WQ85371 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 31/05/2022

Beth yw'r amserlenni a'r lefelau buddsoddi ymroddedig ar gyfer gwaith amddiffyn rhag llifogydd i liniaru'r risg o gynnydd yn lefel y môr ar hyd arfordir de Cymru rhwng Cas-gwent a Phenarth, o ystyried effeithiau cynyddol y newid yn yr hinsawdd a'r tebygolrwydd o lifogydd arfordirol blynyddol erbyn 2050?

Wedi'i ateb gan Y Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd | Wedi'i ateb ar 09/06/2022

We have an agreed capital budget of £34m per year for the next three years to invest in flood and coastal risk management measures to support communities around the whole of Wales at risk now and in the future. 

It is for the relevant Risk Management Authority, either the local authority or Natural Resources Wales, to assess the risks posed by flooding and coastal erosion including the impacts of climate change and, put forward schemes which reduce risk to homes for consideration for funding through the Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management programme.

Through the Co-operation Agreement, we have committed to work with the National Infrastructure Commission for Wales to assess the nationwide likelihood of flooding of homes, businesses and infrastructure across Wales and look at how this can be minimised by 2050.