Beth mae'r Gweinidog yn ei wneud i gefnogi sinema Gymraeg, y tu allan i gronfa newydd Sinema Cymru?
Ffilm Cymru Wales is the body that leads on the development of welsh film and receives funding directly from Welsh Government through Creative Wales and from Arts Council for Wales. Ffilm Cymru Wales, have a programme of support available for welsh film, which includes direct funding and support to independent cinemas, film festivals and screenings throughout Wales.
Film Hub Wales also have a remit to support cinema in Wales and are funded by the BFI through their Film Audience Network, providing direct support and funding to cinemas and other organisations that screen film in Wales. Creative Wales also provides annual funding to Film Hub Wales for their Made in Wales programme, which has been set up to celebrate and promote films with Welsh connections.
Creative Wales has also funded a welsh screen writers course through NFTS Wales and has funded a number of welsh language films, more recently we have funded Un Nos Ola Leuad, produced by Afanti for S4C.