WQ92750 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 03/05/2024

Sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cynyddu cyfleoedd addysg alwedigaethol yng ngorllewin Cymru?

Wedi'i ateb gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg | Wedi'i ateb ar 14/05/2024

The Welsh Government allocated £104.165m of mainstream funding to Coleg Sir Gar, Gower College Swansea, the NPTC Group and Pembrokeshire College in Academic Year 2023/24, allowing them to provide General Education and Vocational Learning at all levels from Entry Level to Level 4.

In addition, we are investing £143m in 2024-25 to create apprenticeship opportunities in all parts of Wales.  This will help support the Welsh Government’s commitment to ensure at least 90% of 16-24 year olds in Wales will be in education, employment, or training by 2050, and to eradicate the gap between the employment rate in Wales and the UK by 2050.

The £143m will provide opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds to develop transferable skills in the workplace and improve their lives. It will also help tackle skills shortages and gaps in priority sectors critical to drive productivity and economic growth, supporting our net zero ambitions, the every-day foundational economy and public services.

Latest verified data from the 2022/23 contract year indicates there were 11,050 apprentices residing in the South West Wales region (Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire, Swansea and Neath Port Talbot) and 2,300 residing in the Mid Wales region (Ceredigion and Powys).

Delivery in the area encompasses a wide range of provision from level 2 business administration to high level, specialist engineering apprenticeships.

Apprentices have access to the recently opened Engineering Centre at Pembrokeshire College, a £2.9 million development, funded jointly by Welsh Government and Pembrokeshire College.  Many of the learners accessing the new facility are apprentices working for the energy sector companies based around the Haven waterways.

In addition, we are mainstreaming Personal Learning Account activity into Further Education part-time activity, which will provide Colleges with wider flexibility to deliver additional vocational programmes.