WQ84432 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 02/02/2022

Pa gymorth sydd ar gael i fusnesau yr effeithiwyd arnynt gan gau ffordd yr A458 o ganlyniad i'r gwaith atgyweirio presennol?

Wedi'i ateb gan Y Dirprwy Weinidog Newid Hinsawdd | Wedi'i ateb ar 10/02/2022

The Welsh Government has a statutory duty to maintain highways and sympathises with the situation in which businesses find themselves when works are necessary in their vicinity. It is appreciated that such works can cause disruption to those living or working alongside road schemes, and every effort is made to complete the work as soon as possible.

However, there is no statutory provision to enable the Welsh Government to compensate businesses for loss of trade in such circumstances, and where a highway authority carries out works under statutory power or duty, and performs those works properly; there is no legal liability on the authority for increased expenses, neither does the Welsh Government have the power to make ex gratia offers of payment or compensation for the disturbance.