatblygu eu sgiliau a'u cymwyseddau allweddol wrth inni symud ymlaen. Oherwydd dyna sydd ei angen arnom ni: dyfarnu cymwysterau, ie, ond hefyd cael pobl ifanc i deimlo'n hyderus ynghylch eu camau nesaf a theimlo y gallan nhw symud ymlaen yn llwyddiannus i beth bynnag y maen nhw'n penderfynu ei wneud.
Thank you very much, Minister.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Gweinidog.
We now move to item 5, which is a statement by the Minister for Mental Health, Wellbeing and Welsh Language, and this is on promoting the use of Welsh in families. I call the Minister, Eluned Morgan.
Symudwn yn awr at eitem 5, sy'n ddatganiad gan y Gweinidog Iechyd Meddwl, Llesiant a'r Gymraeg, ac mae hyn yn ymwneud â hyrwyddo'r defnydd o'r Gymraeg mewn teuluoedd. Galwaf ar y Gweinidog, Eluned Morgan.

Diolch yn fawr, Gadeirydd. Dwi'n hapus iawn heddiw i allu cyhoeddi ein polisi cenedlaethol ar drosglwyddo'r Gymraeg a'i defnydd mewn teuluoedd. Dywedais i yn ôl ym mis Chwefror, wrth gyhoeddi’r fersiwn drafft o’r polisi, ei bod hi'n bwysig inni ddeall bod yr iaith rŷn ni'n ei defnyddio gartref yn effeithio ar ba mor gyfforddus mae'n plant ni'n teimlo wrth ddefnyddio'r iaith honno nes ymlaen yn eu bywydau.
Ein nod ni gyda'r gwaith yma yw cefnogi ac annog pobl sydd â sgiliau Cymraeg, ond efallai sydd heb eu defnyddio'n ddiweddar, i siarad mwy o Gymraeg gyda'u plant nhw—hynny yw, i drosglwyddo'r iaith i'r genhedlaeth nesaf. Mae'r polisi yma yn canolbwyntio ar sut i ddylanwadu ar hyn. Wrth gwrs, mae'r iaith rŷn ni'n ei siarad gyda'n plant ni—yn wir, pob ymddygiad iaith—yn ganlyniad i lawer o ffactorau gwahanol. Dyw newid ein hymddygiad ddim yn hawdd, yn enwedig unwaith bod patrwm wedi'i sefydlu.
Fel mae'r ffigurau a'n hymchwil ni yn eu dangos, mae yna gartrefi ledled Cymru lle mae yna rieni yn medru siarad Cymraeg ond sydd am sawl rheswm—diffyg hyder, diffyg arfer, teimlad nad yw eu Cymraeg nhw, efallai, ddim yn ddigon da—ddim yn defnyddio’r Gymraeg gyda'u plant nhw. Felly, mae'n rhaid inni wneud popeth rŷn ni'n gallu i helpu iddyn nhw wneud hyn.
Yn ôl ym mis Chwefror, fe wnes i bwysleisio fy mod i am glywed gan deuluoedd fel rhan o'r ymgynghoriad ar y polisi yma—ar gyfer teuluoedd mae'r gwaith y byddwn ni'n ei wneud yn y maes yma wedi'r cwbl. Fel rhan o'r ymgynghoriad a'n hymchwil ni i drosglwyddo’r Gymraeg, rŷn ni wedi clywed gan deuluoedd lle mae rhieni wedi colli eu hyder nhw yn yr iaith. Rŷn ni hefyd wedi clywed barn a phrofiadau rhieni lle taw nhw yw'r unig oedolyn yn y teulu sy'n medru'r Gymraeg. Mae rhai o'r bobl rŷn ni wedi siarad gyda nhw wedi bod drwy’r system addysg Gymraeg eu hunain ond maen nhw eu hunain wedi'u magu mewn teuluoedd di-Gymraeg. Rŷn ni wedi clywed, wedi gwrando ac wedi bwydo'r safbwyntiau hyn i gyd mewn i’r gwaith.
Roedd un rhiant—fe wnaf i ei alw'n Steve—yn siarad Cymraeg ond yn sôn bod ei bartner e ddim. Roedd partner Steve yn teimlo bod rhywbeth ar goll o'i bywyd oherwydd bod dim Cymraeg gyda hi. Doedd hi na Steve ddim am i'w plentyn golli mas. Rŷn ni hefyd wedi clywed gan Lucy. Mae Lucy yn gallu siarad Cymraeg, ac, wrth edrych yn ôl ar ei hamser hi yn yr ysgol, mae'n cofio taw dim ond yn ei harddegau y gwnaeth hi ddechrau ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg oedd ganddi. Mae hi nawr yn oedolyn ac yn fam, ac mae ganddi bersbectif gwahanol ar ei Chymraeg hi. Roedd hi'n awyddus i ddefnyddio Cymraeg gyda'i phlentyn o'r cychwyn cyntaf. Mae'r safbwyntiau gwahanol yma, a llawer mwy, wedi cyfoethogi llunio'r polisi hwn.
Wrth gwrs mae angen i ni helpu rhieni i ddechrau ar eu taith nhw gyda'r iaith drwy roi cyfleoedd iddyn nhw ddysgu'r Gymraeg, a dyna pam ein bod ni'n cefnogi hynny eisoes drwy waith y Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol, Mudiad Meithrin a'n partneriaid eraill ni. Ond ffocws y polisi yma yw dylanwadu ar gartrefi lle mae pobl eisoes yn gallu siarad Cymraeg er mwyn eu helpu nhw i ddefnyddio’r iaith gyda'u plant. Bydd hyn yn cyfrannu at gynyddu nifer siaradwyr y Gymraeg ac, yn hollbwysig, dyblu'r defnydd dyddiol o'r Gymraeg, sef dau brif darged Cymraeg 2050.
Does yna'r un peth ar ben ei hun yn mynd i wneud i ragor o bobl ddewis trosglwyddo'r Gymraeg. Mae'r polisi yma yn cyflwyno cyfres o gamau gweithredu i ni eu dilyn dros y ddegawd nesaf er mwyn creu cylch rhinweddol o rieni yn defnyddio'r Gymraeg gyda'u plant, a'u plant nhw wedyn yn yr un modd yn siarad Cymraeg gyda'u plant nhw.
Adeiladu ar sylfaen o waith rŷn ni wedi’i wneud yng Nghymru dros flynyddoedd lawer rŷn ni'n ei wneud, nid ail-greu'r olwyn. Nawr, mae angen inni wthio ffiniau ac arbrofi gyda dulliau newydd o weithio, gan gymryd risgiau o dro i dro, bod yn barod i fethu, ond gan ddysgu o’r methiannau hyn, a hynny heb fwrw bai ar neb. Dim ond drwy wneud hyn mae'n well ac mae ffordd i ni ddeall impact ein gwaith ni.
Rŷn ni am greu awyrgylch o gydweithio rhwng unigolion a sefydliadau lle mae cyfle i bawb rannu. Wedi'r cyfan, does gan neb chwaith fonopoli ar syniadau da. Welwn ni ddim o holl ganlyniadau'n gwaith ni dros nos. Mae beth rŷn ni'n dreial ei wneud yn digwydd dros genedlaethau—dyna holl bwynt y peth. Ond mae'r gwaith o sicrhau bod cenedlaethau'r dyfodol o siaradwyr Cymraeg yn y teulu yn dechrau heddiw. Diolch.
Thank you very much, Chair. I'm very pleased today to be able to publish our national policy on Welsh language transmission and use within families. I said back in February, when publishing the draft version of the policy, that it's important that we understand that the language we use at home affects how comfortable our children feel using that language later in life.
Our aim with this work is to support and encourage those with Welsh language skills who perhaps haven’t used them lately to speak more Welsh with their children—in other words, to transmit the language to the next generation. The policy focuses on how we can influence this. Of course, the language we use with our children—indeed, all language behaviour—is the result of many different factors. Changing our behaviour isn't easy, particularly when patterns have been established.
As the data and research show, there are homes in all parts of Wales where parents can speak Welsh, but for many reasons—lack of confidence, habit, a feeling that their Welsh is, somehow, not good enough—don't use the language with their own children. Therefore, we have to do everything we possibly can to help them to do so.
Back in February, I emphasized that I wanted to hear from families as part of the consultation on this policy—this work is being done for families, after all. As part of the consultation and our research into the transmission of the Welsh language, we've heard from families where parents have lost confidence in the use of the language. We've also heard opinions and experiences from parents who are the only adult in the home who is able to speak Welsh. Some of the people we've spoken to have been through the Welsh-medium education system themselves but they have been raised in English-medium households. We've heard, we've listened and we've fed all of these views into this work.
One parent—I'll call him Steve—spoke Welsh but explained that his partner didn't. Steve's partner felt that there was something missing from her life because she didn’t speak Welsh. Neither she nor Steve wanted their child to miss out. We've also heard from Lucy. Lucy can speak Welsh, and, in looking back at her time at school, she remembers that she only started using the Welsh she had in her teenage years. She's now an adult and a mother, and has a different perspective on her Welsh language ability. She was eager to use the language with her child from the very beginning. Each of these different perspectives, and many others, has enriched the development of this policy.
Of course we need to help parents to begin their own journeys with the language by offering opportunities to them to learn Welsh, and that's why we are already supporting that through the work of the National Centre for Learning Welsh, Mudiad Meithrin and other partners. But the focus of this policy is to influence homes where people can already speak Welsh in order to help them to use the language with their children. This will contribute to increasing the number of Welsh speakers and, all-importantly, double the daily use of Welsh, Cymraeg 2050's two main targets.
One single thing won't make more people transmit the Welsh language. This policy presents a series of actions that we will put in place over the next decade in order to create a virtuous circle of parents using Welsh with their children, and those children likewise speaking Welsh with their own children.
We want to build on the foundation of work undertaken in Wales over many years; we don't want to reinvent the wheel. We now need to push the boundaries and experiment with new ways of working, by taking risks from time to time, being prepared to fail, but also learning from those failures, and doing so without pointing the blame at anyone. Only by doing this can we understand the impact of our work and improve it.
We want to create an environment of collaboration between individuals and organisations where everyone has an opportunity to share. After all, nobody has a monopoly on good ideas. We won't see all the results of our work overnight. What we're trying to achieve is intergenerational—that's the whole point. But the work of ensuring that there are future generations of Welsh speakers in the family begins today. Thank you.
Diolch yn fawr, Weinidog, am y datganiad yma. Rwyf wedi bod yn dweud bod dewis iaith yn ddewis anymwybodol yn aml, yn bersonol iawn, ac yn bownd o barhau er gwaethaf unrhyw bolisi os dydyn ni ddim yn wynebu hynny. Felly, rwy'n falch o weld y symudiad hwn tuag at well ddealltwriaeth o le iaith mewn deinameg deuluol. Ac wrth edrych ar argymhellion y polisi, dwi'n troi at yr ail, y ddeinameg deuluol honno, yn hytrach na chaffael iaith strwythurol. Rwy'n amau bod y 'pwy' ym mhob teulu mor ddylanwadol â'r 'sut'. Mae yna nifer o argymhellion yn ymwneud â methodoleg ymchwil bellach. Yn sicr, mae angen carfan o fwy na 60 o deuluoedd arnoch chi ar gyfer hyn. Ond a yw hi o reidrwydd yn broses ymwthiol sy'n cael ei hawgrymu? Sut ydych chi'n bwriadu rheoli hynny mewn ffordd sensitif, a beth ydych chi wedi'i ddysgu yn barod am y broses o weithio gyda'r 60 o deuluoedd hyn?
Roeddwn hefyd yn falch o weld yn lansiad yr ymgynghoriad llynedd gydnabyddiaeth mai'r system addysg sy'n sicrhau caffael sgiliau'r Gymraeg, ond nid yw hynny'n sicrhau ei bod yn cael ei throsglwyddo, ac mae'r adroddiad yn dweud hynny. Dwi ddim am ailedrych ar brofiad dysgwyr heddiw, ond gallwn gytuno nad yw bob amser wedi bod yn un cadarnhaol. Ar gyfer ein cenhedlaeth bresennol o oedolion ifanc sydd wedi cael profiad gwael o ddysgu Cymraeg, neu sydd ddim wedi mwynhau eu hysgol cyfrwng Cymraeg, beth allwn ni ddweud wrthyn nhw nawr i'w helpu nhw dros y rhwystr emosiynol hwnnw, mewn ffordd? Achos mae'n ddigon i bobl fel fi sydd wedi bod yn benderfynol o'r cychwyn cyntaf y dylai fy mhlant i gael yr hyn na drosglwyddodd fy rhieni i fi, sef dwyieithrwydd—roeddwn i am lynu wrtho. Ond beth allwch chi ei newid nawr yn y tymor presennol, yn y neges i rieni newydd gydag amlygiad negyddol i'r Gymraeg fod dwyieithrwydd werth y gwaith caled, ac mae wedi bod yn arbennig o berthnasol i'r rhai sy'n dysgu gartref ar hyn o bryd?
Hyfforddiant athrawon—rwy'n chwilfrydig iawn clywed mwy am le mae'r proffesiwn addysg yn mynd i ffitio i mewn fan hyn o safbwynt seicoleg trosglwyddo'r iaith, achos mae hyn yn fy nharo i fel achos o physician heal thyself weithiau. A gyda llawer mwy o athrawon yn ein hysgolion a cholegau sydd â sgiliau Cymraeg nag sy'n barod i ddysgu Cymraeg, neu ddysgu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, sut ydych chi'n gweld yr argymhelliad penodol hwn yn y polisi yn gweithio?
Ac, yn olaf, roeddwn yn siarad â rhywun sy'n arwain y cynllun mentora ieithoedd rhyngwladol sy'n cael ei redeg gan rai o'n prifysgolion yng Nghymru ar hyn o bryd, a gwnaeth hi'r pwynt bod angen lleoedd diogel i oedolion sydd â rhywfaint o wybodaeth a sgil i wneud camgymeriadau, ac rŷch chi jest wedi canolbwyntio ar hynny yn eich sylwadau olaf yna. Gall y teulu fod yn un o'r lleoedd hynny, a dim ond ffordd arall o chwarae gyda'r iaith yw gwneud camgymeriadau. Mae chwarae gyda'r Gymraeg fel hyn yn gallu helpu plant â phatrymau iaith a'u hannog nhw i ofyn cwestiynau heb feirniadaeth, heb sôn am godi hyder oedolion. Felly, beth yw'ch meddyliau ehangach am leoedd diogel i oedolion chwarae gyda'r iaith y tu allan i'r cartref? Ac os gallaf, rwyf yn argymell ein polisi ni tipyn bach, os hoffech chi wybod mwy. Diolch.
Thank you very much, Minister, for this statement. I've been saying that there is an unconscious choice of language very often and we need to face up to that if we are to have a successful policy. So, I'm pleased to see this move towards a better understanding of the role of language within the family dynamic. And in looking at the recommendations in the policy, I turn to the second, that family dynamic I mentioned, rather than structural language procurement. I suspect that the 'who' in every family is just as influential as the 'how'. There are a number of recommendations related to further research methodology, and certainly we need a cohort of more than 60 families for this. But is it necessarily a process that you intend to push forward? How do you intend to manage that in a sensitive manner and what have you learnt about the process of working with these 60 families?
I was also pleased to see, in the launch of the consultation last year, a recognition that it's the education system that will ensure language procurement, but it doesn't mean that it's necessarily transmitted. The report has said that and I don't want to look at the experiences of learners today, but we could agree, I'm sure, that it's not always been a positive experience for all. And for this current generation of young adults who've had a poor experience of learning Welsh, or who haven't enjoyed their Welsh-medium schooling, what can we tell them now to help them over what may be an emotional barrier? Because it's fine for people like me who have been determined from the very outset that my children should benefit from what I didn't benefit from, namely bilingualism at the time—I was determined in that. But what can you change now in the short term in terms of messaging for new parents who may have a negative outlook on the Welsh language that bilingualism is a virtue and it's particularly pertinent to those learning at home at the moment?
Now, teacher training—I’m enthusiastic about hearing more about where the education profession fits in to this from the point of view of the psychology of language transmission, because this strikes me as a case of 'physician heal thyself' on occasion. With far more teachers in schools and colleges with Welsh language skills than are willing to teach Welsh, or to teach through the medium of Welsh, how do you see that specific recommendation in the policy working?
And, finally, I was speaking to someone who leads the international language mentoring schemes run by some of our universities in Wales, and she made the point that safe spaces were needed for adults who had some knowledge and skills to make mistakes, and you've just focused on that yourself in your final remarks. The family could be one of those places, and it's just another way of playing with the language—that's what making mistakes is. Playing with the language like this could help children in terms of their language patterns and encourage them to ask questions without criticism, never mind increasing the confidence of adults. So, what is your broader thinking about safe spaces for adults to play with the language outside of the home? And, if possible, I would recommend our policy, and if you'd like to know more, I'm happy to tell you. Thank you.
Diolch yn fawr, Suzy. Jest yn gyntaf, dwi yn meddwl ei bod hi'n werth inni edrych nôl yn hanesyddol ar beth sydd wedi digwydd, achos rŷn ni'n gwybod, yn hanner cyntaf yr ugeinfed ganrif, gwnaeth lot o bobl oedd yn medru'r Gymraeg beidio â phasio'r Gymraeg ymlaen i'r genhedlaeth nesaf. Felly, mae'n rhaid inni ddysgu o beth ddigwyddodd yn fanna, beth oedd y cyd-destun hanesyddol. Roedd y capeli yn dechrau chwalu, roedd pob math o bethau yn newid. Roedd newidiadau cymdeithasol yn digwydd ac mae'n rhaid inni ddysgu o beth sydd wedi digwydd yn y gorffennol. A hefyd, mae'n rhaid inni fod yn sensitif i'r ffaith bod ymyrryd yn y teulu yn rhywbeth sy'n anodd iawn, a dwi ddim yn meddwl bod lle i'r Llywodraeth. Mae'n rhaid inni fod yn rili, rili sensitif o ran sut mae'r Llywodraeth yn gallu ymyrryd yn y teulu. A dyna pam mae hwn—dŷn ni'n gorfod, dwi'n meddwl, jest cerdded yn rili ofalus yn y maes yma.
Beth sy'n glir yw, mewn rhai teuluoedd, mae dewis iaith yn rhywbeth sydd wedi'i benderfynu; mae wedi cael ei drafod. Ac yn sicr, yn fy nheulu i, roedd hi'n amod priodas bod yn rhaid i fy ngŵr i ddysgu Cymraeg fel ein bod ni'n gallu siarad Cymraeg â'r plant. Nawr, dŷn ni ddim yn mynd i ofyn i bobl Cymru ei gwneud hi'n amod priodas i siarad Cymraeg, ond dwi yn meddwl beth ŷn ni'n gobeithio ei wneud yw bod pobl o leiaf yn cael y drafodaeth, eu bod nhw yn gwneud dewis iaith yn rhywbeth maen nhw o leiaf wedi'i ystyried. Achos beth sydd wedi dod yn glir o beth ŷn ni wedi clywed yw ei bod hi'n rhywbeth mae pobl yn cwympo mewn iddi heb rili ystyried, a dim ond nes ymlaen, ar ôl i'r patrymau iaith gael eu sefydlu, maen nhw'n dechrau ystyried y peth, ac mae'n fwy anodd wedyn unwaith mae pobl wedi cwympo mewn i batrwm iaith.
Wrth gwrs, beth ŷn ni'n gwneud yn fan hyn yw adeiladu ar raglenni sydd wedi bod eisoes hefyd. Mae rhaglen Twf, wrth gwrs, 2001, a rhaglen Cymraeg i Blant, felly rŷn ni'n adeiladu ac wedi ystyried beth ŷn ni wedi'i ddysgu o'r rhaglenni rheini, ac mae'n bwysig bod y rhain yn cyd-dynnu gyda'i gilydd. Dyw hwn ddim wedi'i anelu at athrawon, ond dwi yn meddwl bod gwaith ymchwil yma efallai y gall athrawon ein helpu ni gyda. Dyna pam mae neges a thôn, y ffordd rŷn ni'n siarad, yn rili bwysig, ein bod ni'n cael y tôn yn iawn, ein bod ni ddim yn gwthio pobl i wneud rhywbeth lle maen nhw'n anghyfforddus. Ac mae lot o waith rŷn ni wedi'i wneud fel adran i fod i'n helpu ni gyda beth sy'n mynd i helpu pobl i ymgymryd â mwy o ddefnydd o'r iaith Gymraeg. Ac felly, dwi yn meddwl ei bod hi'n bwysig ein bod ni yn edrych i weld ble allwn ni ddysgu. Mae'r ffaith ein bod ni'n gallu methu, fel rŷch chi'n ei ddweud, Suzy, yn rhywbeth sy'n bwysig. A dwi'n meddwl ei fod e'n bwysig bod yna le ble mae pobl ddim yn cael eu beirniadu, a byddwn i'n rili hapus, Suzy, i glywed rhai o'ch syniadau chi, achos un peth rŷn ni'n gwneud yn glir yn fan hyn yw bod dim monopoli gyda ni ar syniadau; rŷn ni'n fwy na hapus ac rŷn ni'n awyddus iawn i glywed os oes syniadau eraill gan bobl. Achos mae hwn yn faes eithaf newydd; does dim lot o bobl yn y byd yn gwneud hwn. Rŷn ni wedi edrych ar lefydd eraill. Mae ambell i beth efallai bod y Basgiaid wedi'i wneud, mae diddordeb gyda ni i edrych mewn i hynny, er enghraifft, fel camau ymlaen hefyd.
Thank you very much, Suzy. First of all, I do think it's worth looking back historically at what's happened, because we do know that, in the first half of the twentieth century, many people who were Welsh speakers decided not to pass on the language to the next generation. We have to learn from what happened there and what the historical context was. The chapels were in decline, there were all sorts of things changing. There were social changes happening and we do have to learn from our past. And we also have to be sensitive to the fact that intervening within families is something that's very difficult indeed, and I don't think there's a role for Government. We have to be very, very sensitive indeed in terms of how the Government can intervene in families, and that's why I think we have to tread very carefully in this area.
What's clear is that in some families, the choice of language is something that's decided; it's been discussed. And, certainly, in my family, it was a condition of marriage that my husband had to learn Welsh so that we could speak Welsh to our children. Now, we're not going to ask the people of Wales to make speaking Welsh a condition of marriage, but I do think that what we hope to do is that people at least are encouraged to have that discussion, that they make language choice a consideration. Because what's been clear from what we've heard is that it's something that people fall into without really considering, and it's only later, after language patterns have been established, that they start to consider it in earnest, and it's more difficult once people have fallen into those language patterns.
What we're doing here, of course, is building on existing programmes. Twf, for example, from 2001, and the Cymraeg i Blant programme. So, we're building on those and have considered lessons learnt from those, and it's important that we bring all of that together. This isn't aimed at teachers, but I do think that there is some research that teachers could assist us with here. That is why tone and the words we use are very important, that we get that right and that we don't push people into doing things that they're not comfortable with. And there's a great deal of work that we've done as a department that has assisted us in terms of what will help others to make more use of the Welsh language. Therefore, I do think that it's important that we do look at lessons we can learn. Failure is an important element here, as you've said, Suzy, and learning from failure. And I think it is important that there are spaces where people aren't criticised, and I would be more than happy to hear some of your ideas, Suzy, because one thing we've made clear here is that we have no monopoly on good ideas; we're very eager to hear if people have alternative ideas. Because this is a relatively new area; there are not many people in the world doing this. We've looked at other countries. The Basques have done certain things that we're interested in looking at, for example, as steps forward too.
Diolch am y datganiad a'r adroddiad, a dwi'n edrych ymlaen at ei ddarllen yn fanwl. Ffocws y polisi, meddech chi, ydy dylanwadu ar gartrefi lle mae pobl eisoes yn gallu siarad Cymraeg er mwyn eu helpu nhw i ddefnyddio'r iaith efo'u plant. Ar ddiwedd y dydd, balchder yn y Gymraeg a hyder yn ei gwerth hi fydd yn creu y newid mawr sydd ei angen, a hoffwn i wybod beth fydd yn eich maniffesto chi ynglŷn â hyrwyddo hynny i holl deuluoedd Cymru mewn ffordd uchelgeisiol dros y blynyddoedd nesaf.
Fe ddywedoch chi nad oes yna'r un peth ar ei ben ei hun yn mynd i wneud i ragor o bobl drosglwyddo'r Gymraeg, a bod y polisi yma'n cyflwyno cyfres o gamau gweithredu. Fedrwch chi amlinellu beth ydy'r camau rheini'n fras, a sut gwnaethoch chi benderfynu ar y rhain? Beth ydy'r dystiolaeth sydd yna sydd y tu ôl i'r camau gweithredu rydych chi wedi'u dewis, a sut ydych chi'n mynd i fonitro llwyddiant y rhain i weld ydyn nhw'n cyrraedd y nod ai peidio? Ac fel rydych chi wedi sôn, mae yna beth gwaith wedi cael ei wneud ar hyd y blynyddoedd i helpu teuluoedd i ddefnyddio mwy o Gymraeg efo'u plant. Nod prosiect Twf, a oedd ar waith rhwng 2001 a 2016, oedd codi ymwybyddiaeth ymhlith teuluoedd o fanteision magu plant yn ddwyieithog, a chael dylanwad cadarnhaol ar eu defnydd o'r Gymraeg. Dwi'n cofio'r cynllun Twf yn glir iawn pan oedd ar waith mewn rhannau o fy etholaeth i, ac mae'n rhaid imi ddweud mi oeddwn i'n siomedig iawn pan ddaeth o i ben oherwydd mi oedd o yn creu llwyddiant. Mi oeddwn i'n dyst i hynny fy hun o ran y teuluoedd a welais i yn cael budd o fod yn cael eu hannog drwy'r cynllun yna. Fe ddechreuodd Cymraeg i Blant fel olynydd i Twf yn 2016, ond heb fuddsoddiad digonol. A fyddech chi'n cytuno efo hynny, nad oedd dim buddsoddiad ar lefel ddigonol ar gyfer Cymraeg i Blant—neu yn parhau felly? Dwi'n credu mai'r nod ydy cynyddu nifer y plant sy'n derbyn addysg Gymraeg—felly mae'r sifft wedi symud rhyw ychydig—ac felly hefyd i gefnogi rhieni, gofalwyr, darpar rieni, darpar ofalwyr ac aelodau eraill o'r teulu i gyflwyno defnyddio'r Gymraeg gartref a throsglwyddo'r Gymraeg i'w plant, ond fel rhan o'r ymdrech i gael mwy o blant i fynd ymlaen i gael addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg. Ydych chi'n credu bod yna ddadl erbyn hyn dros ailgyflwyno cynllun Twf, o feddwl ei fod yn dal i gael ei ystyried fel cynllun llwyddiannus, ac sydd yn dal i gael ei arddangos fel esiampl o arfer da?
