Pa ganllawiau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu darparu i gyflogwyr yn y sector cyhoeddus i roi gwell cefnogaeth i weithwyr sy'n ceisio ymdopi â gwaith a chyfrifoldebau gofalu?
My officials had regular discussions with their UK Government counterparts as the Carer’s Leave Bill developed, and I am pleased that this important Act will come into force from 6 April.
There are no plans to produce specific guidance for public sector employers. Through the Business Wales website, the Welsh Government is helping to promote awareness of the Carer’s Leave Act by signposting employers to resources including the Carers Wales ‘Are you Ready?’ guide. The guide outlines what employers need to know and do to comply with the Carer's Leave Act.
We have also written directly to all health boards, directors of local authority social services and all providers of registered social care services in Wales to outline the requirements of the Act.
The Welsh Government has worked with stakeholders including Carers Wales to hold roundtable events with public and private sector employers to raise awareness of the Carer’s Leave Act, and to help employers understand their obligations under the Act. Carers Wales are hosting a series of webinars for employers throughout February and March. In addition, we are supporting a Carers Wales event for employers at the Senedd next month.