WQ91170 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 07/02/2024

Beth yw asesiad y Gweinidog o ddata arolygon gan Cancer Research UK sy'n dangos bod 74 y cant o ymatebwyr GIG Cymru yn credu bod swyddi gwag o ran staff yn rhwystr sylweddol neu ddirfawr i ymchwil?

Wedi'i ateb gan Y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol | Wedi'i ateb ar 19/02/2024

I acknowledge that workforce capacity can be a challenge in undertaking research in the NHS and note the Cancer Research UK’s survey findings.

In order to raise standards, Welsh Government have issued an NHS Research and Development Framework via a Welsh Health Circular to drive, embed and integrate research into all aspects of health and care services in NHS Wales. The framework, co-developed with key stakeholders across the NHS, outlines what ‘research excellence looks like’ within NHS organisations in Wales where research is embraced, integrated into services, and is a core part of the organisation’s culture.

Within the framework, there is a focus on NHS workforce capacity and capability, and NHS organisations are expected to develop NHS workforce plans where research is a key component and have strategies in place to attract more people into research careers. As part of the implementation programme, a specific national project will focus on how best to further build capacity and capability through mechanisms such as job planning, performance appraisal and development reviews.

The framework also outlines the expectations for senior leadership and NHS organisations are expected to provide clear Board commitment to research, and provide evidence of members contributing to agenda setting, assessing performance, and impact.