Ac yn olaf gen i, mae yna broblemau mawr wedi dod i'r amlwg yn sgil y pandemig, onid oes, o safbwynt rhieni sydd ddim yn hyderus yn eu Cymraeg, neu ddim yn siarad Cymraeg o gwbl, yn ceisio cefnogi eu plant mewn ysgolion cyfrwng Cymraeg. A gallaf i ddychmygu ei bod hi'n her anferth i geisio bod yn gwneud hynny. Mae Estyn wedi ei nodi fel risg mawr. A fydd hyn yn cael lle blaenllaw yng nghynllun adfer addysg y Llywodraeth? A pha drafodaethau ydych chi'n eu cael efo'r Gweinidog Addysg a'r Gweinidog cyllid i sicrhau cyllid ychwanegol er mwyn cefnogi'r gwaith adfer mawr sydd ei angen—ac a fydd ei angen—dros y misoedd nesaf ymhell heibio'r cyfnod pan fydd y feirws yn cilio?
Thank you for the statement and the report, and I look forward to reading it in detail. The focus of the policy, as you said, is to influence homes where people are already able to speak Welsh in order to help them to use the language with their children. Now, at the end of the day, it's pride in the Welsh language and confidence in its value that will create this great shift that is required, and I'd like to know what will be in your manifesto in terms of promoting that to all families in Wales in an ambitious way over the next years.
You said that there isn't a silver bullet that's going to make more people transfer the Welsh language, and that this policy introduces a series of action points. So, can you outline what those actions are, broadly speaking, and how did you decide upon them? What's the evidence underpinning these actions that you have selected, and how are you going to monitor the success of these to see whether they are reaching their objectives or not? And as you've mentioned, there is some work that has been done over the years in helping families to make more use of the Welsh language with their children. The aim of the Twf project, which was in place between 2001 and 2016, was to raise awareness among families of the benefits of raising children bilingually, and having a positive impact on their use of the Welsh language. I clearly remember the Twf scheme when it was operational in parts of my constituency, and I have to say that I was very disappointed when it came to an end because it did succeed. I witnessed that myself in terms of the families that I saw benefit from being encouraged through this scheme. Cymraeg i Blant was put in place as a successor to Twf in 2016, but without sufficient investment. Would you agree with me on that, that there wasn't sufficient investment for Cymraeg i Blant? I think the aim is to increase the number of children in receipt of Welsh-medium education—so the emphasis has shifted slightly—and also to support parents, carers, prospective parents, prospective carers and other members of the family to introduce the Welsh language at home and to transmit the language to their children, but as part of the effort to get more children into Welsh-medium education. Do you believe that there is now an argument for reintroducing the Twf scheme, given that it is still considered to be a successful programme, which is still used as an example of good practice in this area?
And finally from me, there have been major problems that have emerged as a result of the pandemic, in terms of parents who aren't confident in their Welsh language skills, or don't speak Welsh at all, trying to support children in Welsh-medium education. And I can imagine that it's a huge challenge to try and do that. Estyn has noted it as a major risk. Will this be given a prominent role in the Government's education recovery programme? What discussions are you having with the finance Minister and the education Minister to secure additional funding to support the great rebuilding work that is required—and will be required—over the next months, way beyond the period where the virus is in decline?
Diolch yn fawr. Dwi'n meddwl eich bod chi'n eithaf reit: y ffordd rŷn ni'n sicrhau bod hwn yn gweithio yw sicrhau bod y rheini sydd yn siarad Cymraeg yn teimlo'n falch am y ffaith eu bod nhw'n siarad Cymraeg. Ond hefyd mae angen codi hyder pobl efallai sydd wedi bod drwy addysg Gymraeg, wedi stopio ei siarad hi am sbel, a bod angen inni jest ailgynnau'r tân yna ynddyn nhw, fel pan fyddan nhw'n cael plant, eu bod nhw eisiau sicrhau eu bod nhw'n siarad Cymraeg gyda'u plant nhw. A beth oedd wedi rhoi sioc imi yw ei fod e'n dal yn bwynt, er enghraifft, yn sir Fôn, lle'r oedd yna un unigolyn yn siarad Cymraeg, dim ond 38 y cant o'u plant nhw oedd yn siarad Cymraeg yn dair oed. Hyd yn oed lle roedd yna ddau riant yn y teulu, dim ond 76 y cant oedd yn pasio'r Gymraeg i'w plant nhw. Felly, mae yna broblem mae'n rhaid inni edrych arni, a hyd yn oed petasem ni'n dechrau yn fanna, byddem ni eisoes yn camu ymlaen gyda ble'r ydyn ni o ran cynyddu niferoedd. Felly, mae hwn yn rhan o'n rhaglen ni i gyrraedd y 2050 yna.
Wrth gwrs, bydd yn rhaid ichi aros i glywed y manylder yn ein maniffesto ni, ond byddwch chi yn ymwybodol, o ran y cwricwlwm, ein bod ni yn awyddus iawn i sicrhau bod ymwybyddiaeth o Gymru, o hanes Cymru, bod hwnna i gyd yn bwysig iawn, a bod jest ymwybyddiaeth o'r iaith Gymraeg yn rhan o beth ŷn ni'n gobeithio bydd pobl yn ei ddysgu yn y dyfodol.
O ran y camau gweithredu, mae'n gymysgedd o bethau lle mae yna dystiolaeth o beth sy'n digwydd, achos rydym ni wedi edrych ar bethau fel Twf a Chymraeg i Blant ac wedi dysgu o'r rheini, ond hefyd rydym ni'n arbrofol a dŷn ni ddim eisiau ymddiheuro am fod yn arborfol yn y maes yma. Mae Cymraeg i Blant, wrth gwrs, wedi cael ei asesu, ac fel rhan o'r asesiad yna rydym ni wedi cymryd y gaps lle oeddem ni'n meddwl bod angen inni eu llenwi, wedi edrych ar Twf ac wedi gweld os yw'n bosibl i gael y gorau maes o Gymraeg i Blant a'r cynllun newydd yma. Wrth gwrs, mae tua £700,000 yn cael ei wario ar Gymraeg i Blant, felly mae'n eithaf lot o arian ac wrth gwrs mae hwnna'n helpu i wneud pethau fel sicrhau bod bydwragedd yn siarad gyda rhieni o'r cychwyn cyntaf.
O ran y pandemig, wrth gwrs, mae hi'n bwysig ein bod ni'n cadw hyder plant a rhieni, yn arbennig y rheini sydd yn anfon eu plant nhw o gartrefi di-Gymraeg. Rŷn ni wedi gwneud lot o waith gyda Phrifysgol Bangor i geisio sicrhau bod blogs ac ati ar gael i rieni fel eu bod nhw'n deall—mae lot o brofiad gennym ni yma yng Nghymru o aildanio ac o sicrhau bod plant yn gallu dysgu Cymraeg yn gyflym. Mae pobl sydd yn dod o'r tu fas, pan maen nhw'n cael eu boddi yn y Gymraeg unwaith y maen nhw'n cyrraedd cymuned lle mae yna Gymraeg, rŷn ni'n gwybod sut i wneud hwn, rŷn ni'n gwybod beth sy'n bosibl. Mae'r dystiolaeth yn dangos na fydd hi'n broblem, ond beth mae'n rhaid inni wneud yw codi hyder y rhieni hynny, jest i fod yn ymwybodol o'r gwaith yna sydd wedi cael ei wneud eisoes. Wrth gwrs, mi fyddwn ni'n gwneud lot o waith i sicrhau ein bod ni'n cyflymu'r broses yna a'n bod ni'n adfer y sefyllfa cyn gynted ag y bydd y plant nôl yn yr ysgol.
Thank you very much. I think you're quite right: the way we ensure that this works is to ensure that those who do speak Welsh feel pride in the fact that they speak Welsh. But we also need to raise the confidence of those people who've been through Welsh-medium education, have stopped using the language for a time, and we need to relight that fire within them, so that when they do have children, they want to ensure that they speak Welsh to those children. And what surprised me was that it's still an issue, for example, in Anglesey, where there was one parent who spoke Welsh, only 38 per cent of those children spoke Welsh at three years of age. And even when there were two Welsh-speaking adults in the family, it was only 76 per cent who were transferring the language to their children. So, there is a problem there, and even if we were to start there, we would already be making progress in terms of increasing numbers. So, this is part of our programme to reach that 2050 target.
Of course, you'll have to wait to hear the details of our manifesto, but you will be aware, in terms of the curriculum, that we are very eager to ensure that awareness of Wales and Welsh history is all very important, and that an awareness of the Welsh language is part of what we hope people will learn in the future.
In terms of the action points, it's a mix of things where there is evidence of what's happening, because we have looked at programmes such as Twf and Cymraeg i Blant and have learned from those, but it is also innovative, and we don't want to apologise for being innovative in this area. Cymraeg i Blant, of course, has been assessed, and as part of that assessment we have looked at the gaps that we believe need to be filled, we've also looked at Twf and we've considered whether we can get the best out of Cymraeg i Blant and this new scheme. Of course, some £700,000 is spent on Cymraeg i Blant, which is quite a fair bit of funding, and that helps with ensuring that midwives speak to parents at those very early stages and so on.
In terms of the pandemic, of course, it is important that we maintain the confidence of children and their parents, particularly those who send their children to Welsh-medium schools, but don't speak the language. We've done a great deal of work with Bangor University to try and ensure that there are blogs available for parents, so that they understand, because we have a great deal of experience here in Wales of reintroducing the language and ensuring that children can learn the language quickly. Those moving to Wales are immersed in the Welsh language when they reach communities, we know how to do this and we know what's possible. Evidence shows that it won't be a problem, but what we must do is to increase those parents' confidence, so that they are aware of that work that has been done already. Of course, we will be doing a great deal of work to ensure that we hasten that process and that we do restore the situation as soon as the children are back in schools.
And finally, Mike Hedges.
Ac yn olaf, Mike Hedges.
Diolch, Cadeirydd. Rwy'n croesawu datganiad y Gweinidog. Rwy'n gwybod o brofiad nad yw hi'n hawdd dysgu iaith fel oedolyn. Er mwyn i'r Gymraeg ddod yn iaith gymunedol, y lle gorau i'w defnyddio yw cychwyn yn y cartref, yn y crud.
I unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb yn nyfodol y Gymraeg, roedd cyfrifiad 2011 yn siomedig iawn. Dangosodd ostyngiad yn nifer y siaradwyr Cymraeg ers cyfrifiad 2001, ac os bydd y dirywiad yn parhau ar y gyfradd hon, dim ond Gwynedd fydd â dros hanner ei phoblogaeth yn siarad Cymraeg yn 2051, a hynny ond o 1 per cent. Yr her yw hyrwyddo siarad Cymraeg i blant lle mae dim ond un rhiant yn gallu siarad Cymraeg, neu dim ond y fam-gu a thad-cu sy'n ei siarad. A yw'r Gweinidog yn cytuno ei bod hi eisiau gweld y Gymraeg yn cael ei dysgu yn y cartref ac yna ei defnyddio yn y gymuned?
Thank you, Chair. I welcome the Minister's statement. I know from experience that learning a language as an adult is not easy. If Welsh is to become a community language, then the best place to start is in the home and from the cradle.
For anyone interested in the future of the Welsh language, the 2011 census results were very disappointing. They showed a reduction in the number of Welsh speakers since the 2001 census, and if this rate of decline continues, only in Gwynedd will there be over half of the population that will be Welsh speaking by 2051, and that will only be by 1 per cent. The challenge is to promote speaking the Welsh language in families where only one parent is Welsh speaking, or where only the grandparents speak the language. Would the Minister agree that we need to see the Welsh language taught at home and then used in the community?
Diolch yn fawr, Mike, a dwi'n gwybod eich bod chi'n enghraifft o rywun sydd wedi dysgu Cymraeg, ond mae'ch merch chi wedi bod trwy ysgol Gymraeg a dwi'n siŵr y bydd hi, pan ryw ddydd efallai y caiff hi blant, bydd hi'n siarad Cymraeg â'i phlant hi. Felly, cyfraniad arbennig. Diolch yn fawr, Mike, un bach arall i gadw'r iaith yn fyw.
Beth sy'n bwysig, dwi'n meddwl, yw ein bod ni yn deall bod cychwyn Cymraeg yn y cartref, fel ŷch chi'n dweud, Mike, yn bwysig, a beth ŷn ni wedi darganfod yw bod y rheini sydd yn siarad Cymraeg gartref yn fwy hyderus yn eu Cymraeg nhw ac felly maen nhw'n fwy tebygol o ddefnyddio'r iaith pan maen nhw'n hŷn. Mae hwnna'n gwneud gwahaniaeth aruthrol, a dyna pam—. Beth mae'n rhaid inni drio cracio fan hyn yw'r genhedlaeth nesaf yna o blant sydd wedi cael eu haddysg nhw drwy'r Gymraeg, efallai wedi ei cholli hi am ychydig wrth eu bod nhw wedi mynd i'r gwaith neu wedi gadael Cymru am rywfaint ac wedi dod nôl, eu bod nhw yn ailgydio ynddi hi ac yn rhoi'r rhodd yna i'r genhedlaeth nesaf o'r iaith. Bydd hwnna, wrth gwrs, yn rhodd arbennig iddyn nhw ac yn rhodd i'r genedl, yn sicr. Dwi'n meddwl ei bod hi hefyd yn bwysig, Mike, i sôn am nain a taid a phobl eraill sy'n gallu helpu yn y maes yma, ac yn sicr mae hwnna'n rhywbeth sy'n werth inni ei ystyried hefyd.
Thank you very much, Mike, and I know that you're an example of someone who's learned Welsh, but that your daughter has been through Welsh-medium education, and I'm sure that one day, when maybe she has children, she will speak it to those children. So, it's an excellent contribution. Thank you very much, Mike, another step to keeping the language alive.
What's important, I think, is that we do understand that using the Welsh language at home is important, as you've said, Mike, and what we have discovered is that those who speak Welsh within the home are more confident in their Welsh language skills and are therefore more likely to use the language when they're older. That makes a huge difference, and that's why—. What we need to crack here is that next generation of children who've been educated through the medium of Welsh, who may have lost their skills a little as they've gone into the workplace or may have left Wales for a period of time and then returned, that they pick it up again and give that gift to the next generation. That, of course, will be a very special gift, and a gift to the nation, too. I do think it's important, Mike, that we do mention grandparents and others who can help in this regard. That's certainly something that we should be considering too.
Diolch yn fawr. I now hand the chair back to the Deputy Presiding Officer. I'm not sure we have a smooth transition here. Has the Deputy Presiding Officer returned yet?
Diolch yn fawr. Rhoddaf y gadair yn ôl i'r Dirprwy Lywydd nawr. Dydw i ddim yn siŵr bod gennym ni newid llyfn yma. A yw'r Dirprwy Lywydd wedi dychwelyd eto?
Yes, she's here, but we can't hear her.
Ydy, mae hi yma, ond ni allwn ni ei chlywed hi.
Can we unmute the DPO? Well, whilst we are dealing with this technical difficulty, I will call the next item.
A gawn ni ddad-dawelu'r Dirprwy Lywydd? Wel, tra ein bod yn delio â'r anhawster technegol hwn, galwaf yr eitem nesaf.
Item 6 is the Marketing of Seeds and Plant Propagating Material (Amendment) (Wales) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020. I call on the Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs to move the motion—Lesley Griffiths.
Eitem 6 yw Rheoliadau Marchnata Hadau a Deunyddiau Lluosogi Phlanhigion (Diwygio) (Cymru) (Ymadael â'r UE) 2020. Galwaf ar Weinidog yr Amgylchedd, Ynni a Materion Gwledig i gynnig y cynnig—Lesley Griffiths.
Cynnig NDM7553 Rebecca Evans
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 27.5:
1. Yn cymeradwyo Rheoliadau Marchnata Hadau a Deunyddiau Lluosogi Planhigion (Diwygio) (Cymru) (Ymadael â’r UE) 2020 a osodwyd yn y Swyddfa Gyflwyno ar 18 Rhagfyr 2020.
Motion NDM7553 Rebecca Evans
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 27.5:
1. Approves The Marketing of Seeds and Plant Propagating Material (Amendment) (Wales) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 laid in the Table Office on 18 December 2020.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.

Thank you very much, Chair. I move the motion. These regulations amend the Seed Potatoes (Wales) (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 and the Marketing of Seeds and Plant Propagating Material (Amendment) (Wales) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020. They also revoke elements of the Retained EU Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 and the Seeds (Amendment etc.) (Wales) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019. These amendments are to ensure legislation relating to plant propagating material and seeds remains operable and accounts for matters including the withdrawal agreement and the Northern Ireland protocol. The UK Government have made equivalent amendments in the Animals, Aquatic Animal Health, Invasive Alien Species, Plant Propagating Material and Seeds (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020. Regulation 2 of the regulations also addresses errors identified in EU exit legislation and contains provisions that effect a change of drafting approach. The amendments are technical in nature and do not reflect a change of policy. Thank you.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Cadeirydd. Rwy'n cynnig y cynnig. Mae'r rheoliadau hyn yn diwygio Rheoliadau Tatws Hadyd (Cymru) (Diwygio) (Ymadael â'r UE) 2019 a Rheoliadau Marchnata Hadau a Deunyddiau Lluosogi Planhigion (Diwygio) (Cymru) (Ymadael â'r UE) 2020. Maen nhw hefyd yn dirymu elfennau o Reoliadau Cyfraith yr UE a Ddargedwir (Diwygiadau Amrywiol) (Cymru) (Ymadael â'r UE) 2019 a Rheoliadau Hadau (Diwygio etc.) (Cymru) (Ymadael â'r UE) Rheoliadau 2019. Mae'r diwygiadau hyn er mwyn sicrhau bod deddfwriaeth sy'n ymwneud â deunyddiau lluosogi planhigion a hadau yn parhau i fod yn weithredol ac yn rhoi cyfrif am faterion yn cynnwys y cytundeb ymadael a phrotocol Gogledd Iwerddon. Mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi gwneud diwygiadau cyfatebol yn Rheoliadau Anifeiliaid, Iechyd Anifeiliaid Dŵr, Rhywogaethau Goresgynnol Estron, Deunydd Lluosogi Planhigion a Hadau (Diwygio) (Ymadael â'r UE) 2020. Mae rheoliad 2 o'r rheoliadau hefyd yn mynd i'r afael â gwallau a nodwyd yn y ddeddfwriaeth ymadael â'r UE ac yn cynnwys darpariaethau sy'n cyflawni dull newydd o ddrafftio. Mae'r gwelliannau'n dechnegol eu natur ac nid ydynt yn adlewyrchu newid polisi. Diolch.
I still seem to have the Chair, so I will call the Chair of the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee, Mick Antoniw.
Ymddengys fy mod yn dal yn y gadair felly galwaf ar Gadeirydd y Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a'r Cyfansoddiad, Mick Antoniw.
Thank you. We considered these regulations yesterday morning, and our report has been laid to inform this afternoon's debate. Our report contains one technical reporting point. We have raised this reporting point as we believe one aspect of the regulations requires further explanation. The regulations permit the Welsh Ministers to authorise the marketing of vegetable seed that is not listed on the Great Britain variety list, provided an application has been made for entry into the Great Britain variety list or the Northern Ireland variety list. However, under the regulations, the authorisation may be requested by the person who has submitted an application for entry of the varieties concerned onto the Great Britain variety list, the Northern Ireland variety list or a list of a country granted equivalence. It is not immediately clear to us why a person who submits an application for entry onto an equivalent list is permitted to request authorisation from the Welsh Ministers in these circumstances. This is because a condition of authorisation is that an application has been made for entry into the Great Britain variety list or the Northern Ireland variety list and not an equivalent list. We therefore asked for the Welsh Government's views on this apparent inconsistency. We welcome the Welsh Government's response, advising that our concern is to be addressed, that it will come back to us on this issue in due course. We also note as a result that the Welsh Government has opened discussions with the UK Government because the provisions are connected to a variety listing regime that applies to Great Britain. Diolch.
Diolch. Fe wnaethom ni ystyried y rheoliadau hyn fore ddoe, ac mae ein hadroddiad wedi'i osod i lywio'r ddadl y prynhawn yma. Mae ein hadroddiad yn cynnwys un pwynt adrodd technegol. Rydym ni wedi codi'r pwynt adrodd hwn gan ein bod yn credu bod angen egluro un agwedd ar y rheoliadau ymhellach. Mae'r rheoliadau'n caniatáu i Weinidogion Cymru awdurdodi marchnata hadau llysiau nad ydynt wedi'u rhestru ar restr amrywogaethau Prydain Fawr, ar yr amod bod cais wedi'i wneud i ymuno â rhestr amrywogaethau Prydain Fawr neu restr amrywogaethau Gogledd Iwerddon. Fodd bynnag, o dan y rheoliadau, gall cais am awdurdodiad gael ei wneud gan y person sydd wedi cyflwyno cais i gynnwys yr amrywogaethau dan sylw ar restr amrywogaethau Prydain Fawr, rhestr amrywogaethau Gogledd Iwerddon neu restr o wlad gyfartal. Nid yw'n glir i ni ar yr olwg gyntaf pam y caniateir i berson sy'n cyflwyno cais i fod ar restr gyfatebol ofyn am awdurdodiad gan Weinidogion Cymru o dan yr amgylchiadau hyn. Y rheswm am hyn yw mai un o amodau'r awdurdodiad yw bod cais wedi'i wneud i ymuno â rhestr amrywogaethau Prydain Fawr neu restr amrywogaethau Gogledd Iwerddon ac nid rhestr gyfatebol. Felly, fe wnaethom ni ofyn am farn Llywodraeth Cymru ar yr anghysondeb amlwg hwn. Rydym yn croesawu ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru, yn dweud yr ymdrinnir â'n pryder, y bydd yn ymateb i ni ynghylch y mater hwn maes o law. Nodwn hefyd o ganlyniad fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi agor trafodaethau gyda Llywodraeth y DU oherwydd bod y darpariaethau wedi'u cysylltu â threfn rhestru amrywogaethau sy'n berthnasol i Brydain Fawr. Diolch.
Thank you very much. I have no other speakers. I will call the Minister in case she wants to respond to anything that the Chair of the legislation committee has said. Minister.
Diolch yn fawr iawn. Nid oes gennyf siaradwyr eraill. Galwaf ar y Gweinidog rhag ofn ei bod eisiau ymateb i unrhyw beth y mae Cadeirydd y pwyllgor deddfwriaeth wedi'i ddweud. Gweinidog.

Thank you, Chair. I will respond to the Chair of the committee's question. I think it is a point that's very well made; I think it's pertinent to legislation that applies beyond Wales, an identical provision having been made to legislation that also applies to England. Whilst the provisions are connected to a variety listing regime that applies to Great Britain, we have opened a dialogue with the UK Government, as the Member referred to. We've asked them to investigate their improved interaction with that regime. The committee's concerns will be addressed and I will obviously return to the committee as soon as a way forward has been settled. Diolch.
Diolch, Cadeirydd. Fe wnaf i ymateb i gwestiwn Cadeirydd y pwyllgor. Rwy'n credu ei fod yn sylw priodol iawn; rwy'n credu ei fod yn berthnasol i ddeddfwriaeth sy'n berthnasol y tu hwnt i Gymru, gyda darpariaeth sydd yr union yr un fath wedi ei gwneud i ddeddfwriaeth sydd hefyd yn berthnasol i Loegr. Er bod y darpariaethau wedi'u cysylltu â threfn rhestru amrywogaethau sy'n berthnasol i Brydain Fawr, rydym ni wedi dechrau trafodaeth gyda Llywodraeth y DU, fel y cyfeiriodd yr Aelod ati. Rydym ni wedi gofyn iddyn nhw ymchwilio i'w dull gwell o ryngweithio gyda'r drefn honno. Ymdrinnir â phryderon y pwyllgor ac mae'n amlwg y byddaf yn dychwelyd i'r pwyllgor cyn gynted ag y bydd ffordd ymlaen wedi'i phenderfynu arni. Diolch.
Thank you, Minister. The proposal is to agree the motion. Does any Member object? I see no Member objecting, so the motion is agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Diolch i chi Gweinidog. Y cynnig yw derbyn y cynnig. A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Ni welaf unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu, felly derbynnir y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
We move now to item 7, the official controls of animals, feed and food, plant health fees et cetera regulations. I think the Minister will probably give it its proper title. I call the Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs to move the motion. Lesley Griffiths.
Symudwn nawr at eitem 7, rheoliadau rheolaethau swyddogol anifeiliaid, bwyd anifeiliaid a bwyd, ffioedd iechyd planhigion et cetera. Credaf y bydd y Gweinidog, mae'n debyg, yn rhoi iddo ei deitl priodol. Galwaf ar Weinidog yr Amgylchedd, Ynni a Materion Gwledig i gynnig y cynnig. Lesley Griffiths.
Cynnig NDM7554 Rebecca Evans
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 27.5:
1. Yn cymeradwyo Rheoliadau Rheolaethau Swyddogol (Anifeiliaid, Bwyd Anifeiliaid a Bwyd, Ffioedd Iechyd Planhigion etc.) (Cymru) (Diwygio) (Ymadael â’r UE) 2020 a osodwyd yn y Swyddfa Gyflwyno ar 29 Rhagfyr 2020.
Motion NDM7554 Rebecca Evans
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 27.5:
1. Approves the Official Controls (Animals, Feed and Food, Plant Health Fees etc.) (Wales) (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 laid in the Table Office on 29 December 2020.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.

