WQ89597 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 13/11/2023

Faint o gyllid y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i roi i Grŵp Her Sero Net Cymru 2035?

Wedi'i ateb gan Y Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd | Wedi'i ateb ar 23/11/2023

All members of the group are giving their time freely, with only out-of-pocket costs, such as travel to physical meetings reimbursed. It is through our collaborative approaches in Wales that we have been able to draw on the help of such high calibre volunteers. I am extremely grateful for their commitment. I hope and expect the group to make a long-lasting contribution to Wales’ journey to net zero, examining potential pathways and the impact on society and sectors of our economy, including how any adverse effects may be mitigated.

Costs to date have been restricted to the Secretariat and the research of the Wales Centre for Public Policy. The costs in 2022/23 were met from the Welsh Government’s existing contribution to the funding of the WCPP and are estimated at £42,000. The costs in 2023/24 will be up to £157,349.

This work is being carried out in collaboration with Sian Gwenllian MS, the Plaid Cymru designated member, as part of the Co-operation Agreement between the Welsh Government and Plaid Cymru.