WQ93654 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 07/08/2024

Faint o asesiadau rhyngwladol gwahanol, fel PISA, Astudiaeth Cynnydd mewn Llythrennedd Darllen Rhyngwladol ac Astudiaeth Tueddiadau mewn Mathemateg a Gwyddoniaeth Ryngwladol, y mae ysgolion Cymru yn cymryd rhan ynddynt er mwyn deall lefelau cyrhaeddiad cenedlaethol a pherfformiad ysgolion?

Wedi'i ateb gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg | Wedi'i ateb ar 14/08/2024

Well-managed data and information has a crucial role to play in supporting our drive to raise standards. We published non-statutory school improvement guidance in June 2022 [School improvement guidance: framework for evaluation, improvement and accountability - Hwb (gov.wales)]. Within the guidance we make clear that information and data play a vital role in supporting our efforts to evaluate and make improvements within the school system - we are reforming the ‘information ecosystem’ for our school system to better support delivery of sustainable school improvement.

Our national understanding of schools and learning is built from rich sources of qualitative and quantitative data and information including:

  • Regular official statistical releases & StatsWales 
  • Personalised assessments literacy and numeracy national report​
  • School Health Research Network surveys​
  • Qualifications data
  • EstynAnnual Report, thematic studies​
  • PISA and other comparator analyses

Wales has taken part in PISA since its inception in 2000 and the results form part of the wider suite of information we use to understand national levels of attainment. As part of our work to develop our information ecosystem, we will be exploring the potential use of other international education studies. We have also completed feasibility and scoping work to set out options for a national programme for sampling of progression and attainment under Curriculum for Wales.