Thank you very much, Chair. I move the motion. The Official Controls (Animals, Feed and Food, Plant Health Fees etc.) (Wales) (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 came into force on implementation period completion day, made by powers conferred to Welsh Ministers under the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, in order to make the following amendments. Minor technical amendments were necessary to ensure the legislation remained operable post withdrawal to implement and enforce official controls and ensure the application of biosecurity and animal welfare rules. Secondly, this regulation also amended the Trade in Animals and Related Products (Wales) Regulations 2011 to include a provision granting an enabling power to temporarily disapply certain prohibitions and restrictions on meat preparations imported from the EU from 1 January 2021. The fix was subsequently applied via the Meat Preparations (Amendment and Transitory Modification) (Wales) (EU Exit) Regulations 2021, which came into force on 6 January. Great Britain will introduce a phased approach to controls on imports from the European Union in line with UK Government's border operating model. Decisions on those conditions and on the future imports regime for Great Britain will be taken within the governance arrangements of the animal health and welfare common framework. The Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee have produced reports for both regulations with no identified issues, and we will continue to work with stakeholders to review the impact of leaving the European Union on all areas, including official controls to ensure we achieve the best outcome for the people of Wales. Thank you.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Cadeirydd. Cynigiaf y cynnig. Daeth Rheoliadau Rheolaethau Swyddogol (Anifeiliaid, Bwyd Anifeiliaid a Bwyd, Ffioedd Iechyd Planhigion etc.) (Cymru) (Diwygio) (Ymadael â'r UE) 2020 i rym ar ddiwrnod cwblhau'r cyfnod gweithredu, a wnaed gan bwerau a roddwyd i Weinidogion Cymru o dan Ddeddf yr Undeb Ewropeaidd (Ymadael) 2018, er mwyn gwneud y diwygiadau canlynol. Roedd angen mân ddiwygiadau technegol i sicrhau y byddai'r ddeddfwriaeth yn parhau yn weithredol ar ôl ymadael i weithredu a gorfodi rheolaethau swyddogol a sicrhau bod rheolau bioddiogelwch a lles anifeiliaid yn cael eu cymhwyso. Yn ail, diwygiodd y rheoliad hwn hefyd Reoliadau'r Fasnach mewn Anifeiliaid a Chynhyrchion Perthynol (Cymru) 2011 i gynnwys darpariaeth sy'n rhoi pŵer galluogi i ddatgymhwyso gwaharddiadau a chyfyngiadau penodol dros dro ar baratoadau cig a fewnforiwyd o'r UE o 1 Ionawr 2021. Cymhwyswyd y gosodiad wedyn drwy Reoliadau Paratoadau Cig (Diwygio ac Addasiadau Darfodol) (Cymru) (Ymadael â'r UE) 2021, a ddaeth i rym ar 6 Ionawr. Bydd Prydain Fawr yn cyflwyno dull graddol o reoli mewnforion o'r Undeb Ewropeaidd yn unol â model gweithredu ffiniau Llywodraeth y DU. Bydd penderfyniadau ar yr amodau hynny ac ar y drefn fewnforio ar gyfer Prydain Fawr yn y dyfodol yn cael eu gwneud o fewn trefniadau llywodraethu'r fframwaith cyffredin ar gyfer iechyd a lles anifeiliaid. Mae'r Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a'r Cyfansoddiad wedi cynhyrchu adroddiadau ar gyfer y ddau reoliad heb unrhyw faterion a nodwyd, a byddwn yn parhau i weithio gyda rhanddeiliaid i adolygu effaith gadael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd ar bob maes, gan gynnwys rheolaethau swyddogol i sicrhau ein bod yn cyflawni'r canlyniad gorau i bobl Cymru. Diolch.
Thank you, Minister. I have no speakers. Therefore, the proposal is to agree the motion. Does any Member object? I don't see anyone objecting, so the motion is therefore agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Diolch i chi Gweinidog. Nid oes gennyf siaradwyr. Felly, y cynnig yw derbyn y cynnig. A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Nid wyf yn gweld neb yn gwrthwynebu, felly derbynnir y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Now a proposal under Standing Order 12.24 to debate items 8 and 9 together, but with separate votes. I do not see any objections.
Nawr, cynnig o dan Reol Sefydlog 12.24 i drafod eitemau 8 a 9 gyda'i gilydd, ond gyda phleidleisiau ar wahân. Ni welaf unrhyw wrthwynebiadau.
These are the health protection coronavirus regulations 2021. I call the Minister for Health and Social Services, Vaughan Gething.
Dyma reoliadau diogelu iechyd coronafeirws 2021. Galwaf ar Vaughan Gething, y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol.
Cynnig NDM7555 Rebecca Evans
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 27.5:
1. Yn cymeradwyo Rheoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Coronafeirws, Teithio Rhyngwladol a Chyfyngiadau) (Diwygio) (Rhif 2) (Cymru) 2021 a osodwyd yn y Swyddfa Gyflwyno ar 15 Ionawr 2021.
Motion NDM7555 Rebecca Evans
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 27.5:
1. Approves The Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel and Restrictions) (Amendment) (No. 2) (Wales) Regulations 2021 laid in the Table Office on 15 January 2021.
Cynnig NDM7556 Rebecca Evans
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 27.5:
1. Yn cymeradwyo Rheoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Cyfyngiadau Coronafeirws) (Rhif 5) (Cymru) (Diwygio) 2021 a osodwyd yn y Swyddfa Gyflwyno ar 19 Ionawr 2021.
Motion NDM7556 Rebecca Evans
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 27.5:
1. Approves The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 5) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 laid in the Table Office on 19 January 2021.
Cynigiwyd y cynigion.
Motions moved.

Thank you, acting Deputy Presiding Officer. I move the motion before us on the two sets of amendment regulations before us today, the first of which is the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel and Restrictions) (Amendment) (No. 2) (Wales) Regulations 2021. These amend both the international travel restrictions and the more general coronavirus restrictions No. 5 regulations. Members will be aware that a new variant of COVID-19 was recently detected in Brazil. This follows the earlier discovery of a new variant of a strain of the virus in South Africa. These strains are different to the UK Kent variant, but may share similar properties in terms of a higher transmissibility. To help prevent these new strains entering the UK, these amendment regulations suspend all travel corridors.
Those wishing to travel to Wales will now need to provide a negative test before travelling, and quarantine for 10 days. This is line with similar action being taken in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Brazil has strong travel connections with a number of countries from across south America, including Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Columbia, Chile, Suriname and French Guiana. The regulations also remove the sectoral exemptions for travellers arriving from those countries. All travellers arriving into Wales who have been in these countries in the previous 10 days will be required to isolate for 10 days, and will only be able to leave isolation in very limited circumstances. These tighter isolation requirements will also apply to all members of their households. Direct flights from these countries will no longer be able to land in Wales.
The second regulations are the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 5) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2021. These ensure that retailers are required now to take steps to make their premises as safe as possible for both shoppers and their employees alike. This includes having measures in place for controlling entry and limiting the number of customers who are on the premises, ensuring hand sanitisation products or hand-washing facilities are in place for customers, and reminding customers of the need to maintain a 2m distance and to wear a face covering. Whilst these measures already appear in guidance, including them on the face of the regulations will both reinforce their importance and make them more easily enforceable. Many, of course, are already operating to these high standards, but we need to raise the bar for those who could and should improve.
I know Members across the Chamber will have had anecdotal examples from their own constituents raising concerns about these very issues. All businesses and premises are now also required to carry out a specific COVID risk assessment and for that to involve consultation with staff and representatives, and to be made available to staff. This will complement existing occupational health and safety laws. These amendment regulations also require the proprietors of all schools and further education institutions not to permit learners to attend the premises from 20 January. However, the regulations permit that in certain circumstances pupils can remain attending schools and further education institutions. Placing this requirement on a statutory footing will ensure consistency and clarity across Wales. I ask Members to support these regulations, which the Government believes are an essential part of how we can help to keep Wales safe.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd dros dro. Cynigiaf y cynnig ger ein bron ar y ddwy gyfres o reoliadau diwygio sydd ger ein bron heddiw, a'r cyntaf ohonyn nhw yw Rheoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Coronafeirws, Teithio Rhyngwladol a Chyfyngiadau) (Diwygio) (Rhif 2) (Cymru) 2021. Mae'r rhain yn diwygio rheoliadau'r cyfyngiadau teithio rhyngwladol a'r cyfyngiadau coronafeirws mwy cyffredinol, sef rheoliadau Rhif 5. Bydd yr Aelodau'n ymwybodol bod amrywiolyn newydd o COVID-19 wedi'i ganfod yn ddiweddar ym Mrasil. Mae hyn yn dilyn darganfyddiad cynharach o amrywiolyn newydd o straen o'r feirws yn Ne Affrica. Mae'r mathau hyn yn wahanol i amrywiolyn Caint y DU, ond gallant rannu nodweddion tebyg o ran bod yn fwy trosglwyddadwy. Er mwyn helpu i atal y mathau newydd hyn rhag dod i'r DU, mae'r rheoliadau diwygio hyn yn atal pob coridor teithio.
Bydd angen i'r rhai sy'n dymuno teithio i Gymru nawr ddarparu prawf negyddol cyn teithio, a bod o dan gwarantin am 10 diwrnod. Mae hyn yn cyd-fynd â'r camau tebyg sy'n cael eu cymryd yn Lloegr, yr Alban a Gogledd Iwerddon. Mae gan Frasil gysylltiadau teithio cryf â nifer o wledydd o bob rhan o dde America, gan gynnwys Wrwgwái, Paragwâi, yr Ariannin, Bolifia, Periw, Colombia, Chile, Swrinam a Gaiana Ffrengig. Mae'r rheoliadau hefyd yn dileu'r eithriadau sectoraidd i deithwyr sy'n cyrraedd o'r gwledydd hynny. Bydd yn ofynnol i bob teithiwr sy'n cyrraedd Cymru sydd wedi bod yn y gwledydd hyn yn ystod y 10 diwrnod blaenorol ynysu am 10 diwrnod, a dim ond mewn amgylchiadau cyfyngedig iawn y gall rywun roi'r gorau i ynysu. Bydd y gofynion ynysu tynnach hyn hefyd yn berthnasol i bob aelod o aelwyd teithiwr. Ni fydd awyrennau uniongyrchol o'r gwledydd hyn yn gallu glanio yng Nghymru mwyach.
Yr ail reoliad yw Rheoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Cyfyngiadau Coronafeirws) (Rhif 5) (Cymru) (Diwygio) 2021. Mae'r rhain yn sicrhau ei bod yn ofynnol nawr i fanwerthwyr gymryd camau i wneud eu hadeiladau mor ddiogel â phosibl i siopwyr a'u gweithwyr fel ei gilydd. Mae hyn yn cynnwys cael mesurau ar waith ar gyfer rheoli mynediad a chyfyngu ar nifer y cwsmeriaid sydd ar y safle, sicrhau bod cynhyrchion diheintio dwylo neu gyfleusterau golchi dwylo ar gael i gwsmeriaid, ac atgoffa cwsmeriaid o'r angen i gadw pellter o 2m a gwisgo gorchudd wyneb. Er bod y mesurau hyn eisoes yn ymddangos mewn canllawiau, bydd eu cynnwys ar wyneb y rheoliadau yn atgyfnerthu eu pwysigrwydd ac yn eu gwneud yn haws eu gorfodi. Mae llawer, wrth gwrs, eisoes yn gweithredu yn unol â'r safonau uchel hyn, ond mae angen inni godi'r safon ar gyfer y rhai a allai ac a ddylai wella.
Gwn y bydd Aelodau ar draws y Siambr wedi cael enghreifftiau anecdotaidd gan eu hetholwyr eu hunain yn codi pryderon am yr union faterion hyn. Mae hefyd yn ofynnol i bob busnes ac adeilad gynnal asesiad risg COVID penodol ac i hynny gynnwys ymgynghori â staff a chynrychiolwyr, a bod ar gael i staff. Bydd hyn yn ategu'r cyfreithiau iechyd a diogelwch galwedigaethol presennol. Mae'r rheoliadau diwygio hyn hefyd yn ei gwneud hi'n ofynnol i berchenogion pob ysgol a sefydliad addysg bellach beidio â chaniatáu i ddysgwyr fynychu'r safle o 20 Ionawr. Fodd bynnag, mae'r rheoliadau'n caniatáu i ddisgyblion barhau i fynychu ysgolion a sefydliadau addysg bellach mewn rhai amgylchiadau. Bydd gosod y gofyniad hwn ar sail statudol yn sicrhau cysondeb ac eglurder ledled Cymru. Gofynnaf i'r Aelodau gefnogi'r rheoliadau hyn, y mae'r Llywodraeth yn credu eu bod yn rhan hanfodol o'r ffordd y gallwn ni helpu i gadw Cymru'n ddiogel.
I call the Chair of the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee, Mick Antoniw.
Rwy'n galw ar Gadeirydd y Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a'r Cyfansoddiad, Mick Antoniw.
Thank you, acting Llywydd. I speak in respect of both items, 8 and 9. We considered both of these sets of regulations yesterday morning, and our reports have been laid for Members to see. Members will be familiar with the restrictions and requirements imposed on people in Wales under the coronavirus restrictions No. 5 regulations, and also Members will be familiar with the coronavirus international travel regulations. I very much welcome the detailed report that the Minister has given in respect of these regulations.
I will first comment on the coronavirus international travel and restrictions amendment No. 2 regulations. Our report on these regulations contains three merits points. The first and third points will be familiar to Members. We have highlighted the fact that the regulations came into force before they were laid before the Senedd, and we have also noted that, once again, there's been no formal consultation. Our second merits point also appears frequently in our reports and relates to human rights. We draw attention to a specific paragraph in the accompanying explanatory memorandum that explains the Welsh Government’s justification for interfering with human rights. These regulations amend both the restrictions No. 5 regulations and the 2020 international travel regulations.
There is no express reference in the explanatory memorandum to how amendments to the restrictions No. 5 regulations may interfere with human rights. We do acknowledge that, as with the 2020 international travel regulations that are expressly referenced in the explanatory memorandum, these amendment No. 2 regulations may be unlikely to change the engagement of human rights issues. Nevertheless, in our report, we asked if the position in relation to the restrictions No. 5 regulations could be clarified, and I welcome the Welsh Government’s confirmation that these amending regulations do not change the engagement of human rights issues under these restrictions regulations.
We also note in our second merits point that the relevant paragraph in the explanatory memorandum refers to the European charter of fundamental rights. However, section 5(4) of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 states that the charter is not part of domestic law on or after 11 p.m. on 31 December 2020. As such, we asked for an explanation for the reference to the charter in the explanatory memorandum, as this matter has been raised in several of our reports laid this week. The Welsh Government’s response to us indicates that this was an error, and I welcome the commitment to ensure that any references to the convention are suitably corrected.
Turning now to the No. 5 amendment regulations, our report contains one technical point and three merits points. The technical reporting point flags what appears to be defective drafting in respect of new paragraph (4)(a), which is being inserted into regulation 16 of the restrictions No. 5 regulations. The amendment to regulation 16 imposes a requirement on persons responsible for certain premises to carry out specific coronavirus risk assessments. As currently drafted, we do not consider that this new paragraph achieves what we assume to be the intended effect. The Welsh Government agrees with our assessment, and I welcome the commitment to address this error at the earliest opportunity.
Our first merits point again asks for an explanation as to why the explanatory memorandum referenced the European charter of fundamental rights, so I am grateful for the Welsh Government’s explanation, which I have already dealt with. Our second merits point notes there has been no formal consultation. And our third merits point notes that, while a regulatory impact assessment has not been carried out in relation to these regulations, a children’s rights impact assessment and equality impact assessments have, in fact, been completed. Diolch, acting Llywydd.
Diolch, Llywydd dros dro. Rwy'n siarad mewn cysylltiad â'r ddwy eitem, 8 a 9. Gwnaethom ystyried y ddwy gyfres hyn o reoliadau fore ddoe, ac mae ein hadroddiadau wedi'u gosod i'r Aelodau eu gweld. Bydd yr aelodau'n gyfarwydd â'r cyfyngiadau a'r gofynion a osodir ar bobl yng Nghymru o dan reoliadau cyfyngiadau'r coronafeirws Rhif 5, a hefyd bydd yr Aelodau'n gyfarwydd â'r rheoliadau teithio rhyngwladol sy'n gysylltiedig â'r coronafeirws. Croesawaf yn fawr yr adroddiad manwl y mae'r Gweinidog wedi'i gyflwyno o ran y rheoliadau hyn.
Gwnaf sylwadau yn gyntaf ar reoliadau gwelliant 2 ar gyfer y coronafeirws, teithio rhyngwladol a chyfyngiadau. Mae ein hadroddiad ar y rheoliadau hyn yn cynnwys tri phwynt rhinweddau. Bydd y cyntaf a'r trydydd pwynt yn gyfarwydd i'r Aelodau. Rydym ni wedi tynnu sylw at y ffaith bod y rheoliadau wedi dod i rym cyn iddyn nhw gael eu gosod gerbron y Senedd, ac rydym ni hefyd wedi nodi na fu ymgynghoriad ffurfiol, unwaith eto. Mae ein hail bwynt rhinweddau hefyd yn ymddangos yn aml yn ein hadroddiadau ac yn ymwneud â hawliau dynol. Rydym yn tynnu sylw at baragraff penodol yn y memorandwm esboniadol cysylltiedig sy'n esbonio cyfiawnhad Llywodraeth Cymru dros ymyrryd â hawliau dynol. Mae'r rheoliadau hyn yn diwygio rheoliadau cyfyngiadau Rhif 5 a rheoliadau teithio rhyngwladol 2020.
Nid oes cyfeiriad penodol yn y memorandwm esboniadol at sut y gallai diwygiadau i reoliadau Rhif 5 ymyrryd â hawliau dynol. Rydym ni yn cydnabod, fel gyda rheoliadau teithio rhyngwladol 2020 y cyfeirir atynt yn benodol yn y memorandwm esboniadol, y gallai'r rheoliadau gwelliant Rhif 2 hyn fod yn annhebygol o newid ymgysylltiad materion hawliau dynol. Serch hynny, yn ein hadroddiad, gofynnwyd a ellid egluro'r sefyllfa o ran cyfyngiadau Rhif 5, a chroesawaf gadarnhad Llywodraeth Cymru nad yw'r rheoliadau diwygio hyn yn newid ymgysylltiad materion hawliau dynol o dan y rheoliadau cyfyngiadau hyn.
Nodwn hefyd yn ein hail bwynt rhinweddau fod y paragraff perthnasol yn y memorandwm esboniadol yn cyfeirio at siarter hawliau sylfaenol Ewrop. Fodd bynnag, mae adran 5(4) Deddf yr Undeb Ewropeaidd (Ymadael) 2018 yn nodi nad yw'r siarter yn rhan o gyfraith ddomestig ar neu ar ôl 11 p.m. ar 31 Rhagfyr 2020. O'r herwydd, gofynnwyd am esboniad am y cyfeiriad at y siarter yn y memorandwm esboniadol, gan fod y mater hwn wedi'i grybwyll mewn nifer o'n hadroddiadau a osodwyd yr wythnos hon. Mae ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru i ni yn dangos mai camgymeriad oedd hyn, ac rwy'n croesawu'r ymrwymiad i sicrhau y caiff unrhyw gyfeiriadau at y confensiwn eu cywiro'n briodol.
Gan droi'n awr at reoliadau diwygio Rhif 5, mae ein hadroddiad yn cynnwys un pwynt technegol a thri phwynt rhinweddau. Mae'r pwynt adrodd technegol yn tynnu sylw at yr hyn sy'n ymddangos yn ddrafftio diffygiol mewn cysylltiad â pharagraff (4)(a) newydd, sy'n cael ei fewnosod yn rheoliad 16 o reoliadau cyfyngiadau Rhif 5. Mae'r diwygiad i reoliad 16 yn gosod gofyniad ar bobl sy'n gyfrifol am safleoedd penodol i gynnal asesiadau risg coronafeirws penodol. Fel y mae wedi'i ddrafftio ar hyn o bryd, nid ydym o'r farn bod y paragraff newydd hwn yn cyflawni'r hyn a ystyriwn yr effaith a fwriedir. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cytuno â'n hasesiad, ac rwy'n croesawu'r ymrwymiad i ymdrin â'r camgymeriad hwn cyn gynted â phosibl.
Unwaith eto, mae ein pwynt rhinweddau cyntaf yn gofyn am esboniad ynghylch pam yr oedd y memorandwm esboniadol yn cyfeirio at siarter hawliau sylfaenol Ewrop, felly rwy'n ddiolchgar am esboniad Llywodraeth Cymru, yr wyf eisoes wedi ymdrin ag ef. Mae ein hail bwynt rhinweddau yn nodi na fu unrhyw ymgynghori ffurfiol. Ac mae ein trydydd pwynt rhinweddau yn nodi, er nad oes asesiad effaith rheoleiddiol wedi'i gynnal mewn cysylltiad â'r rheoliadau hyn, bod asesiad o'r effaith ar hawliau plant ac asesiadau o'r effaith ar gydraddoldeb, mewn gwirionedd, wedi'u cwblhau. Diolch, Llywydd dros dro.
Minister, the Welsh Conservatives support both sets of amendments to the coronavirus regulations 8 and 9. However, as the regulations have more than a tendency to—are always coming into force before they're laid before the Senedd, can we just try and pre-empt for the next time that you might be reviewing these international regulations, and ask if you are able to give us any update on further changes that might happen to the international travel regulations? Much is in the media at present about total travel bans, travel corridors or compulsory quarantining in hotels, and what effect that would have on Wales, as well as on the UK as a whole. Are you able to tell us if you are involved in the assessments that are being made in order to protect us from the various different coronavirus variants that are out and about? I appreciate that it doesn't directly relate to the international travel regulations before us today, but picking up on the Chair of the legislation committee's point, these regulations are coming into force before the Senedd has a chance to agree them or to discuss them, and therefore if you're able to give us any advance knowledge of anything you may be doing, it would be most helpful.
Gweinidog, mae'r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig yn cefnogi'r ddwy gyfres o welliannau i reoliadau 8 a 9 y coronafeirws. Fodd bynnag, gan fod gan y rheoliadau fwy na thuedd i—maen nhw bob amser yn dod i rym cyn eu gosod gerbron y Senedd, a gawn ni geisio achub y blaen y tro nesaf y byddwch chi efallai'n adolygu'r rheoliadau rhyngwladol hyn, a gofyn a allwch chi roi unrhyw ddiweddariad inni ynghylch newidiadau pellach a allai ddigwydd i'r rheoliadau teithio rhyngwladol? Mae llawer o adroddiadau yn y cyfryngau ar hyn o bryd ynglŷn â gwaharddiadau teithio llwyr, coridorau teithio neu gwarantin gorfodol mewn gwestai, a pha effaith y byddai hynny'n ei chael ar Gymru, yn ogystal ag ar y DU gyfan. A allwch chi ddweud wrthym ni a ydych chi'n rhan o'r asesiadau sy'n cael eu gwneud er mwyn ein diogelu rhag y gwahanol amrywiolion o'r coronafeirws sy'n bodoli? Rwy'n sylweddoli nad yw hynny'n ymwneud yn uniongyrchol â'r rheoliadau teithio rhyngwladol sydd ger ein bron heddiw, ond gan droi at bwynt Cadeirydd y pwyllgor deddfwriaeth, mae'r rheoliadau hyn yn dod i rym cyn i'r Senedd gael cyfle i gytuno arnynt neu i'w trafod, ac felly pe baech chi'n rhoi unrhyw wybodaeth ymlaen llaw i ni am unrhyw beth y gallech chi fod yn ei wneud, byddai'n ddefnyddiol iawn.
Mi wnaf i ddechrau efo eitem 8, rheoliadau ynglŷn â theithio rhyngwladol. Mi gefnogwn ni'r rheoliadau yma, fel rydan ni wedi'i wneud bob tro wrth i swyddogion dderbyn ac ymateb i dystiolaeth newydd am y lefel risg mewn perthynas â theithio i Gymru o wahanol wledydd a thiriogaethau rhyngwladol. Felly, mi fyddwn ni'n pleidleisio dros y rheoliadau hynny, ac felly hefyd eitem 9, y rheoliadau sy'n gosod gofynion ar fanwerthwyr i gryfhau eu hasesiadau risg a chamau gwarchod y cyhoedd. Dwi'n croesawu hynny, ac y croesawu'r ymgynghori sydd wedi bod efo cynrychiolwyr busnes, ac ati, ond ar ddiwedd y dydd, mater o ddyrchafu egwyddorion gwarchod iechyd y cyhoedd sydd yn fan hyn.
Mae'r rheoliadau hefyd yn tynhau rheolau i sicrhau bod ysgolion a sefydliadau addysg bellach ddim yn caniatáu i fyfyrwyr fynychu. Eto, dwi'n credu o dan yr amgylchiadau mai dyma'r cam cywir, a bod cyfiawnhad dros wneud hyn, ond a gaf i atgoffa, fel mae eraill wedi wneud—fel mae fy nghyd-Aelod Plaid Cymru, Siân Gwenllian, wedi wneud—mae'n rhaid i'r amgylchiadau yma weld llawer cryfach a chliriach arweiniad gan y Llywodraeth i awdurdodau lleol ac ysgolion i sicrhau bod darpariaeth addysg o bell a dysgu o bell yn cael ei chefnogi a'i hwyluso? Mae yna enghreifftiau gwych o arloesi yn mynd ymlaen gan athrawon ac ysgolion unigol, ond dwi'n gwybod bod yna ddiffyg cysondeb difrifol hefyd.
Yn fwy cyffredinol, ac wrth edrych ymlaen—bachu ar y cyfle yma i edrych ymlaen—at y rheoliadau nesaf a'r penderfyniadau nesaf ar gyfyngiadau, dwi ddim yn meddwl bod pobl yn disgwyl llacio mawr yn fuan, oherwydd bod y sefyllfa yn dal yn ddifrifol efo'r feirws. Ond, dwi'n gwneud fy apêl arferol ar y Llywodraeth i ystyried beth all gael ei wneud i adlewyrchu'r pwysau ar bobl a'r effaith mae'r cyfyngiadau yn eu cael yn benodol ar eu lles a'u hiechyd meddwl nhw, a lle mae yna gyfleon i ganiatáu mwy o gyfarfod neu ymarfer corff i bobl fod yn gwmni a chefnogaeth i'w gilydd yn yr awyr agored, plis ystyriwch sut y gall hynny gael ei ganiatáu yn ddiogel.
I will start with item 8 on international travel. We will support these regulations, as we have done every time as officials respond to the new evidence on risk levels in travelling to Wales from various nations and territories internationally. So, we will be supporting those regulations, and also supporting the regulations under item 9, which place requirements on retailers to strengthen their risk assessment processes and to protect the public. I welcome that, and I welcome the consultation that there was with business representatives but, at the end of the day, it's a matter of promoting the principles of safeguarding public health that drives all of this.
The regulations also tighten-up the rules to ensure that schools and further education institutions don't allow students to attend. Again, under the circumstances, this is the right step to take, and that it is justified, but may I remind, as others have done—as my fellow Plaid Cymru Member, Siân Gwenllian, has done—these do need to be much clearer and we need greater guidance from Government to local authorities and schools to ensure that remote learning and the provision of remote education is properly supported and facilitated? There are excellent examples of innovation happening among teachers in individual schools, but there is a great lack of consistency also.
More generally, and in looking forward—I'll take this opportunity to look forward—to the next set of regulations and the next set of decisions on restrictions, I don't think people expect any great relaxation, because the situation is still very serious in terms of the virus. But I do make my usual plea on Government to consider what could be done to reflect the pressures on people and the impact that the restrictions have, particularly on their mental health and well-being, and where there are opportunities to allow more socialising or exercise so that people can accompany each other in the open air, then please consider how that could be facilitated.
I call the Minister to reply.
Galwaf ar y Gweinidog i ymateb.

Thank you. I'd like to thank the Chair of the legislation and justice committee for his report on the committee's scrutiny, and as ever, we will address, as he indicated, each of the areas, to ensure that the law is correctly stated. As I said, I think it's always a useful function, especially given that we're having to legislate at pace on a regular basis throughout the pandemic.
