Y Cyfarfod Llawn
Yn y fersiwn ddwyieithog, mae’r golofn chwith yn cynnwys yr iaith a lefarwyd yn y cyfarfod. Mae’r golofn dde yn cynnwys cyfieithiad o’r areithiau hynny.
In the bilingual version, the left-hand column includes the language used during the meeting. The right-hand column includes a translation of those speeches.
Cyfarfu'r Senedd yn y Siambr a thrwy gynhadledd fideo am 13:30 gyda'r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair.
The Senedd met in the Chamber and by video-conference at 13:30 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.
Prynhawn da a chroeso, bawb, i'r Cyfarfod Llawn o'r Senedd. Yr eitem gyntaf ar ein hagenda ni y prynhawn yma fydd y cwestiynau i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Economi, Ynni a Chynllunio, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Natasha Asghar.
Good afternoon and welcome to this afternoon's Plenary meeting. The first item on our agenda this afternoon is questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy and Planning, and the first question is from Natasha Asghar.
Thank you so much, Presiding Officer. Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on the provision of GP services in Blaenau Gwent? I do apologise. My apologies—so sorry, Presiding Officer. My apologies.
Diolch, Lywydd. A wnaiff Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet ddatganiad am ddarpariaeth gwasanaethau meddygon teulu ym Mlaenau Gwent? Rwy'n ymddiheuro. Ymddiheuriadau—mae'n ddrwg gennyf, Lywydd. Ymddiheuriadau.
You've jumped three quarters of an hour there. [Laughter.]
Rydych chi wedi neidio ymlaen dri chwarter awr. [Chwerthin.]
1. Pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i wella'r economi yn Nwyrain De Cymru? OQ62122
1. What action is the Welsh Government taking to improve the economy in South Wales East? OQ62122
Got there in the end.
Fe lwyddais yn y diwedd.

We continue to work with local authorities across the Cardiff capital region to increase economic prosperity. Our regional economic framework for south-east Wales has identified the development of key growth clusters as a priority, alongside our investment in infrastructure supporting the economic mission.
Rydym yn parhau i weithio gydag awdurdodau lleol ar draws prifddinas-ranbarth Caerdydd i gynyddu ffyniant economaidd. Mae ein fframwaith economaidd rhanbarthol ar gyfer de-ddwyrain Cymru wedi nodi datblygu clystyrau twf allweddol fel blaenoriaeth, ochr yn ochr â’n buddsoddiad mewn seilwaith i gefnogi’r genhadaeth economaidd.
Thank you so much, Cabinet Secretary. Last week, I had the pleasure of returning to Le Pub, a live music venue that celebrated its thirty-third year in the heart of Newport, and somewhere I remember visiting in my late teens growing up in the city. Le Pub has long been considered a musical institution, with artists and bands from across Wales and beyond showcasing their talents. The venue benefited by becoming part of the Music Venue Properties’ expanding portfolio, but, more importantly, has received £0.25 million grant through the then Conservative UK Government’s community ownership fund. Will the Cabinet Secretary join me in welcoming the boost that the community ownership fund has provided to Newport, particularly the night-time economy, in safeguarding this much-loved venue?
Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Yr wythnos diwethaf, cefais y pleser o ddychwelyd i Le Pub, lleoliad cerddoriaeth fyw, a oedd yn dathlu 33 o flynyddoedd ers ei sefydlu yng nghanol Casnewydd, a rhywle y cofiaf ymweld ag ef yn fy arddegau hwyr wrth dyfu i fyny yn y ddinas. Mae Le Pub wedi cael ei ystyried yn sefydliad cerddorol pwysig ers tro, gydag artistiaid a bandiau o bob rhan o Gymru a thu hwnt yn arddangos eu doniau yno. Fe wnaeth y lleoliad elwa o ddod yn rhan o bortffolio cynyddol Music Venue Properties, ond yn bwysicach fyth, derbyniodd grant o £0.25 miliwn drwy gronfa perchnogaeth gymunedol Llywodraeth Geidwadol y DU ar y pryd. A wnaiff Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet ymuno â mi i groesawu’r hwb y mae’r gronfa perchnogaeth gymunedol wedi’i roi i Gasnewydd, yn enwedig yr economi nos, wrth ddiogelu’r lleoliad poblogaidd hwn?
I’m very grateful for the question this afternoon, and I am aware that it is a much-loved venue locally. I know that my colleague Jack Sargeant is really passionate about the Creative Wales fund, which has also provided over £10 million of funding to support music spaces, which includes grass-roots music venues across Wales. I know that the support that we’ve also been seeking to provide through Business Wales, in terms of allowing those businesses to become more resilient for the future, has also been well received. But I would join Natasha Asghar in really recognising how these venues are very much at the heart of our communities and support our vibrant arts economy in Wales.
Rwy’n ddiolchgar iawn am eich cwestiwn y prynhawn yma, ac yn ymwybodol ei fod yn lleoliad poblogaidd yn lleol. Gwn fod fy nghyd-Aelod Jack Sargeant yn wirioneddol angerddol ynglŷn â chronfa Cymru Greadigol, sydd hefyd wedi darparu dros £10 miliwn o gyllid i gefnogi mannau cerddoriaeth, sy’n cynnwys lleoliadau cerddoriaeth ar lawr gwlad ledled Cymru. Gwn fod y cymorth rydym hefyd wedi bod yn ceisio'i ddarparu drwy Busnes Cymru, i ganiatáu i’r busnesau hynny ddod yn fwy gwydn ar gyfer y dyfodol, hefyd wedi cael ei groesawu. Ond rwy'n ymuno â Natasha Asghar i gydnabod sut y mae’r lleoliadau hyn yn hollbwysig i'n cymunedau ac yn cefnogi ein heconomi gelfyddydol fywiog yng Nghymru.
The Minister will be aware that the Halton group has recently invested in Rhyd y Blew in Ebbw Vale, opening a new facility there, investing in Blaenau Gwent, because of the investments made, of course, by the Welsh Government both in terms of infrastructure, in terms of business units, and in terms of the A465 dualling project. There is now a great deal of industrial interest in Blaenau Gwent as a consequence of the Welsh Government’s investment. What is important for us now in the borough is that we see more investment in business units and the development of the infrastructure that can then build upon the investments that have already been made. I’d like to invite the Minister to Blaenau Gwent to discuss with us how we can continue this successful investment that really is transforming the industrial and business environment in the borough.
Bydd y Gweinidog yn ymwybodol fod grŵp Halton wedi buddsoddi yn Rhyd y Blew yng Nglynebwy yn ddiweddar, gan agor cyfleuster newydd yno, a buddsoddi ym Mlaenau Gwent, oherwydd y buddsoddiadau a wnaed gan Lywodraeth Cymru mewn seilwaith, mewn unedau busnes, ac ym mhrosiect deuoli’r A465. Mae llawer iawn o ddiddordeb diwydiannol ym Mlaenau Gwent bellach o ganlyniad i fuddsoddiad Llywodraeth Cymru. Yr hyn sy’n bwysig i ni yn y fwrdeistref nawr yw ein bod yn gweld mwy o fuddsoddiad mewn unedau busnes, a datblygu'r seilwaith a all adeiladu wedyn ar y buddsoddiadau a wnaed eisoes. Hoffwn wahodd y Gweinidog i Flaenau Gwent i drafod sut y gallwn barhau â’r buddsoddiad llwyddiannus hwn sy'n trawsnewid yr amgylchedd diwydiannol a busnes yn y fwrdeistref.
I’m very grateful for the question there, and particularly the recognition of the work that the Welsh Government’s been doing to invest in business premises. It is part of our considerable offer that we make available to businesses, both those that are grown here in Wales and also our offer to international investors as well, alongside, of course, the work that we do to ensure that they have the skills available to them when they arrive and that supportive ecosystem for business. I’m delighted that Halton Flamgard are our first tenant at the new Rhyd y Blew site that we’ve invested in. That was an £8.9 million investment on the part of the Welsh Government. It’s a state-of-the-art facility, a low-carbon facility, offering 52,000 sq ft of space for businesses, and we look forward to welcoming other businesses to that space as well. Alun Davies has previously invited me to Blaenau Gwent, and I’ve been pleased to take up that invitation, and I do know that there is a date in the diary in the coming weeks and I very much look forward to it.
Diolch am eich cwestiwn, ac yn enwedig y gydnabyddiaeth i’r gwaith y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi bod yn ei wneud i fuddsoddi mewn safleoedd busnes. Mae’n rhan o’r cynnig sylweddol yr ydym yn ei ddarparu i fusnesau, y rhai sy’n cael eu tyfu yma yng Nghymru a hefyd ein cynnig i fuddsoddwyr rhyngwladol hefyd, ochr yn ochr â’r gwaith a wnawn i sicrhau bod y sgiliau ar gael iddynt pan fyddant yn cyrraedd, ynghyd ag ecosystem gefnogol i fusnes. Rwy’n falch iawn mai Halton Flamgard yw ein tenant cyntaf ar safle newydd Rhyd y Blew, safle yr ydym wedi buddsoddi ynddo. Roedd hwnnw’n fuddsoddiad o £8.9 miliwn gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Mae’n gyfleuster o’r radd flaenaf, yn gyfleuster carbon isel, sy’n cynnig 52,000 troedfedd sgwâr o le i fusnesau, ac edrychwn ymlaen at groesawu busnesau eraill i’r lleoliad hwnnw hefyd. Mae Alun Davies eisoes wedi fy ngwahodd i Flaenau Gwent, ac rwyf wedi bod yn falch o dderbyn y gwahoddiad hwnnw, a gwn fod dyddiad yn y dyddiadur yn yr wythnosau nesaf, ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen yn fawr.
2. Pa gysylltiad oedd gan Lywodraeth Cymru gyda'r National Electricity System Operator ynghylch sicrhau bod ei adroddiad 'Beyond 2030' yn adlewyrchu anghenion Cymru? OQ62088
2. What involvement did the Welsh Government have with the National Electricity System Operator about ensuring that its 'Beyond 2030' report reflects the needs of Wales? OQ62088
The National Energy System Operator produced its 'Beyond 2030' report to deliver the UK Government’s commitment to connect 50 GW of offshore wind by 2030. NESO worked directly with the Welsh Government to understand our policies and our spatial plans so that any necessary infrastructure is developed, taking consideration of environmental and social impacts.
Cynhyrchodd y Gweithredwr System Ynni Cenedlaethol ei adroddiad 'Beyond 2030' i nodi ymrwymiad Llywodraeth y DU i gysylltu 50 GW o ynni gwynt ar y môr erbyn 2030. Gweithiodd y Gweithredwr System Ynni Cenedlaethol yn uniongyrchol â Llywodraeth Cymru i ddeall ein polisïau a'n cynlluniau gofodol fel bod unrhyw seilwaith angenrheidiol yn cael ei ddatblygu, gan roi ystyriaeth i effeithiau amgylcheddol a chymdeithasol.
Thank you for your answer, Cabinet Secretary. The NGET have recommended the construction, of course, of a new high-voltage onshore connection between north Wales and south Wales. I wonder if you can provide any details on when we can expect further details on this proposal and when we can expect details of what route that may take, and, also, how communities across Wales, particularly in my own constituency, will be consulted on those proposals. And further to that, as well, you'll be aware of Green GEN Cymru's proposals for a connection project in mid Wales, so I'm also looking for your assessment of how those two projects connect, if they do at all, with each other. And, finally, Senedd Members this morning received an e-mail from the National Energy System Operator in regard to changes about grid connections. I don't know whether you've had time, or if the Welsh Government had advance notice of that particular communication this morning, but any assessment that you've made on that we'd be grateful for as well, if you've had time to review that proposal.
Diolch am eich ateb, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Mae adran drawsyrru trydan y Grid Cenedlaethol wedi argymell adeiladu cysylltiad foltedd uchel newydd ar y tir rhwng gogledd a de Cymru. Tybed a allwch chi roi unrhyw fanylion ynghylch pryd y gallwn ddisgwyl rhagor o fanylion am y cynnig hwn a phryd y gallwn ddisgwyl manylion ynglŷn â pha lwybr y gallai ei gymryd, a hefyd, sut yr ymgynghorir â chymunedau ledled Cymru ar y cynigion hynny, yn enwedig yn fy etholaeth i. Ac yn ogystal â hynny, fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol o gynigion Green GEN Cymru ar gyfer prosiect cysylltu yn y canolbarth, felly rwyf hefyd yn edrych am eich asesiad o sut y mae'r ddau brosiect hynny'n cysylltu â'i gilydd, os o gwbl. Ac yn olaf, cafodd Aelodau’r Senedd e-bost y bore yma gan y Gweithredwr System Ynni Cenedlaethol ynghylch newidiadau mewn perthynas â chysylltiadau â'r grid. Nid wyf yn gwybod a ydych chi wedi cael amser, neu a oedd Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cael gwybod ymlaen llaw am yr ohebiaeth benodol honno y bore yma, ond byddem yn ddiolchgar am unrhyw asesiad a wnaethoch o hynny hefyd, os ydych chi wedi cael amser i adolygu’r cynnig hwnnw.
I'm very grateful for those questions. I was really pleased to be able to speak at the Wales launch of NESO towards the end of last year, and also to meet with them directly to hear about their plans in relation to 'Beyond 2030'. As colleagues know, it does set out the need for an array of new overhead and undersea cables, largely in Scotland and England. I think Wales is the least impacted in terms of the proposals, but, where we might potentially be impacted, we are taking that very, very seriously. In my meetings with both NESO and the National Grid electricity transmission department, I was very clear about the need to make sure that any plans take into account Wales's need, and, of course, we have the policy work ongoing at the moment in respect of the independent group that is advising us on things, including the undergrounding of cables. So, just to reassure colleagues, I was very clear in those conversations about the need to ensure that what is provided meets needs, but also meets the needs of a community in the wider sense as well, because I am aware of the concerns and the sensitivities in this space.
Also, the reference was made to Green GEN Cymru. So, our approach, really, from the Welsh Government's perspective, would be that National Grid and other partners working in that space should be taking a strategic approach to this, recognising the potential for future offshore wind coming online—you heard the statement I made on that recently as well—rather than responding to the needs of individual developers. I think that kind of wider strategic approach is important. The planning process is designed to consider whether any specific developments are appropriate and also meet our policy requirements here in Wales. Final planning decisions will be made by Welsh Ministers, so I can't comment on the individual developments that have been referred to in relation to the Green GEN Cymru plans. But we would expect developers to involve people in the projects they are developing and to listen to and act on the concerns that are raised with them.
Rwy’n ddiolchgar iawn am eich cwestiynau. Roeddwn yn falch iawn o allu siarad yn lansiad y Gweithredwr System Ynni Cenedlaethol yng Nghymru tuag at ddiwedd y llynedd, a chyfarfod â hwy’n uniongyrchol i glywed am eu cynlluniau mewn perthynas â 'Beyond 2030'. Fel y gŵyr fy nghyd-Aelodau, mae’n nodi’r angen am aráe o geblau uwchben a thanfor newydd, yn bennaf yn yr Alban a Lloegr. Credaf mai Cymru sy’n cael ei heffeithio leiaf gan y cynigion, ond lle mae posibilrwydd y byddwn yn cael ein heffeithio, rydym o ddifrif ynglŷn â hynny. Yn fy nghyfarfodydd â'r Gweithredwr System Ynni Cenedlaethol ac adran drawsyrru trydan y Grid Cenedlaethol, nodais yn glir iawn yr angen i sicrhau bod unrhyw gynlluniau'n ystyried anghenion Cymru, ac wrth gwrs, mae gennym y gwaith polisi yn mynd rhagddo ar hyn o bryd mewn perthynas â'r grŵp annibynnol sy’n ein cynghori ar bethau, gan gynnwys gosod ceblau tanddaearol. Felly, i roi sicrwydd i fy nghyd-Aelodau, fe nodais yn glir iawn yn y sgyrsiau hynny yr angen i sicrhau bod yr hyn a ddarperir yn diwallu anghenion, ond hefyd yn diwallu anghenion cymuned yn yr ystyr ehangach, gan fy mod yn ymwybodol o’r pryderon a’r sensitifedd yn y cyswllt hwn.
Hefyd, cyfeiriwyd at Green GEN Cymru. Felly, ein hymagwedd, mewn gwirionedd, o safbwynt Llywodraeth Cymru, fyddai y dylai'r Grid Cenedlaethol a phartneriaid eraill sy'n gweithio yn y maes hwnnw fabwysiadu dull strategol o weithredu ar hyn, gan gydnabod y potensial ar gyfer rhagor o ffermydd ynni gwynt ar y môr yn y dyfodol—clywsoch y datganiad a wneuthum ar hynny yn ddiweddar hefyd—yn hytrach nag ymateb i anghenion datblygwyr unigol. Credaf fod y math hwnnw o ddull strategol ehangach yn bwysig. Mae'r broses gynllunio wedi'i chynllunio i ystyried a yw unrhyw ddatblygiadau penodol yn briodol a hefyd yn bodloni ein gofynion polisi yma yng Nghymru. Gweinidogion Cymru sy'n mynd i wneud penderfyniadau cynllunio terfynol, felly ni allaf wneud sylwadau ar y datblygiadau unigol y cyfeiriwyd atynt mewn perthynas â chynlluniau Green GEN Cymru. Ond byddem yn disgwyl i ddatblygwyr gynnwys pobl yn y prosiectau y maent yn eu datblygu, gan wrando ar y pryderon a godir ganddynt a gweithredu arnynt.
Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Samuel Kurtz.
Questions now from the party spokespeople. The Conservative spokesperson, Samuel Kurtz.
Diolch, Llywydd. Cabinet Secretary, there have been some really troubling economic figures in the last few weeks, following a crisis made in Downing Street. The Labour Chancellor talks about economic growth, but Labour's track record here in Wales is to preside over a woefully underperforming economy. On productivity, a cornerstone of economic success, Wales is 17 per cent below the UK average, with three of the 10 least productive regions in the UK, and none in the top 10. This is a long-standing issue and, under Labour's failed leadership in Wales, little progress has been made. So, after 25 years of Labour control, why does Wales remain so far behind the rest of the UK on productivity, and what specific steps are you taking to address this failure?
Diolch, Lywydd. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae rhai ffigurau economaidd wedi peri pryder gwirioneddol dros yr ychydig wythnosau diwethaf, yn dilyn argyfwng a grëwyd yn Stryd Downing. Mae’r Canghellor Llafur yn sôn am dwf economaidd, ond mae gan Lafur yma yng Nghymru hanes o lywyddu dros economi sy'n tanberfformio'n druenus. Ar gynhyrchiant, un o gonglfeini llwyddiant economaidd, mae Cymru 17 y cant yn is na chyfartaledd y DU, gyda thri o’r 10 rhanbarth lleiaf cynhyrchiol yn y DU, a dim un o gwbl yn y 10 uchaf. Mae hon yn broblem ers tro, ac o dan arweiniad aflwyddiannus Llafur yng Nghymru, ychydig o gynnydd sydd wedi’i wneud. Felly, ar ôl 25 mlynedd o reolaeth Lafur, pam fod Cymru yn dal i fod mor bell y tu ôl i weddill y DU o ran cynhyrchiant, a pha gamau penodol rydych chi'n eu cymryd i fynd i’r afael â’r methiant hwn?
I note the comments in relation to the UK Government and the challenging overall economic picture. But we all—we all on this bench—wish that the last 14 years hadn't happened with the Conservative Government, but just wishing it away isn't going to change the impact of the choices of that UK Government. The thought that we can turn this thing around in six months is for the birds. There are huge challenges facing the UK Government, but the UK Government is now working on an industrial strategy. We've had 14 years without any kind of strategy from the UK Government in terms of industry. I've been really pleased to work with the UK Government to explore those priority sectors, and I was really pleased that the UK Government has identified sectors where Wales actually has a lot to offer and where we are already ahead of the pack—compound semiconductors, for example, our creative industries, and advanced manufacturing here in Wales. All of those things are areas where we’re already performing well, and we look forward to working with the UK Government, through their industrial strategy and the National Wealth Fund, to ensure that we have even further investment in those important industries.
Nodaf y sylwadau mewn perthynas â Llywodraeth y DU a’r darlun economaidd cyffredinol heriol. Ond mae pob un ohonom—pob un ohonom ar y fainc hon—yn dymuno na fyddai’r 14 mlynedd diwethaf wedi digwydd, gyda’r Llywodraeth Geidwadol, ond nid yw dymuno hynny'n mynd i newid yr effaith a gafodd dewisiadau'r Llywodraeth honno. Mae'r syniad y gallwn unioni'r sefyllfa mewn chwe mis yn chwerthinllyd. Mae heriau enfawr yn wynebu Llywodraeth y DU, ond mae Llywodraeth y DU wrthi'n gweithio ar strategaeth ddiwydiannol. Rydym wedi cael 14 mlynedd heb unrhyw fath o strategaeth gan Lywodraeth y DU o ran diwydiant. Rwyf wedi bod yn falch iawn o weithio gyda Llywodraeth y DU i archwilio’r sectorau â blaenoriaeth hynny, ac roeddwn yn falch iawn fod Llywodraeth y DU wedi nodi sectorau lle mae gan Gymru lawer i’w gynnig a lle rydym eisoes ar flaen y gad—lled-ddargludyddion cyfansawdd, er enghraifft, ein diwydiannau creadigol, a gweithgynhyrchu uwch yma yng Nghymru. Mae’r holl bethau hynny’n feysydd lle rydym eisoes yn perfformio’n dda, ac edrychwn ymlaen at weithio gyda Llywodraeth y DU, drwy eu strategaeth ddiwydiannol a’r Gronfa Gyfoeth Wladol, i sicrhau ein bod yn cael mwy fyth o fuddsoddiad yn y diwydiannau pwysig hynny.
Isn’t it ironic, then, that, in that 14 years that you criticise under a Conservative Government, 800 new jobs were created every day—jobs paying taxes, taxes funding the public services that we all hold dear? And you’re right: productivity won’t be solved without innovation and ambition. Artificial intelligence is a transformative technology that could add £47 billion to the UK economy. Yet, I’m sorry, but there’s little to show of a coherent strategy from the Welsh Government when it comes to AI. AI isn’t the future; it’s now. The Welsh Government appears to be lagging behind, leaving businesses without the support they need to capitalise on this opportunity. So, why has the Welsh Government failed to prioritise AI specifically in its annual draft budget for this year? And what steps will you take to raise AI up the list of priorities of this Welsh Government?
Onid yw’n eironig, felly, yn y 14 mlynedd yr ydych yn eu beirniadu o dan Lywodraeth Geidwadol, fod 800 o swyddi newydd wedi cael eu creu bob dydd—swyddi sy’n talu trethi, trethi sy’n ariannu’r gwasanaethau cyhoeddus sydd mor annwyl i bawb ohonom? Ac rydych chi'n llygad eich lle: ni fydd cynhyrchiant yn cael ei ddatrys heb arloesi ac uchelgais. Mae deallusrwydd artiffisial yn dechnoleg drawsnewidiol a allai ychwanegu £47 biliwn at economi’r DU. Ac eto, mae’n ddrwg gennyf, ond nid oes fawr o dystiolaeth o strategaeth gydlynol gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer deallusrwydd artiffisial. Nid y dyfodol yw deallusrwydd artiffisial; mae yma nawr. Ymddengys bod Llywodraeth Cymru ar ei hôl hi, yn gadael busnesau heb y cymorth sydd ei angen arnynt i fanteisio ar y cyfle hwn. Felly, pam fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi methu blaenoriaethu deallusrwydd artiffisial yn benodol yn ei chyllideb ddrafft flynyddol ar gyfer eleni? A pha gamau y byddwch chi'n eu cymryd i godi deallusrwydd artiffisial yn uwch ar restr o flaenoriaethau Llywodraeth Cymru?
Well, obviously, I would completely disagree with that assessment of the support that we’ve been providing to AI. At the heart of the UK Government's announcement was the intention of Vantage to invest hugely here in the UK, and most of that investment will be coming to Wales, because Vantage already has a really strong foothold here in Wales. I’ve met with them a couple of times already since I’ve been in post, hearing about the amazing work that they’re doing in Imperial Park in Newport. So, this is already happening here in Wales. We have data centres already there to provide the support that we need to have that growing AI industry. And, of course, we’ve got the Centre for Digital Public Services—that’s looking at AI and the ways in which we can transform public services here in Wales, using that technology. It’s already happening here in Wales and we’re really pleased that this UK Government is also shining a spotlight on it.
Colleagues will also be aware that I’ve announced a number of short-term reviews, looking at things that are critical to the economy here in Wales. One, of course, is in relation to floating offshore wind, another in terms of green jobs, and another, small and medium-sized enterprise productivity. But the fourth is specifically in relation to AI, and that’s an area that we've also been exploring through the social partnership council as well to ensure that, when we do adopt AI, we do so in an ethical way.
Wel, yn amlwg, rwy'n anghytuno'n llwyr â'r asesiad hwnnw o'r cymorth y buom yn ei roi i ddeallusrwydd artiffisial. Roedd bwriad Vantage i fuddsoddi’n sylweddol yma yn y DU wrth wraidd cyhoeddiad Llywodraeth y DU, a bydd y rhan fwyaf o’r buddsoddiad hwnnw’n dod i Gymru, gan fod gan Vantage droedle cadarn iawn yn barod yma yng Nghymru. Rwyf wedi cyfarfod â hwy ychydig o weithiau yn barod ers imi fod yn y swydd, i glywed am y gwaith anhygoel y maent yn ei wneud yn Imperial Park yng Nghasnewydd. Felly, mae hyn eisoes yn digwydd yma yng Nghymru. Mae gennym ganolfannau data yno eisoes i ddarparu’r cymorth sydd ei angen arnom i dyfu'r diwydiant deallusrwydd artiffisial. Ac wrth gwrs, mae gennym y Ganolfan Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus Digidol—mae honno'n edrych ar ddeallusrwydd artiffisial a’r ffyrdd y gallwn drawsnewid gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yma yng Nghymru, gan ddefnyddio’r dechnoleg honno. Mae eisoes yn digwydd yma yng Nghymru, ac rydym yn falch iawn fod Llywodraeth y DU hefyd yn tynnu sylw at hynny.
Bydd fy nghyd-Aelodau hefyd yn ymwybodol fy mod wedi cyhoeddi nifer o adolygiadau tymor byr, sy’n edrych ar bethau sy’n hollbwysig i’r economi yma yng Nghymru. Mae un, wrth gwrs, yn ymwneud â ffermydd gwynt arnofiol ar y môr, un arall yn ymwneud â swyddi gwyrdd, ac un arall yn ymwneud â chynhyrchiant mentrau bach a chanolig. Ond mae’r pedwerydd yn ymwneud yn benodol â deallusrwydd artiffisial, ac mae hwnnw’n faes yr ydym hefyd wedi bod yn ei archwilio drwy’r cyngor partneriaeth gymdeithasol i sicrhau, pan ydym yn mabwysiadu deallusrwydd artiffisial, ein bod yn gwneud hynny mewn ffordd foesegol.
It's not about when we adopt it; it’s already being adopted, and this Government is behind the curve on that. And you mentioned the Prime Minister’s announcement on AI earlier this month—ironic, then, that, back in August, he cut AI funding by £1.3 billion. He’s playing catch-up. And similarly, Labour inherited an economy with 2 per cent inflation and the fastest growth in the G7, and yet what they’ve managed to do—[Interruption.] What Labour have managed to do is grind growth to a halt, see business confidence fall through the floor, inflation rise, and a Chancellor hanging on to her job by her fingertips. The economy, ironically, would be a in a better place had Labour done absolutely nothing in the budget. At least growth would have continued and not reversed, which is what we’ve seen. So, how does this Government intend to shield the Welsh economy from the damage inflicted by its colleagues in London, given Labour’s track record on the economy in Wales, which sees us—and I know it’s difficult for former First Ministers and former Cabinet Members to hear—[Interruption.] I know it’s difficult for them to hear, but the truth is that Wales has the highest level of unemployment and the lowest annual wages of anywhere in the United Kingdom. How are you protecting the Welsh economy from UK Labour’s failures?
Nid yw’n ymwneud â phryd rydym yn ei fabwysiadu; mae eisoes yn cael ei fabwysiadu, ac mae’r Llywodraeth hon ar ei hôl hi ar hynny. Ac fe sonioch chi am gyhoeddiad Prif Weinidog y DU ar ddeallusrwydd artiffisial yn gynharach y mis hwn—eironig, felly, ei fod, yn ôl ym mis Awst, wedi torri £1.3 biliwn o gyllid deallusrwydd artiffisial. Mae'n ei chael hi'n anodd dal i fyny. Ac yn yr un modd, etifeddodd Llafur economi gyda chwyddiant o 2 y cant a'r twf cyflymaf yn y G7, ac eto, yr hyn y maent wedi llwyddo i'w wneud—[Torri ar draws.] Yr hyn y mae Llafur wedi llwyddo i'w wneud yw atal twf, chwalu hyder busnesau, cynyddu chwyddiant, a Changhellor sydd ond yn dal gafael ar ei swydd o drwch blewyn. Yn eironig, byddai'r economi mewn lle gwell pe na bai Llafur wedi gwneud unrhyw beth o gwbl yn y gyllideb. O leiaf byddai twf wedi parhau yn hytrach na chael ei wrthdroi, sef yr hyn a welsom. Felly, sut y mae’r Llywodraeth hon yn bwriadu gwarchod economi Cymru rhag y difrod a achoswyd gan ei phlaid yn Llundain, o ystyried hanes blaenorol Llafur ar yr economi yng Nghymru, sy’n golygu ein bod—a gwn ei bod yn anodd i gyn-Brif Weinidogion a chyn-Aelodau o'r Cabinet glywed hyn—[Torri ar draws.] Gwn ei bod yn anodd iddynt glywed, ond y gwir amdani yw mai Cymru sydd â’r lefel uchaf o ddiweithdra a’r cyflogau blynyddol isaf yn unrhyw le yn y Deyrnas Unedig. Sut rydych chi'n diogelu economi Cymru rhag methiannau Llafur y DU?
Well, no-one is buying what the opposition spokesperson is selling in his remarks this afternoon. The fact of the matter is that the previous UK Government crashed the economy and left a massive hole in the public finances. [Interruption.] The current UK Government now has to clean up that mess—
Wel, nid oes unrhyw un yn derbyn yr hyn y mae llefarydd yr wrthblaid yn ei honni yn ei sylwadau y prynhawn yma. Y ffaith amdani yw bod Llywodraeth flaenorol y DU wedi chwalu’r economi a gadael twll enfawr ym mhwrs y wlad. [Torri ar draws.] Mae’n rhaid i Lywodraeth bresennol y DU lanhau’r llanast hwnnw nawr—
I need to hear the Cabinet Secretary, even if the person who asked the question isn't interested in the answer. And I don't need to be cheer-led from the backbenches of the Labour Party either. So, can we hear the Cabinet Secretary in some silence and listen to her answer, please?
Mae angen imi glywed Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, hyd yn oed os nad oes gan yr unigolyn a ofynnodd y cwestiwn ddiddordeb yn yr ateb. Ac nid oes angen cefnogaeth meinciau cefn y Blaid Lafur arnaf ychwaith. Felly, a gawn ni glywed Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet mewn tawelwch a gwrando ar ei hateb, os gwelwch yn dda?
Just to conclude, really, the current UK Government was left with a very difficult set of circumstances, which it is trying to work through. And we all know the state of the public finances that the current UK Government was presented with. I think they’ve had to make a series of really difficult decisions that no-one would have wanted to have to be in a position to make. But, my goodness, I am really glad that we've got a Labour Government making those tough choices on behalf of us all.
Dim ond i gloi, gadawyd set anodd iawn o amgylchiadau i Lywodraeth bresennol y DU, ac mae'n ceisio gweithio drwyddynt. Ac mae pob un ohonom yn ymwybodol o gyflwr y cyllid cyhoeddus a wynebai Lywodraeth bresennol y DU. Rwy'n credu eu bod wedi gorfod gwneud cyfres o benderfyniadau anodd iawn na fyddai unrhyw un wedi dymuno bod mewn sefyllfa i’w gwneud. Ond mawredd, rwy'n falch iawn fod gennym Lywodraeth Lafur yn gwneud y dewisiadau anodd hynny ar ein rhan ni oll.
Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Heledd Fychan.
Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Heledd Fychan.
Diolch, Llywydd. Yr wythnos diwethaf, dywedodd y Prif Weinidog wrth y Siambr hon, a dwi’n dyfynnu, fod y sector diwylliant a’r celfyddydau yng Nghymru yn ‘fyw ac yn iach’. Yn yr un wythnos, cafwyd cyhoeddiad gan Michael Sheen ei fod o’n mynd i ariannu yn bersonol cwmni theatr cenedlaethol newydd fydd yn cynhyrchu gwaith theatr drwy gyfrwng y Saesneg. Fel y dywedodd Aelod o’ch meinciau cefn yn sgil y cyhoeddiad, a dwi’n dyfynnu,
Thank you, Llywydd. Last week, the First Minister told this Chamber, and I quote, that the culture and arts sector in Wales is ‘alive and well’. In the same week, we saw an announcement from Michael Sheen that he is personally going to fund a new national theatre company that will produce theatre through the medium of English. As a Member from your backbenches said following the announcement, and I quote again,
'It's also one hell of a reflection on the Welsh Govt and how it supports and sustains our arts and culture.'
'Mae hefyd yn adlewyrchiad da ar Lywodraeth Cymru a sut y mae'n cefnogi ac yn cynnal ein celfyddydau a'n diwylliant.'
Felly, fel y Gweinidog gyda chyfrifoldeb am y sector hwn, beth yw eich asesiad chi o gyflwr y sector? Ac a ydych chi’n cytuno efo Eluned Morgan neu Michael Sheen?
So, as the Minister responsible for this sector, what is your assessment of the state of the sector? And do you agree with Eluned Morgan or with Michael Sheen?

Well, diolch yn fawr, Heledd, for that question. I think the First Minister is absolutely right, and we’re proud to support the arts and culture sector in Wales. We should be proud of the nation’s culture. When it comes to Michael Sheen, I think it’s absolutely fantastic; he’s a great ambassador for Wales. I would be delighted to have a conversation about his plans for the Welsh national theatre and the announcement around that. On National Theatre Wales and the discussions around what the future was for them, they had those directly with the Arts Council of Wales. They were provided money by the Arts Council of Wales. And I would encourage Michael Sheen and those in the Welsh national theatre to continue conversations with the Arts Council of Wales to see what the future is like when it comes to the money available.
And when it comes to money available in the arts sector, to make sure that it is very much alive and well, let’s just look at in-year funding, Llywydd: £5 million revenue announced additionally in September; £3.7 million capital in July; and the Arts Council of Wales received an additional £1 million in December, which went straight back out into the sector. And there’s another opportunity, isn’t there, Presiding Officer, with the first budget that we set in front of the Senedd following a UK Labour Government? There is an opportunity for us all to increase the funding for the arts in Cymru.
Wel, diolch yn fawr am eich cwestiwn, Heledd. Credaf fod y Prif Weinidog yn llygad ei lle, ac rydym yn falch o gefnogi sector y celfyddydau a diwylliant yng Nghymru. Dylem fod yn falch o ddiwylliant y genedl. O ran Michael Sheen, rwy'n credu bod hynny'n hollol wych; mae'n llysgennad gwych i Gymru. Buaswn wrth fy modd yn cael sgwrs am ei gynlluniau ar gyfer theatr genedlaethol Cymru a’r cyhoeddiad ar hynny. Ar National Theatre Wales a’r trafodaethau ynghylch beth oedd y dyfodol iddynt, cawsant y rheini’n uniongyrchol gyda Chyngor Celfyddydau Cymru. Darparwyd arian iddynt gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru. A hoffwn annog Michael Sheen a’r rheini yn theatr genedlaethol Cymru i barhau â'u sgyrsiau gyda Chyngor Celfyddydau Cymru i weld sut olwg sydd ar y dyfodol o ran yr arian sydd ar gael.
A phan ddaw'n fater o arian ar gael yn sector y celfyddydau, i sicrhau ei fod yn fyw ac yn iach, gadewch inni edrych ar gyllid yn ystod y flwyddyn, Lywydd: cyhoeddwyd £5 miliwn o refeniw ychwanegol ym mis Medi; £3.7 miliwn o gyfalaf ym mis Gorffennaf; a derbyniodd Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru £1 filiwn ychwanegol ym mis Rhagfyr, a aeth yn syth yn ôl i'r sector. Ac mae cyfle arall, onid oes, Lywydd, gyda'r gyllideb gyntaf a osodwyd gennym gerbron y Senedd yn dilyn ethol Llywodraeth Lafur y DU? Mae cyfle i bob un ohonom gynyddu’r cyllid ar gyfer y celfyddydau yng Nghymru.
But it’s not alive and well as a sector, is it, Minister? You should know this as the Minister with responsibility, because obviously Michael Sheen isn’t alone in voicing his concerns. I’m sure you’ve read the report by the culture committee, published last week, highlighting cuts to the culture and sports budgets, the impact that’s been on these sectors and it’s left our
Ond nid yw’n fyw ac yn iach fel sector, Weinidog. Dylech wybod hyn fel y Gweinidog â chyfrifoldeb, oherwydd yn amlwg, nid Michael Sheen yw’r unig un sy’n lleisio ei bryderon. Rwy'n siŵr eich bod wedi darllen yr adroddiad gan y pwyllgor diwylliant a gyhoeddwyd yr wythnos diwethaf, yn tynnu sylw at doriadau i'r cyllidebau diwylliant a chwaraeon, a'r effaith ar y sectorau hyn, ac mae wedi gadael ein
‘Gwlad beirdd a chantorion, enwogion o fri’
'Land of bards and singers, famous men of renown'
behind most European countries in terms of arts and sports funding. And let’s be clear, this isn’t a one-off situation over one year; it’s been a problem for over a decade. Last year, Michael Sheen stated,
'We are not going to let our country die, are we. We are not going to let it culturally die and wither on the vine'.
Three days ago, Noel Mooney, chief executive of the Football Association of Wales stated,
'This race to the bottom & lack of vision, desire and ability needs to stop today. Have ambition, be innovative, have courage, make it happen and success will come. Please. For Wales.'
So, Minister, how are you going to right the wrongs of the past? And do you regret the position these crucial sectors now find themselves in?
ar ei hôl hi o gymharu â’r rhan fwyaf o wledydd Ewropeaidd o ran cyllid celfyddydau a chwaraeon. A gadewch inni fod yn glir, nid yw hon yn sefyllfa unigryw sydd wedi codi mewn un flwyddyn yn unig; mae wedi bod yn broblem ers dros ddegawd. Y llynedd, dywedodd Michael Sheen,
'Nid ydym yn mynd i adael i'n gwlad farw. Nid ydym yn mynd i adael iddi farw'n ddiwylliannol a gwywo ar y gangen'.
Dri diwrnod yn ôl, dywedodd Noel Mooney, prif weithredwr Cymdeithas Bêl-droed Cymru,
'Mae angen i'r ras hon i'r gwaelod a'r diffyg gweledigaeth, awydd a gallu orffen heddiw. Byddwch yn uchelgeisiol, byddwch yn arloesol, byddwch yn ddewr, gwnewch iddo ddigwydd a bydd llwyddiant yn dilyn. Os gwelwch yn dda. Dros Gymru.'
Felly, Weinidog, sut y gwnewch chi unioni camweddau’r gorffennol? Ac a ydych chi'n gresynu at y sefyllfa y mae'r sectorau hollbwysig hyn ynddi bellach?
Well, Presiding Officer, I think, it’s important isn‘t it to reflect on the context where all of these decisions have been made and where we are today. We talk about a decade ago, well, we’ve all endured 14 years of a Conservative Government and their policies and austerity. [Interruption.] They moan, but it’s the truth; they moan, but it’s the truth. A COVID pandemic, Presiding Officer, the cost of living, inflationary pressures, the combination of all of these things could be described as the perfect storm, and, despite all of that, we still offered support to the sector. I mentioned in my previous answer the additional in-year funding, I mentioned the opportunity in front of us.
When it comes to the committee’s report, I’m very grateful to the committee and the Chair of the committee for undertaking that report, and I’m really keen to take the recommendations in that report seriously and will be considering them in that way. The points around tables, well, the difficulty is there is no like-for-like comparison when it comes to European countries on this. The report itself—and the Member sat, I think, on the committee—the report itself includes that very caveat, that there are different ways of calculating figures. Now, if Members want to talk the sector down, I won’t be in that space at all. I’m very proud of what the sector has achieved during these difficult times. It's with that passion that we will see a better future for the sector. This budget coming is a step in the right direction, with an uplift for the arts and culture and sport sectors in Wales. We should all consider that when we put in our vote for the budget in the coming weeks.
Wel, Lywydd, rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig myfyrio ar y cyd-destun y gwnaed yr holl benderfyniadau hyn ynddo a lle rydym arni heddiw. Rydym yn sôn am ddegawd yn ôl, wel, rydym oll wedi dioddef 14 mlynedd o Lywodraeth Geidwadol a'u polisïau a'u cyni. [Torri ar draws.] Maent yn cwyno, ond dyna'r gwir; maent yn cwyno, ond dyna'r gwir. Pandemig COVID, Lywydd, costau byw, pwysau chwyddiant, gellid disgrifio'r cyfuniad o’r holl bethau hyn fel y storm berffaith, ac er gwaethaf hyn oll, roeddem yn dal i gynnig cymorth i’r sector. Soniais yn fy ateb blaenorol am y cyllid ychwanegol yn ystod y flwyddyn, soniais am y cyfle ger ein bron.
Ar adroddiad y pwyllgor, rwy’n ddiolchgar iawn i’r pwyllgor a Chadeirydd y pwyllgor am lunio'r adroddiad hwnnw, ac rwy’n awyddus iawn i edrych o ddifrif ar yr argymhellion yn yr adroddiad hwnnw, a byddaf yn eu hystyried yn y ffordd honno. Y pwyntiau ynghylch y tablau, wel, yr anhawster yw nad oes cymhariaeth debyg am debyg o ran gwledydd Ewrop yn hyn beth. Mae’r adroddiad ei hun—ac roedd yr Aelod ar y pwyllgor, rwy'n credu—mae’r adroddiad ei hun yn cynnwys yr union gafeat hwnnw, sef bod gwahanol ffyrdd o gyfrifo ffigurau. Nawr, os yw'r Aelodau am ladd ar y sector, nid wyf am gymryd unrhyw ran yn hynny. Rwy'n falch iawn o'r hyn y mae'r sector wedi'i gyflawni yn ystod y cyfnod anodd hwn. Gyda'r angerdd hwnnw fe welwn ddyfodol gwell i'r sector. Mae’r gyllideb hon sydd ar y ffordd yn gam i’r cyfeiriad cywir, gyda chynnydd i’r sectorau celfyddydau a diwylliant a chwaraeon yng Nghymru. Dylai pob un ohonom ystyried hynny pan fyddwn yn bwrw ein pleidlais ar y gyllideb yn yr wythnosau nesaf.
What culture has achieved is despite of Welsh Government. They could achieve so much more with a Government behind that sector. Let's be clear on that. And it doesn't—. If you look at the situation, Scotland was in a similar position in terms of having to suffer from the Tories and austerity, but they prioritised culture and the arts. So, that doesn't—. It's not a sustainable argument. It's about where you prioritise it.
And I'd like to ask you about one other element, about the devolution of broadcasting—
Mae'r hyn y mae diwylliant wedi'i gyflawni wedi digwydd er gwaethaf Llywodraeth Cymru. Gallent gyflawni cymaint mwy gyda Llywodraeth sy'n cefnogi’r sector. Gadewch inni fod yn glir ynglŷn â hynny. Ac nid yw'n—. Os edrychwch ar y sefyllfa, roedd yr Alban mewn sefyllfa debyg o ran gorfod dioddef yn sgil y Torïaid a chyni, ond fe wnaethant flaenoriaethu diwylliant a’r celfyddydau. Felly, nid yw hynny'n—. Nid yw’n ddadl gynaliadwy. Mae'n ymwneud â ble rydych chi'n ei flaenoriaethu.
A hoffwn eich holi ynglŷn ag un elfen arall, ynglŷn â datganoli darlledu—
—oherwydd, wythnos diwethaf, daeth y newyddion bod Capital Cymru yn dod â'u holl raglenni Cymraeg i ben. Mae'r newidiadau yn bosib yn dilyn cyflwyno'r Ddeddf cyfryngau newydd fis Hydref y llynedd, sy'n dileu unrhyw ofynion am fformatau pob gorsaf. Mi fyddwch chi'n ymwybodol o'r gwaith a wnaed drwy'r cytundeb cydweithio, ein bod ni eisiau gweld datganoli darlledu. Mewn ymateb i gwestiwn ddiwedd Tachwedd mewn pwyllgor gan Rhun ap Iorwerth, mi oeddech chi'n aneglur o ran sut bydd y gwaith hwn yn mynd rhagddo, gan ddweud:
—because, last week, we heard the news that Capital Cymru is bringing all of its Welsh programmes to an end. These changes are possible following the introduction of the new media Act last October, which eradicates any requirements in terms of stations' formats. You will be aware of the work done through the co-operation agreement, that we want to see the devolution of broadcasting. In response to a question from Rhun ap Iorwerth in a committee at the end of November, you weren't clear as to how this work would be progressed, stating:
'I don't think I'm saying that I'm against the devolution of broadcasting. I think I'm saying I'd like to do the piece of work around that to form my view and to see where we take this conversation next.'
'Nid wyf yn credu fy mod yn dweud fy mod yn erbyn datganoli darlledu. Rwy'n credu fy mod yn dweud yr hoffwn wneud y gwaith ar hynny i ffurfio fy marn ac i weld lle rydym yn mynd â'r sgwrs hon nesaf.'
Wedyn, ydych chi wedi penderfynu eto os ydych chi'n cefnogi datganoli darlledu, ac os felly, pryd allwn ni weld symudiad o ran y gwaith hwn yn mynd rhagddo, oherwydd fedrwn ni ddim fforddio aros eiliad yn hirach?
So, have you now decided whether you support the devolution of broadcasting, and if so, when can we expect to see movement in terms of the work on this matter being progressed, because we cannot afford to wait a second longer?
Diolch, Heledd, for that. I'll just take the first point first, on the involvement of Government. Well, I'm sure the Member would be very pleased about the announcement and story that was out very recently, Presiding Officer, that because of money announced additionally this year in December—£1 million to the Arts Council of Wales—£210,000 found its way to Blackwood Miners' Institute, an iconic venue, which is now saved. So, the Welsh Government does support the industry, and it does work alongside the industry.
I'm grateful to the Member for raising the situation around broadcasting in Wales. I too was very disappointed by Global's decision to end Capital Cymru's Welsh language programming. We very much recognise the importance of Welsh language programming on radio and all of the things that that offers to the Welsh language and to new learners, and the importance it places on audiences across Cymru.
While I'm very clear on broadcasting and the position of that, broadcasting is of course, as the Member points out, a reserved matter. I'm very open to exploring the options around broadcasting and devolution around this. I will form my view. I'm still considering all of those options. You'll be clear—[Interruption.] The Member says, 'Come on'; there are lots of things that we've had to act on and we've delivered on, Presiding Officer. I'll form that view. Where I'm very clear is that we will continue to work with the UK Government, because the current situation isn't fit for purpose, and I will continue these conversations and look forward to the conversation I'll have with the Member on this issue as well.
Diolch am hynny, Heledd. Fe atebaf y pwynt cyntaf yn gyntaf, ar gyfranogiad y Llywodraeth. Wel, rwy’n siŵr y byddai’r Aelod yn falch iawn o’r cyhoeddiad a’r stori a gyhoeddwyd yn ddiweddar iawn, Lywydd, fod £210,000, yn dilyn arian ychwanegol a gyhoeddwyd eleni ym mis Rhagfyr—£1 filiwn i Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru—wedi mynd i Sefydliad y Glowyr, Coed-duon, lleoliad eiconig, sydd bellach wedi cael ei achub. Felly, mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi’r diwydiant, ac mae’n gweithio law yn llaw â’r diwydiant.
Rwy’n ddiolchgar i’r Aelod am godi’r sefyllfa ynghylch darlledu yng Nghymru. Roeddwn innau'n siomedig iawn gyda phenderfyniad Global i ddod â rhaglenni Cymraeg Capital Cymru i ben. Rydym yn llwyr gydnabod pwysigrwydd rhaglenni Cymraeg ar y radio a’r holl bethau y mae hynny’n eu cynnig i’r Gymraeg ac i ddysgwyr newydd, a’r pwysigrwydd y mae’n ei roi i gynulleidfaoedd ledled Cymru.
Er fy mod yn glir iawn ynghylch darlledu a'r sefyllfa honno, fel y mae’r Aelod yn ei nodi, mae darlledu'n fater a gedwir yn ôl. Rwy'n agored iawn i archwilio'r opsiynau o ran darlledu a datganoli yn y maes hwn. Byddaf yn ffurfio fy marn. Rwy'n dal i ystyried yr holl opsiynau hynny. Fe fyddwch yn deall—[Torri ar draws.] Mae’r Aelod yn dweud, 'Dewch ymlaen’; mae llawer o bethau yr ydym wedi gorfod gweithredu arnynt ac a gyflawnwyd gennym, Lywydd. Byddaf yn ffurfio'r farn honno. Yr hyn rwy’n glir iawn yn ei gylch yw y byddwn yn parhau i weithio gyda Llywodraeth y DU, gan nad yw’r sefyllfa bresennol yn addas i’r diben, a byddaf yn parhau â’r sgyrsiau hyn, ac edrychaf ymlaen at y sgwrs a gaf gyda’r Aelod ar y mater hwn hefyd.
3. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ddatganiad ar gyfraniad Llywodraeth Cymru at y Cyngor Dur a'r effaith y bydd yn ei chael ar economi Gorllewin De Cymru? OQ62109
3. Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on the Welsh Government's involvement with the Steel Council and the impact it will have on the economy of South Wales West? OQ62109
Yes. I was pleased to attend the Steel Council meeting on 7 January and I look forward to working with the council on the development of the UK steel strategy.
Gwnaf. Roeddwn yn falch o fynd i gyfarfod y Cyngor Dur ar 7 Ionawr, ac edrychaf ymlaen at weithio gyda’r cyngor ar ddatblygu strategaeth ddur y DU.
Thank you, Cabinet Secretary. While I welcome it, the Steel Council must not become yet another talking shop, a task-and-not-finish group. I welcome the move to make a plan for the steel sector and I hope that the Steel Council can deliver. It is off to a shaky start, however, as British Steel is likely to abandon plans to return to Teesside. Cabinet Secretary, how will the Welsh Government make the case for South Wales West? Are you pushing the Steel and Metals Institute, given that the Steel Council is co-chaired by the head of the Materials Processing Institute? More importantly, Cabinet Secretary, how much of the £2.5 billion will be coming to us in Wales?
Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Er fy mod yn ei groesawu, mae'n rhaid i’r Cyngor Dur beidio â dod yn siop siarad arall eto fyth, yn grŵp gorchwyl a methu â gorffen. Rwy'n croesawu'r bwriad i greu cynllun ar gyfer y sector dur ac yn gobeithio y gall y Cyngor Dur gyflawni hynny. Mae wedi cael dechrau simsan, fodd bynnag, gan fod Dur Prydain yn debygol o roi'r gorau i gynlluniau i ddychwelyd i Teesside. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, sut y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn dadlau'r achos dros Orllewin De Cymru? A ydych chi'n brolio’r Sefydliad Dur a Metelau, o ystyried bod y Cyngor Dur yn cael ei gyd-gadeirio gan bennaeth y Sefydliad Prosesu Deunyddiau? Yn bwysicach fyth, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, faint o’r £2.5 biliwn a fydd yn dod i ni yng Nghymru?
Thank you very much for the question. And I just really want to emphasise how serious the Steel Council is and how seriously it takes its work. It's made up of leaders from within the steel sector, industry experts, trade unions, trade associations and devolved Governments, and its purpose is to come together and to work with the UK Government on the development of that steel strategy. So, it is absolutely a group that has a focused end point in terms of developing the strategy, but delivering the strategy, then, will be what really matters.
There are a couple of key points that I wanted to be able to land at that first Steel Council meeting, and one of those was about the importance of the offer that we have right here in Swansea University in respect of the expertise that it has in steel and in metals more widely. So, I made the important point about that expertise being available to the Steel Council and the importance of engaging with that expertise. And the other key point I really wanted to stress was the importance of not just considering the immediate challenges facing the steel industry here in the UK and in Wales, but actually having that eye on the longer term and the opportunities to ensure that, for example, when we're considering the work that we're doing on offshore wind—and I made a statement on that last week—that we're considering our investments in steel in the space of ensuring that that steel, then, is of the quality required to support the economic opportunities that we have ahead of us. So, I thought that those were two really key points to land at that meeting.
I will say, though, that the tone of the meeting was extremely constructive and there was huge commitment from everybody involved in that meeting to work together towards a strategy that can deliver for us here in Wales. And we don't yet have the detail of how the UK Government's funding that has been announced in its entirety will support the delivery of that strategy, but I'm sure that further information will be available in due course.
Diolch am eich cwestiwn. A hoffwn bwysleisio pa mor bwysig yw'r Cyngor Dur a'i fod o ddifrif ynglŷn â'i waith. Mae’n cynnwys arweinwyr o’r sector dur, arbenigwyr o'r diwydiant, undebau llafur, cymdeithasau masnach a Llywodraethau datganoledig, a’i ddiben yw dod ynghyd a gweithio gyda Llywodraeth y DU ar ddatblygu’r strategaeth ddur. Felly, mae'n grŵp â nod clir i ddatblygu'r strategaeth, ond cyflawni'r strategaeth yw'r hyn sy'n mynd i fod yn wirioneddol bwysig.
Mae un neu ddau o bwyntiau allweddol yr oeddwn am allu eu gwneud yng nghyfarfod cyntaf y Cyngor Dur, ac roedd un o’r rheini’n ymwneud â phwysigrwydd y cynnig sydd gennym yma ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe mewn perthynas â'r arbenigedd sydd ganddi ym maes dur ac mewn metelau'n fwy cyffredinol. Felly, fe wneuthum y pwynt pwysig ynglŷn ag argaeledd yr arbenigedd hwnnw i’r Cyngor Dur a phwysigrwydd ymgysylltu â’r arbenigedd hwnnw. A’r pwynt allweddol arall yr oeddwn yn awyddus iawn i'w bwysleisio oedd pwysigrwydd nid yn unig ystyried yr heriau uniongyrchol sy’n wynebu’r diwydiant dur yma yn y DU ac yng Nghymru, ond cadw llygad ar y tymor hwy a’r cyfleoedd i sicrhau, er enghraifft, pan fyddwn yn ystyried y gwaith yr ydym yn ei wneud ar ynni gwynt ar y môr—a gwneuthum ddatganiad ar hynny yr wythnos diwethaf—ein bod yn ystyried ein buddsoddiadau mewn dur yng nghyd-destun sicrhau bod y dur hwnnw, felly, o'r ansawdd sydd ei angen i gefnogi’r cyfleoedd economaidd sydd gennym o’n blaenau. Felly, roeddwn yn credu bod y rheini’n ddau bwynt gwirioneddol allweddol i'w codi yn y cyfarfod hwnnw.
Serch hynny, roedd naws y cyfarfod yn hynod o adeiladol, a gwelwyd ymrwymiad enfawr gan bawb a oedd yn y cyfarfod i weithio gyda’n gilydd tuag at strategaeth a all gyflawni ar ein rhan yma yng Nghymru. Ac nid oes gennym y manylion eto ynglŷn â sut y bydd yr holl gyllid a gyhoeddwyd gan Lywodraeth y DU yn cefnogi'r gwaith o gyflawni’r strategaeth honno, ond rwy’n siŵr y bydd rhagor o wybodaeth ar gael maes o law.
I take the point that the Cabinet Secretary made around needing to consider where we make that investment in steel here in south Wales, but we already know what's coming down the line, don't we? We have massive opportunities and you alluded to those with offshore wind. We know what we need to do to take advantage of that. Firstly, we need a plate steel mill in Port Talbot; we need to invest in the capacity of the ports around manufacturing and assembly; and we need to invest in the skills. So, we need to move beyond, now, considering and move to delivery. We're already behind the curve with ports in France, the Netherlands and Spain already making those investments. So, I would come back to the point that Altaf made around that pot of money that the UK Government said would be available for steel. How do we push forward in getting access to that funding now, because right now is when we need to be making those investments? If we don't make those investments, then we will miss all of that opportunity that is coming down the line with offshore wind, because other countries are taking advantage of that right now.
Rwy’n derbyn y pwynt a wnaeth Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet ynghylch yr angen i ystyried lle rydym yn gwneud y buddsoddiad mewn dur yma yn ne Cymru, ond rydym eisoes yn gwybod beth sydd ar y ffordd, onid ydym? Mae gennym gyfleoedd enfawr ac fe gyfeirioch chi at y rheini gydag ynni gwynt ar y môr. Gwyddom beth sydd angen i ni ei wneud er mwyn manteisio ar hynny. Yn gyntaf, mae arnom angen melin dur plât ym Mhort Talbot; mae angen inni fuddsoddi yng nghapasiti'r porthladdoedd i weithgynhyrchu a chydosod; ac mae angen inni fuddsoddi yn y sgiliau. Felly, mae angen inni fynd y tu hwnt i ystyried nawr, a dechrau cyflawni. Rydym eisoes ar ei hôl hi, gyda phorthladdoedd yn Ffrainc, yr Iseldiroedd a Sbaen eisoes yn gwneud y buddsoddiadau hynny. Felly, rwy'n dychwelyd at y pwynt a wnaeth Altaf ynghylch y pot o arian y dywedodd Llywodraeth y DU y byddai ar gael ar gyfer dur. Sut y mae mynd ati i gael mynediad at y cyllid hwnnw nawr, gan mai nawr yw'r adeg i wneud y buddsoddiadau hynny? Os na wnawn y buddsoddiadau hynny, byddwn yn colli’r holl gyfleoedd sy’n codi gydag ynni gwynt ar y môr, gan fod gwledydd eraill yn manteisio ar hynny nawr.
I really enjoyed the discussions that we had in relation to the offshore wind statement that I made last week. And, in that, I was able to set out the purpose of the task and finish group. It isn't about having those discussions about how important this all is and what the opportunities are, it's about how we actually deliver, then, and develop the response to those opportunities.
So, the group, which I chaired the first meeting of last week, is already now moving forward with that plan to set out the timeline of who needs to do what and when to ensure that we're able to maximise the response to the opportunities in the Celtic sea and elsewhere in Wales. So, that group is already up and running. It's going to be meeting very regularly with a view to coming forward with its recommendations and its action plan as we move towards the next round of contracts for difference in the spring. So, it's a very, very quick-moving piece of work, but will hopefully then give all partners the confidence to move ahead with the developments and investments that they need to make.
Some of this is going to be working with the UK Government in respect of the funding that it can provide, but actually there's a lot more that needs to be done in terms of private investment as well. I know that the ports will be interested in the investment that they can make; industry will be interested in the investment that it can make. We, of course, will be interested in our investments through the skills piece as well. So, it's not all about looking to that particular fund of money, but actually maximising what all partners can be bringing to that table.
Mwynheais yn fawr y trafodaethau a gawsom mewn perthynas â’r datganiad a wneuthum yr wythnos diwethaf ar ynni gwynt ar y môr. Ac yn y datganiad hwnnw, fe nodais ddiben y grŵp gorchwyl a gorffen. Nid yw'n ymwneud â chael y trafodaethau ynghylch pa mor bwysig yw hyn oll a beth yw'r cyfleoedd, mae'n ymwneud â sut rydym yn cyflawni ac yn datblygu'r ymateb i'r cyfleoedd hynny.
Felly, mae’r grŵp, y cadeiriais ei gyfarfod cyntaf yr wythnos diwethaf, eisoes yn bwrw ymlaen â’r cynllun i nodi’r amserlen o ran pwy sydd angen gwneud beth a phryd i sicrhau ein bod yn gallu sicrhau’r ymateb mwyaf posibl i’r cyfleoedd yn y môr Celtaidd ac mewn mannau eraill yng Nghymru. Felly, mae'r grŵp hwnnw eisoes ar waith. Mae'n mynd i fod yn gyfarfod yn rheolaidd iawn gyda'r bwriad o gyflwyno ei argymhellion a'i gynllun gweithredu wrth inni symud tuag at y rownd nesaf o gontractau ar gyfer gwahaniaeth yn y gwanwyn. Felly, mae'n waith sy'n datblygu'n gyflym iawn, ond gobeithio wedyn y bydd yn rhoi hyder i bob partner symud ymlaen â'r datblygiadau a'r buddsoddiadau y mae angen iddynt eu gwneud.
Mae rhywfaint o hyn yn mynd i olygu gweithio gyda Llywodraeth y DU o ran y cyllid y gall ei ddarparu, ond mewn gwirionedd, mae angen gwneud lawer mwy o ran buddsoddiad preifat hefyd. Gwn y bydd gan y porthladdoedd ddiddordeb yn y buddsoddiad y gallant ei wneud; bydd gan y diwydiant ddiddordeb yn y buddsoddiad y gall ei wneud. Bydd gennym ni ddiddordeb yn ein buddsoddiadau drwy’r elfen sgiliau hefyd. Felly, mae'n ymwneud â sicrhau bod pob partner yn cyfrannu cymaint â phosibl at y gwaith, ac nid yn gyfan gwbl ag edrych ar y gronfa benodol honno o arian.
4. Pa asesiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud o sut mae polisïau economaidd Llywodraeth y DU o fudd i economi Cymru? OQ62106
4. What assessment has the Welsh Government made of how the UK Government's economic policies are benefiting the Welsh economy? OQ62106
The Welsh Labour Government is working in partnership with the UK Labour Government, taking bold action to build a stronger, fairer, greener Welsh economy. This collaborative approach will ensure that we get the growth that we need to put more money into people’s pockets.
Mae Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth â Llywodraeth Lafur y DU, gan gymryd camau dewr i adeiladu economi gryfach, decach a gwyrddach yng Nghymru. Bydd y dull cydweithredol hwn yn sicrhau ein bod yn cael y twf sydd ei angen arnom i roi mwy o arian ym mhocedi pobl.
Thank you very much, Cabinet Secretary, for that nice attempt of a justification of the economic road we're heading down under the UK Labour Government. Not only are taxes on the rise for people right across Wales, including thousands of business owners, but so are energy bills. It was promised before the election that they would go down, and now we're seeing them go in the other direction. Now we've seen the economy stagnating, and that's despite the inheritance that you had from the UK Conservative Government of the fastest-growing economy in the G7. The pound has fallen to the lowest level in over a year and UK borrowing costs are at their highest level for 16 years. The 30-year gilt yield is at its highest level in 27 years. The former Labour Minister Lee Waters famously said, and I quote,
'we don’t really know what we’re doing on the economy.'
Was he referring to the UK Labour Party as well as the Welsh Government?
Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, am yr ymgais honno i gyfiawnhau'r llwybr economaidd yr ydym yn ei ddilyn o dan Lywodraeth Lafur y DU. Nid yn unig fod trethi ar gynnydd i bobl ledled Cymru, gan gynnwys miloedd o berchnogion busnesau, mae biliau ynni'n cynyddu hefyd. Addawyd cyn yr etholiad y byddent yn lleihau, a nawr, rydym yn eu gweld yn mynd i'r cyfeiriad arall. Rydym bellach yn gweld yr economi'n marweiddio, a hynny er i chi etifeddu'r economi sy'n tyfu gyflymaf yn y G7 gan Lywodraeth Geidwadol y DU. Mae’r bunt wedi cwympo i’r lefel isaf ers dros flwyddyn, ac mae costau benthyca’r DU ar eu lefelau uchaf ers 16 mlynedd. Mae'r elw gilt 30 mlynedd ar ei lefel uchaf ers 27 mlynedd. Yn gofiadwy, dywedodd y cyn-Weinidog Llafur Lee Waters,
'nad ydym yn gwybod yn iawn beth rydym yn ei wneud ar yr economi.'
A oedd yn cyfeirio at Blaid Lafur y DU yn ogystal â Llywodraeth Cymru?
As I mentioned in response to your colleague earlier, we just can't wish away the last 14 years. It will inevitably have an impact, and the current UK Government is dealing with the mess that it was left with. I'm more interested in this space in terms of how we can use our levers to support growth here in Wales, which is why we've been working to identify those priority sectors that have the strongest potential for growth here in Wales, but then also considering how we bring down energy bills in future and how we go about ensuring that there is energy security.
Colleagues will be familiar with the work that we've done recently, announcing £10 million of grant funding through Ynni Cymru for 32 projects here in Wales. Those projects go to businesses, to organisations and the public sector here in Wales, and part of that is about reducing the energy bills and the energy costs for those businesses and organisations. So, we will use the levers that we have, and we will work collaboratively with the UK Government in the very difficult job that it's facing.
Fel y soniais mewn ymateb i'ch cyd-Aelod yn gynharach, ni allwn anwybyddu'r 14 mlynedd diwethaf. Mae'n anochel y bydd yn cael effaith, ac mae Llywodraeth bresennol y DU yn ymdopi â'r llanast a adawyd iddi. Mae gennyf fwy o ddiddordeb yn y gofod hwn mewn gweld sut y gallwn ddefnyddio ein dulliau i gefnogi twf yma yng Nghymru, a dyna pam y buom yn gweithio i nodi sectorau blaenoriaeth sydd â'r potensial cryfaf ar gyfer twf yma yng Nghymru, ac ystyried hefyd sut i ostwng biliau ynni yn y dyfodol a sut i sicrhau diogeledd ynni.
Bydd cyd-Aelodau'n gyfarwydd â'r gwaith a wnaethom yn ddiweddar, a chyhoeddi £10 miliwn o gyllid grant drwy Ynni Cymru ar gyfer 32 o brosiectau yma yng Nghymru. Mae'r prosiectau hynny'n mynd i fusnesau, i sefydliadau a'r sector cyhoeddus yma yng Nghymru, ac mae rhan o hynny'n ymwneud â lleihau biliau ynni a chostau ynni i'r busnesau a'r sefydliadau hynny. Felly, byddwn yn defnyddio'r dulliau sydd gennym, a byddwn yn cydweithio â Llywodraeth y DU yn y gwaith anodd iawn y mae'n ei wynebu.
Under the previous UK Government, we saw a 40 per cent reduction in public sector jobs. Each council employs approximately 6,000 people; that's a lot of jobs. The biggest employer in Wales is the public sector. I am pleased to see now we have a UK Government that appreciates the benefit of investing in the public sector and passports money to the Welsh Government to pay for public sector pay rises as well. There is capital to invest in construction of houses, hospitals and our highways as well, finally—thank goodness for that. So, Cabinet Secretary, do you agree with me that investing in our public sector just as the UK Government has done now this year is a welcome policy for the people of Wales and for the Welsh Government?
O dan Lywodraeth flaenorol y DU, gwelsom ostyngiad o 40 y cant mewn swyddi sector cyhoeddus. Mae pob cyngor yn cyflogi tua 6,000 o bobl; mae hynny'n llawer o swyddi. Y cyflogwr mwyaf yng Nghymru yw'r sector cyhoeddus. Rwy'n falch o weld nawr fod gennym Lywodraeth y DU sy'n deall budd buddsoddi yn y sector cyhoeddus ac sy'n trosglwyddo arian i Lywodraeth Cymru i dalu am godiadau cyflog yn y sector cyhoeddus hefyd. Mae cyfalaf ar gael o'r diwedd i'w fuddsoddi mewn adeiladu tai, ysbytai a'n priffyrdd hefyd—diolch byth am hynny. Felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, a ydych chi'n cytuno â mi fod buddsoddi yn ein sector cyhoeddus yn union fel y mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi'i wneud eleni yn bolisi i'w groesawu i bobl Cymru ac i Lywodraeth Cymru?
I absolutely do. Investing in our public sector is so important to address the challenges that colleagues bring to this Chamber week after week. When we look at the investment that we're making in health, a record investment into the health service, and of course protecting local government as far as we've been able to, we've always prioritised public services here in Wales, and our local government colleagues I'm sure will recognise the way that we've sought to protect them through the most difficult times as well.
None of the work that we've been able to do in terms of public sector pay would have been possible without this UK Government. I'm really excited by the capital increase to our budget as well. The capital that we've had has just been so insufficient to meet our needs in recent years. That, I think, is really positive. And of course, it should be a welcome boost to the public sector as well, because that capital money is going to go into investing in projects, and people will see those coming out of the ground in their communities as well.
So, I think that despite the doom and gloom from our colleagues on the Conservative benches, actually, there is a lot to be positive about, especially in terms of our largest settlement since devolution. And of course, if colleagues want to support the work that we're doing in terms of public sector pay, in terms of supporting public services, then of course, they will have the opportunity as we move through the budget process.
Ydw'n bendant. Mae buddsoddi yn ein sector cyhoeddus mor bwysig i fynd i'r afael â'r heriau y mae cyd-Aelodau'n eu codi yn y Siambr hon wythnos ar ôl wythnos. Pan edrychwn ar y buddsoddiad a wnawn ym maes iechyd, y buddsoddiad mwyaf erioed yn y gwasanaeth iechyd, a diogelu llywodraeth leol cyn belled ag y gallasom ei wneud, rydym bob amser wedi blaenoriaethu gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yma yng Nghymru, a bydd ein cydweithwyr llywodraeth leol yn cydnabod y ffordd yr ydym wedi ceisio eu diogelu drwy'r adegau anoddaf hefyd.
Ni fyddai dim o'r gwaith y gallasom ei wneud ar gyflogau'r sector cyhoeddus wedi bod yn bosibl heb y Llywodraeth hon yn y DU. Rwy'n gyffrous iawn ynglŷn â'r cynnydd cyfalaf i'n cyllideb yn ogystal. Mae'r cyfalaf y buom yn ei gael wedi bod mor annigonol i ddiwallu ein hanghenion yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwethaf. Mae hynny'n gadarnhaol iawn. Ac wrth gwrs, dylai fod yn hwb i'w groesawu i'r sector cyhoeddus hefyd, oherwydd mae'r arian cyfalaf hwnnw'n mynd i gael ei fuddsoddi mewn prosiectau, a bydd pobl yn gweld y rheini'n datblygu yn eu cymunedau.
Felly, er gwaethaf y darogan gwae gan ein cyd-Aelodau ar feinciau'r Ceidwadwyr, mae llawer i fod yn gadarnhaol yn ei gylch mewn gwirionedd, yn enwedig o ystyried ein setliad mwyaf ers datganoli. Ac wrth gwrs, os yw cyd-Aelodau eisiau cefnogi'r gwaith a wnawn ar gyflogau'r sector cyhoeddus, a chefnogi gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, bydd cyfle iddynt wneud hynny wrth inni symud drwy'r broses gyllidebol.
5. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ddatganiad am y potensial ar gyfer mwy o fuddsoddiad yn y gwyddorau bywyd yng Nghymru? OQ62104
5. Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on the potential for increased investment in the life sciences in Wales? OQ62104
The life sciences sector in Wales is scaling at pace, making it one of our most dynamic growth sectors. It currently turns over more than £2.85 billion annually. We are working with the UK Government to secure additional funding for the sector, alongside our engagement on its industrial strategy.
Mae'r sector gwyddorau bywyd yng Nghymru yn tyfu'n gyflym, gan ei wneud yn un o'n sectorau twf mwyaf deinamig. Ar hyn o bryd mae'n creu dros £2.85 biliwn o drosiant y flwyddyn. Rydym yn gweithio gyda Llywodraeth y DU i sicrhau cyllid ychwanegol i'r sector, ochr yn ochr â'n hymwneud ar ei strategaeth ddiwydiannol.
Thank you, Cabinet Secretary. As you point out, Wales already punches above our weight in life sciences, with, as you say, a sector generating over £2.8 billion of value for the Welsh economy, and employing well over 12,500 people. We're recognised internationally here in Wales, but rarely talk about how good we are in this place. The good news is that there is potential for even more. TrakCel in my constituency is just one example of a business with the potential to grow further with, again, international recognition. The Cardiff Edge life sciences park could generate even greater value and more jobs, especially if metro transport with the new Velindre is delivered. Cabinet Secretary, can you confirm your own expectations for growth in the life sciences sector here in Wales, and have you discussed the role that this sector could play in the international Wales investment summit that the First Minister has confirmed will take place later this year?
Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Fel y nodwch, mae Cymru eisoes yn gwneud yn well na'r disgwyl mewn gwyddorau bywyd, gyda sector sy'n cynhyrchu dros £2.8 biliwn o werth i economi Cymru, ac sy'n cyflogi ymhell dros 12,500 o bobl. Rydym yn cael ein cydnabod yn rhyngwladol yma yng Nghymru, ond anaml y siaradwn am ba mor dda rydym ni'n ei wneud yn y lle hwn. Y newyddion da yw bod potensial ar gyfer mwy eto. Un enghraifft yn unig o fusnes sydd â'r potensial i dyfu ymhellach gyda chydnabyddiaeth ryngwladol yw TrakCel yn fy etholaeth i. Gallai parc gwyddorau bywyd Cardiff Edge gynhyrchu mwy o werth a mwy o swyddi eto, yn enwedig os caiff trafnidiaeth metro ei darparu gyda'r Felindre newydd. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, a allwch chi gadarnhau eich disgwyliadau eich hun ar gyfer twf yn y sector gwyddorau bywyd yma yng Nghymru, ac a ydych chi wedi trafod y rôl y gallai'r sector hwn ei chwarae yn uwchgynhadledd buddsoddi rhyngwladol Cymru y cadarnhaodd y Prif Weinidog y byddai'n digwydd yn ddiweddarach eleni?
I'm very grateful for the question and the opportunity, again, to highlight one of the shining stars, I think, in our Welsh economy. The life sciences sector, as well as employing thousands of people, as we've just heard, saw some significant growth amongst its 319 businesses in Wales. Of course, they range from small SMEs doing incredible, innovative things, right through to large blue-chip companies. The approximate turnover, which I referred to in my original answer, of £2.85 billion is actually an increase of 8.6 per cent on the year before, and I'm sure that we can continue to see encouraging growth in that sector.
Clearly, the UK Government's industrial strategy gives us the opportunity, again, to shine a light on the life sciences sector as one that has one of the greatest potentials for growth. Absolutely, I have had those conversations with the First Minister about how the forthcoming investment summit can offer further opportunities to showcase what's available here in Wales, our incredible expertise, to that international audience to generate further growth and further investment in the sector.
Rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn am y cwestiwn a'r cyfle, unwaith eto, i dynnu sylw at un o'r sêr disglair ein heconomi yng Nghymru. Yn ogystal â chyflogi miloedd o bobl, fel y clywsom nawr, gwelodd y sector gwyddorau bywyd dwf sylweddol ymhlith ei 319 o fusnesau yng Nghymru. Wrth gwrs, maent yn amrywio o BBaChau bach yn gwneud pethau anhygoel, arloesol, i gwmnïau mawr o'r radd flaenaf. Mae'r trosiant bras o £2.85 biliwn, y cyfeiriais ato yn fy ateb gwreiddiol, yn gynnydd o 8.6 y cant ar y flwyddyn flaenorol, ac rwy'n siŵr y gallwn barhau i weld twf calonogol yn y sector hwnnw.
Yn amlwg, mae strategaeth ddiwydiannol Llywodraeth y DU yn rhoi cyfle i ni daflu goleuni ar y sector gwyddorau bywyd fel un o'r rhai sydd â'r potensial mwyaf ar gyfer twf. Yn bendant, rwyf wedi cael sgyrsiau gyda'r Prif Weinidog ynglŷn â sut y gall yr uwchgynhadledd fuddsoddi sydd ar y ffordd gynnig cyfleoedd pellach i arddangos yr hyn sydd ar gael yma yng Nghymru, ein harbenigedd anhygoel, i'r gynulleidfa ryngwladol i gynhyrchu twf pellach a buddsoddiad pellach yn y sector.
6. Sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio i sicrhau bod cymunedau yng Nghanolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru yn elwa o ynni adnewyddadwy ar y môr? OQ62118
6. How is the Welsh Government working to ensure that communities in Mid and West Wales benefit from offshore renewables? OQ62118
This week, I chaired the first meeting of the offshore wind task and finish group with leaders from across industry and academia to develop a clear action plan and timeline to ensure communities across Wales benefit from the investment in offshore renewables.
Yr wythnos hon, fe gadeiriais gyfarfod cyntaf y grŵp gorchwyl a gorffen gwynt ar y môr gydag arweinwyr o bob rhan o ddiwydiant a'r byd academaidd i ddatblygu cynllun gweithredu clir a llinell amser i sicrhau bod cymunedau ledled Cymru yn elwa o'r buddsoddiad mewn ynni adnewyddadwy ar y môr.
