WQ93567 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 19/07/2024

Sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi datblygiad prosiectau gwynt arnofiol ar y môr yng ngorllewin Cymru?

Wedi'i ateb gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Economi, Trafnidiaeth a Gogledd Cymru | Wedi'i ateb ar 26/07/2024

As part of our Manufacturing Action Plan, we are currently mapping the supply chain for floating offshore wind (FLOW) in the Celtic Sea. This involves mapping the capability, capacity and resilience of existing supply chains in West Wales. We are also working with Business Wales and Sell2Wales to ensure local companies are ready to successfully bid for new contracts.

It is important that Welsh ports are in a good position to capitalise on the opportunities that FLOW offer. To this end we have announced a £1 million grant payment to ensure future FLOW projects can deploy from Pembroke Port. This is on top of the £60 million that Pembroke Dock has received as part of the Swansea Bay City Deal, which will enable FLOW production and deployment, as well as supply chain research. 

We have regular dialogue with the Crown Estate regarding FLOW in the Celtic Sea and are supportive of the UK Government taking measures to modernise the investment and borrowing powers available to the Crown Estate to help ensure the pipeline of developments in the Celtic Sea.