Pa ganran o fyfyrwyr ag anghenion addysgol arbennig ac anableddau gafodd addysg yn y cartref yn y flwyddyn academaidd 2018-19, wedi'i dadansoddi yn ôl ardal awdurdod lleol?
Information relating to the numbers of home-educated learners across Wales per academic year are included in the Welsh Government’s annual statistics release for Pupils educated other than at school, which is available on the Welsh Government website. The statistical release includes the information you have requested and is available per academic year and by local authority area. The data includes the numbers of elective home education (EHE) learners and the rate of EHE learners per 1,000.
The number of learners becoming home educated each academic year can be calculated by looking at year on year changes in the data in this statistical release. However, not all learners will have moved from maintained schools to home-education. The data includes children who have moved into Wales from elsewhere, children who have never attended school previously, children who have become home-educated after being educated at another setting, children who were previously classed as ‘missing education’ by the local authority, and children who have moved from a maintained school to home-education.
In relation to EHE learners with additional learning needs (ALN), the only protected characteristic that is included within the EHE category of the statistical release is gender. However, local authorities monitor and track learners with ALN who are home-educated, for the purpose of meeting their statutory duties under the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018.