I'd like to welcome Angela Burns back to her role as the shadow Minister for health and social care. I'll deal with her questions on—. I'll start with international travel, because each week we review international travel arrangements on a four-nation basis. Ministers from each of the devolved national Governments, together with UK Ministers, officials and the chief medical officer, look at the evidence on where we are, and the changing picture of not just the position relative to other countries, but in particular on new variants, has led to significant change in international travel arrangements. I'd like to be able to provide her with more advanced notice of what is likely to come up, but I'm not in a position to do that because this is still an incredibly dynamic position. We meet every week. We almost always end up having to make decisions with the paperwork that's provided and the conversations that take place in a very short space of time. So, whilst I understand the request for information in advance, I just don't think, practically, I could do that, and I don't think any other Minister, whether in the UK Government, the Scottish, or Northern Irish administrations will be in a position to do so either. We're making choices. We're making them as quickly as possible. There are regular statements then provided, and we'll keep on coming back, as long as we're having to amend the regulations on such a frequent basis.
As for the broader question she asked about the speculation over travel bans and quarantine hotels and the like, I'm afraid I can't be responsible for briefing from other Governments within the UK. I've seen press stories and I've heard commentary from other Ministers in other Governments that aren't matters that there's been a discussion with me about, and aren't matters where officials have been properly briefed either. I've made it clear that I want to have that done properly, as it should be, between our officials, and for the conversation that then takes place at ministerial level to be informed by a proper exchange of information between officials. On the one hand, because of the position that we are in and other parts of the world are in, international travel isn't significant at present anyway. However, it would only take a small amount of travel for variants of concern to enter the country. We've seen that, for example, with the relatively small number of people with the South African variant across the UK, but that in itself is a problem, and it does reiterate why we do need to keep on talking and working as far as possible on a four-nation basis, and why we need to have proper and constructive relationships with the Government of the Republic of Ireland as well.
On Rhun ap Iorwerth's broader points, in terms of remote education provision, I think that the Senedd has just had an opportunity to question and have some answers to questions with the education Minister, and broader questions about the provision of remote learning, because I'm afraid that we're unlikely to see the disruption of face-to-face learning coming to an end at the end of this review period. We've made that very clear in advance, but we of course will continue to look at what it's possible to do in terms of remote education provision, whilst looking for a period of time when there can be a return to some face-to-face learning, and there are ongoing talks we hope to conclude with the WLGA and teaching union leaders and other education unions in that regard.
On your broader point about the broader restrictions, which I don't think are subject to the votes today, but, of course, the First Minister will confirm those on Friday this week once the Cabinet has concluded those. We always look at opportunities to think about where we might safely make changes, but I have already indicated that no-one should expect any significant change, given the level of concern, both in terms of the amount of pressure that our NHS is under, with 140 per cent capacity in critical care today, but also, despite the very good news that every single local authority area in Wales saw a fall in coronavirus cases in the report today, we're still at about 216 cases per 100,000, which is still relatively high. So, we're moving in the right direction but need further progress for us all before we can make more significant choices about a much more significant unlocking in the future. With that, I ask Members to support the regulations that are before us today.
Diolch. Hoffwn ddiolch i Gadeirydd y pwyllgor deddfwriaeth a chyfiawnder am ei adroddiad ar waith craffu'r pwyllgor, ac fel arfer, byddwn yn rhoi sylw, fel y nododd, i bob un o'r meysydd, i sicrhau y caiff y gyfraith ei datgan yn gywir. Fel y dywedais, rwy'n credu ei fod bob amser yn swyddogaeth ddefnyddiol, yn enwedig o ystyried ein bod yn gorfod deddfu'n rheolaidd drwy gydol y pandemig.
Hoffwn groesawu Angela Burns yn ôl i'w swydd yn Weinidog iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yr wrthblaid. Ymdriniaf â'i chwestiynau—. Dechreuaf gyda theithio rhyngwladol, oherwydd bob wythnos rydym yn adolygu trefniadau teithio rhyngwladol ar sail pedair gwlad. Mae Gweinidogion o bob un o'r Llywodraethau cenedlaethol datganoledig, ynghyd â Gweinidogion y DU, swyddogion a'r prif swyddog meddygol, yn edrych ar y dystiolaeth o ran lle yr ydym ni arni, ac mae'r darlun newidiol nid yn unig o'r sefyllfa o'i chymharu â gwledydd eraill, ond yn enwedig o ran amrywiolion newydd, wedi arwain at newid sylweddol mewn trefniadau teithio rhyngwladol. Hoffwn allu rhoi rhybudd cynharach iddi ynghylch yr hyn sy'n debygol o godi, ond nid wyf mewn sefyllfa i wneud hynny gan fod hon yn dal i fod yn sefyllfa hynod ddeinamig. Rydym yn cyfarfod bob wythnos. Bron bob tro mae'n rhaid i ni wneud penderfyniadau gyda'r gwaith papur a ddarperir a'r sgyrsiau sy'n digwydd mewn cyfnod byr iawn. Felly, er fy mod yn deall y cais am wybodaeth ymlaen llaw, nid wyf yn credu, yn ymarferol, y gallwn wneud hynny, ac nid wyf yn credu y bydd unrhyw Weinidog arall, boed hynny yn Llywodraeth y DU, gweinyddiaethau'r Alban neu Ogledd Iwerddon mewn sefyllfa i wneud hynny chwaith. Rydym ni'n gwneud dewisiadau. Rydym yn eu gwneud cyn gynted â phosibl. Yna darperir datganiadau rheolaidd, a byddwn yn parhau i'ch diweddaru, tra bo'n rhaid i ni ddiwygio'r rheoliadau mor aml.
O ran y cwestiwn ehangach a ofynnodd am y dyfalu ynghylch gwaharddiadau teithio a gwestai cwarantin ac ati, mae arnaf ofn na allaf fod yn gyfrifol am friffio gan Lywodraethau eraill yn y DU. Rwyf wedi gweld straeon yn y wasg ac rwyf wedi clywed sylwadau gan Weinidogion eraill mewn Llywodraethau eraill nad ydynt yn faterion y bu trafodaeth gyda mi yn eu cylch, ac nad ydynt yn faterion y mae swyddogion wedi cael eu briffio'n briodol yn eu cylch chwaith. Rwyf wedi'i gwneud hi'n glir fy mod eisiau i hynny gael ei wneud yn iawn, fel y dylai gael ei wneud, rhwng ein swyddogion, ac i'r sgwrs a fydd wedyn yn digwydd ar lefel weinidogol gael ei llywio gan gyfnewid gwybodaeth yn briodol rhwng swyddogion. Ar y naill law, oherwydd y sefyllfa yr ydym ni ynddi ac y mae rhannau eraill o'r byd ynddi, nid yw teithio rhyngwladol yn sylweddol ar hyn o bryd beth bynnag. Fodd bynnag, ni fyddai ond yn cymryd ychydig o deithio i amrywiolion sy'n peri pryder ddod i'r wlad. Rydym ni wedi gweld hynny, er enghraifft, gyda'r nifer gymharol fach o bobl ag amrywiolyn De Affrica ledled y DU, ond mae hynny ynddo'i hun yn broblem, ac mae'n ein hatgoffa pam y mae angen inni barhau i siarad a gweithio cyn belled ag y bo modd ar sail pedair gwlad, a pham y mae angen inni gael perthynas briodol ac adeiladol â Llywodraeth Gweriniaeth Iwerddon hefyd.
O ran pwyntiau ehangach Rhun ap Iorwerth, o ran darpariaeth addysg o bell, credaf fod y Senedd newydd gael cyfle i gwestiynu a chael rhai atebion i gwestiynau gyda'r Gweinidog addysg, a chwestiynau ehangach am ddarparu dysgu o bell, oherwydd mae arnaf ofn ein bod yn annhebygol o weld tarfu ar ddysgu wyneb yn wyneb yn dod i ben ar ddiwedd y cyfnod adolygu hwn. Rydym ni wedi gwneud hynny'n glir iawn ymlaen llaw, ond wrth gwrs byddwn yn parhau i edrych ar yr hyn sy'n bosibl ei wneud o ran darpariaeth addysg o bell, tra byddwn yn chwilio am gyfnod pan ellir dychwelyd at rywfaint o ddysgu wyneb yn wyneb, ac mae trafodaethau'n mynd rhagddynt yr ydym yn gobeithio eu cwblhau gyda CLlLC ac arweinwyr undebau athrawon ac undebau addysg eraill yn hynny o beth.
O ran eich pwynt ehangach am y cyfyngiadau ehangach, nad wyf yn credu eu bod yn destun y pleidleisiau heddiw, ond, wrth gwrs, bydd y Prif Weinidog yn cadarnhau'r rheini ddydd Gwener yr wythnos hon unwaith y bydd y Cabinet wedi cwblhau'r rheini. Rydym bob amser yn edrych ar gyfleoedd i ystyried lle y gallem wneud newidiadau'n ddiogel, ond rwyf eisoes wedi dweud na ddylai neb ddisgwyl unrhyw newid sylweddol, o ystyried faint o bryder sydd yna, o ran faint o bwysau sydd ar ein GIG, gyda chapasiti o 140 y cant mewn gofal critigol heddiw, ond hefyd, er gwaethaf y newyddion da iawn bod pob ardal awdurdod lleol yng Nghymru wedi gweld gostyngiad yn nifer yr achosion o'r coronafeirws yn yr adroddiad heddiw, y sefyllfa o hyd yw tua 216 o achosion fesul 100,000, sy'n dal yn gymharol uchel. Felly, rydym yn symud i'r cyfeiriad cywir ond mae angen cynnydd pellach arnom ni i gyd cyn y gallwn ni wneud dewisiadau mwy sylweddol ynghylch llacio llawer mwy sylweddol yn y dyfodol. Gyda hynny, gofynnaf i'r Aelodau gefnogi'r rheoliadau sydd ger ein bron heddiw.
Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd i’r Gadair.
The Deputy Presiding Officer took the Chair.
Thank you very much, Minister, and thank you to David Melding for stepping into the breach there, while I had technical problems.
The proposal is to agree the motion under item 8. Does any Member object? No. Therefore, in accordance with Standing Order 12.36, that motion is agreed.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Gweinidog, a diolch i David Melding am gamu i'r adwy, tra oedd gennyf broblemau technegol.
Y cynnig yw derbyn y cynnig o dan eitem 8. A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Nac oes. Felly, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36, derbynnir y cynnig hwnnw.
Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
The proposal is to agree the motion under item 9. Does any Member object? [Objection.] I see an objection to the motion under item 9 and therefore, we'll vote on that when we come to voting time.
Y cynnig yw derbyn y cynnig o dan eitem 9. A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Rwy'n gweld gwrthwynebiad i'r cynnig o dan eitem 9 ac felly, byddwn yn pleidleisio ar hwnnw pan ddeuwn i'r cyfnod pleidleisio.
Gohiriwyd y pleidleisio tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
Voting deferred until voting time.
The next item on our agenda is a proposal under Standing Order 12.24 to debate items 10 and 11 together, but again with separate votes. So, in accordance with Standing Order 12.24, I propose that the two motions under items 10 and 11 be grouped for debate but with separate votes. Does any Member object? No.
Yr eitem nesaf ar ein hagenda yw cynnig o dan Reol Sefydlog 12.24 i drafod eitemau 10 ac 11 gyda'i gilydd, ond eto gyda phleidleisiau ar wahân. Felly, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.24, cynigiaf y dylid grwpio'r ddau gynnig o dan eitemau 10 ac 11 i'w trafod ond gyda phleidleisiau ar wahân. A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Nac oes.
Therefore, I call on the Minister for Housing and Local Government, Julie James.
Felly, galwaf ar y Gweinidog Tai a Llywodraeth Leol, Julie James.
Cynnig NDM7557 Rebecca Evans
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 26.95 yn:
Cytuno bod Bil llywodraeth a gaiff ei alw'n Fil Etholiadau Cymru (Coronafeirws) a gyflwynir yn y Senedd, yn cael ei drin fel Bil Brys llywodraeth.
Motion NDM7557 Rebecca Evans
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 26.95:
Agrees that a government Bill to be known as the Welsh Elections (Coronavirus) Bill and to be introduced in the Senedd be treated as a government Emergency Bill.
Cynnig NDM7558 Rebecca Evans
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 26.98(ii) yn:
Cytuno y bydd yr amserlen ar gyfer Bil Brys llywodraeth a gaiff ei alw'n Fil Etholiadau Cymru (Coronafeirws) fel ag y mae yn yr Amserlen ar gyfer ystyried Fil Etholiadau Cymru (Coronafeirws) a osodwyd gerbron y Senedd ar 19 Ionawr 2021.
Motion NDM7558 Rebecca Evans
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 26.98(ii):
Agrees that the timetable for the government Emergency Bill to be known as the Welsh Elections (Coronavirus) Bill will be as set out in the Timetable for consideration of the Welsh Elections (Coronavirus) Bill laid before the Senedd on 19 January 2021.
Cynigiwyd y cynigion.
Motions moved.

Thank you very much, Deputy Presiding Officer. I'm sure that we're all tired of both saying and hearing the word 'unprecedented', but it is nevertheless true that the coronavirus pandemic continues to confront us with choices and decisions that, in other circumstances, we would certainly not have considered and we would've had to get used to living with that uncertainty.
The Senedd election is to take place on 6 May. I want to be absolutely clear that the Government's policy is that it should take place as scheduled and I want everyone involved in the election to prepare on that basis. The Senedd urgently needs a Government with a fresh mandate, not least to stand up with renewed authority to the unprecedented attempts of the Westminster Government to undermine devolution. I'm well aware of the huge efforts being made by returning officers and electoral administrators to ensure that the poll can be safely held in May, and would like to express my gratitude to them. Nevertheless, despite the welcome fact that levels of infection are starting to decline, we cannot today be certain that it will be possible to hold a poll in May. The pandemic poses a risk that voters may be prevented from voting, whether by reason of ill health or the need to comply with requirements to self-isolate, or because of the fears that they may have about the safety of attending a polling station to vote in person. Equally, high levels of sickness also bring the risk of not having enough staff available to administer the poll, with a consequential risk to the integrity of the election itself.
Deputy Presiding Officer, that's why we established the elections planning group, which reported in November proposing adjustments to respond to the impacts of the virus. We are working closely with stakeholders to ensure that these and other measures are being taken to make elections safer. These include introducing social distancing and hygiene methods at polling stations, as well as encouraging registration for absent voting so that voters do not need to attend in person if they do not wish to do so. But as the rules for our elections are set out in primary legislation, we have concluded that we need to put in place legislation that will enable the election to be postponed if—and only if—the Senedd agrees that the public health situation makes it impossible to proceed.
This Bill, if passed, enables contingency plans to be agreed for the postponement of the election as a last resort should the pandemic pose a serious threat to the safe and fair running of the election. It will be for the Llywydd to propose a date for the poll in the event of a proposal from the First Minister for postponement. The new date fixed for the election must be within six months of 6 May and requires the approval of the Senedd by a majority of two thirds of the total number of Senedd seats. As a further safeguard, the Bill proposes a role for the Electoral Commission in relation to postponement. If the Llywydd or the First Minister requests, the Electoral Commission must provide them with advice on the matter of postponement.
So, this Bill contains many safeguards to ensure that postponement is not only considered in genuinely unprecedented circumstances, but if we do not introduce these provisions, we will lose an important contingency option in responding to the pandemic. I and my fellow Ministers strongly believe in making voting easier and more flexible, and would've liked to introduce provisions for early voting in order to give people more choice as to when to vote in person, but we have accepted the advice of the electoral community that, at this notice, and in the circumstances where the Senedd election will happen at the same time as the elections of the police and crime commissioners, who are the responsibility of the UK Government, this cannot be achieved for 6 May. We will continue to keep early voting under review in the event that the election is postponed. In such exceptional circumstances, we must consider all options to enable voters to participate in the election. We may, therefore, return to this at Stage 2.
While the focus in the media has been on the date of the election itself, this Bill also includes other important legislative changes that will increase the flexibility for proxy voting and provide additional time within the post-election timetable in the event of delays to the count.
The Bill shortens the dissolution period to ensure that the Senedd can be recalled even after the election campaign has begun if it is essential for it to meet to consider urgent coronavirus public health business or to set the date for the election if, in the last resort, the election has to be postponed. A shorter dissolution means that decisions on postponement can be taken nearer the planned election date and that the Senedd can continue to respond to the pandemic, if circumstances dictate. We're all too familiar with the unpredictable nature of the unfolding pandemic. We will be discussing with the Business Committee the arrangements for Senedd business during the period when the Senedd would normally be dissolved, but I would anticipate that we would not meet for other business except to postpone the election or to consider urgent changes to COVID-related legislation.
The pandemic has so far required a swift and pragmatic approach, which will require all of our focus as elected representatives to deal with the rapidly changing situation. That is why we are also proposing that, as a contingency, provisions are included to further postpone local government by-elections.
It is the unpredictable nature of the pandemic that leads me to call on you to agree to this motion today and allow us to proceed with this Bill under the emergency Bill procedure. As a Government, we would prefer to be able to make use of the normal Bill process to allow for the Senedd to apply its full scrutiny to this Bill. However, this is simply not feasible in the time available.
With the election fast approaching, it's preferable to have any changes to electoral law put in place well ahead of polling day. This is important in aiding electoral administrators to make their preparations for the election and to provide them with clarity to carry out their vital role. Although we are working closely with stakeholders, we must allow them as much time as we can to carry out any legislative changes. The time left between now and the polling day in May is simply not sufficient to allow for the full scrutiny process and for administrators to make preparations.
The objective of this Bill is to introduce temporary changes in response to the immediate challenges presented by the pandemic, and it is not intended to make permanent changes to our electoral laws. The provisions in the Bill will only apply for the elections in 2021 and will have no effect on future elections. Electoral law is a complex subject matter, and permanent changes in this area should be subject to full scrutiny.
Our proposed timetable for the Bill is to have it introduced tomorrow, followed by the Stage 1 debate the following week. Stage 2 and Stages 3 and 4 will take place on consecutive days in the week of 8 February. Under this timetable, Royal Assent can then be achieved in the week of 15 February. I therefore urge Members to vote in favour of this motion and allow us to make use of the emergency Bill process for this Bill. Diolch, Deputy Presiding Officer.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Dirprwy Lywydd. Rwy'n siŵr ein bod i gyd wedi blino ar ddweud a chlywed y gair 'digynsail', ond mae'n wir serch hynny bod pandemig y coronafeirws yn parhau i'n hwynebu gyda dewisiadau a phenderfyniadau na fyddem, mewn amgylchiadau eraill, yn sicr wedi'u hystyried ac y byddem wedi gorfod dod i arfer â byw gyda'r ansicrwydd hwnnw.
Bydd etholiad y Senedd yn cael ei gynnal ar 6 Mai. Rwyf eisiau bod yn gwbl glir mai polisi'r Llywodraeth yw y dylai ddigwydd fel y trefnwyd ac rwyf eisiau i bawb sy'n ymwneud â'r etholiad baratoi ar y sail honno. Mae ar y Senedd angen Llywodraeth sydd â mandad newydd ar frys, yn enwedig i sefyll gydag awdurdod newydd yn erbyn ymdrechion digynsail Llywodraeth San Steffan i danseilio datganoli. Rwy'n ymwybodol iawn o'r ymdrechion enfawr sy'n cael eu gwneud gan swyddogion canlyniadau a gweinyddwyr etholiadol i sicrhau y gellir cynnal y bleidlais yn ddiogel ym mis Mai, a hoffwn fynegi fy niolch iddyn nhw. Serch hynny, er gwaethaf y ffaith bod lefelau'r haint yn dechrau gostwng, ni allwn ni heddiw fod yn sicr y bydd modd cynnal pleidlais ym mis Mai. Mae'r pandemig yn peri risg a allai atal pleidleiswyr rhag pleidleisio, boed hynny oherwydd salwch neu'r angen i gydymffurfio â'r gofynion i hunanynysu, neu oherwydd yr ofnau sydd ganddyn nhw ynghylch diogelwch mynd i orsaf bleidleisio i bleidleisio'n bersonol. Yn yr un ffordd, mae lefelau uchel o salwch hefyd yn peri'r risg o beidio â chael digon o staff ar gael i weinyddu'r bleidlais, gyda hynny yn ei dro yn peryglu uniondeb yr etholiad ei hun.
Dirprwy Lywydd, dyna pam y gwnaethom ni sefydlu'r grŵp cynllunio etholiadau, a adroddodd ym mis Tachwedd yn cynnig addasiadau i ymateb i effeithiau'r feirws. Rydym yn gweithio'n agos gyda rhanddeiliaid i sicrhau y gweithredir y rhain a mesurau eraill i wneud etholiadau'n fwy diogel. Mae'r rhain yn cynnwys cyflwyno dulliau cadw pellter cymdeithasol a hylendid mewn gorsafoedd pleidleisio, yn ogystal ag annog cofrestru ar gyfer pleidleisio absennol fel nad oes angen i bleidleiswyr fod yn bresennol yn bersonol os nad ydyn nhw'n dymuno gwneud hynny. Ond gan fod y rheolau ar gyfer ein hetholiadau wedi'u nodi mewn deddfwriaeth sylfaenol, rydym ni wedi dod i'r casgliad bod angen i ni roi deddfwriaeth ar waith a fydd yn galluogi gohirio'r etholiad os—a dim ond os—yw'r Senedd yn cytuno bod sefyllfa iechyd y cyhoedd yn ei gwneud hi'n amhosibl bwrw ymlaen.
Mae'r Bil hwn, os caiff ei basio, yn galluogi cytuno ar gynlluniau wrth gefn ar gyfer gohirio'r etholiad pan fetho popeth arall pe bai'r pandemig yn fygythiad difrifol i gynnal yr etholiad yn ddiogel ac yn deg. Mater i'r Llywydd fydd cynnig dyddiad ar gyfer y bleidlais os bydd cynnig gan y Prif Weinidog i'w ohirio. Rhaid i'r dyddiad newydd a bennir ar gyfer yr etholiad fod o fewn chwe mis i 6 Mai ac mae angen cymeradwyaeth y Senedd drwy fwyafrif o ddwy ran o dair o gyfanswm seddi'r Senedd. Fel amddiffyniad pellach, mae'r Bil yn cynnig swyddogaeth i'r Comisiwn Etholiadol mewn cysylltiad â gohirio. Os bydd y Llywydd neu'r Prif Weinidog yn gofyn, rhaid i'r Comisiwn Etholiadol roi cyngor iddyn nhw ar fater gohirio.
Felly, mae'r Bil hwn yn cynnwys llawer o fesurau diogelu i sicrhau bod gohirio nid yn unig yn cael ei ystyried mewn amgylchiadau gwirioneddol ddigynsail, ond os na fyddwn yn cyflwyno'r darpariaethau hyn, byddwn yn colli dewis wrth gefn pwysig wrth ymateb i'r pandemig. Rwyf i a'm cyd-Weinidogion yn credu'n gryf mewn gwneud pleidleisio'n haws ac yn fwy hyblyg, a byddwn wedi hoffi cyflwyno darpariaethau ar gyfer pleidleisio cynnar er mwyn rhoi mwy o ddewis i bobl o ran pryd i bleidleisio'n bersonol, ond rydym wedi derbyn cyngor y gymuned etholiadol y bydd etholiad y Senedd, fel y mae pethau, ac o dan yr amgylchiadau lle bydd etholiad y Senedd yn digwydd ar yr un pryd ag etholiadau comisiynwyr yr heddlu a throseddu, sy'n gyfrifoldeb Llywodraeth y DU, ni ellir cyflawni hyn ar gyfer 6 Mai. Byddwn yn parhau i adolygu pleidleisio cynnar os caiff yr etholiad ei ohirio. Mewn amgylchiadau eithriadol o'r fath, rhaid inni ystyried pob dewis i alluogi pleidleiswyr i gymryd rhan yn yr etholiad. Felly, efallai y byddwn yn dychwelyd at hyn yng Nghyfnod 2.
Er bod y pwyslais yn y cyfryngau wedi bod ar ddyddiad yr etholiad ei hun, mae'r Bil hwn hefyd yn cynnwys newidiadau deddfwriaethol pwysig eraill a fydd yn cynyddu'r hyblygrwydd ar gyfer pleidleisio drwy ddirprwy ac yn darparu amser ychwanegol o fewn yr amserlen ar ôl yr etholiad os bydd oedi yn y cyfrif.
Mae'r Bil yn byrhau cyfnod y diddymiad er mwyn sicrhau y gellir galw'r Senedd yn ôl hyd yn oed ar ôl i'r ymgyrch etholiadol ddechrau os yw'n hanfodol iddi gyfarfod i ystyried busnes iechyd cyhoeddus brys ynglŷn â'r coronafeirws neu bennu'r dyddiad ar gyfer yr etholiad os bydd yn rhaid gohirio'r etholiad yn y pen draw. Mae diddymiad byrrach yn golygu y gellir gwneud penderfyniadau ar ohirio yn nes at ddyddiad yr etholiad arfaethedig ac y gall y Senedd barhau i ymateb i'r pandemig, os bydd amgylchiadau'n mynnu bod hynny'n digwydd. Rydym i gyd yn rhy gyfarwydd â natur anrhagweladwy'r pandemig sy'n datblygu. Byddwn yn trafod gyda'r Pwyllgor Busnes y trefniadau ar gyfer busnes y Senedd yn ystod y cyfnod pan fyddai'r Senedd fel arfer yn cael ei diddymu, ond byddwn yn rhagweld na fyddem yn cyfarfod ar gyfer busnes arall ac eithrio gohirio'r etholiad nac ystyried newidiadau brys i ddeddfwriaeth sy'n ymwneud â COVID.
Hyd yma, mae'r pandemig wedi gofyn am ddull cyflym a phragmatig, a fydd yn gofyn i ni gyd yn gynrychiolwyr etholedig ganolbwyntio'n fanwl er mwyn ymdrin â'r sefyllfa sy'n newid yn gyflym. Dyna pam yr ydym ni hefyd yn cynnig bod darpariaethau, wrth gefn, yn cael eu cynnwys i ohirio isetholiadau llywodraeth leol ymhellach.
Natur anrhagweladwy'r pandemig sy'n fy arwain i alw arnoch i gytuno i'r cynnig hwn heddiw a chaniatáu inni fwrw ymlaen â'r Bil hwn o dan weithdrefn y Bil brys. Fel Llywodraeth, byddai'n well gennym allu defnyddio proses arferol y Bil i ganiatáu i'r Senedd graffu'n llawn ar y Bil hwn. Fodd bynnag, nid yw hyn yn ymarferol yn yr amser sydd ar gael.
