Sut y bydd y Gweinidog yn sicrhau bod datblygwyr yn cydymffurfio ag arolygon Canllaw Cynllunio Caffael Llywodraeth Cymru, yn hytrach na chynnal eu harolygon PAS 9980 eu hunain?
PAS9980:22 is a standard used to undertake Fire Risk Assessments of External Walls for buildings with external wall systems (cladding) in place. This is different to the intrusive internal and external fire assessments carried out by the Welsh Government’s consultants, which serve to set out any fire safety issues present and whether these relate to the construction of the building, maintenance, or the actions of individual leaseholders.
While a PAS9980:22 survey identifies the fire risks presented by an external wall system, it will also set out the works required to address these risks. The assessor undertaking the PAS9980:22 survey must be suitably qualified and insured to undertake the assessment.
The developer contracts require developers to undertake the surveys to a PAS9980:22 standard at their own cost where a building has an external wall system present.