WQ93370 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 03/07/2024

A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ddarparu'r ffigurau sy'n cefnogi amcangyfrif Llywodraeth Cymru bod ei setliad cyllid ar gyfer 2024-25 werth £700 miliwn yn llai na phan gafodd ei bennu gyntaf yn yr adolygiad o wariant yn 2021?

Wedi'i ateb gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Gyllid, y Cyfansoddiad a Swyddfa’r Cabinet | Wedi'i ateb ar 08/07/2024

The Welsh Government’s settlement for 2024-25 at the time of the Spending Review in 2021-22 was £21.2 billion. (This is the sum of the Fiscal Resource and Capital Departmental Expenditure Limits before block grant adjustments.) The Office for Budget Responsibility’s (OBR) Consumer Price Index (CPI) forecast at the time showed prices in 2024-25 would be 8.3% higher than in 2021-22. On that basis, the settlement for 2024-25 was expected to be worth £19.6 billion in 2021-22 prices. As of the March UK Budget this year, the equivalent cash figure (before adjustment for inflation) for the Welsh Government’s settlement in 2024-25 had increased to £22.3 billion, £1.1 billion higher than at the time of the 2021 Spending Review. However, because of the recent inflation shock, the OBR’s latest CPI forecast for 2024-25 is now 18.1% higher than in 2021-22. As a result, the 2024-25 settlement is now worth £18.9bn in 2021-22 prices, which is £0.7 billion less than expected at the time of the Spending Review in 2021.

It is conventional to use the GDP deflator, a broad measure of price change in the economy, for this sort of calculation. However, there are concerns that this measure does not fully capture the price pressures that public services faced over this period. For that reason, the CPI has been used in this instance. However, other price metrics are available, so it is stated that the funding settlement in 2024-25 is worth up to £700m less in real terms than expected when it was first set in 2021.