WQ85466 (e) Datganodd yr Aelod fuddiant Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 10/06/2022

Yn dilyn WQ85331, a ofynnodd Green Man i Lywodraeth Cymru brynu Fferm Gilestone?

Wedi'i ateb gan Gweinidog yr Economi | Wedi'i ateb ar 21/06/2022

As set out in responses to previous written and topical questions about this matter, we will shortly receive a full business plan from the Green Man Festival/Plant Pot Ltd. This follows the receipt of an outline business case in October. This will set out, in further detail, the activities to be undertaken throughout the year and will include information on how the land will be farmed in the future.

We will provide an update on the plans for the site in due course.

We will continue to work with partners to develop a stronger Welsh economy.