Pa fesurau penodol y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i atal streic arall gan feddygon iau rhag digwydd ac i sicrhau amgylchedd gwaith sefydlog ac adeiladol yn y sector gofal iechyd?
It is disappointing that doctors have decided to take industrial action again, but we understand their strength of feeling about the 5% pay offer.
While we wish to address their pay restoration ambitions, our offer is at the limits of the finances available to us and reflects the position reached with the other health unions for this year. Without additional funding from the UK Government, we are not in a position to currently offer any more. We will continue to press them to pass on the funding necessary for full and fair pay rises for public sector workers.
We remain committed to working in social partnership with the British Medical Association and are available for further talks at any stage. We will work with them and NHS Wales to ensure patient safety is protected during industrial action.