Diolch yn fawr iawn. Pan wnaethoch chi gyhoeddi yr wythnos diwethaf eich bwriad i sefydlu’r grŵp gorchwyl a gorffen yma ar ynni gwynt ar y môr, gwnaethoch chi amlinellu ystod o nodau economaidd allweddol y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gobeithio y bydd cynlluniau fel hyn, ym Môr Iwerddon yn arbennig, yn eu cyflawni i Gymru. Rwy’n edrych ymlaen at glywed am a chraffu ar waith y grŵp arbennig yna. Ond mae’n rhaid i mi ofyn un cwestiwn sylfaenol: sut allwn ni fel cenedl sicrhau y budd economaidd mwyaf posibl o wynt ar y môr os nad oes gyda ni’r pwerau i wireddu hyn? Rwy’n sôn, wrth gwrs, am bwerau dros Ystâd y Goron. Byddai datganoli’r pwerau hyn, fel sydd wedi digwydd yn yr Alban, nid yn unig yn gwarantu ein bod ni’n elwa o’n hadnoddau naturiol, ond byddai hefyd yn rhoi pwerau i ni osod telerau penodol ar bethau fel caffael a chadwyni cyflenwi, a fyddai’n rhoi gwerth ychwanegol i’r datblygiadau hyn. Gaf i ofyn, felly, a fydd opsiynau ar gyfer datganoli Ystâd y Goron yn rhan o gylch gorchwyl y grŵp gorchwyl a gorffen rŷch chi wedi ei sefydlu, ac os na, pam?
Thank you very much. When you announced last week your intention to establish the task and finish group on offshore wind energy, you outlined a range of economic objectives that the Welsh Government hopes that schemes such as this, in the Irish sea particularly, will deliver for Wales. I look forward to hearing about and scrutinising the work of that particular group. But I do have to ask one fundamental question: how can we as a nation ensure the greatest possible economic benefit from offshore wind if we don't have the powers to deliver this? I'm talking about powers over the Crown Estate, of course. The devolution of these powers, as has happened in Scotland, would not only guarantee that we benefit from our natural resources, but it would also give us the powers to place specific terms on things such as procurement and supply chains, which would add value to these developments. Can I ask, therefore, whether options for the devolution of the Crown Estate will be part of the remit of the task and finish group that you have established, and if not, why not?
I'm not sure if we need to be tasking the task and finish group to explore this particular issue, because the Welsh Government's position, I think, is entirely clear on this in terms of seeking the devolution of the Crown Estate. Many of us share that view that there are missed opportunities stemming from the objective of the Crown Estate to maximise revenues for the UK Exchequer. We might take a different view in terms of how we maximise revenues, but also not just being about revenues in and of themselves; actually, we would want to have those conversations about the social, economic and environmental benefits that can be brought forward as well. I think we probably are not in a very different place in terms of the importance of the Crown Estate and the opportunities were it to be devolved, and we are steadfast in our view as a Welsh Government on that.
I will say that we do welcome the appointment of the Welsh commissioner. It will raise the importance of the Crown Estate delivering for Wales as part of their operations, and we look forward to engaging with them in due course. Of course, the Crown Estate's role is absolutely pivotal in terms of making sure that we do have that pipeline of future projects around the UK's coastline, and thinking about the Celtic sea also. All of this is critically important. I think that we come from the same place in terms of the foundation of your question. I do have an intention to meet with the Crown Estate shortly. They are represented, I should say, on our task and finish group, as well.
Nid wyf yn siŵr a oes angen i ni ofyn i'r grŵp gorchwyl a gorffen archwilio'r mater penodol hwn, gan fod safbwynt Llywodraeth Cymru yn gwbl glir ar hyn mewn perthynas â cheisio datganoli Ystad y Goron. Mae llawer ohonom yn rhannu'r farn fod yna gyfleoedd a gollwyd yn deillio o amcan Ystad y Goron i wneud cymaint â phosibl o refeniw i Drysorlys y DU. Efallai y bydd gennym safbwynt gwahanol ynglŷn â sut y gwnawn y mwyaf o refeniw, ond mae'n fwy na refeniw ynddo'i hun; a dweud y gwir, byddem am gael sgyrsiau am y manteision cymdeithasol, economaidd ac amgylcheddol y gellir eu cyflwyno hefyd. Mae'n siŵr nad yw ein safbwyntiau'n wahanol iawn ynghylch pwysigrwydd Ystad y Goron a'r cyfleoedd pe bai wedi ei datganoli, ac rydym yn gadarn ein barn ar hynny fel Llywodraeth Cymru.
Rydym yn croesawu penodi'r comisiynydd i Gymru. Bydd yn codi ymwybyddiaeth o bwysigrwydd gweld Ystad y Goron yn cyflawni dros Gymru fel rhan o'u gweithrediadau, ac edrychwn ymlaen at ymgysylltu â hwy maes o law. Wrth gwrs, mae rôl Ystad y Goron yn gwbl ganolog i sicrhau bod gennym lif o brosiectau yn y dyfodol o amgylch arfordir y DU, a chan feddwl am y môr Celtaidd hefyd. Mae hyn i gyd yn hanfodol bwysig. Rwy'n credu ein bod ni'n gytûn ar sail eich cwestiwn. Rwy'n bwriadu cyfarfod ag Ystad y Goron yn fuan. Dylwn ddweud hefyd eu bod wedi eu cynrychioli yn ein grŵp gorchwyl a gorffen.
Cabinet Secretary, we all know that there are a number of very exciting offshore renewable energy projects in the pipeline around the Pembrokeshire coast for the coming years. There is huge scope, of course, and opportunity for skilled, well-paid jobs in this sector, as well as a well-trained workforce. You were with me in Pembrokeshire College just a couple of weeks ago, where we saw that the investment that we've made into the facilities there is providing futures for our young people who live there. Industry is very much involved in realising the opportunities from that investment. But I'm keen to know, Cabinet Secretary, what discussions the Welsh Government is having with industry and with training providers to make sure that all the benefits are realised to their maximum opportunity.
Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, rydym i gyd yn gwybod bod nifer o brosiectau ynni adnewyddadwy ar y môr cyffrous iawn ar y gweill o amgylch arfordir sir Benfro dros y blynyddoedd nesaf. Mae cyfle enfawr i gael swyddi medrus sy'n talu'n dda yn y sector hwn, yn ogystal â gweithlu wedi'i hyfforddi'n dda. Roeddech chi gyda mi yng Ngholeg Sir Benfro ychydig wythnosau yn ôl, lle gwelsom fod y buddsoddiad a wnaethom yn y cyfleusterau yno yn cynnig dyfodol i'n pobl ifanc sy'n byw yno. Mae rhan fawr gan ddiwydiant i'w chwarae yn gwireddu'r cyfleoedd o'r buddsoddiad hwnnw. Ond rwy'n awyddus i wybod, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, pa drafodaethau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cael gyda diwydiant a chyda darparwyr hyfforddiant i sicrhau bod yr holl fanteision yn cael eu gwireddu i'r graddau mwyaf sy'n bosibl.
I'm very grateful for the question. I really enjoyed the visit that we had to Pembrokeshire College, alongside Vikki Howells. The enthusiasm of everybody involved, the young people and the tutors and others in the college, was really palpable. We've been working really closely with the sector to understand what their needs are for the future. We've got the work that is undertaken through the regional skills partnerships, but actually, we've been doing some very specific work that looks at setting out a clean energy sector skills road map. Of course, that is involving the industries themselves, but also working with the colleges to ensure that we can deliver on that road map—so, looking ahead, what are the skills that industry is going to need in five years' time, or 10 years' time, and planning for that so that, when these opportunities do come on stream, which I'm sure they will, we have the right people with the right skills available to meet those needs.
Rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn am y cwestiwn. Fe wneuthum fwynhau'r ymweliad a gawsom â Choleg Sir Benfro, gyda Vikki Howells. Roedd brwdfrydedd pawb a oedd yn rhan ohono, y bobl ifanc a'r tiwtoriaid ac eraill yn y coleg, yn amlwg iawn. Rydym wedi bod yn gweithio'n agos iawn gyda'r sector i ddeall beth yw eu hanghenion ar gyfer y dyfodol. Mae gennym y gwaith sy'n cael ei wneud drwy'r partneriaethau sgiliau rhanbarthol, ond mewn gwirionedd, rydym wedi bod yn gwneud gwaith penodol iawn sy'n edrych ar sefydlu cynllun sgiliau sector ynni glân. Wrth gwrs, mae hynny'n ymwneud â'r diwydiannau eu hunain, a gweithio gyda'r colegau i sicrhau y gallwn gyflawni'r cynllun hwnnw—felly, wrth edrych ymlaen, beth yw'r sgiliau y bydd diwydiant eu hangen ymhen pum mlynedd, neu 10 mlynedd, a chynllunio ar gyfer hynny fel bod gennym y bobl iawn â'r sgiliau cywir i ddiwallu'r anghenion pan ddaw'r cyfleoedd hyn, fel rwy'n siŵr y gwnânt.
7. Sut y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi trigolion y Rhondda i gael y sgiliau gwyrdd sydd eu hangen ar gyfer swyddi gwyrdd y dyfodol? OQ62121
7. How will the Welsh Government support Rhondda residents to obtain the green skills necessary for the green jobs of the future? OQ62121
We are delivering our 'Net Zero Skills Action Plan' across Wales. Progress includes the introduction of green personal learning accounts, new net-zero skills-related funding streams under our flexible skills programme and a new apprenticeship pathway in energy management.
Rydym yn cyflawni ein 'Cynllun Gweithredu Sgiliau Sero Net' ledled Cymru. Mae'r cynnydd yn cynnwys cyflwyno cyfrifon dysgu personol gwyrdd, ffrydiau ariannu newydd sy'n gysylltiedig â sgiliau sero net o dan ein rhaglen sgiliau hyblyg, a llwybr prentisiaeth newydd mewn rheoli ynni.
Climate change is the biggest challenge facing us both globally and locally. Residents in Rhondda and across Rhondda Cynon Taf know only too well that we are not immune from the effects of climate change, following recent bouts of flooding. RHA Wales, now Beacon Group Cymru, have created the Greener RCT project with three aims: to raise awareness of climate change; to reduce the carbon footprint of Tonypandy high street; and to create a green skills pathway. I was fortunate to attend one of their green skills pathway conferences at Coleg y Cymoedd, where a partnership has formed to create valuable learning opportunities for all through carbon literacy, and to help create the green jobs of the future for our young people. It would be great for the Minister to visit Coleg y Cymoedd to see this partnership in action. The construction companies at the conference spoke highly of the funding made available from the Welsh Government to help upskill the workforce with green skills. Will the Minister confirm whether this funding will continue and how we can support construction companies to reach workers who may not feel that this training is needed?
Newid hinsawdd yw'r her fwyaf sy'n ein hwynebu yn fyd-eang ac yn lleol. Mae trigolion Rhondda ac ar draws Rhondda Cynon Taf yn gwybod yn rhy dda nad ydym yn ddiogel rhag effeithiau newid hinsawdd, yn dilyn sawl digwyddiad llifogydd diweddar. Mae RHA Cymru, Beacon Cymru erbyn hyn, wedi creu prosiect RhCT Gwyrddach gyda thri nod: codi ymwybyddiaeth o newid hinsawdd; lleihau ôl troed carbon stryd fawr Tonypandy; a chreu llwybr sgiliau gwyrdd. Roeddwn yn ffodus i fynychu un o'u cynadleddau llwybr sgiliau gwyrdd yng Ngholeg y Cymoedd, lle mae partneriaeth wedi ffurfio i greu cyfleoedd dysgu gwerthfawr i bawb trwy lythrennedd carbon, ac i helpu i greu swyddi gwyrdd y dyfodol i'n pobl ifanc. Byddai'n wych pe bai'r Gweinidog yn ymweld â Choleg y Cymoedd i weld y bartneriaeth hon ar waith. Roedd y cwmnïau adeiladu yn y gynhadledd yn canmol y cyllid sydd ar gael gan Lywodraeth Cymru i helpu i uwchsgilio'r gweithlu â sgiliau gwyrdd. A wnaiff y Gweinidog gadarnhau y bydd y cyllid hwn yn parhau a sut y gallwn gefnogi cwmnïau adeiladu i gyrraedd gweithwyr nad ydynt efallai'n teimlo bod angen yr hyfforddiant hwn?
Diolch, Buffy Williams. Presiding Officer, Buffy Williams is very clearly leading the charge in the fight against climate change and all of the challenges that that presents for her and her constituents, but also in championing the jobs and green growth opportunities that the topic provides as well, consistently raising it with a number of Ministers in this place. I welcome the work and thank the Member for raising the work of Beacon Cymru and the local college, in raising awareness of the need and opportunities in relation to green skills and playing their part in addressing the climate change challenges. I would be delighted to join the Member on a visit to see the plans that they have, including the development of the net-zero training centre, which is being supported by over £3.7 million-worth of Welsh Government funding. The Minister for Further and Higher Education and I will be holding a green skills review and colleagues from the college and industry partners will be present in that review. Funding will go on in this space in the next round of budget, including personal learning accounts, green personal learning accounts, including £144 million in apprenticeships, including an uplift of £6.5 million in our flexible skills programme. We are very much focused on green skills. Jobs and green growth are key priorities, Llywydd, for the First Minister, and this Welsh Labour Government is committed to ensuring that residents in the Rhondda, which Buffy represents, do have the skills to access the green jobs of the future.
Diolch, Buffy Williams. Lywydd, mae'n amlwg fod Buffy Williams ar flaen y gad yn y frwydr yn erbyn newid hinsawdd a'r holl heriau y mae hynny'n eu creu iddi hi a'i hetholwyr, ond hefyd drwy hyrwyddo'r swyddi a'r cyfleoedd twf gwyrdd y mae'r pwnc yn eu cynnig, gan ei godi'n gyson gyda nifer o Weinidogion yn y lle hwn. Rwy'n croesawu'r gwaith ac yn diolch i'r Aelod am godi gwaith Beacon Cymru a'r coleg lleol yn codi ymwybyddiaeth o'r angen a'r cyfleoedd mewn perthynas â sgiliau gwyrdd a chwarae eu rhan wrth fynd i'r afael â'r heriau newid hinsawdd. Buaswn yn falch iawn o ymuno â'r Aelod ar ymweliad i weld y cynlluniau sydd ganddynt, gan gynnwys datblygu'r ganolfan hyfforddi sero net, sy'n cael ei chefnogi gan werth dros £3.7 miliwn o gyllid Llywodraeth Cymru. Bydd y Gweinidog Addysg Bellach ac Uwch a minnau yn cynnal arolwg sgiliau gwyrdd a bydd cymheiriaid o'r colegau a phartneriaid yn y diwydiant yn bresennol yn yr arolwg hwnnw. Bydd cyllid yn parhau yn y maes hwn yn y rownd gyllidebol nesaf, gan gynnwys cyfrifon dysgu personol, cyfrifon dysgu personol gwyrdd, yn cynnwys £144 miliwn mewn prentisiaethau, gan gynnwys cynnydd o £6.5 miliwn yn ein rhaglen sgiliau hyblyg. Rydym yn canolbwyntio'n agos ar sgiliau gwyrdd. Lywydd, mae swyddi a thwf gwyrdd yn flaenoriaethau allweddol i'r Prif Weinidog, ac mae'r Llywodraeth Lafur hon wedi ymrwymo i sicrhau bod sgiliau gan drigolion y Rhondda, y mae Buffy yn eu cynrychioli, i gael mynediad at swyddi gwyrdd y dyfodol.
Yn olaf, cwestiwn 8, Delyth Jewell.
Finally, question 8, Delyth Jewell.
8. Pa asesiad y mae'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet wedi'i wneud ynghylch a yw Llywodraeth Cymru yn darparu digon o arian ar gyfer diwylliant a'r celfyddydau? OQ62120
8. What assessment has the Cabinet Secretary made of the adequacy of the funding the Welsh Government provides for culture and the arts? OQ62120
The Welsh Government will continue to work closely with the culture and arts sectors in Wales to ensure that they receive sufficient funding.
Bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn parhau i weithio'n agos gyda'r sectorau diwylliant a chelfyddydau yng Nghymru i sicrhau eu bod yn cael digon o gyllid.
Diolch am eich ateb, Gweinidog.
Thank you for your response, Minister.
Funding for the arts and culture is in a perilous state. Modest uplifts will do little to ease the sense of strain on theatres, publishing, music companies, libraries, museums—a strain that has already led to job losses and cutbacks in creativity. We risk facing a future where culture and the arts are indulgences, instead of being a part of what we all are.
Culture in Wales is not for the elites. It is, in Raymond Williams's wonderful words, ordinary—fantastically, radically ordinary—and it belongs to all of us. But unless we see a fantastic and radical shift in how it is funded, it will be lost, and we will all be poorer. Does the Government recognise the scale of what is necessary to prevent that from happening? Does it realise that, without that radical increase in funding, the crisis facing our culture will continue?
Mae cyllid ar gyfer y celfyddydau a diwylliant mewn cyflwr peryglus. Ni fydd cynnydd cymedrol yn gwneud fawr ddim i leddfu'r ymdeimlad o straen ar theatrau, gweisg, cwmnïau cerddoriaeth, llyfrgelloedd, amgueddfeydd—straen sydd eisoes wedi arwain at golli swyddi a thorri'n ôl ar greadigrwydd. Rydym mewn perygl o wynebu dyfodol lle mae diwylliant a'r celfyddydau yn foethusrwydd, yn hytrach na bod yn rhan o'r hyn ydym oll.
Nid rhywbeth ar gyfer yr elît yng Nghymru yw diwylliant. Yng ngeiriau bendigedig Raymond Williams, mae'n gyffredin—yn wych ac yn radical o gyffredin—ac mae'n perthyn i bob un ohonom. Ond oni bai ein bod yn gweld newid gwych a radical yn y ffordd y caiff ei ariannu, fe gaiff ei golli, a byddwn oll yn dlotach. A yw'r Llywodraeth yn cydnabod maint yr hyn sy'n angenrheidiol i atal hynny rhag digwydd? A yw'n sylweddoli, heb gynnydd radical mewn cyllid, y bydd yr argyfwng sy'n wynebu ein diwylliant yn parhau?
Diolch, Delyth, for the supplementary question, and for the work that you do in chairing the culture committee here in the Senedd. I'm grateful for the opportunity to be in front of you tomorrow and look forward to that scrutiny session that, no doubt, we will have. The report that you have published around the impact of some of the decisions that have been made, in due course—I look forward to responding to that in full.
We have been over this already this afternoon. There's a context of where some of these decisions have been made, and there are interventions that we have taken—in-year funding of £5 million to support the sector; additional capital funding of £3.7 million from July. There is an opportunity for every single Member of this Senedd to support the sector in the forthcoming budget by voting to support more money into the sector. It is quite clear that there is an opportunity for everyone to have.
We will go on supporting this sector in the way that we will. The first budget since having a UK Labour Government sees an increase in the opportunity for the arts. We can't right all of the wrongs in one budget, but it's a sense of the direction where we want to go. And I think, Presiding Officer, in all of those challenges, and talking about creativity—. Let's just spend a little bit of time in the final winding up of this session in looking at the work of Creative Wales. I will just pick production, film and TV—£26.5 million invested by Creative Wales. That's because of this Welsh Labour Government. Over £300 million back into the Welsh economy. Those productions very much focus on Welsh creativity and culture. We should be proud of that work, and we will go on continuing to invest in the creative sector in that way.
Diolch am y cwestiwn atodol, Delyth, ac am y gwaith a wnewch yn cadeirio'r pwyllgor diwylliant yma yn y Senedd. Rwy'n ddiolchgar am y cyfle i ddod ger eich bron yfory ac edrychaf ymlaen at y sesiwn graffu a gawn. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen maes o law at ymateb yn llawn i'r adroddiad a gyhoeddwyd gennych ynghylch effaith rhai o'r penderfyniadau sydd wedi eu gwneud.
Rydym eisoes wedi bod dros hyn y prynhawn yma. Mae cyd-destun i ble y gwnaed rhai o'r penderfyniadau hyn, ac rydym wedi gwneud ymyriadau—£5 miliwn o gyllid yn ystod y flwyddyn i gefnogi'r sector; cyllid cyfalaf ychwanegol o £3.7 miliwn o fis Gorffennaf ymlaen. Mae cyfle i bob Aelod o'r Senedd hon gefnogi'r sector yn y gyllideb sydd i ddod drwy bleidleisio dros gefnogi mwy o arian i'r sector. Mae'n eithaf amlwg fod cyfle ar gael i bawb.
Byddwn yn parhau i gefnogi'r sector hwn yn y ffordd a wnawn. Mae'r gyllideb gyntaf ers cael cael Llywodraeth Lafur yn y DU yn gweld cynnydd yn y cyfle i'r celfyddydau. Ni allwn unioni'r holl gamweddau mewn un gyllideb, ond mae'n arwydd o'r cyfeiriad y dymunwn fynd iddo. Ac rwy'n meddwl, Lywydd, ym mhob un o'r heriau hynny, a siarad am greadigrwydd—. Gadewch inni dreulio ychydig bach o amser wrth gau'r sesiwn hon yn edrych ar waith Cymru Greadigol. Fe ddewisaf cynhyrchu, ffilm a theledu—£26.5 miliwn wedi'i fuddsoddi gan Cymru Greadigol. Mae hynny oherwydd y Llywodraeth Lafur hon yng Nghymru. Dros £300 miliwn yn ôl i economi Cymru. Mae'r cynyrchiadau hynny'n canolbwyntio'n fawr ar greadigrwydd a diwylliant Cymru. Dylem fod yn falch o'r gwaith hwnnw, a byddwn yn parhau i fuddsoddi yn y sector creadigol yn y ffordd honno.
Diolch i'r Gweinidog a'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet.
I thank the Minister and the Cabinet Secretary.
Yr eitem nesaf fydd y cwestiynau i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol. Y cwestiwn cyntaf gan Alun Davies.
The next item will be questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care. The first question is from Alun Davies.
1. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ddatganiad am ddarparu gwasanaethau meddyg teulu ym Mlaenau Gwent? OQ62094
1. Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on the provision of GP services in Blaenau Gwent? OQ62094

Ensuring good access to GP services across Wales, including all areas of Blaenau Gwent, is a priority for this Government.
Mae sicrhau mynediad da at wasanaethau meddygon teulu ledled Cymru, gan gynnwys pob ardal ym Mlaenau Gwent, yn flaenoriaeth i'r Llywodraeth hon.
Cabinet Secretary, I am delighted to hear that it is a priority for this Government, because there's a crisis in Blaenau Gwent and other parts of the Aneurin Bevan health board area. There is a crisis of access to basic GP services, created by eHarleyStreet, a private company that has been brought in and has failed my constituents, and has failed to deliver services for the people that I and others here represent. But not only are they failing their patients, they're failing their staff. They're not paying the pension contributions they should be paying. I've spoken to suppliers in the last few days who also have bills unpaid. This is an outfit that can't pay its bills and can't deliver services. Do you agree with me, Cabinet Secretary, that people have a right to expect excellence in the services they receive, that suppliers have a right to have their bills paid, that staff have a right to work in an environment where they don't feel bullied, and staff have a right to ensure that their pension contributions are made and that the inland revenue is paid? This is a company that can neither deliver services nor pay its bills. Surely it's time to call time on this failed experiment.
Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, rwy'n falch iawn o glywed ei fod yn flaenoriaeth i'r Llywodraeth hon, oherwydd mae argyfwng ym Mlaenau Gwent a rhannau eraill o ardal bwrdd iechyd Aneurin Bevan. Mae yna argyfwng mynediad at wasanaethau meddygon teulu sylfaenol, argyfwng wedi'i greu gan eHarleyStreet, cwmni preifat a gafodd ei ddwyn i mewn ac sydd wedi gwneud cam â fy etholwyr, ac sydd wedi methu darparu gwasanaethau i'r bobl yr wyf i ac eraill yma'n eu cynrychioli. Ond nid yn unig eu bod yn gwneud cam â'u cleifion, maent yn gwneud cam â'u staff hefyd. Nid ydynt yn talu'r cyfraniadau pensiwn y dylent fod yn eu talu. Rwyf wedi siarad â chyflenwyr yn ystod y dyddiau diwethaf hefyd sydd â biliau heb eu talu. Dyma sefydliad na all dalu ei filiau ac na all ddarparu gwasanaethau. A ydych chi'n cytuno â mi, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, fod gan bobl hawl i ddisgwyl rhagoriaeth yn y gwasanaethau y maent yn eu cael, fod gan gyflenwyr hawl i gael eu biliau wedi'u talu, fod gan staff hawl i weithio mewn amgylchedd lle nad ydynt yn teimlo eu bod yn cael eu bwlio, a lle mae gan staff hawl i sicrhau bod eu cyfraniadau pensiwn yn cael eu gwneud a bod cyllid y wlad yn cael ei dalu? Dyma gwmni na all ddarparu gwasanaethau na thalu ei filiau. Mae'n bryd rhoi diwedd ar yr arbrawf aflwyddiannus hwn.
Can I associate myself with the comments that the First Minister made in First Minister's questions last week in relation to the important question that Alun Davies raises? I have made my views clear to the health board, most recently in a meeting last week. Contractors for GP services should comply with the obligations that they take on. It is unacceptable for staff not be paid. It is unacceptable for suppliers not to be paid, not least given the obvious risks that come with that. And clinical cover should be provided at all surgeries. I expect the board to put in place arrangements to ensure that these requirements are complied with, and the board has acknowledged that in the discussions I have had with it. I will be seeking an account from the board of the results of the arrangements it has in place, and a reassurance that there is a plan for GP services to be provided at the locations the Member refers to in his constituency, and elsewhere, in a way that is stable, sustainable and, as he says, meets the needs of patients.
A gaf i ategu sylwadau'r Prif Weinidog yng nghwestiynau'r Prif Weinidog yr wythnos diwethaf mewn perthynas â'r cwestiwn pwysig y mae Alun Davies yn ei godi? Rwyf wedi gwneud fy marn yn glir i'r bwrdd iechyd, yn fwyaf diweddar mewn cyfarfod yr wythnos diwethaf. Dylai contractwyr ar gyfer gwasanaethau meddygon teulu gydymffurfio â'r rhwymedigaethau y maent yn eu hysgwyddo. Mae'n annerbyniol i staff beidio â chael eu talu. Mae'n annerbyniol i gyflenwyr beidio â chael eu talu, yn enwedig o ystyried y risgiau amlwg sy'n dod yn sgil hynny. A dylid darparu staff clinigol ym mhob meddygfa. Rwy'n disgwyl i'r bwrdd roi trefniadau ar waith i sicrhau y cydymffurfir â'r gofynion hyn, ac mae'r bwrdd wedi cydnabod hynny yn y trafodaethau a gefais ag ef. Byddaf yn gofyn am wybodaeth gan y bwrdd am ganlyniadau'r trefniadau sydd ganddo ar waith, a sicrwydd fod cynllun i ddarparu gwasanaethau meddygon teulu yn y lleoliadau y mae'r Aelod yn cyfeirio atynt yn ei etholaeth, ac mewn mannau eraill, mewn ffordd sy'n sefydlog, yn gynaliadwy, ac yn diwallu anghenion cleifion, fel y mae'n dweud.
Cabinet Secretary, Labour's recent botched budget has caused major damage to many aspects of society, including our GP surgeries. The Chancellor's decision to increase employers national insurance and reduce the threshold at which employers pay towards it will indeed have a devastating impact on the sector, including surgeries in Blaenau Gwent and the remaining region of south-east Wales. Current estimates predict the cost to GP practices in Wales to cover these changes stands at around £7 million. This is massive, Cabinet Secretary, particularly when you take into account that we already have lost more than 100 GP practices in Wales since 2012, and it will, of course, have a serious knock-on effect when it comes to offering patients care and support. So, Cabinet Secretary, what discussions have you had with the UK Government about making GP practices in Wales exempt from these tax hikes, and what direct action will the Welsh Government be taking to limit the damage inflicted upon GP surgeries here in Wales? Thank you.
Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae cyllideb ddiweddar Llafur wedi achosi niwed mawr i sawl agwedd ar gymdeithas, gan gynnwys ein meddygfeydd. Bydd penderfyniad y Canghellor i gynyddu yswiriant gwladol cyflogwyr a lleihau'r trothwy y mae cyflogwyr yn talu tuag ato yn cael effaith ddinistriol ar y sector, gan gynnwys meddygfeydd ym Mlaenau Gwent a gweddill rhanbarth de-ddwyrain Cymru. Mae amcangyfrifon cyfredol yn rhagweld bod y gost i bractisau meddygon teulu yng Nghymru i dalu am y newidiadau hyn oddeutu £7 miliwn. Mae'n enfawr, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, yn enwedig pan ystyriwch ein bod eisoes wedi colli mwy na 100 o bractisau meddygon teulu yng Nghymru ers 2012, ac fe gaiff sgil-effaith ddifrifol o ran cynnig gofal a chymorth i gleifion. Felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, pa drafodaethau a gawsoch gyda Llywodraeth y DU ynghylch eithrio practisau meddygon teulu yng Nghymru o'r codiadau treth hyn, a pha gamau uniongyrchol y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i gyfyngu ar y niwed a achoswyd i feddygfeydd meddygon teulu yma yng Nghymru? Diolch.
Given the damage her party in Government has done to GP services across the border over the last 14 years, I think it's rather rich for the Member to put it in quite those terms. As she knows, the decision—[Interruption.] As she knows—[Interruption.] As she knows, the decision to levy national insurance is a decision of the UK Government. We have, of course, outlined our view in terms of the impact of that on GP practices, but in other parts of the health and social care service and economy as well. The UK Government's position as of today, at the moment, is that the provision that they will make will relate to public sector employees specifically, but we continue to make the case that the implications beyond that group of people will be significant, and we are in discussions, of course, with general practitioners in relation to the pressures that they necessarily will face as a consequence.
O ystyried y niwed y mae ei phlaid hi mewn Llywodraeth wedi'i wneud i wasanaethau meddygon teulu dros y ffin dros y 14 mlynedd diwethaf, rwy'n credu bod gan yr Aelod wyneb braidd yn ei ddisgrifio yn y ffordd honno. Fel y mae'n gwybod, y penderfyniad—[Torri ar draws.] Fel y mae'n gwybod—[Torri ar draws.] Fel y mae'n gwybod, penderfyniad Llywodraeth y DU yw'r penderfyniad i godi yswiriant gwladol. Rydym wedi nodi ein barn ynghylch effaith hynny ar bractisau meddygon teulu, ac mewn rhannau eraill o'r gwasanaeth iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol a'r economi hefyd. Safbwynt Llywodraeth y DU ar hyn o bryd yw y bydd y ddarpariaeth y byddant yn ei gwneud yn ymwneud â gweithwyr y sector cyhoeddus yn benodol, ond rydym yn parhau i ddadlau y bydd y goblygiadau y tu hwnt i'r grŵp hwnnw o bobl yn sylweddol, ac rydym mewn trafodaethau gydag ymarferwyr cyffredinol mewn perthynas â'r pwysau y byddant o reidrwydd yn eu hwynebu o ganlyniad.
I'd go further than Alun Davies, I'd say this is a scandal, what's happening with eHarleyStreet in Blaenau Gwent and across the Aneurin Bevan health board. Representing the area, I've been in touch with some of the GPs—the 40-plus GPs—that are now being affected by this. It needs addressing at Government level and not leaving the health board to its own devices in remedying this, so it needs intervention by you now, Cabinet Secretary. I spoke to one GP who's owed £20,000 in locum wages. Him and his former partner, again, are owed in excess of £300,000 from contracts that haven't been fulfilled by eHarleyStreet. It shows a worrying pattern of behaviour. I spoke to another GP who is now travelling from Monmouthshire to Pembrokeshire to work as a locum rather than working in our communities. So, at a time when we're crying out for doctors, this situation can't go on any longer. I therefore ask you, what are you going to do to get to grips with this matter and to ensure that the trust in GPs is not being eroded? This is public money that's being spent. It has been spent in good faith by the health board, going to eHarleyStreet but then not paying people. It's something that needs to be addressed, and needs to be addressed very, very quickly. So, what are you going to do to make sure that these GPs are getting paid? Diolch.
Buaswn yn mynd ymhellach nag Alun Davies, buaswn i'n dweud bod hyn yn sgandal, yr hyn sy'n digwydd gyda eHarleyStreet ym Mlaenau Gwent ac ar draws bwrdd iechyd Aneurin Bevan. Wrth gynrychioli'r ardal, bûm mewn cysylltiad â rhai o'r meddygon teulu—y 40 a mwy o feddygon teulu—sydd bellach yn cael eu heffeithio gan hyn. Mae angen mynd i'r afael ag ef ar lefel y Llywodraeth a pheidio â gadael i'r bwrdd iechyd benderfynu sut i unioni hyn, felly mae angen ymyrraeth gennych chi nawr, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Siaradais ag un meddyg teulu y mae £20,000 yn ddyledus iddo mewn cyflog locwm. Mae dros £300,000 yn ddyledus iddo ef a'i gyn-bartner o gontractau na chawsant eu cyflawni gan eHarleyStreet. Mae'n dangos patrwm o ymddygiad sy'n peri pryder. Siaradais â meddyg teulu arall sydd bellach yn teithio o sir Fynwy i sir Benfro i weithio fel locwm yn hytrach na gweithio yn ein cymunedau. Felly, ar adeg pan fo gwir angen meddygon arnom, ni all y sefyllfa hon barhau. Gofynnaf i chi felly, beth y bwriadwch ei wneud i fynd i'r afael â'r mater hwn ac i sicrhau nad yw ymddiriedaeth mewn meddygon teulu yn cael ei erydu? Arian cyhoeddus sy'n cael ei wario. Mae wedi cael ei wario'n ddidwyll gan y bwrdd iechyd, ac mae'n mynd i eHarleyStreet ond nid ydynt hwy'n talu pobl wedyn. Mae'n rhywbeth y mae angen mynd i'r afael ag ef, ac mae angen mynd i'r afael ag ef yn gyflym iawn. Felly, beth y bwriadwch ei wneud i sicrhau bod y meddygon teulu hyn yn cael eu talu? Diolch.
I refer the Member to the answer I gave a moment ago to Alun Davies. And in terms of what I'm doing, I outlined the actions that I'm taking in that response, and I'll be very happy to update Members when I have the further information I'm seeking from the board.
Rwy'n cyfeirio'r Aelod at yr ateb a roddais eiliad yn ôl i Alun Davies. Ac o ran yr hyn rwy'n ei wneud, amlinellais y camau rwy'n eu cymryd yn yr ymateb hwnnw, a byddaf yn hapus iawn i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Aelodau pan fydd gennyf y wybodaeth bellach rwy'n gofyn amdani gan y bwrdd.
Since these queries were first raised in the Senedd about eHarleyStreet, about how this private company is managing GP surgeries in Blaenau Gwent and throughout the Rhymney valley, I think a number of us have been contacted by constituents who can't get appointments. One person described ringing the telephone line of a surgery affected and hearing a recorded message saying that they were number 85 in the queue. Now we've heard about the distress caused to doctors who haven't been paid, who are owed thousands of pounds. But I'm also concerned about the lack of clinical governance in some of these practices. The company eHarleyStreet seems to be working to a model that relies on nurses and nurse practitioners leading care rather than GPs. Now, I've been sent information that on one day, in one of the surgeries affected, only one GP was present for a practice of over 11,000 patients. Usually a practice like that would have five or six GPs, and because so many GPs are, perhaps understandably now, refusing to work in these practices because they haven't been paid, that could surely get worse.
Patients deserve better. So, with that in mind, in terms of the clinical governance issue, what could the Government do, please? What do you expect that the health board could do to ensure that these surgeries, and those people who rely on these surgeries, aren't left in this limbo any longer?
Ers i'r ymholiadau hyn gael eu codi gyntaf yn y Senedd am eHarleyStreet, am y ffordd y mae'r cwmni preifat hwn yn rheoli meddygfeydd ym Mlaenau Gwent a ledled cwm Rhymni, mae etholwyr sy'n methu cael apwyntiadau wedi cysylltu â nifer ohonom. Disgrifiodd un unigolyn sut y ffoniodd linell ffôn un o'r meddygfeydd hyn a chlywed neges wedi'i recordio yn dweud eu bod yn rhif 85 yn y ciw. Nawr rydym wedi clywed am y trallod a achoswyd i feddygon nad ydynt wedi cael eu talu, gyda miloedd o bunnoedd yn ddyledus iddynt. Ond rwy'n pryderu hefyd am y diffyg llywodraethu clinigol yn rhai o'r practisau hyn. Mae'n ymddangos bod cwmni eHarleyStreet yn gweithio yn ôl model sy'n dibynnu ar nyrsys ac ymarferwyr nyrsio i arwain gofal yn hytrach na meddygon teulu. Nawr, anfonwyd gwybodaeth ataf mai dim ond un meddyg teulu oedd yn bresennol ar un diwrnod penodol yn un o'r meddygfeydd hyn, ar gyfer practis o dros 11,000 o gleifion. Fel arfer byddai gan bractis o'r fath bump neu chwech o feddygon teulu, a gallai hynny waethygu yn sicr, am fod cymaint o feddygon teulu yn gwrthod gweithio yn y practisau hyn, yn ddigon dealladwy nawr efallai, am na chawsant eu talu.
Mae cleifion yn haeddu gwell. Felly, gyda hynny mewn golwg, ar fater llywodraethu clinigol, beth y gallai'r Llywodraeth ei wneud, os gwelwch yn dda? Beth y disgwyliwch chi i'r bwrdd iechyd ei wneud i sicrhau nad yw'r meddygfeydd hyn, na'r bobl sy'n dibynnu ar y meddygfeydd hyn, yn cael eu gadael mewn limbo mwyach?
Well, look, clearly there are requirements in the contracts that GPs take on from the health board that stipulate outcomes of the sort the Member is referring to. And I made it clear in my response to Alun Davies that clinical cover at all the locations to which he and I think you were referring is absolutely essential, and I'd be happy to report back to Members my further discussions with the board in relation to that.
Wel, edrychwch, yn amlwg, mae yna ofynion yn y contractau y mae meddygon teulu yn eu cael gan y bwrdd iechyd i fynnu canlyniadau o'r math y mae'r Aelod yn cyfeirio ato. A dywedais yn fy ymateb i Alun Davies fod cael staff clinigol ym mhob lleoliad y mae ef a minnau yn credu eich bod yn cyfeirio atynt yn gwbl hanfodol, ac rwy'n hapus i adrodd yn ôl i'r Aelodau o fy nhrafodaethau pellach gyda'r bwrdd mewn perthynas â hynny.
2. Sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi Bwrdd Iechyd Addysgu Powys i sicrhau canlyniadau gwell i gleifion? OQ62087
2. How is the Welsh Government supporting Powys Teaching Health Board to deliver better outcomes for patients? OQ62087
The Welsh Government has recently allocated just over £7 million in additional funding in recognition of financial pressures in the current year, which will support Powys Teaching Health Board to deliver safe and timely access to its residents.
Yn ddiweddar, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi dyrannu ychydig dros £7 miliwn mewn cyllid ychwanegol i gydnabod pwysau ariannol yn y flwyddyn bresennol, a fydd yn cefnogi Bwrdd Iechyd Addysgu Powys i ddarparu mynediad diogel ac amserol i'w drigolion.
Okay, well, thank you for your answer, Cabinet Secretary. Acute stroke services currently take place, of course, in Bronglais hospital in Aberystwyth, which serves large parts of my own constituency, and you will be aware that Hywel Dda Health Board are considering proposals that include the downgrading of stroke services at Bronglais Hospital, which would mean mid Wales patients suffering from a stroke would have to be transferred to Withybush or Llanelli. Now, as you know, Cabinet Secretary every hour is critical following a stroke, and all options proposed would mean my constituents would not have access to time-critical care, and time critical is something you mentioned in your earlier answer to me, Cabinet Secretary.
Apart from not receiving access to treatment quickly, of course recovery is also important, and it is entirely unreasonable, I would suggest, and often impractical, for someone living in Llanidloes or Machynlleth, and relatives, to have to travel to Withybush in order to visit a relative. So, how are you supporting Powys patients and Powys health board to ensure that there are sufficient and timely acute stroke services for Powys patients?
Iawn, wel, diolch am eich ateb, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Mae gwasanaethau strôc acíwt yn digwydd ar hyn o bryd yn ysbyty Bronglais yn Aberystwyth, sy'n gwasanaethu rhannau helaeth o fy etholaeth i, ac fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol fod Bwrdd Iechyd Hywel Dda yn ystyried cynigion sy'n cynnwys israddio gwasanaethau strôc yn Ysbyty Bronglais, a fyddai'n golygu y byddai'n rhaid trosglwyddo cleifion o ganolbarth Cymru sy'n dioddef strôc i Lwynhelyg neu Lanelli. Nawr, fel y gwyddoch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae pob awr yn hollbwysig yn dilyn strôc, a byddai'r holl opsiynau a gynigir yn golygu na fyddai gan fy etholwyr fynediad at ofal sy'n galw am ymateb cyflym, ac mae gofal o'r fath yn rhywbeth y sonioch chi amdano yn eich ateb cynharach i mi, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet.
Ar wahân i beidio â chael mynediad at driniaeth yn gyflym, mae adferiad yn bwysig hefyd, ac rwy'n awgrymu ei bod hi'n gwbl afresymol ac yn aml yn anymarferol i rywun sy'n byw yn Llanidloes neu Fachynlleth, a pherthnasau, orfod teithio i Lwynhelyg er mwyn ymweld â pherthynas. Felly, sut rydych chi'n cefnogi cleifion Powys a bwrdd iechyd Powys i sicrhau bod gwasanaethau strôc acíwt digonol ac amserol ar gael i gleifion Powys?
Well, my understanding is that no decision has yet been taken by Hywel Dda in relation to reconfiguration of stroke services, and there will be a consultation on that in May. He makes an important point about the implications for residents living outside the footprint of the health board in relation to that kind of reconfiguration, and I do expect health boards to undertake a rigorous options appraisal with that in mind, and a collaborative approach not just with delivery partners, obviously, which is critical, and the Stroke Association and others, but with neighbouring health boards where there are implications for residents in those health board areas as well. My understanding from the health board is that they’ve said that the initial care and treatment for stroke patients will not change and that all four main hospitals, including Bronglais, will still be able to provide life-saving thrombolysis. The rehabilitation provision as well also won’t be affected. But I would expect both health boards to be in discussion in relation to the implications for those residents outside the footprint of Hywel Dda itself.
Wel, fy nealltwriaeth i yw nad oes penderfyniad wedi ei wneud eto gan Hywel Dda mewn perthynas ag ad-drefnu gwasanaethau strôc, a bydd ymgynghoriad ar hynny ym mis Mai. Mae'n gwneud pwynt pwysig ynghylch y goblygiadau i drigolion sy'n byw y tu allan i ardal y bwrdd iechyd mewn perthynas â'r math hwnnw o ad-drefnu, ac rwy'n disgwyl i fyrddau iechyd gynnal arfarniad opsiynau trylwyr gyda hynny mewn golwg, a dull cydweithredol nid yn unig gyda phartneriaid cyflawni, yn amlwg, sy'n hanfodol, a'r Gymdeithas Strôc ac eraill, ond gyda byrddau iechyd cyfagos lle mae goblygiadau i drigolion yn ardaloedd y byrddau iechyd hynny hefyd. Yr hyn a ddeallaf gan y bwrdd iechyd yw eu bod wedi dweud na fydd y gofal a'r driniaeth gychwynnol i gleifion strôc yn newid ac y bydd y pedwar prif ysbyty, gan gynnwys Bronglais, yn dal i allu darparu thrombolysis sy'n achub bywydau. Ni fydd y ddarpariaeth adsefydlu'n cael ei heffeithio ychwaith. Ond rwy'n disgwyl i'r ddau fwrdd iechyd drafod y goblygiadau i drigolion y tu allan i ardal Hywel Dda ei hun.
Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, James Evans.
Questions now from the party spokespeople. Welsh Conservatives spokesperson, James Evans.
Diolch, Llywydd. Cabinet Secretary, the recent Audit Wales report has laid bare alarming shortcomings in Wales’s cancer services, particularly the lack of clarity and accountability in leadership roles. This failure has caused widespread confusion and inefficiencies in patient care. Despite a staggering 54 per cent real-terms increase in spending in cancer services over the past 13 years, the NHS in Wales continues to miss the target for starting cancer treatment. Leadership failures have resulted in shocking delays for patients, with some waiting over 100 days to begin treatment. These delays exacerbate anxiety and lead to poorer survival rates, which are already worse in Wales than in any other nation across the UK. Given the lack of clarity, accountability and duplication of leadership roles, and, as someone said, ‘We don’t know who’s in charge’, how do you and the Welsh Government justify this chronic mismanagement? What actions will you take to fix the leadership vacuum, dismantle bureaucratic silos, and ensure that patients no longer have to face appalling delays, which cost lives?
Diolch, Lywydd. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae adroddiad diweddar Archwilio Cymru wedi tynnu sylw at ddiffygion brawychus yng ngwasanaethau canser Cymru, yn enwedig y diffyg eglurder ac atebolrwydd mewn rolau arwain. Mae'r methiant hwn wedi peri dryswch eang ac aneffeithlonrwydd mewn gofal cleifion. Er gwaethaf cynnydd syfrdanol o 54 y cant mewn termau real mewn gwariant ar wasanaethau canser dros y 13 mlynedd diwethaf, mae’r GIG yng Nghymru yn parhau i fethu’r targed ar gyfer dechrau triniaeth canser. Mae methiannau arweinyddiaeth wedi arwain at oedi syfrdanol i gleifion, gyda rhai yn aros dros 100 niwrnod i ddechrau eu triniaeth. Mae’r oedi hwn yn gwaethygu pryder ac yn arwain at gyfraddau goroesi gwaeth, sydd eisoes yn waeth yng Nghymru nag yn unrhyw wlad arall yn y DU. O ystyried y diffyg eglurder, atebolrwydd a dyblygu rolau arwain, ac fel y dywedodd rhywun, 'Nid ydym yn gwybod pwy sydd wrth y llyw', sut rydych chi a Llywodraeth Cymru yn cyfiawnhau'r camreoli cronig hwn? Pa gamau y byddwch yn eu cymryd i lenwi'r gwactod arweinyddiaeth, datgymalu seilos biwrocrataidd, a sicrhau nad oes yn rhaid i gleifion wynebu oedi echrydus sy’n costio bywydau?
I welcome the report that the auditor general published yesterday. It is an important report. I accept the thrust of the challenges and the concerns that the auditor general outlines in the report. So, the overall picture is that too many people are waiting too long for treatments that they should be getting faster. I obviously want to see faster diagnosis, faster treatment. It is true to say, for a number of cancers in a number of parts of Wales, those targets are being met and sometimes being exceeded quite significantly, but the overall picture, I accept, is that the targets are not being met.
The auditor general makes a number of recommendations. I think it is fair to say he acknowledges the priority that the Government gives to cancer services in Wales and the investment that the Government has made into cancer services. I think there is absolutely a case for better co-ordination, better alignment, of the range of interventions we have in the system to support patients with cancer in Wales, whether that’s in prevention, in the performance of services themselves, or in the wide range of research that we make into cancer. I think there’s a case for aligning that better, giving it a clearer sense of direction at a national level, and that’s what we will be doing. That actually accords with work that’s already under way. Much of what’s in the report echoes our own analysis over recent months in relation to cancer provision, and I will also be looking at the cancer quality statement to make sure that is current and that the roles and responsibilities and our expectations as a Government are clear for all of those participating in the system.
Rwy'n croesawu'r adroddiad a gyhoeddwyd gan yr archwilydd cyffredinol ddoe. Mae’n adroddiad pwysig. Rwy'n derbyn byrdwn yr heriau a’r pryderon y mae’r archwilydd cyffredinol yn eu hamlinellu yn yr adroddiad. Felly, y darlun cyffredinol yw bod gormod o bobl yn aros yn rhy hir am driniaethau y dylent eu cael yn gyflymach. Yn amlwg, rwyf am weld diagnosis cyflymach, triniaeth gyflymach. Ar gyfer nifer o ganserau mewn nifer o rannau o Gymru, mae'n wir fod y targedau hynny’n cael eu cyrraedd, a rhagorir arnynt yn helaeth weithiau, ond rwy’n derbyn mai'r darlun cyffredinol yw nad yw’r targedau’n cael eu cyrraedd.
Mae’r archwilydd cyffredinol yn gwneud nifer o argymhellion. Credaf ei bod yn deg dweud ei fod yn cydnabod y flaenoriaeth y mae’r Llywodraeth yn ei rhoi i wasanaethau canser yng Nghymru a’r buddsoddiad y mae’r Llywodraeth wedi’i wneud mewn gwasanaethau canser. Yn sicr, mae achos i'w gael dros gydgysylltu gwell, dros wella aliniad yr ystod o ymyriadau sydd gennym yn y system i gefnogi cleifion â chanser yng Nghymru, boed hynny ym maes atal, ym mherfformiad y gwasanaethau eu hunain, neu yn yr amrywiaeth eang o ymchwil a wnawn ar ganser. Credaf fod achos i'w gael dros alinio hynny'n well, gan roi ymdeimlad cliriach o gyfeiriad ar lefel genedlaethol, a dyna y bwriadwn ei wneud. Mewn gwirionedd, mae hynny'n cyd-fynd â gwaith sydd eisoes ar y gweill. Mae llawer o’r hyn sydd yn yr adroddiad yn adleisio ein dadansoddiad ein hunain dros y misoedd diwethaf o ddarpariaeth canser, a byddaf hefyd yn edrych ar y datganiad ansawdd ar gyfer canser i sicrhau ei fod yn gyfredol a bod y rolau a’r cyfrifoldebau a’n disgwyliadau fel Llywodraeth yn glir i bawb sydd yn y system.
Thank you, Cabinet Secretary. It’s good you accept the report. It would be good to see you come forward with actually what you’re going to do around those recommendations, because another part that the report highlighted was the severe workforce challenges that we have here in Wales. After 26 years of the Welsh Labour Government’s stewardship of the Welsh NHS, particularly in cancer services, workforce numbers have increased by 27 per cent, but the chronic recruitment and retention issues persist across the system. The growing reliance on expensive agency staff—now representing 5.5 per cent of the NHS workforce, and, in cost, that’s £325 million in 2022-23—is a clear sign of workforce planning failures. These staff shortages are directly delaying cancer diagnosis and treatment, worsening outcomes for patients. Despite repeated warnings from organisations like the Wales Cancer Alliance, the Welsh Government has failed to deliver a comprehensive workforce strategy. You said about the cancer statement, but what we do need here is a comprehensive workforce strategy around this issue. I’d like to know why has this Welsh Labour Government allowed this crisis to deepen year after year and what steps are you going to take to address the disastrous recruitment and retention problems and end the wasteful overreliance on agency staff in the NHS in Wales, because it’s about time we sorted that out to ensure that our patients get the timely and high quality of cancer care that they deserve.
Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Mae’n dda eich bod yn derbyn yr adroddiad. Byddai'n dda eich gweld yn nodi'r hyn y bwriadwch ei wneud ar yr argymhellion hynny, gan fod yr adroddiad hefyd yn tynnu sylw at yr heriau difrifol sydd gennym gyda'r gweithlu yma yng Nghymru. Ar ôl 26 mlynedd o stiwardiaeth Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru dros GIG Cymru, yn enwedig mewn gwasanaethau canser, mae niferoedd y gweithlu wedi cynyddu 27 y cant, ond mae problemau cronig gyda recriwtio a chadw staff yn parhau ar draws y system. Mae'r ddibyniaeth gynyddol ar staff asiantaeth drud—sydd bellach yn 5.5 y cant o weithlu'r GIG, ac o ran cost, roedd hynny'n £325 miliwn yn 2022-23—yn arwydd clir o fethiannau wrth gynllunio'r gweithlu. Mae'r prinder staff yn golygu oedi cyn cael diagnosis a thriniaeth canser, gan waethygu canlyniadau i gleifion. Er gwaethaf rhybuddion dro ar ôl tro gan sefydliadau fel Cynghrair Canser Cymru, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi methu darparu strategaeth gynhwysfawr ar gyfer y gweithlu. Fe sonioch chi am y datganiad canser, ond yr hyn sydd ei angen arnom yma yw strategaeth gynhwysfawr ar gyfer y gweithlu mewn perthynas â'r mater hwn. Hoffwn wybod pam fod Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru wedi caniatáu i’r argyfwng hwn waethygu flwyddyn ar ôl blwyddyn, a pha gamau y bwriadwch eu cymryd i fynd i’r afael â’r problemau trychinebus gyda recriwtio a chadw staff a rhoi diwedd ar yr orddibyniaeth wastraffus ar staff asiantaeth yn y GIG yng Nghymru, gan ei bod yn hen bryd inni gael trefn ar hynny i sicrhau bod ein cleifion yn cael y gofal canser amserol o ansawdd uchel y maent yn ei haeddu.
Well, the Member starts by telling us how much more recruitment there has been into cancer services—
Wel, mae’r Aelod yn dechrau drwy ddweud wrthym faint yn fwy o recriwtio sydd wedi bod i wasanaethau canser—
It's not doing anything.
Nid yw'n gwneud unrhyw beth.
—so I think it's important to acknowledge the scale of recruitment into cancer services. That is important. The Member is not right to say it isn't doing anything. There's a sharp increase in the number of referrals into cancer pathways. And it is true to say that Wales is not the only country that is finding it challenging to recruit into some aspects of cancer services. Radiology is challenging, but so are many other disciplines. He makes an important point about the reliance on agency staff, and I couldn't agree more with him—that is an unsustainable position for the NHS to be in. He will, I'm sure, have seen the guidance that I gave to the NHS before Christmas in the most recent planning framework, which was explicit about actions that I expect the service to take on an 'adopt or justify' basis. And several of those go to the heart of the point he's just made about reducing agency spend and putting retention and recruitment on a more stable footing.
—felly credaf ei bod yn bwysig cydnabod faint o recriwtio a wnaed i wasanaethau canser. Mae hynny’n bwysig. Nid yw’r Aelod yn gywir i ddweud nad yw’n gwneud unrhyw beth. Mae cynnydd sydyn wedi bod yn nifer yr atgyfeiriadau i lwybrau canser. Ac mae’n wir dweud nad Cymru yw’r unig wlad sy’n ei chael hi’n anodd recriwtio i rai agweddau ar wasanaethau canser. Mae radioleg yn heriol, ond mae llawer o ddisgyblaethau eraill yn heriol hefyd. Mae’n gwneud pwynt pwysig am y ddibyniaeth ar staff asiantaeth, ac rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr—mae honno’n sefyllfa anghynaliadwy i’r GIG fod ynddi. Rwy’n siŵr y bydd wedi gweld y canllawiau a roddais i'r GIG cyn y Nadolig yn y fframwaith cynllunio diweddaraf, a oedd yn nodi'n benodol y camau gweithredu rwy'n disgwyl i’r gwasanaeth eu cymryd ar sail 'mabwysiadu neu gyfiawnhau'. Ac mae nifer o'r rheini'n mynd at wraidd y pwynt y mae newydd ei wneud am leihau gwariant ar asiantaethau a rhoi sylfaen fwy sefydlog i gadw a recriwtio staff.
Reliance on agency staff is a problem. A lot of these agency staff are on the front line, and, quite rightly so, the public and I, and I'm sure every Member across this Chamber, hold our NHS front-line staff in the highest regard. But there is becoming an outrage in the public about the ballooning number of managers across the NHS compared to front-line healthcare providers. While the overall NHS staff numbers have risen between 2014 and 2023 from 72,000 to 91,000, that does not address the clinical shortages of people on the front line. Shockingly, administrative and estate staff have increased by 51.1 per cent during that time, from 15,000 to over 22,000 full-time staff now. And I'd like to know, Cabinet Secretary, after 26 years, how can the Welsh Labour Government justify the bloated expansion of administrative roles while patients face unacceptable delays for treatment due to a lack of front-line staff? What is the Welsh Government doing to prioritise our front-line healthcare professionals and stop the unchecked growth of directors and managerial roles, and finally deliver an NHS that the patients in Wales deserve and pay for?
Mae dibyniaeth ar staff asiantaeth yn broblem. Mae llawer o’r staff asiantaeth hyn ar y rheng flaen, ac yn gwbl briodol, mae gan y cyhoedd a minnau, a phob Aelod yn y Siambr hon, rwy’n siŵr, y parch mwyaf tuag at staff rheng flaen y GIG. Ond mae dicter cynyddol ymhlith y cyhoedd ynghylch y nifer enfawr o reolwyr ar draws y GIG o gymharu â darparwyr gofal iechyd rheng flaen. Er bod niferoedd cyffredinol staff y GIG wedi codi o 72,000 i 91,000 rhwng 2014 a 2023, nid yw hynny'n mynd i'r afael â'r prinder clinigol o bobl ar y rheng flaen. Yn syfrdanol, mae nifer y staff gweinyddol ac ystadau wedi cynyddu 51.1 y cant yn ystod y cyfnod hwnnw, o 15,000 i dros 22,000 o staff amser llawn erbyn hyn. A hoffwn wybod, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, ar ôl 26 mlynedd, sut y gall Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru gyfiawnhau'r cynnydd diangen mewn rolau gweinyddol tra bo cleifion yn wynebu oedi annerbyniol am driniaeth oherwydd diffyg staff rheng flaen? Beth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i flaenoriaethu ein gweithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol rheng flaen a rhoi diwedd ar y cynnydd diatal yn rolau cyfarwyddwyr a rheolwyr a darparu'r GIG y mae cleifion Cymru yn ei haeddu ac yn talu amdano?
The Member makes an easy point, and a populist point, but the truth is that a complex healthcare system requires people who are competent to run the healthcare system, and that is a skill—[Interruption.]—and that is a skill in itself. The level of recruitment into the NHS over recent years has been—[Interruption.] Is the Member happy for me to answer his question?
Mae’r Aelod yn gwneud pwynt hawdd, a phwynt poblyddol, ond y gwir amdani yw bod system gofal iechyd gymhleth angen pobl sy’n gymwys i redeg y system gofal iechyd, ac mae hynny’n sgìl—[Torri ar draws.]—ac mae hynny’n sgìl ynddo’i hun. Mae'r lefelau recriwtio i’r GIG dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf wedi bod—[Torri ar draws.] A yw’r Aelod yn fodlon imi ateb ei gwestiwn?
I am—
Thank you.
—but I think, honestly, there are too many managers in the NHS.
—ond rwy'n credu, o ddifrif, fod gormod o reolwyr yn y GIG.
Thank you.
The questions have been asked; allow the Cabinet Secretary to respond, and listen to the response, please.
Mae'r cwestiynau wedi'u gofyn; gadewch i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet ymateb, a gwrandewch ar yr ymateb, os gwelwch yn dda.
There has been an increase in recruitment to the NHS across all disciplines and all important roles that enable the NHS to be effectively run. He has acknowledged several times in his question so far the sharp increase in recruitment of front-line staff. The Welsh NHS, like the NHS in other parts of the UK, and, indeed, internationally, does struggle to fill certain disciplines in certain parts of the service, and we must do better, collectively, in relation to that. But I think a worldview that suggests that managers and those running the NHS simply should be taken out of the system is a very naive perspective.
Mae cynnydd wedi bod o ran recriwtio i’r GIG ar draws pob disgyblaeth a phob rôl bwysig sy’n galluogi’r GIG i gael ei redeg yn effeithiol. Mae wedi cydnabod sawl gwaith yn ei gwestiwn hyd yma y cynnydd mawr a fu o ran recriwtio staff rheng flaen. Mae GIG Cymru, fel y GIG mewn rhannau eraill o’r DU, ac yn rhyngwladol yn wir, yn ei chael hi'n anodd llenwi rhai disgyblaethau mewn rhai rhannau o’r gwasanaeth, ac mae’n rhaid inni wneud yn well, ar y cyd, mewn perthynas â hynny. Ond credaf fod meddylfryd sy'n awgrymu y dylai rheolwyr a'r rheini sy'n rhedeg y GIG gael eu tynnu allan o'r system yn bersbectif naïf iawn.
Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Mabon ap Gwynfor.
Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Mabon ap Gwynfor.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd. I'd like to develop a little bit on James Evans's questioning on the Audit Wales report into cancer services in Wales. The report makes a number of findings, as we've heard: a lack of clarity over the status of national strategies; the need to better define and delineate the roles of the Welsh Government and the NHS executive in delivering strategic leadership; and the quality and reliability of data being below standard. They all had a familiar ring, because they match almost word for word the issues explored in Plaid Cymru's report into NHS governance, which was published back in November. The Cabinet Secretary kindly mentioned a few weeks ago that he had read our report, so, presumably, he's aware of our recommendations to reform the governance architecture of the NHS. Therefore, in the spirit of showing in deeds as well as words that no one party has a monopoly on good ideas, will he commit to implementing the recommendations of our report?
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Lywydd. Hoffwn ehangu ar gwestiynau James Evans ynglŷn ag adroddiad Archwilio Cymru ar wasanaethau canser yng Nghymru. Mae'r adroddiad yn gwneud nifer o ganfyddiadau, fel y clywsom: diffyg eglurder ynghylch statws strategaethau cenedlaethol; yr angen i ddiffinio ac amlinellu rolau Llywodraeth Cymru a gweithrediaeth y GIG yn well o ran darparu arweinyddiaeth strategol; a bod ansawdd a dibynadwyedd data yn is na'r safon. Roedd gan bob un ohonynt dinc cyfarwydd, gan eu bod bron air am air yr un peth â’r materion a archwiliwyd yn adroddiad Plaid Cymru ar lywodraethiant y GIG, a gyhoeddwyd yn ôl ym mis Tachwedd. Roedd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn ddigon caredig i sôn ychydig wythnosau’n ôl ei fod wedi darllen ein hadroddiad, felly, mae’n siŵr ei fod yn ymwybodol o’n hargymhellion i ddiwygio saernïaeth llywodraethiant y GIG. Felly, mewn ysbryd o ddangos drwy weithredoedd yn ogystal â geiriau nad oes gan unrhyw blaid fonopoli ar syniadau da, a wnaiff ymrwymo i weithredu argymhellion ein hadroddiad?
The report, I remember, followed a statement that I had made in the Chamber and a speech that I gave to the NHS Confederation, which found many echoes in the report that Plaid Cymru published two weeks later. And I was very pleased to see that the kind of fresh thinking I was seeking to bring to the challenges that we face was agreed—[Interruption.]—was agreed to by Plaid Cymru. I see the same thing in the plan that Plaid Cymru have published yesterday in relation to tackling waiting lists: establish regional elective care hubs, tick; triage services, tick; embedding collaboration between health boards, tick; waiting list planning, tick; technology, tick. I mean, I’m very grateful to the Member for echoing the interventions that we’re already making on the NHS.
The substantive point he’s making, though, is that there is a need to rebalance that relationship across the NHS. Planning guidance, which I gave before Christmas, starts us on the path of doing that. It sets out clearly a smaller number of top priorities that I expect the NHS to deliver and then interventions that will support them to do that. I recognise that, beyond that, there is a level of flexibility and a level of discretion and judgment that health boards are absolutely best placed to be able to undertake to reflect the needs of their local population. But that approach, which is a set of clear expectations, flexibilities to deliver, and a centre able to support and intervene when those aren't met, I think is the right way forward.
Rwy'n cofio bod yr adroddiad wedi dilyn datganiad a wneuthum yn y Siambr ac araith a roddais i Gonffederasiwn y GIG, a gafodd ei adleisio'n helaeth yn yr adroddiad a gyhoeddodd Plaid Cymru bythefnos yn ddiweddarach. Ac roeddwn yn falch iawn o weld bod Plaid Cymru yn cytuno ynghylch y math o feddwl ffres y ceisiwn ei annog i'r heriau sy'n ein hwynebu—[Torri ar draws.] Gwelaf yr un peth yn y cynllun y mae Plaid Cymru wedi’i gyhoeddi ddoe mewn perthynas â mynd i’r afael â rhestrau aros: sefydlu canolfannau gofal a gynlluniwyd rhanbarthol, tic; gwasanaethau brysbennu, tic; gwreiddio cydweithio rhwng byrddau iechyd, tic; cynllunio rhestrau aros, tic; technoleg, tic. Hynny yw, rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn i'r Aelod am adleisio'r ymyriadau yr ydym eisoes yn eu gwneud gyda'r GIG.
Y prif bwynt y mae'n ei wneud, serch hynny, yw bod angen ailgydbwyso'r berthynas honno ar draws y GIG. Mae'r canllawiau cynllunio, a roddais cyn y Nadolig, yn ein rhoi ar y llwybr tuag at wneud hynny. Mae’n nodi’n glir nifer llai o brif flaenoriaethau y disgwyliaf i’r GIG eu cyflawni ac ymyriadau a fydd yn eu cynorthwyo i wneud hynny. Rwy'n cydnabod, y tu hwnt i hynny, fod yna lefel o hyblygrwydd a lefel o ddisgresiwn a chrebwyll y mae byrddau iechyd yn y sefyllfa orau i allu ymgymryd â hwy i adlewyrchu anghenion eu poblogaeth leol. Ond rwy'n credu mai'r dull hwn o weithredu, sef cyfres o ddisgwyliadau clir, hyblygrwydd i'w cyflawni, a chanol sy'n gallu cefnogi ac ymyrryd pan na chaiff y rheini eu cyflawni, yw'r ffordd gywir ymlaen.
With respect, that’s a disappointing response, because you seem to be in complete denial about the problems within the health service. The suggestions that we have put forward in a series of reports are ones that have come up from clinicians, saying that these are problems on the ground and these need to be implemented, so, you’re clearly not implementing them if you’re saying that you have done them already.
Now, of course, long waits have become emblematic of Labour’s quarter century of management of the health service. The fact that Wales has amongst the worst survival rates in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development for cancer comes as little surprise when we consider that almost half of cancer patients don’t receive the treatment they need in time, with even longer waits for conditions such as gynaecological cancers.
The targets of the Welsh Government’s planned care recovery plan, which were set by the First Minister in her previous role, of course, included an ambition to ensure that 80 per cent of all cancer patients receive treatment within the clinically recommended 62-day period by 2026. Can the Cabinet Secretary guarantee, contrary to the other targets contained within the plan, that this one at least will actually be met?
Gyda phob parch, mae hwnnw’n ymateb siomedig, gan ei bod yn ymddangos eich bod yn gwadu'r problemau o fewn y gwasanaeth iechyd. Mae’r awgrymiadau a gyflwynwyd gennym mewn cyfres o adroddiadau yn rhai sydd wedi'u codi gan glinigwyr, yn dweud bod y rhain yn broblemau ar lawr gwlad a bod angen rhoi’r awgrymiadau hyn ar waith, felly yn amlwg, nid ydych yn eu rhoi ar waith os ydych chi'n dweud eich bod wedi eu gwneud yn barod.
Nawr, wrth gwrs, mae arosiadau hir wedi dod yn nodwedd o chwarter canrif Llafur yn rheoli'r gwasanaeth iechyd. Nid yw’r ffaith bod cyfraddau goroesi Cymru ar gyfer canser ymhlith y gwaethaf yn y Sefydliad ar gyfer Cydweithrediad a Datblygiad Economaidd yn peri fawr o syndod o ystyried nad yw bron hanner y cleifion canser yn cael y driniaeth sydd ei hangen arnynt mewn pryd, gydag amseroedd aros hyd yn oed yn hwy ar gyfer cyflyrau fel canserau gynaecolegol.
Roedd targedau cynllun adfer Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer gofal a gynlluniwyd, a osodwyd gan y Prif Weinidog yn ei rôl flaenorol wrth gwrs, yn cynnwys uchelgais i sicrhau bod 80 y cant o’r holl gleifion canser yn cael triniaeth o fewn y cyfnod o 62 diwrnod a argymhellir yn glinigol erbyn 2026. A all Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet warantu, yn wahanol i’r targedau eraill yn y cynllun, y bydd hwn o leiaf yn cael ei gyrraedd?
The Member makes, in this question, an important point about the importance of setting targets for the system to enable the system to deliver the outcomes that we expect and that the people of Wales expect. So, he will have seen, I’m sure, in the planning framework that I issued before Christmas, the target for 80 per cent by March of next year that I’ve set in relation to cancer performance. There is, as we’ve discussed previously, a reasonable level of variability across Wales in relation to meeting cancer targets. So, for example, breast cancer in Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board, lung cancer in Cardiff and Vale University Health Board—these are well performing services that are meeting their targets. And there are some cancer sites—so, skin cancer, blood cancer—where the performance across the system is very good. But the overall performance isn’t sufficient.
The lesson I took from the auditor general’s report, which I thought was constructive, was the need to look again at the range of interventions that we have—the quality statement, the cancer improvement plan, the support programme—to make sure that they are all aligned, managed with purpose, and that is able to give the system the direction that it needs. But it does require as well innovation in the delivery of services on the ground. So, he will know that we’ve increased the ability to send patients straight to test without having to seek an out-patient appointment first. Those sorts of initiatives, we know, will be able to help us speed the journey of patients through their pathway to get the care that they need in a timely fashion. Most cancer patients in Wales are being seen within the 62-day target, but we are not hitting the target and we must.
Mae’r Aelod yn gwneud pwynt pwysig yn y cwestiwn ynglŷn â phwysigrwydd gosod targedau ar gyfer y system i alluogi’r system i sicrhau’r canlyniadau yr ydym yn eu disgwyl ac y mae pobl Cymru yn eu disgwyl. Felly, rwy’n siŵr y bydd wedi gweld, yn y fframwaith cynllunio a gyhoeddais cyn y Nadolig, y targed o 80 y cant erbyn mis Mawrth y flwyddyn nesaf a osodwyd gennyf mewn perthynas â pherfformiad canser. Fel rydym eisoes wedi'i drafod, mae lefel resymol o amrywioldeb ledled Cymru mewn perthynas â chyrraedd targedau canser. Felly, er enghraifft, canser y fron ym Mwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Cwm Taf Morgannwg, canser yr ysgyfaint ym Mwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Caerdydd a'r Fro—mae'r rhain yn wasanaethau sy'n perfformio'n dda ac sy'n cyrraedd eu targedau. Ac mae rhai mathau o ganser—felly, canser y croen, canser y gwaed—lle mae'r perfformiad ar draws y system yn dda iawn. Ond nid yw'r perfformiad cyffredinol yn ddigonol.
Y wers a gymerais o adroddiad yr archwilydd cyffredinol, a oedd yn adeiladol yn fy marn i, oedd yr angen i edrych eto ar yr ystod o ymyriadau sydd gennym—y datganiad ansawdd, y cynllun gwella canser, y rhaglen gymorth—i sicrhau eu bod oll wedi'u halinio, wedi'u rheoli â phwrpas, a bod hynny'n gallu rhoi'r cyfeiriad sydd ei angen ar y system. Ond mae angen arloesi hefyd wrth ddarparu gwasanaethau ar lawr gwlad. Felly, fe fydd yn gwybod ein bod wedi cynyddu'r gallu i anfon cleifion yn syth i gael prawf heb orfod ceisio apwyntiad fel claf allanol yn gyntaf. Gwyddom y bydd y mathau hynny o fentrau'n gallu ein helpu i gyflymu taith cleifion ar eu llwybr i gael y gofal sydd ei angen arnynt mewn modd amserol. Mae’r rhan fwyaf o gleifion canser yng Nghymru yn cael eu gweld o fewn y targed 62 diwrnod, ond nid ydym yn cyrraedd y targed, ac mae’n rhaid inni wneud hynny.
Far below—far below the target. Now, as I mentioned in my first question, it is self-evident that timely collection and publication of data is essential to a well-functioning health service, particularly for the purposes of efficient workforce planning and resource allocation. But, time and time again, we hear the same issue being raised by healthcare professionals: the quality and accessibility of health data in Wales is simply not up to scratch. I was talking to people who work in the field of lesser survivable cancers over lunch time, and this issue came up once again.
The Wales cancer registry is meant to provide timely data on cancer incidence to allow Wales to contribute to national and international cancer studies, but it hasn’t published validated cancer data since 2021. Shamefully, this means Wales can’t fully take part in essential national cancer audits, such as the national lung cancer audit, or in global studies, such as the international cancer benchmarking partnership. It also means that Public Health Wales is fundamentally hamstrung in its ability to project future demand on cancer services. When will you correct this glaring data gap by publishing cancer incidence data right up to the end of 2024?
Ymhell islaw—ymhell islaw'r targed. Nawr, fel y soniais yn fy nghwestiwn cyntaf, mae'n gwbl amlwg fod casglu a chyhoeddi data mewn modd amserol yn hanfodol i wasanaeth iechyd sy'n gweithredu'n dda, yn enwedig at ddibenion effeithlonrwydd wrth gynllunio'r gweithlu a dyrannu adnoddau. Ond dro ar ôl tro, rydym yn clywed yr un mater yn cael ei godi gan weithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol: nid yw ansawdd a hygyrchedd data iechyd yng Nghymru yn ddigon da. Bûm yn siarad â phobl sy’n gweithio ym maes canserau llai goroesadwy dros ginio, a chododd y mater hwn unwaith eto.
Mae cofrestrfa canser Cymru i fod i ddarparu data amserol ar nifer yr achosion o ganser er mwyn caniatáu i Gymru gyfrannu at astudiaethau canser cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol, ond nid yw wedi cyhoeddi data canser wedi'i ddilysu ers 2021. Yn gywilyddus, mae hyn yn golygu na all Cymru gymryd rhan lawn mewn archwiliadau canser cenedlaethol hanfodol, fel yr archwiliad cenedlaethol o ganser yr ysgyfaint, neu mewn astudiaethau byd-eang, fel y bartneriaeth ryngwladol ar gyfer meincnodi canser. Mae hefyd yn golygu bod Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru wedi’i rwystro’n sylfaenol yn ei allu i ragamcanu’r galw am wasanaethau canser yn y dyfodol. Pryd y gwnewch chi unioni'r bwlch mawr hwn yn y data drwy gyhoeddi data am niferoedd achosion o ganser hyd at ddiwedd 2024?
Well, I think he makes an important point about the importance of data and reliable data in all parts of the health service, actually. I would go further: I would say the availability of data is critical. My own view about data across the system is that the availability of data itself isn’t our main challenge. The main challenge is being able to use that data in a way that is as purposeful as it possibly can be. I think that’s a challenge for health services everywhere, by the way, but it’s certainly one that I would recognise here.
So, in terms of cancer data specifically, which is what his question was about, we have, actually, improved the publicly available data, and we publish on a monthly basis about 18 pages of cancer treatment statistics so that they can be scrutinised. We do want to improve transparency further by looking to add data at sub-type level, so more granular data than we are currently able to provide, and there is work under way to get us to that point, and that’s part of a much wider set of actions on improving cancer data generally.
Wel, credaf ei fod yn gwneud pwynt pwysig am bwysigrwydd data a data dibynadwy ym mhob rhan o’r gwasanaeth iechyd. Buaswn yn mynd gam ymhellach: buaswn yn dweud bod argaeledd data'n hollbwysig. Fy marn i am ddata ar draws y system yw nad argaeledd data ei hun yw ein prif her. Y brif her yw gallu defnyddio’r data hwnnw mewn ffordd sydd mor bwrpasol ag y gall fod. Credaf fod honno’n her i wasanaethau iechyd ym mhobman, gyda llaw, ond mae’n sicr yn un y buaswn yn ei chydnabod yma.
Felly, o ran data canser yn benodol, sef testun ei gwestiwn, rydym wedi gwella'r data sydd ar gael i'r cyhoedd, ac rydym yn cyhoeddi'n fisol oddeutu 18 tudalen o ystadegau triniaethau canser fel y gellir craffu arnynt. Hoffem wella tryloywder ymhellach drwy edrych ar ychwanegu data ar lefel is-deip, felly data mwy manwl nag y gallwn ei ddarparu ar hyn o bryd, ac mae gwaith ar y gweill i'n cynorthwyo i gyrraedd y pwynt hwnnw, ac mae hynny'n rhan o set ehangach o lawer o gamau gweithredu ar wella data canser yn gyffredinol.
3. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ddatganiad am gefnogaeth Llywodraeth Cymru i bobl awtistig? OQ62113
3. Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on Welsh Government support for autistic people? OQ62113
The Welsh Government is committed to ensuring accessible services and effective support for autistic people and their families. Through the neurodivergence improvement programme and the national neurodivergence team, we continue to provide support and drive improvements to enhance outcomes, empowering autistic individuals to thrive in all aspects of their lives.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i sicrhau gwasanaethau hygyrch a chymorth effeithiol i bobl awtistig a’u teuluoedd. Drwy’r rhaglen gwella niwrowahaniaeth a’r tîm niwrowahaniaeth cenedlaethol, rydym yn parhau i ddarparu cymorth ac ysgogi gwelliannau i wella canlyniadau, gan rymuso unigolion awtistig i ffynnu ym mhob agwedd ar eu bywydau.
