WQ93103 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 04/06/2024

A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet roi diweddariad am ba gamau y mae’n eu cymryd i annog mwy o fenywod i gymryd rhan mewn e-chwaraeon?

Wedi'i ateb gan Y Gweinidog Partneriaeth Gymdeithasol | Wedi'i ateb ar 12/06/2024

The participation of women enriches the gaming community, challenges stereotypes, and inspires more young girls to pursue their interests in the industry. Esports Wales, the national organisation supporting the industry, is committed to supporting and celebrating female involvement. Having a Welsh female national e-sports team demonstrates this commitment.

In 2022, Esports Wales were awarded £25,000 in discretionary funding to support them in the growth of the organisation and upskilling their team. A further award was made through the media.cymru programme, supported by Creative Wales, in 2023.