WQ92759 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 07/05/2024

Pa gymorth ariannol y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei gynnig i fusnesau'r stryd fawr yn Y Rhyl sy'n ei chael yn anodd fforddio ardrethi busnes?

Wedi'i ateb gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Gyllid, y Cyfansoddiad a Swyddfa’r Cabinet | Wedi'i ateb ar 09/05/2024

In 2024-25 we are providing over £380m in non-domestic rates support. All ratepayers benefit from this package of support, including thousands of businesses on high streets across Wales.

Through our permanent Small Business Rates Relief scheme, we provide support to around 70,000 properties. Of these, over 50,000 receive 100% relief and pay no rates at all. The cost of Small Business Rates Relief in Wales is fully funded by the Welsh Government.

In addition to our £250m permanent relief schemes, we are providing non-domestic rates support worth £134m in 2024-25. This includes a fifth successive year of support for retail, leisure and hospitality businesses with their rates bills, at a cost of £78m, building on the almost £1bn of support provided in rates relief to these sectors since 2020-21.

Business Wales also offers a wide range of advice and support through various channels, this support is tailored according to client need and local requirements. The service can be accessed digitally via http://businesswales.gov.wales, social media channels and the designated helpline.