I’ve just had Llyr Gruffydd’s statement of opinion this, which I urge Members to sign, and I’ve recently assisted a constituent who received an autism diagnosis before Christmas. She feels that her autism spectrum condition referral system in school delayed her assessment with the local health board, which resulted in her becoming very ill, and she’s concerned that this might be happening elsewhere, and I’ve seen evidence in my casework. The additional learning needs review needs to take account of the fact that schools have to go through local authorities in order to contact health boards, and that is a circular system that delays very much the ability of schools to contact the health board. Therefore, does the Cabinet Secretary agree that local health boards need to be involved in any review of how autistic spectrum condition referrals happen within schools? And will he work with his colleague the Cabinet Secretary for Education to ensure this happens within the context of the wider review of ALN?
Rwyf newydd gael datganiad barn Llyr Gruffydd ar hyn, ac rwy'n annog yr Aelodau i’w lofnodi, ac yn ddiweddar, cynorthwyais etholwr a gafodd ddiagnosis o awtistiaeth cyn y Nadolig. Mae’n teimlo bod ei system atgyfeirio cyflyrau sbectrwm awtistiaeth yn yr ysgol wedi gohirio ei hasesiad gyda’r bwrdd iechyd lleol, a arweiniodd ati'n mynd yn sâl iawn, ac mae’n pryderu y gallai hyn fod yn digwydd mewn mannau eraill, ac rwyf wedi gweld tystiolaeth yn fy ngwaith achos. Mae angen i’r adolygiad o anghenion dysgu ychwanegol ystyried y ffaith bod yn rhaid i ysgolion fynd drwy awdurdodau lleol er mwyn cysylltu â byrddau iechyd, ac mae honno’n system gylchol sy’n creu oedi mawr yng ngallu ysgolion i gysylltu â’r bwrdd iechyd. Felly, a yw Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn cytuno bod angen i fyrddau iechyd lleol fod yn rhan o unrhyw adolygiad o sut y mae atgyfeiriadau cyflyrau sbectrwm awtistig yn digwydd o fewn ysgolion? Ac a wnaiff weithio gyda'i gyd-Aelod, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg, i sicrhau bod hyn yn digwydd yng nghyd-destun yr adolygiad ehangach o ADY?
I thank Hefin David for that supplementary. The ALN legislative review, which my Cabinet colleague the Cabinet Secretary for Education is taking forward, as I understand it, is focused mainly on the clarity and accessibility of the legislative framework itself and gathering evidence on some of the practical challenges for that. He does make an important point about the relationship between schools, local authorities and health boards. I will say that, as part of the neurodivergence improvement programme, we held an event in November last year, which was aimed at improving ND services for children, creating an integrated approach, involving all partners and including education partners. And it was clear, I think, from the discussions there, just how important it is, as we redesign the system, to ensure that all parts of the system, all parts of public services, are engaged and working together in the way they can support families. An important part of that work and the work that we’re already doing to improve services is making sure that staff in schools have the necessary training and the skill set they need to be able to support children who may be neurodiverse, and then making timely referrals to assessment when that’s needed.
Diolch i Hefin David am ei gwestiwn atodol. Yn ôl yr hyn a ddeallaf, mae’r adolygiad deddfwriaethol o ADY, y mae fy nghyd-Aelod o'r Cabinet, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg, yn bwrw ymlaen ag ef, yn canolbwyntio’n bennaf ar eglurder a hygyrchedd y fframwaith deddfwriaethol ei hun a chasglu tystiolaeth ar rai o’r heriau ymarferol ar gyfer hynny. Mae’n gwneud pwynt pwysig ynglŷn â'r berthynas rhwng ysgolion, awdurdodau lleol a byrddau iechyd. Fel rhan o’r rhaglen gwella niwrowahaniaeth, fe wnaethom gynnal digwyddiad ym mis Tachwedd y llynedd, a oedd wedi’i anelu at wella gwasanaethau niwrowahaniaeth i blant, gan greu dull integredig, i gynnwys yr holl bartneriaid a phartneriaid addysg. Ac roedd yn amlwg o’r trafodaethau yno pa mor bwysig yw hi, wrth inni ailgynllunio’r system, i sicrhau bod pob rhan o’r system, pob rhan o wasanaethau cyhoeddus, yn ymgysylltu ac yn gweithio gyda’i gilydd yn y ffordd y gallant gefnogi teuluoedd. Rhan bwysig o’r gwaith hwnnw a’r gwaith yr ydym eisoes yn ei wneud i wella gwasanaethau yw sicrhau bod staff mewn ysgolion yn cael yr hyfforddiant angenrheidiol a’r set sgiliau sydd ei hangen arnynt i allu cefnogi plant a allai fod yn niwroamrywiol, a gwneud atgyfeiriadau amserol at asesiadau pan fo angen.
I’m grateful to you, Hefin David, for raising this important and timely question in the Chamber here today. Cabinet Secretary, you will be aware that recent reports have shown that, by 2027, the number of children who will be seeking autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder assessments could triple to around 61,000. Now, we already know, as Hefin David outlined, the pressures that those assessment services are under, and in my region of north Wales I'm aware that children are now having to wait up to five years for that assessment to take place. In a child's lifetime, five years is a huge length of time. That's clearly having an impact on their educational attainment and the appropriate services to support them through their childhood. I wonder if you could just briefly outline why you think that, in a place like north Wales, children are having to wait that length of time, and why you think that the pressure on assessments is not being met currently. I know that there's a £3 million additional fund that the Welsh Government made available to support this, and do you think that's enough to deal with this additional pressure that the service is seeing?
Diolch am godi’r cwestiwn pwysig ac amserol hwn yma yn y Siambr heddiw, Hefin David. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, fe fyddwch chi'n ymwybodol fod adroddiadau diweddar wedi dangos, erbyn 2027, y gallai nifer y plant a fydd yn ceisio asesiadau awtistiaeth ac anhwylder diffyg canolbwyntio a gorfywiogrwydd dreblu i oddeutu 61,000. Nawr, rydym eisoes yn gwybod, fel yr amlinellodd Hefin David, am y pwysau sydd ar y gwasanaethau asesu hynny, ac yn fy rhanbarth i yng ngogledd Cymru, rwy'n ymwybodol fod plant bellach yn gorfod aros hyd at bum mlynedd am yr asesiad hwnnw. Ym mywyd plentyn, mae pum mlynedd yn gyfnod hirfaith. Mae hynny'n amlwg yn cael effaith ar eu cyrhaeddiad addysgol a'r gwasanaethau priodol i'w cefnogi drwy eu plentyndod. Tybed a allech chi amlinellu’n fyr pam y credwch chi, mewn lle fel gogledd Cymru, fod plant yn gorfod aros cyhyd, a pham y credwch nad yw’r pwysau ar asesiadau'n cael ei ddiwallu ar hyn o bryd. Gwn fod cronfa ychwanegol o £3 miliwn a ddarparwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru i gefnogi hyn, ac a ydych chi'n credu bod hynny'n ddigon i leddfu'r pwysau ychwanegol hwn y mae'r gwasanaeth yn ei wynebu?
I thank Sam Rowlands for that question. I think the source of the information that he refers to was the evidence that my colleague Sarah Murphy gave in committee last week. The point that she was making, I thought very transparently and very openly in that discussion, was that unless we take steps to reconfigure services, that is where we are likely to be heading. So, it isn't an inevitability and we don't want to see it happening.
The direct answer to his question is that I do not think that the £3 million intervention to tackle the longest waits is sufficient on its own, but we've never said that it will be. We think that the need to put the service on a different footing in the longer term is the solution to being able to see people more quickly. So, as well as the additional funding for the longest waits between now and the end of March—and all parts of Wales have benefited from that, including north Wales—the reconfiguration of the service through the improvement programme is the longer term solution. So, the point that I was making earlier to Hefin David about the redesign event that we had in November is exactly part of that. It brought stakeholders in—more than 100 stakeholders, I believe—to look at how we can reconfigure services so that we don't find ourselves in the position that Sarah Murphy was saying we otherwise would be in.
Diolch i Sam Rowlands am ei gwestiwn. Credaf mai ffynhonnell y wybodaeth y cyfeiria ati oedd y dystiolaeth a roddodd fy nghyd-Aelod Sarah Murphy yn y pwyllgor yr wythnos diwethaf. Y pwynt a wnaeth yn dryloyw ac yn agored iawn yn y drafodaeth honno oedd mai dyna lle rydym yn debygol o fynd oni bai ein bod yn cymryd camau i ad-drefnu gwasanaethau. Felly, nid yw'n anochel ac nid ydym am ei weld yn digwydd.
Yr ateb uniongyrchol i'w gwestiwn yw nad wyf yn credu bod yr ymyriad o £3 miliwn i fynd i'r afael â'r amseroedd aros hiraf yn ddigon ynddo'i hun, ond nid ydym erioed wedi dweud ei fod. Credwn mai’r angen i roi’r gwasanaeth ar sylfaen wahanol yn y tymor hwy yw’r ateb i allu gweld pobl yn gyflymach. Felly, yn ogystal â’r cyllid ychwanegol ar gyfer yr amseroedd aros hiraf rhwng nawr a diwedd mis Mawrth—ac mae pob rhan o Gymru wedi elwa ohono, gan gynnwys y gogledd—ad-drefnu’r gwasanaeth drwy’r rhaglen wella yw’r ateb tymor hwy. Felly, mae’r pwynt yr oeddwn yn ei wneud yn gynharach i Hefin David am y digwyddiad ailgynllunio a gawsom ym mis Tachwedd yn rhan o hynny. Daeth â rhanddeiliaid i mewn—mwy na 100 o randdeiliaid, rwy'n credu—i edrych ar sut y gallwn ad-drefnu gwasanaethau fel nad ydym yn y sefyllfa yr oedd Sarah Murphy yn dweud y byddem ynddi fel arall.
I'd like to highlight the wonderful work of a charity in Llay, Your Space, that help numerous neurodivergent families. They provide support for 165 young people and outreach to 140 parents. There is some crossover as well, but there's a waiting list of 70 young people and also 45 outreach families. Their rent has been trebled by the local authority this year and they're at risk of closure, despite referrals from the local authority and the health board to this amazing charity. So, I'd like to ask—. These are also people that aren't even on the waiting list, maybe, but they're self-diagnosed as needing support. So, how does the Welsh Government help support third sector organisations such as Your Space so that they continue the important work that they do?
Hoffwn dynnu sylw at waith gwych elusen yn Llai, Your Space, sy'n helpu nifer o deuluoedd niwrowahanol. Maent yn darparu cefnogaeth i 165 o bobl ifanc ac allgymorth i 140 o rieni. Mae rhywfaint o orgyffwrdd hefyd, ond mae rhestr aros o 70 o bobl ifanc a 45 o deuluoedd allgymorth. Mae eu rhent wedi'i dreblu gan yr awdurdod lleol eleni ac maent mewn perygl o orfod cau, er gwaethaf atgyfeiriadau gan yr awdurdod lleol a’r bwrdd iechyd at yr elusen wych hon. Felly, hoffwn ofyn—. Mae'r rhain hefyd yn bobl nad ydynt hyd yn oed ar y rhestr aros, efallai, ond maent wedi gwneud diagnosis eu hunain fod angen cymorth arnynt. Felly, sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn helpu i gefnogi sefydliadau trydydd sector fel Your Space fel eu bod yn parhau â’r gwaith pwysig a wnânt?
I thank Carolyn Thomas for that, and she makes an important point about the range of providers making a real contribution to the lives of young people and others from the perspective of ND services more generally. And I absolutely recognise that a number are facing pressures for a range of different reasons. I know that, through the sustainable social services grant scheme, which my colleague Dawn Bowden has responsibility for, we do provide support for a range of organisations. I'm not sure that I can tell her that the organisation that she's mentioned is one of them—I just don't know that information—but there are a range of organisations that do benefit from that grant, and it's designed specifically to enable them to be sustainable, given the kind of service they provide and the extent to which we and young people depend on them.
Diolch i Carolyn Thomas am hynny, ac mae'n gwneud pwynt pwysig am yr amrywiaeth o ddarparwyr sy’n gwneud cyfraniad gwirioneddol i fywydau pobl ifanc ac eraill o safbwynt gwasanaethau niwrowahaniaeth yn fwy cyffredinol. Ac rwy’n llwyr gydnabod bod nifer yn wynebu pwysau am ystod o wahanol resymau. Drwy’r cynllun grant ar gyfer gwasanaethau cymdeithasol cynaliadwy, y mae fy nghyd-Aelod Dawn Bowden yn gyfrifol amdano, rydym yn darparu cymorth i amrywiaeth o sefydliadau. Nid wyf yn siŵr a allaf ddweud wrthi fod y sefydliad y mae wedi’i grybwyll yn un ohonynt—nid yw'r wybodaeth honno gennyf—ond mae amrywiaeth o sefydliadau'n elwa o'r grant hwnnw, ac mae wedi’i gynllunio’n benodol i alluogi iddynt fod yn gynaliadwy, o ystyried y math o wasanaeth y maent yn ei ddarparu a chymaint rydym ni a phobl ifanc yn dibynnu arnynt.
4. Beth mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i gefnogi iechyd meddwl pobl ifanc? OQ62095
4. What is the Welsh Government doing to support the mental health of young people? OQ62095

Yn ddiweddar, fe wnaethon ni ymgynghori ar fersiwn ddrafft o’n strategaeth iechyd meddwl a lles i bob oed, sy’n nodi ein blaenoriaethau ar gyfer y 10 mlynedd nesaf. Mae hyn yn cynnwys canolbwyntio ar y blynyddoedd cynnar ac iechyd meddwl pobl ifanc drwy atal ac ymyrryd yn gynnar. Fe fyddwn ni’n cyhoeddi’r strategaeth yn y gwanwyn.
We recently consulted on our draft all-age mental health and well-being strategy, which sets out our priorities for the next 10 years. This includes a focus on the early years and the mental health of young people through prevention and early intervention. We will publish the strategy in the spring.
Diolch yn fawr. There are young people in Wales at this moment considering taking their own life and, for young people in the LGBTQ+ community, the statistics are alarming. Figures from the Trevor Project suggest that almost 60 per cent of LGBTQ+ people are seriously considering or have seriously considered attempting suicide. Recently, I visited Progress Cymru Counselling, based in Swansea, that's provided support to young people within the LGBTQ+ community and their families for 20 years, and the founder, Debbie Lane, was recognised for her services to the mental health of young people in the new year honours list. This is an organisation that makes a real difference. Not only have they never lost anyone they've supported, but of the referrals made to them, none have ever had to be re-referred back to the NHS, and they're, of course, a preventative service. Calculations from the Mental Health Foundation show that, for the last two financial years, their social return on investment amounted to over £1.5 million each year, and, of this, the direct cost avoidance benefits to Government were over £1 million each year. But all this good work could soon come to an end because, because of a lack of funding, this organisation will have to close in April. The LGBTQ+ action plan commits to ensuring the mental health needs of this community are supported. So, Cabinet Secretary, will you meet with Progress Cymru Counselling to hear about the challenges they're facing, and is there anything that can be done to ensure a really vital service like this isn't lost?
Diolch yn fawr. Mae pobl ifanc yng Nghymru ar hyn o bryd sy'n ystyried hunanladdiad, ac i bobl ifanc yn y gymuned LHDTC+, mae'r ystadegau'n frawychus. Mae ffigurau gan y Trevor Project yn awgrymu bod bron i 60 y cant o bobl LHDTC+ yn neu wedi ystyried hunanladdiad o ddifrif. Yn ddiweddar, ymwelais â Cwnsela Cynnydd Cymru, sydd wedi’i leoli yn Abertawe, ac sydd wedi darparu cymorth i bobl ifanc yn y gymuned LHDTC+ a’u teuluoedd ers 20 mlynedd, a chafodd y sylfaenydd, Debbie Lane, ei chydnabod am ei gwasanaethau i iechyd meddwl pobl ifanc yn y gymuned ar restr anrhydeddau'r flwyddyn newydd. Dyma sefydliad sy'n gwneud gwahaniaeth gwirioneddol. Nid yn unig nad ydynt erioed wedi colli unrhyw un y maent wedi'u cefnogi, ond o'r atgyfeiriadau a wnaed iddynt, nid oes yr un ohonynt erioed wedi gorfod cael eu hailgyfeirio yn ôl i'r GIG, ac maent yn wasanaeth ataliol wrth gwrs. Mae cyfrifiadau gan y Sefydliad Iechyd Meddwl yn dangos bod eu henillion cymdeithasol ar fuddsoddiad dros y ddwy flynedd ariannol ddiwethaf yn fwy na £1.5 miliwn y flwyddyn, ac o hyn, roedd y buddion osgoi costau uniongyrchol i’r Llywodraeth yn fwy na £1 filiwn y flwyddyn. Ond gallai’r holl waith da hwn ddod i ben cyn bo hir gan y bydd yn rhaid i’r sefydliad hwn gau ym mis Ebrill oherwydd diffyg cyllid. Mae'r cynllun gweithredu LHDTC+ yn ymrwymo i sicrhau bod anghenion iechyd meddwl y gymuned hon yn cael eu cefnogi. Felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, a wnewch chi gyfarfod â Cwnsela Cynnydd Cymru i glywed am yr heriau y maent yn eu hwynebu, ac a oes unrhyw beth y gellir ei wneud i sicrhau nad yw gwasanaeth gwirioneddol hanfodol fel hwn yn cael ei golli?
I'm really grateful to Sioned Williams for raising this in the Chamber. I absolutely recognise the point that she makes about mental health challenges, but suicide is a particular challenge for young LGBTQ+ individuals. And, as she has acknowledged in her question, it is a critical part of our action plan to support the mental health and well-being of young people in particular in that community. Preventing suicide is a priority for us as a Government, as I think she acknowledged in her question, and the funding that we've made available, on a preventative basis, has increased quite substantially. That has helped us, I think, to strengthen the infrastructure in Wales, notwithstanding the very important point the Member was making. I think that has enabled us to strengthen the infrastructure around prevention of suicide and self-harm, either through the regional co-ordinators, coupled with the national action through the national suicide and self-harm prevention team. I would be very happy to meet with the organisation that she refers to, to hear from them about the challenges that they're facing and the contribution that, from her question, they are clearly making to young people.
Rwy’n ddiolchgar iawn i Sioned Williams am godi hyn yn y Siambr. Rwy’n llwyr gydnabod y pwynt y mae’n ei wneud am heriau iechyd meddwl, ond mae hunanladdiad yn her benodol i unigolion ifanc LHDTC+. Ac fel y cydnabu yn ei chwestiwn, mae’n rhan hollbwysig o’n cynllun gweithredu i gefnogi iechyd meddwl a lles pobl ifanc yn y gymuned honno yn arbennig. Mae atal hunanladdiad yn flaenoriaeth i ni fel Llywodraeth, fel y credaf iddi ei gydnabod yn ei chwestiwn, ac mae’r cyllid a ddarparwyd gennym, ar sail ataliol, wedi cynyddu’n go sylweddol. Mae hynny wedi ein helpu i gryfhau’r seilwaith yng Nghymru, er gwaethaf y pwynt pwysig yr oedd yr Aelod yn ei wneud. Credaf fod hynny wedi ein galluogi i gryfhau’r seilwaith o amgylch atal hunanladdiad a hunan-niwed, naill ai drwy’r cydgysylltwyr rhanbarthol, ynghyd â’r gweithredu cenedlaethol drwy’r tîm atal hunanladdiad a hunan-niwed cenedlaethol. Rwy'n fwy na pharod i gyfarfod â'r sefydliad y mae'n cyfeirio ato, i glywed ganddynt am yr heriau y maent yn eu hwynebu a'r cyfraniad y maent yn amlwg, o'i chwestiwn, yn ei wneud i bobl ifanc.
Neurodiverse conditions, including autism, are not mental health conditions; they're lifelong neurodevelopmental conditions that shape how people see the world and how they connect with others. Many autistic people have meltdowns when completely overwhelmed, and their condition means it's difficult to express that in another way. It's not the same as a temper tantrum, and not bad or naughty behaviour. In these circumstances, however, autistic young people continue to be illegally excluded from Welsh schools, and their parents continue to be blamed and subjected to child protection procedures. The Association of Directors of Social Services in England have now published a report on autism and parental blame, which states that 90 per cent of parents said their child did not get the right support as a result of parent blame, and over 70 per cent of parents said their child's mental health worsened, with one in four parents reporting a high suicide risk for their child. So, instead of continuing to throw money and responsibility at those public sector perpetrators who continue to be responsible for this in Wales, when, if ever, will you finally take action to end these long-standing human rights abuses?
Nid yw cyflyrau niwroamrywiol, gan gynnwys awtistiaeth, yn gyflyrau iechyd meddwl; maent yn gyflyrau niwroddatblygiadol gydol oes sy'n ffurfio sut y mae pobl yn gweld y byd a sut y maent yn cysylltu ag eraill. Mae llawer o bobl awtistig yn cael pyliau o chwalfa pan fyddant wedi'u gorlethu, ac mae eu cyflwr yn golygu ei bod yn anodd mynegi hynny mewn ffordd arall. Nid yw'r un peth â stranc wrth golli tymer, ac nid yw'n ymddygiad drwg neu wael. O dan yr amgylchiadau hyn, fodd bynnag, mae pobl ifanc awtistig yn parhau i gael eu gwahardd o ysgolion Cymru yn anghyfreithlon, ac mae eu rhieni'n parhau i gael eu beio ac yn destun gweithdrefnau amddiffyn plant. Mae'r Gymdeithas Cyfarwyddwyr Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol yn Lloegr bellach wedi cyhoeddi adroddiad ar awtistiaeth a beio rhieni, sy’n nodi bod 90 y cant o rieni wedi dweud na chafodd eu plentyn y cymorth cywir o ganlyniad i feio'u rhieni, a dywedodd dros 70 y cant o'r rhieni hynny fod iechyd meddwl eu plentyn wedi gwaethygu, gydag un o bob pedwar rhiant yn nodi risg uchel o hunanladdiad ar gyfer eu plentyn. Felly, yn lle parhau i daflu arian a chyfrifoldeb at y cyflawnwyr yn y sector cyhoeddus sy’n parhau i fod yn gyfrifol am hyn yng Nghymru, pryd, os o gwbl, y gwnewch chi gymryd camau o’r diwedd i roi diwedd ar yr arfer hirsefydlog hwn o dorri hawliau dynol?
Well, I would associate myself with the first part of the Member's question in identifying the concerns. I haven't yet had an opportunity to read the report to which he refers, and I would be very happy to do that and to discuss its contents with my Cabinet colleague the Cabinet Secretary for Education, who will have an interest as well in that area.
I wouldn't accept the characterisation that the Member makes in the second half of his question. It is a challenging area and, actually, in my experience, professionals working in the public sector are looking to do their best for young people, whatever their needs. There is obviously more room for training, obviously more room for awareness raising and other support, and perhaps, having had the benefit of reading that report, we'll be able to reflect further on what more we can do.
Wel, rwy'n ategu rhan gyntaf cwestiwn yr Aelod wrth nodi’r pryderon. Nid wyf wedi cael cyfle eto i ddarllen yr adroddiad y cyfeiria ato, ac rwy'n fwy na pharod i wneud hynny ac i drafod ei gynnwys gyda fy nghyd-Aelod o'r Cabinet Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg, a fydd â diddordeb yn y maes hwn hefyd.
Nid wyf yn derbyn honiad yr Aelod yn ail hanner ei gwestiwn. Mae’n faes heriol, ac yn fy mhrofiad i, mae gweithwyr proffesiynol sy’n gweithio yn y sector cyhoeddus yn ceisio gwneud eu gorau dros bobl ifanc, beth bynnag y bo’u hanghenion. Mae’n amlwg fod mwy o le i hyfforddiant, mae'n amlwg fod mwy o le i godi ymwybyddiaeth a chymorth arall, ac ar ôl cael y fantais o ddarllen yr adroddiad hwnnw, efallai y gallwn fyfyrio ymhellach ar beth arall y gallwn ei wneud.
5. Sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi cydweithio rhwng byrddau iechyd ac awdurdodau lleol? OQ62119
5. How does the Welsh Government support collaboration between health boards and local authorities? OQ62119
Regional partnership boards and the £0.25 billion pound investment in them are supporting collaboration and integration between health and social care partners. The work of the care action committee, supported by an additional £19 million this winter, has further supported collaborative approaches to system improvement and, crucially, delivering better outcomes for people.
Mae byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol a’r buddsoddiad o £0.25 biliwn ynddynt yn cefnogi cydweithredu ac integreiddio rhwng partneriaid iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol. Mae gwaith y pwyllgor gweithredu gofal, a gefnogwyd gan £19 miliwn ychwanegol y gaeaf hwn, wedi rhoi cefnogaeth bellach i ddulliau cydweithredol o wella systemau, ac yn hollbwysig, yn sicrhau canlyniadau gwell i bobl.
Thank you for the answer. The integrated care fund has been really important in providing step-up, step-down care, improving flow with enhanced care facilities, which show good partnership working. I believe that Denbighshire County Council have allocated some funding for that to help with, hopefully, the building of the Royal Alexandra, the improvements, with capital funding from the Welsh Government.
We heard at the Local Government and Housing Committee that the exercise referral scheme hasn't had additional funding for three years from the health boards, and there are other schemes that are delivered by local authorities. But I was just wondering, because there's always a fight over these budgets from the health boards, between health boards and the local authorities, how we can improve collaboration between the two and improve the flow, and make sure that the money follows the person.
Diolch am eich ateb. Mae'r gronfa gofal integredig wedi bod yn bwysig iawn wrth ddarparu gofal cam-i-fyny, cam-i-lawr, gan wella'r llif gyda chyfleusterau gofal gwell, sy'n dangos gwaith partneriaeth da. Rwy'n credu bod Cyngor Sir Ddinbych wedi dyrannu arian ar gyfer hynny i helpu, gobeithio, gyda'r gwaith o adeiladu Ysbyty Brenhinol Alexandra, y gwelliannau, gyda chyllid cyfalaf gan Lywodraeth Cymru.
Clywsom yn y Pwyllgor Llywodraeth Leol a Thai nad yw’r cynllun atgyfeirio cleifion i wneud ymarfer corff wedi cael cyllid ychwanegol ers tair blynedd gan y byrddau iechyd, a cheir cynlluniau eraill sy’n cael eu darparu gan awdurdodau lleol. Ond gan fod brwydr bob amser dros y cyllidebau hyn gan y byrddau iechyd, rhwng byrddau iechyd a'r awdurdodau lleol, sut y gallwn wella'r cydweithio rhyngddynt a gwella'r llif, a sicrhau bod yr arian yn dilyn yr unigolyn.
Well, the Member makes an important point. One of the important roles that regional partnership boards are tasked with delivering is to ensure that deeper collaboration and to use the funding in a variety of ways—we provide a range of different streams of funding—and are used in a way that breaks down the barriers between the provision of care and the provision of healthcare.
I will say—and I think it has been the experience that I've had and that of the Minister for social care in recent weeks—as we have been planning for winter pressures, and as we've been focusing the system on the most effective things that both health boards and local authorities can do to ensure the safe and speedy discharge of people from hospital into care settings or to be supported at home, I actually think that the ways of working and the collaboration have improved, and I would say that's been true in all parts of Wales. Obviously, different regions have things to learn from one another, so some have strengths in areas where others don't, but I think every part of Wales has seen, I think, a deepening of that collaboration.
I'm planning to make a statement shortly in relation to the outcome of the 50-day challenge, as we were calling it, and I think you'll be able to see then the positive benefits of that. I just want to be clear, it's not a job and finish: 50 days is the time frame to put those things in place. Actually, the benefits of that collaborative way of working will be seen, I hope, very much into the future as well.
Wel, mae'r Aelod yn gwneud pwynt pwysig. Un o'r rolau pwysig y mae byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol yn gyfrifol am ei chyflawni yw sicrhau cydweithio dyfnach a defnyddio'r cyllid mewn amrywiaeth o ffyrdd—rydym yn darparu ystod o ffrydiau ariannu gwahanol—a'u bod yn cael eu defnyddio mewn ffordd sy'n chwalu'r rhwystrau rhwng darparu gofal a darparu gofal iechyd.
Hoffwn ddweud—ac rwy'n credu mai dyma'r profiad a gefais i a'r Gweinidog gofal cymdeithasol yn ystod yr wythnosau diwethaf—wrth inni gynllunio ar gyfer pwysau'r gaeaf, ac wrth inni ffocysu'r system ar y pethau mwyaf effeithiol y gall byrddau iechyd ac awdurdodau lleol eu gwneud i sicrhau bod pobl yn cael eu rhyddhau'n ddiogel ac yn gyflym o'r ysbyty i leoliadau gofal neu i gael eu cefnogi gartref, rwy'n credu mewn gwirionedd fod y ffyrdd o weithio a'r cydweithio wedi gwella, a buaswn i'n dweud bod hynny wedi bod yn wir ym mhob rhan o Gymru. Yn amlwg, mae gan wahanol ranbarthau bethau i'w dysgu oddi wrth ei gilydd, felly mae gan rai gryfderau mewn meysydd gwahanol i eraill, ond rwy'n credu bod pob rhan o Gymru wedi gweld dyfnhau'r cydweithio hwnnw.
Rwy'n bwriadu gwneud datganiad yn fuan mewn perthynas â chanlyniad yr her 50 diwrnod, fel y'i galwem, ac rwy'n credu y byddwch yn gallu gweld manteision cadarnhaol hynny wedyn. Rwyf am fod yn glir, nid tasg i'w gorffen yw hi: 50 diwrnod yw'r amserlen ar gyfer rhoi'r pethau hynny ar waith. Bydd manteision y ffordd gydweithredol honno o weithio yn cael eu gweld ymhell i'r dyfodol hefyd, gobeithio.
Well, isn't it a bit rich and ironic that the Labour Party, after 26 years in Government in Wales, are suddenly posing themselves as solution makers for their own problems? The fact of the matter is that you failed to deliver on such ambitions in the ensuing years: you failed to deliver the north Denbighshire community hospital in Rhyl over a decade after promising it and you conveniently took Betsi Cadwaladr health board out of special measures ahead of the last Senedd elections in 2021 to save your political skin. The public and my constituents will be well within their rights to ask what is the next trick up your sleeve in the next 12 months as a desperate attempt to save your bacon.
I know the Member for North Wales has been silent on this matter of the north Denbighshire community hospital for over three years because of your party's failure, but conveniently, after your success in the last general election, has started to talk about the issue to make your party suddenly start smelling of roses ahead of the next Senedd poll. So, my question is, Cabinet Secretary: do you genuinely want to deliver on such vital projects for my constituents, or do you just see them as political pawns in an attempt to keep you in Government post 2026, despite an ever-growing record of failure, which you'll do anything and everything not to be held accountable for?
Wel, onid yw'n eironig braidd fod y Blaid Lafur, ar ôl 26 mlynedd fel Llywodraeth yng Nghymru, yn sydyn yn gosod eu hunain fel datryswyr i'w problemau eu hunain? Y gwir amdani yw eich bod wedi methu cyflawni uchelgeisiau o'r fath dros y blynyddoedd: fe fethoch chi ddarparu ysbyty cymunedol gogledd sir Ddinbych yn y Rhyl dros ddegawd ar ôl ei addo ac fe dynnoch chi fwrdd iechyd Betsi Cadwaladr allan o fesurau arbennig cyn etholiadau diwethaf y Senedd yn 2021 i achub eich croen gwleidyddol. Byddai'n gwbl deg i'r cyhoedd a fy etholwyr ofyn beth yw'r tric nesaf sydd gennych yn yr arfaeth dros y 12 mis nesaf fel ymgais anobeithiol i achub eich croen.
Rwy'n gwybod bod yr Aelod dros Ogledd Cymru wedi bod yn dawel ar fater ysbyty cymunedol gogledd sir Ddinbych ers dros dair blynedd oherwydd methiant eich plaid, ond yn gyfleus, ar ôl eich llwyddiant yn yr etholiad cyffredinol diwethaf, mae wedi dechrau siarad am y mater i wneud i'ch plaid ddechrau edrych yn dda cyn etholiad nesaf y Senedd. Felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, fy nghwestiwn i yw: a ydych chi o ddifrif eisiau cyflawni prosiectau mor hanfodol i fy etholwyr, neu a ydych chi'n eu gweld fel gwystlon gwleidyddol mewn ymgais i'ch cadw chi mewn grym ar ôl 2026, er gwaethaf eich hanes cynyddol o fethiant y gwnewch chi unrhyw beth a phopeth i beidio â chael eich dal yn atebol amdano?
The former. The former.
Y cyntaf. Y cyntaf.
Mae'n ddrwg gennyf?
The former.
Y cyntaf.
You caught me out there, Cabinet Secretary, and I suspect you caught quite a few people out there.
Fe wnaethoch fy nal ar y droed ôl yno, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, ac rwy'n tybio eich bod wedi dal cryn dipyn o bobl ar y droed ôl.
Cwestiwn 6, Cefin Campbell.
Question 6, Cefin Campbell.
6. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ddatganiad am ddarparu gwasanaethau strôc yng Nghanolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru? OQ62117
6. Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on the provision of stroke services in Mid and West Wales? OQ62117
Mae llawer iawn o waith yn cael ei wneud ledled Cymru i wella mynediad teg at wasanaethau strôc a chanlyniadau i bobl ar ôl strôc. Mae’r disgwyliadau yn ein datganiad ansawdd strôc yn llywio'r gwaith hwn.
A great deal of work is being undertaken across Wales to improve equitable access to stroke services and outcomes for people following a stroke. The expectations set out in our stroke quality statement set this work out.
Cabinet Secretary, you will appreciate, of course, how important it is for people to receive treatment for strokes as close as possible to where they live. This includes live-saving emergency treatment as well as intensive post-stroke rehabilitation. You'll also be aware, I'm sure, that there's a great deal of concern around proposals to downgrade stroke units at Bronglais and Glangwili hospitals, and to turn these into treat and transfer units. You may know that a public meeting has been called for twenty-fourth of this month to discuss the plans for Bronglais in particular.
Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, fe fyddwch yn deall pa mor bwysig yw hi i bobl gael triniaeth ar gyfer strôc mor agos â phosibl at ble maent yn byw. Mae hyn yn cynnwys triniaeth frys sy'n achub bywydau yn ogystal ag adsefydlu dwys ar ôl strôc. Fe fyddwch chi'n ymwybodol hefyd, rwy'n siŵr, fod llawer iawn o bryder ynghylch cynigion i israddio unedau strôc yn ysbytai Bronglais a Glangwili, ac i droi'r rhain yn unedau trin a throsglwyddo. Efallai eich bod yn gwybod bod cyfarfod cyhoeddus wedi cael ei alw ar gyfer y pedwerydd ar hugain o'r mis hwn i drafod y cynlluniau ar gyfer Bronglais yn enwedig.
So, gan ystyried beth mae Russell George wedi'i ddweud wrthym ni'n barod y prynhawn yma, mae yna bryder reit ar draws ardal Powys a Gwynedd ynglŷn â’r cynlluniau neu’r argymhellion yma, yn sicr, yn arbennig yr amser, rhyw ddwy awr, efallai, y bydd hi’n cymryd i bobl gael y driniaeth gynhwysfawr yma sydd ei hangen ar gyfer strôcs. Mae hyn, wrth gwrs, ar gefn yr israddio sydd wedi digwydd eisoes yn Ysbyty Bronglais o safbwynt gwasanaethau pediatrig. Felly, mae ymgyrchwyr wedi blino ar glywed rhagor o ganoli ar wasanaethau a thynnu gwasanaethau wrth ysbytai gwledig. Felly, ydych chi’n gallu rhoi sicrwydd heddiw fod gwasanaethau strôc cyflawn yn mynd i gael eu cadw yn Ysbyty Bronglais a Glangwili?
Bearing in mind what Russell George has already told us this afternoon, there is concern right across Powys and Gwynedd about these plans or these recommendations, certainly, particularly the time of two hours, perhaps, that it will take for people to receive that comprehensive treatment that is needed for stroke. And this follows, of course, the downgrading that has already been seen in Bronglais Hospital with regard to paediatric services. So, campaigners are tired of hearing about the further centralisation of services and the withdrawal of services from rural hospitals. So, can you give us an assurance today that complete stroke services will be retained at Bronglais Hospital and Glangwili?
Fel rwy'n deall y sefyllfa, dyw’r bwrdd iechyd ddim wedi cymryd unrhyw benderfyniad ynghylch hwn o gwbl, a bydd ymgynghoriad cyn y bydd unrhyw newid yn digwydd i wasanaethau strôc. Fel mae'r Aelod yn gwybod, mae'r consensws meddygol, am gyfnod hir iawn, wedi bod dweud bod angen sicrhau bod yr elfennau hyper-acíwt, o ran cefnogi pobl sy'n dioddef o strôc, yn digwydd ar lefel ranbarthol oherwydd dyna’r ffordd lle mae'r arbenigedd yn gallu bod ar gael i sicrhau’r gwasanaeth gorau posib i unigolion. Ond fel mae e’n dweud, mae'n bwysig hefyd bod gwasanaethau strôc ar gael mewn ysbytai’n gyffredinol. Fel rwy'n deall, yr hyn sydd gan y bwrdd iechyd mewn golwg yw y bydd gwasanaethau strôc yn digwydd ymhob ysbyty, ond yr elfen hyper-acíwt sydd o dan ystyriaeth ar hyn o bryd. Ond bydd cyfle i gael ymgynghoriad pellach ar hyn pan fydd y penderfyniad yn dod yn agosach, os hoffwch chi.
As I understand the situation, the health board hasn’t taken any decision on this issue, and there will be a consultation before any change is made to stroke services. As the Member knows, the medical consensus, for a very long period of time, has been that we need to ensure that the hyper-acute elements, in terms of supporting people experiencing stroke, happen at a regional level, because that’s how the expertise can be available to ensure the best possible service for individuals. But as he says, it’s also important that stroke services are available in hospitals more generally. As I understand it, what the health board has in mind is that stroke services will be available in all hospitals, but the hyper-acute element is what’s currently being considered. But there will be an opportunity for further consultation on this when the decision comes closer, if you like.
Again, I also want to emphasise the concern and anxiety, I think it's fair to say, about the proposals, particularly for Bronglais. I understand what you say, that no decision has been taken, but that at the moment isn't allaying the anxiety that is existing in that community.
You're right to say that the clinicians are stating quite clearly that the acute needs need to be met in an area where that experience and expertise presides. But there's also a statement reassuring people, and these are only proposals at the moment, that those sites will still be able to provide the life-saving thrombolysis that people need—that 'golden hour' in other words—for clot busting, which isn't, of course, appropriate in every case.
So, moving on and trying to allay that anxiety, I'm keen to know what conversations you've had with the health board, if any, about the post-stroke care that will have to happen. Because a stroke doesn't just happen, then people are treated and then sent home, there are an awful lot of social care needs and community care needs post stroke, which are probably the most required in the long term. And I think that is sort of part of the anxiety that is residing, from all the information that I'm receiving through my e-mails.
Unwaith eto, rwyf innau hefyd am bwysleisio'r pryder a'r gofid, mae'n deg dweud, am y cynigion, yn enwedig ar gyfer Bronglais. Rwy'n deall yr hyn rydych chi'n ei ddweud, nad oes unrhyw benderfyniad wedi'i wneud, ond nid yw hynny ar hyn o bryd yn lleddfu'r pryder sy'n bodoli yn y gymuned honno.
Rydych chi'n iawn i ddweud bod y clinigwyr yn nodi'n eithaf clir fod angen diwallu'r anghenion acíwt mewn man lle mae'r profiad a'r arbenigedd hwnnw'n bodoli. Ond mae yna ddatganiad hefyd yn rhoi sicrwydd i bobl, a chynigion yn unig yw'r rhain ar hyn o bryd, y bydd y safleoedd hynny'n dal i allu darparu'r thrombolysis sy'n achub bywydau sydd ei angen ar bobl—yr 'awr aur' mewn geiriau eraill—ar gyfer chwalu clotiau, nad yw'n briodol ym mhob achos wrth gwrs.
Felly, i symud ymlaen a cheisio lleddfu'r pryder hwnnw, rwy'n awyddus i wybod pa sgyrsiau a gawsoch chi gyda'r bwrdd iechyd, os o gwbl, am y gofal ôl-strôc a fydd yn gorfod digwydd. Oherwydd nid rhywbeth sy'n digwydd, pobl yn cael eu trin cyn cael eu hanfon adref yw strôc, mae yna lawer iawn o anghenion gofal cymdeithasol ac anghenion gofal cymunedol ar ôl strôc, a dyma sydd ei angen fwyaf yn y tymor hir yn ôl pob tebyg. Ac rwy'n credu bod hynny'n rhan o'r pryder, o'r holl wybodaeth rwy'n ei chael drwy fy e-byst.
Well, I thank Joyce Watson for that. I think she is right to say that people do become understandably anxious in the context of potential changes to stroke services. I think she is right to say there are—. I've always thought, in my mind, there are three dimensions to it. I speak not as a clinician, but one element is the presentation at the hospital setting and the requirement for immediate action, then perhaps an acute period, and then, as she rightly says, the access to ongoing recovery support and rehabilitation.
My understanding, as is hers, is that Bronglais will still be able to provide thrombolysis in the way that she was saying in her question. And my understanding of what is under consideration at least is that ongoing recovery and rehabilitation will still be able to take place closer to home, which is obviously what people want to see. But I just want to repeat the point I made earlier. Obviously, I'll expect health boards to not only consult, as I expect will be the case here, but to take that kind of collaborative approach, working with people like the Stroke Association, and also engaging with the lived experience of those who have experienced stroke, so that decisions, which can be sensitive, are fully informed and have taken full account of the range of voices.
Wel, diolch i Joyce Watson am hynny. Rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n iawn i ddweud bod pobl yn ddealladwy yn bryderus yng nghyd-destun newidiadau posibl i wasanaethau strôc. Rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n iawn i ddweud bod—. Rwyf bob amser wedi meddwl bod tri dimensiwn iddo. Nid wyf yn siarad fel clinigwr, ond un elfen yw'r ymgyflwyniad yn lleoliad yr ysbyty a'r angen i weithredu ar unwaith, wedyn cyfnod acíwt efallai, ac yna, fel y mae hi'n ei ddweud, y mynediad at gymorth adferiad ac adsefydlu parhaus.
Fel hithau, yr hyn rwy'n ei ddeall yw y bydd Bronglais yn dal i allu darparu thrombolysis yn y ffordd yr oedd hi'n ei ddweud yn ei chwestiwn. A fy nealltwriaeth i o'r hyn sydd dan ystyriaeth o leiaf yw y bydd adferiad ac adsefydlu parhaus yn dal i allu digwydd yn agosach at adref, sef yr hyn y mae pobl eisiau ei weld. Ond rwyf am ailadrodd y pwynt a wneuthum yn gynharach. Yn amlwg, rwy'n disgwyl i fyrddau iechyd ymgynghori, fel rwy'n disgwyl ei weld yn digwydd yma, a hefyd i weithredu'n gydweithredol yn y ffordd honno, gan weithio gyda phobl fel y Gymdeithas Strôc, ac ymgysylltu â phrofiad bywyd y rhai sydd wedi cael strôc, fel bod penderfyniadau, a all fod yn sensitif, yn cael eu gwneud yn wybodus a chan roi ystyriaeth lawn i'r ystod o leisiau.
7. Pa asesiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud o effaith contractau newydd meddygon teulu ar ofal cleifion? OQ62112
7. What assessment has the Welsh Government made of the impact of the new GP contracts on patient care? OQ62112
We introduced legislation in 2023 to underpin a new unified contract for GPs, which was the biggest change to GP contracts since 2004. The new contract makes clear what services every GP in Wales must provide, supporting improved care. Embedding this new contract takes time, but a robust national assurance process is in place to support health boards in assessing delivery.
Fe wnaethom gyflwyno deddfwriaeth yn 2023 i fod yn sail i gontract unedig newydd ar gyfer meddygon teulu, sef y newid mwyaf i gontractau meddygon teulu ers 2004. Mae'r contract newydd yn nodi'n glir pa wasanaethau y mae'n rhaid i bob meddyg teulu yng Nghymru eu darparu, i gefnogi gofal gwell. Mae gwreiddio'r contract newydd hwn yn cymryd amser, ond mae proses sicrwydd cenedlaethol gadarn ar waith i gynorthwyo byrddau iechyd i asesu'r ddarpariaeth.
Thank you, Cabinet Secretary. I think we all agree in here how fundamental our GP practices are and our GPs are to all of our constituents, and we all, I think, believe that they should be supported and recognised appropriately. It was concerning, though, that the British Medical Association rejected the 2024-25 Welsh GP contract proposal from the Welsh Government by such a significant margin, with only 1.3 per cent voting to accept and 98.7 voting to reject. This really is something, I think, that the Welsh Government must be reflecting on.
Our GP surgeries, we know, are under huge pressure in Wales, with the chair of the BMA's Welsh GP committee reporting that a recent survey of their members showed that 91 per cent of GPs are routinely unable to meet patient demand due to unsustainably high workloads. Cabinet Secretary, can I therefore ask what further steps the Welsh Government are looking to take to ensure that our GPs in Wales are properly supported, to ensure that every one of our constituents is able to access the support and medical care they need, because at the moment, it doesn't feel like they all are?
Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Rwy'n credu ein bod i gyd yn cytuno yn y fan hon pa mor hollbwysig yw ein meddygfeydd a'n meddygon teulu i'n holl etholwyr, ac rwy'n meddwl bod pawb o'r farn y dylid eu cefnogi a'u cydnabod yn briodol. Serch hynny, roedd yn destun pryder fod Cymdeithas Feddygol Prydain wedi gwrthod cynnig contract meddygon teulu Cymru 2024-25 gan Lywodraeth Cymru a hynny i'r fath raddau, gyda dim ond 1.3 y cant yn pleidleisio o blaid derbyn a 98.7 yn pleidleisio dros wrthod. Rhaid bod hyn yn rhywbeth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn myfyrio yn ei gylch.
Fe wyddom fod ein meddygfeydd meddygon teulu dan bwysau aruthrol yng Nghymru, gyda chadeirydd pwyllgor meddygon teulu Cymru Cymdeithas Feddygol Prydain yn dweud bod arolwg diweddar o'u haelodau yn dangos bod 91 y cant o feddygon teulu yn rheolaidd yn methu ateb galw cleifion oherwydd llwyth gwaith anghynaliadwy o uchel. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, a gaf i ofyn felly pa gamau pellach y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwriadu eu cymryd i sicrhau bod ein meddygon teulu yng Nghymru yn cael eu cefnogi'n briodol, er mwyn sicrhau bod pob un o'n hetholwyr yn gallu cael y cymorth a'r gofal meddygol sydd eu hangen arnynt, oherwydd ar hyn o bryd, nid yw'n teimlo fel pe baent i gyd yn eu cael?
GPs provide, obviously, an absolutely fundamental service to people in Wales and are most people's experience of the NHS for most of their life. And since I've come into post, I've met a number of GPs to talk about the experience of general practice and the pressures that can arise in different contexts. I met the chair of the GP committee from the BMA before Christmas to discuss very much the sorts of things the Member was referring to in his question.
Look, I absolutely acknowledge the strength of feeling following the BMA Cymru referendum. What I said at the time, and it's my ongoing commitment, is that I am committed to continuing discussions with the BMA, so that we can make sure that we can realise that long-held ambition of moving more and more into primary care, to make the service even more sustainable and stable into the future, providing a range of services outside a secondary setting, which is what the public want, what we know GPs want, and what we know is the most effective way of doing it. So, the offer that we made to GPs met the independent pay review body recommendation of a 6 per cent increase. So, it met the recommendation and would have also seen an uplift in pay for all members of the practice team, but I'm absolutely looking forward to continuing the discussions that we are having with GP representatives to make sure we have a stable sector into the future.
Yn amlwg, mae meddygon teulu'n darparu gwasanaeth cwbl sylfaenol i bobl yng Nghymru a hwy yw profiad y rhan fwyaf o bobl o'r GIG am y rhan fwyaf o'u bywydau. Ac ers imi ddod i'r swydd, rwyf wedi cyfarfod â nifer o feddygon teulu i siarad am brofiad ymarfer cyffredinol a'r pwysau sy'n gallu codi mewn cyd-destunau gwahanol. Cyfarfûm â chadeirydd pwyllgor meddygon teulu Cymdeithas Feddygol Prydain cyn y Nadolig i drafod y mathau o bethau yr oedd yr Aelod yn cyfeirio atynt yn ei gwestiwn.
Edrychwch, rwy'n cydnabod cryfder y teimlad yn sgil refferendwm BMA Cymru yn llwyr. Yr hyn a ddywedais ar y pryd, ac rwy'n parhau'n ymrwymedig iddo, yw fy mod wedi ymrwymo i barhau i drafod gyda Chymdeithas Feddygol Prydain, fel y gallwn sicrhau y gallwn wireddu'r uchelgais hirsefydlog o symud mwy a mwy tuag at ofal sylfaenol, i wneud y gwasanaeth hyd yn oed yn fwy cynaliadwy a sefydlog i'r dyfodol, gan ddarparu ystod o wasanaethau y tu allan i leoliad eilaidd, sef yr hyn y mae'r cyhoedd ei eisiau, yr hyn y gwyddom fod meddygon teulu ei eisiau, a'r hyn y gwyddom yw'r ffordd fwyaf effeithiol o'i wneud. Felly, roedd y cynnig a wnaethom i feddygon teulu yn bodloni argymhelliad y corff adolygu cyflogau annibynnol, sef cynnydd o 6 y cant. Felly, roedd yn bodloni'r argymhelliad a byddai hefyd wedi gweld codiad cyflog i holl aelodau tîm y practis, ond rwy'n edrych ymlaen yn fawr at barhau â'r trafodaethau a gawn gyda chynrychiolwyr meddygon teulu i sicrhau bod gennym sector sefydlog ar gyfer y dyfodol.
Yn olaf, cwestiwn 8, Siân Gwenllian.
Finally, question 8, Siân Gwenllian.
8. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet roi diweddariad am benderfyniad Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr i anfon yr holl waith ymlediad aortig allan o ogledd Cymru, a beth yw'r cynllun tymor hir ar gyfer adfer gwasanaethau fasgwlar llawn a diogel yn y gogledd? OQ62096
8. Will the Cabinet Secretary provide an update on Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board's decision to send all aortic aneurysm work out of north Wales, and what is the long-term plan for restoring full and safe vascular services in the north? OQ62096
Rwyf wedi cael sicrwydd bod gwasanaethau fasgwlaidd yn ddiogel yn y gogledd. Mae cytundeb clinigol ar waith ar gyfer cynnal llawdriniaethau aortig agored dewisol a brys yn Stoke. Mae llawdriniaeth endofasgwlaidd i gyweirio anewrysm a llawdriniaethau eraill yn cael eu rhoi yn lleol. Bydd y bwrdd nawr yn ystyried y model tymor hirach erbyn diwedd mis Mawrth.
I have been assured that vascular services are safe in north Wales. A clinical agreement is in place for emergency and elective open aortic procedures to be undertaken in Stoke. Endovascular aneurysm repair and other procedures are delivered locally. The board will now consider the longer term model by the end of March.
Canol mis Tachwedd oedd hi pan ddaeth y newyddion annisgwyl fod y bwrdd iechyd wedi gohirio triniaethau anewrysm aortig yn yr abdomen yn y gogledd, ac wrth gwrs dyma'r datblygiad diweddaraf pryderus am wasanaethau fasgwlaidd yn y gogledd. Felly, pryd fydd y triniaethau penodol yma yn cael eu hadfer yn y gogledd, neu ai’r bwriad, yn y pen draw, yw i beidio â dod â nhw nôl ac i redeg y gwasanaeth i lawr yn barhaol? Rydych chi'n sôn am adolygiad yn digwydd erbyn mis Mawrth, ond ai'r bwriad ydy peidio â dod â nhw nôl? Mae angen bod yn gwbl dryloyw ynglŷn â hyn. Achos mi fuasai peidio ag adfer y triniaethau yma efo goblygiadau difrifol iawn i gleifion yn fy etholaeth i yn Arfon ac ar draws y gogledd, ac yn benodol ar gyfer hyfforddiant meddygol yn y gogledd hefyd. O ran y pwynt olaf yna, hyfforddiant, ydych chi'n cytuno y byddai peidio â chynnal yr ystod lawn o driniaethau fasgwlar yn broblemus iawn o ran denu hyfforddeion a llawfeddygon cymwys i'r gogledd? Wrth gwrs, dyna ydy'r ateb tymor hir ar gyfer gwella gwasanaethau fasgwlar.
It was mid November when we received the unexpected news that the health board had deferred abdominal aortic aneurysm work in north Wales, and of course this is the latest concerning development regarding vascular services in north Wales. So, when will these specific treatments be restored to north Wales, or is it ultimately the intention not to restore them and to run the service down continually? You talk about a review, which will happen by March, but is it the intention not to restore these services? You need to be entirely transparent on this. Because not restoring these treatments would have very serious implications for patients in my constituency in Arfon and across north Wales, and specifically in terms of medical training in north Wales, too. In terms of that final point on training, do you agree that failing to maintain the full range of vascular treatments would be very problematic indeed in terms of attracting qualified surgeons and trainees to north Wales? Of course, that is the long-term solution for improving vascular services.
Ar ddiwedd y dydd, penderfyniad clinigol fyddai'r math o benderfyniad mae'r Aelod yn gofyn i fi yn ei gylch. Dwi'n credu ei fod e’n bwysig o ran cyd-destun. Mae'n ddifrifol bwysig i bob un unigolyn sy'n cael ei effeithio gan y penderfyniad hwn, wrth gwrs ei fod e, ond fel cyd-destun, rhyw 0.2 y cant o weithgaredd gwasanaethau fasgwlar sy'n cael ei effeithio yn y gogledd gan y penderfyniad. Dydw i ddim yn diystyru am eiliad profiad rhywun sydd o fewn y ganran honno, ond dyna'r maint, ar y cyfan.
Bydd y bwrdd yn sicr yn dryloyw yn edrych ar hwn. Bydd cyfarfod ganddyn nhw ym mis Mawrth pan fyddan nhw'n edrych ar yr heriau, y cyfleoedd a'r manteision y mae'r Aelod wedi sôn amdanyn nhw heddiw, a byddwn ni'n disgwyl ymlaen i weld beth yw eu hystyriaethau nhw cyn diwedd mis Mawrth.
At the end of the day, it would be a clinical decision in terms of the kind of decision that the Member is asking about. In terms of context, it's hugely important for every affected individual in terms of this decision, of course it is, but for context, it's around 0.2 per cent of activity by vascular services that is being impacted in north Wales by this decision. I'm not disregarding the experience of somebody within that percentage, but that is the scale of it on the whole.
The board will certainly be transparent in looking at this. They'll be holding a meeting in March, when they'll be looking at the challenges, the opportunities and the benefits that they Member has mentioned today, and we'll look forward to seeing what their considerations are before the end of March.
Diolch yn fawr i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet.
Thank you, Cabinet Secretary.
Does dim cwestiynau amserol heddiw.
There are no topical questions this afternoon.
Y datganiadau 90 eiliad sydd nesaf. Carolyn Thomas i gyflwyno'r datganiad 90-eiliad.
We will move to the 90-second statements. Carolyn Thomas to make her 90-second statement.
I was absolutely fascinated to learn today that it is National Pothole Day. I had never heard of the existence of that day, and I'm pleased to allow you to enlighten us on National Pothole Day.
Roedd hi'n ddiddorol iawn clywed heddiw ei bod hi'n Ddiwrnod Cenedlaethol Tyllau yn y Ffordd. Nid oeddwn erioed wedi clywed am fodolaeth diwrnod o'r fath, ac rwy'n falch o ganiatáu i chi ein goleuo am Ddiwrnod Cenedlaethol Tyllau yn y Ffordd.
Diolch, Llywydd. Today marks National Pothole Day, dedicated to raising awareness of the dangers of potholes, their economic cost and the need for improved road safety. Our highways, whether the strategic road network managed by the Welsh Government, or our local highways managed by councils, have suffered under 14 years of austerity and cuts to public funding, and it's now estimated that there are six potholes per mile on the roads and a backlog of £2.6 billion in remediation work across our entire road network in Wales. In addition to constant use and ageing, our assets are under growing pressure from the effects of climate change. The monsoon-like rain washes away road surfaces, with freezing temperatures then lifting the surfaces and causing potholes and issues with gullies.
Our highways are our biggest and most widespread asset for walking, cycling and public transport. Potholes can cause significant damage to vehicles and serious injury for cyclists. According to Cycling UK, 15 per cent of the cyclists that they help after being injured in a crash were involved in an incident involving potholes. We have made some progress, however, and we can now use AI to help repair potholes more quickly and efficiently. For example, the pothole pro machine, which is currently used in Flintshire, is three to four times more efficient than the standard methods. It's more cost-effective, at £30 a pothole, and it gives a more resilient result, and the workforce thinks it's great. And I am relieved that Welsh Government is providing funding this year to help our roads and pavements and to get rid of some of those potholes.
Diolch, Lywydd. Heddiw yw Diwrnod Cenedlaethol Tyllau yn y Ffordd, ar gyfer codi ymwybyddiaeth o beryglon tyllau yn y ffordd, eu cost economaidd a'r angen am well diogelwch ar y ffyrdd. Mae ein priffyrdd, naill ai'r rhwydwaith ffyrdd strategol a reolir gan Lywodraeth Cymru, neu ein priffyrdd lleol a reolir gan gynghorau, wedi dioddef o dan 14 mlynedd o gyni a thoriadau i gyllid cyhoeddus, ac amcangyfrifir erbyn hyn fod chwe thwll yn y ffordd i bob milltir o ffordd ac ôl-groniad o £2.6 biliwn o waith cyweirio ar draws ein rhwydwaith ffyrdd cyfan yng Nghymru. Yn ogystal â defnydd parhaol a thraul amser, mae ein hasedau o dan bwysau cynyddol o effeithiau newid hinsawdd. Mae glaw monsŵnaidd yn golchi arwynebau ffyrdd ymaith, gyda thymheredd rhewllyd wedyn yn codi'r arwynebau ac yn achosi tyllau a phroblemau gyda gylïau.
Ein priffyrdd yw ein hased mwyaf a mwyaf eang ar gyfer cerdded, beicio a thrafnidiaeth gyhoeddus. Gall tyllau yn y ffordd achosi difrod sylweddol i gerbydau ac anafiadau difrifol i feicwyr. Yn ôl Cycling UK, roedd 15 y cant o'r beicwyr y maent yn eu helpu ar ôl cael eu hanafu mewn damweiniau wedi cael damwain yn gysylltiedig â thyllau yn y ffordd. Fodd bynnag, rydym wedi gwneud rhywfaint o gynnydd, a gallwn ddefnyddio deallusrwydd artiffisial bellach i helpu i drwsio tyllau'n gyflymach ac yn fwy effeithlon. Er enghraifft, mae'r peiriant 'pothole pro' sy'n cael ei ddefnyddio yn sir y Fflint ar hyn o bryd dair i bedair gwaith yn fwy effeithlon na'r dulliau safonol. Mae'n fwy costeffeithiol, ar £30 y twll, mae'n rhoi canlyniad mwy cadarn, ac mae'r gweithlu'n meddwl ei fod yn wych. Ac mae'n rhyddhad i mi fod Llywodraeth Cymru yn darparu cyllid eleni i helpu ein ffyrdd a'n palmentydd ac i gael gwared ar rai o'r tyllau yn y ffyrdd.
Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd (David Rees) i’r Gadair.
The Deputy Presiding Officer (David Rees) took the Chair.
Yr eitem nesaf y prynhawn yma yw'r ddadl ar adroddiad y Pwyllgor Llywodraeth Leol a Thai, 'Y Sector Rhentu Preifat'. Galwaf ar Gadeirydd y pwyllgor i wneud y cynnig. John Griffiths.
The next item this afternoon is the debate on the Local Government and Housing Committee's report, 'Private Rented Sector'. I call on the committee Chair to move the motion. John Griffiths.
Cynnig NDM8784 John Griffiths
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
Yn nodi adroddiad y Pwyllgor Llywodraeth Leol a Thai, ‘Y sector rhentu preifat’, a osodwyd yn y Swyddfa Gyflwyno ar 22 Hydref 2024.
Motion NDM8784 John Griffiths
To propose that the Senedd:
Notes the report of the Local Government and Housing Committee, ‘Private rented sector’, which was laid in the Table Office on 22 October 2024.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
I'm pleased to open today's debate on the Local Government and Housing Committee's report on the private rented sector. I would like to start by thanking all of those who contributed to our inquiry, particularly those who shared their personal experiences. I'd like to thank Tai Pawb for their help in arranging the focus groups and the members of their champions network, including those whom I met at the Senedd today, for their valuable input into this report. Hearing about people’s personal experiences is so important, and really does add value to our work, so thank you.
Rwy'n falch o agor y ddadl heddiw ar adroddiad y Pwyllgor Llywodraeth Leol a Thai ar y sector rhentu preifat. Hoffwn ddechrau drwy ddiolch i bawb a gyfrannodd at ein hymchwiliad, yn enwedig y rhai a rannodd eu profiadau personol. Hoffwn ddiolch i Tai Pawb am eu cymorth i drefnu'r grwpiau ffocws ac aelodau eu rhwydwaith hyrwyddwyr, gan gynnwys y rhai y cyfarfûm â hwy yn y Senedd heddiw, am eu mewnbwn gwerthfawr i'r adroddiad hwn. Mae hi mor bwysig clywed am brofiadau personol pobl, ac mae'n ychwanegu gwerth mawr i'n gwaith, felly diolch.
Having a safe place to call home, whether that home is rented or owned, is an important part of ensuring that people can live happy, healthy and fulfilling lives. Home ownership isn’t an option for many, and with social housing in such high demand, the private rented sector or PRS plays a crucial role in providing homes for people. It has to work for everyone, tenants and landlords. Landlords need to have confidence that their role is valued and tenants need the security and assurance of knowing that they have a stable home that is affordable and of good quality.
Our report makes 13 recommendations and six conclusions. I’m pleased that 12 of the recommendations were accepted either in full or in principle. One recommendation was rejected, which I will return to shortly. Much of the evidence we received focused on the quality of accommodation available. It’s clear this continues to be an issue. Damp and disrepair were the main issues highlighted, and we know that living in such conditions can have a detrimental impact on people’s health and well-being.
It was concerning to hear of many instances of poor quality housing; tackling this must be a priority for the Welsh Government. The Welsh housing quality standard applies to social rented housing, and while we understand the challenges of extending its application to the private sector, it is difficult to justify why people living in those homes should be any less entitled to quality than those living in social housing. To that end, we support the extension of the Welsh housing quality standard to the private sector, and want to see clarity about when and how this could be given effect. Our recommendations relating to housing quality were accepted in principle, but we are disappointed that the Welsh Government’s response does not indicate any immediate actions to remedy the concerns we heard. Is the Cabinet Secretary able to outline any more immediate plans to improve quality within the private rented sector?
We recommended the development of a property MOT for fitness for human habitation, and in response, the Cabinet Secretary referred to the consultation that’s under way on introducing an annual property condition record. This could be a step forward, but there’s no certainty of that yet. Propertymark, which represents letting agents, has voiced support for this proposal. We note that landlords would self-certify, but I’m not sure whether that goes far enough to address our concerns. I’d therefore be grateful if the Cabinet Secretary could provide more information on this, in particular how we could be confident that compliance would be enforced. We know that local authority resources to undertake enforcement are already stretched. Our recommendation that the Welsh Government and local government work together to increase inspection capacity was accepted in principle. Whilst local authorities are democratically accountable bodies, responsibility for ensuring there’s enough capacity to deliver cannot be left to them alone.
Another theme that came through strongly in evidence was the continuing existence of no-fault evictions in Wales. We know these have been banned in Scotland since 2017, and may also be banned in England via the Renters’ Rights Bill going through the UK Parliament. We appreciate the challenges around preventing no-fault evictions and the Welsh Government has previously made its views known. But with this still a worry for thousands of renters in Wales, as a compromise, we recommended that the Welsh Government should explore the feasibility of enabling tenants who are evicted through no fault of their own to retain the last two months’ rent of their tenancy as compensation for the financial and well-being impact of a forced move. This was suggested to us by Generation Rent, and we see merit in exploring it further as a way of preventing homelessness. We are pleased that this has been accepted by the Welsh Government, and I look forward to hearing from the Cabinet Secretary on the feasibility by April of this year.
Mae cael lle diogel i'w alw'n gartref, boed yn gartref rhent neu'n eiddo a berchnogir, yn rhan bwysig o sicrhau y gall pobl fyw bywydau hapus, iach a boddhaus. Nid yw perchnogaeth ar gartref yn opsiwn i lawer, a chyda galw mawr am dai cymdeithasol, mae'r sector rhentu preifat yn chwarae rhan allweddol yn darparu cartrefi i bobl. Mae'n rhaid iddo weithio i bawb, yn denantiaid a landlordiaid. Mae angen i landlordiaid fod yn hyderus fod eu rôl yn cael ei gwerthfawrogi ac mae tenantiaid angen sicrwydd o wybod bod ganddynt gartref sefydlog sy'n fforddiadwy ac o ansawdd da.
Mae ein hadroddiad yn gwneud 13 o argymhellion ac yn cynnwys chwe chasgliad. Rwy'n falch fod 12 o'r argymhellion wedi'u derbyn naill ai'n llawn neu mewn egwyddor. Cafodd un argymhelliad ei wrthod, a byddaf yn dychwelyd ato'n fuan. Roedd llawer o'r dystiolaeth a gawsom yn canolbwyntio ar ansawdd y llety sydd ar gael. Mae'n amlwg fod hyn yn parhau i fod yn broblem. Lleithder a chyflwr gwael oedd y prif broblemau a nodwyd, a gwyddom y gall byw mewn amgylchiadau o'r fath gael effaith niweidiol ar iechyd a llesiant pobl.
Roedd yn bryderus clywed am sawl achos o dai o ansawdd gwael; rhaid i fynd i'r afael â hyn fod yn flaenoriaeth i Lywodraeth Cymru. Mae safon ansawdd tai Cymru yn berthnasol i dai rhent cymdeithasol, ac er ein bod yn deall yr heriau o ymestyn ei effaith i'r sector preifat, mae'n anodd cyfiawnhau pam y dylai pobl sy'n byw yn y cartrefi hynny fod â llai o hawl i ansawdd na'r rhai sy'n byw mewn tai cymdeithasol. I'r perwyl hwnnw, rydym yn cefnogi ymestyn safon ansawdd tai Cymru i'r sector preifat, ac rydym am weld eglurder ynghylch pryd a sut y gellid gweithredu hyn. Derbyniwyd ein hargymhellion ynghylch ansawdd tai mewn egwyddor, ond rydym yn siomedig nad yw ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru yn nodi unrhyw gamau ar unwaith i unioni'r pryderon a glywsom. A all Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet amlinellu unrhyw gynlluniau mwy buan i wella ansawdd yn y sector rhentu preifat?
Argymhellwyd datblygu MOT eiddo ar gyfer addasrwydd i bobl fyw ynddo, ac wrth ymateb, cyfeiriodd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet at yr ymgynghoriad sydd ar y gweill ar gyflwyno cofnod blynyddol o gyflwr eiddo. Gallai hyn fod yn gam ymlaen, ond ni cheir sicrwydd o hynny eto. Mae Propertymark, sy'n cynrychioli asiantiaid gosod eiddo, wedi lleisio cefnogaeth i'r cynnig hwn. Nodwn y byddai landlordiaid yn hunanardystio, ond nid wyf yn siŵr a yw hynny'n mynd yn ddigon pell i fynd i'r afael â'n pryderon. Felly, hoffwn pe gallai Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet ddarparu mwy o wybodaeth am hyn, yn enwedig sut y gallem fod yn hyderus y byddai cydymffurfiaeth yn cael ei gorfodi. Fe wyddom fod adnoddau awdurdodau lleol i ymgymryd â gorfodaeth eisoes dan bwysau. Cafodd ein hargymhelliad y dylai Llywodraeth Cymru a llywodraeth leol gydweithio i gynyddu capasiti arolygu ei dderbyn mewn egwyddor. Er bod awdurdodau lleol yn gyrff sy'n atebol yn ddemocrataidd, ni ellir gadael y cyfrifoldeb am sicrhau bod digon o gapasiti i gyflawni iddynt hwy ar eu pen eu hunain.
Thema arall a welwyd yn gryf mewn tystiolaeth oedd parhad troi allan heb fai yng Nghymru. Rydym yn gwybod bod hyn wedi'i wahardd yn yr Alban ers 2017, ac efallai y caiff ei wahardd yn Lloegr hefyd drwy'r Bil Hawliau Rhentwyr sy'n mynd drwy Senedd y DU. Rydym yn deall yr heriau sy'n gysylltiedig ag atal troi allan heb fai ac mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi mynegi ei barn o'r blaen. Ond gyda hyn yn dal i fod yn bryder i filoedd o rentwyr yng Nghymru, fel cyfaddawd, fe wnaethom argymell y dylai Llywodraeth Cymru archwilio dichonoldeb galluogi tenantiaid sy'n cael eu troi allan heb unrhyw fai arnynt hwy i gadw rhent dau fis olaf eu tenantiaeth fel iawndal am effaith ariannol a llesiannol cael eu gorfodi i symud. Generation Rent a awgrymodd hyn i ni, a gwelwn werth ei archwilio ymhellach fel ffordd o atal digartrefedd. Rydym yn falch fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi derbyn hyn, ac edrychaf ymlaen at glywed gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet ar ei ddichonoldeb erbyn mis Ebrill eleni.
Another theme in evidence was the right of tenants to have a pet. We were very concerned to hear that high numbers of properties are advertised as not allowing pets. Dogs Trust told us that more than half of households in Wales have a pet, but less than 8 per cent of PRS properties are advertised as pet friendly. I understand that having to relinquish a pet in order to find a home can be very traumatic and the committee feels strongly that tenants should not be put into such a situation. The evidence demonstrated that discrimination by landlords against people with pets is real and needs to be addressed.
Although some properties will be unsuitable for larger animals, we believe that, as long as a property is suitable, tenants should not be prevented from having pets. While we recognise landlords’ fears of property damage, we heard compelling evidence to demonstrate that damage is often less than anticipated and that landlords can make more money by renting to pet owners as they are likely to stay in a property longer. There are also various options around pet insurance and flexible deposits to provide greater assurances to landlords. The committee is therefore united in our view that landlords and agents should not be able to discriminate by not including a clause allowing pets in standard contracts without good reason.
The Renters’ Rights Bill includes provisions that would prevent landlords from unreasonably refusing a request from tenants to keep a pet. While some aspects of that Bill will apply to Wales, the provisions relating to pets will only apply in England. While the Welsh Government’s White Paper on adequate housing, fair rents and affordability includes proposals to allow landlords to charge an insurance premium to cover pet-related damage, we do not believe that these proposals go far enough. In our report on the legislative consent memorandum for the Bill, we recommended that the Welsh Government should seek an amendment to extend the provisions relating to pets to Wales.
Dirprwy Lywydd, turning to the recommendation that was rejected by the Welsh Government, as part of our engagement work, we heard from landlords who specialise in working with tenants on lower incomes, including tenants who may need support services funded by the housing support grant. One such private landlord is White House supported living in Newport, which was included in the report as a case study. I visited White House and saw for myself how it accommodates tenants with support needs, many of whom have been homeless, and provides them with stable long-term homes in shared housing. I heard directly from the tenants about the positive impact this has had on their lives, including some who have lived there for over 10 years. We heard that the company receives housing support grant from the council so that tenants each get tailored support to help maintain their tenancy. This model has clearly worked well, and demonstrates that the PRS can work effectively for tenants with complex support needs, provided that the right support is in place.
We recommended that the Welsh Government should review how many private sector landlords receive housing support grant for tenants who have support needs, and take steps to review and promote examples of good practice within the sector. This was rejected as the Welsh Government stated that support is provided directly to the tenant and that a PRS landlord wouldn’t receive the funds. Nevertheless, the model used is effective and it works well at White House, and we believe it could work well elsewhere. Awareness of the approach should be raised and shared as good practice, which could be implemented in other areas.
Dirprwy Lywydd, I would like to thank again everyone who has played a part in this report, and I look forward to Members' contributions.
Thema arall mewn tystiolaeth oedd hawl tenantiaid i gael anifail anwes. Roeddem yn bryderus iawn o glywed bod llawer iawn o eiddo'n cael ei hysbysebu fel eiddo nad yw'n caniatáu anifeiliaid anwes. Dywedodd Dogs Trust wrthym fod gan fwy na hanner cartrefi Cymru anifail anwes, ond bod llai nag 8 y cant o eiddo sector rhentu preifat yn cael ei hysbysebu fel eiddo cyfeillgar i anifeiliaid anwes. Rwy'n deall sut y gall gorfod cael gwared ar anifail anwes er mwyn dod o hyd i gartref fod yn drawmatig iawn ac mae'r pwyllgor yn teimlo'n gryf na ddylid rhoi tenantiaid mewn sefyllfa o'r fath. Dangosodd y dystiolaeth fod gwahaniaethu gan landlordiaid yn erbyn pobl ag anifeiliaid anwes yn real a bod angen mynd i'r afael â hyn.
Er y bydd peth eiddo'n anaddas ar gyfer anifeiliaid mwy o faint, cyn belled â bod eiddo'n addas, credwn na ddylid atal tenantiaid rhag cael anifail anwes. Er ein bod yn cydnabod ofnau landlordiaid am ddifrod i eiddo, clywsom dystiolaeth gref i ddangos bod difrod yn aml yn llai na'r hyn a ddisgwyliwyd ac y gall landlordiaid wneud mwy o arian trwy rentu i berchnogion anifeiliaid anwes am eu bod yn debygol o aros mewn eiddo am gyfnod hwy. Mae yna opsiynau amrywiol hefyd yn ymwneud ag yswiriant anifeiliaid anwes a blaendaliadau hyblyg i roi mwy o sicrwydd i landlordiaid. Felly, mae'r pwyllgor yn unedig yn ein barn na ddylai landlordiaid ac asiantiaid allu gwahaniaethu drwy beidio â chynnwys cymal sy'n caniatáu anifeiliaid anwes mewn contractau safonol heb reswm da.
Mae'r Bil Hawliau Rhentwyr yn cynnwys darpariaethau a fyddai'n atal landlordiaid rhag gwrthod cais gan denantiaid i gadw anifail anwes yn afresymol. Er y bydd rhai agweddau ar y Bil hwnnw'n gymwys i Gymru, ni fydd y darpariaethau sy'n ymwneud ag anifeiliaid anwes ond yn gymwys yn Lloegr. Tra bod Papur Gwyn Llywodraeth Cymru ar dai digonol, rhenti teg a fforddiadwyedd yn cynnwys cynigion i ganiatáu i landlordiaid godi premiwm yswiriant i dalu am ddifrod sy'n gysylltiedig ag anifeiliaid anwes, nid ydym yn credu bod y cynigion hyn yn mynd yn ddigon pell. Yn ein hadroddiad ar y memorandwm cydsyniad deddfwriaethol ar gyfer y Bil, fe wnaethom argymell y dylai Llywodraeth Cymru geisio gwelliant i ymestyn y darpariaethau sy'n ymwneud ag anifeiliaid anwes i Gymru.
Ddirprwy Lywydd, os caf droi at yr argymhelliad a wrthodwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru, fel rhan o'n gwaith ymgysylltu, fe glywsom gan landlordiaid sy'n arbenigo mewn gweithio gyda thenantiaid ar incwm is, gan gynnwys tenantiaid y gallai fod arnynt angen gwasanaethau cymorth a ariennir gan y grant cymorth tai. Un landlord preifat o'r fath yw cynllun byw â chymorth White House yng Nghasnewydd, a gafodd ei gynnwys yn yr adroddiad fel astudiaeth achos. Ymwelais â White House a gweld drosof fy hun sut y mae'n rhoi cartref i denantiaid ag anghenion cymorth, gyda llawer ohonynt wedi bod yn ddigartref, ac yn darparu cartrefi hirdymor sefydlog iddynt mewn tai a rennir. Clywais yn uniongyrchol gan y tenantiaid am yr effaith gadarnhaol y mae hyn wedi'i chael ar eu bywydau, gan gynnwys rhai sydd wedi byw yno ers dros 10 mlynedd. Clywsom fod y cwmni'n derbyn grant cymorth tai gan y cyngor fel bod pob tenant yn cael cymorth wedi'i deilwra i helpu i gynnal eu tenantiaeth. Mae'n amlwg fod y model hwn wedi gweithio'n dda, ac mae'n dangos y gall y sector rhentu preifat weithio'n effeithiol i denantiaid ag anghenion cymorth cymhleth, cyhyd â bod y cymorth cywir ar waith.
