WQ89761 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 22/11/2023

Beth yw'r gostyngiad mewn allyriadau a amcangyfrifir pe bai pob fferm yng Nghymru yn cydymffurfio â'r rhwymedigaethau amgylcheddol a nodir yn yr iteriad presennol o’r Cynllun Ffermio Cynaliadwy?

Wedi'i ateb gan Y Gweinidog Materion Gwledig a Gogledd Cymru, a’r Trefnydd | Wedi'i ateb ar 04/12/2023

I’m confident that the proposed Sustainable Farming Scheme (the Scheme) will have a positive impact on emissions. Many of the proposed Universal Actions will help reduce farm level emissions, supported by their own carbon assessment.

The Scheme is being informed by a robust range of evidence. The evidence informing the consultation and my final decision on the Scheme design and its delivery will be published in due course.

The impact of the scheme will be determined in part by the budget available. We do not know yet how much funding will be available. The UK Government refuses to make long term budget provision for farm support which limits our ability to commit a specific level of funding to the Scheme at this point.