Gyda'r etholiad yn prysur agosáu, mae'n well rhoi unrhyw newidiadau i gyfraith etholiadol ar waith ymhell cyn y diwrnod pleidleisio. Mae hyn yn bwysig o ran cynorthwyo gweinyddwyr etholiadol i baratoi ar gyfer yr etholiad a rhoi eglurder iddyn nhw gyflawni eu swyddogaeth hanfodol. Er ein bod yn gweithio'n agos gyda rhanddeiliaid, rhaid inni ganiatáu cymaint o amser ag y gallwn iddyn nhw wneud unrhyw newidiadau deddfwriaethol. Nid yw'r amser a adawyd rhwng nawr a'r diwrnod pleidleisio ym mis Mai yn ddigon i ganiatáu ar gyfer y broses graffu lawn ac i weinyddwyr wneud paratoadau.
Nod y Bil hwn yw cyflwyno newidiadau dros dro mewn ymateb i'r heriau uniongyrchol a gyflwynir gan y pandemig, ac ni fwriedir iddo wneud newidiadau parhaol i'n cyfreithiau etholiadol. Dim ond yn 2021 y bydd y darpariaethau yn y Bil yn berthnasol ac ni fyddant yn cael unrhyw effaith ar etholiadau yn y dyfodol. Mae cyfraith etholiadol yn bwnc cymhleth, ac fe ddylid craffu'n drwyadl ar newidiadau parhaol yn y maes hwn.
Ein hamserlen arfaethedig ar gyfer y Bil yw ei gyflwyno yfory, ac yna dadl Cyfnod 1 yr wythnos ganlynol. Bydd Cyfnod 2 a Chyfnodau 3 a 4 yn cael eu cynnal ar ddiwrnodau olynol yn ystod yr wythnos sy'n dechrau ar 8 Chwefror. O dan yr amserlen hon, gellir cael Cydsyniad Brenhinol yn ystod yr wythnos sy'n dechrau ar 15 Chwefror. Felly, anogaf yr Aelodau i bleidleisio o blaid y cynnig hwn a chaniatáu inni ddefnyddio proses y Bil brys ar gyfer y Bil hwn. Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd.
When the Welsh Government seeks to introduce an emergency Bill on the grounds that it needs to be enacted more quickly than the Senedd's usual legislative process allows, this essentially streamlines the Senedd's law-making and accountability processes. It should, therefore, only be used when there's a real and unforeseen emergency.
The Welsh Government has only used this method of legislating twice before, with the Agricultural Sector (Wales) Act 2014 and the Law Derived from the European Union (Wales) Act 2018. Arguably, their motives were political on both occasions, and this must not become the case with the Welsh Elections (Coronavirus) Bill that they're now seeking consent from the Senedd to introduce.
The Scottish General Election (Coronavirus) Bill, enabling Scottish Government Ministers to delay the Scottish general election beyond 6 May, subject to a vote of the whole Scottish Parliament, was first introduced in the Scottish Parliament on 16 November 2020. Although it passed through an accelerated timescale, Members of the Scottish Parliament still had over five weeks to consider the Bill. The proposed Welsh Government timetable for this Bill will, in contrast, give Members of the Senedd just over two weeks' scrutiny until Stage 3.
Although the pandemic crisis has been here since March 2020 and we've known the date for the next Welsh Parliament election for five years, the First Minister didn't suggest a change in regulations until November. We must therefore ask why the Welsh Government has put itself in a situation where it needs to be using such emergency procedures. Where is the foresight, when it was evident that the pandemic would still be dominating the agenda? Some might say that the drop in public confidence in the Welsh Government's handling of the pandemic may have had an influence on their motives for seeking this emergency Bill now, but I couldn't possibly comment. Whilst we will vote today to agree that the Welsh Government can introduce the Welsh Elections (Coronavirus) Bill as an emergency Bill in the Senedd, recognising the potential need for delay based on the badly deteriorating public health situation, we are only lending them our vote. However, the Welsh Government has not said what situation the pandemic needs to be in to require an election delay, and our continued support would require the Welsh Government to specify what the bar will need to be before the First Minister formally requests a delay. We also note that the Bill would include other content, and recognise that some of this has merit, including the reduction in dissolution to seven calendar days before an election. However, we're concerned that some proposed content may only be introduced as Welsh Government amendments at a later date.
We took part in the Welsh Government's elections planning group last summer, and there are a number of concerns that we still have from that planning group, including extending voting over multiple days, where voters will be disenfranchised if they thought that voting on another day for the Welsh Parliament would still enable them to vote for the police and crime commissioner; extending voting hours from 6.00 a.m. till 11:00 p.m., when it's not believed that this would improve voter turnout; and increasing the number of proxy votes, where we would not want to see any changes that would allow an individual to act as proxy for a whole household where they're not related.
Delaying the Welsh general election due to take place on 6 May would have huge ramifications, with many feeling disenfranchised, especially when the pandemic has shone such a bright light on devolved Government in Wales. Elections have taken place in a number of countries during the course of the pandemic, including the United States, Spain, France, Canada, New Zealand and South Korea. As South Korea's director general for public health policy subsequently stated, not one case related to the election was reported during the 14-day incubation period. And although Mr Trump claims that this allowed US votes to be miscounted, this is not exactly a widely held view in this place. Although the proposed Bill includes little on postal voting, we would welcome more detail on how people will be encouraged to sign up.
Considering that the Scottish parliamentary elections, mayoral elections, English council elections and police and crime commissioner elections are also due this spring, can the Minister also state whether or not there are ongoing discussions about a co-ordinated UK-wide approach to these elections? Welsh Conservatives have always maintained that the Welsh Parliament elections should take place on 6 May 2021 except in exceptional, emergency circumstances. Diolch. Thank you.
Pan fydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ceisio cyflwyno Bil brys ar y sail bod angen ei ddeddfu'n gyflymach nag y mae proses ddeddfwriaethol arferol y Senedd yn ei ganiatáu, mae hyn yn ei hanfod yn symleiddio prosesau deddfu ac atebolrwydd y Senedd. Felly, dim ond pan fydd argyfwng gwirioneddol ac anrhagweladwy y dylid ei defnyddio.
Dim ond dwywaith o'r blaen y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi defnyddio'r dull hwn o ddeddfu, gyda Deddf Sector Amaethyddol (Cymru) 2014 a Deddf Cyfraith sy'n Deillio o'r Undeb Ewropeaidd (Cymru) 2018. Gellid dadlau bod eu cymhellion yn wleidyddol ar y ddau achlysur, ac ni ddylai hyn fod yn wir yn achos Bil Etholiadau Cymru (Coronafeirws) y maen nhw bellach yn ceisio caniatâd gan y Senedd i'w gyflwyno.
Cyflwynwyd Bil Etholiad Cyffredinol yr Alban (Coronafeirws), sy'n galluogi Gweinidogion Llywodraeth yr Alban i ohirio etholiad cyffredinol yr Alban y tu hwnt i 6 Mai, yn amodol ar bleidlais o Senedd gyfan yr Alban, yn Senedd yr Alban am y tro cyntaf ar 16 Tachwedd 2020. Er iddo gael ei basio drwy amserlen ar garlam, roedd gan Aelodau Senedd yr Alban dros bum wythnos o hyd i ystyried y Bil. Bydd amserlen arfaethedig Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer y Bil hwn, mewn cyferbyniad, yn rhoi ychydig dros bythefnos o graffu i Aelodau'r Senedd tan Gyfnod 3.
Er bod yr argyfwng pandemig wedi bod yma ers mis Mawrth 2020 ac y buom yn ymwybodol o'r dyddiad ar gyfer etholiad nesaf Senedd Cymru ers pum mlynedd, ni wnaeth y Prif Weinidog awgrymu newid mewn rheoliadau tan fis Tachwedd. Felly, rhaid i ni ofyn pam y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi rhoi ei hun mewn sefyllfa lle mae angen iddi fod yn defnyddio gweithdrefnau brys o'r fath. Ble mae'r rhagwelediad, pan roedd hi'n amlwg y byddai'r pandemig yn dal i fod ar frig yr agenda? Gallai rhai ddweud y gallai'r gostyngiad yn ffydd y cyhoedd yn y ffordd y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymdrin â'r pandemig fod wedi dylanwadu ar eu cymhellion dros geisio'r Bil brys hwn nawr, ond does dim dichon i mi wneud sylw. Er y byddwn yn pleidleisio heddiw i gytuno y gall Llywodraeth Cymru gyflwyno Bil Etholiadau Cymru (Coronafeirws) fel Bil brys yn y Senedd, gan gydnabod yr angen posibl am oedi yn seiliedig ar y sefyllfa iechyd cyhoeddus sy'n dirywio'n gyflym, dim ond rhoi benthyg ein pleidlais a wnawn. Fodd bynnag, nid yw Llywodraeth Cymru wedi dweud pa sefyllfa y mae angen i'r pandemig fod ynddi cyn gofyn am oedi yn yr etholiad, a byddai ein cefnogaeth barhaus yn ei gwneud hi'n ofynnol i Lywodraeth Cymru nodi beth fyddai'r sefyllfa honno a fyddai'n peri i'r Prif Weinidog ofyn yn ffurfiol am oedi. Nodwn hefyd y byddai mwy o gynnwys yn y Bil, ac rydym yn cydnabod bod rhinwedd i rywfaint o hyn, gan gynnwys y gostyngiad yn y diddymiad i saith diwrnod calendr cyn etholiad. Fodd bynnag, rydym yn pryderu mai dim ond yn ddiweddarach y gellir cyflwyno rhywfaint o gynnwys arfaethedig fel gwelliannau Llywodraeth Cymru.
Fe wnaethom ni gymryd rhan yng ngrŵp cynllunio etholiadau Llywodraeth Cymru yr haf diwethaf, ac mae gennym ni nifer o bryderon o hyd o'r grŵp cynllunio hwnnw, gan gynnwys ymestyn pleidleisio dros nifer o ddiwrnodau, pan fydd pleidleiswyr yn cael eu difreinio pe baen nhw'n credu y byddai pleidleisio ar ddiwrnod arall i Senedd Cymru yn dal yn eu galluogi i bleidleisio dros y comisiynydd heddlu a throseddu; ymestyn oriau pleidleisio o 6.00 a.m. hyd 11:00 p.m. pan na chredir y byddai hyn yn cynyddu nifer y pleidleiswyr; a chynyddu nifer y pleidleisiau dirprwyol, lle na fyddem ni eisiau gweld unrhyw newidiadau a fyddai'n caniatáu i unigolyn weithredu fel dirprwy ar gyfer aelwyd gyfan lle nad ydyn nhw'n perthyn i'w gilydd.
Byddai oedi etholiad cyffredinol Cymru sydd wedi'i amserlennu ar gyfer 6 Mai yn arwain at oblygiadau enfawr, gyda llawer yn teimlo eu bod wedi'u difreinio, yn enwedig gan fod y pandemig wedi taflu goleuni mor ddisglair ar Lywodraeth ddatganoledig yng Nghymru. Cynhaliwyd etholiadau mewn nifer o wledydd yn ystod y pandemig, gan gynnwys yr Unol Daleithiau, Sbaen, Ffrainc, Canada, Seland Newydd a De Corea. Fel y dywedodd cyfarwyddwr cyffredinol polisi iechyd cyhoeddus De Corea wedi hynny, ni nodwyd yr un achos yn ymwneud â'r etholiad yn ystod cyfnod magu'r clefyd o 14 diwrnod. Ac er bod Mr Trump yn honni bod hyn wedi caniatáu i bleidleisiau'r UD gael eu camgyfrif, nid yw hon yn farn eang yn y fan yma. Er nad yw'r Bil arfaethedig yn cynnwys llawer am bleidleisio drwy'r post, byddem yn croesawu rhagor o fanylion ynghylch sut y bydd pobl yn cael eu hannog i gofrestru.
O ystyried bod etholiadau seneddol yr Alban, etholiadau maerol, etholiadau cynghorau Lloegr ac etholiadau'r comisiynydd heddlu a throseddu hefyd i fod i gael eu cynnal y gwanwyn hwn, a wnaiff y Gweinidog ddweud hefyd a oes trafodaethau parhaus ynghylch dull cydgysylltiedig ledled y DU o ymdrin â'r etholiadau hyn? Mae'r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig bob amser wedi honni y dylai etholiadau Senedd Cymru gael eu cynnal ar 6 Mai 2021 ac eithrio mewn amgylchiadau brys eithriadol. Diolch.
Mae etholiadau teg a rhydd yn sylfaen unrhyw ddemocratiaeth iach, ac mae'n hen bryd, i siarad yn blaen, i bobl Cymru gael y cyfle i roi chwistrelliad o egni newydd i'r Senedd yma ac i ddewis Llywodraeth newydd ar ôl tymor pum mlynedd o hyd, sy'n barod yn dymor hir iawn mewn termau cymharol—rhy hir yn fy marn i, ond nid yma i drafod hynny ydw i heddiw. Nid ar chwarae bach, felly, mae'r Senedd yma yn cael cais i gydsynio i'r Llywodraeth gyflwyno darn o ddeddfwriaeth fyddai'n galluogi oedi dyddiad etholiadau y Senedd. Wrth drafod adroddiad y grŵp cynllunio etholiadau yn ôl ym mis Tachwedd, mi ddywedodd Adam Price,
'mae'n anodd rhagweld sefyllfa lle byddai'n rhaid gohirio etholiadau'r Senedd erbyn hyn.'
Er hynny, mae profiad y misoedd diwethaf wedi dangos i ni na allwn ni ddim cymryd dim byd yn ganiataol, ac mae hynny mor wir. Ers hynny, mi gafodd amrywiolyn newydd o'r feirws ei ganfod, rydym ni'n ôl mewn cyfnod clo llym, a thra bod yr ymdrech frechu'n cynnig gobaith, mae yna gryn ffordd i fynd. Ac er ein bod ni wir eisiau i'r etholiad yma all cael ei chynnal ar 6 Mai, yn sydyn reit mae 6 Mai yn teimlo yn agos iawn. Rydym ni yn cefnogi cais y Llywodraeth i'r Senedd drin y Bil arfaethedig dan y weithdrefn frys, ond nid yn ddiamod. Er gwaethaf yr amserlen dynn, mae'n bwysig bod y craffu ar y Bil yn gadarn a chynhwysfawr. Mae eisiau i'r ddeddfwriaeth ddrafft gael ei chyhoeddi ar y cyfle cynharaf. Mae'r Aelod sydd yng ngofal y Bil eisoes wedi estyn allan at y gwrthbleidiau. Rydym ni'n disgwyl i hynny barhau, ac efo Comisiwn y Senedd hefyd, er mwyn llawn cydnabod y ffaith nad Bil arferol yw hwn a bod angen gwneud popeth i warchod integriti'r broses ddemocrataidd. Iechyd cyhoeddus ac iechyd ein democratiaeth fydd flaenaf yn ein meddyliau ni fel plaid a phob plaid arall, gobeithio, wrth ymdrin â hyn.
Roeddwn i'n sylwi bod datganiad y Llywodraeth sydd ynghlwm â'r cynnig yma yn dweud bod y pandemig yn cynrychioli dau risg i integriti yr etholiad: un i allu etholwyr i gymryd rhan yn yr etholiad ei hun; yr ail i weinyddwyr allu cynnal yr etholiad. Dwi'n meddwl bod yna drydydd risg mawr: nid dyddiad 6 Mai sydd yn bwysig mewn gwirionedd, ond y cyfnod cyn hynny o ymgysylltu â phobl Cymru. Rydyn ni'n sôn am ethol Llywodraeth genedlaethol fydd yn ein tywys ni fel gwlad yn y cyfnod ar ôl COVID. Mae angen cael y drafodaeth honno yn llawn. Ar wahân i'r ffaith mai'r etholiad, tybiwn i, ydy'r peth olaf ar feddyliau llawer o bobl—rhai yn sâl, yn dioddef yn economaidd, rhai wedi colli anwyliaid hyd yn oed—mae yna ystyriaethau ymarferol iawn yn deillio o'r diffyg democrataidd, gwendid cymharol y wasg yng Nghymru, a'r diffyg gallu, hyd yn oed, i ddosbarthu taflenni yn rhannu gwybodaeth am yr etholiad, sy'n beth pwysig iawn mewn etholiad yng Nghymru oherwydd y diffyg yna yn y wasg.
Mae angen eglurder ar y pwynt olaf hwnnw. Mewn ateb i gwestiwn ysgrifenedig gan Siân Gwenllian, mi ddywedodd y Prif Weinidog bod dosbarthu taflenni etholiad yn anghyfreithlon dan reoliadau cyfyngiadau lefel 4. Mi glywais i sôn, rhywun yn dweud, 'Allwch chi rannu faint fynnir o bamffledi gwerthu pitsa ond dim taflenni yn ymwneud â phroses ddemocrataidd mor bwysig.' Ar y llaw arall, mae un o heddluoedd Cymru, dwi'n meddwl, wedi dweud y dylid ei ganiatáu, oherwydd bod rhannu taflenni yn waith na ellir ei wneud o gartref. Felly, mae eisiau eglurder ar hynny. Dwi'n deall bod gwledydd sydd wedi cynnal etholiadau yn y pandemig, fel America, hyd yn oed wedi caniatáu peth ymgyrchu drws i ddrws. Felly, mae eisiau gwybod yn union beth fyddai'n gallu cael ei ganiatáu.
Rŵan, tra bod y cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn opsiwn, dydy pawb ddim yn defnyddio y cyfryngau cymdeithasol—mae'n bwysig iawn cofio hynny. Mae'r post brenhinol yn ddrud iawn. Yn Arfon ar hyn o bryd dwi'n meddwl bod pobl wedi bod heb bost oherwydd COVID yn taro gweithwyr post. Ac o ran y gost, mi oedd y Siartwyr, wrth gwrs, o flaen eu hamser ar un adeg, ar flaen y gad yn eu galwad am wneud etholiadau yn rhydd ym mhob hanfod, nid dim ond i'r cyfoethog. Felly, er gwaethaf cyfyngiadau dealladwy iawn y pandemig, mae'n rhaid diogelu yr egwyddor hwnnw.
Rŵan, i gloi, yn aros efo'r thema tegwch ac integriti'r etholiad, mae yna degwch cynhennid, allwch chi ddadlau, yn y cyfnod diddymu er mwyn diogelu adnoddau cyhoeddus rhag y canfyddiad o gamddefnydd ac i beidio â ffafrio rhai ymgeiswyr dros y lleill. Mi fyddwn ni'n craffu'n ofalus ar y bwriad i gwtogi'r cyfnod diddymu o 21 diwrnod i saith, gan ystyried goblygiadau hynny i ganllawiau purdah y gwasanaeth sifil, trefniadau'r darlledwyr ac ati, ond, yn bwysicach na dim, wrth gwrs, y gafael ar ledaeniad yr haint. Y gwaethaf o'r ddau fyddai Llywodraeth a Senedd sy'n delio â'r don waethaf eto o'r pandemig ar y naill law ond ym merw ymgyrch etholiad ar y llall. Fel dwi'n dweud, mae'n hen bryd cael etholiad. Mi ddylai fo fod ar 6 Mai. Ein dymuniad ni fyddai iddo fo fod bryd hynny, ond, wrth gwrs, mae'r feirws yma wedi profi dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf ei fod o'n gryn feistr arnom ni—
Fair and free elections are the foundation of any healthy democracy, and it's about time that the people of Wales had an opportunity to give an injection of energy to this Senedd and to elect a new Government after a five-year term, which is already lengthy in comparative terms—too long in my view, but we're not here to discuss that today. It's not lightly that this Senedd is asked to consent to the Government introducing a piece of legislation that would allow the delaying of the election, therefore. In discussing the report of the elections planning group back in November, Adam Price said that
'it's difficult to anticipate a situation where Senedd elections would have to be postponed.'
However, the experience of the past few months has shown us that we can take nothing for granted, and that is so very true. Since then, a new variant of the virus has been discovered, we're back in a strict lockdown, and whilst the vaccination efforts do provide some hope, there is some way to go. And although we do truly want this election to be held on 6 May, all of a sudden 6 May feels very close. We do support the Government's request of the Senedd to treat this Bill under the emergency procedure, but not unconditionally. Despite the tight timetable, it's important that scrutiny of the Bill is robust and comprehensive. We need the draft legislation to be published as soon as possible. The Member in charge of the Bill has already reached out to opposition parties. We expect that to continue, and with the Senedd Commission too, in order to fully recognise the fact that this is not a normal Bill by any means, and that everything needs to be done to safeguard the integrity of the democratic process. Public health and the health of our democracy is at the front of our minds as a party, as is the case with every other party, hopefully.
I noted that the Government's statement attached to this motion states that the pandemic represents two risks to the integrity of the election: one in the ability of constituents to participate in the election; the second for administrators to actually hold the election. I think there is a third major risk too. It's not the 6 May date that's important but the period leading up to that, that period of engaging with the people of Wales. We're talking about electing a national Government here that will guide us as a nation through the post-pandemic period, and we need to have that full public debate. Apart from the fact that the election, I suppose, is the last thing on the minds of many people—many are ill, many are suffering economically, many will have lost loved ones even—there are also practical considerations emerging from the democratic deficit, the weakness of the press in Wales and the inability, even, to distribute leaflets about the election, which is very important in Welsh elections because of that deficit in the media.
We need clarity on that final point. In response to a written question from Siân Gwenllian, the First Minister stated that distributing election leaflets was unlawful under the level 4 restrictions. I heard somebody mention that, 'You can share as many pizza pamphlets as you like but no pamphlets relating to a democratic process that is so very important.' On the other hand, one of the Welsh police forces has said that it should be allowed, because distributing leaflets is work that cannot be done from home. So, we need clarity on those issues. I understand that nations that have held elections during the pandemic, such as the United States, have even allowed some door-to-door campaigning. So, we need to know exactly what could be allowed.
Now, whilst social media is an option, not everyone makes use of social media, and it's very important to bear that in mind. The royal mail is very expensive. In Arfon at the moment I think people have been without a postal service because of the impact of COVID on the postal workforce. And in terms of the cost, the Chartists were in the vanguard at one time in their call to make elections free in all aspects, not just for the wealthy. So, despite the understandable restrictions as a result of the pandemic, we must safeguard that principle too.
Now, in conclusion, and staying with the theme of the fairness and integrity of the election, there is an inherent fairness, one could argue, in the dissolution period in order to safeguard public funds from being misused and not favouring some candidates over the other. We will scrutinise that proposal to reduce the dissolution period from 21 days to seven, given the implications to purdah, civil service arrangements, broadcast arrangements and so on, but most importantly in terms of getting a grip on the spread of the virus. The worst thing possible would be a Government and a Senedd dealing with the worst wave of the pandemic whilst in the midst of an election campaign. As I said, it's about time we had an election. It should be on 6 May. Our aspiration would be that it should be held then, but, of course, this virus has proved over the past year that it is a master of us all—
Will the Member wind up, please?
A wnaiff yr Aelod ddirwyn i ben, os gwelwch yn dda?
Gwnaf mewn eiliad. Mae'r feirws wedi profi ei fod o'n gallu bod yn feistr arnom ni; mae o'n dal yn ddylanwadol iawn, iawn ar ein bywydau a'n dewisiadau democrataidd ni ar hyn o bryd.
Yes, I will. The virus has proved that it can be a master of us all, and it's still very influential in our daily lives and our democratic decisions at the moment.
Thank you. Mike Hedges.
Diolch. Mike Hedges.
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. I believe, if at all possible, we should have an election on 6 May. But postponing an election would not be unique. Can you remember the general election of 2001 had been expected on 3 May to coincide with local elections? But, on 2 April, votes were postponed to 7 June because of the rural movement restrictions imposed in response to the foot and mouth outbreak that had started in February.
Another possible reason is that post cannot be collected, so postal votes would not be being received—something Rhun ap Iorwerth talked about regarding post when he was making his statement—or post boxes are blocked. People remember postal strikes—when boxes got full, they blocked them. I believe we should have the shortest possible dissolution period for the Senedd ahead of the day of the vote, which will enable the Senedd to meet should this be required to debate and agree new legislation relating to the pandemic, or consider recommendations from the Llywydd to postpone the poll. I would like the dissolution to be 5 o'clock on the Wednesday prior to polling day, thus enabling any new pandemic legislation to be enacted before the election. Before Government lawyers say it is impossible, what legislative changes would be necessary to enable it?
We must remember the US election took place during the pandemic. I'd be very disappointed if the Senedd election could not take place. If the Conservatives postpone the police and crime commissioners and the English council elections, that is no reason for us to postpone the Senedd election. One thing we could request all parties to consider is a return to four-year electoral term—five years is too long. It was brought in for the best of reasons to apply with the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011. In my opinion, never has any piece of legislation been more meaningless. This must be the last five-year term.
I now want to turn to action that I'm asking from the Welsh Government: that returning officers write to everyone about the postal vote offering them one. One of the problems with postal votes is their high rejection rate. This is caused by two things: people entering the date of signing rather than their date of birth, and signatures not matching. The proposals are that those who've entered the date they posted not their date of birth are contacted by phone, if possible, to confirm their date of birth; that those with signatures that do not match are contacted to confirm they have returned their ballot. One of the major reasons the signatures don't match is the elector has had health problems, such as a stroke or Parkinson's disease, since they applied for the postal vote, which really does affect people's signatures. We want a fair election where everyone who wants to vote can, and their vote is counted.
Turning to proxy votes, currently students must get a form signed by the course tutor. That, I think people would agree, is almost impossible at the current time. I was fortunate that my daughter did hers back in November; very few people were thinking about the May Senedd elections in November. I would urge the Government to consider legislation to enable direct family members, meaning spouse, parent or child, to have a proxy vote on demand. This is a balance between stopping vote harvesting and allowing the votes of everyone to be counted.
Finally, regarding the count. I support counting the next day, although I expect to sleep at night between the polling day and the next day. On the count, again, can we learn from America, where the count of votes cast in the ballot book and valid postal votes received by the end of polling day are counted on the Friday, with an extension date for postal votes made if there are problems with their return due to postal problems, and a judge is appointed to determine how long that extension should be? I believe we all want free and fair elections. I hope the Government will take up my suggestions, but, if not, explain why.
And I discovered over the weekend a problem: paying the deposit. They want the deposit paid—in Swansea, at least—by electronic transfer, but it has to happen at exactly the same time as the nomination form is accepted. Now, that, if they follow the strict interpretation, is going to be almost impossible. So, I think that you're going to end up with—. You're queuing—. And we know what happens when putting our nomination papers in. I would urge that the Minister has some discussions with returning officers about that, because I think it is important that people do pay their deposit. I suggested that you paid it before you hand your nomination papers in, but I was told that couldn't happen. I think that we really do need to sort out some of the mechanics of this before things start going wrong.
Diolch yn fawr, Dirprwy Lywydd. Credaf, os yw'n bosibl o gwbl, y dylem gael etholiad ar 6 Mai. Ond ni fyddai gohirio etholiad yn unigryw. A ydych chi'n cofio bod disgwyl i etholiad cyffredinol 2001 fod ar 3 Mai i gyd-fynd ag etholiadau lleol? Ond, ar 2 Ebrill, gohiriwyd pleidleisiau tan 7 Mehefin oherwydd y cyfyngiadau symud gwledig a gyflwynwyd mewn ymateb i'r achosion o glwy'r traed a'r genau a ddechreuodd ym mis Chwefror.
