WQ93046 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 29/05/2024

Beth mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i gefnogi iechyd meddwl myfyrwyr a mynd i'r afael ag osgoi'r ysgol ar sail emosiwn?

Wedi'i ateb gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg | Wedi'i ateb ar 11/06/2024

Emotionally based school avoidance is one of many reasons impacting school attendance.  Improving attendance is a national priority and we will continue to work with parents, children, local authorities and schools to remove barriers to attendance and drive sustained improvement. The Welsh Government has convened a group of experts from different sectors, including mental health experts, to look at the reasons behind non-attendance and find solutions.

Supporting those children and young people, whose learning is impacted by poor wellbeing, this year the Welsh Government is providing £13.6m to support our Whole School Approach to Wellbeing.  Funding is being used to expand and improve school counselling, delivery universal and targeted wellbeing interventions and train school staff. It also supports health boards to provide CAMHS school in-reach across Wales, with dedicated mental health practitioners available in schools providing consultation, liaison, advice and training.