WQ88096 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 27/04/2023

Pa ystyriaeth mae'r Gweinidog wedi ei rhoi i effaith y cynllun 20mya ar wasanaethau bysiau?

Wedi'i ateb gan Y Dirprwy Weinidog Newid Hinsawdd | Wedi'i ateb ar 09/05/2023

The 20mph Taskforce Group Report highlighted the impact on bus services on a sample of routes. Further analysis was made in the Regulatory Impact Assessment for the 20 mph Subordinate Legislation. An initial assessment has been made on the impact of 20mph on journey times in the Phase 1 20mph interim monitoring Report published in March.

In addition, the Bus Operators Associations were consulted as part of the public consultation. Officials have continued liaising with them and also met with the main bus operators Stagecoach and Arriva. They have also been working with local highway authorities to encourage them to engage with their local bus operators so that they can estimate journey time differences into their schedules.