Rheswm posibl arall yw na ellir casglu'r post, felly ni fyddai pleidleisiau post yn cyrraedd—rhywbeth y soniodd Rhun ap Iorwerth amdano ynglŷn â phost pan oedd yn gwneud ei ddatganiad—neu fod blychau post wedi eu cau. Mae pobl yn cofio streiciau post—pan oedd blychau'n llawn, cawsant eu cau. Credaf y dylem ni gael y cyfnod diddymu byrraf posibl ar gyfer y Senedd cyn diwrnod y bleidlais, a fydd yn galluogi'r Senedd i gyfarfod pe bai angen, er mwyn trafod a chytuno ar ddeddfwriaeth newydd yn ymwneud â'r pandemig, neu ystyried argymhellion gan y Llywydd i ohirio'r bleidlais. Hoffwn i'r diddymiad fod am 5 o'r gloch ar y dydd Mercher cyn y diwrnod pleidleisio, gan alluogi deddfu ar unrhyw ddeddfwriaeth pandemig newydd cyn yr etholiad. Cyn i gyfreithwyr y Llywodraeth ddweud ei fod yn amhosibl, pa newidiadau deddfwriaethol fyddai eu hangen i'w alluogi?
Mae'n rhaid inni gofio i etholiad yr Unol Daleithiau gael ei gynnal yn ystod y pandemig. Byddwn yn siomedig iawn pe na bai modd cynnal etholiad y Senedd. Os bydd y Ceidwadwyr yn gohirio etholiadau comisiynwyr yr heddlu a throseddu ac etholiadau cynghorau Lloegr, ni fyddai hynny'n rheswm i ni ohirio etholiad y Senedd. Un peth y gallem ni ofyn i bob plaid ei ystyried yw dychwelyd at dymor etholiadol pedair blynedd—mae pum mlynedd yn rhy hir. Fe'i cyflwynwyd am y rhesymau gorau i gydweddu â Deddf Seneddau Tymor Penodol 2011. Yn fy marn i, nid oes unrhyw ddarn o ddeddfwriaeth erioed wedi bod yn fwy diystyr. Mae'n rhaid i hwn fod y tymor pum mlynedd olaf.
Rwyf nawr eisiau troi at fy nghais yr wy'n gofyn i Lywodraeth Cymru ei weithredu: sef bod swyddogion canlyniadau yn ysgrifennu at bawb ynghylch y bleidlais bost yn cynnig un iddyn nhw. Un o'r problemau ynghylch pleidleisiau post yw'r gyfradd uchel o rai sy'n cael eu gwrthod. Achosir hyn gan ddau beth: pobl yn rhoi dyddiad llofnodi yn hytrach na'u dyddiad geni, a llofnodion nad ydyn nhw'n cyfateb. Y cynigion yw y cysylltir dros y ffôn â'r rhai sydd wedi nodi dyddiad postio yn hytrach na'u dyddiad geni, os yw'n bosibl, i gadarnhau eu dyddiad geni; ac y cysylltir â'r rhai sydd â llofnodion nad ydyn nhw'n cyfateb i gadarnhau eu bod wedi dychwelyd eu pleidlais. Un o'r prif resymau pam nad yw'r llofnodion yn cyfateb yw bod yr etholwr wedi cael problemau iechyd, megis strôc neu glefyd Parkinson, ers iddyn nhw wneud cais am y bleidlais bost, sy'n effeithio'n wirioneddol ar lofnodion pobl. Rydym ni eisiau cael etholiad teg lle gall pawb sydd eisiau pleidleisio wneud hynny, ac y cyfrifir eu pleidlais.
Gan droi at bleidleisiau drwy ddirprwy, ar hyn o bryd mae'n rhaid i fyfyrwyr gael ffurflen wedi'i llofnodi gan diwtor y cwrs. Credaf y byddai pobl yn cytuno bod hynny bron yn amhosibl ar hyn o bryd. Roeddwn yn ffodus bod fy merch wedi gwneud ei un hi yn ôl ym mis Tachwedd; ychydig iawn o bobl oedd yn meddwl am etholiadau Senedd mis Mai ym mis Tachwedd. Byddwn yn annog y Llywodraeth i ystyried deddfwriaeth i alluogi aelodau uniongyrchol o'r teulu, sy'n golygu priod, rhiant neu blentyn, i gael pleidlais drwy ddirprwy ar alw. Mae hyn yn gydbwysedd rhwng atal casglu pleidleisiau a chaniatáu cyfrif pleidleisiau pawb.
Yn olaf, ynglŷn â'r cyfrif. Rwy'n cefnogi cyfrif y diwrnod wedyn, er fy mod yn disgwyl cysgu'r nos rhwng y diwrnod pleidleisio a'r diwrnod wedyn. O ran y cyfrif, unwaith eto, a allwn ni ddysgu wrth edrych ar America, lle mae'r nifer o bleidleisiau a fwriwyd yn y llyfr pleidleisio a phleidleisiau post dilys a dderbynnir erbyn diwedd y diwrnod pleidleisio yn cael eu cyfrif ar y dydd Gwener, gydag estyniad ar gyfer pleidleisiau post os oes problemau o ran eu dychwelyd oherwydd problemau post, a phenodir barnwr i benderfynu pa mor hir y dylai'r estyniad hwnnw fod? Credaf ein bod i gyd eisiau etholiadau rhydd a theg. Gobeithio y bydd y Llywodraeth yn ystyried fy awgrymiadau, ond, os nad ydy hi, yna y bydd yn esbonio pam.
A chanfûm broblem dros y penwythnos: talu'r blaendal. Maen nhw eisiau i'r blaendal gael ei dalu—yn Abertawe, o leiaf—drwy drosglwyddiad electronig, ond rhaid iddo ddigwydd ar yr un pryd yn union ag y derbynnir y ffurflen enwebu. Nawr, os ydyn nhw'n dilyn y dehongliad yn fanwl, bydd hynny bron yn amhosibl. Felly, credaf eich bod yn y diwedd—. Rydych chi'n ciwio—. A gwyddom beth sy'n digwydd wrth gyflwyno ein papurau enwebu. Byddwn yn annog y Gweinidog i gael rhai trafodaethau gyda swyddogion canlyniadau ynghylch hynny, oherwydd credaf ei bod yn bwysig bod pobl yn talu eu blaendal. Awgrymais eich bod yn ei dalu cyn i chi gyflwyno eich papurau enwebu, ond dywedwyd wrthyf na allai hynny ddigwydd. Credaf fod gwir angen inni ddatrys rhywfaint o fecanwaith hyn cyn i bethau ddechrau mynd o chwith.
I have to say at the outset that my preference is for the Senedd elections to go ahead as planned on 6 May, but only if is safe to do so, because we are in the middle of an unpredictable pandemic that kills hundreds of people in Wales each week. Thousands of people have died in the past year, and thousands more are left struggling to breathe or battling terrible fatigue for many months, and it's all due to this awful disease—a disease that has led to half of our critical beds and a quarter of our hospitals being full of patients with COVID-19. It has led to exams being cancelled for schoolchildren for the second year in a row, and parents across the nation struggling to home school their children. And it's led to the closure of large parts of our economy, thousands of businesses failing and tens of thousands losing their jobs. The SARS-CoV-2 virus has mutated, it has become more virulent and is still infecting hundreds of our citizens each day. But we have hope, hope that we didn't have this time last year. We have two vaccines being delivered, with hopefully more on the way. Whilst we have got off to a great start, we have only delivered the first dose to around 8 per cent of the population. We don't expect to have vaccinated everyone until the end of this year. So, in light of all this, how can we possibly hold free and fair elections?
In the past few weeks, I've heard others point out that larger democracies have held elections, mostly pointing to the USA, but their elections are not like our elections, and US citizens have weeks to vote. We have 15 hours. US citizens rely on televised debates to get information about their candidates, and we knock on people's doors to introduce ourselves. So, unless we vastly change the way we conduct elections, it's difficult to see how we could safely hold elections whilst the pandemic continues to run rife.
We also have to consider whether we have the manpower to even run an election. Should we be diverting resources away from bringing a swift end to the pandemic toward running an election? Of course, we could see vast improvements over the next couple of months, allowing us to hold free and fair elections, but by the same token, we could see things worsen. Who knows what the new variants will bring? As more people become infected, the more chances this virus has to mutate. So, God forbid we see a variant that is resistant to the vaccines.
So, if the past year's taught us anything, it's that this pandemic is unpredictable. It therefore makes sense for us to hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. So, I hope we can hold elections in May, but we have to introduce this emergency Bill so that we can postpone them if it's not safe to hold them in 14 weeks' time, and public safety is of paramount importance. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Rhaid imi ddweud ar y dechrau mai fy newis i yw i etholiadau'r Senedd fynd rhagddynt fel y bwriadwyd ar 6 Mai, ond dim ond os yw'n ddiogel gwneud hynny, oherwydd rydym ni yng nghanol pandemig anrhagweladwy sy'n lladd cannoedd o bobl yng Nghymru bob wythnos. Mae miloedd o bobl wedi marw yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, ac mae miloedd yn fwy yn cael trafferth anadlu neu'n brwydro yn erbyn blinder ofnadwy am fisoedd lawer, ac mae'r cyfan oherwydd y clefyd ofnadwy hwn—clefyd sydd wedi arwain at sefyllfa lle mae hanner ein gwelyau critigol a chwarter ein hysbytai yn llawn cleifion â COVID-19. Mae wedi arwain at ganslo arholiadau ar gyfer plant ysgol am yr ail flwyddyn yn olynol, a rhieni ar draws y wlad yn ei chael hi'n anodd addysgu eu plant gartref. Ac mae wedi arwain at lyffetheirio rhannau helaeth o'n heconomi, miloedd o fusnesau'n methu a degau o filoedd yn colli eu swyddi. Mae feirws SARS-CoV-2 wedi mwtadu, mae wedi dod yn fwy ffyrnig ac mae'n dal i heintio cannoedd o'n dinasyddion bob dydd. Ond mae gennym ni obaith, gobaith nad oedd gennym ni yr adeg hon y llynedd. Mae gennym ni ddau frechlyn yn cael eu darparu, gyda mwy ar y ffordd gobeithio. Er ein bod wedi dechrau'n dda, dim ond i tua 8 y cant o'r boblogaeth yr ydym ni wedi darparu'r dos cyntaf. Nid ydym ni yn disgwyl i bawb gael eu brechu tan ddiwedd eleni. Felly, yng ngoleuni hyn i gyd, sut y gallwn ni gynnal etholiadau rhydd a theg?
Yn ystod yr wythnosau diwethaf, rwyf wedi clywed eraill yn tynnu sylw at y ffaith bod democratiaethau mwy wedi cynnal etholiadau, gan gyfeirio'n bennaf at yr Unol Daleithiau, ond nid yw eu hetholiadau fel ein hetholiadau ni, ac mae gan ddinasyddion yr Unol Daleithiau wythnosau i bleidleisio. Mae gennym ni 15 awr. Dibynna dinasyddion yr Unol Daleithiau ar ddadleuon ar y teledu i gael gwybodaeth am eu hymgeiswyr, ac rydym ni yn curo ar ddrysau pobl i gyflwyno ein hunain. Felly, oni bai ein bod yn newid y ffordd yr ydym ni'n cynnal etholiadau'n sylweddol, mae'n anodd gweld sut y gallem gynnal etholiadau'n ddiogel tra bo'r pandemig yn parhau i fod yn rhemp.
Rhaid inni hefyd ystyried a oes gennym y gweithlu i gynnal etholiad hyd yn oed. A ddylem fod yn dargyfeirio adnoddau o'r gwaith o geisio dod â'r pandemig i ben yn gyflym tuag at gynnal etholiad? Wrth gwrs, gallem weld gwelliannau enfawr dros yr ychydig fisoedd nesaf, a fyddai'n caniatáu inni gynnal etholiadau rhydd a theg, ond yn yr un modd, gallem weld pethau'n gwaethygu. Pwy a ŵyr beth a ddaw yn sgil yr amrywiolion newydd? Wrth i fwy o bobl gael eu heintio, mae mwy o siawns gan y feirws hwn i fwtadu. Felly, Duw a'n gwaredo os gwelwn ni amrywiolyn sy'n gwrthsefyll y brechlynnau.
Felly, os yw'r flwyddyn ddiwethaf wedi dysgu unrhyw beth i ni, mae'r pandemig hwn yn anrhagweladwy. Felly, mae'n gwneud synnwyr inni obeithio am y gorau, ond paratoi ar gyfer y gwaethaf. Felly, rwy'n gobeithio y gallwn ni gynnal etholiadau ym mis Mai, ond mae'n rhaid i ni gyflwyno'r Bil brys hwn fel y gallwn ni eu gohirio os nad yw'n ddiogel eu cynnal ymhen 14 wythnos, ac mae diogelwch y cyhoedd o'r pwys mwyaf. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
I will be supporting the Government this afternoon, and also supporting the Government when the substantive legislation comes before us next week. As one of the Ministers who did introduce emergency legislation, I've given this some serious consideration, because it is a mechanism that should only be used when the circumstances demand it. We learned today that we've lost more people to COVID in the last week than we have at any other point in the pandemic. It would have been irresponsible had the Government not taken this action, not introduced this legislation and not conducted the legislation in the way that it is proposing to do.
Like others, I want to see the election take place on 6 May. I've made this point a number of times in different debates and in questions. I think it's important that this Parliament is refreshed and renewed. Each Government needs a mandate, but we all need a new mandate, and, like Mike Hedges, I would like to see the Government introduce an amendment at Stage 2 going back to four-year terms, rather than continuing the current five-year term.
But I've got three questions I'd like to ask the Minister in supporting the Government this afternoon. The first point is that about transparency and openness. It is right and proper that all Members are aware of the criteria that the Government will use in reaching conclusions on this. Will the Government be looking across Wales at the R number, at the number of cases? Will there be issues around the growth or the decline of the pandemic in different parts of the country? For example, in Blaenau Gwent, numbers have been reducing over the last few weeks, but that's not the same as Flintshire or Wrexham, where they've been increasing in relative terms. So, what are the criteria that the Government will use in order to determine whether an election can be held safely?
The points that Rhun ap Iorwerth made were also absolutely essential, because the Government has a duty to ensure that an election takes place safely, but it also has a duty to ensure that the election is democratic and fair. We all know and we all recognise, I think, as Members, that we have an advantage through incumbency, and that the major parties will have further advantages of resources that will enable them to fight an electronic, online election, in a way that smaller parties cannot, and individual candidates would find more difficult. It is important that the election is not only safe, but is fair, free and democratic, and we need to understand what the criteria are for the Government in reaching its conclusions in terms of democracy, in terms of fairness, as well as in terms of safety.
I would also, then—. The second question is in terms of timescale. A number of Members have suggested that we need to leave this decision as long as possible, and I've got sympathy for that. But I also believe that we need to understand what the next few months hold for people. And I'd like to understand from the Government when they intend or when they believe they will be able to take some decisions on these matters. What is the timescale for reaching a decision on these issues? How will they determine that timescale, and when can we expect to be a part of that consultation and conversation?
And the final question is this, Minister: in a safe election, in a fair election and in a democratic election, it is possible to do things differently. For example, we've heard the election planning group say that they would prefer to count the day after rather than overnight, and I agree with that. But were we to use election ballot counting machines, as have been used in Scotland and are used elsewhere, then we could go through these matters in a more timely way but also using less resource. And I do believe also that we need to look at voting on a Sunday or a weekend, multiday elections, and look at different ways of conducting our democracy. Our democracy is a great and precious thing. We saw how democracy was delayed in 2001 as a consequence of foot and mouth, and that was necessary and the right decision. We will support, I think—two-thirds of Members here would support a delay, if we were able to understand why that delay was taking place, and if we were to explain to the people we seek to represent why that delay is taking place. But we also need to do so in a way that is transparent, that is open and is accountable, and where we can ensure that our precious democracy is protected and deepened. Thank you.
Byddaf yn cefnogi'r Llywodraeth y prynhawn yma, a hefyd yn cefnogi'r Llywodraeth pan ddaw'r ddeddfwriaeth sylwedd ger ein bron yr wythnos nesaf. Yn un o'r Gweinidogion a gyflwynodd ddeddfwriaeth frys, rwyf wedi ystyried hyn o ddifrif, oherwydd mae'n fecanwaith na ddylid ond ei ddefnyddio pan fydd yr amgylchiadau'n mynnu hynny. Cawsom wybod heddiw ein bod wedi colli mwy o bobl i COVID yn ystod yr wythnos ddiwethaf nag a wnaethom ni ar unrhyw adeg arall yn y pandemig. Byddai wedi bod yn anghyfrifol pe na bai'r Llywodraeth wedi cymryd y camau hyn, heb gyflwyno'r ddeddfwriaeth hon na chynnal y ddeddfwriaeth yn y ffordd y mae'n bwriadu gwneud.
Fel eraill, rwyf eisiau gweld yr etholiad yn cael ei gynnal ar 6 Mai. Rwyf wedi gwneud y pwynt hwn nifer o weithiau mewn gwahanol ddadleuon ac mewn cwestiynau. Rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig bod y Senedd hon yn cael ei hadnewyddu a'i hadfywio. Mae angen mandad ar bob Llywodraeth, ond mae angen mandad newydd arnom ni i gyd, ac, fel Mike Hedges, hoffwn weld y Llywodraeth yn cyflwyno gwelliant yng Nghyfnod 2 yn mynd yn ôl i dymhorau pedair blynedd, yn hytrach na pharhau â'r tymor pum mlynedd presennol.
Ond mae gennyf i dri chwestiwn yr hoffwn eu gofyn i'r Gweinidog wrth gefnogi'r Llywodraeth y prynhawn yma. Y pwynt cyntaf yw tryloywder a bod yn agored. Mae'n iawn ac yn briodol bod pob Aelod yn ymwybodol o'r meini prawf y bydd y Llywodraeth yn eu defnyddio wrth ddod i gasgliadau ar hyn. A fydd y Llywodraeth yn edrych ledled Cymru ar y rhif R, ar nifer yr achosion? A fydd materion yn ymwneud â thwf neu ddirywiad y pandemig mewn gwahanol rannau o'r wlad? Er enghraifft, ym Mlaenau Gwent, mae'r niferoedd wedi bod yn gostwng dros yr wythnosau diwethaf, ond nid yw hynny yr un fath â Sir y Fflint na Wrecsam, lle maen nhw wedi bod yn cynyddu mewn termau cymharol. Felly, beth yw'r meini prawf y bydd y Llywodraeth yn eu defnyddio er mwyn penderfynu a ellir cynnal etholiad yn ddiogel?
Roedd y pwyntiau a wnaeth Rhun ap Iorwerth hefyd yn gwbl hanfodol, oherwydd mae gan y Llywodraeth ddyletswydd i sicrhau bod etholiad yn cael ei gynnal yn ddiogel, ond mae dyletswydd arni hefyd i sicrhau bod yr etholiad yn ddemocrataidd ac yn deg. Gwyddom i gyd ac rydym ni i gyd yn cydnabod, rwy'n credu, a ninnau'n Aelodau, fod gennym ni fantais gan ein bod ni eisoes wedi cael cyfnod yn y swydd, ac y bydd gan y prif bleidiau fanteision pellach sef adnoddau a fydd yn eu galluogi i ymladd etholiad electronig, ar-lein, mewn ffordd na all pleidiau llai, a byddai ymgeiswyr unigol yn ei chael yn anoddach. Mae'n bwysig bod yr etholiad nid yn unig yn ddiogel, ond yn deg, yn rhydd ac yn ddemocrataidd, ac mae angen inni ddeall beth yw'r meini prawf i'r Llywodraeth o ran dod i'w chasgliadau o ran democratiaeth, o ran tegwch, yn ogystal ag o ran diogelwch.
Byddwn hefyd, felly—. Mae'r ail gwestiwn o ran amserlen. Mae nifer o Aelodau wedi awgrymu bod angen i ni adael y penderfyniad hwn mor hir â phosibl, ac mae gennyf gydymdeimlad â hynny. Ond rwy'n credu hefyd bod angen i ni ddeall beth sydd gan y misoedd nesaf i'w gynnig i bobl. A hoffwn ddeall gan y Llywodraeth pryd y mae hi'n bwriadu neu pryd y mae hi'n credu y gall hi wneud rhai penderfyniadau ar y materion hyn. Beth yw'r amserlen ar gyfer dod i benderfyniad ar y materion hyn? Sut y bydd yn pennu'r amserlen honno, a phryd y gallwn ni ddisgwyl bod yn rhan o'r ymgynghoriad a'r sgwrs honno?
A'r cwestiwn olaf yw hwn, Gweinidog: mewn etholiad diogel, mewn etholiad teg ac mewn etholiad democrataidd, mae'n bosibl gwneud pethau'n wahanol. Er enghraifft, rydym ni wedi clywed grŵp cynllunio'r etholiad yn dweud y byddai'n well ganddynt gyfrif y diwrnod ar ôl yn hytrach na dros nos, a chytunaf â hynny. Ond pe baem yn defnyddio peiriannau cyfrif pleidleisiau etholiadol, fel y defnyddiwyd yn yr Alban ac sy'n cael eu defnyddio mewn mannau eraill, yna gallem ymdrin â'r materion hyn mewn ffordd fwy amserol ond gan ddefnyddio llai o adnoddau hefyd. Ac rwy'n credu hefyd fod angen i ni edrych ar bleidleisio ar ddydd Sul neu benwythnos, etholiadau aml-ddiwrnod, ac edrych ar wahanol ffyrdd o gynnal ein democratiaeth. Mae ein democratiaeth yn beth gwych a gwerthfawr. Gwelsom sut y cafodd democratiaeth ei gohirio yn 2001 o ganlyniad i glwy'r traed a'r genau, ac roedd hynny'n angenrheidiol a'r penderfyniad cywir. Byddwn yn cefnogi, rwy'n credu—y byddai dwy ran o dair o'r Aelodau yma'n cefnogi oedi, pe baem yn gallu deall pam yr oedd yr oedi hwnnw'n digwydd, a phe baem yn egluro i'r bobl yr ydym yn ceisio eu cynrychioli pam y mae'r oedi hwnnw'n digwydd. Ond mae angen i ni wneud hynny hefyd mewn ffordd sy'n dryloyw, sy'n agored ac sy'n atebol, a phryd y gallwn ni sicrhau y caiff ein democratiaeth werthfawr ei diogelu a'i dyfnhau. Diolch.
Thanks to the Minister for her statement today. We in the Abolish the Welsh Assembly Party do not support this Welsh Government legislation because, quite simply, we don't think it is necessary. Free and fair elections are a defining feature of a functioning democracy, so of course we have to take the process seriously. But they also have to be regular elections, and if the term of the legislature is five years, then we had better have a very good reason for wanting to make that term longer than five years.
Now, I realise, of course, that we are in the middle of a global crisis, and the health of the people of Wales is of paramount concern, but if we look around the world, elections have been held in many countries without any real problems occurring. Mark Isherwood detailed a few of these elections in his contribution. So, I think we need to proceed on the basis that the Assembly election is taking place on the first Thursday of May, as planned, unless there is a real public health risk at that time that would force a change. But even if there is, we know that there is already power within this Assembly, held by the Presiding Officer, to delay an election by up to a month, under the existing legislation. So, from our viewpoint, this proposed new legislation is quite unnecessary.
Now, it may be that this Welsh Labour Government has reasons of its own for wanting to delay any election. Could it be that this Welsh Government is running scared of the electorate? Could it be that it wants to delay an election because it is frightened it is about to lose its majority? Could it be that it is terrified that some minority party might come along that wants to rock the boat and bring an end to the gravy train called the Welsh Assembly and the Welsh Government? Voters will doubtless come to their own conclusions. Of course, I make no assertions here, I only state the possibilities. But can I also say this: five years is nearly up and Wales has now had more than enough of this incompetent Labour Government. How long must we go on enduring it for? Our term is nearly up, that applies to all of us, and it's time that we were held to account by the only people who matter, the Welsh voters. We need to stop delaying and procrastinating and hold the election. Diolch yn fawr.
Diolch i'r Gweinidog am ei datganiad heddiw. Nid ydym ni ym Mhlaid Diddymu Cynulliad Cymru yn cefnogi'r ddeddfwriaeth hon gan Lywodraeth Cymru oherwydd, yn syml iawn, nid ydym yn credu ei bod hi'n angenrheidiol. Mae etholiadau rhydd a theg yn nodwedd ddiffiniol o ddemocratiaeth sy'n gweithio, felly wrth gwrs mae'n rhaid inni gymryd y broses o ddifrif. Ond mae'n rhaid iddyn nhw hefyd fod yn etholiadau rheolaidd, ac os yw tymor y ddeddfwrfa yn bum mlynedd, yna byddai'n rhaid inni gael rheswm da iawn dros ddymuno gwneud y tymor hwnnw'n hwy na phum mlynedd.
Nawr, sylweddolaf, wrth gwrs, ein bod yng nghanol argyfwng byd-eang, ac mae iechyd pobl Cymru o'r pwys mwyaf, ond os edrychwn ledled y byd, mae etholiadau wedi'u cynnal mewn llawer o wledydd heb unrhyw broblemau gwirioneddol. Manylodd Mark Isherwood ar rai o'r etholiadau hyn yn ei gyfraniad. Felly, credaf fod angen inni fwrw ymlaen ar y sail bod etholiad y Cynulliad yn cael ei gynnal ar ddydd Iau cyntaf mis Mai, yn ôl y bwriad, oni bai bod perygl gwirioneddol i iechyd y cyhoedd bryd hynny a fyddai'n gorfodi newid. Ond hyd yn oed os oes perygl, gwyddom fod pŵer eisoes o fewn y Cynulliad hwn, gan y Llywydd, i ohirio etholiad hyd at fis, o dan y ddeddfwriaeth bresennol. Felly, o'n safbwynt ni, mae'r ddeddfwriaeth newydd arfaethedig hon yn eithaf diangen.
Nawr, efallai fod gan y Llywodraeth Lafur hon yng Nghymru resymau ei hun dros ddymuno gohirio unrhyw etholiad. Tybed a yw'r Llywodraeth hon yng Nghymru yn ofni'r etholwyr? Tybed a yw eisiau gohirio etholiad oherwydd ei bod yn ofni ei bod ar fin colli ei mwyafrif? Tybed a yw'n arswydo oherwydd y gallai rhyw blaid leiafrifol godi ei phen sydd eisiau siglo'r cwch a chael gwared ar y pot mêl o'r enw Cynulliad Cymru a Llywodraeth Cymru? Bydd pleidleiswyr yn sicr o ddod i'w casgliadau eu hunain. Wrth gwrs, nid wyf yn gwneud unrhyw honiadau yma, dim ond nodi'r posibiliadau. Ond a gaf i ddweud hyn hefyd: mae pum mlynedd bron ar ben ac mae Cymru bellach wedi cael mwy na digon o'r Llywodraeth Lafur anghymwys hon. Am ba hyd y mae'n rhaid inni barhau i'w dioddef? Mae ein tymor bron ar ben, mae hynny'n berthnasol i bob un ohonom ni, ac mae'n bryd inni gael ein dwyn i gyfrif gan yr unig bobl sy'n cyfrif, pleidleiswyr Cymru. Rhaid inni roi'r gorau i ohirio ac oedi, a chynnal yr etholiad. Diolch yn fawr.