Argymhellwyd y dylai Llywodraeth Cymru adolygu faint o landlordiaid sector preifat sy'n derbyn grant cymorth tai ar gyfer tenantiaid sydd ag anghenion cymorth, a chymryd camau i adolygu a hyrwyddo enghreifftiau o arferion da yn y sector. Cafodd hyn ei wrthod wrth i Lywodraeth Cymru ddweud bod cymorth yn cael ei ddarparu'n uniongyrchol i'r tenant ac na fyddai landlord sector rhentu preifat yn cael yr arian. Serch hynny, mae'r model a ddefnyddir yn effeithiol ac mae'n gweithio'n dda yn White House, a chredwn y gallai weithio'n dda mewn mannau eraill. Dylid codi ymwybyddiaeth o'r dull o weithredu a'i rannu fel arfer da, y gellid ei weithredu mewn ardaloedd eraill.
Ddirprwy Lywydd, hoffwn ddiolch eto i bawb sydd wedi chwarae rhan yn yr adroddiad hwn, ac edrychaf ymlaen at gyfraniadau'r Aelodau.
Can I thank the committee for publishing this report? I’ve only just recently joined the committee, but what a solid piece of work and a thorough piece of work it is. I thank you, Chairman, for presenting that on behalf of our committee.
We all deserve to have a home, be it one that we own or one that we rent. The safety and security of knowing we have a roof over our heads at the end of the day is not something that we should take for granted. But according to Office for National Statistics data published in October 2023, private rental prices paid by tenants in Wales have risen by 6.9 per cent, higher than in both England and Scotland. The simple fact is that successive Labour Governments in Wales have failed to build enough homes, resulting in increased competition for tenants. Furthermore, this has contributed to the 8 per cent rise in households assessed as homeless over the last year. That’s an additional 13,000, I believe. This is all while the number of households in temporary accommodation has reached record levels. We all agree that tenants deserve to have security and the assurance of a stable home. However, we have seen far too much policy-making here being directed against landlords, which has led to a mass exodus, thereby further driving up the competition.
I do welcome a number of the recommendations and conclusions in the report and want to highlight a few key points. I welcome the committee’s work in trying to improve renters’ rights, but that must go hand in hand with ensuring that landlords are not forced to leave the sector. I want to welcome recommendation 1 in particular, because it’s clear that the private rented sector has a part to play when it comes to providing housing stock for tenants, and the Government must work with the sector and not against it. I also welcome recommendation 2, which will put in place training and education for landlords and tenants on the grants and support available through the rapid response adaptations programme. I also welcome recommendation 11, extending tenants’ rights to have pets, as the Chairman of the committee pointed out very well.
I do, however, have concerns surrounding recommendation 6, which will knock the little confidence that remains in the private sector and will further contribute to the exodus of private landlords. Fewer properties on the rental market means higher rents and a larger dependency on social housing that the Government just doesn’t have.
To conclude, Dirprwy Lywydd, the Welsh Government must work with both tenants and landlords to ensure that we have a fair system that does not punish landlords as a deflection from the failure of Governments to build sufficient housing stock here in Wales. But I commend the report. Thank you.
A gaf i ddiolch i’r pwyllgor am gyhoeddi’r adroddiad hwn? Dim ond yn ddiweddar yr ymunais â'r pwyllgor, ond mae'n adroddiad cadarn a thrylwyr iawn. Diolch am ei gyflwyno ar ran ein pwyllgor, Gadeirydd.
Mae pob un ohonom yn haeddu cael cartref, boed yn un yr ydym yn berchen arno neu'n un yr ydym yn ei rentu. Nid yw diogelwch a sicrwydd gwybod bod gennym do uwch ein pen ar ddiwedd y dydd yn rhywbeth y dylem ei gymryd yn ganiataol. Ond yn ôl data’r Swyddfa Ystadegau Gwladol a gyhoeddwyd ym mis Hydref 2023, mae prisiau rhent preifat a delir gan denantiaid yng Nghymru wedi codi 6.9 y cant, sy’n uwch nag yn Lloegr a’r Alban. Y ffaith syml amdani yw bod Llywodraethau Llafur olynol yng Nghymru wedi methu adeiladu digon o gartrefi, gan arwain at fwy o gystadleuaeth i denantiaid. Yn ychwanegol at hynny, mae hyn wedi cyfrannu at y cynnydd o 8 y cant yn nifer yr aelwydydd yr aseswyd eu bod yn ddigartref dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf. Dyna 13,000 o aelwydydd ychwanegol. Hyn oll tra bo nifer yr aelwydydd mewn llety dros dro wedi cyrraedd y lefelau uchaf erioed. Mae pob un ohonom yn cytuno bod tenantiaid yn haeddu sicrwydd cartref sefydlog. Fodd bynnag, rydym wedi gweld gormod o lawer o bolisïau'n cael eu llunio yn erbyn landlordiaid yma, sydd wedi arwain at lu ohonynt yn gadael y sector, a mwy o gystadleuaeth oherwydd hynny.
Rwy'n croesawu nifer o’r argymhellion a’r casgliadau yn yr adroddiad a hoffwn dynnu sylw at rai pwyntiau allweddol. Rwy'n croesawu gwaith y pwyllgor yn ceisio gwella hawliau rhentwyr, ond mae'n rhaid i hynny ddigwydd law yn llaw â sicrhau nad yw landlordiaid yn cael eu gorfodi i adael y sector. Hoffwn groesawu argymhelliad 1 yn benodol, gan ei bod yn amlwg fod gan y sector rhentu preifat ran i’w chwarae yn darparu stoc dai ar gyfer tenantiaid, ac mae'n rhaid i’r Llywodraeth weithio gyda’r sector ac nid yn ei erbyn. Rwyf hefyd yn croesawu argymhelliad 2, a fydd yn sicrhau hyfforddiant ac addysg i landlordiaid a thenantiaid ar y grantiau a’r cymorth sydd ar gael drwy’r rhaglen addasiadau brys. Hefyd, rwy'n croesawu argymhelliad 11, ymestyn hawliau tenantiaid i gael anifail anwes, fel y nododd Cadeirydd y pwyllgor.
Fodd bynnag, mae gennyf bryderon ynghylch argymhelliad 6, a fydd yn cael gwared ar yr ychydig hyder sydd ar ôl yn y sector preifat ac yn cyfrannu ymhellach at y nifer o landlordiaid preifat sy'n rhoi'r gorau iddi. Mae llai o eiddo ar y farchnad rentu yn golygu rhenti uwch a dibyniaeth fwy ar dai cymdeithasol nad oes gan y Llywodraeth ddigon ohonynt.
I gloi, Ddirprwy Lywydd, mae'n rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru weithio gyda thenantiaid a landlordiaid i sicrhau bod gennym system deg nad yw’n cosbi landlordiaid er mwyn tynnu sylw pobl oddi wrth fethiant Llywodraethau i adeiladu stoc dai ddigonol yma yng Nghymru. Ond rwy'n cymeradwyo'r adroddiad. Diolch.
Rydw innau hefyd yn croesawu’r cyfle i gyfrannu i’r ddadl bwysig yma ac i drafod rhai o’r argymhellion allweddol a wnaed gan y pwyllgor yn yr adroddiad yma. Doeddwn i chwaith ddim yn aelod o’r pwyllgor drwy gydol yr ymchwiliad, felly wnes i ddim clywed yr holl dystiolaeth.
Fe wnaf gychwyn efo argymhelliad 4. Mae’r ymrwymiad i ymestyn safon ansawdd tai Cymru yn gam cadarnhaol, ond wrth gwrs mae’n rhaid inni gael amserlennu clir a chamau pendant, neu mae peryg y bydd y cynnydd dŷn ni’n gobeithio ei weld ddim yn digwydd. Felly, mae’n rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru egluro pryd y bydd yr adolygiadau yn digwydd, beth y byddan nhw’n eu hystyried, a sut y bydd y penderfyniadau’n cael eu gwneud am ymestyn y safon i’r sector rhentu preifat. Ond mae hi’n hen bryd i’r sector hwn gael safonau uwch, i amddiffyn tenantiaid rhag amodau gwael sy’n gallu niweidio eu hiechyd a’u lles.
Yn argymhelliad 5 mae sôn am ddatblygu MOT eiddo i sicrhau addasrwydd i fyw ynddo fel rhan o’r drefn drwyddedu efo Rent Smart Wales, a dwi yn meddwl bod hwn yn gynnig pwysig. Mi allai MOT eiddo ddarparu cysondeb hanfodol wrth sicrhau bod cartrefi’n bodloni safonau sylfaenol diogelwch a byw. Ond unwaith eto, mae’n rhaid pwysleisio’r angen am weithredu amserol, yn enwedig cyn cylch cofrestru'r landlordiaid nesaf yn 2026. Mi fydd diweddaridau blynyddol ar gynnydd yn sicrhau atebolrwydd ac yn galluogi'r Senedd i fonitro'r agwedd yma yn agos.
Mae argymhelliad 6 yn sôn am y posibilrwydd o ganiatáu i denantiaid sy'n wynebu cael eu troi allan heb fai gadw dau fis o rent fel iawndal. Rŵan, tra fy mod i'n cefnogi hynny, dwi'n credu'n gryf fod angen mynd lawer ymhellach i amddiffyn tenantiaid, ac efo Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig yn ceisio rhoi diwedd ar droi allan heb fai, trwy'r Bil Hawliau Rhentwyr, mae yna beryg gwirioneddol y bydd tenantiaid yng Nghymru yn wynebu hawliau gwanach na'r rhai yn Lloegr. Wrth gwrs, o dan Ddeddf Rhentu Cartrefi (Cymru) 2016, cyfnod rhybudd o chwech mis sydd gan denantiaid, sydd yn annigonol i fynd i'r afael ag effaith ariannol ac emosiynol gorfod gadael cartref. Felly, hoffwn i ofyn i'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet a ydy hi'n gwbl argyhoeddedig na fydd tenantiaid Cymru yn colli allan o gymharu â thenantiaid yn Lloegr—a'r Alban hefyd, wrth gwrs—yn sgil y ddeddfwriaeth newydd sy'n cael ei thrafod ar hyn o bryd yn San Steffan? Oes yna oblygiadau i'r hyn sy'n cael ei drafod yn San Steffan o ran cydraddoldeb tenantiaid ar draws y gwledydd yma?
Mae argymhelliad 10 i'w groesawu, sy'n sôn am y busnes o gael gwarantwr a'r galw am fisoedd o rent ymlaen llaw. Mae hynny'n effeithio'n anghymesur ar aelwydydd incwm isel a thenantiaid iau. Mae'r arferion yma'n creu marchnad rentu dwy haen, lle mae'r rhai efo llai o adnoddau ariannol yn wynebu rhwystrau sylweddol i sicrhau cartref. Felly, dwi'n croesawu'r argymhelliad yma, a dwi'n meddwl bod angen i Lywodraeth Cymru reoleiddio ar frys i sicrhau bod y rhwystrau yma'n cael eu dileu, gan hyrwyddo tegwch a chydraddoldeb mewn mynediad i dai.
Fe wnaf i jest sôn am un peth arall, efallai, os oes amser. Mae defnyddio pwerau prynu gorfodol yn ehangach i fynd i'r afael â gweithdrefnau gwael cyson gan landlordiaid yn agwedd bragmataidd ac angenrheidiol, dwi'n credu. Ond, wrth gwrs, oes gan yr awdurdodau lleol ddigon o adnoddau i fynd ar ôl yr agwedd yma, ac oes yna ddigon o arbenigedd cyfreithiol i weithredu'r pwerau yma'n effeithiol? Un syniad sydd wedi cael ei grybwyll wrth y pwyllgor ydy sefydlu cronfa arbenigedd cyfreithiol genedlaethol, neu ranbarthol, yn darparu'r gefnogaeth sydd ei hangen yn fawr, ac i sicrhau bod landlordiaid yn gwbwl atebol.
Dirprwy Lywydd, mae'r sector rhentu preifat yn gartref i rai o'r aelwydydd mwyaf agored i niwed yng Nghymru. Mae'r argymhellion yn yr adroddiad yma'n cynnig rhai llwybrau tuag at welliannau gwirioneddol, ond dim ond os cânt eu gweithredu, a'u gweithredu ar frys ac mewn ffordd gadarn. Felly, dwi'n siŵr y bydd y pwyllgor yn parhau i ddal Llywodraeth Cymru'n atebol, i sicrhau bod gan denantiaid yng Nghymru fynediad at gartrefi diogel, sicr a fforddiadwy. Diolch.
I too welcome this opportunity to contribute to this very important debate and to discuss some of the recommendations that were made by the committee in its report. I too wasn't a member of the committee throughout the inquiry, so I didn't hear all of the evidence submitted.
I will start with recommendation 4. The commitment to extend the Welsh housing quality standard is a positive step, but of course we need to have clear timescales and steps outlined, otherwise there's a danger that the progress that we want to see won’t happen. So, the Welsh Government does need to explain when the reviews will be undertaken, what they will consider, and how the decisions will be made about extending the standard to the private rented sector. But it is about time that this sector has higher standards, to safeguard tenants from poor standards that can be damaging to their health and well-being.
In recommendation 5 there is mention made of developing a property MOT to ensure fitness of habitation as part of the licensing regime with the Rent Smart Wales programme, and I believe that this is an important step. A property MOT could provide crucial consistency in ensuring that homes do meet basic safety and living standards. But once again, we must emphasise the need for timely action, particularly before the next landlord registration cycle in 2026. Annual updates on progress will ensure accountability and enable the Senedd to monitor this aspect closely.
Recommendation 6 mentions the possibility of allowing tenants facing no-fault evictions to retain the last two months' rent as compensation. Now, whilst I support that, I strongly believe that we need to go far further to safeguard tenants, and with the UK Government seeking to eradicate no-fault evictions, through the Renters' Rights Bill, there is a genuine danger that tenants in Wales will be facing weaker rights than those in England. Of course, under the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016, tenants have a six-month period of warning by landlords, which is inadequate to meet the financial and the emotional impact of having to leave a home. So, I would like to ask the Cabinet Secretary whether she is entirely convinced that tenants in Wales won't be losing out as compared to tenants in England—as well as in Scotland, of course—as a result of the new legislation that is being discussed at present in Westminster. Are there implications in terms of what's being discussed in Westminster with regard to equality for tenants across these nations?
Recommendation 10 is to be welcomed. It mentions the issue of having a guarantor and the need for months' worth of rent ahead of time. That has a disproportionate impact on low-income households and younger tenants. These practices do create a two-tier rental market, with those with fewer financial resources facing significant barriers in accessing a home. So, I do welcome this recommendation, and I do think that the Welsh Government needs to regulate urgently to ensure that these barriers are eradicated, by promoting fairness and equality of access to housing.
I'll just mention one further matter maybe, if I have time. Using compulsory purchase powers more widely to tackle poor practices by landlords is a very pragmatic approach and a crucial one, I believe. But, of course, do local authorities have sufficient resources to pursue this approach, and is there sufficient legal expertise to enact these powers effectively? One idea that has been mentioned in committee is establishing a national, or regional, legal expertise bank to provide the support that is very much needed, and to ensure that landlords are entirely accountable.
Dirprwy Lywydd, the private rented sector is a home for some of the most vulnerable households in Wales. The recommendations in this report do offer some routes towards genuine improvements, but only if they are implemented, and implemented as a matter of urgency and in a firm manner. So, I'm sure that the committee will be continuing to hold the Welsh Government to account, to ensure that tenants in Wales do have access to safe, secure and affordable homes. Thank you.
Thank you to the Local Government and Housing Committee for bringing forward this important debate today. I was a member for a short while, before moving on. There isn't enough social housing, so the gap is having to be filled by the private rental sector, which is really supposed to be interim or transient as a provision. Private landlords have asked for help with supporting tenancies. There's usually a housing officer or housing team in the social housing sector that helps with issues arising from tenancies of people with particular needs. The housing support grant has been invaluable in funding that type of wraparound support.
Today I would like to focus on pets. They are part of people's families, they provide companionship and comfort, they help alleviate loneliness, they provide motivation and purpose, and are beneficial for the owner's mental health and well-being. Yet, having a pet can make finding accommodation extremely difficult. There are already many barriers to renting: credit checks; needs for references and guarantors, who themselves need to own a home; the huge lump sum deposit upfront, which is completely unaffordable; and then there are the demands of 'no children', 'no pets', 'no universal credit', which doesn’t consider that some people are working and claiming, and some people are unable to work.
The Dogs Trust Cymru said that Welsh Government statistics showed that 52 per cent of households have a pet, including one in three households with dogs. Despite these figures, a survey showed that only 8 per cent of renters in Wales say that their home was advertised as pet-friendly. The shortage of pet-friendly housing has meant that many pet owners have had to give up their pets and our rescue centres are full.
The Dogs Trust had 118 people enquire about handing their dog over to their rehoming centre in Wales between December 2022 and the end of March 2023, citing a change in accommodation or rental agreement. Worryingly, the committee heard from several stakeholders that some people faced with this decision opt to stay with their pets and end up actually becoming homeless as a result. And Crisis, the homeless charity, told the committee:
'One of our members wasn't able to take a place purely because it had a no-pet policy. She has a dog that has been her only companion through the most difficult time in her life, and she actually chose to sleep in a car, rather than take a place.'
And I’m sure that many of us dog lovers in this Chamber can empathise with this lady at how difficult that decision must have been.
I’d like to mention the Freedom project, which is an important service that the Dogs Trust provide, supporting those fleeing domestic abuse. There’s a strong link between abuse to pets and abuse to people, with perpetrators often using the bond between pets and the victim to intimidate and control their partner. Families and individuals fleeing domestic abuse are usually unable to take their pets with them into refuges, or private rented housing, so, in many cases, they’re reluctant to leave the home until they know that there’s somewhere safe for their pets, putting themselves at risk and in danger.
Discrimination against pet owners also ignores the reality that, on average, landlords can expect to gain more financially from renting to tenants with pets than they can spend on associated expenses. Therefore, renting to pet owners can be financially viable and beneficial for landlords. Most people that have a pet actually stay in their accommodation longer, so it’s much more beneficial for landlords. Nearly half of private landlords charge a pet rent surcharge—on average an additional £29.10 a month. Survey findings also show that renters with pets, as I said, stayed longer, so it is better for the landlord. And while the Welsh Government has claimed that the RHA forbids landlords from unreasonably refusing requests for pets, there is no guidance as to what would be deemed reasonable, with this having the potential to differ between landlords and prospective tenants.
While it could be argued that tenants could challenge unreasonable decisions by taking their landlords to court, this is not likely to be something that they will do because it’s expensive and is a time-consuming process. I know that Welsh Government have looked at owners having pet insurance to cover any damage as a possible way forward. However, tinkering with payments that can be charged by landlords does not go far enough, and to me, I don’t think it’s acceptable. I don’t believe that finding more ways for renters to be out of pocket is the fair or reasonable course of action. We must protect pet owners from unnecessary discrimination if we are able to increase the number of households available to rent with pets. Thank you.
Diolch i’r Pwyllgor Llywodraeth Leol a Thai am gyflwyno’r ddadl bwysig hon heddiw. Bûm yn aelod am gyfnod, cyn symud ymlaen. Nid oes digon o dai cymdeithasol, felly mae'n rhaid i'r bwlch gael ei lenwi gan y sector rhentu preifat, sydd i fod yn ddarpariaeth interim neu dros dro mewn gwirionedd. Mae landlordiaid preifat wedi gofyn am help i gefnogi tenantiaethau. Fel arfer, ceir swyddog tai neu dîm tai yn y sector tai cymdeithasol i helpu gyda materion sy'n codi mewn perthynas â thenantiaethau pobl ag anghenion penodol. Mae’r grant cymorth tai wedi bod yn amhrisiadwy ar gyfer ariannu’r math hwnnw o gymorth cofleidiol.
Hoffwn ganolbwyntio heddiw ar anifeiliaid anwes. Maent yn rhan o deuluoedd pobl, maent yn darparu cwmnïaeth a chysur, maent yn helpu i leddfu unigrwydd, maent yn darparu cymhelliant a phwrpas, ac maent yn fuddiol i iechyd meddwl a lles y perchennog. Ond eto, mae cael anifail anwes yn gallu ei gwneud hi'n anodd iawn dod o hyd i lety. Mae llawer o rwystrau i rentu eisoes: gwiriadau credyd; yr angen am eirdaon a gwarantwyr, y mae angen iddynt fod yn berchen ar eu cartref eu hunain; y cyfandaliad enfawr cwbl anfforddiadwy y mae'n rhaid ei dalu ymlaen llaw fel blaendal; a'r gofynion 'dim plant', 'dim anifeiliaid anwes', 'dim credyd cynhwysol', nad ydynt yn ystyried bod rhai pobl yn gweithio ac yn hawlio, a rhai pobl yn methu gweithio.
Dywedodd Dogs Trust Cymru fod ystadegau Llywodraeth Cymru yn dangos bod gan 52 y cant o gartrefi anifail anwes, gyda chi yn un o bob tri chartref. Er gwaethaf y ffigurau hyn, dangosodd arolwg mai dim ond 8 y cant o rentwyr yng Nghymru sy’n dweud bod eu cartref wedi’i hysbysebu fel un sy’n gyfeillgar i anifeiliaid anwes. Mae prinder tai sy’n gyfeillgar i anifeiliaid anwes wedi golygu bod llawer o berchnogion anifeiliaid anwes wedi gorfod cael gwared ar eu hanifeiliaid anwes, ac mae ein canolfannau achub yn llawn.
Roedd 118 o bobl wedi gwneud ymholiadau i'r Dogs Trust ynglŷn â rhoi eu ci i’w canolfan ailgartrefu yng Nghymru rhwng mis Rhagfyr 2022 a diwedd mis Mawrth 2023, gan nodi newid llety neu gytundeb rhentu fel rheswm. Clywodd y pwyllgor gan nifer o randdeiliaid fod rhai pobl sy’n wynebu’r penderfyniad hwn yn dewis aros gyda’u hanifeiliaid anwes a dod yn ddigartref o ganlyniad. A dywedodd Crisis, yr elusen ddigartrefedd, wrth y pwyllgor:
'Bu'n rhaid i un o'n haelodau wrthod lle gan fod ganddo bolisi dim anifeiliaid anwes. Mae ganddi gi sydd wedi bod yn gydymaith iddi drwy amser anoddaf ei bywyd, a dewisodd gysgu mewn car yn hytrach na derbyn lle.'
Ac rwy'n siŵr y gall llawer ohonom sy'n caru cŵn yn y Siambr hon gydymdeimlo â'r fenyw a deall pa mor anodd oedd penderfyniad o'r fath.
Hoffwn sôn am brosiect Freedom, sy’n wasanaeth pwysig y mae Dogs Trust yn ei ddarparu, i gefnogi pobl sy’n ffoi rhag cam-drin domestig. Mae cysylltiad cryf rhwng cam-drin anifeiliaid anwes a cham-drin pobl, gyda chyflawnwyr yn aml yn defnyddio'r cwlwm rhwng anifeiliaid anwes a'r dioddefwr i ddychryn a rheoli eu partner. Fel arfer, nid yw teuluoedd ac unigolion sy’n ffoi rhag cam-drin domestig yn gallu mynd â’u hanifeiliaid anwes gyda hwy i lochesi, neu dai rhent preifat, felly, mewn llawer o achosion, maent yn gyndyn o adael y cartref hyd nes eu bod yn gwybod bod rhywle diogel ar gael i’w hanifeiliaid anwes, gan roi eu hunain mewn perygl.
Mae gwahaniaethu yn erbyn perchnogion anifeiliaid anwes hefyd yn anwybyddu'r realiti y gall landlordiaid, ar gyfartaledd, ddisgwyl ennill mwy yn ariannol o rentu i denantiaid ag anifeiliaid anwes nag y gallant ei wario ar gostau cysylltiedig. Felly, gall rhentu i berchnogion anifeiliaid anwes fod yn ariannol hyfyw a buddiol i landlordiaid. Mae'r rhan fwyaf o bobl ag anifail anwes yn aros yn eu llety'n hirach, felly mae'n llawer mwy buddiol i landlordiaid. Mae bron i hanner y landlordiaid preifat yn codi gordal rhent anifeiliaid anwes—£29.10 yn ychwanegol y mis ar gyfartaledd. Mae canfyddiadau arolwg hefyd yn dangos bod rhentwyr ag anifeiliaid anwes, fel y dywedais, wedi aros yn hirach, felly mae’n well i’r landlord. Ac er bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi honni bod y Ddeddf rhentu cartrefi yn gwahardd landlordiaid rhag gwrthod ceisiadau am anifeiliaid anwes yn afresymol, ni cheir unrhyw ganllawiau ynghylch yr hyn a fyddai'n cael ei ystyried yn rhesymol, gyda'r potensial i hyn amrywio rhwng gwahanol landlordiaid a darpar denantiaid.
Er y gellid dadlau y gallai tenantiaid herio penderfyniadau afresymol drwy fynd â’u landlordiaid i’r llys, nid yw hyn yn debygol o fod yn rhywbeth y byddant yn ei wneud am ei fod yn ddrud ac yn broses sy’n cymryd amser. Gwn fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ystyried y syniad o berchnogion yn defnyddio yswiriant anifeiliaid anwes i dalu am unrhyw ddifrod fel ffordd bosibl ymlaen. Fodd bynnag, nid yw tincran â ffioedd y gellir eu codi gan landlordiaid yn mynd yn ddigon pell, ac i mi, nid wyf yn credu ei fod yn dderbyniol. Nid wyf yn credu bod dod o hyd i fwy o ffyrdd i rentwyr fod ar eu colled yn gam gweithredu teg na rhesymol. Mae’n rhaid inni ddiogelu perchnogion anifeiliaid anwes rhag gwahaniaethu diangen os ydym am gynyddu nifer y cartrefi sydd ar gael i'w rhentu gydag anifeiliaid anwes. Diolch.
I’d first like to acknowledge the work put in on this report by the Chairman, in particular, of the committee, but also by the committee as a whole. I was a member of the committee for a short while, whilst this piece of work was being considered, and I’m sure I’m sorely missed on that committee these days, but more than ably replaced there by Peter Fox, doing his work on the committee.
I just wanted to—. It just struck me, in Carolyn Thomas’s opening words, framing the private rental sector as a stopgap whilst not enough social housing is in place—. The private rental sector is a significant and really important part of housing here in Wales. There are 215,000 private rental properties in Wales, with 103,000 landlords registered with Rent Smart Wales. It’s far from just a stopgap. Whilst perhaps there’s a desire from the benches opposite for more social housing to be in place, it’s a fundamental, important part of our tenure. [Interruption.] Sorry, Carolyn.
Yn gyntaf, hoffwn gydnabod y gwaith a wnaed ar yr adroddiad hwn gan Gadeirydd y pwyllgor yn enwedig, ond hefyd gan y pwyllgor cyfan. Bûm yn aelod o’r pwyllgor am gyfnod byr, tra oedd y gwaith hwn dan ystyriaeth, ac rwy’n siŵr fod y pwyllgor hwnnw'n gweld colled fawr ar fy ôl, ond mae Peter Fox yn cymryd fy lle yn wych, yn gwneud ei waith ar y pwyllgor.
Roeddwn am—. Nodais, yng ngeiriau agoriadol Carolyn Thomas, yn fframio'r sector rhentu preifat fel mesur dros dro tra nad oes digon o dai cymdeithasol ar gael—. Mae’r sector rhentu preifat yn rhan sylweddol a hynod bwysig o'r sector tai yma yng Nghymru. Mae 215,000 eiddo rhent preifat yng Nghymru, gyda 103,000 o landlordiaid wedi cofrestru gyda Rhentu Doeth Cymru. Mae'n bell o fod yn fesur dros dro yn unig. Er efallai fod awydd ar y meinciau gyferbyn i gael mwy o dai cymdeithasol, mae'n rhan hanfodol, hollbwysig o'n daliadaeth. [Torri ar draws.] Mae'n ddrwg gennyf, Carolyn.
What I was trying to say is, during the committee, we heard from private landlords that they felt that they were filling the social care gap, in a way, with the private rental sector, because there’s a lack of, a shortage of, social housing, and that’s when they were asking for that wraparound support, perhaps, for their tenancies as well, that they can’t always provide.
Yr hyn roeddwn i'n ceisio ei ddweud yw, ar y pwyllgor, fe glywsom gan landlordiaid preifat eu bod yn teimlo eu bod yn llenwi’r bwlch mewn gofal cymdeithasol, mewn ffordd, gyda’r sector rhentu preifat, am fod prinder tai cymdeithasol, a dyna pryd roeddent yn gofyn am y cymorth cofleidiol hwnnw, efallai, ar gyfer eu tenantiaethau hwy hefyd, na allant ei ddarparu bob amser.
Okay. Thank you for clarifying that, and I apologise if I was a bit antagonistic with my opening comments there. But I think it is really important, though, that we do make sure that the private rental sector is valued not just in word but in deed as well.
I just want to focus perhaps on a couple of recommendations that are within the report that we’re debating here today. But before I do go on to those recommendations, it is worth recognising the continued demand for private rented homes here in Wales. I think the Zoopla website shows that there are 23 enquiries for every available home to rent in Wales, so 23 times the number of enquiries against the actual properties that are available, which is now three times the pre-pandemic rate. So, we're seeing since the COVID-19 pandemic that demand for the private rental sector increase significantly, but, at the same time, we are seeing fewer private rental homes: a reduction of 1,746 since 2021 here in Wales. So, on that point, I think it’s really important that Welsh Government are very careful with some of the measures they seek to implement and that we don’t see a further reduction in the number of private rental homes available to people up and down Wales as a result of any of those measures.
And one of those particular measures that I think I’d urge some caution on is, actually, recommendation 6 within the report, which seeks to explore the feasibility of enabling tenants who are subject to no-explanation repossessions to be able to retain the last two months’ rent of their tenancy. In my view, this has the potential to unfairly penalise responsible landlords who are working within the law, and it seems to ignore the fact that there are already stringent safeguards in place, such as the rule that no-explanation repossession notices are unable to be served in the first six months of a tenancy, and, not only that, there are already rules that add that tenants are required to have six months' notice for any repossession notice when that notice is issued. So, I’d just urge some caution around recommendation 6 in particular. And I was a little surprised to see that recommendation written in that way within the report, because I think there are some potential unintended consequences if that is not thought through carefully.
There are some recommendations that the committee has put forward that are certainly to be welcomed, and certainly recommendation 1, I think, is really important for Welsh Government to take on board swiftly, to outline a vision for the role of the PRS, so they know that they are valued, as I said in the opening of my contribution here today. I think that positive message to the sector is always welcomed by them and I think the date set in our recommendations report—October 2025—will need to be adhered to.
Also, recommendation 12 is important. I think it touches on the point that Carolyn Thomas was mentioning about that work with local government to increase local authority inspection capacity to improve those housing standards in the private rented sector, so we can see that better support from local authorities with the sector as well. Far too often, we do see local government given responsibilities without adequate support, including the funding of those policy decisions, so, I think, if that recommendation is properly followed through, that would be welcome for the sector. But I’m grateful for the opportunity to contribute in the Chamber here this afternoon, Deputy Presiding Officer.
Iawn. Diolch am egluro, ac rwy'n ymddiheuro os oeddwn i braidd yn elyniaethus gyda fy sylwadau agoriadol. Ond credaf ei bod yn bwysig iawn, serch hynny, ein bod yn sicrhau bod y sector rhentu preifat yn cael ei werthfawrogi nid mewn geiriau'n unig ond yn weithredol hefyd.
Hoffwn ganolbwyntio efallai ar un neu ddau o argymhellion yn yr adroddiad yr ydym yn ei drafod yma heddiw. Ond cyn imi ddod at yr argymhellion hynny, mae'n werth cydnabod y galw parhaus am gartrefi rhent preifat yma yng Nghymru. Mae gwefan Zoopla yn dangos bod 23 o ymholiadau am bob cartref sydd ar gael i’w rentu yng Nghymru, felly 23 gwaith yn fwy o ymholiadau na nifer yr eiddo sydd ar gael, sef teirgwaith yn fwy na'r gyfradd cyn y pandemig. Felly, ers pandemig COVID-19, gwelwn fod y galw yn y sector rhentu preifat yn cynyddu’n sylweddol, ond ar yr un pryd, gwelwn lai o gartrefi rhent preifat: gostyngiad o 1,746 ers 2021 yma yng Nghymru. Felly, ar y pwynt hwnnw, credaf ei bod yn bwysig iawn fod Llywodraeth Cymru yn ofalus iawn gyda rhai o'r mesurau y maent yn ceisio eu rhoi ar waith ac nad ydym yn gweld gostyngiad pellach yn nifer y cartrefi rhent preifat sydd ar gael i bobl ledled Cymru o ganlyniad i unrhyw un o’r mesurau hynny.
Ac un o'r mesurau penodol y credaf y buaswn yn annog rhywfaint o ofal yn ei gylch yw argymhelliad 6 yn yr adroddiad, sy'n galw am ymchwilio i ddichonoldeb galluogi tenantiaid sy’n cael eu troi allan heb fai i gadw’r ddau fis diwethaf o rent eu tenantiaeth. Yn fy marn i, mae perygl yn y fan hon o gosbi landlordiaid cyfrifol sy’n gweithio o fewn y gyfraith mewn ffordd annheg, ac ymddengys ei fod yn anwybyddu’r ffaith bod mesurau diogelu llym eisoes ar waith, megis y rheol na ellir cyflwyno hysbysiadau adfeddiannu heb esboniad yn ystod chwe mis cyntaf y denantiaeth, ac nid yn unig hynny, ond mae rheolau eisoes ar waith sy’n ychwanegu ei bod yn ofynnol i denantiaid gael chwe mis o rybudd o unrhyw hysbysiad adfeddiannu pan roddir yr hysbysiad hwnnw. Felly, hoffwn annog rhywfaint o ofal ynghylch argymhelliad 6 yn benodol. A chefais fy synnu braidd wrth weld yr argymhelliad hwnnw wedi'i ysgrifennu yn y ffordd honno yn yr adroddiad, gan y credaf fod canlyniadau anfwriadol posibl os na chaiff hynny ei ystyried yn ofalus.
Mae rhai o'r argymhellion y mae’r pwyllgor wedi’u cyflwyno yn sicr i’w croesawu, ac rwy'n credu ei bod yn wirioneddol bwysig i Lywodraeth Cymru roi argymhelliad 1 ar waith yn gyflym, i amlinellu gweledigaeth ar gyfer rôl y sector rhentu preifat, fel eu bod yn gwybod eu bod yn cael eu gwerthfawrogi, fel y dywedais wrth ddechrau fy nghyfraniad yma heddiw. Rwy'n credu bod y neges gadarnhaol honno i’r sector bob amser yn cael croeso ganddynt, a bydd angen cadw at y dyddiad—mis Hydref 2025—a nodwyd yn argymhellion ein hadroddiad.
Hefyd, mae argymhelliad 12 yn bwysig. Credaf ei fod yn cyffwrdd â’r pwynt yr oedd Carolyn Thomas yn ei nodi am y gwaith gyda llywodraeth leol i gynyddu capasiti arolygu awdurdodau lleol i wella safonau tai yn y sector rhentu preifat, fel y gallwn weld cymorth gwell gan awdurdodau lleol i’r sector hefyd. Yn llawer rhy aml, rydym yn gweld llywodraeth leol yn cael cyfrifoldebau heb gymorth digonol, gan gynnwys ariannu penderfyniadau polisi, felly, os dilynir yr argymhelliad hwnnw’n iawn, byddai hynny'n cael ei groesawu gan y sector. Ond diolch am y cyfle i gyfrannu yn y Siambr y prynhawn yma, Ddirprwy Lywydd.
A galwaf ar Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Lywodraeth Leol a Thai, Jayne Bryant.
And I call on the Cabinet Secretary for Housing and Local Government, Jayne Bryant.

Diolch, Deputy Llywydd, and I'd like to, firstly, thank John Griffiths, as Chair of the Local Government and Housing Committee, and those past and present members for contributing today. I know that it does show a lot when we have past members of the committee and those ones new to it to contribute to the debate, but I do very much value the committee for holding the inquiry into the private rented sector.
Deputy Llywydd, I welcome the recommendations that are set out in the report, and our published response to the committee sets out the action we propose to take. I'm pleased to say that we have accepted or accepted in principle all bar one of the recommendations and conclusions of the committee. The only recommendation that we have not accepted is due to the housing support grant not being given directly to private landlords and the funding being tenure-neutral to support all those who may be at risk of homelessness. As set out in my evidence to the committee, the private rented sector plays a vital part in providing almost a fifth of homes for people in Wales. And I'm keen to see how we can support landlords who provide high-quality, safe and affordable accommodation to feel confident to stay and invest in this sector for the future.
The cost-of-living crisis, inflation growth in 2023 and interest rate rises have impacted on both landlords and tenants over recent years. Across Wales, we have seen rents and demand for rental properties significantly increasing, as some landlords have looked to leave the sector. Tenants too have been more reluctant to move within or indeed out of the private rented sector. Data held by Rent Smart Wales shows a steady increase in property registrations during the second five-year registration period, with the average portfolio size of landlords also increasing. So, there are some positive indicators starting to emerge.
Through the introduction of the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016, we have secured better consistency in the way that private rented properties are let, ensuring that tenants have written terms and conditions, better security of tenure, with a six-month notice period and certainty that rents can only be increased once every 12 months. Ultimately, what matters to tenants is having the time to plan. Whether a reason is specified or a notice or not, the need to move is not the fault of the tenant. However, I do recognise the challenge of securing an affordable rental property, particularly for lower income households who are in receipt of local housing allowance support. To help address this, we launched our Leasing Scheme Wales in 2022, and I recently wrote to all Members to highlight the benefits of the scheme. To date, we have secured 343 properties, with a current pipeline of a further 165 anticipated to be signed up shortly. Of these, 60 per cent were previously empty properties that have now been brought back into beneficial use. They provide affordable rental homes for lower income households, with the rent capped at the local housing allowance rate.
Evidence submitted to the committee reflects similar responses submitted during the development of our White Paper on adequate housing, fair rent and affordability. It should be noted that a number of the recommendations in the committee's report, as the committee Chair mentioned, for example, regarding property MOTs, renting with pets and guarantors, are all aspects set out in our White Paper, which I published for consultation on 24 October and closes on 31 January.
Many Members have raised the issue of pets today and I know that this is something that is widely thought of by Members in the Senedd. We have set out our proposals in the White Paper in respect of insurance provision for pet damage; this is the same approach as is being taken in England in the Renters' Rights Bill. In 2021, 42 per cent of landlords surveyed by the National Residential Landlords Association on behalf of Battersea not currently renting to pet owners stated that they would allow a pet in the property if insurance cover was able to be in place. This approach could potentially see more landlords willing to rent to pet owners.
In my response to the committee's report, I've identified that we will reflect on the evidence—
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd, a hoffwn ddiolch yn gyntaf i John Griffiths, fel Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Llywodraeth Leol a Thai, a’i aelodau a'i gyn-aelodau am gyfrannu heddiw. Gwn ei fod yn dangos llawer pan fydd gennym gyn-aelodau o’r pwyllgor ac aelodau newydd yn cyfrannu at y ddadl, ond rwy'n ddiolchgar i'r pwyllgor am gynnal yr ymchwiliad i’r sector rhentu preifat.
Ddirprwy Lywydd, rwy'n croesawu'r argymhellion a nodir yn yr adroddiad, ac mae'r ymateb a gyhoeddwyd gennym i’r pwyllgor yn nodi’r camau y bwriadwn eu cymryd. Rwy'n falch o ddweud ein bod wedi derbyn neu dderbyn mewn egwyddor pob un ond un o argymhellion a chasgliadau'r pwyllgor. Mae'r unig argymhelliad nad ydym wedi’i dderbyn yn deillio o'r ffaith nad yw’r grant cymorth tai yn cael ei roi’n uniongyrchol i landlordiaid preifat a bod y cyllid yn amhenodol ei ddeiliadaeth er mwyn cefnogi pawb a allai fod mewn perygl o ddod yn ddigartref. Fel y nodir yn fy nhystiolaeth i’r pwyllgor, mae’r sector rhentu preifat yn chwarae rhan hanfodol yn darparu bron i un o bob pum cartref i bobl yng Nghymru. Ac rwy'n awyddus i weld sut y gallwn gefnogi landlordiaid sy'n darparu llety diogel a fforddiadwy o ansawdd uchel i deimlo'n hyderus i aros a buddsoddi yn y sector hwn ar gyfer y dyfodol.
Mae’r argyfwng costau byw, twf chwyddiant yn 2023 a’r cynnydd mewn cyfraddau llog wedi effeithio ar landlordiaid a thenantiaid dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf. Ledled Cymru, rydym wedi gweld rhenti a galw am eiddo rhent yn cynyddu’n sylweddol, wrth i rai landlordiaid ystyried gadael y sector. Mae tenantiaid hefyd wedi bod yn fwy amharod i symud o fewn, neu'n wir, allan o'r sector rhentu preifat. Mae data a gedwir gan Rhentu Doeth Cymru yn dangos cynnydd cyson mewn cofrestriadau eiddo yn ystod yr ail gyfnod cofrestru o bum mlynedd, gyda maint portffolio cyfartalog landlordiaid hefyd yn cynyddu. Felly, mae rhai dangosyddion cadarnhaol yn dechrau ymddangos.
Drwy gyflwyno Deddf Rhentu Cartrefi (Cymru) 2016, rydym wedi sicrhau gwell cysondeb yn y ffordd y caiff eiddo rhent preifat eu gosod, gan sicrhau bod gan denantiaid delerau ac amodau ysgrifenedig, gwell diogelwch deiliadaeth, gyda chyfnod rhybudd o chwe mis a sicrwydd mai dim ond unwaith bob 12 mis y gellir codi rhenti. Yn y pen draw, yr hyn sy’n bwysig i denantiaid yw cael amser i gynllunio. Pa un a nodir rheswm, neu rybudd ai peidio, nid bai’r tenant yw’r angen i symud. Fodd bynnag, rwy'n cydnabod yr her o sicrhau eiddo rhent fforddiadwy, yn enwedig ar gyfer aelwydydd incwm is sy’n cael cymorth drwy'r lwfans tai lleol. Er mwyn helpu i fynd i’r afael â hyn, lansiwyd Cynllun Lesio Cymru gennym yn 2022, ac yn ddiweddar, ysgrifennais at yr holl Aelodau i nodi manteision y cynllun. Hyd yma, rydym wedi sicrhau 343 eiddo, a disgwylir y bydd 165 arall yn cael eu hychwanegu cyn bo hir. O'r rhain, roedd 60 y cant yn eiddo a oedd yn arfer bod yn wag ac sydd bellach yn ôl mewn defnydd buddiol. Maent yn darparu cartrefi rhent fforddiadwy ar gyfer aelwydydd incwm is, gyda'r rhent wedi'i gapio ar gyfradd y lwfans tai lleol.
Mae tystiolaeth a gyflwynwyd i’r pwyllgor yn adlewyrchu ymatebion tebyg a gyflwynwyd yn ystod datblygiad ein Papur Gwyn ar dai digonol, rhent teg a fforddiadwyedd. Dylid nodi bod nifer o’r argymhellion yn adroddiad y pwyllgor, fel y soniodd Cadeirydd y pwyllgor, er enghraifft, ynghylch MOTs eiddo, rhentu gydag anifeiliaid anwes a gwarantwyr, oll yn elfennau a nodir yn ein Papur Gwyn, a gyhoeddais ar gyfer ymgynghoriad ar 24 Hydref ac sy'n cau ar 31 Ionawr.
Mae llawer o'r Aelodau wedi codi mater anifeiliaid anwes heddiw, a gwn fod hyn yn rhywbeth y mae Aelodau’r Senedd yn meddwl llawer amdano. Rydym wedi nodi ein cynigion yn y Papur Gwyn ar ddarparu yswiriant ar gyfer difrod gan anifeiliaid anwes; dyma'r un dull o weithredu ag a ddefnyddir yn Lloegr yn y Bil Hawliau Rhentwyr. Yn 2021, dywedodd 42 y cant o landlordiaid a holwyd gan Gymdeithas Genedlaethol y Landlordiaid Preswyl ar ran Battersea nad oeddent yn rhentu i berchnogion anifeiliaid anwes ar hyn o bryd y byddent yn caniatáu anifail anwes yn yr eiddo pe bai yswiriant wedi'i drefnu. Gallai'r dull hwn o weithredu arwain at fwy o landlordiaid yn fodlon rhentu i berchnogion anifeiliaid anwes.
Yn fy ymateb i adroddiad y pwyllgor, rwyf wedi nodi y byddwn yn ystyried y dystiolaeth—
Will you take an intervention?
A wnewch chi dderbyn ymyriad?
Of course.
Wrth gwrs.
I am worried about the added expense of insurance, especially if it's taken out by the landlord and then charged to the renters, and also if the renters themselves haven't got that money. So, I was wondering if you could consider it further, going forward.
Rwy’n poeni am gost ychwanegol yswiriant, yn enwedig os yw’n cael ei drefnu gan y landlord ac yna’n cael ei chodi ar y rhentwyr, a hefyd os nad oes gan y rhentwyr eu hunain yr arian hwnnw. Felly, tybed a allech chi ystyried hynny ymhellach, wrth symud ymlaen.
Diolch, Carolyn. I know that this is something that you have raised. As I said, this is the same approach that's being taken in England in the Renters' Rights Bill. I think with regard to—. We've heard from organisations that talk about that the damage that pets do—or the alleged damage that pets do—is actually very small. It's the other way around, really, isn't it? That is something I'm really keen to make sure that landlords know, through things like Rent Smart Wales. So, on that point, I have asked that we have written, and we have written, through Rent Smart Wales, to contact landlords to highlight the latest research that shows that the cost of any damage in properties rented to those with pets is less than the damage that is caused by those without pets. So, I think that it's sometimes about making sure that those messages get through.
I'm aware of the calls from Members of the Siambr to reconsider rent control measures. We've given considerable thought to this area, and the evidence we have received suggests that rent control measures could have an adverse effect on our core ambitions. They could lead to a reduction in the supply of rental properties, an increased risk of homelessness and higher rents for newly let properties. It's very possible that rent controls would have a detrimental impact on the very people that such measures should be protecting. So, instead, and as set out in our White Paper, we're keen to gather more robust data on private market rents. We also want to look at the ways in which this data can be suitably put into the public domain to allow better understanding of rental levels in particular areas, which will inform better any potential future policy measures. We're also seeking views, as part of the consultation, around proposals for a rent adjudication process, should a tenant consider that a rent increase is unfair. The White Paper also sets out how we're exploring the potential to further increase affordable rental supply, through allowing a property owner to obtain a refund on the higher rate of land transaction tax where a property has been purchased and signed up to Leasing Scheme Wales.
We await the outcome of the White Paper consultation, which closes, as I said, at the end of this month, after which we will be setting out the next steps on taking these measures forward. I hope that that reassures the Siambr that, as a Government, we are listening and acting on evidence from landlords, tenants and wider housing stakeholders. We have invested and continue to invest in increasing the housing supply and tackling homelessness. The draft budget has included an uplift to support the continued roll-out and uptake of Leasing Scheme Wales.
Deputy Llywydd, we have laid strong foundations, with increased tenants’ rights and improved housing standards already in place through the Renting Homes (Wales) Act. We continue, through the White Paper, to work on developing the building blocks to ensure a vibrant private rented sector fit for the future—a future in which tenants have greater certainty and access to high-quality safe and affordable rented properties. This timely work of the Local Government and Housing Committee in undertaking the inquiry into the private rented sector is most welcome, and I thank them once again for their work in this area. Diolch yn fawr.
Diolch, Carolyn. Gwn fod hyn yn rhywbeth yr ydych wedi’i godi. Fel y dywedais, dyma’r un dull o weithredu a ddefnyddir yn Lloegr yn y Bil Hawliau Rhentwyr. O ran—. Rydym wedi clywed gan sefydliadau sy’n dweud bod y difrod y mae anifeiliaid anwes yn ei wneud—neu’r difrod honedig y mae anifeiliaid anwes yn ei wneud—yn fach iawn mewn gwirionedd. Fel arall y mae hi a dweud y gwir, onid e? Mae hynny'n rhywbeth rwy'n awyddus iawn i sicrhau bod landlordiaid yn ei wybod, drwy bethau fel Rhentu Doeth Cymru. Felly, ar y pwynt hwnnw, rwyf wedi gofyn inni ysgrifennu, ac rydym wedi ysgrifennu, drwy Rhentu Doeth Cymru, i gysylltu â landlordiaid i dynnu sylw at yr ymchwil ddiweddaraf sy'n dangos bod cost unrhyw ddifrod mewn eiddo sy'n cael ei rentu i bobl ag anifeiliaid anwes yn llai na'r difrod a achosir gan bobl heb anifeiliaid anwes. Felly, rwy'n credu bod hyn weithiau’n ymwneud â sicrhau bod y negeseuon hynny’n cael eu cyfleu'n glir.
Rwy'n ymwybodol o'r galwadau gan Aelodau'r Siambr i ailystyried mesurau rheoli rhenti. Rydym wedi rhoi cryn dipyn o ystyriaeth i hyn, ac mae’r dystiolaeth a gawsom yn awgrymu y gallai mesurau rheoli rhenti gael effaith andwyol ar ein huchelgeisiau craidd. Gallent arwain at ostyngiad yn y cyflenwad o eiddo rhent, risg uwch o ddigartrefedd a rhenti uwch ar gyfer eiddo a osodir o'r newydd. Mae'n bosibl iawn y byddai mesurau rheoli rhenti yn cael effaith andwyol ar yr union bobl y dylai mesurau o'r fath eu diogelu. Felly, yn hytrach, ac fel y nodir yn ein Papur Gwyn, rydym yn awyddus i gasglu data mwy cadarn ar renti'r farchnad breifat. Rydym hefyd am edrych ar ffyrdd priodol o gyhoeddi'r data hwn er mwyn caniatáu gwell dealltwriaeth o lefelau rhenti mewn ardaloedd penodol, a fydd yn llywio unrhyw fesurau polisi posibl yn y dyfodol yn well. Yn rhan o'r ymgynghoriad, rydym hefyd yn gofyn am farn pobl ar gynigion ar gyfer proses arfarnu rhent, os yw tenant yn ystyried bod cynnydd rhent yn annheg. Mae’r Papur Gwyn hefyd yn nodi sut rydym yn archwilio’r potensial i gynyddu’r cyflenwad o dai rhent fforddiadwy ymhellach, drwy ganiatáu i berchennog eiddo gael ad-daliad ar gyfradd uwch y dreth trafodiadau tir pan fo eiddo wedi’i brynu a’i gofrestru yng Nghynllun Lesio Cymru.
Rydym yn aros am ganlyniad yr ymgynghoriad ar y Papur Gwyn, sy’n dod i ben, fel y dywedais, ddiwedd y mis hwn, ac ar ôl hynny byddwn yn nodi’r camau nesaf ar gyfer bwrw ymlaen â’r mesurau hyn. Rwy'n gobeithio bod hynny’n rhoi sicrwydd i’r Siambr ein bod, fel Llywodraeth, yn gwrando ac yn gweithredu ar dystiolaeth gan landlordiaid, tenantiaid a rhanddeiliaid tai yn fwy cyffredinol. Rydym wedi buddsoddi ac yn parhau i fuddsoddi er mwyn cynyddu’r cyflenwad tai a mynd i’r afael â digartrefedd. Mae'r gyllideb ddrafft wedi cynnwys cynnydd mewn cyllid er mwyn cefnogi'r gwaith parhaus o gyflwyno a chwyddo'r niferoedd sy'n manteisio ar Gynllun Lesio Cymru.
Ddirprwy Lywydd, rydym wedi gosod sylfeini cryf, gyda mwy o hawliau i denantiaid a safonau tai gwell eisoes ar waith drwy Ddeddf Rhentu Cartrefi (Cymru). Drwy’r Papur Gwyn, rydym yn parhau i weithio ar ddatblygu’r blociau adeiladu i sicrhau sector rhentu preifat bywiog sy’n addas at y dyfodol—dyfodol lle bydd gan denantiaid fwy o sicrwydd a mynediad at eiddo rhent diogel a fforddiadwy o ansawdd uchel. Mae croeso mawr i waith amserol y Pwyllgor Llywodraeth Leol a Thai yn cynnal yr ymchwiliad i’r sector rhentu preifat, a diolch iddynt unwaith eto am eu gwaith yn y maes hwn. Diolch yn fawr.
Galwaf yn awr ar Gadeirydd y Pwyllgor i ymateb i'r ddadl.
I call now on John Griffiths, the Chair of the committee, to reply to the debate.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. I thank all Members, and particularly the Cabinet Secretary, for their responses and contributions in this debate today. May I thank Peter Fox for his contribution in trying to emphasise the need to strike that appropriate balance in terms of tenants and landlords and be fair to both of those? That’s certainly the approach that the committee wants to take and, I hope, has taken with the report overall, which does state that that is exactly what we think should be the case in Wales, and we must strive towards that—Welsh Government must strive towards that.
Obviously, we want private landlords to stay in the market, to provide those options for renters in Wales, and we want tenants to have a very good experience in the private rented sector, in terms of quality, security and safety. I’m very pleased that Peter has come on to the committee, given the wealth of experience that Peter has as an ex-leader of Monmouthshire local authority, because that experience and that knowledge is already proving very useful to the committee indeed. So, thanks very much for that, Peter, and we'll certainly continue, I think, as a committee to strive to seek that balance that you emphasise.
Siân Gwenllian emphasised quality in provision. That must be right, mustn’t it? At the heart of what we want to see is top-quality private rented sector accommodation here in Wales. Siân was supportive of the recommendations that would seek to ensure that, extending the Welsh housing quality standard, but wanting that done to an appropriate timescale, emphasising the importance for the health and well-being of tenants. Whenever we talk about housing, we talk about the importance for health and well-being, and there's a wealth of evidence that makes that connection. Siân also mentioned the property MOT approach and, again, the need to make sure that that's taken forward effectively, and also protections around no-fault evictions.
I think there has been a lively debate about this, hasn't there, in terms of the situation in Scotland, the situation in England, and Welsh Government's view that perhaps there's not that much difference between Welsh Government's approach and what we see in England and Scotland in practice, in reality, in as much that it is possible to evict, for example, on the grounds of needing the property for the use of the landlord, or to sell on the open market, when perhaps that might not be the case. So, in a way, it depends on how much faith you have in human nature in terms of the landlords.
But I think what we are concerned about is that there is no disadvantage in practice to tenants in Wales, and we've heard what Welsh Government has said about the two six-month periods. We ask that there is an exploration of the two months' rent in as much as that would be very useful to tenants in terms of finding an alternative property, if they do have to leave their home. That would go some way further to addressing the concerns that Siân Gwenllian expressed.
Can I just say as well to Siân that I think the issues around compulsory purchase are very important in the round in terms of housing? We really do need to be confident that those powers will be used, when appropriate, that the capacity will be there in local authorities, that the confidence will be there in local authorities. It's very relevant to the empty homes situation. And if we are to convert more of those city, town-centre properties to housing, knowing that it's very difficult to continue with them for retail use, then those compulsory purchase powers are absolutely necessary.
In terms of pets, Dirprwy Lywydd, a lot of points were raised. I think Carolyn Thomas effectively added to what I said in terms of the committee's views, and we now look forward to seeing what the Cabinet Secretary is able to do to give greater confidence, because we're not convinced that what's proposed at the moment would be as advantageous to tenants and potential tenants with pets as the situation in England under the Renters' Rights Bill, and that's why I said what I said about our approach as a committee to the LCM, and wanting the English provisions applied here in Wales.
I can see you looking at me very intensely, Dirprwy Lywydd.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Llywydd. Diolch i’r holl Aelodau, ac yn enwedig Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, am eu hymatebion a’u cyfraniadau yn y ddadl hon heddiw. A gaf i ddiolch i Peter Fox am ei gyfraniad, a'i ymgais i bwysleisio’r angen i daro cydbwysedd cywir o ran tenantiaid a landlordiaid a bod yn deg â’r ddwy ochr? Dyna’n sicr yw'r dull o weithredu y mae’r pwyllgor am ei fabwysiadu ac wedi’i fabwysiadu, gobeithio, gyda’r adroddiad yn gyffredinol, sy’n datgan mai dyna’n union y credwn y dylai ddigwydd yng Nghymru, ac mae’n rhaid inni weithio tuag at hynny—mae'n rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru weithio tuag at hynny.
Yn amlwg, rydym am i landlordiaid preifat aros yn y farchnad, i ddarparu opsiynau i rentwyr yng Nghymru, ac rydym am i denantiaid gael profiad da iawn yn y sector rhentu preifat, o ran ansawdd, sicrwydd a diogelwch. Rwy’n falch iawn fod Peter wedi ymuno â'r pwyllgor, o ystyried y cyfoeth o brofiad sydd gan Peter fel cyn-arweinydd awdurdod lleol sir Fynwy, gan fod y profiad hwnnw a’r wybodaeth honno eisoes wedi bod yn ddefnyddiol iawn i’r pwyllgor. Felly, diolch yn fawr am hynny, Peter, a byddwn yn sicr yn parhau fel pwyllgor i geisio sicrhau'r cydbwysedd a bwysleisiwyd gennych.
Pwysleisiodd Siân Gwenllian ansawdd y ddarpariaeth. Mae'n rhaid cael hynny'n iawn, onid oes? Mae llety o’r safon uchaf yn y sector rhentu preifat yma yng Nghymru yn ganolog i'r hyn rydym am ei weld. Roedd Siân yn gefnogol i’r argymhellion a fyddai’n ceisio sicrhau hynny, gan ymestyn safon ansawdd tai Cymru, ond i hynny ddigwydd yn unol ag amserlen briodol, gan bwysleisio'r pwysigrwydd i iechyd a lles tenantiaid. Pryd bynnag y byddwn yn siarad am dai, rydym yn sôn am bwysigrwydd iechyd a lles, a fe geir cyfoeth o dystiolaeth sy'n gwneud y cysylltiad hwnnw. Soniodd Siân hefyd am MOTs eiddo, ac unwaith eto, yr angen i sicrhau bod hynny’n cael ei roi ar waith yn effeithiol, yn ogystal ag amddiffyniadau mewn perthynas â throi allan heb fai.
Cafwyd dadl fywiog am hyn, a'r sefyllfa yn yr Alban, y sefyllfa yn Lloegr, a safbwynt Llywodraeth Cymru efallai nad oes cymaint o wahaniaeth rhwng dull Llywodraeth Cymru o weithredu a’r hyn a welwn yn Lloegr a’r Alban yn ymarferol, mewn gwirionedd, yn yr ystyr ei bod hi’n bosibl troi pobl allan, er enghraifft, ar y sail fod angen yr eiddo at ddefnydd y landlord, neu i'w werthu ar y farchnad agored, pan nad yw hynny'n wir o bosibl. Felly, mewn ffordd, o ran y landlordiaid, mae’n dibynnu ar faint o ffydd sydd gennych yn y natur ddynol.
Ond rwy'n credu mai’r hyn rydym yn awyddus i'w sicrhau yw nad oes anfantais ymarferol i denantiaid yng Nghymru, ac fe glywsom yr hyn y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi’i ddweud am y ddau gyfnod o chwe mis. Gofynnwn am archwilio'r ddau fis o rent i'r graddau y byddai hynny'n ddefnyddiol iawn i denantiaid allu dod o hyd i eiddo arall, os oes rhaid iddynt adael eu cartref. Byddai hynny’n mynd ychydig pellach tuag at fynd i’r afael â’r pryderon a fynegwyd gan Siân Gwenllian.
A gaf i ddweud hefyd wrth Siân fy mod yn credu bod y materion sy'n ymwneud â phrynu gorfodol yn bwysig iawn yn gyffredinol o ran tai? Mae gwir angen inni fod yn hyderus y bydd y pwerau hynny'n cael eu defnyddio pan fo hynny'n briodol, y bydd y capasiti yno yn yr awdurdodau lleol, y bydd yr hyder yno yn yr awdurdodau lleol. Mae’n berthnasol iawn i’r sefyllfa o ran tai gwag. Ac os ydym am drosi mwy o'r eiddo yng nghanol y ddinas, yng nghanol y dref, yn dai, gan gofio ei bod yn anodd iawn parhau i'w defnyddio at ddibenion manwerthu, mae'r pwerau prynu gorfodol hynny'n gwbl angenrheidiol.
Fe wnaed llawer o bwyntiau am anifeiliaid anwes, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Credaf fod Carolyn Thomas, i bob pwrpas, wedi ychwanegu at yr hyn a ddywedais am safbwyntiau'r pwyllgor, ac edrychwn ymlaen nawr at weld yr hyn y gall Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet ei wneud i roi mwy o hyder, gan nad ydym yn argyhoeddedig y byddai’r hyn a gynigir ar hyn o bryd yr un mor fanteisiol i denantiaid a darpar denantiaid ag anifeiliaid anwes â’r sefyllfa yn Lloegr o dan y Bil Hawliau Rhentwyr, a dyna pam y dywedais yr hyn a ddywedais am ein hagwedd ni fel pwyllgor tuag at y cynnig cydsyniad deddfwriaethol, a’n bod am i ddarpariaethau Lloegr gael eu cyflwyno yma yng Nghymru.
Gallaf eich gweld yn edrych yn llym iawn arnaf, Ddirprwy Llywydd.
I'm being generous as your time has well gone.
Rwy'n bod yn hael gan fod eich amser wedi hen fynd.
You have indeed been generous. Can I just say, in closing, that we're very mindful of the need to strike the appropriate balance in terms of tenure, and, as a committee, we would like to see many more properties available for affordable social rent? We believe that perhaps 60,000 new affordable homes for social rent should be built over the next five years or so, which is a major challenge, we understand. But in terms of the overall balance, and the role of the private sector, we feel that the balance has got out of kilter, and in terms of the vision that Members emphasise that we need from Welsh Government, that must be an important part, we believe, in moving forward.
Rydych chi wedi bod yn hael iawn. A gaf i ddweud, wrth orffen, ein bod yn ymwybodol iawn o'r angen i daro'r cydbwysedd priodol o ran daliadaeth, ac fel pwyllgor, hoffem weld llawer mwy o eiddo ar gael ar gyfer rhent cymdeithasol fforddiadwy? Credwn efallai y dylid adeiladu 60,000 o gartrefi fforddiadwy newydd ar gyfer rhent cymdeithasol dros y pum mlynedd nesaf, sy'n her fawr fel y deallwn. Ond o ran y cydbwysedd cyffredinol, a rôl y sector preifat, teimlwn fod y cydbwysedd wedi ei golli, ac o ran y weledigaeth y mae Aelodau'n pwysleisio'r angen amdani gan Lywodraeth Cymru, credwn fod rhaid i hynny fod yn rhan bwysig wrth symud ymlaen.
Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid nodi adroddiad y pwyllgor? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Nac oes, felly derbynnir y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
The proposal is to note the committee's report. Does any Member object? No. The motion is therefore agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Detholwyd y gwelliant canlynol: gwelliant 1 yn enw Jane Hutt.
The following amendment has been selected: amendment 1 in the name of Jane Hutt.
Eitem 6 heddiw yw dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig ar chwe mis cyntaf Llywodraeth newydd y Deyrnas Unedig. Galwaf ar Darren Millar i wneud y cynnig.
Item 6 today is the Welsh Conservatives' debate on the new UK Government's first six months. I call on Darren Millar to move the motion.
Cynnig NDM8783 Paul Davies
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
1. Yn nodi bod Llywodraeth Lafur y DU wedi bod mewn grym am chwe mis yn Ionawr 2025.
2. Yn gresynu bod Llywodraeth Lafur y DU wedi:
a) taro ffermwyr Cymru gyda threth etifeddiaeth newydd;
b) tynnu'r lwfans tanwydd gaeaf i ffwrdd o hanner miliwn o bensiynwyr yng Nghymru;
c) cynyddu costau yswiriant gwladol cyflogwyr yng Nghymru.
3. Yn gresynu ymhellach fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi methu ag amddiffyn Cymru yn ystod y cyfnod hwn.
4. Yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i wneud y canlynol:
a) gwneud sylwadau brys i Lywodraeth y DU i'w hannog i wrthdroi eu polisïau i gyflwyno treth etifeddiaeth, cael gwared ar y lwfans tanwydd gaeaf, a chynyddu costau yswiriant gwladol cyflogwyr;
b) cyflwyno lwfans tanwydd gaeaf Cymreig os yw'r toriad i'r lwfans tanwydd gaeaf yn parhau i fod ar waith.
Motion NDM8783 Paul Davies
To propose that the Senedd:
1. Notes that January 2025 marks six months of the UK Labour Government being in power.
2. Regrets that the UK Labour Government has:
a) hit Welsh farmers with a new inheritance tax;
b) removed the winter fuel allowance away from half a million Welsh pensioners; and
c) increased Welsh employer’s national insurance costs.
3. Further regrets that the Welsh Government has failed to stand up for Wales during this period.
4. Calls on the Welsh Government to:
a) make urgent representations to the UK Government to reverse their inheritance tax, winter fuel allowance removal, and the increase to employer’s national insurance costs; and
b) introduce a Welsh winter fuel allowance if the cut in the winter fuel allowance remains in place.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. I move the motion on the order paper.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Rwy'n gwneud y cynnig ar y papur trefn.
Before last year's general election we were constantly told that Labour Governments at both ends of the M4 would be great for Wales. But what we've actually ended up with is a double whammy. Broken promises and failing policies coming down the M4, alongside a passive, silent Welsh Labour Government unwilling to offer a squeak of criticism or lift a finger to defend the interests of the people of Wales.
Let's start with our pensioners. As we move towards what we now know to be an exceptionally cold start to the winter, the new UK Labour Government decided to remove the winter fuel payment from 0.5 million pensioners here in Wales—0.5 million people—many of whom are vulnerable, who are now facing a choice between heating and eating this winter. A cut that, by the Labour Party's own researchers' predictions, would lead to around 4,000 deaths. It's no wonder that ‘it will be freezing this Christmas’ managed to get to No. 1 in the charts in the middle of December.
Now, the Scottish Labour Party at least stood up for their people and criticised the UK Labour Government's decision, yet here in Wales the Welsh Labour Party said nothing. Not a dickie bird. And instead of stepping in to provide its own Welsh winter fuel allowance, they did nothing. They are the 'say nothing and do nothing' Government.
There was also radio silence, of course, on the issue faced by Women Against State Pension Inequality. Up until a few weeks ago, Labour politicians in Wales were falling over themselves to pose for selfies. They made social media posts promising to support the WASPI women, including at events right here in Cardiff Bay, outside the Senedd on the steps. And then, having won the election, Sir Keir Starmer, no longer needing their support, has dismissed them, with a glib comment about reading their mail and noting their comments. And those very same Welsh Labour MPs and MSs who'd been posing for selfies suddenly did nothing, and they said nothing.
And then there's our farmers. They've received similar treatment. Before the election, Sir Keir promised to support agriculture. And our very own Welsh Labour Cabinet Secretary was happy to visit farmers’ markets, cameras in tow, of course, to promise that a Labour Government would stand up for Welsh farmers. But what happened afterwards, following the election, was a hammer blow to rural communities, with changes to inheritance tax that amount to little more than a family farm land grab. And where was the Welsh Labour Government after this attack on rural communities across Wales? Where were they? Well, once again, they said nothing and they did nothing.
Our Welsh rail system remains underfunded, due to a lack of Barnett consequentials for HS2 spending in England. The Welsh Conservatives in this Senedd have been raising this issue for years. We were even happy to criticise our own UK Conservative Government on this. Why did we do that? Well, because unlike others in this Chamber, we put the interests of the people of Wales before the interests of our political party. Now, at that time, of course, the Welsh Labour Party and Members, all of them in this Chamber, they agreed with us. They joined us in calling for that money to come to Wales. Yet as soon as the election was won, the UK Labour Government dismissed the idea, and the Welsh Labour Government turned down the volume, and desperately went to a bargain-basement deal with an attempt to secure some scraps from Rachel Reeves's table.
And then there's our economy. High-street businesses, pubs and family shops in Wales were already suffering from higher business rates than elsewhere in the UK. Yet now, on top of these challenges, they've got to contend with Labour's national insurance rise. A tax on jobs. What was Welsh Labour's response? Well, unfortunately, the pattern of behaviour continued. They did nothing, and they said nothing. We were promised financial stability, but our economy is tanking due to a budget that's pushed up the costs of borrowing beyond the 2022 levels, and at this time there's no pandemic and there's no Liz Truss to blame either.
And how we all laughed at Sir Keir Starmer's promises about standards in public life. 'We're going to clean up politics', he said, and yet we've seen a transport Minister resign after failing to disclose a fraud conviction, despite being in charge of a police force, and we've seen an anti-corruption Minister—I'll repeat that, an anti-corruption Minister—resign amid questions about an expensive property linked to a murderous regime—a regime, I may add, run by a relative with family reunions reportedly taking place in Moscow as a guest of Putin. And we've witnessed Ministers, including the Prime Minister, grabbing free clothes, concert tickets and spectacles, like contestants on a game show.
On all of this, our Welsh Labour Government has said nothing and you have done nothing either. So, Cabinet Secretary, you may not be prepared to do anything on these things, to speak out and to act, but we Welsh Conservatives are not prepared to sit on the sidelines. We will always stand up, speak up and defend the interests of Wales. We will stand up for Welsh pensioners. We will vote to support a Welsh winter fuel payment. We'll stand up for our farmers. We'll stand up for our local businesses, and we will stand up for our public services here too, because under Welsh Labour our NHS is broken. More than 24,000 people are waiting two years for treatment while the Welsh Labour Government remains utterly incapable of delivering improvements, in spite of promise after promise.
Under Labour, our education system in Wales is also broken: one in five children shamefully are leaving primary schools unable to read and write properly. Under Welsh Labour, our transport system in Wales is also broken. We've got 20 mph speed limits, a freeze on many of the road building projects, and a whole failure to develop new rail projects, including projects like the north Wales electrification, which has been completely abandoned. Farmers, pensioners, small business owners, motorists, rail passengers, parents and patients are crying out for change here in Wales, and we Welsh Conservatives are putting this Welsh Labour Government on notice: your time is coming to an end. And after 26 years of Labour failure, move over, so that we can fix Wales.
Cyn yr etholiad cyffredinol y llynedd, dywedwyd wrthym yn gyson y byddai Llywodraethau Llafur ar ddau ben yr M4 yn wych i Gymru. Ond yr hyn a gawsom mewn gwirionedd yw ergyd ddwbl. Addewidion wedi eu torri a pholisïau aflwyddiannus yn dod i lawr yr M4, ochr yn ochr â Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru oddefol, dawel sy'n amharod i gynnig gwich o feirniadaeth na chodi bys i amddiffyn buddiannau pobl Cymru.
Gadewch inni ddechrau gyda'n pensiynwyr. Wrth inni symud tuag at yr hyn y gwyddom bellach ei fod yn ddechrau eithriadol o oer i'r gaeaf, penderfynodd Llywodraeth Lafur newydd y DU ddileu taliad tanwydd y gaeaf i 0.5 miliwn o bensiynwyr yma yng Nghymru—0.5 miliwn o bobl—gyda llawer ohonynt yn fregus, sydd bellach yn wynebu dewis rhwng gwresogi a bwyta y gaeaf hwn. Toriad a fyddai, yn ôl rhagfynegiadau ymchwilwyr y Blaid Lafur ei hun, yn arwain at oddeutu 4,000 o farwolaethau. Nid oes unrhyw ryfedd fod 'It will be freezing this Christmas' wedi llwyddo i gyrraedd Rhif 1 yn y siartiau ganol mis Rhagfyr.
Nawr, o leiaf fe safodd Plaid Lafur yr Alban dros eu pobl a beirniadu penderfyniad Llywodraeth Lafur y DU, ac eto yma yng Nghymru ni ddywedodd Plaid Lafur Cymru unrhyw beth. Dim gair. Ac yn hytrach na chamu i mewn i ddarparu ei lwfans tanwydd y gaeaf ei hun yng Nghymru, ni wnaethant unrhyw beth. Hwy yw'r Llywodraeth 'dweud dim, gwneud dim'.
Roedd yna dawelwch hefyd wrth gwrs ar y mater sy'n wynebu Menywod yn Erbyn Anghydraddoldeb Pensiwn y Wladwriaeth. Hyd at ychydig wythnosau yn ôl, roedd gwleidyddion Llafur yng Nghymru yn baglu dros ei gilydd i fod mewn hunluniau. Fe wnaethant bostio ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn addo cefnogi menywod WASPI, gan gynnwys mewn digwyddiadau yma ym Mae Caerdydd, y tu allan i'r Senedd ar y grisiau. Ac yna, ar ôl ennill yr etholiad, mae Syr Keir Starmer, nad yw angen eu cefnogaeth mwyach, wedi eu diystyru, gyda sylw rhwydd am ddarllen eu gohebiaeth a nodi eu sylwadau. Ac yn sydyn iawn nid oedd yr un Aelodau o'r Senedd a'r Aelodau Seneddol Llafur Cymreig a fu'n gwenu mewn hunluniau yn gwneud dim nac yn dweud dim.
Wedyn, ein ffermwyr. Maent wedi cael triniaeth debyg. Cyn yr etholiad, addawodd Syr Keir gefnogi amaethyddiaeth. Ac roedd ein Hysgrifennydd Cabinet Llafur Cymru ein hunain yn hapus i ymweld â marchnadoedd ffermwyr, gyda'r camerâu'n dilyn wrth gwrs, i addo y byddai Llywodraeth Lafur yn sefyll dros ffermwyr Cymru. Ond roedd yr hyn a ddigwyddodd wedyn, yn dilyn yr etholiad, yn ergyd drom i gymunedau gwledig, gyda newidiadau i'r dreth etifeddiant sy'n gyfystyr â chipio tir ffermydd teuluol. A ble roedd Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru wedi'r ymosodiad yma ar gymunedau gwledig ar draws Cymru? Ble oeddent hwy? Unwaith eto, ni wnaethant ddweud gair na gwneud dim.
Mae ein system reilffyrdd yng Nghymru yn parhau i gael ei thanariannu, oherwydd diffyg symiau canlyniadol Barnett ar gyfer gwariant HS2 yn Lloegr. Mae'r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig yn y Senedd hon wedi bod yn codi'r mater ers blynyddoedd. Roeddem hyd yn oed yn hapus i feirniadu ein Llywodraeth Geidwadol ein hunain yn y DU ar hyn. Pam y gwnaethon ni hynny? Wel, yn wahanol i eraill yn y Siambr hon, rydym yn rhoi buddiannau pobl Cymru o flaen buddiannau ein plaid wleidyddol. Nawr, bryd hynny, wrth gwrs, roedd y Blaid Lafur Gymreig a'r Aelodau, pob un ohonynt yn y Siambr hon, yn cytuno â ni. Fe wnaethant ymuno â ni i alw am i'r arian hwnnw ddod i Gymru. Eto i gyd, cyn gynted ag yr enillwyd yr etholiad, gwrthododd Llywodraeth Lafur y DU y syniad, a thawelodd Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru, ac ildio i fargen rad mewn ymgais i sicrhau ychydig friwsion oddi ar fwrdd Rachel Reeves.
A'n heconomi, wedyn. Roedd busnesau'r stryd fawr, tafarndai a siopau teuluol yng Nghymru eisoes yn dioddef yn sgil ardrethi busnes uwch na mannau eraill yn y DU. Ac eto, ar ben yr heriau hyn, mae'n rhaid iddynt ymdopi â chynnydd Llafur i yswiriant gwladol. Treth ar swyddi. Beth oedd ymateb Llafur Cymru? Wel, yn anffodus, parhaodd y patrwm ymddygiad. Ni wnaethant ddweud na gwneud dim. Cawsom addewid o sefydlogrwydd ariannol, ond mae ein heconomi yn crafu'r gwaelod yn sgil cyllideb sydd wedi codi costau benthyca y tu hwnt i lefelau 2022, a'r tro hwn nid oes unrhyw bandemig na Liz Truss i'w beio ychwaith.
