WQ92105 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 14/03/2024

Sut y bydd y Gweinidog yn gwrthsefyll colli seddi a theithwyr ar drenau os oes gan bob cerbyd o leiaf ddau le ar gyfer beiciau, fel y nodir yn y cynllun cyflawni teithio llesol?

Wedi'i ateb gan Y Dirprwy Weinidog Newid Hinsawdd | Wedi'i ateb ar 20/03/2024

Our £800million investment in rolling stock will significantly increase the number of seats, and the number of carriages will rise to 484 from 270 in 2018. This extra capacity includes a mix of dedicated and flexible spaces for bicycles with at least 2 spaces for bicycles in every carriage.