Pa gymorth y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei gynnig i aelodau staff os bydd y penderfyniad i gau adrannau conservatoire iau ac actorion ifanc Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru yn mynd yn ei flaen?
I am aware that the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama (RWCMD) wrote to the Cabinet Secretary for Education in advance of the announcement of the proposal to close these courses. The Cabinet Secretary for Education will continue engagement with the College.
Details of ministerial meetings are published regularly on the Welsh Government website via this link -
These courses are not funded by the Welsh Government or the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales.
RWCMD has stated that it remains fully committed to providing opportunities in music for young people, and to creating pathways into professional training. It will be continuing to deliver a number of areas of project work, including a series of weekend immersive workshops in music, the National Open Youth Orchestra residency, and holiday courses in production arts.
As an autonomous body, the RWCMD is responsible for its own academic affairs, including delivery of their courses, staffing, and decisions on financial management. It would not be appropriate for the Welsh Government to intervene in such matters.
We recognise the financial pressure for Higher education Institutions in Wales and across the UK are under and Ministers have been engaging regularly and constructively with sector leaders on this.
This government continues to demonstrate its commitment to high-quality music education for all, including through £13 million of funding for the National Music Service between 2022 and 2025 as part of the Programme for Government. The Welsh Government recognises the social, cultural and economic value of the arts sector in Wales and their role in enriching our communities and inspiring future generations.