Ac fe wnaethom i gyd chwerthin ar ben addewidion Syr Keir Starmer am safonau mewn bywyd cyhoeddus. 'Rydym yn mynd i lanhau gwleidyddiaeth', meddai, ac eto rydym wedi gweld Gweinidog trafnidiaeth yn ymddiswyddo ar ôl methu datgelu euogfarn o dwyll, er ei bod yn gyfrifol am heddlu, a gwelsom Weinidog gwrth-lygredd—fe ailadroddaf hynny, Gweinidog gwrth-lygredd—yn ymddiswyddo ynghanol cwestiynau am eiddo drud sy'n gysylltiedig â chyfundrefn lofruddiol—cyfundrefn, gallwn ychwanegu, sy'n cael ei rhedeg gan berthynas, gydag aduniadau teuluol yn digwydd ym Moscow fel gwesteion i Putin yn ôl pob sôn. Ac rydym wedi bod yn dyst i Weinidogion, gan gynnwys y Prif Weinidog, yn bachu dillad, tocynnau cyngerdd a sbectol am ddim, fel cystadleuwyr ar raglen gwis.
Ar hyn oll, nid yw Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru wedi dweud gair ac nid ydych chi wedi gwneud dim ychwaith. Felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, efallai nad ydych chi'n barod i wneud unrhyw beth am y pethau hyn, i godi llais a gweithredu, ond nid yw'r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig yn barod i sefyll ar y cyrion. Byddwn bob amser yn amddiffyn a sefyll dros fuddiannau Cymru, ac yn codi llais drostynt. Byddwn yn sefyll dros bensiynwyr Cymru. Byddwn yn pleidleisio dros gefnogi taliad tanwydd y gaeaf ar gyfer Cymru. Byddwn yn sefyll dros ein ffermwyr. Byddwn yn sefyll dros ein busnesau lleol, a byddwn yn sefyll dros ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yma hefyd, oherwydd o dan Lafur Cymru mae ein GIG wedi torri. Mae mwy na 24,000 o bobl yn aros dwy flynedd am driniaeth tra bod Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru yn parhau i fod yn gwbl analluog i gyflawni gwelliannau, er gwaethaf addewid ar ôl addewid.
O dan Lafur hefyd, mae ein system addysg yng Nghymru wedi torri: yn gywilyddus, mae un o bob pump o blant yn gadael ysgolion cynradd yn methu darllen ac ysgrifennu'n iawn. O dan Lafur Cymru, mae ein system drafnidiaeth yng Nghymru wedi torri. Mae gennym derfynau cyflymder o 20 mya, llawer o brosiectau adeiladu ffyrdd wedi'u rhewi, a methiant llwyr i ddatblygu prosiectau rheilffyrdd newydd, gan gynnwys prosiectau fel trydaneiddio rheilffordd y gogledd, y trowyd cefn arno'n gyfan gwbl. Mae ffermwyr, pensiynwyr, perchnogion busnesau bach, modurwyr, teithwyr rheilffordd, rhieni a chleifion yn crefu am newid yma yng Nghymru, ac rydym ni, y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig, yn rhybuddio Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru: mae eich amser yn dod i ben. Ac ar ôl 26 mlynedd o fethiant Llafur, symudwch o'r ffordd i ni allu rhoi Cymru yn ôl at ei gilydd.
Rwyf wedi dethol y gwelliant i'r cynnig. Galwaf ar Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Gyllid a'r Gymraeg i gynnig yn ffurfiol welliant 1 a gyflwynwyd yn enw Jane Hutt.
I have selected the amendment to the motion. I call on the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Welsh Language to move formally amendment 1, tabled in the name of Jane Hutt.
Gwelliant 1—Jane Hutt
Dileu popeth ar ôl pwynt 1 a rhoi yn ei le:
Yn nodi y bu’n rhaid i Lywodraeth y DU wneud penderfyniadau anodd er mwyn dechrau adfer twf yn ein heconomi, sicrhau bod cyllid cyhoeddus yn fwy sefydlog ac ail-fuddsoddi yn ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus.
Yn croesawu’r cyllid ychwanegol i Gymru gan Lywodraeth y DU yng Nghyllideb yr Hydref Llywodraeth y DU.
Yn nodi’r ffaith bod y penderfyniadau a wnaed gan Lywodraeth Lafur y DU yn ei chwe mis cyntaf yn golygu bod Cyllideb Ddrafft Llywodraeth Cymru yn cynnwys gwerth £1.5 biliwn o gyllid refeniw ychwanegol a gwerth £3 biliwn o gyllid cyfalaf, gan alluogi Cymru i anelu at dwf.
Yn credu y dylai cyllideb Cymru ganolbwyntio i ddechrau ar gyfrifoldebau datganoledig.
Amendment 1—Jane Hutt
Delete all after point 1 and replace with:
Notes the UK Government has had to make difficult decisions to begin to restore growth in our economy, set the public finances on a more stable footing and reinvest in our public services.
Welcomes the additional funding for Wales from the UK Government in the October UK Budget.
Notes decisions taken by the UK Labour Government in its first six months mean the Welsh Government’s Draft Budget includes £1.5 billion of additional revenue funding and £3 billion of capital funding, putting Wales back on the path to growth.
Believes the first call on the Welsh budget should be for devolved responsibilities.
Cynigiwyd gwelliant 1.
Amendment 1 moved.

Yn ffurfiol.
I think we've had the usual la-la land, if I may put it politely, contribution from the Welsh Conservatives to launch this. I think their real problem, Dirprwy Lywydd, is that people's memories are not as short as they think they are. When they talk about all these issues—not standing up for Wales, allegations about sleaze—people well remember those long Tory years, the 14 years of austerity, all the series of failings that they showed on all the things that Darren Millar has highlighted as failings that he sees at the current time. We had all those years with all of that writ large. People are not going to forget about that as quickly as you'd like them to, I'm afraid, Darren. Those memories will live with people for an awful long time and maybe that's got something to do with why you haven't got a single MP in Wales. Perhaps you ought to reflect upon that before you make the contributions that you made earlier.
Rwy'n credu ein bod wedi cael y cyfraniad hurt arferol, os caf ei roi yn gwrtais, gan y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig i lansio hyn. Rwy'n credu mai eu problem go iawn, Ddirprwy Lywydd, yw nad yw atgofion pobl mor fyr ag y maent hwy'n meddwl eu bod. Pan siaradant am yr holl bethau hyn—peidio â sefyll dros Gymru, honiadau o lygredd—mae pobl yn cofio'n dda am y blynyddoedd Torïaidd hir hynny, y 14 mlynedd o gyni, y gyfres o fethiannau a ddangoswyd ganddynt ar yr holl bethau y mae Darren Millar wedi tynnu sylw atynt fel methiannau y mae'n eu gweld ar hyn o bryd. Cawsom yr holl flynyddoedd gyda hynny i gyd yn amlwg iawn. Mae arnaf ofn, Darren, nad yw pobl yn mynd i anghofio mor sydyn ag yr hoffech iddynt ei wneud. Bydd yr atgofion hynny'n byw gyda phobl am amser hir iawn ac efallai fod gan hynny rywbeth i'w wneud â pham nad oes gennych chi un AS yng Nghymru. Efallai y dylech ystyried hynny cyn i chi wneud y cyfraniadau a wnaethoch yn gynharach.
Will you take an intervention?
A wnewch chi dderbyn ymyriad?
I will.
I'm very grateful to you for doing that. Would I remind you that you should be humble enough to acknowledge that the share of the vote for the Labour Party in Wales also went down at the last general election? So, it was a rather lacklustre performance, if I may say, in terms of the share of the vote for your party. Do you accept that that is largely because of the utter despair and dissatisfaction that the people of Wales feel about the performance of this lacklustre Government?
Diolch am wneud hynny. A gaf i eich atgoffa y dylech fod yn ddigon gostyngedig i gydnabod bod cyfran y bleidlais dros y Blaid Lafur yng Nghymru hefyd wedi gostwng yn yr etholiad cyffredinol diwethaf? Felly, roedd yn berfformiad braidd yn ddilewyrch, os caf ddweud, o ran cyfran y bleidlais i'ch plaid. A ydych chi'n derbyn mai'r rheswm pennaf am hynny oedd yr anobaith a'r anfodlonrwydd llwyr y mae pobl Cymru'n ei deimlo am berfformiad y Llywodraeth ddilewyrch hon?
Darren, you haven't got a single MP in Wales. You know, wake up and smell the coffee. You need a radically different approach to the one that you've been pursuing here in Wales, let alone what your UK colleagues did over those long years of austerity. We thought, actually, on this side that your leadership might bring a change of approach, but I'm afraid all we've heard so far is more of the same, more that we'd got used to from your predecessor. It's not going to wash, it's not good enough, Darren, and you really need to rethink.
What I really wanted to address, Dirprwy Lywydd, was Gordon—[Interruption.] What I really wanted to talk about, actually, was Gordon Brown's report, which I am very keen to see implemented here in Wales, because I think it offers us real possibilities in terms of addressing the terrible inequality that we still see—regional economic inequality, social inequality—across the UK. Countries like Wales need real support and assistance and partnership from the UK Government to build our economy and deal with those inequalities, and Gordon Brown's report offers us a blueprint for some of the most important ways forward—things like bringing more public sector jobs here to Wales, relocated from elsewhere in the UK, mainly the south-east of England.
We want to see more investment in infrastructure, for example in rail, and we do really need to address the historic lack of proper investment in our rail industry in Wales that we've seen over very many years. And we need support for our clusters: for us locally in Newport, for example, cyber security, the semiconductor industry, and the transition that we need to see to green steel. There are many important aspects to that Gordon Brown report, Dirprwy Lywydd, and, of course, they're not all economic; some of them are about dealing with the imbalances of power in terms of our constitution, and where responsibility lies for service delivery and strategy and policy development. So, there are many important aspects to that report. It was a serious piece of work—[Interruption.]—and I hope that we will see early progress in taking it forward. I give way to Sam Kurtz.
Darren, nid oes gennych unrhyw Aelodau Seneddol yng Nghymru. Wynebwch realiti. Mae angen dull hollol wahanol arnoch o weithredu i'r un y buoch yn mynd ar ei drywydd yma yng Nghymru, heb sôn am yr hyn a wnaeth eich cymheiriaid yn y DU dros y blynyddoedd hir o gyni. Roeddem ni ar yr ochr hon yn meddwl y gallai eich arweinyddiaeth chi gynnig ychydig o newid, ond mae arnaf ofn fod popeth a glywsom hyd yma yn rhagor o'r un peth, mwy o'r hyn y daethom i arfer ag ef gan eich rhagflaenydd. Nid yw'n mynd i weithio, nid yw'n ddigon da, Darren, ac mae gwir angen i chi ailfeddwl.
Yr hyn roeddwn i eisiau mynd i'r afael ag ef, Ddirprwy Lywydd, oedd adroddiad—[Torri ar draws.] Yr hyn roeddwn i eisiau siarad amdano mewn gwirionedd oedd adroddiad Gordon Brown, ac rwy'n awyddus iawn i'w weld yn cael ei weithredu yma yng Nghymru, oherwydd rwy'n credu ei fod yn cynnig posibiliadau real i ni o ran mynd i'r afael â'r anghydraddoldeb ofnadwy yr ydym yn dal i'w weld—anghydraddoldeb economaidd rhanbarthol, anghydraddoldeb cymdeithasol—ledled y DU. Mae angen cefnogaeth a chymorth a phartneriaeth go iawn ar wledydd fel Cymru gan Lywodraeth y DU i adeiladu ein heconomi ac ymdrin â'r anghydraddoldebau hynny, ac mae adroddiad Gordon Brown yn cynnig glasbrint i ni ar gyfer rhai o'r ffyrdd pwysicaf ymlaen—pethau fel dod â mwy o swyddi sector cyhoeddus yma i Gymru, wedi'u hadleoli o fannau eraill yn y DU, de-ddwyrain Lloegr yn bennaf.
Rydym am weld mwy o fuddsoddiad mewn seilwaith, er enghraifft rheilffyrdd, ac mae gwir angen inni fynd i'r afael â'r diffyg buddsoddiad hanesyddol yn ein diwydiant rheilffyrdd yng Nghymru, diffyg buddsoddiad a welsom dros lawer iawn o flynyddoedd. Ac mae angen cefnogaeth i'n clystyrau: i ni yn lleol yng Nghasnewydd, er enghraifft, seiberddiogelwch, y diwydiant lled-ddargludyddion, a'r newid y mae angen inni ei weld i ddur gwyrdd. Mae yna lawer o agweddau pwysig i adroddiad Gordon Brown, Ddirprwy Lywydd, ac wrth gwrs, nid ydynt i gyd yn economaidd; mae rhai ohonynt yn ymwneud ag ymdrin ag anghydbwysedd pŵer mewn perthynas â'n cyfansoddiad, a lle mae'r cyfrifoldeb am ddarparu gwasanaethau a strategaeth a datblygu polisi. Felly, mae llawer o agweddau pwysig i'r adroddiad hwnnw. Roedd yn waith pwysig—[Torri ar draws.]—ac rwy'n gobeithio y gwelwn gynnydd cynnar wrth fwrw ymlaen ag ef. Fe ildiaf i Sam Kurtz.
Thank you. We're obviously commemorating six months of Starmer's leadership. You mention the Gordon Brown report. Can you point to one thing within that report that's progressed in that six months of Keir Starmer's premiership?
Diolch. Rydym yn amlwg yn coffáu chwe mis o arweinyddiaeth Starmer. Rydych chi'n sôn am adroddiad Gordon Brown. A allwch chi bwyntio at un peth yn yr adroddiad hwnnw sydd wedi datblygu yn y chwe mis ers dechrau prif weinidogaeth Keir Starmer?
It's very early days, Sam, isn't it—[Interruption.] We are talking about six months—[Interruption.]
Mae'n ddyddiau cynnar iawn, Sam, onid yw—[Torri ar draws.] Rydym yn sôn am chwe mis—[Torri ar draws.]
Let the Member respond to the intervention, please.
Gadewch i'r Aelod ymateb i'r ymyriad, os gwelwch yn dda.
Be sensible and realistic, Sam. We've already heard from our Cabinet Secretaries here: there's been a sea change in relationships between the Welsh Government and the UK Government, and that is very welcome. You really shouldn't try and dismiss that lightly, because we had terrible relationships and a lack of true partnership for so many years under your colleagues at Westminster. Already we've seen a sea change, and that is delivering and will deliver.
What I'd like to say, Dirprwy Lywydd, in closing is that work that Gordon Brown and his colleagues did is a serious body of work. It really does need to be implemented, and if it is implemented here in Wales, we'll see badly needed progress in dealing with those regional inequalities that we see across the UK. It's not just about Wales; it's also about Scotland and the north of England, for example. I hope that we do see that implementation in short order.
Byddwch yn realistig ac yn synhwyrol, Sam. Rydym eisoes wedi clywed gan ein Ysgrifenyddion Cabinet yma: cafwyd newid llwyr yn y berthynas rhwng Llywodraeth Cymru a Llywodraeth y DU, ac mae hynny i'w groesawu'n fawr. Ni ddylech geisio diystyru hynny'n ysgafn, oherwydd roedd gennym berthynas ofnadwy a diffyg gwir bartneriaeth am gymaint o flynyddoedd o dan eich cymheiriaid yn San Steffan. Rydym eisoes wedi gweld newid enfawr, ac mae hwnnw'n cyflawni ac fe fydd yn cyflawni.
Wrth gloi, Ddirprwy Lywydd, rwyf am ddweud bod y gwaith a wnaeth Gordon Brown a'i gymheiriaid yn waith pwysig. Mae gwir angen ei weithredu, ac os caiff ei weithredu yma yng Nghymru, fe welwn gynnydd mawr ei angen wrth fynd i'r afael â'r anghydraddoldebau rhanbarthol a welwn ledled y DU. Mae'n ymwneud â mwy na Chymru'n unig; mae hefyd yn ymwneud â'r Alban a gogledd Lloegr, er enghraifft. Rwy'n gobeithio y gwelwn ei weithredu'n fuan iawn.
Wel, mae'n cymryd deryn glân i ganu, ac mae yna eironi, wrth gwrs, onid oes, mai y Torïaid sy’n dod a’r ddadl hon gerbron heddiw, a ninnau yn gwybod pa mor ddinistriol fuodd eu hagenda llymder ar unigolion a chymunedau yng Nghymru, a’r ffaith bod ein cymunedau ni'n dal i deimlo sgileffeithiau hynny.
Wedi’r cyfan, y Torïaid oedd yn gyfrifol am smonach llwyr Brexit, sy’n parhau i amharu ar ein perfformiad economaidd, ac sydd wedi tanseilio cymaint o fasnach a diwydiant yma yng Nghymru. Nhw hefyd sydd yn gyfrifol am normaleiddio banciau bwyd a chyflwyno polisïau niweidiol a chreulon sydd wedi arwain at gynifer i fyw mewn tlodi a methu â fforddio hanfodion bywyd.
O ran HS2, fe ddylen nhw fod wedi cyflwyno setliad ariannol teg i Gymru a sicrhau’r arian sy’n ddyledus i Gymru. Dim syndod, felly, bod pleidleiswyr Cymru wedi penderfynu nad oedd yr un Aelod Seneddol Ceidwadol o Fôn i Fynwy yn haeddu cadw eu sedd.
Ond er ein bod yn cofio gwaddol y Llywodraeth Geidwadol, gwaddol sydd yn dal i gael ei deimlo heddiw, ffocws dadl heddiw ydy Llywodraeth bresennol San Steffan, ac er gwaethaf rhagrith y Ceidwadwyr wrth gyflwyno’r ddadl, mi fyddwn ni yn cefnogi’r cynnig heddiw, gan ein bod ninnau yn rhannu’r pryderon a fynegir ynddo.
Fe wnaeth Llafur addo newid i bobl Cymru, ac fe bleidleisiodd nifer o bobl ledled y wlad drostynt, gan eu bod nhw yn deisyfu newid er gwell. Does dim rhyfedd, felly, fod yna nifer yn teimlo wedi'u bradychu gan Lafur, o weld mai newid er gwaeth ydy’r newid hwnnw iddyn nhw yn bersonol, a chwestiynu pam nad oedd Llafur wedi bod yn glir cyn yr etholiad o ran rhai o'r polisïau sydd wedi eu gweithredu ers iddyn nhw ddod i rym.
Rydyn ni wedi clywed am rai o'r enghreifftiau, ond hefyd, wrth gwrs, gwrthod cael gwared ar y cap dau blentyn creulon, sydd wedi arwain at 30 y cant o blant Cymru yn byw mewn tlodi, ac, wrth gwrs, y lwfans tanwydd gaeaf yn cael ei dynnu oddi ar hanner miliwn o bensiynwyr—rhywbeth na wnaeth hyd yn oed George Osborne, pensaer llymder, ei ystyried, ac sydd wedi gwthio cymaint o'n pensiynwyr ni i mewn i dlodi y flwyddyn yma yn unig.
Yn ail, wrth gwrs, y codiad mewn yswiriant gwladol cyflogwyr heb unrhyw sicrwydd o ad-daliad llawn gan y Trysorlys, sydd wedi gadael ein prifysgolion, meddygfeydd teulu, ein sefydliadau trydydd sector, elusennau, yn wynebu sefyllfa ariannol fregus dros ben. Mae newidiadau'r dreth etifeddiaeth yn adlewyrchu diffyg dealltwriaeth o'n cymunedau amaethyddol; y tro pedal o ran merched WASPI.
Mae'n dod yn fwyfwy amlwg nad partneriaeth o gwbl ydy'r berthynas rhwng Llywodraeth Cymru a San Steffan mewn gwirionedd, oherwydd sut ydych chi'n gallu sôn am bartneriaeth gytbwys pan fo un ochr yn anwybyddu'r ochr arall ar faterion o bwys i Gymru? Er enghraifft, dydyn ni ddim wedi derbyn hyd yn oed un geiniog o arian HS2 eto yn ein cyllideb, er gwaetha'r ffaith bod Ysgrifennydd Gwladol presennol Cymru'n arfer cytuno efo ni ei fod yn warth ac y dylem ni gael yr arian sy'n ddyledus i Gymru.
Dim symudiad o gwbl o ran yr addewidion ar ddatganoli cyfiawnder ac Ystâd y Goron, gyda dim awydd gan naill begwn y 'partneriaeth mewn grym' i weithredu ar fesurau sydd wedi'u hargymell gan amryw a llu o adroddiadau ac ymchwiliadau ers sbel.
Yn y cyfamser, rydym ni wedi gweld Llywodraeth yr Alban yn defnyddio eu grymoedd nhw i ymateb yn flaengar ac yn gadarn i rai o'r pethau hyn, felly mae yna gyferbyniad clir gydag agwedd Llywodraeth Cymru, sy'n trio gwneud esgusodion dros fethiannau San Steffan yn hytrach na sefyll dros Gymru.
Felly, gobeithio, yn yr ymateb gan y Llywodraeth y prynhawn yma, y cawn ni glywed pa drafodaethau sydd wedi digwydd, sydd am ddigwydd, a beth ydy disgwyliadau ein Llywodraeth ni o ran sicrhau'r hyn sy'n ddyledus i Gymru ar y pethau roedd Llafur yn arfer cytuno efo ni arnyn nhw, yn arfer gweiddi amdanyn nhw, yn eu mynnu—pa symudiad sy'n mynd i fod? Oherwydd Cymru sydd ar ei cholled os nad ydym ni'n cael yr hyn yr ydym ni nid yn unig yn ei ddeisyfu, ond yn ei haeddu.
Well, it's ironic, isn’t it, that it's the Conservatives who are bringing forward this debate today, as we know how damaging their austerity agenda was for individuals and communities in Wales, and the fact that our communities are still feeling the impacts of that agenda.
After all, it was the Conservatives who were responsible for the mess of Brexit, which is still having a detrimental impact on our economic performance and has undermined so much trade and industry here in Wales. They too are responsible for normalising the need for foodbanks and for introducing damaging and cruel policies that have led to so many living in poverty, unable to afford life’s essentials.
In terms of HS2, they should have presented a fair funding settlement for Wales and delivered the funding owed to Wales. Little wonder, therefore, that voters in Wales decided that no Conservative Members of Parliament from Anglesey to Monmouthshire deserved to keep their seats.
But although we remember the legacy of the Conservative Government, a legacy still felt today, the focus of today’s debate is the current Westminster Government, and despite the Conservatives’ hypocrisy in tabling this debate, we will be supporting the motion today, as we too share the concerns expressed in it.
Labour did promise the people of Wales a change, and many people across the country voted for them, because they craved change for the better. Is there any wonder, then, that so many feel that they have been betrayed by Labour, bearing in mind that the situation for them has changed for the worse? They question why Labour wasn't clearer before the election about some of the policies that have been implemented since they came to power.
We've heard about some of those examples, but also there was the refusal to eradicate the cruel two-child cap that has led to 30 per cent of children in Wales living in poverty, the withdrawal of the winter fuel allowance from half a million pensioners—something that even George Osborne, the architect of austerity, didn't consider, and something that has pushed so many of our pensioners now into poverty this year alone.
Second, of course, the increase in employer national insurance contributions without any certainty of a full refund by the Treasury, which has left our universities, GP surgeries and third sector organisations facing a very fraught financial situation. The changes to inheritance tax reflect a lack of understanding of our agricultural communities; the u-turn in terms of WASPI women.
It's becoming increasingly apparent that the relationship between the Welsh Government and the Westminster Government is not, truth be told, a partnership, because how can you talk about a balanced partnership when one side ignores the other on matters of such importance to Wales? For example, we haven't received even a penny of HS2 funding in the budget, despite the fact that the current Secretary of State used to agree with us that we should receive the funding owed to Wales.
There has been no movement at all on the promises to devolve justice and the Crown Estate, with no desire by either side of the 'partnership in power' to act on measures recommended in various reports and a whole host of enquiries for some time now.
In the meantime, we have seen the Scottish Government using their powers to respond progressively and robustly to some of these issues, so there is a clear contrast to the Welsh Government's approach, which seeks to make excuses for Westminster's failings, rather than standing up for Wales.
So, I hope, in the response from the Government this afternoon, that we will hear what discussions have been had and will happen, and what our Government's expectations are in terms of ensuring that Wales receives what it's owed on those things that Labour used to agree with us on, that they used to call for and demand—what movement will there be? Because Wales is losing out here if we don't get not only what we call for, but what we deserve.
Members, it's very clear that Keir Starmer's Labour Government has been a total disaster in so many ways over the first six months, as was so eloquently described by my leader, be it their treatment of vulnerable pensioners—as we know, the removal of the winter fuel allowance—or the huge hit to businesses and employees through increases to employer national insurance, and, of course, the massively damaging proposed changes to agricultural inheritance tax, an area that I'm going to focus more on.
The farming sector is so fundamental to the economy and fabric of the UK and most definitely here in Wales. It should be acknowledged just how much of a difficult time farmers have faced in recent years, and continue to feel under threat. Our Welsh farmers continue to face and live with the devastating impacts of TB, the rise in the cost of doing business, increased regulation, red tape, ever-growing Government expectations, yet all they want to do is feed us. They're not in it for the money, and that is a fact.
Our farming community now has to deal with two Labour Governments on either end of the M4 who either do not care or do not understand the needs of their rural communities. The entire point of agricultural inheritance tax relief is to give certainty to farmers that they will be able to continue to keep their family-run farm in the family and pass their legacy down to their children. This allows the historical nature of family farms to continue in perpetuity, enabling future generations to continue to trade and to continue to feed us.
Farmers, on paper, are often simplistically seen as asset rich, but we know that they are really cash poor. Given the very marginal income profile of the majority of farms, anyone who inherits a farms is unlikely to be able to meet the inheritance tax liability without selling their farm, or a large part of it, or trying to take out extensive borrowing that they wouldn't be able to service out of the modest incomes they generate.
There are other consequences of the agricultural property relief change as well, as many farm businesses have to rely on rented additional land to remain viable. If the changes to APR take place in 2026, it is expected that the supply of available land to rent in Wales would be severely reduced, meaning that many farmers would lose access to land needed to maintain their business viability. All of these things will threaten our food security and the fabric of our rural communities, and all that goes with that, including the damage to our culture and to our language.
I've been concerned by the number of people who support this tax change, and who have little or no experience of the countryside, who have branded APR as a loophole. It's not a loophole—it's a carefully designed policy that was designed to protect Britain’s family farms from being broken up. And thanks to this new Labour Government, our farmers are facing the very real prospect of having to do just that, to break those farms up. To make matters worse, the president of the National Farmers Union has said that the Chancellor has refused to engage with the union on these inheritance tax changes since she announced the budget.
The First Minister has previously said she is happy to be unpopular with Keir Starmer. If so, we need her to stand up for our Welsh farmers and reject this assault on this important industry. Time and time again, the Welsh Labour Government fails to stand up for the people of Wales, be it changing their minds on how much Wales should get from HS2, failing to condemn Rachel Reeves for taking winter fuel payments off the most vulnerable in society, and I expect today Welsh Labour will fail to stand up for the farming community.
Dirprwy Lywydd, we have the chance today to send a real message to the Labour Government in Westminster that the Senedd will not stand by and accept the negative impact of UK Labour’s decisions being levelled on Welsh people, be it pensioners, businesses or farmers. These groups should feel valued and respected and have faith that those they elect have their backs. However, it doesn't feel like that here under Labour.
Aelodau, mae'n amlwg iawn fod Llywodraeth Lafur Keir Starmer wedi bod yn drychineb llwyr mewn cymaint o ffyrdd dros y chwe mis cyntaf, fel y disgrifiwyd mor huawdl gan fy arweinydd, boed o ran y ffordd y gwnaethant drin pensiynwyr bregus—cael gwared ar lwfans tanwydd y gaeaf, fel y gwyddom—neu'r ergyd enfawr i fusnesau a chyflogeion trwy gynyddu yswiriant gwladol cyflogwyr, Ac wrth gwrs, y newidiadau arfaethedig hynod niweidiol i'r dreth etifeddiant amaethyddol, maes rwy'n mynd i ganolbwyntio mwy arno.
Mae'r sector ffermio mor sylfaenol i economi a gwead y DU ac yn bendant yma yng Nghymru. Dylid cydnabod pa mor anodd yw pethau wedi bod i ffermwyr yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwethaf, ac maent yn parhau i deimlo dan fygythiad. Mae ein ffermwyr yng Nghymru yn parhau i wynebu a byw gydag effeithiau dinistriol TB, y cynnydd yng nghost gwneud busnes, mwy o reoleiddio, biwrocratiaeth, disgwyliadau cynyddol y Llywodraeth, ac eto y cyfan y maent am ei wneud yw ein bwydo ni. Nid ydynt yn ei wneud er mwyn yr arian, ac mae hynny'n ffaith.
Bellach, mae'n rhaid i'n cymuned ffermio ymdopi â dwy Lywodraeth Lafur ar y naill ben a'r llall i'r M4 sydd naill ai ddim yn poeni neu ddim yn deall anghenion eu cymunedau gwledig. Holl bwynt rhyddhad treth etifeddiant amaethyddol yw rhoi sicrwydd i ffermwyr y byddant yn gallu parhau i gadw eu fferm deuluol yn y teulu a throsglwyddo eu hetifeddiaeth i'w plant. Mae hyn yn caniatáu i natur hanesyddol ffermydd teuluol barhau am byth, gan alluogi cenedlaethau'r dyfodol i barhau i fasnachu a pharhau i'n bwydo.
Ar bapur, mae ffermwyr yn aml yn cael eu hystyried yn rhy syml fel rhai sy'n gyfoethog mewn asedau, ond mewn gwirionedd, fe wyddom eu bod yn dlawd mewn arian parod. O ystyried proffil incwm ymylol y mwyafrif o ffermydd, mae'n annhebygol y bydd unrhyw un sy'n etifeddu fferm yn gallu bodloni'r rhwymedigaeth treth etifeddiant heb werthu eu fferm, neu ran fawr ohoni, neu gael benthyciadau helaeth na fyddent yn gallu eu talu'n ôl o'r incwm cymedrol y maent yn ei gynhyrchu.
Mae canlyniadau eraill i'r newid yn y rhyddhad eiddo amaethyddol hefyd, gan fod llawer o fusnesau fferm yn gorfod dibynnu ar dir ychwanegol wedi ei rentu i barhau i fod yn hyfyw. Os bydd y newidiadau i'r rhyddhad eiddo amaethyddol yn digwydd yn 2026, disgwylir y byddai'r cyflenwad o dir sydd ar gael i'w rentu yng Nghymru yn cael ei leihau'n ddifrifol, sy'n golygu y byddai llawer o ffermwyr yn colli mynediad at dir sydd ei angen i gynnal eu hyfywedd busnes. Bydd yr holl bethau hyn yn bygwth ein diogeledd bwyd a gwead ein cymunedau gwledig, a phopeth sy'n mynd gyda hynny, gan gynnwys y niwed i'n diwylliant a'n hiaith.
Rwyf wedi bod yn pryderu ynghylch cymaint o'r bobl sy'n cefnogi'r newid treth hwn, nad oes ganddynt fawr ddim profiad o gefn gwlad, os o gwbl, sydd wedi galw'r rhyddhad eiddo amaethyddol yn fwlch. Nid yw'n fwlch—mae'n bolisi sydd wedi'i lunio'n ofalus i ddiogelu ffermydd teuluol Prydain rhag cael eu chwalu. A diolch i'r Llywodraeth Lafur newydd hon, mae ein ffermwyr yn wynebu'r posibilrwydd gwirioneddol o orfod gwneud hynny, chwalu'r ffermydd hynny. I wneud pethau'n waeth, mae llywydd Undeb Cenedlaethol yr Amaethwyr wedi dweud bod y Canghellor wedi gwrthod ymgysylltu â'r undeb ar y newidiadau hyn i'r dreth etifeddiant ers iddi gyhoeddi'r gyllideb.
Mae Prif Weinidog Cymru eisoes wedi dweud ei bod hi'n hapus i fod yn amhoblogaidd gyda Keir Starmer. Os felly, mae angen iddi sefyll dros ein ffermwyr yng Nghymru a gwrthsefyll yr ymosodiad ar y diwydiant pwysig hwn. Dro ar ôl tro, mae Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru yn methu sefyll dros bobl Cymru, boed drwy newid eu meddyliau ynghylch faint y dylai Cymru ei gael o HS2, drwy fethu condemnio Rachel Reeves am amddifadu'r rhai mwyaf agored i niwed mewn cymdeithas o daliadau tanwydd y gaeaf, ac rwy'n disgwyl heddiw y bydd Llafur Cymru yn methu sefyll dros y gymuned ffermio.
Ddirprwy Lywydd, mae gennym gyfle heddiw i anfon neges go iawn at y Llywodraeth Lafur yn San Steffan na fydd y Senedd yn sefyll o'r neilltu ac yn derbyn effaith negyddol penderfyniadau Llafur y DU ar bobl Cymru, boed yn bensiynwyr, yn fusnesau neu'n ffermwyr. Dylai'r grwpiau hyn deimlo eu bod yn cael eu gwerthfawrogi a'u parchu a bod yn ffyddiog fod y rhai y maent yn eu hethol yn eu cefnogi. Fodd bynnag, nid yw'n teimlo felly yma o dan Lafur.
Isn't it interesting how short the memory is and how things are being projected? There is £14 million in the budget for farmers. Anyone would think we were giving nothing.
I'll move on to looking at some of the decisions that have been taken. We know for certain, it's well recorded, that what the Tories really wanted to do when they were in power, and set about doing it quite well, was to not protect the workers, the poorest paid workers, but to try their very best to make sure that trade unions couldn't operate in the way that was most effective for their members, and to deny trade union voices being heard by not allowing paid facility time, by increasing the threshold for a ballot so that those voices could be heard. That didn't happen, of course, in Wales because we protected people from that deliberate attack on working people.
So, we move on. The gig economy encouraged widespread misuse of zero-hours contracts. Companies thrived while workers were denied basic rights like job security, guaranteed hours, sick pay or holiday entitlement. Workers with precarious livelihoods joined the realms of foodbank users, another shameful Tory legacy. When that party opposite come into power, there were 35 foodbanks across Britain, because mass hunger wasn't the issue that it has become. Now Britain has 2,800 foodbanks, with over 3 million food parcels deliver in the last year. Somehow they managed to have inequality, hunger and poverty becoming the norm under their rule. And it's going to take time to change that. I'm glad that the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill sets out a path to do that.
The Employment Rights Bill will bring much-needed change. It sets out how to ensure gig economy workers are classified properly and granted the rights they deserve, including paid leave and fair wages. It supports flexible working, helping workers who were at the mercy of employers who refused to consider those requests, and amongst those, lots of them will be carers and they will be new parents. It will crack down on companies exploiting young and new staff as cheap or free labour, and it addresses workplace discrimination, with stronger protections for those who speak out against unfair treatment. And it addresses the delays and inefficiencies that have often led to workers being denied any form of justice. Under the previous Government, some businesses exploited the loopholes in the law at the cost of the most vulnerable workers, but those gaps are now going to be closed. This will ensure a fairer, more balanced approach to employment, where all workers can thrive and where their rights are protected. I think that is a huge contrast to what was done under the leadership, or the abuse, if you like, under the Tories for 14 years.
We respect working people. We respect the fact that the lowest paid need our protection, and that is why there is a 5.5 per cent pay rise for teachers in this year's budget. The difference is we've invested. The Tories cut our budget every single year. I never, ever heard anything being said from the benches opposite about those cuts. And yet, despite that, we've managed to build new schools. We've improved the fabric of the buildings of our housing association properties. We put in the minimum requirement that we would expect people in social housing—the condition of that housing—to reach. And we've gone further. We've done the housing quality standard, but we've put it forward again. And, yes, it is nice. I heard someone say, 'Is it nice?' It's wonderful. If you were living in one of those houses, you would think it was really wonderful, to have here somebody who cares about the fabric of the building in which you live and you bring up your children. So, yes, it is nice, to repeat what you've just said.
Onid yw'n ddiddorol pa mor fyr yw'r cof a sut y mae pethau'n cael eu cyflwyno? Mae £14 miliwn yn y gyllideb ar gyfer ffermwyr. Byddai unrhyw un yn meddwl nad ydym yn rhoi unrhyw beth o gwbl.
Symudaf ymlaen i edrych ar rai o'r penderfyniadau a wnaed. Rydym yn gwybod yn sicr, mae wedi'i gofnodi'n dda, mai'r hyn roedd y Torïaid eisiau ei wneud mewn gwirionedd pan oeddent mewn grym, ac fe aethant ati i'w wneud yn eithaf da, oedd peidio â diogelu'r gweithwyr, y gweithwyr a gâi leiaf o gyflog, gan wneud eu gorau glas i sicrhau na allai undebau llafur weithredu yn y ffordd fwyaf effeithiol i'w haelodau, a sicrhau na châi lleisiau undebau llafur eu clywed drwy beidio â chaniatáu amser cyfleuster â thâl, drwy gynyddu'r trothwy ar gyfer pleidlais fel y gellid clywed y lleisiau hynny. Ni ddigwyddodd hynny yng Nghymru oherwydd ein bod wedi diogelu pobl rhag yr ymosodiad bwriadol hwnnw ar weithwyr.
Felly, symudwn ymlaen. Anogodd yr economi gìg gamddefnydd eang o gontractau dim oriau. Ffynnodd cwmnïau tra amddifadwyd gweithwyr o hawliau sylfaenol fel sicrwydd swydd, oriau gwarantedig, tâl salwch neu hawl gwyliau. Ymunodd gweithwyr â bywoliaeth ansicr â chiwiau defnyddwyr banciau bwyd, etifeddiaeth Dorïaidd gywilyddus arall. Pan ddaeth y blaid gyferbyn i rym, roedd 35 o fanciau bwyd ar draws Prydain, am nad oedd newyn torfol yn broblem fel y daeth i fod wedyn. Erbyn hyn mae gan Brydain 2,800 o fanciau bwyd, gyda dros 3 miliwn o barseli bwyd wedi eu dosbarthu yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf. Rywsut fe wnaethant lwyddo i wneud anghydraddoldeb, newyn a thlodi yn norm tra oeddent mewn grym. A bydd yn cymryd amser i newid hyn. Rwy'n falch fod y Bil Lles Plant ac Ysgolion yn nodi llwybr ar gyfer gwneud hynny.
Bydd y Bil Hawliau Cyflogaeth yn sicrhau newid mawr ei angen. Mae'n nodi sut i sicrhau bod gweithwyr yr economi gìg yn cael eu categoreiddio'n briodol ac yn cael yr hawliau y maent yn eu haeddu, gan gynnwys gwyliau â thâl a chyflogau teg. Mae'n cefnogi gweithio hyblyg, gan helpu gweithwyr ar drugaredd cyflogwyr a wrthododd ystyried y ceisiadau hynny, ac ymhlith y rheini, bydd llawer yn ofalwyr a byddant yn rhieni newydd. Bydd yn mynd i'r afael â chwmnïau sy'n ecsbloetio staff ifanc a newydd fel llafur rhad neu am ddim, ac mae'n mynd i'r afael â gwahaniaethu yn y gweithle, gydag amddiffyniadau cryfach i'r rhai sy'n codi llais yn erbyn triniaeth annheg. Ac mae'n mynd i'r afael â'r oedi a'r aneffeithlonrwydd sydd wedi arwain yn aml at wrthod unrhyw fath o gyfiawnder i weithwyr. O dan y Llywodraeth flaenorol, camfanteisiodd rhai busnesau ar y bylchau yn y gyfraith ar draul y gweithwyr mwyaf agored i niwed, ond mae'r bylchau hynny bellach yn mynd i gael eu cau. Bydd hyn yn sicrhau ymagwedd decach a mwy cytbwys tuag at gyflogaeth, lle gall pob gweithiwr ffynnu a lle caiff eu hawliau eu diogelu. Rwy'n credu bod hynny'n cyferbynnu'n helaeth â'r hyn a wnaed o dan yr arweinyddiaeth, neu'r gamdriniaeth, os mynnwch, o dan y Torïaid am 14 mlynedd.
Rydym ni'n parchu gweithwyr. Rydym yn parchu'r ffaith bod angen ein hamddiffyniad ar bobl ar y cyflogau isaf, a dyna pam y mae codiad cyflog o 5.5 y cant i athrawon yn y gyllideb eleni. Y gwahaniaeth yw ein bod ni wedi buddsoddi. Torrodd y Torïaid ein cyllideb ni bob blwyddyn. Ni chlywais erioed unrhyw beth yn cael ei ddweud oddi ar y meinciau gyferbyn am y toriadau hynny. Ac eto, er gwaethaf hynny, rydym wedi llwyddo i adeiladu ysgolion newydd. Rydym wedi gwella adeiladwaith adeiladau ein cymdeithasau tai. Fe wnaethom gynnwys y gofynion sylfaenol y byddem yn disgwyl i bobl mewn tai cymdeithasol—cyflwr y tai hynny—eu cyrraedd. Ac rydym wedi mynd ymhellach. Rydym wedi gwneud y safon ansawdd tai, ond rydym wedi ei gyflwyno eto. Ac mae hynny'n braf. Clywais rywun yn dweud, 'A yw'n braf?' Mae'n rhyfeddol. Pe byddech chi'n byw yn un o'r tai hynny, byddech chi'n meddwl ei fod yn wirioneddol wych, cael rhywun yma sy'n poeni am adeiladwaith yr adeilad rydych chi'n byw ynddo ac rydych chi'n magu'ch plant ynddo. Felly, ydy, mae'n braf, i ailadrodd yr hyn rydych chi newydd ei ddweud.
We've all been told, countless times in the year, in the run-up to the election, that a Labour Government here and a Labour Government in Westminster would be a wonderful thing for the people of Wales. A partnership between two administrations at either side of the M4 would work towards a common goal and bring big benefits, we were told, time and time again. Well, Deputy Presiding Officer, I can honestly say that I think we were all led down the garden path on that one.
Residents right across Wales have been clobbered and punished since Keir Starmer entered No. 10 and there's absolutely no sign of any benefits coming our way. We have seen the winter fuel payments snatched away from pensioners, including nearly 100,000 in my region alone of south-east Wales. This payment was vital to so many people, and that's why our motion today calls for a Welsh winter fuel fund to be created. It can be done, Deputy Presiding Officer, as my leader, Darren Millar said, and Scotland have done it. Yet, this Labour Government here in Wales has so far refused to even contemplate it. We have seen Welsh family farms put at risk, as my colleague Peter Fox mentioned, with a drastic and deeply unfair new inheritance tax, and we have seen businesses, charities, local authorities and many other organisations hampered by the Chancellor's recent national insurance hikes. Not only that, but Labour in Westminster have pretty much given away the sovereignty of the important Chagos Islands, blocked a national inquiry into grooming gangs and released violent criminals back on the streets in a bid to free up prison spaces. That is an awful lot of damage to inflict onto our country in six short months, but hey-ho, do not fear—at least Lord Alli made sure Keir Starmer and his top team were kitted out in their top finery and living the life of luxury as they rolled out these cruel policies.
Many people, I'm sure, will be wondering what the Labour Welsh Government were doing whilst Keir Starmer was busy wreaking havoc in Downing Street. Surely, the First Minister and her Cabinet were shouting from the rooftops for the Prime Minister to abort his plans. Surely, the First Minister here was going to be screaming and saying, 'Do better for Wales', but sadly not. In reality, the Labour-led Welsh Government sat on their hands and watched on from the sidelines silently. I suppose we shouldn't expect anything less, given that the First Minister has as much influence on Keir Starmer as she has on Donald Trump.
With my new education hat on, I was following the UK Government's new plans for education closely last week to see what bold initiatives Labour had up its sleeves. And what was the big plan for England? It's to introduce the Children's Wellbeing and Schools Bill, which will see school standards in England drop to levels seen here in Labour-led Wales, where the average 15-year-old scored lower than pupils in any other UK nation in key subjects. It also involves the scrapping of successful academy schools and the reversion of control back to bureaucrats and away from schools.
When Sir Keir said that Labour in Wales was, indeed, his blueprint for a Labour Government in London, I actually thought he was joking, but clearly not. For more than two and a half decades, Labour has been letting the people of Wales down by failing to tackle the issues that truly matter: health, education, the economy. And now it looks like the Prime Minister wants in on the action to inflict even more damage. If this is just what the first six months of Sir Keir's premiership look like, I sincerely dread to imagine what the next six months have in store for all of us.
Already, the public are indeed sick to the back teeth of a UK Labour Government with six in 10 people out there voting—in fact, who are going to be voting—disapproving, according to a YouGov poll. Voters gave their verdict, with a -45 per cent net approval of Sir Keir's Government. Still a tad generous, if you ask me. Let's hope that, in May 2026, the people of Wales throw this clapped-out Labour Government out of office because you've broken the country and only the Welsh Conservatives can, indeed, fix it. And when the time comes, let's hope that voters give Labour politicians at Westminster their marching orders as well. Thank you.
Mae pob un ohonom wedi cael clywed, sawl tro yn y flwyddyn, yn y cyfnod cyn yr etholiad, y byddai Llywodraeth Lafur yma a Llywodraeth Lafur yn San Steffan yn beth hyfryd i bobl Cymru. Byddai partneriaeth rhwng dwy weinyddiaeth ar ddau ben yr M4 yn gweithio tuag at nod cyffredin ac yn darparu buddion mawr, dywedwyd wrthym, dro ar ôl tro. Wel, Ddirprwy Lywydd, gallaf ddweud yn onest fy mod yn credu inni gael ein camarwain ar hynny.
Mae trigolion ledled Cymru wedi cael eu curo a'u cosbi ers i Keir Starmer fynd i mewn i Rif 10 ac nid oes arwydd o gwbl fod unrhyw fuddion yn dod i ni. Rydym wedi gweld taliadau tanwydd y gaeaf yn cael eu dwyn oddi ar bensiynwyr, gan gynnwys bron i 100,000 yn fy rhanbarth i yn unig yn ne-ddwyrain Cymru. Roedd y taliad hwn yn hanfodol i gynifer o bobl, a dyna pam fod ein cynnig ni heddiw'n galw am greu cronfa tanwydd y gaeaf i Gymru. Mae'n bosibl gwneud hynny, Ddirprwy Lywydd, fel y dywedodd fy arweinydd, Darren Millar, ac mae’r Alban wedi gwneud hynny. Ac eto, mae’r Llywodraeth Lafur hon yma yng Nghymru wedi gwrthod hyd yn oed ystyried hynny hyd yn hyn. Rydym wedi gweld ffermydd teuluol Cymru yn cael eu rhoi mewn perygl, fel y soniodd fy nghyd-Aelod Peter Fox, gyda threth etifeddiant newydd eithafol a hynod annheg, ac rydym wedi gweld busnesau, elusennau, awdurdodau lleol a llawer o sefydliadau eraill yn cael eu llyffetheirio gan gynnydd diweddar y Canghellor i yswiriant gwladol. Nid yn unig hynny, ond mae Llafur yn San Steffan fwy neu lai wedi ildio sofraniaeth tiriogaeth bwysig Ynysoedd Chagos, wedi rhwystro ymchwiliad cenedlaethol i gangiau meithrin perthnasoedd amhriodol ac wedi rhyddhau troseddwyr treisgar yn ôl ar y strydoedd mewn ymgais i ryddhau lleoedd mewn carchardai. Mae hynny'n gryn dipyn o niwed i'n gwlad mewn cwta chwe mis, ond dyna ni, peidiwch ag ofni—o leiaf fe sicrhaodd yr Arglwydd Alli fod Keir Starmer a'i dîm yn gwisgo'u dillad gorau ac yn byw bywyd moethus wrth iddynt gyflwyno'r polisïau creulon hyn.
Bydd llawer o bobl, rwy’n siŵr, yn pendroni beth oedd Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru yn ei wneud tra bo Keir Starmer yn brysur yn creu hafoc yn Stryd Downing. Rhaid bod y Prif Weinidog a’i Chabinet yn crefu ar Brif Weinidog y DU i roi gorau i'w gynlluniau. Rhaid bod y Prif Weinidog yma'n sgrechian, 'Gwnewch yn well dros Gymru', ond yn anffodus, ni ddigwyddodd hynny. Mewn gwirionedd, eisteddodd Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru ar eu dwylo a gwylio'n dawel o'r cyrion. Mae’n debyg na ddylem ddisgwyl yn wahanol, o ystyried bod gan y Prif Weinidog gymaint o ddylanwad ar Keir Starmer ag sydd ganddi ar Donald Trump.
Gyda fy het addysg newydd am fy mhen, roeddwn yn dilyn cynlluniau newydd Llywodraeth y DU ar gyfer addysg yn agos yr wythnos diwethaf i weld pa gynlluniau beiddgar oedd gan Lafur yn yr arfaeth. A beth oedd y cynllun mawr ar gyfer Lloegr? Cyflwyno'r Bil Lles Plant ac Ysgolion, a fydd yn gostwng safonau ysgolion yn Lloegr i'r lefelau a welir yma yng Nghymru dan arweiniad Llafur, lle mae disgybl 15 oed ar gyfartaledd yn sgorio'n is na disgyblion mewn unrhyw wlad arall yn y DU mewn pynciau allweddol. Mae hefyd yn cynnwys cael gwared ar ysgolion academi llwyddiannus, a mynd â rheolaeth oddi ar ysgolion a'i rhoi yn ôl i fiwrocratiaid.
Pan ddywedodd Syr Keir mai Llafur yng Nghymru oedd ei lasbrint ar gyfer Llywodraeth Lafur yn Llundain, credais ei fod yn cellwair, ond mae'n amlwg nad oedd. Am fwy na dau ddegawd a hanner, mae Llafur wedi bod yn gwneud cam â phobl Cymru drwy beidio â mynd i’r afael â’r materion sy’n wirioneddol bwysig: iechyd, addysg, yr economi. A nawr, mae'n edrych yn debyg fod Prif Weinidog y DU eisiau achosi mwy fyth o niwed. Os mai dyma sut olwg sydd ar y chwe mis cyntaf o brif weinidogaeth Syr Keir, rwy'n arswydo meddwl beth sydd ar y gweill i bob un ohonom dros y chwe mis nesaf.
Mae'r cyhoedd eisoes wedi cael llond bol ar Lywodraeth Lafur y DU, gyda chwech o bob 10 o bobl yn dweud eu bod—yn mynd i fod yn pleidleisio, yn wir—yn anfodlon, yn ôl arolwg barn gan YouGov. Lleisiodd pleidleiswyr eu barn, gyda chymeradwyaeth net o -45 y cant i Lywodraeth Syr Keir. Mae hynny'n dal i fod braidd yn hael, os gofynnwch i mi. Ym mis Mai 2026, gadewch inni obeithio y bydd pobl Cymru yn cael gwared ar y Llywodraeth Lafur lipa hon, oherwydd rydych chi wedi torri’r wlad a dim ond y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig sy'n mynd i allu ei thrwsio. A phan ddaw’r amser, gadewch inni obeithio y bydd y pleidleiswyr yn cael gwared ar y gwleidyddion Llafur yn San Steffan hefyd. Diolch.
Rwyf am siarad yn benodol am y cyfeiriad yn y cynnig i'r lwfans taliad gaeaf, achos tra bod Plaid Cymru yn cytuno gyda'r hyn sydd yng nghynnig y Ceidwadwyr heddiw, o ran gresynu bod Llywodraeth Lafur San Steffan wedi tynnu'r gefnogaeth hanfodol hon i ffwrdd o 0.5 miliwn o bensiynwyr yng Nghymru, ac yn cytuno y dylai Llywodraeth Cymru alw ar eu partneriaid pen arall yr M4 i adfer y lwfans, mae'n rhaid dweud, fel rŷn ni ar y meinciau yma yn pwysleisio dro ar ôl tro wrth drafod y pwnc yma, mae diffyg eironi y Ceidwadwyr wrth wneud yr alwad hon yn datgelu amnesia sydd wir yn tynnu'ch anadl chi, achos mae'r mesurau llymder a ddyluniwyd ac a weithredwyd gan eich plaid chi pan oedden nhw mewn grym yn San Steffan wedi dyfnhau anghydraddoldeb yn ein cymdeithas, wedi gwthio degau ar filoedd o blant a phobl hŷn i dlodi, wedi gwaethygu'r caledi sy'n cael ei deimlo gan bobl ar incwm isel—cymaint ohonyn nhw'n bensiynwyr—tra'n caniatáu i'r mwyaf cyfoethog ysgwyddo'r pwysau lleiaf. A gallwch chi ddim dewis anghofio eich cefnogaeth i fesurau oedd yn gofyn i'r tlawd dalu mwy na'u siâr i sicrhau bod buddiannau'r cyfoethog yn cael eu hamddiffyn, nawr bod hynny'n wleidyddol gyfleus. Dagrau pethau yw bod chwe mis o Lywodraeth Lafur yn San Steffan hyd yma yn cael effaith debyg.
Felly, byddwn ni'n cefnogi'r cynnig am ein bod ni'n meddwl ei bod hi'n warth ar unrhyw blaid sy'n dilyn ideoleg llymder, ac yn warth bod San Steffan yn gallu achosi bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn gorfod camu i mewn i gefnogi'r rhai yng Nghymru sy'n dioddef yn sgil polisïau fel torri'r lwfans taliad gaeaf a'r cap dau blentyn, ac yn meddwl ei bod hi'n annerbyniol bod cymaint o aelwydydd yng Nghymru wedi colli cannoedd o bunnoedd o gefnogaeth, a'r holl ofid a dioddefaint, a salwch a marwolaeth y bydd hynny yn achosi.
Rwy'n cofio Aelod o'r meinciau Llafur sydd ddim yma heddiw yn wfftio'r honiadau a wnaethpwyd yn y ddadl ddiwethaf gawson ni ar y pwnc yma am nifer y bobl hŷn fyddai mewn peryg o farw yn sgil y penderfyniad creulon ac annoeth hwn. Roedd y ffigwr yn 4,000 yn ôl y comisiynydd pobl hŷn. 'Gallwch chi ddim dweud faint o bobl sy'n mynd i farw', meddai e, 'gan nad ŷch chi'n gwybod eto pa mor oer y bydd hi.' Wnaeth nifer ohonom ar y meinciau yma fynegi'n sioc a'n siom wrth glywed Aelod Llafur yn trio meddalu ergyd y polisi annoeth ac annheg yma drwy ddadlau am nifer y pensiynwyr fyddai'n debyg o farw. Wel, gallaf i ddweud wrtho fe heddiw—dyw e ddim yma—roedd hi'n hynod, hynod oer dros yr wythnosau diwethaf, onid oedd hi? Roedd ein gwasanaeth iechyd mewn stad o argyfwng, a salwch anadlol, sy'n cael ei waethygu gan yr oerfel wrth gwrs, oedd yn rhannol gyfrifol am hynny.
Ers 2010 mae cyfoeth yn y Deyrnas Gyfunol wedi tyfu o driliynau, gyda'r rhan fwyaf llethol o'r cyfoeth yn mynd i'r aelwydydd mwyaf cefnog a llai na degfed ran yn mynd i'r 50 y cant tlotaf. Wrth i dlodi plant dyfu i'w lefel uchaf erioed, fe mwy na ddyblodd cyfoeth biliwnyddion Prydain. Ble mae'r newid y cawsom yn addewid—y byddai pethau’n wahanol? Yn lle trethu’r rhai sydd â’r adnoddau a’r gallu i gyfrannu at wneud pethau’n decach, mae Llywodraeth Starmer wedi penderfynu mai pensiynwyr Cymru, plant mewn tlodi a menywod sydd wedi cael eu geni yn y 1950au fydd yn gorfod wynebu effaith y penderfyniadau caled.
Mae yna ffordd arall o wneud pethau: mae angen cynnig gobaith i bleidleiswyr sy’n colli ffydd yn y system wleidyddol, sy’n gweld wyneb gwahanol yn Rhif 10 ond dim newid yn y modd y maen nhw'n cael eu cefnogi. Oes yna unrhyw syndod bod yr asgell dde yn codi i'r fath raddau gwta chwe mis ers i Lafur ennill mwyafrif mawr? Mae dyletswydd ar wleidyddion sy’n poeni am effaith hynny ar Gymru i sefyll lan a galw am bolisïau fydd yn creu newid sylweddol i fywydau’r rhai sydd am yn rhy hir wedi talu pris am lwfrdra gwleidyddol a dogmatiaeth neoryddfrydol.
I want to speak specifically about the reference in the motion today to the winter fuel allowance, because while Plaid Cymru agrees with the contents of the Conservatives’ motion today, in terms of regretting that the Labour Westminster Government has withdrawn this vital support from 0.5 million pensioners in Wales, and while we also agree that the Welsh Government should call on their partners at the other end of the M4 to restore the allowance, it must be said, as we on these benches have previously highlighted time and time again in discussing this issue, the Conservatives’ lack of irony in making this call points to breathtaking levels of amnesia, because the austerity measures designed and implemented by your party when they were in power in Westminster have deepened inequality in our society, have pushed tens of thousands of children and older people into poverty, have exacerbated the hardship felt by people on low incomes—so many of whom are pensioners—while allowing the wealthiest to shoulder the lightest burden. And you can't choose to forget your support for measures that asked the poorest to pay more than their fair share to ensure that the interests of the wealthy were protected, now that that it is politically expedient. The tragic thing is that six months of a Labour Government in Westminster to date are having a similar impact.
We will, therefore, be supporting this motion as we believe that it is disgraceful for any party to follow an ideology of austerity, and it's disgraceful that Westminster’s actions can mean that the Welsh Government has to step in to support the people in Wales who are suffering as a result of policies such as withdrawing the winter fuel allowance and the two-child cap. And we believe that it is also unacceptable that so many households in Wales have lost hundreds of pounds-worth of support, with all of the anxiety and suffering, illness and death that that will cause.
I remember a Member from the Labour benches, who is not here today, giving short shrift to the claims made in the last debate we had on this matter regarding the number of older people who would be at risk of death as a result of this cruel and unwise decision. The figure was 4,000 people according to the older people’s commissioner. We can’t know how many people will die, according to him, because we don’t know yet how cold it will be. Well, many of us on these benches expressed our shock and disappointment at hearing a Labour Member trying to soften the blow of these unwise and unfair policies by arguing over the number of pensioners who are at risk of death. Well, I can say to him today—he's not here—it has been exceptionally cold over the past few weeks, hasn’t it? Our health service was in a state of crisis, with respiratory conditions, which are of course exacerbated by the cold, partly responsible for that.
Since 2010 wealth in the UK has grown in the order of trillions, with the vast majority of these riches going to the wealthiest households, and less than a tenth going to the poorest 50 per cent. As child poverty grows to its highest ever level, the wealth of Britain’s billionaires more than doubled. So, where is the change that we were promised—that things would be different? Instead of taxing those who have the resources and the means to contribute to making things fairer, the Starmer Government has decided that it is the pensioners of Wales, children living in poverty and women born in the 1950s who will have to face the implications of the difficult decisions.
There is another way of doing things: we need to offer hope to voters who are losing faith in the political system, and who see a different face in No. 10 but no change in the way that they are supported. Is there any wonder that the right wing is riding high some six months after Labour won such a large majority? There is a duty on politicians who are concerned about the impact that this is having on Wales to stand up and call for policies that will bring about significant change to the lives of those who have for too long paid the price for political cowardice and neoliberal dogma.
I'm pleased to be speaking today on this debate that looks at the first six months of a UK Labour Government. And six months ago, people in Britain voted for the empty slogan of change, but the only change that has been delivered so far is far from the change that they were promised. We've seen economic instability, tax hikes, pensioners punished, alongside broken manifesto promise after broken manifesto promise. Let's look at a few examples. In May of last year, just two months before the general election, Keir Starmer recalled the time he went to Dewsbury and spoke to an 84-year-old woman who had, and I quote, worked all her life and didn't want to get out of bed until midday because she didn't want to put her heating on. Sir Keir said, in the same clip, that this was an awful position for a pensioner to be put in, and then what was the first thing that he did when he got the keys to 10 Downing Street? Cruelly took winter fuel payments away from those very pensioners. And let's not forget that the winter fuel payment was also once a commitment supported by the Welsh Labour Government. But what has happened since? Not one single word of condemnation of this cruel Starmer decision from the Welsh Labour Government. Labour's own figures show that 4,000 pensioners could die as a result of the decision, and we've barely seen a shrug of the shoulders from Labour here since. Absolutely shameful. Let's be clear, that wasn't a difficult decision that had to be taken, as the Labour spinners would have you believe. We heard claims that there was a £22 billion black hole when they assumed office, but the independent Office for Budget Responsibility literally couldn't find it. It was nothing but a smokescreen to pay off the receipt issued to them by the union paymasters after the election.
And guess what else we heard in the election? No more taxes on working people, and then in true socialist style, we heard the taxes on working people were going up, when the UK Government announced an incoming increase to employers national insurance, a jobs tax that has meant fewer jobs and lower wages. Another tax bombshell to fund Labour's spending sprees of other people's money.
And in Wales not only do we have the highest business rates of any UK nation thanks to this Welsh Labour Government, but now they've got to give more of their hard-earned income back to a Government spending copious amounts of taxpayers' cash on socialist vanity projects. And these hikes hit not only our businesses, they hit our charities too. Tenovus Cancer Care's called the rise devastating, warning they'll pay an extra £0.25 million per year towards the increased NI contributions. That's a huge sum, which otherwise would have gone towards vital research needed to save lives.
Dirprwy Lywydd, we don't need to review six months of a Labour Government in Wales because we know how it ends. We've had to endure 25 years of it here. Every single one of our key devolved areas—health, education, the economy, and many more—are failing because of Labour in Wales. And Starmer seems determined to follow the blueprint set here in Cardiff Bay, with one in five children leaving school functionally illiterate in Wales, and the lowest Programme for International Student Assessment scores anywhere in the UK. And in Westminster, Labour want to undo 14 years of Conservative progress in education in England and follow the failed Welsh Government model. Twenty-four thousand people waiting two years or more for treatment in the Welsh NHS, and that's Starmer's blueprint for the NHS in England. And putting a Chancellor in charge of the economy who can't do the maths simply comes straight out of the Welsh Labour playbook. It was, after all, Lee Waters who said of the Welsh Labour Government, 'We don't know what we're doing on the economy.' That applies to the UK Government too.
When someone tells you who you are believe them, and this Welsh Labour Government are not change, this UK Labour Government are not change. The UK Labour Government is a continuation of the 25 years of failed policies imported to Westminster from Cardiff Bay. But Wales needs true change, because Wales is broken, and only the Welsh Conservatives have a plan to fix it. We can be that change, and that change, across the United Kingdom, will start here in Wales. And that's why next year I'll be supporting Darren Millar to become the next First Minister of Wales to deliver the change Wales needs.
Rwy’n falch o fod yn siarad heddiw yn y ddadl hon sy’n edrych ar chwe mis cyntaf y Llywodraeth Lafur yn y DU. A chwe mis yn ôl, pleidleisiodd pobl ym Mhrydain dros slogan gwag o newid, ond mae’r unig newid sydd wedi’i gyflawni hyd yn hyn ymhell o’r newid a addawyd iddynt. Rydym wedi gweld ansefydlogrwydd economaidd, codiadau treth, pensiynwyr yn cael eu cosbi, ynghyd ag un addewid maniffesto ar ôl y llall yn cael eu torri. Gadewch inni edrych ar rai enghreifftiau. Ym mis Mai y llynedd, ddeufis yn unig cyn yr etholiad cyffredinol, soniodd Keir Starmer am yr adeg yr aeth i Dewsbury a siarad â dynes 84 oed a oedd wedi gweithio ar hyd ei hoes ac nad oedd yn codi o'r gwely tan hanner dydd am nad oedd hi am roi'r gwres ymlaen. Dywedodd Syr Keir, yn yr un clip, fod hon yn sefyllfa ofnadwy i bensiynwr fod ynddi, a beth oedd y peth cyntaf a wnaeth pan gafodd yr allweddi i 10 Stryd Downing? Aeth ati'n greulon i fynd â thaliadau tanwydd y gaeaf oddi ar yr union bensiynwyr hynny. A gadewch inni beidio ag anghofio bod taliad tanwydd y gaeaf ar un adeg yn ymrwymiad a gefnogid gan Lywodraeth Lafur Cymru. Ond beth sydd wedi digwydd ers hynny? Dim un gair o gondemniad ynghylch penderfyniad creulon Starmer gan Lywodraeth Lafur Cymru. Mae ffigurau Llafur ei hun yn dangos y gallai 4,000 o bensiynwyr farw o ganlyniad i’r penderfyniad, a phrin ein bod wedi gweld Llafur yma'n codi eu hysgwyddau ers hynny. Hollol gywilyddus. Gadewch inni fod yn glir, nid oedd hwnnw'n benderfyniad anodd yr oedd yn rhaid ei wneud, fel y byddai sbinddoctoriaid Llafur am i chi ei gredu. Clywsom honiadau am dwll du o £22 biliwn pan ddaethant i rym, ond yn llythrennol, ni allai’r Swyddfa Cyfrifoldeb Cyllidebol annibynnol ddod o hyd iddo. Nid oedd yn ddim ond llen fwg i dalu'r bil a roddwyd iddynt gan dâl-feistri'r undebau ar ôl yr etholiad.
A beth arall a glywsom yn yr etholiad? Dim mwy o drethi i weithwyr, ac yna mewn ffordd wirioneddol sosialaidd, clywsom fod y trethi i weithwyr yn codi, pan gyhoeddodd Llywodraeth y DU gynnydd i yswiriant gwladol cyflogwyr, treth ar swyddi sydd wedi golygu llai o swyddi a chyflogau is. Taranfollt treth arall i ariannu gwariant anghyfrifol Llafur o arian pobl eraill.
Ac yng Nghymru, nid yn unig fod gennym ardrethi busnes uwch nag unrhyw un o wledydd eraill y DU diolch i Lywodraeth Lafur Cymru, ond bellach mae'n rhaid iddynt roi mwy o'u hincwm gwerthfawr yn ôl i Lywodraeth sy'n gwario symiau helaeth o arian trethdalwyr ar brosiectau porthi balchder sosialaidd. Ac mae'r cynnydd hwn yn amharu nid yn unig ar ein busnesau, ond ar ein helusennau hefyd. Galwodd Gofal Canser Tenovus y cynnydd yn ddinistriol, gan rybuddio y byddant yn talu £0.25 miliwn ychwanegol y flwyddyn tuag at y cynnydd mewn cyfraniadau yswiriant gwladol. Mae hwnnw'n swm enfawr, a fyddai fel arall wedi mynd tuag at ymchwil hanfodol sydd ei angen i achub bywydau.
Ddirprwy Lywydd, nid oes angen inni adolygu chwe mis o Lywodraeth Lafur yng Nghymru gan y gwyddom sut y daw i ben. Rydym wedi gorfod dioddef 25 mlynedd o hynny yma. Mae pob un o’n meysydd datganoledig allweddol—iechyd, addysg, yr economi, a llawer mwy—yn methu oherwydd Llafur yng Nghymru. Ac mae Starmer fel pe bai'n benderfynol o ddilyn y glasbrint a osodwyd yma ym Mae Caerdydd, gydag un o bob pump o blant yn gadael yr ysgol yn weithredol anllythrennog yng Nghymru, a sgoriau Rhaglen Ryngwladol Asesu Myfyrwyr is nag yn unrhyw le arall yn y DU. Ac yn San Steffan, mae Llafur am ddadwneud 14 mlynedd o gynnydd Ceidwadol ym myd addysg yn Lloegr a dilyn model Llywodraeth Cymru sydd wedi methu. Mae 24,000 o bobl yn aros dwy flynedd neu fwy am driniaeth yn y GIG yng Nghymru, a dyna lasbrint Starmer ar gyfer y GIG yn Lloegr. Ac mae rhoi Canghellor yng ngofal yr economi na all wneud y symiau yn weithred sy'n syth o lyfr syniadau Llafur Cymru. Wedi'r cyfan, Lee Waters a ddywedodd am Lywodraeth Lafur Cymru, nad ydynt yn gwybod beth y maent yn ei wneud o ran yr economi. Mae hynny’n berthnasol i Lywodraeth y DU hefyd.
Pan fydd rhywun yn dweud wrthych pwy ydynt, rydych chi'n eu credu, ac nid yw Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru yn cyflawni newid, nid yw Llywodraeth Lafur y DU yn cyflawni newid. Mae Llywodraeth Lafur y DU yn barhad o’r 25 mlynedd o bolisïau aflwyddiannus a fewnforiwyd i San Steffan o Fae Caerdydd. Ond mae angen newid go iawn ar Gymru, gan fod Cymru wedi torri, a dim ond y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig sydd â chynllun i'w thrwsio. Gallwn gyflawni'r newid hwnnw, a bydd y newid hwnnw, ledled y Deyrnas Unedig, yn dechrau yma yng Nghymru. A dyna pam y byddaf yn cefnogi Darren Millar y flwyddyn nesaf i ddod yn Brif Weinidog nesaf Cymru i gyflawni'r newid sydd ei angen ar Gymru.
I'm sure that's a great comfort to Darren Millar, because the last Tory leader that Tom supported didn't end so well, and he had quite a hand in it, as I recall. This is like being stuck in a bad sixth-form debate, Dirprwy Lywydd. Clearly, the Conservatives have learned nothing, but clearly morale is very low and this is designed this afternoon to gee them up a little bit.
It's worth remembering January 2025 was when we could have had a general election; it was the last date the Conservative Government could have called an election. They could have stayed in office until this month. And the reason they didn't is because they'd run out of puff, because Rishi Sunak was facing yet another challenge from his backbenches, the letters were going in yet again to the 1922 committee to challenge him. He had just announced spending plans that he had no way of funding. The Resolution Foundation said that, if Jeremy Hunt had had to give another budget, they'd have to find £20 billion they simply didn't have.
It's worth reminding ourselves, because this is only six months ago, what a horror story we have lived through for 15 years, of a Conservative Party at war with each other, embarrassing our country and making us a laughing stock abroad—[Interruption.]—to the point that their denial extends to Liz Truss sending a legal letter—
Rwy’n siŵr fod hynny’n llawer o gysur i Darren Millar, gan na chafodd yr arweinydd Torïaidd diwethaf a gefnogai Tom lawer o lwyddiant, ac roedd ganddo ran go fawr o hynny, yn ôl yr hyn a gofiaf. Mae hyn fel bod yn gaeth mewn dadl wael yn y chweched dosbarth, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Yn amlwg, nid yw’r Ceidwadwyr wedi dysgu dim, ond yn amlwg, mae morâl yn isel iawn ac mae hyn wedi’i gynllunio y prynhawn yma i godi eu hysbryd.
Mae'n werth cofio y gallem fod wedi cael etholiad cyffredinol ym mis Ionawr 2025; dyna’r dyddiad olaf y gallai’r Llywodraeth Geidwadol fod wedi galw etholiad. Gallent fod wedi aros mewn grym tan y mis hwn. A'r rheswm na wnaethant hynny yw oherwydd eu bod wedi rhedeg allan o stêm, am fod Rishi Sunak yn wynebu her arall eto fyth o'i feinciau cefn, ac roedd y llythyrau'n cael eu hanfon eto fyth at bwyllgor 1922 i'w herio. Roedd newydd gyhoeddi cynlluniau gwariant nad oedd ganddo unrhyw ffordd o'u hariannu. Dywedodd y Resolution Foundation, pe bai Jeremy Hunt wedi gorfod rhoi cyllideb arall, y byddai'n rhaid iddynt fod wedi dod o hyd i £20 biliwn nad oedd ganddynt.
Mae'n werth atgoffa ein hunain, gan mai chwe mis yn ôl yn unig oedd hyn, am y cyfnod arswydus rydym wedi byw drwyddo am 15 mlynedd, o Blaid Geidwadol yn rhyfela yn erbyn ei gilydd, yn codi cywilydd ar ein gwlad ac yn ein gwneud yn destun sbort dramor—[Torri ar draws.]—ac yn gwadu'r peth i'r graddau fod Liz Truss wedi anfon llythyr cyfreithiol—
I would like to hear the contribution of the Member, and the opposition benches, please, can keep quiet so I can do so. Lee.
Hoffwn glywed cyfraniad yr Aelod, a gall meinciau’r wrthblaid, os gwelwch yn dda, gadw’n dawel imi allu gwneud hynny. Lee.
The denial isn't just in this Chamber from the Welsh Conservatives; we heard last week about Liz Truss sending a legal letter to the Prime Minister because he'd repeated that she'd crashed the economy, something even George Osborne admits, that Liz Truss crashed the economy. They are all over the shop.
In the last six months, we've seen a new Labour Government inherit an absolute mess. Just as a Labour Government in 1945 had to come in and pick up a mess, the Labour Government in 1964 had to come in and pick up a mess, the Labour Government in 1997 had to pick up 18 years of broken public services, again the Labour Government is called upon to rescue a terrible legacy. In the first six months, we have ended the doctors' strike, which they seem to be saying now is giving in to Labour's paymasters. That's how much they value public servants. After 15 years of austerity, keeping down the wages of our key workers, it's taken a Labour Government to deliver a pay rise for key workers and an increase in the minimum wage. We've ended the rail strikes, we've created Great British Energy, we've abandoned the ban on windfarms across England. We've brought in an Employment Rights Bill to support good employers by levelling up standards of fairness at work, and we've brought credibility back to our standing across the world. None of that was happening under the last UK Conservative Government. The people of Wales knew that good and well; that's why they turfed out every single last one of the Welsh Conservative MPs.
But I was reminded when I was thinking about this yesterday of a quote by Paul Johnson. Older viewers may remember Paul Johnson in his later years, when he was a Thatcher cheerleader, but, in his more liberal phase, when he was editor of the New Statesman in the 1960s, Paul Johnson said, and I've often thought about this, about Conservatives,
'on occasions, endearing—but liable to turn very nasty at short notice.'
That's exactly what we've seen in the last few months, egged on by billionaire media moguls, Paul Marshall, who bought GB News, now Elon Musk, whom they're playing footsie with, trying to get the funding that Nigel Farage may have let exceed his grasp. It was a story by GB News, digging up the concern about grooming gangs, that the Conservatives have seized upon shamelessly in the last couple of weeks, despite the fact that Kemi—[Interruption.]—no, let me finish—that Kemi Badenoch—[Interruption.]—no, I won't—that Kemi Badenoch, when she was children's Minister, did not once mention the issue of grooming gangs, did not once mention what the Government was going to do about the Professor Alexis Jay inquiry, took no action to implement any of those recommendations, unlike the Welsh Government. The Welsh Government, when we had the recommendations of the inquiry—we had six recommendations—we immediately set out what we were going to do. That's the difference in the approach of this Government and their Government. And instead, what are they doing? They're trying to divide; they're trying to look for issues where they can generate some heat, and, with GB News, get a whole lot of misinformation, which is dragging the whole tenor of public debates down.
On the weekend, we had Elon Musk retweeting a post that said that the Welsh Refugee Council was seeking to entice—this is the language, 'entice'—migrant men to come to Wales by showing a video of 12-year-old girls, repeated by Andrew R.T. Davies, even though he'd already been shown to be telling lies when he said that the Welsh Government was giving £1,600 to anyone who wants to rock up—illegal immigrants, as he said. No such thing is true. Asylum seekers are part of a legal process, and we as a Welsh Government—
Nid yn y Siambr hon yn unig y mae’r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig yn gwadu realiti; clywsom yr wythnos diwethaf am Liz Truss yn anfon llythyr cyfreithiol at Brif Weinidog y DU am ei fod wedi ailadrodd ei bod hi wedi chwalu’r economi, rhywbeth y mae hyd yn oed George Osborne yn ei gyfaddef, fod Liz Truss wedi chwalu’r economi. Maent fel siop siafins.
