Faint o bobl sydd wedi ymgymryd â'r Cynllun Cymhelliant Addysg Gychwynnol i Athrawon o Gymunedau Ethnig Lleiafrifol, a faint o gyllid sydd wedi'i gyfeirio at y cynllun?
Wedi'i ateb gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg
| Wedi'i ateb ar 29/10/2024
The Minority Ethnic Initial Teacher Education Incentive Scheme was introduced in academic year 2022/23. Eligible persons can claim up to £5,000 in two installments; £2,500 on award of Qualified Teacher Status and £2,500 on completion of the statutory induction period in a maintained setting in Wales. In total, since its introduction, 101 students have been registered on the Minority Ethnic Initial Teacher Education Incentive Scheme. To date, £237,500 has been paid to eligible persons registered on the scheme.