A wnaiff y Gweinidog amlinellu cynlluniau penodol GIG Cymru i reoli cynnydd o 15-20 y cant yn y galw am wasanaethau offthalmoleg eleni oherwydd cyflwyno pigiadau yng nghefn y llygad ar gyfer trin atroffi geograffyddol?
Through the national ophthalmology clinical implementation network, as part of the national planned care programme, I have requested a national plan on the delivery of eye care services across Wales. Part of this national work will be a demand and capacity analysis based on the anticipated growth in demand for eye care services and treatment. I expect to receive this report by the end of summer.
It is important that any assessment is undertaken by clinicians and managers in the service, and that this work will incorporate the whole eye care pathway. We have already made steps to increase capacity through our announcements recently made around optometry contract reform. This enables optometrists with additional qualifications to manage more eye care conditions locally, providing follow-up appointments traditionally undertaken in secondary care out in the community- freeing up capacity in secondary care and access to specialist eye care.