Yn y chwe mis diwethaf, rydym wedi gweld Llywodraeth Lafur newydd yn etifeddu llanast llwyr. Yn union fel y bu’n rhaid i Lywodraeth Lafur ym 1945 ddod i mewn a chlirio llanast, fel y bu’n rhaid i’r Llywodraeth Lafur ym 1964 ddod i mewn a chlirio llanast, fel y bu’n rhaid i’r Llywodraeth Lafur ym 1997 unioni 18 mlynedd o wasanaethau cyhoeddus toredig, unwaith eto, mae galw ar y Llywodraeth Lafur i wneud y gorau o'r hyn a etifeddodd. Yn y chwe mis cyntaf, rydym wedi dod â streic y meddygon i ben, ac ymddengys eu bod yn dweud nawr mai ildio i dâl-feistri Llafur yw hynny. Dyna faint y maent yn gwerthfawrogi gweision cyhoeddus. Ar ôl 15 mlynedd o gyni, a llesteirio cyflogau ein gweithwyr allweddol, mae wedi cymryd Llywodraeth Lafur i sicrhau codiad cyflog i weithwyr allweddol a chynnydd yn yr isafswm cyflog. Rydym wedi dod â'r streiciau rheilffyrdd i ben, rydym wedi creu Great British Energy, rydym wedi cael gwared ar y gwaharddiad ar ffermydd gwynt ledled Lloegr. Rydym wedi cyflwyno Bil Hawliau Cyflogaeth i gefnogi cyflogwyr da drwy godi safonau tegwch yn y gweithle, ac rydym wedi adfer hygrededd i'n henw da ar draws y byd. Nid oedd dim o hynny’n digwydd o dan Lywodraeth Geidwadol ddiwethaf y DU. Fe wyddai pobl Cymru hynny'n iawn; dyna pam y cawsant wared ar bob un o ASau Ceidwadol Cymru.
Ond cefais fy atgoffa pan oeddwn yn meddwl am hyn ddoe o ddyfyniad gan Paul Johnson. Efallai y bydd gwylwyr hŷn yn cofio Paul Johnson yn ei flynyddoedd olaf, pan oedd yn un o selogion Thatcher, ond yn ei gyfnod mwy rhyddfrydol, pan oedd yn olygydd y New Statesman yn y 1960au, dywedodd Paul Johnson, ac rwyf wedi meddwl am hyn yn aml, fod y Ceidwadwyr,
'ar brydiau, yn annwyl—ond yn dueddol o droi'n gas iawn ar fyr rybudd.'
Dyna'n union a welsom yn yr ychydig fisoedd diwethaf, dan anogaeth biliwnyddion y cyfryngau, Paul Marshall, a brynodd GB News, ac Elon Musk bellach, y maent yn fflyrtian ag ef, yn ceisio cael y cyllid a allai fod allan o afael Nigel Farage. Stori gan GB News, yn codi bwganod am gangiau meithrin perthnasoedd amhriodol, y mae’r Ceidwadwyr wedi mynd ati'n ddigywilydd i'w phedlera dros yr ychydig wythnosau diwethaf, er bod Kemi—[Torri ar draws.]—na, gadewch imi orffen—fod Kemi Badenoch—[Torri ar draws.]—na, ni wnaf—er bod Kemi Badenoch, pan oedd yn Weinidog plant, heb sôn o gwbl am fater gangiau meithrin perthnasoedd amhriodol, ni soniodd unwaith beth y byddai'r Llywodraeth yn ei wneud am ymchwiliad yr Athro Alexis Jay, ni chymerodd unrhyw gamau i roi unrhyw un o’r argymhellion hynny ar waith, yn wahanol i Lywodraeth Cymru. Pan gawsom argymhellion yr ymchwiliad, fe wnaeth Lywodraeth Cymru—cawsom chwe argymhelliad—fe wnaethom nodi ar unwaith yr hyn roeddem yn mynd i’w wneud. Dyna’r gwahaniaeth yn agwedd y Llywodraeth hon a’u Llywodraeth hwy. Ac yn lle hynny, beth a wnânt? Maent yn ceisio creu holltau; maent yn ceisio chwilio am faterion lle gallant greu rhywfaint o gynnwrf, a chyda GB News, lledaenu llawer iawn o gamwybodaeth, sy'n iselhau holl gywair dadleuon cyhoeddus.
Ar y penwythnos, aildrydarodd Elon Musk neges a ddywedai fod Cyngor Ffoaduriaid Cymru yn ceisio denu—dyma’r ieithwedd, ‘denu’—dynion mudol i ddod i Gymru drwy ddangos fideo o ferched 12 oed, honiad a ailadroddwyd gan Andrew R.T. Davies, er y dangoswyd ei fod eisoes yn dweud celwyddau pan ddywedodd fod Llywodraeth Cymru yn rhoi £1,600 i unrhyw un sy'n dymuno dod yma—mewnfudwyr anghyfreithlon, fel y dywedodd. Nid oes unrhyw wirionedd iddo. Mae ceiswyr lloches yn rhan o broses gyfreithiol, ac rydym ni fel Llywodraeth Cymru—
Lee, you need to conclude now, please.
Lee, mae angen ichi ddirwyn i ben, os gwelwch yn dda.
I will.
—extended a hand to children who turned up with no-one, who turned up with nothing, and didn't have the privilege of inherited wealth and the private education that Andrew R.T. Davies had. But he doesn't care about the people; all he cares about is inflaming debate with shameless, scurrilous, disgusting claims, using schoolchildren, and his party stands behind him—[Interruption.] For shame on them all.
O'r gorau.
—wedi estyn llaw i blant a ddaeth yma heb unrhyw un, a ddaeth yma heb ddim, ac na chawsant y fraint o etifeddu cyfoeth a'r addysg breifat a gafodd Andrew R.T. Davies. Ond nid yw'n malio dim am y bobl; y cyfan y mae'n malio amdano yw tanio dadleuon gyda honiadau haerllug, gwarthus, ffiaidd, gan ddefnyddio plant ysgol, ac mae ei blaid yn ei gefnogi—[Torri ar draws.] Rhag eich cywilydd, pob un ohonoch.
I—[Interruption.] To Members on the opposition benches, I cannot hear the contributions from the Member, because you are making so much noise. If you let me listen, I can make some comments, but you don't let me listen, okay. Llyr Gruffydd.
Rwy'n—[Torri ar draws.] I'r Aelodau ar feinciau’r wrthblaid, ni allaf glywed y cyfraniadau gan yr Aelod am eich bod chi'n gwneud cymaint o sŵn. Os gadewch imi wrando, gallaf wneud rhai sylwadau, ond nid ydych yn gadael imi wrando, iawn. Llyr Gruffydd.
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. And for the record, I would like to align myself with the comments of the Member from Llanelli. But I will address elements in the motion particularly, and I want to speak about, obviously, the inheritance tax issue that has been raised in the motion, which is impacting Welsh farms. It's something we've raised previously, as many of us have here in the Chamber.
Now, I'll say it again: I don’t believe that the Welsh Government or the UK Government appreciate how far-reaching the consequences will be in relation to this policy. Inheritance tax reliefs, like agricultural property relief and business property relief, actually provide vital certainty that farms can remain within families across the generations, and if you disrupt that fragile financial ecosystem, then you do so at your own risk. Because we hear regularly the Welsh Government telling us how important farmers will be in the fight against climate change and reversing biodiversity loss. The whole thrust of the sustainable farming scheme is about keeping farmers on the land but doing it in a way that mitigates many of the challenges that we all need to meet. We know about the cultural and linguistic contribution; the fourth pillar of sustainable development in Wales, a key, key component of that, as far as Welsh farming is concerned. And economically, of course, we know about the £9 return on investment for every £1 that goes into agriculture, creating employment and economic activity in some of our most marginal communities. So, we really need to tread carefully if we're going to mess about with succession and farming and allowing further and future generations to continue with food production and all of the other advantages that they bring. The unique nature of farming businesses means that the loss of relief will severely threaten the viability, and even, potentially, the survival, of many businesses. It's not like forcing somebody just to sell off some assets; you're forcing people, potentially, to sell off their livelihoods and the livelihoods of their future generations. So, I don't want to see an undermining of Wales's family farm structure.
Now, yes, speculative investors who buy land to avoid tax, that is an issue that needs to be addressed—of course it is—but genuine working family farms shouldn't be caught up in that. Now, the Treasury claims, and we've heard it before, haven't we, that only one in four farms will be affected, but, of course, we know as well that smallholdings and households with limited grazing inflated the numbers of farms falling below that threshold, masking the real impact or distorting the figures. The Central Association of Agricultural Valuers has estimated that 20 per cent more farmers will be affected by inheritance tax due to inflation. When APR and BPR were introduced, the nil-rate band covered about 56 acres of farmland. Today, it covers barely half that—29 acres—due to inflation. So, the Welsh Government really does need to work with the UK Government, either to reverse the policy or to amend it or, at the very least, to mitigate the impact of some of these changes to family farms, particularly.
Now, Labour promised, in opposition, that they wouldn't change inheritance tax rules on agriculture, but they broke that promise in their very first budget. So, as I say, at the very least, let’s have a proper transition, if it has to happen at all—not 18 months, but enough time for older farmers to transfer or gift their assets, or grant exemptions to those of a certain age. This is a generational change, and it’s wrong to introduce it in just 18 months.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Ac ar gyfer y cofnod, hoffwn gytuno â sylwadau’r Aelod dros Lanelli. Ond rwyf am sôn ag elfennau penodol o'r cynnig, ac rwyf am sôn, yn amlwg, am y mater treth etifeddiant sydd wedi’i godi yn y cynnig, sy’n effeithio ar ffermydd Cymru. Mae'n rhywbeth rydym wedi'i godi o'r blaen, fel y mae llawer ohonom wedi'i wneud yma yn y Siambr.
Nawr, fe'i dywedaf eto: ni chredaf fod Llywodraeth Cymru na Llywodraeth y DU yn deall pa mor bellgyrhaeddol fydd y canlyniadau mewn perthynas â'r polisi hwn. Mae rhyddhad treth etifeddiant, fel rhyddhad eiddo amaethyddol a rhyddhad eiddo busnes, yn rhoi sicrwydd hanfodol y gall ffermydd aros yn nwylo teuluoedd am genedlaethau, ac os byddwch yn tarfu ar yr ecosystem ariannol fregus honno, fe wnewch hynny ar eich menter eich hun. Oherwydd fe glywn Llywodraeth Cymru yn dweud wrthym yn aml pa mor bwysig fydd ffermwyr yn y frwydr yn erbyn newid hinsawdd a gwrthdroi colli bioamrywiaeth. Mae byrdwn y cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy yn ymwneud â chadw ffermwyr ar y tir, ond gan wneud hynny mewn ffordd sy’n lliniaru llawer o’r heriau y mae angen i bob un ohonom eu hwynebu. Gwyddom am y cyfraniad diwylliannol ac ieithyddol; pedwerydd piler datblygu cynaliadwy yng Nghymru, elfen allweddol o hynny, o ran ffermio yng Nghymru. Ac yn economaidd, wrth gwrs, gwyddom am yr elw o £9 am bob £1 a fuddsoddir mewn amaethyddiaeth, gan greu cyflogaeth a gweithgarwch economaidd yn rhai o'n cymunedau mwyaf ymylol. Felly, mae gwir angen inni droedio'n ofalus os ydym am chwarae gydag olyniaeth a ffermio a chaniatáu i genedlaethau pellach a chenedlaethau'r dyfodol barhau i gynhyrchu bwyd a'r holl fanteision eraill y maent yn eu sicrhau. Mae natur unigryw busnesau ffermio yn golygu y bydd colli'r rhyddhad yn fygythiad difrifol i hyfywedd, a hyd yn oed i oroesiad llawer o fusnesau, o bosibl. Nid yw fel gorfodi rhywun i werthu ychydig asedau; gallech fod yn gorfodi pobl i werthu eu bywoliaeth a bywoliaeth cenedlaethau'r dyfodol. Felly, nid wyf am weld strwythur y fferm deuluol Gymreig yn cael ei danseilio.
Nawr, mae'n wir fod buddsoddwyr hapfasnachol sy'n prynu tir er mwyn osgoi talu trethi yn fater y mae angen mynd i'r afael ag ef—wrth gwrs ei fod—ond ni ddylai hynny amharu ar ffermydd teuluol gonest. Nawr, mae'r Trysorlys yn honni, ac rydym wedi ei glywed o'r blaen, onid ydym, mai dim ond un o bob pedair fferm a fydd yn cael eu heffeithio, ond fe wyddom hefyd fod tyddynnod ac aelwydydd â thir phori cyfyngedig wedi chwyddo nifer y ffermydd sydd o dan y trothwy hwnnw, gan guddio'r effaith wirioneddol neu ystumio'r ffigurau. Mae Cymdeithas Ganolog y Priswyr Amaethyddol wedi amcangyfrif y bydd treth etifeddiant yn effeithio ar 20 y cant yn fwy o ffermwyr oherwydd chwyddiant. Pan gyflwynwyd rhyddhad eiddo amaethyddol a rhyddhad eiddo busnes, roedd y band cyfradd sero'n cyfateb i oddeutu 56 erw o dir fferm. Heddiw, prin ei fod yn hanner hynny—29 erw—oherwydd chwyddiant. Felly, mae gwir angen i Lywodraeth Cymru weithio gyda Llywodraeth y DU naill ai i wrthdroi’r polisi neu ei ddiwygio, neu fan lleiaf, i liniaru effaith rhai o’r newidiadau hyn ar ffermydd teuluol yn enwedig.
Nawr, pan oeddent yn wrthblaid, addawodd Llafur na fyddent yn newid rheolau treth etifeddiant ar gyfer amaethyddiaeth, ond fe wnaethant dorri'r addewid hwnnw yn eu cyllideb gyntaf un. Felly, fel y dywedaf, gadewch inni o leiaf gael cyfnod pontio priodol, os oes rhaid iddo ddigwydd o gwbl—nid 18 mis, ond digon o amser i ffermwyr hŷn drosglwyddo neu roi eu hasedau, neu i roi eithriadau i rai o oedran penodol. Mae hwn yn newid cenhedlaeth, ac mae'n amhriodol ei gyflwyno mewn cwta 18 mis.
Galwaf ar Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Gyllid a'r Gymraeg, Mark Drakeford.
I call on the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Welsh Language, Mark Drakeford.

Diolch yn fawr, Dirprwy Lywydd. As we've heard many times around the Chamber this afternoon, there was a new Government elected for the United Kingdom in July of last year, and thank goodness, Dirprwy Lywydd, for that—a Government elected with an overwhelming House of Commons majority, and with the support of 27 of 32 Welsh Members of Parliament—27 of 32; a result that the leader of the opposition, with the analytical grasp that he showed during the whole of his contribution, described as 'lacklustre'. How much he must dream of a lacklustre performance by his own party, even though he sees exactly such a performance every day all around him.
Now, the overriding ambition of that newly elected Government was, and is, to restore growth to the United Kingdom economy. Of course, it’s possible to take issue with individual strands in the policy of any Government, and we have heard some of that this afternoon. But what surely is not up for negotiation is the ambition itself—the ambition that we should restore to the UK economy the levels of growth that we were able to enjoy for that long, golden boom of more than 40 years, from the end of the 1940s through to the end of the first decade of this century.
I agreed very much with John Griffiths’s contribution, Dirprwy Lywydd—that alongside the ambition for growth must go the ambition for reducing inequality in the United Kingdom economy. That is the Gordon Brown prescription: to make sure that we have growth, but we have growth that is spread to all parts of the United Kingdom, not concentrated in just one corner of our geography, but available to everybody, wherever people may live.
Now, the urgency of that ambition was highlighted by a series of contributions during the debate, because we have suffered through more than a decade of austerity, combined, as Heledd Fychan said, with the economic disaster of Brexit. That has left the United Kingdom economy trapped in a cycle of falling investment, struggling public services, real-terms reductions in wages, taxation at a 70-year high—and all of that combined with the lowest growth rate since the industrial revolution. Now, the political amnesiacs of the Conservative benches try to pretend that none of this ever happened. They've forgotten that any of this had ever been part of what they, themselves, were responsible for. But if they'd listened to Joyce Watson this afternoon they would have learned exactly what their record had meant for the people who live here in the United Kingdom.
While the legacy of the outgoing Conservative Government will be that national network of food banks, this week we have heard of the Labour Government’s success through the national wealth fund. What a contrast in just the six months that we've seen that Government. That is why the Chancellor’s October budget was a bold and necessary break with the failures of the past—a budget designed to set this country back on the path to growth.
Diolch yn fawr, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Fel y clywsom droeon o amgylch y Siambr y prynhawn yma, etholwyd Llywodraeth newydd ar gyfer y Deyrnas Unedig ym mis Gorffennaf y llynedd, a diolch byth am hynny, Ddirprwy Lywydd—Llywodraeth a etholwyd â mwyafrif llethol yn Nhŷ’r Cyffredin, a chyda chefnogaeth 27 o'r 32 o Aelodau Seneddol Cymru—27 o 32; canlyniad a ddisgrifiwyd gan arweinydd yr wrthblaid, gyda’r gallu dadansoddol a ddangosodd yn ystod ei holl gyfraniad, fel 'dilewyrch'. Mae'n rhaid ei fod yn breuddwydio am berfformiad dilewyrch gan ei blaid ei hun, er ei fod yn gweld perfformiad o'r fath bob dydd o'i gwmpas.
Nawr, uchelgais pennaf y Llywodraeth newydd honno oedd, ac yw adfer twf i economi’r Deyrnas Unedig. Wrth gwrs, mae’n bosibl dadlau ynghylch elfennau unigol ym mholisi unrhyw Lywodraeth, ac rydym wedi clywed rhywfaint o hynny y prynhawn yma. Ond yr hyn nad yw'n destun trafodaeth, does bosibl, yw'r uchelgais ei hun—yr uchelgais y dylem adfer y lefelau twf i economi'r DU y gwnaethom eu mwynhau am gyfnod hir o fwy na 40 mlynedd o ffyniant, o ddiwedd y 1940au hyd at ddiwedd degawd cyntaf y ganrif hon.
Roeddwn yn cytuno'n gryf â chyfraniad John Griffiths, Ddirprwy Lywydd— fod yn rhaid cael uchelgais i leihau anghydraddoldeb yn economi’r Deyrnas Unedig gyda’r uchelgais ar gyfer twf. Dyna bresgripsiwn Gordon Brown: sicrhau bod gennym dwf, ond bod gennym dwf sydd wedi ei ledaenu i bob rhan o’r Deyrnas Unedig, nid wedi'i grynhoi mewn un gornel o’n daearyddiaeth, ond ei fod ar gael i bawb, ble bynnag y mae pobl yn byw.
Nawr, amlygwyd pa mor bwysig yw'r uchelgais hwnnw mewn nifer o gyfraniadau yn ystod y ddadl, gan ein bod wedi dioddef mwy na degawd o gyni, yn ogystal â thrychineb economaidd Brexit, fel y dywedodd Heledd Fychan. Mae hynny wedi gadael economi’r Deyrnas Unedig yn sownd mewn cylch o fuddsoddi llai, gwasanaethau cyhoeddus sy'n ei chael hi’n anodd, gostyngiadau termau real i gyflogau, trethiant ar ei uchaf ers 70 mlynedd—hyn oll yn ogystal â’r gyfradd twf isaf ers y chwyldro diwydiannol. Nawr, mae amnesiaid gwleidyddol meinciau'r Ceidwadwyr yn ceisio esgus na ddigwyddodd dim o hyn. Maent wedi anghofio bod dim ohono'n rhan o'r hyn roeddent hwy eu hunain yn gyfrifol amdano. Ond pe baent wedi gwrando ar Joyce Watson y prynhawn yma, byddent wedi dysgu beth yn union y mae eu perfformiad wedi'i olygu i’r bobl sy’n byw yma yn y Deyrnas Unedig.
Er mai gwaddol y Llywodraeth Geidwadol flaenorol fydd rhwydwaith cenedlaethol o fanciau bwyd, yr wythnos hon, clywsom am lwyddiant y Llywodraeth Lafur drwy’r gronfa gyfoeth wladol. Am gyferbyniad yn y cwta chwe mis ers inni gael y Llywodraeth honno. Dyna pam fod cyllideb y Canghellor ym mis Hydref yn newid beiddgar ac angenrheidiol o fethiannau’r gorffennol—cyllideb a gynlluniwyd i roi'r wlad hon yn ôl ar y llwybr tuag at dwf.
Will you take an intervention?
A wnewch chi dderbyn ymyriad?
Of course.
Wrth gwrs.
Obviously, one of the significant concerns that's been raised about the budget is the quantum of cash that the Welsh Government and public sector employers will have to send back to the Treasury as a result of the additional employers' national insurance costs. We're only just weeks away now from the end of the financial year. Have you estimated those costs yet, and, if so, what are they?
Yn amlwg, un o’r pryderon sylweddol a godwyd am y gyllideb yw’r swm o arian parod y bydd yn rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru a chyflogwyr y sector cyhoeddus ei roi yn ôl i’r Trysorlys o ganlyniad i gostau yswiriant gwladol ychwanegol cyflogwyr. Wythnosau yn unig sydd tan ddiwedd y flwyddyn ariannol. A ydych chi wedi amcangyfrif y costau hynny eto, ac os felly, beth ydynt?
There are estimates of those costs. I've shared them in a letter to the Chair of the Finance Committee, and I'm sure that that letter can be made available to the leader of the opposition, if he hasn't had time to read it as yet. It's been available for several weeks now, so I'm sorry he hasn't had that opportunity to avail himself of information that the Welsh Government has put in the public domain.
Now, the Welsh Conservative motion in front of the Senedd this afternoon concentrates entirely on matters that are not the responsibility of this Senedd. And agree or disagree with them—and it's absolutely open to opposition parties to oppose them—there is no vote or decision of this Senedd that can change any one of them. What we can do, and what this Government is focused on, is using the opportunities that we have with our responsibilities, and that come our way now as a result of the Chancellor's determination, to invest again in our public services, in the fabric of Welsh life, and to make our contribution, through growing the Welsh economy, to the future prosperity of us all.
Natasha Asghar told us that nothing at all—nothing—was coming the way of Wales from the UK Government. Just let me remind Members—. I wrote it down when she said it, Llywydd, 'Nothing is coming our way.' So, she must have missed the £1.5 billion extra—must just have missed it—that is now available for investment in Wales next year. She may have missed it, of course, because nothing like it came our way for the 10 and more years of austerity that she and her colleagues supported. And that is what this Welsh Government is focused upon, not, as the First Minister has to explain so often, on matters for which others are answerable, but the decisions that we now make for ourselves: that £1.5 billion that committees across the Senedd are currently scrutinising, and which will provide a level of opportunity that we have not seen for many long years.
Mae yna amcangyfrifon o'r costau hynny. Rwyf wedi eu rhannu mewn llythyr at Gadeirydd y Pwyllgor Cyllid, ac rwy'n siŵr y gellir sicrhau bod y llythyr hwnnw ar gael i arweinydd yr wrthblaid, os nad yw wedi cael amser i'w ddarllen eto. Mae wedi bod ar gael ers sawl wythnos bellach, felly mae'n ddrwg gennyf nad yw wedi cael cyfle i fanteisio ar wybodaeth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ei gwneud yn gyhoeddus.
Nawr, mae cynnig y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig sydd ger bron y Senedd y prynhawn yma yn canolbwyntio'n llwyr ar faterion nad ydynt yn gyfrifoldeb i'r Senedd hon. A pha un a ydych yn cytuno neu'n anghytuno â hwy—ac mae'n gwbl agored i'r gwrthbleidiau eu gwrthwynebu—nid oes pleidlais na phenderfyniad yn y Senedd hon yn mynd i allu newid unrhyw un ohonynt. Yr hyn y gallwn ei wneud, a'r hyn y mae'r Llywodraeth hon yn canolbwyntio arno, yw defnyddio'r cyfleoedd sydd gennym gyda'n cyfrifoldebau, ac sy'n dod i ni nawr o ganlyniad i benderfyniad y Canghellor, i fuddsoddi eto yn ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, yng ngwead bywyd Cymru, a gwneud ein cyfraniad, trwy dyfu economi Cymru, i ffyniant pawb ohonom yn y dyfodol.
Dywedodd Natasha Asghar wrthym nad oedd unrhyw beth o gwbl—dim o gwbl—yn dod i Gymru gan Lywodraeth y DU. Gadewch imi atgoffa'r Aelodau—. Fe wneuthum ei ysgrifennu pan ddywedodd hyn, Lywydd, 'Nid oes unrhyw beth yn dod i ni.' Felly, mae'n rhaid ei bod wedi methu'r £1.5 biliwn ychwanegol—mae'n rhaid ei bod wedi ei fethu—sydd bellach ar gael i'w fuddsoddi yng Nghymru y flwyddyn nesaf. Efallai ei bod wedi ei fethu, wrth gwrs, am na ddaeth unrhyw beth tebyg iddo i ni dros y 10 mlynedd a mwy o gyni a gefnogwyd ganddi hi a'i chyd-Aelodau. A dyna y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn canolbwyntio arno, nid materion y mae eraill yn atebol amdanynt, fel y mae'n rhaid i'r Prif Weinidog egluro mor aml, ond y penderfyniadau a wnawn drosom ein hunain nawr: y £1.5 biliwn y mae pwyllgorau ledled y Senedd yn craffu arno ar hyn o bryd, ac a fydd yn darparu lefel o gyfle nad ydym wedi'i weld ers blynyddoedd maith.
Thank you so much, Cabinet Secretary. I do appreciate you quoting my contribution, but will you accept or deny in front of this entire Chamber that you, the Labour Government, who have been in power here in Wales, sent back £155 million that was destined for the people of Wales? You were not picking up a phone, but you're standing here telling me about what your Labour Government is doing.
Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Rwy'n falch eich bod yn dyfynnu fy nghyfraniad, ond a wnewch chi dderbyn neu wadu ger bron y Siambr gyfan eich bod chi, y Llywodraeth Lafur, sydd wedi bod mewn grym yma yng Nghymru, wedi anfon £155 miliwn a oedd i fod i ddod i bobl Cymru yn ôl? Nid wnaethoch godi'r ffôn, ond rydych chi'n sefyll yma yn dweud wrthyf am yr hyn y mae eich Llywodraeth Lafur yn ei wneud.
I'll explain exactly to the Member what happened there, which was that her Government delayed and delayed making allocations to Wales. [Interruption.] No, no, this is absolutely the case. This is absolutely the—. She may not be—
Fe esboniaf i'r Aelod beth yn union a ddigwyddodd yno, sef bod ei Llywodraeth hi wedi oedi ac oedi cyn gwneud dyraniadau i Gymru. [Torri ar draws.] Na, na, mae hyn yn hollol wir. Dyma a ddigwyddodd—. Efallai na fydd hi—
Let the Minister—
Gadewch i'r Gweinidog—
I understand it's not convenient for the Member to understand what happened. Her Government delayed and delayed, as they did year after year, until the very final part of February, the final estimates, and they decide, at that point in the cycle, that there is money that is coming to Wales, which we'd not been told about for 11 of the 12 months of the financial year, and lo and behold, it's not possible, in the few short weeks, and they knew what they were doing. It was the most cynical way of making sure that money they could claim came to Wales was never really coming to us at all.
Dirprwy Lywydd, I would say very briefly that, of course, as well as the opportunities that come to Wales with £1.5 billion, we have £3 billion-worth of capital expenditure that we will have next year, and there are the other opportunities that come now, such as chances to speak to our colleagues in Westminster—more chances in five months than we had in five years under the previous Government. And we take those opportunities—of course we take them—all the time, to speak up for the things that we know are important here in Wales: coal tip safety, HS2, the Crown Estate, devolution of justice. Every time the First Minister has an opportunity, every time my colleagues have that opportunity, we make sure that we pass on those concerns and those ambitions for Wales, on the things that are in the hands of, and should be in the hands of this Senedd, to our UK colleagues.
Those are the things that will make a genuine difference to people in Wales, Dirprwy Lywydd, not the sort of debate we have heard this afternoon, the dreadful penny-in-the-slot contributions of the Welsh Conservative party. [Interruption.] Nobody is listening to you. Penny in the slot. You put a penny in the slot and out comes the speech. There's not a minute's thought behind it. These are the speeches of people who are just reading out the tired old clichés of many years, and let me tell you this, let me say this to the Welsh Conservatives—[Interruption.]
Rwy'n deall nad yw'n gyfleus i'r Aelod ddeall beth a ddigwyddodd. Fe wnaeth ei Llywodraeth hi oedi ac oedi, fel y gwnaethant flwyddyn ar ôl blwyddyn, tan ddiwedd mis Chwefror, yr amcangyfrifon terfynol, ac maent yn penderfynu, ar y pwynt hwnnw yn y cylch, fod arian yn dod i Gymru, na roddwyd gwybod i ni amdano am 11 o 12 mis y flwyddyn ariannol, ac wele, nid yw'n bosibl, yn yr ychydig wythnosau byr, ac roeddent yn gwybod beth oeddent yn ei wneud. Dyna'r ffordd fwyaf sinigaidd o sicrhau bod arian y gallent honni ei fod yn dod i Gymru byth yn dod i ni o gwbl mewn gwirionedd.
Ddirprwy Lywydd, yn fyr iawn, yn ogystal â'r cyfleoedd sy'n dod i Gymru gyda £1.5 biliwn, mae gennym werth £3 biliwn o wariant cyfalaf a fydd gennym y flwyddyn nesaf, ac mae yna gyfleoedd eraill sy'n dod nawr, fel cyfleoedd i siarad â'n cymheiriaid yn San Steffan—mwy o gyfleoedd mewn pum mis nag a gawsom mewn pum mlynedd o dan y Llywodraeth flaenorol. Ac rydym yn manteisio ar y cyfleoedd hynny drwy'r amser—wrth gwrs ein bod—i godi llais dros y pethau y gwyddom eu bod yn bwysig yma yng Nghymru: diogelwch tomenni glo, HS2, Ystad y Goron, datganoli cyfiawnder. Bob tro y caiff y Prif Weinidog gyfle, bob tro y caiff fy nghyd-Aelodau gyfle, rydym yn sicrhau ein bod yn trosglwyddo'r pryderon hynny a'r uchelgeisiau hynny dros Gymru, ar y pethau sydd yn nwylo'r Senedd, ac a ddylai fod yn nwylo'r Senedd hon, i'n cymheiriaid yn y DU.
Dyna'r pethau sy'n mynd i wneud gwahaniaeth gwirioneddol i bobl yng Nghymru, Ddirprwy Lywydd, nid y math o ddadl a glywsom y prynhawn yma, cyfraniadau enbyd, ceiniog-yn-y-twll y blaid Geidwadol Gymreig. [Torri ar draws.] Nid oes unrhyw un yn gwrando arnoch chi. Ceiniog-yn-y-twll. Rydych chi'n rhoi ceiniog yn y twll ac allan â'r araith. Nid oes munud o feddwl y tu ôl iddi. Areithiau pobl sydd ond yn darllen yr un hen ystrydebau treuliedig dros flynyddoedd lawer, a gadewch imi ddweud hyn wrthych chi, gadewch imi ddweud hyn wrth y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig—[Torri ar draws.]
Can the leader of the Conservatives please allow the Cabinet Secretary to complete his contribution without interruption?
A wnaiff arweinydd y Ceidwadwyr ganiatáu i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet gwblhau ei gyfraniad heb darfu?
Let me explain to the Welsh Conservative Party: nobody is listening to you. Because while political parties can change many things—they can change their leader, they can change their policies—what they cannot change is their history. And your history is burned deep into the minds of people here in Wales. It was what led to the defeat you suffered in July of last year, and until you are prepared to learn the lessons of that, and to look seriously at what it means for you as a political party, we will listen to the contributions you make here this afternoon, but nobody out there is listening to you at all.
Reject the motion and the tired thinking that goes with it. Support the amendment put down by this Labour Government, and let us take advantage of the opportunities that now come our way.
Gadewch i mi egluro wrth Blaid Geidwadol Cymru: nid oes neb yn gwrando arnoch chi. Oherwydd, er bod pleidiau gwleidyddol yn gallu newid llawer o bethau—gallant newid eu harweinydd, gallant newid eu polisïau—yr hyn na allant ei newid yw eu hanes. Ac mae eich hanes chi wedi ei losgi'n ddwfn ym meddyliau pobl yma yng Nghymru. Dyna a arweiniodd at eich trechu ym mis Gorffennaf y llynedd, a hyd nes eich bod chi'n barod i ddysgu'r gwersi o hynny, ac edrych o ddifrif ar yr hyn y mae'n ei olygu i chi fel plaid wleidyddol, fe wnawn ni wrando ar eich cyfraniadau y prynhawn yma, ond nid oes neb allan yno'n gwrando arnoch o gwbl.
Gwrthodwch y cynnig a'r meddylfryd treuliedig sy'n mynd gydag ef. Cefnogwch y gwelliant a gyflwynwyd gan y Llywodraeth Lafur hon, a gadewch inni fanteisio ar y cyfleoedd sy'n dod i ni bellach.
Before I call the Member to respond, can I ask that the leader of the Conservative Party reminds himself that he is now the leader of the group, and therefore I would hope that he would allow others to contribute in these debates without interruption or too much heckling?
Cyn i mi alw ar yr Aelod i ymateb, a gaf i ofyn i arweinydd y Blaid Geidwadol atgoffa'i hun mai ef yw arweinydd y grŵp erbyn hyn, ac felly buaswn yn gobeithio y byddai'n caniatáu i eraill gyfrannu yn y dadleuon hyn heb darfu na gormod o heclo?
Galwaf ar James Evans i ymateb i'r ddadl.
I call on James Evans to reply to the debate.
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. I'd like to thank all Members that took part in this very important Welsh Conservative debate, even though the Cabinet Secretary doesn't think this is a very important debate this afternoon.
The debate was opened up by Darren Millar, and he highlighted that we were told that two Labour Governments working either side of the M4 would benefit Wales, but we're seeing none of the benefits. Let’s talk, as Darren Miller did, about the cut to winter fuel payments: 4,000 pensioners would die. That's what your own party said before the last election, that 4,000 pensioners would die. Your party said that. You promised the public you wouldn't do it. You betrayed them and went back on your promise.
Darren Miller talked about WASPI women. Welsh Labour Members and Labour Members in Westminster promised they would support WASPI women. You all queued up for pictures, as Darren Millar said. When you got into power, you turned your back on the WASPI women. And then there's the betrayal of our farming communities as well. You said in conferences, and so did your Secretary of State, that you would support farmers. You've not supported farmers at all. You've turned your back on them like you're turning your back on everybody else.
We've had the betrayal on HS2 funding. We went against our own political party here in Westminster and stood up for Wales. What have you done? You've talked the talk, but you didn't walk the walk. You did nothing and you said nothing, and when it matters, you say nothing at all.
John Griffiths then talked about Tory sleaze. I want to talk about free-gear Keir; an anti-corruption Minister who, before she was sacked, walked away; all the free concert tickets; line skipping. There's plenty going on in the Labour Party about sleaze, you don't need to look over here. I think you need to look a bit closer to home, John Griffiths.
The Gordon Brown report, John Griffiths mentioned. Gordon Brown, the man who almost bankrupted the country and sold gold at the bottom of the market. I don't think we'll take advice from Gordon Brown. You also mentioned constitutional issues. The people of Wales don't want to talk about constitutional issues. They want to talk about fixing the NHS, fixing our education system and fixing the economy.
Heledd Fychan talked about HS2 funding and how Plaid Cymru have stood up for Wales on this, and we joined you in that, demanding HS2 funding. It's a shame that the Labour Party now have turned their back on the people of Wales. You also talked about national insurance pressures, and the pressure that is going to put on our GP services and our third sector organisations across Wales. I totally agree with you there. This Labour Party supports them on NI rises, but they didn't look at the unintended consequences of what they were doing.
Peter Fox talked very eloquently about the support for our farming sector and how the UK Government is attacking them. Family farms are there to protect our food security. No-one can forget that. Farmers are asset rich and cash poor, but yet again the Labour Government in Westminster sees them as a cash cow, don't they? Yet again attacking our rural communities because they don't understand rural Britain—never have and never will.
Joyce Watson started with the usual Labour rhetoric, unfortunately, that we don't support workers. And I can assure you that we support our workers. The difference with our party is that we don't roll over when the trade unions tell us what to do. Yes, I'll take an intervention; I'll save you asking.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Hoffwn ddiolch i'r holl Aelodau a gymerodd ran yn y ddadl bwysig hon gan y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig, er nad yw Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn credu bod hon yn ddadl bwysig y prynhawn yma.
Agorwyd y ddadl gan Darren Millar, a nododd inni glywed y byddai dwy Lywodraeth Lafur yn gweithio ar ddau ben yr M4 o fudd i Gymru, ond nid ydym yn gweld unrhyw fanteision. Gadewch inni siarad, fel y gwnaeth Darren Miller, am y toriad i daliadau tanwydd y gaeaf: byddai 4,000 o bensiynwyr yn marw. Dyna a ddywedodd eich plaid eich hun cyn yr etholiad diwethaf, y byddai 4,000 o bensiynwyr yn marw. Eich plaid chi a ddywedodd hynny. Fe addawoch chi i'r cyhoedd na fyddech chi'n ei wneud. Fe wnaethoch eu bradychu a mynd yn ôl ar eich gair.
Siaradodd Darren Miller am fenywod WASPI. Addawodd Aelodau Llafur Cymru ac Aelodau Llafur yn San Steffan y byddent yn cefnogi menywod WASPI. Fe wnaeth pawb ohonoch giwio am luniau, fel y dywedodd Darren Millar. Pan ddaethoch i rym, fe wnaethoch droi eich cefn ar y menywod WASPI. Wedyn, y ffordd y gwnaethoch chi fradychu ein cymunedau ffermio. Fe ddywedoch chi mewn cynadleddau, ac felly hefyd eich Ysgrifennydd Gwladol, y byddech chi'n cefnogi ffermwyr. Ni wnaethoch chi gefnogi ffermwyr o gwbl. Fe wnaethoch chi droi eich cefn arnynt fel rydych chi'n troi eich cefn ar bawb arall.
Cawsom ein bradychu ar gyllid HS2. Fe aethom yn erbyn ein plaid wleidyddol ein hunain yma yn San Steffan a sefyll dros Gymru. Beth a wnaethoch chi? Dweud y geiriau a gwneud dim. Ni wnaethoch chi unrhyw beth, a phan fo'n bwysig i chi wneud hynny, nid ydych chi'n dweud unrhyw beth o gwbl.
Siaradodd John Griffiths wedyn am lygredd y Torïaid. Rwyf i eisiau siarad am ddillad am ddim Keir; Gweinidog gwrth-lygredd a aeth cyn iddi gael ei diswyddo; yr holl docynnau cyngerdd am ddim; gwrthod aros eich tro. Mae digon o lygredd yn digwydd yn y Blaid Lafur, nid oes angen i chi edrych draw yma. Rwy'n credu bod angen i chi edrych ychydig yn agosach adref, John Griffiths.
Soniodd John Grffiths am adroddiad Gordon Brown. Gordon Brown, y dyn a fu bron â mynd â'r wlad i'r wal ac a werthodd aur ar waelod y farchnad. Nid wyf yn meddwl y gwnawn ni dderbyn cyngor gan Gordon Brown. Fe wnaethoch chi sôn hefyd am faterion cyfansoddiadol. Nid yw pobl Cymru eisiau siarad am faterion cyfansoddiadol. Maent eisiau siarad am drwsio'r GIG, trwsio ein system addysg a thrwsio'r economi.
Soniodd Heledd Fychan am gyllid HS2 a sut y mae Plaid Cymru wedi sefyll dros Gymru ar hyn, ac fe wnaethom ymuno â chi yn hynny, gan fynnu cyllid HS2. Mae'n drueni fod y Blaid Lafur bellach wedi troi eu cefnau ar bobl Cymru. Fe sonioch chi hefyd am bwysau yswiriant gwladol, a'r pwysau y mae hynny'n mynd i'w roi ar ein gwasanaethau meddygon teulu a'n sefydliadau trydydd sector ledled Cymru. Rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â chi. Mae'r Blaid Lafur hon yn eu cefnogi ar godiadau yswiriant gwladol, ond ni wnaethant edrych ar ganlyniadau anfwriadol yr hyn a wnaent.
Siaradodd Peter Fox yn huawdl iawn am y gefnogaeth i'n sector ffermio a sut y mae Llywodraeth y DU yn ymosod arnynt. Mae ffermydd teuluol yno i warchod ein diogeledd bwyd. Ni all unrhyw un anghofio hynny. Mae ffermwyr yn gyfoethog mewn asedau ac yn dlawd mewn arian parod, ond unwaith eto mae'r Llywodraeth Lafur yn San Steffan yn eu hystyried yn ffordd o wneud arian, onid ydynt? Unwaith eto ymosod ar ein cymunedau gwledig am nad ydynt yn deall y Brydain wledig—nid ydynt erioed wedi ei deall ac ni fyddant byth yn ei deall.
Yn anffodus, dechreuodd Joyce Watson gyda'r rhethreg Lafur arferol nad ydym yn cefnogi gweithwyr. A gallaf eich sicrhau ein bod yn cefnogi ein gweithwyr. Y gwahaniaeth gyda'n plaid ni yw nad ydym yn fodlon gwneud popeth y mae'r undebau llafur yn dweud wrthym am ei wneud. Iawn, fe wnaf dderbyn ymyriad; fe wnaf eich arbed rhag gofyn.
Daeth y Llywydd i’r Gadair.
The Llywydd took the Chair.
You talk about trade unions and I'm a huge supporter of trade unions, all trade unions, whether it's the farming trade union that you quote repeatedly, whether it's Unite the Union—
Rydych chi'n siarad am undebau llafur ac rwy'n cefnogi undebau llafur yn gadarn, pob undeb llafur, boed yr undeb llafur ffermio yr ydych chi'n ei ddyfynnu dro ar ôl tro, neu'n undeb Unite—
Joyce, you'll have to tell your Members to be quiet; I can't hear you.
Joyce, bydd yn rhaid i chi ddweud wrth eich Aelodau am dawelu; ni allaf eich clywed.
—whether it's the GMB union. We hear a lot of talk about trade unions here and I welcome all the contributions from all the trade unions, but when you talk about trade unions, you're talking about the trade unions whose membership is for the multiple of employees in Wales. That's what you're doing; you're differentiating what you mean by a trade union. I don't do that.
—neu undeb GMB. Clywn lawer o sôn am undebau llafur yma ac rwy'n croesawu'r holl gyfraniadau gan yr holl undebau llafur, ond pan fyddwch chi'n siarad am undebau llafur, rydych chi'n siarad am yr undebau llafur y mae eu haelodaeth ar gyfer y niferoedd o weithwyr yng Nghymru. Dyna rydych chi'n ei wneud; rydych chi'n gwahaniaethu o ran yr hyn a olygwch wrth undeb llafur. Nid wyf i'n gwneud hynny.
No, I support the workers; I don't support trade unions who try and hold Government to ransom. [Interruption.]
Then we went to Natasha Asghar who told us about the false lines that were fed to us by the UK Government. [Interruption.] I can't even hear myself speak, Llywydd.
Na, rwy'n cefnogi'r gweithwyr; nid wyf yn cefnogi undebau llafur sy'n ceisio dal y Llywodraeth yn wystlon. [Torri ar draws.]
Yna aethom at Natasha Asghar a ddywedodd wrthym am yr anwireddau sy'n cael eu bwydo i ni gan Lywodraeth y DU. [Torri ar draws.] Ni allaf glywed fy hun yn siarad, Lywydd.
Yes, I agree, James Evans, we need to be able to hear you. Can we hear James Evans and his conclusions to the debate?
Rwy'n cytuno, James Evans, mae angen inni allu eich clywed. A gawn ni glywed James Evans i orffen y ddadl?
Thank you. And Natasha Asghar did mention about the betrayal of our pensioners as well—100,000 pensioners in your region alone—and the need for us in Wales to have our own winter fuel payment, so we can support those pensioners who paid into that system their whole life. They don't ask for much, but what Labour do is take it away from working people yet again. They don't support workers even though they say they do.
And you also mentioned that early release from prisons. What a botched job that was. The people who shouldn't have been released were released, then you had the police running around the country trying to pick people up who would then be done for abusing people and violent crimes. Not a very good start for the Labour Party.
Sioned Williams also talked about the winter fuel payment and I agree with what you said about that, and also referenced the 4,000 pensioners who were going to die because of those decisions. And we wouldn't actually know the true extent of that because of the climate that we're living in, the weather and how cold it's going to be.
Tom Giffard talked about Keir Starmer again and all the lies that we were fed by the Labour Party about our farmers, and also about the £22 million black hole that was created because they gave in to trade unions, and that was peddled then and supported by the mainstream media and the Labour Party's media machine.
And then we went on to Lee Waters. What can I say? [Interruption.] The way you are funding things is by taxing hard-working people across the country—taxing our businesses, taxing our farmers, and making sure that working people can't get on. And you also mentioned about your obsession with the ex-leader of the Welsh Conservatives, Andrew R.T. Davies, about him apparently spreading lies and divisions about grooming gangs in Wales. I'd like to show you the evidence here that there are grooming gangs operating in Wales. I think you owe the ex-leader of the opposition an apology.
Llyr then also talked about the need to support our farming families across Wales and the need for the Welsh Government to work with the UK Government on this matter.
Then, we moved on to the ex-First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for finance. He opened and mainly through his whole contribution, in his usual condescending way to Members, singling individual Members out like Darren Millar and Natasha Asghar, talking down to them like they're complete and utter idiots in here and don't know what they're talking about. I thought it was a very poorly judged way that the Cabinet Secretary was condescending towards people.
And he also talked about the boom that the Labour Party are going to bring. The only thing the Labour Party do after a boom is bring a bust. You will bankrupt the country and you will crash the economy. That's what you're doing. You need to have a look at what our economy is like now to see what you've done to it. When we left office, we were one of the fastest growing economies in the world and now we're stagnating.
So, I want to say to all Members across this Chamber today that there's only one party in here that stands up for Wales. [Interruption.] We do not take—[Interruption.] We do not take Wales for granted. We don't neglect Wales. We've got a clear plan over here to fix our NHS, to fix our economy and fix our education system. As Darren Millar said, you're on notice, stand aside, it's time to fix Wales, and the only way to do that is with the Welsh Conservatives.
Diolch. A soniodd Natasha Asghar hefyd am y modd y cafodd ein pensiynwyr eu bradychu—100,000 o bensiynwyr yn eich rhanbarth chi yn unig—a'r angen i ni yng Nghymru gael ein taliad tanwydd y gaeaf ein hunain, fel y gallwn gefnogi'r pensiynwyr a dalodd i mewn i'r system ar hyd eu bywydau. Nid ydynt yn gofyn am lawer, ond yr hyn mae Llafur yn ei wneud yw amddifadu gweithwyr unwaith eto. Nid ydynt yn cefnogi gweithwyr er eu bod yn dweud eu bod.
Ac fe sonioch chi hefyd am ryddhau'n gynnar o garchardai. Am lanast oedd hynny. Cafodd y bobl na ddylai fod wedi cael eu rhyddhau eu rhyddhau, ac roedd yr heddlu'n rhedeg o gwmpas y wlad yn ceisio dal pobl a fyddai wedyn yn cael eu harestio am gam-drin pobl a throseddau treisgar. Nid yw'n ddechrau da iawn i'r Blaid Lafur.
Soniodd Sioned Williams hefyd am daliad tanwydd y gaeaf ac rwy'n cytuno â'r hyn a ddywedoch chi ar hynny, a chyfeiriodd hefyd at y 4,000 o bensiynwyr a fyddai'n marw oherwydd y penderfyniadau hynny. Ac na fyddem yn gwybod beth fydd gwir raddau hynny oherwydd yr hinsawdd yr ydym yn byw ynddi, y tywydd a pha mor oer y mae'n mynd i fod.
Soniodd Tom Giffard am Keir Starmer eto a'r holl gelwyddau a gafodd eu bwydo i ni gan y Blaid Lafur am ein ffermwyr, a hefyd am y twll du gwerth £22 miliwn a grëwyd am iddynt ildio i undebau llafur, a sut y cafodd hynny ei bedlera wedyn a'i gefnogi gan y cyfryngau prif ffrwd a pheiriant cyfryngau'r Blaid Lafur.
Wedyn, cawsom Lee Waters. Beth allaf ei ddweud? [Torri ar draws.] Y ffordd rydych chi'n ariannu pethau yw drwy drethu pobl weithgar ar draws y wlad—trethu ein busnesau, trethu ein ffermwyr, a sicrhau na all pobl sy'n gweithio gamu ymlaen mewn bywyd. Ac fe sonioch chi hefyd am eich obsesiwn gyda chyn-arweinydd y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig, Andrew R.T. Davies, amdano'n creu rhaniadau a lledaenu celwyddau am gangiau meithrin perthnasoedd amhriodol yng Nghymru. Hoffwn ddangos y dystiolaeth i chi yma fod yna gangiau sy'n meithrin perthnasoedd amhriodol yn gweithredu yng Nghymru. Rwy'n credu bod arnoch chi ymddiheuriad i gyn-arweinydd yr wrthblaid.
Soniodd Llyr wedyn am yr angen i gefnogi ein teuluoedd ffermio ledled Cymru a'r angen i Lywodraeth Cymru weithio gyda Llywodraeth y DU ar y mater hwn.
Yna, fe gawsom y cyn-Brif Weinidog ac Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros gyllid. Fe agorodd a thrwy ei gyfraniad, yn ei ffordd nawddoglyd arferol i'r Aelodau, yr hyn a wnaeth yn bennaf oedd pigo ar Aelodau unigol fel Darren Millar a Natasha Asghar, gan siarad â hwy fel pe baent yn ffyliaid llwyr nad oeddent yn gwybod am beth y maent yn sôn. Roeddwn i'n meddwl bod agwedd nawddoglyd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet tuag at bobl yn annoeth iawn.
Ac fe soniodd hefyd am y twf chwim y mae'r Blaid Lafur yn mynd i'w gynnig. Yr unig beth y mae'r Blaid Lafur yn ei wneud ar ôl twf chwim yw creu chwalfa. Fe ewch chi â'r wlad i'r wal a chwalu'r economi. Dyna a wnewch. Mae angen i chi edrych ar sefyllfa ein heconomi nawr i weld beth a wnaethoch iddi. Pan wnaethom ni adael, ni oedd un o'r economïau a oedd yn tyfu gyflymaf yn y byd a nawr rydym yn marweiddio.
Felly, rwyf am ddweud wrth yr holl Aelodau ar draws y Siambr heddiw mai un blaid yn unig yma sy'n sefyll dros Gymru. [Torri ar draws.] Nid ydym yn cymryd—[Torri ar draws.] Nid ydym yn cymryd Cymru yn ganiataol. Nid ydym yn esgeuluso Cymru. Mae gennym gynllun clir yma i drwsio ein GIG, trwsio ein heconomi a thrwsio ein system addysg. Fel y dywedodd Darren Millar, dyma eich rhybuddio, safwch o'r neilltu, mae'n bryd trwsio Cymru, a'r unig ffordd o wneud hynny yw gyda'r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig.
Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig heb ei ddiwygio? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, mae yna wrthwynebiad. Felly, gwnawn ni ohirio'r bleidlais tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
The proposal is to agree the motion without amendment. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes, there is objection. Therefore, we'll defer voting under this item until voting time.
Gohiriwyd y pleidleisio tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
Voting deferred until voting time.
Detholwyd y gwelliannau canlynol: gwelliant 1 yn enw Jane Hutt, a gwelliant 2 yn enw Paul Davies. Os derbynnir gwelliant 1, caiff gwelliant 2 ei ddad-dethol.
The following amendments have been selected: amendment 1 in the name of Jane Hutt, and amendment 2 in the name of Paul Davies. If amendment 1 is agreed, amendment 2 will be deselected.
Eitem 7, dadl Plaid Cymru ar amserau aros y gwasanaeth iechyd, sydd nesaf. Dwi'n galw nawr ar Mabon ap Gwynfor i wneud y cynnig yma.
Item 7, the Plaid Cymru debate on NHS waiting times, is next. I call on Mabon ap Gwynfor to move the motion.
Cynnig NDM8785 Heledd Fychan
Yn cynnig bod y Senedd:
1. Yn nodi uchelgais y Prif Weinidog i leihau’r amseroedd aros hiraf a chyflymu mynediad at driniaeth GIG.
2. Yn gresynu:
a) bod rhestrau aros y GIG wedi cyrraedd y lefelau uchaf erioed ym mhob mis o gyfnod y Prif Weinidog hyd yma; a
b) methiant Llywodraeth Cymru i gyflawni’r targedau a osodwyd gan y Cynllun Adfer Gofal wedi’i Gynllunio ym mis Ebrill 2022 i ddileu amseroedd aros hir yn gyfan gwbl a chyflymu profion diagnostig ac ymyriadau therapi.
3. Yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i:
a) sefydlu Gwasanaeth Brysbennu Gofal Dewisol i symleiddio'r broses atgyfeirio rhwng gofal sylfaenol ac eilaidd;
b) cyflwyno hybiau rhanbarthol arbenigol ar gyfer gofal dewisol ledled Cymru; ac
c) cyflwyno deddfwriaeth i roi Byrddau Partneriaeth Rhanbarthol ar sylfaen statudol gyda chylch gwaith clir i hwyluso cydweithio ar draws byrddau iechyd.
Motion NDM8785 Heledd Fychan
To propose that the Senedd:
1. Notes the First Minister's ambition to cut the longest waiting times and speed up access to NHS treatment.
2. Regrets:
a) that NHS waiting lists have hit record highs in each month of the First Minister's tenure thus far; and
b) the failure of the Welsh Government to deliver on the targets set out by the Planned Care Recovery Plan in April 2022 to eliminate long waits completely and speed up diagnostic testing and therapy interventions.
3. Calls on the Welsh Government to:
a) establish an Elective Care Triage Service to streamline the referral process between primary and secondary care;
b) rollout specialist regional hubs for elective care across Wales; and
c) introduce legislation to place Regional Partnership Boards on a statutory footing with a clear remit to facilitate collaborative working across health boards.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd. Since the First Minister was appointed back in August, waiting lists in Wales have increased by nearly 2,000. That's an extra 12 pathways for every day that the First Minister has been in office. Furthermore, the waiting list backlog has hit record highs for each month of the First Minister's tenure so far, and has done so for each month since March of last year, to encompass one in five of the entire population of Wales. Whereas two-year waits in England number a little over 100 people in a population of over 55 million, there are over 24,000 such waits here in Wales.
I've decided to start today's debate with these statistics to illustrate an inescapable reality. However much the Government may try to indulge in obfuscations and creative accounting on these figures, the evidence is clear: they are utterly failing to deliver on what they have consistently assured us is their top priority, namely to reduce waiting lists. This is under a Labour Party, supposedly heirs to Aneurin Bevan, who you'd think and hope would pull out all the stops to fix the NHS. But instead, what we're seeing is entrenching a two-tier health system, with patients increasingly having to look to private providers to tackle their illnesses. Those who can afford to go private do so, while the majority, who are on a low income, struggling with the cost-of-living crisis and limited job opportunities, are left to languish in pain on lengthening waiting lists.
And what's been the response of this Government? Firstly, to blame everybody else: blame the patients, blame health managers, blame royal colleges, blame everybody and deny responsibility. After 25 years of governing, they decided to go on a listening exercise and hear people telling them what they should have known years ago. Then, each month leading up to Christmas, a new strategy was put in place, and each month, the numbers on waiting lists were increasing. So, we need a serious plan, designed by people with skin in the game, that can be implemented quickly and provide positive results.
I won't pretend that these proposals that we've put together are new; these are all examples of best practice that is currently being used in isolation in parts of Wales, thanks to the foresight and experience of some of our excellent clinicians and health managers, but that needs to be rolled out nationally in order to really make a difference. As I mentioned during the launch event yesterday, this isn't a plan driven by dogma; it consists of pragmatic, practical steps informed by the extensive conversations we've been having with the royal colleges and other relevant stakeholders. Because, unlike Members of this Government, we don't believe that the royal colleges are part of the problem. Rather, they must be key players in moving us forward towards a long-overdue solution.
Firstly, we're calling on the Government to roll out regional hubs specifically targeted and designated for elective care, enabling an industrial-scale approach to low-complexity treatment and ensuring that emergency care doesn't use up all of the bandwidth within our hospitals. We also need to address the disjointed and inefficient nature of the referrals process between primary and secondary care, whereby patients are often placed by default on pathways that don't necessarily represent the best course of action for them, which in turn lead to costly and time-consuming knock-backs from hospitals back to surgeries. This is a problem that largely stems from the chronic neglect of the primary care sector, which, despite being responsible for over 90 per cent of total patient contacts with the health system, is currently over 500 GPs short of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development average.
The permanent fix is, of course, to properly invest in our GPs. But in the meantime, we must do everything we can to alleviate some of the huge pressures on our GPs, whose workloads have ballooned to unsustainable levels. We're therefore calling on the Government to establish an executive triage service, with a specific responsibility for expediting and streamlining the referral process for elective care. This will include reassessing patients on waiting lists, because a pathway isn't always the best solution for their needs. They'd also have a role in standardising the flow of information along those pathways, thereby addressing what I mentioned earlier in terms of referral knock-backs. Improved use of technology should be embedded, rolling out telemedicine across Wales, allowing patients to provide updates of their symptoms in order for the executive triage to be able to assess whether or not they're receiving the correct level of treatment.
Finally, much more needs to be done to embed regular and systematic collaboration of service delivery, amongst health boards as well as between health boards and local authorities. Siloed work continues to be a chronic problem within our health service, with patients facing a postcode lottery, with some able to access swift treatment, and others, only a few miles away, denied treatment because of where they live. The current non-statutory structure of the regional partnership boards simply isn't fit for purpose. We therefore call on the Government to introduce legislation to place these regional partnership boards on a statutory footing and redesign the remit so that they're responsible for pooled budgets for elective care.
The First Minister has claimed that not one party has a monopoly on good ideas. Now is the time for her Government to show these words were made in good faith, by supporting our motion. We've heard a lot of talk about serious politics and listening in recent months. If the Government is serious and willing to genuinely listen, then let's work across parties and put these ideas into practice.
Diolch, Lywydd. Ers i'r Prif Weinidog gael ei benodi yn ôl ym mis Awst, mae rhestrau aros yng Nghymru wedi cynyddu bron 2,000. Dyna 12 llwybr ychwanegol ar gyfer pob diwrnod y mae'r Prif Weinidog wedi bod yn y swydd. Ar ben hynny, mae ôl-groniad y rhestrau aros wedi cyrraedd lefel uwch nag erioed am bob mis y bu'r Prif Weinidog yn ei swydd hyd yma, ac mae wedi gwneud hynny am bob mis ers mis Mawrth y llynedd, i gwmpasu un o bob pump o boblogaeth gyfan Cymru. Er bod y nifer sy'n aros dwy flynedd yn Lloegr yn ychydig dros 100 o bobl mewn poblogaeth o dros 55 miliwn, mae dros 24,000 yn aros dros ddwy flynedd yma yng Nghymru.
Rwyf wedi penderfynu agor y ddadl heddiw gyda'r ystadegau hyn i ddangos realiti anochel. Er cymaint y gall y Llywodraeth geisio cymylu a chyfrifo'n greadigol gyda'r ffigurau hyn, mae'r dystiolaeth yn glir: maent yn methu cyflawni'r hyn y maent wedi ein sicrhau'n gyson yw eu prif flaenoriaeth, sef lleihau rhestrau aros. Mae hyn yn digwydd o dan y Blaid Lafur, etifeddion honedig Aneurin Bevan, y byddech chi'n meddwl ac yn gobeithio y byddent yn gwneud popeth yn eu gallu i drwsio'r GIG. Ond yn hytrach, yr hyn a welwn yw dyfnhau system iechyd dwy haen, gyda chleifion yn gorfod edrych fwyfwy at ddarparwyr preifat i drin eu hafiechydon. Mae'r rhai sy'n gallu fforddio mynd yn breifat yn gwneud hynny, tra bod y mwyafrif, sydd ar incwm isel, ac sy'n cael trafferth gyda'r argyfwng costau byw a chyfleoedd gwaith cyfyngedig, yn cael eu gadael i aros mewn poen ar restrau aros sy'n tyfu.
A beth oedd ymateb y Llywodraeth hon? Yn gyntaf, rhoi'r bai ar bawb arall: beio'r cleifion, beio rheolwyr iechyd, beio colegau brenhinol, beio pawb a gwadu cyfrifoldeb. Ar ôl 25 mlynedd o lywodraethu, fe wnaethant benderfynu mynd ar ymarfer gwrando a chlywed pobl yn dweud wrthynt beth y dylent fod yn ei wybod flynyddoedd yn ôl. Yna, bob mis yn arwain at y Nadolig, rhoddwyd strategaeth newydd ar waith, a phob mis, roedd y niferoedd ar restrau aros yn cynyddu. Felly, mae angen cynllun go iawn arnom, wedi'i lunio gan bobl sy'n rhan o'r system, cynllun y gellir ei weithredu'n gyflym a darparu canlyniadau cadarnhaol.
Nid wyf am esgus bod y cynigion a luniwyd gennym yn newydd; mae'r rhain i gyd yn enghreifftiau o arferion gorau a ddefnyddir ar wahân mewn rhannau o Gymru ar hyn o bryd, diolch i grebwyll a phrofiad rhai o'n clinigwyr a'n rheolwyr iechyd rhagorol, ond mae angen eu cyflwyno'n genedlaethol er mwyn gwneud gwahaniaeth gwirioneddol. Fel y soniais yn ystod y digwyddiad lansio ddoe, nid yw hwn yn gynllun sy'n cael ei yrru gan ddogma; mae'n cynnwys camau pragmataidd, ymarferol wedi'u llywio gan y sgyrsiau helaeth a gawsom gyda'r colegau brenhinol a rhanddeiliaid perthnasol eraill. Oherwydd, yn wahanol i Aelodau'r Llywodraeth hon, nid ydym yn credu bod y colegau brenhinol yn rhan o'r broblem. Yn hytrach, rhaid iddynt fod yn chwaraewyr allweddol wrth ein symud ymlaen tuag at ateb y mae'n hen bryd ei gael.
Yn gyntaf, galwn ar y Llywodraeth i gyflwyno hybiau rhanbarthol sydd wedi'u targedu a'u dynodi'n benodol ar gyfer gofal a gynlluniwyd, gan alluogi dull ar raddfa ddiwydiannol o ddarparu triniaeth lai cymhleth a sicrhau nad yw gofal brys yn defnyddio'r amser ac adnoddau i gyd yn ein hysbytai. Hefyd, mae angen inni fynd i'r afael â natur ddigyswllt ac aneffeithlon y broses atgyfeirio rhwng gofal sylfaenol ac eilaidd, lle mae cleifion yn aml yn cael eu gosod yn ddiofyn ar lwybrau nad ydynt o reidrwydd yn llwybr gorau iddynt hwy, sydd yn ei dro yn arwain at gyfeirio costus a llafurus o ysbytai yn ôl i feddygfeydd. Mae hon yn broblem sy'n deillio'n bennaf o esgeuluso'r sector gofal sylfaenol yn ddifrifol, sector sydd, er eu bod yn gyfrifol am dros 90 y cant o gyfanswm cysylltiadau cleifion â'r system iechyd, dros 500 o feddygon teulu yn brin o gyfartaledd y Sefydliad ar gyfer Cydweithrediad a Datblygiad Economaidd ar hyn o bryd.
Yr ateb parhaol, wrth gwrs, yw buddsoddi'n iawn yn ein meddygon teulu. Ond yn y cyfamser, mae'n rhaid inni wneud popeth yn ein gallu i leddfu peth o'r pwysau enfawr ar ein meddygon teulu, y mae eu llwyth gwaith wedi chwyddo i lefelau anghynaliadwy. Rydym yn galw ar y Llywodraeth felly i sefydlu gwasanaeth brysbennu gweithredol, gyda chyfrifoldeb penodol dros gyflymu a symleiddio'r broses atgyfeirio ar gyfer gofal a gynlluniwyd. Bydd hyn yn cynnwys ailasesu cleifion ar restrau aros, gan nad llwybr yw'r ateb gorau bob amser ar gyfer eu hanghenion. Byddai ganddynt rôl hefyd yn safoni llif gwybodaeth ar hyd y llwybrau hynny, a thrwy hynny'n mynd i'r afael â'r hyn a nodais yn gynharach ynghylch cyfeirio'n ôl o atgyfeiriadau. Dylid ymgorffori gwell defnydd o dechnoleg, gan gyflwyno telefeddygaeth ledled Cymru, a chaniatáu i gleifion ddarparu diweddariadau ynghylch eu symptomau er mwyn i'r brysbennu gweithredol allu asesu a ydynt yn cael y lefel gywir o driniaeth ai peidio.
Yn olaf, mae angen gwneud llawer mwy i ymgorffori cydweithredu rheolaidd a systematig yn y modd y darperir gwasanaethau, ymhlith byrddau iechyd yn ogystal â rhwng byrddau iechyd ac awdurdodau lleol. Mae gwaith seilo yn parhau i fod yn broblem gronig yn ein gwasanaeth iechyd, gyda chleifion yn wynebu loteri cod post, a rhai'n gallu cael triniaeth gyflym, ac eraill, ychydig filltiroedd i ffwrdd, yn cael eu hamddifadu o driniaeth oherwydd ble maent yn byw. Nid yw strwythur anstatudol presennol y byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol yn addas i'r diben. Felly, galwn ar y Llywodraeth i gyflwyno deddfwriaeth i osod y byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol ar sail statudol ac ailgynllunio'r cylch gwaith fel eu bod yn gyfrifol am gyllidebau cyfun ar gyfer gofal a gynlluniwyd.
Mae'r Prif Weinidog wedi honni nad oes gan un blaid fonopoli ar syniadau da. Nawr yw'r amser i'w Llywodraeth ddangos bod y geiriau hyn wedi'u llefaru'n ddidwyll, trwy gefnogi ein cynnig. Clywsom lawer o siarad am wleidyddiaeth go iawn a gwrando yn ystod y misoedd diwethaf. Os yw'r Llywodraeth o ddifrif ac yn barod i wrando go iawn, gadewch inni weithio ar draws y pleidiau a rhoi'r syniadau hyn ar waith.
Rwyf wedi dethol y ddau welliant i'r cynnig. Os derbynnir gwelliant 1, bydd gwelliant 2 yn cael ei ddad-ddethol. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol nawr i gynnig yn ffurfiol welliant 1.
I have selected the two amendments to the motion. If amendment 1 is agreed, amendment 2 will be deselected. The Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care now to move formally amendment 1.
Gwelliant 1—Jane Hutt
Dileu popeth ar ôl pwynt 1 a rhoi yn ei le:
Yn nodi bod arosiadau o fwy na 104 wythnos wedi gostwng ddau draean ers iddynt fod ar eu hanterth yn ystod y pandemig.
Yn cydnabod bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi buddsoddi £50 miliwn yn ychwanegol yng nghynlluniau'r byrddau iechyd i leihau'r amseroedd aros hiraf ymhellach yn 2024-25.
Yn cydnabod camau gweithredu Llywodraeth Cymru i fynd i'r afael â rhestrau aros drwy ddatblygu:
a) y ganolfan llawfeddygaeth orthopedig ranbarthol yn Ysbyty Castell-nedd Port Talbot;
b) Ysbyty Llandudno yn ganolfan lawfeddygol orthopedig ar gyfer y Gogledd; ac
c) y ganolfan ddiagnostig a llawfeddygol yn Llantrisant.
Amendment 1—Jane Hutt
Delete all after point 1 and replace with:
Notes waits of more than 104 weeks have fallen by two-thirds since their peak during the pandemic.
Recognises the Welsh Government has invested an additional £50 million in health board plans to further reduce the longest waits in 2024-25.
Recognises Welsh Government action to address waiting lists through the development of:
a) the regional orthopaedic surgery centre in Neath Port Talbot Hospital;
b) Llandudno Hospital as an orthopaedic surgical centre for North Wales; and
c) the diagnostic and surgical centre at Llantrisant.
Cynigiwyd gwelliant 1.
Amendment 1 moved.

Yn ffurfiol.
Mae gwelliant 1 wedi'i gynnig yn ffurfiol. James Evans i gynnig gwelliant 2.
Amendment 1 has formally been moved. James Evans to move amendment 2.
Gwelliant 2—Paul Davies
Dileu pwynt 3 a rhoi yn ei le:
Yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i:
a) ehangu nifer y canolfannau llawfeddygol a chanolfannau diagnostig;
b) cynyddu nifer y gwelyau sydd ar gael yn GIG Cymru;
c) cyflwyno cynllun recriwtio a chadw sylweddol ar gyfer y gweithlu;
d) sicrhau bod y swm canlyniadol Barnett llawn sy'n deillio o wariant Llywodraeth y DU ar y GIG ar gael ar gyfer GIG Cymru; a
e) rhoi'r cymorth ariannol sydd ei angen ar Fwrdd Iechyd Addysgu Powys er mwyn osgoi eu cynnydd arfaethedig mewn amseroedd aros am driniaethau trawsffiniol.
Amendment 2—Paul Davies
Delete point 3 and replace with:
Calls on the Welsh Government to:
a) expand the number of surgical hubs and diagnostic centres;
b) increase the number of available beds in the Welsh NHS;
c) bring forward a substantial workforce recruitment and retention plan;
d) ensure the full Barnett consequential arising from NHS spending by the UK Government is made available for the Welsh NHS; and
e) provide Powys Teaching Health Board with the financial support they require to avoid their planned increase in cross-border treatment waiting times.
Cynigiwyd gwelliant 2.
Amendment 2 moved.
Diolch, Llywydd. I move the amendment tabled in the name of Paul Davies. I'd like to thank Plaid Cymru for the debate today, and for taking a lot of the ideas from our last manifesto. I was very pleased that you were already looking at what we can do.
Before diving into the challenges we face, I want to extend my deepest gratitude to the incredible NHS staff right the way across our nation. However, despite their unwavering commitment, our NHS staff are being let down by a Government that is failing to provide the support and leadership that they need. The First Minister and her Government, along with the Cabinet Secretary, are presiding over a health service in crisis. As of January 2024, over 700,000 patient pathways were waiting to start treatment, with more than 23,000 people waiting over two years for treatment. These are not just numbers; it represents thousands of individuals enduring prolonged suffering due to systematic failures.
In October 2024, only 50.4 per cent of life-threatening emergency calls received a response within eight minutes—well below acceptable standards. A recent poll indicates that only 24 per cent of people in Wales are satisfied with Welsh NHS services, reflecting a significant decline in public confidence. Overcrowding in hospitals has become the norm. More than 1,600 adults are occupying hospital beds despite being clinically optimised for discharge, and 15 per cent of beds are estimated to be taken up by patients who no longer need to be there.
This isn't just inefficiency; it's a symptom of a deeper problem and the chronic underfunding and neglect of our social care system. A robust and well-funded social care system is essential to ensure patients can be safely discharged from hospital, freeing up capacity for those in need, yet this Government has consistently failed to invest in the integrated care system that Wales desperately needs. The Government has celebrated that it pays social workers the real living wage, where in reality, those social workers, doing a fantastic job, could earn more money stacking shelves.
The time for excuses is over. It's clear the First Minister and her Government are failing Wales. Labour's approach to our NHS has been categorised by complacency and a lack of ambition, leaving patients and staff across Wales to pay the price.
The First Minister promised to eliminate long waits, yet the situation has deteriorated. The new Cabinet Secretary for health has promised that he'd take an opportunity to take bold action, but since taking post, he's barely tinkered around the edges, failing to address the root cause of the crisis. Excuses have ranged from COVID, to flu, to unprecedented demand. These have been seen across the United Kingdom, but the NHS in Wales is lacking direction, it's underperforming, and has significantly worse outcomes than in England.
Only the Welsh Conservatives have a vision and determination to fix the NHS. We've a clear plan to address the challenges facing our healthcare system. You all know what we're against in this Chamber, so I'm going to tell you what we’re for. We're for establishing centres of excellence, more surgical hubs and rapid diagnostic centres to reduce waiting times, expanding hospital bed capacity to ease overcrowding. Under this Labour Government we've lost 4,227 beds from our hospitals, and that can't continue. We would implement a comprehensive workforce recruitment and retention strategy to support and retain our fantastic NHS staff. Without the staff, we have no bed capacity and people to treat patients.
We'd also secure the full Barnett consequential for the Welsh NHS. Too much money has been swallowed up by the NHS executive, bureaucracy and management, and we will spend that full Barnett consequential on the front line. We on these benches also would not see patients in Powys suffer, so we'd provide the necessary financial support for Powys Teaching Health Board to prevent further delays for cross-border treatment in England.
Let me be clear: the NHS is broken, and it needs to be repaired, so on these benches we want to see a full and comprehensive review of the NHS in Wales, independent from Government, so we can get the best NHS possible for the people of Wales. Our NHS staff do everything they can, but they cannot be expected to fix a system that has been broken by years of Labour mismanagement. Welsh Labour has failed to take bold steps needed to reform the system and support our hard-working healthcare professionals. This cannot continue.
The future of the Welsh NHS depends on decisive leadership and a commitment to real reform, not tinkering around the edges. The passing of the buck has to stop. Minister, you can't blame Westminster any more, and this Labour Government must take full responsibility for 26 years of mismanagement, poor leadership and shirking your responsibilities to the people of Wales. Only us on this side of the Chamber can fix Wales, only we can fix the NHS and deliver the changes that are needed to create a healthcare system that the people of Wales pay for and rightfully deserve.
Diolch, Lywydd. Rwy'n cynnig y gwelliant a gyflwynwyd yn enw Paul Davies. Hoffwn ddiolch i Blaid Cymru am y ddadl heddiw, ac am gymryd llawer o'r syniadau o'n maniffesto diwethaf. Roeddwn yn falch iawn eich bod eisoes yn edrych ar yr hyn y gallwn ei wneud.
Cyn plymio i'r heriau sy'n ein hwynebu, hoffwn ddiolch yn fawr iawn i staff anhygoel y GIG ar draws ein gwlad. Fodd bynnag, er gwaethaf eu hymrwymiad diwyro, mae staff y GIG yn cael cam gan Lywodraeth sy'n methu darparu'r gefnogaeth a'r arweinyddiaeth sydd eu hangen arnynt. Mae'r Prif Weinidog a'i Llywodraeth, ynghyd ag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, yn llywyddu dros wasanaeth iechyd mewn argyfwng. Ym mis Ionawr 2024, roedd dros 700,000 o lwybrau cleifion yn aros i ddechrau triniaeth, gyda mwy na 23,000 o bobl yn aros dros ddwy flynedd am driniaeth. Nid rhifau'n unig yw'r rhain; mae miloedd o unigolion yn dioddef dros amser hir oherwydd methiannau systematig.
Ym mis Hydref 2024, dim ond 50.4 y cant o alwadau brys lle mae bywyd yn y fantol a gafodd ymateb o fewn wyth munud—ymhell islaw safonau derbyniol. Mae arolwg barn diweddar yn dangos mai dim ond 24 y cant o bobl yng Nghymru sy'n fodlon â gwasanaethau'r GIG yng Nghymru, gan adlewyrchu dirywiad sylweddol yn hyder y cyhoedd. Mae gorlenwi mewn ysbytai wedi dod yn norm. Mae mwy na 1,600 o oedolion mewn gwelyau ysbyty er eu bod yn barod yn glinigol i'w rhyddhau, ac amcangyfrifir bod 15 y cant o welyau mewn defnydd gan gleifion nad oes angen iddynt fod yno mwyach.
Nid aneffeithlonrwydd yn unig yw hyn; mae'n symptom o broblem ddyfnach a thanariannu cronig ac esgeuluso ein system gofal cymdeithasol. Mae system gofal cymdeithasol gadarn wedi'i hariannu'n dda yn hanfodol er mwyn sicrhau y gellir rhyddhau cleifion yn ddiogel o'r ysbyty, gan ryddhau capasiti ar gyfer rhai mewn angen, ac eto, yn gyson, mae'r Llywodraeth hon wedi methu buddsoddi yn y system gofal integredig sydd ei hangen yn ddybryd ar Gymru. Mae'r Llywodraeth wedi dathlu ei bod yn talu'r cyflog byw gwirioneddol i weithwyr cymdeithasol, lle gallai'r gweithwyr cymdeithasol hynny, sy'n gwneud gwaith gwych, ennill mwy o arian yn llenwi silffoedd archfarchnad.
Mae'r amser am esgusodion ar ben. Mae'n amlwg fod y Prif Weinidog a'i Llywodraeth yn gwneud cam â Chymru. Mae agwedd Llafur tuag at ein GIG wedi'i nodweddu gan hunanfodlonrwydd a diffyg uchelgais, gan adael cleifion a staff ledled Cymru i dalu'r pris.
Addawodd y Prif Weinidog ddileu amseroedd aros hir, ac eto mae'r sefyllfa wedi dirywio. Mae Ysgrifennydd newydd y Cabinet dros iechyd wedi addo y byddai'n achub ar y cyfle i roi camau beiddgar ar waith, ond ers dechrau ei swydd, prin y mae wedi tincran o amgylch yr ymylon, gan fethu mynd i'r afael ag achos sylfaenol yr argyfwng. Mae'r esgusodion wedi amrywio o COVID, i'r ffliw, i'r galw digynsail. Gwelwyd y rhain ar draws y Deyrnas Unedig, ond mae'r GIG yng Nghymru yn ddigyfeiriad, mae'n tanberfformio, ac mae ei ganlyniadau'n llawer gwaeth na rhai Lloegr.
