Beth yw asesiad y Gweinidog o'r canlyniadau i gleifion pan mae bwrdd iechyd yng Nghymru wedi'i gadw mewn mesurau arbennig am ddeng mlynedd?
The NHS Wales oversight and escalation framework published last month, sets out the process by which Welsh Government maintains oversight of NHS bodies and gains assurance across the system. It also describes the escalation, de-escalation and intervention process in more detail, building on the learning from our experiences with Cwm Taf Morgannwg and Betsi Cadwaladr University health boards. This learning and previous experience is ensuring that we design interventions appropriately to ensure we support NHS organisations to improve the quality of services and the care people receive from the health service in their local area and, ultimately, improve their outcomes.
I take any decision to escalate a health board extremely seriously and I would not take the decision to de-escalate a health board lightly. I have no intention of holding any health board in special measures for ten years. However, it would not be appropriate to attach a fixed timescale to escalate or de-escalate an organisation without proper consideration of whether the necessary improvements have been made.
When I placed Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board in special measures last February, I met with union representatives, including the Unison Cymru/Wales Branch Secretary for the North.
My officials and I meet regularly with the health board as part of our assurance mechanisms for special measures. I chair a bi-monthly special measures improvement forum with the integrated Board, which the Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing also attends. This allows Welsh Ministers to ensure the health board is progressing with the appropriate actions in response to the special measures escalation. The most recent of these meetings took place on 31 January 2024.
I also meet the chair monthly, where I assess progress against the chair’s objectives, including delivery against the health board’s agreed special measures response plan.
The Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing also chairs a quarterly meeting with the health board to seek assurance on mental health. The next meeting is due to take place later this month.
I will make a statement later this month, reflecting on the first 12 months of special measures. The requirements and de-escalation criteria to targeted intervention is being developed in partnership with the health board to ensure there is a common understanding of priorities and clarity on my expectation for immediate and sustainable improvements. This will be published once agreed.