WQ87527 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 16/02/2023

Yn dilyn rhoi terfyn ar y cynlluniau i gyflwyno drydedd groesfan dros y Fenai, pa weithdrefnau sydd gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn eu lle i sicrhau y bydd mynediad cyson rhwng Ynys Môn a'r tir mawr?

Wedi'i ateb gan Y Dirprwy Weinidog Newid Hinsawdd | Wedi'i ateb ar 22/02/2023

The Menai Suspension Bridge is now open to traffic up to 7.5 Tonnes, following completion of the recent emergency works. This is only a temporary arrangement until all the hangers are replaced with new units at which point it should then open to all traffic. Further information can be found at A5 Menai Bridge: frequently asked questions | GOV.WALES

The Britannia Bridge is more susceptible to restrictions or closure as a result of severe weather, specifically high winds, but last year we were able to undertake a further review of our high wind strategy and as a result amend the restriction thresholds resulting in the bridge remaining open for longer for HGVs.  Details of the procedures can be found at A55 Britannia Bridge High Winds | Traffic Wales

Our National Transport Delivery Plan 2022 to 2027 highlights the need to develop options to ensure the resilience of crossing the Menai Straights in a way that supports modal shift, aligned to tests set out in Welsh Government's response to the Roads Review. We have asked the North Wales Transport Commission to make recommendations about how this is best achieved and will keep an open mind on what the right solution might be.