Dim ond y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig sydd â gweledigaeth a phenderfyniad i drwsio'r GIG. Mae gennym gynllun clir i fynd i'r afael â'r heriau sy'n wynebu ein system gofal iechyd. Rydych i gyd yn gwybod beth sy'n ein hwynebu yn y Siambr hon, felly fe ddywedaf wrthych beth rydym ni'n ei gefnogi. Rydym o blaid sefydlu canolfannau rhagoriaeth, mwy o hybiau llawfeddygol a chanolfannau diagnostig cyflym i leihau amseroedd aros, ac ehangu capasiti gwelyau ysbyty i leddfu gorlenwi. O dan y Llywodraeth Lafur hon rydym wedi colli 4,227 o welyau o'n hysbytai, ac ni all hynny barhau. Byddem yn gweithredu strategaeth recriwtio a chadw gynhwysfawr ar gyfer y gweithlu i gefnogi a chadw staff gwych y GIG. Heb y staff, nid oes gennym gapasiti gwelyau a phobl i drin cleifion.
Byddem hefyd yn sicrhau'r cyllid canlyniadol Barnett llawn ar gyfer GIG Cymru. Mae gormod o arian wedi cael ei lyncu gan weithrediaeth y GIG, biwrocratiaeth a rheoli, a byddwn yn gwario'r swm canlyniadol Barnett llawn ar y rheng flaen. Hefyd, ni fyddem ni ar y meinciau hyn am weld cleifion ym Mhowys yn dioddef, felly byddem yn darparu'r cymorth ariannol angenrheidiol i Fwrdd Iechyd Addysgu Powys i atal oedi pellach i driniaethau trawsffiniol yn Lloegr.
Gadewch imi fod yn glir: mae'r GIG wedi torri, ac mae angen ei drwsio, felly ar y meinciau hyn, rydym am weld adolygiad llawn a chynhwysfawr o'r GIG yng Nghymru, yn annibynnol ar y Llywodraeth, fel y gallwn gael y GIG gorau posibl i bobl Cymru. Mae staff ein GIG yn gwneud popeth yn eu gallu, ond ni ellir disgwyl iddynt drwsio system sydd wedi ei thorri gan flynyddoedd o gamreoli Llafur. Mae Llafur Cymru wedi methu gweithredu'r camau beiddgar sydd eu hangen i ddiwygio'r system a chefnogi ein gweithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol gweithgar. Ni all hyn barhau.
Mae dyfodol GIG Cymru yn dibynnu ar arweinyddiaeth bendant ac ymrwymiad i ddiwygio go iawn, nid tincran o amgylch yr ymylon. Rhaid rhoi diwedd ar drosglwyddo'r bai. Weinidog, ni allwch feio San Steffan mwyach, a rhaid i'r Llywodraeth Lafur hon dderbyn cyfrifoldeb llawn am 26 mlynedd o gamreoli, arweinyddiaeth wael a throi cefn ar eich cyfrifoldebau i bobl Cymru. Dim ond ni ar yr ochr hon i'r Siambr sy'n gallu trwsio Cymru, dim ond ni sy'n gallu trwsio'r GIG a chyflawni'r newidiadau sydd eu hangen i greu'r system gofal iechyd y mae pobl Cymru yn talu amdani ac yn ei haeddu.
NHS Wales works hard to deliver high-quality care, whilst being under significant pressure. GPs in Wales receive 2.3 million calls and deliver 1.6 million appointments every month for a population of just over 3 million people. That's a lot of people. The draft budget 2025-26 includes more than £600 million extra revenue and capital for health and social care, which will support the NHS to continue to reduce long waiting times. The extra budget from the UK Government has been really welcome.
The Welsh Government is taking action to tackle waiting lists and has invested and extra £50 million to tackle the longest waiting lists. This is providing more evening and weekend clinics, more diagnostic tests, and more operations between October 2024 and March 2025, going forward. We're seeing progress on this issue. Two-year waits have fallen by two thirds since their peak in the COVID pandemic. The average wait time for referral to treatment has dropped from 29 weeks to 23 weeks.
There is still some way to go, we know that, and we would like to move forward on the waiting times, but I'm pleased to see the Welsh Government has agreed to funding of up to £29.4 million for a new orthopaedic hub in my region of North Wales at Llandudno. It will help reduce orthopaedic waiting times by delivering a planned 1,900 procedures a year. There’s the development of a regional orthopaedic centre in Neath Port Talbot as well, in the hospital there, and a diagnostic and surgical centre at Llantrisant.
Health boards, hopefully, are now going to be investing in IT now that they've got some capital funding going forward. Investment in training places for recruitment into our health service are now being provided across north Wales at Wrexham University and the North Wales Medical School in Bangor. Coleg Llandrillo are training social care workers, and we've got the Bangor dental academy. We have well-being hubs in communities and investment through the ICF in step-up, step-down care, which is making a difference.
It's important to remember what Wales does well when it comes to our health service. Wales invests 7 per cent more in health and 37 per cent more in social care than in England. I know we've got an older and sicker population, and it's needed, but we will always support the NHS and social care. Taken together, the Welsh Government have provided around £1 billion extra in 2024-25 and 2025-26, and there is also no tax on illness in Wales. Prescriptions and hospital parking are free in Wales. Meanwhile, in England prescription fees have risen to £9.90 per item. There are more healthcare professionals working in the NHS in Wales than at any time since devolution, including a 16 per cent rise in nurses and a 26 per cent rise in consultants, which is in part thanks to the fact that Wales didn't cut their NHS bursary in 2017 like England did. We carried on providing it, and we also provide a social work bursary.
Yes, we continue to face challenges in our NHS, but it is also important to recognise the important progress being made and to celebrate the incredible work our NHS staff do, day in, day out, delivering for the people of Wales. And I try to keep it positive, because I want to make sure that people do visit the NHS and do take appointments if they have any concerns about their health, and are not put off by any negative comments that they keep hearing. Thank you.
Mae GIG Cymru'n gweithio'n galed i ddarparu gofal o ansawdd uchel dan bwysau sylweddol. Mae meddygon teulu yng Nghymru yn derbyn 2.3 miliwn o alwadau ac yn darparu 1.6 miliwn o apwyntiadau bob mis ar gyfer poblogaeth o ychydig dros 3 miliwn o bobl. Mae hynny'n llawer o bobl. Mae cyllideb ddrafft 2025-26 yn cynnwys mwy na £600 miliwn o refeniw a chyfalaf ychwanegol ar gyfer iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, a fydd yn helpu'r GIG i barhau i leihau amseroedd aros hir. Mae'r gyllideb ychwanegol gan Lywodraeth y DU wedi cael croeso mawr.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cymryd camau i fynd i'r afael â rhestrau aros ac wedi buddsoddi £50 miliwn ychwanegol i fynd i'r afael â'r rhestrau aros hiraf. Mae hyn yn darparu mwy o glinigau gyda'r nos ac ar benwythnosau, mwy o brofion diagnostig, a mwy o lawdriniaethau rhwng mis Hydref 2024 a mis Mawrth 2025, wrth symud ymlaen. Rydym yn gweld cynnydd ar y mater hwn. Mae amseroedd aros o ddwy flynedd wedi gostwng ddwy ran o dair ers eu lefel uchaf yn y pandemig COVID. Mae'r amser aros cyfartalog rhwng atgyfeirio a thriniaeth wedi gostwng o 29 wythnos i 23 wythnos.
Mae tipyn o ffordd i fynd, fe wyddom hynny, a hoffem symud ymlaen ar yr amseroedd aros, ond rwy'n falch o weld bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cytuno i gyllid o hyd at £29.4 miliwn ar gyfer hyb orthopedig newydd yn fy rhanbarth i yng Ngogledd Cymru, yn Llandudno. Bydd yn helpu i leihau amseroedd aros orthopedig drwy gyflawni 1,900 o lawdriniaethau a gynlluniwyd bob blwyddyn. Mae canolfan orthopedig ranbarthol yn cael ei datblygu yng Nghastell-nedd Port Talbot hefyd, yn yr ysbyty yno, a chanolfan ddiagnostig a llawfeddygol yn Llantrisant.
Mae byrddau iechyd, gobeithio, yn mynd i fod yn buddsoddi mewn TG nawr gan fod ganddynt gyllid cyfalaf bellach ar gyfer y dyfodol. Mae buddsoddiad mewn lleoedd hyfforddi ar gyfer recriwtio i'n gwasanaeth iechyd bellach yn cael ei ddarparu ar draws gogledd Cymru ym Mhrifysgol Wrecsam ac Ysgol Feddygaeth Gogledd Cymru ym Mangor. Mae Coleg Llandrillo'n hyfforddi gweithwyr gofal cymdeithasol, ac mae gennym academi ddeintyddol Bangor. Mae gennym hybiau llesiant mewn cymunedau a buddsoddiad drwy'r gronfa gofal integredig mewn gofal cam-i-fyny, cam-i-lawr, sy'n gwneud gwahaniaeth.
Mae'n bwysig cofio beth y mae Cymru'n ei wneud yn dda yn ein gwasanaeth iechyd. Mae Cymru'n buddsoddi 7 y cant yn fwy na Lloegr mewn iechyd a 37 y cant yn fwy mewn gofal cymdeithasol. Rwy'n gwybod bod gennym boblogaeth hŷn a salach, a bod ei angen, ond byddwn bob amser yn cefnogi'r GIG a gofal cymdeithasol. Gyda'i gilydd, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi darparu tua £1 biliwn ychwanegol yn 2024-25 a 2025-26, ac nid oes treth ar salwch yng Nghymru ychwaith. Mae presgripsiynau am ddim yng Nghymru a pharcio am ddim yn ein hysbytai. Yn Lloegr, mae ffioedd presgripsiwn wedi codi i £9.90 yr eitem. Mae mwy o weithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol yn gweithio yn y GIG yng Nghymru nag ar unrhyw adeg ers datganoli, yn cynnwys cynnydd o 16 y cant yn nifer y nyrsys a chynnydd o 26 y cant yn nifer y meddygon ymgynghorol, diolch yn rhannol i'r ffaith na wnaeth Cymru dorri eu bwrsariaeth GIG yn 2017 fel y gwnaeth Lloegr. Fe wnaethom barhau i'w ddarparu, ac rydym hefyd yn darparu bwrsariaeth gwaith cymdeithasol.
Rydym yn parhau i wynebu heriau yn ein GIG, ond mae hefyd yn bwysig cydnabod y cynnydd pwysig sy'n cael ei wneud a dathlu'r gwaith anhygoel y mae staff y GIG yn ei wneud o un diwrnod i'r llall, yn cyflawni ar gyfer pobl Cymru. Ac rwy'n ceisio ei gadw'n bositif, oherwydd rwyf am sicrhau bod pobl yn troi at y GIG ac yn cael apwyntiadau os oes ganddynt unrhyw bryderon am eu hiechyd, ac nad ydynt yn cael eu digalonni gan unrhyw sylwadau negyddol y maent yn eu clywed o hyd. Diolch.
Long waiting lists are not merely a symptom of a health service on its knees, they also reflect deep-rooted inequalities in the provision of healthcare, which are becoming increasingly stark. No-one seeking medical treatment should have to choose between having to wait for months or even years on end, often in pain and discomfort, to be seen in the NHS, or having to shell out extortionate sums of money to go private, but that's the appalling situation facing thousands of Welsh patients.
Over recent years, we have seen an alarming rise in the use of private healthcare in the nation where the NHS was born. According to latest figures, there were around 8,000 admissions to private hospitals in Wales during the first quarter of 2024 alone, up from 4,500 during the same period five years previously. Meanwhile, 58 per cent of Welsh people have either accessed private healthcare or know friends or family who have done so, which is higher than the UK average. And we should not be fooled into thinking that this is simply a matter of choice, when it comes to how you receive treatment. The fact that the predominant payment method for accessing private healthcare in Wales is self-pay—in other words, the use of savings or loans or credit, other than insurance schemes—underscores that these are decisions being made from a position of sheer desperation. Of course, for many individuals living with the reality of poverty and deprivation, even that option of taking a hit to your personal finances is beyond their reach.
Those of us who believe in safeguarding the future of the NHS and the future of the progressive principles on which it was founded should be very concerned about this. My mother, a miner's daughter, can remember Wales before the NHS. She remembers the days when her family had to decide what item on the prescription was most important and what would have to be done without. The ability to pay should never determine the treatment you get, and we must guard against this becoming culturally and politically acceptable, not only because it helps pave the way for the disastrous destination that is the US health system, where commercial interests always trump the best interests of patients, and care is denied to those who are most in need of it but can least afford it. But also because private healthcare—clinics, hospitals, general practices—is creating what has been called a vicious cycle of detriment, contributing to the recruitment and retention crisis in the NHS. So, without urgent action such as that set out in Plaid Cymru's plan, the emergence of a two-tier health system whereby wealth determines the quality and timeliness of care is inevitable.
There are also, of course, regional and gender-based dimensions to the relationship between long waits and health inequalities, as my colleague Mabon ap Gwynfor explained. Regional disparities in waiting lists have given rise to a de facto postcode lottery in the provision of care. And the fact that the waiting list for gynaecological treatment currently stands at over 52,000—the fifth highest for any specialism—underscores how women are particularly disadvantaged by the unresponsiveness of the system, and women, of course, are the poorest people in our societies, as are people from black and ethnic minority backgrounds.
What we see here is the erosion of the socialist universalism that was the foundation of Bevan's vision for the NHS—the principle that everyone, no matter their means or background, is entitled to equal access to healthcare. The Welsh Labour amendment basically tries to assert that they're doing everything already, and we heard the First Minister yesterday, and the health Secretary today, quite scornfully respond to Plaid Cymru's suggestions to improve waiting times by saying that they're already doing them all. Well, then, why are independent experts who helped to develop this plan saying that things need to change and that the steps that Plaid Cymru have laid out would help?
Labour likes to pride itself on being the party of the NHS, but the corrosive influence of long waiting lists in widening and exacerbating social inequalities, and the buoying of the private sector and all the risks that that brings, demonstrates that it is endangering our precious health services and, most importantly, the socialist principles that it embodies.
Mae rhestrau aros hir yn fwy na dim ond symptom o wasanaeth iechyd ar ei liniau, maent hefyd yn adlewyrchu anghydraddoldebau dwfn wrth ddarparu gofal iechyd, anghydraddoldebau sy'n dod yn fwyfwy amlwg. Ni ddylai unrhyw un sy'n ceisio triniaeth feddygol orfod dewis rhwng gorfod aros am fisoedd neu hyd yn oed flynyddoedd, yn aml mewn poen ac anghysur, i gael eu gweld yn y GIG, neu orfod talu symiau afresymol o arian i fynd yn breifat, ond dyna'r sefyllfa warthus sy'n wynebu miloedd o gleifion yng Nghymru.
Dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf, rydym wedi gweld cynnydd brawychus yn y defnydd o ofal iechyd preifat yn y wlad lle ganed y GIG. Yn ôl y ffigurau diweddaraf, roedd tua 8,000 o dderbyniadau i ysbytai preifat yng Nghymru yn ystod chwarter cyntaf 2024 yn unig, i fyny o 4,500 dros yr un cyfnod bum mlynedd cyn hynny. Yn y cyfamser, mae 58 y cant o bobl Cymru naill ai wedi cael gofal iechyd preifat neu'n adnabod ffrindiau neu deulu sydd wedi ei gael, sy'n uwch na chyfartaledd y DU. Ac ni ddylem gael ein twyllo i feddwl mai mater o ddewis yn unig yw'r ffordd rydych chi'n derbyn triniaeth. Mae'r ffaith mai'r prif ddull talu am ofal iechyd preifat yng Nghymru yw hunandalu—hynny yw, y defnydd o gynilion neu fenthyciadau neu gredyd, yn hytrach na chynlluniau yswiriant—yn tanlinellu bod y rhain yn benderfyniadau sy'n cael eu gwneud mewn sefyllfa o anobaith llwyr. Wrth gwrs, i lawer o unigolion sy'n byw gyda realiti tlodi ac amddifadedd, mae hyd yn oed yr opsiwn o ddioddef ergyd i'ch cyllid personol y tu hwnt i'w cyrraedd.
Dylai'r rhai ohonom sy'n credu mewn diogelu dyfodol y GIG a dyfodol yr egwyddorion blaengar y cafodd ei sefydlu arnynt fod yn bryderus iawn ynglŷn â hyn. Mae fy mam, merch i löwr, yn gallu cofio Cymru cyn y GIG. Mae'n cofio'r dyddiau pan fu'n rhaid i'w theulu benderfynu pa eitem ar y presgripsiwn oedd bwysicaf a beth y byddai'n rhaid gwneud hebddo. Ni ddylai'r gallu i dalu bennu pa driniaeth a gewch, a rhaid inni warchod rhag i hyn ddod yn dderbyniol yn ddiwylliannol ac yn wleidyddol, nid yn unig oherwydd ei fod yn helpu i baratoi'r ffordd ar gyfer pen draw trychinebus y daith, sef system iechyd fel un yr Unol Daleithiau, lle mae buddiannau masnachol bob amser yn drech na budd gorau cleifion, a lle gwrthodir gofal i'r rhai sydd fwyaf ei angen ond sydd leiaf abl i'w fforddio, ond hefyd oherwydd bod gofal iechyd preifat—clinigau, ysbytai, practisau—yn creu'r hyn sydd wedi'i alw'n gylch dieflig o niwed, gan gyfrannu at yr argyfwng recriwtio a chadw yn y GIG. Felly, heb weithredu ar frys fel yr hyn a nodir yng nghynllun Plaid Cymru, mae ymddangosiad system iechyd dwy haen lle mae cyfoeth yn pennu ansawdd ac amseroldeb gofal yn anochel.
Wrth gwrs, fe geir dimensiynau rhanbarthol a seiliedig ar rywedd i'r berthynas rhwng amseroedd aros hir ac anghydraddoldebau iechyd, fel yr eglurodd fy nghyd-Aelod Mabon ap Gwynfor. Mae gwahaniaethau rhanbarthol mewn rhestrau aros wedi arwain at loteri cod post de facto wrth ddarparu gofal. Ac mae'r ffaith bod y rhestr aros am driniaeth gynaecolegol ar hyn o bryd dros 52,000—y pumed uchaf ar gyfer unrhyw arbenigedd—yn tanlinellu sut y mae menywod dan anfantais arbennig oherwydd anymatebolrwydd y system, a menywod, wrth gwrs, yw'r bobl dlotaf yn ein cymdeithasau, fel pobl o gefndiroedd du a lleiafrifol ethnig.
Yr hyn a welwn yma yw erydiad y gyffredinoliaeth sosialaidd a oedd yn sylfaen i weledigaeth Bevan ar gyfer y GIG—yr egwyddor fod gan bawb, beth bynnag y bo'u modd neu eu cefndir, hawl i gael mynediad cyfartal at ofal iechyd. Yn y bôn, mae gwelliant Llafur Cymru yn ceisio honni eu bod yn gwneud popeth yn barod, a chlywsom y Prif Weinidog ddoe, a'r Ysgrifennydd iechyd heddiw, yn ymateb yn hollol ddirmygus i awgrymiadau Plaid Cymru ar gyfer gwella amseroedd aros drwy ddweud eu bod eisoes yn eu gwneud i gyd. Pam felly fod arbenigwyr annibynnol a helpodd i ddatblygu'r cynllun yn dweud bod angen i bethau newid ac y byddai'r camau y mae Plaid Cymru wedi'u nodi yn helpu?
Mae Llafur yn hoffi ymfalchïo mai hi yw plaid y GIG, ond mae dylanwad cyrydol rhestrau aros hir sy'n cynyddu ac anghydraddoldebau cymdeithasol sy'n gwaethygu, a'r hwb i'r sector preifat a'r holl risgiau a ddaw yn sgil hynny, yn dangos ei bod yn peryglu ein gwasanaethau iechyd gwerthfawr ac yn bwysicaf oll, yr egwyddorion sosialaidd y mae'r GIG yn eu hymgorffori.
It's a pleasure to be speaking in this debate this afternoon, and I thank Plaid Cymru for tabling it, although it brings me no pleasure that the Welsh Government is still grappling with the spiralling waiting times in Wales, with no indication that they have a grip on this situation. I'm pleased that the Member for Llanelli sees it as a laughing matter, but many people in Wales don't, and I'm sure that your constituents don't, either.
It was raised earlier with the Cabinet Secretary for health that there is still an ongoing situation with the lack of synchronisation between health boards and local authorities. Members from all parties have been raising this issue for a considerable amount of time, yet the NHS Confederation estimates that approximately 15 per cent of Welsh NHS beds are occupied by people who should no longer be there. A 2022 NHS Confederation survey also highlighted that over 80 per cent of healthcare leaders agreed that a lack of social care capacity has a very significant impact in driving urgent care demand. You've had long enough to deal with this problem, yet we've seen no results.
Getting a patient out of the NHS into the social care system will no doubt put pressure on this, on the patient pathway. So, two-year waits have increased to over 24,000 compared with fewer than 150 in England. The First Minister has pledged year after year to eliminate these waits, but they continue to balloon. And I've said before that no other developed nation on the earth would put up with this service and the level of incompetence and complacency shown by those responsible in Government. When the Senedd election comes around in 2026, next year, the people will have their say on the Labour Party's record on health, and I don't think that that verdict will be very kind to Welsh Labour. The Welsh Conservatives have been calling on the Welsh Government to adopt technology that will fix many of the backlog issues blighting the service and bring efficiency. We're not calling for anything extravagant, yet the Welsh Government have refused to keep up with the English NHS trusts on the adoption of technology. If you want to earn the trust of the Welsh people back, we need tangible commitments from the Welsh Government, but I suspect that they will not be forthcoming.
So, to summarise, are the Welsh Government finally going to provide something tangible? Will they finally agree to expand the number of surgical hubs and diagnostic centres, which the Welsh Conservatives have been calling for for years? And are you going to increase the number of available beds in the Welsh NHS by finally fixing the social care backlog, which has been holding the system back for nearly three decades and crippling our local health services in all of our constituencies and regions? Thank you very much.
Mae'n bleser cael siarad yn y ddadl hon y prynhawn yma, a diolch i Blaid Cymru am ei chyflwyno, er nad yw'n rhoi unrhyw bleser i mi fod Llywodraeth Cymru yn dal i ymrafael â'r amseroedd aros cynyddol yng Nghymru, heb unrhyw arwydd fod ganddynt reolaeth ar y sefyllfa. Rwy'n falch fod yr Aelod dros Lanelli yn ei ystyried yn destun chwerthin, ond nid oes llawer o bobl yng Nghymru yn ei ystyried felly, ac rwy'n siŵr nad yw eich etholwyr chi ychwaith.
Yn gynharach, dywedwyd wrth Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros iechyd fod yna ddiffyg syncroneiddio parhaus rhwng byrddau iechyd ac awdurdodau lleol. Mae aelodau o bob plaid wedi bod yn codi'r mater hwn ers cryn dipyn o amser, ac eto mae Cydffederasiwn y GIG yn amcangyfrif bod tua 15 y cant o welyau GIG Cymru mewn defnydd gan bobl na ddylent fod yno mwyach. Amlygodd arolwg Cydffederasiwn y GIG yn 2022 hefyd fod dros 80 y cant o arweinwyr gofal iechyd yn cytuno bod diffyg capasiti gofal cymdeithasol yn cael effaith sylweddol iawn ar gynyddu'r galw am ofal brys. Rydych chi wedi cael digon o amser i ymdrin â'r broblem hon, ond eto nid ydym wedi gweld unrhyw ganlyniadau.
Heb os, bydd cael claf allan o'r GIG ac i mewn i'r system gofal cymdeithasol yn rhoi pwysau ar lwybr y claf. Felly, mae amseroedd aros o ddwy flynedd wedi cynyddu i dros 24,000 o'i gymharu â llai na 150 yn Lloegr. Mae'r Prif Weinidog wedi addo flwyddyn ar ôl blwyddyn y caiff yr amseroedd aros hyn eu dileu, ond maent yn parhau i chwyddo. Ac rwyf wedi dweud o'r blaen na fyddai unrhyw wlad ddatblygedig arall ar y ddaear yn goddef y gwasanaeth hwn a lefel yr anghymhwysedd a'r hunanfodlonrwydd a ddangosir gan y rhai sy'n gyfrifol yn y Llywodraeth. Pan ddaw etholiad y Senedd yn 2026, y flwyddyn nesaf, bydd y bobl yn cael dweud eu barn ar gyflawniad y Blaid Lafur ar iechyd, ac nid wyf yn credu y bydd y farn honno'n garedig iawn i Lafur Cymru. Mae'r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig wedi bod yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i fabwysiadu technoleg a fydd yn datrys nifer o'r problemau ôl-groniad sy'n difetha'r gwasanaeth, ac yn sicrhau effeithlonrwydd. Nid ydym yn galw am unrhyw beth anghyffredin, ac eto mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi gwrthod dilyn ôl troed ymddiriedolaethau GIG Lloegr a mabwysiadu technoleg. Os ydych chi am adfer hyder pobl Cymru, mae angen ymrwymiadau pendant arnom gan Lywodraeth Cymru, ond rwy'n amau na fyddant yn dod.
Felly, i grynhoi, a yw Llywodraeth Cymru yn mynd i ddarparu rhywbeth diriaethol o'r diwedd? A fyddant yn cytuno o'r diwedd i ehangu nifer yr hybiau llawfeddygol a chanolfannau diagnostig y bu'r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig yn galw amdanynt ers blynyddoedd? Ac a ydych chi'n mynd i gynyddu nifer y gwelyau sydd ar gael yn GIG Cymru drwy ddatrys yr ôl-groniad gofal cymdeithasol o'r diwedd, ôl-groniad sydd wedi bod yn dal y system yn ôl ers bron i dri degawd ac sydd wedi llyffetheirio ein gwasanaethau iechyd lleol ym mhob un o'n hetholaethau a'n rhanbarthau? Diolch.
Dwi eisiau mynd ar ôl dau faes penodol, un ohonyn nhw, efallai, yn sicr, sydd ddim yn cael y sylw mae'n ei haeddu, a hynny'n benodol yw rhestrau aros ym maes asesu am gyflyrau niwroddatblygol. Nawr, mae'r sefyllfa yn y gogledd, yn fy rhanbarth i, yn frawychus, a dweud y gwir. Ces i ddata gan fwrdd iechyd Betsi Cadwaladr cyn y Nadolig o dan y Ddeddf rhyddid gwybodaeth, ac mi oedd hwnnw'n tanlinellu pa mor argyfyngus yw'r gwasanaeth. Mae yna genhedlaeth gyfan o blant a phobl ifanc gyda chyflyrau megis ADHD ac awtistiaeth yn cael eu gadael i lawr gan fethiannau'r gwasanaeth yma.
Nawr, mae plant yn treulio cyfran fawr o'u haddysg—rhai o'r plant yma—yn aros ar restr hirfaith am asesiad. Mae dros 62 y cant o'r rhai sy'n aros wedi aros dros flwyddyn, ond roedd rhyw 50 y cant o blant y llynedd wedi bod yn aros dros bedair blynedd i gael eu hasesu, ac un plentyn yn benodol wedi bod yn aros dros bum mlynedd a hanner am asesiad. Nawr, mae hynny' yrfa ysgol uwchradd gyfan yn aros am asesiad. Sut all y Llywodraeth yma gyfiawnhau gadael cenhedlaeth gyfan o'r plant mwyaf bregus sydd gennym ni i lawr trwy eu gadael nhw ar restrau aros diddiwedd fel hyn?
Nawr, rŷn ni'n gwybod wedyn, wrth gwrs, am y ddarpariaeth iechyd deintyddol yng Nghymru, sydd yn ddiarhebol o wael pan mae'n dod i argaeledd gwasanaeth. Mae yna lai a llai o'n poblogaeth ni yn derbyn triniaeth ddeintyddol o dan y gwasanaeth iechyd cenedlaethol. Dim ond 40 y cant o’r boblogaeth oedd wedi medru cael mynediad at driniaeth yn y 24 mis hyd at Fehefin diwethaf, ac mae’n rhaid i fi ddweud, mae'r Llywodraeth yn twyllo'u hunain wrth beidio â chydnabod realiti’r sefyllfa. Mi oedd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros y gogledd yn y Siambr yma ychydig wythnosau nôl yn dweud wrthyf i fod yna 11 practis ym mwrdeistref Wrecsam sy'n derbyn cleifion ar y gwasanaeth iechyd â breichiau agored. Wel, mi wnaethoch chi hefyd, Ysgrifennydd Cabinet dros iechyd, ddweud mewn gohebiaeth i fi fod dros 77,000 o gleifion deintyddol newydd wedi derbyn triniaeth ar y gwasanaeth iechyd. Dwi wedi cysylltu gyda'r practisys yn y gogledd, ac o'r 55 deintyddfa dwi wedi siarad gyda nhw sydd yn cynnig triniaeth ar y gwasanaeth iechyd, dim ond tri sy'n derbyn cleifion newydd ar yr NHS. Mae un ohonyn nhw'n dweud bod rhaid i chi aros tair blynedd, mae un arall yn dweud bod rhaid i chi aros dwy flynedd, ac mae'r trydydd yn mynd o fis i fis, yn cynnig hyn a hyn o apwyntiadau, ac unwaith maen nhw wedi mynd, dyna ni: 'Sori, mae'n rhaid ichi ddod nôl mewn mis.' Rŷch chi'n ysgwyd eich pen; os ŷch chi ddim yn fy nghredu i, wel, gwrandewch ar y BDA, Cymdeithas Ddeintyddol Prydain, sydd wedi cyhuddo Llywodraeth Cymru o 'cooking the books' pan mae'n dod i niferoedd cleifion.
Felly, dwi jest eisiau tynnu sylw at y ddwy elfen yna. Dwi ddim yn gwybod sut mae hynny'n gydnaws ag amcanion Llywodraeth Cymru o ran adeiladu cenedl iach. Dwi ddim yn gwybod sut mae gadael pobol ifanc a phlant, yn enwedig, yn aros cyhyd yn eistedd gyda’r agenda ataliol, oherwydd rŷn ni'n gwybod gyda'r agenda ataliol ei bod yn llawer pwysicach, ac yn llawer mwy effeithiol ar ddechrau bywyd. A thra bod sylw teilwng, wrth gwrs, yn cael ei roi i restrau aros cyffredinol o fewn y gwasanaeth iechyd a'r targedau rŷn ni'n clywed amdanyn nhw yn gyson ar y cyfryngau, cadwch mewn cof bod cyflyrau niwroddatblygol a sefyllfa deintyddiaeth hefyd yn echrydus. Mae pobl wedi blino aros am driniaeth, maen nhw wedi blino aros i weld doctoriaid, maen nhw wedi blino aros i weld deintydd, wedi blino aros am ddiagnosis. Wel, ydych chi'n gwybod beth? Maen nhw wedi blino aros hefyd, dwi'n meddwl, am newid Llywodraeth a newid cyfeiriad ar y gwasanaeth iechyd, a gobeithio y bydd yna gyfle inni wneud hynny mewn 18 mis.
I want to pursue two particular issues, one of which certainly isn't given the attention it deserves, and that is waiting lists in terms of neurodevelopmental issues. Now, the situation in north Wales, in my region, is frightening, if I'm honest. I received data from the Betsi Cadwaladr health board before Christmas under the freedom of information legislation, and that highlighted how critical the service is. There is a whole generation of children and young people with conditions such as ADHD and autism being let down by the failings of this service.
Now, some of these children spend a lot of their time waiting on lengthy lists for an assessment. Over 62 per cent of those waiting have waited over a year, but there were 50 children last year who had been waiting over four years for an assessment, and one child specifically had been waiting over five and a half years for an assessment. Now, that is a whole high school career simply waiting for an assessment. How can this Government justify letting a whole generation of our most vulnerable children down by leaving them on endless waiting lists such as these?
Now we know, then, of course, about the dental health provision in Wales, which is well known to be terrible when it comes to service availability. Fewer and fewer of our people are receiving NHS treatment. Only 40 per cent of the population have been able to access treatment in the 24 months up to last June, and I have to say that the Government is actually lying to itself by not understanding the reality of the situation. The Cabinet Secretary for north Wales in this Chamber just a few weeks ago said that there were 11 practices in the Wrexham borough taking on NHS patients with open arms. Well, you also said, Cabinet Secretary for health, in correspondence to me, that over 77,000 new dental patients received treatment under the health service. I've been in touch with the practices in north Wales, and of the 55 dental surgeries that I've spoken to that do provide services on the NHS, only three are taking new patients on the NHS. One of them says you'd have to wait three years, another said you'd have to wait two years, and the third goes from month to month, offering so many appointments, and once they're gone, they're gone: 'Sorry, you'll have to come back in a month's time.' You're shaking your head; if you don't believe me, then listen to the BDA, the British Dental Association, who have accused the Welsh Government of 'cooking the books' when it comes to patient numbers.
So, I just want to highlight those two specific elements. I don't know how that is in keeping with the Welsh Government's objectives of creating a healthy nation. I don't know how leaving children and young people, particularly, waiting for so long sits with the preventative agenda, because we know with the preventative agenda that it's far more important, far more efficient at the beginning of young lives. And whilst attention is given quite properly to waiting lists in the health service more generally in the media, do bear in mind that developmental conditions and the situation of dentistry are also appalling. People are tired of waiting for treatment, they're tired of waiting to see doctors, they're tired of waiting to see a dentist, they're tired of waiting for diagnosis. Well, do you know what? They're also tired, I believe, of waiting for a change of Government and a change of direction on the NHS, and I hope we'll have an opportunity to do that in 18 months' time.
Chronic underfunding by successive Conservative Westminster Governments has been catastrophic for our NHS in Wales. Our workforce has felt stretched, undervalued and undersupported. Some patients have been left waiting far too long for treatment, which just isn't good enough. This has only been made worse by rising demand year after year. In a country of 3 million people, NHS services in Wales handle 2.2 million face-to-face contacts every month. That's a huge number, and it shows just how vital these services are to everyone in our communities. Despite these challenges, we've seen real investment and innovation in our NHS to reduce waiting times and improve care. In Cwm Taf, we've got projects we can be really proud of. Y Bwthyn is a specialist palliative care centre with a team that includes doctors, nurses, physios, dieticians, speech therapists and more. The care they provide there is second to none; I know this personally because they made sure my own mother was as comfortable as possible in her final days.
There's also the Snowdrop Breast Centre, a facility dedicated to breast cancer care, offering everything from diagnosis to follow-up appointments under one roof. This joined-up care means patients are seen far sooner, and their treatment plans can be more effectively managed. We've also had the lung health check pilot in Ysbyty Cwm Rhondda, where over 500 residents were invited for CT scans. The pilot saved lives by catching lung cancer earlier, at stages 1 and 2. The data from this is now helping to shape a nationwide roll-out.
More recently, we've seen a diagnostic and treatment hub at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital. The temporary MRI facility there has cut waiting times by 50 per cent—a huge achievement, especially in these tough financial times.
And finally, we have the brand-new community care team, hospital at home, where 80 carers are supporting patients at home across the health board area, cutting the time spent at hospital. There are thousands of people working tirelessly every day to cut waiting times and provide care for residents across Wales. I have to give a special thanks to pharmacists like Dai at Central Pharmacy and Gareth at Tynewydd Pharmacy for taking pressure away from GPs through the common ailments services.
Over the past few months, I've been speaking directly with NHS workers in Rhondda. I'm grateful for their feedback, and it's clear there's still work to do. Twenty-four years of underfunding can't be fixed overnight, but, with the recent pay rise, hundreds of millions announced to tackle long waits and the ambitious women's health plan, there's real reason to be optimistic about our NHS in Wales, an NHS where workers' voices are heard, respected and actioned. Diolch, Llywydd.
Mae tanariannu cronig gan Lywodraethau Ceidwadol olynol San Steffan wedi bod yn drychinebus i'n GIG yng Nghymru. Mae ein gweithlu wedi teimlo dan bwysau, ac nad ydynt yn cael eu gwerthfawrogi na'u cefnogi'n ddigonol. Mae rhai cleifion wedi cael eu gadael i aros yn rhy hir o lawer am driniaeth, ac nid yw hynny'n ddigon da. Mae hyn wedi ei waethygu gan alw cynyddol flwyddyn ar ôl blwyddyn. Mewn gwlad o 3 miliwn o bobl, mae gwasanaethau'r GIG yng Nghymru yn trin 2.2 miliwn o gysylltiadau wyneb yn wyneb bob mis. Mae'n nifer enfawr, ac mae'n dangos pa mor hanfodol yw'r gwasanaethau hyn i bawb yn ein cymunedau. Er gwaethaf yr heriau hyn, rydym wedi gweld buddsoddiad ac arloesedd gwirioneddol yn ein GIG i leihau amseroedd aros a gwella gofal. Yng Nghwm Taf, mae gennym brosiectau y gallwn fod yn falch iawn ohonynt. Mae'r Bwthyn yn ganolfan gofal lliniarol arbenigol a chanddi dîm sy'n cynnwys meddygon, nyrsys, ffisiotherapyddion, deietegwyr, therapyddion lleferydd a mwy. Maent yn darparu gofal heb ei ail yno; rwy'n gwybod hyn yn bersonol oherwydd fe wnaethant yn siŵr fod fy mam mor gyfforddus â phosibl yn ei dyddiau olaf.
Hefyd, mae Canolfan y Fron Snowdrop yn gyfleuster sy'n ymroddedig i ofal canser y fron, ac mae'n cynnig popeth o ddiagnosis i apwyntiadau dilynol o dan yr un to. Mae'r gofal cydgysylltiedig hwn yn golygu bod cleifion yn cael eu gweld yn llawer cynt, a gellir rheoli eu cynlluniau triniaeth yn fwy effeithiol. Rydym hefyd wedi cael cynllun peilot archwiliadau iechyd yr ysgyfaint yn Ysbyty Cwm Rhondda, lle gwahoddwyd dros 500 o drigolion am sganiau CT. Fe achubwyd bywydau gan y cynllun peilot drwy ddal canser yr ysgyfaint yn gynharach, yng ngham 1 a cham 2. Mae'r data ohono bellach yn helpu i lunio proses ar gyfer ei gyflwyno ledled y wlad.
Yn fwy diweddar, rydym wedi gweld canolfan ddiagnostig a thriniaeth yn Ysbyty Brenhinol Morgannwg. Mae'r cyfleuster MRI dros dro yno wedi torri amseroedd aros 50 y cant—cyflawniad enfawr, yn enwedig yn y cyfnod ariannol anodd hwn.
Ac yn olaf, mae gennym y tîm gofal cymunedol newydd sbon, ysbyty yn y cartref, lle mae 80 o ofalwyr yn cefnogi cleifion gartref ar draws ardal y bwrdd iechyd, gan dorri'r amser a dreulir yn yr ysbyty. Mae miloedd o bobl yn gweithio'n ddiflino bob dydd i leihau amseroedd aros a darparu gofal i drigolion ledled Cymru. Rhaid imi ddiolch yn arbennig i fferyllwyr fel Dai yn y Fferyllfa Ganolog a Gareth yn Fferyllfa Tynewydd am leihau'r pwysau ar feddygon teulu drwy'r gwasanaethau anhwylderau cyffredin.
Dros y misoedd diwethaf, bûm yn siarad yn uniongyrchol â gweithwyr y GIG yn y Rhondda. Rwy'n ddiolchgar am eu hadborth, ac mae'n amlwg fod gwaith i'w wneud o hyd. Ni ellir unioni 24 mlynedd o danariannu dros nos, ond gyda'r codiad cyflog diweddar, cannoedd o filiynau i fynd i'r afael ag amseroedd aros hir a'r cynllun iechyd uchelgeisiol ar gyfer menywod, mae gwir reswm dros fod yn optimistaidd am ein GIG yng Nghymru, GIG lle caiff lleisiau gweithwyr eu clywed a'u parchu. Diolch, Lywydd.
Heb os—mae Buffy Williams a finnau’n cynrychioli’r un rhanbarth—mae yna waith arloesol yn digwydd, mae yna waith anhygoel, ond yn sicr mae yna effaith wirioneddol, a fedrwn ni ddim anwybyddu y gwaith achos dŷn ni’n ei dderbyn chwaith. Ac yng nghanol yr ystadegau brawychus am ein rhestrau aros ni, mae’n bwysig nad ydym ni’n anghofio gwir effaith yr hyn rydym ni’n ei drafod ar y rhai rydym ni’n eu cynrychioli. Mae Llafur wedi bod yn gyfrifol am y gwasanaeth iechyd am 25 mlynedd. Fedrwn ni ddim trio beio hyn i gyd ar y Torïaid. Mae yna bethau sylfaenol fan hyn; dydy o ddim jest am gyllid, mae o ynglŷn â sut mae’r gwasanaeth yn cael ei redeg.
Dwi’n siŵr bod pob un ohonom ni’n derbyn bob dydd negeseuon gan bobl sy’n rhannu eu profiadau fel cleifion, ond hefyd fel perthnasau i gleifion, y rhai sy’n aros am driniaeth, neu efallai ei fod yn rhy hwyr i’r person yna, oherwydd eu bod nhw heb gael y driniaeth honno. Mae cost yr oedi ar y rhestrau aros hyn yn bellgyrhaeddol. Yn y pythefnos diwethaf dwi wedi clywed am ddynes 50 oed sydd yn athrawes ysgol uwchradd, yn aros am driniaeth am ddau gataract, yr optegydd yn dweud bod angen hyn ar frys neu bydd ei llygaid yn dirywio cymaint fydd hi ddim yn gallu gyrru i’r gwaith. Mae hi wedi bod ar restr aros am bum mis ar ôl y diagnosis yma, a dim newyddion ynglŷn â phryd bydd y driniaeth. Oherwydd hyn mi allai ei dosbarthiadau hi o ddisgyblion golli athro cyn eu harholiadau TGAU a lefel A, gan effeithio yn negyddol ar eu canlyniadau nhw, o bosib.
Fe gysylltodd dyn ifanc 30 gyda mi a dweud:
Buffy Williams and I represent the same region—there's innovative work, excellent work being done there, but certainly there is a genuine impact being felt, and we can't ignore the case work that we receive either. And as part of the frightening statistics about our waiting lists, it's important that we don't forget the true impact of what we are discussing on those we represent. Labour has been responsible for the health service for 25 years now. We can't blame all of this on the Tories. There are fundamental issues at stake here; it's not just about funding, it's about how the service is being run.
I'm sure that all of us receive every day messages from people who share their experiences as patients, but also as relatives of patients, those who are waiting for treatment, or perhaps it's too late for the person in question because they haven't received the treatment they needed. The cost of these waits is far-reaching. In the past fortnight, I've heard about a 50-year-old woman who is a secondary school teacher waiting for treatment for two cataracts; the optician said that this was needed as a matter of urgency, or her eyesight would decline so much she wouldn't be able to drive to work. She's been on a waiting list for five months after this diagnosis, and no news as to when the treatment will be provided. Because of this, her classes of pupils could lose their teacher before their GCSE and A-level exams, potentially having a negative impact on their outcomes.
A young man contacted me, 30 years of age, he said:
'I'd like to raise an issue with you as my representative. I was referred for an adult ADHD diagnosis three years ago, and I only received confirmation of being on the waiting list last year. So, I have no idea how long I'll be waiting for. This is getting to be an intolerable situation, where I feel helpless to get the help that I need. I appreciate the immense pressure the NHS is under, but I can't afford to both pay for a diagnosis and then pay through the nose each month for private prescriptions.'
Another constituent told me about their child, a 12-year-old, who suffers with scoliosis of the spine and was told by a physiotherapist in November 2024 that, due to the level of pain and growth they were experiencing, they needed an urgent appointment with a consultant. An appointment was scheduled for January 2025. This has now been cancelled and a new date offered in April 2025. Five months of being in pain as a 12-year-old, an intolerable situation for a child trying to go to school every day.
So, the actual cost of having so many people on waiting lists for treatment, people who are not able to live their lives as normal due to waiting for treatment and surgeries is almost impossible to quantify. Where do you draw the line? The lost hours of work for the employer, the increased costs for families of a temporary disability like needing equipment, special food, extra heating in the home, childcare, transport when they can no longer drive, the loss of wages, sometimes loss of a job, throwing dependents into poverty as well as themselves, the loss of leisure opportunities for themselves and their children, loss of after-school clubs for the children due to transport or poverty, loss of the chance for their child to attend the residential school trip, loss of self-esteem due to all of the above, loss of mental health due to the inability to plan for better times, loss of confidence in their skills as they slowly deteriorate, not able to do what they should be able to do and not knowing when that support, or diagnosis, or treatment may come.
In terms of the NHS, I worry when I hear '2.2 million contacts.' There are so many contacts. Is that a good thing? Because, actually, is that not signifying that there's a real issue, that people on those waiting lists are actually having to make more frequent contacts as they deteriorate, that they are getting in touch—an increase in patients making contact— because they want to know when that appointment is taking place? And unfortunately, there are instances—I'm sure we've all received them in terms of casework—of people even dying before that operation or diagnosis.
So, of course, we must pay tribute to the staff who are working tirelessly each day. There are some fantastic things happening and that should be celebrated, but that does not take away from what they're telling us needs to happen to ensure that people are well and healthy and that waiting lists don't mean that they can't get on with our lives; it impacts our economy, it impacts every element. So, I hope to hear from Welsh Government not finger-pointing, but, actually, progress on these very crucial things, and an acknowledgement that there have been failures that need to be addressed.
'Hoffwn godi mater gyda chi fel fy nghynrychiolydd. Cefais fy nghyfeirio am ddiagnosis ADHD oedolion dair blynedd yn ôl, a dim ond y llynedd y cefais gadarnhad fy mod ar y rhestr aros. Felly, nid wyf yn gwybod pa mor hir y byddaf yn aros. Mae hon yn sefyllfa annioddefol, lle rwy'n teimlo na allaf gael yr help sydd ei angen arnaf. Rwy'n sylweddoli bod pwysau aruthrol ar y GIG, ond ni allaf fforddio talu am ddiagnosis a thalu drwy fy nhrwyn bob mis am bresgripsiynau preifat.'
Dywedodd etholwr arall wrthyf am eu plentyn 12 oed sy'n dioddef o sgoliosis yr asgwrn cefn, ac oherwydd lefel y boen a'r twf, dywedwyd wrthynt gan ffisiotherapydd ym mis Tachwedd 2024 fod angen apwyntiad brys gyda meddyg ymgynghorol. Trefnwyd apwyntiad ar gyfer Ionawr 2025. Mae hwn bellach wedi'i ganslo a chynigiwyd dyddiad newydd ym mis Ebrill 2025. Pum mis o fod mewn poen i blentyn 12 oed, sefyllfa annioddefol i blentyn sy'n ceisio mynd i'r ysgol bob dydd.
Felly, mae hi bron yn amhosibl mesur y gost wirioneddol o gael cymaint o bobl ar restrau aros am driniaeth, pobl nad ydynt yn gallu byw eu bywydau normal am eu bod yn aros am driniaeth a llawdriniaethau. Lle mae tynnu'r llinell? Yr oriau gwaith coll i'r cyflogwr, y costau cynyddol i deuluoedd yn sgil anabledd dros dro fel bod angen offer, bwyd arbennig, gwresogi ychwanegol yn y cartref, gofal plant, cludiant pan na allant yrru mwyach, colli cyflog, colli swydd weithiau, a gwthio dibynyddion i dlodi yn ogystal â hwy eu hunain, colli cyfleoedd hamdden iddynt eu hunain a'u plant, colli clybiau ar ôl ysgol i'r plant oherwydd problemau cludiant neu dlodi, colli cyfle i'w plentyn fynychu tripiau preswyl gyda'r ysgol, colli hunan-barch oherwydd yr uchod, colli iechyd meddwl oherwydd yr anallu i gynllunio ar gyfer amseroedd gwell, colli hyder yn eu sgiliau wrth iddynt ddirywio'n araf, methu gwneud yr hyn y dylent allu ei wneud, heb wybod pryd y bydd cymorth, neu ddiagnosis neu driniaeth yn dod.
O ran y GIG, rwy'n poeni pan glywaf '2.2 miliwn o gysylltiadau.' Mae cymaint o gysylltiadau. A yw hynny'n beth da? Oherwydd, mewn gwirionedd, onid yw hynny'n golygu bod yna broblem go iawn, fod pobl ar y rhestrau aros yn gorfod cael cysylltiadau'n amlach wrth iddynt ddirywio, eu bod yn cysylltu—cynnydd yn nifer y cleifion sy'n cysylltu—am eu bod eisiau gwybod pryd y mae'r apwyntiad yn digwydd? Ac yn anffodus, mae yna achosion—rwy'n siŵr ein bod i gyd wedi eu gweld yn ein gwaith achos—lle mae pobl yn marw, hyd yn oed, cyn y llawdriniaeth neu ddiagnosis.
Felly, rhaid inni dalu teyrnged i'r staff sy'n gweithio'n ddiflino bob dydd. Mae pethau gwych yn digwydd a dylid dathlu hynny, ond nid yw'n tynnu oddi wrth yr hyn y maent yn dweud wrthym fod angen iddo ddigwydd er mwyn sicrhau bod pobl yn ffit ac yn iach ac nad yw rhestrau aros yn golygu na allant fwrw ymlaen â'n bywydau; mae'n effeithio ar ein heconomi, mae'n effeithio ar bob elfen. Felly, yn hytrach na phwyntio bysedd, rwy'n gobeithio clywed gan Lywodraeth Cymru am gynnydd ar y pethau hollbwysig hyn, a chydnabyddiaeth fod methiannau wedi digwydd a bod angen mynd i'r afael â hwy.
It probably won't be a surprise that I want to speak to point 3(e) of our amendment today, which calls on the Welsh Government to provide Powys Teaching Health Board with additional finance to support their situation, so that they will not move forward with their proposal to ask providers across the border to increase waiting times.
I thought there should be some context to this as well, for those who don't know. But, for my constituents in Powys and for James Evans's constituents, most of our constituents go across the border for their care, to be treated in NHS hospitals in England. Of course, Powys health board have a proposal to ask English providers to delay treatment because they can't afford to pay; they, effectively, want to push that payment into the next financial year. Currently, the health board have deferred that decision for a further health board meeting, which is at a date unknown, but it's a huge cause of concern for Powys patients. And the position is this. The position is that, in Shrewsbury or Telford hospital, a Welsh patient could be sat talking to a consultant and the consultant tells them, 'We've got capacity to see you. We would see you if you were an English patient, but we're not able to because Powys are not able to pay for your treatment.' And that position, I think, is a ridiculous position to be in. And, of course, one of the First Minister's top priorities is to reduce NHS waiting times. So, it wasn't really a surprise to me when I outlined the situation to the First Minister yesterday—I was pleased with the First Minister's response—that the First Minister said that what I outlined was not acceptable. Of course, it can't be the case, because it doesn't align with the First Minister's priorities.
But there's a wider issue here as well. Of course, the Cabinet Secretary will say, and the Welsh Government will say, that health boards have to operate within their budgets—I understand—but, of course, Powys health board is in level 4 escalation for finance and planning. So, I would expect the Cabinet Secretary and Welsh Government officials to be working alongside officials at Powys health board to ensure that we don't get into this position in the first place.
There's also another wider issue here, and I would ask, perhaps, the Cabinet Secretary to comment on this in his remarks in this debate: to what extent is what is happening in Powys happening in other health boards across Wales as well, where there is capacity, capacity exists within those health boards to treat people, but treatment is being delayed for financial reasons? I'm pleased that the health Secretary is nodding, saying he doesn't think it is happening, but, of course, in Powys, we know it's happening, because that decision has to be made at a public board meeting. Other health boards don't have to do that. So, I would hope that the Cabinet Secretary could comment on that, and, if that is happening, how he is addressing it and how he is challenging those health boards in those areas.
But, of course, there are other, wider implications as well: when people are waiting for treatment, they are waiting, often, in pain. And whilst they're waiting in pain, that impacts family members. That also impacts, of course, a patient's health; beyond the treatment that they're waiting for, other ailments then come forward as well. And, of course, whilst somebody is waiting three months more, potentially, for treatment, there are consequences for them being out of work, and there's a financial implication there, of course, as well, for the UK Government through the benefits system. There's a huge impact on family and on family members who are supporting those who are waiting for treatment. So, I do hope that the Government will support our amendment today. I hope that the Government will vote with the Welsh Conservatives to provide Powys Teaching Health Board with the financial support that they require to avoid their planned increase in cross-border treatment waiting times. I can't see why the Government wouldn't support that, given what the First Minister said yesterday in her response to my question.
Mae'n siŵr na fydd yn syndod fy mod am siarad am bwynt 3(e) ein gwelliant heddiw, sy'n galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i ddarparu cyllid ychwanegol i Fwrdd Iechyd Addysgu Powys i gefnogi eu sefyllfa, fel na fyddant yn symud ymlaen â'u cynnig i ofyn i ddarparwyr dros y ffin gynyddu amseroedd aros.
Roeddwn i'n meddwl y dylai fod rhywfaint o gyd-destun i hyn hefyd, i'r rhai nad ydynt yn gwybod. Ond i fy etholwyr i ym Mhowys ac i etholwyr James Evans, mae'r rhan fwyaf o'n hetholwyr yn mynd dros y ffin am eu gofal, i'w trin yn ysbytai'r GIG yn Lloegr. Wrth gwrs, mae gan fwrdd iechyd Powys gynnig i ofyn i ddarparwyr Lloegr ohirio triniaeth am na allant fforddio talu; i bob pwrpas, maent eisiau gwthio'r taliad i mewn i'r flwyddyn ariannol nesaf. Ar hyn o bryd, mae'r bwrdd iechyd wedi gohirio'r penderfyniad hwnnw ar gyfer cyfarfod pellach o'r bwrdd, ar ddyddiad anhysbys, ond mae'n achos pryder enfawr i gleifion Powys. A dyma'r sefyllfa. Yn ysbyty Amwythig neu ysbyty Telford, gallai claf o Gymru fod yn eistedd yn siarad â meddyg ymgynghorol ac mae'r meddyg ymgynghorol yn dweud wrthynt, 'Mae gennym gapasiti i'ch gweld. Byddem yn eich gweld chi pe baech chi'n glaf o Loegr, ond ni allwn wneud hynny am na all Powys dalu am eich triniaeth.' Ac mae'r sefyllfa honno'n sefyllfa hurt i fod ynddi. Ac wrth gwrs, un o brif flaenoriaethau'r Prif Weinidog yw lleihau amseroedd aros y GIG. Felly, nid oedd yn syndod mawr i mi pan amlinellais y sefyllfa i'r Prif Weinidog ddoe—roeddwn yn falch o ymateb y Prif Weinidog—fod y Prif Weinidog wedi dweud nad oedd yr hyn a ddisgrifiais yn dderbyniol. Wrth gwrs na all fod yn dderbyniol, oherwydd nid yw'n cyd-fynd â blaenoriaethau'r Prif Weinidog.
Ond mae yna broblem ehangach yma hefyd. Bydd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn dweud, a bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn dweud, fod yn rhaid i fyrddau iechyd weithredu o fewn eu cyllidebau—rwy'n deall—ond wrth gwrs, mae bwrdd iechyd Powys wedi ei uwchgyfeirio i lefel 4 ar gyfer cyllid a chynllunio. Felly, buaswn yn disgwyl i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet a swyddogion Llywodraeth Cymru weithio ochr yn ochr â swyddogion ym mwrdd iechyd Powys i sicrhau nad ydym yn cyrraedd y sefyllfa hon yn y lle cyntaf.
Mae yna broblem arall ehangach yma hefyd, a hoffwn ofyn i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet wneud sylwadau ar hyn yn ei sylwadau yn y ddadl hon: i ba raddau y mae'r hyn sy'n digwydd ym Mhowys yn digwydd mewn byrddau iechyd eraill ledled Cymru hefyd, lle mae capasiti'n bodoli o fewn y byrddau iechyd hynny i drin pobl, ond bod triniaeth yn cael ei gohirio am resymau ariannol? Rwy'n falch fod yr Ysgrifennydd iechyd yn nodio, a dweud nad yw'n credu ei fod yn digwydd, ond wrth gwrs, ym Mhowys, fe wyddom ei fod yn digwydd, oherwydd mae'n rhaid gwneud y penderfyniad hwnnw mewn cyfarfod cyhoeddus o'r bwrdd. Nid oes rhaid i fyrddau iechyd eraill wneud hynny. Felly, rwy'n gobeithio y gall Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet wneud sylwadau ar hynny, ac os yw'n digwydd, sut y mae'n mynd i'r afael â'r mater a sut y mae'n herio'r byrddau iechyd yn yr ardaloedd hynny.
Ond wrth gwrs, ceir goblygiadau eraill, ehangach hefyd: pan fydd pobl yn aros am driniaeth, maent yn aml yn aros mewn poen. A thra'u bod yn aros mewn poen, mae hynny'n effeithio ar aelodau'r teulu. Mae hynny hefyd yn effeithio ar iechyd claf; y tu hwnt i'r driniaeth y byddant yn aros amdani, mae anhwylderau eraill yn datblygu wedyn hefyd. Ac os yw rhywun yn aros tri mis yn hwy, efallai, am driniaeth, mae canlyniadau iddynt o fod allan o waith, ac mae goblygiadau ariannol yno hefyd i Lywodraeth y DU drwy'r system fudd-daliadau. Mae effaith enfawr ar y teulu ac aelodau o'r teulu sy'n cefnogi'r sawl sy'n aros am driniaeth. Felly, rwy'n gobeithio y bydd y Llywodraeth yn cefnogi ein gwelliant heddiw. Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd y Llywodraeth yn pleidleisio gyda'r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig i ddarparu'r cymorth ariannol sydd ei angen ar Fwrdd Iechyd Addysgu Powys i osgoi'r cynnydd arfaethedig yn yr amseroedd aros am driniaeth drawsffiniol. Ni allaf weld pam na fyddai'r Llywodraeth yn cefnogi hynny, o ystyried yr hyn a ddywedodd y Prif Weinidog ddoe yn ei hymateb i fy nghwestiwn.
I agree very much with what Heledd Fychan said. We have to say ‘no’ to finger-pointing and ‘yes’ to concrete proposals for improving things. There’s nothing more depressing for health service personnel than to hear that people are criticising them for the work that they're doing, and they're working incredibly hard to deal with the huge surge in demand. Demand isn’t the same as need. It’s slightly different. But understanding how to differentiate between the two is quite complicated. Friends and family of mine who visit north Wales are always astonished at how easy it is to get an appointment in a rural practice in north Wales—so much easier than where they come from in London. So, this idea that everything is worse in Wales than in the English health service is a myth that needs busting. One of the reasons for that is that that particular rural practice is one of the least deprived practices in Wales. The practices that have the most challenges are those that are serving the most deprived communities, who are also, of course, those who are least likely to seek help for an illness until it has become much more difficult to treat.
So, these are some of the complexities that all doctors have to deal with every single day when people are calling, saying, ‘Can I see the doctor?’ Because we have to triage who a clinician is seeing based on their need. If the GP services are on their knees—and I'm not saying they're on their knees, but they are suffering some challenges, particularly in Blaenau Gwent, where this disgraceful private practice is, obviously something that we need to rectify—. If people can’t get to see their GP, then some of them turn up in the emergency department, and that’s one of the reasons why there has been a significant increase in the last full year for which we have records. It was five times higher in 2023-24 than the level seen in 1959. Some of that is because we are quite a sick population. We have to remind ourselves that, although smoking remains the biggest cause of early death, diet-related disease is now rising up the agenda and increasingly the second cause.
Rwy'n cytuno'n fawr â'r hyn a ddywedodd Heledd Fychan. Rhaid inni ddweud 'na' wrth bwyntio bysedd ac 'ie' wrth gynigion pendant i wella pethau. Nid oes dim yn fwy digalon i bersonél y gwasanaeth iechyd na chlywed bod pobl yn eu beirniadu am y gwaith a wnânt, ac maent yn gweithio'n anhygoel o galed i ymdopi â'r cynnydd enfawr yn y galw. Nid yw galw yr un fath ag angen. Mae ychydig yn wahanol. Ond mae deall sut i wahaniaethu rhwng y ddau yn eithaf cymhleth. Mae ffrindiau a theulu i mi sy'n ymweld â gogledd Cymru bob amser yn synnu pa mor hawdd yw cael apwyntiad mewn practis gwledig yng ngogledd Cymru—cymaint haws na lle maent yn byw yn Llundain. Felly, mae'r syniad fod popeth yn waeth yng Nghymru nag yng ngwasanaeth iechyd Lloegr yn fytholeg sydd angen ei chwalu. Un o'r rhesymau am hynny yw bod y practis gwledig penodol hwnnw yn un o'r practisau lleiaf difreintiedig yng Nghymru. Y practisau sy'n wynebu'r heriau mwyaf yw'r rhai sy'n gwasanaethu'r cymunedau mwyaf difreintiedig, sef y bobl leiaf tebygol hefyd o geisio cymorth ar gyfer afiechyd nes ei fod wedi dod yn llawer anos i'w drin.
Felly, dyma rai o'r cymhlethdodau y mae'n rhaid i bob meddyg ymdopi â hwy bob dydd pan fydd pobl yn ffonio a dweud, 'A gaf i weld y meddyg?' Oherwydd mae'n rhaid inni brysbennu pwy y mae clinigwr yn ei weld yn seiliedig ar ei angen. Os yw'r gwasanaethau meddygon teulu ar eu gliniau—ac ni wyf yn dweud eu bod ar eu gliniau, ond maent yn dioddef heriau, yn enwedig ym Mlaenau Gwent, lle mae'r practis preifat gwarthus hwnnw, sy'n amlwg yn rhywbeth y mae angen inni ei gywiro—. Os na all pobl weld eu meddyg teulu, mae rhai ohonynt yn mynd i'r adran achosion brys, a dyna un o'r rhesymau pam y bu cynnydd sylweddol yn y flwyddyn lawn ddiwethaf y mae gennym gofnodion ar ei chyfer. Roedd bum gwaith yn uwch yn 2023-24 na'r lefel a welid ym 1959. Mae rhywfaint o hynny'n deillio o'r ffaith ein bod yn boblogaeth eithaf sâl. Er mai ysmygu yw prif achos marwolaethau cynnar o hyd, rhaid inni atgoffa ein hunain fod clefydau sy'n gysylltiedig â deiet bellach yn codi ar yr agenda ac yn gynyddol yn dod yn ail brif achos.
Just on that point, smoking being the biggest cause of death, do you therefore support the calls for ASH to be funded properly, so that they can continue with their good work?
Ar y pwynt hwnnw, gydag ysmygu yn brif achos marwolaeth, a ydych chi felly yn cefnogi'r galwadau i ASH gael ei ariannu'n iawn, fel y gallant barhau â'u gwaith da?
No, I support the banning of smoking, so that future generations don't take up this horrendous habit. But we have to understand that one of the surprising things is that emergency department attendances are higher in the summer than in the winter. I think that it would be difficult to argue that people are sicker in the summer than in the winter, because we know that, obviously, the cold can kill elderly people, and that's one of the things that we're all worrying about at the moment. But there are also many more attendances in daylight hours than at night, which is obviously when services like pharmacies and GP practices are open. So, that's one of the complexities of the system.
I do recall that, when Communities First was still operating in Cardiff, they used to meet on a monthly basis to analyse who were the most frequent attenders in the emergency department and to put in place alternative services for people who were coming to the emergency department for reasons that didn't require the—
Na, rwy'n cefnogi gwahardd ysmygu, fel nad yw cenedlaethau'r dyfodol yn dechrau'r arfer erchyll hwn. Ond mae'n rhaid inni ddeall mai un o'r pethau annisgwyl yw bod derbyniadau i adrannau brys yn uwch yn yr haf nag yn y gaeaf. Rwy'n credu y byddai'n anodd dadlau bod pobl yn fwy sâl yn yr haf nag yn y gaeaf, oherwydd fe wyddom, yn amlwg, fod yr oerfel yn gallu lladd pobl oedrannus, a dyna un o'r pethau y mae pawb ohonom yn poeni yn ei gylch ar hyn o bryd. Ond mae yna lawer mwy yn mynychu yn ystod oriau golau dydd nag yn ystod y nos, sef ar yr adegau y mae gwasanaethau fel fferyllfeydd a meddygfeydd ar agor wrth gwrs. Felly, dyna un o gymhlethdodau'r system.
Pan oedd Cymunedau yn Gyntaf yn dal i weithredu yng Nghaerdydd, rwy'n cofio eu bod yn arfer cyfarfod yn fisol i ddadansoddi pwy oedd yn mynychu'r adran achosion brys amlaf ac i roi gwasanaethau amgen ar waith ar gyfer pobl a oedd yn dod i'r adran achosion brys am resymau nad oedd angen—
Jenny, will you take an intervention?
Jenny, a wnewch chi dderbyn ymyriad?
Do you think that some people who do attend A&E departments, some of these people are also lonely people as well, aren't they? People, if they had better care packages at home, would be able to remain at home, rather than turning up at our A&E departments, our GP practices across Wales. So, if we invested more in our social care system, it would relieve a lot of the pressure elsewhere.
A ydych chi'n meddwl bod rhai pobl sy'n mynychu adrannau damweiniau ac achosion brys hefyd yn bobl unig? Pe bai ganddynt becynnau gofal gwell gartref, byddai pobl yn gallu aros gartref, yn hytrach na dod i'n hadrannau damweiniau ac achosion brys, ein practisau meddygon teulu ledled Cymru. Felly, pe baem yn buddsoddi mwy yn ein system gofal cymdeithasol, byddai'n lleddfu llawer o'r pwysau mewn mannau eraill.
Thank you for cueing me in on that, because I was about to come to social care. I agree with Gareth Davies that there are many more people in hospital who would be better looked after in the community. I also agree that we want a well-funded social care system. But it is really disappointing that we've spent the last 20 years talking about this without getting to grips with how we're going to fund this new free-at-the-point-of-care social care system, because otherwise we are constantly going to be having a variety of battles that we can revisit another day. And so I am very disappointed that the UK Government hasn't asked Louise Casey to report on this until 2028. It needs to happen now. We all understand the reasons, but we all can't resist the political back-and-forth that goes with it, which is all about who is going to pay and at what point in their lives.
Diolch i chi am gyfeirio at hynny, oherwydd roeddwn ar fin dod at ofal cymdeithasol. Rwy'n cytuno â Gareth Davies fod llawer mwy o bobl yn yr ysbyty a fyddai'n cael gwell gofal yn y gymuned. Rwyf hefyd yn cytuno ein bod eisiau system gofal cymdeithasol wedi'i hariannu'n dda. Ond mae'n siomedig iawn ein bod wedi treulio'r 20 mlynedd diwethaf yn siarad am hyn heb fynd i'r afael â sut y bwriadwn ariannu system gofal cymdeithasol newydd am ddim pryd a lle bynnag y bo'i hangen, oherwydd fel arall rydym yn mynd i gael amryw o frwydrau y gallwn ailedrych arnynt ar ddiwrnod arall. Ac felly rwy'n siomedig iawn nad yw Llywodraeth y DU wedi gofyn i Louise Casey adrodd ar hyn tan 2028. Mae angen iddo ddigwydd nawr. Rydym i gyd yn deall y rhesymau, ond ni all neb ohonom wrthsefyll y dadlau gwleidyddol yn ôl ac ymlaen sy'n mynd gydag ef, yn ymwneud â phwy sy'n mynd i dalu ac ar ba bwynt yn eu bywydau.
I need you to come to a close now.
Mae angen i chi ddod i ben nawr.
Okay. I just want to say that I think that the Welsh Government has done a great deal to bring down waiting lists, simply because you will see from the amendments put forward by the Government that these surgical hubs that we are delivering is definitely the way in which we are going to get people who need elective care, and not urgent care, getting throughput of treatment much more quickly than they ever will in an emergency hospital, like the Heath, where always the emergency patient is going to displace the person who merely needs a new hip or a new cataract operation.
O'r gorau. Rwy'n credu bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi gwneud llawer iawn i dorri rhestrau aros, oherwydd fe welwch o'r gwelliannau a gyflwynwyd gan y Llywodraeth mai'r hybiau llawfeddygol yr ydym yn eu darparu yw'r ffordd i bobl sydd angen gofal a gynlluniwyd, nid gofal brys, gael triniaeth yn llawer cyflymach nag y byddent yn ei chael mewn ysbyty brys, fel y Mynydd Bychan, lle bydd y claf brys bob amser yn cael blaenoriaeth ar yr unigolyn sydd ond angen clun newydd neu lawdriniaeth cataract.
Yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet nawr i gyfrannu at y ddadl—Jeremy Miles.
The Cabinet Secretary now to respond to the debate—Jeremy Miles.

Diolch, Llywydd, a diolch am gyfle arall i nodi sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn helpu'r gwasanaeth iechyd i leihau amseroedd aros hir. Mae'r Prif Weinidog a minnau wedi bod yn gwbl glir mai lleihau'r amseroedd aros hiraf yw ein prif flaenoriaeth. Ers mis Mawrth 2022, mae nifer y bobl sy'n aros mwy na dwy flynedd am driniaeth wedi gostwng dau draean; 3 y cant o'r bobl ar y rhestr aros sy'n aros mwy na dwy flynedd, o'i gymharu â bron i 10 y cant pan oedd y ffigurau ar eu huchaf. Mae amseroedd aros hir am brofion diagnostig wedi gostwng 35 y cant. Yn ogystal, mae'r amser aros ar gyfartaledd rhwng atgyfeirio a thriniaeth wedi gostwng o 29 wythnos i ychydig o dan 23 wythnos. Mae'r gwasanaeth iechyd yn gwneud cynnydd er gwaetha'r galw cynyddol, ond mae llawer mwy i'w wneud i sicrhau bod pobl yn cael eu trin yn gynt yn unol â'u dymuniad.
I gefnogi'r gwasanaeth iechyd, rŷn ni'n darparu mwy nag £1 biliwn mewn cyllid adfer yn ystod tymor y Senedd hon. Ddiwedd mis Hydref, fe wnaethon ni hefyd ddarparu £50 miliwn ychwanegol i dargedu'r amseroedd aros hiraf. Mae'r cyllid hwn yn cael ei ddefnyddio i gynyddu nifer y staff sy'n gweithio ar benwythnosau a gyda'r nos, sefydlu mwy o glinigau rhanbarthol a gwella'r capasiti i roi triniaethau. Mae hefyd yn cael ei ddefnyddio i gynnal mwy o driniaethau a phrofion, a mwy o apwyntiadau i gleifion allanol. Lle bo angen, hefyd, mae'n cael ei ddefnyddio i fanteisio ar gapasiti mewn ysbytai preifat er mwyn gallu trin pobl. Dros yr wythnosau diwethaf, mae mwy na 5,000 o bobl o'r de ddwyrain wedi cael cynnig llawdriniaeth cataract gan ddefnyddio gwasanaethau wedi'u comisiynu. Mae hyn yn cynnwys canolfan rhanbarthol yn Ysbyty Nevill Hall.
Thank you, Llywydd, and thank you for another opportunity to set out how the Welsh Government is helping the health service to reduce long waiting times. The First Minister and I have been entirely clear that reducing the longest waiting times is our main priority. Since March 2022, the number of people waiting over two years for treatment has reduced by two thirds; 3 per cent of people on the waiting list are waiting more than two years, as compared to almost 10 per cent when the figures were at their peak. The long waiting time for diagnostic tests have reduced by 35 per cent. Also, the waiting time on average between referral and treatment has reduced from 29 weeks to a little under 23 weeks. The health service is making progress despite the increasing demands upon it, but there is much more to be done in order to ensure that people are treated sooner in accordance with their wishes.
To support the health service, we're providing more than £1 billion in recovery funding during this Senedd term. At the end of October, we provided another £50 million to target the longest waiting times. This funding is being used to increase the number of staff working on weekends and in the evenings, establishing more regional clinics and improving capacity to provide treatment. It's also used to support more treatments and tests, and more appointments for out-patients. Where needed, too, it is used to take advantage of capacity in private hospitals in order to treat people. Over recent weeks, more than 5,000 people from the south-east have been offered cataract treatment using commissioned services, and this includes a regional centre at Nevill Hall Hospital.
Of the 5,000 who've been offered cataract appointments in the last few weeks, just over 3,200 have already accepted their appointment. A small number have been removed from the list. Llywydd, the NHS is working very hard to treat people. This includes working to reduce the numbers of those who did not and cannot attend, which are high too high. So, of the 1,800 or so who haven't accepted their appointment yet, the NHS is phoning them up so that they don't lose the opportunity. Our system can't, of course, make an unlimited number of offers of treatment, but, by encouraging people to turn up, that will help, and then making those places available to those who can, failing that.
O'r 5,000 sydd wedi cael cynnig apwyntiadau cataract yn ystod yr wythnosau diwethaf, mae ychydig dros 3,200 eisoes wedi cael eu hapwyntiad. Mae nifer fach wedi cael eu tynnu oddi ar y rhestr. Lywydd, mae'r GIG yn gweithio'n galed iawn i drin pobl. Mae hyn yn cynnwys gweithio i leihau nifer y rhai nad oeddent ac na allant fynychu, sy'n rhy uchel. Felly, o'r 1,800 neu fwy sydd heb dderbyn eu hapwyntiad eto, mae'r GIG yn eu ffonio fel nad ydynt yn colli'r cyfle. Ni all ein system wneud nifer diderfyn o gynigion o driniaeth, ond drwy annog pobl i fynychu, bydd hynny'n helpu, a sicrhau wedyn fod lleoedd ar gael i'r rhai sy'n gallu.
Llywydd, we know these short-term waiting list measures will not be enough to bring the planned care system back into balance on their own. While new investment is important, we need to transform the way that we provide health and social care in the community and in hospitals. Work on transformation, improved efficiency and productivity has to be undertaken in parallel to reducing long waits. This will help put us on the path to a sustainable health service for the future. The extra funding is designed to support this.
We've made some good progress in this area. To his credit, the Plaid Cymru spokesman had the good grace to acknowledge that his plan doesn't contain anything that is new, and I recognise that point. The development of Neath Port Talbot Hospital as a regional centre for orthopaedics has contributed to a 73 per cent reduction in long waits across south-west Wales, an area where regional working between Hywel Dda and Swansea Bay health boards is maturing, and this is without the need for emergency legislation. I've been clear that I will be prepared to use ministerial direction powers to bring about regional solutions where we need to do that. We've heard already we're investing just under £30 million to develop the Llandudno orthopaedic centre for the region, due to open later this year. We're supporting, I think, a vision for the future of the NHS, with regional plans for a diagnostic and surgical hub in Llantrisant, but it's not just new buildings or new legislation that will transform care. Changing pathways, how care is provided, is more fundamental. At the moment—and I do agree with the point the Member made opposite; I've been saying this myself since I took up these responsibilities—there is too much variation across the system in both pathways and patient outcomes. The new national planning guidance that I issued shortly before Christmas makes it clear that all NHS organisations must implement recognised best practice identified in the guidelines through the principle of adapt, adopt or justify. We'll be supported in this improvement work by the ministerial advisory group on performance and productivity. It's visiting health boards to understand issues at the local level before submitting its advice and recommendations to me.
Llywydd, in my statement in November about waiting times, I highlighted the use of Telederm alternative out-patient review pathways and the advice and guidance work of Consultant Connect as examples of transformation and innovation to help improve planned care and cut waiting times. In the year ahead, I expect to see these ways of working become routine, and other changes such as eye care design supporting our drive to treat people in the community where clinically appropriate. We've invested an extra £30 million every year to move more eye care out of hospitals into primary care so only the most specialist care needs to be seen in hospital. Another area for further roll-out is the use of super-out-patient clinics, which review large numbers of new pathways in general surgery, resulting in up to 45 per cent of pathways being discharged without people having to go into hospital.
We also need to focus, as we've heard in the debate today, on prevention, to improve the underlying health of our country and help reduce the long-term demand on the NHS. Our statutory regional partnership boards have a specific focus on promoting good health and well-being, prevention, providing integrated care support to help people stay well at home. Their work, which has already been acknowledged, can contribute to our broader efforts to reduce waiting times, supporting people to stay well at home and reducing the demand for secondary care. Managing that increased demand is already a priority for us. We've invested in the development of a national referral system, developed by both primary and secondary care practitioners. We are the first part of the UK to require all GPs to manage every patient after consideration of clinical guidance or pathways.
