WQ93087 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 03/06/2024

Beth mae'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet yn ei wneud i gynyddu'r capasiti mewn ysgolion ar gyfer disgyblion ag anghenion addysgol arbennig yn Aberconwy?

Wedi'i ateb gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg | Wedi'i ateb ar 07/06/2024

The Welsh Government’s Sustainable Communities for Learning Programme plays a major role in improving education infrastructure across Wales, including support for mainstream settings, new special schools and specialist resource base provision. It is taken forward in collaboration with delivery partners in local authorities and further education institutions. To support local authorities to deliver facilities for learners with ALN the Welsh Government funding rate increases from 65% to 75% of the total project costs.

Also, each year since 2022 additional ALN capital funding has been made available and Conwy has received over £1.42 million for this purpose.

Local authorities must keep their ALN arrangements and those of their schools under review. As local authorities have the best knowledge of what is needed in their area, they set the priorities for capital investment and the pace of delivery of those projects.