WQ87907 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 28/03/2023

Faint o gynorthwywyr dysgu sydd wedi derbyn eu statws cynorthwyydd addysgu lefel uwch ar gyfer 2022-23 o'i gymharu â 2021-22?

Wedi'i ateb gan Gweinidog y Gymraeg ac Addysg | Wedi'i ateb ar 03/04/2023

Candidates for the Higher Level Teaching Assistant award are assessed twice each academic year (AY), in December and July. 


2020/21 AY

2021/22 AY

2022/23 AY

Cylch 1* (April 2021)




Cylch 2 (December 2021)




Cylch 3 (July 2022)




Cylch 4 (December 2022)




Cylch 5** (July 2023)




*Cylch 1 started in January 2020, but had to be paused due to Covid-19. The programme materials were adapted so that they could be delivered online, and then Cylch 1 re-started in November 2020 with their assessment in April 2021.

**Candidates on Cylch 5 will be assessed in July 2023.