Pa ystyriaeth y mae'r Gweinidog wedi'i rhoi i ymgynghori ymhellach ar effaith y terfynau cyflymder 20mya ar y gwasanaethau brys, yn dilyn y newyddion bod penaethiaid tân yng ngogledd Cymru yn profi oedi oherwydd cyflwyno'r polisi?
We are not aware of any evidence that the Fire Service in North Wales is experiencing delays owing to the 20mph default speed limit on restricted roads.
The new default speed limit does not impact on the legislation that allows police, fire, and ambulance services to exceed speed limits during emergency response duties.
On-Call Firefighters live or work at various locations close to the fire station, and not all of them travel by car or on 20mph roads.
We will continue to work closely with all Fire Services on road safety, including monitoring the impacts of the new speed limit.