WQ88126 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 04/05/2023

Ymhellach i ymateb y Prif Weinidog i gwestiynau ar 2 Mai 2023 o ran ymgysylltiad Llywodraeth Cymru â'r ymchwiliad COVID DU gyfan, a wnaiff y Prif Weinidog gadarnhau pam na wnaeth Llywodraeth Cymru ddarparu'r holl arddangosion gyda'i datganiadau yn y lle cyntaf?

Wedi'i ateb gan Prif Weinidog | Wedi'i ateb ar 15/05/2023

Requests for information from the Covid-19 Inquiry are made under Rule 9 of the Inquiry Rules. The requests issued to the Welsh Government to date have included a series of questions, which the inquiry asks to be addressed via a draft statement and supported by documentary evidence (exhibits). The inquiry assesses the information in the statement and will then request further information or clarification about matters set out in the statement, and additional exhibits to support the statement, before the statement is finalised, signed, and returned.  The Welsh Government is complying with this iterative process which is in place. 

Statements are provided to the inquiry by the Welsh Government on a regular basis via a ‘pipeline’ approach.  By way of example, during April, the Welsh Government has submitted 14 statements to the inquiry, 10 for Module 1 and 4 for other Modules.  The Welsh Government has submitted all statements in draft or final form for Module 1.

In addition, the Welsh Government also provides exhibits and supporting documentation.  To date, approximately 7,500 documents have been shared with the inquiry across all Modules.  The exhibits referenced in Plenary have been provided to the Inquiry.