WQ91698 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 05/03/2024

Pa gamau y mae'r Gweinidog yn eu cymryd i hwyluso buddsoddiad Rolls Royce yng Ngogledd Cymru?

Wedi'i ateb gan Gweinidog yr Economi | Wedi'i ateb ar 15/03/2024

In January 2022, Rolls-Royce SMR (RR SMR) announced that it was seeking a site on which to locate its Heavy Pressure Vessel (HPV) factory - the first of three factories required in its Small Modular Reactor (SMR) power station programme. The potential investment associated with this factory amounts to up to £200 million with 200 jobs expected to be created, 100 of which are expected to be highly skilled engineering & manufacturing jobs.

Following discussion with regional stakeholders, details were submitted on three sites in North East Wales, two of which - Deeside Gateway, Sealand and Tata Steel Site, Shotton - were selected on the initial shortlist. Officials subsequently hosted a RR SMR team site visit to both the Deeside Gateway and Tata sites in November 2022 and a further, more detailed site visit in February 2023, once it became clear that the Deeside Gateway had made it to a final shortlist of three sites (along with two others from Tyneside and Teesside).

A decision on the preferred site was then expected in Q2 2023 but RR SMR informed us in March last year that in light of the UK Government’s decision to launch a competitive SMR technology selection process (announced within the context of creating the Great British Nuclear delivery vehicle) it has, for the time being paused the HPV factory site selection work.   

We understand that the RR SMR factory team is currently planning its MEP Factory (Mechanicals, Electrics & Plumbing) – the second of its three planned factories - and that this may be built before the original High Pressure Vessel Factory which will now follow at a later date.

Officials continue to maintain contact with RR SMR in order to maximise opportunities to anchor investment in North Wales.