I have no Members who wish to intervene, therefore I call on the Minister for Housing and Local Government to reply to the debate. Julie James.
Nid oes gennyf unrhyw Aelodau sy'n dymuno ymyrryd, felly galwaf ar y Gweinidog Tai a Llywodraeth Leol i ymateb i'r ddadl. Julie James.

Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. I just want to start by thanking Members for the contributions that they have made to the debate. And, as I stated at the outset, it's not our intention that the date of the election be postponed, it's a matter of last resort and to be used only where it's absolutely necessary because of the threats to public health posed by coronavirus. But, as many Members have agreed, as a responsible Government, we must make preparations to enable us to respond to the risks posed by the coronavirus to the integrity of the election. A number of Members made points around the arrangements for dissolution, the arrangements for the pre-election period in terms of the sitting Government, and a number of other matters of practical importance.
Rather than address all of those numerous points now, I would like to make an offer to all opposition leaders and spokespeople, and to Members of my own party as groups of backbenchers, that if they would like a series of one-on-one meetings with me to discuss some of the intricate details of that, I am more than happy to offer that in the next few days, as the Bill has a very truncated timescale, and we want people to have as much engagement as is humanly possible to manage. So, I make that offer to anyone who wants to take it up, Deputy Presiding Officer. I'm very grateful indeed to the Commission and the Llywydd's office and yourself for the engagement with us so far on this as well.
As everybody has said, without this Bill, we will lose an important contingency option in our preparations for the elections in May. It is of course our hope and aim that the election can go ahead as planned and that the electorate is able to vote freely and safely on 6 May. But as everybody in the debate recognised, the course of the pandemic has not been smooth and it's right that we as a responsible Government should put in place a contingency plan, even if it is one that we hope never to have to use. If the Bill is to perform that role as a contingency measure, it is crucial that it is introduced as an emergency Bill in order to be passed in time for the election in May.
Before I finish, Dirprwy Lywydd, I just want to say—to Mark Isherwood in particular—that I have a fortnightly meeting with Chloe Smith MP, who is the elections Minister in the UK Government. We have been discussing throughout the course of these preparations the need for a cool, calm, non-political approach to these elections, and I would recommend that approach to him in particular. And on that note, Deputy Presiding Officer, I urge Members to support the motion. Diolch yn fawr.
Diolch yn fawr, Dirprwy Lywydd. Hoffwn ddechrau drwy ddiolch i'r Aelodau am eu cyfraniadau i'r ddadl. Ac, fel y dywedais ar y dechrau, nid ein bwriad yw gohirio dyddiad yr etholiad, dyna fydd y dewis olaf ac i'w ddefnyddio dim ond lle mae'n gwbl angenrheidiol oherwydd y bygythiadau i iechyd y cyhoedd a achosir gan y coronafeirws. Ond, fel y mae llawer o Aelodau wedi cytuno, a ninnau yn Llywodraeth gyfrifol, mae'n rhaid i ni baratoi i'n galluogi i ymateb i sut allai'r coronafeirws danseilio uniondeb yr etholiad. Gwnaeth nifer o Aelodau bwyntiau ynghylch y trefniadau ar gyfer diddymu, y trefniadau ar gyfer y cyfnod cyn yr etholiad o ran y Llywodraeth bresennol, a nifer o faterion eraill sydd o bwys ymarferol.
Yn hytrach nag ymdrin â'r holl bwyntiau niferus hynny nawr, hoffwn gynnig i holl arweinwyr a llefarwyr y gwrthbleidiau, ac i Aelodau fy mhlaid fy hun fel grwpiau o feincwyr cefn, os hoffen nhw gael cyfres o gyfarfodydd un i un gyda mi i drafod rhai o fanylion cymhleth hynny, rwyf yn fwy na pharod i gynnig hynny yn ystod y dyddiau nesaf, oherwydd bod gan y Bil amserlen sydd wedi'i chwtogi'n sylweddol, ac rydym ni eisiau i bobl gael cymaint o ymgysylltu ag sy'n bosibl. Felly, gwnaf y cynnig hwnnw i unrhyw un sydd eisiau ei dderbyn, Dirprwy Lywydd. Rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn yn wir i'r Comisiwn a swyddfa'r Llywydd a chithau am ymgysylltu â ni ynghylch hyn hyd yma hefyd.
Fel y mae pawb wedi dweud, heb y Bil hwn, byddwn yn colli dewis wrth gefn pwysig yn ein paratoadau ar gyfer yr etholiadau ym mis Mai. Ein gobaith, wrth gwrs, yw y gall yr etholiad fynd yn ei flaen yn ôl y bwriad a bod yr etholwyr yn gallu pleidleisio'n rhydd ac yn ddiogel ar 6 Mai. Ond fel y cydnabu pawb yn y ddadl, nid yw cwrs y pandemig wedi bod yn llyfn ac mae'n iawn i ni yn Llywodraeth gyfrifol roi cynllun wrth gefn ar waith, hyd yn oed os yw'n un yr ydym ni'n gobeithio na fydd byth yn rhaid ei ddefnyddio. Os yw'r Bil am gyflawni'r swyddogaeth honno fel mesur wrth gefn, mae'n hanfodol y caiff ei gyflwyno fel Bil brys er mwyn ei basio mewn pryd ar gyfer yr etholiad ym mis Mai.
Cyn imi orffen, Dirprwy Lywydd, hoffwn ddweud—wrth Mark Isherwood yn benodol—fy mod yn cael cyfarfod bob pythefnos gyda'r Aelod Seneddol Chloe Smith, y Gweinidog etholiadau yn Llywodraeth y DU. Rydym wedi bod yn trafod drwy gydol y paratoadau hyn yr angen am ddull tawel, digyffro ac anwleidyddol o ymdrin â'r etholiadau hyn, a byddwn yn argymell y dull hwnnw iddo'n benodol. Ac ar y nodyn hwnnw, Dirprwy Lywydd, anogaf yr Aelodau i gefnogi'r cynnig. Diolch yn fawr.
The proposal is to agree the motion under item 10. Does any Member object? [Objection.] I see an objection. Therefore, we'll defer voting until voting time.
Y cynnig yw ein bod yn derbyn y cynnig o dan eitem 10. A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Rwy'n gweld gwrthwynebiad. Felly, byddwn ni'n gohirio y pleidleisio tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
Gohiriwyd y pleidleisio tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
Voting deferred until voting time.
The proposal is to agree the motion under item 11. Does any Member object? [Objection.] I see objections there, so we defer voting under this item again until voting time.
Y cynnig yw ein bod yn derbyn y cynnig o dan eitem 11. A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Rwy'n gweld gwrthwynebiadau yn y fan yna, felly gohiriwn y pleidleisio o dan yr eitem hon eto tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
Gohiriwyd y pleidleisio tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
Voting deferred until voting time.
I now intend to hand the Chair back over to David Melding for item 12, which is a debate on the Equality and Human Rights Commission Wales committee's impact report 2019-20. I call on the Deputy Minister and Chief Whip to move the motion—Jane Hutt.
Nawr rwy'n bwriadu trosglwyddo'r cadeirio yn ôl i David Melding ar gyfer eitem 12, sy'n ddadl ar adroddiad effaith pwyllgor Comisiwn Cydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol Cymru 2019-20. Rwy'n galw ar y Dirprwy Weinidog a'r Prif Chwip i gynnig y cynnig—Jane Hutt.
Daeth David Melding i’r Gadair.
David Melding took the Chair.
Cynnig NDM7496 Rebecca Evans
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
Yn nodi Adroddiad Effaith Cymru 2019-20 y Comisiwn Cydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol.
Motion NDM7496 Rebecca Evans
To propose that the Senedd:
Notes the Equality and Human Rights Commission Wales Committee Impact Report 2019-20.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. I welcome this debate on the Equality and Human Rights Commission Wales impact report for 2019-20. This is an unprecedented time for equality and human rights in the UK and communities have been facing exceptional challenges as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. We're all aware some people are disproportionately and adversely affected more than others. I'd like to thank the interim chairs, Dr Alison Parken and Martyn Jones, the Wales board and staff of the EHRC for their continued work in highlighting inequalities and promoting equality and human rights in Wales during this challenging time, and for this impact report.
In their report, the EHRC highlighted as one of their priority areas the importance of education in creating a more equal and fair society. In the new curriculum, learners will explore the local, national, and global context to all aspects of learning. They will learn how to make connections and develop understanding within a diverse society. Last July, the Minister for Education appointed Professor Charlotte Williams to chair the black, Asian and minority ethnic communities, contributions and cynefin in the new curriculum working group. The work of the group includes—but goes beyond—black history, to consider a range of minority ethnicities as part of the story of Wales. Membership comprises experienced practitioners and contributors to black, Asian and minority ethnic and Welsh history.
Transport is also a key policy theme. It's vital to employment, education and access to services, and affects our social and community well-being and health. I'm grateful to the EHRC for providing invaluable advice and information to inform the development of the transport strategy, including information on older and disabled people's experiences of using public transport. The formal consultation closed yesterday, but 'Llwybr Newydd'—new path—sets out a long-term vision for an accessible and sustainable transport system.
Whilst the EHRC report mentions criminal justice, this remains a reserved matter, but many of the services needed to support offenders, ex-offenders and promote rehabilitation are devolved, and the responsibility of the Welsh Government. Last year, the Commission on Justice in Wales published its report, 'Justice in Wales for the People of Wales', and of particular relevance is the finding that the funding of legal advice services through legal aid means access to justice is not universally available across Wales. The commission on justice highlighted growing advice challenges in some areas, a serious risks to the long-term sustainability of many legal practices. But recognising this, the EHRC trained advice providers and public sector workers to raise awareness of discrimination so they can better respond to their clients' needs.
Members will be aware that the Welsh Government introduced the single advice fund to help meet the increasing demand for access to advice services. Ten million pounds of grant funding has been made available for provision of information and advice services from January last year until March this year. It's important that we recognise that advice services have had to change, with the single advice fund providers transferring their face-to-face advice services to remote channels—telephone, e-mail, web chat—a mammoth undertaking by the providers to transfer their services, but reaching out to so many.
It remains the intention of this Government to commence the socioeconomic duty, which will come into force by 31 March. The duty will require certain public bodies to consider the socioeconomic impact when making strategic decisions, and I'm proud our Government is taking this forward. But we've worked closely with the EHRC to prepare for the commencement, and to ensure the duty delivers its intended impact. It is important also that we've taken forward action in a number of other areas where EHRC have engaged with us: the race equality action plan for Wales, the LGBT+ action plan, research into the impact of COVID-19 on disabled people—we're awaiting a report that's been commissioned from Professor Debbie Foster of Cardiff University on that particular subject—but also, importantly, research into opportunities to strengthen and advance equality and human rights in Wales.
I think it's useful to just take note that we have worked to develop plans for Wales that have been co-constructed, particularly the race equality action plan, involving grass-roots groups, young people, older people, along with Welsh Government staff networks, with black, Asian and minority ethnic staff engaging in the vision for the race equality action plan. I think it's also important that the EHRC has played a part in our steering group, in the research into opportunities to strengthen equality and human rights in Wales. We've had many calls for action to strengthen and enhance our equality and human rights in Wales. We've commissioned research to inform future discussions, and a draft report is due next month.
The EHRC's impact report debated today provides us with just a brief taste of the commission's work in Wales, and continues to emphasise the importance of the EHRC's contribution to Welsh life, to improve lives and safeguard rights and help create a more equal Wales. Diolch yn fawr.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Rwy'n croesawu'r ddadl hon ar adroddiad effaith Comisiwn Cydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol Cymru ar gyfer 2019-20. Mae hwn yn gyfnod digynsail ar gyfer cydraddoldeb a hawliau dynol yn y DU ac mae cymunedau wedi bod yn wynebu heriau eithriadol o ganlyniad i bandemig y coronafeirws. Rydym ni i gyd yn ymwybodol bod rhai pobl yn cael eu heffeithio'n anghymesur ac yn anffafriol yn fwy nag eraill. Hoffwn ddiolch i'r cadeiryddion dros dro, Dr Alison Parken a Martyn Jones, a staff a bwrdd Cymru y Comisiwn Cydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol am eu gwaith parhaus yn tynnu sylw at anghydraddoldebau a hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb a hawliau dynol yng Nghymru yn ystod y cyfnod heriol hwn, ac ar gyfer yr adroddiad effaith hwn.
Yn eu hadroddiad, tynnodd y Comisiwn Cydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol sylw fel un o'u meysydd blaenoriaeth at bwysigrwydd addysg wrth greu cymdeithas fwy cyfartal a theg. Yn y cwricwlwm newydd, bydd dysgwyr yn archwilio'r cyd-destun lleol, cenedlaethol a byd-eang i bob agwedd ar ddysgu. Byddan nhw'n dysgu sut i wneud cysylltiadau a datblygu dealltwriaeth o fewn cymdeithas amrywiol. Fis Gorffennaf diwethaf, penododd y Gweinidog Addysg yr Athro Charlotte Williams i gadeirio'r gweithgor cymunedau, cyfraniadau a chynefin pobl dduon, Asiaidd a lleiafrifoedd ethnig yn y cwricwlwm newydd. Mae gwaith y gweithgor yn cynnwys—ond yn mynd y tu hwnt i—hanes pobl dduon, i ystyried amrywiaeth o ethnigrwydd lleiafrifol yn rhan o stori Cymru. Mae'r aelodau yn cynnwys ymarferwyr profiadol a chyfranwyr i hanes pobl dduon, Asiaidd a hanes lleiafrifoedd ethnig a Chymru.
Mae trafnidiaeth hefyd yn thema polisi allweddol. Mae'n hanfodol i gyflogaeth, addysg a'r cyfle i fanteisio ar wasanaethau, ac mae'n effeithio ar ein lles a'n hiechyd cymdeithasol a chymunedol. Rwy'n ddiolchgar i'r Comisiwn Cydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol am ddarparu cyngor a gwybodaeth amhrisiadwy i lywio datblygiad y strategaeth drafnidiaeth, gan gynnwys gwybodaeth ynghylch profiadau pobl hŷn a phobl anabl o ddefnyddio trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus. Daeth yr ymgynghoriad ffurfiol i ben ddoe, ond mae 'Llwybr Newydd' yn nodi gweledigaeth hirdymor ar gyfer system drafnidiaeth hygyrch a chynaliadwy.
Er bod adroddiad y Comisiwn Cydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol yn sôn am gyfiawnder troseddol, mae hwn yn parhau i fod yn fater a gedwir yn ôl, ond mae llawer o'r gwasanaethau sydd eu hangen i gefnogi troseddwyr, cyn-droseddwyr a hyrwyddo adsefydlu wedi'u datganoli, ac yn gyfrifoldeb Llywodraeth Cymru. Y llynedd, cyhoeddodd y Comisiwn ar Gyfiawnder yng Nghymru ei adroddiad, 'Cyfiawnder yng Nghymru i Bobl Cymru', ac yn arbennig o berthnasol yw'r canfyddiad bod ariannu gwasanaethau cyngor cyfreithiol drwy gymorth cyfreithiol yn golygu nad yw'r cyfle i fanteisio ar gyfiawnder ar gael i bawb ledled Cymru. Tynnodd y comisiwn ar gyfiawnder sylw at heriau cyngor cynyddol mewn rhai meysydd, risgiau difrifol i gynaliadwyedd hirdymor llawer o bractisau cyfreithiol. Ond wrth gydnabod hyn, gall darparwyr cyngor a gweithwyr y sector cyhoeddus gael eu hyfforddi gan Gomisiwn Cydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol i godi ymwybyddiaeth o wahaniaethu fel y gallant ymateb yn well i anghenion eu cleientiaid.
Bydd yr Aelodau'n ymwybodol bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyflwyno'r gronfa gynghori sengl i helpu i ateb y galw cynyddol am gyfle i fanteisio ar wasanaethau cynghori. Mae deg miliwn o bunnoedd o gyllid grant ar gael ar gyfer darparu gwasanaethau gwybodaeth a chyngor o fis Ionawr y llynedd tan fis Mawrth eleni. Mae'n bwysig i ni gydnabod bod gwasanaethau cynghori wedi gorfod newid, gyda darparwyr y gronfa gynghori sengl yn trosglwyddo eu gwasanaethau cynghori wyneb yn wyneb i sianeli o bell—ffôn, e-bost, sgwrs ar y we—ymrwymiad enfawr gan y darparwyr i drosglwyddo eu gwasanaethau, ond estyn at gynifer.
Bwriad y Llywodraeth hon o hyd yw cychwyn y ddyletswydd economaidd-gymdeithasol, a ddaw i rym erbyn 31 Mawrth. Bydd y ddyletswydd yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i rai cyrff cyhoeddus ystyried yr effaith economaidd-gymdeithasol wrth wneud penderfyniadau strategol, ac rwy'n falch bod ein Llywodraeth yn bwrw ymlaen â hyn. Ond rydym ni wedi gweithio'n agos gyda'r Comisiwn Cydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol i baratoi ar gyfer y cychwyn, ac i sicrhau bod y ddyletswydd yn cyflawni ei heffaith arfaethedig. Mae'n bwysig hefyd ein bod ni wedi cymryd camau mewn nifer o feysydd eraill lle mae'r Comisiwn Cydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol wedi ymgysylltu â ni: cynllun gweithredu cydraddoldeb hiliol Cymru, y cynllun gweithredu LGBT+, ymchwil i effaith COVID-19 ar bobl anabl—rydym ni'n aros am adroddiad sydd wedi'i gomisiynu gan yr Athro Debbie Foster o Brifysgol Caerdydd ar y pwnc penodol hwnnw—ond hefyd, yn bwysig, ymchwil i gyfleoedd i gryfhau a hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb a hawliau dynol yng Nghymru.
Rwy'n credu ei bod yn ddefnyddiol nodi ein bod ni wedi gweithio i ddatblygu cynlluniau ar gyfer Cymru sydd wedi'u cyd-ddatblygu, yn enwedig y cynllun gweithredu cydraddoldeb hiliol, sy'n cynnwys grwpiau ar lawr gwlad, pobl ifanc, pobl hŷn, ynghyd â rhwydweithiau staff Llywodraeth Cymru, gyda staff du, Asiaidd a lleiafrifoedd ethnig yn cymryd rhan yn y weledigaeth ar gyfer y cynllun gweithredu cydraddoldeb hiliol. Rwy'n credu ei bod hefyd yn bwysig bod y Comisiwn Cydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol wedi chwarae rhan yn ein grŵp llywio, yn yr ymchwil i gyfleoedd i gryfhau cydraddoldeb a hawliau dynol yng Nghymru. Rydym ni wedi cael llawer o alwadau am weithredu i gryfhau a gwella ein cydraddoldeb a'n hawliau dynol yng Nghymru. Rydym ni wedi comisiynu ymchwil i lywio trafodaethau yn y dyfodol, a disgwylir adroddiad drafft fis nesaf.
Mae adroddiad effaith y Comisiwn Cydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol sy'n cael ei drafod heddiw yn rhoi blas byr i ni o waith y comisiwn yng Nghymru, ac mae'n parhau i bwysleisio pwysigrwydd cyfraniad y Comisiwn Cydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol i fywyd Cymru, i wella bywydau a diogelu hawliau ac i helpu i greu Cymru fwy cyfartal. Diolch yn fawr.
I welcome this debate this afternoon on the equality and human rights annual review. The review sets out five priority aims for strengthening the equality and human rights laws in Wales, and it's those things I wish to address in my remarks today.
Their first aim is to promote equal access to the labour market. The sad fact is that women continue to be under-represented in the workforce. Women are more likely to be working in part-time, low-paid roles, and often have to make difficult decisions about whether to work or take on the responsibility of caring for their children. As a result, poverty rates in Wales remain stubbornly high. Women's risk of poverty is closely linked to their position in the labour market and within households. As second earners or primary carers, many women have limited independent income, leaving them especially vulnerable to falling into poverty in the event of a relationship breakdown. This has a direct impact on pay and progression and contributes to the gender pay gap.
Figures published by the Wales TUC in March reveal gender pay gaps as high as 25 per cent in some parts of Wales. Chwarae Teg has a vision for Wales to become a world leader in gender equality, where all women are able to reach their full potential, and I very much share that vision. To achieve this, we have to address another priority aim—to promote equality in the education system. I'm concerned that, all too often, careers advice tends to guide women towards apprenticeships in sectors where pay is less than in those dominated by men. Apprenticeships are often a route into careers in non-traditional sectors, and the gender imbalance is even more stark here. Women accounted for just 2.4 per cent of apprenticeship starts in construction, engineering and manufacturing in 2017-18. As the London School of Economics found, to stop the perpetuation of gender inequality through schools, as well as to address its existence in society at large, initiatives to promote gender equality in and through schools are imperative. Schools have enormous potential to effect change in gender relations, views and practices.
Acting Presiding Officer, I want to say a few words about the priority aim of supporting the economic and social inclusion of the disabled and elderly through public transport. While improvements have been made, 21 per cent of Welsh railway stations still have no step-free access, making them inaccessible to elderly and disabled passengers. All trains in the UK were meant to be fully accessible by January 2020, but some carriages still do not conform with the law, and a number of stations have steep steps and no lifts or ramps for people to access platforms. The charity Leonard Cheshire has claimed that disabled people's lives are being blighted by inaccessible local stations, and trains not being fit for purpose. Last week, we marked the international day of disabled people. This provided an opportunity for us to reiterate our commitment to create inclusive, accessible and sustainable communities for the disabled here in Wales. Addressing the problem of accessibility of transport for our disabled and elderly people will enable us to do that.
Acting Presiding Officer, on behalf of the Welsh Conservatives, I welcome this report and the aims it identifies to remove barriers to equal opportunity as we progress to create a fair, just and fully-inclusive Wales. Thank you.
Rwy'n croesawu'r ddadl hon y prynhawn yma ar yr adolygiad blynyddol o gydraddoldeb a hawliau dynol. Mae'r adolygiad yn nodi pum nod blaenoriaeth ar gyfer cryfhau'r cyfreithiau cydraddoldeb a hawliau dynol yng Nghymru, a'r pethau hynny yr hoffwn i fynd i'r afael â nhw yn fy sylwadau heddiw.
Eu nod cyntaf yw hyrwyddo cyfle cyfartal i fanteisio ar y farchnad lafur. Y ffaith drist yw bod menywod yn parhau i gael eu tangynrychioli yn y gweithlu. Mae menywod yn fwy tebygol o fod yn gweithio mewn swyddi rhan-amser, ar gyflog isel, ac yn aml mae'n rhaid iddyn nhw wneud penderfyniadau anodd ynghylch p'un ai gweithio neu ymgymryd â'r cyfrifoldeb o ofalu am eu plant. O ganlyniad, mae cyfraddau tlodi yng Nghymru yn dal yn ystyfnig o uchel. Mae cysylltiad agos rhwng risg menywod o dlodi a'u sefyllfa yn y farchnad lafur ac o fewn aelwydydd. Fel ail enillwyr cyflog neu brif ofalwyr, mae llawer o fenywod nad oes ganddynt fawr o incwm annibynnol, gan eu gadael yn arbennig o agored i dlodi pe byddai eu perthynas yn chwalu. Mae gan hyn effaith uniongyrchol ar dâl a chynnydd ac mae'n cyfrannu at y bwlch cyflog rhwng y rhywiau.
Mae ffigurau a gyhoeddwyd gan TUC Cymru ym mis Mawrth yn dangos bod bylchau cyflog rhwng y rhywiau mor uchel â 25 y cant mewn rhai rhannau o Gymru. Mae gan Chwarae Teg weledigaeth i Gymru ddod yn arweinydd byd-eang ym maes cydraddoldeb rhywiol, lle gall pob menyw gyrraedd ei llawn botensial, ac rwyf i'n rhannu'r weledigaeth honno'n fawr. Er mwyn cyflawni hyn, mae'n rhaid i ni fynd i'r afael â nod blaenoriaeth arall—hybu cydraddoldeb yn y system addysg. Rwy'n pryderu bod cyngor gyrfaoedd, yn rhy aml o lawer, yn tueddu i arwain menywod tuag at brentisiaethau mewn sectorau lle mae cyflog yn llai nag yn y rhai sy'n cael eu dominyddu gan ddynion. Mae prentisiaethau'n aml yn llwybr at yrfaoedd mewn sectorau anhraddodiadol, ac mae'r anghydbwysedd rhwng y rhywiau hyd yn oed yn fwy amlwg yma. Menywod oedd yn cyfrif am ddim ond 2.4 y cant o'r rhai a dechreuodd brentisiaethau ym maes adeiladu, peirianneg a gweithgynhyrchu yn 2017-18. Fel y gwnaeth Ysgol Economeg Llundain ei ddarganfod, er mwyn atal anghydraddoldeb rhwng y rhywiau drwy ysgolion, yn ogystal â mynd i'r afael â'i fodolaeth mewn cymdeithas yn gyffredinol, mae mentrau i hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb rhywiol mewn ysgolion a drwy ysgolion yn hanfodol. Mae gan ysgolion botensial enfawr i sicrhau newid mewn cysylltiadau, safbwyntiau ac arferion rhywedd.
Llywydd dros dro, hoffwn i ddweud ychydig eiriau am y nod blaenoriaeth o gefnogi cynhwysiant economaidd a chymdeithasol pobl anabl a phobl hŷn drwy drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus. Er bod gwelliannau wedi'u gwneud, nid oes gan 21 y cant o orsafoedd rheilffordd Cymru fynediad heb risiau o hyd, sy'n golygu nad ydyn nhw'n hygyrch i deithwyr hŷn ac anabl. Roedd pob trên yn y DU i fod yn gwbl hygyrch erbyn mis Ionawr 2020, ond nid yw rhai cerbydau'n cydymffurfio â'r gyfraith o hyd, ac mae gan nifer o orsafoedd risiau serth a dim lifftiau na rampiau i bobl gael mynediad i lwyfannau. Mae'r elusen Leonard Cheshire wedi honni bod bywydau pobl anabl yn cael eu difetha gan orsafoedd lleol anhygyrch, ac nad yw trenau'n addas i'r diben. Yr wythnos diwethaf, gwnaethom ni nodi diwrnod rhyngwladol pobl anabl. Roedd hyn yn gyfle i ni ailadrodd ein hymrwymiad i greu cymunedau cynhwysol, hygyrch a chynaliadwy i'r anabl yma yng Nghymru. Bydd mynd i'r afael â phroblem hygyrchedd trafnidiaeth i'n pobl anabl a'n pobl hŷn yn ein galluogi i wneud hynny.
