WQ85672 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 05/07/2022

Ym mhob blwyddyn ers 2015, faint o gleifion ffibrosis systig yng Nghanolfan Ffibrosis Systig Oedolion Cymru Gyfan na chynigiwyd cymorth seicolegol iddynt yn eu hadolygiad blynyddol a pha gyfran o gleifion yn y ganolfan y mae hyn yn ei chynrychioli?

Wedi'i ateb gan Y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol | Wedi'i ateb ar 12/07/2022

Information on the number of people with cystic fibrosis who were not offered psychological support at their annual review is not collected centrally by Welsh Government.

The Welsh Health Specialised Services Committee (WHSSC) is responsible for commissioning cystic fibrosis (CF) care in Wales, with Cardiff and Vale University Health Board providing a service for patients in mid and south Wales. Cystic fibrosis patients in north Wales access services in England.

Information from WHSSC for the service provided by Cardiff and Vale University Health Board states:

  • Between 2015-19, approximately 95% of patients will have seen a clinical psychologist and social worker as part of their annual review.
  • 267 adult patients had an annual assessment in 2021, of those, 43% had a psychology review at the same time and 95% also had a social work review. There is no data on the number of patients who declined psychological support.
  • From the beginning of 2017, when the post was established, a psychologist has attended all paediatric annual assessments
  • There was no psychologist service for 11 months, owing to the time required to advertise and appoint, so only 9% (16) of all paediatric cystic fibrosis patients had a psychology review at annual assessment in 2021.

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board has worked hard to maintain access to cystic fibrosis services over the last two years. During the pandemic a proportion of patients did not attend their annual assessment as they were continuing to shield. However, all patients were regularly contacted by the social worker and clinical psychologists throughout the shielding periods via telephone calls and emails. They also ran regular virtual services sessions for patients.

There have been some staff changes within the service and Cardiff and Vale University Health Board is actively recruiting into the current vacancy and intends to appoint someone shortly.