Pa gefnogaeth sydd ar gael i oedolion ifanc sy'n gadael y system gofal maeth?
Welsh Government recognises the transition into adulthood can be more difficult for care leavers than many of their peers of a similar age. Our legislation and close partnership working aims to ensure that all care leavers, including those leaving foster care, have the right support to successfully progress to independent living.
The Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 sets out the level of care and support care leavers should receive. The Part 6 Code of Practice under the Act sets out the support local authorities must provide for care leavers and the requirement for a pathway plan to be developed for every young person who leaves care. The pathway plan should cover all the individual’s needs to enable them to make a successful transition into adulthood this can include support around housing and also if the young person would like to continue into education.
In addition, the Code also sets out the requirement for local authorities to provide their care leavers with a personal adviser, who will provide a focal point to ensure the care leaver is provided with advice and support when needed. The personal adviser will participate in the assessment and the preparation of the pathway plan, liaise with the local authority in the implementation of the pathway plan, co-ordinate the provision of services for the care leaver, keep informed about the care leavers’ progress and wellbeing and keep full, accurate and up to date records of contacts with the care leaver and services provided.
In relation to foster care, Welsh Government continues to support the When I am Ready’ scheme which enables young people in foster care to continue living with their foster carers once they turn 18. It allows these young people to remain in a stable and nurturing family environment up to the age of 21, or up to age 25 if they are completing an agreed programme of education or training.
The Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 Act also imposes duties on local authorities in respect of statutory advocacy. All looked after children must be made aware of their entitlement to independent advocacy support and how they can access it. This entitlement is not just for when a looked after child or care leaver wishes to complain but includes situations where children or young people need to make representations about the quality of the care and support provided by the local authority.
There is also financial support available to young care leavers for example through the St David’s Day Fund. The £1m Fund was launched to support young people who are or have been in local authority care access opportunities that lead them towards independent and successful lives. The Fund is administered by Local Authorities flexibly and creatively. Its purpose is to meet the needs of their young people in the same way that birth parents support their children including the ‘bank of mum and dad’ role. This could mean for example local authorities in Wales providing financial support for care leavers setting up home, equipment for education, training or employment or paying for transport or activities which help to remove social isolation.