Faint o bobl y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn disgwyl fydd yn cael eu gadael heb ddarpariaeth rhwydwaith yn sgil y ffaith bod y mwyafrif o ddarparwyr yn diffodd rhwydweithiau 3G eleni?
The sunsetting of 3G is being led by the mobile telecommunications industry. Telecommunications policy is not devolved to Wales and responsibility for 3G sunsetting rests with the UK Government alongside the telecommunications regulator Ofcom.
We have not undertaken our own assessment of how many people will be left without network provision, however, we understand that only a small proportion of mobile phone activity now uses 3G networks. Ofcom provides some useful information on its website about the sunsetting of 3G.
Welsh Government officials attend a cross-Whitehall group on the sunsetting of 3G to ensure that the interests of Wales are represented.