WQ85992 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 31/08/2022

Pa gyfyngiadau sŵn y mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n bwriadu eu gosod ar ffermydd gwynt newydd ar y tir i amddiffyn lles pobl leol sy'n byw yn agos atynt?

Wedi'i ateb gan Y Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd | Wedi'i ateb ar 20/09/2022

Large scale windfarms are likely to be Developments of National Significance (DNS) and will be considered against the criteria set out in Future Wales Policy 18 Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Developments of National Significance, including no unacceptable adverse impacts from noise. Noise is therefore considered during the consenting process for DNS.

Planning Policy Wales sets out the national planning policy on noise pollution including the need to locate development in areas where there is low potential for public exposure, or where its impacts can be minimised.

Predicted operational noise levels should fall within the established limits of ETSU-R-97 (The Assessment and Rating of Noise from Windfarms (1997) Energy Technology Support Unit). This guidance sets out indicative noise levels to ensure the protection to wind farm neighbours, whilst not placing unreasonable restrictions on wind farms. The Welsh Government recommends that ETSU-R-97 be applied in conjunction with the latest good practice guidance issued by the Institute of Acoustics.