WQ86810 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 24/11/2022

Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Gweinidog wedi'u cael gyda Llywodraeth y DU ynglŷn â darparu'r gronfa taliadau tanwydd (domestig) amgen?

Wedi'i ateb gan Y Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol | Wedi'i ateb ar 01/12/2022

I have sent joint letters with the Minister for Climate Change to UK Government, (Secretary of State in BEIS) urging them to support those who are most in need during the cost-of-living crisis. The UK Government has taken the necessary primary powers to support households with their cost of energy through the Energy Prices Act 2022. My officials have also been in discussions with their BEIS counterparts over the timing and mechanism for delivering the one-off payment of £200 to households who are not on the mains gas grid and therefore use alternative fuels, such as heating oil, to heat their homes. The UK Government have confirmed they aim to deliver support via electricity bills under a similar delivery model to the Energy Bills Support Scheme. My officials continue to engage with BEIS officials who have advised details will be confirmed shortly.