A fydd y Gweinidog yn neilltuo cyllid ar gyfer unrhyw adrannau o Lywodraeth Cymru yng ngoleuni toriadau posibl i'r gyllideb eleni a thu hwnt?
Ministers have been working throughout the summer to consider where spending in the 2023-24 financial year can be delayed or deferred, or where it can be reprioritised or reduced, to ensure that we can balance our budget. This has been a complex piece of work, involving thousands of budget lines. Cabinet will make collective decisions across all departments to ensure public services continue to have the funding they need.
Once the current exercise has concluded an update will be provided to the Senedd with the financial implications communicated in the normal manner.
Full spending plans for 2024-25 will be set out when we publish our Draft Budget on 19th December.