WQ93251 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 18/06/2024

A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am gynlluniau Llywodraeth Cymru sy'n ymwneud â chroesfan reilffordd Pencoed?

Wedi'i ateb gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Ogledd Cymru a Thrafnidiaeth | Wedi'i ateb ar 25/06/2024

We have provided funding to Bridgend County Borough Council through the Local Transport Fund for the development of a WelTAG study to enable the closure of Pencoed level crossing. As rail infrastructure outside of the Core Valley Lines is a devolved matter, funding would be needed from the UK Government for the proposed closure and its associated mitigations.

Should funding become available from UK Government for the scheme, the Welsh Government will work positively with partners to ensure all stakeholders are engaged.