Beth yw asesiad presennol y Llywodraeth o fynediad at therapi llafar clywedol (AVT) yng Nghymru?
Services for deaf people, including speech, language and communication services, are provided in every health board in Wales. Access may be through a number of routes, including audiology, school and speech and language therapy. Speech and Language Therapists in Wales have worked to develop a number of evidence-based care pathways to ensure quality and consistency of treatment and support throughout every health board area in Wales. The Deafness pathway includes a summary of the evidence base for auditory verbal therapy (AVT) alongside other options.
Specialist Speech and Language Therapists are required to choose the right intervention for each person, based on the quality of evidence, situation and needs of the individual. That will include a decision to use and require training in specific AVT approaches. Auditory Verbal based interventions that target developing spoken language through listening might be delivered through a range of programme styles. AVT is one very specific programme for this intervention which might not be suitable for everyone.