WQ91718 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 05/03/2024

Pa gymorth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei roi i ffoaduriaid a cheiswyr lloches y mae rhyfel wedi effeithio ar eu hiechyd meddwl?

Wedi'i ateb gan Y Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol a'r Prif Chwip | Wedi'i ateb ar 11/03/2024

Refugees and asylum seekers often arrive in Wales following traumatic experiences in their countries of origin and on their journeys to the UK. As a Nation of Sanctuary, we want to ensure that these individuals are supported to rebuild their lives and make a full contribution to Welsh society.

All refugees and asylum seekers in Wales are able to register with a GP and access mainstream health services – this includes mental health services.

Health support for asylum seekers arriving in Wales is provided in line with Welsh Government 2018 Guidance for Health Boards on the Health and Wellbeing of Asylum Seekers and Refugees.

On 20 February, we published our new Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy for public consultation.  The strategy specifically identifies asylum seekers, refugees and migrants as an under-served group, and recognises that they may be at greater risk of mental health conditions.

Welsh Government is also working to help Wales become a trauma-informed nation. It has supported the development of the Trauma-Informed Wales Framework, which is helping raise awareness and understanding of trauma and how to support those impacted by it in services.

Welsh Government funds Traumatic Stress Wales (£1.2milion annually) which aims to improve the health and wellbeing of people of all ages living in Wales who have been affected by traumatic events, with a particular focus on those at risk of developing or with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD).

The Traumatic Stress Wales initiative includes a specific workstream focussing on asylum seekers, refugees and forced migrants. This workstream has developed a network for sharing good-practice, supporting the creation of culturally-applicable and co-produced resources and training for staff supporting the refugee, asylum seeker and forced migrant populations affected by traumatic events. 

A range of materials have been translated and shared with stakeholders via the Traumatic Stress Wales website to support mental health, wellbeing and initial stabilisation for people seeking sanctuary in Wales.

The CALL Mental Health Helpline is also available to support those arriving in Wales and their families.  CALL has access to Language Line and can be used when someone would prefer to access help in a language other than English and Welsh.