WQ92654 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 26/04/2024

Beth y mae yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet yn ei wneud i helpu ffermwyr Cymru i reoli adnoddau dŵr?

Wedi'i ateb gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Newid Hinsawdd a Materion Gwledig | Wedi'i ateb ar 07/05/2024

On the 29 April I confirmed and committed £20m for two new funding schemes to assist Welsh farmers investment in on-farm infrastructure, – the ‘Nutrient Management Investment Scheme’ and the Small Grants - Yard Coverings scheme’. 

This package of measures is part of the commitment under the Co-operation Agreement with Plaid Cymru, to work with the farming community in the deployment of the regulations to improve water and air quality.

These schemes will help farmers to better-manage clean and dirty water separation, easing slurry storage capacity requirements.  By enhancing nutrient storage and management, it enables farmers to apply slurry at the most appropriate times, when the risk of polluting our water courses and rivers is reduced.  Both schemes will also support rainwater harvesting equipment to save water for on-farm use and will help farmers build resilience to extreme weather conditions resulting from climate change.

The support has been increased to provide a maximum 50% contribution towards certain project costs.  Detailed guidance will be available shortly with both schemes open for applications by the summer.

Additionally, we have four other complimentary schemes with synergies for managing water resources.

Our Woodland Creation schemes provide opportunities to plant new woodlands, which helps to slow flows, absorb water, and prevent soil erosion.  Similarly, the Small Grants – Environment scheme also provides tree planting options, including hedgerow creation, as well as soft engineering of riverbanks, in field ditches, and pond restoration options.

Our Growing for the Environment scheme provides options to conserve water in the soil through establishment of mixed leys, leading to less flooding and drought extremes, as well as support for cover crops and undersowing established maize to preserve soils and protect water courses by preventing run-off.

Our National Peatlands Action Programme (NPAP) is undertaking targeted restoration of peatlands across Wales.  Restoring peatland hydrology will help to better-regulate water flows over farmland, leading to less peak flows and downslope flooding.  The NPAP is already exceeding the original restoration targets with c.3,000ha delivered in the first 4 years and plans are in place to upscale delivery over the coming years.

While these schemes are focused on the predominantly wetter weather conditions Wales observes, contingency measures are in place to prepare for prolonged dry conditions.  The Welsh Government’s Drought Liaison Group meets regularly to share situational updates, inform contingency planning, and agree actions to effectively manage water supplies and protect the environment, should dry weather conditions risk impacting our natural environment or water resources.