Llywydd, since being appointed to this role, I've had the privilege of meeting NHS and care staff right across Wales, and I want to thank them for the work they do and their commitment and their determination to deliver the best possible care in often very challenging circumstances. Together, we are committed to reducing waiting times and ensuring that our NHS continues to deliver safe, effective and efficient services to meet the needs of today while helping the NHS adapt for the future.
Lywydd, fe wyddom na fydd y mesurau tymor byr hyn ar gyfer rhestrau aros ynddynt eu hunain yn ddigon i adfer cydbwysedd o fewn y system gofal a gynlluniwyd. Er bod buddsoddiad newydd yn bwysig, mae angen inni drawsnewid y ffordd y darparwn iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yn y gymuned ac mewn ysbytai. Rhaid gwneud gwaith ar drawsnewid, gwella effeithlonrwydd a chynhyrchiant ochr yn ochr â lleihau amseroedd aros hir. Bydd hyn yn helpu i'n rhoi ar y llwybr tuag at wasanaeth iechyd cynaliadwy ar gyfer y dyfodol. Mae'r cyllid ychwanegol wedi'i gynllunio i gefnogi hyn.
Rydym wedi gwneud cynnydd da yn y maes hwn. Er clod iddo, roedd llefarydd Plaid Cymru yn ddigon graslon i gydnabod nad yw ei gynllun yn cynnwys unrhyw beth sy'n newydd, ac rwy'n cydnabod y pwynt hwnnw. Mae datblygu Ysbyty Castell-nedd Port Talbot fel canolfan ranbarthol orthopedig wedi cyfrannu at ostyngiad o 73 y cant mewn amseroedd aros hir ar draws de-orllewin Cymru, ardal lle mae gwaith rhanbarthol rhwng byrddau iechyd Hywel Dda a Bae Abertawe yn aeddfedu, a hynny heb fod angen deddfwriaeth frys. Rwyf wedi bod yn glir y byddaf yn barod i ddefnyddio pwerau cyfarwyddyd gweinidogol i sicrhau atebion rhanbarthol lle mae angen i ni wneud hynny. Rydym eisoes wedi clywed ein bod yn buddsoddi ychydig o dan £30 miliwn i ddatblygu canolfan orthopedig Llandudno ar gyfer y rhanbarth, a bydd yn agor yn ddiweddarach eleni. Rydym yn cefnogi gweledigaeth ar gyfer dyfodol y GIG, gyda chynlluniau rhanbarthol ar gyfer canolfan ddiagnostig a hyb llawfeddygol yn Llantrisant, ond nid adeiladau newydd neu ddeddfwriaeth newydd yn unig sy'n mynd i drawsnewid gofal. Mae newid llwybrau, sut y darperir gofal, yn fwy sylfaenol. Ar hyn o bryd—ac rwy'n cytuno â'r pwynt a wnaeth yr Aelod gyferbyn; bûm yn dweud hyn fy hun ers imi ymgymryd â'r cyfrifoldebau hyn—mae gormod o amrywio ar draws y system o ran llwybrau a chanlyniadau cleifion. Mae'r canllawiau cynllunio cenedlaethol newydd a gyhoeddais ychydig cyn y Nadolig yn ei gwneud yn glir fod yn rhaid i bob sefydliad GIG weithredu arferion gorau cydnabyddedig a nodir yn y canllawiau drwy egwyddor addasu, mabwysiadu neu gyfiawnhau. Byddwn yn cael ein cefnogi yn y gwaith gwella hwn gan grŵp cynghori'r Gweinidog ar berfformiad a chynhyrchiant. Mae'n ymweld â byrddau iechyd i ddeall problemau ar lefel leol cyn cyflwyno ei gyngor a'i argymhellion i mi.
Lywydd, yn fy natganiad ar amseroedd aros ym mis Tachwedd, nodais y defnydd o lwybrau adolygu amgen Telederm mewn perthynas â chleifion allanol a gwaith cyngor ac arweiniad Consultant Connect fel enghreifftiau o drawsnewidiad ac arloesedd i helpu i wella gofal a gynlluniwyd a thorri amseroedd aros. Yn y flwyddyn i ddod, rwy'n disgwyl gweld y ffyrdd hyn o weithio yn dod yn arferol, a newidiadau eraill fel cynllunio gofal llygaid yn cefnogi ein hymgyrch i drin pobl yn y gymuned lle bo hynny'n briodol yn glinigol. Rydym wedi buddsoddi £30 miliwn ychwanegol bob blwyddyn i symud mwy o ofal llygaid allan o ysbytai i ofal sylfaenol fel mai'r gofal mwyaf arbenigol yn unig sydd angen ei weld yn yr ysbyty. Maes arall i'w gyflwyno ymhellach yw'r defnydd o uwch-glinigau cleifion allanol, sy'n adolygu niferoedd mawr o lwybrau newydd mewn llawfeddygaeth gyffredinol, gan arwain at ryddhau hyd at 45 y cant o lwybrau heb i bobl orfod mynd i'r ysbyty.
Fel y clywsom yn y ddadl heddiw, mae angen inni ganolbwyntio ar atal i wella iechyd sylfaenol ein gwlad a helpu i leihau'r galw hirdymor ar y GIG. Mae gan ein byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol statudol ffocws penodol ar hyrwyddo iechyd a llesiant, atal, a darparu cymorth gofal integredig i helpu pobl i aros yn iach gartref. Gall eu gwaith, sydd eisoes wedi'i gydnabod, gyfrannu at ein hymdrechion ehangach i dorri amseroedd aros, cefnogi pobl i aros yn iach gartref a lleihau'r galw am ofal eilaidd. Mae rheoli'r galw cynyddol hwnnw eisoes yn flaenoriaeth i ni. Rydym wedi buddsoddi mewn datblygu system atgyfeirio genedlaethol, a ddatblygwyd gan ymarferwyr gofal sylfaenol ac eilaidd. Ni yw'r rhan gyntaf o'r DU i'w gwneud yn ofynnol i bob meddyg teulu reoli pob claf ar ôl ystyried canllawiau clinigol neu lwybrau.
Lywydd, ers cael fy mhenodi i'r rôl hon, cefais y fraint o gyfarfod â staff GIG a staff gofal ledled Cymru, ac rwyf am ddiolch iddynt am y gwaith y maent yn ei wneud a'u hymrwymiad a'u hymroddiad i ddarparu'r gofal gorau posibl mewn amgylchiadau heriol iawn. Gyda'n gilydd, rydym wedi ymrwymo i dorri amseroedd aros a sicrhau bod ein GIG yn parhau i ddarparu gwasanaethau diogel, effeithiol ac effeithlon i ddiwallu anghenion heddiw, gan helpu'r GIG ar yr un pryd i addasu ar gyfer y dyfodol.
Mabon ap Gwynfor nawr i ymateb i'r ddadl.
Mabon ap Gwynfor now to reply to the debate.
It's been a really good debate with some really interesting examples of best practice. Now, we started off with James trying to take credit on behalf of the Conservatives for the policies that we put forward. But, you know, be honest. At least we're being honest here, saying that these aren't Plaid Cymru motions; these are things that are put forward by clinicians. These are experts that have put forward these policies, and be honest about that.
Carolyn was valiantly trying to defend the Government, putting forward examples of the number of contacts with GPs and 111, but that's not the win you think it is. As Heledd said, that's the problem—so many people contacting the NHS because they're on waiting lists. Take one women in my constituency who's been waiting for gall bladder treatment, and she's been knocked back six times. And every time she has to go back to the doctor, every time they have to increase the medication she's on. That's at least a dozen if not 18 times that the NHS has been contacted. [Interruption.] Go for it.
Mae wedi bod yn ddadl dda iawn gydag enghreifftiau diddorol iawn o arferion gorau. Nawr, agorwyd y ddadl gyda James yn ceisio cymryd y clod ar ran y Ceidwadwyr am y polisïau a gyflwynwyd gennym ni. Ond byddwch yn onest. Rydym ni o leiaf yn bod yn onest yma, drwy ddweud nad cynigion Plaid Cymru yw'r rhain; mae'r rhain yn bethau a gyflwynwyd gan glinigwyr. Arbenigwyr sydd wedi cyflwyno'r polisïau hyn, a byddwch yn onest am hynny.
Roedd Carolyn yn ymdrechu'n galed i amddiffyn y Llywodraeth, gan gyflwyno enghreifftiau o nifer y cysylltiadau â meddygon teulu a 111, ond nid yw honno'n gymaint o fuddugoliaeth ag y credwch ei bod. Fel y dywedodd Heledd, dyna'r broblem—cymaint o bobl yn cysylltu â'r GIG oherwydd eu bod ar restrau aros. Cymerwch un fenyw yn fy etholaeth sydd wedi bod yn aros am driniaeth coden y bustl, ac mae'r driniaeth wedi ei gohirio chwe gwaith. A phob tro, mae'n rhaid iddi fynd yn ôl at y meddyg, bob tro, mae'n rhaid iddynt gynyddu'r feddyginiaeth y mae hi arni. Mae wedi cysylltu â'r GIG o leiaf ddwsin os nad 18 gwaith. [Torri ar draws.] Ewch amdani.
Thank you. I just wanted to make the point that, when we hear such negativity about the NHS, I don't want to put people off contacting the NHS if they've got a problem, if they've got an issue. It's really important, because the NHS does actually deal with many people every day and help them. So, it's really important not to forget that.
Diolch. Roeddwn eisiau gwneud y pwynt, pan fyddwn yn clywed agwedd negyddol o'r fath am y GIG, nad wyf eisiau atal pobl rhag cysylltu â'r GIG os oes ganddynt broblem, os ydynt eisiau trafod rhywbeth. Mae'n bwysig iawn, oherwydd mae'r GIG yn ymdrin â llawer o bobl bob dydd ac yn eu helpu. Felly, mae'n bwysig iawn cofio hynny.
I agree with you but you can't put your head in the sand and deny that there's a problem. There are 700,000 people waiting for treatment; one in five of the population of Wales need to be seen to get their treatment. And you also referred to the Llandudno orthopaedic hub, which hasn't opened yet, and it's one. We have the need for far more than just one permanent. We've put forward plans for temporary hubs across Wales. Now, you've said that it's important to remember what Wales does well. Yes, fine, and if you take responsibility for what Wales does well, take responsibility for what's gone wrong as well. Accept the crisis and do something about it.
Buffy highlighted the problems in the NHS under a Labour Government. Absolutely—I don't deny that and good to hear it, but you did, fair play, point out good examples in Cwm Taf, and I'll just refer to one good example, the Snowdrop example—a really good example, but why is it limited to that area? This is part of the problem with the Welsh Government. We've got best practice—that's the point we're making here. We've got best practice. Why isn't that Snowdrop centre, as an example, rolled out in Betsi where I live, and in Hywel Dda, in other places? We need leadership to make sure that best practice rolls out across Wales so that everybody benefits from it.
And, Jenny, you were right in saying that cold will kill people during the winter period. Absolutely. That's why it was so shocking to understand that the UK Labour Government had a means-tested winter fuel payment, so I don't know how the Labour Government here can justify that, and that will lead inevitably to more contacts with the NHS.
Rwy'n cytuno â chi ond ni allwch roi eich pen yn y tywod a gwadu bod yna broblem. Mae 700,000 o bobl yn aros am driniaeth; mae angen gweld un o bob pump o boblogaeth Cymru er mwyn iddynt gael triniaeth. Ac fe wnaethoch chi gyfeirio at hyb orthopedig Llandudno, sydd heb agor eto, ac mae'n un. Mae angen llawer mwy nag un parhaol yn unig. Rydym wedi cyflwyno cynlluniau ar gyfer hybiau dros dro ledled Cymru. Nawr, fe ddywedoch chi ei bod hi'n bwysig cofio beth y mae Cymru'n ei wneud yn dda. Ie, iawn, ac os ydych chi'n derbyn cyfrifoldeb am yr hyn y mae Cymru'n ei wneud yn dda, derbyniwch gyfrifoldeb am yr hyn sydd wedi mynd o'i le hefyd. Derbyniwch ei bod hi'n argyfwng a gwnewch rywbeth am y peth.
Nododd Buffy y problemau yn y GIG o dan Lywodraeth Lafur. Yn hollol—nid wyf yn gwadu hynny ac mae'n dda ei glywed, ond fe wnaethoch chi nodi enghreifftiau da yng Nghwm Taf, chwarae teg, ac fe gyfeiriaf at un enghraifft dda, esiampl Snowdrop—enghraifft dda iawn, ond pam ei fod yn gyfyngedig i'r ardal honno? Mae hyn yn rhan o'r broblem gyda Llywodraeth Cymru. Mae gennym arferion gorau—dyna'r pwynt a wnawn yma. Mae gennym arferion gorau. Pam nad yw canolfan Snowdrop, er enghraifft, yn cael ei chyflwyno yn ardal Betsi lle rwy'n byw, ac yn Hywel Dda, a llefydd eraill? Mae angen arweinyddiaeth arnom i sicrhau bod arferion gorau yn cael eu cyflwyno ledled Cymru fel bod pawb yn elwa ohonynt.
A Jenny, roeddech chi'n iawn i ddweud y bydd oerfel yn lladd pobl dros y gaeaf. Yn sicr. Dyna pam ei bod mor frawychus deall bod gan Lywodraeth Lafur y DU daliad tanwydd gaeaf sy'n dibynnu ar brawf modd, felly nid wyf yn gwybod sut y gall y Llywodraeth Lafur yma gyfiawnhau hynny, a bydd hynny'n anochel yn arwain at fwy o gysylltiadau â'r GIG.
Will you take an intervention?
A wnewch chi dderbyn ymyriad?
Yes, go for it.
Gwnaf, ewch amdani.
And how do you explain why there are more attendances at A&E in the summer than in the winter? [Interruption.]
A sut rydych chi'n esbonio pam fod mwy o bobl yn mynychu adrannau damweiniau ac achosion brys yn yr haf nag yn y gaeaf? [Torri ar draws.]
Yes, in Betsi Cadwaladr, we've got a lot of people attending north Wales, visiting north Wales, and if you talk to Llais, you'll see the statistics of the number coming and going into our hospitals because of those, amongst other factors as well.
And the Cabinet Secretary's response, and I'm grateful for the response, but at times it sounds like this Government is once again in complete denial about what's going on in Wales, out of touch with people here and not realising the problems that our people are facing. All is seemingly well.
Now, to give the Labour Government credit, they do talk a good talk. Week in and week out, we hear claims that they're doing all these great things in the face of overwhelming evidence that whatever they're doing is not working. Yesterday, the First Minister said that you already provide a triage service and the only difference with our plan is that we've put the word 'executive' in front of it, to great laughter from your backbench Members. This isn't a laughing matter, and you'd do good to read, listen and understand what our plan is. You clearly don't appreciate or understand the level of this crisis. There's the fact that some 60 per cent of children don't need to be on a paediatric waiting list, in some cases, which has a detrimental effect not just on their health, but also on their education. We've heard the claim that the Government are already delivering on these proposals, with the Cabinet Secretary himself today saying, 'Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick' against each one. This is nothing more than an exercise in gaslighting. If you're really delivering on these proposals, then why are clinicians and health managers telling us that these things are not happening and they need to be implemented? You forget, or you ignore, that these are plans presented by clinicians and health experts.
Technology, you said 'tick'. Really? So, why is it that many allied health professionals are not even furnished with a laptop or an iPad when they go out to the community? How can GPs share information with consultants when they have competing software that doesn't talk to each other? So, no, you're not delivering.
Executive triage service, 'tick' you said. Categorically no. If you were delivering this, then how come 60 per cent of paediatric patients who don't need to be on a waiting list are still on those lists? Why are clinicians telling us that thousands of dermatology patients don't necessarily need to be on those lists?
'Co-operation', you said. I can guarantee you that there are clinicians and managers and patients listening to this debate who will have been angered by this claim. If you're delivering on this, then please explain why a patient in Maesteg can expect different outcomes to a patient 8 miles away in Port Talbot?
Regional hubs. You've talked about the permanent orthopaedic hub in Llandudno that we'd referenced, which hasn't opened yet, as I said. But we need temporary hubs for ophthalmology, gynaecology, dermatology, and other specialists. So, please don't gaslight people by claiming you're delivering on a programme that you either haven't read or you don't understand. The fact remains that this Government has failed to recognise best practice in Wales and ensure that everyone benefits.
The First Minister said that she embarked on a listening exercise in the summer. So, listen. Listen to those who are burning themselves out trying to tackle a problem of your making. Last week, you said that you were only getting started. If ramping up waiting lists is only getting started, then I dread to think where our NHS will be in a few years' time. Every time a new First Minister comes into force, they say two things: (1) that their ambition is to tackle the waiting lists; and (2) that no one party has a monopoly on good ideas. You've failed on the first one and, seemingly, the second is nothing more than empty rhetoric. Because here we have excellent ideas, and I can say that because they're not mine; I'm not taking credit for them.
These are ideas forged in the fires of the waiting-list crisis by the people who are having to work and manage a failing system. They can see what needs to be done. They've told us, and we've presented those ideas as a workable solution. Look, this isn't a debate about left or right, it's not about ideology, it's not about political philosophy even; this is simply about finding solutions to get to grips with an immediate crisis within our NHS. So, put aside tribalism, recognise that this is in the interest of everybody and support the motion.
Ie, yn Betsi Cadwaladr, mae gennym lawer o bobl yn mynd i ogledd Cymru, yn ymweld â'r gogledd, ac os siaradwch chi â Llais, fe welwch ystadegau'r nifer sy'n mynd i'n hysbytai oherwydd y ffactorau hynny, ymhlith eraill.
Ac ymateb Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar am yr ymateb, ond ar adegau mae'n swnio fel pe bai'r Llywodraeth hon unwaith eto yn gwadu'n llwyr yr hyn sy'n digwydd yng Nghymru, allan o gysylltiad â phobl yma a heb sylweddoli'r problemau y mae ein pobl yn eu hwynebu. Mae popeth i'w weld yn iawn.
Nawr, i roi clod i'r Llywodraeth Lafur, maent yn siarad yn dda. Wythnos ar ôl wythnos, clywn honiadau eu bod yn gwneud yr holl bethau gwych hyn yn wyneb tystiolaeth ysgubol nad yw beth bynnag a wnânt yn gweithio. Ddoe, dywedodd y Prif Weinidog eich bod eisoes yn darparu gwasanaeth brysbennu ac mai'r unig wahaniaeth rhyngddo a'n cynllun ni yw ein bod ni wedi rhoi'r gair 'gweithredol' o'i flaen, rhywbeth a ysgogodd chwerthin mawr gan eich Aelodau meinciau cefn. Nid yw hwn yn destun chwerthin, a byddai'n werth i chi ddarllen, gwrando a deall beth yw ein cynllun ni. Mae'n amlwg nad ydych yn gwerthfawrogi nac yn deall lefel yr argyfwng. Mae'n ffaith nad oes angen i oddeutu 60 y cant o blant fod ar restr aros bediatrig, mewn rhai achosion, sy'n cael effaith niweidiol nid yn unig ar eu hiechyd, ond hefyd ar eu haddysg. Clywsom yr honiad fod y Llywodraeth eisoes yn cyflawni ar y cynigion hyn, gydag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet ei hun yn dweud heddiw, 'Tic, tic, tic, tic, tic' yn erbyn pob un. Ymarferiad dibwyllo ydyw. Os ydych chi o ddifrif yn cyflawni ar y cynigion hyn, pam y mae clinigwyr a rheolwyr iechyd yn dweud wrthym nad yw'r pethau hyn yn digwydd a bod angen eu gweithredu? Rydych chi'n anghofio, neu'n anwybyddu'r ffaith bod y rhain yn gynlluniau a gyflwynwyd gan glinigwyr ac arbenigwyr iechyd.
Technoleg, fe ddywedoch chi 'tic'. O ddifrif? Felly, pam y mae llawer o weithwyr proffesiynol perthynol i iechyd yn mynd allan i'r gymuned heb liniadur neu iPad? Sut y gall meddygon teulu rannu gwybodaeth gyda meddygon ymgynghorol pan fydd ganddynt fathau gwahanol o feddalwedd nad ydynt yn siarad â'i gilydd? Felly, na, nid ydych yn cyflawni.
Gwasanaeth brysbennu gweithredol, 'tic' meddech chi. Yn bendant, na. Os ydych chi'n cyflawni hyn eisoes, sut y mae 60 y cant o gleifion pediatrig nad oes angen iddynt fod ar restr aros yn dal i fod ar y rhestrau hynny? Pam y mae clinigwyr yn dweud wrthym nad oes angen i filoedd o gleifion dermatoleg fod ar y rhestrau hynny o reidrwydd?
'Cydweithredu', meddech chi. Gallaf eich sicrhau bod clinigwyr a rheolwyr a chleifion yn gwrando ar y ddadl hon a fydd wedi cael eu cythruddo gan yr honiad hwn. Os ydych chi'n cyflawni ar hyn, eglurwch pam y gall claf ym Maesteg ddisgwyl canlyniadau gwahanol i glaf 8 milltir i ffwrdd ym Mhort Talbot?
Hybiau rhanbarthol. Rydych chi wedi sôn am yr hyb orthopedig parhaol yn Llandudno a nodwyd gennym ni, ac nad yw wedi agor eto, fel y dywedais. Ond mae angen hybiau dros dro arnom ar gyfer offthalmoleg, gynaecoleg, dermatoleg, ac arbenigwyr eraill. Felly, peidiwch â dibwyllo pobl drwy honni eich bod yn cyflawni rhaglen nad ydych chi wedi'i darllen neu nad ydych chi'n ei deall. Y gwir amdani o hyd yw bod y Llywodraeth hon wedi methu cydnabod arferion gorau yng Nghymru a sicrhau bod pawb yn elwa.
Dywedodd y Prif Weinidog ei bod wedi dechrau ymarfer gwrando yn yr haf. Felly, gwrandewch. Gwrandewch ar y rhai sy'n llosgi eu hunain yn dwll yn ceisio mynd i'r afael â phroblem rydych chi wedi ei chreu. Yr wythnos diwethaf, fe ddywedoch chi mai dim ond dechrau roeddech chi. Os mai dim ond nawr rydych chi'n dechrau mynd i'r afael â rhestrau aros, rwy'n arswydo meddwl ble fydd ein GIG arni ymhen ychydig flynyddoedd. Bob tro y daw Prif Weinidog newydd i rym, maent yn dweud dau beth: (1) mai eu huchelgais yw mynd i'r afael â'r rhestrau aros; a (2) nad oes gan yr un blaid fonopoli ar syniadau da. Rydych chi wedi methu ar y cyntaf, a rhethreg wag yw'r ail yn ôl pob golwg. Oherwydd dyma syniadau ardderchog, a gallaf ddweud hynny am nad fy rhai i ydynt; nid wyf i'n derbyn y clod amdanynt.
Syniadau yw'r rhain a ffurfiwyd yng ngwres yr argyfwng rhestrau aros gan y bobl sy'n gorfod rheoli a gweithio mewn system sy'n methu. Gallant weld beth sydd angen ei wneud. Maent wedi dweud wrthym, ac rydym wedi cyflwyno'r syniadau hynny fel ateb ymarferol. Edrychwch, nid dadl am y chwith neu'r dde yw hon, nid yw'n ymwneud ag ideoleg, nac athroniaeth wleidyddol hyd yn oed; mae'n ymwneud yn syml â dod o hyd i atebion i fynd i'r afael ag argyfwng uniongyrchol yn ein GIG. Felly, rhowch y gorau i deyrngarwch llwythol, cydnabyddwch fod hyn er budd pawb, a chefnogwch y cynnig.
Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig heb ei ddiwygio? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, mae yna wrthwynebiad. Felly, fe wnawn ni ohirio'r bleidlais tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
The proposal is to agree the motion without amendment. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes, there are objections. We will therefore defer voting until voting time.
Gohiriwyd y pleidleisio tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
Voting deferred until voting time.
Rŷn ni'n cyrraedd y cyfnod pleidleisio hwnnw ac oni bai bod tri Aelod yn gofyn i fi ganu'r gloch, yna fe wnawn ni symud yn syth i'r bleidlais gyntaf. Mae'r gyfres o bleidleisiau yma, yn gyntaf, ar eitem 6, sef dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig ar y chwe mis cyntaf o Lywodraeth newydd y Deyrnas Gyfunol. Y bleidlais gyntaf ar y cynnig heb ei ddiwygio, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Paul Davies. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 24, neb yn ymatal, 26 yn erbyn, ac felly mae'r cynnig wedi ei wrthod.
That brings us to voting time and unless three Members wish for the bell to be rung, then we will move directly to our first vote. The first series of votes is on item 6, the Welsh Conservatives debate on the new UK Government's first six months. The first vote is on the motion without amendment, tabled in the name of Paul Davies. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 24, no abstentions, 26 against, and therefore the motion is not agreed.
Eitem 6. Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig - Chwe mis cyntaf Llywodraeth newydd y DU. Cynnig heb ei ddiwygio: O blaid: 24, Yn erbyn: 26, Ymatal: 0
Gwrthodwyd y cynnig
Item 6. Welsh Conservatives Debate - New UK Government's first six months. Motion without amendment: For: 24, Against: 26, Abstain: 0
Motion has been rejected
Gwelliant 1 fydd nesaf. Gwelliant 1 yn enw Jane Hutt. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 26, neb yn ymatal, 24 yn erbyn. Gwelliant 1 wedi ei dderbyn.
Amendment 1 is next. I call for a vote on amendment 1, tabled in the name of Jane Hutt. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 26, no abstentions, 24 against. Therefore, amendment 1 is agreed.
Eitem 6. Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig - Chwe mis cyntaf Llywodraeth newydd y DU. Gwelliant 1, cyflwynwyd yn enw Jane Hutt: O blaid: 26, Yn erbyn: 24, Ymatal: 0
Derbyniwyd y gwelliant
Item 6. Welsh Conservatives Debate - New UK Government's first six months. Amendment 1, tabled in the name of Jane Hutt: For: 26, Against: 24, Abstain: 0
Amendment has been agreed
Y bleidlais nesaf ar y cynnig, felly, wedi ei ddiwygio.
The next vote will be on the motion as amended.
Cynnig NDM8783 fel y’i diwygiwyd:
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
1. Yn nodi bod Llywodraeth Lafur y DU wedi bod mewn grym am chwe mis yn Ionawr 2025.
2. Yn nodi y bu’n rhaid i Lywodraeth y DU wneud penderfyniadau anodd er mwyn dechrau adfer twf yn ein heconomi, sicrhau bod cyllid cyhoeddus yn fwy sefydlog ac ail-fuddsoddi yn ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus.
3. Yn croesawu’r cyllid ychwanegol i Gymru gan Lywodraeth y DU yng Nghyllideb yr Hydref Llywodraeth y DU.
4. Yn nodi’r ffaith bod y penderfyniadau a wnaed gan Lywodraeth Lafur y DU yn ei chwe mis cyntaf yn golygu bod Cyllideb Ddrafft Llywodraeth Cymru yn cynnwys gwerth £1.5 biliwn o gyllid refeniw ychwanegol a gwerth £3 biliwn o gyllid cyfalaf, gan alluogi Cymru i anelu at dwf.
5. Yn credu y dylai cyllideb Cymru ganolbwyntio i ddechrau ar gyfrifoldebau datganoledig.
Motion NDM8783 as amended:
To propose that the Senedd:
1. Notes that January 2025 marks six months of the UK Labour Government being in power.
2. Notes the UK Government has had to make difficult decisions to begin to restore growth in our economy, set the public finances on a more stable footing and reinvest in our public services.
3. Welcomes the additional funding for Wales from the UK Government in the October UK Budget.
4. Notes decisions taken by the UK Labour Government in its first six months mean the Welsh Government’s Draft Budget includes £1.5 billion of additional revenue funding and £3 billion of capital funding, putting Wales back on the path to growth.
5. Believes the first call on the Welsh budget should be for devolved responsibilities.
Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 26, neb yn ymatal, 24 yn erbyn. Y cynnig yna wedi ei dderbyn.
Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 26, no abstentions, 24 against. The motion as amended is agreed.
Eitem 6. Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig - Chwe mis cyntaf Llywodraeth newydd y DU. Cynnig wedi'i ddiwygio: O blaid: 26, Yn erbyn: 24, Ymatal: 0
Derbyniwyd y cynnig fel y'i diwygiwyd
Item 6. Welsh Conservatives Debate - New UK Government's first six months. Motion as amended: For: 26, Against: 24, Abstain: 0
Motion as amended has been agreed
Mae'r gyfres o bleidleisiau nesaf ar eitem 7, sef dadl Plaid Cymru ar amserau aros o fewn y gwasanaeth iechyd. Mae'r bleidlais gyntaf ar y cynnig heb ei ddiwygio, yn enw Heledd Fychan. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 11, neb yn ymatal, 39 yn erbyn. Mae'r cynnig yna wedi'i wrthod.
The next series of votes is on item 7, the Plaid Cymru debate on NHS waiting times. The first vote is on the motion without amendment, tabled in the name of Heledd Fychan. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 11, no abstentions, 39 against. The motion is therefore not agreed.
Eitem 7. Dadl Plaid Cymru - Amserau aros y GIG. Cynnig heb ei ddiwygio: O blaid: 11, Yn erbyn: 39, Ymatal: 0
Gwrthodwyd y cynnig
Item 7. Plaid Cymru Debate - NHS waiting times. Motion without amendment: For: 11, Against: 39, Abstain: 0
Motion has been rejected
Mae'r bleidlais nesaf ar welliant 1, ac os derbynnir gwelliant 1, bydd gwelliant 2 yn cael ei ddad-ddethol. Felly, pleidlais ar welliant 1, yn enw Jane Hutt. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 26, neb yn ymatal, 24 yn erbyn. Mae gwelliant 1 wedi'i dderbyn. Mae gwelliant 2 wedi'i ddad-ddethol.
The next vote is on amendment 1, and if amendment 1 is agreed, amendment 2 will be deselected. I call for a vote on amendment 1, tabled in the name of Jane Hutt. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 26, no abstentions, 24 against. Amendment 1 is therefore agreed, and amendment 2 is deselected.
Eitem 7. Dadl Plaid Cymru - Amserau aros y GIG. Gwelliant 1, cyflwynwyd yn enw Jane Hutt: O blaid: 26, Yn erbyn: 24, Ymatal: 0
Derbyniwyd y gwelliant
Item 7. Plaid Cymru Debate - NHS waiting times. Amendment 1, tabled in the name of Jane Hutt: For: 26, Against: 24, Abstain: 0
Amendment has been agreed
Cafodd gwelliant 2 ei ddad-ddethol.
Amendment 2 deselected.
Felly, y bleidlais olaf ar y cynnig wedi'i ddiwygio. Agor y bleidlais.
Therefore, the final vote will be on the motion as amended. Open the vote.
Cynnig NDM8785 fel y'i diwygiwyd:
Yn cynnig bod y Senedd:
1. Yn nodi uchelgais y Prif Weinidog i leihau’r amseroedd aros hiraf a chyflymu mynediad at driniaeth GIG.
2. Yn nodi bod arosiadau o fwy na 104 wythnos wedi gostwng ddau draean ers iddynt fod ar eu hanterth yn ystod y pandemig.
3. Yn cydnabod bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi buddsoddi £50 miliwn yn ychwanegol yng nghynlluniau'r byrddau iechyd i leihau'r amseroedd aros hiraf ymhellach yn 2024-25.
4. Yn cydnabod camau gweithredu Llywodraeth Cymru i fynd i'r afael â rhestrau aros drwy ddatblygu:
a) y ganolfan llawfeddygaeth orthopedig ranbarthol yn Ysbyty Castell-nedd Port Talbot;
b) Ysbyty Llandudno yn ganolfan lawfeddygol orthopedig ar gyfer y Gogledd; ac
c) y ganolfan ddiagnostig a llawfeddygol yn Llantrisant.
Motion NDM8785 as amended:
To propose that the Senedd:
1. Notes the First Minister's ambition to cut the longest waiting times and speed up access to NHS treatment.
2. Notes waits of more than 104 weeks have fallen by two-thirds since their peak during the pandemic.
3. Recognises the Welsh Government has invested an additional £50 million in health board plans to further reduce the longest waits in 2024-25.
4. Recognises Welsh Government action to address waiting lists through the development of:
a) the regional orthopaedic surgery centre in Neath Port Talbot Hospital;
b) Llandudno Hospital as an orthopaedic surgical centre for North Wales; and
c) the diagnostic and surgical centre at Llantrisant.
Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 26, 11 yn ymatal, 13 yn erbyn. Felly, mae'r cynnig yna wedi'i dderbyn.
Close the vote. In favour 26, 11 abstentions, 13 against. Therefore, the motion is agreed.
Eitem 7. Dadl Plaid Cymru - Amserau aros y GIG. Cynnig wedi'i ddiwygio: O blaid: 26, Yn erbyn: 13, Ymatal: 11
Derbyniwyd y cynnig fel y'i diwygiwyd
Item 7. Plaid Cymru Debate - NHS waiting times. Motion as amended: For: 26, Against: 13, Abstain: 11
Motion as amended has been agreed
Dyna ddiwedd ar y pleidleisio am heddiw.
That concludes voting for this afternoon.
Fe fyddwn ni nawr yn symud ymlaen i'r ddadl fer. Mae'r ddadl fer y prynhawn yma gan Alun Davies. Os gwnaiff Aelodau adael yn dawel, fe gawn ni symud ymlaen i'r ddadl fer. Alun Davies.
We will now move on to the short debate. Today's short debate is to be presented by Alun Davies. If Members could leave the Chamber quietly, we will move on to the short debate. Alun Davies.
Thank you very much, Presiding Officer. I'm grateful to you for the opportunity to speak on this matter this evening. The current sections that have been completed on the A465 Heads of the Valleys road certainly run through the Heads of the Valleys, but in many ways they also run through the history and geography of Wales, from the old washeries of Tower colliery, the final deep mine in Wales, above Hirwaun in the west, to the outcrop of what the colliers of Brynmawr used to call Farewell Rock in the east. You can stand in Rhigos and look across to the Beacons and then down to the Valleys, to the Bristol channel. At its highest point, near Clydach, it reaches 1,350 ft above sea level.
All too often, it is described as the border between industrial south Wales and rural mid Wales, but what I want to focus on this evening is what it connects today and what it can connect tomorrow. Certainly, it connects the Clydach gorge with the Neath valley: two parts of our country that have extraordinary history. The Clydach gorge, of course, is part of that ring of iron and fire that created the industrial revolution. Some of the first ironworks in the world were actually in the Clydach gorge, and the Neath valley, of course, takes us from the hills and the mountains of Bannau Brycheiniog down to the coast in Neath, but it also connects the communities of the Heads of the Valleys with the UK motorway system, and provides a new connection between Wales and the midlands of England.
But, it does more than this; it does more than simply talk to us of our history and our geography. I hope that it will also connect us with our futures. Because this wasn't a road built because of either congestion or gridlocked infrastructure; it was built as an investment in our futures. In total, when it is completed later this year, it will be one of the biggest investments ever made by the Welsh Government, and it fulfils a promise that I and others have made to the communities of the Heads of the Valleys. It is a great engineering feat, and I think, as we look towards completion now, we should say 'thank you' to everybody who has worked on the project, and also to the people who have had their lives affected by the construction phase.
But now is the time to look ahead. The Welsh Government has been very innovative in the way it's looked at this project and completed this project, from the debates we had with the former Deputy First Minister, which the Presiding Officer will remember, about some of the construction contracts that were let at that time, insisting on apprenticeships as part of that construction project, back—. I think it was about 15 years ago now. I don't want to age either of us, but it was a while ago. But we certainly had that conversation about how the road would be built and not simply why it would be built.
Diolch, Lywydd. Rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn i chi am y cyfle i siarad ar y pwnc hwn heno. Mae'r rhannau presennol sydd wedi'u cwblhau ar ffordd yr A465 Blaenau'r Cymoedd yn sicr yn rhedeg trwy Flaenau'r Cymoedd, ond mewn sawl ffordd maent hefyd yn rhedeg trwy hanes a daearyddiaeth Cymru, o hen olchfeydd pwll glo'r Tower, y pwll glo dwfn olaf yng Nghymru, uwchben Hirwaun yn y gorllewin, hyd at y graig yr arferai glowyr Bryn-mawr ei galw'n Farewell Rock yn y dwyrain. Gallwch sefyll yn y Rhigos ac edrych draw at y Bannau ac yna i lawr i'r Cymoedd, at Fôr Hafren. Ar y pwynt uchaf, ger Clydach, mae'n cyrraedd 1,350 troedfedd uwchlaw lefel y môr.
Yn rhy aml, caiff y ffordd ei disgrifio fel y ffin rhwng de Cymru ddiwydiannol a chefn gwlad canolbarth Cymru, ond hoffwn ganolbwyntio heno ar yr hyn y mae'n ei gysylltu heddiw a'r hyn y gall ei gysylltu yfory. Yn sicr, mae'n cysylltu cwm Clydach â chwm Nedd: dwy ran o'n gwlad sydd â hanes eithriadol. Mae cwm Clydach yn rhan o'r cylch o haearn a thân a greodd y chwyldro diwydiannol. Roedd rhai o'r gweithfeydd haearn cyntaf yn y byd yng nghwm Clydach, ac mae cwm Nedd, wrth gwrs, yn mynd â ni o fryniau a mynyddoedd Bannau Brycheiniog i lawr i'r arfordir yng Nghastell-nedd. Ond mae hefyd yn cysylltu cymunedau Blaenau'r Cymoedd â system draffyrdd y DU, ac yn darparu cysylltiad newydd rhwng Cymru a chanolbarth Lloegr.
Ond mae'n gwneud mwy na hyn; mae'n gwneud mwy na dim ond siarad â ni am ein hanes a'n daearyddiaeth. Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd yn ein cysylltu â'n dyfodol hefyd. Oherwydd nid ffordd a adeiladwyd oherwydd tagfeydd neu seilwaith gorlawn oedd hon; fe'i hadeiladwyd fel buddsoddiad yn ein dyfodol. Gyda'i gilydd, pan gaiff ei chwblhau yn ddiweddarach eleni, bydd yn un o'r buddsoddiadau mwyaf a wnaed erioed gan Lywodraeth Cymru, ac mae'n cyflawni addewid a wnaed gennyf i ac eraill i gymunedau Blaenau'r Cymoedd. Mae'n gamp beirianyddol wych, a chredaf y dylem ddweud 'diolch' wrth bawb sydd wedi gweithio ar y prosiect, a hefyd wrth y bobl yr effeithiwyd ar eu bywydau gan y cyfnod adeiladu.
Ond nawr yw'r amser i edrych ymlaen. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi bod yn arloesol iawn yn y ffordd y mae wedi edrych ar y prosiect hwn ac wedi cwblhau'r prosiect hwn, o'r dadleuon a gawsom gyda'r cyn Ddirprwy Brif Weinidog, y bydd y Llywydd yn eu cofio, am rai o'r contractau adeiladu a gafodd eu rhoi ar y pryd, yn mynnu bod prentisiaethau'n rhan o'r prosiect adeiladu hwnnw, yn ôl—. Rwy'n credu ei fod oddeutu 15 mlynedd yn ôl bellach. Nid wyf eisiau datgelu oed yr un ohonom ein dau, ond roedd hynny beth amser maith yn ôl. Ond yn sicr cawsom sgwrs ynglŷn â sut y byddai'r ffordd yn cael ei hadeiladu ac nid yn unig pam y byddai'n cael ei hadeiladu.
But now is a time to look ahead, and the purpose of this debate this afternoon is to call on the Welsh Government to deliver an industrial strategy for the Heads of the Valleys that will maximise the impact of this investment. In Blaenau Gwent, we have seen the Tech Valleys programme, which, over the last few years, has seen significant investment in the business infrastructure of the borough. But it's time also to move forward and to look beyond this programme to what comes next.
The Welsh Government has invested in our communities and our people. We have seen new colleges built in the time that I've been a Member here, in Aberdare, Merthyr and Ebbw Vale, delivering new skills for people. The new Hive development will be completed in Ebbw Vale later this year, and that was delivered with funding from the former UK Government. And the former Secretary of State for Wales took time out to visit Ebbw Vale and to see for himself what that investment was delivering. It will deliver a new level of skills development, working with employers and investors in providing new opportunities for people throughout Blaenau Gwent.
We've also seen investment in new infrastructure, in my constituency in the works site in Ebbw Vale, but also in Bryn Serth and Rhyd y Blew. But the completion of the dualling project this year now means that we need to move faster and to describe our compelling vision for the future in concrete terms, which will deliver not simply skills, but also a comprehensive programme of infrastructure investment.
But we've seen the investment taking place in the south Wales metro, connecting the Heads of the Valleys with the heart of the capital city, from the new services to Newport on the Ebbw valley line, to the electrification and new services across the Valleys, from Rhymney to Aberdare, Merthyr and Rhondda. Never in the last century have we witnessed such a scale of investment in our transport infrastructure in the Valleys of south Wales, and it is only the Welsh Government that has had the vision and the determination to deliver that investment.
So, all of these things are coming together, and this is why today, now, is the time that an industrial strategy needs to bring together all of these existing plans with a new ambition and a means to deliver it. We need to bring together the communities of the Heads of the Valleys to realise this vision. Shared priorities for a shared future. Our priorities need to be about hard infrastructure, but also about our communities themselves, investing in our culture, our health and well-being, our people. And I still, Minister, Cabinet Secretary, want to see the Welsh Government deliver on my priorities for a Valleys regional park.
So, what do we need to do? What are the elements of an industrial strategy? Let me chart out, please, just for a few moments, what I see as some of the key elements of an industrial strategy for the Heads of the Valleys. We need to continue to invest in the business infrastructure. We know that there is already demand for 100,000 sq ft industrial units. We've debated that already today. And we've seen in the last few weeks how such investment leads to further private investment in new and growing businesses, and in Blaenau Gwent we already have sites for at least three of these large, new units, right next to the dual carriageway. We have those areas available now, today. There are no grade 1 industrial units currently untenanted. We desperately need new investment in these industrial units and businesses units and businesses parks across the whole of the Heads of the Valleys region.
For future growth, we need to develop the identified employment sites. I've already mentioned Bryn Serth and Rhyd y Blew, but we also have Tredegar Business Park and the former steelworks in Ebbw Vale. We need to invest in these industrial estates and business sites themselves to ensure that we have the attractive businesses infrastructure to build a new economy. But we also need to have the broadband and mobile phone infrastructure, which will provide connections not simply across Wales and the UK, but to the world. And it is testament of the failures of Ofcom and successive UK Governments that I need to make this point yet again in 2025.
And then we need to have the energy infrastructure that will sustain business development and new investment in our communities. I want to see investment in our town centres, in retail and leisure facilities. It's about communities and people, not simply the economy. But people cannot survive without income, without employment, so the economy remains central. And that means continued investment in skills and future skills that will shape the future workforce and the job markets. We’ve already debated AI and the impact that AI will have on future jobs and skills and future economies. We have already seen significant investment in our schools and colleges. We now need to ensure that we have a skills pathway to the future.
The improved highway network has already allowed us to attract new businesses and grow our indigenous businesses, so now we need to bring these priorities together—our communications, our transport networks, our infrastructure, our skills, our people strategies, our community strategies, our energy strategies, our mobile and broadband strategies. All this needs to come together as a jobs plan for the Heads of the Valleys.
But having plans, of course, is not enough; we need the machinery of delivery that will enable us to realise this ambition. I think we can all agree that that machinery currently does not exist. I don’t want to use this debate this afternoon to set out what I believe we need to create, but I am clear in my mind that if we are serious about maximising the value of this £2 billion investment, then we must also have the machinery to deliver it. Words and speeches are not enough. What I hope we’ll be able to do as we move forward—we’re moving towards an election and manifesto opportunities—is to look at the sort of vision that we will have for 2030.
I’m going to give way in a moment to Sam Kurtz from the Welsh Conservatives who has asked to speak in this debate, but I wish to conclude by saying this: of course, the A465 is a road, but it needs to be more than a piece of tarmac, and it must be more than a bypass. It must be a road to our futures, it must be a road of opportunities and a road to prosperity. It must be a road to a different future, a new future for the Heads of the Valleys. Thank you very much.
Ond nawr yw'r amser i edrych tua'r dyfodol, a diben y ddadl hon y prynhawn yma yw galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i gyflawni strategaeth ddiwydiannol ar gyfer Blaenau'r Cymoedd a fydd yn gwneud y mwyaf o effaith y buddsoddiad hwn. Ym Mlaenau Gwent, dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf gwelsom raglen y Cymoedd Technoleg sydd wedi gweld buddsoddiad sylweddol yn seilwaith busnes y fwrdeistref. Ond mae'n bryd symud ymlaen hefyd ac edrych y tu hwnt i'r rhaglen hon at yr hyn a ddaw nesaf.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi buddsoddi yn ein cymunedau a'n pobl. Rydym wedi gweld colegau newydd yn cael eu hadeiladu yn yr amser y bûm yn Aelod yma, yn Aberdâr, Merthyr a Glynebwy, colegau sy'n cyflwyno sgiliau newydd i bobl. Bydd datblygiad y ganolfan uwch beirianneg newydd yn cael ei gwblhau yng Nglynebwy yn ddiweddarach eleni, a chafodd hwnnw ei gyflawni â chyllid gan Lywodraeth flaenorol y DU. A neilltuodd cyn-Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru amser i ymweld â Glynebwy a gweld drosto'i hun beth oedd y buddsoddiad hwnnw'n ei gyflawni. Bydd yn darparu lefel newydd o ddatblygu sgiliau, gan weithio gyda chyflogwyr a buddsoddwyr i ddarparu cyfleoedd newydd i bobl ledled Blaenau Gwent.
Rydym hefyd wedi gweld buddsoddiad mewn seilwaith newydd, yn fy etholaeth i yn safle'r gweithfeydd yng Nglynebwy, ond hefyd ym Mryn Serth a Rhyd y Blew. Ond mae cwblhau'r prosiect deuoli eleni bellach yn golygu bod angen inni symud yn gyflymach a disgrifio ein gweledigaeth gymhellol ar gyfer y dyfodol mewn termau pendant, gweledigaeth a fydd yn darparu nid yn unig sgiliau, ond rhaglen gynhwysfawr o fuddsoddiad seilwaith hefyd.
Ond rydym wedi gweld y buddsoddiad yn digwydd ym metro de Cymru, i gysylltu Blaenau'r Cymoedd â chalon y brifddinas, o'r gwasanaethau newydd i Gasnewydd ar reilffordd Cwm Ebwy, i'r trydaneiddio a gwasanaethau newydd ar draws y Cymoedd, o Rymni i Aberdâr, Merthyr a'r Rhondda. Drwy'r ganrif ddiwethaf ar ei hyd, ni welwyd cymaint o fuddsoddiad yn ein seilwaith trafnidiaeth yng Nghymoedd de Cymru, a Llywodraeth Cymru yn unig sydd wedi bod â'r weledigaeth a'r penderfyniad i sicrhau'r buddsoddiad hwnnw.
Felly, mae'r holl bethau hyn yn dod at ei gilydd, a dyna pam mai heddiw, nawr, yw'r amser y mae angen i strategaeth ddiwydiannol ddod â'r holl gynlluniau hyn ynghyd gydag uchelgais newydd a modd o'i gyflawni. Mae angen inni ddod â chymunedau Blaenau'r Cymoedd ynghyd i wireddu'r weledigaeth hon. Blaenoriaethau a rennir ar gyfer dyfodol a rennir. Mae angen i'n blaenoriaethau ymwneud â seilwaith caled, ond hefyd â'r cymunedau eu hunain, gan fuddsoddi yn ein diwylliant, ein hiechyd a'n llesiant, ein pobl. A Weinidog, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, rwy'n dal i fod eisiau gweld Llywodraeth Cymru yn cyflawni ar fy mlaenoriaethau ar gyfer parc rhanbarthol yn y Cymoedd.
Felly, beth sydd angen i ni ei wneud? Beth yw elfennau strategaeth ddiwydiannol? Gadewch imi nodi, os gwelwch yn dda, am ychydig eiliadau, yr hyn rwy'n ei weld fel rhai o elfennau allweddol strategaeth ddiwydiannol ar gyfer Blaenau'r Cymoedd. Mae angen inni barhau i fuddsoddi yn y seilwaith busnes. Fe wyddom fod galw eisoes am unedau diwydiannol 100,000 troedfedd sgwâr. Rydym wedi trafod hynny eisoes heddiw. Ac yn ystod yr wythnosau diwethaf, gwelsom sut y mae buddsoddiad o'r fath yn arwain at fuddsoddiad preifat pellach mewn busnesau newydd sy'n tyfu, ac ym Mlaenau Gwent mae gennym safleoedd eisoes ar gyfer o leiaf dair o'r unedau mawr newydd hyn, wrth ymyl y ffordd ddeuol. Mae gennym y mannau hynny ar gael nawr, heddiw. Nid oes unrhyw unedau diwydiannol gradd 1 gwag ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Mae gwir angen buddsoddiad newydd yn yr unedau diwydiannol a'r unedau busnes hyn a pharciau busnes ar draws rhanbarth Blaenau'r Cymoedd i gyd.
Ar gyfer twf yn y dyfodol, mae angen inni ddatblygu'r safleoedd cyflogaeth a nodwyd. Rwyf eisoes wedi sôn am Bryn Serth a Rhyd y Blew, ond mae gennym Barc Busnes Tredegar hefyd a'r hen waith dur yng Nglynebwy. Mae angen inni fuddsoddi yn yr ystadau diwydiannol a'r safleoedd busnes hyn eu hunain i sicrhau bod gennym seilwaith o fusnesau deniadol ar gyfer adeiladu economi newydd. Ond hefyd mae angen inni gael seilwaith ar gyfer band eang a ffonau symudol, a fydd yn darparu cysylltiadau nid yn unig ledled Cymru a'r DU, ond y byd. Ac mae'n dyst i fethiannau Ofcom a Llywodraethau olynol y DU fod angen imi wneud y pwynt hwn eto yn 2025.
Yna, mae angen inni gael y seilwaith ynni i gynnal datblygiad busnes a buddsoddiad newydd yn ein cymunedau. Rwyf am weld buddsoddi yng nghanol ein trefi, mewn cyfleusterau manwerthu a hamdden. Mae'n ymwneud â chymunedau a phobl, nid yr economi'n unig. Ond ni all pobl oroesi heb incwm, heb gyflogaeth, felly mae'r economi yn parhau i fod yn ganolog. Ac mae hynny'n golygu parhau i fuddsoddi mewn sgiliau, a sgiliau ar gyfer y dyfodol a fydd yn rhoi ffurf i weithlu'r dyfodol a'r marchnadoedd swyddi. Rydym eisoes wedi trafod deallusrwydd artiffisial a'r effaith y bydd deallusrwydd artiffisial yn ei chael ar swyddi a sgiliau yn y dyfodol ac economïau'r dyfodol. Rydym eisoes wedi gweld buddsoddiad sylweddol yn ein hysgolion a'n colegau. Mae angen inni sicrhau nawr fod gennym lwybr sgiliau i'r dyfodol.
Mae'r rhwydwaith priffyrdd gwell eisoes wedi ein galluogi i ddenu busnesau newydd a thyfu ein busnesau cynhenid, felly mae angen inni ddod â'r blaenoriaethau hyn at ei gilydd nawr—ein systemau cyfathrebu, ein rhwydweithiau trafnidiaeth, ein seilwaith, ein sgiliau, ein strategaethau pobl, ein strategaethau cymunedol, ein strategaethau ynni, ein strategaethau symudol a band eang. Mae angen i hyn i gyd ddod at ei gilydd fel cynllun swyddi ar gyfer Blaenau'r Cymoedd.
Ond nid yw cynlluniau'n ddigon, wrth gwrs; mae angen y peirianwaith cyflawni a fydd yn ein galluogi i wireddu'r uchelgais hwn. Rwy'n credu y gallwn i gyd gytuno nad yw'r peirianwaith hwnnw'n bodoli ar hyn o bryd. Nid wyf am ddefnyddio'r ddadl hon y prynhawn yma i nodi'r hyn y credaf fod angen inni ei greu, ond rwy'n glir yn fy meddwl, os ydym o ddifrif ynghylch cynyddu gwerth y buddsoddiad o £2 biliwn, mae'n rhaid inni hefyd gael y peirianwaith i'w gyflawni. Nid yw geiriau ac areithiau'n ddigon. Yr hyn rwy'n gobeithio y gallwn ei wneud wrth inni symud ymlaen—rydym yn symud tuag at etholiad a chyfleoedd maniffesto—yw edrych ar y math o weledigaeth a fydd gennym ar gyfer 2030.
Rwy'n mynd i ildio mewn eiliad i Sam Kurtz o'r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig sydd wedi gofyn am gael siarad yn y ddadl hon, ond hoffwn ddod i ben drwy ddweud hyn: ffordd yw'r A465 wrth gwrs, ond mae angen iddi fod yn fwy na darn o darmac, ac mae'n rhaid iddi fod yn fwy na ffordd osgoi. Rhaid iddi fod yn ffordd i'n dyfodol, rhaid iddi fod yn ffordd o gyfleoedd ac yn ffordd i ffyniant. Rhaid iddi fod yn ffordd tuag at ddyfodol gwahanol, dyfodol newydd i Flaenau'r Cymoedd. Diolch yn fawr.
Diolch i Alun Davies am y cyfle i gyfrannu at y ddadl fer y prynhawn yma.
Thank you to Alun Davies for the opportunity to contribute to the short debate this afternoon.
I was really touched by your speech this afternoon, Alun, about the wider impact that infrastructure projects can have on communities. We often talk about, and I have as well at length, freight moving goods, but let’s not forget the movement of people and the benefit of good infrastructure in the movement of people. In Pembrokeshire, only 0.8 per cent of our road network is dualled. Less than 1 per cent is dualled. That’s where we have two ports connecting us to the Republic of Ireland. We have intermittent rail services through to Pembroke Dock. What’s interesting there as well is that goes underneath the Landsker Line, connecting rural Welsh Wales—Whitland, above the Landsker Line—through to south Pembrokeshire, going through Tenby, which has historically been one of the busiest train stations in Wales due to the increase of passengers, but post COVID that’s deteriorated.
There have been some good developments on the A477, but again nothing has been done around dualling, as well as the A40. It has left Pembrokeshire and west Wales unable to maximise its opportunities in the travel of people and the travel of goods, given its connectivity elsewhere. That for me is a badge of shame. We look enviously at the Heads of the Valleys road and the investment that’s been had there. There has been investment, and if the Cabinet Secretary for transport was here I would congratulate him for the investment around the Llanddewi Velfrey bypass in the constituency. Like you, Alun, I’d like to thank those who’ve worked on it, but also thank the patience of those who’ve been living in those areas when those disruptive works have taken place. I hope that that road opens soon.
When we talk about infrastructure, infrastructure shouldn’t be seen as a dirty word. Infrastructure is a really good thing, it’s one of the best rudimental levers we have to create economic prosperity, as long as we maximise the opportunities that come from it. On the point around the HiVE, I’m really excited by the discussion that the Member and I had previously around this last week. That’s something that I think all of us should be aware of, all of us should be celebrating. I commend the Member for bringing this forward and being a champion for not only Blaenau Gwent but the Heads of the Valleys and the road infrastructure as well.
Cefais fy nghyffwrdd yn fawr gan eich araith y prynhawn yma, Alun, am yr effaith ehangach y gall prosiectau seilwaith ei chael ar gymunedau. Rydym yn aml yn siarad, ac rwyf innau wedi gwneud hynny'n helaeth, am gludo nwyddau, ond gadewch inni beidio ag anghofio am symud pobl a budd seilwaith da ar gyfer symud pobl. Yn sir Benfro, dim ond 0.8 y cant o'n rhwydwaith ffyrdd sydd wedi ei ddeuoli. Mae llai nag 1 y cant wedi ei ddeuoli. Dyna lle mae gennym ddau borthladd yn ein cysylltu â Gweriniaeth Iwerddon. Mae gennym wasanaethau rheilffordd ysbeidiol drwodd i Ddoc Penfro. Yr hyn sy'n ddiddorol yno hefyd yw bod honno'n mynd o dan Linell Landsger, gan gysylltu'r Gymru wledig—Hendy-gwyn ar Daf, uwchben Llinell Landsger—drwodd i dde sir Benfro, gan fynd trwy Ddinbych-y-pysgod, sydd yn hanesyddol wedi bod yn un o'r gorsafoedd trên prysuraf yng Nghymru oherwydd cynnydd yn nifer y teithwyr, ond ar ôl COVID mae hynny wedi dirywio.
Cafwyd rhai datblygiadau da ar yr A477, ond unwaith eto ni wnaed unrhyw beth ynghylch deuoli, yn ogystal â'r A40. Mae wedi golygu na all sir Benfro a gorllewin Cymru fanteisio i'r eithaf ar ei gyfleoedd o ran teithiau pobl a nwyddau, o ystyried ei gysylltedd mewn mannau eraill. I mi mae hynny'n gywilyddus. Rydym yn edrych yn genfigennus ar ffordd Blaenau'r Cymoedd a'r buddsoddiad a welwyd yno. Fe gafwyd buddsoddiad, a phe bai Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros drafnidiaeth yma buaswn yn ei longyfarch am y buddsoddiad yn ffordd osgoi Llanddewi Felffre yn yr etholaeth. Fel chi, Alun, hoffwn ddiolch i'r rhai sydd wedi gweithio arni, ond hefyd diolch i'r rhai sydd wedi bod yn byw yn yr ardaloedd hynny am eu hamynedd pan oedd y gwaith tarfol ar y gweill. Gobeithio y bydd y ffordd honno'n agor yn fuan.
Pan fyddwn yn siarad am seilwaith, ni ddylid ystyried seilwaith yn air budr. Mae seilwaith yn beth da iawn, mae'n un o'r ysgogiadau elfennol gorau sydd gennym i greu ffyniant economaidd, cyn belled â'n bod yn gwneud y mwyaf o'r cyfleoedd sy'n deillio ohono. Ar y pwynt ynghylch y ganolfan uwch beirianneg, rwy'n gyffrous iawn ynghylch y drafodaeth a gefais gyda'r Aelod ar hyn yr wythnos diwethaf. Mae hynny'n rhywbeth y credaf y dylai pob un ohonom fod yn ymwybodol ohono, y dylai pob un ohonom ei ddathlu. Rwy'n cymeradwyo'r Aelod am gyflwyno hyn ac am hyrwyddo nid yn unig Blaenau Gwent ond Blaenau'r Cymoedd a'r seilwaith ffyrdd hefyd.
Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Gyfiawnder Cymdeithasol sy'n ymateb i'r ddadl—Jane Hutt.
I call on the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice to reply to the debate—Jane Hutt.

Diolch yn fawr, Llywydd. I'd like to start by thanking Alun Davies for bringing forward this short debate and recognise that the Member tirelessly campaigns for improvements to his Blaenau Gwent constituency. I want to pay tribute to the work that he's done. It was a magnificent speech, as Sam has said. It needs to go beyond this Chamber, I believe.
Diolch yn fawr, Lywydd. Hoffwn ddechrau drwy ddiolch i Alun Davies am gyflwyno'r ddadl fer hon a chydnabod bod yr Aelod yn ymgyrchu'n ddiflino dros welliannau i'w etholaeth ym Mlaenau Gwent. Hoffwn dalu teyrnged i'r gwaith y mae wedi'i wneud. Roedd yn araith wych, fel y dywedodd Sam. Rwy'n credu bod angen iddi fynd y tu hwnt i'r Siambr hon.
I'm very pleased to respond today confirming, of course, that the A465 road scheme will be completed this summer. The A465, often referred to as the Heads of the Valleys road, is that vital link that you identify that connects towns and communities—Monmouthshire, Blaenau Gwent, Rhymney, Merthyr and Rhondda Cynon Taf—and its improvement is long awaited and transformative. It will not only enhance our transportation infrastructure, but also fuel economic growth across the region, which, as you say, is the heart of the infrastructure that we need to develop to benefit our people and communities.
But also we must recognise that it represents one of the most significant infrastructure investments, not just in the Member's constituency and region, but in the whole of the UK. Members will be fully aware that it's been a complex project that has not been without its challenges. When you consider the topography, the COVID pandemic, Brexit, the crashing of the economy and the several years of austerity, it has been a real battle. We could have given up after completing the first few sections, and as a testament to the benefits of devolution, we didn't. We delivered it.
Ken Skates put on the record last week—and it bears repeating—that he was extremely grateful and thankful to the tens of thousands of people who've endured disruption as a result of the works. But our view is that the work has been worth it. Once completed, the final section between Hirwaun and Dowlais will alone have delivered 17.7 km of new dual carriageway, 6.1 km of side roads, more than 14 km of active travel routes, 38 new culverts, 30 new bridges and 28 retaining walls. It's a monumental build.
As well as connecting communities by linking the Valleys of south and west Wales to the English midlands and beyond, the final section of the project has created significant opportunities for the local economy. I do recall visiting, when I was finance Minister—and you may have come with me on that occasion—to see the benefits of the 2,000 new jobs that were created, with over half of those employed living in the local area, employing 158 apprentices, with just under half from the Valleys region, supporting more than 66 community initiatives, delivering more than 22,000 hours of pupil engagement—that was all part of the community benefits offer and delivery—and spending more than £200 million in the Valleys supply chain.
The project will reduce travel times and improve traffic flow by addressing congestion, upgrading critical road sections. It's created already a more efficient transport route for commuters, businesses and tourists alike. And this means quicker access to major industrial areas and urban hubs, providing not just transport, but economic benefits, which directly impacts productivity and reduces operating costs for businesses.
The Heads of the Valleys region has been the focus of numerous economic development and regeneration plans over recent decades, and these have produced mixed outcomes. We all accept that there are still long-standing challenges faced by the region. But, last year, the Cardiff capital region launched the northern Valleys initiative—a fund of £50 million over five years to support steps to boost growth and drive prosperity in the northern Valleys. This fund encourages increased public and private sector investment to improve and create new industrial employment space in the northern Valleys—and you've located those areas where this is needed—providing digital infrastructure improvements, increasing the number of visitors to the area.
Infrastructure has been a key point of this debate. Better infrastructure is the key factor in attracting new investment and industries to the region. Where there's been investment in good transport infrastructure, businesses are more likely to establish themselves in those areas, leading to job creation and economic diversification. The Cardiff capital region has already reported that, since July last year, there's been a noticeable increase in interest from businesses in south Wales wishing to move north, businesses wishing to expand, and businesses looking to establish operations alongside the A465, taking advantage of the excellent links to the midlands, west Wales and the south-west. This is an incredibly positive development for the local population, not only opening the doors for new businesses, but bringing a renewed sense of opportunity to the people who live in the areas most affected by the construction works.
The Cabinet Secretary's officials are working closely with colleagues in the Cardiff capital region on several co-investment opportunities and I look forward to hearing about the projects that will be supported by the fund in the future. The enhanced connectivity created by the A465 will also benefit the Welsh Government's Tech Valleys programme, which has invested over £42 million in a range of place-based projects focused on Blaenau Gwent, with benefits reaching across the wider northern Valleys.
And it's not enough just to invest in the physical connectivity. As has been said by the Member, we need to invest in skills of people to take the opportunities. We're doing that alongside Blaenau Gwent council and Coleg Gwent with a high-value engineering facility in Ebbw Vale, offering further education students and other commercial users across Wales the opportunity to gain skills in advanced manufacturing in a 'factory of the future' environment.
As our colleague the Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy and Planning announced last week, Halton Flamgard will lease the newly completed RYB1 unit in Ebbw Vale following an £8.9 million investment by the Welsh Government in the low-carbon facility. This significant investment in Rhyd y Blew, strategically located in the Ebbw Vale enterprise zone, complements our vision for the Tech Valleys areas to become globally recognised for new technologies and the advanced manufacturing sector. The proximity of Rhyd y Blew to the upgraded A465 is proving to be highly attractive to a number of potential occupiers.
We must build on this success, and I understand that Ken Skates’s officials will be meeting with the Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy and Planning later this month to discuss options ranging in scale and complexity to maximise the benefits for the A465 road and improved connectivity. Working with partners, the Welsh Government will explore opportunities to realise the wider benefits to the economy.
Rwy'n falch iawn o ymateb heddiw gan gadarnhau, wrth gwrs, y bydd cynllun ffordd yr A465 yn cael ei gwblhau yr haf hwn. Yr A465, y cyfeirir ati'n aml fel ffordd Blaenau'r Cymoedd, yw'r cyswllt hanfodol a nodwyd gennych sy'n cysylltu trefi a chymunedau—sir Fynwy, Blaenau Gwent, Rhymni, Merthyr a Rhondda Cynon Taf—ac mae ei gwella wedi bod yn hirddisgwyliedig ac yn drawsnewidiol. Nid yn unig y bydd yn gwella ein seilwaith trafnidiaeth, bydd hefyd yn hybu twf economaidd ar draws y rhanbarth, sydd, fel y dywedwch, yn ganolog i'r seilwaith y mae angen inni ei ddatblygu er budd ein pobl a'n cymunedau.
Ond hefyd mae'n rhaid inni gydnabod ei fod yn un o'r buddsoddiadau seilwaith mwyaf sylweddol, nid yn unig yn etholaeth a rhanbarth yr Aelod, ond yn y DU gyfan. Bydd yr Aelodau'n gwbl ymwybodol ei fod wedi bod yn brosiect cymhleth nad yw wedi bod heb ei heriau. Pan ystyriwch y topograffi, pandemig COVID, Brexit, cwymp yr economi a'r blynyddoedd o gyni, mae wedi bod yn frwydr go iawn. Fe allem fod wedi rhoi'r gorau iddi ar ôl cwblhau'r ychydig rannau cyntaf, ac ni wnaethom hynny, sy'n tystio i fanteision datganoli. Fe wnaethom ei chyflawni.
Yr wythnos diwethaf, nododd Ken Skates—ac mae'n werth ei ailadrodd—ei fod yn hynod ddiolchgar i'r degau o filoedd o bobl sydd wedi dioddef tarfu o ganlyniad i'r gwaith. Ond ein barn ni yw bod y gwaith wedi bod yn werth chweil. Ar ôl ei chwblhau, bydd y rhan olaf rhwng Hirwaun a Dowlais yn unig wedi darparu 17.7 km o ffordd ddeuol newydd, 6.1 km o ffyrdd ochr, mwy na 14 km o lwybrau teithio llesol, 38 cwlfert newydd, 30 o bontydd newydd a 28 wal gynnal. Mae'n waith adeiladu anferthol.
Yn ogystal â chysylltu cymunedau drwy gysylltu Cymoedd de a gorllewin Cymru â chanolbarth Lloegr a thu hwnt, mae rhan olaf y prosiect wedi creu cyfleoedd sylweddol i'r economi leol. Rwy'n cofio ymweld, pan oeddwn yn Weinidog cyllid—ac efallai eich bod chi wedi dod gyda mi ar yr achlysur hwnnw—i weld manteision y 2,000 o swyddi newydd a grëwyd, gyda dros hanner y rhai a gyflogid yn byw yn yr ardal leol, cyflogwyd 158 o brentisiaid, gydag ychydig llai na'u hanner o ranbarth y Cymoedd, cefnogwyd mwy na 66 o fentrau cymunedol, cyflawnwyd mwy na 22,000 awr o waith ymgysylltu â disgyblion—roedd hynny i gyd yn rhan o'r cynnig a'r ddarpariaeth o fuddion cymunedol—a gwariwyd mwy na £200 miliwn yng nghadwyn gyflenwi'r Cymoedd.
Bydd y prosiect yn lleihau amseroedd teithio ac yn gwella llif traffig trwy gael gwared ar dagfeydd, gan uwchraddio rhannau hanfodol o'r ffordd. Mae eisoes wedi creu llwybr trafnidiaeth mwy effeithlon ar gyfer cymudwyr, busnesau a thwristiaid fel ei gilydd. Ac mae hyn yn golygu mynediad cyflymach i ardaloedd diwydiannol mawr a chanolfannau trefol, gan ddarparu budd, nid yn unig i drafnidiaeth ond i'r economi hefyd, sy'n effeithio'n uniongyrchol ar gynhyrchiant ac yn lleihau costau gweithredu i fusnesau.
Mae rhanbarth Blaenau'r Cymoedd wedi bod yn ganolbwynt i nifer o gynlluniau datblygu economaidd ac adfywio dros y degawdau diwethaf, ac mae'r rhain wedi cynhyrchu canlyniadau cymysg. Rydym i gyd yn derbyn bod heriau hirsefydlog yn dal i wynebu'r rhanbarth. Ond y llynedd, lansiodd prifddinas-ranbarth Caerdydd fenter y Cymoedd gogleddol—cronfa o £50 miliwn dros bum mlynedd i gefnogi camau i hybu twf a sbarduno ffyniant yn y Cymoedd gogleddol. Mae'r gronfa hon yn annog mwy o fuddsoddiad sector cyhoeddus a sector preifat i wella a chreu gofod cyflogaeth diwydiannol newydd yn y Cymoedd gogleddol—ac rydych chi wedi nodi'r ardaloedd lle mae ei angen—gan ddarparu gwelliannau i'r seilwaith digidol, a chynyddu nifer yr ymwelwyr â'r ardal.
Mae seilwaith wedi bod yn bwynt allweddol yn y ddadl hon. Gwell seilwaith yw'r ffactor allweddol wrth ddenu buddsoddiad a diwydiannau newydd i'r rhanbarth. Lle cafwyd buddsoddiad mewn seilwaith trafnidiaeth da, mae busnesau'n fwy tebygol o ymsefydlu yn yr ardaloedd hynny, gan arwain at greu swyddi ac amrywio economaidd. Mae prifddinas-ranbarth Caerdydd eisoes wedi adrodd, ers mis Gorffennaf y llynedd, fod cynnydd amlwg wedi bod yn y diddordeb gan fusnesau yn ne Cymru sy'n dymuno symud tua'r gogledd, busnesau sy'n dymuno ehangu, a busnesau sydd am sefydlu gweithgarwch gerllaw'r A465, i fanteisio ar y cysylltiadau rhagorol â chanolbarth Lloegr, gorllewin Cymru a'r de-orllewin. Mae hwn yn ddatblygiad hynod gadarnhaol i'r boblogaeth leol, nid yn unig o ran agor y drysau i fusnesau newydd, ond o ran dod ag ymdeimlad newydd o gyfle i'r bobl sy'n byw yn yr ardaloedd yr effeithiwyd arnynt fwyaf gan y gwaith adeiladu.
Mae swyddogion Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn gweithio'n agos gyda chymheiriaid ym mhrifddinas-ranbarth Caerdydd ar sawl cyfle cydfuddsoddi ac edrychaf ymlaen at glywed am y prosiectau a gaiff eu cefnogi gan y gronfa yn y dyfodol. Bydd y cysylltedd gwell a grëwyd gan yr A465 hefyd o fudd i raglen Cymoedd Technoleg Llywodraeth Cymru, sydd wedi buddsoddi dros £42 miliwn mewn ystod o brosiectau'n seiliedig ar leoedd sy'n canolbwyntio ar Flaenau Gwent, gyda buddion yn cyrraedd ar draws y Cymoedd gogleddol ehangach.
Ac nid yw buddsoddi yn y cysylltedd ffisegol yn unig yn ddigon. Fel y dywedodd yr Aelod, mae angen inni fuddsoddi yn sgiliau pobl er mwyn manteisio ar y cyfleoedd. Rydym yn gwneud hynny ochr yn ochr â chyngor Blaenau Gwent a Choleg Gwent gyda chyfleuster peirianneg uchel ei werth yng Nglynebwy, sy'n cynnig cyfle i fyfyrwyr addysg bellach a defnyddwyr masnachol eraill ledled Cymru feithrin sgiliau mewn gweithgynhyrchu uwch mewn amgylchedd 'ffatri'r dyfodol'.
Fel y cyhoeddodd ein cyd-Aelod, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Economi, Ynni a Chynllunio yr wythnos diwethaf, bydd Halton Flamgard yn lesio'r uned RYB1 sydd newydd ei chwblhau yng Nglynebwy yn dilyn buddsoddiad o £8.9 miliwn gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn y cyfleuster carbon isel. Mae'r buddsoddiad sylweddol hwn yn Rhyd y Blew, sydd wedi'i leoli'n strategol yn ardal fenter Glynebwy, yn ategu ein gweledigaeth i weld ardaloedd y Cymoedd Technoleg yn ennyn cydnabyddiaeth fyd-eang i'w technolegau newydd a'r sector gweithgynhyrchu uwch. Mae agosrwydd Rhyd y Blew at yr A465 a uwchraddiwyd yn profi'n ddeniadol iawn i nifer o ddarpar feddianwyr.
Rhaid inni adeiladu ar y llwyddiant hwn, ac rwy'n deall y bydd swyddogion Ken Skates yn cyfarfod ag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Economi, Ynni a Chynllunio yn ddiweddarach y mis hwn i drafod opsiynau'n amrywio o ran maint a chymhlethdod i wneud y mwyaf o'r manteision ar gyfer ffordd yr A465 a gwell cysylltedd. Gan weithio gyda phartneriaid, bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn archwilio cyfleoedd i wireddu'r manteision ehangach i'r economi.
Will you take an intervention on that point, Cabinet Secretary? I'm grateful to you for that, and I'm grateful to you for your generous remarks earlier. If Cabinet Secretaries are meeting to debate and discuss these matters, it would be useful if the Members for these constituencies were involved in those conversations as well.
A wnewch chi dderbyn ymyriad ar y pwynt hwnnw, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet? Rwy'n ddiolchgar i chi am hynny, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar i chi am eich sylwadau hael yn gynharach. Os yw Ysgrifenyddion y Cabinet yn cyfarfod i drafod y materion hyn, byddai'n ddefnyddiol pe bai'r Aelodau dros yr etholaethau hyn yn rhan o'r sgyrsiau hynny hefyd.
Thank you very much, Alun Davies, and I will take that back to the Cabinet Secretaries. It is very much cross-Government, the response, which is very encouraging, but also engagement with the local Members and constituency Members. I will ensure that they also, their officials indeed as well, link up with you so that you can be engaged in discussing those options that will be taken forward. Because it is about opportunities to realise the wider benefits to the economy of the region.
In conclusion, Llywydd, the A465 road project is not just a transportation upgrade. It is, as the Member has said, much more than a piece of tarmac, and must be much more than a bypass. It is an investment in the economic future of our region. By improving efficiencies, supporting local businesses, creating jobs, enhancing tourism, fostering long-term growth, and promoting community engagement and environmental sustainability, this project will have a transformative impact on south Wales for years to come. As we continue to support this initiative, let's keep in mind the immense potential it holds for all of us. Let's work together to ensure that we maximise its economic benefits, not just for today, but for generations to come. Diolch yn fawr.
Diolch, Alun Davies, ac fe af â hynny yn ôl i Ysgrifenyddion y Cabinet. Mae'r ymateb yn drawslywodraethol, sy'n galonogol iawn, ond hefyd yr ymgysylltiad â'r Aelodau lleol ac Aelodau'r etholaeth. Fe wnaf yn siŵr eu bod hwythau hefyd, eu swyddogion yn ogystal, yn cysylltu â chi fel y gallwch chi fod yn rhan o drafod yr opsiynau a gaiff eu datblygu. Oherwydd mae'n ymwneud â chyfleoedd i wireddu'r manteision ehangach i economi'r rhanbarth.
I gloi, Lywydd, nid prosiect uwchraddio trafnidiaeth yn unig yw prosiect ffordd yr A465. Fel y dywedodd yr Aelod, mae'n llawer mwy na darn o darmac, a rhaid iddi fod yn llawer mwy na ffordd osgoi. Mae'n fuddsoddiad yn nyfodol economaidd ein rhanbarth. Drwy wella effeithlonrwydd, cefnogi busnesau lleol, creu swyddi, gwella twristiaeth, meithrin twf hirdymor, a hyrwyddo ymgysylltiad cymunedol a chynaliadwyedd amgylcheddol, bydd y prosiect hwn yn cael effaith drawsnewidiol ar dde Cymru am flynyddoedd i ddod. Wrth inni barhau i gefnogi'r fenter hon, gadewch inni gadw mewn cof y potensial aruthrol sydd ganddi i bob un ohonom. Gadewch inni weithio gyda'n gilydd i sicrhau ein bod yn cael y fantais fwyaf o'i manteision economaidd, nid yn unig ar gyfer heddiw, ond a gyfer cenedlaethau i ddod. Diolch yn fawr.
Dyna ddiwedd ar y ddadl fer, a diwedd ar ein gwaith ni am heddiw. Diolch yn fawr.
That brings the short debate to a close, and that brings our proceedings to a close, too. Thank you.
Daeth y cyfarfod i ben am 18:44.
The meeting ended at 18:44.