WQ93115 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 05/06/2024

Pa bwerau i wneud penderfyniadau sydd gan Lywodraeth Cymru o ran y cynigion ar gyfer lleoli aráe Galluogrwydd Radar Uwch y Gofod Pell ym Marics Cawdor, ym Mreudeth, Sir Benfro?

Wedi'i ateb gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Lywodraeth Leol, Tai a Chynllunio | Wedi'i ateb ar 10/06/2024

Development by the Ministry for Defence requires planning permission in the same way as other development.  Planning applications are submitted to the local planning authority in the first instance unless they meet the criteria for a development of national significance (DNS). DNS applications are submitted directly to the Welsh Ministers.

If a planning application is submitted to a local planning authority, the Welsh Ministers have powers to “call-in” the application to determine it themselves.  Planning Policy Wales sets out the Welsh Government’s policy, that calling-in an application is generally only considered appropriate where a proposal raises planning issues of more than local importance.