A wnaiff Llywodraeth Cymru ymrwymo i ofyn am setliad datganoli newydd a mwy pwerus cyn etholiad y Senedd yn 2026, yn dilyn yr adroddiad ar gysylltiadau rhynglywodraethol ar gyfer 2021 i 2023, sy'n nodi'r angen i gryfhau datganoli?
We have been clear that the current constitutional settlement is in need of reform. As part of the Welsh Government’s Co-Operation Agreement with Plaid Cymru, we established the Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales. The Commission’s objectives are to consider and develop options for fundamental reform of the constitutional structures of the United Kingdom, in which Wales remains an integral part, and to develop all progressive principal options to strengthen Welsh democracy and deliver improvements for the people of Wales. We look forward to receiving the Commission’s final report, and to advancing an agenda for constitutional reform building on its conclusions.