Llywydd dros dro, ar ran y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig, rwy'n croesawu'r adroddiad hwn a'r nodau y mae'n eu nodi i ddileu rhwystrau i gyfle cyfartal wrth i ni symud ymlaen i greu Cymru deg, gyfartal a chynhwysol. Diolch.
I'd like to start my contribution to this debate with a quote from the EHRC Wales committee chair, Martyn Jones: 'Behind the statistics are real people with lived experiences of discrimination and inequality. We need to shine a light on the positive contribution made by all groups in society on a daily basis. We must change the narrative from one of burden and negativity to one that empowers individuals to be who they want to be, regardless of their age, sex or socioeconomic background. Everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect.'
We in Plaid Cymru would agree. We want Wales to be a fair and just society where everyone is treated equally and enjoys the same rights, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation. The real lived experiences of discrimination and inequality must be recognised when drawing up policies across all Government departments. That's why I welcome the commitment by the Welsh Government to bring the socioeconomic duty into force in March 2021, and I hope this will lead to a cross-Government approach to reducing inequality and poverty through a national outcomes model. This good progress stands in contrast to the Tories in Westminster, who seem intent on undermining human rights, and that is a strong argument in favour of seeking the responsibility for equalities legislation to be devolved to Wales.
Although most of the work highlighted in this report was carried out before the coronavirus pandemic, we cannot ignore the current context from an equalities perspective. COVID has disproportionately affected older people and disabled people, with impacts including mortality, isolation from family and friends, as well as significant effects on physical and mental health. Reduced care availability and the introduction of isolation measures have resulted in nearly 200,000 more people in Wales undertaking unpaid caring responsibilities since the start of the pandemic.
Around a quarter of the adult population of Wales—700,000 people—now care for a family member or friend. I want to see the Deputy Minister commit to placing equalities at the heart of the Welsh Government's pandemic recovery planning, policy development, and implementation, including assessing equality impact and publishing these assessments. Communities and affected groups should be encouraged and enabled to participate in the decision-making process. We have an opportunity to equalise post COVID. Let's do what we can to see that through.
Hoffwn i ddechrau fy nghyfraniad i'r ddadl hon gyda dyfyniad gan gadeirydd pwyllgor Comisiwn Cydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol Cymru, Martyn Jones: 'Y tu ôl i'r ystadegau mae pobl go iawn sydd â phrofiadau byw o wahaniaethu ac anghydraddoldeb. Mae angen i ni daflu goleuni ar y cyfraniad cadarnhaol a wneir gan bob grŵp mewn cymdeithas o ddydd i ddydd. Rhaid inni newid y naratif o un o faich a negyddoldeb i un sy'n grymuso unigolion i fod yr hyn y maent am fod waeth beth fo'u hoedran, eu rhyw neu eu cefndir economaidd-gymdeithasol. Mae gan bawb yr hawl i gael eu trin ag urddas a pharch.'
Byddem ni ym Mhlaid Cymru yn cytuno. Rydym ni eisiau i Gymru fod yn gymdeithas deg a chyfiawn lle mae pawb yn cael eu trin yn gyfartal ac yn mwynhau'r un hawliau, waeth beth fo'u rhywedd, ethnigrwydd, crefydd neu gyfeiriadedd rhywiol. Mae'n rhaid cydnabod profiadau byw go iawn o wahaniaethu ac anghydraddoldeb wrth lunio polisïau ar draws holl adrannau'r Llywodraeth. Dyna pam rwy'n croesawu ymrwymiad Llywodraeth Cymru i ddod â'r ddyletswydd economaidd-gymdeithasol i rym ym mis Mawrth 2021, ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd hyn yn arwain at ddull traws-Lywodraeth o leihau anghydraddoldeb a thlodi drwy fodel canlyniadau cenedlaethol. Mae'r cynnydd da hwn yn wahanol i'r Torïaid yn San Steffan, sy'n ymddangos yn benderfynol o danseilio hawliau dynol, ac mae honno'n ddadl gref o blaid ceisio'r cyfrifoldeb dros ddatganoli deddfwriaeth cydraddoldeb i Gymru.
Er i'r rhan fwyaf o'r gwaith sydd wedi'i amlygu yn yr adroddiad hwn gael ei wneud cyn pandemig y coronafeirws, ni allwn ni anwybyddu'r cyd-destun presennol o safbwynt cydraddoldeb. Mae COVID wedi effeithio'n anghymesur ar bobl hŷn a phobl anabl, ac mae'r effeithiau yn cynnwys marwolaethau, bod wedi'u hynysu o deulu a ffrindiau, yn ogystal ag effeithiau sylweddol ar iechyd corfforol a meddyliol. Mae llai o ofal ar gael ac mae cyflwyno mesurau ynysu wedi arwain at bron i 200,000 yn fwy o bobl yng Nghymru yn ymgymryd â chyfrifoldebau gofalu di-dâl ers dechrau'r pandemig.
Mae tua chwarter poblogaeth oedolion Cymru—700,000 o bobl—yn gofalu am aelod o'r teulu neu ffrind ar hyn o bryd. Rwyf i eisiau gweld y Dirprwy Weinidog yn ymrwymo i roi cydraddoldeb wrth wraidd gwaith cynllunio adfer o'r pandemig Llywodraeth Cymru, datblygu polisi a gweithredu, gan gynnwys asesu'r effaith ar gydraddoldeb a chyhoeddi'r asesiadau hyn. Dylai cymunedau a grwpiau sydd wedi'u heffeithio gael eu hannog a'u galluogi i gymryd rhan yn y broses o wneud penderfyniadau. Mae gennym ni gyfle i gydraddoli ar ôl COVID. Gadewch i ni wneud yr hyn a allwn ni i gyflawni hynny.
I welcome the report and the debate we're having in the Senedd today. It is a somewhat strange debate, because it relates to a UK-based organisation, on non-devolved functions, which has reported to this Senedd, which we vote on, and we have very little say in the mandate and framework within which it operates. So, I want to express my dissatisfaction with what I think is a timid report and its content, and, indeed, the state of human rights in Wales and the UK, which I believe is a direct result of the actions of this Tory Government in Westminster.
Now, I don't criticise the staff of the EHRC, but I do criticise the direction of the EHRC, which has been, since 2010, downgraded year after year. In 2007, when it was set up, it had a budget of £70 million. This year, some 13 years later, it has a budget of £17 million. So, it's no wonder it's so limited in what it can do and, in my estimation, has had something like a 500 per cent plus cut in its resources. That shouldn't be a surprise to us, because the UK Government has downgraded human rights just as it has downgraded, for example, the health and safety executive. These bodies that should be at the forefront of human rights and workers' safety rights have effectively been deliberately neutered. The Prime Minister and his predecessors have, from day one, attacked the Human Rights Act 1998 and the European convention on human rights, and, as we all know, even attempted to pass laws to allow the UK Government to break international law, and the Welsh Conservatives have collaborated in that agenda.
Turning to the report itself, it is, in my view, wholly inadequate and disappointing. The detail is limited and it fails to report on some of the big challenges facing Wales. In fact, there is more detail in the UK report relating to Wales than there is in the Welsh report. It fails to tackle head on the diminution of access to justice in Wales, the closure of courts. It fails to refer in any way to the way in which our communities have now limited access to justice and, in fact, were it not for the Welsh Government's support for citizens advice and support networks, there would be virtually no access to justice for so many people in Wales. It fails to make any useful comment on the impact of UK Government welfare reforms on inequality and poverty, and the disastrous roll-out of universal credit has not even been mentioned. Part of the problem is that its mandate now from UK Government is so watered down that it has become virtually invisible. I believe it is time that the functions of the EHRC in Wales were fully devolved, and I say the same for the health and safety executive. I cannot see how these bodies can any longer function effectively until their organisation and their mandate is devolved and becomes properly accountable to this Senedd and thereby to the people of Wales. Diolch.
Rwy'n croesawu'r adroddiad a'r ddadl rydym ni'n ei chael yn y Senedd heddiw. Mae'n ddadl braidd yn rhyfedd, oherwydd mae'n ymwneud â sefydliad yn y DU, ar swyddogaethau nad ydyn nhw wedi'u datganoli, sydd wedi adrodd i'r Senedd hon, y byddwn ni'n pleidleisio arno, ac ychydig iawn o lais sydd gennym ni yn y mandad a'r fframwaith y mae'n gweithredu oddi mewn iddyn nhw. Felly, hoffwn i fynegi fy anfodlonrwydd â'r hyn sydd, yn fy marn i, yn adroddiad dihyder a'i gynnwys, ac, yn wir, cyflwr hawliau dynol yng Nghymru a'r DU, sydd, yn fy marn i, yn ganlyniad uniongyrchol i weithredoedd y Llywodraeth Dorïaidd hon yn San Steffan.
Nawr, nid wyf i'n beirniadu staff y Comisiwn Cydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol, ond rwy'n beirniadu cyfeiriad y Comisiwn Cydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol, sydd, ers 2010, wedi'i israddio flwyddyn ar ôl blwyddyn. Yn 2007, pan gafodd ei sefydlu, roedd ganddo gyllideb o £70 miliwn. Eleni, tua 13 mlynedd yn ddiweddarach, mae ganddo gyllideb o £17 miliwn. Felly, nid yw'n syndod ei fod mor gyfyngedig yn yr hyn y gall ei wneud ac, o fy amcangyfrif i, mae wedi cael rhywbeth tebyg i doriad o 500 y cant a mwy yn ei adnoddau. Ni ddylai hynny fod yn syndod i ni, oherwydd mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi israddio hawliau dynol yn union fel y mae wedi israddio, er enghraifft, yr awdurdod gweithredol iechyd a diogelwch. Mae'r cyrff hyn a ddylai fod ar flaen y gad o ran hawliau dynol a hawliau diogelwch gweithwyr wedi'u gwanhau yn fwriadol i bob pwrpas. Mae Prif Weinidog y DU a'i ragflaenwyr, o'r diwrnod cyntaf, wedi ymosod ar Ddeddf Hawliau Dynol 1998 a'r confensiwn Ewropeaidd ar hawliau dynol, ac, fel y gwyddom ni i gyd, hyd yn oed wedi ceisio pasio deddfau i ganiatáu i Lywodraeth y DU dorri cyfraith ryngwladol, ac mae Ceidwadwyr Cymru wedi cydweithio yn yr agenda honno.
Gan droi at yr adroddiad ei hun, yn fy marn i, mae'n gwbl annigonol a siomedig. Mae'r manylion yn gyfyngedig ac nid yw'n adrodd ar rai o'r heriau mawr sy'n wynebu Cymru. Yn wir, mae mwy o fanylion yn adroddiad y DU sy'n ymwneud â Chymru nag sydd yn adroddiad Cymru. Nid yw'n mynd i'r afael yn uniongyrchol â lleihau’r cyfle i fanteisio ar gyfiawnder yng Nghymru, y llysoedd yn cael eu cau. Nid yw'n cyfeirio mewn unrhyw ffordd at y ffordd y mae nawr gan ein cymunedau cyfleoedd cyfyngedig o ran manteisio ar gyfiawnder ac, mewn gwirionedd, oni bai am gefnogaeth Llywodraeth Cymru i rwydweithiau cyngor ar bopeth i ddinasyddion, ni fyddai braidd dim cyfle i fanteisio ar gyfiawnder i gynifer o bobl yng Nghymru. Nid yw'n gwneud unrhyw sylw defnyddiol ar effaith diwygiadau lles Llywodraeth y DU ar anghydraddoldeb a thlodi, ac nid oes sôn hyd yn oed am gyflwyniad trychinebus credyd cynhwysol. Rhan o'r broblem yw bod ei mandad yn awr gan Lywodraeth y DU wedi'i leihau gymaint fel ei bod bron yn anweledig. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bryd datganoli swyddogaethau'r Comisiwn Cydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol yng Nghymru yn llawn, ac rwy'n dweud yr un peth o ran yr awdurdod gweithredol iechyd a diogelwch. Ni allaf i weld sut y gall y cyrff hyn weithredu'n effeithiol mwyach nes bod eu sefydliad a'u mandad wedi'u datganoli a'u bod yn dod yn gwbl atebol i'r Senedd hon a thrwy hynny i bobl Cymru. Diolch.
And the Minister to reply to the debate.
A'r Gweinidog i ymateb i'r ddadl.
Thank you, acting Deputy Presiding Officer. I would like to thank Members of the Senedd for participating today, clearly demonstrating why it's important that the Equality and Human Rights Commission continues to have a strong and distinct presence in Wales, taking on board, of course, Mick Antoniw's challenges, as far as that's concerned their ability to deliver in terms of the restrictions not just on their budget but also in terms of their relationships and our powers here in Wales in relation to equality and human rights. Of course, that's what the research that we're undertaking is enabling us to look at, to test out in terms of strengthening equality and human rights, for us to consider whether we need to legislate in this field. I'm grateful for the contributions that have been made in the debate today, and particularly, Laura Anne Jones, the fact that you focused on gender, women's rights, equal access to the labour market and the difficulties and barriers that women still face. I think it's interesting that we've got the gender budgeting pilot now in terms of personal learning accounts, and we discussed that in the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee last week, because that, actually, does identify where we need to target and focus on particular barriers facing women, and still the gender segregation in the labour market. But, of course, the Chwarae Teg gender equality review does provide us with a road map to continue to address many of those issues.
Of course, also, Leanne speaks very powerfully about the importance of us learning and engaging, as Martyn Jones has said, in terms of the lived experience of those who are facing inequality and disadvantage. And I think one of the points that I'd like to—I shone a bit of a light on the work that we're doing with the race equality action plan. This plan should and must demonstrate our commitment as an anti-racist Government. We're trying to ensure that we learn through the lived experience of those who are engaging with us, through mentoring schemes, for example, and grants to small grass-roots organisations, as I've said, but also recognising that we need to make real cultural change in order to deliver on those objectives. And we have trialled many approaches through the plan with, for example, the steering group chaired by both Professor Emmanuel Ogbonna and the Permanent Secretary, which, of course, is a real step change in the way that we do business in Wales. But, of course, Leanne and, indeed, Mick Antoniw are completely clear about the challenge that we've got in terms of socioeconomic inequalities, which came through very clearly in terms of the work that was done by our black, Asian and minority ethnic COVID-19 advisory group—that we needed to look at the socioeconomic impacts of coronavirus on people and communities in terms of the socioeconomic factors and not just clinical factors that may be disproportionately impacting on black, Asian and minority ethnic communities. So, again, the socioeconomic duty that we are enacting is a crucial sign of this Government's commitment to enacting that.
I'm interested as well that there are a lot of calls in England for this to be enacted—Part 1 of the Equality Act 2010. We are determined to enact it and I think there's strong support in this Senedd as well, based on the evidence that you receive in your committees. Again, that's been clearly highlighted in the committee chaired by John Griffiths as a crucial way forward in terms of us tackling socioeconomic disadvantage in terms of inequality.
So, in terms of responding to the Equality and Human Rights Commission impact report, we have got some insights into their work and their priorities in Wales, and also recognise, as I have identified, ways in which we can work together to deliver on the opportunities that we can share in terms of strengthening equality and advancing human rights. But as of today, it is about the opportunity that we do have to deliver for the people of Wales in terms of tackling inequalities, focusing, as we are now, on the impact of coronavirus on equality and human rights.
And finally, to say that, as you know and as has been said very clearly by the Welsh Government and by the First Minister, and, indeed, the Counsel General in terms of recovery, equality and human rights are at the heart of recovery and continuity plans. And the equality impact assessments, as Leanne Wood has asked, have to guide and steer every decision that we make in the Welsh Government. Diolch yn fawr.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd dros dro. Hoffwn ddiolch i Aelodau'r Senedd am gymryd rhan heddiw, gan ddangos yn glir pam y mae'n bwysig bod y Comisiwn Cydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol yn parhau i fod â phresenoldeb cryf a phendant yng Nghymru, gan dderbyn, wrth gwrs, heriau Mick Antoniw, o ran hynny, eu gallu i gyflawni o ran y cyfyngiadau nid yn unig ar eu cyllideb ond hefyd o ran eu perthynas a'n pwerau yma yng Nghymru o ran cydraddoldeb a hawliau dynol. Wrth gwrs, dyna y mae'r ymchwil yr ydym yn ei gwneud yn ein galluogi i edrych arno, i brofi o ran cryfhau cydraddoldeb a hawliau dynol, er mwyn i ni ystyried a oes angen i ni ddeddfu yn y maes hwn. Rwy'n ddiolchgar am y cyfraniadau sydd wedi'u gwneud yn y ddadl heddiw, ac yn enwedig Laura Anne Jones, y ffaith eich bod chi wedi canolbwyntio ar rywedd, hawliau menywod, mynediad cyfartal i'r farchnad lafur a'r anawsterau a'r rhwystrau y mae menywod yn dal i'w hwynebu. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn ddiddorol bod gennym y cynllun treialu cyllidebu ar sail rhywedd yn awr o ran cyfrifon dysgu personol, a thrafodwyd hynny gennym yn y Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb, Llywodraeth Leol a Chymunedau yr wythnos diwethaf, oherwydd mae hynny, mewn gwirionedd, yn nodi lle mae angen i ni dargedu a chanolbwyntio ar rwystrau penodol sy'n wynebu menywod, a'r gwahanu rhwng y rhywiau yn y farchnad lafur o hyd. Ond, wrth gwrs, mae adolygiad Chwarae Teg o gydraddoldeb rhywiol yn rhoi llwybr i ni barhau i fynd i'r afael â llawer o'r materion hynny.
Wrth gwrs, hefyd, mae Leanne yn siarad yn rymus iawn am bwysigrwydd dysgu ac ymgysylltu, fel y mae Martyn Jones wedi'i ddweud, o ran profiad byw y rhai sy'n wynebu anghydraddoldeb ac anfantais. Ac rwy'n credu mai un o'r pwyntiau yr hoffwn i ei wneud—fe wnes i roi ychydig o oleuni ar y gwaith yr ydym ni'n ei wneud gyda'r cynllun gweithredu cydraddoldeb hiliol. Dylai'r cynllun hwn ddangos ein hymrwymiad fel Llywodraeth wrth-hiliol a rhaid iddo wneud hynny. Rydym yn ceisio sicrhau ein bod yn dysgu drwy brofiad byw y rhai sy'n ymgysylltu â ni, drwy gynlluniau mentora, er enghraifft, a grantiau i sefydliadau bach ar lawr gwlad, fel y dywedais i, ond hefyd yn cydnabod bod angen i ni wneud newid diwylliannol gwirioneddol er mwyn cyflawni'r amcanion hynny. Ac rydym wedi treialu llawer o ddulliau drwy'r cynllun gyda'r grŵp llywio, er enghraifft, dan gadeiryddiaeth yr Athro Emmanuel Ogbonna a'r Ysgrifennydd Parhaol, sydd, wrth gwrs, yn newid sylweddol iawn yn y ffordd yr ydym yn gwneud busnes yng Nghymru. Ond, wrth gwrs, mae Leanne ac, yn wir, Mick Antoniw yn gwbl glir ynglŷn â'r her sydd gennym o ran anghydraddoldebau economaidd-gymdeithasol, a ddaeth drwodd yn glir iawn o ran y gwaith a wnaed gan ein grŵp cynghori ar COVID-19 du, Asiaidd a lleiafrifoedd ethnig—bod angen i ni edrych ar effeithiau economaidd-gymdeithasol y coronafeirws ar bobl a chymunedau o ran y ffactorau economaidd-gymdeithasol ac nid ffactorau clinigol yn unig a allai fod yn effeithio'n anghymesur ar gymunedau du, Asiaidd a lleiafrifoedd ethnig. Felly, unwaith eto, mae'r ddyletswydd economaidd-gymdeithasol yr ydym ni'n ei deddfu yn arwydd hollbwysig o ymrwymiad y Llywodraeth hon i ddeddfu hynny.
Mae gennyf ddiddordeb hefyd fod llawer o alwadau yn Lloegr i hyn gael ei ddeddfu—Rhan 1 o Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb 2010. Rydym yn benderfynol o'i ddeddfu ac rwy'n credu bod cefnogaeth gref yn y Senedd hon hefyd, yn seiliedig ar y dystiolaeth a gewch yn eich pwyllgorau. Unwaith eto, tynnwyd sylw'n glir at hynny yn y pwyllgor dan gadeiryddiaeth John Griffiths fel ffordd hollbwysig ymlaen o ran mynd i'r afael ag anfantais economaidd-gymdeithasol o ran anghydraddoldeb.
Felly, o ran ymateb i adroddiad effaith y Comisiwn Cydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol, yr ydym wedi cael rhywfaint o fewnwelediad i'w gwaith a'u blaenoriaethau yng Nghymru, a hefyd yn cydnabod, fel yr wyf i wedi nodi, ffyrdd y gallwn gydweithio i gyflawni'r cyfleoedd y gallwn ni eu rhannu o ran cryfhau cydraddoldeb a hyrwyddo hawliau dynol. Ond o heddiw ymlaen, mae'n ymwneud â'r cyfle sydd gennym i gyflawni dros bobl Cymru o ran mynd i'r afael ag anghydraddoldebau, gan ganolbwyntio, fel yr ydym yn awr, ar effaith y coronafeirws ar gydraddoldeb a hawliau dynol.
Ac yn olaf, dweud, fel y gwyddoch chi ac fel y dywedwyd yn glir iawn gan Lywodraeth Cymru a chan y Prif Weinidog, ac, yn wir, y Cwnsler Cyffredinol o ran adferiad, bod cydraddoldeb a hawliau dynol wrth wraidd cynlluniau adfer a pharhad. Ac mae'n rhaid i'r asesiadau o'r effaith ar gydraddoldeb, fel y gofynnodd Leanne Wood, arwain a llywio pob penderfyniad a wnawn yn Llywodraeth Cymru. Diolch yn fawr.
Thank you, Minister. The proposal is to agree the motion. Does any Member object? I do not think that there is an objection. The motion is therefore agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Diolch, Gweinidog. Y cynnig yw ein bod yn derbyn y cynnig. A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Nid wyf i'n credu bod gwrthwynebiad. Felly, derbynnir y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Now, in accordance with Standing Order 12.18, I will suspend the meeting before we proceed to voting time.
Nawr, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.18, byddaf yn atal y cyfarfod cyn i ni symud ymlaen at y cyfnod pleidleisio.
Ataliwyd y Cyfarfod Llawn am 17:55.
Plenary was suspended at 17:55.
Ailymgynullodd y Senedd am 17:59, gyda'r Dirprwy Lywydd (Ann Jones) yn y Gadair.
The Senedd reconvened at 17:59, with the Deputy Presiding Officer (Ann Jones) in the Chair.
So, we'll move to voting time, and the first vote this evening is on the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 5) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2021, and I call for a vote on the motion, tabled in the name of Rebecca Evans. Open the vote. Everybody happy? Close the vote. For the motion 46, two abstentions, four against. Therefore, item 9 is agreed.
Felly, byddwn ni'n symud at y cyfnod pleidleisio, ac mae'r bleidlais gyntaf heno ar Reoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Cyfyngiadau Coronafeirws) (Rhif 5) (Cymru) (Diwygio) 2021, a galwaf am bleidlais ar y cynnig, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Rebecca Evans. Agorwch y bleidlais. Pawb yn hapus? Caewch y bleidlais. Ar gyfer y cynnig 46, mae dau yn ymatal, pedwar yn erbyn. Felly, derbynnir eitem 9.
Eitem 9 - Rheoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Cyfyngiadau Coronafeirws) (Rhif 5) (Cymru) (Diwygio) 2021: O blaid: 46, Yn erbyn: 4, Ymatal: 2
Derbyniwyd y cynnig
Item 9 - The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 5) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 : For: 46, Against: 4, Abstain: 2
Motion has been agreed
We now move to vote on item 10, which is the motion under Standing Order 26.95 that a Bill to be known as the Welsh Elections (Coronavirus) Bill be treated as a Government emergency Bill, and I call for a vote on the motion, tabled in the name of Rebecca Evans. Open the vote. Okay. Close the vote. For the motion 47, no abstentions, five against. Therefore, the motion under item 10 is agreed.
Symudwn ni yn awr i bleidleisio ar eitem 10, sef y cynnig o dan Reol Sefydlog 26.95 y dylid trin Bil a elwir yn Fil Etholiadau Cymru (Coronafeirws) fel Bil brys y Llywodraeth, a galwaf am bleidlais ar y cynnig, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Rebecca Evans. Agorwch y bleidlais. Iawn. Caewch y bleidlais. O blaid y cynnig 47, neb yn ymatal, pump yn erbyn. Felly, derbynnir y cynnig o dan eitem 10.
Eitem 10 - Cynnig o dan Reol Sefydlog 26.95 fod Bil a elwir yn Fil Etholiadau Cymru (Coronafeirws) yn cael ei drin fel Bil Brys y Llywodraeth: O blaid: 47, Yn erbyn: 5, Ymatal: 0
Derbyniwyd y cynnig
Item 10 - Motion under Standing Order 26.95 that a Bill to be known as the Welsh Elections (Coronavirus) Bill be treated as a Government Emergency Bill: For: 47, Against: 5, Abstain: 0
Motion has been agreed
We now move to vote on item 11, which is the motion under Standing Order 26.98 to agree a timetable for the Bill to be known as the Welsh Elections (Coronavirus) Bill, and I call for a vote on the motion, tabled in the name of Rebecca Evans. Open the vote. Close the vote. For the motion 47, no abstentions, five against. Therefore, the motion under item 11 is agreed.
Symudwn yn awr i bleidleisio ar eitem 11, sef y cynnig o dan Reol Sefydlog 26.98 i gytuno ar amserlen i'r Bil gael ei alw'n Fil Etholiadau Cymru (Coronafeirws), a galwaf am bleidlais ar y cynnig, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Rebecca Evans. Agorwch y bleidlais. Caewch y bleidlais. Ar gyfer y cynnig 47, neb yn ymatal, pump yn erbyn. Felly, derbynnir y cynnig o dan eitem 11.
Eitem 11 - Cynnig o dan Reol Sefydlog 26.98(ii) i gytuno ar amserlen ar gyfer y Bil a elwir yn Fil Etholiadau Cymru (Coronafeirws): O blaid: 47, Yn erbyn: 5, Ymatal: 0
Derbyniwyd y cynnig
Item 11 - Motion under Standing Order 26.98(ii) to agree a timetable for the Bill to be known as the Welsh Elections (Coronavirus) Bill: For: 47, Against: 5, Abstain: 0
Motion has been agreed
And that brings today's proceedings to a close. Thank you very much.
Ac mae hynny'n dod â thrafodion heddiw i ben. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Daeth y cyfarfod i ben am 18:02.
The meeting ended at 18:02.